ofmistandmire · 3 months
Character Spotlight: Sprout Fawn
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all art by riu @hopesage!
Sprout Fawn
Sprout | 4 moons | they/them | played by riu
A small black tuxedo cat with odd white spotting and green and amber eyes.
Fawn has only been with the Kith for a few moons, but they’re already known by most as one of the most adventurous kits in the nursery. They were off to a rocky start, spending a few weeks in the Physicians’ Ward after their birth thanks to a lingering illness, but they’re back on their paws with a new vigor and joy for life. It seems as though they’re trying to make up for missing out on their first weeks of life and spend all their time exploring the Kith camp, poking their nose in every nook and cranny. It’s generally known that if Fawn hadn’t been exposed to the life of a Healer so early on and decided their Path then, they likely would’ve been an Explorer or a Scout. They’re very happy-go-lucky and friendly, and enjoy helping out their kithmates no matter what the problem is. Never mind the fact that their tiny paws can’t do much and they’re not big enough to carry a whole lot. They’ll insist on helping as loudly as their little voice will let them. They’re a fresh new Sprout and can’t stop showing off their lovely Token to anyone who will give them the time of day. Just look at it! Their mommies, Gilded Meadow and Aurora Sky, helped them choose the driftwood and they asked their beloved uncle, Echoed Hoot, to carve it for them. Fawn is very, very proud of themself and their Kith and is eagerly looking forward to more of Sprouthood.
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colorfulfishbreeds · 9 months
Explore the World of Blue Ribbon Guppies: A Comprehensive Guide
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Blue Ribbon Guppies: An Introduction
Striking Appearance and Playful Personalities
Blue Ribbon Guppies are celebrated for their vibrant colors and intricate patterns, reminiscent of prize-winning ribbons. With sleek bodies and gracefully flowing fins, these fish are not just a visual treat; they also showcase engaging personalities. Watch them playfully explore every nook and cranny of their tank, making them a delight to observe.
Standout Varieties: Sapphire Ribbon and Emerald Elegance
Among the noteworthy Blue Ribbon Guppy varieties, the "Sapphire Ribbon" boasts deep blue hues with iridescent silver streaks, creating a mesmerizing ribbon-like effect. On the flip side, the "Emerald Elegance" displays lush green shades reminiscent of emerald gemstones.
General Information about Blue Ribbon Guppies
Origin, Size, and Lifespan
Blue Ribbon Guppies hail from the tropical waters of South America, particularly in countries like Venezuela and Brazil. With a typical size of 1.5 to 2.5 inches, these petite wonders can thrive for about 2 to 3 years with proper care. Known for their peaceful temperament, Blue Ribbon Guppies easily coexist with other non-aggressive fish species.
Vibrant Colors and Patterns
As the name suggests, their appearance steals the show. These guppies showcase a dazzling array of colors—blues, greens, reds, and yellows—often adorned with intricate patterns resembling ribbons. Popular varieties include "Royal Ribbon," "Golden Streamer," and "Crimson Cascade."
Habitat and Tank Requirements
Blue Ribbon Guppies flourish in slow-moving freshwater bodies in their native habitat. To recreate a cozy home for them, a tank of at least 10 gallons is recommended, with slightly alkaline water (pH 7.0 to 7.5) and a temperature range of 72°F to 82°F. Elevate their environment with live or artificial plants, driftwood, and smooth substrates.
Feeding Blue Ribbon Guppies
Omnivorous Diet and Enthusiastic Eating Habits
These guppies relish a blend of plant and animal-based foods. Provide high-quality flakes, pellets, and freeze-dried treats as their primary diet, complemented by live or frozen indulgences like brine shrimp, daphnia, and bloodworms. Feed them small portions multiple times a day, and witness their eagerness as they swim to the surface for meals.
Breeding Blue Ribbon Guppies
Livebearing and Spawning Process
Blue Ribbon Guppies are livebearers, giving birth to live fry. To encourage breeding, maintain optimal water conditions, a higher ratio of females to males, and offer hiding places for fry. Breeding kicks off with males showcasing colorful displays, leading to mating and multiple batches of fry.
Common Health Issues and Preventive Measures
Hardy Yet Vulnerable
While generally hardy, Blue Ribbon Guppies may encounter health issues like fin rot, ich, and parasites. Ensure clean water conditions, quarantine new fish, and maintain a balanced diet to prevent concerns. Regularly monitor your guppies for any signs of distress.
Compatibility and Special Care Instructions
Peaceful Tankmates and Well-Maintained Aquariums
Blue Ribbon Guppies coexist peacefully with non-aggressive fish species. They thrive in well-maintained aquariums, requiring stable water parameters. Regular water testing and maintenance are crucial for their health and longevity.
Legal Considerations and Varieties Compatibility
Stay Informed
Stay aware of local regulations regarding Blue Ribbon Guppy ownership and breeding. Some areas may have specific requirements. Explore compatible tankmates, including Neon Tetras, Harlequin Rasboras, Corydoras Catfish, Dwarf Gouramis, Endler’s Livebearers, Cherry Shrimp, and Otocinclus Catfish.
Distinguishing Blue Ribbon Guppies from Others
Male and Female Differences and Unique Traits
Male Blue Ribbon Guppies are more colorful and display intricate patterns, while females are slightly larger with less intense coloration. Despite these differences, all guppies share fundamental characteristics such as size, livebearing, omnivorous diet, and species.
In conclusion, Blue Ribbon Guppies stand out with their vibrant blue coloration, setting them apart from other guppy varieties. Follow these guidelines for their care, and relish the beauty they bring to your aquatic world. Happy fishkeeping!
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hefzyisback · 5 years
continued from here @driftwood-cranny
“But i don’t” Her words were meant to come out as yelling, and even then, nothing but a whisper left her lips. She couldn’t bring herself to argue, not when he was breaking apart like that. Not when he wanted to leave her. Bold of him to assume her life held any value before her eyes if he was not there to redeem her.
Her broken lip said more than what she could said though. He lost his temper...again. And she was too close for her own sake. “I have as much blood on my hands as you have in yours. I am not the angel you insist of turning me into. I never have and never will be. I can take it” A finger ran through her own lip, and got stained in crimson “There’s nothing you can say that will make me leve you, and if we burn, then we will burn, set the entire world on fire if that’s what it takes you hear me?”
Bloody lips pressed against his cheek. “It’s you and me remember? Just you and me. If we ain’t together when they finally come for us then what will we have? Just an empty grave. I need you to love me”
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healertm · 5 years
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Unprompted  ➻ OPEN @driftwood-cranny
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❝ Oh! Come in, yes, yes of course. Wow, that is quite the situation you’ve got yourself in, yes indeed. ❞ Lyra motioned the man in, resting a hand on his back and shutting the door behind him.  ❝ Follow me back here, ❞ she stepped down the hall and pushed open a door with a pristine white bed and a table full of all sorts of medical supplies.
❝ So, how did all of this happen? ❞
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@driftwood-cranny​ sent "I hope you don't mind my, interruption. But I heard you could use some help?", Dakotah rose a brow, steel blue eyes cast concerned and aloof towards the mysterious woman.
Asta wasn’t sure she fully heard the man at first. It took her a second to look at him, she was frustrated. Blinking, brown eyes meet the steel blue ones that looked towards him. “The help I need probably would require breaking the law...” She trailed off, thinking of the men that broke into her house. “The cops do not seem to think it is a big deal.”
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Dakotah walked up to Gilrin, after a long day. Back from work and found her nearly dozed in bed. James asleep and he smiles at her. Holding a little rose he picked along the way home. He bent down and playfully tapped and tickled her nose with the petals. "Hey, Gilrin, love."
She crunched up her nose and tried to push away the cause of her discomfort.
The young woman slowly opened her eyes as she felt the soft petals under her fingertips.
Her plump lips, almost as red as the rose itself, curled up in a smile as she sat up.
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sorceress-queen · 5 years
"Why, are you, screaming?", Stormy exasperated right back at her. It was lightly of course, but today Morgana was really snapping at anything that moved. For the moment. It was directed towards him. He then walked over, sighing, "Darling. Just breathe for a moment".
She rolled her eyes at him and scoffed at his first inquire, her mood swings had been rather out of hand today.
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"You are too good for me..." She sniffled when he calmed down and came to her. "Why do you bother, handling me?"
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Morgana furiously wiped away her tears, suddenly feeling the urge to cuddle into her love, she embraced him. "I didn't mean to yell at you... I love you...Don't leave me."
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edwardantes · 5 years
I'm just over here, pining and pounding the table.
'Kiss kiss kiss kiss'
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theartofdreaming1 · 2 years
Ocean’s Treasures Washed Ashore - A DickBabs Mermay/Regency Fic (1/3): Unusual Flotsam
Rating: T
Pairing: DickBabs
Summary: Young Barbara Gordon loves the ocean and combing the beach for its treasures. Her usually tranquil pastime makes way for a most exhilarating discovery, when, on one of her ambles along the coastline, Barbara comes across a stranded creature, ensnared in a net; the creature, however, does not turn out to be a porpoise as she had originally supposed - but a merboy?! Once she has overcome her initial shock, Barbara hastens to free him from his entrapment. This good deed leads to the foundation of a beautiful, everlasting friendship between human girl and merboy, as it seems - that is, until the friends are forced to say farewell to each other when Barbara's parents decide to move the family to town, so that their daughter may complete her education and prepare for her introduction to society (and search for a husband).
Feel free to check out over at AO3 here.
It was a very early morning in the picturesque fishing town of Gotham, after a particularly violent storm had raged just the night before. Grey clouds still hung in the sky, but a gentle, steady breeze and a bright streak at the horizon promised a clear and sunny day.
In the harbour, the fishermen were already busy at work, readying their boats for their first trip of the day; the rest of the town, along with its secluded beach to the northwest were almost completely deserted — except for the solitary figure ambling along its coastline.
Barbara Gordon, daughter of the venerable Admiral James Gordon, was a bright young girl of the age of fourteen and a most ardent admirer of the vast, untamed ocean and its treasures. She took delight in closely examining tide pools, observing sea stars, sea urchins, mussels and crabs in their natural habitat, and — if she was fortunate enough — would take some mementos of her rambles home with her, be it form of an uninhabited shell, bits of sea glass, or just a pretty pebble that had caught her eye.
With the salty sea air blowing in her face, causing the red locks of hair that had escaped her bonnet to flutter in the breeze like fiery ribbons, young Miss Gordon was focussed on her scavenger hunt, her keen eyes scanning the sandy ground for washed ashore flotsam and potentially exciting new additions to her collection of precious items that decorated the shelves of her bedroom.
So far, her walk had been very fruitful; the violent storm from last night, whose howling gusts of wind, coupled with the crashing of angry waves, had roused the girl from her slumber prematurely, filling her with eager anticipation of what it would bring, had littered the beach with driftwood and seaweed, and, hidden within, a dazzling amount of amber of varying sizes and different colours.
By the time Barbara reached the end of the stretch of sandy beach which then would make way for a more rocky terrain, her reticule was already chock-full with little treasures. Still, the girl did not yet feel inclined to make her way back home; while Admiral and Mrs Gordon were most fond of the accessible part of the beach, their daughter found an even greater enjoyment in exploring the rougher terrain of the shore, even if it was more difficult to navigate — if only so she could discover the life hidden away in the nooks and crannies of the stones. And so, Barbara moved onward, carefully climbing and balancing on the rocks, giggling in delight when she discovered tiny sea stars no bigger than the nail of her thumb in small water-filled crevices underneath big, protruding slabs of stone.
When she reached the drop which marked the turning point of her usual excursions, Barbara heard a strange noise coming from below: aside from the waves crashing against the rocks, there was a sound of something — maybe a fin? — slapping against wet stone, accompanied by guttural screeches unlike anything she’d ever heard before.
Thinking it might be a stranded porpoise, Barbara began to make her descent, her eyes focussed on the slippery but also sharp rocks as she was doing so.
Once she safely reached the rocky plateau below, she was finally able to direct her attention towards the poor creature she had set off to rescue — what her eyes beheld, however, had the young girl cease her actions immediately: While she had been right in assuming that the slapping sound had been caused by a fin beating against some rocks, it was not the sturdy fluke of the porpoise she had expected to see, but a delicate tail fin, glittering in a bright, vibrant blue, looking as if it were encrusted in aquamarine gemstones. It was bent in an awkward way, due to it being entangled in a drift gillnet that appeared to have coiled painfully tight around the fin, tail… and the unclothed torso and arms of the person attached to said tail.
A gasp of surprise escaped Barbara.
The mer- boy ? — for his human half looked as if he was about Barbara’s age, or maybe even younger — stopped writhing on the cleft ground, his head with raven-black hair shooting upward as much as the tightly wound mesh around his neck and upper body allowed. His dark blue eyes widened dramatically upon settling on the human girl and his entire body turned as still as a statue.
Transfixed by his intense stare, Barbara didn’t dare to move a muscle, finding herself becoming utterly mesmerised by his eyes — she had never seen eyes of such a deep shade of blue, like the open sea on a beautiful summer day, when the wind blows hard and cold, but the sun shines bright and warm, causing the spray of the sea to glitter like diamonds.
Soon, the magical moment ended as quickly as it had come about, the spell broken by the piercing cries of the seagulls overhead, causing both Barbara and the merboy to jolt — eliciting a hiss from the entrapped, as the net kept digging into his flesh.
Seeing his pain prompted Barbara to spring into action, rummaging in her reticule for something to resolve the situation at hand. When she finally managed to pull out the small pocket knife she kept in there, the merboy began his thrashing anew.
“I don’t mean to harm you,” Barbara hastened to explain, while approaching the helpless figure in a cautious manner, slowly dropping to her knees.
He paid no heed to her words, however, and kept on squirming instead, causing the mesh to wind itself tighter around his convulsing body.
Kneeling down, Barbara’s hands kept hovering indecisively over the trembling body, too afraid of hurting him to attempt anything. Instead, she watched helplessly as the merboy continued to worsen his plight, his movements becoming more spastic as the net was becoming more restrictive.
“Hold still!” Barbara chastised him sternly, “you will only tighten the twine to the point where I won’t be able to to cut it without hurting you!”
Her sudden outburst prompted the merboy to pause, his panik-stricken eyes flitting anxiously towards Barbara. Now that she had his attention, the girl tried her best to regain her composure, realizing that in his distressed state, displaying a determined sort of calmness would be more conducive to their situation.
Hoping that he was able to understand what she was saying, Barbara went on gently: “Look, I don’t want to hurt you, but if you keep wiggling like that, I am bound to. So I need you to help me out by staying very still, all right?”
As their eyes were locked unto each other, she saw him closing his with a huff while at the same time nodding almost imperceptibly, which Barbara interpreted as a sign to proceed with her rescue attempt.
“Very well, let’s get you out of this.”
She turned to the tangled mess before her, starting with the parts of the net that still had some slack to them and began to carefully cut through the mesh, taking special care once she got to his tail — the twine had become so tightly coiled around the fin that it had started to break the skin and even had chafed off some of the glittering scales. Feeling a set of deep-blue eyes on her, Barbara made a point of taking her time with this particular part, applying deliberate, exact movements to cut through the knotted twine. Underneath her hands, she could feel his body trembling.
“Almost finished,” she declared reassuringly, cutting through the last constraint, making sure to put the fragments of the net as far away from the merboy as possible.
“There you go.”
Now that the webbing had been completely removed, Barbara was finally able to properly assess the damage done: While the net certainly had left some angry marks on the skin, it didn’t look like anything that some time and rest could not heal.
“That doesn’t look too bad, does it? At least, I don’t think anything vital has been damaged; not that I can pretend to have any sort of expertise in this matter,” Barbara admitted nervously, rambling on: “Unfortunately, I don’t have anything with me to wrap the wounds… But maybe there is some other way I can help you? You’d probably want to get back to the ocean, I presume, maybe I could help you lower-”
The feeling of cold, webbed fingers wrapping around her hand caused the girl to pause her incoherent babbling.
Looking up in surprise, she saw a shy, faint smile on the merboy’s face — for some strange reason, Barbara found herself oddly fascinated by the set of dimples prominent on his cheeks.
“I will be all right.”
It was the first time she had heard the merboy utter anything resembling words and Barbara was surprised to note that his voice was gentle and melodic, reminding her of a lazy forest brook flowing over smooth stones.
While she was still processing this information, Barbara felt her hand be squeezed gently and when she lifted her eyes she could see sincere gratitude displayed in his own.
“Thank you.”
And with that, the merboy pushed himself off the rock into the crashing waves and, with the flick of his fin, he disappeared into the depths of the ocean.
After staring into the dark waters for a moment, Barbara turned her gaze to the empty spot that had just been occupied by something —  or rather someone — she had never even imagined to exist. Apart from the cut up pieces of net and a handful of aquamarine scales, nothing remained to prove this encounter had actually occured.
Barbara couldn’t help but redirect her eyes back to the ocean, watching the rolling waves ripple across its surface. Then, she turned around, collected the scales and her small pocket knife, bundled up what remained of the net, and began her trek back home.
The next morning Barbara got up early, eager to return to the spot where her mysterious encounter had taken place the day before. For once, she didn’t take her time exploring the beach, instead heading straight for the rocky part of the shore. After she had clambered down to the plateau, her eyes swept over the terrain, over to the open sea, in the hopes of catching a glimpse of something, anything. A few moments passed, with only the waves breaking against the rugged crags and a couple of seagulls crying above. Disheartened, Barbara sank down to the ground, pulling up her knees against her chest as she did so. She felt foolish for having expected something to have changed.
It was only after she had been sitting like this for some time and her dress had started to get uncomfortably damp, when she noticed a familiar mop of dark hair bobbing up and down inbetween the waves. Not wanting to scare that familiar figure away, Barbara remained as she was, with only her eyes following as her new acquaintance made his way closer to the rocks.
While she noticed that his movements were slow and deliberate, the merboy did not appear as skittish as he had been during their last meeting.
Barbara gave a friendly nod in his direction, as a form of greeting and, feeling giddy over his presence, remarked cheekily: “Fancy meeting you here.”
Her humorous comment was met with a tentative smile.
“I wasn’t sure if you were going to return,” the merboy replied, ”I thought that maybe you would have rather forgotten about yesterday’s… incident.”
His voice gained a softer quality as he averted his eyes: “I was afraid that seeing me might have upset you too much.”
“I was just taken aback, is all,” Barbara confessed, thinking back to yesterday’s excitement. “By the by — how is your fin?”
“Much better, thank you,” he answered ,”I’ve had… someone look over it. And while I did get thoroughly reprimanded for not being careful enough, I was also reassured that, with proper rest, I should be fine.”
“And coming back so soon to the very place where you received your injury qualifies as ‘proper rest’?” Barbara asked skeptically.
The impish smile with which she was met only confirmed her doubts.
“I had to thank my valiant rescuer, didn’t I?” the merboy retorted with much bravado.
Barbara couldn’t help but grin.
“You already expressed your gratitude to me yesterday; and at any rate, helping you was the least I could do.”
A strange sense of delight overcame Barbara when she beheld the faint blush colouring the cheeks of her bold acquaintance.
“However,” she continued, feeling emboldened by her observation, “you may thank me by telling me your name.”
Barbara was relieved to see her brazen request had not given any offense, but instead was most willingly complied with:
“Richard. Grayson. You may call me Dick, though — saving someone’s life grants you friendship privileges, as far as I can tell.”
The red-headed girl smiled warmly.
“Barbara Gordon. I’d be honoured to be your friend.”
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galacticglass · 3 years
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 On top of the rock heap, deeper into the cranny, a beaten, half-burnt longboat rested, its solar sail danced in what little wind forced its way into the shallow ravine. Jim stood paralyzed as a few fresh sparks crackled from the smashed engine. He heard Gerard climbing over the rocks and driftwood, only for him to stop immediately behind him.
 “Jim, what the hell is that?” he mumbled.
 Jim couldn’t get the words out. It      had     to be engineering students getting inebriated at late hours and keeping their property damage hushed.
 Yet that longboat, it didn’t look like any of the vessels utilized at the academy, not for the secondary students, the university level students, not even the vessels sailed by instructors. I was shoddily pieced together, with stray rivets barely holding it together and old wood hastily tossed on, a shocking contrast to the brand new engine attached to the derelict craft.
 Gerard took Jim by the shoulder and said, “I know this looks bad, but couldn’t it just be somebody on campus who just didn’t want to get caught?”
 Jim glanced between his roommate, the wreck, and the metal piece still clasped in Gerard’s hand. When he returned his focus to the wreck, something danced in the foggy, a flag of some sort. However, it wasn’t bright, as the Imperial flag would fly in a heavy fog, it was dark, almost black against its natural veil.
 “Jim, what’re you—”
 Jim slowly backed up.
 “We need to go.”
Here’s an illustration I threw together from the first chapter of my fic, Galaxy of Glass. Intrigued? Read Chapter 1 here!
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pigeoncoffee · 5 years
ultimate single word island names list
as you all know i loved single word town names on new leaf.. whilst ive been brainstorming names for my new horizons island i’ve compiled the ultimate single word island names list!
Ocean/water words: • Brook • Bay • Boat • Canal • Coral • Cove • Creek • Current • Deep • Dock • Drench • Driftwood • Drip • Drain • Gulf • Kelp • Lake • Marine • Pond • Reservoir • River • Rinse • Rill • Rockpool • Sail • Sailboat • Scuba • Spring • Snorkel • Stream • Sea • Seaweed • Seabed • Surf • Swamp • Tarn • Tide • Tidepool • Water • Yacht
Summer/Beach words: • Coast • Conch • Dock • Dune • Harbour • Palmtree • Pier • Summer • Sand • Sandcastle • Shell • Seaside • Shore • Sunburn • Sunscreen • Wharf • Vacation • Voyage
Fish/Aquatic animal words: • Barnacle • Clam • Carp • Crab • Eel • Fin • Flounder • Herring • Limpet • Lobster • Mackerel • Otter • Oyster • Plankton • Salmon • Scallop • Shark • Shrimp • Starfish • Stingray • Squid • Sunfish • Tadpole • Trout
Animal/habitat words: • Antler • Ant • Anthill • Burrow • Bee • Beehive • Bumble • Barn • Bat • Bug • Cobweb • Den • Fleece • Fur • Gull • Hive • Hornet • Honeybee • Ladybug • Ladybird • Nest • Paddock • Raven • Roost • Rook • Seagull • Snail • Toad • Web
Plant/flowers words: • Aloe • Bud • Bamboo • Bloom • Clover • Cosmos • Daffodil • Fern • Heather • Lily • Lilypad • Leaf • Lotus • Orchid • Orchard • Palm • Petal • Primrose • Rose • Stem • Seed • Sprout • Tulip • Wilt • Wilted
Forest words: • Acorn • Birch • Branch • Bramble • Bark • Chestnut • Elm • Elder • Fir • Grove • Juniper • Maple • Oak • Sycamore • Stump • Sap • Sapling • Spruce • Tree • Twig • Thicket • Wood • Yew
Other outdoor words: • Acre • Bury • Barren • Cavern • Cave • Cliff • Coal • Dale • Dell • Earth • Field • Fossil • Garden • Hill • Henge • Hedge • Isle • Island • Lawn • Leaves • Mountain • Meadow • Marsh • Moor • Moss • Nature • Peak • Pebble • Rock • Root • Stone • Shire • Thorn • Uproot • Vale • Valley • Vineyard
Food words: • Avocado • Berry • Butter • Chai • Cider • Cake • Coffee • Coconut • Currant • Egg • Eggshell • Eggnog • Fig • Fudge • Honey • Honeycomb • Icecream • Jam • Jelly • Lemon • Mushroom • Muffin • Mocha • Nut • Pancake • Pear • Pea • Pie • Peanut • Pickle • Popsicle • Radish • Rice • Raisin • Rum • Sesame • Sushi • Syrup • Toast • Walnut
Herb/spices names: • Basil • Chive • Cinnamon • Clove • Dill • Fennel • Herb • Mustard • Nutmeg • Parsley • Saffron • Sage • Spice • thyme
Calm words: • Airy • Away • Awe • Aura • Calm • Drowsy • Dream • Hope • Haven • Haze • Lazy • Lull • Nurture • Quiet • Relax • Rest • Safe • Soft • Serene • Slumber • Silent • Yawn
Cosy Words: • Blanket • Boots • Cotton • Cosy • Cinder • Flannel • Glove • Knit • Knitted • Mitten • Quilt • Raincoat • Sweater • Slipper • Teapot • Teacup • Warmth • Weave • Woven • Yarn
Cute words: • Adore • Blush • Bonny • Cupid • Cuddle • Dainty • Delicate • Ethereal • Fluff • Giggle • Glitter • Lovely • Precious • Sweet • Wonder
City/Town/Building words: • Cabin • Camp • Campsite • Cottage • Home • House • Igloo • Inn • Loft • Mill • Market • Park • Road • Shelter • Street • Tunnel • Tavern • Village • Ville
Weather/time of day words: • Blizzard • Dusk • Dawn • Draft • Drizzle • Downpour • Fog • Flood • Flurry • Gust • Hail • Humid • Mist • Misty • Midnight • Noon • Night • Overcast • Rain • Rainfall • Raindrop • Rainbow • Rise • Storm • Soleil • Sunset • Sun • Season • Sleet • Typhoon • Thunder • Weather • Wind
Seasonal words: Spring/Easter: • April • Crisp • Dew • Dewdrop • Easter • Farm • Farmyard • Floral • Florist • Flourish • Grow • Growth • Hatch • June • Plantpot
Autumn/Halloween: • Afraid • Bale • Bonfire • Cackle • Casket • Creep • Coffin • Costume • Carve • Cemetery • Chilling • Disguise • Eerie • Fall • Fright • Frighten • Firework • Grave • Ghoul • Ghost • Grim • Gore • Hay • Harvest • Howl • Haunt • Haunted • Halloween • Lantern • Morbid • November • Phantom • Rake • Strange • Scream • Scare • Spook • Tomb • Trick • Wicked • Witch • Warlock • Zombie
Winter/Christmas: • Arctic • Chill • Carol • Elf • Festive • Frost • Frostbite • Firewood • Gift • Garland • Holly • Holiday • Ice • Iced • Icy • Icicle • Jingle • Jolly • Merry • Noel • Nativity • Ornament • Present • Reindeer • Rudolph • Scrooge • Sleigh • Snow • Skate • Snowman • Snowball • Stocking • Tinsel • Winter • Wreath • Yule • Yulelog
Mystical words: • Amulet • Cauldron • Chalice • Conjure • Coven • Charm • Cherub • Enchant • Fairy • Fairies • Gargoyle • Goblet • Goblin • Golem • Gnome • Hidden • Hex • Imp • Myth • Nymph • Potion • Spirit • Sprite • Spell • Secret • Shadow • Siren • Wand • Wander
Gem stone words: • Amethyst • Amber • Jasper • Jade • Onyx • Opal • Sapphire • Topaz • Quartz
Colour words: • Bronze • Blush • Fuchsia • Hazel • Ivory • Linen • Ochre • Pale • Peach • Pewter • Sepia • Seafoam • Tawny
Space words: • Aurora • Asteroid • Cosmic • Crescent • Eclipse • Gravity • Luna • Mercury • Meteor • Moon • Nebula • Orbit • Planet • Solar • Star • Venus • Zodiac
Direction words: • Around • Across • Above • East • Far • North • Over • South • Under • West
Other words: • Ash • Ablaze • Beam • Backpack • Dust • Ever • Edge • End • Echo • Cranny • Comb • Frail • Gutter • Hole • Lune • Lush • Letter • Nimble • Nook • Old • Plain • Paper • Rinse • Range • Ridge • Rust • Rusted • Rot • Rotted • Silk • Set • Settle • Sponge • Swelter • Swell • Smog • Urn • Umbrella • Vain • Vile • View • Way • World
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moonyy-writes · 3 years
ship in a bottle (1)
levi ackerman
word count: 2k 
summary: “We’re gonna make this short and sweet, who are you and what are your intentions?” Levi sharply asked, cooly leaning against the wall and watching her every reaction. Her gaze went down to her hands as she played with the blanket covering her. “I-I can’t remember much.” Levi narrowed his eyes and stalked closer to her. Alice steeled her nerves and managed to stand her ground. “I don’t care if Mike says you don’t smell like a traitor, as of right now I consider you one and that’s how you will be treated. Understand?”
A strange girl washes up on a ship and that particular ship has a steely eyed man suspicious of her every move. 
a/n: just your standard pirate au for aot, you know how it is lmao 
also check out the song ship in a bottle by fin! that’s my inspiration for this story(and also the pirates of the caribbean movies lol)
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“Sir! There’s a girl, she’s laying on the driftwood.” Someone shouted. Most of the crew began crowding the side of the deck, pointing and whispering. A young girl was lying amidst the remains of a brutal battle. Bodies and splintered wood were among the many things floating in the wreckage. But somehow, she remained unscathed. 
Levi observed the scene for a moment, “Lower a boat and bring her aboard.”  
As she was pulled onto the ship everyone remained silent, waiting for Levi to make a decision. They simply watched in silence as he began inspecting the stranger. He walked around her a few times before kneeling by her head; he reached a hand out, gently pushing her wet hair away from her face. His thumb lightly stroked the scar that ran from right under her jaw to below her cheekbone. His eyes widened slightly when he realized what he was doing, everyone’s eyes on him. He stood up quickly and steeled his expression as he turned to the crew. 
“Someone take her below deck,” He barked out, “We’ll see what the Captain wants to do with her.”
Mikasa and Sasha managed to drag her below and lay her on a cot, while everyone else scrambled back to work. Although they were still whispering amongst each other. Levi stood to the side, deep in thought, as Mike and Hange came over, having previously observed the situation from afar. 
“That was a weird little, uh, thing you did there Levi,” Hange teased, raising a brow. “Wanna tell us what that was about?”
“I don’t have the faintest clue what you’re talking about.” He deadpanned, not bothering to give Hange the satisfaction of her joke. 
“I think you know exactly what I’m-”
“Hange, leave Levi alone.” Mike mumbled, suddenly sniffing the air. “Wait, do you guys smell that? Smells like a lovesick pirate.” He stated with a smug smile. 
Levi glared at the duo and elbowed them as he passed, “We have no idea who she is, she could be from the enemy. A spy perhaps.” 
“Now now Levi, I don’t think a girl like her would be working for-”
“Doubt like that is what will get you killed, appearance means nothing.” Levi spat out, “I’d go make yourselves useful before Erwin shows up. He’s going to be interested in this new guest.” 
Erwin spent a few minutes observing the girl as she laid there, taking note of every little thing about her appearance and committing it to memory in the case that she truly was a spy. He searched for anything familiar, but came up blank. 
“We can’t just blindly trust her. She could be working with the enemy.” Levi frowned. 
“Not everyone is working for people against us, Levi. She seems like she genuinely needs help.” Erwin said, not bothered by Levi’s attitude. “Don’t forget it was your idea to bring her onboard, this was your call.”
“You say that now until we’re being attacked because she ratted us out.” Levi grouched, his frown deepening as he ignored Erwin’s comment. 
Before Erwin could respond, their conversation was interrupted by frantic coughing. The pair watched as the girl bolted upright and choked out the water that had filled her lungs. She breathed heavily as she placed her hand on her chest in an attempt to calm her breathing. Her eyes scanned the room in a panic. 
Levi cleared his throat causing the girl to wildly look at him, her hands slightly shaking as she gripped the edge of the cot. 
“We’re gonna make this short and sweet, who are you and what are your intentions?” Levi sharply asked, coolly leaning against the wall and watching her every reaction. 
Her gaze went down to her hands as she played with the blanket covering her. “I-I can’t remember much.”
Levi opened his mouth, only to be cut off by an even sharper glare from Erwin, “Then tell us what you do remember.” 
She glanced up and took a deep breath. “I remember screaming and gunshots, then...then all of a sudden silence. It was...warm, comforting even. I’m not sure why I was on that boat, I-” She stopped, her eyes becoming glossy.
Erwin looked at Levi, who only shrugged. “Do you remember your name?” 
“Okay Alice, welcome to the Maria.” Erwin introduced, with a proud smile. 
Alice’s eyes narrowed suspiciously, her demeanor suddenly becoming guarded. “So you’re pirates?”
Levi pushed himself off the wall and strutted over with a raised brow, “And so what if we are, got a problem with that?” His hand lightly gripping the hilt of his sword. 
Alice only groaned and shoved her face into her hands as she mumbled. “Of course I’m on a pirate ship, this is just my luck. From one ship to the next. I just can’t escape.”
“Hey missy, if you want to keep mumbling then we can arrange for you to be at the bottom of the sea instead.” Levi interjected, a more than bored look on his face.
Erwin gave Levi the standard “calm down” look before turning back to Alice, “It will be an adjustment, but we have to ask you a few more questions.” 
After extensive questioning, Alice was given new clothes, loose brown breeches and a poofy sleeved white shirt with a violet corset. She wasn’t accessorized with weapons, like everyone else was, as Levi claimed she was still too “dangerous.” 
Alice sat on the ground while Sasha and Mikasa sat on the cot behind her. Sasha braiding her hair as Mikasa watched. They seemed to have some kind of unspoken kinship, considering they were some of the only females around. 
“You’ll get used to it soon enough,” Sasha said, “Most places aren’t safe for women, but here. Here...it’s safe.”
Mikasa nodded, “We’re family.” 
Alice turned her head slightly and looked at the pair, noticing their sympathetic expressions. Maybe they were in her situation before.
“I don’t know if it ever will,” Alice began, “I don’t even know if I can trust anyone here.” 
Sasha patted her shoulder as she stood, “It’ll get better, it really will.” 
Mikasa gave her a small smile as they passed and made their way above deck. Alice stayed on the ground for a few moments more, reveling in her last few moments of peace. 
The salty breeze brushed Alice’s face as she walked across the deck, breath taken by the beauty of the open sea. The waters were deep blue and the waves calmly shook the boat. She had only stood to the side and observed everyone work, unsure of where to even begin. 
“You must be the new girl!” Alice turned and spotted an energetic woman with big glasses walking her way. She had a green patterned bandana wrapped around her messy brown hair and then black pants, with a white button down loosely tucked in. 
She nodded slightly, before the woman wrapped her arm tightly around her. “I’m Hange, the quartermaster. I’m basically second in command should anything happen to Captain Erwin. And you are?” 
“Uh, I’m Alice.” 
“Nice to meet you uh Alice!” Hange teased and dragged her further across the ship. “I figured I’d introduce you to some people, especially since it seems you’re gonna be here for quite a while.” 
They made their way to a pair of guys shouting at each other, one tall with a sandy mullet and the other shortish with a close buzzcut and a monmouth cap. They seemed to be arguing over a knot in the rope. 
“Now these two here are Jean and Connie, quite the duo if you ask me.” Hange mumbled under her breath. “Boys, say hi to Alice!” 
They both stopped and their faces flushed in embarrassment. Alice meekly waved from under Hange’s tight grip, but they only continued to stare. Particularly at her scar.
“Alrighty, moving on.” Hange concluded, “I swear, all this testosterone is making these boys awkward. Well, more awkward than normal.”
Next, they walked to a pair of adults, an abnormally tall man with hair in his eyes and a shorter woman with a blonde pixie cut. 
“Here we have Mike and Nanaba, if you ever need anything they’re the people to go to.” Hange said, “This is Alice.” 
Nanaba came right up to her and shot her hand out and grabbed onto one of her blonde curls. “My, your hair is beautiful.” She exclaimed, “It makes me regret cutting mine.” 
“Thank you,” Alice mumbled back as she ducked her head down, not used to compliments or the attention. 
“It’s quite the pleasure to meet you dear,” Nanaba continued, giving her a gentle smile before backing up. Giving Mike the perfect opportunity to come over and give Alice a big sniff, causing her to tense up and push Hange in front of her quickly. 
Mike turned to Hange with a questioning stare, “She doesn’t smell like a traitor. In fact, she just smells like a regular girl.” 
Hange’s expression became thoughtful, but it turned back to excitement just as quickly. “I’ll take note of that for Erwin and Levi. See you guys later!” She grabbed Alice by the arm and rushed away from them. “That’s how Mike greets people, he has the strongest nose I’ve ever seen. Can whiff out a two-timer in seconds. But you have his stamp of approval, so that’s one step in the right direction!” 
They continued the tour, with Alice meeting Eren, then Moblit and Armin, who helped navigate the ship and was driven by his strong passion for the ocean. By the time Hange had shown her every nook and cranny of the ship, it was meal time. The cook, a blonde haired man named Niccolo, had made biscuits and sausage gravy. Most of the Crew, except Levi and Erwin, gathered around on barrels to eat and play card games. Alice sat between Mikasa and Sasha, not missing the longing glances Sasha sent Niccolo every few minutes. 
The moon had long since risen before they had slowly trailed off to bed. Each person going down one by one, drowsily stumbling down the stairs. 
“Alice, me and Mikasa are going to bed now if you’d like to come with us.” Sasha offered, watching Alice at the side of the boat peering up at the night sky. 
“I’ll be down in a bit, I want to look at the sky for a bit longer.” 
“Goodnight then,” Sasha whispered as the floor creaked as she made her way below deck.  
Alice’s moments of peace were interrupted by a grumpy and mildly suspicious Levi. “What are you doing up here...alone?” 
“Gazing at the night sky,” Alice answered without turning. Levi frowned at her inattention, but soon joined her. They were both silent as they stared at the stars.
“Do you see that constellation?” Alice said, pointing at a bright collection of stars. “That’s Ladon, he was a hundred headed dragon that guarded Hera’s golden apple tree. But one day, the mighty hero Hercules lulled him to sleep by playing music and killed him. In her sadness, Hera sent him into the stars and that’s where he’s been ever since.” 
Alice was only met with silence, she frowned and turned to Levi, who was incredulously staring at her. “You believe that stuff?” 
“Well not necessarily,” she mumbled, deflated. “I do love the stories though. Helps you make some kind of sense of the world.”
“You’re still playing the memory loss card?” Levi groaned. 
Alice calmly looked to him, “I’m not playing, I genuinely can’t remember. I have bits and pieces, but it’s foggy. When I remember, I’ll make sure to tell you.” 
Levi narrowed his eyes and stalked closer to her. Alice steeled her nerves and managed to stand her ground. “I don’t care if Mike says you don’t smell like a traitor, as of right now I consider you one and that’s how you will be treated. Understand?”
“Loud and clear, sir. Now I must be getting to bed. Goodnight.” She spun on her heel and kept her chin up as she made her way to the stairs, not looking back to Levi. As she laid down, she tried to remember more of her past. But the soft lulling of the ship drifted her to sleep. 
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hefzyisback · 5 years
continued from here @driftwood-cranny
Speaking of a good thing gone wrong. Her nails digging onto the skin of his arms as he held her. If her heart could beat any faster, it would come out of her chest. It was so terrifying and so excited at the same time. When she finally felt safe in his embrace, she was panting but there was a smile upon her face. “Thank you”
A soft kiss was placed on his cheek before she hurriedly stood up. Holding his hand tighter than before. “Now let’s go. I don’t think they are going to wait for us to catch our breath before they come after us”
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lunalowell · 4 years
Ethan downed the last bit of his beer before he spoke again, “so yeah. Never really been arrested but I had a good night sleep in that cell when I was too drunk to even know who I was” he chuckled.
“Been a few bar fights, but they always got broken up before the police came. Nothing serious really. I’m a nice guy” he chuckled. “Bet you don���t have any stories like that, being a cop and all.”
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@driftwood-cranny continued from x
Her face turns bright red when she realizes what she had said. Asta drank, but to get drunk enough to blurt out something like that, this was rare. Her eyes darted down to her drink as she takes a sip.
Should she just walk away without waiting for his answer? Her head said yes, but her body didn’t move. Chewing her bottom lip, she nods a bit, not able to speak at the current moment.
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1944 Dakotah Springfield was a Staff Sargent for the Allied Forces. He was American, grew up sometime in Germany before the war. And now was part of a special infiltration unit. He was stationed in Normandy after the first few weeks of Operation Overlord. Here he was preparing a whole separate operation in the town several miles away from the coast. This operation would be on foot, and very strategic. It would take careful planning. To infiltrate an SS's hosted Gala. @driftwood-cranny
Gilrin Arahael was on her way to the town where her now mission's base was stationed. She took a deep breath before she got out of the vehicle and went to the meeting point.
As many strategies she helped construct and translate vital intel being part of such a large-scale mission was new to her. She looked down at her watch, she arrived five minutes early.
Gilrin took another deep breath, Lord give her the needed strength so they could go through with the plan. She surveyed her surroundings as she waited to meet the man she was supposed to.
@driftwood-cranny //I hope this is okay 😅
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