#season 4 episode 5
depressnt · 10 months
Jules when Devineux shows up at her history lecture: 😒
Jules when Carmen shows up at her lecture: *stutters, ends up ending lecture having lost all composure and rushes to her office to meet up with Carmen*
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dethkrypt · 3 months
⟡ s4e5 × bookklok - toki's solo . ( gifset : requested by anon )
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✂ - - took some creative liberties with the prompt "toki playing the guitar" since i've always wanted to gif this scene.
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meer-anonymity · 7 months
Omg second watch through as an adult, less than 10 minutes into the episode and even for now it holds up but for the time it would have been revolutionary. Where I'm from being gay had only stopped being illigal for less than a year when this episode came out. Star trek deep space nine i really do love you. Just this conversation between kira and julian is insane, in the best possible way. Touching on queer - trans and gay rights in such a sci fi way
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feelinspooky · 9 months
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why do i never hear anyone talk about this episode?? like are you kidding me,
“Dana, if, um, early in the four years we’ve been working together an event occurred that suggested or someone told you that we’d been friends together in other lifetimes, always. Would it have changed some of the ways we looked at one another?”
“Even if i knew for certain I wouldn’t change a day.”
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m0ose-idiot · 2 years
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Nothing to do?! Hah! Button House is lots of fun! 👻
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total-drama-everyday · 8 months
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amateur-mint · 7 months
Lower Decks Season 4 Episode 5
I think they fumbled the ball on this episode.
For starters, I'm sorry, but the season 3 finale was incredibly disappointing. Mariner's powder keg of a relationship with her mother finally blows up in the most foreshadowed event of the show, and the writers fumble, HARD.
Instead of having Mariner go off and be a badass space archaeologist and having Freeman (AND JENNIFER) go through a character arc in which they recognize why they believed Mariner would actually trash the Cerritos to the reporter, they just have her...change her mind? And come back? And say it WASN'T A BIG DEAL???
No, that's not the Beckett we'd spent three seasons getting to know. I would have taken her rallying the Cali-classes and then slipping away before anyone could ask her to stay, but s3 ep10 was a cop-out, plain and simple.
And now, they have an episode where the central theme is heightened emotions out in the open. The literal perfect setup for Mariner and her mother (OR JEN, GODDAMNIT) to have a real conversation about how they feel about that utter betrayal. They could have done that. They should have done that.
Instead, we get Boimler doing charades and learning that Security does mental health shit. The closest thing we get is a throwaway line where Beckett cries about rescuing her mommy.
I don't think Jennifer has had a single line yet this season.
Bad. Call.
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sammi-phoenix · 6 months
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For: Day 1 Kira Appreciation week
Prompt: Fav Scene (my explanation under the cut)
I absolutely love this scene and honestly the addition of Kira to the Lacrosse team. I know a lot of people dislike it because honestly who isn't kind of fed up with the lacrosse scenes in Teen Wolf, they're kind of silly. But for real I love this scene in particular because ugh, Kira gets to be a part of something external to the whole Deadpool thing. A lot of other characters have things they do outside their saving Beacon Hills stuff that furthers the plot. Scott and Stiles as well as many of the male characters (Liam, Jackson, Isaac, etc) have lacrosse while Allison alludes to doing photography as well as Archery outside of combat scenarios. I just think it was really cool to have Kira join in on the traditionally more masculine hobby. It also works to cement Kira, as a new character, into the pack and group, giving her something outside of the combat/supernatural plot to fight for.
Idk it's really interesting to me and I quite enjoy IED as an episode and as a cool piece of Kira lore.
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sstarmune · 1 year
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mingijaeminateezen · 1 year
To say something about Barry, and Bill Hader.
I really hate that people are saying that Bill is unmediated or unwell for writing a very well and amazing show.
Barry takes a bunch of different turns, and while reading and watching interviews with Bill Hader, it makes a lot of sense that it’s something he’s passionate about.
See, this most recent episode was basically a “what if”. The time jump right? Bill Hader wanted people to see what Barry truly wanted in his heart, his perfect life, the heaven he thinks he deserves. And even if they makes Sally a very unhappy, alcoholic wife who barely interacts with her son, to Barry, this is the perfect life.
Sally is living in Barry’s day dream but she’s also living in her own nightmare. It was to grasp the idea that while she said “let’s go”, she without knowing, accepted the future that is what season 4 episode 5 was about.
Bill did a very good job on directing this episode, and he said himself it’s one of his favourites. He added that the darkness surrounding the house, when the knock on the door happened, is sort of a metaphor that no matter what, there is no way to escape the true reality of what Barry’s life was. The darkness surrounding the house, still follows him all the way back to shooting up the monastery.
The entire idea of the episode is to lean hard into Barry’s “perfect life” even if it’s eating Sally alive and keeping John sheltered. Next episode will probably bring them back to LA, and Sally just might be able to make her run for it. It’s all just theory and speculation for now.
But can we please just enjoy the weirdness and… difference this episode brought to the show? It takes a lot to pass it off and do it well, and Bill Hader and Alec Berg has done an exceptional job at doing so and keeping the viewers still invested for the next episode.
Can we just enjoy a show that a guy made and enjoy it for its uniqueness in film today? I have personally seen a lot darker tv shows, and I don’t see anyone bashing the writers or directors for being “unwell” or “unmedicated” for making those shows. Bill just wanted to make a show, and that is exactly what he did. And a damn good show at that.
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unclegunkus · 2 years
Genuinely scared of BBL Nandor
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meer-anonymity · 7 months
Kira: "you know that woman"
Jadzia: "i know her. She used to be my wife"
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matt00794 · 1 year
If you ever become the ceo of a big tech company and  ever think of sending a liter of your own blood to your head of communications, who is the only woman who works for you, maybe just maybe don’t and even if you do please don’t send more even as a joke. 
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lovestuckyhatemarvel · 7 months
The Nina Project. Nina makes me think of Fullmetal Alchemist (both original and Brotherhood) which makes me sad, but also I had a friend with a cat named Nina. Although that cat is probably also dead. Either way, RIP Nina and let’s get started with episode 5.
1.) Yeah, I knew that dude wouldn’t last long enough to tell them how to find Nina. Also, my deepest apologies to Argyle. I think you’re gonna get fired for this. People are super not supposed to die in the back of your delivery van.
2.) I straight up forgot that the other fed was still alive to be threatened.
3.) Okay we’re going back 12 hours. Hey wait, guys. Lmao. I know it’s kind of generic but I find the secret base entrance 1.) hilariously obvious. 2.) looks like the entrance to the underground home in Sims 4 thanks to Strangerville. I can’t remember which came first and I don’t care enough to check. I’m gonna pretend Sims did it first because that’s funnier.
4.) “You built all This?” El, Owens hired people to build all this.
5.) “You’re bigger than Madonna to them.” Eh, fuck Madonna.
6.) Oh, Nina’s a fuckin’ metal thing. And there’s Brenner. BUDDY, THAT’S NOT FEAR. THAT’S ANGER AND HATE. Oh my god I hate Brenner.
7.) Brenner better die, I swear to god.
8.) Actually, Owens can die too since they’re drugging her and recreating a scene from episode 1. But also why was Owens stupid enough to actually reveal Brenner? I hope that shit has a purpose, because otherwise he’s a moron.
9.) “He is not yours to kill.” Okay who is Hopper’s to kill? I guess we’ll find out after they finish dragging him past ominous double doors. Oh nvm, I just remembered the end of season three.
10.) Hey, Hopper. I know you’re mad, but like, Antonov or whatever his name is, is telling the truth. Or at least I think he is. He had no reason to actually want to put himself in danger like that. He does not benefit from being a prisoner.
11.) Oh that dweeb is still getting up into the air.
12.) “I have 3 kids.” Aw. Joyce counted El. <3
13.) Hi, Eddie. You need to be more subtle, my baby boy. I get why he wants a six pack though. And why Max bounced for breakfast.
14.) Ted Wheeler, I hope you die and leave your family a ton of money.
15.) Max is not good at art, but they’re fun. Also can we talk about how everyone is talking super openly around Holly and Ted?
16.) Nancy draws super straight lines. That’s not important, but nice job.
17.) Was cutting El’s hair actually necessary? Joyce should buy her some fun wigs. Like a few different colors. For funsies.
18.) No offense, but I don’t understand people who would fuck Henry Creel. He’s not attractive before his transformation and after his transformation his design is boring and goofy. Like he’s not a fuckable monster.
19.) Truly don’t understand Owens and Brenner working together. Like not to be a fucking dumbass but it seems outside his personality.
20.) THEY ARE NOT BURYING THAT BODY DEEP ENOUGH. Actually, Argyle is losing his mind so probably not a good time to bring this up. Also, people who write Argyle as chill in the face of danger are fucking HILARIOUS to me now. Like how did that get started?
21.) Hey, Netflix. Why are you starting the ‘tender emotional music’ on Will/Mike over them burying a body in the desert? Like I know this conversation warrants it, but maybe cue up the music like 5 seconds later.
22.) Argyle is super not understanding hiding a body. But GOD, it only happened so Mike could notice the pen. But couldn’t the group just talk about how all the dude did was hand over a pen???????
23.) “I can make you rich.” Can you, bud? Oh nvm, you’re lying about Hopper being rich. But also it was a terrible plan even if Hopper had helped. The guard would have demanded money and Hopper doesn’t fucking have it.
24.) Hopper is giving backstory but is also using his tragic backstory (which is tragic) to try to pretend he’s too dangerous to be near. Hopper, ‘everyone I love, I hurt’ is the depression talking. And the PTSD. You are not the curse. Except for in season 3. You were the curse then because you were deeply annoying.
25.) Damn, one backstory and guy I refuse to call Enzo is giving up.
26.) People came to talk to Wayne and see the burgeoning crack in his ceiling. I am glad Wayne is being moved.
27.) This funeral for Chrissy was fast.
28.) Hey how the fuck does that rando know who Eddie’s supplier is and that two old men thought they saw Rick in his house this goddamn morning????????????
29.) Aw damn, why’d you have to break that fucking stained glass. It was nice.
30.) Well, we got a shot of the walkie talkie as the bag was dropped on the floor so that probably is a hint.
31.) Steve has such a bitchy sigh. I love it.
32.) Hell yeah, Joyce. But also lmao Jeremiah the 16 year old fighter is very fast. Yuri < Jeremiah.
33.) “Never mind how” means the show does not want to actually come up with a rationale for how they can suddenly force El to go back to any memory, let alone this specific one.
34.) I understand they needed to use CGI for younger El, but they actually didn’t do a great job in some of those shots.
35.) Oh, they wanna get Susie to figure it out.
36.) Damn, Eddie, you are firmly just bored now. Oh well, not bored anymore. A bunch of douches in tailored suits are here to murder you. Also, bud, did you not close and lock all the doors?????? Why the fuck would he leave it open and unlocked? Also WHAT DO YOU MEAN, ‘IT’S HIM’? IT’S A STONER’S HOUSE. IT’S LITERALLY THE STONER’S FOOD!!!
37.) Yeah, they couldn’t hear the radio.
38.) Dustin is being a douche and did not answer Steve’s very reasonable question. And also I would also freak out from spiders. ROBIN THT’S SO MEAN.
39.) Second Platonic with a capital P. Still no sign of the word soulmate and I’m starting to wonder if it’s purely fanon.
40.) Steve Harrington is a himbo and I love him.
41.) Lucas is so cute. And Max and Lucas are the only cute het couple amongst the kids.
42.) So far there’s no actual explanation from the show of how there are so many kids with powers. We know how El got hers, but Kali was kidnapped as a child and presumably didn’t get her powers the same way. And I don’t think the rest of these kids were made the same way El was either.
43.) Owens, are you actually surprised Brenner is putting El’s life in danger?
44.) a;lkdsjfaskdjf;all Murray oh my god. You should have just hit Yuri. You’re a black belt in karate, not intimidating.
45.) oh damn plane going down. And Joyce shooting a gun in the cockpit did not help.
46.) Okay Murray is terrible at intimidating but he did get to knock a dude out. Unfortunately.
47.) Murray oh my fucking god. That’s a nat 1 on operating a plane, bud.
48.) I just realized I think they’re doing Digital lighting for these effects of following the lights in the Creel house and BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. Rubbish. Swine. BOOOOOOOOO.
49.) This is fully breaking and entering from the boys. But also damn that’s a bad boat and damn piece of shit carver is a good swimmer. And is unhinged.
50.) Yeah, we fucking get it. Vecna is in the upside down attic.
51.) Damn, that death is still goofy as hell.RIP Patrick, your death was hilarious.
52.) I don’t think it’s actually possible to be up and at ‘em that soon after needing to be resuscitated. Even if you do have superpowers.
53.) I hate Brenner so much. El HAS A DAD. IT’S HOPPER.
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liopleurodean · 1 year
Season 4, Episode 5: Monster Movie
If there's one thing I've learned about Supernatural, it's that when an episode opens in a weird way it's gonna be fun. Bring it on, black-and-white Warner Bros. logo
Funky music
He looks distracted
Not today, at least
Monster of the week!
I've gotta say, I've never really been a fan of black and white shows
Oktoberfest! 97.2 rock station
Ouch, Sam
Really, Dean?
Time for the body
Wow, okay
Straight out of Dracula
That's a fun perspective
Eyes up here, Dean
Dean. Tone it down a little
Does that make Sam Goose?
That's an understatement
Okay, but what does that mean?
This is fun
Man. Takes a lot to make them speechless
But it'll be fun anyway
Sam's got a point
Unless you're into it
I'll take that
Wow, Dean
I like her
More like not weird enough
Liar. Major red flags, get out of there girl
So a classic werewolf then?
Okay, that's a weird statement
She's traumatized
They're definitely confused
Of course it was the one in the middle
She just budged right in front of her colleague
Hey, he finally scored
No, not cool Dean
Now it's The Mummy?
Rip to that guy
That's not gonna do much
There's a lead
Uh oh
This is so campy
Good response
If Dean is Johnathan, Mina is very lucky
That's just weird
Fun times
Told you it was a lead
Something like that
No. Supernatural is a tv show, this is real
Fun parallels
Besides you, Dean?
That'll do it
Not even close
Something like that
Kind of, yeah
Very, VERY near
That's what it all boils down to
Not even remotely close
Dean 😂
Oh, not the Phantom!
Toccata and Fugue in D Minor. A bit on the nose
That's such a weird thing to say
It's her
Oh crap
That's just weird
If you can stay awake
I've gotta say, I preferred the FBI getup over the lederhosen
That's creepy
Yeah. Elegance
This'll be fun
Saved by the bell
That's weird
Hah, poor guy
$15.50 for a single pizza?
It's a pizza, so probably
Or not
Yeah, good old Ms. Westenra is the culprit
That's so weird
Poor girl
I mean, it is a pretty dress
We've got a lot of sympathetic monsters in the last two seasons
No, you don't
Dean's a bit preoccupied
That was anticlimactic
Yeah, Van Helsing works
She's just over it
And of course he gets the girl
Yeah, he's patriotic
Sam in the back like 🧍
Better than some of his other hookups
Porn, probably
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