#dunking on racists is always a fun easy time
You can't be racist to white people the same way. You can be racist to black people. That's not how racism works. I randomly found your profile as I was looking through reblogs on fan art. You aren't going to have fewer opportunities and be treated unfairly for solely being white.
Systemic racism is different from racism. Racism against any race is the exact same shit. I literally have a link to a dictionary in my about section. In fact here's the definition of racism and slur.
the belief that different races possess distinct characteristics, abilities, or qualities, especially so as to distinguish them as inferior or superior to one another.
an insulting or disparaging remark or innuendo :
Saying you can't be racist to white people like you can black people is inherently racist as all fuck. I literally have multiple reblogs showing people casually saying racial slurs (the fact multiple people categorically say you can't be racist to white people shows an inherent worldview where white people are inferior to all other races since they lack the ability to experience racism) to me assuming I'm white lmao. Cracker is absolutely a racial slur and I've linked why multiple times too.
"The following is a list of ethnic slurs, ethnophaulisms, or ethnic epithets that are, or have been, used as insinuations or allegations about members of a given ethnicity or racial group or to refer to them in a derogatory, pejorative, or otherwise insulting manner. .... For the purposes of this list, an ethnic slur is a term designed to insult others on the basis of race, ethnicity, or nationality."
Please read a dictionary and focus on something that actually matters currently instead of this ridiculous claim that goes directly against the definition of racism.
No ism excludes a particular demographic, otherwise it'd literally be the thing it's defining.
There are literally multiple ongoing genocides halo currently, focus on that or global warming instead of trying to tell me the definition of racism when I've literally quoted it multiple times.
This misery Olympics shit is tiresome and gets society nowhere. All racism is equally bad and fucking stupid as sin. Stop perpetuating a problem.
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redbuddi · 2 years
Hello! This is a bit of a follow-up question about your FNAF post.
While I was never a part of the FNAF community, I was in enough tangential fandoms to get a feel for it, and it seemed to be mostly just kids and young teens having fun. But over the last couple years it seems to have shifted into a meaner and kinda reactionary space. Was it always like this or did something happen?
(The Post for context)
Now this is just speculation on my part, and I'm no psychologist so I could be very wrong and anyone who knows better is free to dunk on me, but this is my take on how this happened.
FnaF def started as a kids space. Even if that was never the original intention, it was bound to happen the moment Markiplier became the one to make it popular. And there's nothing wrong with that, there are plenty of things that started out as made for adults that ended up kids media, and arguably are better for it (TMNT, Cybersix, etc.) But that was a while ago. Almost a decade ago, in fact. If you were eleven when FnaF came out, you're eighteen now. And a ton of factors like rising political unrest, Qanon and Neo-nazi movements, the pandemic, and the decline of kids spaces online among other things have made the pipeline from horror-liker to reactionary far more efficient.
Worse still, is the fact that Scott Cawthon was very involved with the fans. He interacted with them openly, made all sorts of funny bits and collaborated with tons of youtube personalities, and he seemed like a genuinely pretty affable guy. It would have been very easy to look up to him at the time, I myself had a LOT of respect for Cawthon before we found out what he was really like, but when I found out I was old enough and involved enough with the queer community to understand why what he did was wrong. I was a junior in high school when the first FnaF came out, and lucky enough to already understand I was a lesbian and have friends from all over the gender and sexuality spectrums.
However most kids growing up with FnaF weren't like that. They didn't get to grow up with the delectable smorgasbord of kids horror content that I got to. They didn't have spaces like Neopets where they could just be idiot kids, cause even Club Penguin was on it's last legs around that time. Instead they had CoD lobbies, Twitch chatrooms, reddit and 4chan threads that they were practically driven to due to the lack of other places to express themselves online. And they weren't old enough to differentiate why something might be wrong, so instead they absorbed everything they came into contact with.
That's why, when Scott's donations were revealed, the fandom basically halved. Everyone was extremely attached to Scott Cawthon, and those who would be affected by his donations felt intense betrayal, never wanting to touch FnaF again, while those who weren't couldn't understand what the big deal was, having no betrayal to rip off their rose colored glasses they doubled down, only looking for things that proved to them that they were right and that they weren't bad people, delving deeper into right-wing talking points to avoid having to feel like they've done something wrong, because this is all they've known, Fnaf was with them for a hugely formative period of their lives, and it's scary to live without it. Creating insular echo-chambers and becoming more and more terminally online.
Basically what I'm saying is that if Club Penguin were still around we wouldn't have racist FnaF fans. It would probably also help if Pewdiepie wasn't Like That, but this video explains that part of it better than I can.
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theelliottsmiths · 4 years
Could you please liveblog the making of Amerika?
I'm anticipating complaining about the penis zip guy already
Did you know that for a long time as a child I thought the English version was the real version? Cause I did
The bit where they're putting the paint on their faces is weirdly cute even though Richard looks kind of silly
Flake grow out your long hair pleaseee just like. A cute little bob again. I would listen to him talk for hours honestly I like the way he pronounced the words and his tone language doesn't matter
You can always tell by how he holds his face vs his eyes when he's joking "that's what this song is for: to sneak ourselves into their hearts" i feel like they have done that pretty well. For some reason it seems like most of the American fans are from the Midwest but maybe that's just coincidence
Rammstein saying they have no message except "Fleisch, Fleisch" or "ja" or "ich will" I forgot this entire thing is ceaseless dunking and sarcasm
i like the sounds he makes like the. There's a name for them what is it. The noises you make between words for emphasis etc? Those
"America was so fucking annoying we felt the need to call them out on it"
Oli talks a little like he's trying not to yawn. Them saying the war was on while they were in the practice room is strange considering how long the various wars had been going on just from like a born in the late 90s living in 2020 perspective
Ah yes you really were. So subtle. It's very. Clever many double meanings
"sehr gut, Till". :).
The sehnsucht thing tickles me so much he starts off by saying yes it's better to leave things up for interpretation and naturally my brain assumes he means the well thought out probably not true but poetic stuff, right, and then he goes on to say Americans thought sehnsucht was chainsaw and I cannot
The knife also is good.
In a way Amerika as a video is a precursor Ausländer and I like seeing how it compares because its
Oli does not seem happy to have his words captured At All
I wonder how many people did the Deutschland thing and went straight to saying it's racist without thinking through the reasons behind what they were doing (at least in part criticising American racism) I'm pretty sure l've seen someone complain about it somewhere like it was serious, I think on Reddit around the time the Ausländer Making of came out? Which is why I bring it up
"we wanted to make it clear that it wasn't a love song so these lyrics are perfect" Till: literally just saying this is not a love song
I would like to see them perform a cheer in proper cheerleader costumes instead of the uncomfy stickman Deutschland dance that makes me cringe my skeleton right out of my skin in 2021 please
The juxtaposition of Richards pro-america comments and flakes sarky comments about how nice the urinals are is so reminiscent of that post that's like America where freedom is the choice between thirty kinds of bread that you can't afford to buy
I was going to make a Regan's grave joke but I do prefer to keep that one for Margaret Thatchers grave
I like schneiders hair at this length
Schneiders capacity to oscillate so wildly between being a vacant dumbass and saying intelligent and thought out things is ceaselessly amazing
Saying it's hard because "it's like a punk concert for them" Jörn my guy my dude almost all of them were in punk bands I just checked and this was 2004 Feeling b only broke up in the 90s do you literally just mean Oli (I do not remember if there was any punk going on in the Inchtabokatables) or
Schneider is making it look so easy was he truly just so -_- about feeling b that he can be completely calm in the face drumming that fast? Cause we know usually his fast drumming involves screaming faces and or actual screaming I swear he does and it's just not hearable under the music sidenote he sings along sometimes and if he does it out loud I NEED to hear it
Richard when it's slowed down looks uh. Looks like he's eh. Hm. Is that the real reason people are so into guitarists?
I don't know which part of the sentence Glasses Paul says in that louder voice (schossen? Is he saying that/shot?) but I do like it if I knew more German I would take on way more Rammstein things as echoes you have no idea how much time I spend saying es reicht wenn hier so 'nen fleischfarbenen Draht lang legst which If that's wrong it's exactly what I was told he said so please correct it but it's not my fault unless you consider it my fault for not knowing enough German in which case it is my fault
But anyway yes hes Talking like its a museum tour and in his little glasses and shirt and everything he is totally playing the part of unhinged historian which is the best kind of historian honestly if you're going to be academic in nature you might as well be fucking mental
I want to know what vibes his speech gives off in German because to me he in English and German seems very theatrical in the way he talks? Including how much he rolls his rs it's very... Showy? But maybe not actually?
I forget how many videos Jörn has shot with them honestly
What do you do with this ash sand once your finished with? Some of them had kids I'd have taken it home and pretended it was real moon dust or something
They really go for it when they decide to do something like this and it really is admirable. It's rare they'll half-ass something and even when if feels like their director has they don't themselves
Richard looks very handsome in his space suit before they hang him up
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He looks like a marionette now nevermind
I just. Do. Not. Enjoy this man I'm sorry to you and the mullet man I'm sure he's great but for fucks SAKE man he
Look. I have nothing against Americans individually B is American Nick is American i love them dearly i know also other Americans a lot of you guys are Americans and I love you lots but here's the thing why are Americans like this
If it's not in English the brain turns off even if the context is obvious it's like when English people see Welsh/English signs and are so anti-welsh that they don't acknowledge that they're also in English and get angry that they don't know where they are
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The sweetest little face though!
Softest boy ever besides Rosenrot Till
Till gets bored of the guy and decides to tell a story about a dick it's very him
This is the hair I think of when I think of Till this is the quintessential till haircut no?
God I do dislike this man
Tills voice is so so high here I adore him so completely it's so soft and high and the song is Not
If you're trying to learn how to say L sounds like a German I feel like richard is the easiest one to copy? Unless they're all weirdos and no other German says L sounds like that. Him and flake.
Flakes smile is more cheerful than Paul's there I said it
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I know it's not foreshadowing but Jörn foreshadowing Ausländer
Richard talking about America's tendancy to exaggerate is really interesting since that's something the community as a whole seems to agree is a personality trait of his. They didn't fight, they almost broke up. He hates touring and yet he loves touring. Is that why he likes it there or is living there why he's like that?
Can you casually buy ten litres of orange juice? The boys are busy they cannot confirm and Google does not understand what I'm asking
Yeah Richard and Till, get closer
Schneiders handprint
I forgot about "there was a rumour in the DDR that America didn't exist" what is it with Germany and conspiracies about places not existing I'm there are tears in my eyes I genuinely I never watch this one flake is so fucking funny
Till talking pictures of the others
It's better than I give it credit for in my memory is there anything they've made that is in not a single way entertaining? I feel like no
Thank you for asking for this one it was every fun actually
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carolinesiede · 4 years
Reflecting on 2020
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The strangest thing about 2020 was how familiar much of it felt: Working from home, extended periods of isolation, weeks and months blending together. To a much lesser degree, those are things I experience each year as a freelancer. And while I suspect it will take awhile before the full extent of the trauma we’ve all lived through this year fully sets in, right now I’m mostly focused on gratitude. I’m grateful for the health of my loved ones. Grateful I already had a work-from-home routine to maintain during the pandemic. And grateful that I was able to quarantine with my family for much of the year—which had its challenges but also its rewards too.
In my 2019 year-end post I wrote about feeling like my career was finally on an upward trajectory after several years of plateauing. This year obviously offered some new wrinkles in that regard. I made significantly less money and felt familiar fears about how sustainable this career actually is. But having less work also gave me more time to focus on the actual craft of writing. I feel like I reached a new level in terms of voice, clarity, and the ability to self-edit. I'm the sort of person who constantly (arguably, obsessively) strives to be better, and it’s rewarding to feel like that hard work is finally slowly starting to pay off.
In addition to devoting my quarantine time to mastering a favorite curry recipe, getting really into the Enneagram, finally learning to French braid hair, and rewatching all of New Girl, I also had some really cool opportunities scattered throughout the year. I interviewed John Barrowman about his surprise return to Doctor Who, which felt like a real milestone for me. I also contributed to the Los Angeles Times’ list of TV shows to binge-watch during quarantine, which appeared both online and in print. And thanks to everything going virtual this year, I was able to attend a press panel for the fifth season of This Is Us, which is the sort of thing I’m not usually able to do as a Chicago-based critic. 
My career is always a juggling act between film and TV, and this year made me appreciate how valuable it is to be able to move seamlessly between both worlds. I took on new TV assignments covering the first season of Stargirl and the second season of The Umbrella Academy, both of which were a blast to write about. And while I didn’t watch quite as many films as I did in my insane catch-up year last year, I did fill in some more major blindspots. I also contributed to The A.V. Club’s list of the best films of 2000 and shared my own ballot over on Letterboxd. Oh, and I set up a Letterboxd this year too!
Elsewhere, I made my debut on Bustle and The Takeout, and ended the year with a Polygon article about “Kind Movies” that pretty much sums up my entire ethos on storytelling. I was also named a Top Critic by Rotten Tomatoes, which was a real honor. But the pride and joy of my career remains my rom-com column, When Romance Met Comedy. I devoted a whopping 49,000 words to analyzing 25 different romantic comedies this year. And I’m really pleased with how the column has grown and with the positive feedback I’ve received.
I have to admit, I sometimes worry that year-end highlight reels like this one can make my life seem easy or glamorous in a way that doesn’t reflect what it’s like to actually live through it. I'm tremendously lucky to get to do what I do, but I also struggle a lot—both with the logistics of this career and with bigger questions about what value it brings to the world. My goal is to approach 2021 with a greater sense of intentionality. I want to be more thoughtful in my career choices, more purposeful in how I use social media, and more active in my activism and politics. I’d also like to do 20 push-ups a day everyday for the whole year, but we’ll see how long that resolution actually lasts.
Finally, on a sadder note, one other defining experience of the year was the loss of my dear internet friend Seb Patrick, who I’ve known for years through the Cinematic Universe podcast. Seb created a wonderfully positive nerd space online, and was a big part of my early quarantine experience thanks to the Avengers watchalongs I did with the CU gang in the spring. I’m so grateful for all the fun pop culture chats we got to have throughout the years, several of which are linked below. Seb is tremendously missed, and there’s a fund for his family here.
As we head into 2021, I’ll leave you with wishes for a Happy New Year and a roundup of all the major writing and podcasts I did in 2020. If you enjoyed my work, you can support me on Kofi or PayPal. Or you can just share some of your favorite pieces with your friends! That really means a lot.
My 15 favorite films of 2020
My 15 favorite TV shows of 2020
Op-eds, Features, and Interviews
Women Pioneered The Film Industry 100 Years Ago. Why Aren’t We Talking About Them? [Bustle]
2020 is the year of the Kind Movie — and it couldn’t have come at a better time [Polygon]
Make a grocery store game plan for stress-free shopping [The Takeout]
What’s Going On: A primer on the call to defund the police [Medium]
Doctor Who’s John Barrowman on the return of Captain Jack Harkness [The A.V. Club]
Episodic TV Coverage
Doctor Who S12
This Is Us S4 and S5
Supergirl S5
Stargirl S1
The Umbrella Academy S2
The Crown S4
NBC’s Dr. Seuss’ The Grinch Musical!
When Romance Met Comedy
Is The Ugly Truth the worst romantic comedy ever made?
Working Girl’s message is timeless, even if the hair and the shoulder pads aren’t
You’ve Got Mail and the power of the written (well, typed) word
Love & Basketball was a romantic slam dunk
How did My Big Fat Greek Wedding make so much money?
America eased into the ’60s with the bedroom comedies of Doris Day and Rock Hudson
I can’t stop watching Made Of Honor
Notting Hill brought two rom-com titans together
It’s time to rediscover one of Denzel Washington’s loveliest and most under-seen romances
Something’s Gotta Give is the ultimate quarantine rom-com
20 years ago, But I’m A Cheerleader reclaimed camp for queer women
On its 60th anniversary, Billy Wilder’s The Apartment looks like an indictment of toxic masculinity
The Wedding Planner made rom-com stars out of Jennifer Lopez and Matthew McConaughey
After 25 years, Clueless is still our cleverest Jane Austen adaptation
William Shakespeare invented every romantic comedy trope we love today
Edward Norton made his directorial debut by walking a priest, a rabbi, and a Dharma into a Y2K rom-com
The forgotten 1970s romantic comedy that raged against our broken, racist system
His Girl Friday redefined the screwball comedy at 240 words per minute
Before Wonder Woman soared into theaters, the hacky My Super Ex-Girlfriend plummeted to Earth
Dirty Dancing spoke its conscience with its hips
The rise of Practical Magic as a spooky season classic
In a dire decade for the genre, Queen Latifah became a new kind of rom-com star
Years before Elsa and Anna, Tangled reinvigorated the Disney princess tradition
Palm Springs is the definitive 2020 rom-com
Celebrate Christmas with the subversive 1940s rom-com that turned gender roles on their head
The A.V. Club Film & TV Reviews
Netflix’s To All The Boys sequel charms, though not quite as much as the original
The Photograph only occasionally snaps into focus
Jane Austen's Emma gets an oddball, sumptuous, and smart new adaptation
Pete Davidson delivers small-time charms in Big Time Adolescence
Council Of Dads crams a season of schmaltzy storytelling into its premiere
In Belgravia, Downton Abbey’s creator emulates Dickens to limited success
Netflix’s Love Wedding Repeat adds some cringe to the rom-com
Netflix takes another shot at Cyrano de Bergerac with queer love triangle The Half Of It
We Are Freestyle Love Supreme is a feel-good origin story for Lin-Manuel Miranda’s first troupe
Sara Bareilles’ melodic Apple TV+ series Little Voice is still finding itself
Netflix’s sexist rom-com sensation gets a minor upgrade in The Kissing Booth 2
With Howard, Disney+ movingly honors the lyricist who gave the Little Mermaid her voice
The Broken Hearts Gallery tries to find catharsis in heartbreak
Netflix’s ghostly musical series Julie And The Phantoms hits some charming tween high notes
After We Collided slides toward R-rated camp—but not far enough
Holidate is a bawdy start to Netflix’s holiday rom-com slate
Kristen Stewart celebrates the Happiest Season in a pioneering queer Christmas rom-com
Isla Fisher gets her own Enchanted in the Disney Plus fairy tale Godmothered
Podcast Appearances
Debating Doctor Who: “Orphan 55”
It Pod To Be You: The Wedding Singer
Reality Bomb: Defending Doctor Who’s “Closing Time”
The Televerse: Spotlight on Doctor Who Season 12
You Should See The Other Guy: The Ugly Truth
Only Stupid Answers: Stargirl’s season finale
Motherfoclóir: Ireland and the Hollywood Rom-Com
Called in to Nerdette’s Clueless retrospective episode
Cinematic Universe Appearances
Cinematic Universe: Superman IV: The Quest For Peace
Cinematic Universe: Birds of Prey
Cinematic Universe: Infinity War watchalong
Cinematic Universe: Endgame watchalong
Cinematic Universe: Terminator 2
Cinematic Universe: Josie and the Pussycats
Cinematic Universe: The Cuppies 2020 (Cuppies of Cuppies)
And here are similar year-end wrap-ups I did in 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, and 2013.
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skegulium · 4 years
♛ gazes into your eyes
my opinion on;
character in general: haha, man, you have SO MANY! it’s hard to comment on all of them! You’re very creative and i can always admire how absolutely balls off the walls you get with making them! You’ve also got a billion and one alien OCs and I can always respect that, even if I’m more interested on the fantroll side of things. It’s not easy making interconnected worldbuilding and tying a dozen tiny threads together and seeing how they pull and affect each other and weaving an entire culture from how they interact, but you’re one of the few that I feel like can do it with a finesse that I don’t see often! It’s admirable! it’s hard to pick a single thing to talk about at length, there’s a lot and it’s all very good.
how they play them: I’ve seen you RP around for quite awhile! I think I’ve seen a lot of surface, superficial stuff though, not a lot of the deeper, in-depth and emotionally heavy stuff that I usually break my popcorn out for. Though that means nothing about whether or not it’s happening - I just remember the snappy asks better than the rest lmfao. They’re fun! sassy! Very kind characters! You should try doing villains more. You’re good at making terrible people and those are always very fun to watch on the dash.
the mun: We’ve known each other for like, 87 years. At this point, i think it’d be weird if we didn’t see each other around lmfao. While we haven’t been exceedingly close friends, we’ve been good and that’s something that’s always a delight to have around! it’s fun shooting the shit with one another and dunking on when people are being racist as fuck, lmfao. I do also pray desperately you can escape the hell of customer service, because by god do you suffer so much more than you deserve.
do i;
follow them: Yes! for a very long time now! rp with them: we do not! want to rp with them: yeah sure! ship their character with mine: yeah, if they’ve got the chemistry!
what is my;
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lazyxlazer · 4 years
Shit Church Experiences Pt. 1
As the pandemic continues, I’ve been thinking more and more about shit that I never had time to think about before. It weighs on my mind as I try to sleep every night, and since I process by writing things out, I decided this would probably be a good first step at getting it the fuck out of my head. Nothing has affected me quite as much as my church experience. None of my current friends went regularly as a child, so I’ve become the go to for Bible related questions. Unfortunately for them, I’ve blocked a lot out from my memory as far as Bible memorization goes. A lot of the other shit persists.
I had never heard of church until I was probably 8 or 9. My aunt, uncle, and cousins lived in an apartment complex in my hometown, so I was over there frequently being watched by my aunt and uncle. I remember one day being asked if I would like to go on the “church bus” and go to Sunday School with my cousin. She was probably around 5 and my aunt was putting her on this “church bus” alone to go to some unknown church. Mind you, this wasn’t a traditional bus but a large 14-seater van. Don’t worry, it had windows! I’m not sure if I was supposed to keep my cousin company or if my cousin was just encouraged to bring me along.
The church was about five or so miles away from the apartment complex and sat on a mostly empty highway. It was surrounded by lots of trees and the road with the entrance to the church was kind of treacherous. Since there was not much else around, people driving on the highway weren’t very good at paying attention to cars slowing down to turn into the church. When I first started going, it was large but pretty modest inside. It had red brick walls and a tall white steeple. The inside had a cafe and an area for kids. Sunday school rooms were upstairs. The sanctuary was covered in thick maroon carpet. I should have taken it as a subdued warning; everything in that place was a shade of red. A few years later they would build a brand new, extremely massive sanctuary and a school onto the side of the old church building. The adults had church in the new sanctuary and the kids used the old building.
I don’t remember what that first time was like, but after that, I was in love with going to church. We sang songs and danced around, they gave us SNACKS, we played fun games, and the best part was that I was being told how good of a child I was for going to church. 
The church bus started coming to pick me up at my own home every Sunday. I took my mom with me one time. Then the next time my dad came. After that, we went to church every Sunday without fail. This comes back to haunt me to this day. If I hadn’t gotten on that stupid bus, I never would have gone through all of the pain and suffering that it caused later down the line.
Even though my parents were church regulars, I still rode the church bus. I got to hang out with kids, sing songs, and goof around without my friends. Also, if we brought friends, then we were rewarded. Whoever brought the most friends on the church bus at the end of the month got to go out to lunch with the bus driver, Jake. What a reward, huh? He took us to Wendy’s for burgers, fries, and a frosty. I won that prize SEVERAL times.
The thing about me is that I’m very motivated by praise from authority figures. I’m also very motivated by food. Naturally, church was a dangerous environment for a person like me. There’s always food, and there are plenty of people that have authority and use it to the fullest extent. It wasn’t even hard to look up to them because everyone was always so kind, or pretended to be. 
In Sunday school and in kid’s church, which they called “Adventure Land,” I was very subservient. I memorized all of my Bible verses, I did my daily devotional, I prayed. I wanted to be the best, and I wanted God to love me the most. I thought that if I showed them and God how good I was then I wouldn’t end up in the scary, fiery place called Hell. I had to prove I was good enough to be in heaven. I also wanted to prove to everyone else that I had worth and was meant to be there.
I was quickly pulled into the church “family” and my parents were too now that I spent every Sunday and Wednesday at the church. My dad joined the church choir and band. He played the saxophone, and he loves nothing more than to sing his heart out. My mom cleaned the church every Tuesday. I would usually go with her then, too, to help clean. When I got a little older, I got roped into doing puppet shows and teaching kids how to do the dance moves for the songs. The adults trusted me to help teach others what to do, so I felt the worth I wanted so badly. I knew all of the words and motions to all of the songs! I raised my hands and swayed to the music. I closed my eyes and pretended to feel the Lord’s presence. I knew how to do this stuff. Therefore, I was perfect for indoctrinating younger children!
I don’t recall a lot of the time I spent “witnessing” to other children, but I have a strong memory of something I did for Vacation Bible School (VBS). In the summer, there was a weeklong camp that parents sent their kids to so we could learn all about Jesus and be entertained so parents could have a break from their kids. I went up on stage with two adults in front of the entire congregation and sang a song and danced as a preview for that year’s VBS called Amazon Outfitters. I still remember the song. Now, I see how racist and fucked up it is. It went:
Amazon Outfitters,
We’re on a mission for the one true God.
We cannot be quitters, 
We’re on a mission and we will not stop.
Amazon Outfitters, 
We’re giving everything that we’ve got 
To help others discover
The wonders of the one true God.
And at the end of that verse you made a guttural “HUH!” noise like Edwin Starr in his song “War” because that’s exactly what that song needed. The song is poorly written, but at least it has the imperialistic undertones! Colonization, anyone?
So yeah, a person who is now painfully introverted went up on stage to advertise to parents and their children how they could be cool, just like me, if they went to VBS. Where was my shame? I desperately needed it then, but I thought I was doing the right thing. I thought I was important.
I was also a perfect candidate for indoctrinating others because of  how “inspiring” my story was to others, at least according to the adults. I came to church for the first time WITHOUT MY PARENTS and CHOSE to keep coming back. Heck, I BROUGHT THEM WITH ME!! I was the pride and joy of several Sunday School teachers and youth pastors. I was also “saved” before my parents were, so it was because of me that they got saved too.
It’s an absolutely riveting story, let me tell you. One of the church members was an actual cowboy. He had a farm, he owned horses, he had a cowboy hat, he had a handlebar mustache, the dude had it all. On a very special day of church, he brought one of his horses with him to show all of the children. While he talked to us about Jesus, I was enraptured by that horse. I’m not really into horses, although maybe I could have been in another life, but at that moment, nothing was more important to me than touching that horse. He had rich brown hair and a diamond shaped white spot on his nose. Luckily, if we decided that we wanted to ask God to forgive our sins and to follow him no matter what on that very day, we were allowed to come and TOUCH THE HORSE!!!! Like fuck was I passing up that opportunity! I was the first kid to stomp my happy ass up to that horse. I touched it and asked God to forgive me of my sins without a second thought.
I was informed soon after that I would have to get baptized, you know, because we have to wash away our sins in a chlorinated pool before it’s official. I did that without question. It was on a day in April in the old church building. It was still cold outside, enough to wear a jacket. I’m pretty sure I wore a dress that was white and lacy. You wouldn’t catch my gay ass in something like that now-a-days, which is why I bring it up. Upon arrival at the church, we were told that the heater in the baptismal wasn’t working, but it would be okay to go ahead with the baptisms. 
It was not okay.
That water was so cold, that everyone that got baptised that day was a shivering mess for the rest of the service. My legs turned purple. I will NEVER forget how cold I was and how foreign my legs looked on my body. I also recall keeping my eyes open when the pastor dunked me into that water.The pastor laughed at me and told me I was weird. Then, later in the day, my parents threw a little party for me where everyone brought me gifts for being baptized. It made me feel proud and WORTHY.
I give myself a lot of shit for following so blindly, for not questioning, for believing every adult I encountered had good intentions, but there was absolutely no hope for me then. I’m a people-pleaser, I’ll admit it. I know how to listen, pay attention, be quiet, obey. I was taught to always respect adults no matter what. I never questioned them or talked back. I once asked my parents what I was like when I was younger, beyond my memory. My dad said to me, “You were always such a good little girl. You were so...meek. If another kid was throwing a fit because you had a toy they wanted, you would just give it to them and do something else.”
He’s not wrong. That behavior persists to this day. I find it interesting that my parents weren’t more concerned about it. I was such an anxious child. I identified with cartoon characters like Piglet from Winnie the Pooh and Chuckie from Rugrats. Miss Frizzle from The Magic School Bus, too, but that’s just because I’m a weirdo nerd. Maybe they found it endearing and sweet. Maybe they liked how cautious I was because they never had to worry about me doing something dangerous. Honestly, I don’t blame them. I’m sure I was an easy child to handle. However, at a time when I needed more than ever to have ideas and opinions, I was indoctrinated into an extremely toxic church environment. Something that was supposed to give me meaning, purpose, and worth actually left me with nothing when I no longer followed without question.
I still have plenty floating around in my head and MANY STORIES that I believe need to be told. Later I’ll be talking about:
The Youth Barn - are you ready teens?! AYE AYE, JESUS!
The Baptist Church Break-up
The Truth About Bob (spoiler: it’s not good)
The Pizza Church
Noah and The Wonderful World of Technology
Ken Ham and Creationism
Youth Group
Church Band
“Dude, your pastor is a little creepy…”
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What are your pronouns/gender?
I literally don't care what people refer to me as lmao. Besides which, wasn't I perfectly clear that I don't want to interact with racists?
Holy fuck you whole lot are illiterate. Though I probably should have seen that coming with how shit y'all's media literacy is.
Kindly stop harassing me. K, thanks, bye.
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Hi there.
There is so much wrong with nearly every recent post you’ve made. Let’s list them:
1: You publicly insult someone’s innocent headcanons by screenshooting them and not including them in the post.
2: When people call out your problematic behavior, you find ways to defend yourself when it’s behavior that’s super bad.
3: You continue to harass people when they again, call you out on horrible behavior.
I used to be a fan of ours. You were a bit assertive, but it wasn’t that bad. When I realized how you act toward to other people, I realized I can’t associate myself with someone who’s a real jerk toward other people.
If you don’t like a headcanon, don’t interact with it. If you do, don’t shame them for thinking differently than you. Instead, if you do interact, say you don’t agree, give your own headcanon on the subject, and say you respectfully disagree. That’s how it’s supposed to be. It would be boring if people thought the same way. I’ve seen a ton of headcanons I disagree with, and I’m still respectful toward the creator.
More than likely your blog will be one of the first people discover when they get into the fandom. I know this because this happened to me. Your behavior will paint the image that the entirety of the Ben 10 fandom are all jerks
Also, this whole “racist” this is total BS. I can’t even understand how you came up with that statement. You do realize that cracker means a bragging liar? Literally no idea where you came up with that.
I’ll end this with a question. Do you really want to be known as the “Ben 10 Diva?” Because that’s what everyone I’ve interacted with knows you as.
I really hope you realize what you’re doing is wrong, because, as I said before, I really was a fan, but I just couldn’t continue after I realized what an awful person you are. Same goes with your friend @xcatxgirlx. Seeing how nasty you two are to other people just really sat wrong with me.
Thank you.
Lmao. What.
Cracker was CLEARLY used in a racial manner by @littlemisstfp she literally has a history of using race in front of shit as if it makes her remarks any more cutting.
Cracker is a slur too don't try to act ignorant.
Slang: Disparaging and Offensive. a contemptuous term used to refer to a white person in the South, especially a poor white living in some rural parts of the southeastern U.S.
I wouldn't call any headcanons that support anti LGBTQ+ views for a peacekeeping organization innocent neither of ones that paint a whole species as bigots that practically enslave another race (one they created no less) when both views would NECESSITATE the person headcanoning it to cherry pick disjointed evidence, ignore or straight up make up context, and purposely act like said conclusions are Obviously Right™.
I've literally already explained what the screenshots are for multiple times, which YOU'D KNOW if you actually read my posts.
Here let me quote one instance lmao.
"Also I've said it before but screenshots are for preservation purposes and context clarification so no party can say the things said weren't said."
Lmao oh yes clearly @xcatxgirlx and myself are the nasty ones not the racists that randomly call people slurs or continually insult other people or pile up on you when you disagree with the absurd delusional notion that all of a given media is Copoganda. Cleeeeeeeeearly.
I quite frankly don't give a single fuck what people refer to me as. You can hate me to your dying breath and I wouldn't give a single shit nor lose any sleep over it.
Also thanks for reminding me people might stumble upon my blog first when looking up Ben 10 stuff! I'll pin this post now so people can see my views and how I don't tolerate shit like racism.
Since as I've said before calling them out for being racist IS NECESSARY. No one should be unaware of terrible shit like this and if you disagree you're LITERALLY part of the problem and how shit like racism spreads.
Also it's hilarious you think MY behavior will do that when a prolific Ben 10 writer has straight up said she is thinking about leaving due to the toxic views of a small minority.
My behavior has never been the problem and neither has @xcatxgirlx or @noctisimperialistic. It's a small echo chamber that gangs up on people and propagates bs and pedals it as Obvious Facts™.
I'm editing this post to further shine a light on the racists, racist apologists, and general deniers of white people being able to be targets of racism/cracker being a slur. I would link to specific posts but that's too much effort on my part. Considering a number of them have started to try and Kung Pow Penis troll me I really don't think they deserve the effort if they can't even troll me with honest effort. I'm sure more are to come out of the woodworks though so this list will definitely be updated in the future.
To those below and those that agree with any of their racist sentiments.
All racism is just as bad as any other, no matter the race it's pointed at. Just like all sexism is equally bad. Just like how all agism is equally bad.
YOU DON'T GET TO CHERRY PICK CAUSES AND THINGS THAT "ACTUALLY HURT" BECAUSE THE WORLD DOESN'T END WITH YOU. To say otherwise is fucking disgusting and shows a complete lack of empathy and care for your fellow human beings.
A showcase of how terrible @transwiththeplans really is, lightyears ahead of anyone else on that list
For any if you complaining about being put on the list or viewing it as harassment (lmao) let me enlighten you on how being guilty by association works
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Again with calling me a basic bitch @littlemisstfp?
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What false narrative could I possibly spin when I'm preserving your posts for antiquity?
Who the hell would be intimidated by the likes of you? You aren't even remotely scary.
Who the hell has gone on multiple triads here? You. Calling me a diva is hilarious.
Of course you have no remorse, you're a racist hypocrite, only a fool would expect you capable of such a feat.
You were being racist for using a racial slur and advocating for the erroneous fact that white people can't be discriminated against for their skin color.
I think it's about time I show you how to PROPERLY insult people you malignant cunt bag of used condoms.
See? Creative.
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Kind of have a feeling your ableism and dehumanization is more serious than some white hispanics using the word cracker
I've done neither of those things lmao. If anyone is using dehumanizing it's the people insisting white people can't be subject to racism (something that effects all people and all races).
Idaf who calls me what. A racial slur is still a racial slur even if it doesn't specifically apply to me. I'd be just as pissed if someone were sexist to me too or ageist.
You could be the ruler of a country or the most liked celebrity on the planet and I'd still call you out on your shit.
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Hahahahaha! @abcleverun that's actually a funny joke. Oh wait, you're serious?
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Ben would never date a racist self-proclaimed anarchist that thinks the Plumbers are secretly evil. Oh yeah and you ALSO think he's a womanizing psycho/sociopathic narcissist that only saves women to get in their pants.
Holy shit. Talk about delusional takes.
Also like you've made it abundantly clear you hate the poor boy from your delusional take on a kids narrative from not only his occupation but his skin color. Soooo why the absolute fuck would you date someone you hate everything about???
Like unless you're the world's biggest gold digger/attention whore (since he's obviously rich af from endorsements/in universe merchandise and anyone being his significant other would get stupidly famous from mere proximity) and value the former above all his negatives I don't get forcing yourself to be in a relationship with someone you despise. Like the whole point of a relationship is for both parties to be happy, support each other, and grow together as people.
Also I stipulated who in FICTION would nab him.
Jesus fucking Christ learn to read will you? This shit is painful at this point.
You wouldn't last a single date with him since he wouldn't even show up after the Plumbers do a background check on you for safety reasons. Lmaooo. Know what? I'm gonna have this be the first chapter of this fic. That shit was too funny.
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If white people are oppressed and face racism, where’s the donation groups for white people facing said racism? Where’s the campaigns to end white racism? Where’s the hate crimes where the perpetrator is fueled by a hatred for white people?
Stop moving goal posts and realize that there are worst things to be called than “cracker”.
You dumb fuck. I've told you before quit with the misery olympics, it just shows your narcissism and complete lack of empathy.
Read a god damn dictionary.
a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human racial groups determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to dominate others or that a particular racial group is inferior to the others.
a disparaging remark or a slight
The following is a list of ethnic slurs (ethnophaulisms) that are, or have been, used as insinuations or allegations about members of a given ethnicity or racial group or to refer to them in a derogatory (that is, critical or disrespectful), pejorative (disapproving or contemptuous), or otherwise insulting manner.
Some of the terms listed below (such as "Gringo", "Yank", etc.) are used by many people all over the world as part of their ordinary speech or thinking without any intention of causing offence. The connotation of a term and prevalence of its use as a pejorative or neutral descriptor varies over time and by geography.
For the purposes of this list, an ethnic slur is a term designed to insult others on the basis of race, ethnicity, or nationality. Each term is listed followed by its country or region of usage, a definition, and a reference to that term.
Ethnic slurs may also be produced as a racial epithet by combining a general-purpose insult with the name of ethnicity, such as "dirty Jew", "Russian pig", etc. Other common insulting modifiers include "dog", "filthy", etc. Such terms are not included in this list.
United States
White people, especially poor Appalachian and Southern people
First used in the 19th century. It is sometimes used specifically to refer to a native of Florida or Georgia. Also used in a more general sense in North America to refer to white people disparagingly.
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racism against whites isn't real.
sincerely, an arab.
Idgaf about your ethnicity. The definition of racism disagrees with you.
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Hey, if you’re against using the R-slur you should also be against using “delusional”. Yet you have a tag that’s called “Delusional Ben 10 fans”.
And that’s for people who disagree with you.
You dumb fuck. I'm this close to adding a link to dictionary.com to my intro. Holy shit.
having false or unrealistic beliefs or opinions:
My use of the word is entirely accurate. Since saying Ben is a womanizing narcissistic psychopath is as equally delusional as promoting the opinion that all of Ben 10 is copoganda, or that the Plumbers/Galvan are secretly evil/bigots, or that he only saves women to get in their pants, or thinking cracker isn't a slur. I could go on.
Like you straight up trying to say you totally didn't lie about being sucicdal and tried to use frankly insultingly bad actuallies to say the post you clearly implied was about sucicde wasn't. How you thought throwing away your projects isn't part of your property I'll never know... Than again it's pretty clear you weren't thinking so I suppose that answers itself.
Also I see you still continue to harass me by sending asks when I've told you multiple times to stop.
Well whatever, all this is doing is making it abundantly clear how shit you are in general so... Go ahead and dig deeper I guess?
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Imagine wanting to be associated with racists @aureumdraconeus
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But if they want to sully their public image by doing so far be it for me to stop them.
Idgaf about the stupid Kung Pow Penis thing and in fact had to look up wtf was even attempting to happen honestly. I find it dreadfully amusing that various people have taken it upon themselves to gang up in a piss poor attempt to troll me just because I keep pointing out how various people are racists.
It's... Adorable. Stupid as hell but adorable. After all racists apologists might as well be racist themselves. I for one give absolutely zero shits about anything a person contributing to social cancer thinks about me.
If they want to needlessly make life harder for subsections of humanity, so be it. But they better be prepared for the consequences that follow for contributing to needless suffering when life is already exhausting and painful enough without their intervention.
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Why do you keep referring to a trans woman who uses she/her pronouns with instead they/them pronouns. I wonder what that’s about.
Are you trying to imply I'm transphobic or something?
Because I'm not lmao. I mean I DO hate transwiththeplans or whatever her handle is but me hating a specific person of a specific group doesn't mean I hate everyone in said group.
Like, there ARE people like that but all of them are absolute fools with nary a braincell between them all.
As for why I do it... Because I straight up forget lmao. I mean I honestly wouldn't be surprised if she's lying about being trans seeing as she lied about being sucicdal.
I wouldn't put anything past her tbh.
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