kemmettart · 21 days
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Slug! slug! Slug! art for a creature for dystopia rising ma! I'm excited to share the full costume build once hes done
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devhubby · 4 months
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fmarkets · 6 months
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DRMA Stock Tumbles as Operating Results Deteriorate in Q4 2023 https://csimarket.com/stocks/news.php?code=DRMA&date=2024-03-22105051&utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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parkchaeyoung4414 · 10 months
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That day, I felt like the man of my dream would approach me. So everything before me turned green and pink. My dear husband, it is I, Gil-chae. Now, please answer my question. What was the sound you heard that day? The sound of flowers. The sound of the marvel of Peru blooming. My Dearest (2023)
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transfemmk · 1 year
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wip that's taking a while LMAO
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gogtopia · 1 year
im okay (hornyrhonrynhorny)
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gorkloum · 9 months
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at least he looks like this already, it can not to not make me happi
(i really resisted the urge to add The Butterfly Belt™ again. But this work supposed to be serious and drama-drma-drama. No jokes around, gotcha??)
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yume-fanfare · 3 months
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Sve što se desi u jednom danu, podsetnik je samo na sve ono što se ne desi. Nisam pesimista, bar ne mislim da jesam. Davno bih se svela na obična slova u kamenu da je tako. Istina, dva puta sam došla sasvim blizu, ali svaki put me je spasilo nešto veće i ne znam je li to Bog i da li ima Boga. Ako je stvaran, padam na kolena pred njim. Sklapam dlanove i molim da mi pokaže pravi put. Svet je previše bučan, a ja se u toj buci oduvek loše snalazim. Guglala sam definiciju eskapizma. Gugl kaže: „od engleske reči escape, koja se prevodi kao: pobeći, bežati. Sam pojam je relativno nov, a podrazumeva bežanje iz svakodnevice, beg od života, beg od stvarnosti (u svet mašte i fantazije), kao i izbegavanje odgovornosti”. Ne bi bio prvi put da mi kažu - bežiš od odgovornosti. Ne znam je li to do kraja pravedno. Ne bežim od odgovornosti, bežim od vaših zahteva, očekivanja, ideja toga ko bi trebalo da budem. Kameleon čije boje volite samo dok su poput vaših. Neću da budem odgovorna za njih, istina. Od svih puteva kojima sam mogla da pođem danas, izabrala sam samo jedan. Onaj poznati, onaj sigurni. Nesigurni. Nisam ja za tu sigurnost. Brkam pojmove, klasika. Jednom sam umesto da odem u školu, otišla u kafanu i napila se sa potpunim strancima u sred dana. Imala sam 17. Svašta radimo kad imamo 17. Sa skoro 25, kao treba da si prerastao to. Ne pijem već više od pola godine. I telo kaže, nemaš više 17. Taj dan sam izabrala - drugo, drugačije. Nisam znala šta će se desiti, nikad ranije nisam bila u toj kafani i nisam poznavala te ljude, a bili su stariji od mene i teško da su baš bili uzorni građani - čim piju rakiju u tri popodne sa nekom nepoznatom klinkom. Ta struja koja mi je prolazila kroz telo, dok sam zamišljala kako neko vadi pištolj, bum - jedan metak i nema me. Ili kako ulazim u nečija kola, u nečiji stan i možda ostajem do jutra. Ili kako će mi neka od ovih priča što ih baš sad pričamo promeniti čitav tok sudbine. E ta struja, za nju i dan danas živim. Nisu je razumeli ni sa 17, a kamoli sada. Nešto nije u redu sa tobom. Nešto zaista nije u redu sa mnom. Želim da ličimo jer mi delujete tako srećno, ali i ne želim, jer u vama nema života. Ja sam crno/belo. Za mene je ili život ili smrt. Šta ti znači život u kom sve možeš da predvidiš? Ponedeljak ili sreda ili četvrtak, ma sasvim je nevažno, sve je to jedan te isti dan. „Šta ima novo kod tebe? Jedno te isto kod mene. I uvijek je bilo, ooo isto ludilo”. Kladim se da možeš da napišeš na papir doslovce ceo sutrašnji dan. Možda i celu godinu, dve, pet. Ako je to odgovornost, neka hvala, ja biram eskapizam. Glava mi je možda u oblacima, ali vi ni ne vidite oblake osim kad gledate vremensku prognozu. Vi nosite kišobrane, ne osećate kapi kiše, čak ni kada vam liju niz obraze. Ništa vas ne obuzima. Smireni, staloženi, mrtvi. Volela bih da vas povučem za ruku i da plešemo po sred pljuska. Neke i jesam. I voleli su me zbog toga. Nisu voleli mene; voleli smo isto. Voleli smo tu struju koja nas drma. Voleli smo: život. Kad magija prestane, hteli su upravo ono čega se oduvek gnušam. Sigurnost. Rutinu. Dosadu. Nisam ja za te staze. Ni sada, sa skoro 25. Nije meni to u krvi. Biram neizvesno. Biram eskapizam. Biram da sam živa.
- Katarina
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kemmettart · 1 month
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A comic of my friends characters death scene at DR:MA
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hi everyone, so I didn't realise I didn't have my other password to my outlook until I was messing around on this account so now I can't make a second account for general stuff. To all my followers I thought I'd see what you'd like to see from me since I can't remember the security question answers to my outlook so this is going to have to be my only Tumblr account. But I really like total drama so I don't know whao do.
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engineeringguy26 · 8 months
Drma muštuluk u Istanbulu...
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ebonytails · 9 months
HI i hope you know we followed y'all cuz we thought you guys' art was super duper cool (IT IS) , but ALSO because we're currently overloaded with introjects from media based from Sonic The Hedgehog and. we thought you guys were big sonic fans. because your url is the name of two STH characters put together (Ebony from Sonic The Comic and Tails from the main games) ... we are still sticking around because we do really like your art (it makes us warm and fuzzy!!! /pos) but the tale is entirely Too funny to leave unsaid <3 we got way too excited LMAOOO /notneg Have a wonderful new year, from our collective to yours ! - Nicky , from the Lily OaSys
GEVSHSV thts the BST ntrprt8ion ivr hrd of our url in a LNG TME!! its so wholesome, i lov endng the yr w thise inform8ion!!
HNSTLY it feels lke the Sonic frnchse follows us wherevr we go. Ik Thise dsnt snd prtclrly intrstng, B ITS RLLY fnny 2 me n weird??? !!
JEJSJ we r a voic actr, so we ofc voic in projcts! uslly we voic in MLP stuff, b the SONIC frnchise hs been fndng its wy in2 our projcts SOMHW lke, a lt, and weve never even playd the sonic frnchise! i kno nthng abt it besides Tangle’s stry, + the livw fandub by snapcube KSJSK
isnt tht weird?? n i say yes 2 thm JSNJS hw we fnd theenprojcts is ppl fnd us n recmmnd us 2 othr dirctrs
the 1st 1 we’ve ever been in ws Quest For Garmony by CrissCross. We were voicing Twilight, n it ws 4 the videogme n audio drma, b we lft bc it wsnt goin anywhere 4 a looong tme. they fnd anyhr Twilught tho! n shes wrth wtchng if ur intrstd ^_^
We also got casted as Tangle in an upcoming comic dub of Tangle N Whisper? The dirctr of tht 1 castd us not bc we auditiond ncssrly, b bc he liked our natural voic 4 Tangle!! so nw whn ppl ask us who our fave sonic chrctr is, we r buasd 2 Tangle lol,,,
we then got castd recntly as Carol for a 7 Episode Freedom Fighters episode by MartanisIV! the Episode 2 we voics shld b comng out in New Year :^) or arnd tht
so NW,, evn if we dnt kno a lt abt Sonic, its RLY rlly entrtnng 2 me tht u thght of Sonic whle seeing our url!! coincidencs agn!!
The only art we evr mde tht ws Sonic rel8d ws concpt art 4 Quest For Harmony whn we usd 2 b in the developmnt sde of thngs. ill attch the inge here whn i fnd it in the ftre :^)
anywy thts my long stry, i hope u have a good new yr!!!
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ithisatanytime · 1 year
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heretherebedork · 2 years
Ooo candy color Paradox is more then ok. (still hope acting will be a bit better in future episode🙈)i must say a car scen i was blushing like school girl. Japan stop also both main are too cute to miss this show. We need more of Two co worker of main and *love consulting " bar employ one 😏This show is my coming back to mbs bl (the Ghost one i am still in murkle place irl to watch this) and make mistake to look at mdl comments after a while. wonder what is a reason almost all JBL were/are criticized a lot at mdl. A remember recenty Senpai/ kabeko were love like at tumblr/twitter vs the worst dramas ever on mdl. Impressions was we watch totalny diffrent drma. And same happen with candy. Most of people kn twitter and tumblr are this is fun mdl complain about everything
I have no idea about twitter or, honestly, most of tumblr. I have my tiny corner of fandom and I am content mostly with my own opinion. And MDL has some very, very strange POVs on a lot of shows. Never read MDL comments. They seem to be written by people who are watching the show on another planet half the time, honestly.
I am enjoying Candy Color Paradox a lot, honestly. They're interesting characters and I do love a good sunshine disaster, though I'm not always the biggest fan of the pissy tsundere who has to underplay all his emotions until the sunshine proves he couldn't take a hint with a 2x4.
I don't read MDL comments because when I occasionally have in the past I have always ended up wandering off wondering how people can be watching the same show and see everything so, so differently. And, yes, I've had that experience here as well (which I will not be discussing so send no asks, if you know you know) but it was different here... mostly.
Anyway, I've got no idea why MDL hates so many things and I've heard mixed things about twitter but here? Here I am content.
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cowsuponcows · 2 years
DRAMA DRAMA DRMA DRAMA <- Equius saw the fireballs and got angry about Karkat teehee
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