#ffrk torment dungeons
freyayuki · 2 years
Final Fantasy Record Keeper Final Fantasy II D450 Torment Dungeon
Currently, in the Final Fantasy Record Keeper (FFRK) mobile game, there are time-limited rewards associated with clearing the Final Fantasy II D450 Torment Dungeon located in the Cardia Dungeons. 
You can get the rewards if you do this quest 5 times and if you do it with at least 3 chars that are from Final Fantasy 2. 
I didn’t have a lot of relics that belong to FF2 charas, so I decided to do this fight with 2 off-realm chars.
Of course, one of my off-realm chars was Genesis Rhapsodos from Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII.
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Currently, Genesis is one of my absolute, most favorite char in Final Fantasy VII (#ad). He’s the reason why I’m playing Final Fantasy Record Keeper.
Have all of his relics and I bring him everywhere I can, even to fights with enemies that resist the fire element (Genesis is a physical fire DPS). 
Anyway, the second off-banner I brought was Balthier (Ffamran mied Bunansa) from Final Fantasy XII. 
The Final Fantasy II chars I chose were the following:
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Firion - didn’t invest that much into him since I only have his Awakened Arcane Soul Break (AASB). Unsurprisingly, he hit like a wet noodle on this fight.
Gordon - have nothing for him but his default Soul Break. Brought him along because he can equip the Wrath and Entrust abilities.
Hilda - served as my healer. Only have her Glint+ Soul Break so I had to buy her Ultra Soul Break from the The Record Lab with Anima Lenses.
Genesis served as my main and only DPS. He’s a physical fire elemental attacker, which was I brought Balthier to support him. 
Balthier has a fire Chain Soul Break which buffs fire damage and increases the party’s attack. He can also imperil the fire element, which will further increase Genesis’s damage.
Gordon Entrusted to Balthier and Hilda. Firion helped increase the Chain count with his pitiful damage from a fire-type ability. Hilda kept everyone alive with her healing.
This team worked surprisingly well enough. Was able to get the win although my first clear wasn’t sub-30. Fight ended on 30.41 seconds. 
It’s fine but since I had to repeat this fight a couple of times anyway for the time-limited missions, each time I did, I tried to lower my turn count. Eventually, I was able to get the sub-30 with the fight ending at 28.73 seconds.
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I think having Ifrit, the 6-star Fire Magicite, with double Empower Fire passives really helped. 
Before getting Ifrit, I was making do with Shiva, the 6-star Ice Magicite. Had her inherit the Blade Ward and Spell Ward passives. 
My double Empower Fires were on Belias, the 5-star Fire Magicite. With the addition of Ifrit to my Magicite deck, I could drop Belias and have 2 6-stars, which also increased my overall stats.
IIRC, this is the first D450 Torment Dungeon that I was able to sub-30 with 2 off-realm chars. Granted, I’ve only done a few of the Torments so far. 
Still, I’m really pleased with this because you’re heavily encouraged to clear all Torments by fielding a full party made up of chars that belong to the same realm. 
There are penalties the more off-realm chars you bring. To be able to bring my fave Genesis to these fights and be able to win is really super special awesome.
So what about you? Have you tried any of the D450 Torment Dungeon fights yet? Did you bring any off-realm chars to these battles? What do you think about these quests? Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions by leaving a comment below or by reblogging or replying to this post.
screenshots are from my Final Fantasy Record Keeper game account
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tirix887 · 4 years
Final Fantasy Record Keeper #FFRK #Torment Dungeon 2.0 - #FFXII Darkest Precepts, Part 3 #Zodiark (Incubus) D??? sub30 AUTO
Good luck!
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sevdrag · 6 years
dreamwidth update: Mobile Game Monday, on Tuesday
yyyyep, that's right, it's time for Mobile Game Mondays, that weekly series that doesn't know what day it is and doesn't quite care!
[FFBE] In Pulls: the 5% 5* draw has been acting up; I have scored myself Dark Knight Cecil, Elfreeda, and Awakened Rain! I am stoked for A-Rain, as he is supposed to be an amazing magic tank (I do have Mystea, who is grand, but supposedly A-Rain is better?). Elfreeda seems to be a TM generator rather than incredibly useful, although I'll still level her for funsies; DK Cecil is disliked on the Reddit, but if nothing else, he'll be grand for expeditions. I'm still considering pulls for Squall/Rinoa, and I have 3 days left, but I may end up accepting status quo and saving up some tickets again. I have like, 7. In Leveling: I awakened Wilhelm to 7*, and he's so pretty. NEED to run him in something boss for fun. Maxed A-Rain out immediately; working on Elfreeda and DKC. I'm still using all LB pots I get on HT Lid's Limit Break, but from there it will probably go to either A-Rain or Hot Dad Raegen. Considering taking Orlandeau or Lightning to 7*, but I'll probably wait a bit on that. In TMs: I finally got Frye's sword TM and Vanille's accessory TM, so I sit with my DW Fryevia at 585/899 ATK/MAG at the moment and still building. So pretty. Onion Knight has not dropped his TM yet because he is a dick and I hate him. Trying to get one of the Orochi's 40% ATK TMs now, along with Crowe; probably will focus on A-Rain after that. Have to figure out who else to add once OK gets his lazy ass off the team; I may try to work on TMs for some of the folks I am planning to 7* when they arrive. In Game: Still farming the MK VIII event; need a couple more things from it, and then I'll do the story event. After that I need to spend some extra time getting through plot Ch 2 before September!
[FFRK] I've taken a break from Magicites to wrap up all the Jump Starts (that dungeon ends tomorrow? evening? i think?) that I haven't done before they go away. Looks like I have 11 left to do so I'm gonna have to devote some time tonight XD. There are a ton of motes lying there are rewards, and (unlike fucking Torments) I actually enjoy the JS setup and strategy, so they're at least entertaining me as I plug on through. Haven't pulled on anything in a while, so I pulled on the XII banner; got a literal 1/11 dupe Ashe BSB. At least it's a shiny 7* now. Butts. That's never fun. I still have to do the August Crystal Tower, too. I'll get back to the 4* Magicites soon, but I'm going to try a different one. Realized today I have a pretty good Water team that might be a better place to start (also considering a pull on the Water banner because a Water Chain to top it off would be a definite win), or even a Fire team. I've temporarily lost the interest in a lot of this game, so I'd like to get myself hyped up on the next level of challenge, so that I can get back into enjoying it.
[LN] Working on the Ch13 suit (Magician of the Wild) to proceed in the story, and catching up in Princess too. The new event suits are cute, but it's just a roulette gatcha, so I'm not sure how much I'll spend diamonds on it. I'm still low on diamonds from whatever last crap I spent them on, lol. Focusing on farming the suit and getting through story again XD
how about y'all? what's having fun on your phone?
comments Comment? https://ift.tt/2OBkgWh
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freyayuki · 2 years
Final Fantasy Record Keeper Cardia Dungeons Clears
The rewards from clearing the quests in the Cardia Dungeons in the Final Fantasy Record Keeper (FFRK) mobile game are permanent.
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But sometimes, we get limited time campaigns and such that require us to clear some of the harder quests in the Cardia Dungeons.
So far, I've been able to clear most, if not all, of the easy quests in these dungeons. I’ve also been able to clear some of the harder content here but there’s still a lot that I have yet to do.
Whenever we get limited time missions, I always try to see if I can clear any of them. Whenever I get new Soul Breaks that are actually good, I feel inspired to try and see if there are any new quests I can clear with these new relics.
Other than these limited time missions though, I’ve never really felt pressured to  hurry up and try to finish all these hard quests that I have yet to do.
Yeah, I do feel kina annoyed whenever we get time limited missions that I can’t clear but I just try not to let it get to me. I miss out on the limited time rewards, which sucks, but at least the content itself won’t disappear and I should be able to do said quest in the future when I get better relics and such.
I always thought that I’d always have time to eventually be able to clear all of these fights. I thought it was better to wait for more powercreep to come before tackling these hard quests.
Why struggle trying to clear these fights now when you can just wait until you get better Soul Breaks to help you out and make things easier for you, right? That’s what I thought. Besides, I just get annoyed and frustrated whenever I try these fights and find out they’re too difficult for my current relics.
So I clear what I can and just ignore the rest for now. Because, really, what’s the rush, right?
And then Final Fantasy Record Keeper announced that it was gonna end its service on September 29, 2022.
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This news came as a very unpleasant and unexpected surprise. I talk more about that in another post.
But anyway, this news meant that there was now a time limit to everything. I want to finish as much as I can before the game ends. 
I don’t know if I’ll be able to with my current relics and whatever else I might be able to get before the end though. I guess I can only hope.
I’ve done the clears listed below way, way back, as in way before FFRK announced it was gonna end. I’ve been meaning to write about these fights but never got the chance to do so until now.
Since it’s been a while since I did these fights, don’t remember all the exact details and such anymore.
It seems pointless to bother with these in the wake of the game’s impending end but I want to keep these anyway for the memories.
Final Fantasy XIII Dreambreaker Dungeon
The Dreambreaker fights in the Cardia Dungeons are quest level 580. My team for the Final Fantasy XIII Dreambreaker Dungeon fight was:
Jihl Nabaat from Final Fantasy XIII
Oerba Dia Vanille from Final Fantasy XIII
Cid Raines from Final Fantasy XIII
Hope Estheim from Final Fantasy XIII
Cait Sith from Final Fantasy VII
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Don’t remember the exact details anymore but I’m pretty sure Raines and Hope served as my main DPS. Have Raines’s Synchro Arcane Soul Break (SASB) and Awakened Arcane Soul Break (AASB). Have both of Hope’s Awakenings.
Made their Hero Abilities to increase their damage output. They also have their Hero Artifacts. 
Nabaat also has her Hero Artifacts but I only have her AASB so didn’t bother to make her Hero Ability yet. 
Vanille served as my healer although I only have her Ultra Soul Break (USB) and her Glint+ Soul Break.
Cait Sith served as my support and buffer. He can heal too. Have most of his relics, including his AASB and Sync. 
The first time I tried this fight, I managed to win but failed to get the sub-30 clear. Fight ended after 31.75 seconds.
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So I decided to try again. This time, managed to get the clear in 25.40 seconds. Nice.
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Final Fantasy XII Dreambreaker Dungeon
My team for the Final Fantasy XII Dreambreaker Dungeon fight was:
Vaan from Final Fantasy XII
Balthier (Ffamran mied Bunansa) from Final Fantasy XII
Ashelia B'nargin Dalmasca from Final Fantasy XII
Gabranth (Noah fon Ronsenburg) from Final Fantasy XII
Larsa Ferrinas Solidor from Final Fanasy XII
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Larsa served as my healer. Have 1 of his Awakenings and his Ultra Soul Breaks and his Glint+ Soul Break. The rest served as my DPS. 
IIRC, have Ashe’s Sync and AASB. Have Vaan’s AASB, Balthier’s AASB, and Gabranth’s Sync. Have a few of their other relics too but those are the most relevant.
For my first try of this fight, was able to get the win in 33.60 seconds.
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Decided to hold off on trying the fight again for now. I’d love to be able to get a sub-30 clear but I need more relics to improve my Final Fantasy XII team.
Other than belonging to the same realm, my chars don’t have much synergy with each other at all.
Vaan deals physical wind damage. Balthier deals physical fire damage. Ashe deals magical lightning damage. Gabranth deals physical dark damage.
In contrast to that, my FF13 Dreambreaker Dungeon team had more synergy with each other. Nabaat, Raines, and Hope all deal magical damage so I was able to bring Cait Sith as my support and buffer.
Ah, well. At least I was able to get my initial clear of the FF12 Dreambreaker fight.
Final Fantasy VII Dragonking Dungeon
The Dragonking fights in the Cardia Dungeons are quest level 630. I’ve done the Final Fantasy VII Dragonking Dungeon fight before. I talk more about that in this post.
The very first time I was able to clear this fight was with the following team:
Genesis Rhapsodos from Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII
Aeris or Aerith Gainsborough from Final Fantasy VII
Zack Fair from Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII and Final Fantasy VII
Barret Wallace from Final Fantasy VII
Cloud Strife from Final Fantasy VII
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Aerith served as my healer. Genesis and Cloud served as my DPS. Barret and Zack served as my support and secondary DPS. After multiple tries, managed to get my first win in 33.95 seconds.
This was such a hard fight for me that I didn’t want to do it again anytime soon. Wanted to wait for more powercreep before tackling it again and trying to sub-30 it.
Much, much later though, we got a time limited mission that wanted us to clear 2 Dragonking Dungeon quests. That was when I decided to revisit the Final Fantasy VII Dragonking Dungeon fight.
By now, I've been able to get a few more relics for a lot of my Final Fantasy 7 (#ad) chars. So my team was now:
Genesis Rhapsodos
Aerith Gainsborough
Barret Wallace
Vincent Valentine from Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII and Final Fantasy VII
Sephiroth from Final Fantasy VII
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Before, I had to field a fire and wind team to get through this fight. Cloud’s a physical wind DPS while Genesis is a physical fire DPS. 
Zack deals physical wind damage and he supports those who deal wind damage. Barret supports physical attackers but he deals physical fire damage and he also supports fire DPS.
Now, I’m able to field a full physical fire team against Bahamut, the boss of the Final Fantasy VII Dragonking Dungeon fight.
This team did so well that I nearly managed to sub-30 this fight. Got the win in 30.40 seconds.
Final Fantasy VII Torment Dungeon
The Torment Dungeon fights in the Cardia Dungeons are quest level 450. I’ve done the Final Fantasy VII Torment Dungeon fight before. I talk more about that in another post. 
In fact, I’ve been able to auto this quest for a while now. I tweak my setup every once in a while in an effort to lower my clear time. So far, my latest clear time is 10.50 seconds.
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My team for this fight is the same as the one I used to clear the Final Fantasy VII Dragonking Dungeon quest.
So what about you? Have you done any of the quests in the Cardia Dungeons? What do you think about these fights? Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions by leaving a comment below or by reblogging or replying to this post.
screenshots are from my Final Fantasy Record Keeper game account
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freyayuki · 2 years
Final Fantasy Record Keeper Final Fantasy VII D450 Torment Dungeon New Team Setup
Every once in a while in the Final Fantasy Record Keeper (FFRK) mobile game, players get missions that require us to clear around 4 or so quests in the Cardia Dungeons. 
To get all the rewards, you need to deal with a D450 Torment fight. Whenever this particular mission shows up, I always head for the Final Fantasy VII D450 Torment Dungeon because I can easily auto this quest.
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I talk more about this in another post, but I recently got new Final Fantasy VII (#ad) relics that had me tweaking my current FF7 D450 Torment team auto setup. 
I also just recently cleared the FFVII Dragonking fight against Bahamut known as the Door of Stars. This unlocked new tiles on the Record Boards of all FF7 chars.
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I unlocked these new tiles for the chars I use in my auto team and equipped the new relics I’d obtained before trying out the Torment quest with my new setup.
Before, my fastest clear time for this fight was 13.00 seconds. Now, I was able to lower that and finish the fight at 12.20 seconds. Another try let me lower that down to 12.00 seconds.
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My team was made up of chars that were all from Final Fantasy 7 - Sephiroth, Barret Wallace, Aeris or Aerith Gainsborough, Vincent Valentine from Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII, and last, but definitely not the least, Genesis Rhapsodos1 from Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII. 
1 Currently, Genesis is my absolute, most fave Final Fantasy char. He’s the reason why I’m playing Final Fantasy Record Keeper.
The general flow of the fight goes something like this:
The Realm Chain and Historia Crystal get summoned. Barret uses his Awakened Arcane Soul Break 2 (AASB2) for the party-wide buffs then spams Burnt Offering to imperil fire.
Vincent uses his Glint+ Soul Break (G+) to gain 2 Soul Break gauges then casts his Synchro Arcane Soul Break (SASB) after which he’ll spam his Hero Ability (HA) for the fire imperil and damage.
Sephiroth uses his True Arcane Soul Break (TASB) or Arcane Dyad Soul Break (ADSB) for the BDL+1 then spams his Hero Ability for the damage.
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Genesis uses his Glint+1 to activate his Trance Legend Materia, his Glint+2 for the BDL+1, then his Sync (like Barret, he’s equipped with the Record Materia that lets him start a fight with 2 gauges) after which he’ll spam his Hero Ability, Genesis Slash or Creation Laceration.
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Aerith uses her Glint+1 for the party-wide Protect, Shell, and Haste. Then she’ll spam Dispel to remove the buffs of the enemy. The fight ends before Aeris and Sephi can use their other Soul Breaks.
So what about you? Have you tried the Final Fantasy VII D450 Torment Dungeon fight yet? What team did you use? Have you tried to auto this battle? How did it go? What do you think about this quest? Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions by leaving a comment below or by reblogging or replying to this post.
screenshots are from my Final Fantasy Record Keeper game account
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freyayuki · 2 years
Final Fantasy Record Keeper Final Fantasy VII D450 Torment Dungeon New Auto Setup
I’ve been able to auto the Final Fantasy VII D450 Torment Dungeon (part of the Cardia Dungeons) fight in the Final Fantasy Record Keeper (FFRK) mobile game for a while now although I’m constantly tweaking my setup in order to get the shortest time possible. 
So far, my fastest clear was around 14 or so seconds. It can take a bit longer depending on if my chars can dualcast their attacks or not.
After getting Vincent Valentine’s (from Final Fantasy VII and Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII) Glint+ Soul Break (G+), Munitions Reload, which instantly gives him 2 Soul Break bars as well as Sephiroth’s (from Final Fantasy VII) True Arcane Soul Break (TASB) or Arcane Dyad Soul Break (ADSB), Supernova or Sunburst, which instantly gives him BDL+1, I tried the Final Fantasy 7 (#ad) D450 Torment Dungeon fight on auto again.
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I have other relics for Vincent but what’s relevant and what gets cast for this fight is his Synchro Arcane Soul Break 1 (SASB1), Bestial Claws. He’ll cast his G+ first then his Sync.
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For Sephiroth, assuming he manages to get enough gauges in time, he’ll be casting his Awakened Arcane Soul Break (AASB1), Stigma. When the fight begins, he’ll use his TASB right away.
I have their Hero Abilities (HA) or Unique Abilities (UA) so that’s what they spam when they’re not casting their Soul Breaks (SBs). 
The rest of my team and their relevant Soul Breaks were the following:
Barret Wallace from Final Fantasy VII - he’s equipped with Mako Might so he casts his AASB2, Uncontrolled Beam, which buffs the party, right away.
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He’s equipped with Burnt Offering so he can imperil the fire element for Genesis. He gets BDL+1 with his AASB2 so even he can deal decent enough damage while under its effects.
Aeris or Aerith Gainsborough from Final Fantasy VII - she’s equipped with Thunder God’s Might to increase her casting speed. She spams the Dispel White Magic ability to remove the enemy’s buffs. 
She’s equipped with her AASB, Star Pulse, and Ultra Soul Break 2 (USB2), Innocent Cure, although the fight usually ends before she has the chance to cast either.
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Having a full realm team helps so that my chars don’t take that much damage. They also have all of their Boards and Spheres completed and they have all the stat ups I could give to them. 
Aerith also has her Legend Materias that give her the chance to dualcast White Magic abilities and the chance to heal the party a little when a White Magic Ability triggers.
Genesis Rhapsodos from Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII - have everything for him, including his HA, Genesis Slash. He’s equipped with Dr. Mog’s Teachings so he can use his SASB, Purgatorial Wave, right away.
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But before that, he starts by using both of his Glint+ Soul Breaks. Epic of Creation, his G+1, activates his Trance LM while Epic of Heroism, his G+2, gives him BDL+1. 
When combined with the effects of his SASB which also gives him BDL+1, he can hit for 29999 per attack.
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With both Sephiroth and Vincent also now being able to break the damage cap right away instead of having to wait until their gauges fill up and they can cast their Soul Breaks, the fight ends much faster. 
So far, I’ve been able to get my clear time down to 13.60 seconds. Someday, am hoping I can get an even lower clear time.
So what about you? Have you tried the Final Fantasy VII D450 Torment Dungeon fight yet? What team did you use? Have you tried to auto this battle? How did it go? What do you think about this quest? Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions by leaving a comment below or by reblogging or replying to this post.
screenshots are from my Final Fantasy Record Keeper game account
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freyayuki · 11 months
Final Fantasy Record Keeper Final Fantasy VIII D450 Torment Dungeon Fight
In the Final Fantasy Record Keeper (FFRK) mobile game, the Final Fantasy VIII D450 Torment Dungeon fight in the Cardia Dungeons is quest level 450.
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The team I brought to this fight was the following:
Squall Leonhart from Final Fantasy VIII
complete Record Board
100 Magia in attack and ice attack stats and 3 Magia in HP stat
Synchro Arcane Soul Break 1 (SASB1), Cross Your Heart
AASB1, Fatal Frost
AASB2, End of Flame      
USB4, Double Junction
G+2, Fated Force
BSB1, Lion’s Roar
Scholar’s Boon Record Materia - deal much more damage when attacking with an enemy’s elemental weakness
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Squall Leonhart from Final Fantasy VIII (#ad) is equipped with his Hero Ability, Renzokuken. Got it to its max rank of 5, increasing its uses to 10. He served as my main DPS for this fight.
Ultimecia from Final Fantasy VIII
Ultimecia served as my secondary DPS for this fight. While Squall deals physical ice and fire elemental damage, Ultimecia deals magical wind and dark elemental damage.
Have Ultimecia’s wind Synchro Arcane Soul Break and a few of her other relics.
Laguna Loire from Final Fantasy VIII
partial Record Board - just didn’t get the Camaraderie tile
100 Magia in attack stat and 29 in ice attack stat
Awakened Arcane Soul Break 1 (AASB1), Tactical Attack
equipped with the Icy Offering Machinist ability; this one has the chance to imperil the ice element
Laguna Loire supported Squall by imperiling the ice element. He also helped deal damage via his AASB.
Kiros Seagill from Final Fantasy VIII
Kiros Seagill served as my third DPS for this fight. He provided a bit of utility with his AASB.
Kiros deals dark and ice elemental damage so he has some synergy with Squall and Laguna.
Only have Kiros’s AASB though so he was basically useless when the effects of said Awakening ran out.
Elarra from Final Fantasy Record Keeper
partial Record Board - got the tiles that increase her HP, mind, defense and resistance stats
100 Magia in mind and HP stats, 45 Magia in defense and resistance stats
Ultra Soul Break 1 (USB1), Magika Album
USB2, Magika Orare
Glint+ Soul Break (G+), Magika Amuletum
Glint Soul Break (G), Magika Pius
Elarra served as my healer, buffer and debuffer. She can speed up the party and her Magika Orare which increases the party’s critical hit damage.
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Would have brought a full Final Fantasy VIII team to this D450 Torment Dungeon fight but I didn’t have a lot of FFV8 relics.
I don’t have any healer tech from this realm either which was why I brought Elarra.
Did this fight blindly which was why things got a bit dicey, particularly towards the end wherein Elarra ended up falling asleep and all my chars were at low HP.
Thankfully, the fight ended before anyone could die. Even managed to get sub-30 with the battle ending at 22.22 seconds. Nice.
So what about you? Have you done any of the quests in the Cardia Dungeons? What do you think about these fights? Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions by leaving a comment below or by reblogging or replying to this post.
screenshots are from my Final Fantasy Record Keeper game account
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freyayuki · 1 year
Final Fantasy Record Keeper Final Fantasy Type-0 Cardia Dungeon Fights
I don’t have a lot of relics from the Final Fantasy Type-0 realm in the Final Fantasy Record Keeper (FFRK) mobile game.
I remember getting Nine’s (from Final Fantasy Type-0) Ultra Soul Break (USB) and Cater’s (from Final Fantasy Type-0) Arcane Overstrike Soul Break (AOSB) from somewhere but I never used them.
For the other chars, either I have nothing for them or I only have like their Glint or Legend Materia Relic (LMR), making them basically useless.
I do have Ace’s (from Final Fantasy Type-0) Awakened Arcane Soul Break (AASB), which I remember getting from the Final Fantasy Record Keeper Lucky Relic Draw Phase 3 banner wherein you’re guaranteed to get at least 1 AASB for only 25 mythril.
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That draw gave me exactly 1 gold and it turned out to be Ace’s AASB. Back then, I had nothing else for Ace, so I was pretty disappointed with this pull, especially since only 1 AASB showed up when I was hoping for at least 2 or more.
So I never bothered to use Ace. It didn’t help that I didn’t really have anything to support magic users.
From the Final Fantasy Record Keeper Summer Sun Festival Banner 3, I obtained the Synchro Arcane Soul Break (SASB) and Glint+ Soul Break (G+) of Rem Tokimiya from Final Fantasy Type-0 (#ad). These were my first 2 relics for her.
Syncs are currently the best kind of Soul Break in the game so this made her usable enough. Rem’s Sync is actually one of the really good ones.
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She was really hyped and said to be very good as a DPS, especially when her Sync’s paired with her Awakening and her Hero Ability (HA).
I leveled Rem up and even made the 6-star ability Holyja for her and used her for a bit, but I wasn’t that impressed with her.
To be fair, I only had the 2 aforementioned relics for her and I didn’t bother to complete her Record Board or get her Hero Ability, Siphon Sphere.
It’s just that I was kinda mad at Rem. Well, I was more mad at the game, really. I talk more about this in this post, but I ended up spending hundreds of mythril on the Final Fantasy Record Keeper Summer Sun Festival Banner 3 in an effort to get the Sync of Sephiroth from Final Fantasy VII.
I wanted Sephi’s Sync to help me with the Final Fantasy VII D450 Torment Dungeon. Guess how many of his Syncs I got.
A grand total of 0. On the other hand, Rem’s Sync dropped twice, increasing its rank from 1 to 3 of 5. Was really freaking annoyed and frustrated about this.
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Anyway, so months passed. Soon, Final Fantasy Record Keeper’s 6th Anniversary happened.
As part of the festivities, players get a free present relic (1 AASB, 1 AOSB, and 1 LMR) set from a selected list of chars.
One of the available chars was Rem. I decided to pick her set, thinking I have her so I might as well make use of her instead of having her rot in my inventory.
Final Fantasy Type-0 D450 Torment Dungeon Fight
Anyway, FFRK also currently has an ongoing event with time limited rewards. One of the things you’re supposed to do is master 1 Dreambreaker Dungeon.
Dreambreakers are even harder than Torment fights. They’re quest level 580. After hearing that Rem can basically solo the Final Fantasy Type-0 Dreambreaker Dungeon fight, I thought okay, let’s give this a try.
But before I could do that, I had to get past the Final Fantasy Type-0 D450 Torment fight first. Yeah, apparently I’ve never done any of the Type-0 Cardia  Dungeon fights before. Whoops.
So I decided to complete Rem’s Record Board. Also bought her Hero Ability and leveled it to the max.
I leveled Cater and unlocked her 3, 4, and 5-star Spheres. I only have her AOSB but it doesn’t matter because she was only here to use the Wrath and Entrust Support abilities.
Wrath increases her Soul Break gauge by a lot while Entrust gives her bars to other chars. So she was here to Entrust to Rem and Deuce from Final Fantasy Type-0.
Speaking of Deuce, she was my healer. I didn’t have anything for her so I had to buy one of her Ultras from the The Record Lab. I also created the Allegro con Moto and Goddess’s Paean abilities. These buff the magic and mind stats.
Ace acted as my secondary DPS. I was reluctant to create a 6-star ability for him since up to now, I still only have his AASB.
Thankfully, I apparently already have the 6-star Meltdown ability. It was even at max rank. Haven’t used this in what feels like forever.
I think I made this for Ultimecia from Final Fantasy VIII when I got her Sync but I ended up only using her for a bit, which was unsurprising since that was the only relic I had for her and, unlike Rem, she wasn’t that good with just her Sync.
My off-realm char was Cait Sith from Final Fantasy VII since he’s one of the premier supports for magic (like Ace) and mind (like Rem and Deuce) users.
I leveled the Final Fantasy Type-0 Historia Crystal to 80 of 99. This is the second Historia Crystal that I’ve leveled. The first was the one from Final Fantasy VII and I even got that to its max level of 120.
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Then I tried the Type-0 Torment fight and actually managed to win on the first try. Had Cater equipped with Mako Might so she could Entrust 2 bars to Rem right away.
I don’t have Deuce’s Glint+ Soul Break. This instantly grants Protect, Shell, and Haste to everyone, so I had Rem equipped with the Hastega ability. That was her first move while Deuce sang the Allegro con Moto and Cait danced the Pasionate Salsa.
Ace activated the realm Chain then I had him spam Valigarmanda until he could use his AASB. After casting his AASB, I spammed Meltdown.
Deuce spammed Allegro con Moto, casting her Ultra every time she had enough bars to do so. Her other ability was Curada but I hardly used it since her healing combined with Cait’s was more than enough for this fight.
I had Rem get up to 4 bars before casting her Glint+ followed by her Sync then her AASB. After that, I just spammed her HA. Or, well, that was the plan. I did do that at first.
Then I was like, wait, her Sync abilities were up too. Let’s use the first one then her HA should automatically be cast as well.
Except I forgot about the broken link due to the fact that I activated the Sync and AASB one right after the other.
Rem’s Sync commands were powerful enough but her HA hits way harder. So, yeah, I ended up wasting a few turns of just using her Sync Command 1 with no HA chase before realizing my mistake. Thankfully, it didn’t matter too much since I still won anyway.
The buffs from Cait Sith’s Awakening were really freaking good. I had him cast his AASB as soon as he could.
Of course, I timed it to when Rem was casting her Soul Breaks. I had him keep on using Passionate Salsa although he was also equipped with Goddess’s Paean.
Surprisingly, Ace actually helped a bit. He managed to break the damage cap once his Awakening and Cait’s buffs were up. He spammed Meltdown until the end.
Super pleased that I was able to win with this team. My clear time was 22.89 seconds. Rem was really freaking good. She’s super special awesome.
Now I’m so glad that I have her Sync and her Awakening. And I don’t regret making her HA or completing her Record Board. I think she can help me with other hard content too and not just the ones that are weak to the holy element.
Final Fantasy Type-0 Dreambreaker Dungeon Fight Take 1
It’s finally time to try the Final Fantasy Type-0 Dreambreaker Dungeon fight. I made use of the same strategy as before. But this time, I just stuck to spamming Rem’s HA, ignoring her Sync commands.
At first, things seemed to be going pretty well. Then Ace stopped being able to break the damage cap even though the effects of his AASB was still up. This was thanks to the boss debuffing my party.
When the effects of Ace’s AASB ran out, he was basically just standing there, being useless. I spammed his moves, but they didn’t make much of a difference since he was now hitting like a wet noodle.
Cait Sith helped a lot. Even got to cast his Ultra for more healing. But then he died when the boss was down to 9.4% HP. Eff!
I kept going since Rem’s Sync + AASB + HA combo was still up. And I still had Deuce to keep everyone else alive with her healing.
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The boss’s HP kept going down until he only had 1.7% left. Unfortunately, that was when things took a turn for the worse.
The boss kept on increasing his rage level and he started dealing a lot of damage, so much so that Deuce couldn’t keep up with the healing anymore, not even with Curada since Cait Sith was dead and couldn’t help anymore. Then Deuce and Ace died too. Argh!
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As if that wasn’t bad enough, I ran out of the effects of Rem’s Sync and AASB so she stopped dealing lots of damage.
I managed to cast Rem’s and Cater’s Arcane Overstrikes, but they didn’t deal that much damage anymore, likely because Cait’s buffs had run out as well. Then Cater died too, leaving Rem on her own.
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This wouldn’t have been so bad if she could have done something. Maybe if the effects of her Sync and AASB were still up, I could have won. But the effects of those 2 Soul Breaks were long over by now.
I just used Rem’s AOSB. I’ve used up all of her Soul Breaks. She may have a lot of gauges, but now I had nothing to use them on.
The only thing I could do was spam Siphon Sphere, but it barely dented the boss’s HP. So it was just a matter of time before Rem died too. By then, the boss was at 1.5% HP. Argh! So freaking close!
Preparation for the Final Fantasy Type-0 Dreambreaker Dungeon Fight
Almost won the Final Fantasy Type-0 Dreambreaker Dungeon quest so it was  really rather frustrating to have lost when the boss was already nearly dead.
But at least that showed me that this was possible, that Rem could basically solo this. I just need to do better on my next try.
But before that, I had more preparations to do. I leveled up Allegro con Moto some more. Couldn’t max it though since I lack the materials to do so.
And that was because I ended up buying and making the 6-star ability De’Diaja. This imperils the holy element so Rem can hit even harder. Ended up maxing De’Diaja and Goddess’s Paean.
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I bought one of Rem’s Legend Materia Relics from the The Record Lab. This is the one that has the chance to deal an attack against the enemy if certain conditions are fulfilled.
I equipped Deuce with Allegro con Moto and De’Diaja while Cait Sith had Passionate Salsa and Goddess’s Paean. I resolved to have the 2 of them alternate between casting the aforementioned abilities.
Getting so far in the Final Fantasy Type-0 Dreambreaker Dungeon quest gave me a Dragonking’s Armlet (Type-0) armor. I max leveled this armor and equipped it to Rem.
I bought another Type-0 realm Artifact which I max leveled and gave to Cait Sith. I moved and changed everyone’s equipment.
I also decided to level the Type-0 Historia Crystal to 90. I’m running out of the items needed to level these Crystals, which is why I can’t max this one.
Final Fantasy Type-0 Luck of the Realms Relic Draw Banner
I found myself eying the Final Fantasy Type-0 Luck of the Realms Relic Draw banner. Pulling on this banner will cost you 5 mythril. You only get 3 items but one of them is guaranteed to be of 5-star rarity or higher.
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I was thinking about trying my luck on this banner although I didn’t think I’d be able to get anything good. I kept debating with myself on whether to go for it or not.
I was like, it’s just gonna be an LMR. Watch you get an LMR or a dupe or something equally useless like a relic for a char that’s not even part of your team.
Ended up doing the draw anyway. I was like, at least it’s only 5 mythril. And if I’m gonna get an LMR anyway, hopefully it belongs to Rem or Ace or Deuce and that it’d be something they can make use of.
So I pulled on the Final Fantasy Type-0 Luck of the Realms banner and, to my surprise and relief, one disco orb showed up. Nice!
Was hoping for Dr. Mog to show up to turn the 6-star item into a 7-star one but he was a no-show.
Thankfully, I still got something good anyway. Ended up with this instrument. My first thought was that this has to belong to Deuce.
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It could have been one of her Ultras. I could only hope that it wasn’t the one that I already bought via the The Record Lab.
Thankfully, it wasn’t any of Deuce’s Ultras. Instead what I got was her Awakened Arcane Soul Break, Communal Harmony.
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Hell, yes! Now that’s what I call useful. This thing heals and can resurrect dead allies so, yeah, it’s good. Super pleased to get this.
Heck, I might actually consider using Deuce as my healer for other content though I’d need to Lens her Glint+ if I do that. It looks like I can Lens all of her relics except for her Sync and one of her LMR.
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Final Fantasy Type-0 Dreambreaker Dungeon Take 2
Unfortunately, I still couldn’t get the win when I tried this fight again. Rem runs out of steam near the end. She runs out of the effects of her AASB and Sync so her Siphon Sphere stops breaking the damage cap.
Her AOSB doesn’t deal that much damage since it seems like the rest of my buffs have also run out by then.
I only have 1 use of each of her equipped Soul Breaks so after casting all of them, Rem’s left with nothing to do but spam her HA which no longer deals that much damage.
Ace does well enough once I cast his AASB. He can deal around 10k or so damage or thereabouts but he’s useless once Nimbus, the Dreambreaker boss, uses his Full Break move which debuffs the entire party.
Rem isn’t affected by this because she makes use of the Mind stat but Ace is affected because he’s using the Magic stat.
So once Full Break hits, Ace can no longer break the damage cap even while being under the effects of his AASB. He’s basically just standing there, useless, once that happens.
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Initially, my chars can survive Nimbus’s attacks well enough. The healing from Deuce’s Ultra and Cait’s Awakening and Ultra were more than enough in the beginning.
But towards the end, Nimbus starts dealing a lot of damage, especially since he keeps on increasing his rage level and I no longer have a way to constantly decrease it.
I tried to have Cait alternate between Passionate Salsa and Goddess’s Paean while Deuce alternated between Allegro con Moto and De’Diaja but I don’t know if I managed to do this well enough.
Sometimes I’d end up casting the same move twice since I’m trying to rush and I end up tapping the wrong skill.  
Final Fantasy Type-0 Dreambreaker Dungeon Fight Take 3
This time, I went to the The Record Lab and bought Rem’s Ultra Soul Break and Overstrike Soul Break (OSB) so she has something to cast when the effects of her one-use only Soul Breaks run out.
Dropped Ace for Trey from Final Fantasy Type-0. Only have his AOSB, not that it matters since he has the same role as Cater in this team.
Made another copy of Entrust and leveled that up. Already had a second copy of Wrath so I just maxed that out and I equipped both to Trey.
Gave Cater and Trey the Record Materia that lets them start the battle with 2 gauges then had them Entrust those to Rem. Afterwards, they focused on Entrusting to Deuce and Cait Sith.
Got Rem to 6 bars before casting her Glint+, Ultra, Sync, and Awakening. Then I spammed her HA.
Activated Cait Sith’s AASB at around the time that Rem was casting her Sync and AASB. Then had him and Deuce alternate between their equipped abilities, casting their Ultras, especially Deuce so she can heal the party, once they could.
Still ended up running out of steam near the end anyway although at least now Rem could spam her OSB and Ultra.
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I mostly had her use her OSB since it only costs 1 bar and it can break the damage cap, which I definitely needed since Nimbus keeps on increasing his rage level.
At one point, everyone ended up dead except for Deuce and Rem. Activated Deuce’s Awakening which revived everyone although it wasn’t long before my chars were once again no longer at full health thanks to Nimbus spamming such hard-hitting attacks.
Trey ended up paralyzed so I couldn’t even use his AOSB. Cater got to use hers but it didn’t deal that much damage.
Tried to keep going for as long as I could but, in the end, I was taking way too much time so I got hit with the auto-eject move, Dreambreaker Memory’s End. Eff!
Got pretty close again. Once again, Nimbus was left with 1.5% HP before the battle ended. It’s so frustrating to be so close to winning but be unable to do so.
After I ended up spending so many resources such as buying lots of Rem’s relics from the The Record Lab, I don’t want to have to give up on this fight. Need to figure out what to do to get the victory.
Final Fantasy Type-0 Dreambreaker Dungeon Quest Latest Try
By now, I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve tried the Final Fantasy Type-0 Dreambreaker Dungeon fight.
Ended up buying Deuce’s Glint+ Soul Break from the The Record Lab. This gives the party Protect, Shell, and Haste, which allowed me to drop Hastega from Rem.
Had Deuce equipped with Allegro con Moto and De’Diaja while Rem had her HA and Holyja.
Dropped Trey and went back to Ace. Bought Ace the fire magic Artifact weapon and max leveled it.
Rushed through the Record Dungeons quests until I could finally unlock Crystal Waters Level 3 for all my chars.
Maxed out Rem’s Crystal Waters and even gave some to Ace, Cater, and Deuce.
More importantly, unlocking the Crystal Waters feature allowed me to complete the Final Fantasy Type-0 Historia Links so I could have full Link Synergy. Also got the Final Fantasy Type-0 Historia Crystal to Level 99.
Kept trying different combinations like casting the Realm Chain on turn 1 then recasting it again later or not bothering to cast it until Rem was ready to use her Soul Breaks.
For my latest try, I cast the Chain first then didn’t recast it until after Rem was ready to spam her HA.
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This was because in previous tries, I’ve noticed that the Chain would run out while Rem’s Sync + AASB combo was still up.
Her damage always fell off when that happened. And it takes me a while to get the Chain back up. Sometimes, Rem’s combo would be over by then.
Even if it wasn’t, her damage still tanked because the Chain had just been recast. So in order to maximize Rem’s damage under the Chain, I only cast it around the time she was activating her AASB.
A few tries ago, I started trying to use Deuce’s Awakening around the time Rem, Cait Sith, and Ace used theirs.
It seemed to help so I kept on doing it on subsequent tries, including this latest one. Still tried to have Deuce alternate between Allegro con Moto and De’Diaja.
For Cait Sith, I mostly ended up spamming Goddess’s Paean again with the occasional Passionate Salsa.
Before, I used to have Cater Entrust her gauges to Rem to help her get to 4 bars quicker. Then I tried a slower approach, so I had more time to stack buffs.
I had Rem build gauges on her own by spamming Holyja. Cait started with one Salsa then mostly spammed Paean to buff Rem and build up his own gauge.
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Had Ace spam Meltdown to build up his own gauge. Previously, I used Valigarmanda to do that.
But I’ve since learned that it was better to spam Valigarmanda while Ace’s AASB and the Dreambreaker Full Break debuff was up.
Deuce used to be equipped with the Record Materia that lets her start the fight with 2 gauges, but now I gave her the one that lets her build more bars whenever she takes damage.
Cater was still equipped with the 2-bar Record Materia, which she used to Entrust to Rem. Now I had her Entrust her bars to Deuce.
Now that I have Deuce’s Glint+, that was the first thing I had her cast. The second was usually her Ultra unless the party wasn’t in danger of dying, in which case I could squeeze in a cast of either Allegro or De’Dia.
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Ace always moved first so I had him cast the Chain. Cater was in charge of the second cast later in the fight when Rem was ready to start dealing massive amounts of damage.
Cater was also the one who activated the Final Fantasy Type-0 Historia Crystal. She continued to Entrust to Deuce and sometimes to Cait. Later in the fight, she Entrusted to Rem.
Then she got paralyzed (moved her to slot 3 since I couldn’t afford to have anyone else be hit with that move except maybe Ace but only after the effects of his AASB runs out), and she remained that way until the end since I didn’t have any way to cure her.
In previous runs, I ended up using Cater’s AOSB, but this time I didn’t bother since it barely dealt damage anyway and just turned out to be a waste of time. She was better off giving those gauges to her allies.
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I was really pleased that Ace was still able to break the damage cap while the effects of his AASB was up even under the Full Break debuff just by opting to use Valigarmanda instead of Meltdown.
His damage was nothing compared to Rem’s, but at least he didn’t become completely useless as soon as Nimbus used Full Break.
Unfortunately, Rem still ran out of steam near the end anyway. IIRC, Nimbus was at around 9% or 10% HP when that happened.
Rem had a lot of bars by then so I cast her Ultra first for the buff then spammed her OSB.
At least it only costs 1 bar so I could just keep spamming it, especially with Cater Entrusting to her. Well, until Cater got paralyzed anyway.
Used to cast Rem’s AOSB in previous tries but since it didn’t deal that much damage either and it costs a whopping 3 bars, I didn’t bother to use it this time.
Honestly, I thought that I’d end up failing again. Thankfully, I managed to get the win this time. Somehow.
My clear time was 46.79 seconds. It’s well above 30 seconds, which was too bad because there are some rewards locked behind being able to finish this fight within that timeframe.
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I don’t think I can manage a 30 second clear right now though. Might need more Type-0 relics. Or maybe I just need to move faster. Or maybe the game’s speed just needs to be slower. LOL.
Already playing at speed 1, but at times, it still feels like things are moving way too fast anyway.
And sometimes I end up tapping on the wrong thing since I’m trying to rush and get things done before the enemy kills my chars or auto-ejects them from the fight. 
Anyway, this is the very first Dreambreaker Dungeon quest that I’ve mastered. Super pleased to have been able to manage this.
Now to see if I can do this for other realms, particularly for Final Fantasy VII. Actually, I’m kinda miffed that I wasn’t able to master the FFVII Dreambreaker Dungeon quest first.
Final Fantasy VII is my favorite realm in this game and that’s the realm where I have the most relics. I can field a full FF7 party.
I have a few chars there that are pretty stacked, including Cait Sith; I don’t have his Sync, but AFAIK, the rest of his relics can be bought with Lenses.
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Heck, I have a complete and fully built and maxed out Genesis Rhapsodos from Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII with all of his currently available relics.
Have lots of Soul Breaks for Final Fantasy VII chars like Sephiroth (really good physical dark DPS), Cloud Strife (really good physical wind DPS), and Aeris or Aerith Gainsborough (really good healer who can also speed up the party’s physical attacks).
I should be able to do this. Well, I’ve already tried, but ended up falling short, a bit similar to my initial clear for the Final Fantasy Type-0 Dreambreaker Dungeon quest. I talk more about that in another post. But, yeah. Gonna have to try that fight again soon.
Had to spend a lot of resources to master the Final Fantasy Type-0 Dreambreaker Dungeon quest. Don’t really regret it though. Rem really is good, and it sounds like she can help me in a lot more difficult content. We’ll see, I guess.
So what about you? Have you tried any of the Final Fantasy Type-0 Cardia Dungeon fights yet? What do you think about the Final Fantasy Type-0 D450 Torment Dungeon quest? What about the Final Fantasy Type-0 Dreambreaker Dungeon fight? Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions by leaving a comment below or by reblogging or replying to this post.
screenshots are from my Final Fantasy Record Keeper game account
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freyayuki · 2 years
Final Fantasy Record Keeper Cardia Dungeons Clears Part 3
There are still a lot of fights in the Cardia Dungeons in the Final Fantasy Record Keeper (FFRK) mobile game that I have yet to clear.
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After hearing the news that Final Fantasy Record Keeper was gonna end its service on September 29, 2022 (I talk more about that in another post), I wanted to finish as much of FFRK’s content as I can.
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I know it doesn’t really matter, but still. For now, I don’t want to say goodbye to Final Fantasy Record Keeper yet. Heck, I wish this game didn’t have to end, at least not anytime soon.
Anyway, so I started going through the Cardia Dungeons, checking each quest and looking to see which ones I’ve already cleared. Will try to do the ones I haven’t cleared yet. Also trying to see if I can sub-30 these fights.
Torment Dungeons
There’s a Torment Dungeon for each of the Final Fantasy realms as well as Final Fantasy Record Keeper. There are 3 Torment fights per realm with the following quest levels: 240, 280 and 450.
The fights here have long since been powercrept so I’ve been able to do most of them already.
Final Fantasy XI D280 Torment Dungeon
Also known as Hatred Incarnate, Part 2. For this fight, my team was:
Shantotto from Final Fantasy XI
Lion from Final Fantasy XI
Ayame from Final Fantasy XI
Prishe from Final Fantasy XI
Cait Sith from Final Fantasy VII (#ad)
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Shantotto served as my main DPS since I have multiple BDL relics for her. Lion and Ayame were my secondary DPS. Cait Sith served as my support, healer, and buffer.
Don’t have a single BDL relic for Prishe so she was undoubtedly the weak link on this team. She was basically just here because I needed to bring another Final Fantasy XI char for this fight.
Speaking of this quest, this has been so powercrept by now that I was able to get the win in 6.50 seconds.
Final Fantasy XI D450 Torment Dungeon
Also known as Hatred Incarnate, Part 3. For this fight, I brought the same team that I used to beat the Final Fantasy XI D280 Torment dungeon. This fight was so easy that I was able to clear it in 10.95 seconds.
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Dragonking Dungeons
The Dragonking fights in the Cardia Dungeons are quest level 630. There’s a Dragonking quest for each of the Final Fantasy realms as well as Final Fantasy Record Keeper. The boss for each of these fights is Bahamut.
Door of Kings, Final Fantasy XV Dragonking Dungeon
For this fight, my team was:
Gladiolus Amicitia from Final Fantasy XV
Iris Amicitia from Final Fantasy XV
Lunafreya Nox Fleuret from Final Fantasy XV
Ravus Nox Fleuret from Final Fantasy XV
Mog from Final Fantasy VI
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Gladiolus, Lunafreya, and Ravus served as my DPS. Mog and Iris served as my healers, buffers, and supports.
Have Gladio’s Dual Awakening Soul Break (DASB) and Synchro Arcane Soul Break (SASB). His Awakened Arcane Soul Break (AASB) is Lensable but I decided to try this fight first and see if I can make do without it.
Have Lunafreya’s Sync 2 and AASB. Have Ravus’s Sync, Dual, AASB, and True Arcane Soul Break (TASB) or Arcane Dyad Soul Break (ADSB).
Everyone did really well. Was able to get the win in 42.55 seconds. There are some rewards locked behind being able to sub-30 this quest so I tried it again after Lensing Gladiolus’s AASB.
Tried to go as fast as possible but the best I was able to manage was getting the win in 39.00 seconds. Very frustrating. 
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Will have to try this fight again later on. For now, I’ve decided to move on to a different quest since there’s still a lot I have yet to do.
Dreambreaker Dungeons
There’s a Dreambreaker Dungeon for each of the Final Fantasy realms as well as Final Fantasy Record Keeper. This fight is quest level 580.
Final Fantasy IV Dreambreaker Dungeon
For this fight, my team was:
Rydia from Final Fanatasy IV
Kain Highwind from Final Fantasy IV
Tellah from Final Fantasy IV
Porom from Final Fantasy IV
Cait Sith from Final Fantasy VII
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Rydia served as my main DPS since I have both of her Awakenings and some of her Syncs. Since each char can only equip 1 Sync per fight, I chose to bring Rydia’s holy Sync. She’s a really good magical DPS.
Kain and Tellah were my secondary DPS. Have Kain’s Dual and 1 of his Syncs. His Awakening is Lensable but opted not to Lens it for now. Have both of Tellah’s Awakenings. Kain deals physical damage while Tellah’s a mage.
Porom and Cait Sith served as my supports, healers, and buffers. Cait Sith is the premier support for mages. He did a really great job boosting Rydia’s and Tellah’s damage output.
Porom also has some support for mages. Only have her Sync and one of her Ultra Soul Breaks as well as her Glint+ Soul Break though.
Since I didn’t have a proper physical support, Kain didn’t do that well on this fight. So I just had him be the one to call on the Final Fantasy IV Roaming Warrior Chain and summon my Final Fantasy IV Historia Crystal. 
Had Kain use his Soul Breaks when he had the gauges to do so but his damage was meh and he didn’t always break the damage cap even with his Sync and Dual up.
Rydia and Tellah more than made up for Kain’s subpar damage though thanks to Cait Sith’s and even Porom’s buffs and support. Was able to get the win in 30.30 seconds.
That .30 really bothered me. Was so close to being able to sub-30 this fight on the first try. It really sucks that I wasn’t able to.
Because I was so close to the sub-30 already, decided to try this fight again. Much to my annoyance though, while I was able to get the win again, I wasn’t even close to getting the sub-30 this time.
Kept trying this fight but it just wasn’t working out. Sometimes, I don’t even get the win, or I do but the fight ends up taking too long. Or I just quit halfway through because it’s clear that I’ll fail to get the sub-30.
Ended up wasting so many resources on this fight. Pretty sure I wouldn’t have done that if the game wasn’t ending. 
But then again, if FFRK wasn’t ending, I wouldn’t even be doing this fight right now. I would have gladly waited until I can get more Final Fantasy IV tech to really make this fight easy.
For a while, I kept bringing the same team whenever I tried this fight. Then I decided to make some changes. I’ve tried switching between Mog and Cait Sith as my supports.
Cait Sith is great for mages but Mog can support magical DPS too. More importantly, Mog’s AASB2 is the perfect counter against the Full Break debuff that the Dreambreaker and Dragonking bosses use at certain HP thresholds. So if I bring Mog, I can counter this debuff.
My Mog isn’t as built as my Cait Sith though. Have most of Cait Sith’s relics whereas for Mog, I only have his AASB2, which I’ve honed to the max so he can use it twice per fight, his Sync, and one of his Ultras.
At some point, I tried Rosa Joanna Farrell from Final Fantasy IV as my healer instead of Porom. I only have her AASB and one of her Ultras so I had to Lens her Glint+ Soul Break that would let her instantly grant Protect, Shell, and Haste to the party.
Rosa’s a decent enough healer but she doesn’t really offer any buffs and such to the party. She can equip the Wrath ability though so it’s pretty easy to have her spam her Ultra Soul Break. One of the effects of the Ultra I have for her is being able to reduce the delay of everyone’s actions for 2 turns.
My Final Fantasy IV Historia Crystal was at Level 99 of 120. I thought that would be enough for this fight but since I kept failing to sub-30 this quest, I decided to spend the resources to level up my FF4 Historia Crystal to 120.
Also ended up wasting resources on Edward Chris von Muir from Final Fantasy IV. Don’t have a single BDL relic for him but I ended up creating his Hero Ability and unlocking most of the tiles on his Record Board.
Edward’s Hero Ability can reduce the delay of the party’s actions for 1 turn. I have his Ultra that temporarily increases the magic and mind of the party as well as reduces their offensive magic casting time for 2 turns.
Between Edward, Rosa, and either Cait Sith or Mog, I thought they’d be able to really speed things up so that Rydia and Tellah can just keep on attacking the boss as fast and as often as possible.
Edward can also use the Entrust ability so I had him give his gauges to Rydia so she can use one of her BDL relics right away. Even with this setup though, still had to keep trying and trying before I finally managed to sub-30 this fight.
My latest try finally gave me the win in 27.45 seconds with a team of Rydia, Tellah, Cait Sith, Rosa, and Edward.
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So glad to finally be over and done with this fight. By now, I’m so sick of this quest. I never want to do this again.
Now I just find myself annoyed that these quests require you to sub-30 them in order to get all the rewards. Why can���t we just clear these fights once then move on to the next?
I think for now I’m just gonna clear these fights once then just go back and try again for the sub-30 later on. It’s too annoying and frustrating to bother with this right now.
Final Fantasy V Dreambreaker Dungeon
For this fight, my team was:
Bartz Klauser from Final Fantasy V
Galuf Halm Baldesion from Final Fantasy V
Lenna Charlotte Tycoon from Final Fantasy V
Famed Mimic Gogo from Final Fantasy V
Mog from Final Fantasy VI
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Bartz, Galuf, and Gogo served as my DPS. Lenna and Mog were my supports and healers.
Have multiple BDL relics for Bartz and Galuf. Only have Gogo’s Awakening. They all did very well but there were times wherein they weren’t able to break the damage cap even though they were still under the effects of their BDL relics.
Maybe if they’d been able to consistently break the damage cap, I’d have been able to sub-30 this fight. As it is, got the win in 31.45 seconds which means I have to try this again later on. Meh. Totally not looking forward to that at all.
Final Fantasy VIII Dreambreaker Dungeon
To my surprise, I’ve apparently already tried this fight before. Wasn’t able to get the win though. The best I’d been able to manage was being able to deal 70.1% damage to Cerberus, the boss of the Final Fantasy VIII Dreambreaker dungeon.
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Now that I’m trying this fight again and hopefully managing to get the win this time, my team was:
Squall Leonhart from Final Fantasy VIII
Rinoa Heartilly from Final Fantasy VIII
Ultimecia from Final Fantasy VIII
Selphie Tilmitt from Final Fantasy VIII
Cait Sith from Final Fantasy VII
Rinoa and Ultimecia are magical DPS. Squall’s a physical DPS. Selphie’s a healer.
Don’t have anything for Selphie so I had to Lens one of her Ultras and her Glint+ Soul Break for this fight. 
Instead of Squall, I wanted to run Fujin from Final Fantasy VIII since she deals magical damage. Have 2 of Fujin’s Awakenings. Just created her Hero Ability for this fight.
But when I tried to level it up, I found that I didn’t have enough of the Crystals needed to do so. I could just equip Fujin with another ability but I decided I might as well just try this quest with Squall first.
At least I already have Squall’s Hero Ability. Plus, I have more BDL relics for him when compared to Fujin. I have 3 of Squall’s Awakenings and 2 of his Syncs.
Squall did well enough but he wasn’t able to consistently break the damage cap even while under the effects of his Sync or Awakening. More often than not, he was dealing crappy damage.
Rinoa and Ultimecia did very well. Cait Sith’s buffs helped a lot as well. Selphie did well enough as my healer though I do wish I have her Awakening and even Sync. Managed to get the win in 36.20 seconds.
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Final Fantasy IX Dreambreaker Dungeon
Apparently, I’ve also already tried this fight before. Failed to get the win though. The most damage I’d been able to deal to the enemy here was 52.8%.
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Now that I’m trying this fight again and hopefully managing to get the win this time, my team was:
Zidane Tribal from Final Fantasy IX
Kuja from Final Fantasy IX
Vivi Ornitier from Final Fantasy IX
Eiko Carol from Final Fantasy IX
Cait Sith from Final Fantasy VII
Zidane deals physical damage while both Vivi and Kuja are mages. Eiko’s a healer.
Have 2 of Zidane’s Awakenings and his TASB. Really wish I have his Sync and his Dual as well.
For Vivi, I have his ice and lightning Awakening and his ice and lightning Sync. His fire Awakening is Lensable but opted not to get it yet. Have Kuja’s Dual and Awakening. Have Eiko’s Awakening and Sync.
This team did pretty well. Kuja and Vivi were able to deal a lot of damage thanks to Cait Sith. Managed to get the win in 30.40 seconds. It’s really too bad that I missed out on the sub-30.
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Since I was so close to being able to sub-30 this fight, decided to try it again. This time, got the win in 30.87 seconds. Meh. How utterly infuriating.
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Thankfully, third time’s the charm. My third try gave me the win in 28.90 seconds. Yay. So glad to finally be over and done with this fight.
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Final Fantasy X Dreambreaker Dungeon
For this fight, my team was:
Tidus from Final Fantasy X
Wakka from Final Fantasy X
Yuna from Final Fantasy X
Rikku from Final Fantasy X
Mog from Final Fantasy VI
Tidus, Wakka, and Rikku deal physical damage so I couldn’t bring Cait Sith to this fight. I really wish that I also have a good support for physical DPS. 
Mog isn’t cutting it, especially since I don’t even have all of his Soul Breaks. And he’s really more for countering the Full Break debuff that the bosses of the Dreambreaker and Dragonking Dungeons inflict on their opponents upon reaching certain HP thresholds.
Yuna served as my healer for this fight. Have a few of her Soul Breaks, including 1 of her Awakenings. She did well enough although I do wish that I have more of her Soul Breaks.
Only have 1 of Rikku’s Syncs and her water Chain Soul Break. One of her Awakenings is Lensable but opted not to get it yet.
For Wakka, the only BDL relic I have for him is his Sync. Too bad his Awakening isn’t Lensable.
Have Tidus’s Dual, both of his Syncs, and one of his Awakenings plus a few of his other relics, including his Limit Break Chain (LBC) for the water element.
Wakka and Rikku also deal water damage and they offer some support with their kits so the main reason why I brought them to this fight was so I could run a full Final Fantasy X water team and so they can support Tidus who was gonna be my main DPS.
I used Tidus’s Sync 2 first. He got to move pretty often and he dealt really good damage. However, ended up running out of uses of his Hero Ability before the fight was over.
By the time I wanted to use his Dual, he only had like 2 uses left of his Hero Ability. So his DASB was basically wasted. At least I was able to use his Awakening, which gives him infinite uses of his Hero Ability for a few seconds (IIRC, it’s around 15 or so).
Although Tidus dealt really good damage, there were times wherein he can’t even break the damage cap even while under the effects of his BDL relics. 
The same can be said for Wakka and Rikku. In fact, it’s worse for the 2 of them since, more often than not, they can’t break the damage cap at all. They also became useless once the effects of their Syncs ran out.
Only managed to get the boss here down to 18.6% HP before he killed my entire party. Meh. How utterly annoying. Now I have to try this again.
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It’s clear now that it won’t be possible to solo DPS this fight with Tidus. Maybe if I have more of his relics and a way to give him more uses of his abilities as well as better support, he might be able to manage.
As it is, have to see about replacing either or both Wakka and Rikku. Gonna need more DPS for this quest. Ahh, I really wish I have more and better Final Fantasy X relics.
Decided to drop Wakka and replace him with Auron from Final Fantasy X. Have 1 of Auron’s Syncs and 1 of his Awakenings. He’s a physical DPS who deals fire damage.
My team was now Mog, Auron, Tidus, Rikku, and Yuna. This time, I used Tidus’s Awakening first as soon as he had enough bars to do so. Auron did well enough but, as usual, there were times wherein he and Tidus failed to break the damage cap.
Rikku’s damage was basically nonexistent, making me believe it’d be pointless to buy her Awakening from the The Record Lab. I doubt it would make much of a difference to this fight. If I could get more of Tidus’s and Auron’s BDL relics though, that would definitely help.
Unfortunately, once again failed to get the win. This time, I only managed to get the boss down to 24.2% HP before he killed everyone.
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Ugh. Getting really sick and tired of this fight. Thankfully, third time’s the charm. Was so glad when I finally managed to clear this quest for the first time. 
Too bad it took me 45.55 seconds so have to go back for the sub-30. But don’t want to do this again anytime soon. Will try it again later on.
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So what about you? Have you done any of the quests in the Cardia Dungeons? What do you think about these fights? Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions by leaving a comment below or by reblogging or replying to this post.
screenshots are from my Final Fantasy Record Keeper game account
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freyayuki · 2 years
Final Fantasy Record Keeper Cardia Dungeons Clears Part 2
There are still a lot of fights in the Cardia Dungeons in the Final Fantasy Record Keeper (FFRK) mobile game that I have yet to clear.
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After hearing the news that Final Fantasy Record Keeper was gonna end its service on September 29, 2022 (I talk more about that in another post), I wanted to finish as much of FFRK’s content as I can.
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I know it doesn’t really matter, but still. For now, I don’t want to say goodbye to Final Fantasy Record Keeper yet. Heck, I wish this game didn’t have to end, at least not anytime soon.
Anyway, so I started going through the Cardia Dungeons, checking each quest and looking to see which ones I’ve already cleared. Will try to do the ones I haven’t cleared yet. Also trying to see if I can sub-30 these fights.
Dragonking Dungeons
The Dragonking fights in the Cardia Dungeons are quest level 630. There’s a Dragonking quest for each of the Final Fantasy realms as well as Final Fantasy Record Keeper. The boss for each of these fights is Bahamut.
Door of Stars, Final Fantasy VII Dragonking Dungeon
I’ve done the Final Fantasy VII Dragonking Dungeon fight multiple times by now. I talk more about that in this post.
The very first Dragonking Dungeon fight that I beat was the Final Fantasy VII (#ad) one. This was only to be expected since in FFRK, FF7 is my most stacked realm. 
Every time we get a time-limited mission that wants us to clear a Dragonking fight, my go-to is always the Final Fantasy 7 one because, so far, it’s the only one I’ve ever been able to beat.
The last time I tried the Final Fantasy VII Dragonking fight, was able to get a clear time of 30.40 seconds with the following team:
Genesis Rhapsodos from Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII
Aeris or Aerith Gainsborough from Final Fantasy VII
Barret Wallace from Final Fantasy VII
Sephiroth from Final Fantasy VII
Vincent Valentine from Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII and Final Fantasy VII
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Argh! Was so close to being able to sub-30 this quest. I resolved to give it another try the next time we got another time limited mission that wants us to clear a Dragonking fight.
This time, I was able to get the win in 26.95 seconds. Yay for finally being able to sub-30 this quest.
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My FFVII team did so well. Aerith served as my healer slash support slash buffer. Genesis was my primary DPS with Sephiroth and Vincent as my secondary ones. 
Barret served as another support although he could deal a bit of damage too. He and Vincent were also in charge of lowering Bahamut’s resistance to the fire element.
Door of the Crimson, Final Fantasy Type-0 Dragonking Dungeon
After Final Fantasy VII, my next most stacked realm in Final Fantasy Record Keeper is probably Final Fantasy Type-0.
I’ve been trying the Final Fantasy Type-0 Dragonking fight for what seems like a long while now but up to now, I still can’t get the win.
My team was:
Rem Tokimiya from Final Fantasy Type-0
Ace from Final Fantasy Type-0
Deuce from Final Fantasy Type-0
Cait Sith from Final Fantasy VII
Cater from Final Fantasy Type-0
Rem and Ace served as my DPS since I have their Awakenings and Syncs. Deuce was my healer and Cait Sith was my support and buffer who can also heal. 
Don’t have a single BDL relic for Cater so she was just here to help imperil fire for Ace and give her Soul Break gauges to Deuce so the latter can spam her healing Ultra Soul Break.
Even after getting Ace’s Dual Awakening Soul Break (DASB) and True Arcane Soul Break (TASB) or Arcane Dyad Soul Break (ADSB) so that he now has 4 BDL relics, I still couldn’t win against the Final Fantasy Type-0 Dragonking fight.
I’ve come so close to winning multiple times already though. So far, my latest best try was being able to deal 93.9% damage to Bahamut. It was really frustrating to be so close and yet still be unable to get the win.
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Much later, I was able to get Cater’s Awakened Arcane Soul Break (AASB), which was nice, but, unfortunately, it didn’t really make a difference in the Bahamut fight. Cater’s damage was still basically non-existent.
The next time I tried the Final Fantasy Type-0 Dragonking fight was right after I was able to sub-30 the Final Fantasy VII Dragonking quest.
The time limited missions we get for the Cardia Dungeons usually wants us to clear at least 2 Dragonking fights. Aside from actually beating Bahamut, there are also rewards associated with being able to deal at least 30% and 60% damage to him.
Since I still couldn’t beat the Type-0 Bahamut boss, I always had to settle for not being able to get all the time limited rewards whenever these missions show up.
Anyway, the latest Cardia Dungeons missions appeared some time after FFRK gave its end of service announcement so there was no longer any point in saving my resources for the future.
And so I decided to create Cater’s Hero Ability. It deals damage and imperils the fire, ice, and lightning elements. Also unlocked more of her Record Boards and such.
Normally, I only bother to do those things if I have at least 2 BDL relics for a char. Besides, with only 1 BDL relic, Cater wasn’t making it to any of my elemental teams. And she was really only here on my Final Fantasy Type-0 realm team for lack of better options.
There was no point in saving anything anymore though so just went ahead and tried to max out Cater as much as possible. Even went and got her a Hero Artifact.
I don’t know if any of this really helped though. Cater still didn’t deal much damage at all.
But maybe things just finally aligned this time because, to my surprise, actually managed to win somehow. Yay for beating my second Bahamut boss!
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Got the win in 32.80 seconds. Too bad I missed out on the sub-30. There are some rewards locked behind being able to sub-30 this fight so I’m gonna have to do this again later.
Torment Dungeons
There’s a Torment Dungeon for each of the Final Fantasy realms as well as Final Fantasy Record Keeper. There are 3 Torment fights per realm with the following quest levels: 240, 280 and 450.
The fights here have long since been powercrept so I’ve been able to do most of them already.
Final Fantasy IV D450 Torment Dungeon
Also known as Stuff of Nightmares, Part 3. I’ve done this fight before and my fastest clear time was 34.23 seconds.
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There are rewards for clearing the Torment Dungeons quests within 30 seconds so I tried this fight again to get the sub-30.
My team was:
Tellah from Final Fantasy IV
Barbariccia from Final Fantasy IV
Rydia from Final Fantasy IV
Kain Highwind from Final Fantasy IV
Cait Sith from Final Fantasy VII
Since I have multiple BDL relics for Rydia, she served as my main DPS for this fight. She’s a magical DPS who dabbles in multiple elements, including water and holy. 
Cait Sith is the premier support for mages so I brought him here as my healer and to support Rydia. Both Tellah and Barbariccia deal magical damage too so they can also benefit from Cait Sith’s buffs.
Had Rydia equipped with the Mako Might Record Materia. This lets her start a fight with 2 Soul Break gauges so I can have her use one of her BDL relics right away.
Cait Sith was equipped with the Dr. Mog’s Teachings Record Materia. This has the same effect as Mako Might so was able to have Cait use his Awakening right away to buff Rydia.
Had one of the other chars use the Final Fantasy IV Roaming Warrior Chain. Barbariccia, Tellah, and Kain were all equipped with Record Materia that lets them quickly build up their gauges so they can use their Soul Breaks as soon as possible.
But Rydia was so fast and good and this fight really was powercrept by now that the others didn’t get the chance to do much of anything. Rydia basically finished the enemy off on her own. 
IIRC, had her use her holy Synchro Arcane Soul Break (SASB) and she was able to deal a lot of damage in just a few turns. Managed to get the win in 8.65 seconds.
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Final Fantasy VI D450 Torment Dungeon
Also known as Mired in Despair, Part 3. For this fight, my team was:
Terra Branford from Final Fantasy VI
Celes Chere from Final Fantasy VI
Strago Magus from Final Fantasy VI
Kefka Palazzo from Final Fantasy VI
Cait Sith from Final Fantasy VII
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Since Terra, Strago, and Kefka were all mages, I once again brought in Cait Sith to be my support and healer.
Strago served as my main DPS since I have one of his Syncs. This team did very well. Managed to get the win in 12.80 seconds.
Final Fantasy III D450 Torment Dungeon
Also known as Revel in Destruction, Part 3. For this fight, my team was:
Cloud of Darkness from Final Fantasy III
Onion Knight from Final Fantasy III
Arc from Final Fantasy III
Luneth from Final Fantasy III
Cait Sith from Final Fantasy VII
The Cloud of Darkness and Arc deal magical damage. Onion Knight is a hybrid char, meaning he can be made to deal either physical or magical damage. Luneth deals physical damage.
Brought Cait Sith as my support and healer again since the Cloud of Darkness was my main DPS for this fight.
I only have one of their Awakenings but I already have their Hero Ability created and they already have most of their Boards and such completed since they’re part of my magical dark elemental team as my Chain holder.
Initially, I was gonna have Onion Knight as my main DPS since I have more BDL relics for him. Have 2 of his Awakenings and one of his Syncs and his other AASB is even Lensable, in case I need more.
But when I tried to unlock Onion Knight’s Boards and such, I found that I needed a lot of these things called Onion Knight Motes. Didn’t have a single one on hand and wasn’t even sure where I could get them.
Didn’t want to bother with trying to find and obtain Onion Knight Motes right now. Just wanted to try this Torment quest already. Most likely, I wouldn’t need Onion Knight anyway since this fight was so powercrept by now and I do have Arc and Luneth to back up the Cloud of Darkness.
So I brought in Onion Knight as-is and tried the fight already. Soon after the battle began, Onion Knight ended up being turned to stone or something. It was some sort of debuff that rendered him basically unusable for the entire duration of the quest since I didn’t have any way to cure him.
I don’t know if this happened because he was on slot 2 or because he wasn’t fully built or whatever but it didn’t really matter. Was still able to get the win in 12.25 seconds even with only 4 active chars.
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Final Fantasy I D450 Torment Dungeon
Also knowns as Villainous Cycle, Part 3. Already managed to beat this fight before but my clear time was 31.64 seconds.
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My team for trying to sub-30 this Torment fight was:
Master from Final Fantasy I
Warrior of Light from Final Fantasy I
Wol from Final Fantasy Mobius
Garland from Final Fantasy I
Aeris or Aerith Gainsborough from Final Fantasy VII
Final Fantasy I is one of the realms where I don’t have a lot of relics. AFAIK, don’t even have a single Final Fantasy I char with 2 BDL relics.
All the FF1 chars I brought to this fight deal physical damage so had Aerith be my healer and buffer.
Have both of Aerith’s Awakenings but I’m missing her Sync. She can easily provide Last Stand with one of her Ultra Soul Breaks (USB).
Aerith is especially good as a support for physical DPS because she can reduce the delay of the party’s physical attacks for 3 turns.
Master served as my main DPS since I have his Sync. He’s pretty good. It’s just too bad that I don’t have his Awakening and it’s unfortunately not Lensable.
Managed to get the win in 12.60 seconds. Glad to have gotten the win even with a team like this but now I’m worried about the Final Fantasy I Dragonking fight. 
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Pretty sure it’s gonna be near impossible to beat Bahamut unless I can get more BDL relics for FF1 chars. Here’s to hoping I can still manage somehow anyway. Will have to give it a try later.
So what about you? Have you done any of the quests in the Cardia Dungeons? What do you think about these fights? Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions by leaving a comment below or by reblogging or replying to this post.
screenshots are from my Final Fantasy Record Keeper game account
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freyayuki · 2 years
Final Fantasy Record Keeper Final Fantasy VII D450 Torment Dungeon Fight
I’ve been able to auto the Final Fantasy VII D450 Torment Dungeon (part of the Cardia Dungeons) fight in the Final Fantasy Record Keeper (FFRK) mobile game well enough although it’s not always consistent. 
Sometimes, it takes me way too long before the fight ends. Sometimes, I manage to win while at other times, I actually end up losing. I’m constantly tweaking and changing my setup in order to make my runs more consistent.
I remember I used to have Elarra from Final Fantasy Record Keeper as part of my team with 4 chars from FFVII. Naturally, Genesis Rhapsodos from Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII was always part of my team. 
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That’s because Genesis is currently my absolute, most fave Final Fantasy char. He’s the reason why I’m playing Final Fantasy Record Keeper.
Anyway, as I expanded my relics list for FF7, I was able to drop Elarra and bring in a full Final Fantasy 7 (#ad) team to the FFVII D450 Torment Dungeon.
Aside from Genesis and Elarra, I’ve used the following FF7 chars: Cait Sith, Aeris or Aerith Gainsborough, Barret Wallace, Sephiroth, Cloud Strife, and Yuffie Kisaragi.
I think I’ve tried with Tifa Lockhart too though I can’t remember for sure right now. I know I have one of her Syncs and her Awakening, but I’m not sure if I’ve gotten the chance to try her out yet on this stage.
So far, my fastest clear time was 24.80 seconds. My current team was Cait Sith, Barret, Aerith, Sephiroth, and Genesis.
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Much, much later, I was able to acquire Angeal Hewley’s (from Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII) Sync and Sephiroth’s Sync. 
I talk more about that in another post, but the point is that that made me want to try running the three SOLDIER Firsts on this fight.
Aside from Genesis, Angeal, and Sephiroth, the rest of my party consisted of Cait Sith and Aerith. 
I was really pleased that I managed to win with this team. It still wasn’t as consistent as I wanted it to be though so I continued tweaking and changing my setup.
Eventually, I ended up replacing Cait Sith with Barret. To my surprise, I was able to cut my fastest clear time down to around 19 seconds. 
Welp, the attack buff from Barret’s Awakened Arcane Soul Break 2 (AASB2) is really awesome, huh? 
Cait Sith can use Bard abilities so I had him singing the Warrior’s Hymn to buff the attacks of my DPS (a.k.a Genesis, Sephiroth, and Angeal although it was really mostly the first 2). 
But Cait Sith’s Soul Breaks are more for buffing magic users so the SOLDIER Firsts who are all physical attackers don’t get to benefit from them.
I continued tweaking my setup, trying to lower my clear time some more. I switched the positions of my chars around, changed their equipped Record Materia and the like, and even removed or added one or more of their Soul Breaks.
For instance, I had Angeal equipped with his Limit Break Over Flow (LBOF; known as Limit Break Overstrike (LBO) in the English version of the game). 
I have Genesis’s LBO too. But the auto AI ends up casting Angeal’s whenever the limit break gauge is at max. Perhaps this is because of his current position in the party. 
The thing is though, Angeal’s LBO doesn’t deal max damage whereas Genesis almost always ends up dealing the max damage possible whenever he gets to cast his LBOF. 
So I removed Angeal’s LBO so that the AI will be sure to cast Genesis’s LBOF instead.
I’ve also been experimenting with giving one of them the Record Materia (RM) that lets them start the fight with 2 Soul Break gauges so they can use their Syncs right away. 
At first, I gave this to Angeal. Then I tried with Sephiroth. Finally, I tried with Genesis who ended up getting level 2 break damage limit thanks to also using his second Glint+ Soul Break. 
Barret always got the other RM with Soul Break charge so he can use his Awakening as soon as possible to buff the SOLDIERs.
Aeris was in charge of dispelling the boss who loves buffing himself. She’s the healer too although there are times when the fight ends before she can even cast her AASB or her Ultra Soul Break. Angeal helps with healing too by using Healing Smite.
I’ve completed everyone’s Record Boards. Well, Genesis’s was already complete even before this. I’ve also already bought his Hero Ability or Unique Ability, known as Genesis Slash, and gotten all the best items I could get for him. 
I’ve been more stingy when it comes to other chars, but now I’ve decided to be more open to spending my resources. I was like might as well use them instead of having them rot in my inventory.
So I completed everyone’s Record Boards and even bought a few Artifact weapons and max leveled those. I got Sephiroth’s Hero Ability, Heartless Angel, and spent the Rubies to make the Healing Smite ability for Angeal.
No regrets so far. Actually, I’m really loving it. Everyone’s damage output and defenses have skyrocketed. 
I guess this is also largely due to bringing a full Final Fantasy VII team to this fight, but having the increased stats from the Record Boards really helped as well. Now my fastest clear time is 14.20 seconds.
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Subsequent tries had my clear times being around that time, slightly higher depending on RNG.
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It’s really nice to see everyone with such high stats, especially under realm synergy. 
I’m sure there’s more improvement to be had here, and I’ll continue tweaking a few things here and there, but at the moment, I’m more than satisfied with this victory.
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So what about you? Have you tried the Final Fantasy VII D450 Torment Dungeon fight yet? What team did you use? Have you tried to auto this battle? How did it go? What do you think about this quest? Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions by leaving a comment below or by reblogging or replying to this post.
screenshots are from my Final Fantasy Record Keeper game account
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freyayuki · 2 years
Final Fantasy Record Keeper Final Fantasy VII Dreambreaker Dungeon
The Dreambreaker fights in the Cardia Dungeons in the Final Fantasy Record Keeper (FFRK) mobile game are quest level 580.
The very first time I tried the Final Fantasy VII Dreambreaker Dungeon fight, it was on auto, and I only did it because I needed to get the item that would allow me to break the level cap of my Final Fantasy VII Historia Crystal. 
Of course, I lost. I had the fight on auto and didn’t really bother to bring a proper team since I didn’t think I could win anyway. Atfer that, I basically just ignored this dungeon.
Fast forward to now. After being able to beat the Final Fantasy VII D450 Torment Dungeon with the SOLDIER Firsts trio, I was inspired to try the Final Fantasy VII Dreambreaker Dungeon with the same team.
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Of course, it wasn’t on auto this time, and I changed everyone’s equipment and the like depending on what this battle required.
Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to win. The closest I got was being able to take the boss down to 32.3% HP.
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My exact team was:
Genesis Rhapsodos from Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII
Angeal Hewley from Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII
Sephiroth from Final Fantasy VII
Aeris or Aerith Gainsborough from Final Fantasy VII
Barret Wallace from Final Fantasy VII
Then I tried switching out Angeal for Cait Sith from Final Fantasy VII (#ad) and actually managed to get the boss down to 8.1% HP. 
But then I ran out of uses of the realm chain as well as everyone’s Syncs (the SOLDIERs) and Awakenings (everyone). 
I tried to use their Ultra Soul Breaks and their remaining abilities, but I ended up taking way too long so the boss used his auto-eject move, Dreambreaker Memory’s End. Eff!
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Was so freaking close! So frustrating to not be able to make it. Sigh. Well, at least I was able to get my very first Dreambreaker Armor. Guess who got to equip it? Heh.
Yeah, that’s right. Gave the new armor to Genesis. Currently, he’s my absolute, most favorite Final Fantasy char. He’s the reason why I’m playing Final Fantasy Record Keeper. 
Anyway, will keep trying this quest. Hopefully, I can get the win soon.
So what about you? Have you tried the Final Fantasy VII Dreambreaker Dungeon fight yet? What team did you use? What do you think about this quest? Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions by leaving a comment below or by reblogging or replying to this post.
screenshots are from my Final Fantasy Record Keeper game account
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freyayuki · 2 years
Final Fantasy Record Keeper Final Fantasy XV Fights and Banner Pulls
Here’s a list of my current progress in the Final Fantasy Record Keeper (FFRK) mobile game. This post is all about my latest pulls on banners that feature Final Fantasy 15 relics as well as fights in the Final Fantasy XV Cardia Dungeons and fights that feature a char from FF15.
Table of Contents
A Final Fantasy XV Soul Break from a daily free draw
Final Fantasy XV Realm Relic Draw Banner pulls and results part 1
Final Fantasy XV Cardia Dungeons fights
Final Fantasy XV Realm Relic Draw Banner pulls and results part 2
Final Fantasy XV D450 Torment Dungeon
Final Fantasy XV Realm Relic Draw Banner pulls and results part 3
5-star Magicite Dungeon fight vs Belias featuring Lunafreya
Final Fantasy XV Realm Relic Draw Banner pulls and results part 4
Daily Free Draws
Each day, we get 1 free daily draw on Final Fantasy Record Keeper. The rates are trash as always, but there is a very rare chance to get something good from this draw. Recently, we got a campaign wherein we get a daily 10-draw instead of a single 1. There’s no guaranteed gold, so you’re more likely to get 10 trash items. Aside from the usual trash, I’d sometimes get a rainbow (5-star relic) or 2. They may be new but most are basically useless so I didn’t even bother to take screenshots.
Then one day, actually got a disco (6-star relic) orb. It was just 1 though and Dr. Mog didn’t even bother to make an appearance so wasn’t really expecting much at all. Heck, when I saw what appeared to be an axe, was already under the impression that I just got something useless. Was like this was probably nothing more than a Glint+ Soul Break (G+) or Ultra Soul Break (USB) for a char who I have nothing else for. So didn’t bother taking a screenshot of the “congratulations” screen.
To my surprise though, what I got was an Awakened Arcane Soul Break (AASB). It’s called Axe of the Conqueror Variant (XV) and it belongs to Ardyn Izunia (Ardyn Lucis Caelum from Final Fantasy XV). This contains his AASB, Shadow King’s Might.
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Have nothing else for Ardyn but this was definitely a start. Was actually interested in acquiring his tech so he could be my secondary physical dark DPS (he could be a physical fire DPS too although my physical fire team’s already pretty stacked so not sure he’d be seeing much use there). Needless to say, was very pleased with the results of this draw. Here’s to hoping I can get the rest of Ardyn’s kit, particularly his Synchro Arcane Soul Break (SASB) sooner or later, preferably sooner.
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Final Fantasy XV Realm Relic Draw Banner
For now, I’ve decided to throw any and all Realm/Elemental x11 tickets that I get on the Final Fantasy XV Realm Relic Draw banner. This banner contains only relics that belong to chars from Final Fantasy XV (#ad). With a multi-draw, you’re guaranteed to get at least 1 item that’s of 5-star or higher rarity.
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Normally, I would have just gone for the Final Fantasy VII Realm Relic Draw banner but I already have lots of FFVII relics and the rates on this game are trash. If I’d pulled on the FF7 banner, it was very likely that I’d just end up being disappointed by getting a dupe or something useless. I figured I was better off pulling on another banner.
Ended up choosing the FF15 banner because I have very few relics that belong to FFXV chars. Also, compared to FF7, there are fewer FF15 relics so its banner wasn’t as bloated. My chances of getting something good here seemed pretty decent so thought to try my luck.
IIRC, other than Ardyn’s, the only Awakening I have for a Final Fantasy XV char was Prompto Argentum’s. Have a few other FF15 relics although they were all outdated trash or useless unless I get something else for the char they belong to.
From these draws, am hoping to get Ardyn’s relics, particularly his Sync, so I can have 2 BDL Soul Breaks for him. Would love to get Prompto’s Sync as well as his physical lightning Chain Soul Break (CSB). Also interested in Gladiolus Amicitia’s and Noctis Lucis Caelum’s earth tech to shore up my physical earth team.
My water teams need a lot of improvement so would also love to obtain Lunafreya Nox Fleuret’s magic water tech. AFAIK, I got her Ultra Soul Break (USB) from somewhere but since I don’t have her Sync or Awakening, can’t really use her.
Anyway, already talked about this in another post but to illustrate - one of my tickets gave me Ignis Scientia’s physical fire Sync. While I was pleased to see a Sync and a new one at that, still couldn’t help but wish I’d gotten something else instead since, like I said, my physical fire team was already pretty stacked.
Besides, don’t even have anything else for Ignis so he’s definitely not making my fire team with just his Sync. Another ticket was even more disappointing than this though since it gave me 1 lone disco orb which turned into Cor Leonis’s USB. It’s new, but have nothing else for Cor, so meh.
Another ticket thrown on the Final Fantasy XV Realm banner was looking to be way better than the results of my previous tickets. Three disco orbs showed up then Dr. Mog appeared and turned one of them into a 7-star item. Hell, yes! Also, please be Ardyn’s Sync.
The first disco orb turned into a hat. Hopefully, it’s an Awakening that I don’t have yet. Unfortunately, the second disco orb turned into the same hat. There was no Rank Up screen so this was probably nothing more than a Glint+ or USB or something. Ahh, it sucks to get the exact same item in one draw. Why couldn’t the second disco orb have been something else instead?
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The 7-star item turned into this shield that I immediately recognized as belonging to Noctis because I have this relic on my Japanese Final Fantasy Record Keeper account.
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Unfortunately, this is not Noctis’s earth Sync. It’s his physical fire Sync. His fire Sync is pretty good so it was nice to get this although I still wish this had been his earth Sync instead. Even if I get his AASB though, I still don’t see myself using Noctis on my physical fire team. 
He’s more of a DPS than a support but Genesis Rhapsodos (from Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII; currently, he’s my absolute, most fave Final Fantasy char and the main reason why I’m playing this game) is already my primary DPS for physical fire so I’m more interested in fire chars that can take the secondary DPS role while offering a bit of utility such as being capable of lowering the fire resistance of enemies.
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As for the hat - it belongs to Ardyn. It’s his Legend Materia Relic+ (LMR+). This would have been beyond useless if I didn’t already have at least one of his relics. While I’m happy to get this since it brings me one step closer to being able to complete Ardyn, still wish I’d gotten his Sync first or that the second hat had been another one of his relics instead.
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This pull could have been better. Then again, it could have been worse. All things considered, this wasn’t that bad at all. Even if I won’t be using Noctis’s fire Sync on my physical fire team, he’ll definitely be a part of my Final Fantasy XV Realm team since it’s not like I have a lot of options anyway.
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Final Fantasy XV Cardia Dungeons
Thanks to my new Final Fantasy XV relics, was inspired to try some of the Final Fantasy XV Cardia Dungeon quests. It helped that there were currently time-limited missions that require players to clear a FFXV Cardia Dungeon quest with at least 3 chars that are from FF15. Since I didn’t have a lot of FFXV Soul Breaks yet, stuck to doing the easier Cardia fights.
My team consisted of the following chars:
Noctis Lucis Caelum
Aside from his fire Sync, I also have one of his Glint Soul Breaks (G), his Glint+ Soul Break (G+), and one of his Ultra Soul Breaks. Had him equipped with Frostfire Carnage and Flash Disaster. The first is a fire and ice ability while the second deals wind and lightning damage.
Didn’t have other fire abilities to give to him and didn’t want to make his Hero Ability (HA) or Unique Ability (UA) unless I get another BDL relic for him so just gave him Flash Disaster. Noctis is pretty fast so I had him be the one to activate the FFXV Realm Chain at the start of the fight.
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Ignis Scientia
Aside from his fire Sync, the only other item I have for him is one of his LMRs. So I had him acting as mostly a support for these fights. He’s equipped with Entrust and Mako Might so his first move was to give his Soul Break gauges to Ardyn. Then he spams Trinity Bombshell until he has enough bars to cast his Sync.  
Prompto Argentum
Aside from his lightning Awakening, have one of his Burst Soul Breaks (BSB). Equipped him with Trinity Grenade, which deals fire, lightning, and ice damage and Burnt Offering which imperils the fire element. Mostly had him using Burnt Offering to imperil fire for his allies. It was only after casting his Awakening that I switched to having him spam Trinity Grenade.
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Ardyn Izunia (Ardyn Lucis Caelum)
Aside from Ardyn’s Awakening and LMR+, the only other relic I have for him is nothing. Yeah, I really wish I had more of his stuff. Ardyn’s pretty good. With his AASB, he can help imperil his elements. Since Noctis was already using the only other fire ability Ardyn could equip, had him doing dark damage instead with Demon’s Cross and Touched by Darkness.
Lenna Charlotte Tycoon from Final Fantasy V
Served as my off-realm healer since I didn’t have anyone from FFXV who could take on that role. Have all of Lenna’s non-Lensable relics, including her Sync and her 2 Awakenings. She did very well in keeping her allies safe.
Final Fantasy XV Realm Relic Draw Banner
Got another Realm/Elemental x11 ticket so pulled on the Final Fantasy XV Realm banner again. Got 2 disco orbs. Then Dr. Mog showed up and turned one of them into a 7-star item. Yay! Here’s to hoping it’s Ardyn’s Sync.
The disco orb turned into this red bracer, which I immediately recognized as Aranea Highwind’s Ultra Soul Break (USB). Must have gotten this 2 or 3 times before by now so was totally not pleased to see this again.
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At least the 7-star appears to be new. Just got a gun so am pretty sure this belongs to Prompto. Hopefully, it’s his Sync and not his Limit Break Over Flow (LBOF) or Limit Break Overstrike (LBO).
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Got to the draw results screen and - hell, yes! I did just get Prompto’s Sync. Yay! Super pleased to see this. Now I have 2 BDL relics for him. My physical lightning team’s slowly improving.
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The red bracer was indeed a dupe of Aranea’s USB. Meh. Getting Prompto’s Sync more than makes up for that though.
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Final Fantasy XV D450 Torment Dungeon
Thanks to getting Prompto’s Sync, was inspired to try taking on the Final Fantasy XV D450 Torment Dungeon. Even created Prompto’s Hero Ability. Had him be the DPS alongside Ardyn.
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This fight wasn’t that bad at all. I guess it’s been kinda powercrept by now plus having multiple BDL relics definitely helps. At first, I had Ardyn as a dark DPS then I decided to just give him Frostfire Carnage since the battle was usually nearly over by the time I get to cast Noctis’s Sync.
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With Prompto helping to imperil fire via Burnt Offering (he spammed this until he could cast his Sync or Awakening after which I switched to having him use his Hero Ability), Ardyn was able to deal a lot more damage from the get-go. This enabled me to lower my clear time by a few seconds. So far, my fastest clear time is 17.43 seconds. I’m pretty sure I’ll be able to lower this some more if I can get more FF15 relics.
Final Fantasy XV Realm Relic Draw Banner
Got another Realm/Elemental x11 ticket so pulled on the Final Fantasy XV Realm banner again. This time, only 1 disco orb showed up. Too bad Dr. Mog didn’t make an appearance as well. Ah, well. At least I got something new.  
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Noctis’s Awakened Arcane Soul Break (AASB), Regal Flair, just came home. Yay! Now he has another BDL relic to go with his fire Sync. Still hoping I can get his earth Sync though.
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Much later, Final Fantasy Record Keeper released a new campaign which will give players 1 Realm/Elemental x11 ticket after they clear a 6-star Magicite Dungeon fight. You get 1 ticket for each 6-star you beat. There are 8 6-star Magicite bosses so you can get a total of 8 tickets as long as you can beat them all. I talk more about these fights on another post.
For now, I’m still throwing all the tickets I can get on the Final Fantasy XV Realm banner.
Ticket number 1 gave me 1 disco orb but no Dr. Mog. Ended up with Prompto’s lightning Chain Soul Break (CSB), Custom Starshell.
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It sucks to only get 1 high-rarity item but at least it’s new. Prompto’s Chain is good but I already have like 2 other physical lightning Chains. Also, since I have 2 BDL relics for Prompto, not sure if he’ll be able to balance using his Chain and his other Soul Breaks. I think I’ll be better off having him as one of my main lightning DPS while I rely on another char’s Chain.
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Ticket number 2 gave me 1 disco orb again but at least Dr. Mog showed up this time. He gave me this cactuar so I already knew I wasn’t getting Noctis’s earth Sync, Ardyn’s dark and fire Sync, or Lunafreya’s water Sync.
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Instead, what I got was Iris Amicitia’s Synchro Arcane Soul Break (SASB), Pocket Mega-Potion.
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It’s new and I could always use more healers, but this is my very first relic for Iris so unless I can get more of her stuff, I don’t see myself using her at all.
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Ticket number 3 gave me 2 disco orbs which was very welcome after only seeing 1 for what feels like forever. Unfortunately, no Dr. Mog again although I did get 2 new items.
One of them was Noctis’s Arcane Overstrike Soul Break (AOSB), Rush Link. Happy to get another Soul Break for Noctis but, man, how I wish this had been his earth Sync instead.
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AOSBs aren’t that bad. They can deal a lot of damage but they can only be used once per fight and they cost a whopping 3 bars before they can be activated unless you max hone them, in which case they’ll only cost 2. Unlike Syncs and Awakenings, AOSBs just deal damage and don’t really offer other special effects and buffs and the like.
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The other 6-star I got was Lunafreya’s Awakened Arcane Soul Break (AASB), Oracle’s Benevolence. Very pleased to see this. Now I just need her Sync to further improve my magical water team.
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Ticket number 4 gave me 1 disco orb which turned into my very first copy of Gladiolus’s earth Chain Soul Break, Earth Charge.
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Really super pleased to see this. IIRC, my only other physical earth Chain belongs to Ingus (from Final Fantasy III) but I don’t have any of his BDL relics and his Chain sucks when compared to Gladio’s. 
Don’t have any of Gladio’s BDL relics either but here’s to hoping I can get them soon. Just having his earth Chain already makes him part of my physical earth team though unless I decide to use the Roaming Warrior earth Chain instead.
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Ticket number 5 gave me 1 rainbow orb and 2 disco orbs. Unfortunately, quantity definitely doesn’t equal quality. Not only did Dr. Mog not show up, also didn’t get a single Awakening on this draw. Three of the relics I got were new but was still disappointed anyway.
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The new 5-star was a Legend Materia Relic (LMR) for Noctis while the dupe was a Burst Soul Break (BSB) for Prompto. One of the 6-stars was Iris’s party-wide Protect, Shell, and Haste Glint+ Soul Break and the second 6-star was Prompto’s Glint+ Soul Break. Already have other relics for these chars so these items weren’t entirely useless. Still, would have preferred to get a Sync and/or Awakening anyway.
Ticket number 6 was even worse than the results of the previous ticket. This one gave me 1 rainbow orb, which turned into Ignis’s Glint Soul Break, and 1 rainbow orb, which turned into Aranea’s Overstrike Soul Break (OSB). Both were new but was still very disappointed anyway.
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Glint+ are better than Glints since they don’t cost gauges to activate while Glints cost 1 bar. You’re better off building up to 2 bars and casting an Awakening or Sync as opposed to a Glint. OSBs only cost 1 bar and they can be used multiple times but they’re like AOSBs in that they only deal damage and don’t really offer much of anything else.
Was able to get all the tickets from the campaign but I talk about the results of my pulls from the last 2 tickets on another post.
5-star Magicite Dungeon, Belias
5-star Magicite fights are quest level 400. Belias is the 5-star Magicite boss who is weak to water and takes reduced damage against physical attacks. One of the current Final Fantasy Record Keeper’s weekly missions required players to beat Belias.
I’d already taken on Belias before although since my magical water team was so lacking, I had to use my physical water team to get the win. Managed somehow although my physical water team wasn’t that good either.
After getting Lunafreya’s AASB though, was inspired to try taking on Belias and to see if I could do it on auto since my clear of this fight with my physical water team was on manual.
However, even with Lunafreya’s Awakening, my magical water team was still very much lacking so I doubt I’d be able to pull this off against much tougher opponents even if playing manually.
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My team for this fight was:
Serah Farron from Final Fantasy XIII  
Only have her water Ultra Soul Break (USB) so she didn’t really do much damage. Gave her the Record Materia that let her start the fight with Haste so she’d be the one to cast the water Roaming Warrior Chain. Then she just spammed Sapphire Bullet until she had enough gauges to cast her USB.
Cait Sith from Final Fantasy VII
One of the premier supports for magical DPS. Have all of his most relevant and important relics, including his Sync and Awakening. He’s equipped with his Hero Ability, Joyful Dance, which lowers the Defense and Resistance of all enemies and heals the party by up to 1k HP. Had him spam Joyful Dance until he could cast his Awakening.
Dr. Mog from Final Fantasy Record Keeper
Served as one of my water magical DPS. Have his water AASB, his USB, one of his Glints, one of his Glint+, and 3 of his AOSBs. Also had him start the fight with Haste so he’d be the one to summon my Odin Magicite. He’s equipped with Voltech which he spammed until he could cast his AASB. He did pretty well while under the effects of his Awakening. Wish I could get his Sync and other AASB so he’d be more useful. Barring that, wish I could get more magical water tech.
Elarra from Final Fantasy Record Keeper
Served as my healer. Have her Ultras, her Glint, and her Glint+. Too bad I don’t have her Awakening or Sync. At least this fight doesn’t really require having a healer AASB. I brought Elarra because she can equip Allegro con Moto, a 6-star Bard ability that reduces the “offensive magic casting time of all allies for 3 turns”.
Lunafreya Nox Fleuret from Final Fantasy XV
My other water magical DPS. The only stuff I have for her are her AASB, USB, and her Legend Materia Relic (LMR). Missing her 2 Syncs, her Glint+, and her AOSB. She’s one of the newest chars that was added to this game so she doesn’t have many relics yet. Had her equipped with Lunar Leviathan which she spammed until she could cast her Awakening. Like Dr. Mog, she did pretty well too. But, yeah, really need more magical water tech.
For my Magicite deck, I have the following:
Odin (Ultra Magic) - Lord’s Seal: Ice Level 15, Blade Ward, and Spell Ward
Geosgaeno - 2 Empower Water
Madeen - Health Boon and Fast Act
Madeen - 2 Magic Boon
Shiva - Health Boon and Healing Boon
Managed to win on auto with this team although it took exactly 44 seconds. Not bad but could definitely be improved.
Final Fantasy XV Realm Relic Draw Banner
Just got another Realm/Elemental x11 ticket so went back to the Final Fantasy XV Realm banner. Only 1 disco orb showed up but at least Dr. Mog appeared as well. Got this piece of clothing.
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Unfortunately, didn’t get a Sync. Instead, ended up with Noctis’s Limit Break Over Flow (LBOF) or Limit Break Overstrike (LBO), Ancillary Link-Strike.
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Meh. Why couldn’t this have been his earth Sync instead? Sigh. Was hyped when I saw Dr. Mog but now just disappointed that I ended up with this. Ah, well, at least it’s new.
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Yet another ticket thrown on the Final Fantasy XV Realm banner gave me 2 golds - 1 disco and 1 rainbow. Unfortunately, Dr. Mog didn’t make an appearance.
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Ended up getting a Burst Soul Break that belongs to Noctis, IIRC. The 6-star turned into Cor’s AASB. Well, at least this goes with the USB that I just got for him. But still - why couldn’t this have been something else instead? Still don’t see myself using Cor unless I luck into his Sync.
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Another ticket gave me 2 disco orbs. Still no Dr. Mog though. Got a dupe of Iris’s Glint+. The second was new and it belongs to Ardyn but it’s not his Sync. Got his USB instead. Ahh, why couldn’t that have been his Sync instead? Sigh. 
Well, getting his Ultra is good since at least he won’t be useless anymore once the effects of his Awakening run out. Still, would have preferred to get his Sync first before his USB. Maybe next ticket? Hopefully, anyway.
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Another ticket gave me only one orb. Too bad it wasn’t a disco orb. It was nothing more than a rainbow orb. As if that wasn’t bad enough, the single 5-star item I got was just a dupe of Ignis’s Legend Materia Relic (LMR). Ugh. So disappointing.
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So, what about you? What do you think about this? Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions by leaving a comment below or by reblogging or replying to this post.
screenshots are from my Final Fantasy Record Keeper game account
0 notes
freyayuki · 4 years
Final Fantasy Record Keeper Japan Wandering Gilgamesh Event
The Wandering Gilgamesh or Vagrant Gilgamesh event is currently ongoing in the Japanese version of the Final Fantasy Record Keeper (#ad) (FFRK) mobile game. This features a Level 500 fight against Gilgamesh and Enkidu.
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Gilgamesh is the main enemy and the one that must be defeated since Enkidu can’t be targeted and is really just there to support Gilgamesh. You get rewards for beating Gilgamesh using parties made up of characters from the different Final Fantasy series from I to XV, Tactics and Type-0. You can bring off-realm chars though that would make the battle much harder.
Since Final Fantasy VII is the realm where I have the most relics, I decided to try this fight first. I didn’t really think I had a chance though. So I decided to go in with the the party I use to auto the Final Fantasy VII D450 Torment Dungeon. This was really just a way for me to see the flow of the fight and how far I could go with this team. Surprisingly, it was pretty far. I lost, but this showed me I might have a chance if I did the fight manually and if I looked at the moveset and turn order of the enemies.
There was one part of the fight wherein my DPS was dealing 0 damage because their attacks weren’t hitting Gilgamesh. I was like, what in the world is happening? Why are their attacks missing? Elarra (from Final Fantasy Record Keeper) also ended up dying much earlier so my DPS didn’t get to benefit much from Warrior’s Hymn. This also meant losing out on the awesome effects of her Ultra Soul Break, Magika Album. 
So after I lost on auto, I looked up more info about this battle. It turns out that Gilgamesh has a move that inflicts the Blind debuff on chars, depending on their position. Which meant it was necessary to move my chars around so my DPS won’t get affected by this debuff.
Final Fantasy VII Gilgamesh Fight Take 2
After tweaking my party setup some more, I tried the fight again, manually this time. I lost within the first few turns. I had Aerith or Aeris Gainsborough use Dispel except Gilgamesh didn’t have his buffs up yet, so the move did nothing. I had my DPS - Cloud Strife, Sephiroth, and Genesis Rhapsodos (#ad) (from Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core) - attack while Elarra cast Passionate Salsa.
Gilgamesh attacked and my party managed to survive. He attacked again, bringing everyone down to really low health. I was like, come on, Aerith, please be your turn already. I need to heal now. She seemed to be moving so slowly though. Before I could heal, Gilgamesh attacked again, killing everyone. 
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It was only then that I remembered that I had forgotten to activate Elarra’s Glint+, Magika Amuletum. Argh! Epic fail. No wonder my party seemed to be moving so slowly. Casting Magika Amuletum is almost always the first thing Elarra does at the start of every battle. In fact, ever since I bought this relic from the The Record Lab, I can only name one instance wherein she didn’t use her Glint+ as her first turn’s action.
It was during the recent Elemental Destruction event. Omega, the boss in that event’s fight, has a move that dispels or removes the party’s buffs. So what I did was have Tyro (from Final Fantasy Record Keeper) activate his Ultra Soul Break, Divine Veil Grimoire, on the first turn. This gave everyone Protect, Shell, and Haste. Later, after the boss dispelled my team’s buffs, I had Elarra activate her Magika Amuletum which gave everyone back Protect, Shell, and Haste.
Final Fantasy VII Gilgamesh Fight Take 3
So I tried the fight again. This time, I remembered to use Elarra’s Glint+ first before she did anything else. I also opted to skip Aerith’s turn so she was ready to cast Dispel the moment Gilgamesh gets his buffs. I had my DPS focus on attacking while my healers focused on keeping everyone alive. Elarra also served as my buffer via Warrior’s Hymn.
To my surprise, I actually managed to win. Super pleased, of course. Honestly, I was actually dreading doing this fight because I thought it would end up being like the Elemental Destruction one. That one was also Level 500. It was hell. Took me like a million tries before I managed to win, and I could only beat Omega’s fire-weak version. 
Then again, Omega did have a lot more gimmicks, like dispelling my party, whereas Gilgamesh was a bit more straightforward. He also seemed much easier to deal with when compared to Omega. I guess this was largely because of realm synergy which boosted the stats of my chars. Also, I now have things that I didn’t have before such as Genesis’s Hero Ability. I’ve also managed to max level my Final Fantasy VII Historia Crystal to 99 though none of my Historia Links are at 100%.
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Having 2 healers instead of just 1 was also pretty good. Aerith’s Ultra Soul Break, Innocent Cure, gives the party Last Stand so I wasn’t that worried whenever everyone was at low health. Even the Sap from some of Gilgamesh’s moves wasn’t much of a problem. At one point, everyone got Interrupted and they were all at low health. Thankfully, Last Stand was still active, so I still wasn’t that worried though I did want to heal already.
I recently just got the Lionheart Record Materia, which I decided to equip to Elarra. It seemed to work just fine. She ended up with a lot of gauges so it was fine not having Tyro to Entrust to her. I didn’t use her Ultra as often as I usually do. Since I have Aerith to help with the healing, I let Elarra spam Warrior’s Hymn to buff the attack of my DPS. Occasionally, she danced the Salsa to debuff Gilgamesh and restore a bit of health to the party. Seeing her with so many bars made me wish I had her other Ultra, Magika Orare. Apart from healing the party, it also grants them Critical Damage +50% for 25 seconds, meaning critical hits will deal 50% more damage. 
After the first cast of Dispel, Aerith usually spammed Curada. I didn’t bother targeting anyone so she healed whoever had the lowest health. This was usually Elarra, likely because she was the one off-realm char. I think Gilgamesh buffs himself again later though I don’t recall ever seeing it, so Dispel was basically useless after the first cast. 
I was rather worried about Gilgamesh’s move that removes 2 uses from everyone’s abilities. A lot of my abilities were stuck at Rank 3 with only 6 uses since I need hundreds of items to increase their Rank. 
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Well, I do have Genesis’s Hero Ability at max Rank and Inferno Assault is at Rank 4 plus I have his Awakened Arcane Soul Break which gives unlimited uses of fire abilities so I wasn’t worried he would run out of skills. The same definitely can’t be said for my other chars though. Thankfully, this didn’t become an issue as I don’t recall ever seeing Gilgamesh cast this move.  
I had Cloud Strife spam Lifesiphon until he had enough gauges to cast his Ultra Soul Break, Ultra Cross Slash. Then I had him spam Raging Quadstrike until he had enough bars to cast his Ultra again. He did pretty well as my third DPS. There were a number of times wherein he managed to break the damage cap with his moves. 
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There were even times wherein I got to use his Ultra again but the effects of the first hadn’t worn off yet so his Ultra dealt attacks that broke the damage cap. That was awesome and very helpful in taking off more chunks of Gilgamesh’s HP. At one point, I thought I made a mistake when I ended up tapping Lifesiphon instead of Raging Quadstrike after I just finished casting his Ultra. It wasn’t a problem though because this just meant I get more bars so Cloud can use Ultra Cross Slash sooner than later.
I have Sephiroth’s Synchro Arcane Soul Break, Demonic Lord, and his Super Soul Break, Transience. Supers only cost 1 bar to use but they’ve been horribly powercrept by now so even though I equipped this to Sephiroth, I wasn’t really going to rely on this for anything. He was here to cast his Sync, but I wanted him to at least be able to use something else when the effects of his Sync runs out while the fight is still ongoing. 
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In the beginning, I had him spam Demon’s Cross until he had enough gauges to cast his Sync. Then I alternated between his 2 Sync commands. He also dealt attacks that broke the damage cap even if I sometimes forgot to use his Sync command 2 first before command 1. The effects of Sephiroth’s Sync ran out before the fight was over. So I ended up using his Super but it didn’t really matter since the battle was nearly finished by then.
I had Genesis use Inferno Assault until he had enough bars to cast his Awakened Arcane Soul Break, Genesis Rhapsody. I opted to use his Awakening first since the fight seemed pretty long. After the effects of his Awakening ran out, I activated his Glint+, Epic of Heroes, then his Synchro Arcane Soul Break, Purgatorial Wave. I also alternated between his Sync commands though I also sometimes ended up forgetting to use command 2 first before command 1. Nevertheless, he ended up breaking the damage cap. 
He’s my main and primary DPS and I was really pleased to see him dealing so much damage. I tried to take screenshots but they ended up being too blurry. The pic below doesn’t even show him but that's definitely Genesis dealing lots of damage against Gilgamesh.
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I was planning to use Genesis’s Limit Break Over Flow, Light of Rapture. It was fully charged and at max rank, so it would no doubt have dealt the maximum damage of 5 x 99999. But Genesis ended up finishing off Gilgamesh with his Sync, so, ah well, maybe some other fight. Definitely not complaining though. Super glad I managed to win.   
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If there’s something to not be glad about, it’s the fact that all the screenshots I managed to take turned out to be crappy. Very frustrating. The one below was the most decent out of the ones I took, but it only shows one of Gilgamesh’s swords. Sigh.
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Final Fantasy VII Gilgamesh Fight Winning Team
This is the party I used to beat the Final Fantasy VII version of Gilgamesh:
Genesis - 1296 Attack under Realm Synergy
Aerith - 508 Mind under Realm Synergy 
Cloud - 956 Attack under Realm Synergy
Elarra - 1010 Mind under Realm Synergy
Sephiroth - 904 Attack under Realm Synergy 
They’re quipped with the following Soul Breaks:
Synchro Arcane Soul Break (SASB), Purgatorial Wave
Limit Break Over Flow, Light of Rapture
Awakened Arcane Soul Break (AASB), Genesis Rhapsody
Flash Tech Soul Break+ (this is known as Glint+ Soul Break in the English version of the game), Epic of Heroes
Flash Tech Soul Break, Epic of Destruction
Ultra Soul Break, Apocalypse Genesis
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Aerith - Ultra Soul Break, Innocent Cure
Ultra Soul Break, Ultra Cross Slash
Ultra Soul Break, Darkpetal Bloom
Glint+ Soul Break, Jenova Cell Power
Glint+, Magika Amuletum
Ultra Soul Break, Magika Album
Sync, Demonic Lord
Super Soul Break, Transience 
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They have the following Weapons, Armors, Accessories, Abilities, and Record Materia:
Genesis - Level 50 of 50 Final Fantasy VII Realm Sword Artifact, FFVII Amor and FFVII Accessory that increases Attack, Rank 5 Genesis Slash and Rank 4 Inferno Assault, Record Materia that increases damage dealt when hitting the enemy’s weakness   
Aerith - Level 1 Final Fantasy VII Rod, Armor that increases Defense and Resistance, Accessory that increases HP by +1000, Rank 5 Dispel and Rank 3 Curada, Mako Might Record Materia   
Cloud - Level 40 of 40 Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core Sword (this is actually the sword that gave me Genesis’s Limit Break Over Flow), Armor and Accessory that increases Attack, Rank 3 Raging Quadstrike and Rank 5 Lifesiphon, Record Materia that increases damage when equipped with a Sword 
Elarra - Level 50 of 50 holy Dagger Artifact, Armor that increases Mind, Black Armored Echoes Accessory, Rank 4 Warrior’s Hymn and Rank 3 Passionate Salsa, Lionheart Record Materia  
Sephiroth - Level 45 of 50 dark Katana Artifact, Level 25 of 25 Final Fantasy VII: Dirge of Cerberus Armor (this is actually the armor that gave me Genesis’s Ultra Soul Break) that increases Attack, Defense, and Resistance, Accessory that increases Attack, Rank 3 Taboo Raid and Rank 3 Demon’s Cross, Record Materia that increases damage when equipped with a Katana 
I’m using a Level 99 Final Fantasy VII Historia Crystal though the Historia Links are unfortunately not at 100% yet.
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Final Fantasy VII Gilgamesh Fight Repeat
So I tried this fight again just so I can try getting more screenshots. I also bought Elarra’s Magika Orare from the The Record Lab. Not entirely sure, but it must have helped my DPS. At least she had something to cast with all the bars she ended up accumulating throughout the battle. Of course, I still cast Magika Album, but having another healer meant it wasn’t always necessary to do so.
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Cloud spent most of his time Blind so most of his attacks kept missing. He also got Paralyzed so he hardly did anything in this battle. I don’t think I even got the chance to activate his Ultra Cross Slash. Too bad I didn’t have anything to use to cure his status ailments. In fairness, I don’t recall this being an issue in my previous run.
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Thankfully, it didn’t really matter that Cloud ended up hardly contributing to this fight since Sephiroth and Genesis managed very well without him. I had Sephiroth cast his Sync as soon as he could. This time, I actually remembered to alternate between his Sync commands which let him deal even more damage. 
I guess the buffs from Warrior’s Hymn and Magika Orare also helped with that. The effects of his Sync did run out before the battle ended and I had to resort to using his Super again. However, like before, it didn’t really matter since the fight was nearly over.
I cast Genesis’s Awakening first then his Sync. Once again, he managed to finish off Gilgamesh with the effects of his Sync so I didn’t get the chance to activate his fully charged Limit Break Over Flow. I also remembered to alternate his Sync commands, letting him deal even more damage.
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I really love seeing all these huge numbers on the screen. I love having my chars deal so much damage to an enemy. I especially love that it’s Genesis doing this. Have I mentioned yet that he’s my absolute, most favorite Final Fantasy character? He’s the reason why I’m playing the English and Japanese versions of Final Fantasy Record Keeper. 
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The screenshots I got to take in this run are unfortunately still not that good, which vexes me, but there’s nothing more I can do about this. Too bad it’s not easy to take pics, especially when you’re so focused on the battle. It doesn’t help that the fight is basically in real time, so my party could end up losing if I’m too slow in inputting commands and the like.
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Final Fantasy Record Keeper Core Realm Gilgamesh Fight
I decided to try the Final Fantasy Record Keeper Core Realm Gilgamesh fight next. With Tyro and Elarra as part of my usual team, I thought this might not be so bad since I’d have 2 in-realm chars. 
My first victory over Gilgamesh made me think he wasn’t that hard. I forgot that I actually brought 4 in-realm chars with only one off-realm to the FFVII fight. Or, well, I didn’t exactly forget. It was more like I didn’t, but really should have taken that more into consideration. Because just look at this:
“Off-realm characters deal 33.33% less damage 0 Members: 75% Damage Reduction 1 Members: 71.43% Damage Reduction 2 Members: 66.67% Damage Reduction 3 Members: 50% Damage Reduction 4 Members: 0% Damage Reduction 5 Members: -11.11% Damage Reduction”
Yeah, that’s really bad. And to think I was considering taking on the other realm fights with only one in-realm char. In short, fighting Gilgamesh without a full or near-full party from the same realm makes him really hard to beat.
My usual team consisted of:
Genesis Rhapsodos
Auron from Final Fantasy X
Balthier (Ffamran mied Bunansa) from Final Fantasy XII
Tyro from Final Fantasy Record Keeper
Elarra from Final Fantasy Record Keeper
Genesis was my main and primary DPS while Auron acted as the secondary one. Balthier buffs them with his fire Chain and lowers the enemy’s resistance to fire (also known as Imperil) with his Burst and abilities. Tyro supported the party in various ways, depending on what abilities I equipped him with. Elarra was my main healer so her focus was on keeping everyone alive though she sometimes acted as my buffer and debuffer as well.
For this fight, I had Tyro equipped with Wrath and Entrust so he could give much-needed gauges to his allies. Though I normally have Genesis equipped with Inferno Assault or Blastspell Strike, I gave him Lifesiphon instead so he can build up more bars faster. I did the same for Balthier since he needs a lot of gauges if he’s to stack Imperil fire and cast his Chain. I gave Auron Wrath so he can also build up bars faster. 
I wanted to give Warrior’s Hymn to Elarra but I don’t have enough space because she needs to equip Dispel and Passionate Salsa to remove Gilgamesh’s buffs. I had her Magika Orare which helped buff Genesis and Auron, but it didn’t seem to be enough. Their damage was really lacking. I was really missing Warrior’s Hymn.
Final Fantasy Record Keeper Core Realm Gilgamesh Fight Take 2
After losing, I considered what to do now. I felt like I really needed Warrior’s Hymn for more buffs, but there’s no way I can just drop either Dispel or Passionate Salsa. Tyro can equip these abilities, but he’s here to give gauges to the party so I can’t just remove either Wrath or Entrust. Too bad none of my other chars can use these skills.
I considered dropping Auron. But that would mean having to rely on Genesis as my only DPS. I wasn’t sure it’d be possible to beat Gilgamesh this way, not when I’m also bringing a lot of off-realm chars, but I had to try. So I replaced Auron with Aerith, giving her Dispel and Curada so Elarra was free to equip Warrior’s Hymn and Passionate Salsa.  
I also went shopping in the The Record Lab, buying several items for Tyro. I got his:
Ultra Soul Break, Arbiter’s Tome - increases critical hit chance of all allies, which combos well with Elarra’s Magika Orare
Legend Materia Relic, Archival Secrets - lets him begin battle with no action delay for 2 turns
Overstrike Soul Break, Arbiter’s Apocrypha - temporarily raises the Attack, Magic, Defense, and Resistance of all allies
With 2 healers in my party, surviving wasn’t an issue. My main problems were being too slow and not dealing enough damage. In the beginning, I had to build gauges for everyone, particularly Balthier and Genesis so I had them spam Lifesiphon which hardly deals any damage. It was only after I had a few gauges that I could begin attacking. 
Balthier has to Imperil fire first then cast his Chain then I could get Genesis to start attacking. I meant to use Genesis’s Ultra Soul Break first for more buffs but I ended up tapping on his Awakening instead. I had Elarra cast Magika Orare and then spam Warrior’s Hymn while Tyro casts Arbiter’s Apocrypha and Arbiter’s Tome.
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Even with all this, my damage was usually lacking. It was really inconsistent. Most of the time, I was barely dealing any damage then sometimes I’d end up being able to break the damage cap. I think I’m timing things wrong, like I usually end up being late when it comes to removing Gilgamesh’s buffs so that adds to my DPS dealing low damage. 
In the end, I was too slow in dealing enough damage to get Gilgamesh to change phases, so my party got auto-ejected. Ugh. How frustrating. I’m starting to hate this fight. I think I should be able to do it. I just need really precise timing when it comes to when to apply buffs and debuffs. I also need to be faster so my party doesn’t get auto-ejected. 
But I feel like this requires way too much time and effort. I don’t think the rewards are that worth it. I mean, yeah, of course, I want to have the rewards, but, ugh, this isn’t easy at all. Plus, the event is ending soon. I don’t think I’m gonna have enough time to do all these fights, assuming I can even win.
Wandering Gilgamesh Fight YouTube Video
I just found this Wandering Gilgamesh video which features 4 off-realm chars. Looks like it is possible to win even with only 1 in-realm char. 
This video was really impressive. I don’t know if it’s because the player was glued to Gilgamesh’s turn order list or if they’d memorized all of his moves, but they were able to successfully counter everything Gilgamesh did. The timing was so precise and it was all executed properly with no mistakes, like when Gilgamesh got buffed, Elarra was right on time in dancing the Salsa to overwrite said buff. Likewise, when the party got debuffed, Tyro was right on time in casting Arbiter’s Apocrypha to buff everyone again. As a result, the main DPS in that vid was able to deal consistent damage whenever the effects of their Awakenings were up.
This made me look back on my previous run and how I made a lot of mistakes. Heck, maybe my FFVII fight against Gilgamesh had lots of mistakes too, and it just didn’t matter since I was fighting him with 4 in-realm chars.  
If I could time things perfectly too, I wonder if I could pull of a victory as well? I’m hoping I could. This is gonna require lots of time and effort though. It might not even work, but I wanted to give it a try anyway.
End of Vagrant Gilgamesh Event
Unfortunately, it really wasn’t meant to be. The Wandering Gilgamesh event is over. Ran out of time before I could even try again. Ah, well. Too bad. If the event comes back again, I guess I could give it a try then. Maybe by then I’ll have more relics that can help me.
pics are from Amazon.com; links shown above
screenshots are from my Final Fantasy Record Keeper Japanese game account
24 notes · View notes
freyayuki · 4 years
Final Fantasy Record Keeper Japan Current Progress Part 2
After finishing more missions in the Books of Trials, I was able to obtain a few more Realm/Elemental x 11 Tickets in the Japanese version of the Final Fantasy Record Keeper (#ad) (FFRK) mobile game.
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You can use this Ticket to draw on any one of the available Realm or Elemental banners. You get 11 items per pull. One of the relics you’ll get is guaranteed to be of 5-star or higher rarity.
In the English version of the game, you can also get one of these Tickets every 15 days as a login reward. Unfortunately, this doesn’t seem to be the case in the Japanese version. So it took me a while before I managed to acquire more Tickets.
Final Fantasy VII D450 Torment Dungeon
At the moment, I’m trying to complete the Final Fantasy VII D450 Torment Dungeon, which was all the more reason for me to use my tickets on the Final Fantasy VII Realm banner.
Currently, the team I’m using is:
Genesis Rhapsodos (from Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core)
Cloud Strife
Elarra (from Final Fantasy Record Keeper)
For the 5th member, I’m alternating between Angeal Hewley (from Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core) and Aeris or Aerith Gainsborough.
Genesis is equipped with the following Soul Breaks:
Synchro Arcane Soul Break (SASB), Purgatorial Wave
Limit Break Over Flow, Light of Rapture
Awakened Arcane Soul Break (AASB), Genesis Rhapsody
Flash Tech Soul Break+, Epic of Heroes
Flash Tech Soul Break, Epic of Destruction
Ultra Soul Break, Apocalypse Genesis
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Cloud only has his Ultra Cross Slash Soul Break while Sephiroth has his Sync, Demonic Lord. Elarra has her Flash+, Magika Amuletum, and her Ultra Soul Break, Magika Album. Angeal has his Ultra, Idle Rage, while I have nothing for Aeris except her default Soul Break, which is terrible and not worth using.
They’re equipped with the following abilities:
Genesis - Inferno Assault, Blastspell Strike
Cloud - Tornado Strike, Raging Quadstrike
Elarra - Valigarmanda, Passionate Salsa
Sephiroth - Demon’s Cross, Dread Weapon
Angeal and Aerith are really only here to spam the move that Dispels because Jenova, the enemy, likes to buff herself a lot.
I’m having a hard time because Jenova deals a lot of damage and she has 2 minions with her who also hit hard. It doesn’t help that I don’t have a lot of good Accessories or relics yet since this is a very new account.
I only started playing the Japanese version during the event that introduced new weapons for Genesis. That’s because he’s currently my absolute, most favorite Final Fantasy character. So, yeah, he’s the only reason why I’m playing both versions of this game.     
Final Fantasy VII Realm Banner
I’m really hoping to get some healing relics, particularly Aerith’s Awakened Arcane Soul Break and/or Ultra Soul Break. I wouldn’t say no to her Sync either though that might be hoping for too much considering the lousy rates in this game. It’s even worse for this banner as can be seen in the screenshot below:
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Still, even if the chance to get a Sync here is basically nonexistent, and you’d need a miracle to even be able to get one, well, never say never because minuscule though it may be, the rate isn’t actually zero, and it is possible to obtain a Sync on this banner. I should know because, somehow, I actually managed to get one. Yeah, am still reeling from that miracle. It’s probably not gonna happen again anytime soon, but, hey, one can hope, right?
Anyway, right now, I’d settle for an FFVII Soul Break that can heal. I feel that surviving is my main issue in trying to beat the Final Fantasy VII D450 Torment Dungeon. I could really use some form of Last Stand. I’d love to get Aerith’s Glint+ (these are known as Flash+ in the Japanese version of FFRK) too since that instantly gives the party Protect (raises Defense), Shell (raises Resistance), and Haste (makes everyone move faster). I already have Elarra’s Glint+, which does the exact same thing, but I’m definitely not gonna say no to getting Aerith’s as well.
Okay, I know I’m asking for too much. There’s no way I’m gonna be able to get Aerith’s stuff just ‘cause I want to have them. I mean, there are so many different relics on this banner, and the rates are so low, so the odds of getting what I want are slim to none. Still, I’m hoping I can at least get something that can be of use to me.
Final Fantasy VII Realm Banner Ticket 1
The first Ticket gave me 2 disco orbs and 1 rainbow orb. Here’s to hoping one of these can be helpful in my quest to defeat Jenova. 
The rainbow orb turned into Rubber Suit (VII-DoC), a 5-star rarity, Light Armor-type relic that gave me Shelke Rui’s (Shelke the Transparent from Final Fantasy VII: Dirge of Cerberus) Legend Materia Relic, Shaper of Fate. It gives a small chance for Celerity abilities to trigger twice. Meh. This is my first relic for her, so it’s useless.
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The first disco orb turned into Cloudy Wolf (VII), a 6-star rarity, Light Armor-type relic that gave me Cloud Strife’s Ultra Soul Break, Darkpetal Bloom. It has the following effect:
“Deal ten physical dark and non-elemental attacks to one target, temporarily infuse the user with the power of the dark, temporarily grant one additional rank of Heavy Charge when the user gains a rank of Heavy Charge, and cause the user's dark abilities to trigger the follow-up ability Dark Vengeance, dealing four physical dark and non-elemental attacks to one target. Dark Vengeance can break the damage cap.”
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Not bad. However, Cloud’s Ultra Cross Slash is way better than this. And the whole Heavy Charge thing is confusing. I guess it’s ‘cause I haven’t used any abilities with that mechanic yet.
Anyway, the second and final disco orb turned into Anonymous Blade (VII), a 6-star rarity, Katana-type relic that gave me Cloud’s Flash+, Jenova Cell Power. It temporarily grants Cloud Empowered Infusion for dark and removes delay from his actions for one turn.
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If not a healing relic, then I’d prefer to get a Soul Break that can deal damage. Still, I guess this isn’t that bad. At the very least, it does have some synergy with Cloud’s Ultra Cross Slash since that one deals wind and dark damage. 
All the relics I got on this draw are new and I even got 3 golds, which is great, and I’m really glad about that. Nevertheless, I can’t help being a bit disappointed that I didn’t get a single healing relic. Sigh. Looks like it was too much to hope for, huh?
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Final Fantasy VII Realm Banner Ticket 2
This is gonna be my last Ticket for now since I’ll need to complete more missions from the Books of Trials in order to get more. Hopefully, I can get more Tickets soon. And hopefully, this draw will give me something good. Right then. Here goes nothing. Fingers crossed. Okay, two disco orbs showed up. Please be good. Please be good.
The first disco orb revealed itself to be Winchester R (VII), a 6-star rarity, Gun-type relic that gave me Rufus Shinra’s Ultra Soul Break, Mako Cannon. 
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It deals ranged physical dark and non-elemental attacks, temporarily lowers the dark resistance level (also known as Imperil) of enemies by 2, and causes every second dark ability Rufus uses to trigger the follow-up ability Dark Ray, which deals ranged physical dark and non-elemental damage and temporarily lowers an enemy’s dark resistance level by 1.
This is my first relic- no, wait. Whoops, almost forgot. I also have Rufus’s Legend Materia Relic, which  gives him a “moderate chance” to reduce the delay of his actions for one turn when a dark ability triggers. Looks like it combos pretty well with his Ultra. The Imperil effect from Mako Cannon is good too.
As for the second and final disco orb - well, I had to stare at the screen for a while when the relic was finally revealed.
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That looks like a Wand or Rod, right? Could this belong to Aerith? Please tell me this belongs to her. I’m trying to remember what her Awakening looks like (have it on my English account). Unfortunately, I’m pretty sure this is not her Awakening. I can only hope that this is something that belongs to her.
Time for the moment of truth. I tapped the “Congratulations” screen to get to the relic draw results screen and - OMFG! *Speechless* Seriously, I have no words for this. Oh, god, this is a miracle, isn’t it? I mean, really, what are the odds that I’d actually get one of the relics I was hoping to get?
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Healing Rod (VII) is a 6-star rarity, Rod-type relic that gave me Aerith’s Ultra Soul Break, Innocent Cure. Its effect is:
“Instantly restore a large amount of HP to all allies, reduce delay of their physical attacks for three turns, and grant them Last Stand.”  
Hell, yes! Thank you, thank you. Oh, man, can’t stop smiling. So freaking happy about this. Also, did I mention that Genesis, Cloud, and Sephiroth deal physical attacks?
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Final Fantasy VII D450 Torment Dungeon
I had Aerith leveled to 99 already, but I hadn’t bothered to complete her Record Spheres since I didn’t have a single relic for her. Now that I have her Ultra, I readily completed her 3, 4, and 5-star Record Spheres.
Then I went back to trying the Final Fantasy VII D450 Torment Dungeon. After a couple more tries and switching abilities and Record Materia and the like around, I somehow managed to win on auto. Took way more than 30 seconds, but definitely not complaining. 
I’ll gladly take the victory and the rewards. I’m really freaking happy about this. Obviously, there’s still a lot of room to grow with this team and much improvements to be made, but I’m just glad I was able to do it now.
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I’ll definitely keep working on trying to improve this team though. For one thing, even though Cloud and Sephiroth have over 800+ Attack under Realm Synergy, they’re still unable to consistently break the damage cap even after casting their Soul Breaks. More often than not, they still hit like wet noodles, which is hella frustrating since it’s just making the fight last longer. The longer the battle rages on, the worse it gets because Jenova and her minions just get even more dangerous and harder to deal with.
Having Aerith’s Ultra definitely helps since it gives everyone Last Stand so my team can survive at least one fatal attack. Increasing Elarra’s Mind some more so she can restore more HP and have the effects of her Regenga via casting her Ultra last much longer definitely helps as well.
Genesis can break the damage cap after casting his Sync though it’s not always consistently 19999. I think I’m gonna need to drop Cloud and replace him with a buffer to further boost Genesis’s and Sephiroth’s attacks. If I can get my chars to consistently break the damage cap, that would go a long way in making this fight much easier. 
3-star Magicite Dungeons
I’ve also completed all of the 3-star Magicite Dungeons. Well, this happened way back, even before I attempted any of the Torment Dungeons and back when I didn’t even have Elarra’s Magika Amuletum so I had to bring the Hastega, Protectga, and Shellga abilities. Having Elarra’s Flash+ really opened up a lot of options for me since it allowed me to drop the aforementioned abilities in favor of bringing other useful skills.
4-star Magicite Dungeons
I’ve completed a few of these, but haven’t finished all of them yet. So far, I’m still missing the Lightning, Water, Fire, Dark, and Holy 4-star Magicites. Now that I have Elarra’s Flash+ and even Aerith’s Ultra, these fights will hopefully be easier to deal with even if I’m trying to beat them with an element they’re resistant to.
Yeah, that’s what I did with the 3-star Magicites. I used Genesis as my main DPS. His primary element is fire, so he only dealt weakness damage against the Ice boss since all the other bosses resisted the elements they were not weak to.
For the few 4-stars that I’ve already completed, I also used Genesis. I plan to do the same for the remaining 4-star Magicites. Hopefully, the new Soul Breaks I’d obtained from my recent draws will help me with that.
5-star Magicite Dungeons
To my surprise, I was able to unlock the 5-star Ice Magicite Dungeon after beating both the 3-star and 4-star Ice bosses. This didn’t happen at all in my English account. AFAIK, you’re supposed to beat all the 3-stars and 4-stars first before being able to unlock the 5-stars. Definitely not complaining though since there are some limited rewards locked behind these 5-star fights. At least, you didn’t have to win to get the rewards, so I readily auto-ed these fights and took the loss.
Back then, I knew there was no way for me to win. I had to waste a few turns just casting Protectga, Shellga, and Hastega. A lot of my chars don’t even have all of their Record Spheres, much less their Record Boards since I lack the resources required to complete these.
Thankfully, things are much better now. My current main team has all of their Record Spheres already. I’ve started on their Record Boards, but it’s much harder to get the 6-star Motes needed to unlock the tiles on these Boards, so I still have a long way to go before I finish these. However, what little I’ve unlocked has already helped a lot, especially in the case of my fave.
As can be expected, Genesis has the most tiles unlocked. And I am super pleased to say that he now gets over 1,000 Attack even without being under Realm Synergy. Hell, yeah!
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You know, I was debating on whether to get Elarra’s Flash+ or not. It’s available for purchase on the The Record Lab, but it costs 2,000 Anima Lens Level 3. It’s not like I’m swimming in these Lenses so I was reluctant to spend them. In the end, I decided to go for it, and all I can say is, no regrets. It was worth it. Completely and totally worth it.
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Having Elarra’s Magika Amuletum is super special awesome, especially when combined with her Magika Album. It definitely helped me get further in the fight against Mateus, the 5-star Ice Magicite boss.
After tweaking my team some more, moving abilities and Record Materia around as well as powering them up some more, I finally managed to win against Mateus. Hell, yes! Thank you, thank you. This is my first 5-star Magicite victory. Yay! I haven’t even managed this in my English account since I’m still stuck on the 4-stars there. The last one I need to beat there is the 4-star Dark boss before the 5-stars can finally be unlocked.
Anyway, I tried the Mateus fight again and promptly lost. Welp. How in the world did I manage to win the first time? I have no idea. Definitely need to tinker with this team some more. I’ve tried again a few more times after the usual moving things around bit and - it’s really inconsistent. Sometimes, I win. Sometimes, I don’t. 
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I even have to switch party members around like putting them in different slots because the AI does dumb things like getting Elarra to summon my Final Fantasy VII Historia Crystal instead of casting her Magika Amuletum. I remember one run where I was so close to winning. Genesis had just activated his Sync, so he was breaking the damage cap and dealing a huge amount of damage to Mateus every time he moved. And then the AI gets him to summon Fabula Guardian instead of having someone else do it. This eventually led to me losing. 
That was really frustrating. It’s what started me moving them all around, trying to figure out the optimal placement for them. I think there’s no rhyme or reason to this though. I mean, if there is one, then I haven’t figured it out yet. The AI is just dumb. I mean, I usually have Genesis on the first or leader spot. That usually means he’s the one casting the Historia Crystal or Fabula Guardian, so I’ve tried moving him elsewhere, but there are times when he’s still the one to cast those anyway, which is just plain annoying. Like I want to shake the AI and be like, come on, could you let my DPS attack and let the supports do the supporting?
Still, I’m just glad I was able to do it even if it’s still inconsistent. Definitely something I’ll keep working on. Besides, like I said, there’s still lots of room for improvement and growth here. I haven’t even given everyone their Crystal Waters yet. And their Boards aren’t finished either. So, yeah, there’s still lots to do here, and this is definitely gonna take a while, considering the necessary resources are pretty hard to come by and a lot is locked behind difficult content. 
pics are from Amazon.com; links shown above
screenshots are from my Final Fantasy Record Keeper Japanese game account
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freyayuki · 4 years
Final Fantasy Record Keeper Japan: Final Fantasy VII Torment Dungeon
I just tried one of the Final Fantasy VII Torment Dungeon fights in the Japanese version of the Final Fantasy Record Keeper (#ad) (FFRK) mobile game. Actually, I wasn’t planning on doing any of the Torment Dungeon quests anytime soon since they're still too difficult for a new player like me. So why’d I do the one for FFVII then?
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Before anything else, let me start by saying that currently, Genesis Rhapsodos (from Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core) is my absolute, most favorite Final Fantasy character. He’s the only reason why I’m playing this game.
Final Fantasy VII Historia Crystal
Since my Magicite deck wasn’t up to par yet, I chose to use the Final Fantasy VII Historia Crystal instead. Genesis gets all the benefits of this Crystal, so it was all the more reason to use it.
It takes forever to level up Historia Crystals unless you use these items called Rat’s Tails. Naturally, these were hard to come by. Most of it is locked behind content that’s still way too hard for me given my lack of relics and leveled characters. As such, it took a while before I managed to get enough Rat’s Tails to increase the FFVII Historia Crystal’s level to 50.
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Once you get to 50, you’ll need an item in order to break the Crystal’s level cap from 50 to 65. This item can only be found in the Torment Dungeons. They’re part of the first time rewards so even if you fail to win, you can still get the item in question.
That was definitely a good thing since my party still wasn’t strong enough to handle such a difficult quest. The first battle in the FFVII Torment Dungeon is level 240. Just as I suspected, I lost. I didn’t mind though since I really only did this so I could break my Historia Crystal’s level cap.
Dreams Dungeons
I’ve been tackling the easier quests in the Dreams Dungeons so I could get the Rubies I needed to create 6-star abilities. Completing these quests also gave some Rat’s Tails. Since I’ve been doing a lot of Dreams fights, it wasn’t long before my FFVII Historia Crystal reached level 65. Now, I needed to break its level cap again. Which means back to the FFVII Torment Dungeon.
Torment Dungeons
Torment Dungeons are like Dream Dungeons in that fights become easier if you bring a team of chars that are all from the same realm. For the easier battles, you could get away with bringing a few charas that are off-realm. You could do this in harder quests too, but that would just make them more difficult to tackle. 
Final Fantasy VII Current Relics and Stats
So far, I only have the following relics from Final Fantasy VII:
Synchro Arcane Soul Break, Purgatorial Wave
Limit Break Over Flow, Light of Rapture
Flash Tech Soul Break+, Epic of Heroes  
Awakened Arcane Soul Break, Genesis Rhapsody        
Ultra Soul Break, Apocalypse Genesis
Flash, Epic of Destruction
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Ultra Soul Break, Special Bomb
Angeal Hewley
Ultra Soul Break, Idle Rage 
Genesis is level 99, the max in this game. He has 100 Magia in physical attack. I’ve started increasing his fire attack. 
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I’ve completed his Record Spheres and his Legend Sphere. 
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I’ve started working on his Record Board though I still have a long way to go before I finish with that.
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In contrast to all that, my progress with the rest of the FFVII chars is basically nonexistent. I haven’t even been able to recruit all of them yet. At the moment, these are the only ones I have:
Cloud Strife - level 99. He’s one of the first charas I was able to recruit so he was part of my party back when I was really new to the game. I’ve stopped using him now since I don’t have even a single relic for him
Aeris or Aerith Gainsborough - level 50. I only started leveling her because there were missions in the Books of Trials that required me to level certain chars. Eventually, I do want to get her to level 99. I have some of her relics in my English account, and she’s super special awesome, so I’m hoping I can get her geared here in my Japanese account as well
Tifa Lockhart - level 16. AFAIK, I recruited her alongside Cloud, so, for a while, she was part of my party
Reno - level 25. When I first started playing the Japanese version of FFRK, there was a Turk-themed event. Some of the quests in said event allowed me to recruit Elena, Reno, and Rude 
Rude - level 1
Elena - level 99. Since I got her Ultra, I was more inclined to level her up. She isn’t part of my main team anymore though since I only have one relic for her whereas I have other chars with more than one relic or who have a more useful Soul Break than hers
Red XIII (Nanaki) - level 1
Sephiroth - level 1
Cid - level 1
I just recently got Angeal’s Ultra, which was why I haven’t even been able to recruit him yet.
Final Fantasy VII Torment Dungeon Quest Level 280
Considering all of the above, I fully expected to fail the Final Fantasy VII Torment Dungeon quest level 280. Honestly, I just wanted to get it over with already since I’m only doing this now to break the level cap of my Historia Crystal. 
I chose to bring the following characters:
Genesis Rhapsodos (#ad)
Tyro from Final Fantasy Record Keeper
Elarra from Final Fantasy Record Keeper
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I suppose I could have gone with Cloud since he’s level 99 and Elena since I have one of her Soul Breaks and she’s also at max level. However, like I said, I just wanted to get this over with, and I fully expected to lose, so I felt it didn’t matter who I brought. Heck, I just randomly equipped Reno and Aerith with whatever Armor, Weapon, and Accessory they could use. The same could be said for their abilities.  
Both Tyro and Elarra are part of my current main team, so they’re both at level 99. I’ve completed their 3-star and 4-star Record Spheres. I’ve completed Elara’s 5-star Record Spheres and unlocked her Legend Materia, but I have yet to start with Tyro’s due to lack of the required materials. 
Elarra is equipped with her Ultra Soul Break, Magika Album. I gave her the following abilities:
Shellga - 4-star rarity, White Magic-type, rank 1/5, 2 uses, doubles Resistance of the party
Curada - 6-star rarity, White Magic-type, rank 2/5, 6 uses, restores large amount of HP to one ally and automatically heals additional damage taken
Tyro is equipped with Sentinel’s Grimoire, and I gave him the following abilities:
Hastega - 5-star rarity, White Magic-type, rank 1/5, 2 uses, enables the party to move faster
Protectga - 4-star rarity, White Magic-type, rank 1/5, 2 uses, doubles Defense of the party
Genesis is equipped with all the Soul Breaks I have for him, and I gave him the following abilities:
Inferno Assault - 6-star rarity, Spellblade-type, rank 3/5, 6 uses, deal 5 physical fire attacks to one enemy
Blazing Quadstrike - 5-star rarity, Spellblade-type, rank 3/5, 6 uses, deals 4 physical fire attacks to one enemy   
After getting my team ready, I started the fight and set it to auto. Really, I was just waiting to lose. I didn’t even bother watching. Next time I looked at the screen, Aerith, Reno, and Elarra were dead. Tyro was like at half health or thereabouts. Genesis had most of his health left.
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Seeing that, I thought, looks like it’s nearly over. I didn’t think it was possible to win in this state. Perhaps if Elarra was still alive, there might have been a chance, however minuscule. But without her and her healing, there was no way to restore anyone’s HP, so everyone will die sooner or later.
In short, I was just watching and waiting for the end I was sure would come soon. But then Genesis started dealing so much damage at once. He kept taking off huge chunks of Jenova’s HP every time he moved. It was freaking amazing. Super special awesome! I couldn’t look away, and I just had to take screenshots. 
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For a moment, I actually thought we could win. However, unfortunately, Jenova and her allies didn’t just stand there doing nothing. They weren’t going down without a fight. They kept attacking. It wasn’t long before Tyro joined the fallen. I started losing hope again. But I was so close to victory that I didn’t want to lose anymore. I wanted to win. 
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To my surprise and relief, Genesis destroyed Jenova and got me the victory. Hell, yeah! This was really so freaking awesome. That was one intense fight. I love it. I really enjoyed watching this. I’d love to see more fights like this. I’m especially happy to see my fave dealing so much damage and just generally being really freaking awesome.
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Looks like Genesis, Elarra, and Tyro have really grown in power, at least way more than when I did the first FFVII Torment quest. I should definitely give that one another try. If I can win the second one, then I should be able to handle the first one now.
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My FFVII Historia Crystal is now at level 65/80. It’s definitely gonna be a while before I can get it to level 80. Once I do, I’m gonna have to do the D450 FFVII Torment Dungeon to break its level cap for the last time. Hopefully, when that time comes, I’ll have more Final Fantasy VII relics that can help me win that fight. Until then, I’ll be ignoring it and focusing on other quests.
Genesis Rhapsodos Record Board Progress
No, unfortunately, I still haven’t completed my fave’s Record Board. However, thanks to the currently ongoing Glory Festival 2020 event, I received a lot of 6-star Motes as rewards. These Motes are needed to unlock tiles on a char’s Record Board.
I readily used up all of these Motes to unlock even more tiles on Genesis’s Record Board. This allowed me to increase his stats some more. Too bad the Motes I received weren’t enough to fully complete his Board. I still have a long way to go before that happens. 
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Nevertheless, I’m so happy to see his stats and power slowly, but surely, increasing, even if it’s little-by-little. I’m so pleased to see him becoming even more powerful as I keep on progressing in this game.
Back when I was really new to the Japanese version of FFRK, his stats were really low since I’d only just recruited him. He was at level 1, and it was a struggle to obtain the Growth Eggs needed to level him up. 
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Then I was able to get him to the max level of 99. Then I was able to get him 100 Magia points in Physical Attack. Then I was able to complete his 3-star Record Spheres, soon followed by his 4-star then 5-star Record Spheres. 
I also bought him a fire Sword Artifact. For a while, it was stuck at level 1. Whenever I acquired the necessary items, I leveled it up. Now it’s at the max level of 50, which made my fave even more powerful. I also got him an Accessory that increased his Attack. 
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Last time I took a screenshot, Genesis’s attack was in the 800s. Now, with even more tiles on his Record Board unlocked, his Attack stat has gone up to the 900s, and I couldn’t be more pleased or proud. So freaking happy about this. Totally looking forward to powering him up some more. There’s still a lot of room for him to grow, and I can’t wait until that time comes.
pics are from Amazon.com; links shown above
screenshots are from my Final Fantasy Record Keeper Japanese game account
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