srastrix · 6 months
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this is as close as i can get to helldiver fashionframe
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gruvu · 2 months
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I wanted to paint my Drifter Tsun. and it came out better than I expected.
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alwaysalreadyangry · 7 months
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bought a book recently by the poet Christopher Middleton and discovered that in the 80s he invented some kind of lolcat speak for writing a poem called ‘Woden Dog’. losing my mind a bit
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hiscursedness · 10 months
These new eyedrops made me
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explorersofrift · 1 year
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( Here's our protagonists/explorers, the members of 'TEAM DRIFTERS' ! ) MEWTWO Serious, Quick Tempered. Found Blizzard crashed in their forest. Took them in as their 'apprentice' . Has memory issues, especially regarding their own past. BLIZZARD - RIOLU. Quiet, Highly Curious. Crashed in Mewtwo's forest after a battle with outlaw pokemon. They wish to become a great explorer one day!
( Feel free to send in asks ! Their story will slowly unravel with time :3.)
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yanchagraffiti · 2 years
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High Complete Model Kits for Gundam, L-Gaim and Vifam.
1984 Bandai Hobby Creation Catalog
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sincerely-sofie · 2 months
Character Opinion Piece. I didn't see one for Hyper Light Drifer, so how about the first playable drifter?
All of my opinions for this character are based on the headcanons I formed when I was a teenager. Heck, back in my day, we didn’t even have confirmed genders for any characters! I got the game at launch back in 2016, and it has remained a part of me ever since, and the Drifter along with it. I love the Drifter so much. This character is more of an OC to me nowadays than a character in a piece of media I adore, thanks to all my headcanons, and I adore her.
All of that is to say, my headcanon-based interpretation of the Drifter is that she is a feral cat and the Guardian is standing on his back porch with a can of tuna going “pspspspspspspsps—”
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marvelousmagicalaura · 6 months
Thoughts on Secret History Part 2
I got too thoughts on Part 2. I'm loving this story too much.
Kelsier is now a Cognitive Shadow, a being who's had his spirit held together. He's been severed from the Physical Realm who can't go back or pass to the Beyond. But he has no real clothes, hair, bodily fluids or senses. Pain comes from Kelsier’s thoughts on what he should be experiencing. It seems that he's more akin to Preservation’s holograms or Ruin’s illusions, than a real human. Does being a Cognitive Shadow mean Kelsier's soul is intermixed with his Cognitive aspect - his thoughts?
If the Cognitive Realm is the Realm of thoughts, what are the dead Scadrians supposed to be when they arrive? Do their souls show up in the Cognitive, a humanoid embodiment of their thoughts, or both?
No wonder Fuzz claimed Ruin has "deep plans." Rust and Ruin. This is far deeper than what the trilogy presented. Ruin wasn’t just using Vin or Sazed’s rubbing. He was manipulating and altering the texts and copperminds of many Terrismen (not just Sazed), whispering to madmen, whispering to Zane. He’s got influence on the Drifter and Elend. I think it’s implied he has influence or interest in the whole crew. Ruin masqueraded as the mist spirit to nudge Vin into distrusting it!
So apparently Ruin isn't death or destruction, he's the god of entropy and slow decay. I guess that makes sense, looking back to his plans. Though with his existence being of winds and storms and waves slowly stopping, of the sun and planet slowly cooling to nothing… you’d think Ruin would have futuresight on Preservation’s level. Plus if he did have futuresight on Preservation's level, I think it would strengthen Ruin and Preservation's arc of opposites engaged in a war of balance. Granted, now I know futuresight is of possibilities and Fuzz couldn’t foresee Kelsier’s method of death as a guaranteed possibility. So idk what’s going on with that lmao.
I wish Sanderson leaned more into the *chaotic* angle of Ruin, or gave us a more nuanced interpretation of chaos. Entropy is disorder or unpredictability, but idk why fantasy writers don't acknowledge that chaos "makes things go." Entropy is replication and metabolism. Entropy is why hot things cool down and cool things heat up, or why gas fills up a chamber and comes out. Entropy makes suns, planets, or the weather slowly build up. Chaos makes humans invent technology and achieve ambitions.
Kelsier's peeks into Ruin and Preservation's essence are so magnificent and add so much context. The reflection of Vin's brief Ascension is beautiful. The Cognitive images of Ruin’s whispers and freedom are really terrifying.
Kelsier became Gollum for sometime 😭
All Men have limits, even the Survivor 😭😭 😭
Drifter is angry Kelsier destroyed the means of interplanetary trade. Okay, understandable. But Drifer is such a dick omg. Kelsier saved the skaa and Terris people! What did you do??? 🤬
I’m guessing the Pits held Ruin’s pool - the liquid that manifested cuz of Scadrial’s creation. But how would Kelsier’s destruction of the atium destroy the pool? It’s not like he destroyed the layout of the Pits.
If the perpendicularities are supposed to be portals between the Physical and Cognitive, and between other worlds, then this means Preservation programmed his perpendicularity into being Ruin’s prison and granting unfathomable Investiture every 1024 years.
Drifter says anything physical falls through the misty floor, so I guess Cognitive Shadows like Spanky must be used to travel through.
It sounds like Drifter needed Kelsier to kill the Lord Ruler or inspire someone to kill him, so he can enter Kredik Shaw and steal a lerasium bead left behind by the Lord Ruler. I’m gonna speculate Rashek left two lerasium beads due to futuresight experienced during his Ascension - during his glimpse of Preservation’s Plan. I think he foresaw that two beads ***might*** be needed for others in the future, while he needed to take nine beads.
Harmony is a liar. He lied about the number of lerasium beads.
Man, the passage about Kel and Marsh’s brotherhood hurts. The Final Empire REALLY screwed up the crew’s chances of having happy childhoods. Or close sibling. Or romances with happy endings 💔
My interpretation is that Fuzz - the mist spirit - the Cognitive holograms - is not Leras. Fuzz is basically a fragile artificial intelligence that remembers the personality of his creator, and is just riding along Leras’ plan. It knows that Leras made a plan, or plans, but lacks the ability to remember them. It also seems to be a small fragment of Leras’ mind that’s mostly driven by the Shard of Preservation’s Investiture. While the Shard wants a new host. He's perceiving and working on the world pretty well, all things considered.
Oh right! Harmony said that Preservation hears the thoughts of those who wear Hemalurgic spikes! Buuuut he's partly a liar cuz Harmony also listened to Wax's thoughts before he put on the earring.
Harmony definitely hears the thoughts of people who don’t wear Hemalurgic spikes, so Preservation would’ve known Rashek’s true thoughts - the heart of a Man - on a level the readers or Alendi aren’t aware of. This would explain why Preservation's futuresight seems so much better than Ruin. But *why* did he maneuver Rashek into becoming the Ascendant? And what does this mean for the implications surrounding Alendi and Kwaan? I think he did this to create the circumstances for the Hero of Ages.
Ruin falls way too short in the chess game. Secret History amps him up a bit but damn Ruin needs some Bene Gesserit tier planning.
Apparently, an Ascendant needs to be Connected to the Well's power. What does that mean?
I know the clues to Vin were the mist spirit. Wasn’t Sazed the “someone else Fuzz tried to get to stop her?” When the mist spirit was messing around in Luthadel.
Now I know Kelsier didn't whisper to Sazed's mind, telling him that Marsh launched rings into his body. My guess is Preservation did *something* to communicate to Sazed.
It turns out Kelsier was the one to stab Elend, guiding Fuzz’s knife! Fuzz could manifest the knife but couldn’t harm Elend because he protects. And yet Leras put the Allomancer plan into motion, which meant making people sick. He put Vin and Rashek into place, who both kill to protect or maintain stability. I don't think Fuzz is a complete representation of Preservation's morality or willingness to kill.
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xtekker · 1 year
A big shout out to everyone who took the time to make a name suggestion, I massively appreciate it!
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I messed with the names and combined some others and below is my Top 5 suggestions/combinations. I'll leave this poll active for a while and see what happens.
Blogs whos suggestions made it to the Top 5
@xiacodes - Dystopia Drifer, adapated from her other suggestions
@indigotech - Decade of Decay
@chaotic-good-mom-friend - Hollow Horzion & Remnant, changed slightly
@jennycrisis - Doomscroller
Is it biased to vote on your own poll🤔🤷‍♂️
Edit: Remnant - Out of the Ashes is a non valid vote, as Remnant: From the Ashes is an actual game and I don't want to get sued
Edit 2: looks like Doomscroller is in lead!
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quadrant-polls · 6 months
@bet-winner x @itinerant-drifer
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knowncorpse · 3 months
Hiiii I'm Mel and I'm super into TTRPGs. Im passionate about creating characters and making stories to go with them, so you'll be seeing a lot of OC stuff hehe. I'm super into vampires, werewolfs, romance and horror. All that jazz. If you're interested, please check out my art tag.
My DMs, inbox, whatever: Is open! I love yapping about my characters and would love to yap about yours >:) If you're extra interested, I post more on instagram: @ knowncorpse And if you're SUPER interested, below are my OC tags:
Lexi Coil - VTM: A troublesome vampire. My problematic Thinblood turned Malkavian. Bassist for We Suck for Free
Lydia - VTM: An unfortunate but bright young Nosferatu girl with... very healthy dads Jackie - WTA: Werewolf drummer. An Ahroun with lots of Silver Fang family drama. Drummer for Shockcollar Chester Beck - CALL OF CTHULHU: Part of our Europe Ablaze campaign. A brawler sharpshooter with voices in his head. Kind but crazy mountain man Teeubo Vrei - STAR WARS: Part of our Drifers campaign. A bubbly Twilek pilot/arms dealer trying to find her place. (no tag for her YET) Flux - MASKS: Part of our Nefaria campaign. A vigilante working towards becoming a hero after an unfortunate villain attack. He's gifted with control over elecromagnetism, basically Magneto but young, dumb... (His evil-alternate-reality self has entered the chat) (no tag for him yet either...) Nix - SHADOWRUN: Part of our Lacerated Minds campaign. An excellent hacker with little to no confidence. Found information she shouldn't have, and now a certain megacorp wants her head Diamond - PATHFINDER: Part of our Heavens Above campaign. A Flame Oracle automoton trying to love in a hateful world. On a revenge kick after the loss of her sister. Has a unique core that may also serve as a weapon wanted by many.
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loominggaia · 4 months
kid-az Not anon but Looming Gaia is great, I really love your setting and how interesting and diverse it is. And I also really love the Freelance Good Guys and Drifer’s Hollow too!
You guys are making my cry, stoppit right now ;u; (Sincerely, thank you so much!)
Lore Masterpost
Read the Series
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finalshaper · 2 years
im gonna have this post tagged appropriately (obviously) so filter tags if you need to, it's also not in the main tags for this reason, but I need to be a bit serious here for a second, on my own post. I'm gonna openly talk abt my mental health and some struggles, so if ur sensitive of those things mind the tags. this might not make sense because I'm very emotionally charged rn.
you probably know me as cayde. yeah that's me. I'm 18 going on 19 in may, and I've struggled with severe mental health issues on and off for as long as i can remember. severe anxiety, being a social outcast, etc etc. My home life wasn't also the prettiest. So yeah, I'm fucked up. But aren't we all in our own way? Anyways.
My fucked upness was a result of the school environment I grew up in, where I was mistreated both by teachers and peers alike. I've mostly missed the window for developing some essential social skills, on top of being neurodivergent. and it's still something I'm struggling with to this day.
on top of that and because of all the bullying i incurred i became incredibly suicidal. while the bullying has stopped as I've been out of high school for almost a year now, but the on-and-off waves of intense suicidal thoughts and ideation hasn't faded. primarily because of. well. this is something i had to deal with for the brunt of my life. so you can probably assume why i was still dealing with the aftermath.
it was also the fact i was struggling to come out to my parents, even though it's gonna be 3 years since i came out as of June. even tho i came out my parents are still struggling to adjust, which is understandable, and my mom is actively trying to shelter me from all the bad of being trans.
which, i don't blame her, one of my uncle Michael's (gay) friends (trans woman) was beaten to death on the side of the road and she has a pink triangle over where it happened. even though it was decades ago some things never change. and America is a perfect example.
I went from being suicidal for the bullying i was victim to, to suicidal because of the stuff i was experiencing for and about being trans. and in recent days it's been worse than it's ever been, all the shit that's all over my tiktok page isn't helping. I've been considering detransitioning just for my safety. it's hard, in other words.
now. destiny comes into my life sometime in august because of one of my friends. i start playing it, i get invested. the story gripped me, spoke to me deeply, etc etc. and it started helping me. destiny quickly became my safe space, I've started to get over my social ineptitude, and i find myself turning to it during these times of hardship.
and then there's certain quotes, certain elements. "You are alive, Guardian. Fight like it." Even something as small as Drifer saying, "I'm proud of you," or Shaxx and his "I SAID RELAX!" or that one line from paper fortune in d1 -- "When all is lost, you are still a Guardian, and you are still enough."
I've given myself a one-year time limit to live, because of the active genocide against trans people on top of everything else. I've got 364 days left. and after that, if I'm not too lazy, I'm gone. i just want to be around long enough to see the final shape, I'm holding onto destiny like a lifeline. maybe I'll save myself over this year. maybe not.
but then i see things like the aforementioned quote. and how someone said to me, "We already lost one Cayde. we're not losing another." and that alone is enough to make me reconsider my 364-day time limit. Folding was never an option. And i reconsider.
this game is saving my life. it's silly, it's stupid, it might be cringe, you can make fun of me and compare me to that one south park episode about world of warcraft i was exposed to against my will on the aforementioned clock app. but this game is genuinely stopping me from killing myself (which I'm surprised i didn't earlier but then again I'm so done i just cant be bothered). and that has to amount to something.
this game makes me feel bigger, stronger than my illnesses. stronger than my struggles. a broken sense of hope. and it's teaching me to lean back on others. to let people in. I'm haunted, but i can be strong. i can be better. I'm not thriving, but I'm surviving, and that's what matters.
and i wonder if the ppl behind this game know that this is the effect they're having. a severely mentally ill stunted kid is healing and growing through their game. I'm getting strength. i wont say I'm getting my strength back because i never had that strength to begin with. but I'm learning that strength.
this game is saving me.
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boingo-rider · 2 years
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I still have no idea what I am doing, but I will figure out Hyper Light Drifer! come by and see on twitch
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that-flux · 10 months
A Prologue for a Prologue
I like to write, as one does, and I've been writing this particular fictional world for a rather long time (since my childhood). It has gone through iterations and iterations with new lore added onto it each time. I'm mentioning this, because this project is something I don't think I'll be able to write in a satisfying way, beyond my own worldbuilding efforts. It's a bit of a complex thing, so I'll try to break it down to be digestible. That being said, there is a lot of lore, and I don't think I can quite accurately emphasize that "lot". lmao. To begin, I'll start at how it began in writing. I grew up loving authurian myths and that had the biggest impression on me growing up. The stories of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round table really set the mood in these early versions. However, I had another big inspiration at the time, which was Dragon Ball. As funny as that might come across, the earliest version of this story sprouted at a fusion of the fantastical transformations and alien world(s) of Dragon Ball with the classic structure of Arthurian Myth. This first iteration was not one I actually wrote, as it was a story I told to others and remained only in an oral format. This was true of the second iteration, which was wildly different from the first. To summarize the plot of the first iteration, it was about an orphan boy named Moner, a dragnir of a fiery world. Now Moner was homeless and had to fend for himself the best way he could. The orphan boy got himself in trouble at some point, but he was saved by a knight named Montoly. Montoly the rescues the boy for plot reasons and trains Moner to be his squire, which begins the core adoptive father and son arc of this story. Montoly then wisks Moner away from the city and takes him on a journey, training the boy to be a knight. All the while the two are running from enemies. At some point, Montoly reveals to Moner that his father was a knight and one of his closest friends. More relevant, Montoly also reveals that the enemy that's chasing them was also the same enemy that killed his father. Montoly explains to the boy that they'll need this special sword mcguffin to take down the enemy and they head to this active volcano, where the sword is hidden. Once at that funny volcano and specifically a lava pool, Moner crosses the gap with his wings (dragnir are winged dragonic humanoids, more human than dragon as they are only partially covered in scales. They have funny emotive eyes, wings and a tail) and claims the mcguffin sword. As mentor tropes usually go, Montoly is then slain defending Moner and letting him have a chance to escape. It's around this time that Moner lays low as a sort of ronin or drifer, wandering the world while keeping tabs on the enemy. He also encounters the sword mcguffin's power, which in later iterations is called "Dragon Posessions." (which transforms his hair to a fiery red and eyes to a burning white) This mcguffin power-up, basically relies on Moner borrowing the powers of a dragon that was sealed inside of the sword. Anywho, drifter Moner eventually tracks down the villain and defeats him. The final battle sort of happens in two stages: the first in a swordfight and the second stage basically having them transform into giant dragons to deck it out. The story then ends with Moner being either coronated as king or officially knighted as a knight of that country. I do not remember which. There was also an inclusion of Moner's child/squire in this ending scene, who becomes an important character in future iterations. So that was Iteration 1. It sets a lot of foundation for Iteration 3 and onwards. Iteration 2 plays the least into the future iterations, only establishing the idea that dragnirs aren't the only sapien things on their world and that dragnirs in particular have their own culture.
Iteration 3 and onwards is far more unified in its approach, as well as increasing the scope of this world by several degrees of power. The world is now named Meravtha, which has a more rich history and geographic map. Moner is now named Monare Tomoroph Drovagrin, his father named Moroph. He is no longer unaware of his father's knightly status and instead was at the scene when the villain (now named Meval) slays his father in front of his eyes, leaving Monare to die in a burning building. (however Monare survives) Montoly then rushes to the burned rubble, only finding Moroph's body and Monare hidden under some stares. Montoly then sends Monare to his grandfather, sending the child to the village that his father (Moroph) came from. Montoly's reasoning, a child would get in the way of the investigation of his father's murder. After a couple years of investigating, Montoly would learn that Meval (a usurping knight of the kingdom) was the murderer, and that he and his faction are trying to track down Monare to kill the witness. Monare during all of this, was learning about the culture that his dad came from and befriending other kids at the village. This then sparks the squire and knight relationship between Montoly and Monare, as the two journey together while Montoly teaches Monare to be a knight. The plot remains to roughly to the same story beat, with them journeying to escape Meval's grasp and hunting the mcguffin sword (now named Brystworl). Brystworl in this iteration is funny, as sealed inside the sword of winds, is what is called a dragonorl. Dragonorl are giant dragon-like creatures that the people of this world would call "Guardians" which are basically demigod-like enties and the "department manager" at the larger scope. Meaphael is this dragonorl's name, and he is the caring protector of Meravtha that was sealed away becaused he was cursed by his brother Malicine. (Malicine was unhappy that he ruled the realm of the dead and was jealous of Meaphael, so he cursed Meaphael to get rid of him and take over Meravtha.) Continuing the plot, they find Brystworl inside an underground temple/ruins and Montoly dies again with Monare escaping. 1/2
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♫! :3c
for no one - the beatles
drifers wife - j.j. cale
charley's girl - lou reed
seasons come, seasons go - bobbie gentry
all they wanted - panchiko
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