#drop diplo
darthcvntmvnch3r · 2 years
Drunk & high.. 😏😏
Let's get lit
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sgiandubh · 5 months
LOL... she was also unhappy with Sam's absence from that event in Germany and his presence at the Glasgow event. In fact, she is never satisfied with absolutely anything about him. A tremendous smell of despair and rejection... https://www.tumblr.com/maximumwobblerbanditdonut/747778111526092800/1-hour-is-the-average-flight-time-from-paris-to?source=share
"The evidence doesn't lie, people do." 🙄 🙄 🙄 Jesus...calm down, woman...
Dear Calm Down Anon,
To quote The Genius:
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Read her lips, people: she's been thinking about it.
I am currently in my book-invaded room, with boxes all around me, Baby the Diplodog taking roughly 3/4 of my king-sized Provence bed. I am also thinking, but the thoughts I do think might be of a more trivial nature:
don't forget to phone Lola (and now Baby)'s vet for a meet & greet appointment
get new, Romanian plates for Zorba the Car
phone the MFA and send back Greek Diplo plates with the customs' clearance
phone the MFA to get back my gasoline, accommodation and luggage shipping expenses
phone Mr. Zhou, my Chinese acupuncturist. My neck is killing me.
manage to tuck in four luncheons in town, three let's get some drinks and another two drop by for a chat - until Sunday
To obsess about S's Hyrox Rigmarole I and Rigmarole II is a bit much, when you have things to do, in real life.
This is also very enlightening, I think:
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This is the kind of vindicative crap I just hate to read. People who write this particular kind of vindicative crap (or who paint a filthy portrait of you, publicly, to their friends of friends, just to seem RIGHTEOUS) are probably the same kind of people who would have sent anonymous letters to the Gestapo, telling them those very nice neighbors across the street are hiding Jews in their attic.
In her case, the plea is just ridiculous. Like the planet would give a flying fuck about some amateur competition's stats. Sure thing, it's childishly disingenuous of S to do that (if he did it). But as far as I know, these are not the Olympic Games or something. And even if a Hyrox Glasgow zealot would blacklist S, I think he and the fandom would survive it.
That woman's life must be so empty, even the echo in her parlor took some days off.
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milequaritchsslut · 2 years
Don’t forget my love
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Based on the song Don’t Forget My Love by Diplo and Miguel
Part 2 here!
Notes📝:Humans can breathe Pandora oxygen somehow idk how but they just do. Reader is pretty young like still in their 20’s after the humans came back 🫣 I just like having the reader young!
Warnings⚠️: Mentions of death, Miles dying, Mentions of cheating, Heartbreak, Mentions of guns, Crying, Mentions of conceiving, Betrayal, (just a lot of sadness)
Background: Y/n and miles went their separate ways since y/n chose to fight for the enemy. Little did she know she’d ever see him again…
All you thought about was him your husband Miles Quaritch after the last war. After the day was done and you had settled into bed just about to go to sleep there he was in plain sight. You couldn’t rid him out of your head the feeling of him being gone was just too much. You remember it as clear as day.
The last time you saw him you had met on the battlefield on opposing sides. You and Norm had been best friends since you had settled on pandora. He had notified you of the plans they had to side with the Na’vi you hated how the humans treated the people of pandora. It wasn’t right in your eyes. But you couldn’t just leave your husband the whole reason you were here was because of him. But you quickly rid him of your mind as you agreed to help break grace and the others out of jail.
You stood there with your clothes ripped in half from all the fighting you had done you had probably killed dozens of marines to just get to this moment. Gun in one hand the other hanging on your side as you made eye contact with him. Tears started filling up your eyes as you ran to him as he opened his arms. Sobbing in your husbands arms. You hated how things were going you loved him so much but he was an enemy from the other side. Letting go you looked up meeting his gaze with teary eyes.
“Miles you can still make this right and join us pls” Wiping tears from your eyes as you prayed inside he would listen.
his smile quickly dropped at the sound of your words. His duty was to his planet Earth. He hated fighting with you but he couldn’t betray his people. That was where his love for you ended you would never be more important than his loyalty to his home. The realization of this sent shivers down your spine watching his expressions change so fast causing anger to cloud your mind he didn’t have to say one thing to tell you his answer you could read him like a book. “Now I think we both know the answer to this princess” the sound of disappointment ringing through your ears as his words poured out.
Taking a deep breathe and standing back from him and collecting yourself trying to sound strong “I shouldn’t be conversing with an enemy should I then? That’s all you are to me miles just an enemy” Why were you lying when you both knew that wasn’t the truth. Maybe it was to make this departure easier or maybe to make it feel like this was the right thing to do. No it was none of those things it was simply to make him leave you couldn’t betray your cause no matter the reason. He came so close but not enough to make you a traitor. You had never told anyone about this encounter it was too emotional to talk about. Once the war was over you enjoyed this victory as you rejoiced with the Na’vi and the humans who stayed. But you couldn’t rid the feeling of heartbreak in the back of your mind. He was your husband you had shared so many moments to just forget about him like that. But you knew you’d never see that man again at least that was what you thought.
After the war ended and the humans went back to earth getting used to this new way of life was hard. You had decided to stick with Jake and Neytiri and the clan. You were welcomed with open arms since you had aided in the war. Your thoughts got in the way sometimes the thinking that they only led you in with them out of pity since everything you had known your whole life was gone so fast. You were always reassured by Jake and Neytiri. You and Neytiri had gotten close with your time on pandora you had worked with grace in the school and had created a strong bond with the young Na’vi. There was only about a 5 year gap between you two but it made no difference.
You felt almost like family with Jake and Neytiri. You were the one to help aid in every single one of Neytiris pregnancies. Even some of the younger Na’vi children called you “y/n sully” when talking about you. You found comfort in that this was a chance to turn over a new leaf and leave your life on earth in the past. You were eventually known as an add on to the sully family. You slept with them, ate with them, hunted with them. You were the one to help take care of the children when Jake and Neytiri were gone and you loved it. You never wanted any of your own but it was nice to take care of them. You watched them grow up right in front of you.
Though you had created an almost mother-son relationship with the young human boy named spider. You loved him like he was your own since he was Miles child. You hadn’t known Miles had cheated but you didn’t hold it against spider it wasn’t his fault. As he got older you started seeing miles in him more and more. You knew you shouldn’t like it but you did he reminded you of what a great man Miles really was before you both took the job on Pandora. You found yourself putting most of your attention on spider since he did need a mother figure and Neytiri wasn’t trying to apply for the role. You taught him almost everything you knew. It was hard but Jake helped you along the way. You were so grateful that the sully family treated spider as their own. Though you noticed how Neytiri acted towards the boy you ignored it because it didn’t matter as long as you were together.
But this happiness didn’t last long, only a decade after the war the humans came back and they weren’t about to back down. You remember having to hold a sobbing spider in your arms rocking him back and forth whispering reassuring words to him. He had only heard the horror stories about the humans that the other Na’vi had told. He was horrified the night the humans ships arrived. That night you had made a vow to never leave him behind in any sense. And you stood by that no matter where he went you were always behind him. Of course you let him roam around but never too far thr fear that the humans would take him from you and use him as ransom to find Jakes hideout scared the living shit out of you. You couldn’t loose anyone else in your life who was that important to you.
“Come on keep up mom!” The young boy yelled to excited to slow down for you. Jumping over a tree vine trying to keep up with the boy you yelled
“Your too fast for me spider!” You yelled focusing your attention on your destination. Today you had promised spider you would teach him how to hunt a sturmbeest. A large buffalo like creature the Na’vi ate with most meals. Breathing in the fresh air of the forest you looked around to realize you had reached their grazing area. “Spider come we have reached it!” As you gasped for air you had been running for almost 30 minutes straight. Leaning down to rest your hands on your knees you felt a pat on the back from the boy looking down at you. Coming up for air you looked at the boy giving a quick smile before taking his hand in yours and walking to find your prey.
“How many of these things have you killed mom?” Looking up at you as you looked around for your target.
“Hm about 5 I think!” Your eyes widening as you locked eyes on a young sturmbeest. Quickly looking down at your son and putting a finger in your mouth to be quiet he nodded as you both crouched down behind a fallen tree trunk.
Grabbing your bow and arrow out of your holster you quickly handed it to him. You made sure to be silent so the only thing you could hear was the breeze blowing the trees back and forth.
Making sure you kept your voice low you explained “Now bring the arrow up” lifting his arms up to find his stance to shoot.
“yes yes just like that sweetie” moving your hands to his chin lifting it up to focus on the beast. You quickly gave him a thumbs up to signal it was ok to shoot. Just as he let go of the arrow you watched as the animal quickly ran away. Standing up from your position you pushed his hand down to stop shooting. Waiting for silence you watched a group of toned na’vi with guns walked through the clearing where the animal was just standing. They were all army clothing with guns in their hands as they looked around. There was about 11 of them with an expectionally tall male na’vi leading them as they came closer. Jumping down you quickly pulled spider down with you, as you both moved back trying to not be in their line of sight. You watched as they conversed with one another as they searched the area.
You knew if you didn’t leave now you wouldn’t be able to leave. You stood up with spider on your side. You watched as the strange Na’vi caught onto your movements. Quickly running the opposite direction you could hear them calling you to stop.
“HEY GET BACK HERE!” One yelled as you ran with spider moving leaves out of your way.
Looking back to see how close the Na’vi group was you accidentally tripped causing your body to crash onto the hard earth. As you held yourself up you felt a thrashing pain in your ankle. You figured you had twisted it there was no way you were gonna make it out of there you thought.
“MOM!” Spider yelled running back to you
“NO LEAVE ME SPIDER GO!” Grunting trying to flip yourself over to see your enemy’s faces. “B-BUT MOM-“ He was quickly cut off by your harsh orders
“SPIDER LEAVE ME I WILL BE OK” You could handle this yourself even with a twisted ankle. Now sitting up you quickly turned around to watch the young boy dashing ahead.
Smiling to yourself you were just glad he was going to be safe and sound. You knew he would warn the others that the humans were tracking them. As you turned your head forward you found yourself being towered over by a tall Na’vi male. Looking over his body you saved a mental note of how muscular this one was in particular. He looked like he was made of full lean muscle. His army cargos fitting just right in his small hips, the curve of his waist going up to his sweaty pecs. Looking at his neck you watched as the sweat moved in droplets making his body glisten in the sun.
Moving up from his neck to his face it reminded you of someone but you couldn’t quite place it. He didn’t look like any of the Na’vi men you had ever seen. Maybe it was just deja vu of some sort you figured. You slowly watched his eyes widen and his lips part as he knelt down to your small human level.
Letting out a hiss at the man from the nerve he had to get so close to you. You watched as he examined your face and your body almost like you were an art piece at an art show. You couldn’t help but be confused from why he hadn’t put you in handcuffs yet or had not killed you. Slowly bringing his hand up to cup your face you quickly slapped the demons hand away. Was he crazy or just dumb you thought?
“Damn little lady you remind me of my wife!” He confessed flashing a welcoming smirk at you as you just sat there trying to put up a strong front though you were dying in pain.
That sentence sounded so familiar to you like something miles… And there he was the man who left on the battlefield so long ago.
“Miles?” You blurted out to be met with a shocked expression on the man’s face.
“Y/n?” He responded quickly standing up trying to figure out what was going on he thought you had surely died on the battlefield. A femble human like you would had never made it out alive but somehow that day you did.
“Oh hell nah” You were not about to go through this again, not today. Placing your hands beside you, you tried pushing yourself up with any strength that you had left. To only be pushed back down by one of the Na’vi soldiers behind you.
“You better settle down sweetheart” he said with only getting a hiss in response.
You watched as they all formed a circle in front of you trying to decide what to do with you. You saw this as an opportunity and quickly got up ignoring the shooting pains all across your body. Fighting through it you ran as far as you could dragging your ankle with you as the sounds of Miles and his group running came closer and closer till you felt a pair of arms pull you by your hair.
“FUCK OFF!” Holding the root of your hair to lower the pain you were pulled to the ground laying in between his legs.
“We both knew that wasn’t gonna work princess”
“Do not call me that”
“Don’t go all hard ass on me now I’m still your husband yk?”
“That marriage ended years ago”
That might’ve been true but the love never truly went away you couldn’t deny the spark you felt when you realized who he was, and neither did he. That build up in your stomach whenever you thought about him. The way your heart beat sped up when you got too close.
One of the soldiers who was missing all his hair turned to miles and started conversing but you couldn’t hear much. After a long silence he finally nodded his head looking back down at you.
“Your coming with us sweet cheeks”
Rolling your eyes in response. Holding out an arm to help you up and taking it out of pure desperation he quickly had you in his arms bridal style with your arms tight around his neck.
“I missed this y/n” whispering into your ear walking back to the helicopter.
“Shut up”
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qnewsau · 4 days
Kylie Minogue Tension tour
New Post has been published on https://qnews.com.au/kylie-minogue-tension-tour/
Kylie Minogue Tension tour
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It’s official… Kylie Minogue will finally return to Australian stages for the first time in years with her highly anticipated Tension Tour in 2025.
It’s been an excruciating wait for Aussies after Kylie’s renaissance last year with banger Padam Padam and album Tension.
At that time, the singer was focusing on her Las Vegas residency. The residency wrapped up in May, and we’ve known for months that a world tour announcement was coming.
The Australian icon has confirmed that she’s heading out on the road for her biggest tour since 2011.
As we revealed last week, Kylie Minogue will start her tour in Australia, performing in Perth on February 15, 2025, before concerts across Asia, the UK, and beyond.
Kylie also finally confirmed the rumours that a new album, titled Tension II, is out next month.
The new collection of nine new tracks and Kylie’s collaborations on October 18, 2024.
The lead single, titled Lights Camera Action, drops September 27. The new song is available to pre-save now.
Kylie said she is “beyond excited” to finally announce the Tension Tour 2025.
“I can’t wait to share beautiful and wild moments with fans all over the world, celebrating the Tension era and more,” she said.
“It’s been an exhilarating ride so far, and now, get ready for your close up because I will be calling Lights, Camera, Action … and there will be a whole lot of Padaming!”
  View this post on Instagram
  A post shared by Kylie Minogue (@kylieminogue)
  View this post on Instagram
  A post shared by Kylie Minogue (@kylieminogue)
Kylie Minogue’s Australian tour dates:
Saturday 15 February – RAC Arena, Perth, WA Tuesday 18 February – Adelaide Entertainment Centre, Adelaide, SA Thursday 20 February – Rod Laver Arena, Melbourne, VIC Friday 21 February – Rod Laver Arena, Melbourne, VIC Wednesday 26 February – Brisbane Entertainment Centre, Brisbane, QLD Saturday 1 March – Qudos Bank Arena, Sydney, NSW Sunday 2 March – Qudos Bank Arena, Sydney, NSW
Tension II tracklist:
Lights Camera Action Taboo Someone For Me Good As Gone Kiss Bang Bang Diamonds Hello Dance To The Music Shoulda Left Ya Edge Of Saturday Night (with The Blessed Madonna) My Oh My (with Bebe Rexha & Tove Lo) Midnight Ride (with Orville Peck & Diplo) Dance Alone (with Sia)
For the latest LGBTIQA+ Sister Girl and Brother Boy news, entertainment, community stories in Australia, visit qnews.com.au. Check out our latest magazines or find us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube.
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dearjohnnyz · 1 month
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djscuffs · 1 year
New Mix! Live at Cabana Pool Bar, Summer 2023. 2 hours of Dance, Pop, House, Baile Funk, Jersey Club, and more mixed by DJ SCUFFS. Featuring music from Doja Cat, Rihanna, Avicii, Jengi, Central Cee, and more! 
Barbatuques – Baianá – DJ Larry-T Remix Diplo, Charli Xcx, Herve Pagez – Spicy  Jamelia – Superstar – Stavros Martina & Kevin D Remix Nelly – Hot In Herre – Da Phonk vs Lules & Naken Remix Doja Cat – Woman  Doja Cat – Woman ft. Ariana Grande, Nicki Minaj, Dua Lipa, Missy Elliott (Remix) Timbaland ft. Keri Hilson & D.O.E. – The Way I Are – Stavros Martina & Kevin D Remix Bell Biv DeVoe – Poison – Bastian Bell Remix Timbaland ft. Justin Timberlake & Nelly Furtado – Give It To Me – Le Boeuf Remix ACRAZE – Do It To It FT Cherish Dillon Francis – Goodies Kanye West – Mercy – FOMO Remix Bruno Mars vs. Timmy Trumpet & Kastra – Uptown Funk (HMC 2019 Bootleg) Rihanna – Rude Boy (AANSE Remix) Jain – Makeba – Jerry Wallis Remix Shenseea & Megan Thee Stallion – Lick – Anthem Kingz Finer Things Edit Crystal Waters – Gypsy Woman (She’s Homeless) – Anthem Kingz Don’t Stop Moving Edit Jorja Smith – Little Things x Gypsy Woman (L BEATS MASHUP) David Guetta/Kid Cudi – Memories (feat. Kid Cudi) – 2021 Remix Avicii – Levels – RICHIE ROZEX Remix Daft Punk – One More Time – Lambue, Guztav & Siëma Remix Tag Team – Whoomp! There It Is – DJ Serg Remix LMFAO – Party Rock Anthem – Tony B & Vocalteknix Remix Eve ft. Gwen Stefani – Let Me Blow Ya Mind – Anthem Kingz Work My Body Edit Central Cee – Doja – Vunzige Deuntjes SoundSystem Remix LMFAO – Sexy And I Know It – Richastic Remix Barbatuques – Baianá – Rogerson Remix Jengi – Bel Mercy Rihanna – Rude Boy (Klean Remix) Nina Sky x CHAMOS – Move Ya Body Shenseea & Megan Thee Stallion – Lick – ETX Coolie Dance Riddim Edit Bob Sinclar ft. Big Ali – Rock This Party (Everybody Dance Now) – MIKIS & ZING Remix Richastic – The Roof Is On Fire – Tall Boys Clap Intro Don Omar ft. Lucenzo – Danza Kuduro – Kevin D & Sven & Rolf Remix Farruko – Pepas (Smoothies Baile Funk Remix) Pitbull – Give Me Everything (BeatBreaker ‘Barranquilla’ Banger) Mark Ronson – Uptown Funk FT BRUNO MARS (Club Breakerz x Medy Landia Mambo Edit) DJ Katch – Banga Black Eyed Peas – My Humps – Stavros Martina & Kevin D Remix Robin Thicke ft. Pharrell – Blurred Lines – Stavros Martina & Kevin D Remix Rihanna ft. Calvin Harris – We Found Love – DSM League Remix Delirious & Alex K ft. Max-A-Million – Sexual Healing – Anthem Kingz Closer Edit Koffee   – Toast (262 Remix) James Hype/Miggy Dela Rosa/Oliver Heldens – Ferrari – Oliver Heldens Remix Axwell Λ Ingrosso – More Than You Know (Extended Mix)  Avicii – Levels – DJ Serg Remix Technotronic – Pump Up The Jam – Sico Vox Remix Tag Team – Whoomp! There It Is – Lincoln Baio Money Edit Salt-N-Pepa x Megan Thee Stallion – Push It Flamin Hottie (Jonney Miles Segue) City Girls – Twerkulator – MarkCutz Remix Megan Thee Stallion – Thot Shit – DJ Serg Sniper Move Shake Drop Edit Rihanna – Only Girl (In The World) – Stavros Martina & Kevin D Remix Rihanna – Don’t Stop The Music – Trayze Carnival Remix Taio Cruz – Dynamite – ZIGGY & Replay M Remix Flo Rida ft. Sesman – Low – Richastic Remix  DJ Crell/Silez – Do it To it – Baile Funk Remix J Balvin & Skrillex – In Da Getto Barbatuques – Baianà – Jack Back Remix Steve Aoki Daddy Yankee Play-N-Skillz and Elvis Crespo – Azukita (CloudNine Intro Edit) Deorro – Bailar (Afro Bros Bootleg) Steve Aoki & Willy William ft. Sean Paul, El Alfa – Mambo Jengi – Bel Mercy – Richtanner Remix  Wiley & Sean Paul & Stefflon Don feat. Idris Elba – Wale – Boasty (Grandtheft x Wuki Dub) Rihanna – Don’t Stop The Music – Richastic Remix
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thesinglesjukebox · 3 months
Pride Month may be over, but midnight rides on...
Kylo Nocom: Orville Peck, as far as I'm aware, has always been bad winking kitsch with an occasionally tender moment. Kylie Minogue's brief, inexplicable genre dalliance was underappreciated for its solid pop songwriting, overshadowed by the easy headline of "Kylie Goes Country!" Diplo is somehow still getting work. Unfortunately, this track is like the worst instincts of each transformed into some horrific hydra. Orville's pained groaning clashes against Kylie's whispers and belting, neither finding a spot where they complement each other; still, the song chugs on! There's even a goofy whistle drop thrown in there, like a "fuck you, I'm here too!" from Diplo himself. [1]
Alfred Soto: I guess they're going for the contrast between Kylie Minogue's libidinous squeak and Orville Peck's bullfrog gravitas. Perhaps all involved hoped the presence of Kylie would transform "Midnight Ride" into "Baby I'm Burnin'" for the post-Diplo era. I'll admit it sounds as uncharacteristic of its moment as Zach Bryan's "Pink Skies."  [5]
TA Inskeep: Peck's and Minogue's voices pair okay enough, but Diplo (I'm gonna blame him) doesn't bring much to the song's production. If you want true disco country, go for Adam Mac's "Disco Cowboy," which gets it right in every way "Midnight Ride" doesn't. [4]
Wayne Weizhen Zhang: This is extremely sexy until you come to the realization that it seems like within the canon of the song Orville Peck is wooing Kylie Minogue, and then it’s suddenly hilarious but not quite camp. It doesn’t help that the chirpy whistle motif sounds jacked from a Flo Rida song.  [6]
Ian Mathers: Peck continues to have the kind of voice that makes questions of camp and pastiche irrelevant (it is and it isn't and who cares?), and as great a performer as Minogue is, always, her voice pales in comparison. Diplo's production continues to be either uninteresting or so ubiquitous as to seem uninteresting -- suggesting, once more and with renewed force, that it's probably worth finding someone else to work with. [4]
Nortey Dowuona: Fuck Diplo and fuck critically engaging with his music. (Orville and Kylie sound real fucking good tho.) (Also the drum programing is fucking terrible.)  [5]
Katherine St. Asaph: Fuck Diplo. That out of the way, Orville Peck is still kinda giving Meat Loaf, and the panting melodrama certainly aspires to be giving Jim Steinman, though its execution lacks chest heave. [6]
Taylor Alatorre: "Fake it 'til you make it," they say, but this song's fake-confidence in its own radio potential is stripped bare after the tongue-in-cheek harlequinisms of the spoken-word bridge. It could be that Orville Peck became aware that "Midnight Ride" wasn't organically generating the sense of windswept drama that he'd been banking on, and so a turn to the extra-musical was a brute necessity; or he was so starstruck by Kylie's presence that he wrote an entire song for the sole purpose of reciting this breathless soap opera dialogue with her. Either way, it's a creative choice that communicates far more than the arid verses or the overcrowded choruses do, though unfortunately far less than the Diplo-by-numbers whistle hook does. [3]
Brad Shoup: Peck is snapped to Kylie's wavelength, from the sneaky homages in his phrasing to the unapologetic pleasure-seeking: inhaling all the heat he can before getting bored. That extends to the production—not the campfire camp, the vibe of which is essentially "Big Enough" with the sound off—but the cruise-control disco. There's barely anything left for her to do! He gets to wriggle a little on the spoken bridge, but this is more a one-reel gag than a widescreen romp.  [5]
Jonathan Bradley: For all the gothic Western drama Peck promises in "Midnight Ride," he delivers a trot through a rather featureless landscape. Perhaps that's for the best as far as Kylie's concerned; her last collaboration with a theatrical baritone prima donna gave her a much richer role, but she also ended up bludgeoned beside a river. Here, she's just whistled at. [4]
Mark Sinker: “Dumb or not much to say?” porque no los dos.jpg  [4]
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samanthasgone · 4 months
Midnight Ride by Orvelle Peck, Kylie Minogue and Diplo releasing this Friday ☑️
Bad Omens merch drop this Friday ☑️
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wyattvsmusic · 2 years
Skrillex - Quest For Fire / Don’t Get Too Close ALBUM REVIEWS
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From 2011-2014, Skrillex was synonymous with the boom of dubstep and big room EDM as he was churning out hits and was known for his signature “wubs.” In 2014, he put out his debut album, Recess which I was pretty mixed about as I liked a lot of things about it but certain songs and features just missed the mark. Since Recess, the only other album that Skrillex has put out was his Jack U collaboration with Diplo. After that, he stepped back from the spotlight, continuing to produce some pretty big records for people like Justin Bieber but his production was noticeably different as he strayed away from the brostep sound and made more pop songs. This departure in sound is a pretty natural segue into the sound of his newest albums, which are his first proper studio albums since Recess came out 9 years ago. He recently opened up on Twitter about his struggles with alcoholism after the passing of his mother in 2015 and spent this time in between albums focusing on his wellbeing. He seems to be in a much better place now considering he put out two new albums and has been playing pop up shows with Four Tet and Fred again.., which look really fun and these two producers seem to be having a good influence on the artistic direction of Skrillex’s new albums. Quest For Fire is an album full of nonstop bangers that are much more stripped back compared to the typical Skrillex sound that he was known for. While there are plenty of exciting dubstep songs on this album, there’s a lot more variety in the music as he heavily incorporates elements of house, UK Garage, and Chicago Juke into the music, which to me is a very welcome change in sound as I prefer these styles. The music emphasizes the groove more than the drop even though there are plenty of incredible beat drops on the album but no wubs which I am completely fine with. The album starts with Leave Me Like This, which has one of the most epic house drops on the entire album. Because it was a single, it feels weird as an intro but it hits just as hard every single time. I love the clunky drum sounds that he incorporates in the song as well. The song RATATA is an explosive banger featuring a very exciting feature from Missy Elliott, who sounds amazing on these types of tracks. Tears has somewhat of that dubstep bounce to it. I like the eerieness of that song. The song Rumble is a welcome change in sound as Skrillex collaborates with Fred again.. for a glitchy yet minimal mid-tempo dance song featuring a show-stealing appearance from Grime legend Flowdan, who delivers another incredible performance on the song Hydrate. I am glad that Flowdan is now getting more exposure to a new generation of people who might not know about Grime or Flowdan’s status within UK music. The song Butterflies is a nice club-ready house song with a great feature from Starrah, who delivers an even better performance on the dubstep-inspired Good Space. My favorite three-song run comes in the middle of the album with Inhale Exhale, which has great vocal contributions from Aluna, whose voice gets looped and placed into one of the filthiest drops on the whole album. The song has a nice bounce to it and pairs perfectly with A Street I Know, which has one of the catchiest melodies on the entire album as well as a nice groove to it. The song Xena probably has the best buildup/drop combo if we want to compare it to previous Skrillex songs as the contributions from Nai Barghouti are hypnotic and builds perfectly into a bombastic yet minimal drop as the rattling drums make up the entire drop and keep building back up. I think it’s such a clean transition and makes for a better song. The drop towards the end of the song switches into a house song but still continues to blend the original rattle into the beat. I think Too Bizarre is the perfect redemption for Coast Is Clear as Skrillex finally made a good Juked song. Swae Lee sounds great on the song. The only song I didn’t care for much on this album was Supersonic as I just found it underwhelming. Still Here closes out the album nicely with a 2-step Garage beat that samples Snoh Aalegra’s Time. I don’t love the high-pitched effects but it’s a good song. Quest For Fire is a new and improved Skrillex making a triumphant return during EDM’s new rise in popularity. He might lose a lot of his original audience with this new sound but I think this album contains the best songs that he has ever made. His return has multiple sides to it as he released his third album, Don’t Get Too Close the day after Quest For Fire. While I think it’s great that Skrillex showcases his versatility with these two albums, I think Don’t Get Too Close is a serious decline in quality. While I don’t hate it and I’m not a big fan of the more pop/emo-heavy sound of this album, I just don’t think it’s very good. I liked the slow rework of Leave Me Like This that starts the album and I liked the jungle-inspired Way Back with a good feature from Pinkpantheress but I really did not the Trippie Redd feature. I thought Selecta with BEAM was very good and made me realize where the sample from Rumble comes from, which was cool as Skrillex has sampled his own songs before to make even better songs (First of The Year). I thought Summertime with Kid Cudi was very good, Swae Lee sounded good on Mixed Signals, and I liked the way the album closed with Painting Rainbows. However, the rest of the album was just not very good in my opinion. It’s not really my type of music to begin with but I didn’t care for the features all that much and Skrillex’s singing on the title track wasn’t too great either. Don’t Get Too Close is definitely the inferior album but does not spoil my enjoyment of Quest For Fire, which is easily one of the best albums of the year so far.
Fav Tracks from Quest For Fire: Leave Me Like This, RATATA, Tears, Rumble, Inhale Exhale, A Street I Know, Xena
Fav Tracks from Don’t Get Too Close: Don’t Leave Me Like This, Way Back, Selecta, Summertime, Painting Rainbows
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greendragonette · 11 months
Ark No Engrams Challenge, (ingame) days 1-5:
Tamed two garbage diplo females for eggs and storage, and after a few pathetic tries, a low-level monkey.
Moschops is a godsend. Tamed a few garbage-to-mid levels and after some leveling took my best male crate hunting. Reached snow biome, took a detour to redwood border for a yellow ringed drop that gave me a good chitin chest blueprint and a god-tier longneck rifle (so sad I won't be able to use that :( ). Snake put me asleep, but neighbouring paracers stomped it. Nice of them.
Took out low-levels alpha carno and theri too close to my base, and, emboldened by the success, an alpha raptor next to Red Obelisk. Still no spyglass, so found out it was max level only after chomping it. Both alphas were distracted for a good half of battles, named moschops Saitama anyways. He deserved that. His son was garbage though so he ended as meat. Only after returning noticed I left monkey at base *facepalm*
Took a fairly high level male moschops home, went for a green drop from Footpaw islet to Southern Islet. Alpha Megalodon in the water - no biggie, slow enough to occasionally nibble Saitama's toes, whose AOE was big enough to bite back. Beach's getting closer, suddenly something ahead jumps in water and goes for us. Baryonyx. Uh-oh. Stunned off Saitama, of course. We're as good as dead, at least left all loot at base and chopses are making a spare drop hunter.
Lo and behold, bary had to nick meg because they are going for each other hard. Took my chance, Saitama and monkey (named Oris - butchered Osiris) and left at full speed. No drop, but survived. Ark's gods were merciful so far. Returned home the long, ground way.
Wild dinos kept bothering my tames, so sacrificed two tranq arrows I had and tamed a good dilo who accosted me in the woods, instead of iguanodon I couldn't find in the night. Male, sadly, but now I have a smol base support. Hatched moschops egg, triplet males. Melee is awful, but stam and hp are very good, so considering them become Saitama's spares. For now, named them after Donald Duck's nephews and working on imprinting. Bonus speed is always nice on something so slow.
Tamed a min level diplo female. Considered offing her instead as she kept bumping kids into water, but easy tame and vision of mid kibble won. Really should tame some dodos and lystros though, got rare flowers from trip to snow border. Can be kept on neutral, too.
I drown in prime meat and own a decent ichthyosaur saddle blueprint, so maybe I should look for one.
Hesitating to move base; I have space to build and mats for a garden, but can't really see farther drops and have a very long way for good ones in redwoods.
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umamidaddy · 1 year
Faster, Pussycat! Kill! Kill! (Russ Meyer, 1965) X “Late Nite Tip” (Unstoppable Mix by Three 6 Mafia, Diplo & Santigold off the Top Ranking Mixtape, 2008)
This homicidal go-go dancer 60’s sexploitation film by noted boob-man Russ Meyer is paired with an equally bonkers mash-up of Three 6 Mafia and Santigold. The “Top Ranking: A Diplo Dub” mixtape that I pulled this track from is incredible, capturing Santigold right after she dropped her self-titled album and Diplo mixes in album tracks with Devo, B-52’s, the Clash, Sir Mix-A-Lot, etc. The movie is one of John Waters’ favorites, so that should be all the endorsement you need.
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qnewsau · 15 days
Is Kylie Minogue starting her 2025 world tour in Australia?
New Post has been published on https://qnews.com.au/is-kylie-minogue-starting-her-2025-world-tour-in-australia/
Is Kylie Minogue starting her 2025 world tour in Australia?
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Kylie Minogue could be back on Australian stages as early as February 2025, as tea starts to spill that a Tension world tour announcement is coming very, very soon.
It’s been an excruciating wait for Aussies after Kylie’s renaissance last year with banger Padam Padam and album Tension.
At that time, the singer was focusing on her Las Vegas residency. After the residency wrapped up in May, Kylie’s schedule opened up.
For months, we’ve known that a world tour is coming. But music industry chatter about details and dates has ramped up over the last few weeks.
A tour announcement could even drop as soon as next week.
However it’s understood Kylie is planning to start the world tour in Australia in February 2025, at the end of our summer.
UK’s The Sun has also reported that US cities are next, before Kylie does arena shows in the UK and then all over Europe over summer in the Northern Hemisphere.
In July, Kylie herself casually dropped confirmation of an upcoming Australian tour during a radio interview here.
“I want to say yes. Yes. The answer is yes! We’re just locking down details,” she told the Fifi, Fev and Nick show on The Fox 101.9 in Melbourne.
“Maybe I wasn’t meant to say that, but yeah.”
Kylie Minogue hasn’t gone out on tour since Golden
Kylie Minogue’s last big gig in Australia was the huge Sydney WorldPride closing concert last year.
The upcoming Tension tour will be her first since the Golden era, with follow-up album Disco recorded and released at the height of the pandemic.
In July, Kylie was to headline Australian festival Splendour in the Grass, before the entire event was sadly cancelled.
After Tension last year, Kylie has been dropping collaborations all year – Dance Alone with Sia in February, Midnight Ride with out country star Orville Peck and Diplo in June, My Oh My with Bebe Rexha and Tove Lo in July and Edge of Saturday Night with The Blessed Madonna last month.
There’s more new music on the way too. Kylie shared that she was in the studio with UK EDM pro Joel Corry, amid talk of work on a “full-on dance album” at the time.
The Aussie icon recently signed a multi-million dollar Netflix deal for a documentary. That project is reportedly set to start filming before the end of the year.
Read more:
Kylie Minogue lets slip huge Australian tour news
Kylie Minogue goes clubbing in Edge of Saturday Night video
Fans petition to name laneway after Kylie and Dannii Minogue
Kylie signs a huge deal with Netflix for mystery project
For the latest LGBTIQA+ Sister Girl and Brother Boy news, entertainment, community stories in Australia, visit qnews.com.au. Check out our latest magazines or find us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube.
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afrobeatsindacity · 2 years
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From West Africa to London to Latin America, Joeboy has been making serious waves across the world in recent years. Now the Nigerian hitmaker has announced a mini headline tour of the UK, taking in dates in London, Manchester and Birmingham in May and June 2023.
With a UK fan-base hungry to see him perform live, tickets are expected to go quickly - so with this in mind Joeboy’s team have shared a registration link for fans to sign up for priority access to avoid any disappointment - here.
“I wanted to give all my UK fans access to my upcoming shows, I felt sharing a sign up link ahead of the tour would be the most fair option for this.” Joeboy says “I love my UK fans and I can not wait to bring my live show to London, Manchester and Birmingham.”
The Afropop star will be performing tracks from his upcoming album, Body & Soul. Dropping in April, the 14 track LP boasts tracks full of love, good vibes and happiness - filled back-to-front with Joeboy’s trademark free-flowing lyricism and radiant riddims, and featuring contributions from a wealth of Nigerian talent.
Having established himself as one of Afrobeats' biggest hitmakers, Joeboy has accrued over three billion streams, working with cohorts such as Diplo, CKay and Mr Eazi. Known for penning love songs which pull from African and Caribbean vibes, his music has garnered global media support from outlets such as Rolling Stone, COLORS, Vice, Billboard, Complex, and The FADER.
The Lagos native released his debut EP Love & Light in November 2019 and appeared on the #1 single in 2020 ‘Nobody’ with DJ Neptune and Mr Eazi. He followed this early success with 2021’s debut album Somewhere Between Beauty & Magic. The 14-song LP received rave reviews, with Rolling Stone declaring it as "one of the year’s best albums''. It was just the beginning for Joeboy as his next track ‘Sip (Alcohol)’ became his biggest single to date, fast approaching 700 million streams worldwide. With the track topping Apple Music’s streaming chart in 17 countries, Joeboy would finish 2021 as the year’s most streamed artist worldwide on Audiomack. 
Bringing his good time vibes to UK shores is the next step for an artist making his mark on a flourishing global Afrobeats scene. Sign up for tickets here.
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clubcybiria · 2 years
Remembered this song out of the blue today and this version is quite interesting! SOPHIE's contribution definitely aged much better than Diplo's abrasive drop. The official release still goes hard however it feels more like a product of its time to me, maybe it is the childhood nostalgia peaking through lol.
Really sucks that SOPHIE is no longer credited on spotify, I read somewhere that the official release still used her deadname so perhaps something went wrong over the years :/
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heartsoftruth · 2 years
He seems so drunk lol I love that hes having a great time 😂😂
Hahhaha, the first few videos he looked ok but that other one where he just screamed in the mic with a Destiny's Child song playing 😂😂😂 I presume that was at the end of the night. And clever him for wearing sunglasses.
They should have snatched that mic out of his hands when he was counting till 4 before the music dropped. While Diplo expected him to go till 3 (logically), but I guess GOAT's do it different hahaha.
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p-evvy · 6 days
I hope diplo just drops dead on the pavement. Now please.
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