vitrazscs · 2 years
VÝROBA VITRÁŽÍ – SOÓS CSILLA: • WEB: http://sk.sooscsilla.com/ • E-MAIL: [email protected] • TELEFÓN: 00421 908 80 22 76
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sapphoherselz · 2 months
was it casual when you stopped me from running before you even knew me, then became the reason I stayed?
was it casual when you touched my back on your way by, fingers light enough to give me goose bumps?
was it casual when I pressed your palm to the ugly scarring across my abdomen and your eyes dropped to my shirt like you could see the marred skin through the dark cotton?
was it casual when I willingly got tortured for your sake?
was it casual when i hid your armbands under my pillow, or when I gave you back the mean to protect yourself even though I was advised against it?
was it casual when there was nowhere for me to stand except up against you, but somehow I didn't mind, was it casual when your body next to mine reminded me why I stayed, was it casual when I remembered this unyielding, unquestioning weight that could hold me and all of my problems up without breaking a sweat?
was it casual that for the first time in months I could finally breathe again, that your presence was such a relief it was frightening, because I hadn't meant to lean on you so much?
was it casual when "The next time someone comes for you, stand down and let me deal with it. Do you understand?" "If it means losing you, then no”?
was it casual when "You were supposed to be a side effect of the drugs” "I'm not a hallucination” "You are a pipe dream”?
was it casual when I plucked your cigarette off the sidewalk and stuck it between my lips and tipped my head back to meet your unwavering gaze and tapped two fingers to my temple in your mocking salute?
was it casual when I felt a half-second from losing my mind, but then you said my name and my thoughts ground to a startled halt?
was it casual when "You like me” "I hate you” "You never said anything” “Why should I have? Nothing will come of it"?
was it casual when "I want to see you lose control”?
was it casual when "Am I bothering you?” "Beyond the telling” "Interesting, last week you said nothing gets under your skin”?
was it casual when “But I trust you” "You shouldn't" "Says the man who stopped”?
was it casual when I took the pint from your unresisting fingers, stacked it on top of mine, and leaned in, but didn't dare to touch you until you gave me a green light?
was it casual when time was nothing, seconds were days, were years, were the breaths that caught between our mouths and the bite of my fingernails against my palms, the scrape of teeth against my lower lip and the warm slide of a tongue against mine? was it casual when I could feel your heartbeat thrumming against mg wrists, a staccato rhythm that echoed in my veins? was it casual when I wondered how a man who viewed the world with such studied disconnect could kiss like this? was it casual when I had forgotten what it was like to be touched without malicious intent?
was it casual when I didn't know if I could get my hands back in my pockets without brushing up against you, so I tucked them behind my back instead?
was it casual when “It is just a key” "You're a foster child, you know it isn't"? was it casual when I had toyed with your house key so many times I knew every dip and ridge by heart?
was it casual when "If you hit me again” "You'll what?"?
was it casual when I protected you by yanking someone away even though the agony that shot from my fingertips to the elbows almost took me off my feet?
was it casual when your expression was deceptively calm, but there was iron in your grip when you seized my chin? was it casual when you let go of me so you could tug my hood out of the way, when you dragged a finger along the lines of tape keeping the myriad of bandages in place as if looking for the best place to start?
was it casual when you froze with your hand a few scant inches from my face, when your expression didn't change, but there was a new tension in your shoulders that didn't bode well for anyone in the room?
was it casual when I knew better than to touch you yet but I got as close as I could and framed your face between my bandaged hands, when you could have easily pushed me aside, but after a short pause you got settled again?
was it casual when "Am I at ninety-four yet?" "You are at one hundred"?
was it casual when "Get away from us, If you make me repeat myself you will not live to regret it”?
was it casual when "Did they tell you who I am?" "They didn't have to, I choked the answers out of Kevin on the way here”?
was it casual when "If you tell me to leave, I'll go” "You're staying with us. If they try to take you away they will lose”?
was it casual when "I have to go, I don't trust them to give you back"?
was it casual when "Can I really be Neil again?" "I told Neil to stay, leave Nathaniel buried in Baltimore with his father”?
was it casual when you threw yourself out of the goal like all of hell was at your heels?
was it casual when "I thought you knew how to run” I thought you told me to stop running” "Survival tip: no one likes a smart mouth” "Except you"?
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hilson-hatecrimes-md · 3 months
I think about that scene way more than I should. You know - that scene.
Damp, grey lighting. Wilson drawing in a ragged breath, head in hands. Breath stuttering.
“And I… I need you to tell me that you love me.”
House’s wide, devastated eyes, almost brimming with something (but never tears, no, never tears).
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mage-witha-glock · 7 months
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Don't you just love commiting arson, vandalism, identity theft, disruption of peace etc. all at once with your partner in crime? <3
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monards · 15 days
On a wholly real note. Guys, what the fuck were trumps contentions during that debate.
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i hate that i can slowly feel the dsmp lore knowledge leaking from my brain. STAY IN THERE!!!! most unrewatchable media ever juet stay in my brain. (this post is abt mostly everyone not ctommy related bc i still fuckin enjoy them as a character but not ctommy not my problem (ctommy autism )) (like cbad cantfrost cpuffy channah cniki cjack cponk cfoolish csapnap i can feel my knowledge of u leaving plss stay in my brain pretty please i still love u)
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prototypelq · 10 months
An ask for you!!
What's your favorite animal and why? (you can list more than one if you want!)
Hi, my dear mutual and thank you very much for the ask!)
This is an extremely hard ask, as I love all animals. And if I don't yet, I will learn to if given the opportunity to interact with them long enough)
Lemme tell you, if you bring in even one madagascar cockroach to a class of biology students, they will be in love with it in less than a minute and will be asking to hold one, even if they were squamish about bugs their entire lives. Nature is incredible in all it's beautiful, extreme and will-make-any-eldrich-horror-blush-in-shame ways and it's really, really fascinating. So yeah, this is hard to decide.
I've been living with dogs for most of my life, so I obviously love them) Am a horsegirl for sure, even if the opportunities for riding are not common at all, and my technique is that of a potato sack, but I'm still somehow pretty confident in the saddle. I'd love to have a pet lizard one day. Find myself mesmerized by the arowana in the local fish pet store each time we go there.
I've been blessed and extremely lucky to have an opportunity to work at a bat rescue center, and I can confidently say bats are amazing and adorable little hellspawns))) They love screaming and biting, tumblr should be ALL over them actually
Saw a video about geladas once, and they are like. Peak character design. Why isn't there more gelada content on the internet about them??? No idea but treat yourself to any gelada video.
That said, obviously my favourite animal will be my best girl Fina xD
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If I had to pick favourites besides her...(seriously, this is so hard, my answer will change in like the next minute if you send the ask again)... I've been a little (not a little) obsessed with moose. They are character design peak too, their horn crowns are incredible, I love their big nose, short tail and how tall and elegant they are on those long legs. Simply beautiful)
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(here's my moose figurine from the Schleich figurines collection)))
A long list of very honourable mentions would be:
Every melolontha (basically any flying beetle with wing covers) I will be glued to, and just big beetles in general, they can be so beautiful.
Bats, of course. Can't ever go wrong with bats. Incredible, adorable, screeching little critters. Honestly the 'uglier' they seem the more I love them xD They are not ugly at all, and are really fascinating.
Lizards. Blue-tongued skins especially. Tegu's are also amazing.
I love bears a lot. The duality of an extremely adaptive and versatile predator vs the lazy and low effort goofes they can be gets to me) Also the Brother Bear movie. Destroyed me as a kid, loved it.
And geladas. Geladas are great. Peak character design. We really need more geladas.
Thanks for the ask! Would love to see your and any other willing mutual's answers)))
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necer0s · 2 years
Actually, speaking of MoL, I did just have a thought today— what if Eldemar gave Zach Knyazov Dveri? Sudomir abandoned his post as governor, after all. They’ll need someone to take over. And here comes Zach: politically inconvenient, requiring more compensation than Tesen probably actually has… all in all, someone that Eldemar would love to push out of sight to the outskirts.
So why not give him a recently-abandoned colony? It’s the perfect two birds— both a significant amount of compensation and a good way to shuffle Zach out of the public eye and into the boonies. And if they’re lucky, they might even be able to strengthen Royal control over the colony!
Of course, what they don’t know is that Zach and Zorian spent years worth of time in Knyazov Dveri, learning its people and secrets. They’re perfectly positioned to take smooth control of the region and advance it quickly. With a decade or so of unchecked growth during the next round of Splinter Wars, the two of them could turn the area into a metropolis under their control.
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ialpiriel · 1 year
Excited to finish this one novel so I can get back to work on the next one
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targsdaenerys · 1 year
every time i finish an episode of the witcher i go ‘god that had so much potential’
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anytimw anyone compliments my artt i go HEYEHSHHAHEHEHRHHD/pos and then im stuxk between do i reblog their compliment nadn go apeshit or do i Act Normal For Once
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vitrazscs · 2 years
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Prajem vám veselé Vianoce a šťastný Nový rok🎄⛄🌟
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wormytoast · 8 months
huh since theres a lot of dot characters now icwonder if theyll try to make a dot healer
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mage-witha-glock · 8 months
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Zach and Zorian: Hmmm.. how can we get Sudomir's attention?
Zach and Zorian: Oh, I know!
*Commit identity theft, vandalism, arson, possible voluntary manslaughter, and more!*
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mikiruma · 1 year
personal project, due date whenever: get back into writing so i can fill out the mtr tag on ao3 to counteract the incest out of spite
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angeltism · 1 year
how do i know if im semiverbal/nonverbal
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