#dw crosspost
rekishi-aka · 2 years
Tatort Saabrücken timeline thoughts (or: DfL was actually time travel)
Okay so this is a mashup of this post with post-KdE musings, because I obviously needed to course correct for KdE.
The whole thing only started making sense when I rewatched everything again before KdE. My hypothesis starts with DfL actually taking place in 2021 (instead of 2020 when it aired).
Okay let's look at a few facts:
Leo says Adam has been gone for 15 years
They were in 11th grade in 2006 per the yearbook in "Der Herr des Waldes" (= 16/17 years old per starting school at 6 or 7 and G8, both of which would have still been true when they were in school, Saarland only switched to G7 in 2003 and they would likely have been on a G8 track already)
The doorman at the Hofer company says he's born in 1955 (just like his car) and that he will retire in a few months
It's clearly spring (Lida is sowing peas and the next episode takes place two months later when it's obviously summer)
By this logic, their lives would look like this:
1990: Adam and Leo are born [I remember grading papers at uni for my freshmen born in 1990, I thought they were so incredibly young then and now 20 year olds never knew a pre 9/11 world, gosh I feel old 😭]
If we're keeping the actors actual birthdays, a few days apart in July (post-Stichtag babies): 1989
April: Roland Schürk falls into a coma after his...accident, after meeting Lausch in the woods
July/August: Adam and Leo start 11th grade (Adam was in Lausch's Philosphy class and Lausch only started at their school after the summer)
2007: Adam vanishes. My personal guess is sometime in spring/summer when he couldn't take it anymore...but Adam also isn't stupid enough to run in winter.
+15 years is 2022. Which absolutely doesn't work from a timeline perspective, because that would mean "Das Herz der Schlange" takes place shortly after "Der Herr des Waldes" and the whole team is a) too cozy for that in the restaurant, but also b) Roland is healed up and getting a cut Achilles tendon healed up does not happen in a matter of months, c) Roland had had time to plan his ultimate revenge, and d) they're dressed for early summer throughout the episode. I guess it could be early autumn, but I don't actually think so.
Until now, I always thought the writer had simply messed up the timeline and 15 years sounded better than 13 years. The link above assumes that "Das fleißige Lieschen" takes place in 2020, which was the year it aired.
(This is a non-Covid world, simply because in 2019, when it was shot, they couldn't know. So this is where the Tatort universe diverges, since a few Tatort franchises definitely had Covid, e.g., Berlin.)
However, again, I don't think, because: The doorman says he was born 1955 and that he is going to retire shortly.
Regular retirement age for birth year 1955 was 65 years 9 months (because retirement age rises incrementally until it reaches 67 year). It's spring. 1955+65 years 9 months = 2021
Also, a friend pointed out that Konrad Hofer delivered also the files for 2020 (150 years, 75 years for each of them), but those wouldn't be available in 2020, so this must be 2021.
Which means: "Das fleißige Lieschen" and "Der Herr des Waldes" both take place in 2021 and "Das Herz der Schlange" takes place in April or May 2022 and since Adam looks pretty hale in the promo pictures. Alternately, there could be a two-year jump to 2023, but I actially doubt it.
As for "Die Kälte der Erde":
Boris is still in prison
It's set in Mexico (or at least the dog days of summer)
Adam and Esther are bickering (which is actually nice!) but Adam is also still really mad about the SEK, and attrition would likely have taken care of that. there's a limit to how bitter and grudge-y one can be for prolonged periods of time
Plus, where was Adam living for a whole year? If he'd been with Leo, that would be really shitty to move out again after that long a while, and Leo is in far too good a mood at the beginning for that to be an issue
So it seems likely that KdE actually takes place in August 2022 [or 2023 if HdS is also 2023], which would leave sufficient time for Adam to heal up and rehab his fingers and be back in the field. This, of course, means that they weren't shattered but "only" broken [unlikely considering how it had happened, but! Tatort logic, whatever], but eh. If they want to run with it, fine by me.
This still means that the 15 years Adam is supposed to have been gone are an embellishment, but let's be honest, 15 years sounds better than 14.
I wonder if we'll be stuck in 2022 for the rest of time.
So, this leaves us with the following dates:
1990: Adam and Leo are born
If we're keeping the actors actual birthdays, a few days apart in July: 1989
April: Roland Schürk falls into a coma after his...accident, after meeting Lausch in the woods
July/August: Adam and Leo start 11th grade (Adam was in Lausch's Philosphy class and Lausch only started at their school after the summer)
2007: Adam vanishes. My personal guess is sometime in spring/summer when he couldn't take it anymore...but Adam also isn't stupid enough to run in winter. (Although my friend is right, he would be stupid enough to run in winter if it got too bad.)
March/April [latest time to sow peas]: "Das fleißige Lieschen", Adam returns, Roland wakes up
May/June [two months later]: "Der Herr des Waldes", Roland gets suspicious
April/May: "Das Herz der Schlange", Roland seemingly gets his revenge on Adam for not becoming the man he wanted him to be
August-ish: "Die Kälte der Erde"
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commander-diomika · 1 year
I started a dreamwidth journal. The point of it was that I wanted to explore my voice and thoughts without writing for an audience, inspired by things that Chuck Tingle has written about how masking his genuine voice caused him a lot of anguish over the years. I will cross post the occasional entry here because some people might find it interesting or helpful. This here's an entry I made whilst making a start on reading Unmasking Autism by Devon Price, a book my psych recommended to me.
Perhaps the sore wrist is a sign. I don't exactly believe in fate but I do want there to be an order, a reason for things, or to arrange things for myself into a cohesive narrative. So perhaps I will take this time that I am forcibly removed from some of my self soothing behaviors, viddy games, fixations, and take the opportunity to get real uncomfy with it.
I picked up the Unmasking Autism book over a month ago, read a few pages and snapped it shut, unable to move forward. I'm fucking wallowing through my feelings of injustice, temper tantruming inside and demanding why me? Why did this happen to me? Why was i diagnosed late? Why couldn't people have seen this sooner? Why am I suffering though feeling so fucking misunderstood when the information about autism is not new, its not mysterious. I'm fucking textbook in so many ways.
Picking Unmasking back up I keep having the desire to post to facebook, to send it to my partners to tell my sisters, my dad, to scream from the roof tops LOOK.! This is me! This is how I am! Why don't people understand that? Why can't they make space for that without me having to ask or explain it?
The best way through is taking those parts that reverb like a booming gong inside me and write about them here. (and also talk about them with people, but one step at a time) It will be slow going but that frenzied wail inside of me at certain passages, the one that makes me want to snap the book shut and fling it across the room, needs to GO somewhere, otherwise it will simply vibrate the walls of my being until the mortar holding me together comes completely unglued.
For many masked autistic people, repetitive behavior is something that must remain hidden. If you chew your fingers a lot or keep humming the same 3 note tune to yourself, people will notice and mock you for it. I don't even know what feels good to me. I can't even remember a time when I got to indulge these stimming behaviors freely, without judgement or a filter. I'm constantly policing myself, an ever present awareness of how other people see me, adjusting and modulating for their comfort. Magaret atwood constant observer patriachy plus other shit on top. and I viewed this as a success. Being as "normal" as I am felt like winning. But what am I really getting out of it? No one is really celebrating my stoicism because nobody knows I'm doing it. (I talked about this with my psych.)
We find socially acceptable ways to get the energy out... like playing with our phone. God, as if half the reason I'm dealing with these wrist issues aren't that I'm unable to go moments without looking at my phone, scolling, texting, holding. Constantly easing that boiler pressure inside of me. Elevated risk of eating disorders, insecure attachment, substance abuse and there's that fucking wail again. It was out of my control it was out of my control I was out of control I was always going to be at risk for becoming an addict but maybe if I'd just been better smarter stronger, the "right" kind of disabled or ND person maybe I can forgive myself for being statistically average but I have to be exceptional I must be the best always I have to WIN at having autism it's ok I've got autism but I'm one of the good ones, it's not that bad and suddenly I realise i'm gently rocking back and forth as I feel whatever it is I'm feeling. 
God, I want to just forgive myself for all of it.
That's like a page and a half of the book. Slow going indeed.
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enter-remiges · 2 years
In which I remember that cross-posting is a thing + return to DW like a cryptid seen once every blue moon. If you had a TV show you loved this year, drop me a note!
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aysathenotsogreat · 3 months
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i remember seeing the promo image for this episode awhile ago and thinking "the doctor would probably like having a gun pointed at him by a cute guy"
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corviiids · 1 year
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ive discovered a new spectrum of character based on my two most recent interests also everyone is free to add to the spectrum but anyone who attempts to correct me gets their eyeballs stolen
(small text: *achilles’ hair colour is described as ‘xanthos’ which isn’t necessarily strictly blond but is frequently used in reference to things that are golden or yellow but could easily describe a range of other visual experiences also it’s very complicated but for the sake ofthis meme he’s blond and we’re all going to accept it and not attempt to explain it to me in the comments. im glad we all agree)
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halfbakedideas · 4 months
this is a bookshop, not a parking space!
A TARDIS being accidentally parked indoors leads to a Demon and a Time Lord having somewhat of a reunion, and a very confused Angel.
Yet another fic I never cross-posted to here, and this was the first time I ever wrote crowley or aziraphale.
As for the timeline…just post Forest of The Dead (DW s04e09) but pre-Midnight, and just pre-Good Omens s2.
Read on Ao3
The TARDIS had no windows. Not that windows would do you any good when moving through time as well as space. As such the Doctor had developed something of a habit of parking the TARDIS in rather odd and/or unconventional places. They only parked the TARDIS inside when they intended to do so. Most of the time.
But there were times that the TARDIS had materialised indoors and the Doctor (and their current companion) didn’t know until they stepped out. Office buildings, alien spaceships, and on one notable occasion, an Angel’s bookshop. Windows would have helped immensely in all of those cases.
It was a pleasant Thursday afternoon. A. Z. Fell and Co. was still open for business but was not going to be for much longer, at this rate.
Aziraphale sat on the sofa tucked away behind the bookcases halfway through a reread of Agatha Christie’s Death in the Clouds when he heard a peculiar sound. It sounded like a cross between an out of tune violin and a car horn
The Angel abandoned his book on the sofa to go investigate what had made the sound, although not before he had marked his spot with a bookmark. Emerging from within the shelves, Aziraphale discovered a blue Police call box standing in the middle of the open space between the door and the bookcases. Which certainly hadn’t been there earlier.
What was that doing here? Police call boxes hadn’t existed since the 1950s and certainly not inside shops. Let alone his shop.
The box’s door creaked open and two people emerged from within. A red-haired human lady in a gray dress and purple cardigan, and…a very familiar-looking person in a long brown coat whose aura was definitely not human despite their appearance. Aziraphale caught sight of some kind of machine that was glowing green behind them.
“The 2020s! fantastic decade—“
“Why do you have my husband’s face?” the Angel demanded before he had the time to think of anything else to say.
“What?” they questioned. Both of the newcomers looked very confused.
What were they? A Demon with the power to steal other’s faces? Another Angel with that power? Or something else entirely? They must have the ability to change face.
And Aziraphale hadn’t seen Crowley all day, it was nearing three p.m., the last time that he had looked at a clock. Usually the Demon would have shown up around lunchtime at the very latest, like clockwork.
“Your face, it isn’t yours. Why did you take it?” he pressed. “What did you do to Crowley?”
“Crowley?” they asked, the confusion disappearing from their face.
“No no! I haven’t done anything to them!” they insisted. “Well not in the last twenty years, at least,” And then, softer: “He’s still hanging around here? After all this time?”
So this mysterious unknown not-human did know Crowley after all. It wasn’t just the face that was the same (well, except for the hair), it was the voice too.
“Yes?” he said, unsure of what else to say. Now it was his turn to be confused.
“And if he’s your husband…you must be Aziraphale!” they exclaimed, eyes lighting up.
“I am,” he confirmed with a nod.
“Doctor, who is this man?” the lady asked, interrupting their conversation.
“Someone very dear to a friend of mine,” they told her. “Speaking of, where is Crowley?” They looked around the shop, as if trying to find the Demon, even peering around the police box.
“Sorry, who are you?” Aziraphale asked, instead of answering their question.
“I’m the Doctor,” they introduced themself.
That was a very vague name, or was it a title in the way that the word was intended to be used?
“And this is Donna,” They turned to the red-haired lady.
“What exactly are you a doctor of?” he asked.
“Oh, many things,” they said with a gesture to nothing.
Before any of them could say anything more, the door opened and someone entered the shop.
“Angel? You here—?“ Crowley’s voice called out.
The Demon came to a sudden stop not too far from Aziraphale. He looked both shocked and confused, although certainly more shocked than confused.
“Doctor? What’re you doing here?” he asked. “What’s with the face? And that suit? Where’d the scarf go?”
“Sorry about the face — I knew it looked familiar,” they said, the second part sounded like it was more directed towards themself than Crowley.
“You two do know each other!” Aziraphale interjected. “Crowley, how do you know this Doctor?” He turned to his husband.
“Oh, they’re an old friend,”
Well that was infromative.
“Would someone please tell me who you two are?” Donna asked. “Or am I gonna have to keep standing here all confused?” she added.
Aziraphale echoed the sentiment.
“Right, yes…Donna, this is Crowley, I met them in the 1860s, although not with this face,” The Doctor introduced him. “And this is Aziraphale, he owns this bookshop,”
“Hello,” the Angel greeted pleasantly. “Now, this is very interesting and all, but could you please park that…police box—“
“—TARDIS,” the Doctor corrected him.
“—TARDIS outside? This bookshop is still open and I doubt that you want any customers who come in here to ask questions about it,” Aziraphale said.
“No, no I do not. Won’t be a moment,”
“Thank you.”
The Doctor and Donna returned back inside the police box, shutting the door behind them. The same out of tune violin-car horn cross sound filled the shop and the TARDIS faded out of sight.
It reappeared in the alleyway behind the bookshop, not that either Aziraphale or Crowley would know that.
The Doctor and Donna came back inside after having moved the TARDIS.
Despite Aziraphale’s confusion and mistrust of them, Crowley seemed to not only have befriended the Doctor but trusted them too. And he did not trust people easily, so the Angel decided that he would trust them as well. For the time being.
The rest of the afternoon saw a pot of tea (which had originally been lemon-ginger but had since been miracled into the green it had remained as for the next three hours) being shared and even more questions from both sides.
“Those two…they weren’t human, were they?” Donna asked when she and the Doctor were back in the TARDIS standing around the console later.
“No, they aren’t,” they agreed as they fiddled with something.
“Then what are they? Aliens? They looked pretty human,” she commented.
“They’re not technically alien either, not in the same way I am,”
Okay, now that’s just confusing.
“What do you mean ‘not technically alien’? You aren’t having me on, are you?” Donna said.
“Nope. Supernatural beings — well Angel and Demon, but that still counts as supernatural,” the Doctor explained.
Of all the wild things that she had been expecting them to say, supernatural beings hadn’t even made the list.
“What? An actual angel, like in the Bible? Not like those murderous statues?” she questioned.
Although, now that she thought of it, those two being a Demon and an Angel made rather a lot of sense.
Who was which? Aziraphale definitely seemed more angelic than demonic, but the way he had come storming out of the backroom and accused the Doctor of stealing his husband’s face. Crowley appeared the opposite. Honestly it seemed equally possible that both of them were either.
“Those ‘murderous statues’ are Weeping Angels, Aziraphale’s just an Angel,” the Doctor explained, having finally finished with whatever he had been doing to the console. “Now, what do you think about a visit to Alpha Centauri?” they asked.
Well, now she had the answer to her most recent question.
“That sounds lovely,” Donna said. “As long as we’re going there because you want to and not because we’re responding to a signal,” she told them, sternly. “I don’t want another Library situation just yet,” she added.
“There’s no signal this time, I promise,” they reassured her.
The sound of the TARDIS dematerialising filled the alleyway. It caught the attention of a man wearing far, far less clothing than was considered socially appropriate, not just in this century but in any century, carrying a cardboard box who happened to be walking past.
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enbycupcake · 1 year
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[ID: a digital drawing of yue qingyuan from scum villain in all his clothes. he has a speech bubble "and shidi is...sure this is a good idea?" by his head is the text "UNDRESS ZHANGMEN SHIXIONG. 5 RT 15 LIKES" end ID]
showing up to the party 20 years late. but anyways: first tier of undressing yue qingyuan
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petymology · 5 months
Hi! It's my 60th birthday! I got laid off yesterday!
Nah, it's not so bad. It was a bit of a shock but it's not awful. I have decent severance, better than I would have expected. I have an employed spouse.
I needed to move on but probably wouldn't have if I hadn't been pushed. I was finding it awfully easy to think, "Mmmmmaybe I could cope with the boredom just long enough to qualify for Medicare?"
My current work is maybe one step below a project manager, but I'm not certified and can't claim the full experience. If your company has fully remote positions like that, I'd be interested in hearing about it. Hell, I'm not looking to move but for research purposes if your company has *onsite* positions like that, I'd like to know what they're called and how to be a good candidate for one.
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fraternum-momentum · 5 months
i was scrolling thru the quotes of one of my twts AND WHICH ONE OF U SNITCHED ON ME 🔫🔫🔫🔫 THIS BLOG IS SUPPOSED TO BE GATEKEPT FROM OTHER PPL
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sophia-sol · 5 months
five things: third-person dialogue, sewing project, zoom theatre, mdzs quote, total solar eclipse
I remember years ago, before I got into any cmedia fandom, the first time I attempted to read a fanfic for a cnovel. and the fic had dialogue written in that relatively formal way of speaking to someone in the third person, and I found it so alienating and unnatural a construction that I couldn't even finish the fic! and now...I love it.
I don't know why this just struck me now, but it's funny how much your opinions on something can change just by familiarizing yourself with it
red jeans alteration project complete! these jeans were too wide in the waist and too narrow in the thigh. (my thighs are almost universally more magnificent than pants manufacturers know how to accommodate.) I did the following:
1. removed the waistband so I could get some matching fabric from the inner side, to expand the thighs
2. unpicked the back seam and the inner leg seams
3. added the inner waistband fabric into the seams inside the legs, from the top of the seam to my knees
4. sewed up the back seam to take in fabric heading up to the waist
5. sewed the original waistband back on, with a tuck at the back to make up for how the back of the pants were taken in
6. sewed in some sturdy grey fabric scavenged from a dead pair of pants to cover the raw inside of the waistband
7. mended a small hole in the inner thigh
I maintained all the fabric in the seam at the back so that if I ever need to expand my waist again I have room to do that, instead of trimming the seams closely
and they're done! very pleased with myself. the pants work so much better for me now!
review of my playing of caesar in zoom theatre Julius Caesar: "please take this with the best possible spirit. I have never wanted to murder you more than in this role."
AWW YEAH I KILLED IT. (and then was killed. :D)
I just. need to bring up this quote from mdzs. because I feel like it's a moment that's glossed over FAR too quickly. wwx feeding his own blood to spirits he's called to help him, as a reward for their good work! what the fuck wwx!!!
Wei Wuxian brushed the finger with the cut near each of their lips as awards. With crimson tongues made of paper, the Nether Brawlers slowly licked the blood beside their lips, as if they truly cherished the delicacy.
total eclipse is a totally wild phenomenon, I'm so glad I got to see that, holy shit
and also it's like. if I lived in a time before we knew what was happening, I would absolutely be like, that is a powerful omen portending SOMETHING for sure
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honestlyvan · 1 year
Seven Deadly Sins Xenoblade 3 Edition
PRIDE — Juniper: Do Tradition to Death (It's alright, we support trans wrongs.)
GREED — Alexandria: gotta be the very best, like no-one ever was
ENVY — Teach: can't live with your fuckups? simply become different person
LUST — Valdi: Hyperfixation go ✨brrrrrrr✨
SLOTH — Fiona: Do nothing! Deliberate on your problems forever and tell nobody as they get progressively worse!
GLUTTONY — Ashera: pick a fight. pick every fight. the world is your bloody oyster.
WRATH — Isurd: Bottle those feelings up, professionals don't play with fire
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cutesymiku · 2 years
little update ... so i try to regularly queue things up because i like having things posting even when i'm not online... but omg i regret not just queuing things as i make them bc i have a Few flags already made for gendermusician and i'm a little overwhelmed with the thought of queueing all of them rn :'D so sorry if things get slightly slower?? three things are queued for today but not sure if i'll have more queued for the rest of the week bc i am the big tired
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mintjeru · 7 months
small announcement: you can now find me on twitter (@/mintjeru) and instagram (@/mintjeru_)
i'll be crossposting some of my art to these accounts but ofc my main will still be tumblr ^^
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leatherbookmark · 10 months
(not necessary and way too long, since the preview, even instrumental, is bomb, so "wow!!!!!" would be perfectly enough as a reaction, but i have thoughts and i must scream)
first of all, right off the bat it kinda hits you how synthy this album is! and not in your typical "okay, apparently synthpop is in fashion again, we gotta do synthpop now to get views and sales" way! the synths are there for flavour, not to Be A Retro Song. of course these are just snippets, but!
we know -- sounds like an intro to some video game, haha. i wonder if it's the intro to the song as well, or perhaps a rap part morphing into prechorus/chorus? probably the former, hmmm.
emergency -- oughhhhh the Texture... very coarse! very rough and grainy! the growly BWANG-BWANG noises are kinda exciting. the sound fits the name!
crazy form -- YOOOOO moombahton beats!! nope, sorry, i'm adopting her, she's mine, i KNOW this song's gonna fuck (though what atz title hasn't fucked), ahhhh if bouncy was "spicy", then crazy form is definitely "hot". sounding like this, in december?! heart eyes.
arriba -- huh! they definitely haven't tried this sound before! i'm excited, although not as much as for the other group songs. we'll see!
silver light -- WHAT DID I SAY!!! my girlfriend. my wife. okay, this one sorta IS the obligatory synthy song, i was wrong before, but who cares!! take me home was amazing, cyberpunk was amazing, new world was amazing, silver light's sound is lighter (well.) and more airy, but still has this aura of melancholy i'm such a slut for when it comes to hashtag retro synths. kissing her
crescent pt. 2 -- okay, this is an instrumental, but i think it's going to be an instrumental i'm Not going to skip/going to actively LIKE listening to rather than just enjoying it passively. they POPPED OFF and i bet this thing is barely one minute long. paired with the visual, it sounds unsure and sad, and then! and then! the last part sounds like something straight out of LOTR's soundtrack!!! who the hell does that!!! (laughing because deukae's last full album also had an incredible instrumental, except i liked that one more than the title track, which i feel won't happen here but. lol.)
dreamy day -- producer hongjoongggg i usually only nod politely whenever people say that a song sounds TOTALLY like [idol who produced it]'s style, they knew it right off the bat, but the funky bass clangs and the clappy drums sort of sound hongjoongish to me. my favourite song he's produced is horizon, but the others (as well as xikers' discography) show he leans more towards a brighter sound. it doesn't sound out of place, though, but instead rather nicely fits in with other songs, so again, this is boring to say at this point, but i'm excited lol
and now, the weather subunits:
matz -- WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT (fondly amused) the contrast between dreamy day fading out and matz barging in with the appropriately edgier visual being slapped onto the screen cracked me up a little. it's so aggressive! it sounds like staticky fabric feels. at this point i'm sort of apprehensive about cooltough music from people who don't look like it (jimin.......), but then. seonghwa DID audition as a rapper, so this song might as well be him jumping on the opportunity to show off properly! and i'm into that! i have to shamefully admit that when i first heard dreamers, his voice was so low that i thought it was... mingi... and then i watched the mv lol;;;; and it's going to be interesting to see hj rapping along someone who's not mingi! not to mention the lyrics, i just said the instrumental sounds cooltough and perhaps braggy (i've seen others say it sounds like a diss track lol;;; wouldn't it be something? a diss track for the 99s+jongho), but maybe it's something else! either way i think i'm excited looking forward to this subunit song the most hehe
edit: WAIT THERE'S NARRATION??? oh that complicates things, i'm not too fond of narration in songs, but i dearly hope this one won't ruin my enjoyment! i got used to the creaky bed sounds in rock with you, maybe i can get over my narrationhating too. man, what is this song.
it's you -- it sounds... interesting! as opposed to the previous track, this one sounds like it's vocal-centered, which, well, not a surprise, but i mean it in like, a reve way, in that bare instrumentals don't really say the whole truth, and the whole flavour comes out with the addition of the vocals. all three of the guys Have Range, both from smooth, silky lighter stuff to stronger/more aggressive/lower -- i love when san gets growly, for example! wiggling in anticipation. also, the lyrics. is this a gay song, my dear boys? is it
youth -- mingi main producer!!! literally. even when hongjoong gets composing/arrangement credits for songs, he's listed as second or third, but here mingi is first in both the lyrics, composing and arrangement (and he's also credited in midi programming and the chorus!! what can't this man do!!)! the drums sort of remind me of old school hip hop, but the other instrumentals have this sort of... sushi restaurant jazz vibe, haha. it does sound like it might showcase mingi's more sensitive side, lyrics wise! when i was still reading asianjunkie from time to time, the mood over there was kinda "cmon, don't lie, no one cares about the lyrics" but for me it depends -- good lyrics can make a boring song listenable, while bad lyrics can ruin a vocally/instrumentally good one (fucking. bbb by dalshabet. i had to put the instrumental in my "retro sounding kpop" playlist), so so far i'm rubbing my hands like a little fly
everything -- i'm not really a ballad guy unless there's something interesting going on melody and instrumentals-wise, so i sort of assumed this solo would be my least listened to song, but? guitars? there are guitars and not just a sad little piano? just for this the song gets +3 love points from me, lol. this snippet sounds rather soft, though, so i hope the drums will have something more to do later on! the jjong deserves Power (unless, of course, he doesn't want it, in which case i'll gladly accept what he does want to show us ^_^)
fin: will -- oh this sounds big, like the last big and impactful scene in a coming of age movie! there are FOUR guys doing the chorus (aka probably soulful vocals), though i don't know them as well to be able to tell which one's doing these angelic notes. and... there's another narration... it's fine. this album intends to both make me happy And force me to grow as a person. it's alright. i can do it. fighting.
tl;dr *hala hala voice* wow!!!!!
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lovebugdotcom · 1 year
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Hey. Dress Vega. Okay bye.
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maskspurpose · 1 year
i made a dw [link here] to have an alternative place (aka non-ao3 lol) to post fanfiction to & just transferred my enstars fics... no expectations but i'm posting about it
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