#dutch canadian artist
queerbauten · 14 days
seeing Joosttwt hand-wring vaguely about Joost’s “stances” on things and wondering what they could be talking about… only to remember he had the audacity to meet up with CMH (a Russian artist) today and realizing that oh, it’s just xenophobia
ETA: see the reblogs for my thoughts now that I know the full context
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pettybourgeoiz · 2 years
✰Bourgeoiz Music Discovery✰
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vestaignis · 6 months
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Красивые современные портреты в работах канадского художника Шона Дауни.
Портреты Шона Дауни основаны на таких разнообразных влияниях, как известные голландские мастера и современные комиксы, прочно закрепляя многовековую традицию фигурной живописи в настоящем. Используя реалистический стиль, Дауни создает эмоционально насыщенные портреты, в основном женщин, в полностью реализованных декорациях, где лицо и настроение человека в зависят от окружающей среды. Очевидный интерес Дауни к таким мастерам, как Вермеер и Норман Рокуэлл, проявляется в его внимании к людям, занимающимся своими повседневными привычками, таким как женщина, укладывающая волосы или моющая руки, всегда в современной обстановке и одежде. Точно так же, в традициях вышеупомянутых художников, Дауни рисует не только лица, часто изображая свои фигуры спиной к зрителю. Однако его гиперреалистический стиль и манипуляции с масляными красками делают эти композиции такими же запоминающимися, как и его выразительные фигуры, обращенные лицом вперед.
Beautiful modern portraits in the works of Canadian artist Sean Downey.
Sean Downey's portraits are based on such diverse influences as famous Dutch masters and modern comics, firmly anchoring the centuries-old tradition of figurative painting in the present. Using a realistic style, Downey creates emotionally intense portraits, mostly of women, in fully realized sets, where a person's face and mood depend on the environment. Downey's obvious interest in masters such as Vermeer and Norman Rockwell is evident in his attention to people engaged in their daily habits, such as a woman styling her hair or washing her hands, always in a modern setting and clothes. Similarly, in the tradition of the aforementioned artists, Downey paints not only faces, often depicting his figures with his back to the viewer. However, his hyperrealistic style and manipulations with oil paints make these compositions as memorable as his expressive figures facing forward.
Источник://www.houseofroulx.com/products/shaun-downey-first-stop-lemon-hand-embellished-one-off-variant-12-x-12, /www.risunoc.com/2021/05/mimoletnaya-krasota-sovremennoj-zhizn.html,/arcadiacontemporary.com/artists/37-shaun-downey/works/,http://www.oilpaintings-supplier.com/products/ 124521.html.
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scifrey · 8 months
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I have had the very great pleasure of commissioning some beautiful art to celebrate the release of my new novel Nine-Tenths. I'm going to share them all in this thread (and hopefully add to it if I'm lucky enough to be graced with more) so you can appreciate the talent of these incredible artists.
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by Christopher Winkelaar
Nine-Tenths is set in a world where all the nobility in Europe are homo draconis - shape-shifting dragons who have the ability to take human form. Every culture in the world have dragons living among the humans, but the European and Asian nations are the only ones where dragons were historically elevated to the roles of monarchs, nobles, and emperors.
In a world where the American Colonies rejected British rule, this meant they were also rejecting draconic protection--and so while they won their Independence in 1793, they were soundly trounced in the War of 1812, losing all of New England, including New York State, to the British. They were absorbed into the Canadas, except for New York City, which was reclaimed by the Dutch and re-renamed New Amsterdam.
The Canadian colonies expanded west, as they historically did in our world, through a series of broken treaties with the Indigenous peoples of the continent, and the reprehensible colonialist practices which put the settlers in power today. It also means they were able to expand further south, without the Americans to bump up against.
This also meant that the Americans were unable to expand as far south and west as in our world, coming up against Indigenous dragon-protected lands, such as the Oniagara, or Aztec and Incan empires, which grew further north after Spanish contact, and flourished.
Unlike in the current version of Canada, the land was legislatively divided into much smaller provinces than currently exist, each overseen by a hereditary draconic Lieutenant Governor, who report to the draconic Governor of the Canadas, who in turn reports to the House of Lords in England (also dragons). Each province is divided into Duchies, Earldoms, and Marquessates, presided over by a noble dragon family.
As dragons are long-lived, the current Queen of England is Elizabeth (the first one). As she has not yet passed, the Kingdom of Scotland as yet remains separate from England. Ireland too is independent, the Irish dragons having beaten back the English ones. However, Wales remains a satellite colony of England, as the betrayal which brought about it's subjugation and the trickery around the hereditary title "Prince of Wales" still occurred. (This an important plot point).
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by @seancefemme
This is the first piece of art I commissioned for the novel, and you'll note it's now become the cover art!
Meet the heroes of our tale: barista and disaster bi Colin Levesque, stuck in the middle of his quarter-life crisis and crushing on his cafe regular, Welsh dragon Dav, the Marquis of Niagara (though of course, Colin doesn't know he's the Marquis, and thinks Dav is just some minor noble with nothing better to do all day than hang out and read).
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by @ibrithir-was-here
Colin works at Beanevolence, an indie cafe in downtown St. Catharine's, in the province of Upper Canada (Southern Ontario in our world). It's owned by his bestie Hadi, and he was only supposed to be a barista until he'd graduated. But now he has his Sustainable Tourism degree, and no clue what to do next. He feels completely stuck. Luckily he has Dav to distract him.
Except that one day Dav distracts him too well, which results in a kitchen fire. As an apology for the inferno, and to help the cafe get back on it's feet while the repairs are under way, Dav volunteers as the new bean roaster, creating incredible and (and ultimately social-media viral) coffee roasts with his fire-breath.
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by @ibrithir-was-here
Colin and Dav start a flirtation at work.
Which leads to...
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by @teejaystumbles
Luxurious dates and late-night smoochies.
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by @pinkpiggy93
Which also goes a little bit viral. See, it turns out that the Marquis of Niagara usually keeps a low profile, and his sudden romance with a human has the gossip rags and tabloids all in a tizzy.
But more than that, it puts Dav under the scrutiny of Francis Simcoe. He's the Lieutenant Governor of Upper Canada, a dragon with a hate-on for Dav, and the perfect ammunition to ruin his happiness.
Because, you see, it's against dragonic rules for dragons to be seen to be laboring in service of humans... and Dav's new gig at Beanevolence is about to--forgive the pun--land him in hot water.
➡️ Read Nine-Tenths Here ⬅️
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who’s excited for stats so far?? i bet none of you are but i’m inflicting them anyway! ...under a cut.
so far, though, we have 198 separate submissions across 166 works!
so far the longest submission piece is 551 words long! wow! there are also another 3 submissions that are over 300 words long, and one piece has 797 words across 7 submissions! the shortest submission, to contrast, is 5 words long! that’s also great!
there are currently 4 artists that have had 3 pieces of art each submitted, and 8 artists that have had 2 pieces. that means there’s currently 137 other artists! oh sorry, while i was drafting this post we got a fourth submission for one of the four.
how about things anyone can go look at? there are currently 7 pieces of public art that have been submitted! four of them are from canada (and 3 are from the calgary specifically), one is in the netherlands, one is in spain, and one is in new york. the fourth canadian one also has copies in spain, japan, and arkansas. there are also 3 submitted buildings! two are in spain, and one is in thailand!
gender! we’ve got 122 pieces from male artists, and 32 pieces by female artists! yes that doesn’t add up to 166, the other 12 are either multiple artists, unknown artists, or i felt like a creeper trying to trawl through their tumblr/website and it wasn’t in their bio. sadly, we don’t have any openly trans, nb, or otherwise genderqueer artists submitted (where openly is “i could find it in the same 5 second google search to determine nationalities”)
even more niche stats! the largest submission (that isn’t a building, a cave, or public art) is 2.15 m (7 ft 1 in) x 34.14 m (112.0 ft) and weighs 4 tons! close behind it is another that's approximately 3.7m x 25.2m (12ft x 72.9ft) but weighs significantly less! i did not feel like mathing which had more square footage. the smallest submission (that is, a physical piece in real life, digital art can be insanely small) is 5.9 x 6 cm (2 5/16 x 2 3/8 in.)!
how about locations? excluding the multiple copies ones, there are 32 pieces located in the united states, 9 in spain, 8 in france, 6 in canada, 5 in england, 4 in italy, 3 each in russia, australia and mexico, 2 each in the netherlands, wales, scotland, and ireland, and 1 each in israel, finland, germany, portugal, poland, japan, austria, ecuador, thailand, latvia, singapore, belgium, and argentina! i know that doesn’t add up but there’s a lot of pieces in private collections, owned by the artist, or we just couldn’t find their location, sadly.
artist nationalities get a lot more variable! i did my best to look up every artist i could and include their birth country and the country they did their works in! except john singer sargent because he just didn’t want to settle down and i didn’t want to give him like six different countries. 
starting off, we have 43 submissions by american artists! 18 by french artists, 17 by english, 8 each by canadians and italians, 6 each by russians and spaniards, 5 each by chinese, irish, and germans, 4 each by dutch, mexican and belgians, 3 by latvians, 2 each by finnish, polish, scottish, malay, serbian, and armenians, and 1 each by portuguese, japanese, austrian, ecuadorian, thai, swiss, argentine, cuban, kazhak, colombian, danish, and iranian! 
i do not currently have stats for jewish artists for you, because i forgot to write it down my first time through wiki, and now i have to go through all ~140 articles and websites again. relatedly: there are 8 works by known-to-be-gay artists, but i’m already running into wikipedia going “well he sure did a lot of male nudes but he also might have had relationships with women” and i am feeling uncomfortable poking through people’s private lives so... i hope you don’t mind it i stop... counting..... i mean if they’re open about it i’ll write it down still.
how about the ages of works? there are 4 things from before the 1400s, 3 from the 1400s, 6 from the 1500s, 3 from the 1600s, and 2 from the 1700s! 5 from 1800-1850, 4 from 1850-1880, 10 from the 1880s, and 9 from the 1890s! 9 from the 1900s (that is, 1900-1909), 5 from the 1910s, 5 from the 1920s, 4 from the 1930s, 4 from the 1940s, and 6 from the 1950s! 3 from the 60s, 4 from the 70s, 7 from the 80s, 15 from the 90s, 12 from the new oughts, 17 from the 2010s, and 13 from the 2020s! and three ongoing projects!
and to wrap things up: there are 101 paintings, 12 sculptures, 17 what i’m calling installations (they’re often mixed media or unusual media, i would give examples but i feel like i would bias submissions), 6 photographs, 2 pieces of textile art, and 21 digital arts, drawings, or comics!
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Project2025 #CorpMedia #Oligarchs #MegaBanks vs #Union #Occupy #NoDAPL #BLM #SDF #DACA #MeToo #Humanity #FeelTheBern
JinJiyanAzadi #BijiRojava WATCH Cultural Boycott of Turkey Led by Major Scholars and Artists [UPDATES]
A group of 280 leading scholars, writers, and artists — including Angela Davis, Noam Chomsky, and Brian Eno — signed the petition in response to Turkey’s invasion of Kurdish regions in northeastern Syria…
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zom-tom · 10 days
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Hi welcome!!
Call me "T" or Zombie! This is my systems main blog! We've moved accounts a couple times due to stuff and this is our new one :) Feel free to ask what our old blog was! ❤️
We're a t4t genderflip queer person! We are part native canadian and part dutch and like a tiny bit irish asbdjdjdk. We are audhd, schizophrenic, ocd, bpd, and a traumagenic polyfragmented system, among other things! We use any pronouns + vey/vem/veirs, ey/em/eirs and rot/rots!
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Some of our alters do have their own blogs, feel free to ask for them!
Minors please dni unless we're already friends! As well, dteam enjoyers and will gold supporters fuck off!!! Terfs, radfems, exclusionists and anyone who thinks they have the right to police peoples identities literally at all can suck my fucking nuts.
I don't post much about political stuff or real world happenings or discourse because it really really really fucking stresses me out!! However I will on occasion, and I donate to stuff on my own, as well as I keep up with stuff off of tumblr! This is my silly space to destress. That being said I will on occasion post things about stuff and I do read posts! If any of my mutuals ever need or want me to rb a post for them please ask!
I'm an artist! I'll probably use the tags #my art, #my ocs and #my things for this stuff! :)
Icon is by these guys!
Zombie tommy with the cow is by this guy!
Thank you so much for reading! I'll edit this with blinkies and shit laterrrr >:D
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brookstonalmanac · 1 month
Birthdays 8.14
Beer Birthdays
Eugene L. Husting (1848)
Brandon Hernández (1976)
Five Favorite Birthdays
Halle Berry; actor (1968)
Mila Kunis; Ukrainian-American actor (1983)
Gary Larson; cartoonist (1950)
Steve Martin; comedian, actor, writer, banjo player (1945)
Bruce Thomas; English bass player (1948)
Famous Birthdays
Russell Baker; essayist (1925)
Emmanuelle Béart; French actress (1963)
Catherine Bell; actor (1968)
Herman Branson; African-American physicist, chemist (1914)
Sarah Brightman; English singer-songwriter (1960)
John Brodie; San Francisco 49ers QB (1935)
Lodewijk Bruckman; Dutch painter (1903)
Sharon Bryant; R&B singer (1956)
Kevin Cadogan; rock singer-songwriter, guitarist (1970)
Méric Casaubon; Swiss-English author (1599)
Yannoulis Chalepas; Greek sculptor (1851)
Darrell "Dash" Crofts; singer-songwriter and musician (1940)
David Crosby; rock singer (1941)
Charles Jean de la Vallée-Poussin; Belgian mathematician (1866)
Mstislav Dobuzhinsky; Russian-Lithuanian-American artist (1875)
Slim Dunlap; singer-songwriter and guitarist (1951)
Tracy Caldwell Dyson; chemist and astronaut (!969)
Richard R. Ernst; Swiss chemist (1933)
Erica Flapan; mathematician (1956)
Francis Ford; actor and director (1881)
John Galsworthy; English writer (1867)
Alice Ghostley; actor (1926)
Larry Graham; soul/funk bass player and singer-songwriter (1946)
Buddy Greco; singer, pianist (1926)
Marcia Gay Harden; actor (1959)
Jackée Harry; actress (1956)
Robert Hayman; English-Canadian poet (1575)
Lee Hoffman; author (1932)
Leopold Hofmann; Austrian composer (1738)
Doc Holliday; dentist, wild west gambler (1851)
James Horner; composer (1953)
Ernest Everett Just; African-American biologist (1883)
Jan Koetsier; Dutch composer (1911)
Margaret Lindsay Huggins; Anglo-Irish astronomer (1848)
William Hutchinson; founder of Rhode Island (1586)
Magic Johnson; Los Angeles Lakers (1959)
Stanley A. McChrystal; American general (1954)
John McCutcheon; folksinger (1952)
Paddy McGuinness; English comedian (1973)
Lionel Morton; English singer-songwriter, guitarist (1942)
Bruce Nash; film director (1947)
Frank Oppenheimer; particle physicist (1912)
Hans Christian Ørsted; Danish physicist and chemist (1777)
Susan Saint James; actor (1946)
Paolo Sarpi; Italian writer (1552)
Ben Sidran; jazz and rock keyboardist (1943)
Stuff Smith; violinist (1909)
Danielle Steel; writer (1947)
Jiro Taniguchi; Japanese author and illustrator (1947)
Bruno Tesch; German chemist (1890)
Ernest Thayer; "Casey at the Bat" writer (1863)
Pieter Coecke van Aelst; Flemish painter (1502)
Carle Vernet; French painter and lithographer (1758)
Claude Joseph Vernet; French painter (1714)
Earl Weaver; Baltimore Orioles manager (1930)
Wim Wenders; German film director (1945)
Lina Wertmüller; Italian film director (1926)
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ghostgirlvii · 3 months
Intro Post
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Hi! The name is Ghost!
I'm a bike mechanic by day, an artist/gamer by night and a senior member of Tumblr at this point. I have been around since 2012 and will most likely go down with it. I'm very multifandom, but they are often erased by my current hyperfixation. (e.i; Mass Effect, Pacific Rim, Digimon, Marvel, Star Trek, Call of Duty) Don't get me started on some, I won't shut up! I know my lore!
Love OCs. Like a lot. Like either creating them, seeing others people creation. I do realize that I have to many of them, some that I still draw to this day, others who are taking the dust sadly because I moved fandom.
I'm French, lived most of my life in Canada (by extention Canadian) and now currently residing in Belgium. This mean I do speak French, English and Dutch. Don't be shy to talk to me in any of these. Ça me ferait plaisir! Nederlands is nog moeilijk soms maar alles komt goed!
I'm always up to give a helping hand for any reason. Need a friendly advice? DMs and ask are open! Beta reader? I'll be glad to help <3
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Other Blogs:
@ghostgirlvii-art (Art blog)
@sgt-scottymoreau (CoD OC)
@aghostwholovemonsters (Monster lover blog, MDNI!)
@ghostsimpingghost (Reblog for x Reader stuff, MDNI!)
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Original Characters Masterlist
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andreablog2 · 1 year
i live in the netherlands but im not from here and everything you say about it is true 😭😭 these people are sugared up swamp flies
They are like the Canadians of Europe if Canadian culture was about being equally pious and Machiavellian. Also their big contributions to art are derivative of neighboring countries. My favorite Dutch artist is Yolanda Hadid
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kosmic-kore · 1 year
get to know my characters
the haunting of underhill academy
CHARLOTTE WREN MARIE AALDENBERG - charismatic, bright, dainty.
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-blonde hair
-brown eyes
-little brother named daniel
-trust issues, but who doesn't in her position?
-elliot's best friend
PHOEBE VI HAMBLETON - witty, stunning, saintly.
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-curly black hair
-brown eyes
-in tune with herself and others
-gives good advice
-older brother named justin
OLIVER GAGE - artistic, quite, observent.
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-green eyes
-brown hair
-amelie's twin
-took the blame when he was younger
AMELIE GAGE - wishful, caring, beautiful.
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-brown hair
-green eyes
-oliver's twin (she's older)
-enjoys getting flowers as gifts
-only straight one in this group
TYLER ASTON SMITH - passionate, loud, dorky.
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-blond hair
-brown eyes
-little sister named ruby
-scared of being left behind and/or replaced
-unlabeled (this is important to me)
ELLIOT ALEXANDER PAIGE - angelic, indecisive, private.
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-black hair
-blue eyes
-trans and gay
-lowkey sacred of confrontation
-charlotte's best friend
ALYSSA ACKERMAN - knowing, wandering soul, bleary.
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-black hair
-green eyes
-pushes people away
-left handed
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my-chaos-radio · 9 months
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Release: March 16, 2009
(you need more, you need more, you need more,
You need more, you need more, you need more,
You need more, you need more, you need more)
Boy it's tough getting on in the world
When the sun doesn't shine and a boy needs a girl
It's about getting out of a rut, you need luck
And your stuck and don't know how (oh)
A big bucks Hollywood star
(don't have to drive)A super car to get far
(don't have to live)A life of power and wealth
(don't have to be) beautiful but it helps
(don't have to buy)A house in Beverly hills
(don't have to have)your daddy paying the bills
(don't have to live)A life of power and wealth
(don't have to be) beautiful but it helps
You need more than a big blank check to be a lover, or
A gulf stream jet to fly you door to door
Somewhere chic on another shore
You need more you need more you need more you need more you need more you need more
You need love you need love you need love
Too much of anything is never enough
Too much of everything is never enough
Boy it's tough getting on in the world
When the sun doesn't shine and a boy needs a girl
It's about getting out of a rut, you need luck
And your stuck and don't know how (oh)
A big bucks Hollywood star
(don't have to drive)A super car to get far
(don't have to wear)A smile much colder than ice
(don't have to be beautiful but it's nice
You need more than Gerhard Richter hangin' on your wall
A chauffeur-driven limousine on call
To drive your wife and lover to a white tie ball
(you need more, you need more, you need more,
You need more, you need more, you need more) you need love
I believe that we can achieve the love that we need
I believe, call me naive
Love is for free
A big bucks Hollywood star
(don't have to drive)A super car to get far
(don't have to live)A life of power and wealth
(don't have to be) beautiful but it helps
Beautiful that it helps
Beautiful that it helps
Brian Higgins / Chris Lowe / Miranda Cooper / Neil Tennant / Owen Parker / Tim Powell
"Love, Etc." is a song by English synth-pop duo Pet Shop Boys from their tenth studio album Yes (2009). It was released on March 16, 2009 as the album's lead single. The single was also made available on the US and Canadian iTunes Store on March 24, 2009, becoming the duo's first single to be released in the US since "Break 4 Love" in 2001, albeit as a digital download.
The song was written by Pet Shop Boys together with the production team Xenomania, who also produced the track. Pet Shop Boys describe "Love Etc." as "a post-lifestyle anthem that sounds like nothing we've done before." The single became the duo's ninth number-one entry on the Hot Dance Club Songs chart ; The pair overtook Depeche Mode and broke the record for the most chart-toppers by a duo or group on the Billboard dance charts.
The music video was directed by Dutch digital artist Han Hoogerbrugge. The website Stereogum described it as a "horizontally scrolling animated video that's part Sonic The Hedgehog (outdated video game reference!) and part Pac Man (devouring hearts, shamrocks and cash), with a number of Chrisses, Neils and others scream, bow, expose themselves and transform into Draculas.
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dear-indies · 2 years
Hii!! Can you suggest me some biracial faceclaims? Preferably half white half black if you won’t mind 🙏🏻
Nina Sosanya (1969) Nigerian / English.
Tamara Taylor (1970) Black Canadian / Scottish.
Carmen Ejogo (1973) Nigerian / Scottish.
Amanda Brugel (1978) Black Canadian / English.
Megalyn Echikunwoke (1983) Nigerian / English and Scots-Irish.
Annie Ilonzeh (1983) Igbo Nigerian / Polish, English.
Gugu Mbatha-Raw (1983) Zulu South African / English.
Zawe Ashton (1984) Ugandan / English.
Natalie Gumede (1984) Zimbabwean / English.
Cush Jumbo (1985) Nigerian / English.
Jessica Lucas (1985) Black Canadian / European.
Ilfenesh Hadera (1985) Ethiopian / Unspecified White.
Cynthia Addai-Robinson (1985) Ghanaian / English.
Hannah John-Kamen (1989) Nigerian / Norwegian.
Jasmine Cephas Jones (1989) African-American / English.
Nanna Blondell (1986) Ghanaian / Swedish.
Logan Browning (1989) African-American / European.
Belinda Owusu (1989) Ghanaian / English.
Laura Harrier (1990) African-American / Rusyn, English, German, Swiss-German.
Paulina Singer (1991) African-American / Ukrainian.
Berta Vázquez (1992) Ethiopian / Ukrainian.
Kiersey Clemons (1993) African-American / European - is queer.
Aisha Dee (1993) African-American / Unspecified White.
Fola Evans-Akingbola (1994) Nigerian / British.
Jasmin Savoy Brown (1994) African-American / English, German, Norwegian, Scots-Irish/Northern Irish - is queer.
Corinne Foxx (1994) African-American / European.
Melissa Rakiro (1994) Kenyan / German, Irish.
Olive Gray (1994) Zambian / English - non-binary - they/them
Quintessa Swindell (1997) African-American / Unspecified White - non-binary - he/they.
Tylan Grant (2001) Zambian / English - non-binary - they/he - is Autistic.
Daniel Sunjata (1971) African-American / Irish, German.
Richard Ayoade (1977) Nigerian / Norwegian.
Joey Ansah (1982) Ghanaian / English.
Kendrick Sampson (1988) African-American / English, other.
Regé-Jean Page (1990) Zimbabwean / British.
Elliot Knight (1990) Nigerian / English.
Jacob Artist (1992) African-American / Polish.
Justice Smith (1995) African-American / Italian, French-Canadian - is queer.
Jidenna (1985) Igbo Nigerian / English, German, Dutch.
Noah Gray-Cabey (1995) African-American / European.
Michael Evans Behling (1996) Nigerian / Unspecified White.
Odiseas Georgiadis (1996) Ghanaian / Greek.
Hey anon! Please remember manners when asking other helpers something and please let me know if you need more specific suggestions!
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Stats 2: Electric Boogaloo
Our 256 works are comprised of.... 132 paintings, 36 drawings / digital artworks / comics, 26 installation pieces, 20 sculptures, 11 buildings, 11 public artworks, 10 photographs, 4 prints, 3 cave arts, 2 textile arts, and 1 thing I classified as a collage instead of anything else!
More stats below!
Most popular city: New York, with 13 pieces, followed by Paris with 8, and Chicago is third with 7! Washington DC has 6, Florence, Madrid, and London all have 5, Philadelphia has 4, Dublin, Edinburgh, Mexico City each have three, and all the following cities have two: Boston, Cairo, Calgary, Cordoba, Helsinki, Houston, Jerusalem, Los Angeles, Munich, Ottawa, Prague, Vienna, Warsaw
Most popular museum: somehow the Art Institute of Chicago has the most with 6 pieces! Followed by the Museum of Modern Art with 5 pieces! The Museo del Prado has 4, the Philadelphia Museum of Art has 3, and the Ateneum, Louvre, Metropolitan Museum of Art, Museo Dolores Olmedo, National Gallery of Canada, Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, Tate Britain, Tretyakov Gallery, and the Uffizi Gallery each have 2! In addition, the single works are spread out amongst 16 city level galleries (ie the Phoenix Art Museum), 5 state/provincial (ie Queensland Art Gallery), 25 national (ie National Gallery Prague), 8 museums named after benefactors (ie the Hirshhorn Museum), 7 museums dedicated to a specific artist (ie the Van Gogh Museum) and numerous other institutions! Churches, palaces, increasingly specific museums, museums that are named after their location rather than their governmental level... and of course a whole lot of private collections and pieces we were unable to find the location of!
Countries! 50 pieces are in the US! 13 in France! 12 in Spain! 7 in England, 6 in Canada and Italy, 5 in Russia, 4 in Ireland, Mexico, and Australia, 3 each in Germany, Austria, and Scotland, and 2 each in China, the Netherlands, Israel, Finland, Wales, Poland, Japan, Egypt, and India, and 1 each in Portugal, Ecuador, Thailand, Singapore, Belgium, Argentina, Sweden, the Czech Republic, Norway, Bangladesh, Saudi Arabia, and the Vatican!
Demographics! I revoked John Singer Sargents American status for these because he was born in Europe, and spent most of his life travelling around Europe. I tried my best to track down the correct numbers but honestly some of these are likely to be slightly off. I went with easily publicly available information like Wikipedia and where that failed the author's website. I also tracked people's birth countries in addition to where they lived / worked for most of their lives. Anyway! We have 74 pieces by American artists! 27 French, 22 English, 14 Russian, 13 Spanish, 11 Canadian, 9 Italian, 8 Chinese, 8 German, 6 Irish, 6 Polish, 6 Mexican, 5 Greek (four of those are Ancient Greece), 5 Ukrainian, 5 Japanese, 4 Australian, 4 Belgian, 4 Indian, 3 Serbian, 3 Armenian, 3 Dutch, 3 Austria, 3 Latvian, 3 Swedish, 2 each from Finland, Scotland, Malaysia, Cuba, the Czech Republic, and Norway, and one each from Israel (specifically), Portugal, Ecuador, Thailand, Switzerland, Denmark, Iran, Colombia, Chile, Estonia, and Egypt (albeit Ancient Egypt)
Including the one Israeli artist, we have 7 Jewish artists represented, as well as 4 Black, 6 Indigenous (one is half Kichwa, one is Sami, one is Haida, one is Ojibwe, and two are Australian Aboriginals. One of those is Kokatha and Nukunu, and the other one was a group project with eight artists who did the majority of the work, and 6 of those are from Erub Island but the articles did not specify further except that at least one of the eight is non-Indigenous), 1 Chicana, and 1 Asian-American (which I am specifying because I felt very stupid adding tallies to an Asian column when I already said there are 8 Chinese artists and 5 Japanese and 2 Malaysians and....). We also do have 16 artists that publicly identify as queer in some fashion! I have listed 9 works by gay men, 2 works by lesbians, and 5 that have chosen to use "queer" instead of other labels.
And on that note.... we have 155 works by men, 51 by women, and 2 by nonbinary artists!
Most represented artists! Frida Kahlo and René Magritte tied with four works each! Félix González-Torres, Francisco Goya, John Singer Sargent each have three! And the artists that have 2 artworks each are... Claude Monet, Dragan Bibin, Edmund Blair Leighton, Francisco de Zurbarán, Gustav Klimt, Holly Warburton, Hugo Simberg, Ilya Repin, Ivan Aivazovsky, Jacques-Louis David, Jenny Holzer, Louis Wain, Pablo Picasso, Sun Yuan & Peng Yu, Victo Ngai, Vincent van Gogh, Pierre-Auguste Renoir, and Leonardo da Vinci (although the second is debated attribution)! That means that 205 of the works are not by any of the above! Some have unknown artists (we've got THREE CAVE ARTS) but most are just... really varied!
And lastly, years painted (as sorted by year finished and not year started). Who else loves when something is listed as "13th century"?? Not me, that's who. This is going to be a lot of numbers, and there's no real way to make it more readable. so..... feel free to skip!
The oldest two submissions are from circa 40,000 years before present, and 30 to 32 thousand years before present! Six more artworks came to exist before 0 (CE or AD depending on who you're talking to), and 7 before 1000! 2 from the 1200s, 6 from the 1400s, 8 from the 1500s, 3 from the 1600s, and 5 from the 1700s! Several of those already listed were started in a previous ....age category (for instance, one has no specified date other than 7300 BC to 700 AD) but once we hit 1600, everything is usually finished in a relatively short timespan. 6 are from 1800-1850, 9 from 1850-1880, and the 1880s are extremely busy. 1 from 1881, 3 from 1882, 1 from 1883-1885, 5 from 1886, and two each from the next four years (1887-1890)! 6 from 1891-1895, and 5 from 1896-1900!
We've got 3 from 1901 or 1902, 4 from 1903, two each from 1906 and 1907, and one each from 1908 and 1909! 3 from 1910-1915, 3 from 1917, 2 from 1918 and one from 1919! 6 are from the Roaring Twenties, three of them specifically from 1928! 4 from 1931-1935, and only 3 from the latter half of the 30s! There's 3 from WWII, and 4 from 1946-1949, 5 from 1951-1954 but only 3 from '55-'59. 5 from the sixties, 7 spread out through the 70s, and 10 from the 80s, two each from 81, 82 and 84. The 90s have a lot of duplicate and triplicate years, totaling 20 overall! 11 are from 90-95, the other 9 are 96-99. 7 from 2001-2005, and 8 from 2006-2009. 9 from 2010-2014, 3 from 2015, 6 from 2016, 5 from 2017, 1 from 2018, 3 from 2019, 5 from 2020, 1 from 2021, 4 from 2022, 11 from 2023, and 3 ongoing projects! Whew! If anyone wants it listed By Year instead of in groups like this, that'll be most readable in like... list form and that's way too long for a stats post.
Congrats on making it to the end! If you got this far, uh, let me know if you want to see the spreadsheet after the tournament, I guess. I'm very proud of it.
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jonvandernoorde · 1 year
 “ 🎵 “  - Jon and Elena
At first I was looking through Dutch and Italian love songs but nothing fit so I moved onto classic rock and came across this wonderful cover of a great song by one of my favourite Canadian R&B artists and it spoke to me.
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minkyutie · 2 years
Wooow! So much art 🥺🥺🥺💜💜💜 you're really artist in every way 🌸💗 i bet you create beautiful things
I do love music 💗💗💗 i tried to make a career out of it too
What i'd love to try now is draw and dance 💜💜💜
DK & Hoshi... Yes, they are 😻😻💜💜
And also when Seungkwan and Chan posted their selfie i thought about you 💕💕💕🥺💗💗🥺💗 they looked so cute 🧡
Hope you're having a lovely weekend 🌷🐣
And how do you do to celebrate holidays this month or you don't celebrate at all? What do you like to do? 💕 And what things you like and what you don't like about this season?
Sending hugs 🐣🐣💜💜
hi anonie sorry it took me so long to answer this ;A; hope you've been well dear <3 you're so sweet but honestly i don't consider myself an artist haha it's just something fun i do when i have time :) ooooh do you play an instrument? i'm always so jealous of people who have knowledge about music cuz i know very little lol hope you get to try drawing and dancing soon! i've also wanted to try dance but i just don't have time sdlfkjgfds awww you're so sweet to think of me when you saw their selfie 🥺 they really are soooooo cute <3 i often think about changing my url back to boochans haha 🥲 since i'm dutch-canadian i celebrated sinterklaas earlier this month and then i also celebrate christmas on the 24th+25th :) sadly i work on the 25th this year so i'll have to drive to work after dinner <///3 but i did get the 24th off so i'll drive to my parent's house that afternoon and spend the day drinking and catching up with my family! hmmm i like the festive vibes and pretty lights this time of the year, and the snow is pretty too. but i haaaaaaaaate how cold it gets ;A; it's currently -40c and i hate it so so so much i just want to stay in bed </3
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