#read a dictionary people holy fuck
You can't be racist to white people the same way. You can be racist to black people. That's not how racism works. I randomly found your profile as I was looking through reblogs on fan art. You aren't going to have fewer opportunities and be treated unfairly for solely being white.
Systemic racism is different from racism. Racism against any race is the exact same shit. I literally have a link to a dictionary in my about section. In fact here's the definition of racism and slur.
the belief that different races possess distinct characteristics, abilities, or qualities, especially so as to distinguish them as inferior or superior to one another.
an insulting or disparaging remark or innuendo :
Saying you can't be racist to white people like you can black people is inherently racist as all fuck. I literally have multiple reblogs showing people casually saying racial slurs (the fact multiple people categorically say you can't be racist to white people shows an inherent worldview where white people are inferior to all other races since they lack the ability to experience racism) to me assuming I'm white lmao. Cracker is absolutely a racial slur and I've linked why multiple times too.
"The following is a list of ethnic slurs, ethnophaulisms, or ethnic epithets that are, or have been, used as insinuations or allegations about members of a given ethnicity or racial group or to refer to them in a derogatory, pejorative, or otherwise insulting manner. .... For the purposes of this list, an ethnic slur is a term designed to insult others on the basis of race, ethnicity, or nationality."
Please read a dictionary and focus on something that actually matters currently instead of this ridiculous claim that goes directly against the definition of racism.
No ism excludes a particular demographic, otherwise it'd literally be the thing it's defining.
There are literally multiple ongoing genocides halo currently, focus on that or global warming instead of trying to tell me the definition of racism when I've literally quoted it multiple times.
This misery Olympics shit is tiresome and gets society nowhere. All racism is equally bad and fucking stupid as sin. Stop perpetuating a problem.
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irndad · 1 year
in every other life- s.r.
a/n: my soul is in this mf fic. there's a lil sexual tension lol! this is a behemoth of pining. so much fucking pining. this guy needs you like air wtf!! ALSO the poem is from a book, the lover's dictionary by david levithan. summary: the love of spencer's life is also his best friend, and she goes on a few dates. he does not handle it well, internally. ft. metaphysics by our dear genius boy. wc: 3.3k (holy shit)
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While he recognizes that no direct injustice has actually been done to him, he can’t help but feel that it’s so unfair. 
Because Spencer had never actually wanted much of anyone, actually. He was too much of a child through his entire education, and he’d found anyone that he’d even consider had almost instantly had dismissed him. He’d grown used to a life where companionship wasn’t a desire that crossed his mind. 
But he wanted her. 
His lovely friend, his coworker, who was the kind of lovely that it feels unfair you’d ever have to take your eyes off of. She’s the best person he’s ever met, the sort of wonderful you read about but never convince yourself you’ll ever see. He knows the shape of her, has her form memorized from watching, waiting for her to step into the office every day.  
It was only a matter of time until he wasn’t the only one with his eye on her. 
She’s actually absurdly easy to want. There’s nights where they watch something, often what he picked, Doctor Who or some other science fiction which would be great if he could focus on anything but her. Her warm disposition ruminating his too-small apartment with a kind of light that follows his every movement. He’d adore her even if she wasn’t, but it’s impossible to ignore how beautiful she is- the kind of pretty that you hardly expect to see in real life. 
“Hey you,” her so-sweet voice is what breaks him out of his daydreaming, and he looks up at her lovely face smiling down at him. Fondness seeps through her tone, and it’s everything he can do not to preen that her first thought at seeing him is one of pleasure. 
“Hey back,” he says, greeting her with a warm grin of his own. “How was your weekend?”
It’s a calculated question. 
She had canceled their weekly movie night. He’d tried not to look too disappointed, like the idea of her next to him on his couch, of her nimble fingers raking through his unkempt hair while something nice, but far less wonderful than his company played in the background wasn’t all that was keeping him going. These days, and he knows it’s likely delusion, that she sometimes seems to gaze back at him with a similar sort of desperation, hooded eyes and tenderness. 
It’s a liminal space, those nights. How can people be two things at once? You cannot be both in love and not. In the low-light of his place, under his blanket- it’s like Schrodinger’s experiment. She can’t love him like a friend and more at the same time- it resists the laws of physics. She is his best friend, a fact he knows as sure as gravity and the elements, and believing anymore than that- it’s asserting an impossibility. 
When they’re alone together, though. It seems like the impossible exists. 
But she’d canceled it, something she hadn’t done for the months they’d been engaging in their little tradition. So there had to be a reason. She sits next to him, her desk next to his. 
She looks a little disheveled, only in an adorable way- but a little like she’s been busy, like her flow is disrupted.
“It was good! I finally went out with that guy Penelope’s been begging me to let her set me up with.”
It’s all that he can do not to freeze up. 
Penelope has been trying to get her to go out with her friend Ben, which Spencer thinks is a stupid name, by the way, and secretly he’d been so, so pleased when she had brushed off the invite. It’s a dangerous thing, hope. He tries not to have too much of it, tries to savor the thought of her, of more for moments of particular vulnerability. It’s treacherous, to want her the way he does. He knows he can’t let himself feel it all the way. 
And logistically- romance is not a reason for a valid reason for him to be panicking the way he is, but all he can think about is the physics. Two opposite things cannot be true at the same time. 
“You know, studies suggest that even now, the majority of couples are meeting in person or through friends over any other medium.” 
It hurts to say. She’s part of a couple, one half a whole that he doesn’t complete. 
“Seriously? I’d have thought it’d changed by now. I guess it’s safer to date someone you know.”
She’d date someone she knew? Is that what she prefers? 
“How did it go?” He hears Emily ask, and this conversation is already the bane of his existence.
“Guys, it really wasn’t a big deal! We got dinner, it was just a little thing.”
Spencer isn’t experienced in dating, but he does know that dinner is a serious date. Coffee is a smaller thing, but dinner-
Dinner means she got pretty for him. Probably picked out a dress for the evening, spent time on a carefully manicured look. Spent hours of her precious, rare, time on him. 
It’s not fair how much he fucking hates this guy. 
“Dinner is not nothing!” Penelope squeals, and he would love to share in her excitement, except it kind of feels like a piece of his heart is being shredded. 
“Dinner means coming up to my place, have coffee, oh look who doesn’t have her hair done-“
Please kill me, he thinks. Please. 
“Oh, that definitely did not happen.”
Thank god. 
Except he can’t miss her flush, how her expression shifts- and he has the sickening feeling he’d be hearing that guy’s name again. 
When they all settle around the table, her doe eyes focused on gruesome images that were the exact antithesis of her spirit, he couldn’t help but feel that even if it hurt, there was finality. 
The cat was out of the box. Two things cannot be true at once, and so only one is- she does not love him, at least not the way he does. 
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Ben, is not in fact, going away. 
If he had more willpower or self-preservation, Spencer would keep his distance from her, but the truth of it is that as much as he wants to be the person she turns to, her smile is most of why he can stand his job anymore. 
It’s a Tuesday, and everyone is grumbling about being pulled in early in the morning, but he’s just happy to have a reason to leave the house.
“Spence!” He hears her excited voice carry, the pretty sound picking his ears up at once. “I got you coffee. It’s hazelnut, and it’s like, 90% sugar. You’re gonna love it.”
She beams at him, and he takes it in his hands. Their hands brush, and he tries so hard not to notice how soft her hands are. Her name is on the cup, and an unconsenting fantasy of her name meaning that he’s hers creeps into his mind before he can bat it away.  
But her cup says Ben. 
“Thanks,” he says her name, tries to sound measured and friendly. “Coffee date?”
She preens, and god, if this guy doesn’t get how lucky he is it might be thing thing that actually sends him over the edge after all these years.
“Just a quick thing, we were just in the same place and he bought me a coffee, I’d already gotten yours.”
If there’s two roles he can fill and he doesn’t get to pick, if he’s stuck with friends, he’s gonna be great at it, and he’s gonna be grateful. Because knowing her is a grace in itself, the kind of thing you should could yourself so lucky to have. 
“He sounds like a great guy,” he hears himself say, “I’m glad you’re doing this.”
It’s the right thing to say. He’s sure of it. The thing he’s not sure of is why the smile she offers him doesn’t reach her eyes. 
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The next time he notices the cracks in their relationship, it’s when they’re out. She’d suggested this bookstore-cafe kind of thing, and he’d jumped at the thought, all of his favorite things in one afternoon. He’d felt foolish spending so much time picking out his outfit out, wearing the blazer she’d once complimented-he’d actually stuttered so hard in thanks that Morgan laughed for a full minute when she left the room- but she always looked beautiful, and he knows he sometimes pales in comparison. 
“Oh, I love this one!” She thumbs over the spine of a thin book of poetry. She’s wearing a forest green sweater that hugs her frame, and a bracelet hangs on her delicate wrist. He loves looking at her, though he tries to conceal it. His goal of being a supportive friend includes trying not to make it that known how gone for her he is. 
“I don’t read too much poetry,” he admits, “But I’m sure you have excellent taste.” 
Her keen eyes skim through the pages intently, clearly seeking out a specific passage before stopping, gaze alight with recognition. 
Her tone is molasses-sweet when she begins reading, and his heart skips a beat.
“When I say be my lover,” her voice hitches, reverent of the quote and he is reverent of her, “ I don’t mean ‘let’s have an affair. I don’t mean Sleep with me. I don’t mean Be my secret. I want us to go back to that root. I want you to be the one who loves me. I want to be the one who loves you.”
It feels impossible to look away from her, doe eyes practically sparkling in the low light of the shop, and there it is. His heart’s in his throat. Of all the things you could have told Spencer he’d experience, hearing her lovely voice wrap around the words be my lover in hushed tone, in sacred sweetness, would never ever be one he’d guess. 
He’s not sure how he feels about the multiverse theory, but right now, he can feel all the versions of himself pressing right up against him. Can see into lives he doesn’t get to live, lifetimes where his love isn’t a buried, worn-out tattered thing to keep his ever-frigid chest warm. Versions of himself that in this very moment can smile back at her, warm and open and kind, and kiss her perfect smile. 
Because he would be her lover. He would come home to her, spend the rest of his life building a home that she could fit  into. It’d be easy, actually. She’s easy to imagine- nights of laughing in a shared kitchen, evenings where her company is a fine wine, sipped at leisure with the comfort of knowing it’s never going to slip from your grasp. 
“I like that,” he says, voice too vulnerable for his own good, eyes unable to tear from the eye contact. “I really like that.” 
In the root of it, he already is her lover. He is the one who loves her. She’s just not his. 
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It comes to a head on a Friday. It’s a few weeks from he book shop, and the air feels heavier between them now. The last handful of Fridays he’s sat with the ghost of what used to be their plans, empty time lingering where in its’ place used to be her company. 
He doesn’t know if she’s been with Ben. He tries not to think about it. 
The sound of her voice lingers in his mind, sweet and bitter in his mind like old lemon candy, the kind his mother would save for special occasions. He’d spend any amount of money he had to hear her lovely voice say those words to him out of the context of a poem. 
At work, they seem almost normal. Like one of them wasn’t desperately in love with the other; like a genius and his lovely, incredibly empathetic, kind best friend. In the field, their actions flow together seamlessly. She is always the first to listen and to understand (and god, isn’t it intoxicating to have someone meet you in understanding) and there is nothing to suspect is off.
But there’s still a cloud lingering. The poem- the soft melody of her voice curling around the words, the request of it all, the way she had sounded so wanting- and then, there’s Ben. 
She doesn’t mention Ben to him, of course, but Penelope does. Penelope, all bows and bright colors and cheeriness keeps bringing the absolute worst news to Spencer with a smile on her face. 
He’s taking her out for drinks! Oh, he’s reading her favorite book, do you know what it is?
This anger isn’t an emotion that he’s familiar with. A roar of possessiveness, the bite of it not tempered at all by rationality. Has he touched her?
It seems almost a tradition at this point when she shakes him out of his jealous storm of thought.
“Spence?” she muses, “You alright?” They’re alone at his desk, everyone having fled for their own evening and weekend plans. This was one of the Fridays that she had agreed to spend with him, and he wonders if he’ll be able to handle the scent of her shampoo so close after such a lapse of the sensation. Will all of his judgement go where he can’t follow?
“Yeah,” he says, tucking his papers into his bag, “I’m excited for tonight.”
His place is actually a short walk from the office. He’d been embarrassed to show her the place at first. It’s all function over fashion, and a bit cramped, but she’d looked at as though it was made of something more, something good. She didn’t even tease him. It had actually been her idea, to start these movie nights. 
Ironic, really. 
The walk was pleasant, the weather a little frigid but still nice, and she looks beautiful under the setting sun. It’s incredible to him, how her lashes catch the light and make her irises look like polished stained glass. His favorite color. Through the looking glass of another life, he sees a version of himself that gathers her up in his arms. In this daydream, she grants him one of her smiles that seems to carry its’ own light, and leans into his body like it’s the only thing that keeps her steady. It’s so clear. On the other side of the veil, he kisses her reddening nose, and keeps her warm himself. 
In the here and now, Her coat is long, and hangs low by her ankles. It’s an elegant thing, like the woman who wears it, and Spencer would be grateful for a lifetime of just looking.They stop in front of his door, some invisible force stopping him from entering. 
She sheds the coat inside his home. It smells like the candle she got him for his birthday, a reminder of her grace. He’s saved a bottle of wine for them, a sweet thing for the sweetest thing he’s known. 
“I’m sorry,” she speaks the warmth of the beverage on her tongue, and it should feel abrupt but it doesn’t.
“What for?” He can’t imagine what she would have to apologize for. 
“I know things have been…off between us,” she says carefully, considering the phrasing of each word. He watches her with a reverence, his hazel eye brimming with affection with nowhere to go. “You’ve been so great through it.”
Her legs are thrown across his own, and she’s dangerously close to sitting in his lap, but not exactly. He’s missed having her this close, the last time she’d been in his orbit was before she’d had reason to be gone. She smells floral. He fights With limited filtering through his already treacherous mind he thinks, He can’t take this from me. I still get her like this. 
“I’m not entirely sure what it is.” 
She slowly shuts her eyes, go for a moment to somewhere he can’t follow. Her cheeks are rosy from the cold. 
“This whole Ben thing.”
Logically, it always had to come back to this. Someone else had the good fortune to know her like this, to be the person she reads poetry to in deep meaning to. 
He’s been stealing moments from someone who’s not his to take them from. 
“I don’t even know how I wanted you to react.” she murmurs, staring at the rim of her glass. 
“I just want you to be happy” His voice is something low, grit in the sound of it. His hand rests on her thigh. There’s warmth blanketing the room and he wants to kiss her. He wants to kiss her all the time. 
She laughs, but it’s not her normal laugh. It’s tinny and a little bitter. He pushes his luck, and reaches out to brush the side of her face, moving the hair but still holding her face. Her breath smells like strawberry wine and temptation. 
It feels different tonight. Low light and tension that could be sliced with wire. Every part of her is in reach, and something in the air makes all of this talk of relativity, of physics, moot. 
Like maybe he’s not in the only world they don’t end up together. 
Her face is warm and soft under his touch and he loves the sight of her. He’s never touched her like this. Every point of contact feels electric, addicting. 
“What is it? The Ben thing?” He doesn’t know what he’s expecting to hear. What he wants, is for her to tell him that it doesn’t matter anymore, that she picks him-
“I only went out with him the once.”
“I told Penelope I was still going because it made her happy and she said I couldn’t keep going to your apartment and reading you poetry and call that romance.”
Wasn’t it romance, though? 
Her eyes widen in something akin to horror. 
“Shit, Spence- I’m sorry, that is so fucked of me to say-“
“You,” he tries to say calmly, “aren’t going out with Ben.”
She blinks. 
He has spent so much time living in other lives, existing in the minds of versions of himself he wasn’t lucky enough to be. Drinking coffee imagine a life colored in her presence, falling asleep yearning for the presence of something lighter than what he has to carry. 
He can’t exist in two places. That was the entire basis of the experiment. 
He moves his other hand to hold hers, and somehow she’s shifted to being on top of him, and he looks up at her with unwavering desire. 
Spencer isn’t good at wanting people, but it comes naturally with her. Less of an action and more an urge, a course of motion to which he is at the mercy of. This is what leads him to close the gap between them, and kiss her. It’s 
Her delicate fingers run through his hair, and she can’t be close enough, please, and he could spend the rest of his life kissing her, actually. He probably will spend the rest of his life thinking about the soft sigh he pulls out of her. 
“I want it to be me,” he manages to say through shallow breath, still so close that his lips brush hers every other word, “I want to be the one you pick. I want it to be me.” His hazel eyes seem to shift in the moment, swirling with emotion. 
She brushes a lock of his overgrown hair out of his face. He normally shaves when he sees her, but he’d been so busy that he’d forgotten, and felt embarrassed of it now. That is, until she runs her index finger along the edge of his jawline.
It’s then she leans down and kisses him again, pliant and good, his hands around her waist. He breathes a prayer into her mouth, one that hopes that she never ever comes to her senses about him. 
“Spence,” she says, her voice golden silk, a kindness.  “There was never anyone else to pick.” 
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thebookowal · 10 months
May I ask a question
what is wrong with the world
when we got told that Ukrainian was under attack from Russia! Everybody around the globe, including us Muslim and the whole Arabian gulf stood up to support Ukrainian
yet when is Palestine!!! is under attack from Israel!
nobody stood beside Palestine from the big countries, half of the globe of the big countries, the rulers just decided to speak for everyone like we don’t have any tongues to speak with and said that we support Israel
have you seen the war crimes they even committed that’s not even compared to the war crimes there are assholes. They literally present at 17 years old teen boy, because he throw a rock on a soldier that carries a gun and just one of the people who concerned very high member fuck her!! 💢💢 said that he throw some things I could open a humans head wide-open (I was gonna say that she said something similar to that but I don’t give a shit because that I just heard from her that bitch) the boy he throws a rock on a soldier, probably killed more babies more females more men than you could ever count on his fingers and his toes or has even entire organs they killed people because they don’t want them to celebrate they heard them they put him in jail because they don’t want them to celebrate with her loved ones came out of jail then what should they say?” hello”” hello” to one another like it’s just some stupid ass child book what is wrong with people?
why are you doing this? Why is there’s actual piles of shit in their head
why did they say those things? Why do they believe things that aren’t real? It’s clear they’re stupid
It’s a fucking clear you don’t have to read a book. To understand that what’s going on is wrong. Those people need a dictionary need a goddamn translation for the word, humanity because they don’t understand what humanity is
they just want the Al-Aqsa Mosque to build Temple of Solomon they want to destroy something that is written inside a holy book of a religion called Islam ☪️ Which is the holy Quran Kareem (those are the gods words inside the book, his actual words) this book haven’t been in touch by human hands(it’s mean it’s never been ruined, or changed anything ever since it was given for our profit) God said about Israel people that they are for bidden to feel mercy for others and they’re gonna go to hell because they have given out so many lies about God
Al-Aqsa Mosque is Israel goal they want to reach it to build the temple of Solomon that’s all they want, and if they did this, (Allah knows /I think ) that mean they can claim this country beautiful country Palestine as their country and Inshallah, Inshallah Inshallah this will never happen InShallah Allah will feed them sooner than we think
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gazingatmydoom · 5 months
just finished book III of Babel by R.F.Kuang and i am. losing my fucking mind. i'm insane. what the fuck just happened. i mean, with the bar that lovell gave robin??? passed through the whole family from son to father to son to KILL THE FATHER???? "And rage derived from madness." WHAT. HUH. robin not asking but DEMANDING lovell say his mother's name AND COMMISSIONER LIN BURNING THE OPIUM. TWO MILLION POUNDS. wait i need to take into account inflation one sec A HUNDRED AND SEVENTY TWO MILLION POUNDS WORTH OF OPIUM. AND HE BURNED IT. robin was . oh my god. what a fucking. i can't believe it. i put down the book just before they arrived in canton like a week ago and i pick it up to THIS?? WHAT THE FUCK. i've augh. holy shit!!!!! back to that fucking conversation lovell and robin had in the cabin holy fuck. holy shit. words were sure said. fucking rolling my eyes when lovell brings up ungratefulness AGAIN like BROOOO THE POINTS BEEN MADE!!! BROOOO WASN'T EVEN A VALID POINT THE FIRST TIME U SAID IT!!!! GET REAL BE FR. i loved robin's internal monolouge too talking about he wasn't just a walking dictionary and how china wasn't just a fat golden goose cos like that's EXACTLY how lovell and baylis and babel and BRITIAN view them both!!!! OH MY GOD WHAT'S ANTOHNY GONNA THINK WHEN THEY GET BACK. AND GRIFFIN. FUCK what are they even gonna do... what are the gang gonna do where are they gonna go surely they can't go back to babel now lovell is DEAD they're gonna have to like. can they fake their deaths like antohny and griffin did? all four of them???? i thin ramy and victorie would do that, and robin might with some encouraging but honestly after that interaction INTERACTION yeag let's call it an "interaction" with lovell like bro oh my god he might just go fucking shove playfair and the rest of them off babel's rooftops at this point. but letty? i don;t know..... i don't think she would. she's. i mean she's the only one to not join hermes so far, how did ramy and victorie join? i presume like antohny contacted them somehow. it must've been. like so far letty's been pretty like. not not bothered i don't think but she hasn't been. idk. i feel the most aware of what britain does. or like IDK. i've been reading this book over the course of too long i can't recall specific character moments on the topic of britian's colonization althought there was that one lunchtime i think they talked about it briefly and YEAG it was the one where robin considered briefly telling ramy about hermes but held back on it cos he wanted to preserve what they had at the time speaking oframy CAN U BELIEVE HE WAS SO CHILL IN THAT CHAPTER???? bro was standing on a bridge after his birdie smokes OPIUM about to LEAP OFF and he's all like "yeah....lol.....crazy stuff bestie...." LIKE RAMY. I KNOW UR MAD AT ROBIN FOR NOT SAYING ANYTHING ABOTU HERMES BUT PLEASE. like idk tho maybe it was an act maybe he was freaking the fuck out cos robin was clearly Not Good so maybe ramy was like ok gotta remain calm gotta talk birdie out of this one gotta get him down gotta get him some WATER. i was headass reading this over some cereal btw. like i was just chilling on the sofa having some breakfast like hrm i wonder what's gonna happen in canton cos ofc it's where robin is from like i didn't KNOW it was all about the opium trade. and when baylis i think that was where shit like. started. slowly it was building up when baylis started being a raving white british racist about chinese people ohh my god when lovell was all like "country full of stupid backwards barbarous people-" and robin SNAPS doesn't interrupt or say he SNAPS at lovell "it's a country of people" that man had had enough!!! he was mad!! like god it was painful sitting through baylis tho bro i had had enough i was sitting there like jesus fuck this is a nightmare i mean u finally go home and it looks different and the layout is different and ur home is replaced by an opium shop!!!! of all things and u spend the entire time being dragged around by racist men who think ur no better than a dictionary i mean goddamn!!
tumblr telling me there's a 4096 character limit per block ok u FUCKING NERD CAN'T LET ME LIVE OR SOMETHING HUH CAN'T LET ME RANT CAN'T LET ME BE CAN'T LET ME TYPE bitch ass fuckass motherfucker well now i've lost my train of thought. humph. but holy fuck. the train of thought is gone but the AFTERMATH of the train is there the rails are still hot the sound echoes in the station my thoughts are still there they're just scattered and i cannot fucking believe the shit i justread. that was insane. i think it speaks to me that like. i mean i've only read two books in the past like year and a half (it's a habit i've lost and i'm TRYING to bring it back i miss reading so bad) and babel was one or is one ig i'm still reading it and the other was hang on lemme check bitterthorn which i thought was really good tbh and like both bitterthorn and babel have had me GLUED have had me ENRAPTURED they've SHAKEN ME like idk i think. reading perhaps is an activity i need to do more. maybe it's the imagination. maybe it's the descriptors. cos when u watch a movie or a show or u play a game everything is spoon fed to u u can see and hear it all there's no space for interpretation when it comes to tone of voice or setting or lighting or character positions or actions it's all shown to u but like i mean maybe it was just the scene with robin and lovell in the cabin and the part where victorie sees the burning of the opium by lin but like i feel like i could direct those scenes. i feel like i could paint the fires above canton. i feel like i could write poems about it. the image was so visceral in my head it's so REAL like i can imagine exactly how robin looked snapping at lovell i can hear lovell's chair being pushed back across the wooden floor of the cabin i can feel the atmosphere in the room where the four of them huddled together before lovell called away robin OH MY GOD speaking of like that american missionary was so funny. like what a bitch but also what a funny fucking idiot. like "ooh do u guys go to sunday church?" and ramy's like "yeag but i'm whispering prayers to Allah the entire time" like RAMY u MOTHERFUCKER and the missionary is HORRIFIED like he's so sharp with his words that man does not hold back and i love him forever for it and the thing is i wouldn't be surprised if he was doing that too like tbh being forced to go to sunday church when ur like wholeheartedly believeing ina different diety idk is diety the right word for Allah is god a better word idk but either way it must be fucking torturous and then the fucking author's note at the bottom where lovell is telling robin that religion is fuckign stupid and u should just practice recitations under ur breath instead like i love how this white british man in fucking 1830s england has DISDAIN of all things for christianity like can u imagine being that guy in such a christian centric time for england it's actually now just getting to me how little religion is mentioned in the book like we don't hear much about it despite it being like a very prevalent thing at the time i mean i'm gonna say i'm assuming cos i don't know fuck about history besides a couple major points so idk maybe england forsook religion entirely in the 1830s for no reason and it;s only in america but like i seriously doubt it yk. like a really fucking doubt that. i mean ig it speaks to how focused on logic the proffessor is but at the same time he still thinks chinese people are animals??? like we dodge the christianity but the racism we lean into still ofc that man is strange ugh bad idea mopping spilled milk with my shirt and then wiping my nose with it that shit smelled horrible. ok i'm done my thoughts my immediate thoughts are out i'm gonna be thinking aboutt his all fucking week but i'm done for rn i need to take a bath. or something. ig.
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shutupdevvie · 1 year
Tell me all about your love for Josh
there is so so so much to love about josh where do i even begin
first of all the way he loves people. and i mean the way you can tell he loves his family and friends ofc but the way he loves the fans and people in general. he pulls back when he sings with jake so that people can hear more than just him. he, as he has said before, is ready and willing to defend danny at the drop of a hat. he jokes around with sam in a way that i think makes him feel like he belongs there. obviously idk how sam feels but we've heard the "people wanna know what i play?" clip and i just. i feel like josh just wants them all to feel like they belong on stage. josh may be the "frontman" but they all deserve to be there. i feel like this also ties into josh giving the other boys roses to hand out this tour. they're all moving around now meaning that he gets to share that feeling and that ability to hand those roses out with his brothers.
and then the way he loves the fans. they all pour their heart and souls out on the stage and it's just so wonderful to watch. you can see the joy on josh's face on stage and when he gets to hand things out to the crowd and interact with people face to face. josh is always sunlight but the way he glows on stage is just a whole other level.
the way he manages to be this confident frontman guy on stage and then he comes off and he's just. he's just a shy guy. it's so endearing to see him meet people. when he doesn't know how to accept a compliment and he's. he's just a guy when he's offstage. and how he gets ready so early before shows :(( his jumpsuits are his armor and i just. i love him for it.
and we cannot forget how beautiful his brain is. i know sometimes josh speaks in absolute riddles. no one really knows what he's saying (same with jake sometimes what is it about the twins and not making any sense) but he has such a lovely view of the world and i love love love getting to hear him talk about things. he makes me see things in a way i hadn't before. this whole band has changed how i view things and i mean that in the absolute best way.
speaking of listening to josh talk. his voice. he genuinely could read the dictionary. the phone book. the bible. i don't care what. i could listen to him talk for hours and hours about anything.
and actually that too. his passion. his passion for music and his passion for film making and his passion for art, in general. anytime we get an interview where josh gets to talk about his love of film and how it's tied into the music. anytime we get to hear the boys geek out about music in any capacity is just so wonderful. i love hearing them talk about the creation of their music or music they love or about their instruments literally anything. they love music so much and i just cannot get enough of their love and passion for it. and josh being involved in his own outfits and makeup and everything !! idk how involved the other boys are but we've seen josh drawing out his rhinestones and his makeup and his jumpsuits. he really cares about things and whether that's passion or him just being particular, or both, it's so awesome to see him so involved in the process of getting ready for the shows.
okay and then josh. he's beautiful. we know this. i could write a whole novel on his nose alone. his eyelashes. his smile. he's just. he has a sort of ethereal beauty about him that i have ALWAYS been in awe of. i know i make jokes about not believing the boys are real but there are pictures and videos of josh where i just. i genuinely am a little confused about how he's a real person. and he just looks like that. i don't believe in god but if i did then i would say god handcrafted josh because holy fuck (literally holy) he leaves me breathless.
and more about being in awe and revisiting the topic of his voice. he is. so fucking talented. his range is INSANE. his strength is INSANE. he forgets the lyrics sometimes but it's OKAY he figures it out. anybody who doesn't think josh is a fucking crazy talented vocalist is batshit insane. he deserves his roses and i am willing to give them to him.
and his humor !! he's so silly goofy. he's funny. he makes me laugh. even when he isn't really trying to. it's great !!
also. i know i haven't been a fan for the longest time, but even in the period of time that i've been here it's been so so wonderful to watch josh blossom on stage. we know that sacred the thread is about josh's jumpsuits and him finding himself and god i have loved watching him switch between outfits and trying new stage makeup and wearing it out casually. he's so confident now !!
and finally. josh is just very important to me. as i talked about before, josh is essentially an outpouring of love. he seems to love everyone all the time and i. it's just something i need to hear sometimes. like i am loved ! and i am home ! and i am accepted here ! it means a lot to me ! and not only that but now knowing josh is queer is just. the fact that i can somewhat connect with him in that regard. josh just means a lot to me :)) he has a special place in my heart
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shehungthemoon · 7 months
You know never again means No geneocide again. That includes when Fascist regimes who exist with Jewish folks being the most important figure (Such as the SPECIFICALLY FASCIST MOVEMENT OF ZIONISTM) do it right? Zionism is to Judaism as Nazism is to Christianity.
This is THE most ignorant, anti-semitic, misinformed, and borderline racist take I've ever heard.
Never again means that we know the warning signs of the genocide of our people. It can not get that bad again. The world should never be complicit in our suffering again—we know what it looks like. (Isn't it scary, then, what the world says to us now. Just look at this ask!) Do not take OUR mantra for Jewish anger and self-preservation and turn it against us. Oh, and. Luckily there's not a genocide going on right now, just a war.
Do you know what Fascism is? I don't think you do. At all. Pick up a dictionary, read some history, and stop using buzzwords like you're an expert just because uneducated jackasses on tumblr dot com throw them around.
ZIONISM IS NOT FASCISM. The ONLY way you can come to that conclusion is if you did no research of your own and instead let the bigots online tell you what Zionism is. The core of Zionism is a holy concept that goes back centuries in our religion, and has roots in decolonization. Zionists are not Nazis. They're people that want to go home.
And the GALL to connect Nazism to Christianity like that. As if all Christians are innately and irrevocably connected to the Nazi ideals. Do you realize how batshit that is? How ignorant and bigoted that is? You should be ASHAMED of not only falling ridiculously hard for propaganda and online bigotry but for then going forward and willingly spreading that information like it's fact.
Dear fucking god I hope you're not old enough to vote. At least don't live in my fucking country.
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starberry-skies · 1 year
DORSEY: We wanted a name that evoked what we did. We wanted something that was tangible. And we looked at what we were doing and when you received a tweet over SMS, your phone would buzz. It would jitter. It would twitch. And those were the early names, Jitter and Twitch. And neither one of them really inspired the best sort of imagery.
One of the guys who was helping us build and create the system, Noah Glass, took the word Twitch, and he went down the dictionary. And we all looked at the Oxford English dictionary at the T-W’s, and we found the word Twitter. And Twitter means a short inconsequential burst of information, chirps from birds. And we were like, that describes exactly what we’re doing here. So it was an easy choice, and we got twitter.com for some very low price, and we named the company Twitter.
i remembered an article i read a while back about how they chose the name "twitter". there was clearly a lot of thought put into finding a name that fits the brand perfectly. "x" on the other hand uh. what does that even mean? it makes people think of porn or alcohol, saying it out loud is indistinguishable from the word "ex" as in, an ex-partner, it literally only represents a little billionaire being petty that his last job didn't let him run the company into the ground. it's just plain awful, holy fuck.
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chaseadrian · 3 years
"i wish you would write a fic where" ADRIAN JIST FUCKING DESTROYS MY HEART, i love this man and that he is so beautiful, but is rare the times where i see Adrián being mean or rejecting Reader.
SO like a fic where we are in some kind of unspoken relationship where reader sees it like a romantic relationship But Adrian is just like pure no and doesn't sees us that way or in any other way I DON'T KNOW BUT I WANNA CRY.
Have a Nice day and i hope You are doing good 💞
Love is an Emerald
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(PART TWO | PART THREE) Rating: General Word Count: 1.7k+ Summary: You and Adrian are just friends. Okay, you’re friends who hook up sometimes. And stay over with each other most nights. But you’re not dating. Except, when Adrian shows up to work with a hickey you realize you actually maybe...want to? A/N: I’ll probably write a part 2 to this once I have the time! It’s minorly edited, I wrote it in the car on my phone lmao so sorry for any mistakes!!
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You didn’t know he was fucking other people.
It wasn’t like you were dating; there’d been no discussion about exclusivity or labels. The word “boyfriend” didn’t quite fit him in your mind. But, he’d been the only one in your life. The only one in your bed, and you kinda thought it was the same for him. He’d slid into the boyfriend role without effort, letting you stay the night when it was too late, emptying out a couple drawers for you at his place, making you breakfast at yours.
The first time it happened was after a mission, adrenaline pumping and scrapes coating your body. You stung everywhere, and the cold moisture of Adrian’s lips on the cut across your cheek was a blistering pain that you wanted more of.
So, you got it.
And then it happened again and again until there was no longer a line between friends and lovers. You’d never liked that term—felt too old world romance—but it was the closest descriptor you had.
Because he wasn’t a boyfriend.
Still, when he walked into HQ with a hickey that you certainly didn’t give him, a shield of confusion flocked over your body.
“Holy shit, Adrian got tail!” Chris pointed at Adrian, cracking up as he looked around to make sure the rest of the team took notice. Legend has it that in some dictionaries, the word ‘Subtlety’ is just defined as, “Not Christopher Smith.”
Adrian slid into a seat, “No, I got laid. Saved someone last night who really liked my costume.” He said, with a smile.
John walked in from the back room, plopping down at his desk and looking between the two of you, “I thought you and Y/N were hooking up.” He settled his gaze on his laptop screen, but you caught him darting over to see your reaction.
“Well, yeah, but we’re friends!” His voice was unwavering, staring at you with an earnest grin on his face.
Economos stared at you, awaiting confirmation. Even Leota and Harcourt, uninvested in the conversation until now, made a point to look at you.
“Yeah, yeah, no, like, we are. It’s just like. Tension relief, yknow?” You tripped over your words, spitting out a glaringly embarrassing agreement that everyone but Adrian and Chris picked up on. Chris had even perked up when Economos first asked the question, so you were pretty sure Adrian hadn’t even told him.
Granted, you weren’t quick to gush with Leota and Harcourt about jumping into bed with a fellow teammate, but this was Adrian. The man couldn’t keep himself from sharing what he’d had for breakfast that morning. It was hard not to retreat into a state of insecurity knowing that he hadn’t told his supposed best friend that you were...something.
The room stood in silence for several moments after you’d spoken. Your eyes darted around the room to your teammates, Chris nodding at Adrian and throwing him a thumbs up, Economos typing away at his computer, Leota & Harcourt returning to the dossier they were reading. You and Adrian sat there on standby. He was a field agent, everyone knew that. They told him what he needed to do, who he needed to kill, and he did it.
You were markedly more involved in the full process of these missions, so every passing moment you didn’t budge only deepened the embarrassment you felt. Made it all the more obvious that there was a problem. You needed to move, to participate, to do something.
Sure, you could go over to the girls and read up on your latest targets.
Or, you could go to the bathroom and cry.
Despite your strongest efforts, you wound up in front of the mirror holding your breath as you sobbed. Lungs burning, cheeks boiling red, it felt like your teeth would crack with how hard you were grinding them together to keep from making noise. You felt like a fucking idiot, seriously, crying over Adrian of all people.
It was just—everything about your relationship read as, well, a relationship. You thought that was what you were sliding into with Adrian. Never one to talk about things, you were used to getting what you wanted through action. So when Adrian learned how you took your coffee, and memorized your phone number, and waited for you before he watched new shows, you kinda thought you had him.
Not quite a boyfriend, but not someone who was entertaining other people.
Yes, okay, it was an unfair assumption, you knew that. But it didn’t make it hurt any less.
Adrian was cute, he was funny, a competent fighter, and surprisingly good in bed. Without acknowledging it, you’d harbored a sort of pride thinking that he was all yours.
“Ow, shit!” You looked down to see that you’d been gripping the sink so hard the corner of a fingernail had folded over onto itself. It was a dull pain that radiated through your middle finger, and you felt even more frustration course through your body, smacking the porcelain sink in retaliation with a disappointing wallop. It stung, and you didn’t feel like any less of an idiot.
You ripped the folded nail off with your teeth, and your finger retaliated by bleeding all over your hand.
Turning on the faucet, you rinsed your hand and soaked your face with tap cold water, scrubbing paper towels over your skin to try and rid your face of any signs you’d been crying. Your eyelashes were still clumped together, but everyone outside heard the faucet, for all they knew you just needed to wash your face.
When you walked back out into the main room, it was just Chris and Economos sitting there. Chris was flipping a pencil between his fingers while John was doing actual work.
“Where’d everyone go?” You asked, walking over to sit on the piano bench.
Chris spoke without looking up, “Grabbing some grub. Hey what’s up with you and Vigilante?”
Economos looked up from his laptop, not yet interjecting but certainly staying engaged.
You leaned back against the piano, trying to rest your elbows behind you only to bang them on the keys. Could this morning get any more fucking awkward? You were quick to close the lid and then put your arms down, catching Chris’ disapproving look and the smirk Economos was trying to hide.
“Nothing’s up. We fool around.”
Chris cocked his head at you, squinting his eyes.
“Bullshit. I fooled around with Adrian before—“
Don’t remind me. You thought.
“—and I still threw bombs at him in the woods and high fived him when he hooked up with other chicks. But I’m pretty sure you were just crying in that bathroom. So what’s the deal?”
You shot a look over to Economos, who was no help. He just stared at you and pushed his glasses up his nose.
It was of no use trying to act cool anymore. Every moment at HQ that day had been colored by your complete lack of composure. You were a fucking government agent. You’d stared down the barrel of a gun, saved the world a handful of times, but you couldn’t sell a lie about your feelings for Adrian? Feelings you didn’t even know were a thing until you saw that hickey.
The words just spewed from your lips.
“I—I don’t know! We were just hooking up but now I have a toothbrush at his place and he bought a Lord of the Rings pillowcase to sleep on at my place and I guess I thought we were both only sleeping with each other but apparently not and I didn’t think it would bother me this much but it does and I think everyone but him knows so now you all probably think I’m an idiot or something.” You paused, “And yeah I was crying in the bathroom and I broke my nail on the sink and it actually hurts like hell so, Chris, you can preemptively shut the fuck up.”
Chris stood up, walking over to Harcourt’s desk to rifle through the drawers and pull out a bandaid. He sat down on the bench and opened the bandage, wrapping it around your finger once you held it out for him.
John’s dry voice startled you both, “You know Adrian is like head over heels for you, right?”
You and Chris both looked over at him, eyes peering up from behind the computer screen.
He sighed, shaking his head and closing the laptop, “Am I the only one that’s noticed? He doesn’t shut up about how great you are in the field—”
You opened your mouth to interject but he bulldozed past you before you could protest.
“No, not the same way he does for Chris. It’s markedly more.”
Chris scoffed, “Doesn’t matter, I don’t need his validation.”
That made you crack a smile.
“Whatever. It actually makes me question your ability to do this job if you couldn’t tell that he’s the world’s most lovesick psychopath.”
Chris pointed a finger at John, “Not the most. Harley Quinn jumped into a vat of acid for the Joker. And that dude uses dildos shaped like guns because he looks like a Ken doll down there after an encounter with Catwoman.”
“Shut the fuck up, Chris.”
You and Economos spoke in unison, and Chris raised his hands in defense.
“I’m just trying to help. But Economos is probably right, I did think it was odd that Adrian had a drawer full of women’s clothing. I figured he was just into that.”
Looking between Chris and John, you smiled at them both, “Thanks, guys.”
“Sure.” John opened his laptop back up and resumed typing.
Chris gave you a pat on the back, “Hey, I made a vow for peace, and that includes in the bedroom.” He winked at you and got up to walk into the back room. The sound of the TV came soon after.
You pulled out your phone and dialed Adrian’s number before your thoughts could cloud what John and Chris had just said.
“Yellow.” His voice was chipper, and you heard pop music blaring in the background fade until it wasn’t audible.
“Hey I gotta talk to you when you get back.” You bounced your leg, picking at the bandage on your finger.
“What abouts?” He asked.
“I’ll just—I’ll tell you when you get here. Talk to you soon. Bye Adrian.”
“Okay, buh-bye!”
You hung up and shook out your hands, nerves shooting through your body.
Economos spoke again without looking up, “If your nerves are that shot after a minute phone call, I’m definitely questioning how you perform so well in the field.”
You rolled your eyes.
All there was to do now was wait.
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tyrantisterror · 2 years
Meet the Meddlesome Youths
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I’m officially starting work on the final draft (!) of Wizard School Mysteries Book 1: The Meddlesome Youths, which means I’ll have it published in, like, less than a month holy fuck, so it’s probably time for me to start pitching this to you a bit.  So let’s discus the meddlesome youths after the cut!
WSM is based on a genre I like to call "mystery solving teens," where a group of young people (often but not always teenagers) solve mysteries/thwart evil schemes that the adults in their lives are either willfully ignorant of or, worse, complicit in maintaining.   There are countless examples I could list: Scooby Doo, The Hardy Boys, Nancy Drew, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, the Persona series, that one famous series written by that horrible TERF, et cetera.   I love the mystery solving teens genre.  Hands down one of my favorite genres of fiction!  I've always wanted to write my own, and about ten years ago I started idly plotting how I could do it.
If you've read my other novels, you may have picked up that I love archetypes.  Seeing different takes on a well-used trope is one of my favorite things about exploring a genre, and that goes doubly for when I write a story in said genre.   So, for the story that became WSM, I started out by figuring out what the main archetypes for a Mystery Solving Teens story are.  How do you build a proper band of Scoobies?   Looking at my favorite Mystery Solving Teens stories, I came up with a list of eight archetypal teens: the Leader, the Goofy Guy, the Brains, the Muscle, the Beauty, the Loony, the Token Non-human, and the Rival/Bully.  I'll explain them as we go through my eight kids here.
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The Leader of my mystery solving teens is James Chaucer.  As the name of the archetype implies, he's the de-facto head of our teenage mystery solving pals. James is ambitious and driven, naturally inspiring the people around him and taking charge of situations.   In a lot of these stories, the Leader is also your protagonist, and that's the case here more or less, though I'm structuring WSM as an ensemble story.  The story isn't solely focused on him, but his arc is its backbone.   James is also trans, and begins the story running away from home after being rejected by his family.  Attending the Academy of Applied Arcana and Magic isn't just a passing interest for him - it's a way to rebuild his life.  So he has a lot invested in making sure things go well!
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The goofy guy is a bumbling comic relief sidekick, whose character flaws present a foil for the much more put together leader, but who also often has overlooked strengths.  In WSM, that role is filled by Ivan Muromets.   Ivan was the apprentice of a town wizard, i.e. a wizard who sets up shop and lives a comfortable life doing minor magic tricks to help peasants.  He has very humble goals in life and nonetheless stumbles in trying to achieve them because, well, he's clumsy and scatter-brained.   But Ivan is also loyal, compassionate, and incredibly creative, with a great deal of talent that even he himself has failed to recognize yet.  He's the friend who assumes he's a burden but is always there when you need help.
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The Brains is the smartest member of the group, though often in a very narrow way - in D&D terms, they put all their points in INT and used WIS and CHA as dump stats.  In a lot of stories this character ends up like Briany Smurf.  I tried to do something different in my story.   Gretchen Pappenheimer is less "looks up polysyllabic synonyms for words in the dictionary" smart and more, well, mad scientist smart - the kind of wizard who understands that magic is the art of bending reality to your whim and decides to embrace that as her life mission.   Living as a hermit since her teens because of her pursuit of forbidden knowledge, Gretchen's a bit antisocial after being burned before, but deep down she's a very caring person and a loyal friend.
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The Muscle is pretty straightforward, being a physical powerhouse. They often fall into the role of a dumb brute. Again, I tried to go a different direction here with Margot d'Francane.   A war orphan, Margot attuned to magic early and way too deeply, with far too much of the reality-warping power surging through her. She had to learn to control it or die, and, given that her hometown was plagued with bandits, ended up weaponizing it.   Margot is the gang's resident battle-wizard, with far more raw power at her disposal than her peers, and saddled with the downside of struggling to keep said power from consuming her.
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The Beauty is attractive, fashionable, and refined, generally the token girl if your story is particularly regressive in its casting.  Rodrigo Cervantes plays all but the last bit straight.   Since "the hot one" isn't a super strong characterization, I chose to take the focus on aesthetics a bit further.  Rodrigo is also the artist of the group, whose philosophy on magic is focused on adding beauty to the world.   He's also the only member of the group whose family is wealthy (most of the youths are peasants), because I've always found the "out of touch but well meaning rich kid with poor friends" trope to be fun, and because I think it works well with this archetype.
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The Loony is the member of the group who sees things just a little differently than everyone else - they can seem silly or even dumb, but often their unique perspective proves invaluable.  In WSM, this role is filled by Serena Takeuchi.   Serena's father immigrated from a far off country via magic shenanigans, and so she has two very different culture's views on magic to go off of.  She's also the only member of the group who has a reliable amount of self confidence.   Serena's name is a not-subtle homage to Sailor Moon, which not only heavily influenced her character, but WSM as a whole - the "find all the sailor scouts" formula of Sailor Moon season 1 inspired a good deal of Book 1's plot.
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The Token Nonhuman is a nonhuman character (obvs), and often a wacky comic relief sidekick, more often than not paired with the Goofy Guy.  However, more serious takes on this archetype can be found, which is the route WSM takes with Charlotte Bolshe.   An ettercap (re: humanoid spider fairy), Charlotte interprets magic as a grand web that binds everything together, and often talks in metaphors that make perfect sense to a spider but are a bit hard for her human friends to intuit.   She's also an absolute sweetheart who has a bit of a Little Mermaid complex.  She wants to be where the humans are, she wants to see, wants to see them live out their finite lifespan in a plane of reality where time and space are constants.
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Finally, there is the Rival/Bully, a character who starts out as a minor antagonist and jerk to the main characters, but sometimes becomes an ally over time.  In WSM, this role is filled by Polybeus Antony.   Hailing from Mediterra, the only country in Midgaheim with a unified government and, coincidentally, the country that has repeatedly tried to conquer the entire continent, Polybeus has been taught to have a BIT of a superiority complex.   Unfortunately, he's also riddled with anxieties about the possibility that he will fail to live up to his country's ideals, which drives him to act out a bit.  Can the others help him discover a way to accept himself as he is?  Only time and eight novels will tell.
I'm only one book in and I already love writing these characters.  I'm so excited for you all to meet my weird wizard kids and follow them as they solve horrific crimes at wizard college.  Look forward to WSM Book 1: The Meddlesome Youths, coming SOON!
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makeste · 4 years
BnHA Chapter 294: A Half-Assed Escape
Previously on BnHA: Mirio was all “SURPRISE I’M BACK THANKS TO OUR RESIDENT SEVEN-YEAR-OLD WHO RECENTLY EARNED HER BACHELOR’S OF BEING A TOTAL BADASS.” Kacchan was all, “you know what, Dabi’s been trending long enough, time to remind the fandom what a real G looks like,” and he blasted his little bleeding body back into the fray and was all “FROM HERE ON OUT CALL ME DYNAMIGHT!!” Mirio was all, “AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA... oh, you’re serious,” and Kacchan was all “!!”, and so that’s the story of how my son got murdered twice in one day. Meanwhile in the Todoroki Drama Zone, Deku was all “STOP MURDERING MY FRIEND” and Dabi was all “THAT’S NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS” and fandom had a whole big debate about Whether Or Not Dabi Trying To Murder Deku’s Friends And Mentors Is Any Of Deku’s Business, which went exactly how you think it went. Anyway, so then Deku yelled at Dabi, and Endeavor was all moved by his manly words and randomly went to go uppercut Machia in the chin. And, seeing as how the Momoserum finally chose that exact moment to kick in, Machia is now down for the count.
Today on BnHA: The Miriosquad handles the Nearly High End Noumus, freeing up Jeanist to jasphyxiate (okay that one doesn’t really work so well) the rest of the League. Compress is all “TIME FOR THIS MILD-MANNERED SIDE CHARACTER VILLAIN TO SHINE”, except that by “shine” what he actually means is “use his quirk to punch a literal hole right through his own ass to free himself.” The rest of the chapter is basically just a back and forth between him and Jeanist, with Jeanist trying to recapture him, and Compress repeatedly thwarting him by chopping more holes out of himself because HE’S FRESH OUT OF FUCKS, AND THE ONES AT THE STORE ARE ALL SOLD OUT, MOTHERFUCKERS. Anyway, so with Compress basically dying and all, Horikoshi is all “you know what that means”, and delivers a freshly-baked villain flashback revealing that Compress is a descendant of Harima Ouji, a.k.a. the Peerless Thief, a.k.a. some famous guy whom Gentle mentioned this one time for like two seconds back in the day. The chapter ends with Compress finally demasking himself and dumping Tomura back onto the ground, a.k.a. The Worst Possible Place For Tomura To Be. ( •﹏•)
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AIZAWAAAA you’re alive and receiving medical help thank GOD. HOW MANY EYES DO YOU HAVE. AND MIRKO!! HOW MANY LIMBS DO YOU HAVE, OMG
so is this Aizawa dreaming about Crust’s final moments, then?? jesus. with All Due Respect to Crust’s memory, does Aizawa not already have enough misplaced guilt on his conscience as it is?? “nope, we’re gonna keep piling it on. that’s all he is now. three limbs, an indeterminate number of eyes, sexy hair, and Guilt” well shit
motherfucker y’all really out here placing an oxygen mask on Gran Torino’s corpse. fucking shounen characters. each one comes with a lifetime warranty
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for a moment I considered going back and checking my previous recaps to count how many times I’ve already made a joke about Dabi’s fire incinerating Hawks’s wings but not touching so much as a hair on his five o’clock shadow, so that I could calculate whether or not I could possibly get away with making that same joke one more time. but then I realized I could just do it in this kind of roundabout way I’m doing right now instead. so there you have it
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so anyway though, Jeanist is giving a speech about how god knows how many people all worked together to bring Machia down. and now RHA is getting in on those fabric puns too, I see. “A SINGLE STRAND MAY BE THIN BUT TOGETHER THEY FORM A STRONG ROPE” oh so you think you guys are funny eh? I’m a frayed knot
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fffffff. so much for him taking over as the Number One once all this is over. so let’s just recap real quick, because Horikoshi has long since made it clear that one of his plot goals for this arc is to wipe out every single member of the Billboard Top Ten. so how we doin?
Endeavor - was just figuratively eviscerated in front of the entire nation by his homicidal zombiepunk son. also burnt half to death and possibly down a lung. will almost certainly be forced to retire after this one way or the other
Hawks - lying prettily in a medical tent. wings status: gone. hair status: still perfect
Edgeshot - MIA, last seen fighting Re-Destro. I really want him to have kicked RD’s ass because fuck that guy, but realistically they probably fought to a draw at best
Mirko - alive but in critical condition and missing something like 1.5 limbs
Crust - dead, currently haunting Aizawa’s traumatized dreams. now he’s gonna be triggered the rest of his life by people giving him the thumbs up, THANKS A LOT
Kamui Woods - was set on fire which is His Weakness. thoughts and prayers
Wash - last seen floating hospital patients to safety as Tomura’s wave of decay descended towards him. probably dead ffff
Old Man Samurai - haven’t seen this fucker in a hot minute, who even knows where he’s wandered off to
Ryuukyuu - currently being treated for her wounds, looked pretty bad off. but it’s hard to tell how hurt she is since most of the injuries were acquired in her transformed state. SHE BETTER GET WELL SOON
anyways, so yeah. so much for the top ten. guess that’s another reason Horikoshi brought Mirio back now, huh
so there’s a big panel of everyone fighting the Noumu while Machia lies there all “blurgh.” good riddance my dude. it took like twenty chapters and a hundred people to stop this guy so I really fucking hope he stays down. you’ve had your fun
anyway so Jeanist is sending another steel thread towards Dabi! and he’s all “just a bit more!!” fklklj this is gonna go real well isn’t it
meanwhile Mirio’s fighting a Nearly High End with all of these weird rock formations jutting out of its skin. go on and kick his ass then, Mirio
“each of these guys is probably just as strong as the Noumu from Kyuushuu” hold on I thought Ujiko or Tomura or someone said that wasn’t the case? not that Mirio would know I suppose. anyways let’s just hope he’s wrong cuz if not these kids are probably screwed
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WOW, SON. IT’S ALMOST AS THOUGH YOU HAVE A HOLE IN YOUR TORSO, OR SOMETHING!! although listen up, real talk, the fact that Kacchan of all people can’t muster the energy to yell at someone questioning his ability to kick ass is HIGHKEY troubling and we may be in need of an intervention here soon :/
now Jeanist is finally turning his attention to the League! was... was it not already on the League. omg
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hey so um. what the actual fucked up hell. my soul left my body. imagine if you saw the reflection of this panel on your bedroom window. you would never sleep again
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(ETA: just a next-day clarification here, apparently my sleep-deprived ADHD word-skipping brain completely skipped right over the “a” in that last panel, so what I read was, “and Shigaraki’s limp noodle.” so yeah, the moral of this story is always read the speech bubble carefully before you start making running jokes throughout the rest of your post, folks.)
oh wow he’s really freaking out lmao
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to be fair though, I’d argue that Dabi has gotten pre-tty close at this point :’) thrilled for him, really I am
but anyway, well then figure something out you big dramatic robot-armed fiend. didn’t you just say you could touch your own ass? can you not just Compress yourself to break free?? does it not work on you? or would you be stuck afterwards lol
(ETA: I was picturing him compressing his entire body at once, not just chunks of it. ghhhlkh.)
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holy shit Jeanist. are you stupidly trying to cut off their air, or are you going for more of a sleeper hold (jleeper hold??) thing instead. the latter would be way smarter and faster and probably safer as well just saying
but unless Spinner is just being super dramatic, it sure looks like he’s fucking strangling them djslkjlk. this will certainly cement his popularity among the villain stans. good thing you’re not running for office any time soon bud
anyway so I have no idea what these guys are trying to do now. what is this
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do you even have till the count of 5 at this rate. I mean
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jeez, talk about... A HALF-ASSED ESCAPE ATTEMPT :D :D :D hahaha. but real talk though, Horikoshi has clearly never tried to leap twelve feet straight up in the air multiple times in succession with only half his glutes though. everyone, I regret to inform you that this panel right here on the left may be slightly unrealistic
also where the hell is he going to go?? did you pack a jetpack away in one of those little marbles sir. and what about Dabi?? and Skeptic too, I guess, but we don’t really care about Skeptic
(ETA: at this point I had to stop reading for about two hours because I had to go out and take care of something; that’s also why this is being posted later than usual lol. anyways so where were we.)
oh my lord
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the existence of a translator’s note here implies that the earlier line about Compress being able to reach Tomura’s junk was not, in fact, ad-libbed. hmm. hmmmmmmmm
anyway so now he’s grabbing Compress again because OF COURSE HE IS, so now we’re right back to square one! except now Tomura and Spinner are secured inside of little marbles, and presumably Compress is the only one who can release them
oh nevermind he’s just maiming himself again instead, SHEESH
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Skeptic a man is dying please have some goddamn respect
so, uh. is he gonna die, though??
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I really can’t tell wtf is going on here, this is the most confusing the art has been in a while. Horikoshi put all of his spoons into that creepyass close-up panel earlier, that bastard
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so apparently Harima was a Robin Hood type guy who stole from... heroes?? wtf. are heroes the 1% in this scenario. y’all didn’t have any Fortune 500 CEOs to steal from?
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THAT’S THE BLOOD THAT FLOWS THROUGH YOU, OH SHIT. and in a related oh shit, the fact that we are getting a Compress flashback now of all times doesn’t bode super well for him. ffff
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listen here boy if you touch one freaking hair on Shouto’s candy cane head I swear to god --
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(ETA: “masks are removable, makeste” you know what it’s been a long day okay lmao. or I suppose Compress is really the one who is lmao.)
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okay. okay. looooool okay then
as if it wasn’t enough for him to demask himself, he also had to get all shirtless and then do this weird attempt at a sexypose too huh
hard to say exactly how much of his torso is currently missing, but safe to say that’s proooooooobably not good. :///// fuck
on the other hand, Kacchan also has a torso hole and he’s still flying around like he just drank a dozen red bulls, so
this man lost his ass and he’s still out here monologuing like it’s the last two minutes of The Prestige. one might say he is monologuing his ass off
so he let Spinner and Tomura free, but is Dabi still trapped in his marble?? wasn’t he all on fire and stuff?? hopefully he can still turn off his quirk in there because if not that’s a pretty fucked up way to die. somewhere out there Snatch’s ghost is all “YEAH I’LL SAY.” oh how the turntables
last but not least, sooooooo. Tomura. back on the ground. that’s. um. ...shiiiiiiiit
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Lmao look at people not knowing the definition of words
Ben's names for his aliens are effectively superhero names for entire species and shows that they too can Hero if they wanted to. They are in no way, shape, or form slurs. Ben immediately stopped using the term Sludgepuppies for Lebnopans once he found out it was offensive and apologized for it.
Even as a joke this take is braindead.
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nyxvrse · 3 years
Wolfboy Jason Headcanons
Yes. Wolfboy!Jason has a space in my heart because BRUH he was raised by wolves he’s gonna have some characteristics 😩 (oh holy fuck i don’t think i’m ever gonna get over the fact i have emojis on my laptop now 😭😭)
Anyways Let’s GO!
Sometimes he goes non-verbal because he was brought up by wolves so he doesn’t really talk a lot. Also trauma but that isn’t what we are talking about right now- *clears throat* Uhuh anyways so he goes non-verbal for different time periods and it gets hard to understand him so Annabeth ends up teaching him basic sign language (Magnus taught her) and so now the 7 and some other people close to Jason know basic sign language. 
He sits on his haunches a lot. Haunches as in like feet tucked under his butt and knees lined up with his shoulders. I’d call it kneeling but that’s not entirely it. Also he cannot sit criss cross apple sauce, it makes him feel weird and short (after sitting on your haunches it feels hella uncomfy to sit criss cross speaking from experience lol)
He can’t read. Bestie he a wolfboy he cannot read as much as we’d think we can. Camp Jupiter tried teaching him so now can read like.. baby books-
Extreme body language man. Nodding is his go to mode of communication because again ✨wolf childhood ✨. You can visibly see his body language shift because well body language yes but it’s also extremely obvious in a sense there is no way to hide it. He has a lot of physical tells, like when he’s lying he starts to bite his lip a lot or scratch his arms. When he’s super happy his face grows 3x. When he’s sad his chin starts to stick out a lot. 
Doesn’t know slang. Being raised by wolves (imma rlly drive this point home lol 😝) + Camp Jupiter really cut off his slang dictionary so he has no clue when people use slang much like Hazel. So the 7 love fucking with the both of them. Hazel is a little more hard to fuck with but boi is Jason a fun target.
My man growls. Not just angry growls, like when he’s like feeling stuff he’ll growl. When’s he’s happy it’s all high pitched and squeal-y and when he’s sad it’s more whimpering. When he’s angry he just straight up bears his teeth out and you can hear the deep rumbling growls.
He sucks at thumb wars. Wolves don’t have thumbs so he learned to live without using them much so his thumbs are very weak and so Jason sucks at thumb wars.
Please these are so random 🤠. Anyways wolfboy Jason me thinks *lip bite emoji*
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deeranger · 3 years
Fic Writer Questions!
@oddsocksandstuff tagged me in this, thank you so much, sweetie!  ❤️
 1) How many works do you have on AO3? I’ve got 40 so far (of which 25 are SPN fics). There’s more to come! 
2) What’s your total AO3 word count? 486,667, apparently. That tells me each of my fics has an average wordcount of 12,166.675… Seems about right. I was never any good at keeping things short.
3) How many fandoms have you written for and what are they? Uhh… On AO3 I’ve written for Supernatural, Supernatural RPF, X-men (Cherik) and McFassy (James McAvoy/Michael Fassbender). But I’ve written a lot when I was younger that has never made it online, including NCIS, Pirates of the Caribbean, and lots of weird one-shorts starring everyone from Michael J. Fox to Kevin Sorbo from “Hercules: The Legendary Journeys”. 🤨  
4) What are your top 5 fics by kudos? “A Lesson to be Taught” – an SPN Wincest pwp fic where a dominant Dean fucks (and spanks) Sam and they discover that Dean apparently has a daddy!kink. Comes with a photo manipulation too! There be dick.    
“Taking Game” – a semi-dark medieval Cherik (Charles Xavier/Erik Lehnsherr from X-men) AU. Basically, Charles is a poacher hunting on king Erik’s land to his great dismay. And so, he’s captured and gets the choice between losing his life or serving the king for a bit… Dubcon and smut ensues.   “Only Like This” – a little SPN Wincest dub-con fic about hopelessly pining Dean doping Sam just so he can touch and kiss his oblivious little brother. It’s okay. Sam won’t remember when he comes to.   “It’s Only Carnal” – A dark SPN Wincest noncon fic where soulless!Sam needs to blow off some steam. And when it comes to carnal activities his brother isn’t exactly a novice – so why not use Dean’s body to make them both feel good?   “Demonized” – a long and dark af SPN noncon fic written in collaboration with the awesome @palishere. Sam is captured by some nasty demons who use him to lure in his brother. At first it seems the demonic scumbags are just really perverted and have a weakness for sexual torture, but they turn out to have ulterior motives…  
5) Do you respond to comments, why or why not? Yes, always. I think it can be a bit demotivating for a reader to leave a comment and get zero response – and so, they might not bother to comment on the next fic. At least, that’s how I feel personally. And besides, I really want to let readers know that I appreciate them taking the time and effort to actually tell me what they think.  
6) What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending? Oufff… Seriously? How can I possibly pick just one when 99.8 percent of my fics are not only dark af but have gut-wrenching ambiguous endings as well? I, err… I’m gonna have to think really hard about this one, hold on… *Insert buzzing cicada sound*… Uhh… Well, I guess it might be… “Play or Pay” – a dark female!reader-insert Wincest fic where demon!Dean has you and Sam trapped somewhere underground. Sam ends up being on the receiving end of the demon’s cruelty when he tries to save you. Using Dean’s body the demon ends up raping Sam while the reader tries to escape to get help... There’s a little twist in the end. Loads of dead dove here, including death (not Dean or Sam).     “The Orange Hour” – where undercover inmate!Dean has to rape CO!Sam in order to save both of their lives and get them out of the jail in one piece. It doesn’t go completely as planned. (Comes with an nsfw photo manipulation).  “Demonized” – loads of bottom!Sam torture, full of hurt and absolutely no comfort... It’s just… I dunno, I think I and @palishere had a collective meltdown in the noncon and angst department. Sorrynotsorry.      
8) Do you write crossovers? If so what is the craziest one you’ve written? Nope, I’ve never in my life written a crossover. Usually, I’m too laser-focused on 1 obsession at a time. I can’t multitask, okay?   
9) Have you ever received hate on a fic? Yes, the fandom purity police has visited me on AO3. The usual self-proclaimed know-it-alls vomiting their bullshit all over the comment section about how “problematic” noncon is and how “sick” I must be. I thought about moderating comments for a while, actually – but I just deleted their follow-up comments until they left me alone. 😤
10) Do you write smut? If so what kind? Yes!! Gimme! Usually, I write noncon smut or just good ol’ pwps that feature some sort of dominance. That’s it. That’s my jam. In general, the only smut I don’t write is the cute, fluffy, feel-good, cuddly stuff… My smut’s usually pretty rough and/or some sort of dub/noncon.
11) Have you ever had a fic stolen? Yes. Someone stole “It’s Only Carnal” and posted it as her own on some Portuguese fanfiction site. She even replied to comments, answered questions and talked about how much she loved writing it, etc… Luckily a sweet mutual on Tumblr let me know about it and I reported her for plagiarism. The stolen fic was taken down shortly after and the account deleted. Goddamn thief. 😡  
12) Have you ever had a fic translated? Yes. Honestly, I can’t remember which fic(s). But people have contacted me on AO3 and asked for permission to translate my stuff into Chinese. I have - of course - happily allowed them to. It’s such an awesome compliment to get, I think!  
13) Have you ever co-written a fic before? Yes, 2. “Demonized” and the fluffy Ficfacers prompt fic “The Masks We Wear” starring Sam and Dean taking their pranks a step too far. Basically, the brothers get angry with each other and they need to talk it out… No smut in this one, can you believe it?!! But that was kinda the prompt we received. The prompt was literally: “Sam and fluff”. Anyways, both fics are co-written with the lovely @palishere. You can find her AO3 here. 😊
14) What’s your all time favorite ship? Wincest!!! Definitely. Gimme all the brotherfucking, please. No contest. And coming in on second place I guess there’s Samifer – never paired consensually, though. I just love Lucifer messing with Sam’s head and torturing him in all kinds of cruel ways.    
15) What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will? Oh, that’s a mean question… I have a noncon WIP where Sam and Dean are in prison. I wrote a whole story outline, gathered my own little dictionary of prison slang, etc… But I never made it past page 10 or something. Sam was supposed to get jumped by a gang of inmates and then Dean was supposed to helplessly watch from the sideline, offering to trade places if they’d just leave his little brother alone… And after that it’s all about a mix of healing and vengeance… But the story has been lying on the shelf for more than a year and I doubt I’ll ever continue it. Oh, wait! I almost forgot – I have a long Cherik WIP sequel to “To Have and to Hold”! Just checked, its wordcount is 18,729! Holy crap…. What a waste, huh? But I honestly don’t think I’ll ever finish it, because I’m not into Cherik anymore. That ship has kinda sunk for me…. So, now I’m hyperfixating on Supernatural, yeah?     
16) What are your writing strengths? Description, I think. I just love details and setting the mood. I like to think I’m pretty good at writing in English too even though it isn’t my native language… I wish to be better and expand my vocabulary but I’m doing okay nonetheless.
17) What are your writing weaknesses? Description, I think. Yes, you read correctly. I often describe things TOO much. Sometimes to the extent where the pacing gets so slowed down that I feel like the scene loses its ‘feel’. I don’t know if it’s just in my head, but that’s my major concern about my writing. That and my signature ambiguous endings, lol.
18) What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic? Love it. It can be difficult to pull off, but if you get it right it can be magical. Just don’t overdo it and make sure that the reader can follow. I don’t think I have any fics online where I do it, but I’m not a complete stranger to it either.
19) What was the first fandom you wrote for? Ack, my poor brain trying to go back to when I was friggin’ 13… You know how many years ago that was?! 25!!! Okay!? *Huffs*…. Anyway, I THINK it might’ve been Keanu Reeves’ character in “Johnny Mnemonic”. Or maybe David James Elliott’s character as Harmon Rabb in the early seasons of “JAG”. I dunno. Either way this question makes me feel really old and I don’t appreciate it. Don’t @ me. 😅   
20) What’s your favorite fic you’ve written? That’s probably a tie between “The Orange Hour” and “It’s Only Carnal”. They’ve both got nice pacing and that’s my biggest challenge, I think. Also, I love the whole Morse code thing in “The Orange Hour”. I don’t even know what happened or how I came up with it, but hey, I can surprise myself if I want to, I guess! And of course there’s the smutty noncon and all of the hurt… So, those two fics are my personal faves. 😏  
I’ll tag @jackandthesoulmates, @pinkoptics, @palishere, @wrenseroticlibrary, @decadent-prince, @negans-lucille-tblr, @juinae and @impala-dreamer and everyone else who feels like doing it! Feel free to ignore, of course. 
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floridabaiter · 3 years
the cornerstone of self-idolization and lack of self-preservation: our ex-twt stan + has a cc as a sibling rant
preface: my system joined mcyttwt a while back (i can't remember exact times due to personal reasons) and it genuinely contributed to the downfall and spiral of our mental health in the past year. especially from my perspective as a protecter alter, i saw the brunt of things that stressed us to the point of detriment. our sibling has half a million followers on some platforms (not mcyt) and we have seen firsthand through him how pressure from online can affect ccs. (we will not be speaking on his experience as they probably do not want us to publically.) also sorry if this is a little incoherent we had a seizure this morning- this is just to get everything off our chest.
b4 i start here's the dictionary definition of dehumanization: "transitive verb. : to deprive (someone or something) of human qualities, personality, or dignity: such as. a : to subject (someone, such as a prisoner) to inhuman or degrading conditions or treatment "… you treat people with respect, you get respect back." + heres smth from brenebrown.com "Maiese defines dehumanization as “the psychological process of demonizing the enemy, making them seem less than human and hence not worthy of humane treatment.” Dehumanizing often starts with creating an enemy image."
the dehumanization of content creators on mcyttwt is disgusting. they are placed on pedestals and expected to walk on eggshells when creating their own content and writing THEIR OWN tweets and messages- they are expected to drop FRIENDS over what teenagers on twitter who don't know them personally thought of them. they were expected to respond to death-threats and criticism and harassment with a big smile and an apology for whatever they did. they are people who are not treated as people by stan twitter- they are treated as higher-than while simultaneously lesser-than when they are normal people who make mistakes. this is not okay. having interpersonal relationships + making mistakes & learning from them are basic parts of life that these content creators are being stripped of by twitter's cesspool of a community and it's so blatant and disgusting that they are faced with daily swarms of harassment for simply making mistakes + making friends + having lives while making content.
(side-note: another form of dehumanization is the fact that twitter consistently strips people of their privacy and private lives. cc or not you are expected to put everything about yourself out there [face included ie: selfie day] and that's blatantly unsafe for minors and adults alike. the way they dig into personal histories and pasts and relationships while simultaneously preaching "respect boundaries" is disgusting and deplorable.)
twitter's policy of "i stan this person, i like their content" while simultaneously harassing the ones that they claim to enjoy content from is confusing at best. it is detrimental to any cc's health. the villianization of ccs is fucking ridiculous.
coming from a poc person, twitter has a rampant disgusting problem with white saviors 👍🏼. i don't even need to get into it, everyones seen it and you all know. also i'm not even getting into how mcyttwt treats mexicans 👍🏼 i'm not your little maraca drug cartel "ayyy man" meow meow, emily.
white people on twitter: we are not your toy for activism. we are not yours to use to excuse your harassment of real people. fuck you. shut up. let us speak for ourselves and uplift our voices when we ask. (also stop with the "ugh 🙄 white people" shit. we're talking about you ❤️.)
twitter preaches to not be performaitve in lifting up voice and then is preformaitve.
there's countless threads that are out there just for clicks and likes (ie. "things not to say to a trans person" *states the most obvious shit like 'don't call them their agab'*) for fucking popularity. it's all the time, people chase clout under the guise of pretending to care about minorities. it's sickening, especially when they bring race or ethnicity into these threads for their ""activism"".
twitter's gender bias is again, blatant.
female ccs will call out the same behaviors male ccs get praised for calling out and will get degraded and put down and have their name trending under "[name] neg //" for hours after the tweet is sent, they'll be harassed for days afterward and shamed. their bodies will be judged by fucking randoms who have no place saying anything (women aren't objects!). they get shit for the same thing male ccs do with no consequences. it's disgusting, it's blatant, and it's not being talked about or addressed.
it never allowed for enjoying content. it was contestant stressful pressure to keep up with every minute and miniscule detail of what a cc did, constantly choosing sides and never being allowed to speak outside of what the collective group on twitter thought. having an opinion other than "this is wrong and should be the downfall of this human person" was not allowed. there was an issue every day, we felt like we couldn't say we enjoyed anything without someone coming in our dms like "um.. did you know [insert something mildly problematic]... you should delete that post about liking them." and god forbid when "cc neg //" would trend because everyone couldn't maturely move on from something that wasn't a big deal. twitter has made my system SPLIT NEW ALTERS because of the stress and obligation we felt to keep up with every minute detail. (albeit we are polyfrag and prone to splitting, and our co-host at the time was an emotionally volatile dream introject during a very dream-critical time. that still doesn't excuse the toxic environment that caused the splits in the first place :|.)
what twitter does to people- especially ccs, is unsafe and unpleasant at best and traumatizing at worst. these people need to grow the up, put on their big boy pants and realize that not everything is about them.
all of this is off the top of my head too :| we've been waiting to rant about this since we got ON twitter. this doesn't even scratch the surface of the abelism and babying of ND ppl or people with disabilities + the other horrid shit that happens on that app.
tl;dr twitter touch fucking grass and do it FAST holy shit. please go outside and talk to people. get a job. read a book. do some math or something idk.
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ninbinary · 3 years
so coming off anon for this cause i had mainly been worried how youd react lmao. i think kenku would actually learn to speak faster than human kids, since they can just parrot back whatever you say! eventually older kenku would have their own "voice" as they get more skilled at combining vocal clips, but i think the main issue actual kenku would run into is not understanding what theyre repeating at first! the same way a parrot will yell fuck over and over, you have to be really careful about what you say around baby kenku. it would be a definite inconvenience until you had a large bank of words to use, but i imagine you could get someone to like, read out a dictionary for you as a young kenku, and youd be pretty set with vocab and youd just need to worry about tone. also on culture, im making an entire world from creation myth to how dragons breathe fire, and with multiple planets that are earth size im able to diversify pretty well. although i have lumped animal-folk into one big group because holy shit theres so fucking many
Oh my golly, I appreciate the reaching out again, de-cloaked! I'll reply to this in 2 parts:
1) Kenku-a-go-go (gu?): it's definitely pretty weird, in intreguing ways: the "not Grok-ing language" thing is neat, the Parroting is neat -- I'm not sure how it all comes together (in official or ideal head-canon). The best grasp I have on it is, "most Kenku (that are around speaking species) GET language, they just can't MAKE it, they can only grab sounds and play them back". If its a lot more complicated than that (like them not "getting" the concept of sounds being a means of communication) it seems a little hard to try to envision how that can be well-realized in game.
2) re: Your GM World-Building:
yay, that sounds Supersilmarillionexpialidocious! :)
When you say you're starting with Creation Myth, I don't know if you mean 'in general terms', or if you're Tolkein-ing it up with the idea of "if Species X's Creation isn't mentioned here, they don't exist!". If the latter, that sounds like a lot of heavy lifting! :O :)
but even if you're doing the full "Big-Bang-to-Today" mythology... there's always the workaround of later-born species, which you can hand-wave as "this New species came into existence cuz...
a Dragon did it
a Wizard did it
This citystate's people were (cursed / gifted / etc) and were turned into (this new species)
etc etc etc
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btsslowburnfic · 4 years
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Series Summary: For Namjoon, the moment he set his sights on being the #1 rapper, he pushed the symbol to the side and hated it. Love should be chosen, not forced on you. He didn’t believe in fate and this mark on his wrist was a big “fuck you” to all that.
AN: a loooong update where we get YN to Korea Previous Chapter here
The three of you made it safe and sound to your new brownstone across the river in New Jersey. Joe has a job lined up, but at the moment you and Xavier are unemployed. On this particular day, you are in your room job hunting when you hear a knock on your bedroom door and then see Xavier gently push it open. “Fly your ass to Korea. Now. Here,” Xavier throws a book at you. “I bought you a Korean dictionary.”
You roll your eyes. “Namjoon speaks English. And I can’t read the characters or whatever so how will a dictionary help. And, I’m not going to Korea.”
Xavier crosses his arms in front of his body. “Girl. You are still in your twenties. You have no job. There is a hot man who is also your soulmate across the ocean. GO TO KOREA.” You pick your phone back up, ignoring him. You hear him let out a frustrated sigh and leave the room. You didn’t know what you wanted. You didn’t tell them that Namjoon had passed along his schedule to you and that he would be in Korea for 6 weeks starting in two weeks and that he had offered to buy you a plane ticket. You kept going back and forth. Fine. Fuck it.
YN: Hey! I’ve been thinking and I would like to come visit. As long as it’s not too much trouble and won’t interfere with your schedule
You let out a breath and put the phone down. One thing you have learned is that he keeps very strange hours and there is no way of knowing when he will be awake, when he will be performing, or even what country he is in. You are shocked when you receive a reply instantly.
NJ: It’s no problem. I will be working a lot of the time, but there is also some free time blocked out so make sure you’re ready to do some sightseeing as well on your own. I’ll rent a noona for you.
YN: I have no idea what that means but ok. Sounds exciting.
NJ: You can rent tour guides. An “older sister” to translate and show you around on some of the days.
YN: That would be amazing! Ok. Sounds great!!
NJ: I’ll book the flight and email you the information.
YN: Awesome ^_^ Thank you so much.
You try to keep your cool. You really do. But it doesn’t last long as you sit the phone down and walk out into the hallway. “Xavier!”
“What? Brat.” You hear him call from the living room.
“I’m going to Korea!” You say with a big smile on your face.
“Holy shit. You’re doing it!?! Really? When?” He sits up straight on the couch.
“I’m not sure. He’s booking the flight.”
“Oh my God. Oh my God. IT’S HAPPENING. Come. Sit here. Let’s watch some Kdramas. We need to prepare you.”
You roll your eyes but join him on the couch anyway.
--3 weeks later--
The flight isn’t too bad. When Namjoon booked your ticket you did secretly wonder if he would spring for an upgraded seat since you know...you guessed he was rich. You did not expect that he was going to pay for a first class seat though. The comfort of the seats and the fact that food was actually delicious helped to balance out the longest flight you had ever taken in your life. You managed to get some rest on the plane, but not very much since you were so excited and nervous. You had not seen each other for a while. And the last time you saw him you were both naked.
When you arrive you don’t have any bags to collect; you just brought your carry-on. You know you are going to do a lot of shopping while you are there and had decided you would just buy a suitcase there. You walk down to departures and scan the crowd looking for your name. This was so exciting. You had been the person in the crowd holding a name placard before, but you had never had it done for you. It helped that it was one of the few names written in English. You smile and walk over to a man in a suit.  After confirming each other’s identity, you follow him out to a black SUV with tinted windows. He takes your bag and you slide into the backseat. 
YN: Hey! I’m on my way to the hotel. When will I get to see you?
NJ: Yeah….about that. There is no way I would be able to just be going in and out of a hotel without anyone here noticing. This isn’t LA. We can’t really go out in public much here. The driver will be taking you to my apartment complex. Once you get here, you will let security know who you are. They will provide you with a key and directions.
You weren’t expecting this at all, but it made sense.
YN: Umm ok. Sounds like a plan. 
You hoped to God someone at the security office spoke English. Oh well. You typed some things into your translation app just in case and tried to enjoy the scenery. It was a city, but it seemed a lot cleaner than LA. Less sunny, and more modern. At least the parts you were driving through.
After a fifteen minute taxi ride that has brought you into a very fancy part of Seoul you try to keep your cool as your driver assures you that this is the location you are supposed to be at. It is fancy looking as fuck and has a giant ass gate around it. The driver pulls up and shows his credentials and then pulls up and rolls your window down.
The security officer stands there, looking at you. You pull out your passport and state your name. He looks over a sheet of paper and nods. Handing you an envelope that feels like it has a keyboard and some papers in it. You thank him in shitty Korean and the driver closes the window. You open the envelope.
“Hey. If you’re getting this, I wasn’t able to get off work in time to meet you. The driver knows which building to go to. Use this key to go to unit 4106. Text me when you get there. Sorry!
The chauffeur drives between several of the buildings. The streets are lined with trees and there appeared to be several small gardens between the buildings. The car comes to a stop outside building 4. The driver gets out to open your door and hands you the bag. You thank him and head into the building.
The apartment building was a lot like a luxury hotel, you find yourself thinking. It was decorated similarly with gilded light fixtures and a marble floor. You scan your key card at the elevators and head up to the 10th floor. 
It becomes very obvious from the minute you walk in that this is Namjoon’s actual apartment. His giant shoes are all over the foyer.  You purse your lips and take out your phone.
NJ: Relax sweetheart, the guest bedroom is for you. I’m hardly ever there. Make yourself at home and I’ll see you later ;p
NJ: You’re welcome. Stop being a brat and enjoy.
You pout a little bit. Fine. Fine. You’ve already slept with him so why does it matter if this is his apartment. Because it feels so much more intimate, you think. You enter into the space while texting Xavier.
YN: New chapter in the Kdrama series. 
You knew Xavier would normally be sleeping, but he was so excited and wanted to make sure you made it safely he was wide awake.
X: Oh no, what?
YN: he didn’t arrange for me to stay in a hotel IM AT HIS APARTMENT.
X: AHAHAHAHAHA HOLY SHIT. Is it nice? Is there like a waterfall? Does it smell like rich people? Send pictures!
YN: I don’t think I should send pics since he’s famous, but there are no waterfalls that I can see. It smells normal. Actually no, it smells new, like people don’t really live here. Stay tuned for updates.
X: Has he dicked you yet?
YN: -_- he’s stuck at work. And I’ll be in the guest bedroom thankyouverymuch.
X: Yeah….ok…..suuuuuuure.
You put your phone back in your pocket and continue to wander around the apartment. It is the size of a house. There is a small terrace running  along the side of the unit and three open rooms that flow together. I guess rich people need more than one living room? You wonder. They are all furnished with couches and art. The floors are a beautiful Marble. Or Granite. Some expensive imported thing. You notice several plants on the wall as well as out on the terrace. Huh. I did not think he would be into plants, you find yourself thinking.
YN: Nice plants
NJ: My pride and joy
You smile and walk into the kitchen. It looks like a showroom. You doubt much cooking goes on here. If you could afford to eat out all the time you would too. You open the fridge and as predicted, it is mostly empty. There are a few bottles of water and some random condiments. Panic strikes you as you begin to wonder if there’s a coffee maker in this apartment. This could be a deal breaker; you might have to flee to the Marriott. There isn’t one sitting out. You frantically open cabinets. You make eye contact with a very fancy looking Espresso maker. Ok. You will learn how to use this beast. You sit it out on the counter and plug it in. Crisis averted for now. You continue through the rest of the house. You quickly find the master bedroom. Big bed. That’s all you take note of before closing the door. You don’t want to be nosy. You wander to the other end of the apartment and find an extra bedroom and an office. You don’t go to the office, but do take your stuff into the guest bedroom. You are feeling tired and starting to feel hungry.
YN: When will you be back? Is there a convenience store nearby? I need coffee and/or food.
NJ: Sorry. It will still be a while. Actually there are several stores on property. The closest one is in building 2. Here, download the app. I’ll send you the login info.
YN: Thanks.
You change out of your traveling clothes into real clothing and head to the market. The apartment complex’s layout is fairly easy to understand once you look at the app. You walk over to tower 2 and ride the elevator to the market level. It looks like the atrium of a cruise ship. There is a giant crystal chandelier hanging in the middle of the lobby area as well as beautiful indoor trees, glass art bulbs, probably a peacock or two wandering around, and some light music playing in the background. Oh God. I should just starve. This is too fancy. I need to leave.  
You turned to leave when you heard a voice speaking politely in Korean. You ignore it, and then hear the same voice ask in English,  “Excuse me, Miss. Can I help you?” A short man in his 50’s walked over. “I’m on the concierge staff here. You must be new.” 
“Ah yes. Thank you. Umm...Coffee please?”
“Of course. Take-away or beans?”
“Both please?” You ask, trying to keep it simple and very thankful for the English.
“Yes of course. If you just get me the unit number I can actually just have it sent there. Also there is an ordering and delivery app you can use next time if you would like to save yourself the walk.” The man explained while he typed some information into a tablet. 
“That’s very helpful. Thank you. For today, now please.” 
“Very well miss, please insert your chip or resident card here and sign,” he turned the tablet towards you. You inserted your debit card.  
“Thank you. Please wait.”
You take a seat in the fancy lobby area and get out your phone. You had some messages from Namjoon.
[NJ]: Oh, there is also an app you can download and order groceries to the apartment. 
[NJ]: I usually eat at work so I forget about it.
[NJ]: Sorry, you probably already hiked there.
A smirk crossed your face as you started to type a response.
[Y/N]: Sorry, I just saw these. And no worries. It’s a beautiful part of the complex. I was a little overwhelmed to be honest but the concierge was very helpful!  10/10 recommend.  
You take a picture of the lobby area and send it to him.
[NJ]: wow, yeah that’s beautiful. I haven’t actually been there myself.
The concierge returns, handing you a coffee and a bag of coffee beans.  You thank him profusely one more time.
“My pleasure. Take care.”
You sit the beans down and pose with your coffee cup, snapping a selfie to send to Namjoon.
[Y/N]: There, now all is right with the world ^_^
[NJ]: :) See you soon!
You travel back to the apartment and unpack your suitcase. You try your hardest to stay awake, but at this point you have been up for over 24 hours and you can feel the pull of sleep. You’ll just lay down for a nap. 
It is dark outside by the time Namjoon gets off work. He feels bad he couldn’t meet you in the car at the airport, and even worse that he’s kept you waiting for hours. You haven’t answered any of his texts these past few hours either. He opens the door to his apartment. The lights are off. Did you leave? He wonders. He flips on the light and sees your shoes by the door which put a smile on his face. You must be sleeping. He hasn’t actually been in his apartment for about 2 months. It was mostly the same as he left it, except most of the time when he returned the apartment had a stale smell from having been left empty. This time it smelled like coffee and girl.
He enters the main living area and finds you laying in a small blanket nest on the couch with a laptop on the table; a coffee cup resting on a coaster next to it. He smiles and goes through to his bedroom to deposit his travel bag. He washes his face and changes clothes and then proceeds to nervously pace. Should he wake you up? You were probably tired, but at the same time, to prevent jet lag you shouldn’t sleep too much, and he wanted to hang out with you. He wrestles with this issue for a while and then decides he will try to wake you up.
He gently shakes your foot, “Hey sleepy. Wake up.” 
“Mmmmmmmmmmm…” you respond. What’s happening? You kick the thing bothering your foot. So annoying. You hear a deep voice laugh. Oh shit, where were you again? The shaking of your foot resumes and you crack open one of your eyes and see Namjoon sitting on the couch. “Heyyyy.”
“Hey there sweetheart. Nice seeing you in Korea.”
You feel your heart do a little flip flop at the way he’s talking to you but you want to play it cool. “Yeah. It’s good to be here.” You stretch out and move to sit up.
“How are your legs doing?” He asks.
“Good. They get stiff pretty easily and I still have to do my exercises everyday but they don’t hurt most of the time or anything. I get pretty bad headaches from time to time, but you already knew that. Sorry about that by the way.”
“It’s fine, I just carry aspirin around with me now.” He shrugs. “Did you get any food? Should I order something?”
“Yeah. Order some super Korean food.” You are fully awake now.
“Yeah? You serious? It’s not going to be like Koreatown food.” He teases
“Might as well jump in. If I don’t like it, there’s always rice, right?” You smile.
“That’s true,” he takes out his phone to order dinner.
“What did you do today?”
“Today was planning for the Festa. Even though it’s months away we have to make sure we have enough content planned just in case there are any unforeseen delays.”
“Cool.” You say. You had done your basic level ARMY research so you were somewhat familiar with their different activities.
“How was your flight? You should probably get up and stretch those legs around. Get up.” He pushes your shoulder playfully.
“Ughhh….fine. By the way. Nice apartment. Is rent like 20 grand a month?” You stand up groaning slightly like an old woman. Damn stiff legs.
“Uhh...I paid 6 million dollars for it up front so I don’t pay rent. Do you want anything to drink?”
It’s a good thing you weren’t drinking anything when he dropped that little factoid on you or you would have spit it out comic-book style. Jesus. That explained the security and Gucci grocery store. “Uh water please.” You walked over following him to the kitchen. “It’s good to see you by the way. Thanks for inviting me.” You slowly remember how to speak like a human again.
“Sure. I wish I had more free time to spend with you, but I’m glad you were able to make it.” He fills a glass with water for you. “Wait a minute! Before I forget,” he jogs out of the room and returns with a small box. “Here, this is for you. We were in Australia last month and I wanted to get something for you.”
You are surprised. It didn’t occur to you that he would think about you or buy you something. Until a few months ago you had considered yourself a nuisance. “Wow, thank you so much. You didn’t have to do that.” you say, taking the box, “I hope it’s a tiny KNOIFE or tiny koala or tiny kangaroo,” you open the box. It is an adorable mug with a Koala on it superimposed on the Australian Continent. It says in English, “Lucky Australian Koala.” You burst out laughing, cupping the mug with both your hands in front of your face. “This is perfection. Thank you so much for my authentic LUCKY AUSTRALIAN KOALA, I cannot wait to drink out of him tomorrow. Seriously. “ You sit the mug on the kitchen table. Fuck it. “Come here,” you gesture, and pull him in for a hug. His body feels solid against your and he gently wraps his arms around you. You give a firm squeeze. “Thank you for the mug and for flying me out here.”  You pull away and smile at him. 
He looks away almost shy, “It was nothing. I figure I still owe you a few for the pen incident.”
You take a drink of the water. “Yeah. You have had some dickish moments.” 
“Speaking of dickish behavior...do you want to talk about what happened with Ben or…?”
You shrug. “There’s not a lot to say. Ben apparently met his soulmate about 4 months before the car accident. He tried to stay away since we had already agreed that we didn't care about stuff like that. But he couldn't. I don't know when he started seeing Jessie behind my back. They were apparently banging all summer in the apartment and while I was in the hospital.” You take another gulp of water. Namjoon is surprised that he isn’t feeling much anger or sadness coming off of you. “After I got all my shit out of the apartment and had a chance to calm down, I couldn't be too mad about it you know? You and I had already slept together and most people aren't as stubborn as us. So really, how could they resist? I mean I was angry and sad at the time but at this point it seems like a lifetime ago. "
Namjoon had never asked about what had happened with Ben before, assuming that if you wanted to talk about it you would have brought it up. " Wow. "
"Yeah. I mean that's waaaay oversimplified but that's the gist of it. Anyways. Everything was a mess for me for a while. You know I stayed with Xavier and Joe and then  Xavier's husband got a really good job offer here so we all picked up and left LA."
“And now you’re in New York.” He finishes your thought
“Yeah. Well Jersey technically because rent is $1000 less a month. But I’m applying for jobs as assistant director at tv stations and theaters. I’m hopeful something will come up. I can’t really teach fitness classes anymore.”
Namjoon listens thoughtfully, feeling like a jackass for never asking about this stuff before. What kind of soulmate was he? 
“Well, let me know if you need a job reference.”
“Ahahahaha,” You laugh awkwardly. “No way. I don’t want people thinking I only got a job because I know someone famous.”
“Sweetheart, that’s how everyone gets jobs in the industry.” He leans against the counter.
“I don’t know, I’ll think about it.” You fidget
“You know I’ll just text Xavier and he’ll tell me the companies you applied for.” Namjoon flashes his dimples at you.
You scowl. “I didn’t realize you two were so chummy.”
“Hey, we bonded a lot in the hospital.” His phone let out a chirp. “The food is at the security office. I’ll be back in a few. Make yourself at home.” He heads over to the foyer to slip his shoes on. 
You decide to unpack and then wash your face and brush your teeth before returning to the main area where he has just returned. “That was fast”, you comment, meeting him near the door and taking a bag from his hands.
“I rode my bike over.” He replies, following you to the kitchen. 
“They let your clumsy ass ride a bike?” You tease, pulling food out.
He lets out a laugh, “Yeah. Just remember, only one of us has got hit by a car.”
“Touche. Touche. Alright. I don’t know what any of this is, so I’m going to go wait at the table like a lazy bitch.”
“Haha, fair enough. I’ll bring it over. “
You head over and have a seat at the dining table, placing your water down. This feels so weird. So intimate. He joins a few minutes later placing a bunch of food on the table along with a spoon and chopsticks.
“I’m sure there’s a fork around here somewhere if you need one.” He says as he opens the lids on the containers.
“I lived in LA where we ate sushi almost every day, I think I’ll be ok.” You sass back, ,looking over all of the delicious food. You start to dig in. He sits waiting to see what your reaction will be. You flash him a thumbs up as you chew. It’s definitely good. He smiles and begins to eat as well.
Dinner is relatively quiet. You had no idea how hungry you were until you started to eat. Some of the foods had a texture you didn’t quite care for, but overall you liked it all.
“Wow. That was delicious. Thank you so much.” You smile
“It was. You’re welcome.” He gets up and starts to clear the table and you join him. 
You continue to yawn involuntarily as the two of you straighten up the kitchen,
“Do you want some coffee or a nap?” he asks.
“I’m going to try and stay awake a little bit longer. What does the rest of the night look like?”
“Relaxing. I am exhausted from work. And you don’t look so fresh yourself. LEt’s watch a movie or something.” He says it so casually. Like this is a normal thing the two of you do. Like it hasn’t been months since the last time you saw each other and you left him naked and alone in a bed. You feel your heartbeat speed up.
“Hold on, I’m changing into some comfy clothes before I make this commitment.” you get up and head towards your room.
You come back in leggings and a shirt. Namjoon has re-positioned himself on the end of the couch. You sit next to him. “Ok, all set,” you grab your blanket. 
“You take your comfort quite seriously,” Namjoon laughs as he hits the play button. 
“Definitely,” you respond, yawning. After about half an hour, It’s dark outside, the night spilling into the living room. You are trying to keep your eyes open. You feel Namjoon put his large arm around you. You don’t resist, you nestle into it. You feel the warmth of his body radiating against you. It feels so nice.You try to stay awake but your eyelids grow heavy.  The next thing you know, you wake up slowly, not quite oriented to where you are. Your face is sweaty. You take stock of your surroundings. You are still in the living room. You must have fallen asleep while watching the movie. You move a bit and realize you are not alone. Namjoon is asleep as well. Underneath you. Oh god. You probably trapped him. Is that your drool on his shirt? You wonder. But you know that yes, it definitely is. Jesus [Y/N].Not making a great impression here.  Must sneak out so the drool will dry before he wakes up. You move as stealthy as possible off of him, which is very difficult since you found yourself laying between his legs. How did you even get like that? You had gone in for a light snuggle to see how it would be received and then apparently passed out dead. No more starting movies when you were tired. You knew it was your weakness. 
The poor man probably had to pee and was stuck, forced to lay underneath you until he fell asleep.    Is he snoring? Huh. Well ok. You drool and he snores. Very attractive individuals. You grab a blanket from your nest on the other side of the couch and put it on top of him. You sneak down the hallway to your bathroom, pee and sneak into your bedroom. You lay down and try to fall asleep, but your heart is beating fast as all you can think about it falling asleep on Namjoon. You feel your face grow warm. You are  a mix of turned on and embarrassed. You turn off your light and wonder if he will still want to go sightseeing with your drooly-ass tomorrow.  @calling-dips-on-j-hope​​  @ghostkat23​​ @cuteipat​​ @marianeamine​​@thisisval​​ @almonte12​​  @themisunderstoodblackswan​ @bobbyboops​  @betysotelo18​ @katerbees​
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