#ds genevieve
thefoxlady · 3 months
I drew these based on a conversation with @marsobars about some Winona x Genny AUs.
Swashbuckle n Dock
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Marso Thought up an AU where Winona is a Swashbuckling pirate and Genny is a dock worker, Winona gives Genny some of her loot so Genny won't starve or go broke. Winona would make sure Genny is treated with respect, if Genny is treated like shit by someone she would fight them.
The Wild Woman
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Winona would be in her Survivor skin in this AU.
I thought up of an AU where Winona is a wild woman and Genny ends up taking Winona home and taking care of her. Genny teaches Winona on how to cook, how to bathe herself, how to communicate, etc.
Genny found Wild!Winona when she was hiking, Wild!Winona is curious about Genny, she eventually did the Tarzan hand thing with Genny.
Marso thought up on how Winona became a wild woman.
To summarize, Winona and Charlie were abandoned/orphaned at a very young age and were put in an orphanage, Charlie was adopted quickly while Winona stayed behind at the orphanage for some time. Winona managed to get in trouble and escaped the orphanage, Winona went to the woods and stayed there because she had no idea what to do after escaping the orphanage. She learned to survive without human interference, overtime she forgot she ever had a sister. Winona gets her clothes by stealing them from people camping while they're asleep or away from their camp.
(Note: Wild!Winona isn't animalistic feral, rather she's like Tarzan, a human who hasn't been in contact with humans in forever, she has the behavior of a person with a lot to learn.)
Marso and I talked about how Genny would help out Wild!Winona and how Genny has to deal with Wild!Winona being in human society for the first time.
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stellarknightz · 11 months
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iincantatorum · 1 year
ooc ramblings;
//just a small update on fc changes i personally had to go through in the past
i've been rping for a WHILE and i totally stand by the idea that if for some reason the fc you use makes you uncomfortable, you should change it. it's hard and it makes you feel better
in my experience, i had an oc who was disney based, daughter of Aurora and Prince Phillip named Genevieve Rose, and her fc back then was Amber Hea*rd. When the allegations came in with that particular celebrity, I had to change it to emily be*tt rickar*ds and honestly- it felt like that fc fit her better and i can be rest assured
i totally support this notion, it feels like something we must do as a community, and no one should be treated bad for it
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lovejustforaday · 9 months
2023 Year End List - Introduction and Honourable Mentions
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Here we go again! 🤘😤🤘
Continuing the tradition of making this harder and more drawn out for myself every consecutive year, I've decided to do a top 20 records + some honourable mentions for my 2023 year end list.
But in all seriousness, this has been the most exciting year in the new decade so far by quite a wide margin, and I have so many projects that I've been really wanting to gush about on this blog. Suffice to say, this year's round up is gonna be a little bit lengthier.
And I hope you really enjoy going all in as much as I do, because the reviews are also probably gonna be longer as well. I have at least one definite 10/10 record at the #1 spot which I am incredibly hyped to write about, and I will try my best to limit myself to twenty paragraphs max, but I'm not gonna make any hard promises.
But first off, I wanted to honour 3 LPs that almost made the list + an EP that doesn't qualify for the list proper (LPs only). Just gonna be dishing out a few quick thoughts on each of these projects.
So let's get down to it!!
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Knower Forever - Knower
Main Genres: Jazz-Funk, Synth Funk
A decent sampling of: Jazz Fusion, Jazzstep, Art Pop, Nu-Jazz
My dad actually introduced me to Louis Cole's work properly last year, but my first exposure to him was that "Bank Account" meme song he did back in 2017 (simpler times...). My old man sang the praises of his "Weird Part of The Night" and I definitely have to agree - some very solid funky stuff.
So this year, I familiarized myself with his band, Knower, and their latest LP.
Knower Forever is a very clever, silly, sometimes vulgar jazz-funk record with some kickass virtuoso musicianship, and I totally love its vibe. It doesn't take itself to seriously; the technical skills of the performers really speaks for itself.
Lots of snarkiness on "I'm The President" with iconic lyrics such as "Mount Rushymore has some tits" and a frigging brilliant piano solo breakdown. "Nightmare" sounds like funky Mario Kart DS music for some reason. "It's All Nothing Until It's Everything" is screeching nu-jazz insanity which turns into an ethereal cacophony of intense pleasure.
Definitely front-loaded and could've been slightly edited down. Some of the second half feels redundant. I almost considered putting this at #20, but the other record was just slightly better for me + the other half of this duo, Genevieve Artadi, was very busy this year with making her own jazzy solo record which will actually be making an appearance later on this list. Still, don't skip this one if you like music with a hell of a lot of personality.
Highlights: "I'm The President", "Nightmare", "It's Al Nothing Until It's Everything", "Real Nice Moment"
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Norm - Andy Shauf
Main Genres: Chamber Pop
A decent sampling of: Lounge, Twee Pop, Soft Rock, Folk Pop
Norm is one fucked up little record. If you know anything about cuddlecore band Heavenly's 1993 EP Atta Girl (an all-time fav of mine and possibly the best concept EP ever), then you'll recognize this LP as having a very similar concept. Additionally, this is similarly also probably best enjoyed as a going-in-blindfolded experience, so I'll put a spoiler warning riiiiiiiiiiiiight.........HERE.
Yeah, so this record is about a seriously disturbed stalker with a crush (from the stalker's perspective), but you wouldn't know that if you were just vibing to the breezy, laidback folksy chamber pop tunes that Andy Shauf writes.
Incidentally, this is perfect for a lazy autumn afternoon on a warm, partly-cloudy day. Andy's voice is such saccharine softboi material, that it makes the darker underbelly of this record all the more sickening. "Wasted On You" feels like a crooked smile once you understand the context, with that little uncanny plucked riff.
Admittedly, it's a bit too one-note at times for its concept and (again) could've been edited down. Definitely will lose some less patient listeners with its lackadaisical flow, and I would totally understand why. But the narrative is really well-written. Andy does a great job somehow both humanizing his character while incredibly disturbing us, the listener, with his unreliable narrator. Very Nabokov.
Highlights: "Wasted On You", "Halloween Store", "Paradise Cinema", "Catch Your Eye"
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Pollen - Tennis
Main Genres: Soft Rock, Psychedelic Pop, Indie Pop
A decent sampling of: Sophisto-Pop, Twee Pop, Pop Soul
I had to include this somewhere, even if it didn't make the full cut.
The adorkable, young 'old married couple' turned retro-loving soft rock duo Tennis were responsible for my #1 favourite 2020 record with the glorious shimmer of their anniversary album Swimmer, a record that channeled and ultimately rivaled the greatness of 70s feel-good pop mega-acts like ABBA, The Carpenters, and Fleetwood Mac.
A difficult act to follow, for sure. So what did the band do? Took the gauzy, psychedelic tones of a few of the tracks from the previous record and turned it into a full-length album sound. Pollen is Tennis on some very nice, light edibles.
"Let's Make A Mistake Tonight" sees Tennis embracing a very detuned, sequin disco soul sound, like the music your parents/grandparents (idk how old you are) probably listened to while cruising down the country side streets with their old camper on the way to their honeymoon destination. "Pollen Song" is like laying in a field of flowers and feeling the soil underneath you giving you a nice warm back massage.
This was a very solid effort to follow up a very stellar record in their discography. It doesn't come all too close; The best tracks here feel like Swimmer B-sides. Nevertheless, Tennis very much retains the talent to write a golden melody that feels like it was a smash radio hit from 50 years ago. Still plenty to love here.
Highlights: "Let's Make A Mistake Tonight", "One Night with The Valet", "Pollen Song", "Never Been Wrong"
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going…going…GONE! - Hemlocke Springs
Main Genres: Synth Pop, Indie Pop
A decent sampling of: Indietronica, New Wave, Zolo, Art Pop, Dance Punk
This is the EP that I wanted to shout out. I'm sure many of you TikTok savvy zoomer indie kids have already heard of Hemlocke Springs after "Girlfriend" exploded last year on the platform.
Tiktok as a music sharing platform seems to do be doing one of three things every time a song gets popular: a) it's boosting some talentless influencer hack making music designed to be memeable and forgotten a month later b) it's boosting already fairly popular indie songs from a few years ago to mega-popular status (look what it did to "Space Song"), or c) every now and then a fresh face with a lot of genuine talent is blessed by the algorithm and skyrockets them to early critical success.
Hemlocke Springs falls into the latter category. She deserves every bit of hype and the catapult to indie fame that she has received in the last year. Her music sounds like it's carrying the torch of Talking Heads, Jun Togawa, Marina And The Diamonds, Helen Love, and Javiera Mena all at once. She is one of the quirkiest, most colourful fun-loving pop artists to have emerged in a long time and I am HERE FOR IT.
After releasing a string of singles across the last two years, she finally dropped her debut EP going…going…GONE! in September earlier this year. It includes several of those singles plus some new cuts.
The aforementioned "Gilrfriend" is a stroke of genius, with zolo vocal weirdness over sugary girlish synthesizers, a killer fucking chorus, an energy that builds and builds across the entire track, and a ridiculously manic bridge that even trumps the chorus. I get giddy even just thinking about this track. It's no wonder it blew up; a pop song this good being part of an artist's debut rollout is almost unheard of.
"Heavun" is like a new wave glitter dream of flying through Akihabara with butterfly wings. "Enknee1" is an anthemic, longing plea for love set to baby-pink-tinged indietronica synths. "pos" is a goofy cut with bubbly mutant disco influences that makes me feel very light-headed.
I WISH she included "Sever The Blight" on this EP since it's arguably every bit as good as "Girlfriend". But for now, I'll just say that THIS is how you make your debut as an artist.
Hemlocke Springs is the hyper-imaginative, nerdy underdog hero that we all need right now. She really feels like she could be the next big thing that everyone in the music world could agree on. Keep this one on your radar - she's still only just cooking. Even greater things to come I'd bet.
Highlights: "Girlfriend", "Heavun", "pos", "Eknee1"
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crushcircuit · 3 years
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oh it's so great to see this blog active again!! can i have a lesbian (pink + orange) flag with winona and genny? maybe with a set of general pride flags for genny too bc she doesnt get enough appreciation imo... it's ok if you can't do the latter though! thank you!!
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lesbian genona here! i hope you enjoy these :]
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happipoart · 6 years
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genny is a cutie!! i love her!
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winonadontstarve · 5 years
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still figuring out how to draw ds characters but! i love winona So Much
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muzarry · 6 years
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Quick Genny doodle before I go to sleep! I love her so much 😆
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reality--escapee · 6 years
Some Thoughts + Screenshots of the Animation Short
Underneath the cut because of spoilers :)
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Winona and this worker are in love. You cannot tell me otherwise.
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(screenshot by @tricat0 thank you I’m lazy)
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Yeah, that’s probably Wagstaff. Too bad he’ll never see that glove again.
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Charlie doesn’t seem to want to bring her to the Constant :(
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Winona isn’t even terrified. Her sister just turned into some shadow demon and she just looks a bit surprised?? She’s doesn’t even try to pull away. She wants her sister back. She just closes her eyes and accepts her fate. 
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drawnoutofcontext · 4 years
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thefoxlady · 6 months
I still wish there was a fanfic where Winona is a vampire and she is keeping it a secret from Genny because she doesn't want Genny to think she's a monster. Genny ends up finding out when she sees Winona draining some rich dude of his blood until he's dead. Winona is expecting Genny to be afraid of her but Genny isn't afraid of her, she is rather curious.
(I don't know if this is a good synopsis)
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Some notes on Vampire!Winona I like to add:
-Vampire!Winona is Triumphant Winona but a vampire.
-Winona works at night because the sun hurts her.
-She drinks blood in a wine glass, she has some wine bottles filled with blood, she will always say it's special wine that you can't find in a regular store. When somebody asks if they would like a sip or a glass of it she would always refuse, saying that they wouldn't like the taste.
-Winona would go after rich people because she hates the high society.
-Winona has colored eye contacts to hide her red eyes, she has retractable fangs, and she covers the vampire bite mark with a bit of make-up.
-Winona would change into her Triumphant outfit whenever she goes hunting.
-She would give a reason on why she can't eat/do things that a vampire can't do. Example: Whenever somebody would ask why she doesn't go out during the day, she says she has a rare condition where the sun hurts her skin to the point of getting a rash and blisters. She also says she's allergic to garlic when somebody would try to give her some food that has garlic in it.
-Winona lure her human prey into a secluded spot where she can feed on them and kill them, rich people only.
-Winona can turn into a giant vampire bat creature.
Some notes on Genny because Genny needs some character:
-Genny is a kind-hearted woman that wants to see people happy and well, but she can get serious when it's needed, she is tough as nails, and is a hard worker like Winona.
-Genny likes flowers, good hard work, sweets (especially ones that are honey flavored), fixing things like radios, bunnies/rabbits, and soft things.
-Genny used to be married to her husband but they don't feel any kind of love for each other anymore so they divorced.
-Genny often questions her sexuality because she is attracted to men but she sometimes imagines what being with a woman would be and feel like. She however hides these thoughts because America during that time isn't accepting people of the LGBTQA+ or queer people.
-Genny doesn't like any type of hatred towards people because of their race, gender identity, sexuality, or what religion they believe in. She wishes people would just get along but she knows people will be people and spread hate and fear.
(There, I gave Genny a character, what do you guys think of it? Tbh I want to see what Genny would look like in the new DST animation style, also for some reason I see her using a crossbow if she were to enter the Constant-)
Is there someone that can make this into reality? Because I feel lazy and my autistic ass is tired of seeing no new fanfic or one-shots of any DST ships I like and yet I don't feel like writing.
My autistic creature ass just wants a new Winona x Genny story!
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teeth-thief · 3 years
wait was the sprite for genevieve from the barbie and the 12 dancing princesses ds game really that fucked up or am I misremembering
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Names and crap because my brain is weird
These are possible names for Jester +bonus Fjord that work or not because... pancakes. 
Jester Lavorre- The OG. We all love it. It rolls so well off the tongue and it just *chefs kiss*.
Genevieve Lavorre- Her Mother’s Name... for her. Very pretty and flowery but quite long. Beautiful, but the short and sweet Jester fits much better with the last name imo. Lotsa Vs.
Jester Dosal- Cool as beans. What she could have if she had her father’s last name. Kinda badass sounding, but not as pretty as the OG. D/soft T sounds just a lil too close to each other for my personal comfort. 
Genevieve Dosal- The name she would have been given if Babenon hadn’t freaking disappeared and had come back for Marion. FREAKING BEAUTIFUL. I am in LOVE. It has class, flair, rolls off the tongue, very ethereal and exotic sounding. A personal fav of mine. 
+ Fjord 
Fjord Lavorre- oMg he took her name!! Freaking cute in concept. Kinda icky in my mouth though ngl. Too rhymey for me with the repeat “or” endings. However the concept still slaps. 
Fjord Dosal- Massive Wrinkle Brain Moment. It’s never going to happen but DANG is it beautiful. Excellent flow, both short and sweet. The Ds almost flow one into the next and that’s just very satisfying for me. Sounds like a seafarer. I love to hear it.
I can’t explain what just happened up there nor do I have any excuses, but thanks for your consideration.   
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light-and-heartful · 4 years
Nutri Ventures - Hulu Kids - Trailer
I always had this idea of an RPG video game based off the Healthy Eating cartoon from Portugal, Nutri Ventures, where it would have the same battle system as "South Park the Fractured But Whole" (a very simple tactics battle system) (they’d even pitch it as the family friendly alternative to that game as well as it would be the world's first Edutainment RPG Video Game), and by the way the battle system would be the same as that game, but the overworld system won't it would be top down, with the same animation as in the show, and even voice acting during the text boxes that you can turn on and off (the voices) at anytime] and it'll be not just for younger players but also older and more experienced players as well, here's some ideas that you can even submit them to Ubisoft (since they're really good with RPGs made in the Western Region) to make it for a game for the Nintendo Switch, so please listen to these ideas and consider them
it would follow the story of the show (with some minor changes to make it follow a game more, but we'll get to that), will have ONLINE Player-VS-Player battles in the form as a device from one of the scientists in Grandland HQ, who's good friends with Theo's Grandfather, that you can find in the Grandland labs & can let you battle with yourself from different universes (aka different playthroughs of the game by different people), it will also have a mini-game multiplayer mode (for offline & online) that has up to four players play the mini-games in the game's story mode such as
the Candy Bowl where it plays just like the show and has the move around the game in a camera view where it focus on the screen moving side to side as it shows them moving in circle while keeping the view front side in a continuous moving track shot (with you passing the Goal Bowl of the game at top at certain times), think of it as like NBA Jam if it was for Candy Bowl
the Pod Races where it's a basic Mario Kart racing game (with two different versions, one that has it just on the ground and you can only turn left & right to race and another where you're underwater and you can move left, right, up, & down to race
the Deep Fryer Rally where it’s like that Mario Party 6 Mini-Game “Treasure Trawlers”, where you move topdown by pressing the L&R buttons together repeatedly and turn by pressing ether L or R repeatedly, and you’d aim your position on the paddle boat in order to try to scoop up the Fried Foods with a crane (but the scoop is a fry strainer) by pressing one of the d-pad buttons in order to score points, and it would use the rumble feature as a way to tell where’s the fry food is in the grease (with the more it rumbles the closer you’re at your mark) the player with the most points wins
the Veggie Games where it features all the events from the Green Kingdom chapter
Jousting where it's a four way Joust (or three way in story mode) where players has to charge into other players in order to take down one of his/her hit points while also controlling their horse, last player standing wins
and the Oracle's Quiz (that game is the final test to get the everlasting fruit in the Orange Kingdom Chapter) where the Oracle gives you questions related to food, cuisine, health, recipes, things like that
and the main feature of the game has the players gaining different status effects happen to them when they eat certain foods that's are each based off of their health benefit, like:
Meat & Eggs give you extra attack power cause it's for force for muscles
Dairy Products give you extra defense power cause it's for protection of bones
Vegetables give you extra maximum health cause it's for healing
Wheat & Grains give you extra mana for attacks cause it's for energy
Fish & Seafood gives you extra Experience Points cause it's for Intelligence
Legumes give you extra turns cause it's for boost
Fruit cures ailments cause it's helps with sicknesses
also I'd change the names of the Bad Kingdoms cause I feel like that's fair
Sugar Kingdom would be the Pink Kingdom
Fats Kingdom would be the Bronze Kingdom
Fried Kingdom would be the Gold Kingdom
Salt Desert would be the Silver Kingdom
(also the story behind the Bad Kingdoms is that the rulers of them were also scientists in Nutri-land, but cared more about making the food taste good rather than being nutritious, this lead to many of the other guardians experiments being ruined and the citizens loving their food but kept experiencing the effects of eating them to much, so the Nutri-Guardians kicked them out, and Alex made them into his main four guys for coming up the recipe for Gen-X 100 when he otherthrew Nutri-land and called themselves the big four, and were a team for a while until Alex had enough of the ingredients for Gen-X 100 to run for years, so they went their separate ways)
there are other features include:
-a pit of 100 trials-esc optional enemy gauntlet where you go through a tower of 100 floors with something to fight on each floor in order to progress, & each 10 floors there's a boss [the first 7 being a hologram of a guardian of a kingdom, the 8th being holograms of the rulers of the bad kingdoms all at once, the 9th being a hologram of Nexus, and the last one being hologram of a younger teen version of Merdock (who looks similar to Theo)] in order to get rare and powerful weapons for each character
-extra bosses in the Orange Kingdom, Red Kingdom, & Green Kingdom chapters if you lose the mini-games of those chapters [like if you lose the Candy Bowl, you'll have to fight Candyman, if you lose the joust Theo has to fight the winner, if you lose the Deep Fryer Rally Theo, Ben, & Lena would have to fight Fritz & Fritz Jr. (but you’ll still get chased out regardless)  & if you lose the Veggie-Games you have to fight, the team leader of the winning team with Lena, Ben, Nina, & Inca]
-the bosses added as the final boss to the chapter include:
the Mind Control machine turning into a giant baker robot in the Orange Kingdom chapter
Jomanda betraying the Red Kingdom by summoning a Hydra to attack the village after the big fight with Alex in the Red Kingdom chapter
a mechanized dinosaur tank that has the big laser cannon that Alex used to almost destroy the legumes on it's head and two small ones on it's arms (kind of like the Barrel Dragon from Yugioh) that the scientists made Alex that'll you'll have to defeat it on the train before it crashes into the castle in the Brown Kingdom chapter
a powered up Alexander Bluebeard who's gone mad with Nutri-Power (like he eats a big platter consisting of a Grilled Shrimp, Bell Pepper, and Steak Kabob, a bowl of Red Beans & Rice as for a Side, and a Strawberry Yogurt Smoothie as a Drink, and this fills his the Nutri-Powers to the max, and will use more foods in the fight to boost his stats) in the Blue Kingdom chapter
& that Two-Headed Dog from the first episode of Season 6 breaking in through the ceiling of the pyramid just as they were forming the Triads of Light & Darkness to attack the heroes in the Green Kingdom chapter
-Some of the timelines would be connected together to match the form of play, in the Red Kingdom chapter, at the end of the section where Theo, Genevieve, and Nose crash into the salt desert and have to reach the dragon, it would have Theo talking to the dragon, and then cuts to Genevieve & Nose waiting near the Volcano, fire coming out the top, and the Dragons coming after them and then cuts to black and you’d to a few moments earlier where it has the Red Kingdom preparing to defend the kingdom and have the big battle between Alex, with a neverending heard of G-Squads coming during the fight, until it’s interrupted with Theo, Genevieve, & Nose coming in riding on the dragon, and Theo & Genevieve joining the battle & in the Brown Kingdom chapter, it’ll have you play through Theo, Ben, & Guardian Brown getting trapped in the mine first, and when it gets to the point where Theo gets knocked out from exhaustion in the desert, then it cuts to earlier in the day where you play as Nina and go with Johnny to find the treasure and as the two fights Curling Stone & Betty, it would be interrupted with Theo coming in still unconscious as his medallion drags him into it, where Nina & Johnny gives him some Water, Theo joins the fight, and the battle continues, and then it would lead to Theo, Lena, Ben, Nina, & Johnny getting together to go deal with the war only when they get there they discover Alex using the weapon he got from his Father’s Diary on the Legumes
-the Pink Kingdom wouldn't do that whole alternate vision thing where everything is good when you're hypnotized but gross when you aren't, it would all look good, smell good, and taste good (which is how they get the people to be hypnotized by it), but still give you the negative effects of eating too much sugar (even when Lena & Nina enter it for the first time, and your playing as Lena you have the option to keep trying the candy from the Mistresses over and over again until you say no and trigger the first fight with the matrons or until a sudden snap happens and it shows that Lena's lost a tooth, and it would lead to her getting so disgusted at everyone's teeth and big bodies that she just yells everyone to stop, and that triggers the first fight between the Lena and the mistresses, with it later in the fight having it introduce Sid as he jumps into battle)
-whenever you are at sea (floating or diving) in the Blue Kingdom chapter, it would have you doing a board game esc movement, where you draw where you want to go, and it will move in that path, and as you move enemies can move in you too and can cause battles, it kind of works like "Star Fox Command" on the Nintendo DS
-the game has you leveling up your party members of Theo, Lena, Ben, & Nina in order to improve their stats, but there's also Guest Party members who can't level up and are part of certain parts of the story or when you find and meet up with them after you completed a chapter (but they'd leave if you leave the area too far), and they include
Sid for the Orange Kingdom chapter (he's a healer like Nina)
Genevieve (or the Black Knight early on) for the Red Kingdom chapter (she's a fighter like Theo)
Johnny for the Brown Kingdom chapters (he's a shooter like Lena)
Alexander Bluebeard for the Blue Kingdom chapters (who's only available when you have your pact with him) (he's a Brawler like Ben)
Inca for the Green Kingdom chapters (she's a shooter)
Fritz Jr. for the Dragon’s Fury Challenge section in the Red Kingdom chapter (where it would have more enemies there than puzzles and traps) & the Submarine and Neptune’s Trials part of the Blue Kingdom chapter (he's a fighter)
and FYI, the different classes each shows different ways of fighting and different weapons, this is the list of them:
Fighters like Theo uses Swords and other Melee weapons and attacks by pressing certain buttons with certain timing
Shooters like Lena uses Arrows and Guns and attacks by aiming at the right target by trying to keep the cursor in the center of the circle as the cursor moves on it's own
Brawlers like Ben uses Shields and Heavy Swords and attacks by holding a button down and letting go in the right time
Healers like Nina uses water to help other party members regain their health, and doesn't need to press buttons to attack
also all each character’s attack moveset would be determined on the weapon they use (which the weapons you can use are determined by a character’s Level an whenever if it has a “G” on it so that Guest Party Members can use it), as it has different attacks and added effects for it, and an added move specific for each character, Theo can get charge his attack for two turns, Lena can analyze the enemy to reveal it’s stats (including showing the amount of Health it has left onscreen), Ben can guard with his belly, and Nina can use her cuteness to try lower the opponents defenses
-the whole quest would have it not only regaining the seven kingdoms but also to find all the stones from the start, not just starting at the end of the Red Kingdom chapter [so in the beginning of the game Theo already has the White Stone but gets it's power after talking to a Kangaroo Rat in Racing Gear as one of the Guardians of the Temple of Nutrition, he finds the Yellow Stone from a tower in the Yellow Kingdom that used to bring the people hope but worn out when Ty-Paw’s army kept attacking, and after a vision with a Journey to the West-esc monkey in the Temple of Nutrition about never give up doing what's right, Theo gets the stone and uses it's powers to defeat the invading army, and in the Orange Kingdom chapter (where it would have the 2nd test be facing the Magician Rabbit from episodes 1 & 2 of Season 6 instead of fruit bats, cause the beginning of the Black Kingdom chapter would have it start with them using Theo’s pendant to power up the Rocket into Space) the Orange Stone is in the tower used to power the Antenna for the hypnosis machine, and after a vision from the Stone Monster in the Temple of Nutrition (when it had the pendant force Theo onto the stone when it looked like he tripped when they were trapped in the iron capsule) where he talks about trusting others and try listening to what they have to say, Theo gets the stone after he and his friends getting free from being locked up in the iron capsule thanks to Guga and uses the power of the stone to turn the Pink Kingdom into a Giant Fruit Filled Garden (as shown by a cutscene of all the buildings from the Pink Kingdom being crushed and destroyed by vines & growing trees and it having a shimmer of light peek from the cloudy skies and keeps growing more and more until the sky is completely bright and blue)], and each time the players complete a chapter and get the stone & gain it's power, you get an extra special move you can do by filling up a gage by doing good button commands when attacking to do special things to happen to attack foes or help yourself (like the Star Spirits or the Crystal Stars from "Paper Mario")
-there would be a travelling chef character in towns all over the kingdoms where you can make different recipes using different foods (which all the kingdoms will have food from all the different food groups from the start, cause they'd like to keep in touch with eachother) to turn and combine ordinary foods you have into better foods to the increase the amount of stats you'd gain (for example, if you have an Egg you can eat for extra attack power, but when you give it to the chef along with a Wedge of Cheese & a Grilled Ham Leg, he'll make it into an Omelette where it would not only give you tons more attack power than a regular egg but also extra health as well and extra defense too) and it will even have a recipe log with tons & tons of different recipes
-and lastly in the beginning of the game when you start a new save file, you may not be able to change the characters' names, but you'd be able to explain a little bit about you the player, including your name, what kind of playstyle you want to do for button commands (which are described by Theo's Grandfather as an Easy Game or to play a Little Bit Harder) so all players can enjoy it, and you'd also put which food group your favorite food is (which will give a slightly more better chance at getting extra stats when you eat a food), and it would be a profile for each time you'd do a PvP battle or play an online minigame with someone, they're kind of like street passes
I just think it would be a perfect fit, don’t you think?
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crushcircuit · 5 years
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there is not enough genny content. stan genny
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