Disability Swag Summit 2!!
The Swag Summit is back!
Now with some improvements.
I’ve added different categories to display and represent a wider array of characters and disabilities throughout the competition.
Also, since my goal is representation, you can submit any character with disabilities as major or “minor” as you want.
Also, head canons and coding are allowed, just mark them as such in the form.
The categories go as follows:
Here go characters with movement disabilities, like paralysis, missing a limb, or not being able to coordinate your body. Here go people with club foot, Parkinson’s, flat feet, dyspraxia, tic related disabilities, cerebral palsy, paraplegia, amputees, mobility aid users, etc.
Here go characters with disabilities related to their internal organs, endocrine system, immune system, amongst other systems inside of your body. Disabilities in this category may include asthma, autoimmune disorders, allergies, chronic pain, diabetes, PCOS, fibromyalgia, IBS, skin conditions, amongst others.
Here go characters with disabilities related to their senses, be it sight (blindness, colour blindness, cataracts, astigmatism, photosensitivity, etc), touch/pain (CIPA, Hyposthesia, Dysesthesia, etc.), hearing (deafness, being hard of hearing, etc), smell (anosmia, phantosmia, etc), taste (Ageusia, Hypogeusia, etc) or a combination of different senses (like synesthesia).
Pretty straight forward, disabilities related to speech, be it selective mutism, speech impediments, full on mutism or other speech related disabilities.
Physical differences
Catch all term for people who were born or developed some sort of physical difference. Idk if it counts as a disability, but we’re looking to represent as many people as possible here so. Here go people who are missing limbs, visible organs or pretty much any body part, people who use prosthetics, people with extra body parts (that are actually not normally supposed to be there, don’t fill this category with bug people and aliens) people with deformities, scars, conjoined twins, little people, people with gigantism, etc.
Since different types of Neurodivergencies overlap so much, I feel like separating them would make my job 10 times more difficult, so I decided to lump together Cognitive, Info-processing, Psycosocial, Learning, and other mental disabilities. Here go characters with Autism, Dementia, DID, Schizophrenia, brain damage, PTSD, OCD, Tourette’s, dyslexia, etc.
Those who do not fit under other categories, be it because I forgot, because it’s not really categorizable or because it’s a fantasy disability (if the fantasy disability is close enough to one of the other categories, put it there too for good measure).
And finally
1- No real people. Live action characters are fine, but I feel kinda uncomfortable putting actual real living (or historical) human beings here. Maybe you can submit a disabled real animal if you want, but no people.
2- Preferably positive or neutral representation, please. As in, I rather not see blatantly ableist media represented here, there’s better representation out there, but if you really have to, I guess do whatever you want.
3- Be civil. This is for fun and not to be taken seriously. If you manage to spark drama or harassment out of this silly and fun competition, you are going to the dungeon.
4- Don’t make submissions in the asks. The asks are for questions and propaganda, make your submissions in the form.
5- Propaganda is allowed and highly encouraged! Either share it in the asks, at @eddies-disability-swag-blog or tag it as #disability swag summit
6- Should go without saying, but, like, bigotry is cringe, so, like, don’t do it?
Anyways, here’s the form! Submit away!
The Form will close on December 25 (May be earlier or later depending on the number of submissions), so make sure to submit your blorbos by then!
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plumsaffron · 2 years
Again, notice the interesting scene effect going
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8infinite-space8 · 2 months
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Distance: 4500 light years.
Credit: ESO/APEX/DSS2/ SuperCosmos/ Deharveng(LAM)/ Zavagno(LAM).
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ithisatanytime · 8 months
my back hurts and i dont even do shit
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noctuary-of-one · 1 year
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Saclateni, located in the Z Aurigae
DSS2 photo of Saclateni
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wumblr · 4 years
okay so why is this
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called “the skull nebula” and this, as far as i can tell
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is called “gum64″
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@awildecard & @brodieeweston
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acuppellarp · 6 years
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Thank you to everyone who participated in the first week and round of Double Secret Santa! We loved revealing the matches and everyone’s thoughtful gifts!
Need a reminder of how the event works? Check out the intro post here.  
Please have your character answer the following questions and submit their responses to the Main no later than 11:59PM EST on Tuesday, December 11.
Your character’s answers can be as broad or as specific as you’d like, but please take into account the overall secret-ness of this event.
What are three hobbies you enjoy?
What’s your best/favorite physical feature?
If you could design your own monthly subscription box, what kinds of items would your service curate?
What’s something you always say you want to do but have never had the time to do?
What’s your favorite baked good?
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Hubble Spots Swirls of Dust in the Flame Nebula The Flame Nebula, also called NGC 2024, is a large star-forming region in the constellation Orion that lies about 1,400 light-years from Earth. It’s a portion of the Orion Molecular Cloud Complex, which includes such famous nebulae as the Horsehead Nebula and Orion Nebula. This image focuses on the dark, dusty heart of the nebula, where a star cluster resides, mostly hidden from view. Nearby (but not visible in this image) is the bright star Alnitak, the easternmost star in the Belt of Orion. Radiation from Alnitak ionizes the Flame Nebula’s hydrogen gas. As the gas begins to cool from its higher-energy state to a lower-energy state, it emits energy in the form of light, causing the visible glow behind the swirled wisps of dust. Researchers have used Hubble to measure the mass of stars in the cluster as they search for brown dwarfs, a type of dim object that’s too hot and massive to be classified as a planet but also too small and cool to shine like a star. The Flame Nebula, also called NGC 2024, is part of the Orion Molecular Cloud Complex and is found near the Horsehead Nebula. Credits: NASA, ESA, and N. Da Rio (University of Virginia), ESO, DSS2, and D. De Martin; Processing: Gladys Kober (NASA/Catholic University of America) Main Image Credit: NASA, ESA, and N. Da Rio (University of Virginia); Processing: Gladys Kober (NASA/Catholic University of America)
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apod · 5 years
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2019 November 12
NGC 3717: A Nearly Sideways Spiral Galaxy Image Credit: ESA/Hubble & NASA, Processing: D. Rosario
Explanation: Some spiral galaxies are seen nearly sideways. Most bright stars in spiral galaxies swirl around the center in a disk, and seen from the side, this disk can be appear quite thin. Some spiral galaxies appear even thinner than NGC 3717, which is actually seen tilted just a bit. Spiral galaxies form disks because the original gas collided with itself and cooled as it fell inward. Planets may orbit in disks for similar reasons. The featured image by the Hubble Space Telescope shows a light-colored central bulge composed of older stars beyond filaments of orbiting dark brown dust. NGC 3717 spans about 100,000 light years and lies about 60 million light years away toward the constellation of the Water Snake (Hydra).
∞ Source: apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap191112.html
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nekomessiah144 · 2 years
My Epic Poetry
I have 2 Cycles, DSS1 is 25 Books while DSS2 is 12 Books, but I don’t know all the details yet. I’m gonna have to start all over with TDC however, and I’m gonna make it more like Heroic Fantasy than High Fantasy this time.
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spinmeround · 2 years
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Colour composite image of RCW120. It reveals how an expanding bubble of ionised gas about ten light-years across is causing the surrounding material to collapse into dense clumps where new stars are then formed. The 870-micron submillimetre-wavelength data were taken with the LABOCA camera on the 12-m Atacama Pathfinder Experiment (APEX) telescope. Here, the submillimetre emission is shown as the blue clouds surrounding the reddish glow of the ionised gas (shown with data from the SuperCosmos H-alpha survey). The image also contains data from the Second Generation Digitized Sky Survey (I-band shown in blue, R-band shown in red).
This image is available as a mounted image in the ESOshop
ESO/APEX/DSS2/ SuperCosmos/ Deharveng(LAM)/ Zavagno(LAM)
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rivercityindustrial · 3 years
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Indramat Interface Board 109-0852-4B01-05 Rexroth 10908524B0105 PLC DSS2 https://ift.tt/3nwL1QE
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wigmund · 6 years
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From Astronomy Picture of the Day; March 26, 2018:
The Coma Cluster of Galaxies Russ Carroll, Robert Gendler, & Bob Franke; Dan Zowada Memorial Observatory
Almost every object in the above photograph is a galaxy. The Coma Cluster of Galaxies pictured here is one of the densestclusters known - it contains thousands of galaxies. Each of these galaxies houses billions of stars - just as our own Milky Way Galaxy does. Although nearby when compared to most other clusters, light from the Coma Cluster still takes hundreds of millions of years to reach us. In fact, the Coma Cluster is so big it takes light millions of years just to go from one side to the other. Most galaxies in Coma and other clusters are ellipticals, while most galaxies outside of clusters are spirals. The nature of Coma's X-ray emission is still being investigated.
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can diamond chocolates be a tinsel’s best friend? i sure hope so! i hope you also go and see a really cool show in your new and really cool tiger t! and then you can come home and not nerd out on the couch with a good book and instead enjoy an awesome based on a true story one of my favorite movies! happy holidays!
@theoreprise & @djjeffries
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acuppellarp · 5 years
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Thank you to everyone who participated in the first week and round of Double Secret Santa! We loved revealing the matches and everyone’s thoughtful gifts!
Need a reminder of how the event works? Check out the intro post here.  
Please have your character answer the following questions and submit their responses to the Main no later than 11:59PM EST on Wednesday, December 11.
Your character’s answers can be as broad or as specific as you’d like, but please take into account the overall secret-ness of this event.
Cookies or cake?
Theatre or cinema?
Book or movie?
Flowers or Chocolate?
Lions or tigers (or bears)?
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