#durable clothes
ahhvernin · 2 years
A little reminder that if you like Patagonia, Patagonia has a used gear and clothing store too. Where you can buy used jackets, fleeces, sweaters, shorts and pants.
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cozylittleartblog · 1 month
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yeah like having to deal with the obnoxious middle aged women who thrift to resell wasn't bad enough, now we got the braindead fast fashion bozos cluttering things up too.
its ok shirt, i will love you like somebody else apparently couldn't even if you shed microplastics into the water supply and will fall apart after 7 wears. and then i'll sew you back together like anyone with two braincells to rub together Should
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wildstar25 · 7 months
I was thinking about WOL outfits and what not, so here's a question:
And to elaborate on the difference between option 1 and option 2, a brief explanation of my interpretations under the cut:
Illusion magic only masks the true appearance of an item, bending the light aether around the item to make it look different to the naked eye. No physical properties of the armour changes. It maintains its original dimensions and weight. If your WOL was wearing full plate armour then glamoured it to something more revealing, if someone tried to stab an exposed area, their knife would stop on impact of the concealed armour.
Transformation magic will fully alter the physical appearance of the armour into the applied glamour. It will take on the shape and structure of the WOL's desired form, but the properties of the materials used will be maintained. The high grade metal of the armour will be altered to a state where it was like a woven thread. The item would provide the same degree of protection as the original where it physically exists in its glamoured state. If your WOL glamoured their plate armour into a the street wear top, their actual abdomen could be pierced by weapon. Because this is magic you could fudge the physics if you so choose or say there's a secondary spell involved; but I'd imagine that if the transformation was completely lossless, your glamoured item will weight the same amount as the un-glamoured version. (Otherwise it would be more like a transmutation which is a lossy conversion and not reversible. The WOL turned their new savage tier BIS armour into a hempen camise and lost 95% of the material in the process. When they dispel the glamour they have that hempen camise's amount of the original armour piece.)
That's my take on the two options! I don't know if either of them really contradict any canon in-game explanations to the glamour system tbh. It's been so long since I picked up the intro quest and the only time I remember glamours being used as a plot device it was in the ARR Hildebrand quest line (I think the very end or within the coliseum arc, either way I'm not doing all that just to check and see that it says nothing of note)
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ziekmakend · 3 months
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I learned how to crochet pleats for this dress! Do not necessarily recommend learning this skill at this scale, but i did eventually figure it out so maybe give it a shot anyways
Website used for pleats
Progress pictures and other things below ✨
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My thoughts on the yarn (Durable thread):
Though I enjoy the colors it comes in and the smoothness of how the thread looks, I really don’t like working with this yarn. Maybe it’s the way I crochet or how I’m using it or holding it while working with it, but it curls up so bad that I have to unfurl every few stitches and that’s really demotivating. So I wouldn’t necessarily recommend this brand, unless it’s just me. I’ve only tried this brand and Scheepjes when it comes to thread crochet, but I definitely prefer the latter.
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overexciteddragon · 11 months
Hey I don't know who needs to hear this but you're allowed to learn new skills without any intent of ever making them into a career. In fact I highly encourage you to learn a skill that you'll refuse to ever accept currency for. You're also allowed to be shit at it, too.
Humans created painting and dancing and singing and storytelling and writing and sewing and theatre and carving and so many other forms of art to express ourselves as well as share our stories and feelings with our peers. None of it was created for money. None of it was created to be perfect. Watch a tutorial or buy a guide or take actual classes, it doesn't matter, but learn the thing.
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smokeys-house · 8 months
I bought some French chore coats from this guy who found an abandoned warehouse where they used to manufacture clothes in the 1960s. Since it's like... post-war europe it's all tie-down instead of button down and they're super durable and comfortable but the fun thing is that he's selling them as he found them. Like straight out of the random box on the factory floor in the abandoned warehouse. There's dirt in one of the pockets. It smells crazy. I love it. To be fair he did warn me about the pocket dirt
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inga-don-studio · 10 months
After cutting my hair short & my face changing to look less like my parents’ with age ... I can finally wear a plaid flannel shirt and not be met with the horror of seeing the spitting image of my mom (who constantly wears flannel shirts) staring back at me from every mirror ...
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Well worn clothes hate to see me coming with my seam ripper… sry babes these yoga pants are too good I must ship of Theseus them until I draft a pattern
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eddis-not-eeddis · 1 year
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neixins · 3 months
don’t get me wrong i think gija’s modern au outfits are very cute but i also think it’s incredibly funny that kusanagi wants to convince me that he’d wear nice, expensive clothes. respectfully, not if he had to do his own laundry he wouldn’t <3 he doesn’t know what care instructions are and that sweater is coming apart at the seams after two washes
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little-shiny-sharpies · 3 months
Now that I’m a grown ass adult I am absolutely itching to change my style. Being born and raised on a farm I’ve never been able to wear anything besides Hand-me-down Tshirt+ blue jeans with carhart coat, boots, and hat.
If have to be covered in dirt, scraping shit, dealing with angry animals, and feeling like crap I want to at least be wearing something like this
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I cannot take beige tame earth toned palettes anymore i need to feel alive
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lacevalentines · 1 year
working of my last reblog - a thrifting tip that really helped me a lot in terms of acquiring clothes that last longer is that if you check the tag you may be able to see what year it was made in and it's almost guaranteed that something from before 2009 will last you much longer than clothes made past it
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A modest proposal:
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This season buy fewer, better, longer lasting clothes. We still have extraordinary clothing brands like Hertling making garments in the USA.
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patronsaintofgirls · 1 year
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musicfeedsmysoul12 · 1 year
Also now that I realize I can rant: I hate jeans
Like I actually LOATHE jeans. They’re scratchy and uncomfortable and I feel so confined cause denim doesn’t breathe in my opinion.
I wore them for over 2 decades because like… I thought I had to. Like you wore jeans or nice pants with jeans being every day and cloth pants being the ‘you wear this for nice events’.
I was 26 when I had the epiphany: no wait I don’t have to. No one actually gives a fuck if I wander around in sweatpants. No one cares if I wear cloth pants instead of jeans with my hoodie. No one gives a fuck.
So I’ve been happily wearing whatever the fuck I want ever since.
Fuck jeans.
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redhotarsenic · 1 year
Don’t remember if I said this already but after Ascaris grows into Valantinez they CAN siphon blood out of others if they’re super close to dying because they used up too much blood ammunition whether Valantinez does it by choice or if Ascaris takes over and starts going Wild to ensure their survival
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