#duncan shepherd x reader fluff
wroteclassicaly · 2 years
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Below, you will find my complete Cody Fern Characters masterlist! It includes prompts, drabbles, series, one-shots, concepts, headcanons, and MORE! The character of Michael Langdon will have an individual masterlist, the rest will be listed below, and as they are written!
* Copyright @wroteclassicaly - Do NOT redistribute, post to another platform, translate, or plagiarize my work (this includes AI) — under any circumstances! Reblogs, comments/feedback are ALWAYS appreciated! *
* Note: I do NOT claim ownership for the tv/movie universes I write about, or their established characters! *
AHS Masterlist
My library blog
Main Masterlist
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❤️‍🔥 = smut
💔 = angst, depression, & anger
💝 = fluff & comfort
Series titles are in bold red
Appropriate warnings and tags will ALWAYS be added!
Michael Langdon Masterlist
Andy Dolan:
Andy Dolan x Fem!Reader - Angst Prompt #1 💔
Andy Dolan x Fem!Reader - Angst Prompt #2 💔
Andy Dolan x Fem!Reader - Angst Prompt #3 💔❤️‍🔥
Andy Dolan - Headcanons w/ Virgin!Reader ❤️‍🔥
Waves of Blue - ❤️‍🔥💔💝
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Jim Mason:
Rocking Into It ❤️‍🔥
Motion - (Jim Mason x Plus sized Fem!Reader Series )
Chapter One Teaser 💝
Future Teaser ❤️‍🔥💔💝
Secondary Future Teaser ❤️‍🔥
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Duncan Shepherd:
Duncan taking care of you when you’re sick - (Headcanon)💝
Soft sex with Duncan - (Headcanon) 💝❤️‍🔥
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Valiant Thor:
Valiant Thor x Fem!Reader - ❤️‍🔥
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Stan Vogel:
My Cabin - ❤️‍🔥
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Xavier Plympton:
Ride - ❤️‍🔥
Dibs - (Xavier Plympton x Plus sized Fem!Reader Series)
Chapter One
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Listen to That - (Duncan Shepherd x Michael Langdon x Fem!Reader) ❤️‍🔥
When the Tide Meets the Shore - (Andy Dolan x Jim Mason x Fem!Reader Series) 💔💝❤️‍🔥
Series Teaser - ❤️‍🔥💔
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Thomas Browne:
(Coming SOON)
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langdxn · 5 years
A request "Missing You" by John Waite with Duncan Shepherd? Maybe the song reminds him of his ex and the really bad heart brake he went through , sees her in a public place while he waits for his wife. He's now a happy married man and makes sure his knows. Please and thank you!
So I had a huge dilemma over whether to make the reader his ex or his wife... I hope I’ve made the right decision! Also this is an amazing song, I’ve heard it all my life but never knew who it was by so thank you for that! 🖤🖤🖤
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Duncan Shepherd wasn’t one for eye contact with strangers.
It wasn’t that he had anything to hide, he just preferred not to make any form of interaction with the people of DC. If someone spotted him and grilled him about the app outside a downtown branch of McDonald’s, he’d never live it down in his family’s social circle.
After an arduous day in the office, Duncan called his shift to an early end as he raced from the Shepherd Freedom Foundation headquarters to his wife’s favourite store to surprise her. Waiting outside the glass doors, he idly glanced into shop windows just to avoid looking like an impatient husband waiting outside a department store, faintly listening to the nostalgic tunes booming through the doors.
Every time I think of you
On the rare occasion his head lifted to catch someone’s eye, his eyes fell upon hers.
His heart dropped like a stone.
I always catch my breath
Diverting his gaze away from her as quickly as possible, his breath hitched in his throat.
The girl that broke his heart was waiting outside the next store. The blonde-haired, green-eyed siren that lured him to his downfall a matter of years before. The Medusa of his past, the person who made him feel as if he had turned to stone. That is, until he met his wife. His beautiful, loving wife that showed him how to live again.
And I'm still standing here
Fidgeting his fingers nervously, Duncan’s palms started to sweat under the pressure of her glance as she continued to look in his direction. He panicked, reaching into his pocket for a pack of cigarettes and sparked up with a shaking hand.
And you're miles away
Venturing to look back as he drew a toke, he clocked the rest of her appearance. She looked just the same as the day he threw her out. She wore the same vacuous smile, the grin that concealed a multitude of unfaithful encounters.
And I'm wondering why you left
It would have hurt less if she’d changed. Dyed her hair. Worn more makeup. Dressed differently. Held herself differently.
It would have hurt less if she didn’t still live in DC.
And there's a storm that's raging
The years he spent forgetting her flew straight out of the nearest window the second those eyes stared back at him. The same eyes he used to gaze into while making love to her. The same eyes that swore she wouldn’t cheat on him. The same eyes that remained emotionless as he lay shattered on the kitchen floor, reeling after finding countless texts from her other lover.
Through my frozen heart tonight
“What are the chances of seeing you here?” A familiar voice startled him from his day-nightmare, spinning on his heels to see those same eyes right next to him. “Still smoking, Dunc?”
A shiver vibrated through his very soul at the use of his old nickname. The name she used whenever she’d committed her another indiscretion and needed his forgiveness to get through the day. The name she used when she answered his calls while screwing her side dick.
I hear your name in certain circles
Duncan froze. The ultimatum between exuding agonising politeness and spitting vitriol at point-blank range tore away at his insides. There really was no backing out of the situation now, no shaking her off and running in the opposite direction, no pretending she had mistaken him for someone else.
And it always makes me smile
“Hmm?” He hummed back, low enough in the hope she hadn’t heard him. “Oh, hi.”
“You’re miles away, honeybee.” Another pet name that surged bile up to his throat. “How’ve you been?”
I spend my time thinking about you
Her voice grated more now than ever before. Duncan swallowed hard, hand firing up to yank at his tie as if he was choking on the starched collar.
And it's almost driving me wild
“Ye—yeah, I’m fine,” he stammered weakly, eyes widening as he realised the implication of such a poor reply. Dismissing it with a curt shake of his head, he charged in with a second attempt. “Actually I’m great! And you?”
And that's my heart that's breaking
“Oh,” she sounded downhearted at the confidence in Duncan’s voice. “That’s great to hear,” she lied. “I’m okay,” she lied again. “What brings you out of the office so early?”
Down this long distance line tonight
“I’m meeting my wife as it happens,” he shrugged up his sleeve to check his watch. “She should be here any time now.”
I ain't missing you at all
“Oh right,” she nervously shuffled her feet. “I remember seeing her on the news, she’s beautiful. You’re punching, Dunc!”
“Too right I am,” Duncan cocked an eyebrow at the malice laced between her words, the loaded emotion weaving amongst the syllables taunting him into retaliation. He raised his cigarette for a long, awkward intake to busy himself.
Since you've been gone away
Would asking her about her life come across as if he was genuinely interested? He wasn’t, not by any means, but the silence between them was deafening Duncan to the point he would’ve rathered the ground swallow him whole. Scratching his stubble to occupy his shaking hands, he tripped over every word that came tumbling from his lips.
I ain't missing you
“Are... are you still working over in—“
No matter what my friends say
“Oh hell no,” she dismissed, waving gesticulating hands in the space before her. “I gave that up a long time ago. I’m applying for an internship at the White House right now.”
As if this conversation couldn’t get more painful for Duncan, whose cigarette in one hand neared its end and whose other hand brushed uneasily through his brunette curls.
There's a message in the wild
“That, that should be interesting,” he raised his eyebrows feigning interest.
“Yeah,” she sighed, rinsing her hands in front of her. “Listen, I’m really sorry about how things ended between us—“
And I'm sending you this signal tonight
“Baby!” You cried out as you swung open the store doors, wrapping your arms around Duncan as your shopping bags swung around his waist. “What’re you doing here, Mr Shepherd? You’re out early!”
You don't know how desperate I've become
“Of course, I figured I’d give a late night in Guantanamo Bay a miss so I could spend it with my beautiful wife instead.” Duncan leaned in to press a haunting kiss on your lips. As you pulled away, you caught a glimpse of a woman stood beside your husband.
And it looks like I'm losing this fight
“Oh I’m sorry darling, you’ve got company! I’m Y/N, it’s nice to meet you!”
Your words poured sincere and heartfelt through your genuine smile as every word ever did. Even though you knew perfectly well who the woman was, you gave her the benefit of the doubt and offered her a chance to dispel your apprehensions.
In your world I have no meaning
“I’m Genevieve—Genny,” she half-shrieked, her ear-piercing high pitch indicative of a crippling insecurity at meeting her ex’s new love. “It’s great to meet you, Dunc’s an old friend of mine.”
Two lies in one sentence, Duncan thought, this sounds much more like Genevieve.
Though I'm trying hard to understand
“Oh that’s wonderful,” you smiled warmly. “How did you two meet?”
The answer wasn’t important to you in the slightest; you had no reason to distrust your husband, you simply needed something to break the ice between you.
And it's my heart that's breaking
“Oh yeah, we met at college—“
“Yeah, college,” Duncan nodded, brushing the back of his neck and staring at the ground in the vain hope the discussion would end there.
Down this long distance line tonight
A stony silence fell between the trio, clawing for new ice-breaking avenues to pursue but finding zero in common except for Duncan Shepherd. No sooner had Genevieve scanned around the three of them for conversation starters, she noticed the subtle wording and colour coding on your shopping bags.
But I ain't missing you at all
“Any—anyway,” she stammered, shaking her own shopping bags demonstrably. “I better get home and drop these off!”
Since you've been gone away
“Sure, we better head back too,” Duncan nodded, hands shoved in his pockets to avoid a farewell embrace at all costs.
I ain't missing you
“It’s been wonderful to see you again, Dunc, and to meet you, Y/N.” Genevieve’s words poured from her mouth faster than she could process them. Waving a hand out to Duncan, she smiled awkwardly. “Let me know when you’re next free, we could go for a coffee and a catch-up? That’s if you’re not too busy with the Shepherd Freedom Foundation, though.”
No matter what I might say
“Sure, sure,” Duncan spluttered, shrugging and staring at the gleaming tiles beneath his boots.
“Have a great day, won’t you?” She grinned, spinning on her heels and pacing hurriedly away into the crowd.
And there's a message that I'm sending out
“Well fuck,” Duncan huffed as soon as she left earshot. “I’m so sorry about that.”
Like a telegraph to your soul
“You’ve got nothing to be sorry for, baby,” you sighed comfortingly, looping your free arm into the crook of his. “We all have a past, it’s nothing to be ashamed of.”
And if I can't bridge this distance
“That one certainly is. Anyway,” he dismissed with a waving hand, gazing down at your bags. “What’s the Shepherd dynasty been funding this time?”
Stop this heartbreak overload
“I—er...” you stuttered, trying to conceal one specific shopping bag from his view but failing.
'Cause I ain't missing you at all
Duncan ventured a hand toward the baby blue carrier, holding it out in front of him to read the word etched in powder pink bubble print. Duncan read the brand name aloud.
“Maternity And Beyond?”
Since you've been gone away
You drew your bottom lip between your teeth, clenching until you felt your blood rushing to the impact.
“Look, Duncan, I can explain—“
I ain't missing you
“Are you?”
“I didn’t want you to find out this way, I was going to wait until you got home.” You reached into the bag and pulled out a baby sleepsuit, personalised on the back with the words Little Shepherd.
No matter what I might say
You scanned Duncan’s face for a response, terrified he would instantly overanalyse and worry himself about the situation. The conversation on starting your family together hadn’t been raised in months, he’d been so busy with the app and you had your own career to think about. For all you knew, he could storm away into the nearest surging crowd and never be seen again, that wasn’t beyond the realms of possibility with a panicking Shepherd.
I ain't missing you, no way
Once he picked up his jaw from the floor, Duncan scooped you up in his arms and span you around in a circle, shopping bags swirling wildly around you as he held you close.
“Duncan, be careful, the baby!” You chuckled as he suddenly dropped you back to your feet and resorted to holding you by the waist, dipping gentle kisses into the nape of your neck and onto your hair.
Since you've been gone away
“You’re really pregnant?” Duncan beamed from ear to ear, planting feverish, grateful pecks all over his beautiful wife as she giggled into his touch.
I ain’t missing you
Across the street, Genevieve watched her ex drop to his knees and plant a loving, haunting kiss on your abdomen.
Duncan was not missing her at all.
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emmyrosee · 4 years
I miss the trio of Jim/Duncan/Michael. Since I work at a hospital for the government and even though I only do paperwork stuff I'm considered essential. How would they help their girl relax after a day of stress?
Oh please stay safe lovey🥺❤️
When you first get home, Jimmy is the first one to greet you, wrapping his arms tight around you. He knows how absolutely crazy everything is right now and he just wants to snap you back together with one super long, tight, bear hug before he kisses you, takes your coat and lets you veg out on the couch. 
Cue Duncan, coming from behind and wrapping his arms around you, whispering sweet nothings in your ear. His voice was always so smooth and velvety, and it’s able to remind you that you’re home and they’re going to take care of you for the night. You don’t have to do anything else, they’ve got you covered. 
Duncan then kisses against your temple and whispers, “Michael’s got dinner going, I’ll come wake you up when it’s done, beautiful.”
And it doesn’t take much more convincing than that; you hum sleepily and kick off your shoes, just letting the day roll off your shoulders and into the couch.
When Duncan does wake you up from your light nap, the whole house smells of Michael’s amazing cooking and the sweet smell of desert, which is enough to make you literally salivate over. You slowly lean against Duncan and walk into the kitchen, where you sit in the seat Michael so kindly pulled out for you.
Dinner is absolutely delicious, and you can’t wait to dive into desert, which is your absolute favorite, made by Michael with only the utmost love before you all head back to the couch where they cover you in massages, kisses, and soft reassurances that they’re glad you’re safe and okay, until you start to doze off.
Michael helps you to bed and stays with you that night, only to alternate with the other men every few nights so they can be with you too ❤️
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chloelucia13 · 2 years
Cody Fern Characters Masterlist (Discontinued)
✴ = angst︱❁ = fluff︱✿ = smut︱✂ = trigger warning (listed in warnings)
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Michael Langdon
The Love you Need ❁ 
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Xavier Plympton
Come Back to Me ✴ ❁ 
Being a Ghost With Xavier Headcanons ✴ ❁ ✂
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Jim Mason
All That I Want  ❁ 
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World Alone: Jim Mason x Reader
-Part 1 ✴ ❁ ✂
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Jim x Duncan x Michael x Reader 
Three Men and a Baby: Jim x Michael x Duncan x Reader (not poly)
-Part 1 ✴ ❁ ✂
-Part 2 ✴ ❁ ✿
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lavenderahs · 3 years
langdon's task; corporate! michael
summary - you're Michael's personal assistant; and he gives you a strange task, which turns into his confession for his attraction to you.
warnings ig? - light smut
tags - @forevercountess @jimmason @kitty4860 @brooklinn13
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y/n pov
Spending the days as an assistant to Michael Langdon; is definitely one of the strangest yet intriguing jobs I've ever had. He's an elegant man; quiet but gets what he wants. Submission from his peers is what he feeds off of; and I, being a gentle girl, he definitely gets his use of me. he spends his days studying and planning whatever chaos he likes. I can tell he has a damaged soul; no matter how cold or blunt he is, I can still sense the pain in his eyes. even though he's my boss, I still admire him. his jawline sculpted perfectly; his warm blond locks curling up just right, plump lips with the perfect natural pink shade, and his hypnotic eyes. his beauty astounds me. my heart skips a beat when he praises me, or any friendly gesture he gives me. everyone is jealous of the way michael treats me; hes never snappy towards me or cold like he is to others. but I try not to think too much about that.
a cool toned voice stops me "y/n" I stop in my tracks, in front of Michaels opened office door. "y-yes Mr.Langdon" his gaze is focused on a book "I need you to tell the others that I am not attending the meeting today" he looks up, his lips pursed. confused, knowing Michael never cancels any sort of event for his work. "okay, yes sir" I give a convincing smile and begin to walk off. michael stops me once again "and uh- go prepare me a bath once you're done with that" I take a step back, trying to mask my concern "y-yes sir". anxiety begins to form in my chest as I travel to his meeting room. hoping for no negative responses on Michael's absence. turning the corner, looking in the glass room to see the officials already in the meeting room, ready to begin. I slowly step in the door, already seeing their faces drop. "I apologize for interrupting, but Mr.Langdon will not be attending today's meeting" I smile anxiously and quickly step out of the door, hearing the groans of aggravation as I walk away.
the walk to Michael's living quarters is filled with strange thoughts. this being the first time Michael has ever requested a bath, or ever requested anything to do with personal care. I carefully open his door to step in his small living area. the maid already having tidied it up. i walk through a small arch way to Michael's bedroom, which leads to his master-bathroom. to my surprise michael is already here. still not noticing my presence. he stands before his massive mirror, unbuttoning his shirt. I hold my hands together in front of me "uh- excuse me Mr.Langdon, I'm just going to run your bath" he chuckles at my nervousness "okay, go ahead" my face heats up as i quickly walk into his bathroom.
his massive bathroom holds so much expense. his marble counters, a beautiful waterfall sink, a huge marble walk in shower, and of course his beautiful bath tub. I open a near by cabinet to retrieve a fresh towel and wash towel for him; laying them out neatly on the counter top. michaels foot steps approach as I go to turn the facet on. I turn to see michael in a silk garnet robe. his chest peeking out just enough to put butterflies in my stomach. the sound of the warm water filling up, drowns out the awkwardness. "Miss y/n, do you mind getting me some candles and that dr teals stuff" I hesitate to answer. thinking to myself "did Michael fucking langdon just ask me to make him a bubble bath" trying to not laugh "yes sir, give me just a moment" holding in a smile, I scavenge through his cabinets to find extra candles and a brand new bottle of dr. teals bubble bath. The tub is almost full so I begin pouring the liquid in, and adding candles in various places. now finishing my task, "here you go Mr.Langdon, tell me if you need anything" I smile awkwardly. he runs his fingers through his hair, his gaze stays on the tub. "um well, I do have one request" he trails off. "yes Mr.Langdon" our eyes connect as he begins to speak "i suppose my bath is big enough for the both of us?" he smirks. my face turns a warm red "uh- yeah, if that's what you'd like" my heart almost beating out of my chest, wondering my my boss wants to bathe with me. "I would love that" he begins to untie his robe, revealing his slim figure, his abs and muscles beaming. I turn as he steps in the tub, guessing he wants privacy. I turn to see michael seeped in the tub, bubbles up to his collar bones. "come on darling, I dont bite" I hesitate, yet deep down knowing my secret attraction to him. I slip my grey pants down, revealing my simple laced panties. my hands grasp the bottom of my grey blouse and gently slip it over my head. his eyes travel up and down my figure. i begin to unclip the back of my bra, heat trickling down my spine. I slowly lift my legs to slip my panties off. he rests back in the tub, smiling from my submission. his bathtub, definitely big enough for 2, has gold accents along with matching the marble countertops. I raise my leg to step in, the warmth from the water rushes through me as I bring myself into the tub. Michael's eyes admire my body as I seep into the tub. i prop myself up against the marble tub. seeing Michael's beautiful smile across from me. "so, Mr.Langdon.." I trail off. he clears his throat "you know y/n, I've always admired you, your beauty tests me every day" my cheeks turn a light crimson "oh, thank you" he smirks "I know you crave my attention, I know you think of me in bed at night" he exhales "I know how you think of me pretty girl, trust me, I want you so bad" before I could say a word, michael slowly rises and slides to my my side of the tub. he props his arms behind me on the marble, towering over me. one hand comes to my chin, gently lifting it. "I think you should serve me in more ways than you already do" my heart racing, I slowly nod my head. his head lowers to mine, gently placing a warm kiss on my lips. his lips, so soft and plump against mine, this truly being a moment I dream of. his blue eyes meet mine as we separate from the kiss. "I say" he trails off as he fumbles with my breast "you meet me, in my bedroom around 10, I think you need to do me some favors" his lips form a smile. he slowly slides back into his spot in the tub. "clean this all up, I'll see you tonight" he winks and steps out of the tub to grab his robe. I sit astounded as I just had my dream come true.
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littledemondani · 3 years
We're in it with our feels tonight sis 😭😭✊ could you whip up something about Duncan surprising the reader with a kitten? Or any animal of your choice! 🙏❤
Anticipation flowed through your veins while you waited for Duncan to return from work. He had texted you earlier in the day that he was bringing home a surprise for you and you couldn’t stop racking your brain trying to figure out what it could be. Jewelry? A brand new phone? A car? New lingerie? The possibilities were endless with Duncan Shepherd.
The sound of keys rattling outside of the penthouse door brought you back to the present time. You stood up from the sofa and hurried into the kitchen, grabbing a washcloth to pretend like you had been cleaning the island countertop.
“Babe, I’m home!” Duncan calls out, shrugging his signature dark green coat off of his broad shoulders. He carefully treads into the living room to search for you - black tote bag in hand.
You place the cloth on the counter and enter the living room, grinning widely at the sight of your husband. “Hey, baby.. How was work?”
“The usual. Boring meetings with older men who keep resisting the technological change society is going through,” he chuckles, placing the tote bag on the floor. He pulls you in for a hug and kisses the top of your head. “How was your day, love?”
“Not too bad, I suppose. Met up with Diane and some of the other wives at the club for mimosas then came back home,” you say with a shrug. “Nothing too special.”
Duncan smiles softly down at you, tucking a loose strand of your h/c hair behind your ear. “Nothing too special, hm? Well, maybe I can change that.”
You return the smile, tilting your head a little as you eye the tote bag on the floor. “Oh yeah?”
“Yeah,” he says. “Remember how I told you I had a surprise for you?”
You nod, the smile on your face growing wider as you watch Duncan lean down to open the bag. “Yes…”
“Close your eyes - and no peeking.”
You do as he says, covering your face with your hands for emphasis.
Duncan giggles and reaches into the bag to take out the white, fluffy kitten inside. He walks over to you, coaxing your hands open to hold the kitten. “Okay, open them.”
Your eyes immediately well with tears as you feel the soft fur against your fingers. “Duncan!” you say, sniffling as you pet the kitten lovingly.
“I was walking from the coffee shop back to work and saw a little pet store on the way. This little girl was in the window and I knew instantly that you had to have her,” he says thoughtfully, his heart bursting with joy at the sight of you and the kitten. “You always said you wanted a fluffy white cat.”
The tears streamed uncontrollably down your cheeks, nodding as you wiped them away. “Ever since I was a little girl.”
You carefully sit on the floor and put the kitten down, giggling as she tries to swipe at your fingers.
Duncan sits on the floor with you, taking a laser pointer from the bag. “Any ideas on what you’re going to name her?”
“Marie!” you say excitedly and without hesitation. “Obviously.”
Duncan laughs wholeheartedly. “How did I know you were going to name her after the kitten from The Aristocats?”
“Because you love me,” you tease, playfully sticking your tongue at him.
“I do,” he says with a soft smile. “I love you so much, Y/N.”
baby tags: @fckinsupreme @with-dandelions-in-her-hands @codyfernmorelikedaddyfern @wroteclassicaly @king-with-no-crovvn @dark-mei-rose @bitchchatter @sojournmichael @femaleantichrist @angelicmichael @infernwetrust @ferndolan
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brooklinn13 · 3 years
I own you (Michael Langdon x reader) part 4
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Summary: You find out that you're pregnant and you have to tell Michael.
Warning: toxic relationship, abuse, swear words, slapping, dark!Michael, angst, choking, miscarriage, character death, cheating, panic attack, depression, suicide thoughts
A/N okay here is part 4 please do not read if you get triggered easily this chapter is very dark and but I hope y'all enjoy it. My grammar might be bad because I was rushing to get this out. I didn't proofread it.
“Michael,” you said, “I have something to tell you”.
“What do you have to tell me and it better be important”. You look at him in fear, anxiety going through the roof. “Please don't be mad at me I swear I took my birth control pills every month but you know stuff still happens”.
“Please tell me you're not pregnant,” Michael said. “ Michael I am pregnant am so sorry I-I didn't think it would happen because of how bad my periods are”. “Will y/n you need to get rid of it I don't want any kids right now,” Michael said harshly.
“I'm not getting rid of the baby I been thinking this baby can help our relationship”. “HELP OUR RELATIONSHIP OH PLEASE Y/N DON'T GIVE ME THAT BS,” Michael said yelling in your face.
“Am not getting rid of the baby even though am not ready to be a mother yet, having this baby will change everything”. “This baby can help us be better people,” y/n said. The room was Silence for about two minutes you and Michael were staring at each other. “Baby come on don't you think this can help us, I miss the old Michael that I fell in love with”.
“SHUT UP JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP I AM SO TIRED OF YOU AND YOUR BS I DON'T WANT YOU TO CARRY MY CHILD YOU NOT WORTHY YOU'RE JUST SO FUCKING PATHETIC AND IT MAKES ME SICK”. Michael was screaming in your face all you can do is stand there and cry. His words cut deep it hurt so bad.
“Why the fuck are you crying, I give you something to cry about since you don't want to get rid of the baby I guess I have to do it myself”. Michael grabbed your hair and slammed you on the ground. “M-Michael please don't hurt the baby”. Michael just roll his eyes and started kicking into your stomach. He didn't stop until you were coughing up blood.
After three minutes of Michael kicking you, he bends down and whispers in your ear. “When I come back home from this meeting I better see you and your stuff out of this house”. Y/N look at Michael in fear. “But I don't have nowhere to go and I thought you said you own me and that I can't leave you. Michael looks at you like he was a shame of you. “ I still do own you y/n you're going over to Ms.Meads for a while until I think you're worthy of coming home.
And y/n go and clean yourself up you look dirty”. You Heard the front door shut. You tried your best to get up but you couldn't the pain was killing you. You grab your phone out of your pocket and called the ambulance. After you Finish calling the rescue squad you finally were able to get up and go to the bathroom
You got to the bathroom and had a Panic attack you started Sweating, Trembling, and shaking. Shortness of breath and tightness in your throat, Chills, Hot flashes. Your vision got blurry and you passed out.
You woke up in the hospital, “Good you are awake, I'm Dr. Shepherd”. “Is the baby okay please tell me my baby is okay”. Y/N said. “I have some good news and I have some bad news, which do you want to hear first”. Said Dr. Shepherd. “I want to hear the good news first”. Said y/n
“Okay well the good news is one of your babies is doing well but the bad news is that the other one did make it. I'm so sorry for your loss Ms. L/N”. “Wait I had twins”. Y/N said. “Yes, you had twins”.
“Do you know how many weeks I'm in”? “You're about eight weeks so far, I want to keep you in the hospital for about two weeks to keep a close eye on you and the baby”. “Thank you so much for everything”. Y/N said.
“Wait did y'all contact my boyfriend to let him know I'm in the hospital”. “We tried calling him but he keeps denying the call”. “Can y'all try again to see if he picks up because I need him”? You tried your hardest not to cry you want to be brave but all the stuff you have been through really took a hold of you.
“I will try to call him again for you but now you need to get some rest. I will have a nurse come by and check on you and the baby later on”. After that Dr. Shepherd left the room all you could do is cry. You never felt this alone before in your life, you have been thinking about killing yourself but you can't do that because you having Michael's child.
All week you have been trying to call Michael but he has been ignoring your calls, you gave up on trying to fix things with him. After your two weeks in the hospital, Ms.Mead came to pick you up. You stayed with her for about 5 months Michael hasn’t come by to see you or he didn't call to check up on you.
You have been staying in your room all day being depressed and wanted to kill yourself because the father of your child doesn't want you or your baby. You feel alone, you felt useless every night you keep telling yourself that no one will ever love you and that your fat and ugly.
On that same day, you heard a familiar voice. You weren't sure if it was Michael’s or not but you got close to your door to hear the conversation. As you were listening to the conversation you hear a female voice and it wasn't mead voice.
You open your door to see who was out there and you see Michael and some chick kissing Michael on the lips. “Ms. Mead this is Caroline, my new girlfriend, and Caroline this is Ms.Mead”. Mead gave Michael a confused smile. “Michael can I talk to you in private”. Mead said. Mead pulled Michael into the kitchen. “ I thought you and y/n are still together I was thinking she was ready to come back home she been really good,” Mead said.
“Well, change of plans”. Michael giving mead an evil smile. “Michael she having your child she can pop any sec now”. “SHE WHAT,” Michael said yelling at Ms.Mead. “I THOUGHT I KILL THE BABY, WHERE IS SHE”. You heard Michael yelling you close your door and locked it and that was a huge mistake because Michael heard you lock the door.
He came running to your door kicking it. “Open the door y/n”. You was shaking in fear. You look at the window trying to open it but you forgot mead super glue it. He was going to kill you the love of your life hated your guts. You hear him screaming your name kicking the door. When he finally kick down the door he look shock he ran up to you and slapped you so hard that you fell and hit your Head.
You was trying to fight him off until you felt pain in your stomach and Michael got up and his pants are all wet. You realize that your water just broke. “Michael the baby is coming”. Michael pick you up and put you on the bed.” Caroline”. Michael said. You saw the blonde headed girl she was so beautiful you see why Michael choose her over you. “Carolina can you help me deliver this baby”. Michael said.
You was pushing for about 20mins. “ I see the head” Michael said. “Keep on pushing y/n”. You were pushing three more times until your daughter was born. You heard your baby crying. “Look Michael it’s a baby girl” said Caroline. C-can I hold my baby said y/n. You look at Michael and Caroline holding your daughter smiling and laughing at each other. You heard Caroline said “Our little family”.
“Can I please see my daughter”. Michael gives the baby to Caroline and she leaves the room it was just you and Michael. You see Michael's eyes go black. He got on top of you and started choking you.” look at you, you can't fight back your so weak and pathetic”. Your vision got blurry he was killing you. You tried to fight back but he was too strong. You took your hand and put it on his cheeks and you whispered to him. “ I love you, Michael” and that was the last thing you said before you close your eyes.
Michael got up and saw your lifeless body on the bed. Caroline came back into the room with the baby. Michael kissed Caroline on the cheeks. “Our little family”. Michael said with a big smile on his face. He and Caroline both look at your dead body and smiled. “I'm so glad that bitch is dead”. Caroline said. “Yea I'm glad too now we can be together as a family”. Michael said.
A/N: okay I'm sorry it took me so long to post part 4. I hope y'all like it and yes there going to be a part 5.
Tag list: @bloodcoatedeclipse
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buckybarnesplum · 4 years
So a few things
First, thank you guys for showing so much love to "His" it absolutely means the world to me.
Second, I'm taking requests so if you guys have anything you want me to write, leave at my inbox. Also I don't write for male reader, I just started writing so I don't really know how. I don't write specific characters in readers or use specific names, I want everybody to feel included in the story.
And finally, I'm making a taglist so if you want to be added lmk in the comments or in my inbox.
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casikototmblr · 4 years
Dating Duncan - Headcanon.
Summary: Headcanon about you being in a relationship w/ duncan.
warnings: mentions of sex, NSFW.
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Dating Duncan wouldn’t be one of the easiest things in the world but he made sure you knew this from the start of your relationship.
Duncan would spend the majority of his time at political events, prestigious galas which you would normally attend by his side or he’d be stuck at the office.
Duncan would be tied up with work a lot, what with him being the workaholic he is. If there was an addiction for work, Duncan would for sure have it.
Duncan could never stay at work for too long, as your attempts to make him come home would always be successful. Even though he’d try his hardest not to give in.
It would first start of with sending some pretty suggestive messages like the following: “your face would look pretty cute between my thighs right now...just saying!”
After realising your suggestive messages weren’t doing the trick, you’d start sending him plenty of explicit pictures/videos of you in one of his favourite pieces of lingerie, often captioned with the following: “missing you daddy” or “just get home so you can tear this off me...”
Within a couple of minutes of you sending the pictures/videos and him seeing them, you would receive a message: “on my way home, DON’T do anything til i get home, or you ain’t getting anything baby girl...”
The second Duncan would step through the door, he’d make quick work of finding you, snaking his arms around your waist before pulling you close to him as he would attach his lips to yours, pushing you up against whatever surface was closest.
You would wrap your legs above Duncan’s hips, your hands entangled in Duncan’s soft locks as he carried you from the hallway to the office in your city apartment.
Duncan always insisted fucking in a different room everytime, but his favourite room had to be the office that had a view of the city down below.
He’s a sucker for a fuck with a view.
Other times, he’d tease you. His finger ghosting over your clothed bundle of nerves before slowly peeling your panties off just to make you even more desperate. Your whiny mewls only encouraged him more to take his time.
But when he wanted you there and then, he would make quick work of bending you over the desk. His hand sweeping down and pulling the set to one side whilst he would quickly free himself before slamming into you without warning.
He would be big into spanking, just the sight of your ass gripped in his hands was a massive turn-on for him.
Duncan would take aftercare seriously, especially when he pushed you to your limits. He would make sure you had plenty of rest and had everything you needed before he’d have to leave again.
Duncan would be the sweetest person to you. He’d give you everything you wished for and wanted, there wasn’t nothing he wouldn’t do for you. He enjoyed making you as happy as possible.
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hecohansen31 · 4 years
OT3 One Shots (Masterlist)
(Headcanons): (*).
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SUMMARY: Being Duncan’s baby girl was already difficult, but what happens when a third party enters the relationship… and when that third party is Fallon Freaking Carrington?
WARNINGS: Poly-Relationship, DD/LG themes (MM/LG, also), mentions of sex and oral sex.
“The Perfect Party”
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SUMMARY: Seeing you sad, isn’t something Fallon and Duncan want, so they decide to cheer you up with just the perfect party.
WARNINGS: Mention of Smut, Toxic Friends, Rich People Being Extra.
“Never Too Much Champagne” (*).
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SUMMARY: Champagne has that special power of making you giddy, so why not use it also in the bedroom?
WARNINGS: Sex, Strap-On Action (also in these cases it is suggested to wear a condom, better be safe than sorry), Oral Sex (Male & Female Receiving), Fingering, Dirty Talk, Daddy/Mommy Kink, Use of Champagne (please don’t use this fic as a tutorial for Champagne Sex, food/liquid, unless stated, SHOULD NEVER BE USED FOR INTERNAL USE, this is a fic and it is Duncan Shepherd/Fallon Carrington, but avoid it in reality).
(Kintober: (25th) Blindfold) (*).
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SUMMARY. Rich people can be just “oh so” demanding… WARNINGS: Oral Sex (Female Receiving), Fingering, Restraints, Edging and Blindfold, Poly-Relationship.
(Kinktober: (30th) Teasing+Costume/Suit) (*).
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SUMMARY: The effect that a latex suit might have on some men is incredible.
WARNINGS: Teasing, Handjob, Suit-Latex Kink, Idiots being idiots.
(Kintober: (21st) A/B/O) (*).
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SUMMARY: You are torn between two men, one giving you enough but not what you want and the other giving you what you want, but not being serious enough… and in these cases… do you really have to choose?
WARNINGS: Dom/Sub, Anal Sex (Male+Male)/Unprotected Sex, Oral Sex (Female Receiving), Mentions of Edging and Poly-Relationship.
(Kinktober (26th): Scratching) (Pro Biker! AU) (*).
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SUMMARY: Strange signs onto the best mechanic’s back can bring some questions in the stables…
WARNINGS: Mention of Sex (Unprotected, so please wrap it all up), Male Masturbation, Mommy Kink, Domb/Sub Relationship, Scratching, Axel Not Being Able To Shut The Fuck Up.
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wroteclassicaly · 2 years
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Below, you will find my complete Crossovers masterlist! It includes prompts, drabbles, series, one-shots, concepts, headcanons, and MORE, regarding various crossovers of different television shows and movies!
* Copyright @wroteclassicaly - Do NOT redistribute, post to another platform, translate, or plagiarize my work (this includes AI) — under any circumstances! Reblogs, comments/feedback are ALWAYS appreciated! *
* Note: I do NOT claim ownership for the tv/movie universes I write about, or their established characters! *
My library blog
Main Masterlist
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❤️‍🔥 = smut
💔 = angst, depression, & anger
💝 = fluff & comfort
Series titles are in bold red
Appropriate warnings and tags will ALWAYS be added!
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When the Tide Meets the Shore - (Andy Dolan x Jim Mason x Fem!Reader) 💔💝❤️‍🔥
Series Teaser - ❤️‍🔥💔
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Listen to That - (Michael Langdon x Duncan Shepherd x Fem!Reader) ❤️‍🔥
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langdxn · 3 years
How do you think the Cody’s would react to you getting pregnant when your relationship was still pretty new?
awh surely the boys are good fathers no matter what, right? sneaking this under a cut because i got carried away
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Every aspect of Outpost!Michael’s life is so heavily planned and orchestrated that, by the time he’s brought about the end of the world and established the apocalyptic outposts, the thought of starting a family is well beyond his mind. Nevertheless, his arrival at Outpost 3 led him to you: the enchanting gray he didn’t remember from the occupant lists. Your gradual back-and-forth flirting over the common room over two weeks led you falling head over heels into the most romantic, steamy and intense relationship of your lives — but was that all down to the isolation, living in close proximity underground every hour of the day?
It seems your nerves as you stuttered out your secret at the end of Michael’s stressful interview day were completely justified, judging by the blank expression on his face. “Pregnant?” He repeated sternly as he rubbed his temple. “You’re aware we’re facing the end of humanity as we know it, and you’re bringing another life into this barren husk of a world?” His brows knitted tightly together as he computed the situation before him, gaze darting around his bronzed office before falling back to your eyes.
“But the baby is mine?” A grin curled the corner of his lips ever so slightly as realisation sunk in, lunging forward to grasp your hand over his desk. “Then we have nine months to get to know each other properly before we have another life to get to know too.”
The spontaneity of Xavier Plympton’s life up until this moment has taken him to some extraordinary places: experimenting with drugs, shooting gay porn, even counseling at Camp Redwood for a summer he thought would be safe and peaceful. He invited you along for the sole purpose of showing off his new girl to his closest friends, introducing you by way of shoving you all together in a deserted summer camp to get to know one another.
As Xavier thoughtfully plates up breakfast around the campfire for everyone, there’s no hiding the excitement glowing across his countenance, brightening his cheeks and planting that special glisten in his eyes. However, catching sight of the greasy fried egg on your plate sends you racing back to the girls’ cabin — your first sign of morning sickness has arrived. Blissfully unaware of your condition and assuming you’d simply forgotten something in your bunk, Xavier begins his announcement while idly bouncing on the balls of his feet: “I’m sure you’ll all get a chance to speak to Y/N while we’re here, but I wanted you to be the first to know we’re officially together as of today!”
“And she’s pregnant already, doofus,” Montana jibes with a roll of her eyes, jabbing a finger in the direction you darted and couldn’t be seen for dust. “I’ve seen this happen a thousand times over, you knocked her up on the first time, Plympton!”
Xavier pauses, staring into the middle distance for a moment. Suddenly, as if a lightbulb moment struck him, he grins even wider and chuckles to himself. “I’m gonna be a dad and a Hollywood actor? This summer is so fucking rad!”
There’s no way of skirting around it — family is a very sensitive subject around Duncan Shepherd. Not that you could consider your impending motherhood much of a family when the father of your unborn child is your soon-to-be-divorced boss at the Shepherd Freedom Foundation. The nights you spent rolling around atop his desk when the office was empty couldn’t ever be the starting line for a genuine family unit, could it? As far as you were aware, your pussy was merely a gateway drug to letting out his frustrations of his messy divorce. He’d been married for 7 years and they had no children to show for it, was he even the fatherly type?
Duncan’s gaze caught yours as you grabbed your bag from beneath your desk, heading to the doctors for your first checkup of yours and your baby’s health, but you forced his image out of your mind. You promised yourself you’d tell the expectant father closer to your 12-week scan in hopes you could gather further information on his promise as a dad in the meantime. Once you headed for the door, Duncan grasped your arm and pulled you in to kiss you in front of the entire office, faces behind desks frozen in shock, a deep red flushing your own cheeks while he leaned in to deepen your connection.
“I know,” he muttered indicatively into your mouth as you parted lips and he guided you to the exit, an arm tightly wrapped around your waist. “Penny saw your pregnancy test in the office restroom when you left. Be honest with me, is the baby mine?” You meekly nodded as he ushered you around a corner and through the front doors. “Then consider this your last day in the office, you won’t have to work a day while you’re carrying my child.” He drew to a halt as you reached the busy sidewalk, his free hand gently planting into the plane of your abdomen, as flat as it would be for the next nine months. “Don’t worry, I’ll be paying to keep you both safe and happy. You’re a Shepherd now, and Shepherds look after each other.”
The most paternal surfer boy this side of Bali, Jim Mason warms to the idea of becoming a father immediately. Who cares that you’d only been seeing each other for two months before the condom broke in the midst of an intense session up against the rocks on the beach bathed in the glow of a particularly beautiful sunset? On reflection, it was quite possibly the most romantic setting in which to make a baby, stealing chaste kisses and panting breathless declarations of love in between. Those same hushed affections spilled from his lips when you told him you were pregnant, scooping you up in his arms and spinning you around like an ecstatic carousel. The blissful happiness lasted a month and a half, until one evening the deafening silence around the house suggested your boyfriend was still at the beach.
Wandering down to the shore, you spotted a familiar form hunched over at the water’s edge, head between his legs and his arched back pulsing as if he was sobbing. As you approached, his gentle weeping nearly drowned out by the crashing surf, it became clear that this breakdown was a side of Jim you’d never seen before, a change that exposed a weakness in him. He noticed your approaching footfalls as the sand squished beneath you.
“I’m… I’m sorry, baby, I’m so sorry,” he stuttered under ragged breaths. “I can’t, I… I’m never going to be a good father!” He sobbed weakly as you perched beside him, draping a sympathetic arm over his shoulder. “I’ll fuck it all up, just like my dad fucked it all up with me and Medina.” His head instinctively dipped into you, leaning over and pressing his weight against you. “I’m scared, I’m scared I won’t be good enough.”
Of course, what he doesn’t understand in this moment is that the simple fact he’s concerned about how good a father he’ll be already proves he’ll be a better father than his own. Suddenly, his sniffing ceased, raising his head to gaze into your eyes through a tear-blurred haze. “We… we can do this together, right? As long as I’ve got you, we can do anything.”
When he first found out you were expecting his baby, Richard fell silent again. His bad dreams intensified, leaving him a quivering, frantic shell of his former self squirming in bed beside you. What could be so terrifying to him, the thought of becoming a father at such a young age? Or of being tied to the girl he only met a month ago over a heated exchange in the clinic lounge concerning the TV channel of choice on a Friday night?
As he writhed among the sheets, you reached out a hand to rest on his chest and reassured him between weak whimpers escaping his lips. “They’re… they’re coming,” he stuttered in a panic, “baby… they’re coming for our baby!” His knees flailed about, scuffing up the sheets and shaking with fear. “Don’t… don’t touch her,” he exclaimed defiantly, balling his fists at his side and drawing his bottom lip between clenched teeth. “Leave my daughter alone!” Suddenly, his fidgeting ceased, his fingers unfurled and his features melted down from their raging skewed frown to a peaceful, serene half-smile.
Without warning, his hand journeyed behind your head and scooped around your shoulders, drawing you in and holding you as close as physically possible — all without opening his eyes, almost as if he were still locked inside his dreamscape. His other hand cupped the back of your head and pressed your face into his chest. “Stay away from my girls, they’re mine.”
Meeting Andy Dolan at his sickeningly excessive birthday party and bonding over your shared adoration of cocaine wasn’t the ideal foundation for a family. In fact, it wasn’t any foundation for a family. Hiding from the paparazzi was a full-time job for the actor with whom you had somehow fallen into a casual relationship, he always felt distant and preoccupied, glaring out of every passing window and obsessing over internet searches. He was already struggling to handle his crumbling connection with his child and his bitter divorce, so you figured his only feasible response to discovering he’d already knocked up his new partner wouldn’t be a happy one, particularly given the cold stare he flashed at you for turning down his offer of a line as you chilled out the night before.
Hoping Andy was suitably distracted by rehearsing for an upcoming screen test, you aimed to sneak out of the mansion and head straight for the clinic, your mind sufficiently made up that you couldn’t keep this baby, least of all raise it in the shattered environment around you. Reaching the gates and waiting for the doorman to operate the electronics, your mission had succeeded up until a hand curled around your wrist and spun you on your heels to front the skewed rage on Andy’s face.
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” His words spat through gritted teeth. “Did you think you’d get away with this, huh? Getting rid of my baby without even telling me?!” You had no chance to defend yourself or question how he found out before he launched into another tirade. “You think I won’t be a good father? Because I’m always off my face in one capacity or another?”
His grip weakened on your forearm for his hand to slip down your wrist and entwined his fingers with yours, the other reaching up to cup the back of your neck as his voice softened. “The coke? Gone. It’s gone. I’ll go back to the wellness centre and do it properly this time. Just please, please don’t get rid of our baby? Give me a chance to be a proper dad this time?”
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antichristsxbox · 4 years
I’ve been inactive for a while, but I’m ready to get back into writing! Send in requests or just message me for funsies let’s be friends 🥺
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lavenderahs · 3 years
jealousy, jealousy
- professor langdon
warnings - fem receiving head, fingering,
a/n - ive been in such a writing slump:( im trying to get more stuff out, its just been a struggle. i love you guys lots
taglist - @d3monslust @brooklinn13 @booboomother @the-hotel-cortez @mllxngdonswife @forevercountess @kitty4860 @cxdy-fxrn
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y/n spent her evenings studying. being a first year college student was truly stressful for her. y/n decided on pursuing major in psychology & a minor in criminal justice. her roommates are lousy and have no interest in her. so, shes quite lonely. the only person she has connected to, is the psychology professor. the highlights of her week consist of seeing professor langdon. her liking grew stronger as Langdon would bring her coffees during their morning classes. he was an elegant man; introverted yet charming. his medium length waves shine a warm blonde, and his blue eyes accenthis sharp jaw line. hes one of the younger professors; around 30. most of y/n female classmates were infatuated with him. yet his cold personality only eased when y/n was in the room.
"good morning mrs. y/l/n" Professor Langdon takes his eyes of his work to greet y/n. she shines her usual smile, yet the starbucks cup with y/n written on the side, definitely made her eyes lighten a bit. "Langdon..you know you don't have to get me coffee" she smirks and walks off with the coffee. her slight attraction for her professor made learning much easier. his knowledge excites her. after the lecture, y/n wanders to his desk in the front of the room, per usual. yet, a olive toned girl stands in her place. knowing langdon and herself had no sort of romantic relationship, it still brought clouds to her mood. she watches their interaction closely, her smile wide, fingers twirling her hair, just as y/n does. Mr.Langdon shining his charming smile, explaining something from the lecture. y/n tries to ignore it, so just skipping her after class conversation with langdon had to do. quickly making her exit, the familar deep voice stops her steps. "y/n darling, where are you going?" y/n slowly turns to his desk, the girl still in her place. Mr.Langdon exhales "i was just showing juila something on this lesson, don't leave just yet" she stands right before the door way, indecisive on the spot. as the jealousy runs through her veins as she walks to his desk. "ill be seeing you professor" the girl smiles and excitingly trots out. "can you stay awhile?" Mr.Langdon breathes. y/n finds herself in a nearby chair
y/n and Mr.Langdon spent the evening conversing over champange and psychology. y/ns body language became less filtered as the night went on. Mr.Langdon glancing at the clock, realizing y/n needs to begin heading home. "may i give you a ride to your dorm? its late and you are in no place to travel alone" he chuckles. she rolls her eyes "Mr.Langdon, may i tell you something?" she smiles. he nods his head. "mr. langdon, you are the most handsome man ive ever met" he simply laughs. "okay okay, well may i bring you back to my place, i don't teach tomorrow, and you need to sleep" she sleepyly nods her head and heads home with Mr.Langdon
her legs rub against soft white sheets. warm sunlight in her eyes. she rolls over, not realizing where she is. and accidently rubbing against a mystery muscular arm. her eyes flick open, to see a beautiful sculpted face. realizing she must have stayed the night with her psychology professor, she got a strange fluttering feeling. as she laid there, not knowing if she should leave. The mans eyes gently opened, smiling at the sight of y/n. "good morning sunshine" the man whispers as they stare into eachothers eyes. "good morning" she responds. his hand reaches to her hair, gently twirling through her y/h/c hair. his blue eyes shining at the sight of her. "so, wanna talk about how handsome you think i am?" his tone turns cocky. y/n face turns a crimson shade, nervous that she confessed her attraction to him. "y-yeah, youve just always been so nice to me, and you're flawless" he chuckles at her nervousness. "well i think you're quite gorgeous" his head lifts, and gently moves to her, unexpectedly locking lips with y/n. her entire body went euphoric, the unexpected kiss made her weak. the kiss not lasting long, yet making the 2 of them melt. "mr.langdon-" she whispers as the kiss release. his eyes travel down her chest, admiring her body. "i find you quite attractive darling, and i want to please you" his confession puts y/n off guard. "w-what do you mean" she swallows "please me-" her face so flushed as he positions himself on top of her. "like this" as the worlds slip out, his hand glides down between her thighs. gently rubbing over her panties. her mouth hangs open, out of shock, and of pleasure. "Langdon, ive always wanted this" she admits. "i know darling me too" he glides down to her legs, spreading them, admiring her soaked panties. her thighs barely touching his head. his hands grasp her panties, sliding them off to reveal her wet folds. "you ready?" he breathes, craving her pussy. "yes sir" she moans. his thumb moves to her clit, rubbing, getting her more comfortable with his touch. he positions his mouth at her folds, and begins licking, not too fast, yet enough to get her going. y/n is high on lust, never having a man touch her like this, makes her melt. his licking turns into sucking; his hand which was once on her clit, moves to her opening. gently pushing 2 digits into her, curling them to make her feel more pleasure. he is deep in her cunt, sucking her clit, curving his fingers into her gspot, enough to make the younger girl scream. "l-langdon i-im gonna" she squirms "cum baby, cum on my fingers" his fingers speed up, rubbing her g spot, her clit in his mouth, dripping his saliva and her wetness eveywhere. her body shakes as her lips produce pure pleasure. he pulls his fingers out, watching her beautiful orgasm. her cunt still pulsing he goes over to her "go shower babygirl, go home and get some rest"
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littledemondani · 3 years
since everyone has the "Spidey fever" what about an aks of Duncan renting an entire private and prime cinema room just for his girl to watch on release date Spiderman No Way Home since she was a big spidey and marvel fan and he knew how much this movie means to her 🥺 of course after the movie ends she thanks him later 😳😏
pls, he goes all out for her.
even goes so far as to sneak in all of her favorite snacks and drinks since movie theater prices cost an arm and a leg. he doesn’t have any issue with spending that much, but he knows she enjoys doing it and has ever since she was a little kid.
he can’t help but be mesmerized by her excitement during the entirety of the film. his eyes never leave her and with each squeal, gasp, and “OMG!” she makes he finds his heart swelling with immense love for her.
at the end of the movie, when they’re in the car and she’s going over her favorite parts and moments where she couldn’t even fucking believe happened, he listens intently. he’d do any and everything for her if it meant keeping that smile on her face and her happy.
“i’m glad you enjoyed the movie, love,” he says once they’re home, helping her take her winter coat off.
she turns to him, her smile reaching her E/C eyes and making them sparkle. “thank you for taking me,” she says, placing her well manicured hands on top of his dark gray button-up shirt. “now. let’s go to the bedroom, so i can give you a proper thank you.”
“if that’s what you want,” he chuckles, wiggling his brows as he gazes down at her.
“it is,” she says, her tone alluring and full of mischief. she takes his hand, and leads him up the stairs to their shared room for the rest of the night.
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brooklinn13 · 3 years
I own you (Michael Langdon x reader) part 3
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Summary: you and Michael have been dating for 2 years until one night you discovered he has been cheating on you.
Warning: cheating, toxic relationship, abuse, swear words, slapping, mean Michael, angst, smut.
A/N: this is my first time doing smut so I'm sorry if it's all over the place.
Y/N was shaking in fear looking at what Michael had done to her. Michael look at y/n and pick her up and threw her on the bed “ you look so pretty cover in blood” Michael said with an evil smile on his face.
Michael got on top of y/n and started taking off her clothes. “Michael” y/n said “p-please be gentle,” you said in a low tone. “Oh baby I'm not going to be gentle I'm going to be rough as I can be you know your safeword”. You started crying to the words Michael was saying.
You heard the sound of something ripping you look and see Michael ripping your favorite pair of underwear. “ MICHAEL” you yelled, “ that was my favorite pair of underwear”. Michael continued taking your clothes off ignoring your crying. “Can you shut the fuck up?” Michael said harshly.
Michael took off his clothes and he bought the tip of his cock to your wet fold. “Are you ready for me baby girl”? He said you shook your head, yes but Michael slap your right cheeks.” use your words y/n he said in a mean tone”.
“Y-yes Michael, I'm ready,” you said in a quiet tone. “That's a good girl your going to be quiet for daddy while he makes you feel good” Michael said with a smirk on his face. Before you can answer he was deep inside you. You tried your hardest to keep quiet but you accidentally moan and you look into Michael's eyes and he was angry.
“DIDN'T I TELL YOU TO STAY QUIET,” Michael said screaming in your face. Michael kept going but he was being too rough it was more pain than pleasure. You cry and cry it hurt so bad but you couldn't tell him because you were afraid to make him angry again.
“Baby I'm about to cum” Michael said moaning in your ear. A few mins later Michael came hard inside you. You can feel his hot seed filling you up Michael slowly took his cock out of you. He put his pants back on “ I think it's best if you sleep in the guest bedroom” Michael said. “B-but I don't want to sleep by myself I want to sleep with you” Michael grabbed y/n hair and threw her in the hallway he looks at you for a sec and then slams the door in your face.
You walk into the guest bathroom to clean yourself up. You were covered in dry blood and Michael cum. You look at yourself in the mirror feeling disgusting you decided to take a hot shower to clean yourself up. After your shower, you Grabbed one of Michael's old college shirts and a pair of shots. You cried yourself to sleep that night thinking that Michael doesn't love you anymore.
Three months later your relationship with Michael was getting a little bit better but sometimes when he was angry or stress he would take it out on you. You were using the bathroom when you notice you haven’t started your period. You didn't think much of it because you haven’t shown any symptoms and your period always skips months but just in case you when to the drug store to buy a pregnancy test.
You wasn’t ready to become a mom yet. You didn't want to raise a child in a toxic household when you got home you when to the bathroom and pee on the pregnancy test and waiting for five minutes to see if your pregnant or not. you’re anxiety when through the roof scared to tell Michael that you're pregnant with his kid.
You pick up the test and you saw two pink lines. You started to cry Afraid to tell Michael and afraid of what he would do to you. You were still in the bathroom when you Heard the front door open it was Michael so you left the bathroom to tell him the news.
“Michael,” you said I have something to tell you.
A/N okay sorry it took me so long to do part 3 but I hope y'all like it. Part 4 is going to be long so it going to be a while for me to post it I will start working on it this week. Please give me feedback on my writing I know it bad.
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