#dunkirk cast imagine
givemearmstopraywith · 6 months
Barry Keoghan having grown up working class and under very dire circumstances was such a good casting choice intiutively besides him being a very good actor. It's saddening that Saltburn, in my eyes, never really managed to appreciate this. An actor doesn't make a movie certainly, but in theory Saltburn would and should have benefitted from someone like Keoghan, if that makes sense.
my mum and i were just talking about how keoghan's actual life story is so similar to oliver's fake one. i completely agree with you about his acting- i've been a fan of keoghan since dunkirk (you must imagine me eating garlic bread out of my pocket in the theare and crying when he goes blind- so good, literally one of my favourite performances ever). he brings a necessary beating heart to it, not that i think the other actors are bad- actually i quite like all of the acting- it's just that the story seems to lack some critical depth. but i am sort of enjoying it! the way you might enjoy cheap beer or gummy hamburgers.
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just-barrow · 1 year
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How close are the cast of SAS: Rogue Heroes to their real life counterparts? Next up, Dudley Clarke played by the chameleon Dominic West.
Whilst many millions of people played a small part in the Allies winning the war, it is difficult to overstate how important Clarke was. Born in South Africa in 1899 he signed up to fight in WW1, but was too young, instead joining the Royal Flying Corps and trained to be a pilot. Between the wars he became involved in military intelligence in the Middle East.
As the disaster at Dunkirk was unfolding, Clarke created the concept of the 'Kommando' Force, named after the irregular Boer war troops that were able to keep the British at bay 40 years earlier. The Commandos were the grandfather of the modern special forces, and were the breeding ground for the SAS, SBS and many other clandestine units such as the US Rangers.
After this, Clarke became head of Strategic Deception in the Middle East. Almost single-handedly he created entire battalions, even brigades out of thin air, that existed only on paper. Trucks disguised as tanks, tanks disguised as trucks, fake airfields made from scrap wood. This lead Rommel to overestimate the strength of British Troops in N.Africa by an unbelievable 30%.
Later in the war he masterminded Operation Copperhead or 'Monty's Double', a scheme to convince the Germans that Gen Montgomery was still in Africa, and not in Britain planning the invasion, as well as Operation Bodyguard the crucial and highly successful deception scheme for the invasion of mainland Europe on D-day. It is hard to imagine how the war would have progressed without the genius of a man like Clarke. His deception plans were incredibly creative and permanently a step ahead of anyone else in the field of intelligence.
In the show he is portrayed as vainglorious and envious of Stirling, however that is an invention for the purpose of the story. In reality after the war he led a life of relative obscurity, despite the belief that "he did as much to win the war as any other single officer". He wrote books about his work during the war, but none were published as the information was deemed classified until the turn of the century.
Also for those people who are outraged that the BBC had a cross dressing spy... do some research. One of Dudley Clarke's less successful missions involved him being arrested in Madrid whilst being in disguise and wearing a dress! Remember "The events depicted, which seem most unbelievable, are mostly true."
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denimbex1986 · 10 months
'Oppenheimer star Cillian Murphy reveals which past Christopher Nolan film he would have enjoyed starring in: Interstellar. Murphy is getting praise for his leading performance as morally tortured physicist J. Robert Oppenheimer in Nolan's newest movie. Known primarily for Peaky Blinders, Murphy is often renowned for his highly-intense acting roles. Oppenheimer has earned him some of the best reviews of his career.
In a recent conversation with The Independent, Murphy picks which previous Nolan film he would have loved to be in, which is Interstellar. While the actor believes that the “right people” were ultimately cast in the 2014 movie, Murphy said that he “adore[s]” Interstellar. Check out the full quote from Murphy below:
“I adore Interstellar just because I find it so emotional. I remember seeing it in the cinema when I had little kids. It just had a big impact on me. It broke my heart. I love watching his films when I’m not in them because you don’t have to freak out about the size of your ears, or whatever.”
What A Cillian Murphy-Starring Interstellar Would Have Looked Like
Though Murphy didn’t make it into the cast of Interstellar, Oppenheimer was not the actor’s first collaboration with Nolan. Murphy first worked with the director in 2005 on Batman Begins, when Murphy was a lesser known actor and Nolan a burgeoning blockbuster director. Since then, Murphy has gone on to appear in five other Nolan features: The Dark Knight, Inception, The Dark Knight Rises, Dunkirk, and Oppenheimer, which marks his first leading role in one of Nolan's movies.
Interstellar cast Matthew McConaughey, Anne Hathaway, Jessica Chastain, and Murphy’s Oppenheimer co-star Matt Damon. If Murphy had been cast in McConaughey’s place to play leading man Cooper, Interstellar would have looked very different. Whereas McConaughey showed strength in playing an All-American man-turned-astronaut leaving a home of growing children behind, Murphy, who is younger, might not have captured the same weariness in Cooper's arc.
It is hard to really imagine Murphy embodying the role in the same way as McConaughey. Murphy is, in many ways, a more subtle actor than McConaughey, but in Interstellar, there is a more tragic quality to the way McConaughey plays it. Even when dealing with the aging and passing of his children, McConaughey brings an everyman charm to the role that makes Cooper more relatable. Murphy is right to be drawn towards this emotional arc, just as Nolan and his team were right to wait for Murphy’s intensity to shine through in Oppenheimer.'
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cantquitu · 2 years
I agree with you wholeheartedly him being nominated would not be a good thing. Can't even begin to imagine the reaction.
It would be swift and unpleasant 😔
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With some notable exceptions, the general critical consensus on Harry's performance in My Policeman is that he was not a skilled and/or experienced enough actor for the role, to the film's detriment. If he were to be nominated, I believe it would be a very unpopular move both in the industry and with general audiences. It would be seen as pandering to celebrity (and my personal opinion is that a Golden Globe nomination for Harry in My Policeman would be pandering to celebrity).
Harry's status as a hugely popular and successful singer means that he already has access to lucrative and leading roles that other more experienced but less well known actors do not have. I think Harry's approach to entering the movie business (going through a rigorous casting and auditioning process for Chris Nolan and securing the Dunkirk role on merit) helped him build a reputation as someone who's willing to put the work in, and that has stood to him.
But if he starts receiving hugely high profile and valuable award nominations that don't appear to be based on merit...? That reputation and the accompanying goodwill towards him will suffer.
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lhrry · 2 years
I haven’t been in the fandom long but I can imagine that during promo time for Dunkirk it was all really exciting here and everyone was looking forward to seeing H on the red carpet. It makes me a bit sad that we’re all kinda dreading DWD promo (I can’t speak for all of us but it’s the general vibe I’m getting). Wish we could all say that we’re really excited to see him vibing with Flo and the rest of the cast and all the wonderful things that comes with seeing him up there but really we’re all just going to be bracing ourselves for more stunt bullshit.
At least we have MP promo to re-lift our spirits afterwards though! Thank god for My Policeman, that’s all I’ll say! 🙌🏼
yeah I wish I didn't dread DWD promo the way I do, but I'm looking forward to seeing more of Flo with Harry for sure and am trying to focus on that! Dunkirk was always a bit strange for me, I was so proud and excited and thought my heart could burst with it any moment, but at the same time I was dreading it a bit because I feared people would be mean to him/about him being in the movie, but the excitement was definitely way more prominent! And thank God for MP, indeed!
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doritosandavocados · 2 years
Okay y'all the fabulous @discomagicwitch actually DMed me a bunch of DWD deets like an absolute saint, so it's time to keep my end of the bargain. Here is an updated 2022 version of "yo Hollywood please stop casting Harry Styles" (no that is not the real original title sadly)
A few things worth noting:
1- I went back and realized I wrote the headline and the blurb for the original article, but an ex co-worker actually wrote the article itself so this is actually my first stab at the topic.
2- I am not a Harry Styles stan - I don't hate the man - I find him rather intriguing and very hot, but I really haven't ever listened to his music much, nor was I a One Direction fangirl. So, overall I'm wildly ambivalent about him.
3- While I was, in fact, a professional entertainment news writer... I am not anymore. Which means I barely re-read this and I did minimal fact-checking or sourcing because that's the true spirit of Tumblr. Anyway, without further ado: Hollywood please stop casting Harry Styles, 2022 edition
Harry Styles is best known for being a boybander gone solo and (true to his last name) a fashion icon. However, over the past few years Styles has begun venturing into the world of acting.
Styles, however, did not start small and work his way up. He had the shocking luck to work with Christopher Nolan on his acting debut. Nolan, who (at least at the time) was an untouchable and unreproachable writer & director. (While Nolan has finally experienced what a flop is, his track record is still absolutely stunning - but I digress.) Styles was, somehow, plucked from the music industry and plopped into the highly acclaimed Dunkirk. Nolan is known for being highly choosy about who he casts and is most certainly in filmmaking for the art above all else. So, the choice had most everyone's curiosity piqued.
So, how did Harry Styles, pop star extraordinaire, get added to the cast of Dunkirk, alongside the likes of Kenneth Barnagh, Cillian Murphy, and Tom Hardy? Honestly, I still haven't the faintest idea. Did somebody lose a bet? Was there blackmail? Was Styles so desperate for a chance at the big screen he bought out Nolan's artistic integrity? We'll never know.
What we do know is that his role was relatively small and had minimal speaking lines. He was there just enough to bring in an audience of young women (his core demographic) that otherwise might not have been interested in Yet Another WWII Movie.
Considering he'd peaked pretty early - starting at the top of the mountain, as far as most actors would be concerned - it was hard to imagine Styles continuing his unexpected career detour. Most actors would offer up a kidney in order to work on a Christopher Nolan movie, so maybe Styles just packs it up, calls it a day, and says "thanks for the fun, but I'm going to go back to my life of being screamed at by a couple thousand fans every night while I sing about fruit."
To most people's surprise that is very much not what he did. Sure, he made more music and went on more tours, but suddenly he was being cast in more movies.
Why? For what reason? For the butts in seats? We know Hollywood is rabid to cast well-known faces to draw in crowds - quality of story or other movie aspects be damned. They'd rather overpay a recognizable face than *gasp* cast a nobody and put the budget in say... literally anything else. Costumes? Practical effects? Soundtrack?
So, here we are in 2022. Harry Styles has not one, but TWO movies coming out in the near future where we're going to really find out what kind of acting skills he harbors within. First up is Don't Worry Darling, which is again a star-studded cast. This means that if he falls even a little bit flat in his performance it's going to stand out like a hog at a dog show.
Frankly, I'm not holding out a whole lot of hope considering he can't even hold an intelligent, nay, coherent conversation regarding the concept of film. We've all seen it, the video where Harry is asked why he likes Don't Worry Darling and replies, I like the movie because it's a movie. Well hot damn, I never would've guessed that! Guess I have to see this groundbreaking film now!
Oh Harry, it's a good thing you're pretty. Poor Chris Pine, who is forced to sit beside Styles, seems to be helplessly deciding between looking like he is completely unengaged or interrupting the inane ramblings of his younger co-star. Like a true gentleman, Pine sticks with the former option.
If an actor can't even talk about the filmmaking process or even just... film in general, that seems like a hell of a red flag. Even the interviewer has to try not to laugh in that video.
Could I be pleasantly surprised by Harry Styles' performance when I inevitably sit down to see DWD in theaters? Sure! I'd be happy to be wrong, but I'm really not expecting to be.
I know why producers will continue to give the green light to putting Styles in movies. It's always about the butts in seats with them. What I don't know is why Styles decided to take on this foray into acting in the first place. I don't know what he gets out of it. He has a stunning music career. He gets praise and adoration from his countless fans. He has a career some people would kill for.
There's probably an interview floating around where he says something about "ooh it sounded fun", but like... that's what sixth graders say about their school musical. Not what a professional should be saying about BEING IN A CHRISTOPHER NOLAN MOVIE.
Of course, we've moved on from there. We now await Don't Worry Darling and My Policeman where Styles has far more substantial roles with actual lines. One would think that surely he must have some potential to be put into these films by casting directors - especially since these are films that are vying for Oscar nominations. But let us all remember that Hollywood is about money first and art second... oh and a lot of lust. Let's not forget that Olivia Wilde is (or was? - okay that's just speculation) dating Harry Styles.
In the end Styles being in Don't Worry Darling has generated far more press than if someone else (even Shia LaBeouf) were in the same role. The social media chatter, the strange & unhinged theories, gossip, and speculation about drama have created more free press than a movie producer would dare to hope for.
I mean really, we all know Harry Styles didn't spit on Chris Pine in public. Though, I'm willing to entertain theories on what wildly rude or idiotic things he may have said to elicit that reaction out of Pine.
In the end, Hollywood will always be filled with things like nepotism, favoritism, et cetera, et cetera. And that means we can beg the powers that be to stop putting Harry Styles in movies, but at the end of the day they will just cackle and stick him into a Netflix Christmas rom-com next. (Fuck they're going to do that aren't they?)
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wellthatwasaletdown · 2 years
ONTD comments:
“truly can't believe that Harry Styles came close to this role. dude has TWO (2) films due out this year, and neither trailer shows him speaking more than a few words of dialogue which makes me think that he cannot carry a movie, and would not have been able to do what Austin Butler does in Elvis”
“i didn’t notice it so much with the don’t worry darling trailer but the my policeman trailer not showing him talking was really”noticeable lol”
“If the movie’s trailer shows the lead with no speaking scenes, then you know the director and the film editor has seen the worst of Harry’s bad acting and tried their best to edit his good parts…I can imagine their must’ve been a lot of film hitting the cutting room floor”
“I am in no way a Harry stan but I thought he was good in Dunkirk tbh. He wasn't in it very much but I thought he showed a lot of promise based on that alone. I suspect casting directors thought so too and are possibly now regretting it, based on his noticeable lack of dialogue in trailers lol”
“harry as elvis would be terrible and i really hope he’s somewhat good in the two movies he has coming out later this year because he’s literally silent in the trailers which is sus”
“He's got two films coming out and a rathole of fans who love to post about his every rainbow sherbet scented fart. You in danger girl gif.”
I was still a fan during Dunkirk and I cringed so hard at his acting. You could tell he was acting. He needed lessons. The scene in Eternals showed he hasn't taken any because his acting hasn't improved.
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Christopher Nolan Research
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Director Nolan, to me, is a great director who can bring shocking results. His large-scale scenes full of imagination and ingenious and precise narratives, such masterpieces have long become a main theme in the film industry. Just to name a few, there are The Dark Knight trilogy, Dunkirk, Interstellar and so on.
The Dark Knight (2008),
the follow-up to Batman Begins, was Nolan's next venture. Initially reluctant to make a sequel, he agreed after Warner Bros. repeatedly insisted.[2] Nolan wanted to expand on the noir quality of the first film by broadening the canvas and taking on "the dynamic of a story of the city, a large crime story ... where you're looking at the police, the justice system, the vigilante, the poor people, the rich people, the criminals".[3] Continuing to minimalise the use of CGI, Nolan employed high-resolution IMAX cameras, making it the first major motion picture to use this technology.[83][84]The Dark Knight has been ranked as one of the best films of the 2000s and one of the best superhero films ever made.[4]
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Debut powerfully.
After earning his bachelor's degree in English literature in 1993, Nolan worked as a script reader, camera operator and director of corporate films and industrial films] He directed, wrote and edited the short film Larceny (1996), which was filmed over a weekend in black and white with limited equipment and a small cast and crew. Funded by Nolan and shot with the UCL Union Film society's equipment, it appeared at the Cambridge Film Festival in 1996 and is considered one of UCL's best shorts. For unknown reasons, the film has since been removed from public view. Nolan filmed a third short, Doodlebug (1997), about a man seemingly chasing an insect with his shoe, only to discover that it is a miniature of himself.[4]
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RUC News© collected and analyzed 500 good/average/bad reviews of Nolan's 11 feature films on Douban Movies, totaling 771,972 words (the number of bad reviews for Batman Begins, Insomnia, and Following was less than 500).[1]
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[1].1998~2020年:在七十万字的影评中寻找诺兰-虎嗅网 (huxiu.com)
[2].Nathan 2022, pp. 96–97.
[3].Jolin, Dan. "The Dark Knight: The Original Feature". Empire. Archived from the original on 13 July 2012. Retrieved 23 December 2013.
[4].Christopher Nolan_Wiki
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byneddiedingo · 2 years
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Gary Oldman and Ben Mendelsohn in Darkest Hour (Joe Wright, 2017) Cast: Gary Oldman, Kristin Scott Thomas, Ben Mendelsohn, Lily James, Ronald Pickup, Stephen Dillane, Nicholas Jones, Samuel West, David Schofield. Screenplay: Anthony McCarten. Cinematography: Bruno Delbonnel. Production design: Sarah Greenwood. Film editing: Valerio Bonelli. Music: Dario Marianelli. Joe Wright's Darkest Hour starts off well as a story of backstage power plays in the runup to World War II, after Neville Chamberlain's attempts at making peace with Hitler had so notably failed. If it had stayed on this level, we might have had an absorbing drama about the way history gets shaped in secrecy, with backbiting and one-upmanship as the forces that drive the world. But instead, we have to have yet another take on Winston Churchill, and not a particularly novel one at that. Gary Oldman's Oscar-winning performance carries the movie much further than it deserves to be carried after the biopic clichés begin to fly. The most egregiously bogus moment comes near the end, when Churchill decides to ditch the car that's taking him to Westminster to deliver the decisive "never surrender" speech that puts the kibosh on the desire of Chamberlain (Ronald Pickup) and Halifax (Stephen Dillane) to initiate peace talks after the disaster at Calais and the rescue from Dunkirk. So Winston, cigar protruding, descends into the Underground to talk to The British People and to get their advice on whether Britain should talk or fight. It's a badly written scene that even includes Churchill inventing that old joke about how all babies look like him. In addition to the working-class folks, there is a token black man, representing the Empire. They all assure him that they will fight them on the beaches and in the streets, and Churchill is so emboldened that he goes and tells Parliament just that. My objection is not that the scene never happened, but that the filmmakers' imaginations were so constricted that they had to invent this implausible scene to explain Churchill's overcoming his doubts and fears. Churchill was a more complicated man, and the politics surrounding him so much more intricate and fierce, than this feeble fiction suggests.
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salmontee-shop · 2 years
Black Flame Candle Company Halloween Shirt
Black Flame Candle Company Halloween Shirt
“A good cream blush can be the Black Flame Candle Company Halloween Shirt and by the same token and perfect finishing touch to your complexion,” Razzano notes. “This clean formula has a smooth, creamy texture that feels wonderful while applying.” Founded by Rosie Huntington-Whiteley, this versatile pigment is available in 11 modern longwear shades housed in refillable packaging. Achieve your best brows yet with the help of eyebrow serums, or this tinted brow gel by Kjaer Weis that grooms arches into place with soft, flexible, long-lasting hold. “This lightweight foundation can go from sheer to medium coverage, all while retaining a beautiful skin-like finish,” says Razzano of this pick from Tisha Tompson’s lineup. “This product also comes in a very large and balanced shade range (30 shades, to be exact) so everyone can find their perfect match.” Sex Education’s Emma Mackey leads the cast as the titular heroine, while newcomers Alexandra Dowling and Amelia Gething appear as Charlotte and Anne, respectively. Meanwhile, Oliver Jackson-Cohen delivers a breakout performance as Emily’s dashing love interest, William Weightman—more on him below—and Dunkirk’s Fionn Whitehead takes a turn as her brother Branwell, whom many mistakenly credited with writing Wuthering Heights upon its publication.
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Official Black Flame Candle Company Halloween Shirt
Emily imagines what might have inspired Emily’s moody literary output, in a way that’s comparable to Shakespeare in Love—albeit drawing on real historical figures from the Black Flame Candle Company Halloween Shirt and by the same token and Brontës’ parish rather than wholly fictional characters. Rather than creating a purely historical account, director Frances O’Connor takes the opportunity with Emily to fantasize about what might have led the middle Brontë sister to write Wuthering Heights. Her wild theory? That the reclusive Emily had an affair with Weightman, an assistant curate who worked with her father, Patrick, a rector in the Yorkshire town of Haworth. While there’s no historical evidence of any romance between Emily and Weightman, the Durham graduate did play a significant role in the life of every member of the Brontë family. Arriving at their parsonage in 1839, Weightman immediately charmed the three sisters—delivering them personalized Valentine’s cards after learning that none of them had ever received one. He would become a dear friend of Emily, whom contemporaries described as incredibly reclusive, even by the Brontës’ standards. It’s Anne, though, who’s generally believed to have been in love with Weightman—portraying him as the Reverend Weston in her criminally underrated novel, Agnes Grey. He’s also believed to have inspired many of Anne’s poems after his death from cholera at the age of 26. Charlotte, too, fell under Weightman’s spell for a while, before later dismissing him in a letter to her friend Ellen with her usual severity: “For all the tricks, wiles and insincerities of love the gentleman has not his match for 20 miles round.”
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Top Black Flame Candle Company Halloween Shirt
“A good cream blush can be the Black Flame Candle Company Halloween Shirt and by the same token and perfect finishing touch to your complexion,” Razzano notes. “This clean formula has a smooth, creamy texture that feels wonderful while applying.” Founded by Rosie Huntington-Whiteley, this versatile pigment is available in 11 modern longwear shades housed in refillable packaging. Achieve your best brows yet with the help of eyebrow serums, or this tinted brow gel by Kjaer Weis that grooms arches into place with soft, flexible, long-lasting hold. “This lightweight foundation can go from sheer to medium coverage, all while retaining a beautiful skin-like finish,” says Razzano of this pick from Tisha Tompson’s lineup. “This product also comes in a very large and balanced shade range (30 shades, to be exact) so everyone can find their perfect match.” Sex Education’s Emma Mackey leads the cast as the titular heroine, while newcomers Alexandra Dowling and Amelia Gething appear as Charlotte and Anne, respectively. Meanwhile, Oliver Jackson-Cohen delivers a breakout performance as Emily’s dashing love interest, William Weightman—more on him below—and Dunkirk’s Fionn Whitehead takes a turn as her brother Branwell, whom many mistakenly credited with writing Wuthering Heights upon its publication.
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Emily imagines what might have inspired Emily’s moody literary output, in a way that’s comparable to Shakespeare in Love—albeit drawing on real historical figures from the Black Flame Candle Company Halloween Shirt and by the same token and Brontës’ parish rather than wholly fictional characters. Rather than creating a purely historical account, director Frances O’Connor takes the opportunity with Emily to fantasize about what might have led the middle Brontë sister to write Wuthering Heights. Her wild theory? That the reclusive Emily had an affair with Weightman, an assistant curate who worked with her father, Patrick, a rector in the Yorkshire town of Haworth. While there’s no historical evidence of any romance between Emily and Weightman, the Durham graduate did play a significant role in the life of every member of the Brontë family. Arriving at their parsonage in 1839, Weightman immediately charmed the three sisters—delivering them personalized Valentine’s cards after learning that none of them had ever received one. He would become a dear friend of Emily, whom contemporaries described as incredibly reclusive, even by the Brontës’ standards. It’s Anne, though, who’s generally believed to have been in love with Weightman—portraying him as the Reverend Weston in her criminally underrated novel, Agnes Grey. He’s also believed to have inspired many of Anne’s poems after his death from cholera at the age of 26. Charlotte, too, fell under Weightman’s spell for a while, before later dismissing him in a letter to her friend Ellen with her usual severity: “For all the tricks, wiles and insincerities of love the gentleman has not his match for 20 miles round.”
Buy this shirt:  Click Here to buy this Black Flame Candle Company Halloween Shirt
Home:  https://salmontee.com/
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groovyzombiellama · 6 years
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Imagine: Being a part of the Dunkirk cast and getting an award
hey-hayley-heyy I hope you like it :) I never saw Dunkirk, but I did my best. I gotta watch it now.
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denimbex1986 · 10 months
'Christopher Nolan is an incredibly technical filmmaker. He tends to make sci-fi movies, but often with heady time-travel concepts that take a long time to explain. Even his historical epic "Dunkirk" takes place over three separate time frames, with one plotline covering the span of one week, one covering the span of one day, and one covering the span of one hour. In "Inception," characters use a sci-fi device to insert their disembodied consciousnesses into the dreams of others. Inside dreams, however, time moves differently, and one can travel for hours while asleep before waking up only minutes later. "Interstellar" has multiple time-shifting conceits, and don't get me started on the baffling time-reversed physics of "Tenet."
In order to pull off such towering pieces of conceptual architecture, Nolan must possess a very technical, engineering-forward mind. His sense of structure is impeccable, and some would say to the detriment of his characters. Similarly, some of Nolan's more emotional moments can seem slight or underserved in the face of his ambitious sci-fi concepts. And, in order to keep those technicals in place, Nolan must be the kind of director who keeps responsibilities stringently delegated on his sets. One might imagine him to be professional and focused at all times. 
Nolan's ultra-professional directing style was confirmed by actress Florence Pugh who plays Jean Tatlock, the real-life American Communist advocate, in the new hit biopic "Oppenheimer." In an April interview with Collider, Pugh recalled her days on the "Oppenheimer" set, and just how well-managed everything was. Pugh has already starred in multiple high-profile films since her debut in the 2014 film "The Falling," but she describes Nolan's directing style as professional in a way she had never seen before.
'Everyone's proud of being there.'
It should be noted that "Oppenheimer" is Nolan's least fantastical film. He does tell the story in a flashback/flash-forward fashion, but there's no trickery and there's no sci-fi. The first half of the film is about J. Robert Oppenheimer's quest to build an atomic bomb as he traverses his personal relationships and ambitions. The second half of the film sees Oppenheimer facing his massive moral failing in constructing a device that can murder millions in an instant. Even without the labyrinthine sci-fi conceits, though, Nolan remained in control of his film to a T. Pugh recalled the tone on set, and loved what she saw. Pugh said: 
"Working with Christopher Nolan was quite possibly one of the most thrilling experiences in a different way, partly because he works with professionals. He is a professional. But his dedication to the craft of filmmaking and old filmmaking is just magical to watch. To just watch every single crew member on that set work so hard for him, to get his approval. And not like in a weird way, but like everybody knows who they're working for and everybody's proud of being there." 
The actress asses that everyone is proud of what they were doing, and that Nolan fomented a sense of aspiration on set. "Everybody has so much pride in their own work," Pugh said. "...[E]verybody is constantly trying to be better the next day. And I've never seen that feeling on set before."
In the past 25 years, the 52-year-old Nolan has made 13 feature films. He often re-casts actors he likes working with — Cillian Murphy has appeared in multiple films of his — so there's every reason to believe Pugh will have the opportunity to work with Nolan again.'
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mydatefionnley · 6 years
keep me warm ,, fionn whitehead
A/N: idk where this idea to start writing imagines again, came from but we are rolling with it. 
(not sure how I feel about this tbh but i thought it would be best to post whilst i still have the motivation to write)
make sure to let me know if you liked this and if you want to see me write more, I am taking requests. 
thanks for reading!!
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You assess your appearance in the full-length mirror one last time as you spitz your favourite scent across your body. You cannot help the smirk that covers your lips as your eyes travel over every piece of the outfit that you skillfully put together last minute. 
It had barely been an hour since a boy by the name of Fionn Whitehead had called to inform you that he was finally back and well rested from filming in Dunkirk and was wondering if you wanted to see a movie with him this evening. You immediately accepted, unable to contain your growing excitement.  
You and Fionn had been mutual friends for the past couple of years but it wasn’t until a few weeks before he left for filming that you’s had become quite close. Before then your relationship had mostly consisted of secluded stares and cigarette breaks but once you both had finally worked up the courage to engage in conversation it was nearly impossible to separate you from each other. Together you spent the majority of his remaining days finding every excuse to see one another and grew familiar with each other's apartments.
The day before his departure you surprised him at his place with tear soaked cheeks and the intention of ending things. 
You explained to him that you were terrified that your relationship wouldn’t be able to last during the break and that you may, in fact, be holding him back from what he loved. But he was quick to reassure you that if the relationship was meant to last then it would be able to survive a small bump in the road, and he hopes that the distance will bring you both closer in the end. 
He then pulled you tight against his body as you stood in between his legs whilst he sat leaning against the back of a couch, kissing your tears away. 
Which brings you both back to present day.
Your phone vibrates against your vanity displaying a text from who else but your loving boyfriend himself.
“I’m outside” the message reads which is enough to send you into a chaotic state of excitement, you grab your purse and keys before running out the door as fast as your feet will carry you. 
Although you find that excitement quickly turns to nervousness as soon as you spot Fionn perched against the hood of his car with a cigarette hanging from his lips. The sight alone is enough to make your knees weaken and your heart race.
It doesn't take long till his gaze meets yours and for a split second you feel as though you are nothing more than a stranger to him but than that all too familiar nervous smile covers his lips and instantaneously you feel as though you are the luckiest human on earth.
You don’t even process the steps taken towards him all you know is that you have never felt safer in a person’s presence before.
His arms reach for you and as soon as you enter his proximity they meet securely around your waist as he lifts you off the ground slightly and your arms rest on the back of his neck. He nuzzles his head into your hair enjoying your scent and planting kisses against the side of your face. 
“C’mon let’s go somewhere more quiet, hey?” he whispers gesturing to the busy street he was parked on and you nod in agreeance.
He steps aside and opens the door to the driver's seat and gestures for you to get in but instead, you just stare at him blankly. 
“Don’t pretend like you haven’t missed driving my car,” he teases knowing you all too well.
You don’t need any more convincing so you swiftly hop into the driver's seat unable to contain your enthusiasm, as Fionn gets in the passenger side.
He spends the entire journey directing you in the way of the theatre, his hand resting lightly on your thigh. When you both exit the vehicle his hand immediately finds yours as you walk together into the theatre. 
Together you decide on a film that you have both been wanting to see for a while and stock up on plenty of movie snacks to share.
When you enter the cinema you are shocked to realize that it is virtually abandoned with only one other couple seated in the back corner you both decide to give them some space by choosing to sit in one of the front rows.
The film was a complete masterpiece and you found yourself so captivated in the performances that you hadn’t realized how close you had drifted to Fionn during the slightly nerve-wracking scenes. By the end of the film, you may as well be sitting on top of him with your head pressed against his shoulder, both your arms grasping his bicep and one of your legs tangled with his. However, he didn’t seem to mind the close proximity, in fact, he looked to be enjoying himself.
“You scared, love?” he mummers 
“Not in the slightest,” you reply, burring your head deep in his shoulder blade which in turn makes him laugh. Once again he rests his hand on your thigh moving it up and down in an attempt to comfort you but instead, it does quite the opposite. 
You both exit the theatre as the credits roll and you can’t help but feel saddened as you know that the evening spent together must come to a close soon, and you weren’t quite ready to let him go yet.
The repercussions of being released from Fionn's stronghold resulted in gooseflesh that encased your entire body followed by a shiver and rattling teeth. Fortunately, this didn't go unnoticed by Fionn as he hated seeing you even the slightest bit uncomfortable. Once you had both reached the car his hand unlocked from yours to retrieve an item from the back seat, an oversized and well-worn jumper of Fionn’s that you had grown to love wearing in the weeks before his departure. 
“Did you bring me a spare jumper?!” You exclaim, not surprised by his act kindness but rather impressed with his attention to detail. 
“You are always forgetting your jumper,” he mutters as he carefully observes you pull the garment around your shoulders, embracing both its warmth and scent. 
“Better?” he asks.
“Yes thanks,” You reply, pressing a gentle kiss to the bridge of his nose.
“Where to now Finley?” You question and he laughs at the use of his least favourite nickname before taking your face between his fingers and locking your lips together in a soft yet lustful kiss something he had been itching to do since the first time he laid eyes you that evening.
“I’ll take you anywhere you want to go,” he says before you pull him into another lasting kiss.
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15 with Tom! ❤️
Too Cliche?
Tom Glynn-Carney
Great minds think alike, especially when it comes to fashion.
Word Count:
Tom watched from under the thick blankets on the bed as you rushed around the room trying to get ready for your nephew’s ballet recital. You kept huffing exasperatedly every time you glanced at Tom and saw that he still hadn’t made an effort to move, just lay there grinning at you with glassy morning eyes.
“Tom, we can’t afford to be late to this thing. Mum and dad are always on my back about missing family things because of work so I need to be there early to see Eli before he goes onstage.”
When Tom just sighed and snuggled further under the sheets, you groaned and made your way towards the ensuite bathroom, turning back towards the bed at the last second.
“If you’re not out of bed by the time I’m out of the shower, I’m leaving without you.” And you closed the door with a final, “And I’m picking up breakfast on the way so if you don’t come with me, you don’t eat.”
Ten minutes later you were out of the shower wearing the cute outfit you’d chosen to keep you warm in the cold London atmosphere. The wind had been quite severe lately, so you opted for your prescription glasses instead of contacts, completing your look. Praying that Tom had dragged himself out of bed, you slowly opened the door and peeked around only to find him standing at the bedroom door looking at his phone, wearing an outfit almost identical to the one you were wearing.
“One of us needs to change and it’s not gonna be me.” You said with a grin as Tom looked up and saw your cute ensemble.
“I knew there was a reason we were together, and it’s because we both have such good fashion choice.”
“Stop,” you laughed, but there was a serious undertone to your voice. “We can’t show up at a family event wearing the same thing, I won’t hear the end of it from my brothers and sisters.”
“Would it be too cliche if we matched clothes a little?” Tom suggested with a grin as he walked closer to where you were standing to tuck a stray hair behind your ear.
“Yes, it would be very cliche and embarrassing. I’m not changing ‘cause I look too cute, so it has to be you, my love.”
“Well, I’m warm and snuggly, so it’s not gonna be me. Plus, I’m hungry and we need to leave so I guess we’ll just have to match today.” Tom grinned teasingly and backed towards the hallway before making his way downstairs. You followed begrudgingly, dreading the teasing and taunting you were going to receive from your siblings, but feeling warm inside at how truly adorable you and Tom were.
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freshtacosquad · 7 years
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Harry Styles imagine: you’re dating Harry Styles. 
Requested?: no
A/N: Haven’t posted anything in a while, hope you guys like this, it’s kind of simple but I thought it was kind of cute :)
gifs: x   
request here
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myuntimelydemise · 2 years
Warning: 18+, Minors DNI
Banded Together
A/N: An idea flitted across my mind and this was birthed from that lol, enjoy I guess?
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Since your relationship with Druig had begun, you were both very touchy in private but he wasn't a fan of PDA. You guys usually makeout after sneaking into each other's rooms in the Domo, but really nothing more than thought. His hands have travelled once or twice but neither of you have really pushed it past that.
Druig surprises you one night, a few years after Ikaris and Sersi's wedding with a ring of your own. He's never really valued marriage but he knows you love the idea and he would do anything for you. He slips the ring on your finger and you watch as it sparkles in his eyes, feeling nothing but love for him.
The wedding went off without a hitch, it was very beautiful and you had the time of your life, but your heart was beating for something else.
You anxiously twist the glittering band around your finger, your eyes catching the silver one on his. And though you're surrounded by a crowd of people, you have no thoughts in your head besides the man standing next to you.
You want to rip his suit off.
You subtly lean over to him, leaning onto your toes in your tall heels. Nose grazing his ear, you whisper, trying to catch his attention.
"My love," he turns his grinning face over to meet your eyes. You slide your hand up, grabbing his chin and turn his face back in the opposite direction as to access his ear again.
"I want you. Now." He meets your eyes again, noting the serious look on your face.
"Alright, Phastos, do you mind wrapping this up for us?-" Druig grabs your hand.
"Wait what-" Phastos barely has a chance to answer, as the rest of the Eternals all glance your way.
"Cheers Lad." Your husband winks, and rushes you behind a secluded corner, and out of the back door.
You both giggle like teenagers, after escaping your own wedding party and jogging back to the Domo. You barely make it up the stairs and into the entrance before Druig has his fingers dug into your dress, yanking it up to your hips.
Your lips connect in desperation, fingers flying to the buttons of his suit jacket. His tongue flicks over your lips, delving into your mouth before you have the chance to breath him in.
You're suffocating, in the best way.
He finally gets your dress up your hips, holding it behind your back with one hand as the other grips your thighs and pulls on your skin perilously.
You can feel his wedding band digging into your skin, leaving marks in its wake. The feeling has your whimpering.
By the time he gets your dress all the way off, you're beyond wet and aching, in need of more than just his touch.
"Please, I want you in me. Please-" he groans, covering your begging with a kiss, undoing his belt and letting it hit the floor.
The ping that resounds from the cold metal floor is a harsh reminder that you're still standing at the door of the Domo, in just your panties.
"Fuck," your husband groans as he palms himself over his slacks, eyes drifting down your semi-clothed body.
"Wait Dru! The door!" The haze in his eyes seems to clear up, realising that you are both, indeed, in sight of anyone who could happen to be walking nearby.
"Shit. Okay, um.... here." He helps you step out of your now crumpled wedding dress and tucks it under his arm, pulling you down the hall to his room.
"I can't believe I almost fucked you out in the open like that, jeez." He chuckles, pushing you into the room and sealing his heavy door behind him.
"I wouldn't have let you, and even if I did... you could wipe their mind no?" You chuckle, sitting on his bed, realising you're only in a skimpy bra and panty set now.
Druig wasn't the biggest fan of erasing peoples memories, he felt like that was a power that no one deserved. Not even him.
He walks over to you with mock distaste on his face. "Nah, they'd just have got lucky today." He jokes. Walking over to his bed to stand in front of you.
You look up at him, through your lashes, as he looks down at you, a sinful look glazing over his face. He bites into his lip, unbuttoning the top of his slacks and undoing the zipper. Never breaking eye contact.
You gulp in anticipation, you've been waiting for this, for nearly a century. He lets his pants drop, but doesn't move after that.
He tilts his head like a puppy, with expecting eyes, waiting for something.
You catch his drift as you peel down the straps of your bra, and let it slip down to your hips. He grins, keeping eye contact with you, and finally leans down to capture his lips in yours.
The two of you get heated quick. One second he's leaning over you, the next you're both a tangle of arms and legs and lips. You feel his fingers dip between your legs, exactly where you want him the most. His wedding band, again digging into your skin. There's nothing like that feeling, you think to yourself. He's all yours.
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