#dried squid fairy fic
slytherinshua · 1 year
genre. fluff. warnings. kissing. they kinda diss a person together lol. pairing. jinmichae/dried squid fairy x fem!reader. wc. 1k. request. no. a/n. was i the only one who didn't know he had a name... 🧍‍♀️ i know jinmichae = dried squid fairy but still i just didn't know 🧍‍♀️
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The thing Jinmichae hated the most about story hopping is fitting into his role without struggle. From a prince to the school’s dried squid chef to a college professor. And now he was in this world where he was a… bodyguard? A bodyguard to whom? He hadn’t quite figured it out. The story had only just started. He presumed he was a side character again, and the thought came with a heavy sigh. When would he ever get his chance to love on the stage as well?
There was nothing he could do about his role or his fate to stick as a side character, for that matter. The writer did whatever the writer deemed best with little regard for the characters who obtained consciousness. Jinmichae had always been the first to do so. Maybe that was his fate instead. Being painfully aware of everything going on without being able to do anything about it. 
There was one thing he did like about story hopping, though. If he was lucky enough, he would stumble across you as the story progressed. He liked to see what role the writer put you in this time. Jinmichae was at least thankful that both him and you were centre characters to be included every time. At least you still existed.
He hadn’t found you yet, though. He hadn’t had much chance. He was currently having all these thoughts while at a… conference? Meeting? Of sorts? The room was filled with dozens of other men dressed in similar suits to his, each with walkie-talkies and earpieces. At least the costume design was pleasing.
The stage ended quickly and Jinmichae was free to walk around and investigate this new world a bit. That’s the lie he told himself every time. “Investigate the new world”, what that really meant was look for you. Sometimes he would laugh at the role you were given if it didn’t suit your personality, sometimes he would just be in awe. Sometimes he just missed you a lot and didn’t even care. 
With quick steps around the building he was in, he figured it was some sort of company or corporation. There were many meeting rooms and lobby areas filled scarcely with prettily dressed people. He approached the front desk to ask if there was a library in the building. With newfound directions, Jinmichae made his way up a spiralling staircase and into a quiet (and enormous) mahogany designed library. It took up the entire 4th floor of this corporate building. 
“It’ll take forever to find it…” He let out a soft sigh, anticipating his search that would take hours just to find the comic book for this world.
“I wouldn’t say that.”
He turned immediately at the sound of your voice, finding you standing right behind him, comic book already in hand, a lazy smile splayed on your lips. He laughed astonishingly at how easily you had snuck up on him, and how you had already managed to find the book.
“Let me see the character list.” He murmured, walking to you, arm wrapping around your shoulder naturally. You relaxed into his touch, smelling the faint citrusy scent.
“She gave you a new cologne, huh?” You remarked, flipping open the book to the first page. Jinmichae only hummed, eyes flicking over the drawings of the characters.
“Looks like you’ve got the main role.” He whispered a little teasingly, “A rich heiress to the most successful company in South Korea? No wonder there’s so many bodyguards downstairs.”
“Wasn’t my idea.” You giggled, trying to find his character among the list. “Damn, not even a name. You’re just ‘bodyguard’.” You wheezed.
“Maybe I won’t have that many scenes, then.” He seemed at ease with it, both arms now wrapped around you, hugging you comfortably.
“Nice for you. Ugh, but look at my love interest. This just won’t do.” You scoffed, looking over the profile of the character. A wanted criminal, arms adorned with tattoos all the way up to his neck and too many piercings to count. You glanced back at Jinmichae to see his eyebrows furrowed in distaste. 
“He probably smells like cigarettes.” He quipped, grip tightening on you slightly.
“Wouldn’t doubt it.” You sighed, turning around in his arms so you were now facing him, “When will the author ever realise that my type is not a walking colouring book. He really looks quite disgusting.” You fake gagged, making Jinmichae chuckle.
“Who is your type then?” He asked with fake curiosity, already knowing the answer better than anyone else.
“Hm… I do know of this blond guy, he used to smell like cedarwood, but apparently it's more orangey now. Anyway, he’s very fond of dried squid, and you know, so am I. Really a match made in heaven, if you asked me.” You rambled, humouring him. The longer you went on with the description, the harder it was for Jinmichae to keep a straight face, and eventually, he let out a laugh.
You glanced back at the drawing of your love interest one more time, scoffing again. “I’ll probably throw up if there’s a kiss scene.” You said, the chances not that low.
“If there is a kiss scene, I’ll come find you.”
“What for?” You looked back at him, adoring the way his eyes seemed to only want to look at you.
“To get his cigarette taste off your lips, of course.” He smiled and you grinned cheekily.
“You’re only a nameless bodyguard, though. Are you sure you have the power to do such a feat?” You liked teasing him, maybe a little too much.
“Shall I show you just how capable I am?” He suggested smoothly.
“We’re in a library.” You deadpanned.
Jinmichae’s eyes flicked over the very empty room, “An empty library.”
“At least get behind a bookshelf or something, we’re still in the entrance.” You said, already grabbing his wrist to lead him somewhere a bit more secluded. “Is it scandalous for an heiress to kiss her bodyguard?” You wondered aloud, your hand already travelling up to the base of his hair, fingers sliding through it softly.
“Not sure I’m the right person to ask.” He responded, lips finding yours a second later. 
If it was truly scandalous, neither of you really cared.
↳  k-drama taglist: @yeonjuns-redhair,, @wolfmoonmusic
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ddejavvu · 1 year
hey!! so I just requested a James (or Sirius) fic where he finds fairy!reader in the forest with a damaged wing and helps her, and I was wondering if you could actually write it with Regulus instead 😅 (again, there’s no need if you don’t want to write it, and I’d be fine with any of the three)
thank you!!
today is multiverse monday, send me any au you can think of! :)
The moment Regulus sees your tiny body plummet to the water, his heart stops. He had not been expecting you to fly over the lake while he was skipping stones, but the splash from one of the particularly heavy ones he'd chosen doused your wings, and you'd fallen instantly.
He rushes in without a second thought, but he's glad you're in shallow waters, because he can't swim.
He scoops your tiny, trembling form off of the surface of the water where you'd been trying to float. Your wings are soaked through, pathetically droopy, and you give a feeble cough as he totes you back to shore.
"I'm sorry," He rushes to apologize, the legs of his trousers wet as he sits back on the grass. He has a hard time finding his wand in the tall grass by the lake, but once he does a drying spell is tumbling from his lips, and you're devoid of all lake water.
You're still weak with your adrenaline crash when you sit up in his palm, looking disoriented and defeated as you stare warily up at him.
"I'm sorry," He repeats, dark eyes oozing with sympathy, "I didn't mean to hit you. Are you okay?"
"I'm dry," You marvel, glancing at his wand, "Thank you."
"Don't mention it." He shakes his head, "You're not hurt, are you?"
"I don't think so," You muse, wobbling to your feet as Regulus tries keeping his hand as steady as possible. You lurch sideways at an involuntary tremor, and he juts his thumb out so that you can grab it for stability.
"Sorry," He moves to put you down in the grass, but you cling to his thumb like a lifeline.
"You have pretty hair," You muse, walking up his arm like a tightrope as your wings drop golden dust from their glittering surface, "Can I fix it for you?"
"Uh," Regulus blanches as you flutter beside his head, miniscule fingers combing through his individual strands of hair, "Um, I suppose? What are you going to do?"
"I'll braid it like mine," You offer, turning your head so that Regulus can see a small, fragile braid running up the side of your bun.
"Alright," He nods slowly, then, "What were you doing over the lake?"
"I wanted to say hi to the fish," You explain, fingers already grouping and twisting his hair, "They're my friends."
"That's cool." Regulus keeps his eyes on the waters surface, knowing there's a lot more than fish down there, "Have you ever met the squid?"
"Oh, yes!" You nod cheerily, and Regulus shudders as the way your hands rake through his hair sends a shiver up your spine, "He likes the gifts I give him."
"Mostly flowers," You nod, "Speaking of: Can you hand me that daisy there, please?"
Regulus plucks the thin green stem from the grass, holding it up to you cautiously, "Why?"
"It's pretty in your hair," You explain simply, tucking the flower into his braid.
The flower doesn't last ten minutes in his hair after you flutter away. In fact, Regulus hunches in the shadows of the castle to undo the strands you've woven together in his hair, shaking it out before anyone sees him. But the daisy he slips between two pages of an old textbook, and when it's charmed to be unbreakable, the dried flower goes in his pocket.
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sossy69 · 5 years
Theory: <Extraordinary You> is a fan fic by one of the assistant writers who was getting tired of the tropey romance between boring Nam Joo and Joo Da. She started Dan Oh’s story during one of the countless late nights she was working and forgot to save her drawings in a separate file (I’m not sure how it works). Since it’s fan fic, Haru could possibly be from another manhwa altogether? Bogged down with work, she neglected the story for some time, but Dan Oh given her own story, awakened, and we are where we are... I don’t know what to make of Dried Squid Fairy though but he’s starting to give out ominous  vibes
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otpofotps · 5 years
finished extraordinary you
- aware!juda is my kink no lie. i love her revenge on the bullies and i was rooting for dohwa/juda but i get why she chose namju
- haru is a cutie. danoh is a cutie.
- did not need so much time on kyung, if they wanted to make him a sympathetic character they shouldn’t’ve made him such an asshole in the beginning
- i love the cannot hide feelings trope (ie the heart moniter) and want more of it in fic
- i also liked the dried squid fairy and su hyang story esp how she seemed to know from the start the whole stage shadow thing
- similarly kyungs little brother. i wish we knew more about his role in trumpet creeper bc i dont get why he was so loyal to kyung
- i don’t completely understand the mechanics of being able to change the stage
- i wish we were able to know more about the writer
- incredibly long drama lol, idk if id watch the whole thing again but definitely interesting, my next favourite after city hunter
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slytherinshua · 1 year
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