#ds9 season 5
unknownfaceless-ds9 · 9 months
DS9 Headcanon:
On DS9 is an engineer that is absolutely obsessed with musicals. Every time there is karaoke at Quark's they sing at least three musical numbers and over the time all of ds9, even Odo and Garak, could perform at least six Broadway shows without a single mistake.
When Starfleet evacuates DS9 they are heartbroken, but do not disappear without a little surprise for the Dominion.
Cut to a few months later.
Dukat, Damar, Weyoun etc. walk over the Promenade at it's high time, when suddenly drums sound from every speaker on the station. At first they are confused, when a song starts playing.
"Do you hear the people sing, singing the song of angry men..."
Suddenly everyone stops doing, what they were doing and quiten down, until one by one the whole promenade and the whole station sing "Do you hear the people sing".
Dukat and the Dominion are firstly confused and then angry because obviously they are protesting openly against them, they could be plotting a revolution!
However Odo stops them, by explaining, very smugly, that singing to traditional songs, even if their human, is not forbidden and to change that would take way too long because by then the song would be finished. Also, what should he do? Arrest the whole station including himself? That would be against the contract with Bajor!
So Dukat, Weyoun and the other Dominion soldiers have to stand on the upper level of the promenade while all the people on it are looking up at them, standing still, singing.
"Do you hear the people sing? Singing the song of angry men? It is the music of the people Who will not be slaves again! When the beating of your heart Echoes the beating of the drums There is a life about to start When tomorrow comes "
So yeah, that engineering ensign? They got a fat promotion.
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ponetium · 1 year
DS9: Dr. Mora and Odo
(TW: emotional abuse)
The character I dislike the most in DS9 is Dr. Mora. He is extremely emotionally abusive and manipulative towards Odo every time they meet, he barely can admit that he abused Odo, even if part of the time it was unknowingly. each time they meet he seems to change and understand Odo a bit, and see him for a moment as something more than a test subject, an experiment, an extension of himself, a child his for the abuse. Odo having a short a tragic opportunity to be a parent figure was so heartbreaking. Again, it exposed how much Mora does't see Odo as a real person. Sure, he compliments him in the end, but he never apologizes to him. It almost seems like he is trying to show some growth just to keep some kind of relationship with Odo. This reminds me how some parents see and treat their adult offsprings, who are disabled, or not, but who were abused anyways. The way they talk, like the offspring is never their own person, and their inability to admit mistakes and hurting their child, even if they had the best intentions are so similar. I have a hypothesis that Odo having hardships with doing faces of other humanoids is a direct result of his childhood trauma. In a way, he tries to hold on to something of himself alone. Being a caregiver showed how much love and compassion he has inside him. But losing that child was traumatic as well, so traumatic that he rejected himself again. Dr. Mora poisoning Odo's mind while Odo fought him to treat that child with care and dignity, really pushed Odo back into self abandonment. Dr. Mora is one of the most horrible characters, but only Odo can see it, and others just don't see all the hidden needles he pokes Odo with.
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theonlyfeckuser · 1 year
it really cracks me up that for a whole season there was an o'brien polycule and kira carried their literal baby and lived with them and then, in trye star trek fashion, it never comes up again
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sparkyblizz · 2 years
"Now, back in the closet, where you belong."
- Quark, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
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raisinchallah · 9 months
bad tv is so much easier to watch than good tv like good tv its like im some kind of extremely particular fish you get the ph wrong in my tank and i die because it wasnt all perfect for watching this beloved incredible tv show time has to be right even better if you have a nice little meal gotta be in the right mindset so u can savor it literally catastrophic if u dont get this stuff right i start getting scale rot or something fish metaphor whatever but bad tv its like i become mosquito larvae i can live in any environment no matter how toxic and sludgy it is i will just slam thru that thing like nothing else
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ladyylavenderrr · 3 months
Considering writing a fic where Julian takes Garak’s insistence that the Federation has planted some kind of mind controlling device in his head more seriously. The crew kinda brushes it off as silly old Garak, all paranoid about nothing, but considering Julian knows he has a history of drug addiction and mental illness (Garak is practically suicidal in The Wire), and highly likely abuse (if Julian hasn’t figured out Tain was abusive by now, he never will), psychosis is a definite worry. And I’ve seen some people say Garak wasn’t being serious saying this, which I guess is possible, but realistically, Julian should be worried either way. This would also be me finally exploring Garak’s psychosis properly in a fic, and I definitely see him as being psychotic after all the events of ASIT
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gar-trek · 2 years
Cardassians have taken over the station!!!
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meer-anonymity · 8 months
Omg second watch through as an adult, less than 10 minutes into the episode and even for now it holds up but for the time it would have been revolutionary. Where I'm from being gay had only stopped being illigal for less than a year when this episode came out. Star trek deep space nine i really do love you. Just this conversation between kira and julian is insane, in the best possible way. Touching on queer - trans and gay rights in such a sci fi way
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remholder · 1 year
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finally watched a certain episode yesterday
i think it got to me:
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furbysareillogical · 2 years
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Didn't draw for three weeks and forgot to shade. Here's Weewee.
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mirakurutaimu · 11 months
jesus CHRIST letswatchstartrek never fails to have absolute dogshit taste in their ratings. 2/5 for In the Cards? come the fuck on you dumbshit morons
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matthewmoorwood · 2 months
At this very moment it is about Odo but it is always about all of them
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theonlyfeckuser · 1 year
ngl guys. haaaaaate these new uniforms. theyre frumpy.
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thresholdbb · 4 months
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Holup, they’re all rocking the same inclement weather gear
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calpalsworld · 5 months
ive been half paying attention to ds9 as transhitman watches it but even from a distance the evil arc they did to odo is soooo cringeeee like oh my god i cant even watchhhhh
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themthistles · 8 months
thing about childhood&teen comfort series is that it could be dogshit and you grow out of it but ten years later any small reminder will still send you down 'i should rewatch/reread' rabbit hole
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