scorpifox · 2 months
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toolequipment · 2 months
What Does a Diamond Drill Bit Look Like?
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Diamond drill bits are essential tools in various industries, known for their superior cutting capabilities and durability. Understanding what a diamond drill bit looks like, its components, and how it functions can help users choose and utilize these tools effectively. This article provides an in-depth look at diamond drill bits, covering their types, materials, applications, and more.
Understanding Diamond Drill Bits
Definition of Diamond Drill Bits
Diamond drill bits are specialized tools designed to cut through hard materials using industrial diamonds embedded in their cutting surfaces. These diamonds provide the necessary hardness and abrasion resistance to efficiently drill through tough materials like concrete, stone, glass, and ceramics.
Purpose and Uses
The primary purpose of diamond drill bits is to create precise holes in hard materials. They are widely used in construction, manufacturing, and by hobbyists for various drilling tasks. Their applications range from large-scale industrial projects to small DIY jobs.
Types of Diamond Drill Bits
Core Drill Bits
Core drill bits are cylindrical and designed to remove a core of material, leaving a hole with a smooth finish. They are often used in construction and engineering for drilling large holes in concrete and masonry.
Tapered Drill Bits
Tapered drill bits feature a conical shape, making them ideal for creating precise, narrow holes. They are commonly used in tasks requiring detailed and accurate drilling.
Hole Saw Bits
Hole saw bits are circular and designed to cut out large, round sections from materials. These bits are frequently used for plumbing, electrical installations, and other tasks requiring large holes.
Materials Used in Diamond Drill Bits
Industrial Diamonds
The cutting edges of diamond drill bits are embedded with industrial diamonds, which are synthetically produced to provide the hardness and wear resistance needed for drilling tough materials.
Bonding Materials
Diamonds are bonded to the drill bit using various materials, including metal bonds and resins. These bonds help secure the diamonds in place and enhance the bit's durability and performance.
Design and Structure
Components of a Diamond Drill Bit
A typical diamond drill bit consists of a shank, which is the part that fits into the drill, and a cutting end embedded with diamonds. The design ensures efficient cutting and durability.
Shapes and Sizes
Diamond drill bits come in various shapes and sizes to suit different drilling needs. From small, precise bits for detailed work to large core bits for heavy-duty drilling, the variety ensures that there is a diamond drill bit for every application.
Manufacturing Process
Diamond Sintering
Diamond sintering involves embedding diamonds into a metal matrix at high temperatures and pressures, creating a strong bond. This process ensures that the diamonds stay in place during drilling.
Electroplating Diamonds
In electroplating, diamonds are coated onto the drill bit's surface using an electrochemical process. This method is commonly used for producing smaller, precision bits.
How Diamond Drill Bits Work
Cutting Mechanism
Diamond drill bits cut through materials by grinding rather than tearing. The hardness of the diamonds allows them to abrade the material, creating a smooth hole without causing cracks or damage.
Drilling Techniques
Effective drilling with diamond bits requires techniques such as applying steady pressure, using cooling fluids to prevent overheating, and drilling at appropriate speeds to maximize efficiency and bit life.
Applications of Diamond Drill Bits
Industrial Uses
In industries like construction, mining, and manufacturing, diamond drill bits are indispensable for drilling hard materials. They are used to create holes in concrete, stone, and other tough substrates.
DIY and Home Improvement
For home improvement enthusiasts, diamond drill bits are valuable tools for tasks like installing glass fixtures, cutting tiles, and creating holes in ceramics. Their precision and durability make them ideal for various DIY projects.
Advantages of Using Diamond Drill Bits
Diamond drill bits are known for their long lifespan and resistance to wear, making them cost-effective over time despite their higher initial cost.
The ability to create clean, precise holes without causing damage to the surrounding material is a significant advantage of diamond drill bits, particularly for delicate or high-value materials.
Disadvantages of Diamond Drill Bits
The high cost of diamond drill bits can be a deterrent for some users, especially for occasional use. However, their durability and performance often justify the investment.
Proper maintenance is crucial to keep diamond drill bits in good condition. This includes regular cleaning, appropriate storage, and using the bits according to manufacturer recommendations to prevent damage.
Choosing the Right Diamond Drill Bit
Factors to Consider
When selecting a diamond drill bit, consider factors such as the material to be drilled, the size and depth of the hole, and the specific application. Ensuring the bit matches the task at hand will enhance performance and longevity.
Tips for Selection
Material Compatibility: Ensure the bit is suitable for the material you are drilling.
Bit Size: Choose the correct diameter and length for the job.
Quality: Invest in high-quality bits for better performance and durability.
How to Use a Diamond Drill Bit
Safety Precautions
Using diamond drill bits safely involves wearing protective gear, securing the workpiece, and using appropriate drilling speeds. Cooling fluids should be used to prevent overheating and prolong bit life.
Step-by-Step Guide
Mark the Drilling Area: Clearly mark where the hole is needed.
Secure the Material: Clamp the material to prevent movement.
Start Drilling: Begin at a low speed to establish the hole, then gradually increase the speed.
Use Coolant: Apply water or another coolant to keep the bit cool.
Finish the Hole: Reduce speed as you approach the end to avoid chipping.
Maintenance and Care
Cleaning Tips
Regularly clean diamond drill bits with a soft brush to remove debris and prevent clogging. This helps maintain cutting efficiency and prolongs the bit's life.
Storage Advice
Store diamond drill bits in a dry, cool place to prevent corrosion. Keeping them organized and protected from physical damage ensures they remain in good condition for future use.
Comparing Diamond Drill Bits with Other Drill Bits
Diamond vs. Carbide
Diamond drill bits are superior for hard materials due to their durability and precision. Carbide bits, while cheaper, wear out faster and are less effective on very hard substrates.
Diamond vs. High-Speed Steel
High-speed steel bits are suitable for softer materials and are less expensive, but they lack the hardness and longevity of diamond bits, making them less effective for tough drilling tasks.
Innovations in Diamond Drill Bits
Latest Technological Advances
Recent advances in diamond drill bit technology include improved bonding methods, enhanced diamond quality, and innovative designs that increase efficiency and performance.
Future Trends
Future trends in diamond drill bits focus on increasing durability, reducing costs, and developing eco-friendly manufacturing processes. These innovations aim to make diamond drill bits more accessible and effective for a wider range of applications.
Frequently Asked Questions About Diamond Drill Bits
Q. What materials can diamond drill bits cut?
A. Diamond drill bits can cut through hard materials such as concrete, stone, glass, ceramics, and some metals.
Q. How long do diamond drill bits last?
A. The lifespan of a diamond drill bit depends on the quality of the bit, the material being drilled, and the usage conditions. High-quality bits can last significantly longer with proper care.
Q. Can diamond drill bits be sharpened?
A. While it is challenging to sharpen diamond drill bits, they can be refurbished by professionals to extend their life.
Q. Are diamond drill bits safe to use?
A. Yes, diamond drill bits are safe to use when proper safety precautions are followed, including wearing protective gear and using the bits as directed.
Q. How to prevent diamond drill bits from overheating?
A. To prevent overheating, use cooling fluids such as water, drill at appropriate speeds, and avoid applying excessive pressure.
Q. What are the signs of a worn-out diamond drill bit?
A. Signs of a worn-out diamond drill bit include reduced cutting efficiency, visible wear on the diamond edges, and increased drilling time.
Diamond drill bits are invaluable tools for drilling through hard materials with precision and durability. Understanding their design, types, and applications can help users make informed choices and achieve the best results in their projects. With proper care and usage, diamond drill bits can provide exceptional performance and long-lasting service.
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mtg-cards-hourly · 1 year
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Cavalry Drillmaster
Artist: Slawomir Maniak TCG Player Link Scryfall Link EDHREC Link
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amongtony · 2 years
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"Skar Drillmaster"
Art for The Elder Scrolls: Legends
Art by Justine Cruz
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livelaughlovelams · 2 months
No BC I'm actually so sick and tired of the Von Steuben hate. His portrayal in fanfiction is just atrocious. First of all he deserves so much love and attention oml, second, what made you think he's a monochromatic dirty old man who cares about nothing but sex? What evidence do we even have that he was at all like that!? Have you read his letters, have you read memoirs, have you read accounts of, idk, HIS FRIENDS!? People who actually met him!? Because he does not seem like that at all and the way we portray him is not only stereotypical but extremely disrespectful. Have you ever read a single sentence about him mistreating or over-sexualising his aides? NO!? Yes, he was probably dating a good amount of them. Yes, he was MUCH older than most, but he was a human. He was a human being, not just some throwaway gay general who we get to absolutely exploit in fanfiction, and if you can't take the time, to see that, you shouldn't even write about him. I'll also add that he wasn't some random German who came to America to wave his flag or promote homosexuality or whatever, not only was he VERY crucial in our independence but he had actual trauma, yk? He was DEFINITELY mentally struggling, I'll tell you that, I'd say (almost) as bad as Laurens, even. And I also think some of you guys are forgetting that homosexuality was completely illegal almost everywhere in the 18th century. Neither George Washington nor Ben Franklin cared what this guy and his lovers did behind closed doors, BUT GOOD GOD NO ONE WANTS TO SEE THAT IN THE MIDDLE OF A MEETING, EVEN FOR TODAY'S STANDARDS!? For the love of God, you can keep covering Du Ponceau in hickeys, I guess??? BUT WHY DOES IT HAVE TO HAPPEN IN BROAD DAYLIGHT, DAMMIT!?
I think part of this comes from the rumor that he was "openly" gay, because no... That's... Not how that works. The only people I'd really say are OPENLY gay in the 1700s are MAYBE Frederick the Great and Henry III of Prussia but that's because they literally rule their country and can do whatever they want. Von Steuben wasn't even OPENLY gay in Europe, he was just a queer man who kinda got called out and OUTED, BTW, and fled to America because nowhere else wanted him.
Have any of y'all read the novel "Forge"? It's a sequel to the novel "Chains", and it's GREAT. It's a 4-7th grade novel about two enslaved (teenagers?) in the American Revolution, and it was so good oml. I read it in 5th grade. One thing I noticed is they portrayed Von Steuben GREATLY.
They portrayed him as a kind, good drillmaster WITHOUT mentioning his homosexuality.
The two Von Steuben personalities I see in the media are a hypersexual man whore who wants everyone to know his sexuality, or a monochromatic angry, sad old man who hates everyone
Is this really how America wants to remember their first drillmaster?
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zithcavooris · 3 months
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Just a small sampling of the brave beings who make up the Green Lantern Corps. All are pictured with their faceplates disabled, and some of them helpfully took their hood-caps down so you could better appreciate their beautiful heads.
Frontish row, left to right:
Salakk, Galactic Marshal (has jurisdiction over the entire Milky Way, outranking local planetary Lanterns)
Tomar-Re, once failed to prevent the destruction of a planet, but it was nowhere you’ve heard of.
Hal Jordan, Earth’s first Green Lantern, a hotheaded rookie
Galius Zed, who’s fun to draw
Ch’p, Green Lantern of H’lven, possibly even smaller than shown here.
Arisia Rrab, a full-grown woman who only looks like a child, nevertheless leaving Hal uncomfortable with her advances.
Backish row, left to right:
Kilowog, drillmaster and one of the only survivors left of his homeworld, Bolovaks Vik.
Boodikka, formerly able to fly under her own power, now needs her ring to construct a replacement wing after her own was severed.
Thaal Sinestro, the notoriously strict Lantern of Korugar, the late Abin Sur’s best friend and Hal Jordan’s new training partner.
Veteran Lantern Abin Sur (deceased)
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uesp · 1 year
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"Conditioning is the biggest weakness of the citizen-soldier. No point teaching them to fight if they pass out after a short jog in full kit."
--Drillmasters in Morrowind
Image depicts Attelivupis Catius
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pub-lius · 8 months
I just wanna say, DUDE. The majority of what I know about amrev comes from your blog. Your in-depth posts literally have me FOAMING AT THE MOUTHH I don't have much time to read longer books due to school but I wanna feed my obsession so do you have any books on the shorter side or some websites/archives I can research/read a bit quicker? If not it's totally fine.
Also off topic but I'm loving "It Began About Dusk" on AO3 <3
OH MY GOD THE FLATTERY‼️‼️‼️ you’re making me blush here anon. im so glad that you find my posts helpful!!! AND IM SO GLAD YOU LIKE MY FICS i have a chapter of it began about dusk in the drafts rn so you’ll get more content soon
now this is a tricky question because im absolutely insane and ive barely ever read short books. right now im reading His Excellency by Joseph J Ellis and i recommend it!! its only around 2-300 pages which is the shortest history book ive got VSJWBW primary sources can be really good to get in book form, things like Common Sense by Thomas Paine, Rules of Civility and Decent Behavior (Washington’s rule book), and Memoir of Lieut. Col. Tench Tilghman, Secretary and aid to Washington are all primary sources i have on my shelf that are short and sweet.
i also have Hercules Mulligan by Micheal J. Obrien which i haven’t read but is VERY small. there is also James Monroe by Gary Hart which is short but i have not finished (i dont even truly remember reading it but i annotated part of it apparently), The Drillmaster of Valley Forge by Paul Lockhart is a little longer than those others, but still isn’t chernow levels of wrong, but i also haven’t read that one. Thomas Jefferson and the Tripoli Pirates by Brian Kilmeade and Don Yaeger isn’t the most serious history book, but it is pretty good and an easy read.
as for secondary source websites, start with encyclopedias ie Britannica, which post short articles on different historical figures and events that give you the overview. from there im gonna point you to the National Park Service. this is the best thing the US government has ever made for researchers. this is all your battlefields, winter encampments, historical reproductions, and former capitals. also check out private residences turned museums, such as Mount Vernon, Monticello, and Schuyler Mansion. these institutions have an abundance of easily accessible information on more than just the people who lived there.
now the Library of Congress was a good decision on Jefferson’s part, but it can be inaccessible if you don’t know how to use it well because their website is one of my least favorite things about being alive. so instead, i recommend using Founders Online for any primary source regarding the founding fathers or amrev figures. the Washington Papers are filled to the brim with almost everything that went out of headquarters during all 8 years of the war. founders online is the shit
all of these websites i’ve mentioned are free to access, because i do not pay money on any research tools besides books out of spite for late stage capitalism. also any primary source is 100% accessible online. that includes memoirs and court transcripts, which can be very helpful
also i really do recommend watching documentaries and informational videos on the subjects you’re interested in while doing work or other things if you’re someone who does that (ik some people don’t have background noise but im just assuming you’re as neurodivergent as i am) because you can absorb just a little of that information and it being about a subject of interest can make academics seem a little less miserable!
i hope this is helpful and if you have absolutely any further questions, feel free to ask. i know im very privileged to have the time and resources to read long ass books, which is why i very freely share the information i absorb with the public bc i believe education should never be gatekept by anyone. so if you have any questions, im happy to research them for you, or at least point you in the right direction. love ya!!
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aerodaltonimperial · 6 months
okay friends, we are back for more RUNE FACTORY 5 shenanigans. took me forever to get one of the events i needed to trigger, but we got there. making great progress now.
almost done with first summer. if i don't win the harvest festival this season, i will blow up the general store out of spite.
katy's drillmaster 3000 is going great, and my peeps are leveling up at record pace. i've given most of them some new swag so they are actually useful to me while fighting.
grasslands told me recommended level of 35. i am at level 86. no notes, that's honestly just hilarious.
scarlett still will not go adventuring with me so now i have to bring her fucking homemade pickles every day just to try to up her heart levels because my cucs are over-producing like the apocalypse is coming and all we will subsist on is pickles.
i need to trigger more events for my "love interests that i ship with each other" so i can eventually write fic for them.
i finally got ludmila, which felt like a lifetime but honestly hasn't even been 2 months, it's just that i'm an insane person.
my kid is obsessed with "wolf man" and keeps laughing about how much "wolf man" loves me even though i do not enjoy him and avoid talking to him lol.
why will these OLD PEOPLE not bake more than 2 LOAVES OF BREAD PER DAY never mind i'm gonna blow up the bakery out of spite instead of the general store.
continually crushed that i cannot seduce terry.
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the-world-of-ignavus · 10 months
Moggi of the Storm (Embers) - Brastilian, Asterdawn
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Name: Asterdawn
Other Names: Aster (cub, cadet)
Meaning: Precious (Aster), Great Potential (-dawn)
Notable Lineage: Hurri'Aswe
Age: 6 moonspans and 1 moon | 6 years and 1 month (as of Embers)
Identity: Demiwoman - She/They
Orientation: Bisexual - No Leaning | Ambiamorous
Rank: Brastilian
Former Rank(s): Lieutenant, Guard General
A short-furred and muscular primarily white cool-blue pointed molly with little ‘tears’ of blue in her coat. Asterdawn’s right ear has two tears in it that follow through to faded scars across her muzzle. She is covered in thin, long healed pale scars but the moonlit white of her coat hides them well making her untouched most of the time. Her quills are thinner than most Stormborn quills, lined with additional barbs that mark them as one of the longest lineages in the faction. They are easily one of the largest moggi in their faction, standing eye to eye with even Saberslash and can be deeply imposing on the best of days.
Asterdawn was born to Lilycrash and Torrentstrike who they wouldn’t have the dubious pleasure of meeting until they were 2 moons old. With a horribly loud mind and a desperation to make everyone around her proud, Asterdawn suffered repeated bouts of muteness as a cub as nerves and discomfort caused her voice to become ‘lodged in her throat’ in such a way that she complained of physical pain when others attempted to force them to speak. As they grew older, the instances happened less and less often though high-stress events can trigger it all over again.
Though Asterdawn was close to much of their family - including Batdream and Cliffballad, their uncles - they had an incredibly strained relationship with her father. Right from the start, Torrentclaw had never seemed very interested in his smallest cub, always pushing them to speak before they were ready thus further silencing them. Eventually Torrentclaw would begin to make remarks about their intelligence, even one callously implying they may be better off dead which marked the end of their parents' relationship - something the young cub blamed themself for a long time.
Asterdawn's emotions towards their father would become incredibly bitter as not long after they had broken up - only days before Lilycrash would die in battle against the Fenns - Torrentclaw would begin courting Magnoliafawn with an almost alarming intensity. It was very hard for her to push past her emotions when her former cohort member confessed that she was worried about the way Torrentclaw was already growing distant to her but she managed it, going as far as to divulge how their early cub-hood had gone.
When Torrentclaw became just as absent as before, proceeding to make a muttered comment about one of their fresh cubs - a little golden tom named Shine - being deaf, they went to Goldanthem with the new mother and stood by smugly when Torrentclaw watched with angry frustration as his fatherly rights were revoked.
The death of her mother Lilycrash affected her deeply, triggering one of her longest bouts of muteness - a full 6 moons.
Asterdawn's already strained relationship with their father would become even worse once he takes on Yarrow as his cadet; the older tom's views about his cub's muteness flowing from the young cadet like a river. Though he would claim otherwise, she knows where Yarrow got them from.
Asterdawn is a known workaholic, often channeling their energy into training and work. It could be any kind of work - training a cadet, training their body, hunting in the snow, seeking out herbs in a storm - so long as it would take their mind off of whatever was bothering her, she would do it. It wasn’t uncommon to find her passed out in random parts of Stormborn territory asleep, having overwhelmed their body. 
Traits: Anxious || Regal || Powerful || Motherly
Drillmaster(s): Cliffballad (Deceased), Goldanthem (deceased)
Cadet(s): Powderfang
Parents: Lilycrash (mother|deceased), Torrentclaws (father)
Sweetparent(s): Cliffballad (deceased), Batdream (deceased)
Auncle(s): Batdream (uncle|deceased)
Sibling(s): Irisblossom (sister|deceased), Shine (half-brother|deceased), Raspywinds (half-sister|deceased), Laxwings (half-brother|deceased)
Nephling(s): Callastorm (nephew)
Cousin(s): N/A
Mate(s): Jaspershanty, Grouseheart (platonic)
Crush(es): Veildrift
OoC Friends: Veildrift
Cub(s): Agateswipe (son), Hibiscusstalk (daughter), Obsidiansmoke (daughter|deceased)
Grandcub(s): Astersmoke (grandson)
Other Notes:
Magnoliafawn is technically her step-mother as she took a Torrentclaw as a mate, but given Aster was mostly grown by the time they really bonded, they see each other more as friend
The scar on her ear is from ||Redacted|| which was the final factor is deciding to ||Redacted||
Asterdawn was very popular around the Empire for their looks and their reserved behavior gave them a 'mysterious' vibe that everyone liked
The age different between Asterdawn and Irisblossom is less than 15 seconds but Irisblossom takes it seriously. Asterdawn still calls her 'big sister' when talking to moggi she trusts
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bloodsworn-marshal · 1 year
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Writing Prompt: Fulsome Word Count: 819
“You belong to me now! And the bloodsands ever thirst!"
Those were the only words Pipin had been given before he realized his life was about to irrevocably change. In the midst of his former job now, surrounded by other children his age who looked just as haggard. Just as run ragged with labor. All for the sake of some pitiful coin to bring back home to ungrateful family… much like his. They watched as a lanista took hold of the young boy’s hand and dragged him away, never to be seen again as far as they knew.
Shout all he’d like about the how and why, an explanation, his desperate pleading to go home, he would only be rewarded with a heavy hit to his backside that would send him reeling. This bond, he soon figured out, would be of master and slave. He deserved no answers. No freedom. Only to keep quiet and do as the lanista said.
The world as he once knew it was shut off behind lock and key. Solid stone walls and floors with no windows for light. No fresh air either, from the stench that soured these halls of sweaty tired folk who had done their work’s worth and then some. His family home, shabby as it was, had at least been better fare than the cramped cell he had been given. With naught but a shredded old cot and a place to squat when needs be. Several other neighboring cells were filled with even sorrier sorts from how beaten and bruised they all were.
Young Pipin soon learned that he would be undergoing rigorous training to become a gladiator of the coliseum once he reached of age. Only one year shy of his debut, there would be plenty of time to break him in and teach him the ways.
…Those ways consisted of back-breaking labor difficult even for a fully grown man. Ceaseless chores from dawn to dusk between aiding the elder gladiators who had survived this long while being forced to train in the practice yard under the gaze of merciless drillmasters. Novice as he was, he frequently met the ends of a whip or cudgel, fighting back tears with each hit as he learned not to make any mistakes. The sting of their whelps covering his backside growing in number by the day.
There was but one singular pleasure to find in these halls of unending hell. And that was…
“Food…! At long last!”
Yes. The one sole benefit to this new life came in the form of food in great abundance. Not just any ol’ slop either! The cook happened to be a highly acclaimed chef who once worked in the very inner workings of the palace. They could whip up just about anything you so desired and the coliseum footed the bill without complaint. If there was hope to be found here, it was in the fact that their masters wanted them fit and built for their job of putting on a show!
Pipin was one of the many ‘runts’ who the cook could not help but spoil, knowing the future they had in store. When he received his meals throughout the day, he was given a platter full of all kinds of wonders! Foodstuffs of unimaginable tastes and flavors that he could have only ever dreamed of back at home.
To say he cried buckets worth the first time his belly felt full… would be of no exaggeration. Never had he gone throughout the day with enough food for his growing body in the past. Living on scraps and what little his wretched family could afford. This sensation was so entirely new, filled with warmth that spread over him and offered satisfaction in ways he never realized.
These moments may have been oft short-lived. And this reason alone wasn’t enough to put up with being a slave forever.
But it remained one of his few rays of solace amidst this rough life. When Pipin was officially adopted a year later and no longer required to take part in gladiatorial training, he still would eat well thanks to Raubahn who shared his fulsome meals with him. Top gladiator as the elder man was, it was a feast of delights every break of the day. And more than glad was he to share with his charge, with promise of personally training him later when he had the time.
Mayhaps that be the reason why his greatest pleasure even now in adulthood was in the form of large meals. Not nearly as luxurious or grandiose of course, but Pipin thrived on having food of all sorts to eat when not amped for battle. He especially enjoyed the opportunities that allowed him to travel to other city-states and countries with their own assortments of food and culture to delight in.
…If only he would ever learn how to cook himself.
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animefeminist · 2 years
What we can learn about labor organization from Akiba Maid War
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Content warning: gun violence, organized and anti-labor crime
Spoilers for Episode 4 of Akiba Maid War.
Living in late stage capitalism is a bizarre paradox of being expected to work harder and more skilfully than ever before, but receiving so little compensation that even a semblance of fiscal sustainability and job security are considered blessings. Supposedly stable jobs in the much-lauded tech sector fail to live up to the respect they demand from the public, with layoffs among tech giants kicking off 2023. Creatively fulfilling jobs, especially those related to anime production, are notorious for abusing young people while paying them next to nothing. Even gesturing at possibly improving these working conditions is suppressed by companies, as seen in MAPPA’s Chainsaw Man anime removing a thematically relevant reference to labor unions.
With this as the status quo for working and enjoying art in the world today, I was absolutely floored when Episode 4 of Akiba Maid War aired with a plotline that it is capital-a About organizing workers to resist corporate manipulation and exploitation.
Directed by Masui Sōichi and written by Hiki Yoshihiro, Akiba Maid War was the surprise hit of the Fall 2022 season, and is a lovably imperfect piece of feminist media. Episode 4, “The Inside Story! A Drillmaster For the Swine!!” sees the maids of the Oinky Doink Cafe fight against their parent company’s efforts to turn their pig sty into a cash cow. While not comprehensive, the episode perfectly captures many of the tactics corporations use to suppress their workers. Of course, the challenging relationship these characters already have with labor organizations as sensationalized mobsters further complicates the themes of this episode, but the pro-union sentiment of this zany plotline deserves analysis. 
Read it at Anime Feminist!
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mtg-cards-hourly · 8 months
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Gryff Rider
"Keep your heels down and bend at the hips as your mount takes flight. She'll do the rest." —Anders, cathar drillmaster
Artist: Yongjae Choi TCG Player Link Scryfall Link EDHREC Link
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yr-obedt-cicero · 2 years
I've been reading over your posts about Hamilton's relationships with other Federalists of the time. What about Nicholas Fish? He came from an old New York family, he studied alongside Troup & Hamilton, served with Ham at Yorktown (he even made Trumbull's painting!), remained close to him the rest of his life, became the first Adjutant General of New York, may or may not have broken a girl's heart, and continued a line of illustrious Fishes. But beyond that...? Crickets.
Fish's and Hamilton's relationship seems to be one of the lesser known of Hamilton's notable friendships. Not much is known about their friendship due to only four letters of correspondence surviving (Likely burned by Fish for privacy), but they seemed to have had a life long friendship. And even after Hamilton's death, Fish remembered him as an honorable and beloved friend.
Nicholas Fish (1758-1833) was born into a relatively wealthy, New York, family. He attended Princeton but left before graduating to start studying law at King's College (Columbia University) through the office of John Morin Scott in New York. There he became interested in the organization of the Sons of Liberty (They were a loosely organized, clandestine - sometimes violent - political organization active in the colonies founded to advance the rights of the colonists and to fight taxation by the British government). Fish lived in New York City until 1774, then spent about a year in New Jersey before returning to New York in 1775.
During Hamilton's first months at King's, he and fellow classmate, Robert Troup, formed a club that gathered weekly for debating, writing, and speaking skills. The other members were; Fish, Edward Stevens, and Samuel and Henry Nicoll. Who were all relatively Hamilton's first and closests companions. The debates usually evolved around topics surrounding the brewing revolution, like monarchy and democracy. He also joined the volunteer militia group, The Hearts of Oak (Originally coined The Corsicans), alongside Hamilton and Troup. The students drilled before classes each morning in the churchyard of nearby St. Paul's Chapel. Their drillmaster was Edward Fleming, who had despite having served in a British regiment and married into the prominent De Peyster family but was still warmly attached to the American side. Fish once recalled;
Immediately after the Battle of Lexington, [Alexander Hamilton] attached himself to one of the uniform companies of militia then forming for the defence of the country by the patriotic young men of this city under the command of Captain Fleming, in which he devoted much time, attending regularly all the parades and performing tours of duty with promptitude and zeal.
Source — Alexander Hamilton, by Ron Chernow
In 1776 Fish was appointed by Brigadier General Scott aide-de-camp on his staff. On the 21st of August, 1776, Fish was appointed major of the 2nd New York Regiment. He served as a division inspector under Baron von Steuben in 1778. According to Fish, Hamilton had a direct hand in prodding Marquis de Lafayette to advocate bringing a French army to America. Before Admiral Jean Baptiste d’Estaing came with his fleet in July 1778, Hamilton encouraged Lafayette with ideas like having a French ground force with Lafayette as its commander. “The United States are under infinite obligations to [Lafayette] beyond what is known,” Hamilton told Fish later, “not only for his valour and good conduct as major general of our army, but for his good offices and infliuence in our behalf with the court of France. The French army now here [...] would not have been in this country but through his means.” [x]
He participated in the battles of Saratoga and Monmouth, in Sullivan's expedition against the Native Americans in 1779, and in the Virginia and Yorktown campaigns, in which he served for a time on the staff of Lafayette. Fish had shared a tent with Hamilton at Yorktown and recalled Hamilton bursting in gleefully after visiting Washington, hearing that he had won the coveted assignment, Hamilton hugged the surprised Major, shouting; “We have it! We have it!” [x] Although the two mostly went their separate ways during the war, Hamilton appointed Fish as his second-in-command. He commanded Hamilton's New York Battalion in the Assault on Redoubt 10 when Hamilton was given overall command of three battalions led by Gimat, Fish, and Laurens. To which, Hamilton was quite pleased about, writing to Eliza in August; “Major Fish is with me. I prize him both as a friend as an officer.” [x]
He is portrayed in the painting of the Surrender Of Lord Cornwallis, by Trumbull, standing behind Hamilton, Laurens, and Stuart.
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In the March of 1782, Hamilton and Eliza would have been trying to settle down in their first real home together in Albany, leaving the Schuyler Mansion where they had initially lived after Hamilton resigned from war. Hamilton wrote to Fish saying; “Send my horses by return of the bearer, unless they should be in too bad plight to travel. In this case, be so good as to put them out where they will be taken care of, and at the same time will not cost much for keeping.” [x]
In 1786, Fish was appointed Adjutant general of New York State, which he held for many years. Fish was also part of the Manumission Society, where many familiar faces were as well; Troup, Hamilton, Hercules Mulligan, William Livingston, John Rodgers, John Mason, James Duane, John Jay, and William Duer. The founding of the Manumission Society and antislavery societies in other states in the 1780s represented a hopeful moment in American race relations, right before the Constitutional Convention and the new federal government created such an overriding need for concord that even debating the divisive slavery issue could no longer be tolerated.
In 1794, he was appointed by Washington supervisor of the Federal revenue in New York City. In August, when the Hamiltons' then youngest son, John Church Hamilton, had fallen worryingly ill but started to recover—Hamilton sent his wife and child to New York City, where they remained under the watchful care Fish and Elisha Boudinot;
If you have not already left Albany write to me the precise day you will certainly leave it; so that I may meet you at New Ark. When you get to New York apply to Col Fish to make an arrangement for carrying you & the Child to New Ark & when there, go to Mr. Boudinot’s till I come.
Source — Alexander Hamilton to Elizabeth Hamilton, [August 21, 1794]
July 18, 1795, Hamilton was publicly criticized over his defense of the Jay Treaty at a meeting in New York. Hamilton tried to intervene in an argument between Commodore James Nicholson - who had smeared Hamilton months earlier - and Federalist lawyer, Josiah Ogden Hoffman. Nicholson was one of Hamilton's most prominent critics, and the two had long-standing political disagreements. When Hamilton came between the quarrel, Nicholson then allegedly called Hamilton an “Abettor of Tories” and accused him of declining a previous challenge to duel. “No man could affirm that with truth,” Hamilton retorted, and he “pledged himself to convince Mr. Nicholson of his mistake” by calling him to a duel at a more suitable time and place. [x] With Fish having drafted as his second, on the 20th he delivered the challenge letter to Nicholson;
The unprovoked rudeness and insult which I experienced from You on Saturday leaves me no option but that of a meeting with You, the object of which You will readily understand. I propose to You for the purpose Pawlus Hook as the place and monday next eleven o’clock as the time. I should not fix so remote a day but that I am charged with trusts for other persons which will previously require attention on my part. My friend Col. Fish who is to deliver You this will accompany me.
Source — Alexander Hamilton to James Nicholson, [July 10, 1795]
Nicholson immediately scratched out a reply, accepting the duel with that he would “certainly not decline your invitation” and asking that it take place the next morning; “The publicity of the affair & the unusual visit of your friend have however unfortunately occasioned an alarm in my family & may produce an inquiry—you will therefore perceive that my situation will be rendered extremely disagreeable unless our interview takes place before that time. I have therefore to intreat that it may not be postponed longer than tomorrow Morning.” [x] Eventually, on the 26th, after Hamilton and Nicholson had gone through three drafts of apologies (Hamilton being the one who wrote them for Nicholson's review), Nicholson signed a declaration apologizing for his conduct;
Mr. Nicholson declares that the warmth of the expressions which he recollects to have used to Mr. Hamilton proceeded from a misapprehension of the nature of his interposition in the altercation between Mr. Hoffman & Mr. Nicholson that as to the suggestion alleged to have been made by Mr. Nicholson namely that Mr. Hamilton had declined a former interview he does not recollect and is not conscious of having made it, neither did he intend the imputation which it would seem to imply and that if he did make the suggestion he regrets the pain which it must have occasioned to Mr. Hamilton.
Source — Drafts of Apology Required from James Nicholson, [25–26 July 1795]
The seconds representing Hamilton and Nicholson were DeWitt Clinton, Nicholas Fish, Rufus King, Brockholst Livingston. Once Nicholson and Hamilton agreed on the apology, they signed off on the following statement, thus ending the challenge in a “satisfactory and honorable way”.
In 1803, Fish married Elizabeth Stuyvesant (1775–1854), the daughter of Petrus Stuyvesant and Margaret Stuyvesant. They had five children together. On two separate occasions, Fish ran for United States Congress, and was unsuccessful. Losing to Samuel L. Mitchill in 1804 and Gurdon S. Mumford in 1806. In the week preceding Hamilton's mortal duel, Hamilton invited seventy people to the Grange for a lavish ball that included John Trumbull, Robert Troup, Fish, and William Short, Jefferson’s onetime secretary in Paris. John Church Hamilton recalls the event in his biographies of his father;
To reciprocate the attentions of his friends in a manner which, though novel here, he believed would most gratify, he gave, in the season of flowers and early fruits, a fete champetre. All that could please the modest taste of those simple days of wise frugality, was present. At distant points in the several copses were heard by sauntering groups the sounds of the horn and the clarionet, while his mansion was joyous with dances and repasts. On one of the piazzas were beheld some of his earliest, nearest friends, tracing the distant outlines of the variegated landscape of hill and dale, ocean and rivers; Hamilton standing by, chatting with Colonels Fish and Troup. Never was the fascination of his manner more remarked; gay or grave, as was the chanced topic, like the light and shade of a fine painting.
Source — Life of Alexander Hamilton, by John Church Hamilton · 1879
When the coming duel began to approach, on the 9th of July, Hamilton drafted his will at his last Manhattan town house. He named John B. Church, Fish, and Nathaniel Pendleton as executors;
In the Name of God Amen! I Alexander Hamilton of the City of New York Counsellor at Law do make this my last Will and Testament as follows. First I appoint John B Church Nicholas Fish and Nathaniel Pendleton of the City aforesaid Esquires to be Executors and Trustees of this my Will and I devise to them their heirs and Assigns, as joint Tenants and not as Tenants in common, All my Estate real and personal whatsoever and wheresoever upon Trust at their discretion to sell and dispose of the same, at such time and times in such manner and upon such terms as they the Survivors and Survivor shall think fit and out of the proceeds to pay all the Debts which I shall owe at the time of my decease, in whole, if the fund shall be sufficient, proportionally, if it shall be insufficient, and the residue, if any there shall be to pay and deliver to my excellent and dear Wife Elizabeth Hamilton.
Source — Last Will and Testament of Alexander Hamilton, [July 9, 1804]
Four years after Hamilton's death, Fish named his only son after his old college friend; Hamilton Fish (1808–1893), who served as New York Governor, United States Senator, and who married Julia Ursin Niemcewiez Kean (1816–1887).
Then again, Fish also twice ran unsuccessfully for Lieutenant Governor of New York. In 1810, he was the Federalist candidate, but lost to incumbent John Broome. Broome subsequently died one month into his term in August 1810. Fish ran in a special election for Lieutenant Governor in 1811 to fill the vacancy created by Broome's death, but lost to the then-mayor of New York City, DeWitt Clinton. During the War of 1812, Fish served as a member of the City Committee of Defense.
When Eliza was interviewing all the men that fought besides Hamilton to preserve his memory, Fish wrote a lengthy reminiscent letter to her in 1822, which I transcribed here (For whatever reason Tumblr keeps bugging out everytime I try to write it here).
Fish died in 1833, and was buried in the churchyard of St. Mark's Church in-the-Bowery in New York City.
Hope this helps.
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livelaughlovelams · 3 months
as the #1 von steuben fan, can you reccomend me some good sources on his life? (would be great if they acknowledged his sexuality but im pretty desperate at this point)
love ya <3
First of all I'm so honored
So here's some book recommendations first:
Washington's Gay General
Okay, I admit, at first I wasn't sure about this, but it was actually pretty accurate. It did miss out some details that disappointed me, but overall an actually good source, so I recommend! (About 1-2 hour read)
The drillmaster of Valley Forge
This is a 352 page biography by Paul Lockhart. It's pretty standard and DOES mention his sexuality, think the style of John Laurens' biography if it wasn't written by a southern conservative. So yeah, I recommend! (About a day or two, if you have enough time.)
Du Ponceau's autobiography
Look, I KNOW everyone is talking about this. I KNOW everyone is hyping this up, but try it. Just- I- try it. Its mostly pretty boy trying to find out how America works, but Von Steuben is nonetheless prominent.
I also recommend "General Von Steuben" by John Palmer! It's actually great, but it does, unfortunately, dismiss his sexuality. This is, however, by far the best biography I've found so far.
(I'm also thinking of submitting some short little biography to some website or whatever, if you want more than lemme know, I am SO HONOURED to help. If you want more concise sources besides books, OF COURSE. I AM HERE TO HELP OMFG I LOVE YALL♥️♥️🌎)
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