#dualcast records
dualcastimpact · 1 year
kai livetweets: a realm reborn
Originally part of a massive livetweet thread on my main Twitter account; reposted here for posterity.
July 20, 2021
I didn't think I'd be livetweeting (somewhat) my progress through the game, but here I am anyway!
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Into the rabbit hole I go
May 28, 2021 I finally started playing FFXIV on a whim and already I am very attached to my WoL... this game is Dangerous
Narrator voice: she would soon be proven wrong
May 30, 2021 Been playing a lot of FFXIV lately and it's quickly superseding Genshin as my main game, but as much fun I'm having with it I don't think there's anything for me to livetweet about hmm
Oh sweet summer child
May 31, 2021 I was going to grind the other beginner caster classes... then I realised the jobs I'm majorly interested in don't need prerequisite classes... guess I'll just main Summoner until Endwalker drops I'm mostly hard at work leveling the DoL classes anyhow hahaha wow how are they on par with my main class wtf I will however grind Thaumaturgy until idk level 20 because I want to get the materia from the outfits I'm SO close to spiritbonding, because I want to glamour-plate those outfits
First look at Raginmar
May 31, 2021 Was influenced by @/surfacage's tired bedraggled Miqo'te WoL but alas Miqo'te don't come in beefy... so settled for a Highlander Hyur instead! Raginmar Steelbiter doesn't really get this whole crystal business but he's too nice to say no
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He's generally a mild-mannered beefcake who just wants to get along with people! Too bad the plentiful and varied beasts and bandits of Eorzea don't agree with that
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I have his idle pose set to crossed arms so whenever he talks to NPCs he just exudes this judgmental aura asjfkdjfkkd
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It's always these types
May 31, 2021 Looked up the barest info on Thancred because I liked what I saw from his character so far and apparently he's a smooth-talking, guilt-ridden workaholic of a man I don't want to call myself out but this is just way too predictable of me
And here you can see how I begin spiralling into OC hell
May 31, 2021 WoL brainrot hours... Raginmar has a sister who gets into fisticuffs a lot... boisterous bruiser up for a bloody good time This happens every time I have a new OC don't mind me
Fuck Gridania
June 4, 2021 Every time I come to Gridania it's either foggy or raining I hate this place What the hell is this weather Gridania
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All my homies hate Gridania
June 5, 2021 I said I wouldn't have anything to tweet about while playing FFXIV but I was wrong I do have something to tweet about It's how every time I go to Gridania the weather is fuCKING ATROCIOUS Here I am, freshly logged in and in Buscarron's lovely little alehouse, enjoying the music, and there's a thunderstorm right outside :))) man I deeply dislike Gridania
I like doing provisions, kinda stressed I have to reach Heavensward to continue
June 6, 2021 I gotta stop doing the provision supplies, I only have so much energy to play and by the time I finish them I'm too tired to do the class quests hrngk
You kinda do need to get into the thick of it as a Black Mage, I know that now
June 8, 2021 I wonder if the other magic DPS in the party yell at me for staying so far back like I do at them for charging into melee range with enemies
Met a tank masquerading as a DPS one day
June 10, 2021 As a DPS you're supposed to let the tank aggro the mobs and then assist with AOEs, right? Like that's the basic rule of it, right? Then why would you charge in headlong when you're a DPS...
A common problem
June 11, 2021 These past few days I've been motivating myself with finally finishing the rogue storyline in FFXIV, but by the time I actually get round to playing it I always feel too drained to enjoy the story, so I end up not playing it... I really like Jacke and I'm kinda sad he's not in the story beyond the class/job storylines, so I really want to enjoy it while I can
I never did get Raginmar to NIN
June 13, 2021 me: today I WILL finish the ROG story quest and get the NIN soul crystal also me: *grinds for GSM by almost 20 levels instead* I had about 114 raw amethysts from mining and so decided to use them all up to level GSM and hoo boy
I haven't watched Oxventure in a long time because I don't want to not focus on it because I'm too tired or anything
June 14, 2021 Finished BTN and MIN quests until the base level 50 cap, might fuck around and finish the GSM questline too Meanwhile the ROG questline is just... there. This is me with Oxventure all over again my friends: where are you at with the MSQ bro, hurry up and finish the story me:
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Friendly reminder to play The Last Remnant if you can, it's a great game
June 14, 2021 I was wondering why the behemoth mount music in FFXIV felt so familiar... it's by Tsuyoshi Sekito, who made the music for the The Last Remnant... I really need to go back and finish that game, I loved it to bits but I never ended up finishing it...
When your gathering class is 20 levels above your main
June 15, 2021 The Sneak skill afforded to DoL classes is a bit of a cheat imo, wandered around Mor Dhona last night as BTN and probably cheated myself out of the experience of exploring it properly first hand I'm only around lv. 24 in the MSQ. Northern Thanalan and Mor Dhona mooks can kill my main class twice over. Wandering around in a non-combat class at night and hoping I don't encounter any enemies beyond the Sneak level felt a bit surreal haha There was a pugilist going around one-shotting every vanguard in the area lmao and then at Revenant's Toll there was this lv. 3 wanderer just sitting on top of the battlements and presumably enjoying the view
I just found out this was an Easter egg of some sort!
June 15, 2021 This isn't his carbuncle
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It's up and left now. Wonder whose carbuncle that was...
I still haven't done that level 44 quest
June 16, 2021 Level 50 GSM quest got me like
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This didn't last very long lmao
June 17, 2021 You thought I was joking
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I'm gonna have to do this again with Kirika :)
June 17, 2021 I may have overestimated my own willingness to play a purely healing class... playing solo CNJ basically means 80% of my skillset is useless I'm a bit invested in Slyphie's story now though, guess I'll stick with it
So for this one you need to catch a high quality Harbor Herring, then use it to mooch for a high quality Ogre Barracuda, then use THAT to mooch for a Mazlaya Marlin 
I got all that in one go :D
June 20, 2021 Finished the lv. 50 FSH quest! Leveling it is so much easier than MIN or BTN, lemme tell you — I remember the other two lv. 50 quests were so involved and had you looking for pure, unspoiled nodes in Coerthas and all 
FSH just needed you to catch three fish in succession
I really want to go to Ishgard
June 20, 2021 Actually pretty sad I can only get to Ishgard in Heavensward — feels like a long way away, especially with my quest to level all the DoH/DoL skills to 50. Not to mention, partying for duties make me nervous about not performing well (。•́︿•̀。)
I'm slowly leveling up CNJ and I do want to do duties as that class, but I'm scared I won't be healing as efficiently as the party would like. Targeting with the PS4 is hard, you have to toggle quickly through enemies/party members on-screen and hope you can select them in time
Sometimes you can't even select them ._. one time I was doing a FATE with someone and they just weren't being selected as I cycled through every character on screen, it was stressful
Big desolation vibes!!
June 22, 2021 Coerthas is my favourite so far, it's barren and snowing 60% of the time but I genuinely love the Central Highlands so much
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Highkey can't wait to go to Ishgard
I appreciate the free gear but man it really doesn't do him any favours
June 22, 2021 Gridania was sunny a couple days back
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Really want a better crafting glamour hmm hmmm
June 23, 2021 Did I level up LTW specifically so I could make raptor leather needed for the wool suspenders? Why yes, yes I did 
Anyway: DoH and DoL glamours because I like the lumberjack dad look he's got going on
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What do you mean there's more to this game than crafting
Really wanted Raginmar to wear the altered felt robe but good god is it ugly on him
June 23, 2021 Pros of leveling DoH classes while ignoring the MSQ: you can make fancy pretty things 
Cons of leveling DoH classes while ignoring the MSQ: the fancy pretty things are too high-leveled for your main class
I want Raginmar to wear the altered felt robe... it looks so much cooler than the lumpy fumpy robe he's wearing now.....
Was talking about getting into something years after it peaked in popularity
June 23, 2021 Also missing out on events. Praying that the FFXV event comes back to FFXIV oh god I want the Kingsglaive title SO BAD
Impostor syndrome but make it FFXIV
June 24, 2021 me looking nervously at a level 50+ sprout: oh no they're so experienced 
also me: level 50+ in DoL classes
The moment I realised the DoH classes all depend on each other...
June 24, 2021 >> go to do the LTW quests  >> lv. 45 quest requires mythril and cobalt rivets >> realise i need to level ARM by at least 15, BSM by 25 >> retire to inn >> log out >> cry myself to sleep
I am WAY too tired for this but tomorrow I guess I'll go mine some ore and bomb ash and make 100 steel ingot idk 
Listen I main SMN okay I don't need metalworks
The lv. 40 quest needed hippogryph sinew... the lowest level creature that drops it is the hippocerf in Coerthas, at level 40... four whole levels above my main class... thank god I main SMN and invested my chocobo points in healing but now I am just tired
I shoulda known my low level in other classes would fuck me over! I shoulda known!!!
"The lore" is basically the only reason I do anything in this game
June 25, 2021 rational brain: literally nothing is stopping you from leveling every combat class with Raginmar 
 lizard brain: yeah but it'd be funnier if Hyllizirn levels in exclusively tank classes because of the lore
Hyllizirn is Raginmar's boisterous bruiser of a sister, so lore-wise it makes sense that Hyllizirn does tank jobs and maybe MNK (because fisticuffs) and Raginmar is more arcane and ranged (because pacifist)
The real question here is do I have the tenacity to play the game from the start just so I can have Hyllizirn screenshots What am I saying of course I do
Spiralling even further into OC hell
June 25, 2021 If Raginmar only levels magic and physical ranged DPS (and ROG), and Hyllizirn only levels tank, then should I make another character to level healer and melee DPS...? That would also be pretty funny lmao
Dungeon observations 2
June 26, 2021 Did Halatali for the first time with a party of veterans and man, I understand what they mean by big pulls now
Tank absolutely NYOOMED through the dungeon; he'd aggro a few enemies and then run into the next chamber for a bigger space to fight in + more enemies. Hard to really contribute when you have no AoE spells other than Gust tho (。•́︿•̀。)
Everybody left so quickly after we'd finished, I didn't have time to give anyone commendations (。•́︿•̀。) one of them gave me one though!
To make matters worse, I didn't realise there were more hippocerfs close to Whitebrim so did a gauntlet a little further away on a path that only had three of the buggers, running back and forth and killing them as they respawned
June 26, 2021 *distantly thinks about the level 24 main scenario quest I've abandoned to fight level 40 hippocerfs for the LTW quest*
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You cannot deny the cat boy
June 26, 2021 me: cat boy or dragon girl 
my friends: dragon girl 
me: okies (proceeds to make both dragon girl and cat boy)
June 27, 2021 More FFXIV OCs! Hyllizirn, L'Vazha Tia and Kirika Kagutsuchi (+ bonus Kirika in WHM gear)
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Evidently I cannot go into a franchise without making up a slew of OCs with their own lore but what can you do
Raginmar is the only WoL as per the game's lore. Hyllizirn is a soldier in the Immortal Flames and Kirika is a resident healer in Ul'dah, and they are both part-time adventurers. L'Vazha is a travelling merchant who occasionally hires adventurers on his journeys across Eorzea.
Eventually the four become a party and they have their own adventures independent of the game's lore! I would like to write them one day but for now I'm leveling their combat classes based on their lore for my own amusement.
Raginmar is ranged DPS, physical and magical. Hyllizirn and Kirika are strictly tank and healer, respectively. L'Vazha is melee DPS. Lore-wise their jobs are SUM/MCH (Raginmar), GNB (Hyllizirn), WHM (Kirika) and NIN (L'Vazha). Obviously I'm not all there yet but that's my goal!
Also this is partly my own reluctance to level DoH and DoL for the other three, but lore-wise Raginmar is the only one capable of literally anything else other than combat because he was basically a homesteader before he crossed the sea to Limsa Lominsa.
Hyllizirn helped her father out as a mercenary before deciding to travel to Eorzea to become a legendary adventure. Kirika grew up sheltered for certain reasons, and never had cause to do things on her own. L'Vazha is a merchant so had no need for such skills.
This is self-care
June 27, 2021 POV: the middle-aged man in the Warmwine Sanitorium hot springs caught you perving on him
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A little disappointed that bathing in the hot springs gives you no boost of any sort in the game, but also I'm just living my hot springs dream vicariously through Raginmar because I miss it so much
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I want to go to the ocean! The river! Waterfalls! A swimming pool! Fuck, even a hotel room with a bathtub will do! Let me soak away the aches in these old bones!!
I think I might have mistyped this, I probably meant WVR because I know for sure that one doesn't need materia
June 27, 2021 Level 50 LTW quest: 
Did not need materia? Good! Requiring material that has me fighting lv. 42 Golden Fleece with my lv. 38 SUM for a drop rate of 1 basket of snurble tuft per 3/4 enemies? Bad!
Honestly spoiled by the drop rate for fleece, sure it'd be once every few kills but at least it drops like 8 or 9 baskets at once, what the hell
I farmed enough to make about three tries for the items I need to craft for the quest, I'm gonna need to really up my level so I don't waste them. Also I've been so damn self-sufficient in making my own gear, I forgot I could just... buy them from NPCs...
FFXIV is really just a dress-up game with epic fantasy RPG elements
June 27, 2021 My friends asked me why the hell would I play the MSQ multiple times when I could level all the classes on just Raginmar 
And honestly? Raginmar is a beefy hunk. He's not exactly fun to play fancy dress up with, what with the pretty fancy outfits FFXIV has
That's what Kirika and L'Vazha are for! Like damn, I want to dress up a pretty girl in pretty hakamas and have her look pretty on the field and take about 100 screenshots, let me live
Yep, I meant WVR
June 28, 2021 I'm surprised WVR didn't need materia for its lvl 50 quest when literally every other DoH does — except CUL, but it's not like you can eat materia. I've got BSM, CUL, ALC and CRP left to level and then I'll do the MSQ haha
Wondering if I should at least finish the ROG storyline with Raginmar since I'm planning to play it again with L'Vazha anyway. I get to see Jacke again twice though, so maybe I should. Defo not finishing CNJ though, I'll slog through it with Kirika
Self!! Care!!
June 28, 2021 Sometimes self care is taking screenshots of your buff main character hanging out with catgirls in a hot spring
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Headband girl is staring at him real interestedly
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Solace in suffering
June 29, 2021 me: man, I'm stressed from work, I'm gonna play some FFXIV to wind down 
 me: *starts crafting and driving my blood pressure up with the RNG*
June 29, 2021 me grabbing FFXIV by the throat: explain to me why I have to go all the way to fuckass Outer Noscea to get puk eggs JUST to make SCRAMBLED EGGS. EXPLAIN. WHY. EGGS ARE EGGS MAN WHY DO THEY GOTTA BE PUK TO BE SCRAMBLED
V'kebbe is very cute
June 30, 2021 It's cute how occasionally you can find V'kebbe hanging out by the Bismarck because she loves their finger sandwiches so much
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Was going to finish the CUL quests but I just don't have the energy to run around looking for ingredients across three countries, I just really don't. Normally I'm good about it but I'm just so tired today, no
I like it here
June 30, 2021 Cons of being in a JP-majority server: communicating can be difficult, hard to find EN-speaking friends 
Pros of being in a JP-majority server: no scammers
And by scammers obviously I mean Western or EN-speaking scammers, I'm sure there are scammers in every data center in every language but since I don't speak them I'm safe!
Gotta go back and finish this (and all the other level 50 DoH quests I've not done because no materia)
July 4, 2021 Doing the CRP quests and god I hope nothing bad happens to Gairhad...
I just realised this quest I'm doing is called Memento Mori FUCK
I deserved that lmao
July 4, 2021 Finally doing the ALC quests, the last DoH to level before I do the MSQ for real and uh wow
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I mean I *did* leave ALC for the last so that's fair of Severian tbh
I ended up really liking Severian, he's probably the only DoH guildmaster that I really feel for
July 4, 2021 Maelstrom ALC provisions: *needs ahriman wing* 
Me: yeah no guess I'll just give up on that, that's like 11 levels above my main class 
Severian: Please, my friend... I need your help 
Me: *prepares to die in Northern Thanalan*
I absolutely got my ass kicked
Right as I just finished killing one, a Fate with loads of basilisks popped up and killed both my chocobo and summon lmao is this a sign
I'm going to kill two more ahrimans and if I still don't get a wing I'm just going to call it a day and go back to the MSQ...
Was about to get into it and then the same Fate popped up AGAIN. It's a sign, I tell you
Jacke!! I miss him!!
July 5, 2021 Finished the ROG storyline and man, I'm gonna miss him so much...
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I'll see him again when I play L'Vazha tho :')
Going into further into OC hell
July 5, 2021 Idly worldbuilding for my FFXIV OCs and I just think it'd be neat if a multi-classed character retains their skills and abilities regardless of what they're maining as
Like Raginmar would have better-than-average stealth skills despite being a SMN main because of his lvl 31 ROG but he wouldn't be better than actual NIN L'Vazha 
Hyllizirn and Kirika wouldn't be stealthy at all because they never picked up that class
Neither Raginmar nor Kirika would be good in a fistfight. Hyllizirn can hold her own for leveling in PGL, but L'Vazha would be an actual martial artist for being a MNK
Kirika would have some knowledge in arcanima because she would have needed to level in ACN to be a SCH, so she'd be able to discuss such arcane matters with Raginmar while Hyllizirn and L'Vazha wouldn't be able to make heads or tails of it
And for a melee DPS, L'Vazha would be unusually skilled at drawing enmity compared to Raginmar and Kirika for having had brief training as a GLD
Idk I think this would be fun to play around with, I'd like to really incorporate all this in a fic one day
Mr. Cat Man going places nya (hit)
July 5, 2021 Drafting out minor plot points and man, L'Vazha's looking more like the main character than Raginmar is
Never hurts to be polite imo
July 7, 2021 I gotta set up some chat macros, yesterday in Haukke I wanted to say thanks for waiting while I watched cutscenes and I just couldn't because tabbing through options took so long...
There's no auto translate for "thanks for waiting", hmm... maybe I should set up two macros, one in EN and one in JP?
I've always wanted to do a serial fic, maybe have it on a webpage + sent out by email for subscribers but that's such a pipe dream...
July 7, 2021 Ambitious brain wants to put out a weekly serial kind of thing about Raginmar and co., but I'm barely meeting both zine and work deadlines as it is hAHAHAHAHAHAHA (goes unhinged)
Fun times with Titan
July 8, 2021 We had to redo Titan thrice because our healer kept dying lmao the first time around I didn't dodge in time and got yeeted off, then the rest of the party died one by one 
Second time around it was the healer who got yeeted and the tank was like "ABORT MISSION"
and we all jumped into the lava. Third time was the charm but by the time I got out of the cutscene they were all gone and I couldn't use my new chat macros to tell them I had fun (。•́︿•̀。)
Then things ended up being not so fun
July 8, 2021 Wait no
The realization hits
July 8, 2021 No no no no no
You can't tell me we're going to celebrate and then have me come home to dead comrades!!
July 8, 2021 Oh, it's personal now
Good thing I'm only leveling two and not all the classes
July 8, 2021 Coerthas-bound to the Observatorium but I'm going to take a break and do the BLM and SMN quests first
When will this pandemic end
July 8, 2021 Thinking about the Company of Heroes from yesterday… I think in any other situation I'd've been ticked off by them having Raginmar play errand boy for their party, but I too have not seen my good friends in a long time + wish to return to the good times I'd had with them in uni
OC hell! OC hell!
July 8, 2021 On the one hand: wants to play through MSQ 
On the other hand: wants to go through past cutscenes to build the plot for Raginmar and the others
As if I'm not also logging in at 1am to play
July 9, 2021 How??? It's 1am!
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It's not even a Friday night wtf
Thancred missing hours
July 9, 2021 Somewhat losing my mind with Thancred brainrot when I haven't even progressed far enough in the game for that important plot point involving him ahdjsjjdjmd
And Alphinaud's just plain tiny, that kid
July 10, 2021 Wondering if Raginmar's taller than average for a Hyur, or if Cid's just short...
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I feel like Raginmar's average height, but then sometimes I pass an Elezen and he's about their height so I'm just ???? Is he tall for a Hyur or is he average?????
Not that it's a bad thing! He's sweet
July 10, 2021 Also I know I have no room to talk, being a Thancred fan, but now that I've met Haurchefant I'm guessing it's his personality and not his looks that's got people hooked
The dhalmelskin coat has a really shabby feel to it, it really reminds me of Ardyn and none of my characters are that sleazy or gloomy
July 10, 2021 At what level do I finally get access to some decent clothing for glamour pls the only one that piques my interest is the dhalmelskin coat and it doesn't even match Raginmar's style
I've got like 3 alts I'm going to endgame MSQ with all of them so I can play this quest 4 times
Once I get that Kingsglaive title I'm never changing it
L'vazha will be starting in Ul'dah so I'll get to meet this Thancred!
July 10, 2021 So turns out you meet different members of the Scions at different starting areas and I'm like, you're telling me I could've met Thancred earlier if I started at Ul'dah???????
Here's a cute* thread about Raginmar and his stupid-in-love younger sister Hyllizirn 
*cuteness certified by my good friend @whxyte 
July 12, 2021 WoL brainrot hours: Raginmar, tired and jaded from all the (mis)adventures he's going through with the Scions, winding down at the end of the day with a mug of coffee. 
Then Hyllizirn slams the door open and screeches for his help.
He almost thinks the worst until he actually hears what Hyllizirn is saying: 
"Brother, help me, I think I'm in love with Kirika! What do I do????" 
Then he almost drops his mug as his tired brain catches up and he's just ???????
He puts down the mug on a nearby table. Goes to Hyllizirn. Grasps her by the shoulder. Looks her very seriously in the eyes and says, "Lizzi, I want you to think about this. 
"Have you ever seen me with a woman — or *anyone*, such that you think I would know what to do?"
Hyllizirn is blank for a few seconds as she processes this. The look of dawning realisation morphing into despair on her face is really quite impressive.
Raginmar is usually a very dependable older brother, but this is one area his aro/ace ass can't help his little sister with.
I was just laughing to myself while making breakfast thinking about this scenario. L'Vazha's no help, he's too busy trying not to die laughing, so Hyllizirn's forced to go ask for advice from other people; I haven't decided who yet. Would be funny if she went to the Scions lmao
In the end Raginmar tells her to go talk to their dads (a callback to the whole reason why he came to Eorzea in the first place) and it doesn't end with her confessing to Kirika or anything, but more of a soft understanding of her own feelings.
On his end, Raginmar's just happy he's not being asked to solve some national-level or world-ending crisis (although it sure felt that way for Hyllizirn). He's a little sad he can't help much, but he's happy that she still came to him for something as mundane as love troubles :')
I love this man
July 12, 2021 My current state right now:
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July 12, 2021 Thinking about @whxyte absolutely nailing me being a Thancred simp even before I'd met him
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There's just something about pearl earrings that look so rich white suburban mom and I hate it
July 13, 2021 Made these HQ pearl earrings for Raginmar and god, they're so ostentatious on him
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SMN's my favourite caster class so far, excited to try out RDM when I get the full game
July 13, 2021 SMN is now lv 50! Gotta take some time off of MSQ and do the job quests, then I'll switch to BLM to level it alongside the MSQ. Next on the classing table for Raginmar is MCH and that's not until Heavensward, so I'm pretty much set for now
OC hell beckons once more
July 13, 2021 Maybe I *should* make a bunny boy... like I don't really need yet another character in the story but I also can't think of a reason why any of the 4 would be a BRD/DNC
Wait no I did think of having Kirika level ARC, because I thought it'd be funny for her to have one (1) strong DPS skill out of all her generally-pacifistic healing ones, and BRD would allow her to be more supportive in combat
But her being DNC doesn't quite mesh with her character — I like making up reasons why they would learn this or that job, and DNC is just one that doesn't fit
This really grinds my gear tbh
July 13, 2021 Rhetorical question but it's killing me how everyone's freaked out the Scions being attacked and Minfilia and co. being captured — but not a single one of them mentioned Thancred
Portelaine: They observed four prisoners being led into the castrum: a Hyuran woman, an Elezen man, and two Lalafells─one male, one female. 
Yda: It's them! It has to be! Minfilia, Urianger, Papalymo, and Tataru! 
Me: Aren't you guys forgetting someone?!
Yes I'm talking about Thancred
July 13, 2021 The thing about playing a middle-aged ace man in FFXIV is that when I end up going full simp for an NPC I have absolutely no creative outlet to express it
Crying on my TL does not count
Someone was making a wolcred comic where Thancred is killed to get a reaction from the WoL and I'm just
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Like I LOVE that trope, love that hurt/(no)comfort vibe — but it wouldn't work with Raginmar because Vin Diesel memes aside, the man is do or die for his *family*. There's no reason for an enemy to target someone like Thancred when there's his actual younger sister to threaten
For future context, some big-name WoW streamers got into FFXIV and led to an influx of new players on NA data centres — but the EU and JP data centres were absolutely left untouched
July 14, 2021 Holy shit
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JP and EU DCs are *completely* clear — even Tonberry is open for new characters!
Really want to get to Storm Lieutenant but man the grind is hard
July 15, 2021 Finally made it to Chief Storm Sergeant yesterday! Hyllizirn would slowly rise up the ranks because she's not quite soldier material (not yet!), but Raginmar's quickly getting himself promotions because of something from his past...
Finally getting on with the fun part of the MSQ
July 16, 2021 Minfilia and co. rescued! Also I never want to hear Lahabrea's disgusting crusty-ass voice coming out of Thancred again, please and thank you
Also you know how shounen tropes always have this implausibly teenage hero stepping and being the main character ordering people around? That's Alphinaud. Feels like he's the shonen main character and the WoL's more like an overpowered side character
I yell about the Scions and Thancred a lot
July 16, 2021 Minfilia: we didn't think he'd be in danger investigating the Ascians alone
Papalymo: dude sure does more than he can handle though
Yda: yeah he volunteers himself for everything and works himself to death
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Me (and likely by extension Raginmar):
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Fucking really? You're all aware that Thancred tends to take all the burdens by himself, works himself to the bone and is likely physically and mentally exhausted and yet you still didn't see a problem sending him off to investigate the Ascians alone??? REALLY????
Also absolutely no one other than Papalymo enquired as to his whereabouts and even that was a foreshadowing for the whole Thancred-is-an-Ascian reveal at the end. What the hell? Do the rest of the Scions just not care about the man??
And I do mean: A LOT
July 16, 2021 Still mad about how none of the Scions seemed to be concerned about Thancred when they were first attacked, especially the bit where Portelaine describes the four captured Scions and no one wondered why Thancred isn't included in that list
It doesn't make sense. Even if you assume he's away like Yda and Y'shtola were in Gridania and Limsa Lominsa respectively, wouldn't the first step be to look for him so that the three can regroup? Even if he was away infiltrating enemy territory, you can't drop him a linkshell?
The first thing you do after an attack that basically wiped out your entire group is to regroup all the survivors. You need to take stock of who's still available before you do something as grandiose as announcing the Scions are back (looking at you, Alphinaud)
Regrouping aside, the fact that no one showed concern for his whereabouts even after Minfilia and co.'s survival and location was confirmed is really something I don't understand — and I know it's just a tiny detail but god it's so irritating
And it's not like he's been gone all this time! Whenever you visit the Waking Sands he's always there in the main hall, seated with his head down and generally being a suspicious foreshadowing — which means there was a likelihood he could've been there when the Empire attacked
(yes he was likely already possessed by then but the WoL and others wouldn't have known! It's a likely assumption to make!)
It's not like he's an unimportant minor character. He's not like Arenvald, someone you'd know if you'd only bothered to wander around and talk to NPCs. He's THE Scion you meet in the Ul'dah questline! He's a big deal! And no one seemed to care if he was dead or alive!
Anyway sorry I keep yelling about this but for a game that's usually quite good in its storytelling, this just feels like such a glaring omission
I say funny but it's really a bit astonishing how they're handing over this important role to someone they've only known for a few months, give or take
July 16, 2021 I think the Scions asking newbie adventurer WoL to lead an elite unit in the middle of what amounts to a war campaign is incredibly funny
The rest of the Scions are in supporting roles for Eorzea's Grand Companies and here you have newbie adventurer WoL in a full command role and taking point in sieging strongholds
Ngl that's a bit much to ask, especially if standard tropes mean the WoL is a young adventurer
"Yours is the most important role of all, and like to be the most dangerous." You're really sending off this newbie adventurer scrub to his death just like that, huh?
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I'm a huge fan of story-based games, so skipping the story had never even occured to me. It's wild that some people are actually recommending new players to skip ARR because "it's bad"
July 17, 2021 I understand that people can play however they want and everybody from RPers to those really into worldbuilding to minmaxers are all very valid But man, why would you play a story-based RPG if you're gonna skip the story?
Worse, why would you actively encourage people to skip the story??? Like shit, are you gonna tell people to skip the first season of a TV series and head straight to the second and third? It doesn't make sense
Now there's five of them!
July 17, 2021 Anyway made a very beautiful bunny boy and I'm unfortunately very attached to him now pls help
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Haven't figured out a name for him yet but he's a wandering performer (DNC/BRD) on the run from a painful past
He's probably the prettiest out of my whole cast of OCs... damn
He's so pretty, I can't wait to play him
July 18, 2021 Hoping Twitter doesn't compress these to hell and back — have decided on his name! He is called Canso the Songbird and I cannot stop looking at him why is he so pretty
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The rest of them!
July 18, 2021 Playing around in the character creation as I do and I really like how they look in these shots
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These shots too
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Apparently he has a Mads Mikkelsen vibe in the first shot which was unintentional — but I'll take it!
July 19, 2021 The man is about due for some new crisp screenshots hehe the level 50 summoner outfit doesn't look too bad but man I really want to get some better glams for this guy
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"crisp screenshots" lmao who am I fooling
Raginmar telling me to stop playing, it's Maghrib already
July 19, 2021 I usually have Raginmar sit down on this bench before logging out and every time I log back in he's reading the tahiyat awal, what is this
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Unspoken solidarity in respecting new players who are watching cutscenes
July 19, 2021 Doing Toto-Rak and was on the waiting end of someone watching a cutscene for the first time. Usually I've had people waiting for me do emotes but this time everyone just unanimously decided to stand ready while waiting for the other person to finish the cutscene hehe
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Getting knee-capped by the BLM questline
July 19, 2021 Me at the start of the lv. 50 black mage quest: haha Venti
Me at the end of the quest: ?????? my kokoro????? hurts???????
In celebration of finally hitting level 50 with black mage, I will... make the level 50 weapon Astrolabe that requires materials from multiple timed nodes
How is this a celebration
Aw heck just realised I need to be a Lieutenant to get the whetstone and I haven't finished the required hunting logs yet + I'm out of Storm seals.... can't make it after all HECK
(14 hours later) maybe I should grind for the Regalia, who knows if the event will come back again...
July 20, 2021 There are no words to describe how much I dislike the Gold Saucer... just came back from finishing the event quest and I do NOT want to go back, I don't need the Regalia anyway
Also near the airship landing there's a man telling his child son to work at the silver mines for a few months until his debt is paid and I'm just ?????? That's TERRIBLE
Time to suffer through the MSQ as a CNJ!
July 20, 2021 I was going to wait until I'd at least finished HW with Raginmar to level my alts, but I'm gonna level Kirika to at least 15 to do the event quest — the vexed emote would look SO cute on her
Kinda nervous that the queue for my world was gonna be ridiculous but turns out it's only 16 haha PHEW
0 notes
freyayuki · 9 months
Final Fantasy Record Keeper Vincent Valentine Updated Relics and Stats List
In the Final Fantasy Record Keeper (FFRK) mobile game, Final Fantasy VII is the realm where I have the most relics. That’s because FF7 is my fave realm in this game.
If there’s a Final Fantasy VII banner or if a Final Fantasy VII char is featured on a banner, I almost always pull on said banner.
This post is all about Vincent Valentine from Final Fantasy VII and Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII and all the Soul Breaks that I currently have for him as well as his current stats and such.
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Final Fantasy Record Keeper End of Service Announcement
Unfortunately, Final Fantasy Record Keeper just recently announced that it was gonna end its service on September 29, 2022. I talk more about that in another post.
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I really wish this didn’t have to happen. I don’t want FFRK to end, at least not anytime soon.
Anyway, I’m hoping to be able to finish as much of FFRK’s content as I can before everything ends on September 29, 2022. I talk more about that in another post.
I also want to take screenshots of a couple of stuff in the game before the end.
Vincent Valentine Relics List
Here’s a list of all the relics that I have for Vincent Valentine from Final Fantasy VII (#ad) and Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII:
Limit Break Overstrike (LBO), Galian Scratch
Chain Soul Break (CSB), Cerberus Soul
Synchro Arcane Soul Break 1 (SASB1), Bestial Claws
SASB2, Chaos Saber
Awakened Arcane Soul Break 1 (AASB1), Chthonian Blaze
AASB2, Galian Saber
Ultra Soul Break 1 (USB1), Lucrecia's Lament
USB2, Dirge of Cerberus
Glint+ Soul Break (G+), Munitions Reload
Glint Soul Break (G), Forsaken Power
Burst Soul Break 2 (BSB2), Flame Penalty
Default Soul Break, Head Shot
Legend Materia 1, Turk Among Turks
Legend Materia 2, Beast Within
Legend Materia Relic 1 (LMR1), Seeing Red
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Missing 6 or 7 of Vincent’s Soul Breaks:
True Arcane Soul Break (TASB) or Arcane Dyad Soul Break (ADSB), Satan Slam
USB3, Marksman's Spite
BSB1, Galian Beast
Super Soul Break 1 (SSB1), Cerberus Shell
SSB2, Bestial Roar
Unique Soul Break, Chain Shot
LMR2, Beastly Aspect
Unfortunately, FFRK ended before I had the chance to take more screenshots of Vincent’s relics, stats, character profiles, and such.
Wasn’t able to take a screenshot of the Materia tab of his relics list, and now I can’t remember for sure if I have his LMR2 or not.
This one gives him fastcast 3 on battle start but I don’t think I’ve ever used this. Pretty sure I always have Vincent equipped with his LMR1 and his Legend Materia 2.
His LMR1 gives him a chance to dualcast fire-type abilities while Beast Within powers him up and restores his HP back to full when it drops to a low amount during battle.
I remember picking Vincent’s Glint+ Soul Break from the Final Fantasy Record Keeper Summer Sun Relic Draw Stamp Sheet Glint Soul Break or Legend Materia Relic select. I talk more about this in another post.
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Vincent’s Glint+ is great because it instantly gives him 2 bars so I can have him cast his Chain or one of his BDL relics as soon as the battle starts or whenever I want him to.
Anyway, of the relics that I know for sure that I’m missing for Vincent, the only one that I can’t get from the The Record Lab by using Anima Lenses is his TASB.
Even his LMR2 is Lensable though I still can’t remember for sure if I already have this or not.
If the game was still ongoing, I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t have bothered to Lens this. Also wouldn’t bother Lensing the other relics that I’m missing for Vincent because they’re all outdated by now, and getting them would just be a waste of resources, especially if I’m not gonna use them anyway.
But with the news that FFRK was coming to an end, I wouldn’t have minded spending the Lenses needed to get these relics. After all, there was no more point in saving any of the resources and materials and such in this game.
Too bad Final Fantasy Record Keeper ended before I had the chance to get all of Vincent’s Lensable relics.
It’s also too bad that I never got his TASB. I’d been meaning to try pulling for it whenever it returned on a banner because it was the only relic that I’m missing for Vincent that I can’t Lens. But now I’ll never be able to get it since the game is over by now. Sigh.
Vincent Valentine Info
In Final Fantasy Record Keeper, Vincent Valentine is a hybrid DPS slash support who deals fire elemental damage.
As a hybrid char, Vincent can be made to deal either magical fire or physical fire damage depending on which stat of his is currently higher.
If his MAG stat is higher, then he’ll deal magical damage. If his ATK stat is higher, then he’ll deal physical damage.
Vincent has one of the best magical fire Chains in the game. He can equip the Machinist ability that has the chance to imperil the fire element. He has Soul Breaks that allow him to imperil fire.
Vincent deals pretty good damage while also supporting the party via his imperils and Chain.
Fire is my favorite and strongest element in Final Fantasy Record Keeper because that’s the element of Genesis Rhapsodos from Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII.
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Currently, Genesis is my absolute, most fave Final Fantasy char. He’s the reason why I’m playing Final Fantasy Record Keeper.
So I always try to bring Genesis to every fight, even the ones with enemies that resist fire and/or aren’t naturally weak to fire.
I’m always looking to improve my physical fire team. Genesis is my main DPS, of course, but I’m always on the lookout for secondary physical fire DPS and other chars who could help make my fire team the best it can possibly be.
When I got 2 BDL relics for Vincent, he became part of my phsysical fire elemental team as my secondary DPS who could also help imperil fire.
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Vincent was also on my magical fire team since he can be a magical DPS too. His CSB is really good so he’s also my Chain holder for my magical fire team.
I remember getting Vincent’s Sync 2 on the Final Fantasy VII Inherited Blade banner.
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This one has a bonus effect depending on how many Final Fantasy VII chars you have in your party, so it’s not necessarily better than Vincent’s Sync 1.
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I’d bring Vincent’s Sync 2 if I’m taking a full Final Fantasy VII party to a fight but I’d opt for his Sync 1 if I only have 1 or 2 FF7 chars in my team.
If I could, I would have readily brought both Syncs. But the thing is each char can only equip 1 Sync at a time, which is really too bad. Vincent will be even better if I could use both of his Syncs on the same fight.
Anyway, Vincent’s AASB2 was also featured on the Final Fantasy VII Inherited Blade banner. Thankfully, I was also able to pull for this Soul Break. I talk more about my pulls on this banner in this post.
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Vincent’s AASB2 is definitely better than his AASB1. But at least I don’t have to choose between the 2 because there’s no limit to the number of Awakenings each char can equip.
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Getting more BDL relics for Vincent just made him even better and has really helped to cement his place on my fire team.
Got to use Vincent in a lot of fights. I remember that he was part of my team when I went to take on the physical and fire-weak version of White Odin or Argent Odin. This is a quest level 600 fight. I talk more about this fight in this post.
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Vincent was also part of my team when I took on the magical and fire-weak version of Argent Odin. I talk more about that in this post.
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When I got more of Sephiroth’s (from Final Fantasy VII) fire-type Soul Breaks, I started using Vincent less in my physical fire team. That’s because Sephiroth became my secondary DPS.
Sephi doesn’t really offer anything other than damage but the damage he deals is really good.
The fire imperils from Vincent are helpful and important but the thing is that I do always have Balthier (Ffamran mied Bunansa) from Final Fantasy XII as part of my physical fire team.
Balthier’s Chain Soul Break is one of the best physical fire Chains in FFRK. I’m really glad I have this relic because it really helps to boost the damage output of my fire chars.
As a result of having Balthier’s fire Chain, he’s always a part of my fire team alongside Genesis.
Balthier can equip the Machinist ability that has the chance to imperil fire. He also has a Legend Materia that gives him the chance to imperil fire. He even has an Ultra Soul Break that lowers the enemy’s resistance to the fire element by 2 levels.
So it’s not like I really need Vincent to imperil fire although having him around does mean that I can quickly max out an enemy’s resistance to the fire element.
The point is that between Sephiroth and Vincent, Sephi deals more damage so I started using him more and more as my secondary DPS, especially once I started getting more BDL relics for him.
Vincent is still part of my magical fire team since he’s still one of my top DPS for magical fire and his fire CSB is still one of the best magical fire Chains in the game.
If I can make it work, my physical fire team would usually be Genesis, Sephiroth, Vincent, and Balthier with the fifth char being a healer and buffer.
This slot was usually filled by either Lenna Charlotte Tycoon from Final Fantasy V, Elarra from Final Fantasy Record Keeper, or Aeris or Aerith Gainsborough from Final Fantasy VII.
On really hard fights, this team will unfortunately not work though. I’d need to bring a support like Tyro from Final Fantasy Record Keeper instead of another damage dealer like Vincent.
An example was when I took on the physical-weak version of Snow Giant, the boss of the Labyrinth Nexus Season 2, Part 1 dungeon in the Labyrinth Dungeons. This quest is level 650. I talk more about this fight in this post.
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Vincent is still part of my Final Fantasy VII realm team since said team has basically become a fire team too. This happened once I got more fire relics for Sephiroth and Barret Wallace from Final Fantasy VII.
I remember that I was able to clear the Final Fantasy VII Dragonking Dungeon quest level 630 fight with Genesis, Sephiroth, Vincent, Balthier, and Aerith.
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Even managed to sub-30 this fight with the battle ending at 26.95 seconds. I talk more about that in this post.
Glad I got to use Vincent a lot in Final Fantasy Record Keeper. Wish I’d been able to get more of his relics and gotten to use him even more.
Vincent Valentine Hero Artifacts and Hero Ability
My Vincent is currently equipped with his Hero Artifacts:
Level 99 of 99 Death Penalty (VII)
Level 99 of 99 Vincent’s Bandana (VII-DoC)
Level 1 of 1 Vincent’s Boots (VII)
Both weapon and armor have been augmented up to Level 5 of 99.
Unfortunately, wasn’t able to double-check if I’d been able to get the best passives for all of Vincent’s Hero Artifacts. I think one or 2 of his Arts have the best passives.
Anyway, I also created Vincent’s Hero Ability. It’s a Machinist-type ability called Beast Flare. Vincent’s currently equipped with that and the Burnt Offering ability.
Vincent Valentine Stats
Vincent currently has the following stats:
ATK - 878
MAG - 895
ACC - 126
DEF - 448
RES - 538
EVA - 130
MND - 90
SPD - 182
Vincent Valentine Magia Crystals
Currently, Vincent has 489 Magia points. Unfortunately, wasn’t able to take a screenshot of his Magia Crystals list before the game ended.
But I’m positive that Vincent used to have 100 points in his Magic Magia Crystal and 100 in his Attack Magia Crystal. Then I reset his points so he didn’t have any in his Magic Magia Crystal anymore.
This was because Vincent has a higher magic stat when compared to his attack stat. Whenever I tried to gear Vincent to deal physical damage, he still ended up with a higher magical stat anyway.
This was back when Vincent was still a prominent part of my physical fire team and when my magical fire team wasn’t that good or fully built yet. So I wanted Vincent to deal more physical damage.
I don’t think I ever got to bring Vincent’s Magic Magia Crystal back to 100 points. Even without this though, Vincent still has a higher magic stat anyway. It’s kind of infuriating.
As for the rest of his Magia points, pretty sure 100 went to his Fire Magia Crystal. His HP Magia Crystal should have 100 points as well then the rest should be split between his DEF and RES Magia Crystals.
Vincent Valentine Crystal Water Points
Wasn’t able to take a screenshot but I’m pretty sure that my Vincent has max Crystal Waters for the following stats: ATK, MAG, HP, DEF, and RES.
Vincent Valentine Character Profile
Each char in Final Fantasy Record Keeper has a Character Profile. This has 2 tabs - Overview and Hero Record.
Unfortunately, wasn’t able to take screenshots of Vincent’s Overview and Hero Record.
But here’s some of what is listed under the Overview tab of Vincent’s Character Profile:
Vincent’s Role is listed as Offensive Magic, which isn’t entirely accurate since Vincent is a hybrid char so he could be a physical DPS too.
Under the Special Traits heading is the following text:
Proficient with a variety of weapons and armor, with a focus on guns and rods. Can use rare black magic abilities, buffing his Magic to deal heavy elemental magic damage.
The Hero Record tab of Vincent’s Character Profile has the following text:
A gunslinger who slept in a coffin in the Shinra Mansion for many years, Vincent is one of the few who knows Sephiroth's true origin. Vincent has been surgically altered, giving him eternal youth and the ability to change into a variety of beasts.
If Vincent had any costumes, it would have been listed in the Hero Record tab under the Wardrobe Records heading. Too bad Vincent doesn’t have any alt outfits in this game.
Ugh. I’m really annoyed that I wasn’t able to take more Vincent-related screenshots before Final Fantasy Record Keeper ended. Wish I’d been able to take more notes and info and such about all of this. Sigh.
It really sucks that the game is all over now. I really wish we could have gotten more time to play FFRK.
So what about you? What do you think about Vincent Valentine from Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII and Final Fantasy VII? Do you have a lot of Soul Breaks for him? What do you think about the fact that Final Fantasy Record Keeper is all over now? Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions by leaving a comment below or by reblogging or replying to this post.
screenshots are from my Final Fantasy Record Keeper game account
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draculabackward · 4 years
what are your beowulf musical Hot Takes (TM)?
omg ok uhh
-i love the concept of the oldest extant poem and something that is consistently dismissed as boring and stuffy being adapted into a free jazz-inspired chamber musical
-dualcasting the academics and the villains in the story speaks to the beautiful human condition of reading a story and being transported into it. however it also muddies the narrative by introducing too many possible metaphors and morals. is B:1kYoB anti-academia? anti-intellectual? if so, why? the only reason that we know anything about beowulf, or even have this musical in the first place, is because of hundreds of years of beowulf scholarship. i think the book fails to do anything with the commentary it proposes here & a revival/revision could absolutely help here
-the book is ,,, bad. the writing has glimpses of this really interesting style by making heavy use of kenning and dropping non-essential words, but... it almost feels like they forgot about doing this like 1/4 of the way through? some of the lines go so hard on this (mother’s line of “i don’t fucking care...” comes to mind) but other times they just talk like normal people. compare beowulf’s monologue before the fight and his monologue after his death to see what i mean
-the superior way to experience beowulf the musical is via the cast recording available on dave malloy’s website. the proshot is nice and it’s awesome to see the full thing but a lot of the differences between the two are worse in the proshot. notably, the missing beowulf dialogue from “what kind of a face” and the really intense version of “art in violence” are sorely missed in the video.
-this is not a show that needs to touch broadway any time soon, maybe ever. this is a show that could so easily be co-opted by white supremacists or xenophobes and that makes me worried. the musical is such a product of its era that it’s occasionally painful to watch. lest we forget the casual r-word drop from mother. there’s such a possibility for a redeemed grendel and an unreliable narrator beowulf but like many things in the musical it gets muddied and tossed aside in favor of being weird or getting a cheap laugh. besides, i think it works best as a cult thing; a small footnote in the career of dave malloy that stans can enjoy. that said i’d love to see a regional production or perhaps an off-off-bway production but that’s as far up as it needs to go.
-this is essential listening if you’re getting into dave malloy’s œvre. it’s so foundational in many of his future works. i hear a lot of beowulf in the louder and more experimental parts of ghost quartet for instance (fathers and sons comes to mind. horses and swords?? and horses???). it’s also incredible to hear how much dave’s music has evolved and how he’s improved at songwriting (compare the “ballads” in B:1kYoB to something phenomenal like No One Else or The Pacific and you’ll be blown away). he’s celebrated as a composer for a reason.
-this is the best adaptation of beowulf. not the most accurate one but absolutely the most enjoyable one. too many adaptations of the story go for a grimdark completely serious interpretation which i think definitely has its place but is ultimately kind of boring and just makes beowulf look like another fantasy novel. B:1kYoB gives it the appropriate literary background it needs while being light and fun. and still serious when it needs to be!
i think that’s all i got lmao
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niraff14 · 7 years
So decided to just record the Red Mages basic rotation at 50 since its already quite elegant like the Black Mages just in a different manner to me.
It always starts off with Casting Jolt, as you never want to hardcast Verthunder or Veraero. Jolt is used to generate a bit of White and Black mana while proccing Dual Cast so you can Insta-Cast a Thunder or Aero, you always cast the one that correlates to which mana you are lowest on. If they proc their combo ability Verstone or Verfire then you move onto the proc. This is where it gets elegant to me since after you cast Verstone/Verfire you get dualcast again letting you use Verthunder/VerAero immediately and potentially proc another Verstone/verfire. So you can just rebound back and forth potentially until the chain breaks.
You just build mana in this way until you hit 80 of both where upon you leap to the target and do your One Two Three Melee combo before jumping back out. You need 80 Mana in order to do the full combo since it takes 30, 25 , 25 Black & White mana for each move.
All in all I do like how the rotation plays out for Red Mage, I know I rambled with a wall of text but I think the video shows how simple and elegant it actually is. This is ofcourse not trying to weave in cooldowns and such it’s just the bare basic damage rotation.
0 notes
freyayuki · 2 years
Final Fantasy Record Keeper Final Fantasy VII D450 Torment Dungeon New Auto Setup
I’ve been able to auto the Final Fantasy VII D450 Torment Dungeon (part of the Cardia Dungeons) fight in the Final Fantasy Record Keeper (FFRK) mobile game for a while now although I’m constantly tweaking my setup in order to get the shortest time possible. 
So far, my fastest clear was around 14 or so seconds. It can take a bit longer depending on if my chars can dualcast their attacks or not.
After getting Vincent Valentine’s (from Final Fantasy VII and Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII) Glint+ Soul Break (G+), Munitions Reload, which instantly gives him 2 Soul Break bars as well as Sephiroth’s (from Final Fantasy VII) True Arcane Soul Break (TASB) or Arcane Dyad Soul Break (ADSB), Supernova or Sunburst, which instantly gives him BDL+1, I tried the Final Fantasy 7 (#ad) D450 Torment Dungeon fight on auto again.
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I have other relics for Vincent but what’s relevant and what gets cast for this fight is his Synchro Arcane Soul Break 1 (SASB1), Bestial Claws. He’ll cast his G+ first then his Sync.
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For Sephiroth, assuming he manages to get enough gauges in time, he’ll be casting his Awakened Arcane Soul Break (AASB1), Stigma. When the fight begins, he’ll use his TASB right away.
I have their Hero Abilities (HA) or Unique Abilities (UA) so that’s what they spam when they’re not casting their Soul Breaks (SBs). 
The rest of my team and their relevant Soul Breaks were the following:
Barret Wallace from Final Fantasy VII - he’s equipped with Mako Might so he casts his AASB2, Uncontrolled Beam, which buffs the party, right away.
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He’s equipped with Burnt Offering so he can imperil the fire element for Genesis. He gets BDL+1 with his AASB2 so even he can deal decent enough damage while under its effects.
Aeris or Aerith Gainsborough from Final Fantasy VII - she’s equipped with Thunder God’s Might to increase her casting speed. She spams the Dispel White Magic ability to remove the enemy’s buffs. 
She’s equipped with her AASB, Star Pulse, and Ultra Soul Break 2 (USB2), Innocent Cure, although the fight usually ends before she has the chance to cast either.
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Having a full realm team helps so that my chars don’t take that much damage. They also have all of their Boards and Spheres completed and they have all the stat ups I could give to them. 
Aerith also has her Legend Materias that give her the chance to dualcast White Magic abilities and the chance to heal the party a little when a White Magic Ability triggers.
Genesis Rhapsodos from Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII - have everything for him, including his HA, Genesis Slash. He’s equipped with Dr. Mog’s Teachings so he can use his SASB, Purgatorial Wave, right away.
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But before that, he starts by using both of his Glint+ Soul Breaks. Epic of Creation, his G+1, activates his Trance LM while Epic of Heroism, his G+2, gives him BDL+1. 
When combined with the effects of his SASB which also gives him BDL+1, he can hit for 29999 per attack.
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With both Sephiroth and Vincent also now being able to break the damage cap right away instead of having to wait until their gauges fill up and they can cast their Soul Breaks, the fight ends much faster. 
So far, I’ve been able to get my clear time down to 13.60 seconds. Someday, am hoping I can get an even lower clear time.
So what about you? Have you tried the Final Fantasy VII D450 Torment Dungeon fight yet? What team did you use? Have you tried to auto this battle? How did it go? What do you think about this quest? Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions by leaving a comment below or by reblogging or replying to this post.
screenshots are from my Final Fantasy Record Keeper game account
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freyayuki · 9 months
Final Fantasy Record Keeper Tifa Lockhart Updated Relics and Stats List
In the Final Fantasy Record Keeper (FFRK) mobile game, Final Fantasy VII is the realm where I have the most relics. That’s because FF7 is my fave realm in this game.
If there’s a Final Fantasy VII banner or if a Final Fantasy VII char is featured on a banner, I almost always pull on said banner.
This post is all about Tifa Lockhart from Final Fantasy VII and all the Soul Breaks I currently have for her as well as her current stats and such.
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Final Fantasy Record Keeper End of Service Announcement
Unfortunately, Final Fantasy Record Keeper just recently announced that it was gonna end its service on September 29, 2022. I talk more about that in another post.
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I really wish this didn’t have to happen. I don’t want FFRK to end, at least not anytime soon.
Anyway, I’m hoping to be able to finish as much of FFRK’s content as I can before everything ends on September 29, 2022. I talk more about that in another post.
I also want to take screenshots of a couple of stuff in the game before the end.
Tifa Lockhart Relics List
Here’s a list of all the relics that I have for Tifa Lockhart from Final Fantasy VII (#ad):
Dual Awakening Soul Break (DASB), Awoken Meteor Arts
Synchro Arcane Soul Break 1 (SASB1), Zangan's Infinitude
SASB2, Limit Combo
Awakened Arcane Soul Break 1 (AASB1), Meteor Arts
AASB2, Chain Somersault
Arcane Overstrike Soul Break (AOSB), Platinum Strike
Ultra Soul Break 1 (USB1), Meteodrive
Overstrike Soul Break (OSB), Meteor Strike
Glint+ Soul Break 2 (G+2), Rockcrusher Grasp
Burst Soul Break 1 (BSB1), Meteor Crusher
Default Soul Break, Beat Rush
Legend Materia 1, Heroic Devotion
Legend Materia 2, Fighter's Instinct
Legend Materia Relic 1 (LMR1), Brawling Barkeep
LMR3, First-Class Fighter
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Missing 11 or 12 of Tifa’s Soul Breaks:
Limit Break Overstrike (LBO), Crushing Palm
True Arcane Soul Break (TASB) or Arcane Dyad Soul Break (ADSB), Final Heaven
USB2, Meteor Combo
G+1, Eruption Garb
Glint Soul Break 1 (G1), Zangan Awakening
G2, Rock Render
BSB2, Rolling Blaze
Super Soul Break (SSB), Dolphin Blow
Unique Soul Break, Burning Arrow
Unique Soul Break, Waterkick
Unique Soul Break, Sommersault
LMR2, Friendly Fighter
Unfortunately, FFRK ended before I had the chance to take more screenshots of Tifa’s relics, stats, character profiles, and such.
Wasn’t able to take a screenshot of the Materia tab of her relics list, and now I can’t remember for sure if I have all of her Legend Materia Relics or not.
I know for sure that I have Tifa’s LMR1. Got it from a daily free draw a long, long time ago. I talk more about that in another post.
Tifa’s LMR3 gives her a chance to dualcast Monk-type abilities. I also know for sure that I have this. Even have it currently equipped to her based on the above screenshot.
Just can’t remember if I got this from a draw, or if I used Anima Lenses to buy it from the The Record Lab.
Also can’t remember if I have Tifa’s LMR2. This one temporarily infuses her with the power of earth on battle start. This isn’t really a good LMR since it only lasts for 25 seconds so I’m pretty sure I didn’t bother Lensing this.
I remember getting Tifa’s Dual from the Final Fantasy VII Summer Sun Festival 2022 Luck of the Realms banner. I talk more about that in this post, but this was a very pleasant surprise.
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I remember getting Tifa’s AASB2 from one of the Final Fantasy VII Labyrinth Dungeon banners.
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When I got my first copy of this Soul Break, I was super pleased because this gives me another BDL relic for Tifa.
But I got annoyed and even mad when I kept on getting dupes of this Awakening. I talk more about that in this post.
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Looks like I got Tifa’s Sync 1 from a free draw. I talk more about that in another post.
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Was really pleased when I got my first copy of Tifa’s Sync 1. But then, much, much later, I ended up getting a dupe of this from a Final Fantasy VII Luck of the Realms banner. Was really annoyed when that happened. I talk more about that in another post.
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I got Tifa’s Sync 2 via the Final Fantasy VII Crystal Dungeons Stamp Sheet Select Relic List B pick. I talk more about that in another post.
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Anyway, of the relics that I know for sure that I’m missing for Tifa, the only ones I can’t Lens are her LBO and TASB.
Although I could have Lensed the other Soul Breaks that I’m missing for Tifa, I unfortunately didn’t get the chance to do so before the game ended.
Tifa Lockhart Info
In Final Fantasy Record Keeper, Tifa Lockhart is a really good physical earth elemental DPS.
Ever since I got Tifa’s Sync 1 and AASB1, she became part of my physical earth elemental team as my main DPS.
Tifa was part of my team when I took on Ramuh, the 6-star physical and earth-weak Magicite boss. This is quest level 550. I talk more about this fight in this post.
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Tifa was also part of my team when I took on the physical and earth-weak version of the Argent Odin Magicite fight. This is quest level 600. I talk more about this fight in this post.
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Glad I was able to use Tifa for a lot of fights but I still wish I’d been able to use her more.
I only just recently got her Sync 2 which is way better than her Sync 1 so I wish that I got the chance to use this Soul Break more.
Actually, now that I’m thinking about this some more, can’t remember for sure now if I was able to try out this relic. By the time I acquired Tifa’s Sync 2, the game was super close to ending already.
Can’t remember for sure now if I'd gotten the chance to bring Tifa to another physical and earth-weak fight to try out her Sync 2.
I also only just recently got her DASB but pretty sure I was able to use this a few times since I got this before her Sync 2. Can’t remember the exact dates anymore though.
Tifa Lockhart Hero Artifacts and Hero Ability
My Tifa is currently equipped with her Hero Artifacts:
Level 99 of 99 Premium Heart (VII)
Level 99 of 99 Tifa’s Gloves (VII)
Level 1 of 1 Tifa’s Earrings (VII)
Unfortunately, wasn’t able to double-check if I’d been able to get the best passives for all of Tifa’s Hero Artifacts.
I did try to farm for Tifa but didn’t get to spend that much time on it so I don’t think I was able to get the perfect passives for all of her Artifacts.
IIRC, Tifa’s Artifacts did return to the Labyrinth Dungeons once or twice after their initial appearance so I got to try farming for them again.
I think I was able to get the perfect passives for Tifa’s accessory and armor. Can’t remember for sure anymore though. And now I can’t check the game since FFRK’s all over now. Sigh.
Anyway, Tifa has 2 Hero Abilities - a Monk-type ability called Beat Rush and a Monk-type ability called Somersault. Created and fully maxed out both so they each have 10 uses per fight.
Tifa Lockhart Stats
Tifa currently has the following stats:
ATK - 1104
MAG - 149
ACC - 120
DEF - 439
RES - 404
EVA - 135
MND - 149
SPD - 189
Tifa Lockhart Magia Crystals
Currently, Tifa has 135 Magia points. Unfortunately, wasn’t able to take a screenshot of her Magia Crystals list before the game ended.
But I’m positive that I gave my Tifa’s Attack Magia Crystal 100 points since that’s always what I do for physical DPS the moment I get 100 points for them.
Then Tifa must have 35 points in the attack section of her Earth Magia Crystal.
Tifa Lockhart Crystal Water Points
Wasn’t able to take a screenshot but I’m pretty sure that my Tifa has max Crystal Waters for the following stats: ATK, HP, DEF, and RES.
Tifa Lockhart Character Profile
Each char in Final Fantasy Record Keeper has a Character Profile. This has 2 tabs - Overview and Hero Record.
Unfortunately, wasn’t able to take screenshots of Tifa’s Overview and Hero Record.
But here’s some of what is listed under the Overview tab of Tifa’s Character Profile:
Tifa’s Role is listed as Physical Attack.
Under the Special Traits heading is the following text:
Wields daggers and fist weapons. Can use rare combat abilities, buffing her Attack to deal heavy damage.
The Hero Record tab of Tifa’s Character Profile has the following text:
A member of AVALANCHE and Cloud's childhood friend, Tifa is a skilled martial artist. Though shy, she harbors feelings for Cloud.
Below that is information about Tifa’s Wardrobe Records. She has 2 costumes. Unfortunately, wasn’t able to take screenshots of any of these either. But at least I was able to find some info about these.
Tifa’s first costume is called Leather Suit. This is the leather outfit that she wore in the Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children movie. IIRC, we got this costume for free just by doing some easy quest or other.
The info page about Tifa’s Leather Suit Wardrobe Record has the following text:
The outfit worn by Tifa in Advent Children. She oversaw the new Seventh Heaven, looking after Marlene and Denzel on her own after Cloud disappeared.
Tifa’s second costume is called Glamorous Tifa. This is the purple dress that Tifa wore in Final Fantasy VII.
This costume is one of the rewards that players will get upon beating the Final Fantasy VII Dreambreaker Dungeon quest in the Cardia Dungeons. This fight is quest level 580.
The info page about Tifa’s Glamorous Tifa Wardrobe Record has the following text:
The dress Tifa wore during the infiltration of Corneo Hall.
Ever since I got Tifa’s Leather Suit costume, I have her wearing it.
As for her Glamorous Tifa Wardrobe Record, I was able to get this costume since I was able to clear the Final Fantasy VII Dreambreaker fight. I talk more about that fight in this post.
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Had Tifa equipped with this purple dress a few times and even her default outfit but I found that I prefer her Leather Suit so went back to having her wear said costume.
Anyway, I’m really annoyed that I wasn’t able to take more Tifa-related screenshots before Final Fantasy Record Keeper ended. Wish I’d been able to take more notes and info and such about all of this. Sigh.
It really sucks that the game is all over now. I really wish we could have gotten more time to play FFRK.
So what about you? What do you think about Tifa Lockhart from Final Fantasy VII? Do you have a lot of Soul Breaks for her? What do you think about the fact that Final Fantasy Record Keeper is all over now? Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions by leaving a comment below or by reblogging or replying to this post.
screenshots are from my Final Fantasy Record Keeper game account
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freyayuki · 1 year
Final Fantasy Record Keeper Zack Fair Updated Relics and Stats List
In the Final Fantasy Record Keeper (FFRK) mobile game, Final Fantasy VII is the realm where I have the most relics. That’s because FF7 is my fave realm in this game.
If there’s a Final Fantasy VII banner or if a Final Fantasy VII char is featured on a banner, I almost always pull on said banner.
This post is all about Zack Fair from Final Fantasy VII and Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII and all the Soul Breaks I currently have for him as well as his current stats and such.
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Final Fantasy Record Keeper End of Service Announcement
Unfortunately, Final Fantasy Record Keeper just recently announced that it was gonna end its service on September 29, 2022. I talk more about that in another post.
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I really wish this didn’t have to happen. I don’t want FFRK to end, at least not anytime soon.
Anyway, I’m hoping to be able to finish as much of FFRK’s content as I can before everything ends on September 29, 2022. I talk more about that in another post.
I also want to take screenshots of a couple of stuff in the game before the end.
Zack Fair Relics List
Here’s a list of all the relics that I have for Zack Fair from Final Fantasy VII (#ad) and Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII:
Chain Soul Break (CSB), Lucky Stars
Synchro Arcane Soul Break (SASB), Come Get It!
Awakened Arcane Soul Break 1 (AASB1), Proud Heritage
AASB2, Road to Heroism
Ultra Soul Break 1 (USB1), Climhazzard Xeno
USB2, Lazy Mirage
Glint+ 1 Soul Break (G+1), Air Blast
G+2, Sonic Squat
Glint Soul Break (G), Storm Squat
Unique Soul Break, Air Strike
Default Soul Break, Triple Cut
Legend Materia 1, SOLDIER's Honor
Legend Materia 2, SOLDIER's Swiftness
Legend Materia Relic 2 (LMR2), SOLDIER Dreams
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Missing 7 or 8 of Zack’s Soul Breaks:
Dual Awakening Soul Break (DASB), Awoken Proud Heritage
True Arcane Soul Break (TASB) or Arcane Dyad Soul Break (ADSB), Costly Punch
Arcane Overstrike Soul Break (AOSB), Sonic Braver Xeno
G+3, Heroic Dream
Burst Soul Break (BSB), Meteor Shots
Super Soul Break (SSB), Apocalypse
Unique Soul Break, Rush Assault
Unfortunately, FFRK ended before I had the chance to take more screenshots of Zack’s relics, stats, character profiles, and such.
Wasn’t able to take a screenshot of the Materia tab of his relics list, and now I can’t remember for sure if I have all of his Legend Materia Relics or not.
I’m pretty sure I have his LMR2 since this gives him a chance to dualcast wind-type abilities, and I’m almost certain that I Lensed this from the The Record Lab.
But can’t remember for sure if I got his LMR1 as well. Pretty sure I almost always opt to make use of his Legend Materia 2 as his other equipped Materia though so maybe I don’t have his LMR1.
I do remember getting multiple dupes of Zack’s AASB2 though. IIRC, it’s now at Rank 7 of 15 based on the screenshot below.
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I remember trying to pull for Zack’s Sync. I talk more about this in another post but I was really glad that I was eventually able to get it.
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Because I also remember trying to pull for this weapon on my Japanese Final Fantasy Record Keeper game account. Unfortunately, I never managed to get Zack’s Sync on my Japanese FFRK account.
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Anyway, of the relics that I know for sure that I’m missing for Zack on my English FFRK account, I can’t Lens his Glint+3, his TASB, and his Dual.
Although I could have Lensed Zack’s other Soul Breaks, I unfortunately didn’t get the chance to do so before the game ended.
Zack Fair Info
In Final Fantasy Record Keeper, Zack Fair is a physical DPS slash support. He can deal pretty good damage but he also has supportive capabilities in his kit.
Zack deals physical wind elemental damage. He can lower an enemy’s resistance to the wind element. He can even increase the party’s critical hit damage.
Zack’s pretty good. Got to use him a few times since I got his Sync and AASB2. IIRC, only recently got his AASB1.
Zack got to be a part of my physical wind elemental team although IIRC, he wasn’t always a part of said team since I have a few other chars who could take his place.
The screenshot below is from my fight against Titan, the 6-star Magicite boss who is weak to the wind element. I talk more about this fight in this post, but Zack was one of the chars that I took to beat Titan.
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I remember that I also got to use Zack in one of my Final Fantasy VII Dragonking Dungeon quest clears. I talk more about that fight in this post.
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I wish that I’d been able to use Zack more. Wish I could have gotten more of his Soul Breaks too.
Zack Fair Hero Artifacts and Hero Ability
My Zack is currently equipped with his Hero Artifacts:
Level 90 of 99 Buster Sword (VII-CC)
Level 41 of 99 Zack’s Guise (VII-CC)
Level 1 of 1 Zack’s Earring (VII)
Too bad I never got the chance to fully level up Zack’s weapon and armor. Also pretty sure I never got to augment his Hero Artifacts.
Unfortunately, wasn’t able to double-check if I’d been able to get the best passives for all of Zack’s Hero Artifacts.
I did try to farm for Zack but didn’t get to spend that much time on it so I don’t think I was able to get the perfect passives for all of his Artifacts.
Maybe I only managed to get the perfect passive for his Accessory, Zack’s Earring (VII). Can’t remember for sure anymore though. And now I can’t check the game since FFRK’s all over now.
Anyway, I also created Zack’s Hero Ability. It’s a Celerity-type ability called Rush Assault. Zack’s currently equipped with that and the Ripping Plasma ability.
Zack Fair Stats
Zack currently has the following stats:
ATK - 1084
MAG - 149
ACC - 120
DEF - 365
RES - 356
EVA - 130
MND - 142
SPD - 203
Zack Fair Magia Crystals
Currently, Zack has 184 Magia points. Unfortunately, wasn’t able to take a screenshot of his Magia Crystals list before the game ended.
But I’m positive that I gave my Zack’s Attack Magia Crystal 100 points since that’s always what I do for physical DPS the moment I get 100 points for them.
Then Zack must have 84 points in the attack section of his Wind Magia Crystal.
Zack Fair Crystal Water Points
Wasn’t able to take a screenshot but I’m pretty sure that my Zack has max Crystal Waters for the following stats: ATK, HP, DEF, and RES.
Zack Fair Character Profile
Each char in Final Fantasy Record Keeper has a Character Profile. This has 2 tabs - Overview and Hero Record.
Unfortunately, wasn’t able to take screenshots of Zack’s Overview and Hero Record.
But here’s some of what is listed under the Overview tab of Zack’s Character Profile:
Zack’s Role is listed as Physical Attack.
Under the Special Traits heading is the following text:
Wields swords and katanas. Can use rare combat abilities, buffing his Attack to deal heavy damage.
The Hero Record tab of Zack’s Character Profile has the following text:
A loyal and kind-hearted SOLDIER 1st Class, Zack was Aerith's first love and a close friend of Cloud. Zack comes to Cloud's aid when he succumbs to intense Mako poisoning.
If Zack had any costumes, it would have been listed in the Hero Record tab under the Wardrobe Records heading.
Too bad Zack doesn’t have any alt outfits in this game. At least I’m pretty sure he doesn’t have any.
Ugh. I’m really annoyed that I wasn’t able to take more Zack-related screenshots before Final Fantasy Record Keeper ended. Wish I’d been able to take more notes and info and such about all of this. Sigh.
It really sucks that the game is all over now. I really wish we could have gotten more time to play FFRK.
So what about you? What do you think about Zack Fair from Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII and Final Fantasy VII? Do you have a lot of Soul Breaks for him? What do you think about the fact that Final Fantasy Record Keeper is all over now? Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions by leaving a comment below or by reblogging or replying to this post.
screenshots are from my Final Fantasy Record Keeper game account
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freyayuki · 1 year
Final Fantasy Record Keeper Ice-Weak Dark Odin Fight
The Dark Odin fights in the Final Fantasy Record Keeper (FFRK) mobile game are quest level 500.
After being able to beat Typhon, the 5-star Wind Magicite boss who’s weak to the ice element and who takes reduced damage from physical attacks, decided to try the Ice-weak Dark Odin fight next.
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I talk more about the Typhon fight in another post. Anyway, the team I brought to this Dark Odin fight was the same one that I used to beat Typhon.
My Magicite deck and passives for this fight was:
Mateus (XII) - Dampen Air Level 10 and Health Boon Level 5
Manticore (V) - 2 Empower Ice Level 15
Madeen (IX) - Healing Boon Level 15 and Health Boon Level 5
Madeen (IX) - 2 Attack Boon Level 16
Phoenix (VI) - Spell Ward Level 5 and Blade Ward Level 8
My team was:
Elarra from Final Fantasy Record Keeper
partial Record Board - got the tiles that increase her HP, mind, defense and resistance stats
100 Magia in mind and HP stats, 45 Magia in defense and resistance stats
Ultra Soul Break 1 (USB1), Magika Album
USB2, Magika Orare
Glint+ Soul Break (G+), Magika Amuletum
Glint Soul Break (G), Magika Pius
equipped with Warrior’s Hymn and Passionate Salsa
Ace Striker Record Materia - Soul Break gauge fills much more when using attack or abilities
Laguna Loire from Final Fantasy VIII
partial Record Board - just didn’t get the Camaraderie tile
100 Magia in attack stat and 29 in ice attack stat
Awakened Arcane Soul Break 1 (AASB1), Tactical Attack
equipped with the Icy Offering Machinist ability; this one has the chance to imperil the ice element
Machinist’s Touch Record Materia - small chance to dualcast machinist abilities
Tyro from Final Fantasy Record Keeper
partial Record Board - got the HP ones and the ones that increased his speed and reduced the delay of his actions
he has 100 Magia in the HP stat, 48 Magia in the Resistance stat, and 48 Magia in the Defense stat
AASB, Fantasy Grimoire Vol. I
Arcane Overstrike Soul Break 3 (AOSB3), Triple Phase
USB4, Arbiter’s Tome
USB3, Divine Veil Grimoire
USB1, Warder’s Apocrypha
G, Purifying Grimoire
Burst Soul Break (BSB), Keeper’s Tome
Unique Soul Break 2, Sentinel’s Grimoire
Legend Materia Relic 1 (LMR1), Archival Secrets
equipped with Wrath and Entrust
Dr. Mog’s Teachings Record Materia - begin dungeons with 2 Soul Break charges
Tyro from Final Fantasy Record Keeper was here to Wrath and Entrust and support the party with his AASB and USB4. The aforementioned Soul Breaks can increase the party’s critical hit chance.
These relics combo very well with Elarra’s (from Final Fantasy Record Keeper) Magika Orare which increases the party’s critical hit damage.
Squall Leonhart from Final Fantasy VIII
complete Record Board
100 Magia in attack and ice attack stats and 3 Magia in HP stat
Synchro Arcane Soul Break 1 (SASB1), Cross Your Heart
AASB1, Fatal Frost
AASB2, End of Flame      
USB4, Double Junction
G+2, Fated Force
BSB1, Lion’s Roar
Scholar’s Boon Record Materia - deal much more damage when attacking with an enemy’s elemental weakness
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Squall Leonhart from Final Fantasy VIII (#ad) is equipped with his Hero Ability, Renzokuken. Got it to its max rank of 5, increasing its uses to 10.
Celes Chere from Final Fantasy VI
partial Record Board - didn’t get the Camaraderie tile
100 Magia in attack stat
SASB1, Mystical Snow
Chain Soul Break (CSB), More the Merrier
AOSB, Glorious Blade
equipped with Snowspell Strike
Mako Might Record Materia - same effect as Dr. Mog’s Teachings
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Gave Mako Might to Celes Chere from Final Fantasy VI so she can cast her physical ice Chain Soul Break right away.
Also equipped Squall with the Omega Drive ability so he can build up his Soul Break bar faster.
Celes also got the Banishing Strike ability so she can dispel Ice-weak Dark Odin’s buffs.
Things worked pretty well. Managed to get the win in 28.28 seconds. Yay for being able to sub-30 this Dark Odin fight.
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Really impressed with Squall’s damage output. Well, he was being buffed a lot by his teammates, but still. He did really well. No regrets in completing his Record Board and making his Hero Ability.
So what about you? Have you tried fighting against ice-weak Dark Odin yet? How did it go? What team did you use? What do you think about this fight? Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions by leaving a comment below or by reblogging or replying to this post.
screenshots are from my Final Fantasy Record Keeper game account
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freyayuki · 1 year
Final Fantasy Record Keeper Typhon Magicite Fight
The fights in the 5-star Magicite Dungeons in the Final Fantasy Record Keeper (FFRK) mobile game are quest level 400.
Typhon is the 5-star Wind Magicite boss who’s weak to the ice element and who takes reduced damage from physical attacks.
I talk more about this in this post, but since I was able to beat the 5-star Lightning Magicite, Quetzalcoatl, who is weak to the earth element and takes reduced damage against magic and ninjutsu attacks, with my physical fire elemental team, I thought I’d bring the same team to take on Typhon.
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Couldn’t get the win though because this team requires a bit of time to set everything up before I could really start dealing damage.
The fight against Typhon requires you to go fast. It’s necessary to deal a certain amount of damage and bring down Typhon’s HP to get him from Phase 1 to Phase 2 of the battle as soon as possible.
If you’re too slow, then he’ll use this move called Snort which will remove your entire party out of the battle, automatically ending the fight.
So I decided to bring an ice team instead. I don’t have a lot of ice-type Soul Breaks that deal magical damage though so I had no choice but to bring a physical ice team to this fight.
This made things harder, and there were a number of tries wherein I still got hit with the Snort move. Had to spend a few resources before I could finally get the win.
My Magicite deck and passives for this fight was:
Mateus (XII) - Dampen Air Level 10 and Health Boon Level 5
Manticore (V) - 2 Empower Ice Level 15
Madeen (IX) - Healing Boon Level 15 and Health Boon Level 5
Madeen (IX) - 2 Attack Boon Level 16
Phoenix (VI) - Spell Ward Level 5 and Blade Ward Level 8
My team was:
Elarra from Final Fantasy Record Keeper
partial Record Board - got the tiles that increase her HP, mind, defense and resistance stats
100 Magia in mind and HP stats, 45 Magia in defense and resistance stats
Ultra Soul Break 1 (USB1), Magika Album
USB2, Magika Orare
Glint+ Soul Break (G+), Magika Amuletum
Glint Soul Break (G), Magika Pius
equipped with Warrior’s Hymn and Passionate Salsa
Ace Striker Record Materia - Soul Break gauge fills much more when using attack or abilities
Laguna Loire from Final Fantasy VIII
partial Record Board - just didn’t get the Camaraderie tile
100 Magia in attack stat and 29 in ice attack stat
Awakened Arcane Soul Break 1 (AASB1), Tactical Attack
created the Icy Offering Machinist ability for him. This one has the chance to imperil the ice element
Machinist’s Touch Record Materia - small chance to dualcast machinist abilities
Tyro from Final Fantasy Record Keeper
partial Record Board - got the HP ones and the ones that increased his speed and reduced the delay of his actions
he has 100 Magia in the HP stat, 48 Magia in the Resistance stat, and 48 Magia in the Defense stat
AASB, Fantasy Grimoire Vol. I
Arcane Overstrike Soul Break 3 (AOSB3), Triple Phase
USB4, Arbiter’s Tome
USB3, Divine Veil Grimoire
USB1, Warder’s Apocrypha
G, Purifying Grimoire
Burst Soul Break (BSB), Keeper’s Tome
Unique Soul Break 2, Sentinel’s Grimoire
Legend Materia Relic 1 (LMR1), Archival Secrets
equipped with Wrath and Entrust
Dr. Mog’s Teachings Record Materia - begin dungeons with 2 Soul Break charges
Tyro from Final Fantasy Record Keeper was here to Wrath and Entrust and support the party with his AASB and USB4. The aforementioned Soul Breaks can increase the party’s critical hit chance.
These relics combo very well with Elarra’s (from Final Fantasy Record Keeper) Magika Orare which increases the party’s critical hit damage.
Had Tyro equipped with Dr. Mog’s Teachings so he could Entrust the gauges to my main DPS and have said DPS start attacking right away in order to avoid the Phase 1 Snort move.
Squall Leonhart from Final Fantasy VIII
complete Record Board - initially, I didn’t complete it because I was trying to save resources, but since I kept losing to Typhon, I decided to just go ahead and finish the entirety of his Board already
100 Magia in attack and ice attack stats and 3 Magia in HP stat
Synchro Arcane Soul Break 1 (SASB1), Cross Your Heart
AASB1, Fatal Frost
AASB2, End of Flame      
USB4, Double Junction
G+2, Fated Force
BSB1, Lion’s Roar
Scholar’s Boon Record Materia - deal much more damage when attacking with an enemy’s elemental weakness
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Initially, had Squall Leonhart from Final Fantasy VIII (#ad) equipped with Snowspell Strike but it wasn’t dealing as much damage as I wanted it to so, after I ended up completing his Record Board, I decided to get his Hero Ability, Renzokuken, as well. Got it to its max rank of 5, increasing its uses to 10.
Celes Chere from Final Fantasy VI
partial Record Board - didn’t get the Camaraderie tile. At first, I didn’t get most of her tiles either, but since I was having trouble with Typhon, I started unlocking more and more of her tiles until I basically ended up unlocking most of them
100 Magia in attack stat
SASB1, Mystical Snow
Chain Soul Break (CSB), More the Merrier
AOSB, Glorious Blade
equipped with Snowspell Strike since Squall now has his Hero Ability
Mako Might Record Materia - same effect as Dr. Mog’s Teachings
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Gave Mako Might to Celes Chere from Final Fantasy VI so she can cast her physical ice Chain Soul Break right away.
Had to switch the positions of my team a few times because after getting past Phase 1, Typhon will start using Snort again a bit later on during the course of the rest of the battle.
He’ll start by Snorting the char in slot 3. I ended up putting Tyro there since he didn’t really have much to do anymore after he Entrusts to Squall then to Elarra.
Would have wanted to have been able to use Tyro’s USB4 and Awakening and even Elarra’s Magika Orare but just didn’t have the time to do so. This fight was really super fast-paced.
Celes was here to cast her ice Chain. Only cast her SASB when I had the gauges to spare. Was pretty disappointed with her damage though.
Even with most of her Board completed, she still hit like a wet noodle. I don’t think she ever managed to break the damage cap even under the effects of her Sync.
But maybe that’s just because she’s stuck using Snowspell Strike and Typhon resists physical damage.
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Elarra sang the Warrior’s Hymn to buff Squall’s attack. Used her USB1 when she had enough gauges to cast it.
A few times, had her dance the Passionate Salsa to debuff the enemy. Borrowed the Fabula Raider Roaming Warrior to buff Squall’s attack some more.
Speaking of Squall, he was my main DPS for this fight. As soon as Tyro gave him the bars, had him cast his Sync then spammed his Sync Command 1 linked to his Hero Ability. He was able to deal a lot of damage once I got everything set up.
Laguna was here to imperil ice so Squall can deal even more damage. Cast his AASB when he had the bars to do so since it also imperils ice. He didn’t deal that much damage though. 
After a few more tries, finally managed to get the win. Even got sub-30 with the fight ending at 21.66 seconds. Only Tyro got Snorted.
So what about you? Have you tried any of the 5-star Magicite fights yet? What do you think about these quests? Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions by leaving a comment below or by reblogging or replying to this post.
screenshots are from my Final Fantasy Record Keeper game account
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freyayuki · 1 year
Final Fantasy Record Keeper Dark-Weak Dark Odin Fight
The Dark Odin fights in the Final Fantasy Record Keeper (FFRK) mobile game are quest level 500.
After defeating Lakshmi, the 5-star Holy Magicite boss who’s weak to the dark element and who takes reduced damage against magic and ninjutsu attacks, I decided to try taking on the dark-weak version of the Dark Odin quest next.
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Brought the following chars to this Dark Odin fight:
Sephiroth from Final Fantasy VII (#ad)
Aeris or Aerith Gainsborough from Final Fantasy VII
Tyro from Final Fantasy Record Keeper
Garland from Final Fantasy I
Elarra from Final Fantasy Record Keeper
This is the same team that I used to take on Lakshmi.
So far, the only Dark Odin I’ve beaten is the fire-weak one with Genesis Rhapsodos from Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII as my main DPS.
That first win got me my very first Black-Armored Echoes accessory. This one adds moderate resistance to all elements.
Unfortunately, I don’t have a lot of chars with dark-type Soul Breaks. But I do have a pretty stacked Sephiroth.
On my English Final Fantasy Record Keeper game account, the only relics that belong to Sephiroth that I don’t have and that I can’t just buy from the The Record Lab are the following:
Awakened Arcane Soul Break 2 (AASB2), Underworld Guardian - this is for the physical fire element
Arcane Overstrike Soul Break 2 (AOSB2), Purgatorial Flames - this is for the physical fire element
Glint+ Soul Break 1 (G+1), Shimmer Flash
Legend Materia Relic 3 (LMR3),Cruelest Cut
Other than those, the 6 relics that I’m missing for him can be bought with Anima Lenses from the The Record Lab. Haven’t bought them though because these are his old and outdated relics.
Well, I did buy Sephi’s LMR2 because that gives him a chance to dualcast Darkness-type abilities.
Already have Sephiroth’s most important dark-type Soul Breaks, including his Synchro Arcane Soul Break 1 (SASB1), his AASB1, and his Zanshin Ultra Soul Break (USB).
I’m currently still working on my Magicite deck so I just brought my Level 120 of 120 Final Fantasy VII Historia Crystal with full Historia Link Synergy to this fight.
Tyro was here to Wrath and Entrust to the others although he does have his AASB, Fantasy Grimoire Vol. I, and USB4, Arbiter’s Tome, which I readily used if I had the gauges to spare since these Soul Breaks increases the party’s critical hit chance.
I have a few of Tyro’s other relics, but his Awakening and Ultra 4 were the ones that mattered for this fight.
The only reason Garland was here was because I have his dark Chain Soul Break (CSB). It’s not the best dark Chain, but the only other one that I have is Vayne Carudas Solidor’s (from Final Fantasy XII), and that one’s not good either.
I went with Garland over Vayne because Garland has a Soul Break that only costs 1 bar and that can imperil the dark element.
I also have one of his Ultras, not that it mattered because I never used it. He was here to cast his Chain and imperil the dark element to boost Sephi’s damage.
Garland was equipped with Demon’s Cross and Lifesiphon although I mostly spammed the latter to quickly increase his Soul Break gauge so he can keep the Chain up and continue lowering Dark Odin’s resistance to the dark element.
Aerith’s Planet Protector Soul Break increases the party’s attack. She can also provide Last Stand and physical hi fastcast with her USB2 and AASB.
Elarra can heal too, but for this fight, she focused more on buffing Sephiroth by singing the Warrior’s Hymn. She also danced the Salsa a few times to debuff Dark Odin and heal the party.
Elarra’s USB1, Magika Album, instantly heals the party, grants them Regenga and hi fastcast while her USB2, Magika Orare, instantly heals the party and temporarily increases their critical hit damage. Orare combos very well with Tyro’s AASB and USB4.
Sephiroth was equipped with Heartless Angel, his Hero Ability (also known as Unique Ability), and Omega Drive. Had him build gauges first using Omega Drive. After casting his Soul Breaks, just had him spam his Hero Ability.
Was able to get really far in this fight but ended up losing. It was really close though. The boss only had 5.2% HP left when everyone in my party died. Too bad I wasn’t able to make it.
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Tweaked my team and setup a bit then tried again. This time, was able to get the win although it was very far from sub-30.
Fight lasted until 53.72 seconds. Eh, it’s fine. A win’s a win. And AFAIK, there’s no need to sub-30 this particular fight anyway.
Still had Tyro on Wrath and Entrust duty. Used his AASB and/or USB4 when he had the gauges to spare.
Had Garland equipped with Touched by Darkness (can imperil the dark element) instead of Demon’s Cross although he still mostly ended up spamming Lifesiphon so I could cast his Chain and his Chaos Cyclone Soul Break, the one that costs 1 gauge and that can imperil the dark element.
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Actually, I just made the Touched by Darkness ability. Ran out of resources so could only get it to Rank 4 of 5 which increased its uses to a total of 8.
Since I found out that I had Jecht’s (from Final Fantasy X) AASB, I tried using him on this fight and the Lakshmi one instead of Aerith.
Gave him this ability so he could help Garland stack imperil dark. But his damage was terrible (well, so was Garland’s but he was here for his Chain so it didn’t matter) and he wasn’t contributing enough to the team so dropped him and went back to Aeris.
Dark-weak Dark Odin has no moves that require the Dispel ability so I had Aerith equipped with Curada and Ultra Cure for more heals. Elarra was still on singing and dancing duty.
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And Sephiroth was still my main and primary DPS for this fight. He did really well, especially thanks to the support and buffs from his allies.
He ended up running out of uses of his Hero Ability though thanks to Odin’s skill slash move.
At least the fight was nearly over by then. Odin only had 0.2% HP when that happened so it wasn’t long before he finally croaked it.
So pleased to have defeated my second Dark Odin and obtained my second Black-Armored Echoes accessory. Now I can get rid of more accessories and free up space in my inventory.
So what about you? Have you tried fighting against dark-weak Dark Odin yet? How did it go? What team did you use? What do you think about this fight? Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions by leaving a comment below or by reblogging or replying to this post.
screenshots are from my Final Fantasy Record Keeper game account
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freyayuki · 1 year
Final Fantasy Record Keeper Lakshmi Magicite Fight
The fights in the 5-star Magicite Dungeons in the Final Fantasy Record Keeper (FFRK) mobile game are quest level 400.
Lakshmi is the 5-star Holy Magicite boss that takes reduced damage against magic and ninjutsu attacks. She’s weak to the dark element, so you’re encouraged to beat her using a team made up of physical attackers who deal dark elemental damage.
Unfortunately, I don’t have a lot of chars with dark-type Soul Breaks. But I do have a pretty stacked Sephiroth from Final Fantasy VII.
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On my English Final Fantasy Record Keeper game account, the only relics that belong to Sephiroth from Final Fantasy VII (#ad) that I don’t have and that I can’t just buy from the The Record Lab are the following:
Awakened Arcane Soul Break 2 (AASB2), Underworld Guardian - this is for the physical fire element
Arcane Overstrike Soul Break 2 (AOSB2), Purgatorial Flames - this is for the physical fire element
Glint+ Soul Break 1 (G+1), Shimmer Flash
Legend Materia Relic 3 (LMR3),Cruelest Cut
Other than those, the 6 relics that I’m missing for him can be bought with Anima Lenses from the The Record Lab. Haven’t bought them though because these are his old and outdated relics.
Well, I did buy Sephi’s LMR2 because that gives him a chance to dualcast Darkness-type abilities.
Already have Sephiroth’s most important dark-type Soul Breaks, including his Synchro Arcane Soul Break 1 (SASB1), his AASB1, and his Zanshin Ultra Soul Break (USB).
Actually, I used Sephiroth to take on Madeen, the 5-star Holy Magicite that takes reduced damage from physical attacks. He was my sole DPS on that fight.
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Just brought a team of supports to help him, including buffing his attack stat by a lot so I could bypass the reduction against physical attacks.
Since Seph was able to do really well against Madeen, I figured he should be able to do the same against Lakshmi too, especially since his physical-type attacks wouldn’t be gimped here, and I’d still be buffing him to the high heavens anyway.
I had some trouble though because Lakshmi likes to inflict status effects like Confuse and Sleep. She can also remove Haste.
So I had to be able to remove the debuffs and cast Haste again. I also needed to be fast in order to avoid having to deal with all these debuffs multiple times, but there were times wherein I ended up being too slow.
Eventually, after a couple more tries, I managed to get the win. Surprisingly, it was even sub-30. The fight ended after 21.28 seconds.
My team was the following:
Sephiroth from Final Fantasy VII
Aeris or Aerith Gainsborough from Final Fantasy VII
Tyro from Final Fantasy Record Keeper
Garland from Final Fantasy I
Elarra from Final Fantasy Record Keeper
I’m currently still working on my Magicite deck so I just brought my Level 120 of 120 Final Fantasy VII Historia Crystal with full Historia Link Synergy for this fight.
Tyro was here to Wrath and Entrust to the others although he does have his AASB, Fantasy Grimoire Vol. I, and USB4, Arbiter’s Tome, which I readily used if I had the gauges to spare since these Soul Breaks increases the party’s critical hit chance.
I have a few of Tyro’s other relics, but his Awakening and Ultra 4 were the ones that mattered for this fight.
Well, I might have used his Glint, Purifying Grimoire, if I really needed it, since this only costs 1 bar and it instantly restores 2,000 HP to the party and casts Esuna on them.
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The only reason Garland was here was because I have his dark Chain Soul Break (CSB). It’s not the best dark Chain, but the only other one that I have is Vayne Carudas Solidor’s (from Final Fantasy XII), and that one’s not good either.
I went with Garland over Vayne because Garland has a Soul Break that only costs 1 bar and that can imperil the dark element.
I also have one of his Ultras, not that it mattered because I never used it. He was here to cast his Chain and imperil the dark element to boost Sephi’s damage.
Garland was equipped with Demon’s Cross and Lifesiphon although I mostly spammed the latter to quickly increase his Soul Break gauge so he can keep the Chain up and continue lowering Lakshmi’s resistance to the dark element.
Aeris was equipped with Ultra Cure for the Esuna and Dispel because Lakshmi also likes to cast Haste and Regen on herself.
Aerith’s Star Whisper Glint+ instantly heals the party and casts Esuna on them. Her Planet Protector Soul Break increases the party’s attack. She can also provide Last Stand and physical hi fastcast with her USB2 and AASB.
Elarra can heal too, but for this fight, she focused more on buffing Sephiroth by singing the Warrior’s Hymn. She also danced the Salsa a few times to debuff Laskhmi and heal the party.
Elarra’s USB1, Magika Album, instantly heals the party, grants them Regenga and hi fastcast while her USB2, Magika Orare, instantly heals the party and temporarily increases their critical hit damage. Orare combos very well with Tyro’s AASB and USB4.
Sephiroth was equipped with Heartless Angel, his Hero Ability (also known as Unique Ability), and Omega Drive.
In the beginning, I had him spam Omega Drive to build up his gauge. Then, once I got to cast his Soul Breaks, just spammed his HA for the win. LOL.
So what about you? Have you tried any of the 5-star Magicite fights yet? What do you think about these quests? Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions by leaving a comment below or by reblogging or replying to this post.
screenshots are from my Final Fantasy Record Keeper game account
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freyayuki · 2 years
Final Fantasy Record Keeper Daily Free Draws Part 3
Every day, you get 1 free single draw on the Final Fantasy Record Keeper (FFRK) mobile game. The banner you can do this on is extremely bloated though.
It has basically all the relics on this game and the rates are crappy as always and there are no guarantees, but there is a very rare chance to get something good from this draw. 
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More often than not though, you’re more likely to just end up with bronze or silver trash.
Doing this free single pull is part of the dailies in Final Fantasy Record Keeper (#ad). It’s part of the daily missions to do this pull and that’s really the main reason why I bother to do it.
Sure, I’ve gotten some good pulls from this before but that’s few and far between. It’s so rare that it might as well be nonexistent.
Anyway, one daily free draw gave me Alma Beoulve’s (from Final Fantasy Tactics) Legend Materia Relic (LMR), Brother’s Keeper.
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It’s new and I actually have her Awakened Arcane Soul Break (AASB), so this was a pretty nice pull.
One daily free draw actually gave me a 6-star item - Cid Pollendina’s (from Final Fantasy IV) Awakened Arcane Soul Break (AASB), Engineer’s Trial.
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Talk about a pleasant surprise. Totally wasn’t expecting this at all. 
In fact, I was all set to get trash as usual so I didn’t even see the disco orb since I was just quickly tapping on the screen to get on with the pull already. 
Then I got to the screen that showed the image of the hammer and I was like, wait, why are there suddenly so many stars? Did I just get a 5 or 6-star item? LOL. 
Well, it’s nice to get this but this is my first BDL relic for Cid so, eh, I don’t think he’ll be seeing use any time soon.
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Another daily free draw gave me Hope Estheim’s (from Final Fantasy XIII) Legend Materia Relic (LMR), Eye on the Prize. 
It’s new and I actually have one of his Awakenings and a few of his other relics but meh. This LMR is trash.
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It lets you “begin battle temporarily infused with the power of holy light”. I prefer those that increase damage or will allow a char to dualcast or something. 
LMRs like this are useless since if you use a char’s Awakening or Sync, you almost always get an elemental infusion anyway.
Yet another daily free draw gave me a 5-star Hope relic. I think this is one of his Unique Soul Breaks or something.
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Didn’t bother looking it up since this was something that would never see use. I’m more likely to use the LMR I just got for him than this one.
Another daily free draw gave me Beatrix’s (from Final Fantasy IX) 5-star Super Soul Break (SSB), Sword of the Clear Mind.
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It’s new but meh. Supers are badly outdated and powercrept by now. Also don’t even have a single BDL relic for Beatrix so won’t be able to use her with just this.
Another daily free draw gave me Montblanc’s (from Final Fantasy Tactics) Burst Soul Break (BSB), Black Combo.
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Meh. This is like my first relic for him so bleh. BSBs have been horribly powercrept by now.
Another daily free draw gave me Leila’s (from Final Fantasy II) Super Soul Break, Pirate’s Knives. Meh.
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Like with Beatrix and Montblanc, also don’t have a single BDL relic for Leila although I really wish I do because she’s pretty good and I could use need more water tech.
Another daily free draw gave me a Shared Soul Break known as Sonic Buster. It’s utterly useless, not to mention horribly outdated. 
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I think Shared Soul Breaks can be used by anyone but they need to be equipped with the weapon or armor that contains the Soul Break in question. 
So, for instance, in order for a char to use Sonic Buster, I need to equip them with Soldier’s Sabre (X).
Another daily free draw gave me Lulu’s (from Final Fantasy X) Legend Materia Relic (LMR), Depths of Knowledge. Have nothing else for her so meh, this is useless.
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Another daily free draw gave me a dupe of Yuna’s (from Final Fantasy X) Glint Soul Break, Bright Prospects. Wish I could have gotten something new instead.
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One day, after several days of getting nothing but bronze and silver trash, I actually got a 6-star relic from the free daily pull. Too bad it was useless.
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Ended up with a dupe of Cid Garlond’s (from Final Fantasy XIV) Ultra Soul Break (USB). Meh. Have 0 BDL relics for him so even if this was new, it’d still be useless.
Another faily free draw gave me a 5-star relic that belongs to Yuna. Not sure if this is her Unique Soul Break or something else.
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Doesn’t really matter anyway because this will never see use. It’s old and outdated and utterly useless.
Another daily free draw gave me a dupe of one of Lenna Charlotte Tycoon’s (from Final Fantasy V) Ultra Soul Breaks.
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It was nice to see a 6-star relic but was also really disappointed that this turned out to be nothing more than a dupe.
Another daily free draw gave me Galuf Halm Baldesion’s (from Final Fantasy V) Burst Soul Break (BSB), Sweet Sorrow. Meh. Useless.
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Another daily free draw gave me Kefka Palazzo’s (from Final Fantasy VI) AASB, Stroke of Destruction.
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It’s new and it’s an AASB so very pleased with the results of this free pull even if I don’t really like Kefka as a char.
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Too bad I don’t have Kefka’s Synchro Arcane Soul Break (SASB) so can’t really use him in endgame content.
So, what about you? What relics did you get from the daily free draws? What do you think about the daily free draw banner? Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions by leaving a comment below or by reblogging this post.
screenshots are from my Final Fantasy Record Keeper game account
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freyayuki · 4 years
Final Fantasy Record Keeper 3-Star Holy Magicite Fight
This is yet another one of those old drafts I finally managed to finish editing, so it’s now ready to be scheduled for publication.
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After defeating Shadow Dragon, the 3-star Dark Magicite boss in the Final Fantasy Record Keeper (#ad) (FFRK) mobile game, it was time to take on the Holy quest, the last 3-star Magicite.
3-Star Holy Magicite Battle Information
Mist Dragon is the 3-star Holy Magicite boss. He is weak to dark, absorbs holy, and resists all the other elements except earth. He doesn’t take damage or is unaffected by earth attacks.
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His main gimmick is that he can go into Mist Form, which grants him evasion and invincibility because all of your attacks will end up missing while he’s in this form.
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To make things worse, if you attack him while he’s in Mist Form, he will counter by hitting all of your characters with Freezing Mist.
Genesis Rhapsodos from Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII
My current, absolute most favorite Final Fantasy character is Genesis Rhapsodos (#ad) from Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII. He’s the reason why I’m playing this game.
I started playing FFRK during the Ode to a Sundered World event. This is the event that introduced my fave as a playable character in this game.
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I want to complete all the quests in FFRK with him in my party. I really enjoy being able to use my fave, so, of course, I want to keep using him even if the enemy resists fire, his main element.
Needless to say, I was really happy to be able to defeat all the other 3-star Magicite enemies with Genesis in my party and acting as the main damage dealer. Yes, even Liquid Flame, the boss who absorbs fire.
Anyway, by the time I’m trying this fight, my Genesis:
is level 99, the highest in this game
has over 300 Magia points - 100 went to physical attack, 100 went to HP, and 100 went to fire attack
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has all the level 1 Crystal Waters
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has all of his Record Spheres
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has all his Legend Materia
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3-Star Holy Magicite Team
My team for this fight is:
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Genesis Rhapsodos from Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII
Genesis Rhapsodos is equipped with the following:
level 50/50 Flametongue sword Artifact; adds a small boost to fire damage
level 35/35 Genesis’s Guise (VII-DoC)++; adds a small boost to fire damage
level 1/1 One-Winged Pendant (VII)
Apart from boosting his fire damage, Flametongue also increases Genesis’ attack stat. Since it’s a sword, it has great synergy with his Fierce Opposition Legend Materia Relic (LMR).  
I have other armor that gives a bit more attack than Genesis’s Guise (VII-DoC)++, but I still chose to give this to him because of its bonus effect. AFAIK, it stacks with the bonus effect from Flametongue.
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Out of all the accessories that I have, One-Winged Pendant (VII) happens to have the highest attack, which is why I gave it to my fave.
Genesis is equipped with the following abilities:
Dread Weapon - 5-star rarity, Darkness-type, rank 1/5, 2 uses, deals “4 physical dark attacks” to one enemy and heal “the user for a portion of the damage dealt”
Inferno Assault - 6-star rarity, Spellblade-type, rank 5/5, 10 uses, deals “5 physical fire attacks to one enemy”
I equipped him with Dread Weapon to get the Target Score. Inferno Assault synergizes very well with Genesis’ Awakening Soul Break, which grants him Awoken Fire Mode. See the pic below for reference to what this does: 
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The “Fire Ability Boost” is referring to the rank of the fire ability you’re using. You get a boost or your damage is increased based on the ability’s rank. The percentages are as follows:
Rank 1 - 5%
Rank 2 - 10%
Rank 3 - 15%
Rank 4 - 20%
Rank 5 - 30%
The “trigger twice” bit is also known as dualcast. In this case, after Genesis uses Inferno Assault, the effects of Awoken Fire Mode will cause the ability to be cast again.
Genesis is equipped with the following Soul Breaks:
Awakened Arcane Soul Break (AASB), Genesis Rhapsody
Ultra Soul Break (USB), Apocalypse Genesis
Arcane Overstrike Soul Break (AOSB), SOLDIER’s Epic
Glint+, Epic of Creation
Well, I have all of his Soul Breaks because, of course, I went all in on the banner that featured all of his weapons and armor. At this point, are you even surprised? LOL. Too bad there’s only 4 slots, so I can only bring 4.
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Genesis is equipped with the following Legend Materia:
Fierce Opposition - deal 20% more damage when using a sword
Project G Creation
Project G Creation’s effect is:
“When low on HP, restore HP to the user and enter Black Flurry Mode, temporarily raising the user’s attack a moderate amount and giving fire abilities used by the user a high chance to trigger twice. Can only trigger once per battle.”  
For his Record Materia, I equipped him with Machina’s Whirling Blades, which lets him deal 40% more damage when using Spellblade abilities.  
Elarra from Final Fantasy Record Keeper
Elarra (#ad) is equipped with the following:
level 1 Wonder Wand (VII)
level 1 Adamant Hat (XII)
level 1 Diamond Armlet (XIII) - adds moderate holy resistance and moderate resistance to Petrify
She is equipped with the following White Magic-type abilities:
Ultra Cure - 5-star rarity, rank 4/5, 10 uses, “restore a very large amount of HP to one ally, and cast Esuna on them”
Ultra Cure - rank 1/5, 4 uses
Elarra is here as my secondary healer. Her job is to help Aerith keep the party alive, so she’ll be spamming Ultra Cure when she’s not using one of her Soul Breaks.
She’s equipped with the following Soul Breaks:
Glint, Magika Pius
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Default Soul Break, Fabula Heal - “restore a moderate amount of HP to all allies”, requires 1 Soul Gauge to use, can be used multiple times
Glint+, Magika Amuletum
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Elarra’s Glint and Glint+ is another reason why she’s part of this team. Her Default Soul Break is also pretty good since it can heal the party. Unfortunately, it’s not instant cast, meaning it’ll take a while before it gets activated.
Magika Pius is good even if it can only be used 3 times. Plus, it’s instant cast, so it activates immediately.
Magika Amuletum is awesome. Protect raises the party’s Defense. Shell raises their Resistance. Haste makes them move faster. The best part is that these buffs will last for the duration of the battle unless the enemy decides to dispel them.
is level 99
has max level 1 Crystal Waters in HP, Mind, Resistance, and Defense
has 88 Magia points in HP
has all of her Record Spheres
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She’s equipped with the following Legend Materia:
Historic Brilliance - gives her a 35% chance to dualcast White Magic abilities
To Be Human - lets her restore 15% more HP with White Magic abilities
The chance to dualcast White Magic abilities with Historic Brilliance is only 35%, but it’s absolutely brilliant when it actually activates.
She ends up using her equipped healing abilities twice in one go, meaning she can heal 2 different characters at once.
I have Elarra equipped with Minwu’s Greater Good Record Materia, which lets her restore 30% more HP with White Magic abilities.
Tyro from Final Fantasy Record Keeper
Tyro (#ad) is equipped with the following:
level 25/25 Red Rapier (VII-CC)
level 25/25 Genesis’s Guise (VII-CC)
level 1/1 Lucky Dice - adds minor resistance to all elements
Red Rapier is the relic that gave me Genesis’ Awakened Arcane Soul Break (AASB), Genesis Rhapsody, while Genesis’ Guise (VII-CC) gave me his Arcane Overstrike Soul Break (AOSB), SOLDIER’s Epic.
As can be expected, I’ve never sold anything that belongs to Genesis even if I don’t actually need the items anymore (Soul Breaks are automatically mastered the moment you acquire a copy of them).
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These are the only relics I’ve used the game’s lock function on, so that I’ll never be able to accidentally sell them. Apart from the Artifacts, these are the only ones I’ve bothered to level.  
Tyro is equipped with the following Support-type abilities:
Wrath - 4-star rarity, rank 5/5, 10 uses, “charge the user’s Soul Break gauge” and “raise their attack”
Entrust - 5-star rarity, rank 4/5, 8 uses, “transfer the user’s Soul Break gauge to an ally”
He’s here to build up his Soul Gauge with Wrath. As soon as he has enough, he’ll use Entrust to give it all to Genesis.
He’s equipped with the following Soul Breaks:
Awakened Arcane Soul Break (AASB), Fantasy Grimoire Vol. I
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Ultra Soul Break, Arbiter’s Tome
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Glint, Purifying Grimoire
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Unique Soul Break, Sentinel’s Grimoire - raises the party’s Defense and Resistance
Tyro is also here to use Fantasy Grimoire Vol. I or Arbiter’s Tome. If he has extra gauges, then he can use Sentinel’s Grimoire, but the priority is for him to use his Awakening or Ultra then Entrust the rest of his bars to Genesis.
If the party needs more healing, then he can also use Purifying Grimoire. I have Tyro equipped with the Dr. Mog’s Teachings Record Materia. This lets him start quests with 2 Soul Break charges.
is level 99
has 90 Magia points in HP
has max level 1 Crystal Waters for HP, Resistance, and Defense
has all of his 3-star and 4-star Record Spheres
has none of his 5-star Record Spheres
Aerith Gainsborough from Final Fantasy VII
Aeris or Aerith Gainsborough (#ad) is equipped with the following:
level 30/50 Parrying Daggers Artifact
level 1 Plumed Hat
level 1 Aurora Armlet - adds major holy resistance
The Artifact and Hat increase her Mind stat, which lets her heal more. Since she’s my primary healer, she gets Aurora Armlet, the only accessory I have that gives major resistance to holy attacks.
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Aeris is equipped with the following White Magic-type abilities:
Ultra Cure - rank 1/5, 4 uses
Curada - 6-star rarity, rank 4/5, 10 uses, “restore a very large amount of HP to one ally, and automatically heal additional damage taken (up to 2000 HP in total)”
She’s here to spam Curada. If it actually runs out, then she’ll spam Ultra Cure instead.
Aerith is equipped with the following Soul Breaks:
Awakened Arcane Soul Break (AASB), Star Pulse
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Ultra Soul Break (USB), Innocent Cure
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Aeris is also here to use her awesome Awakening if the entire party needs to be healed immediately, or if dead characters need to be resurrected.
If the fight is still ongoing and she’s already used Star Pulse (Awakenings can only be used once per battle), then she’ll use Innocent Cure (Ultras have infinite uses as long as you have the required Soul Gauge to activate them).
Aeris (#ad) is equipped with the following Legend Materia:
Daughter of Ancients - restore 15% more HP when using White Magic abilities
Motherly Protector - 35% chance to “restore a small amount of HP to all allies” after using a White Magic ability  
Like Elarra’s Historic Brilliance, I also love it whenever Motherly Protector procs. It restores a pretty decent amount of HP to the party since Aerith has a high Mind stat.
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I have her equipped with the Battleforged Record Materia. This allows her Soul Gauge to fill much more whenever she uses her abilities or her basic Attack command.
is level 99
has 100 Magia points in HP and 100 Magia points in Mind
has max level 1 Crystal Waters in HP, Mind, Resistance, Magic, and Defense  
has all of her Record Spheres
Gilgamesh from Final Fantasy V
Gilgamesh (#ad) is equipped with the following:
level 30/50 Triton’s Dagger Artifact
level 20/20 Red Glove (VII-CC)
level 1/1 Volant Belt (XI) - adds moderate holy resistance
Triton’s Dagger gives a small boost to water damage. I had Yuffie Kisaragi (from Final Fantasy VII) use this when she helped Genesis defeat the 3-star Fire Magicite boss, which is why it’s leveled to 30. Red Glove gave me Genesis’ Legend Materia Relic, Fierce Opposition.
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Gilgamesh is equipped with the following abilities:
Lifesiphon - 4-star rarity, Combat-type, rank 5/5, 10 uses, deal damage to one target and charge the user’s Soul Break gauge
Warring Flame - 5-star rarity, Samurai-type, rank 1/5, 2 uses, deals fire damage to one enemy
He’s here to spam Lifesiphon until he has enough gauges to activate his Soul Break.
He’s equipped with his Chain Soul Break, Historic Splendor. This is the reason why he’s a part of this team.
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Historic Splendor increases the attack and fire damage of the entire party. Which means my fave Genesis gets to deal much more damage.
I have Gilgamesh equipped with the Ace Striker Record Materia, which has the same effect as Battleforged.
is level 99
has 42 Magia points in HP
has 0 Crystal Waters
has 0 Record Spheres
Magicite Deck
I used Phantom (VI) as my main Magicite. His Ultra Skill gives the party an elemental barrier that lets them avoid 1 holy attack. He also temporarily raises the party’s holy resistance level by 2. 
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For the sub-magicite, I equipped the following:
Enlil (XIII)
Mom Bomb (IV)
Salamander (III)
Wendigo (XII)
since they were the ones that gave me the highest attack. They also gave me 2 Empower Fire (increase the fire damage of all allies), 3 Attack Boon (increase the attack of all allies), and 1 Deadly Strikes (increase the critical hit damage of all allies).
3-Star Holy Magicite Auto Battle
I also used Final Fantasy Record Keeper’s auto battle feature for some of my tries. This was mainly because I needed to get multiple copies of Kirin (VI), Unicorn (VI), and Mist Dragon (IV), the 3-star Holy Magicites, in order to break their level caps.
I hate how the Magicite drops are all random. You won’t know what you’ll get until the battle ends and you’re in the Rewards screen. Worse, you could end up getting the same Magicite over and over again.
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This is a good thing the first few times because it means you’ll now have enough copies to break the Magicite’s level cap to 99. But after that, it’s not really useful anymore to keep getting the same Magicite unless you want to build a second copy.
It’s not like I mind having more copies of the same Magicite, but I’d like to get copies of the rest of the other Magicites first. Unfortunately, there’s no way to control which Magicite you’ll get, so I had to fight against Mist Dragon over and over and over again.
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It was beyond frustrating, not to mention tiring, so I decided to just auto most of the battles after my initial manual clear. Even then, it was still annoying not to see the Magicite I’m looking for at the end of the quest.
Anyway, my auto setup is basically the same as my manual one with a few changes. When you use the game’s auto battle feature, you can choose whether the AI can use the character’s equipped Soul Breaks or abilities or just stick to using their basic Attack and Defend commands. 
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The AI will always start by using the leftmost ability or Soul Break first. They will activate a Soul Break as soon as it’s possible to do so. This is why I removed Genesis’ Glint+. It doesn’t cost any gauges to use so the AI will always cast it right at the start of the battle.
I also removed Tyro’s Sentinel’s Grimoire. This only costs one bar to activate. Tyro is equipped with Dr. Mog’s Teachings, and I have his Awakening in the leftmost slot, so the AI has enough gauges to cast Fantasy Grimoire Vol. I.
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Then he’ll use Wrath and keep using it until he has at least one bar. The AI will then cast Purifying Grimoire before going back to using Wrath. This will happen 2 more times until Tyro can no longer use his Glint.
If he’s still equipped with Sentinel’s Grimoire, he’ll activate that next. But since I removed it, he’ll keep using Wrath until he has at least 2 bars to activate Arbiter’s Tome.
3-Star Holy Magicite Strategy
Elarra is usually the first to move. Her first action is always to cast Magika Amuletum. Protect and Shell ensures that my party takes less damage while Haste ensures they can take more turns.  
Then she uses Ultra Cure on whoever needs to be healed. More often than not, I don’t bother selecting a target, so the game automatically picks which character to heal, and this is always the one who currently has the lowest HP.
Elarra will keep spamming Ultra Cure unless I need her to do something else. She can summon Fabula Guardian again if the fight isn’t over yet. She can summon my Magicite. She can use one of her Soul Breaks if she has enough gauges and the party needs to be healed.
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Tyro starts by using his Awakening so the party gets the critical hit chance buff. Then he’ll spam Wrath to build up his Soul Gauge. Once he has at least 2 bars, he’ll Entrust it all to Genesis. Then he goes back to using Wrath so he can do it all over again.
If he has extra gauges, or if I feel that my fave doesn’t need any more, then Tyro can cast Arbiter’s Tome. More often than not, I choose to have him Entrust his bars to Genesis rather than activate his Ultra.
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Aerith starts by using Fabula Guardian. Then she spams either Ultra Cure or Curada. Usually, I target herself and Genesis first since she’s my primary healer and he’s my sole DPS, not to mention my fave.  
She can summon my Magicite or activate Fabula Guardian again if needed. If the party needs to be healed immediately and she already has enough gauges, then I activate her Awakening or Ultra. 
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Gilgamesh spams Lifesiphon until he has enough gauges to cast Historic Splendor. Then he goes back to spamming either one of his abilities. He doesn’t deal much damage at all. Actually, he hits like a wet noodle. 
But it doesn’t matter because he isn’t here to deal damage. He’s here to use his Chain for my fave. If the fire Chain’s effects end before the battle is over, then he’ll cast it again as soon as possible.
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Genesis uses Dread Weapon first, so I can get the Target Score. He’ll keep using it until it runs out then move on to Inferno Assault. Once he has enough gauges, then I activate Epic of Creation, which will bring him down to 1 HP. 
This will automatically activate his Project G Creation Legend Materia.  If he has at least 4 gauges, then I start by using his Ultra followed by his Awakening. Otherwise, I just go straight to casting Genesis Rhapsody. Then I use Inferno Assault to increase his Bravery Level. 
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After that, I just spam Void Destruction until the effects of his Awakening end or until the fight ends. Sometimes, I alternate between using Void Destruction and Inferno Assault.  
The fire chain, the attack buff, and the critical hit chance buff really increases Genesis’ damage output. I absolutely love seeing my fave deal such massive amounts of damage even though his fire moves are all being resisted by Mist Dragon.
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The Holy Magicite’s Mist Form is really annoying. Once the Mist Dragon is in this form, all of Genesis’ attacks end up missing. Worse, the enemy counters all attacks if you hit him while he’s in this form.
The problem is that it’s hard to tell when the boss will go into Mist Form. While he’s in his normal form, I just get Genesis to keep attacking him. But then, seemingly all of a sudden, the Mist Dragon changes forms so my fave’s next attack ends up missing and the enemy counters the hit with his Freezing Mist.
Thankfully, the healing from both Aerith and Elarra is enough to keep the party alive even if they end up being hit by more than 1 Freezing Mist. With the Holy Magicite in Mist Form, I have to wait until he goes back to his normal form before going all out with attacking again.
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If I’m using the game’s auto battle feature, then there’s no way to stop attacking even if Mist Dragon is in his Mist Form. The AI will still keep on using the leftmost ability until it runs out. 
It will also still activate a Soul Break if there are enough gauges to do so. It’s annoying, but there’s nothing that can be done about it. Good thing Elarra and Aeris are such awesome healers. 
3-Star Holy Magicite Battle Results
Needless to say, I was super happy to be able to win this battle, especially since I got to use my fave Genesis. And he did so well even though Mist Dragon resisted all of his fire abilities and Soul Breaks.
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So far, my fastest clear time is 26.04 seconds. 
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So, how ‘bout you? Which characters did you use to defeat Mist Dragon? What did you think about this quest? Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions by leaving a comment below or by reblogging this post.
pics are from Amazon.com; links shown above
screenshots are from my Final Fantasy Record Keeper game account
0 notes
freyayuki · 4 years
Final Fantasy Record Keeper 3-Star Water Magicite Fight
This is yet another one of those old drafts I finally managed to finish editing, so it’s now ready to be scheduled for publication.
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After defeating Hydra, the 3-star Lightning Magicite boss in the Final Fantasy Record Keeper (#ad) (FFRK) mobile game, I was ready to take on the Water quest.
3-Star Water Magicite Battle Information
Bismarck is the 3-star Water Magicite boss. He is weak to lightning, absorbs water, and resists all the other elements.
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To get the Target Score, it’s necessary to hit Bismarck with a lightning attack.
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Genesis Rhapsodos from Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII
My current, absolute most favorite Final Fantasy character is Genesis Rhapsodos (#ad) from Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII. He’s the reason why I’m playing this game.
Yup, I started playing FFRK during the Ode to a Sundered World event. This is the event that introduced my fave as a playable character in this game. 
I want to complete all the Magicite battles with him in my party. Well, really, I want to take on all the fights with him. I really enjoy being able to use my fave, so, of course, I want to keep using him even if the enemy resists fire, his main element.
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So far, I’ve been able to beat 4 Magicite enemies:
Sealion, the Ice boss who is weak to fire
Fenrir, the Wind boss who is weak to ice
Golem, the Earth boss who is weak to wind
Hydra, the Lightning boss who is weak to earth
Just like how I was able to defeat Fenrir, Golem, and Hydra even though they resisted fire, I was hoping to be able to do the same against Bismarck.
By the time I’m trying this quest, my Genesis:
is level 99, the highest in this game
has over 200 Magia Points; 100 went to physical attack, 100 went to HP, the rest went to fire attack
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I haven’t had the chance to update the above pic yet, but he actually has 74 Magia points in fire attack already.
has all the level 1 Crystal Waters
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has all his 3-star Record Spheres
has all his 4-star Record Spheres
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has all his 5-star Record Spheres
has his Snowspell Strike Sphere
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has all his Legend Materia
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3-Star Water Magicite Team
My team for this fight is:
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Genesis Rhapsodos from Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII
Genesis Rhapsodos is equipped with the following:
level 50/50 Flametongue sword Artifact; has the bonus effect of adding a “small boost to fire damage”
level 35/35 Genesis’s Guise (VII-DoC)++; has the bonus effect of adding a “small boost to fire damage”
level 1/1 One-Winged Pendant (VII)
The Artifact doesn’t just give him lots of attack, it also gives him a boost to fire damage. Since it’s a sword, it has great synergy with his Fierce Opposition Legend Materia Relic (LMR).
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I have other armor that gives a bit more attack than Genesis’s Guise (VII-DoC)++, but I still chose to give this to him because of its bonus effect. AFAIK, it stacks with the bonus effect from Flametongue.
Out of all the accessories that I have, One-Winged Pendant (VII) happens to have the highest attack, which is why I gave it to my fave.
Genesis is equipped with the following Spellblade-type abilities:
Thundering Quadstrike - 5-star rarity, rank 1/5, 2 uses, deals “4 physical lightning attacks to one target”
Inferno Assault - 6-star rarity, rank 5/5, 10 uses, deals “5 physical fire attacks to one enemy”
I gave him Thundering Quadstrike in order to get the Target Score. Inferno Assault synergizes very well with Genesis’ Awakening Soul Break, which grants him Awoken Fire Mode. See the pic below for reference to what this does:
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The “Fire Ability Boost” is referring to the rank of the fire ability you’re using. You get a boost or your damage is increased based on the ability’s rank. The percentages are as follows:
Rank 1 - 5%
Rank 2 - 10%
Rank 3 - 15%
Rank 4 - 20%
Rank 5 - 30%
The “trigger twice” bit is also known as dualcast. In this case, after Genesis uses Inferno Assault, the effects of Awoken Fire Mode will cause the ability to be cast again.
Genesis is equipped with the following Soul Breaks:
Awakened Arcane Soul Break (AASB), Genesis Rhapsody
Ultra Soul Break (USB), Apocalypse Genesis
Arcane Overstrike Soul Break (AOSB), SOLDIER’s Epic
Glint+, Epic of Creation
Well, I have all of his Soul Breaks because, of course, I went all in on the banner that featured all of his weapons and armor. At this point, are you even surprised? LOL. Too bad there’s only 4 slots, so I can only bring 4.
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In the above pic, just replace Snowspell Strike with Thundering Quadstrike.
Genesis is equipped with the following Legend Materia:
Fierce Opposition - deal 20% more damage when using a sword
Project G Creation
Project G Creation’s effect is:
“When low on HP, restore HP to the user and enter Black Flurry Mode, temporarily raising the user’s attack a moderate amount and giving fire abilities used by the user a high chance to trigger twice. Can only trigger once per battle.”  
For his Record Materia, I equipped him with Machina’s Whirling Blades, which lets him deal 40% more damage when using Spellblade abilities.  
Elarra from Final Fantasy Record Keeper
Elarra (#ad) is equipped with the following:
level 1 Wonder Wand (VII)
level 1 Adamant Hat (XII)
level 1 Mind Breaker (XV) - adds moderate water and blind resistance
Elarra is equipped with the following abilities:
Curaja - 4-star rarity, White Magic-type, rank 1/5, 4 uses, “restore a very large amount of HP to one target”
Ultra Cure - 5-star rarity, White Magic-type, rank 4/5, 10 uses, “restore a very large amount of HP to one ally, and cast Esuna on them”
Elarra is here as my secondary healer. Her job is to help Aerith keep the party alive, so she’ll be spamming Curaja and Ultra Cure when she’s not using one of her Soul Breaks.
She’s equipped with the following Soul Breaks:
Glint, Magika Pius - “instantly restore a moderate amount of HP to all allies”, can only be used 3 times, requires 1 Soul Gauge to use
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Default Soul Break, Fabula Heal - “restore a moderate amount of HP to all allies”, requires 1 Soul Gauge to use, can be used multiple times
Glint+, Magika Amuletum - “instantly grant Protect, Shell, and Haste to all allies”, can only be used once, doesn’t require a Soul Gauge
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Elarra’s Glint and Glint+ is another reason why she’s part of this team. Her Default Soul Break is also pretty good since it can heal the party. Unfortunately, it’s not instant cast, meaning it’ll take a while before it gets activated.
Magika Pius is good even if it can only be used 3 times. Plus, it’s instant cast, so it activates immediately.
Magika Amuletum is awesome. Protect raises the party’s Defense. Shell raises their Resistance. Haste makes them move faster. The best part is that these buffs will last for the duration of the battle unless the enemy decides to dispel them.
is level 99
has max level 1 Crystal Waters in HP, Mind, Resistance, and Defense
has 62 Magia points in HP
has all of her Record Spheres
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She’s equipped with the following Legend Materia:
Historic Brilliance - gives her a 35% chance to dualcast White Magic abilities
To Be Human - lets her restore 15% more HP with White Magic abilities
The chance to dualcast White Magic abilities with Historic Brilliance is only 35%, but it’s absolutely brilliant when it actually activates.
She ends up activating her equipped healing abilities twice in one go (so either Curaja or Ultra Cure, depending on which one I choose to use), meaning she can heal 2 different characters at once.
I have Elarra equipped with her own Providence of Memory Record Materia, which lets her restore 20% more HP with White Magic abilities.
Tyro from Final Fantasy Record Keeper
Tyro (#ad) is equipped with the following:
level 1 Red Rapier (VII-CC)
level 1 Genesis’s Guise (VII-CC)
level 1 Lucky Dice - adds minor resistance to all elements
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Tyro is equipped with the following abilities:
Wrath - 4-star rarity, support-type, rank 5/5, 10 uses, “charge the user’s Soul Break gauge” and “raise their attack”
Entrust - 5-star rarity, support-type, rank 4/5, 8 uses, “transfer the user’s Soul Break gauge to an ally”
Tyro is here to build up his Soul Gauge with Wrath. As soon as he has enough, he’ll use Entrust to give it all to Genesis.
He’s equipped with the following Soul Breaks:
Ultra Soul Break, Arbiter’s Tome
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Unique Soul Break, Sentinel’s Grimoire - raises the party’s Defense and Resistance
Tyro is also here to use Arbiter’s Tome. If he has extra gauges, then he can use Sentinel’s Grimoire, but the priority is for him to use his Ultra then Entrust the rest of his bars to Genesis.  
I have Tyro equipped with the Dr. Mog’s Teachings Record Materia. This lets him start quests with 2 Soul Break charges.
is level 99
has 71 Magia points in HP
has max level 1 Crystal Waters for HP, Resistance, and Defense
has all of his 3-star and 4-star Record Spheres
has none of his 5-star Record Spheres
Aerith Gainsborough from Final Fantasy VII
Aeris or Aerith Gainsborough (#ad) is equipped with the following:
level 1 Parrying Daggers Artifact
level 1 Plumed Hat
level 1 Maelstrom Armlet - adds major water resistance
The Artifact and armor increase her Mind stat, which lets her heal more. Since she’s my primary healer, she gets the only accessory I have that gives major resistance to water attacks.
Aeris is equipped with the following abilities:
Ultra Cure - rank 1/5, 4 uses
Curada - 6-star rarity, White Magic-type, rank 4/5, 10 uses, “restore a very large amount of HP to one ally, and automatically heal additional damage taken (up to 2000 HP in total)”
She’s here to spam Curada. If it actually runs out, then she’ll spam Ultra Cure instead.
Aerith is equipped with the following Soul Breaks:
Awakened Arcane Soul Break (AASB), Star Pulse
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Ultra Soul Break (USB), Innocent Cure
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Aeris is also here to use her awesome Awakening if the entire party needs to be healed immediately. 
If the fight is still ongoing and she’s already used Star Pulse (Awakenings can only be used once per battle), then she’ll use Innocent Cure (Ultras have infinite uses as long as you have the required Soul Gauge to activate them). 
Aeris is equipped with the following Legend Materia:
Daughter of Ancients - restore 15% more HP when using White Magic abilities
Motherly Protector - 35% chance to “restore a small amount of HP to all allies” after using a White Magic ability  
Like Elarra’s Historic Brilliance, I also love it whenever Motherly Protector procs. It restores a pretty decent amount of HP to the party since Aerith has a high Mind stat.
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I have her equipped with her Cetra’s Destiny Record Materia, which lets her restore 20% more HP when she uses White Magic abilities.
is level 99
has 100 Magia points in HP
has 95 Magia points in Mind
has max level 1 Crystal Waters in HP, Mind, Resistance, Magic, and Defense  
has all of her Record Spheres
Gilgamesh from Final Fantasy V
Gilgamesh is equipped with the following:
level 1 Triton’s Dagger Artifact
level 1 Red Glove (VII-CC)
level 1 Lucky Dice
He’s equipped with the following abilities:
Lifesiphon - 4-star rarity, combat-type, rank 5/5, 10 uses, deal damage to one target and charge the user’s Soul Break gauge
Warring Flame - 5-star rarity, Samurai-type, rank 1/5, 2 uses, deals fire damage to one enemy
Gilgamesh is here to spam Lifesiphon until he has enough gauges to activate his Soul Break.
He’s equipped with his Chain Soul Break, Historic Splendor. This is the reason why he’s a part of this team.
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Historic Splendor increases the Attack and fire damage of the entire party. Which means my fave Genesis gets to deal much more damage.
I have Gilgamesh equipped with the Ace Striker Record Materia. This allows his Soul Gauge to fill much more whenever he uses his abilities or his basic Attack command.
is level 99
has 31 Magia points in HP
has 0 Crystal Waters
has 0 Record Spheres
Magicite Deck
The first few times I fought against Bismarck, I used Fenrir (VI) as my main Magicite. His Ultra Skill is:
“Grant Mirror Image to all allies, enabling them to avoid one physical attack, and temporarily raise their earth resistance level by 2.”
For the sub-magicite, I equipped the following:
Wing Raptor (V)
Sealion (IX)
Wendigo (XII)
Sealion (IX)
since they were the ones that gave me the highest attack.
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For the rest of my tries, I used Enlil (XIII) as my main Magicite. His Ultra Skill is:
“Deal 4 magic lightning attacks to all enemies, and temporarily raise the water resistance level of all allies by 2.″
Definitely better than Fenrir when it comes to this fight. I just got so used to equipping Fenrir all the time because of his awesome Mirror Image effect.
For the sub-magicite, I equipped the following:
Golem (V) - his Resistance Boon level 10 increases the Resistance of all allies
Wendigo (XII) - has high stats since he’s already level 92
Mom Bomb (IV) - her Empower Fire increases the fire damage of all allies
Salamander (III) - also has Empower Fire, his Deadly Strikes increases the critical hit damage of all allies
3-Star Water Magicite Strategy
Elarra from Final Fantasy Record Keeper
On Elarra’s first turn, she uses Magika Amuletum. Protect and Shell ensures that my party takes less damage while Haste ensures they can take more turns.
Then she spams Ultra Cure and Curaja. Usually, I don’t bother selecting a target, so the game automatically picks which character to heal, and this is always the one who currently has the lowest HP.
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If I feel that the entire party needs to be healed right now and she already has enough gauge, then I activate Magika Pius.
If she isn’t busy healing or using her Soul Break, then she’s a candidate for calling on my Magicite as soon as it’s available for summon. She can also use Fabula Guardian for the second time.
Gilgamesh from Final Fantasy V
Gilgamesh uses Lifesiphon. He’ll keep using it until he has enough Soul Gauge. As soon as he can, he’ll activate Historic Splendor. Then he uses Warring Flame until it runs out before going back to spamming Lifesiphon.
He doesn’t deal much damage at all. Actually, he hits like a wet noodle. But it doesn’t matter because he isn’t here to deal damage. He’s here to use his Chain for my fave.
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If the fight isn’t over and the Chain’s effects are about to end or have already ended, then I get him to cast Historic Splendor again.
If the Chain is still up and the others are busy with their own abilities or Soul Breaks, then he’s a candidate for summoning Fenrir or using Fabula Guardian for the second time.
Aerith Gainsborough from Final Fantasy VII
Aerith’s first move is to activate Fabula Guardian. IIRC, its effects will stack with Protect and Shell. 
However, unlike Protect and Shell, the Defense and Resistance up from Fabula Guardian are only temporary, so it will need to be activated again later on.
She’s a candidate for using Fabula Guardian for the second time if she isn’t busy using her abilities or Soul Break. 
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After using Fabula Guardian, Aerith spams Curada. Usually, I target herself and Genesis first since she’s my primary healer and he’s my sole DPS, not to mention my fave. 
If Curada actually runs out, then she’ll move on to using Ultra Cure. So far, this has yet to happen.
If I need party-wide healing right now, and she has enough gauges, then I immediately activate her Star Pulse. Now that I have her Ultra, sometimes, I decide to use that first to save her Awakening for later.
Tyro from Final Fantasy Record Keeper
Since Tyro starts the fight with 2 Soul Gauges, he has enough to activate Arbiter’s Tome on his first turn. The critical hit chance buff ensures my fave deals more critical hits, which is especially useful since Bismarck resists his fire moves.
Tyro’s Ultra also reduces the delay of his actions, which means he gets to move even faster. This lets him use Wrath more often.
Not only does this build up his gauge faster, it further increases the critical hit chance of all allies since Wrath is a support-type ability.
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Once Tyro has at least 2 gauges, he uses Entrust to give it all to Genesis. Then he goes back to using Wrath so he can have more gauges to Entrust to Genesis.
If he has extra gauges, or if I feel that my fave doesn’t need any more, then Tyro can cast Arbiter’s Tome again. More often than not, I choose to have him Entrust his gauge to Genesis rather than activate his Ultra again. 
Usually, Tyro is too busy using his abilities to be a candidate for summoning my Magicite or activating Fabula Guardian for the second time, so I leave that to either Aerith, Elarra, or Gilgamesh.    
Genesis Rhapsodos from Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII
Genesis starts by spamming Thundering Quadstrike until it runs out. This gives me the Target Score and builds up his gauge a bit. Then he uses Inferno Assault.
Usually, I get him to use Inferno Assault twice before he moves on to activating his Glint+. For a few tries of this quest, I decided to use Inferno Assault a third time before activating Epic of Creation.
Around the time he’s casting Inferno Assault for the second time, Gilgamesh will finally be ready to use his Chain and Tyro should have about 2 gauges. I let Tyro use Wrath again, which gives him a bit more gauge. Then he uses Entrust to give it all to Genesis.
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Epic of Creation will drop Genesis down to 1 HP. This will automatically activate his Project G Creation Legend Materia. 
By the time it’s his turn to move again, Tyro will have finished casting Entrust so Genesis now has a lot of gauges to use.
Since I slowed down a bit by getting him to use Inferno Assault 3 times and getting Tyro to use Wrath 3 times, he’ll now have about 4 Soul Gauges. 
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This means that instead of going straight to activating his Awakening, I can start by using Apocalypse Genesis first.
After using his Ultra, I activate Genesis Rhapsody followed by another turn of Inferno Assault to increase his Bravery Level. Then I just spam Void Destruction though I also sometimes end up using Inferno Assault again.
The fire chain, the attack buff, and the critical hit chance buff really increases his damage output. I absolutely love seeing my fave dealing such massive amounts of damage even though his fire moves are all being resisted by Bismarck.
3-Star Water Magicite Battle Results
Needless to say, I was super happy to be able to win this battle, especially since I got to use my fave. 
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And he did so well even though Bismarck resisted all of his fire abilities and Soul Breaks.
So far, my fastest clear time is 24.29 seconds.
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The next Magicite fight is against an enemy who absorbs fire. Welp, totally not looking forward to that at all. 
Not sure yet what I’ll do, but will definitely try to figure something out because, of course, I’ll be bringing Genesis to this quest. Hopefully, I can get the win. Wish me luck. And see you in the next post.
pics are from Amazon.com; links shown above
screenshots are from my Final Fantasy Record Keeper game account
0 notes