#drt 3??
Wait...Art and Pangina in the Philippines...
the Drag Race Thai set is rumoured to be the DRPh set...
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justafriend-ql · 8 months
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Do you think all people are equal? DANGEROUS ROMANCE Episode 1
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lamonnaie · 5 months
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it's just me and my 9 (and counting) unnamed and unfinished dangerous romance fics against the world
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seiunsky2520 · 1 year
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自律神経を構成する交感神経は 二重支配と相反支配という2つの原則で 体内環境を一定に範囲内に保つ恒常性(ホメオスタシス)を守る。 二重支配とは 一つの臓器や組織を交感神経と副交感神経がダブルで束ねることをさす。 どちらか一方のみが司る臓器は汗腺などの 例外を除くと存在しない。 相反支配とは 交感神経と副交感神経が対照的な役割を果たすという意味です。 交感神経は心臓を刺激して心拍を速め 副交感神経は心臓を抑制して心拍を遅くする。 胃腸は交感神経がブレーキを踏んで 消化吸収を抑え 副交感神経がアクセルを踏んで消化吸収を進める。 スイッチが入るタイミングも対照的です。 交感神経は緊張や興奮 危険や恐怖に呼応して 日中の活動時や運動時 ストレス下で 優位となります。 副交感神経は安心、安全で 平穏な状況に呼応し 食事中や夕方から夜間に心身リラックスへ誘う。 この2系統は 別々のルートで全身にネットワークを拡げているが その中枢があるのは 脳の視床下部と前帯状回 大脳辺縁系。 この中枢で交感神経と副交感神経の働き度合いが 決められていて神経ネットワークはその情報を 末端まで伝える単なるラインでしかない。 @crea_mishima #自律神経失調症 #自律神経を整える #自律神経調整 #drt整体 #drt整体三島 #肩こり腰痛 #三島肩こり整体 #三島腰痛整体 #三島腰痛改善 #三島肩こり #三島駅南口徒歩3分 #菰池公園前 #不眠症改善 #自律神経整体三島 (三島駅南口) https://www.instagram.com/p/ColVdD0vrxC/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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trynafindbarbiee · 1 year
DRT ( Deep Relaxation Technique ) To enter the void state !
Hey guys! So I'm here with a amazing relaxation technique to enter the void state almost instantly <3
Actually , I was just checking my old phone and I came across this screen shot in my trash bin...idk from where I took this ss So this method is not mine and all the credits goes to that person who made this! And I remember doing this method to enter the void and I almost got all the symptoms like being pulled , floating , dropping etc but unfortunately I didn't enter . It shows how effective this method is So I thought of sharing it with you guys ♡
This is the screenshot I'm talking about :
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If the picture is not clear , I've written the steps here :
Lie down on your back with your hands and feet apart or u can lie down in any position that u feel comfortable in. Then start by taking deep breaths. Breathe in through your nose, hold for 4 seconds and exhale through your mouth do this for about a minute or until u feel calm and a bit relaxed
Now start by clenching your left fist don't do it really hard. Do this three times clench and relax now let go of your left hand and clench your right hand three times and relax .Now clench both hands together 3 times and feel both of the hands losen up do the same with the toes and feet, tense up the toes of the left foot three times and then the right foot three times and then both of them three times and release
For your face make a frown and close your eyes tightly and release. For your head, push it down on the pillow and release, do the same with arms and legs push one side down three times and then the other and both three times ..for the stomach act as if you're going to get up but don't actually get up just tense up the muscles if your stomach
In short u tense up one side three times the other three times and then both three times
Tip : Make sure that you are breathing deeply and all your body is relaxed
If done correctly you will end up in the vibrations stage and if any part of your body moves by itself or u feel tingles then it's a sign that u are in the vibration stage. AP and others methods from this stage will surely work
Give it a try and lemme know how it goes! ♡
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shockersalvage · 2 months
Salvage Showcase- Polaris P. Polanski
Assuming I get this out in time, this Showcase is dedicated to the most popular character in Danganronpa Togami has to offer in the fandom and on the day of Volume 3's release! If its not Shinobu Togami you heard about, you probably hear this girl's name dropped every now and again and for pretty understandable reasons given who she is!
Time to take a dive into the great Polaris P. Polanski!!!!
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(...Who doesn't have official art so I'm just using the Vol 2 cover of DRT in its stead)
Now, Polaris is a character that plays a role in the events of the Legacy Crown Championship in the 2nd volume of Danganronpa Togami. She is Suisei Nanamura's assistant, at best 13 years old at the time, and travels to the LCC to Castle Toajo after Mitsuzo Togami hires Suisei to solve the case of mysterious killings in the competition.
Now, compared to her eccentric boss, she is very silent and has taken to pretty much following Suisei around. Suisei entrusts her to go through evidence or handle them, regardless if the contents are embarrassing or even gorey. Best shown off when, on the ninth day, Suisei announces that he has figured out the culprit - which was Kazuya Togami. During this meeting to discuss such a claim, she hands over Saburo's camera (that has been recording himself in the buff dancing) and was tasked with holding the bag that contains the severed head of Yoru. The latter piece of evidence is the nail in the coffin that had Kazuya initially tossed into the dungeon...
Only for it to 'be revealed' that Mitsuzo was the culprit in a confession note left behind as Mitsuzo appeared to have killed himself. With their client dead, Suisei leaves the LCC on a helicopter and one assumes that Polaris would have done the same.
Except! No, she doesn't! She secretly stays behind and begins working on trying to figure out the 'reliance' that will crown the winner of the LCC and heir of the Togami Conglomertate. In the end? When the chaos of the killings of the LCC had the castle burn down, Polaris would be one of the survivors: having not only figured out what the reliance was, but also finding Shinobu Togami to escort her to safety. As Shinobu wakes up, Polaris has whispered what the reliance was into a tape recorder: and was deemed correct. Thus, making her the official heir to the company!!
Or rather...he. In actuality, Polaris was just Byakuya Togami in crossdress, disguising himself as a girl to infiltrate the LCC (he figured he'd get close to it eventually while working as Suisei's assistant since the detective only takes high profile cases). Byakuya was apart of the hundreds of other Togami kids who were disqualified from even participating in the event due to their Mother's social standing and had been working to sneak himself for a long while. First by acting asa day trader and then as the aformentioned assistant to Suisei.
With his victory secured, Byakuya offers Shinobu to come with him to be his secretary with the other participants dead or missing (like her brothers) and since Shinobu lacked either Hope or Despair - aspects that'd he find use in someone that can write an untainted view of his autobiography. She accepts, though does request one thing: that he calls her big sis! Which gets him taken aback as much as your average teen boy does.
Considering Polaris is Byakuya, her personality is pretty similar to him. She's intelligent, cold, serious, and has no issues in doing unnerving tasks if it means she can get ahead or do her job. While in the LCC she maintains a quiet demeanor, very rarely speaking, when her job is done, she's free to express her usual stern, and critical nature towards others below her.
In particular, Polaris shows disdain towards how the LCC is operated by the Togami Conglomerate, primarily in regard to who is chosen based off their pedigree and acting as if someone from an unknown background can't be the heir (which might implicate Byakuya being from an unknown background himself?)
Yet, in regard to the event featuring Polaris, it should be noted that the flashback itself was a shared unreality memory for both Kazuya and Blue Ink. When we consider Byakuya's account in-game, where he says he was one of the participants, it makes rather unlikely for him to done the alter ego of Polaris or even be Suisei's assistant.
In DRT's theming, Reality vs Unreality, and how it affects Byakuya as a character, Polaris represents a major aspect of our Ultimate Heir in using an aspect of Unreality, deceit, as a positive (if only for himself).
From tossing out his glasses that had a tracker on it, in order to fool their enemies and get them off their backs, to faking his death to even Blue Ink during a confrontation with Hasegawa Research Institute, to taking credit for the WDP in order to use it for his own domination conquest, to becoming Polaris even become the heir to the Togami Conglomerate to, most importantly, wiping away Kudan into Blue Ink: Byakuya is no stranger to deceiving both ally and enemy in the WDP in order to get ahead for himself. And this isn't a unique DRT trilogy trait either, remember Byakuya in DR1's infamous moment? Where he tampered with Chihiro's body just to reveal Genocide Jack amongst their group and know who to watch out for when/if he decided to become a blackened? Deceit, even if it makes others thinks less of him or intefers with his allies, is a valued tool of Byakuya when push comes to shove, which does make him legitimately tricky to deal with on top of his high intellect.
Which actually contrasts the other protagonists of DRT (or POV trio) remarkably well in their outings with Unreality. For both Kazuya and Blue Ink, the story makes it clear that they are pretty much being strung along by the whims of their Borges' Story AI, unable to see the truth until late into the WDP (and how they handle that is very different). As for Moleman, despite what he thinks is his past, his entire being as an alter is just a falsehood used by the main personality of Suzuhiko Otsuki to make his killings easier. Basically, all three POV Togami's are depicted as being unknowingly under and/or, even if aware, suffering from the effects of essentially living life under a lie. They are not in control of the narrative woven by others for them, at least, up until Shinobu goes through her development in Volume 3.
But Byakuya? He differs in that he's usually depicted as being the controller or just a user of Unreality. He's not generally caught up in it, but is the one crafting/going along with a false narrative that has enemies pretty much still struggling to keep up and trap him (well, that and having assistance from his few allies), despite essentially having the upperhand or dead to rights. Polaris is pretty much the epitome of this dynamic, even if probably not real, with her being able to come onto the island and take the crown without alerting anyone to her true identity, whilst almost everyone else pretty much killed each other in the mysteries of what was essentially a self-started killing game.
This also makes his actions in the final book of DRT hit that much harder. When he chose not to take over the world, it also meant he was now choosing to submit to being under Unreality, choosing to believe a lie that Ultimate Despair would have crafted that obfuscates the truth of the WDP, hinder his talent and cut his relationship with Blue Ink. All of that, just to save Blue Ink's life. For a character defined by his self-centeredness, even in the trilogy itself, him going for a major sacrifice like that is very telling of his true heart underneath his ego and what he eventually gets back post-DR1 (after some development during that killing game as well).
Personal Thoughts
Polaris is a funny case to me! As said before, she is pretty much just Byakuya and, even then, its very possible that her existence beyond Unreality is, well, non-existant. It doesn't help matters, she only appear in just a long flashback and barely has much of a role in events too until the end.
But that said, she's pretty much the most popular character to come from the DRT trilogy and its not hard to see why (...well aside from the fact she is a mainline character) ! For one, the idea of Polaris gives a layer and interest to Byakuya in a few ways. The most obvious being his interest in crossdress, even if only for a means to an end, is something that gets people's head's turning over Byakuya's sexuality in question and is just a fun concept to explore with such a serious character (and him going on to dress as a nun and state he doesn't mind wearing women's clothes is just so much fuel to use).
Another layer him being Polaris brings is his potential connection with Suisei. Byakuya crossdressing is one thing, but him being an assistant to an eccentric, yet corrupt detective? Someone's whose own arrogance and high intellect towards life reflects onto Byakuya? How much of Suisei rubbed off on Byakuya? They seemed like a stable pair working together, so is it possible Suisei knew about Byakuya's true identity all along? That's not even getting into the parallels between him and Kyoko, being stronger given her connection with Suisei in the DRK series. It's brief, but its a dynamic that has quite a bit of potential to gleam through, if you see assume that even outside of Unreality, there was a possibility that Byakuya diid become Suisei's assistant for a time.
Finally, there's the possibility of Polaris herself not coming from a well off home given her talk with Blue Ink at the end of the LCC, after she won (and her bitterness over people outside the ranking system not being able to compete). Now we know in-game Byakuya was a participant in the LCC for real, so him sneaking into the competition is just false. That said, it could still be possible he had to very much work his ass off from nothing just to be accepted into the real LCC (which is very likely given just how much of the true event is left pretty vague). It gives a real credence to his arrogance and his actual appreciation for hard work, since it means he was legitimately working himself in not just the LCC, but throughout his entire life, into become the powerful Ultimate Heir we know of him as today and gets you wondering if the reason why he's such a condescending jerk is because he's projecting his struggles and victories onto everyone else.
Though, as you all know by now, DRT is not one for making things concrete and Polaris (and what she brings to the table) is possibly just straight unreality produced by the K2K System. That said, DRT not being so concrete means its not a hard denial either of their existence in some other fashion. While Byakuya being Polaris to compete in the LCC is false, whose to say he didn't spend some time in his years posing as her before or after the fact? The details being fuzzy means those who do love Polaris are free to accept her in some fashion, while those who dislike her or think of everything in unreality is being all fake, are also not wrong in dismissing her. It's a situation where, even with unreality being in play, people on both sides can pretty much win.
For me, I like Polaris for the aformentioned layers above and think she just makes for a fun addtion to Byakuya's history. While I doubt he'd have needed or even was crossdressing in the real LCC, him just being so comfortable with himself he can wear practically anything, no matter the gender, is a confidence from Byakuya that you can't help but like and I can't help but basically accept as like a pseudo-canon trait of his.
And that ends DRT's entry! I missed the anniversary of DRT Volume 3, which sucks, but at the very least am glad to get this out a bit quicker than usual! Was inspired to make this after seeing posts of DRT floating about on that day, so managed to make this Showcase quicker than usual.
Next up is back to Killer Killer!
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tablolar · 1 year
Drthair - Devasa+ (3)
Turkey is a very suitable company within the scope of Turkey hair transplant cost. Drt Hair Clinic, which performs hair transplantation at European standards with its high-level technology and professional staff, is among the most reliable companies. Hair transplant clinic applies the most successful hair transplant operations and treatments both in Istanbul and Cyprus clinics. Drt hair transplantation clinics provide hair transplantation services for their patients in a private hospital in Istanbul with a great hygiene and full set of equipment, and they also serve in the Cyprus clinic by adopting the same health principles. For this reason, people who want to have a hair transplant will feel comfortable in these clinics. Within the scope of Turkey hair transplant package, 5-star hotels and airport transfer services are also offered for foreign patients who are considering a Drt hair transplant. DHI hair transplant method is preferred in hair transplantation. So what is this method? It is a method in which the hair follicles taken from the donor area are directly transplanted without any incision in the hair area.
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ns-imagines · 6 months
Marine Corps Birthday Ball
All U.S. Marines in COD x USMC Birthday Ball
| Word Count: Not sure its a lot w/ videos| SFW
A/N: *Rips someone into two pieces with my bare hands* Shit makes me so happy that im a U.S. Marine. RAH. Keegan please be my date to the ball &lt;3 Sgt Russ and Sgt ****** <3
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Context: Every year throughout the month of November we have our Marine Corps Birthday Ball. There's a ceremony and fancy dinner and of course a lot of alcohol and tabaco. Enlisted wear our Marine Corps Blues uniform and get to show off all our fancy awards and medals. The officers wear their sick uniform as well. Guests wear a formal suit or dress!! We get drunk, have cake, and dance. Its fun and one of the many traditions we have in this service. This year it was the 248th Birthday!! Let me give you the run down for todays event <3
Military Lingo Key at the end
1845 - Venue doors open
1900 - Cocktail Hour
2000 - Cocktail Hour ends all bars are closed
2005 - 5 Minute warning for the ceremony
2010 - Ceremony begins
2100 - Ceremony ends
2110 - Dinner service starts and Bars reopen
2200 - Dance floor opens / DJ starts
0130 - Venue doors close
Okay now that we have the schedule down. Lets list all the Marines in COD. Were gonna pretend everyone's alive and in the same unit for tonight. Whos going to be your date for tonight? Skip past the photo when you're ready.
All unnamed Marines <3 (damn npcs)
-MARSOC Marines, 2nd MarDiv
1st FRP (MW1) Source for info below click here and here (<- Has character pictures as well for some)
-Lt Vasquez, Cpt Pelayo, Sgt Paul Jackson, SSgt Griggs, Pvt Massey, Pvt West, Pvt Royzewicz, LCpl Lopez, and LCpl Gaines
DRT Stalker Units With Air Squadrons (All games) Information Source click here
Cpl Baker, Sgt Baker, Capt Weston, Cpt Keating, and Lt Volker
GHOSTS Platoon prior Force Recon Platoon (COD GHOSTS) Information Source click here
Sgt Keegan Russ, Sgt Alex Johnson, and Cpt Gabe Rorke
Lemme know if I forgot anyone!!
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Okay, you have your date or friend group that you're going with. You as the guest are in your formal attire. Lets get this party started! (Every year and in every venue its the same setup, same ceremony, and same food)
You show up to the venue with your date. The ball room is set. There are about a dozen round tables draped with a beautiful white table cloth. There is a round red and gold table cloth in the center of the table. On it sits two pitchers one with water and the other with iced sweet tea. In front of each seat is a set of silverware for each course, a wine glass, a water/tea glass, a pamphlet with tonight's events, and a neatly folded napkin. Each section is sat with each other. A chair left empty next to your Marine for you of course.
Usually the Commanding Officer or Executive Officer will put money down for everyone to get one free drink. The venue offers two bars. Both the lines are a bit long but you can just chat while you wait. There plenty of people to be introduced too and everyone is saying "Happy Birthday" to each other. If you're stationed in an allied country like Japan there are guests from their military as well.
The bar has a wide variety. Wine, shots, mixed drinks, and juice if you arent drinking. They even sell cigars. You and your date get your drinks and socialize. You get to meet their peers and squad members. This is also the time to take pictures! You walk towards the entrance of the venue with your date. There is always a professional Photographer waiting. The American flag and Marine Corps flag are proudly displayed in front of a royal red backdrop. The backdrop has accents of gold.
The photographer asks if you want their pictures or just on your phone. You both pose and smile. The pictures came out amazing. Your Marine will take some photos with their shop and then you'll head back into the venue. Another drink?
Man that hour went by fast! The five minute warning has just been called. You and your Marine go to your seats and wait for the ceremony to begin.
The ceremony starts. Everyone is seated and quiet. There's always one rushing back to their seat from the bathroom. (You can watch a full ceremony from last year here but im going to summarize it. Im speaking from my experience overseas but the video is stateside Marine Corps)
The band does their introduction segment commencing the start of the ceremony. The march forward turn and march back. Next comes the sword detail. There are 4 pairs that walk through. There are both Enlisted Marines and Officers in the sword detail. They march in pairs to their position and once are all in place the Commanding Officer, Sergeant Major, and XO march past the sword detail to the front of the stage. Everyone stands when they walk by to show respect. Next comes the color guard with the American Flag and Marine Corps flag and two rifles march onto stage. Everyone stays standing to honor the colors are they pass. The National Anthem is played followed by Anchors Away and then the Marine Corps Hymn. Which every Marine sings!!
The cake is then marched onto stage while the band plays. A traditional speech is made. Then the CO cuts the cake with the NCO sword giving a slice to the guest speaker. The another slice to the oldest Marine. The oldest Marine takes a fork full and passes it to the youngest Marine for a fork full. This symbolizes the passing of traditions!
After that the color guard marches off stage followed by the cake detail and oldest and youngest Marine. The CO, XO, and SgtMaj exit the stage. Then the sword detail. The guest speaker will then give their speech and then the birthday message will play. I have it linked below. It was fire this year!!
The ceremony ends and the bars open. Half the Marines there rush to the bathroom and the other half to the bar. The venue staff start to bring out a shrimp cocktail appetizer. After 15 minutes they bring out a salad. Then after about another 15 minutes they bring out the main course. There are four options chicken, steak, fish, and vegetarian.
2200 - 0130
The dance floor opens. You are free to leave at this time if you want. The venue service starts clearing off the tables and the DJ starts playing music. Marines go outside to smoke cigars others hit the bar for the 4-5th time. The dance floor gets crazy. The CO will even bust some moves on the dance floor. Medals come off so no one looses them (Plus they are so freaking expensive) and everyone has fun till the venue closes.
I hope you enjoyed your ball <3
Happy Birthday Marines!! Semper Fi
Military Lingo Key:
Section - who you work with basically
Sword detail - you can read about that tradition here
cake detail - you can read all about it here
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hopeymchope · 1 year
Just your standard tumblr blog manifesto
Hi! Whether you’re new to my dumb corner of Tumblr or a longer-term follower who just hasn’t particularly noticed (or cared) how I’m doing my thing here, I thought I should sum up my basic principles for this blog in a (somewhat?) useful fashion.  1) I try to always post spoiler tags for EVERY piece of official Danganronpa fiction before discussing any spoilery info OR sharing spoilery artwork. Why? Because it only takes a second to tag posts for people, and you never know who is new to the fandom/hasn’t gotten around to everything yet/is trying to still remain pure on certain subjects. For your spoiler-blocking needs, the tags for each are as follows:
Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc (game/anime/manga) — #dr1 spoilers
Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair (game) — #dr2 spoilers
Danganronpa Another Episode: Ultra Despair Girls (game/manga) — #drae spoilers
Danganronpa 3: The End of Hope’s Peak Academy/High School (anime) — #dr3 spoilers
Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony (game) — #drv3 spoilers
Ultimate Talent Development Plan (AU mode/sub-game within V3) — #utdp spoilers
Danganronpa Zero (light novels) — #dr0 spoilers
Danganronpa IF light novel — #drif spoilers
Ultra Despair Hagakure light novel  — #udh spoilers
Danganronpa Kirigiri light novels — #drk spoilers
Danganronpa Togami light novels  — #drt spoilers
Danganronpa S: Ultimate Summer Camp (game) — #drs spoilers
2) I reblog (and occasionally even do original posts of) A LOOOOT of fan art here, but I make it a point to only share things either posted by the original artist OR which are shared with the permission of the artist. I had it impressed upon me earlier in my Tumblr career that some artists legitimately don’t want their stuff shared on other sites without permission, and I try to always respect that. (And yes, I realize that just saying “permission obtained from the artist” or something is HARDLY a foolproof system. We’re on the honor system here; we can only assume such disclaimers are honest.) If you catch me sharing art that is copied or posted by someone other than the artist without any expressed permission, please let me know — I’ll take it down! 
3) I’ll almost always respond to asks submitted to me, but I’m sorry if it takes a while. I’m typically WAAAAY behind on such things. Sometimes it takes me a few days or even, rarely, weeks. Sometimes I just don’t know what to say at first. But sometimes I’ll respond ASAP because the ask is easy to answer or just ignites a bunch of thoughts within me. Or on rare occasions I’ll, uh, never answer because I couldn’t think of anything to really say (sorry?) or because the ask is basically just a troll. 
4) I sometimes post asks/commentary that are very critical of certain characters as people (as in, not criticizing them as fictional characters or how they were written; criticizing their behavior as good/bad people). If you don’t like seeing your faves harshed on, I tag those criticism/negativity-centric posts for easy blocking, too! So feel free to block tags like #anti-kokichi ouma or #anti-hiyoko saionji or whomever. (But let’s be honest; Those are the two most common ones.) 
5) This Tumblr originated as a Naegiri-focused one, actually. That’s not something that comes up too terribly often these days, but.. you can definitely still expect me to heap extra attention on any Naegiri-centric content I come across (or, in rare instances, create myself). :) So... that’s just a heads-up.  6) If you came across this user handle elsewhere and are wondering if this blog is run by the same person, I can only confirm that the Hopey McHope on AO3 and the HopeyMcHope on FF.net are, in fact, me. Anyone else you see by this name might be the same person as me, or it might not. I guess you should just ask me here.
7) If I blocked you... I probably assumed you’re a bot. If you don’t have ANY posts or ANY reblogs or ANY profile pic or ANY heading wallpaper? I have to assume you’re a bot; it’s a problem around here. If you’re not a bot, please do something, anything to make your account look like a real person’s. Say two words on your blog, change your blog title to be ANYTHING else, give yourself a profile pic or even a header image that ISN’T the default... just, anything. 
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ariesgamesandminis · 3 months
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Major restock is in from Iron Wind Metals!
20-172 Sovetskii Soyuz Heavy Cruiser (3057) 20-202 Goliath GOL-4S 20-265 Commando IIC 20-285 Harasser Tank (2) 20-313 Lightning Attack Hovercraft (2) 20-353 Zephyr Hover Tank (2) 20-409 Joust Medium Tank (2) 20-417 Marksman MBT M1 20-427 Main Gauche Light Support Tank (2) 20-439 Dart DRT-3S / DRT-4S 20-455 Plainsman Hover Tank (2) 20-5000 Lightning Fighter LTN-G15 20-5043 Omen (Standard) 20-5044 Eldingar Hover Sled (2) 20-5088 Hollander III BZK-D1 20-5099 Bruin (Standard) 20-5101 Gunsmith CH11-NG 20-5104 Orochi OR-2I 20-5126 Gun GN-2O Prime 20-5141 Shadow Hawk SHD-2H 20-5214 Jade Phoenix Prime 20-627 LRM Carrier (2) 20-634 Epona Pursuit Tank Prime (2) 20-682 Komodo KIM-2 20-702 Corsair Fighter CSR-V12 20-725 Cavalry Attack Helicopter 20-727 Karnov UR Transport 20-740 Behemoth Heavy Tank (2) 20-785 Demolisher II Tank 20-800 Hex Bases (4) 20-880 Blackjack BJ-1 20-907 Black Hawk-KU BHKU-O 20-938 Mars Assault Vehicle (Standard) 20-946 Blitzkrieg BTZ-3F 20-995 Legacy LGC-01 20-9122 Battleforce Hex Base 99-201 Large Flat Top Hex Base #1 99-202 Large Flat Top Hex Base #2 99-203 Extra Large Flat Top Hex Base BT-004 Afreet Battle Armor BT-006 Phalanx Battle Armor BT-007 Rottweiler Battle Armor BT-009 Trinity (Ying Long) Battle Armor BT-015 Arcadia BT-029 Sloth Battle Armor BT-031 Infiltrator MK 2 BT-036 Triumph Assault BT-055 Titan BT-062 Hover Bike BT-063 Track Bike BT-064 Trike BT-065 Minigun Cycle BT-066 Scout ATV BT-068 Trinity (Asterion) Battle Armor BT-072 Sabutai Micro Fighter BT-077 Transit Micro Fighter BT-085 Turk Micro Fighter BT-100 Thrush Micro Fighter BT-107 Transgressor Micro Fighter BT-113 Batu Micro Fighter BT-118 Shilone Micro Fighter BT-133 Corona Battle Armor BT-152 Vandal Micro Fighter BT-175 Lyonesse Micro Escort Ship BT-176 Aquarius Micro Escort Ship BT-187 Djinn Battle Armor BT-198 Tengu Battle Armor BT-200 Shedu Assault Battle Armor BT-201 Nephilim Assault Battle Armor BT-226 Fast Recon BT-228 Angerona Battle Armor BT-230 Kopis Battle Armor BT-237 Recon Infantry BT-238 VTOL Infantry BT-239 Jump Support Infantry BT-240 SpecOps Paratrooper BT-249 Branth Aerial Beast Infantry - On Ground BT-277 Boggart Quad Protomech BT-285 Sprite Ultra Protomech BT-321 Hover APC BT-324 Shadow Hawk LAM SHD-X2 (Fighter) BT-327 Stinger LAM MK I STG-A1 (Fighter) BT-354 Pendragon PDG-3R BT-370 Kurita Infantry (3) BT-371 Davion Infantry (3) BT-372 Savannah Master Hovercraft BT-376 Minotaur Protomech BT-388 Salamander Battle Armor (3) BT-390 Fa-Shih Battle Armor (3) BT-406 Trebaruna TR-XB (Standing) BT-427 Balac Strike VTOL (Standard) & (LRM) BT-434 Leonidas Battle Armor BT-444 Flatbed Truck (2) - Cargo & Wpn options BT-467 Hierofalcon B BT-475 Carrion Crow A OP-097 Generic Missile Launcher (3) OP-098 Missile Launcher Front Panel (3) OP-099 Gauss Rifles OP-100 Ultra Autocannons OP-102 Inner Sphere PPC's OP-104 Extended Range Lasers and PPC 20-825B Bulldog Tank Turret
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okumaseitai · 2 years
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・ 【足の痛み】 足が痛いと言っても 色々あるんですよ〜〜 ・ 足の裏の痛みの部位と 症状名を書きました ・ あくまでも参考程度にご覧ください ・ これが全てではありません ・ 診断は医師しかできませんので ご注意ください。 #足のトラブル #足の痛み #外反母趾 #モートン病 #タコ #マレットフィンガー ・ ✨ブログ毎日更新してます✨ ❣️よかったらご覧ください❣️ ______________ 【自律神経の症状に対応】 #ギックリ腰 #寝違い #パニック障害 #頭痛 #五十肩 #めまい #腰痛 #肩こり #産後骨盤矯正 #不眠症 #更年期障害 #冷え症 #息苦しい ______________ 【場所や特徴など】 #若江岩田 #若江岩田整骨院 #東大阪自律神経 #DRT 東大阪市瓜生堂1-3-27 リベラルコート1F 📞072-968-8139 ______________ 【好きな歌手は】 #Mr.Children #福山雅治 #浜田省吾 ______________ 【趣味は】 #マウンテンバイク #ガンプラ #サッカー #釣り ______________ https://www.instagram.com/p/CjMGvMsPfiD/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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talesfromnatea · 2 years
Hello! Just writing to correct something concerning the DRT asks ye been getting. 1) Kijo wasn't killed during the WDP (heck he even plays a role alive during it) and isn't the Council rep, that is now Byakuya. 2) Mukuro was a bodyguard for some other rep who died. 3)There 108 Togami Siblings in total, at least DRT claims that, Byakuya is included in this number. He's not 109. Info about DRT can be quite muddled at times. Easy to get misinformed about certain facts.
oh thanks! It's difficult as heck to figure out what is happening in those novels as it is, especially since I tend to just skim the parts where we're thrown into the POV of some character I don't know since earlier bc I don't care about them.
And an extra thank you for the clarification about Byakuya's number of siblings, because I could NOT properly remember that. 108 children... that is Too Many
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donnacorless · 20 days
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Vintage Fossil DRT Watch DT4043 Chronograph Silver Stainless Steel Watch.
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shockersalvage · 2 months
Wait wait wait wait. Is the background of the cover meant to be Borges? Blue Ink’s eye? Since that was blue and gold, wasn’t it?
Not quite. The blue background of volume 2 is just the sky. As for Borges, you're only partially correct. It's gold, as shown in the volume 3 cover of DRT. But it is not blue and gold.
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rainystick · 24 days
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datajournalismntu · 4 months
MRT will link up with the Greater Taipei Area in 2030
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Metro Taipei is usually regarded as a symbol of urban modernization. Through its well-connected routes, it has penetrated people's lives.
According to the data from the Department of Rapid Transit Systems, DRTS, and Global Views Monthly, the New Taipei Metro and the Taipei Metro will link up the Greater Taipei Metropolitan Area by 2030. It is expected to travel through the administrative areas of Taipei City, New Taipei City, Taoyuan City, and Keelung City, with a total population of up to 10 million, which will reach the internationally recognized scale of the megacity.
Without the duplicated interchange MRT stations in the Taipei Metro, the New Taipei Metro, and the Taoyuan Metro, there are currently 180 stations in operation in 2023. 
If we include the MRT stations expected to be in operation by then, the Greater Taipei metropolitan area is projected to have about 225 MRT stations in 2030. The number represents that there will be about 2.2 stations for every 100,000 people, which is quite good when compared favorably with other Asian areas.
Major Asian cities have been actively developing public transportation. For example, Tokyo has 3.1 metro stations for every 100,000 people, Seoul has 3, and Singapore has 2.2. By then, the Greater Taipei Area will be able to catch up with international cities. Individuals and society will save more on environmental and transport costs, which further improves the quality of life.
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In the past five years, the profitability of Metro Taipei has significantly decreased, and doubts about the necessity of developing new MRT routes have emerged one after another.
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If we take a closer look at the operating status of each route in metro Taipei last year, it is surprisingly found that only two lines, the Bannan Line and the Tamsui-Xinyi Line, made profits. Among them, the Wenhu Line suffered the most serious loss, with a deficit of 1.2 billion. The reasons for the loss include a medium-capacity system, its capacity is lower than that of other lines, and the stations of the line pass through fewer commercial districts.
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Despite the deficits, the average daily ridership of total lines in MRT has been steadily climbing in the past 10 years, showing that the public is gradually developing the habit of taking the MRT. Even though the pandemic once had a serious impact on the number of daily ridership, the current statistics are returning to normal, reaching 1.6 million daily trips in 2022.
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If we look back at the construction costs of the MRT routes, since the first route, the Wenhu Line, opened in 1996, the total cost of the five routes has exceeded NT$490 billion. Among them, the Bannan Line cost the most, with around NT$177 billion.
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Despite the deficits, there are still four MRT routes under construction, including the Xinyi Eastern Extension, the Wanda-Zhonghe-Shulin Line Phase I, the Wanda-Zhonghe-Shulin Line Phase II, and the Circular Line North Section & South Section (Circular Line Phase II).
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The overall statistics indicate that the development of new MRT routes will require a longer time cost. Not to mention, even if the new route is successfully commissioned, the huge construction cost might not be amortized immediately.
However, when we look at the bigger picture, the benefits of MRT in terms of saving environmental costs and improving the convenience of life are so high that it is unfair to evaluate only the revenue of Metro Taipei to discuss the opening of the new route or not.
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