#dwighty text
mutant-blogging · 1 year
only some of you with religious trauma will get this when I say it..
Martin and Carrie would be best friends for life
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negansbackdoorwhore · 3 years
Love Bites Chp. 2
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Summary: Negan has too many drinks and causes scene at a party. Y/N decides chase after him
Warnings: mentions of smut, swearing, angst, fluff, non apocalyptic
Tonight was a big engagement party for Dwight and Sherry. Simon had been talking about it a lot since he was helping prepare it for weeks now. Negan also helped but he had been in and out of it. He had been saying he was sick but Y/N wasn’t buying it. Simon had been trying to text him but kept being left on read.
“Just try and call him instead babe.”
“He hasn’t answered anything so why try? Maybe we’ll see him there.” He said while buttoning up his black shirt, she was picking out a simple dress. So far only two options remained, an emerald spaghetti strap or a short sleeved crimson dress with a v neck. Y/N looked between the two but couldn’t decide on either one. Simon walked into the closet behind her and looked over her shoulder.
“You should wear the green one. You’ll look extra fine next to me in my dark clothes.”
“You’re right. Thanks babe, I’ll be ready in a few.” She says as he leaves to try and call Negan.
Negan heard his phone buzzing again as he was getting dressed. He looked to see it was Simon, again. He pulled through and answered.
“Hey man.”
“Wow you’re alive?”
“Yeah yeah, just been feeling sick lately. But I don’t wanna miss Dwight and Sherry’s party.”
“Alright, if you’re feeling better. But just in case I’ll have Y/N pack some meds.”
“Thanks man.”
Negan hung up and threw his phone onto the bed and finished his outfit. Time to party.
Y/N held a present as Simon entered the door of the small home. Different people cheered as they entered and got greeted from Sherry and Dwight embracing them.
“Glad you guys could make it! Also Y/N thanks for picking out this dress.”
“No problem you look amazing!” She says while being lead into the kitchen with the other girls to drink wine. Simon and Dwight met with the men outside to lounge on the porch. Everyone was having fun and just enjoying the company of one another. The attention shifted once the sound of a motorcycle was approaching. Which could only mean Negan was here. Everyone saw his bike pull up and yelled a good welcome as he stepped off the bike. Negan smiled and shared his congratulations to the couple before being handed a beer from Simon.
“Great to see you here Casper.”
“Ha ha, I know I’ve been sick but didn’t want miss Dwighty boys party. Where’s the girls at?”
“They’re all inside the kitchen.” Negan nodded made his way inside to greet everyone. Y/N sat as her glass was being refilled and saw Negan in her peripheral view.
“Hey you! I thought you were dead.” She said as she stood to go hug him. “I know you missed me.”
Negan fought his urges to do more than hug her especially with everyone looking at him. He only had one thing that might keep him in control. As he walked around and looked for Dwight and Sherry, he released he needed to get rid of his jacket. All this tension was making him sweat. He walked to a random room and went to throw his jacket on a pile of everyone else’s.
“Negan?” His eyes looked over and saw Sherry sorting the coats in the closet.
“Hey Sherry, congratulations.”
“Thank you, but I thought you weren’t coming.”
“Changed my mind.” He said as he handed her the jacket.
“You okay? You were excited about this party and then you started acting funny.” He didn’t respond but only stepped toward her and kissed her. With that move he earned a hard slap on across his cheek.
“I told you already, what we had is done. I only want Dwight now.” Negan smirked while rubbing his cheek which would no doubt leave a mark later.
“C’mon now. One last time, think of it as a farewell gift.” He became dangerously close and Sherry hesitated before shoving him away.
“For my fiánce’s sake, I won’t kick you out but you better stop with this bullshit and get yourself together Negan.”
She left him in the dark and Negan could feel anger in his heart. He gritted his teeth and hit the wall before heading out.
“There you are, you good girl?” Y/N asked when Sherry entered the kitchen.
“Yeah just had to use the restroom.” She said as she resumed sitting with everyone. The night progressed further as few of the people began getting drunk. However no one could keep up with Negan as he kept throwing back beer after beer. Everyone was growing concerned as his face began turning red and began wobbling around.
“Hey man, maybe have a glass of water instead.”
“Ha! No way I’m fucking fine.” He said while laughing as Simon kept him from falling down. Dwight walked toward him and handed him some water but got it slapped out of his hand.
“Hey! What’s your problem man, if you keep this up you’re ass is outta here.”
“Fuck off and stay with by your lady before I steal her.”
“Excuse me?”
“You heard me you fucking loser.” He laughed before getting another hit to the face. Simon had to pick up Negan and someone had to hold back Dwight. Simon tried to help Negan but he tossed his arms up to get him off.
“I’m fucking leaving. I can tell when I’m not wanted.” With that Negan stormed out and Y/N decided to chase him. But before she could leave Simon tried to stop her.
“Hold on, he seems out of whack. Do you think it’s a good idea to go after him?”
“If there’s anything Negan needs right now is to talk. And I’ll be there to listen.”
“Okay. Be careful, I’ll go try to calm down Dwight.” Y/N kisses him before leaving and seeing Negan walking down the block under the street lamp.
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How badly do you wanna fuck little old Dwighty, Quen?
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Seriously, love? Why I can't tell you ALL my dirty secrets now can I?
Text switch
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impala-imagines · 7 years
I won’t be broken
Fandom: Walking dead Prompt: can I get a walking dead daryl x reader one shot where you are also taken by negan, who tortures you, but get left behind when daryl escapes, really angsty please Word Count: 1,440 Characters: Daryl Dixon Reader Gender: Neutral Warnings: mentions of blood, torture, beatings, death and just major angst. Author note: It’s been a while since I watched the episode where he escapes, I hope this is alright. 
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We’re on easy street And it feels so sweet ‘Cause the world is ‘bout a treat when you’re on easy street.
Hands clamped hard onto your ears as you screamed over the music once again, it had been playing for days now, you had no sleep, hardly any food, and you could no longer take it. Your fingers were bloody and sore from clawing at the door, you wanted to escape. No, you needed to escape. But you were trapped here. You’d been stuck here since that night, since that line up. You’d lashed out after your brother Abraham had been beaten to death, Daryl had come after you as Negan and his men made an example of you, loving your fiery nature. You’d been pinned to the ground by Simon, Negan’s right hand man, and Daryl, who feared you were to be killed lashed out and ended up on the ground beside you with Dwight pointing his own crossbow at him.
The last time you’d seen that rugged archer was that moment, while you lay on the ground side by side. You’d watched the look in his eyes as Glenn was beaten to death, you watched the guilt appear in his eyes, but it wasn’t his fault, if it was anyone’s fault, it was yours. You’d wanted to tell him you were sorry at that moment, but you weren’t able to, as the pair of you lay on the cold ground, tears had flown from your eyes and you found yourself longing to reach out to him, to touch his shoulder, his hand, to just offer him some form of comfort. But it was no good, not with Simon pinning you to the ground.
Wrapping your arms around yourself, you started to bang your head back against the wall. A secret desire to pass out, to stop the music from playing in your ears, this song was awful and to have to hear it on repeat, why were they doing this? Why did they do this? You’d long given up fighting, they’d enter the room and you’d stay in the corner, but that wasn’t how you were to start with, each time they opened the door you tried to fight them, punching and kicking whoever you could to try and get away. But you guessed that was why you now had a black eye and a split lip.
The music disappeared, leaving you in silence, a sigh left your lips as you were blessed with a moment of silence. The door pulled open and in walked Dwight. “Come on, he wants to see you.” You refused to move, until he walked over and pulled you up by the scruff of your hair. “Let me go, you son of a bitch!” But Dwight didn’t answer; instead he struck you across the face hard. A yelp escaped your lips as he did, your head smashed against the wall, as you head moved instinctively. “Now, now Dwighty boy, be careful we don’t want to ruin the merchandise do we?” It was him, you could feel your stomach churning and a sickness welling inside of you as Dwight pulled you out and toward Negan.
Being dragged into a room, you heard Dwight shutting it behind you. “Aww look at you, the little fighter.” Negan spoke, sending chills down your spine. His hand suddenly gripped your face and pulled you to look up at him. “Hungry? Thirsty? See this room, it could be yours… you just have to answer one question. Who are you?” You looked at him, anger coursing through your veins, a desire to punch that smirk off of his face. You had a desire to take Lucille out of his hand, and beat him with it repeatedly. You could feel the eyes of both of the men on you as they waited for you to answer the question that they’d proposed to you.
Looking into Negan’s face, you grinned softly. “Y/N. Y/N Ford.” You answered before moving your head and head butting him hard. “Jesus!” He snapped as your heads collided. “Take them back to their cell Dwight, you know what to do once they’re in there!” He snapped as you were dragged out of the room, your eyes full of anger as you stared at the leader of the saviors. “I will never let you rule over me.” You snapped before the door closed. Looking up as you were dragged along toward your cell, your eyes landed on Daryl, a pleading look appeared for a moment, before you were thrown into your cell.
“Make him watch!” Dwight ordered the man known as fat Joe, standing across the cell from Dwight, with Daryl forced to stand at the door, you watched him advance on you, his hand struck you across the face, before hitting you in the stomach, and sending you to the ground. From there he started to stamp on you, and kick you. A cry of pain escaped your lips, even though you hated to show them any sort of reaction, you could feel your ribs being cracked, your hand possibly being broken. Tears trickled down your cheeks as you focused on Daryl, you wanted to swallow your pain, let him know you were alright, but you couldn’t.
He was the last thing you saw, before it went dark.
“Y/n, wake up!” Your eyes shot open to see Daryl looking down at you. “Daryl?” He nodded softly, before pulling you up. “Come on, we’re going, we’re going now.” Helping you to your feet, you could feel the pain running through your body from the beating you’d taken a few hours ago. Daryl reached out and took your good hand, nodding at him softly, the pair of you started to sneak through the halls, trying to find the way out… via Dwight’s room.
Clutching your possibly broken ribs and broken wrist, you watched as Daryl trashed the room and found some different clothes. Looking at him as he offered you close, you took them quickly and changed them the best you could, trying to hide the pain that was radiating through your body. “Let’s get the fuck out of here.” You muttered as you both turned toward the door. Slipping out, you made your way out the back.
Entering the yard, your eyes scanned around as Daryl moved toward a motorbike. “Daryl.” Fat Joe stood in the way of the two of you leaving, your eyes glanced to Daryl, but he was on him before you could do anything. Beating him, repeatedly, killing him with his hands. “Daryl.” You whispered, as a hand landed on your shoulder. Looking up you saw Jesus stood there, watching Daryl take out his anger the same you desired to. “Daryl, stop! That’s enough!” You ordered, as you looked between both of the men.
Shuffling footsteps, the sound of shouting and orders were going through the radio. It was then you heard the sound of feet shuffling toward your location. Turning toward the sound, you looked back at Daryl and Jesus. “Go!” You ordered the pair of them. “Not without you.” Shaking your head, you smiled. “You’ll both get me out, I know you will… but not right now. Go Jesus, get Daryl out!” Watching the pair of them climb onto the bike, you stepped backward and waved toward them, before turning on your heel and starting to run away, hoping to distract them all.
“Unlucky for you, I’m in a really bad mood right now.” Your eyes looked down at the ground as Negan paced in front of you. “I should take you to Alexandria right now and bash your head in, in front of Rick and his, teach them all a lesson. However I’ve just come back from there, and honestly I really just want some ass…“ His hand moved across your face and pulled your hair so you’d look up at him. “You’re going back in your cell, and you’re never seeing daylight again!” Throwing you at one of his men, he dragged you off toward your cell, a look of fear appeared as the door opened.
“Enjoy the darkness!” Slamming the door, you slowly sunk to the ground against the door. A hiss of pain escaped your lips as you felt your ribs aching. Pulling your legs into your chest, despite the pain, you closed your eyes and started to bang your head against the hard wall as the music started up once again.
And we’re breaking out the good champagne we’re sitting pretty on the gravy train and when we sing every sweet refrain repeats right here on Easy street
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mutant-blogging · 1 year
my wife is literally the wife ever. I dare you to even try and find a more compassionate, selfless, caring, loving, funny, beautiful and sensitive wife than mine. good luck because it's simply not possible.
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mutant-blogging · 1 year
I am so proud of myself for going through an upper endoscopy. For a week I've been so scared and I would think "I need to be on an anxiety medicine before I can even think about going under anesthesia".
So I tried a medicine. It didn't work for me and made me feel sicker, so I stopped. When the date approached closer I got increasingly more anxious. Last night I barely slept.
Then when I got into that OR room without even an IV sedation, I lied down, took the mouth guard in my mouth, held the nurse's hand and went under anesthesia. All without an anxiety medicine.
I've come so far in my mental health journey to the point where I can go INTO an OR room and sit there, talk to the nurses, and get a procedure done.
Last time I needed an endoscopy I was on benzos and needed even more sedation. I was so anxious I was so so so worn down.
I'm so proud of myself. Sitting here and smelling the lingering anesthesia on my breath and slightly sore throat isn't too bad. My reward is the care my medical team is providing for me.
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mutant-blogging · 1 year
they should invent a cisgender man that's not abusive
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mutant-blogging · 1 year
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My wife fucking hates me
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mutant-blogging · 1 year
U guys have no clue how crazy my autism is. Sometimes I mix up fandoms and have them cross over. Sometimes I have beautiful ships no one could ever even fathom. I'm too scared to draw these ships though.. what if I am.. ridiculed
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mutant-blogging · 1 year
Fell in my garden and landed completely on my knee.. whoops
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mutant-blogging · 1 year
*waves you over*
I think murder and abuse and mistreatment of disabled people should be a trigger listed on Does the Dog Die
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mutant-blogging · 1 year
How weak my body feels without much food, but how strong my soul feels to be freeing itself from anxiety around health procedures.
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mutant-blogging · 1 year
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mutant-blogging · 1 year
Ouugghh it's supposed to rain tomorrow and I already planned so much of my day.. 😔 I guess I am sitting inside and resting. Probably for the best
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mutant-blogging · 1 year
Look I know it's agonizing to see me spam spn on my main blog... but something just happened to me the other night when I was watching Ghost Adventures
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mutant-blogging · 1 year
Sorry my autism kind of exploded and I went into the spn tag.......
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