#drehmal: primordial
spectrearia · 3 months
a silly little Roomba Rescue™ that happened during one of me and @cookieg122's Minecraft sessions! we found the poor lil robot trapped in some massive research facility, so we HAD to find a way to save him!! ;A;
(audio is kinda loud in places btw, we get really excited at the end and our voices reflect that so keep that in mind haha xD I'm still not sure how to properly EQ any of our recordings, but it is what it is lol)
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pekoeboo · 3 months
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just a fun lil thing based on a situation that happened while @cookieg122 and I were playing Minecraft!! we found a Roomba-esque robot dude that was trapped in a big research facility, so we rescued it and decided to incorporate that concept into our characters' adventures as well :'D (got a video recording of the actual "rescue" itself over on my other blog: [link])
Aya is absolutely smitten with the robot and thinks its the cutest thing Ever, and at first Khalan wasn't really sure about bringing it home, but it quickly grew on him when he realized that it could help him keep the house clean, lol! seems like technology really IS useful, after all xD
Aya Armas belongs to @cookieg122. please do not remove caption or repost. also on deviantart
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spectrearia-archive · 10 months
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gtetrahedron · 9 months
drehmal primordial shirts and posters are now available at our merch store! theres two t-shirts and four posters featuring the wonderful art of @circlejourneyart! you can check it out at https://drehmal.net/shop.
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hiscottibiscotti · 1 year
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I'm tired of not being able to post anything I'm working on because it's all Drehmal spoilers or patreon posts so I doodled a quick Vehmil last night, please enjoy :)
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arsondotpng · 3 years
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mini-build! i built a little mushroom outpost so I’d have somewhere to chill in Merijool in my Drehmal: Primordial game! This map/modpack is insanely good, and really revitalized my love of Minecraft. It’s the first time in years I’ve played survival for more than a couple hours! Made in 1.14.2 (but it’s been updated to 1.16.2 since) with Sildur’s Vibrant Shaders.
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Virtuo; Goddess of Peace, prosperity, and legs
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cass-histori · 3 years
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anyway, heres fanart for the Minecraft map Drehmal: Primordial
the creators, balderich and keeko, have some fantastic lore in there
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pekoeboo · 3 months
Rating: G Word Count: 1,700
Summary: During their travels within Drehmal, Khalan and Aya set up camp for the night and take a much-needed rest. Khalan, however, has a lot on his mind; realizing the heavy responsibility he's taken on by choosing to care for Aya. Once she falls asleep for the night, Khalan has a moment to himself to think things over and grapple with the concept of being Aya's sole protector.
Mostly an introspective piece and a glimpse into Khalan's inner thoughts. This takes place around the time where Khalan and Aya are still getting to know each other, which I felt would be fun to explore a bit in writing. Just something kind of quiet, soft, and a bit angsty at the same time.
Warning/content tags are on AO3.
(Aya Armas belongs to @cookieg122)
... I drew in a sharp breath, my gaze now drifting towards the glimmer of moonlight that danced across the river's gentle current. Its beautiful shimmer met my eyes, yet I was too wrapped up in my own thoughts to fully take notice.
What if I wasn't good enough for Aya? My mind presented this question over and over. What if my visions were wrong, or I misinterpreted their meaning, and I wasn't truly supposed to be a father figure for her at all? Hell, I didn't even know what it meant to be a father. I certainly didn't have the best example of one to glean from, after all.
A few hot tears stung my eyes. I wrapped my arms tightly around myself, suddenly feeling a chill shoot up my spine.
Perhaps it was time to get out of the water.
[Read the rest on AO3]
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spectrearia · 2 months
lol watched the first two episodes of that Frieren anime because my friend recommended it to me and i was already ugly crying on the first episode haha what the heckkkk
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pekoeboo · 2 years
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got a lot of feels lately thinking about how much Khalan has grown as a character since I created him, so I felt like drawing him again!!
specifically focused on his Primordial SMP version this time around, since that's the version of him that I feel has the most distinct character change. really wanted to try and capture that shift in personality within these two sketches - like how he started out so meek and closed off from everyone when he first arrived in Drehmal, but eventually grew to be more confident in himself later on in Atria ;o; (and even learned how to fight!!! which is a big deal for him!!!!)
anyway, it was real nice to draw him again. I love my boy so, so much;;;
please do not remove caption or repost. also on deviantart
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pekoeboo · 2 years
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"Wait. Did that eye just blink...?"
here's a year-old sketch that I finally decided to finish!! I drew this back when the gang and I were still playing the Drehmal: Primordial adventure map, and this image was based on the moment when [spoilers] we explored the Resonant Halls underneath Mt. Yavhlix for the first time.
personally, I feel like it was the highlight of the entire playthrough. what a creepy location, honestly? it definitely took us all by surprise and gave us some big spooks, which was pretty fantastic imo haha
so I had to draw a little something with our characters to commemorate that moment!! I can imagine that Aya, Khalan, and Pion had no idea what the heck they were getting themselves into when they were guided to that spooky place, rip. definitely not something that they would've enjoyed in-universe, but it was still a lot of fun to play lol
good times, man. I still highly recommend that adventure map, if you ever have the chance to play it. it's an absolute blast ;o;
Aya belongs to @cookieg122 Pion belongs to Pion Steam please do not remove caption or repost. also on deviantart
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spectrearia-archive · 3 years
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cute lil tree swing that overlooks the base! my friends in the server spruced up the place quite a bit and gave the main area much more character than it originally had when we first settled down there. I thought the swing was such an adorable touch, so obviously I had to take a few quick screenshots! :'D
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spectrearia-archive · 3 years
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so the gang and I started up a new Minecraft adventure on the Drehmal: Primordial custom world map (found on Planet Minecraft), and I am absolutely in love with what I've seen so far;;; it is such a gorgeous map. I'd highly recommend giving it a try if you haven't already! ;o;;
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spectrearia-archive · 3 years
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New Sahd: The Forgotten City
One of my favorite villages from the Drehmal: Primordial adventure map. It's always such a treat whenever I have the chance to visit here, as the atmosphere and architecture really is lovely <3
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spectrearia-archive · 3 years
kinda sad that the Drehmal v2 update has been pushed back until next year... but also the amount of work going into that map is incredible and I'd rather the creators take their time with it in order to polish it ;0;
my friends and I have pretty much gone through the entirety of the Drehmal: Primordial map at this point, and I still highly recommend it to any Minecraft players out there who want a fun, new MC experience with a LOT of story elements to follow (and you can do all of the story stuff at your own pace!)
but sadly, we've done pretty much all there is to do in the map, so we've moved onto other new worlds in the meantime. I honestly can't wait to revisit Drehmal when the update drops tho. it's such a gorgeous map and I'm looking forward to seeing what kinds of changes and new challenges that the devs will bring to the world!!!
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