#dru blackthorn deserves better
mehamang · 1 year
this is especially crazy cause all the official art of her we've gotten until this has been accurate (unless i missed something) like secrets of blackthorn hall and other works for the wicked powers. so how did this happen man im so upset
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rhiannons-bird · 2 years
I’ve decided to add to the noise with my own content because at this point I’ve seen Froy Gutierrez and Timothee Chalamet fancast for just about every single male TSC character and I think we all deserve some variety. This will probably be followed up with posts for the other series in the near future. I’ve tried my hardest to find people as close as possible to my headcanons, but I feel like 95% of Cassie Jeans art still does the best job at representing what I picture these characters to look like in my head. Feel free to agree or disagree and let me know what your fav faceclaims are 🤗
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Emma Carstairs - Bridget Satterlee (it’s not perfect and personally I still imagine Emma with sharper features, but at least she’s got the brown eyes and Emma vibes)
Julian Blackthorn - Darwin Gray (again pretty much the best I could find, idk why Jules and Emma are so hard to get right)
Cristina Rosales - Natalia Castellar Calvani
Mark Blackthorn - (Young) Gerhard Freidl (look I even added the golden eye😌, he’s def one of my faves with the soft and ethereal vibe he’s got going on)
Ty Blackthorn - (Young) Asa Butterfield (Ty was so damn hard to find, and he def wouldn’t work for grown up Ty in my opinion)
Livvy Blackthorn - (Young) Amalia Zadro (she’s literally so perfect I can’t)
Kit Herondale - Griffin Mark (sorry for the picture quality, he’s a tiktoker and I couldn’t find anything better, but LORD does he look like young Kit)
Dru Blackthorn - (Young!) India Eisley
Tavvy Blackthorn - Random kid I found here
Arthur Blackthorn - Jude Law (just picture him with glasses chilling in an a dusty attic)
Diana Wrayburn - Lehlogonolo Machaba (she’s a South African trans model, I know this is literally just fancasts but I thought it would be nice for proper representation anyways, plus she’s giving off the biggest Diana vibes)
Kieran Kingson - I’m so sorry I can’t find the original image source 😭
Gwyn ap Nudd - Ed Skrein
Annabel Blackthorn - Esme Creed-Miles
Diego Rocío Rosales - Jorge Antonio Guerrero (he def looks too old but otherwise fits well enough)
Jaime Rocío Rosales - Jacobo Cuesta
Manuel Villalobos - Zak Henri
Zara Dearborn - Iris Law (yes the eye colour is off but look at her she’s got just the right energy)
The Unseelie King - Rogier Bosschaart
Prince Adaon - Davidson Obennebo
Divya Joshi - (Young) Shriya Saran
Rayan Madabuchi - Ronald Epps
Anush Joshi - (Young) Jeenu Mahadevan
Ash Morgenstern - (Young) Lucky Blue Smith
Lady Nene - Pauline Darley
Horace Dearborn - Woody Harrelson
If you’re wondering where Malcom, Helen and co. are: they’ll be in extra posts with all the characters who are kind of all over the place. As for Johnny Rook, I just didn’t have the patience anymore…
Bonus gifs: Cristina looking pretty + laughing about something Emma said off camera while they’re being girlies together having a photoshoot
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karouvas · 11 months
emily fields!
Emily Fields
okay the numbering on this looks very weird because I kept having to use extra spaces to get around the words per block of text limit and I’m kind of out of patience to fix it to look better lol so apologies but here is what I wrote for the meme
three facts about them from my personal headcanons: 1. This is going off the canon detail that she really likes horror films but I like to think she developed that interest kind of alongside the A stuff happening (since I think it’s established in the middle seasons). And that she views them kind of in a Dru Blackthorn esque fashion where they’re less scary than her normal life and that makes them comforting in a way.. I don’t have an hc for what her favorite horror movie is because as we know I suck at watching films so I don’t feel like I have enough to go off even though when I do get myself to watch movies I do like horror … I do think she would watch yellowjackets and her favs would be Jackie and Nat and Van <3. And she has a love hate relationship with Shauna. 2. She and Mona made out in 2x19 during their secret rendezvous in the principle’s office to get the blackmail info. Because it pleases me to think that <3. 3. I think she has major abandonment issues between Alison and Maya dying and her dad’s constant absences and then his death post jump and I think it effects the way she approaches relationships throughout the series a lot.
a reason they suck: she can be prideful and stubborn and has commitment issues for days but I adore all those things about her tbh <3. In terms of things that really do bother me though her reaction when learning Maya is bi … really not good you could chalk it up to Pll writers biphobia and that would be true but I also do think there’s something there about ideas Emily’s internalized from growing up with Pam’s views combined with Alison’s behavior to her pre series that’s not an excuse for it just imo a possible explanation that makes sense for the character and her judgements.
a reason they are great: I mean there’s obvious stuff like her being a really kind and loyal and compassionate person and I do love all those things about her but they are pretty obvious so I won’t delve hardcore into explaining them, she’s a really good person. But I see there are being a lot more to her character at least from my perspective. She’s also a character who starts out with a lot of drive and ambition while it’s of a very different type to say Spencer or Aria or Mona’s ambition and she’s characterized as much quieter about it, and who deals with a lot of repressed anger as the series goes on and she experiences a lot of trauma which speaks to me in chars (don’t know what that says about me lol) and can be vmessy in an understated way that I generally enjoy… I love how hateful she gets sometimes lmao like they say she’s the sweet one but she can be fucking savage when a situation calls for it and I love that, there are small petty moments when she’s in a fight with someone that are really fun and then more serious examples with people who absolutely deserve her anger one of the best moments for this being put to use to it’s full potential when she’s the one to go up to Ezra in 4b after the 4x20 reveal to Aria and give him that speech that ends with “and can you make sure a real teacher gets this” I love herrr. Also love that she is a himbo lesbian icon tbh she’s so charming about it <3. She’s so charming in general… I love her
a reason I relate to them: oh I can relate to a fair amount about Emily lol a lot of her feelings about her sexuality in s1 are very real when I think of my teenage self or even my right now self, some things about her family life (in the show not in the books, book! Emily’s family life is… next level terrible omg one thing I am glad the show changed up dramatically). And I have some similar personality traits. I kind of can relate to specific facets of all the main Pll girls except Hanna and Alison in some way but Spencer and Emily the most I’d say
(what I consider to be) the top tier otp/ot3 for that character: ultimately Spencer/Emily has my heart the most although I do ship her with pretty much every woman of the main cast lol. But Spemily rules imo and it’s so my cup of tea dynamically (chars who seem like opposites (how Spencer is seen as uptight and a leader while Emily is seen as mellow and sweet) but are more similar when you look closely (at how they’re both perfectionists to please their family in different ways, leaders, fiercely loyal, stubborn prideful and competitive, that moment where Spencer says that she can see Emily is ambitious enough to want the team captain position as much or more than Paige does is such a great moment to me because of course Spencer would be the one to see that in Emily…), chars who clash intensely because of those traits but are also very tender with each other in moments that really count and have a lot of mutual respect) also ngl a factor is they’re both sooo pretty all the women on this show are gorgeous but they’re just insanely hot … and then for the ot3 a few dynamics have their moments but most consistently fun and interesting to watch for me is Spencer x Emily x Alison <33. I’ve mentioned before that I’m obsessed with the framing of Spencer and Emily clashing over different views of Ali in 4b and also late s1… also have made jokes before about how much Spencer hates all Emily’s girlfriends lmao (hate is an oversimplification because Spalison’s dynamic is very complex but. When it comes to Emily she doesn’t play lol). That’s specifically show-wise though books wise Emaria is my favorite ship for her I adored the way their friendship was depicted and it had shippy vibes a lot of the time, I ship them in the show too and when they get to interact one on one usually enjoy it a lot but it’s clear the writers didn’t care to focus on their individual dynamic as much as others, which is a shame. Tabby&Imogen’s dynamic on pllos actually to me is more similar to book Emaria in some respects…and I was into the Aria x Courtney x Emily stuff in Ali’s Pretty Little Lies and found that compelling.
five things that never happened to that character that I believe should have happened: 1. consistently go to a therapist who isn’t just the liars counselor as much as I like Dr. Sullivan (this one would be the first for every liar) 2. She should have had an actual arc post time jump around grieving her dad… it’s absolutely criminal that we just get that scene of her at Wayne’s grave (which is one of Shay’s best scenes on the show imo) and a little lip service done to it in the first couple of episodes but not even a flashback to his funeral… a million Haleb Spaleb Spoby flashbacks a Jaria flashback but not one to one of your leads losing a parent it’s not an exact comparison because anti-blackness specifically was a different factor with how Bonnie was treated in TVD but since I just got to her dad’s introduction in my rewatch and it’s on my mind could kind of draw a parallel to how her losing a parent was a peripheral plot, we saw her reaction in one scene and then moved on to other magical factors involved with her being stuck on the other side vs Elena’s grief about her parents and Caroline’s arc around losing her mom in s6. Like it is telling that on both shows it’s the WoC who doesn’t get the same space for her storyline (different factors again because anti blackness re: Bonnie and homophobia in Pll but .. you get it). But anyway, post jump sets her up as being a much less put together char than pre jump Emily with the dropping out of school and not telling anyone etc. so delving into how unstablized she feels, the ways she might want to emulate her dad (I do think that shows up but not in a very intentional way) and actually letting us see the flashbacks to how this impacted her relationships instead of being told. I actually have had an idea for a while about a fic I’d like to write about this but haven’t felt like I had the time to actually write it although this is making me think about it/want to go back to it again… 3. I don’t think this is controversial Maya should not have died, and Emily’s love life… well that could have gone in different directions and I would have been happy she and Maya could’ve broken up for a while then gotten back together post time jump, or they could have done Emison but actually committed to exploring what’s interesting about Emison instead of the milquetoast end of series Emison, or both of those, if we’re sticking with her canon li’s. I’m not a huge fan of Paily but I wouldn’t necessarily want it to not exist because I think there is some interesting narrative stuff there about what it means to Emily to be Paige’s Alison, for want of a better word. But I do think a lot of their relationship content isn’t that interesting and would have liked it to not be the big ticket ship/soo prominent just based on personal preference. And I would have gotten rid of.. maybe not every girlfriend of the week because I do like that Emily’s a ladykiller but most of them were flops so I’d have gotten rid of a lot of them and/or made them less prevalent. And if I had full creative control I obviously would have wanted her to date Spencer or Hanna or Mona but that also goes more into things I’d change for the other liars so I didn’t include it here 4) her s3 arc (if Maya still dies) should have actually gotten to be about her grieving Maya and how that coincides with A trauma (especially given how brutal she got it in s2 between the carbon monoxide barn and the ointment-induced ulcer and everything, and Mona didn’t kill Maya/isn’t responsible for that but it happened in the same spiral) and not about the Nate mystery… and if there was going to be a plot about transference in grief (which I could totally be on board for!) it should have been with someone who wasn’t Nate… 5) no egg donation mystery plot that leads to weird rapey Emison baby plot … I realize like 4 of those were very obvious things that didn’t merit much explantation and one I ranted about a lot.
five people that character never fell in love with and why: I’ll go with the assumption that she’s only ever been in love with Maya Ali and Paige (yeah I think she did love Paige even if it was maybe a less intense type of love for her than some others and even if it isn’t my favorite dynamic outside of enjoying it as part of a psuedo triangle with Spencer or Ali at different points) when writing this out 1. Spencer - They do clash a lot, I think it would take the right situation for them to have a more stable approach to their dynamic. Alternately I could also see them in a totally unstable situation and getting together in the worst way possible and I would probably love it xd. 2. Hanna — I feel like they could have easily fallen in love if you removed other factors like their other li’s and separated dramas, even though Spemily is my favorite singular ship dynamic I do think Hanna and Emily are ultimately most compatable. 3. Mona — in another life… but in this one they’re too fixated on their blondes. They do have great chemistry the rare times they interact one on one imo and I do choose to believe they made out in 2x19 and that also contributes (aside from the other totally valid reasons) to Emily’s extreme hostility towards her later lol. 4. Jenna - Emily is consistently the most hostile to Jenna out of all the girls which I find interesting (Aria is consistently the most receptive/compassionate towards her which is interesting to me for different reasons) part of it is because she gets close to Toby before anyone I also think Emily is a prideful person who deeply dislikes feeling guilty (even though she has a guilt complex about a lot of things) so Jenna is a sore spot for her. I did always think their actresses had chemistry though. 5. Sara - I mean… there was very little there for me to dig into tbh but ultimately I think Emily saw Sara as a project to fix and needed that post dollhouse because she prefers to be the caretaker, and that’s how I view the relationship/why Emily was so into her when she’s… quite a blank slate before the reveal she’s evil lol. I also think there was potential for some interesting stuff about transference from Ali to Sara but it’s not really in the text especially since Sara doesn’t act much like Ali despite having a similar backstory.
thank you for asking!
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tetsunabouquet · 6 months
Heir To The Lands Chapter 26
Sick of This Masterpost
Catarina's words that had confirmed Luke's earlier report and bore the proof the Blackthorn's supsicions had been correct were still fuzzy in Alec's ears. Like he was hearing them far away, not quite reaching him. Alec was too shocked to properly respond. Whilst he knew the Seelie Queen was not to be trusted, he did not think of her as being so foolish she'd toy with the newly established peace between the Shadowhunters and faeries. Unless the Seelie Queen had another batch of plans involving her son. A gamble so strong she didn't think she'd lose. Damn it, he should have killed her instead of Meliorn all those years back then! Just how many times would this woman betray everyone and be blinded by her hunger for power? He should have known better then to expect her to play nice now. Now the Rosales boy was captured and that was all his fault. It was him who sent Jaime on a mission to learn more about the protective magic of the Eternidad by tracking down the faerie smith who made it. The thought of having blood on his hands through his shortcomings as a leader hadn't occured to him until that very moment. Alec felt sick.
Dru had found the Koln Institute with ease. Tomas had already explained the Koln Institute was actually located underground, similar to the Silent City. It was one of the oldest Institutes in north-west Europe, having been built at a time where people were still clueless and figuring out locations for the Institutes. The, as English speakers would call it, Cathedral of Cologne was getting built around this point in time and with the blessing of the church the Shadowhunters had built the Institute beneath the large Cathedral. It hadn't been hard to find, considering it was just about two minutes walking distance from the Hauptbahnhoff. There was a large crowd of mundanes, tourists, who were taking pictures of the large goth-styled building. Dru honestly wished she had brought her phone with her, because it definitely did deserve to have its picture taken. With her glamor rune, she snuck into the Cathedral with ease. She looked around, knowing there was a heavily glamored trap door somewhere. Dru would have missed it if she wasn't carefully looking, the small crack in the walls and the tiny rune etched into the stone next to it. She quickly drew an opening rune against the wall, and it slowly cracked open like a hidden doorway from an Indiana Jones movie. Dru bit her lip before she disappeared inside of the tunnel, all the whilst thinking to herself that she was getting rather tired of all these secret tunnels.
The Seelie Queen huffed in irritation as she was brought to her son's little palace. Janus was impatient, and she didn't liked the way he ordered her around. He was her son's guard and she should very well teach him his place but she had far bigger things on her mind. Her alliance with the Princes was crumbling at her feet, the fact the Rosales boy had been taken and their plans would be exposed too early was calling for revisions of the plan. As she entered the palace, she could see her son waiting for her, with a packed bag. "What is the meaning of this?" She asked her son. "We should leave mother. At this rate, the Princes will turn on us, and I fear they won't spare you." Ash's voice was pleading, but his mother's blue eyes were growing more cold, more icy. "This is my Court, you are too young to take over and command me. I do as I see fit." The Queen's voice rang loudly. "I do not take orders from you and I can salvage this situation. And you," her voice cut through the air as she swung her head in Janus' direction, "You have gotten way too comfortable. I am not Sebastian, you are no brother of mine. You guard over my boy and do as I say and what I'm saying right now is that you should better hurry up and make use of the Chen girl." Ash's lips trembled as Janus nodded with a grave face. The Seelie Queen turnt around and left them both.
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livvyofthelake · 2 years
to conclude the mark blackthorn hate tonight. i like him when he talks to his siblings and then like never at any other time. i used to like him back when lady midnight was the only tda book but then lord of shadows ruined everything in regards to him, kieran, and cristina tbh. i can’t stand any of them. ok i love cristina i cannot stay mad at her when all she did was girlboss her way into a throuple with two twinks who are obsessed with her i cannot be mad about that genuinely. i do think she deserves better than them tho just because they do suck but hey if she’s happy i’m happy. if they stay obsessed with her it’s fine. but i cannot stand those men fr it actually reflects so badly on cassie that they’re such flop gay people and flop characters and a flop throuple. anyway this was about mark. i like mark when he talks to ty because that’s literally his baby brother, and i like him when he’s with jules because their whole dynamic makes me feel crazyyyy, but when he’s in a scene with emma i want him to be killed. and it goes without saying that in scenes with kieran i hope they both die. and then his scenes with cristina used to slay but i inevitably soured on them due to the whole flop throuple thing. we never should have called her out for not making tessa will and jem poly so she felt like she had to do poly representation in another book. because it was BAD when she tried. and i hope she never does it again she’s not good at it!!! thank god i don’t have to worry about that in twp because i know there’s no way even love for dru would bring ash and jamie together. and she’s probably not ending up with jamie anyway so who even cares. anyway i’ll shut up now peace and love. i wish tda had a better secondary romance
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Random shadowhunter : *living their life*
Imagine this
Kit: Hey Dru?
Dru, half asleep: Yeah?
Kit: Do you want to knew something?
Dru: Sure
Kit: Christopher Lightwood died for no reason and he and Grace Blackthorn deserved better
Dru, who has heard this a million times and agrees but is very tired: Kit, please go back to sleep
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tscsunlover · 3 years
twp gang is fucking serving looks
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drublaccthorn · 4 years
Dru in TDA :
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raindropwindow · 4 years
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Ty and Julian Blackthorn have my heart, much like every other Blackthorn :-)
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flyingupward · 4 years
;; tag dump - PRIMARY MUSES pt. 1
#C BIANCHI ✩ threads | what im terrible at is life#C BIANCHI ✩ answers | the architect speaks#C BIANCHI ✩ aesthetic | it is the purpose that makes strong the vow#C BIANCHI ✩ visage | sometimes you have to stand out in order to blend in#C BIANCHI ✩ headcanon | pack demolition we cant pack emotion#C BIANCHI ✩ raymond | who knew that underneath it all you were so sweet#C BIANCHI ✩ general verse | blow us a kiss and we will blow you to pieces#C BIANCHI ✩ xander verse | heaven cannot brook two suns nor earth two masters#H BLACKTHORN ✩ threads | dreaming of home#H BLACKTHORN ✩ answers | first the fire then the flood#H BLACKTHORN ✩ aesthetic | a bad law is no law#H BLACKTHORN ✩ visage | your blood does not define you#H BLACKTHORN ✩ julian | i trust you to take care of them#H BLACKTHORN ✩ mark | we are special to each other#H BLACKTHORN ✩ emma | my brothers keeper#H BLACKTHORN ✩ ty | resident sherlock holmes#H BLACKTHORN ✩ livvy | you deserved better#H BLACKTHORN ✩ dru | the young are mighty#H BLACKTHORN ✩ tavvy | you may have just solved the whole thing#H BLACKTHORN ✩ aline | hard to believe how much light you can find in the darkness#H BLACKTHORN ✩ alec | the bond of eldest siblings having someone to protect#H BLACKTHORN ✩ father | mercy is the mark of greatness#H BLACKTHORN ✩ mother | sparks of memory i seldom recall#H BLACKTHORN ✩ arthur | how did you let them go#H BLACKTHORN ✩ pre exile verse | first blossoms and dark thunderclouds#H BLACKTHORN ✩ exile verse | amazing what the depths to which hatred sinks#H BLACKTHORN ✩ post exile verse | i imagined our reunions differently
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"Lex Malla Lex Nulla" is awesome and definitely the family motto I'd want, but like,,,,,, did the clave approve of it???? Where do these Family mottos even come from? I'm guessing the clave has no control over them? Somebody explain pls?
It is absolutely perfect for the Blackthorn family tho, there is no one with fewer regards for the law than them, "every institute needs a head that has been appointed by the clave and fulfills strict qualifications" and Julian be like, "wouldn't it be a shame if I just.....ignored that" and gets his uncle out of the way by setting him up for play dates with an old downworlder while at 13 running the freaking institute by himself. Damn, would I like to see the faces of the clave members when they realized they were corresponding with a kid all these years.
Also the ever famous; "shadowhunters and downworlders shouldn't have anything to do with eachother, especially seelies are to be avoided"
Helen and Mark: *exist*
Also literally Marks entire relationship, people be like "get a girlfriend!" "no" "boyfriend then? Ugh finee if you really have to then-" "No. Both." "Both???" "Both." Truly iconic.
Then there are Livvy and Ty who smuggled a computer into the institute, the 'we despise mundane culture' building itself now has a computer and probably wifi aswell, how awesome is that????
Besides the fact that they just decided to keep Kit without ever asking if that's cool or anything?
And Dru is still little but shes has to be my favorite, "I don't fit your prejudiced image of what a shadowhunter should look like? Well thats... Unfortunate? Also let me watch these mundane movies that kinda lowkey make fun of what we are doing here and btw I just learned how to pick locks the mundane way, oops? Sorry not sorry, and all of that while serving full-on goth looks for the aesthetic rather than out of "tradition"
You can really tell that these kids were raised by Julian "let me fall in love with my parabatai and break literally every law ever in the most sneaky way just to be with her" Blackthorn who takes his family Motto very seriously, Lex Malla Lex Nulla indeed.
The entire plot of these three books is just a confirmation of how much they believe in their family motto and I know their story was rather tragic put putting it in perspective like this cracks me up.
The clave must hate this family so much, its perfect😂😂😂😂
Feel free to add other occasions of the Blackthorns being Blackthorns™ to this😂
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tshadowhunter1 · 5 years
Every all up here saying Kit and Ty can’t be Parabatai cause ain’t nobody be wanting a Julian and Emma 2.0 but like honey aren’t you forgetting...
Livia had always wanted to be Parabatai with her twin brother. Ty had finally agreed but they were never given the chance to go through with the ceremony before Livvy’s passing. I think having a Parabatai (even if it’s Kit) just seems wrong. I believe it would hurt Ty and the others a lot. That isn’t what Parabatais are about.
*No Hate :)*
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alic-egg · 5 years
I’m just so soft for Ty :”-) i wish he was happy
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carstairsa · 6 years
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La guardia de Livvy
Me rompio el corazón cuando Julian muestra este hermoso estandarte...
“Del tipo que un ejercito llevaría consigo en tiempos de guerra. El elemento central era un sable, boca abajo pintado de un oro pálido brillante. Atrás del sable se extendían un par de alas de ángel, mientras que al rededor estaban agrupados símbolos de subterráneos: una estrella para los vampiros, un libro de hechizos para los brujos, una luna para los lobos y un trebol de cuatro hojas para las hadas.
Colgando de la empuñadura del sable estaba un medallón con un circulo de espinas en la parte anterior”
Fragmento de Queen of Air and Darknees - The Dark Artifices; libro 3 -@cassandraclare​
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calums-betch · 5 years
Me: you can't end a book in a cliff hanger
Cassandra Clare in LoS: But the soul, the spirit that made her Livvy was no longer there: It was something that had gone away to a far and untouchable place, even as Julian ran his hands over her hair again and again and begged her yo wake up and look at him just one more time.
High above the Council Hall, the golden clock in began to chime the hour.
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bibiliophic-mermaid · 6 years
Friendly reminder...
Tiberius Blackthorn has to live the rest of his life without his twin... Have a nice day. I sure as hell won't be having one.
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