#she did so much for me in 24hrs and she continues to do so much for me
mutant-blogging · 1 year
my wife is literally the wife ever. I dare you to even try and find a more compassionate, selfless, caring, loving, funny, beautiful and sensitive wife than mine. good luck because it's simply not possible.
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This story may contain themes that could be triggering.
Summary: When you save the life of the son of the Scarlett Witch and the Black Widow, your life is changed forever. For the first time in a long time you are given a family. 
Warning: domestic violence, age difference relationship, rape, gun violence, injuries, miscarriage, manipulation, mention of suicide, DNI unless 18+ 
Word count: 5.6k 
Sometimes you just acted. You didn’t think you just did. So when you were walking on your way to work you saw a young boy run out into the middle of the road, chasing after a ball and the car coming right for him wasn’t stopping, you acted. “Tommy,” You heard a woman yell. You ran to the boy, picking him up in your arms and changing your molecular makeup. The car passed through you and him You brought him back to the sidewalk and as soon as you set him down he became solid. 
“Are you okay?” You asked. His eyes grew wide as he stared at you. 
“Tommy,” you moved out of the way as a woman with auburn hair pulled him into a hug. “What did I say about not leaving the sidewalk?” You assumed the woman was his mother. 
“Sorry Mom,” he said. “I dropped the toy Uncle Tony got me.” A redhead and another young boy joined the duo. You recognized the redhead right away. Natasha Romanoff. The Black Widow. 
“Are you okay, kid?” She asked Tommy. He nodded and hugged the redhead. You looked at the other woman and you were staring into the green eyes of Wanda Maximoff. 
“Thank you,” she said to you. “I don’t think we could ever repay you.” You blushed at the compliment, scratching the back of your head. 
“Don’t worry about it,” you said. “I was at the right place at the right time.” You knelt in front of the two boys. “Now don’t go playing in the road anymore, okay?” You ruffled their hair. “I won’t be there to save you.” Tommy smiled. 
“Thank you,” he said. You smiled, straightening up. 
“Wait,” Natasha said, stopping you before you walked away. “At least tell us your name.” You introduced yourself. 
“Bye,” you waved, continuing on your way to work. 
“You're famous!” Your co-worker, Emilia, said as soon as you walked into the back room. You clocked in and put on your apron. You worked at a 24hr diner. It paid decently and the hours were flexible so you could still go to school. 
“What are you talking about?” You asked. She rushed over to you, her phone open to Twitter. Someone took a video of you saving Tommy and put it on social media. Needless to say, the video blew up. You groaned, placing your face in your hands. 
“You should read some of these comments,” Emilia said, scrolling through her phone. “I could break a lot of people’s hearts and tell them your 16.” 
“Gross,” you mumbled, walking into the kitchen. You heard Emilia close behind as you made yourself a coffee. 
“How does it feel saving the kid of the Black Widow and Scarlet Witch?” You didn’t answer. “Were they hot?” 
“You know I wasn’t looking,” you said, blowing on the cup before taking a much-needed sip. “I was a little focused on not making sure their son didn’t get killed.” You rolled your eyes. 
“I bet they have a Mommy and Daddy kink,” you scrunch your nose.
“You are just as bad as half the people online,” you said. “Come on, we have work to do.” You tried to focus on your duties at the diner; cleaning tables, taking orders, and helping in the kitchen when needed, instead of what happened today. But the universe had other plans. Someone online found where you worked and shared it with the entire world. The diner was packed which was a blessing and a curse. The day flew by and you were leaving with a lot of tips in your pocket. However, you were exhausted since everyone that stepped through the diner wanted to meet and talk to you. They asked you questions about your powers, if you received something for saving him, were your parents proud, did they offer you a spot on the Avenger team. By the end of the day, you collapsed onto your bed thankfully you had the day off tomorrow. 
It wasn’t as busy when you came in but you immediately saw the Romanoff-Maximoff family with 2 Avengers you didn’t recognize. You smiled as you walked up to the table. “Staying out of trouble?” You asked the boys. They gasped, turning around in their chairs. 
“I don’t know you worked here,” Tommy said, standing up to hug you. You were surprised by that. But you gave him a quick hug back. 
“That’s probably because I didn’t tell you,” you tapped his nose which caused him to scrunch it. Natasha introduced you to her sister, Yelena, and her girlfriend, Kate. 
“You're the one that saved my nephew,” Yelena said. Her deep Russian accent surprised you. You nodded. “That’s pretty cool.”
“Thank you?” You didn’t mean for it to sound like a question. Wanda chuckled. “Anyways, can I get you guys started with drinks?” You didn’t mean to hover around their table and it wasn’t 100% your fault. Tommy and his brother, Billy, liked to talk your ear off no matter how many times Wanda told them you had other tables to attend to. But you waved her off, saying it was fine. Besides, their colorful imagination was making your shift fly by. 
Until the bell went off signaling another customer entered the diner. You looked up out of instinct and almost dropped Kate’s pancakes. It was Jason, your on-again-off-again boyfriend, and housemate. He held the door open for an older couple as his eyes looked for you. It wasn’t hard to find you but you didn’t like the way his eyes screamed that he was upset with you. When he came in he liked you to only have him as your only table. He was best friends with the owner so he could get away with anything. Natasha said your name and you were surprised to see real concern in her green eyes. “Are you okay?” She asked. 
“Yeah,” you put on your best customer service smile but she didn’t seem convinced. “Does everything look good?” A chorus of ‘yes’ and ‘looks good’ echoed from the table. “Perfect! I’ll leave you to it. Let me know if you need anything. Enjoy!” You brought back the empty tray to the kitchen before making your way to Jason’s usual spot, trying to calm your raising heartbeat. 
It didn’t take a Black Widow spy or an Avenger to notice the change in your demeanor. Natasha watched as you walked over to a man, who had to be twice your age. You were blocking his face but Natasha didn’t like the way he was talking to you. She couldn’t hear the conversation but your shoulders were hunched over, drawing more into yourself. ‘Don’t cause a scene,’ Wanda said, placing a hand on her leg. ‘I don’t like it either.’ Natasha began to eat. The food was always good here but now it tasted bitter. 
‘What do we do?’ The Black Widow asked. It took a minute for Wanda to reply as you came back to ask how the food was and if they needed anything. Yelena asked for more hot sauce. You were smiling, laughing at a joke Tommy said but it wasn’t as light. Natasha stole a glance at the man and he was staring at you as if he owned you like you were a possession. It made Natasha’s blood boil. He caught her eyes and quickly looked away. 
‘We’ll leave her our number,’ Wanda said. ‘If she needs help she can call us.’ Natasha didn’t like it. She wanted to do more but what else could they do when they had no idea what was going on?    
“Here you go,” Natasha passed you the check. “Food and service were amazing as always,” you felt your cheeks heat up at the compliment. 
“Feel free to relax here there is no need to rush out but it was nice seeing you all again,” you said your goodbyes, not leaving the table without getting a hug from the twins. You went to finish cashing them out and you stopped in your tracks. Not because of the very large tip they left you but there was a note. 
‘We are a phone call away if you need anything and I mean anything. -Natasha. Her phone number was at the end. You put that copy in your pocket and continued as you normally would, ignoring Jason’s eyes burning a hole in your back. 
“You disgust me,” Jason said, throwing you against the wall. You whimpered as you hit your head. Stars formed across your vision. “After everything I’ve done for you, this is how you repay me.”
“Baby,” you pleaded with him. “It wasn’t like that.” He twisted his hand in your hair, pulling you close. 
“Flirting with a married woman twice your age,” he pulled your hair. Another whimper left your lips. “You are a slut.” He threw you against the wooden table. It broke underneath your weight and the force he threw you. “You think you're a big-time hero, now. That you're better than all of us.” You shook your head, tears falling down your cheeks. He kicked you in the stomach so hard you were pushed against the couch. 
“Jason, stop, please,” you pleaded with him grabbing onto his leg. 
“You don’t get to tell me to stop,” he yelled. “You are mine. I own you.” 
You woke up in the apartment alone and with your pants off. Everything ached and there was a light pounding in your skull. Jason was no doubt at a bar. You needed to get out of here. Finding your pants was easy but a sharp cramp in your stomach made you crumble to the ground. Finding some strength, you redressed yourself, found your phone, and walked out of the apartment. You weren’t sure where you were walking to. Your feet moved as your mind was in a haze. There was no place you could go. You were an only child whose parents died during the Blip. The friends you did have moved out of the city or were your co-workers from the dinner but you didn’t want them to see you like this. You sat down on a nearby bench. The pain was becoming all-consuming. You needed help. You unlocked your phone and stared at the recent contact added - Natasha Romanoff, the Black Widow, an Avenger. Did you want to drag them into this mess? Another shooting pain passed through your stomach as you listened to the phone ring. Maybe she wouldn’t answer and you would have to find a place to sleep tonight. “Hello? Who is this?” She answered on the third ring. 
“N-Natasha,” you stuttered out. 
“Y/n? Is that you?” You nodded, knowing well she couldn’t see you. “What’s wrong?”
“I need help,” you cried. “I-I d-don’t have anyone else to call. I’m sorry. I-” Your lungs began to hurt, you couldn’t get enough air. 
“Hey, sh dorogoy,” Natasha whispered. “Where are you? Wanda and I will come to get you.” You heard rustling on her side of the phone.
“I don’t know,” you told her. “I left my apartment and just walked.” A sharp pain ran through you and gasped. “Everything hurts, Nat,” you cried. 
“We will be right there, okay? Just stay right there and use your powers to keep yourself safe.” She told you. “I’m going to stay on the phone with you.” 
“Okay,” your voice was slurred. “I’m sleepy.” You found yourself laying down on the bench. 
“I know you are but you have to stay awake for me. Can you do that?” She asked. “Talk to me. Tell me about yourself.” You hummed. 
“I’m an only child. My parents are dead and I have a tattoo on my spine. I-”
Natasha was listening as she paced her kitchen waiting for FRIDAY to trace the call. She heard three sets of footsteps coming down the stairs, one set much quicker than the other two. “Anything?” Wanda asked. The Black Widow shook her head. 
“FRIDAY is still looking for her,” she heard Yelena yawn behind Wanda. 
“Why did you wake us up?” Her sister asked. 
“You can go back to bed but we need to watch the boys if they wake up,” Wanda explained. 
“Is this about the girl who saved Tommy?” Kate asked, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. Natasha nodded. 
“I found her,” the AI said. “The location has been sent to your car’s GPS. She is 30 minutes.” 
“Sweetheart,” Natasha said to you. “We will be there in 30 minutes.” You hummed. 
“Nat,” Yelena said. The redhead looked back at her sister. “Keep us updated.” She nodded and followed her wife to the car. Wanda was already in the driver's seat. It was Natasha’s idea to get their place, close enough to the new Avenger tower but in a nice neighborhood for the twins to grow up in. The only thing Wanda wanted was a big kitchen, the rest was up to the Black Widow. Buying a house cemented the fact this was real to Natasha. She was married, raising two brilliant boys, and retired from active missions. Wanda grabbed her hand, squeezing it. She squeezed it back. She hoped they made it to you in time. 
Natasha saw your still body laying on the bench and she was out of the car before Wanda could put the car in park. She hung up and ran over to you, kneeling next to you. “Hey sweetie,” she whispered. Wanda moved next to her. Your eyes fluttered open. A smile on your face. 
“You came,” you whispered. Natasha’s heart shattered. 
“Yeah, we did,” Wanda smiled. “Let’s get you someplace safe.” You nodded, sitting up and Natasha watched you try to hide the wince. “Can you stand?” You nodded again but when you stood up you collapsed, a pained cry leaving your lips. Natasha caught you in her arms. 
“I got you,” your head fell on her shoulder, whimpering as you squeezed your eyes closed. Natasha didn’t miss the red flash in Wanda’s eyes. She only imagined what was going on inside your head. 
“I’m sorry,” you mumbled. “So sorry.” 
“You do not need to apologize,” the Black Widow said. “I’m going to lift you, okay?” She felt you nod against her skin. She was surprised at how light you were in her arms. 
“Nat,” Wanda whispered as they walked back to the car. The witch opened the backseat and the redhead gently lay you down. She closed the door. “She’s bleeding.” Natasha looked at her hands and they were tainted red with your blood. 
“We’ll bring her to the tower,” Natasha ran to the other side of the car and got in next to you. She shifted so your head could rest in her lap. 
“FRIDAY,” Wanda said to the AI. “Inform Cho we are headed to the tower with a civilian that needs immediate medical attention.” You whimpered. 
“You're going to be okay,” the Black Widow whispered. You shook your head. 
“I’m sorry,” Natasha watched your eyes flutter close, frowning. You kept muttering apologies as you succumbed to the darkness. 
It took a lot for Natasha to let go of you to hand over to Helen and the medical team. She quickly went to the hallway bathroom to wash the blood off. The water turned a light pink. It was part of her job to be surrounded by blood but the sight of your blood on her hands caused her body to heat up with anger. She left the bathroom and found her wife sitting in the empty chairs in the hallway. “The boys are still asleep,” she said as the redhead sat down. “Yelena said she’ll get them ready for school so we can stay.” Natasha nodded, resting her head on the wall. She felt Wanda move her fingers through hers. “It had to be the man from the diner, right?” 
“Maybe,” she whispered. They knew nothing about you. The internet seemed to be in love with you for saving Tommy but they didn’t know who you were or what you were a part of. 
“I’ll kill him,” Wanda threatened. Natasha saw the tips of her fingers glow red. 
“Easy little witch,” She mumbled, kissing the side of her head. “Let’s find out what happened first.” The glow died down. It felt like an eternity before Helen walked out of your room and towards the couple. “Is she okay?” Natasha asked, standing up. 
“She will be,” Helen said. “She has 2 broken ribs, a possible concussion, and wood splinters that we had to remove from her arm. She was raped too we did a test,” she sighed, resting her hand on her chin. “Do you know how old she is?” The couple looked at each other shaking their heads. You were a few years older than the twins but not at Kate’s age. That meant you were between 14-18. 
“Helen, what’s going on?” The doctor bit her lip. 
“She was pregnant,” Natasha’s blood ran cold. “Whatever happened to her caused her to miscarriage.” 
“How-how far along was she?” Wanda asked. 
“I’m guessing 2 months,” Helen answered. “She’s asleep now. You can go see her and let me know if she needs anything.” They said their thank yous to the doctor and ventured into your room. It was quiet besides the gentle beeping of the heart monitor you were attached to. Natasha didn’t like how still you were beside the gentle rise and fall of your chest. They sat on either side of the bed. 
“She’s just a kid, Tash,” Wanda said, brushing some hair out of your face. You didn’t move. 
“I know, baby,” Natasha remembered you telling her that your parents were dead. Did you have anyone else? “We’ll be here for her.” 
You woke up slowly. The bright lights overhead caused you to groan. “Sweetheart,” you turned your head towards Natasha’s voice. There was a smile on her face, almost motherly. “Hi, how are you feeling?” 
“Water,” you whispered. Your throat felt raw and uncomfortable. Natasha brought a cup of water to your lips. You drank all of the water finding relief. “Thank you,” she put the cup down. 
“Of course,” you sat up, wincing as you moved but you couldn’t look at Natasha. 
“I don’t want to talk about it,” you saw her nod her head out of the corner of your eye. 
“That’s fine,” she said. “But there are some things we need to talk about regarding your health. We can wait for Wanda if you want,” you nodded.“Hey,” you felt her fingers on your arm. “We are here for you, okay? And whatever happened is not your fault.”
“Okay,” you whispered but you didn’t believe her. It wasn’t long before Wanda returned with a doctor behind her. She introduced herself as Helen and she went over the list of your injuries; broken ribs, a mild concussion, and wood splinters in your arms. 
“Now, I have to tell you something that may be hard to hear,” you didn’t like her tone. “You were pregnant for about 2 months but due to the nature of your injuries you had a miscarriage.” You felt the color drain from your face. Pregnant. You were pregnant. You moved your hand over your stomach. Your periods were always irregular so nothing seemed wrong. You weren’t sure what was happening around you. The world around you turned to white noise. You were pregnant, probably with Jason’s child but you made him angry. 
“Sweetheart,” you snapped to look at Wanda. She looked worried. “You're safe here. Do you know who the father was?” She asked. You hesitated but nodded. You weren’t 100% sure if it was Jason’s. 
“Was he the one that did this to you?” Natasha hesitantly asked. 
“It was my fault,” you defended him. “He loves me. He didn’t mean to hurt me.” Wanda whispered your name but you couldn’t look at her. Tears were blurring your vision. 
“This isn’t love.” 
“Yes it is,” you said. “He loves me and it was my fault -” 
“Sweetheart,” Natasha touched your arm but you flinched from her. Her face fell. 
“I think I want to be alone,” you told them. The couple glanced at each other, having a silent conversation. “Please.”
“Okay, we know this is a lot,” Wanda said, standing up. “We’ll come back later.” You didn’t acknowledge them as they left your room. You felt cold, so immensely cold, as your fingers danced around your stomach and each injury he gave you. Oh, how you wished your mom and dad were here. You missed your mom’s hugs and the scent that always seemed to calm you down or your dad’s corny jokes that brought a smile to your face. You angrily whipped the tears that fell. The worst part of them being gone, you didn’t get a chance to say goodbye. 
To your surprise, Wanda and Natasha kept their promise and visited when they could. Their visits ended up being one-sided conversations - mostly them trying to get information on what happened. They asked for your age, Jason’s name and age, and if he worked at the diner. But you remained quiet. Too ashamed to tell them the truth about him. They weren’t deterred by your stand-offish behavior, it somehow made them more determined to make you feel comfortable around them. Rather it was Wanda, Natasha, or both of them, they brought you something. A blanket to keep you warm, books and magazines for you to read, and Tommy’s old DS to keep you entertained. They even contacted your school to explain your situation and collect your missing schoolwork. 
It was odd, you had to admit, having people care about you. It didn’t make sense. What did you do to deserve their kindness? You were nobody compared to them. So why were they being so nice?  
On a sunny afternoon, the couple snuck in a milkshake and french fries for you to snack on. You were sipping on the chocolate milkshake while Wanda was reading and Natasha looked over a mission report. “I’m 16,” you said to them, breaking the silence. “Technically speaking I was a part of the population that was blipped so I don’t know how that affects my age,” you put your drink down. “During those 5 years, my parents died; my mom from cancer and my dad from suicide. Jason gave me a place to live and food and loved me when I was alone.” 
“How old were you when you met Jason?” Natasha asked. 
“15,” your voice was barely above a whisper. “He was 25.” You began to play with the loose threads of the blanket they brought you. 
“Is this the first time he’s hit you?” Your instinct was to lie like you did with Emilia and everyone else at the diner but it seemed like it was a bad idea to lie to two Avengers. 
“No,” you whispered. “But this was the worst. He was mad at me and kept saying it was my fault.”
“What did he say that you did?” You felt your face burn as you remembered why he was upset. “You don’t have to tell us,” Natasha added quickly. 
“He was..” Protective. Jealous. “Territorial,” you said. “He didn’t like me talking or flirting with other people. That was a lot of our fights and I stayed because I have nowhere else to go,” you sighed. “I bet you think I’m so stupid.” 
“No,” Wanda took your hand in hers. “You are not stupid. He took advantage of you,” you whipped away the tears that fell with your free hand. “You are not alone. We are here.” 
“And we aren’t going anywhere.”
When Helen cleared you Natasha and Wanda offered you a room with them. It took a lot of convincing but you moved in with them. Jason all but disappeared. He wasn’t there when you got the few possessions from the apartment and you overheard Natasha and Wanda in the kitchen one night that they still couldn’t find him. As you lived in the Romanoff-Maximoff household you all forgot about him. You forgot what this type of love felt like not having it since you were taken from your family. Wanda made sure all of your homework was done by the time dinner was ready. Natasha seemed to have food on her and she would pass you snacks. She even got you to join her on some of your runs. 
It had been 4 months since you moved in with them. “Do you want us to see if Yelena or Kate can come over?” Wanda asked. The twins were playing video games in the living room and you were making a small snack for you and the boys. The couple had to go to the tower for a quick meeting. Although they were retired from active meetings they still help to provide insight. They didn’t like leaving you at home. 
“We’ll be fine,” Tommy said. 
“Besides Y/n is here,” Billy added. You rolled your eyes as Natasha walked over to you, stealing a grape from the plate. You glared at her. 
“Are you sure you’ll be fine?” She asked you. You nodded. 
“Yes, you said it will be a quick meeting,” you put the extra fruit back in the fridge. “And when you get back you can bitch about how the meeting should have been an email.” Natasha gasped. 
“Language,” you smiled, bringing the fruit plate into the living room. 
“We know the rules. Don’t worry about us,” you sat on the couch, your feet tucked underneath you, and opened the book you were currently reading. 
“Text us if anything happens,” Wanda kissed the twins’ forehead and you were surprised as she kissed yours. 
“Bye Mom,” the boys said. You smiled as they left the house. As the door closed Tommy let out a heavy sigh. 
“They worry so much.” He said. 
“They just care about you,” you defended, not looking up from your book. 
“They care about you too,” Billy said. You glanced at the boy and he was looking at you with a smile. You smiled back and went back to reading. 
You weren’t sure how long it was but Natasha and Wanda were still not home when the doorbell rang. You looked at the twins but they were engrossed with their video game. “Hey, are your moms expecting someone?” Billy shrugged. 
“No clue,” the doorbell rang again. You sighed, closing your book. As you stood up a voice behind the door caused you to freeze. 
“I know you're in there, little shadow. Come out to play.”
“Billy, Tommy, go upstairs and call your moms.” Jason started to giggle at the door handle. 
“We can help,” Tommy said. They were training powers but they were still unpredictable. 
“Go!” You ordered as the front door burst open. Tommy grabbed Billy’s hand and used his super speed to bring them both upstairs. Jason stood there, a pistol in his hand and he looked like he hadn’t bathed or slept in months. You just had to keep him away from the twins and wait till Wanda and Natasha got here. 
“Hello beautiful,” he stalked over to you. “You got me in a lot of trouble.” 
“Trouble?” You questioned, taking a few steps back with your hands in the air. You wanted to keep some distance from him. “Who are you in trouble with?” He laughed, pointing the gun at you. 
“My employers,” his smile still seemed to send a chill down your spine. “Did you think I could ever willingly love you?” He asked. “You were a job, an assignment.” Your heart began to pound against your ribs. Could he hear it? You were backing up into the dining room. 
“Who wants me?” You found yourself asking. 
“It doesn’t matter,” he said. “You’ll be dead and I’ll crave up those little brats for good measure,” you let out a shaky breath and lowered your hands. 
“You aren’t getting to them,” you said. “You’ll have to get through me first.”   
Natasha was pouring a cup of coffee for her and Wanda. They were taking a short break before finishing up. She felt arms wrap around her waist and the warmth of her wife pressed against her back. “I wanna go home.” She whined. Natasha chuckled, turning around to see Wanda’s noise pinched. She kissed it. 
“We are almost done, baby,” she handed Wanda her coffee. “I’m thinking of pizza and movie night?” Her phone rang. She pulled it out of her pocket and saw it was Billy. Showing Wanda the caller ID before putting the call on speaker. “Hi, bud.” 
“Mom,” he was whispering and his voice was shaky. 
“Sweetheart, what’s wrong?” Wanda asked. 
“The bad man is here,” he whispered. They weren’t sure what he was talking about. “The bad man that hurt Y/n.” The couple dropped their coffee on the floor and sprinted towards their car. “Please hurry.” A gunshot went off and both of the boys let out a quick squeak. 
“Boys, I need you to stay right there,” Natasha said. 
“But what if she’s hurt? We can help.”
“Stay hidden. We are on our way.” 
Natasha felt her heart beating against her ribs as she saw their door broken down. They called out your name but you didn’t respond. The Black Widow had her gun out as she searched the bottom floor. They made it to their dining room and found a man laying on top of you. Natasha ran over, kicking the man off of you and his body slumped to the side with a bullet wound in his stomach. Your eyes were wide, hands shaking as you held the gun in your hand. “Hey sweetheart,” Natasha put her gun away. “Can I have that?” You nodded, handing her the gun. Natasha removed the magazine from the gun and put it on the ground next to her. Wanda knelt next to you and helped you sit up. Your eyes kept glancing at this still form but Wanda brought you into her arms, sliding you from the body. You were shaking in her arms. Natasha walked over to him and checked for a pulse but she shook her head when she found none. Wanda held you tighter. 
“Billy and Tommy,” you whispered. “Are they okay?” Wanda. 
“Do you want to go find them?” You nodded. Natasha sent a quick text to Sam and met her wife upstairs. You were waiting for her to emerge from their bedroom and didn’t take long for Wanda to bring out a new shirt for you. Yours had blood on it. You changed quickly, leaving the bloody shirt on the floor, and continued to the guest room. “Billy, Tommy, it’s safe.” The twins didn’t need to be told twice before they ran out of the closet and straight into you. The force knocked you to the ground. 
“You can’t do that,” Tommy said, hitting your chest. “Why do you always have to be the hero?” He cried. “We could have helped.” He kept hitting you but his hits got softer while he cried against you. 
“Hey,” Natasha said, kneeling and placing a gentle hand on his back. “I know you are feeling a lot but we need to stop hitting her.” You overcame your shock and hugged the twins tight.  
“I didn’t want you to get hurt.” You said. 
“But you're our sister,” Billy said. “We can’t lose you.” You looked at Natasha and Wanda at the term Billy called you. The couple smiled at you. They tried to convey all the emotions they were 
“I’m right here,” you said. “I’m not going anywhere, I promise.”  
Wanda walked out of the bathroom with a smile on her face. Her bed was full of Natasha, the twins, and you. The boys were fast asleep, cuddling against you. There was just enough space next to Natasha for her to squeeze in. “We are going to need a bigger bed if this continues to be a thing,” Wanda climbed into bed. Natasha was running her fingers through your hair. “How are you doing, sweetheart?” You shrugged. 
“I know he was bad and he would have hurt me or worse the twins but I didn’t want to kill him.” You whispered. Natasha sighed. 
“I’m sorry you had to be put in that position,” Natasha said. You nodded, closing your eyes as you enjoyed the feeling of her hand. Wanda gently nudged her wife’s shoulder, nodding her head. “About what Billy said.” Your eyes shut open. 
“Like you said there were a lot of emotions,” you shrugged again. Wanda tried to keep her powers at bay but she could feel loneliness washing over you. 
“Well, Natasha and I want to make what Billy said official.”
“I’m sorry. What?” You questioned. 
“We want to adopt you,” your jaw dropped and Wanda giggled, using her pointer finger to close your mouth. 
“Are you serious?” You asked. The couple nodded. Tears swelled in your eyes and without hesitation you jumped up and brought them into a hug. 
“Ah,” Billy gasped. 
“Is there an Earthquake?” Tommy asked, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. “Hey, what’s wrong?” You ended the hug and whipping the tears out of your eyes. 
“Nothing,” you said. “Just happy.” 
“Alright,” Wanda said. “We need to readjust so I don’t fall off the bed.” It was you in the middle with Tommy and Billy on either side and Natasha and Wanda still on the edge of the bed. 
“Thank you,” you whispered, eyes closed as the exhaustion of the day caught up to you. 
“No need to thank us,” Natasha whispered. 
“We are a family,” Wanda said. “We’ll keep you safe.” 
Part 2
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livin4woso · 4 months
Breaking the media
Chapter 9- the media can be scary
You woke to the sound of your name being shouted along the corridor from alexia, so you picked up your phone and walked to the kitchen to find alexia had made breakfast for the two of yous. You opened your phone, and you looked as every single social media of yours had blown up, and the news was all on you. The comments of the next england star girl takes stage at Barcelona at just 16. You almost couldn't believe it. Your transfer had already gotten some attention from the media, but this. This was collosal in less that 24hrs you had gained over 100k followers on Instagram, you couldn't really believe it. Since you had played at arsenal you had been under a watchful eye by the media yet it never phased you but this was different there was alot more news on you and the pressure started to weigh on your shoulders.
Alexia had snapped you out of your thoughts by telling you to hurry up to go to training. You had arrived sharply on time for a match debrief "ohh heres the famous y/n watch out" mapi joked with you "oh shut it mapi you're just jealous that im all over the news and you're not" you responded to her laughing lightly. You had sat on the end of the row hoping to get some peace as everyone sat next to their respective friends, and then it was lucy who came to sit next to you. "You okay?" you asked her "yeah yeah its just a calf pull its not anything to worry about, the only thing i should be worried about is you taking my spot" she responded laughing at the last part of the sentence "oh god no i could never take your spot but in a a year or so cant garentee that one" you responded to her while being told to sushh by your teamates as the meeting started. The meeting was boring you spent more time playing with the strings on your shorts then paying attention as the whole presentation was in spanish and although alexia had been helping you learn to speak spanish it wasn't going on the easiest of paths. However, you did understand one bit when lucy translated that you were going to do media with ona alexia and ingrid for the next hour or so.
"Media really this isn't going to go well, why not someone else" you asked begging to be swapped "no can do, you're the one with all the hype around you the club has to capitalise of it" alexia said putting her arm around your shoulders and dragging you to the media room. You and alexia had been set with the first set of press while ingrid and ona did interviews then yous would swap."bon dia alexia y y/n tengo algunas preguntas sobre el juego" the man continued alexia waited till he was finished when she translated the conversation to you "he said he had a few questions about the game" she whispered to you. The man had asked you how you felt with all the media stories and before you started you decided to make the conversation potentially easier "ermm no hablo espanol sorry i haven't gotten round to mastering the spanish language but i think the media can be positive influencing to motivate me but too much of it can be pressuring especially the ones bringing in national teams" you responded trying to be as professional as possible. After 15 minutes later of questions you and alexia were promptly moved out of the room and to interviews you were each given a list of places to go to luckily yours had been to the English media where alexia had the spanish media. The interviews went okay there was a few questions which were definitely different than usual but one sparked your thoughts "so y/n how do you feel about the increasing number of comments on your post of people commenting on your looks" the reporter asked "if im being honest i haven't looked at the comments but i am 16 so depending on the nature of the comment would depend my response as im open to compliments but i dont think its appropriate to sexualise a teenager or any player as a matter of fact i want to be known for being a good player not for looking good" you replied.
As soon as the media had ended you clicked on your recent post and went straight to the comment section and god it was not a sight you wanted to see it was a mixture of positive comments some wierd over sexulising remark or a hate comment about how you didn't deserve to play on the team or you only played because it would bring attention to the club. You wished you never opened them as a swirling pit of guilt formed were you just there to bring attention to the club? Did you deserve to even be at Barcelona? The thoughts clung to you like a dark web clouding your mind and it was showing. Training followed and you were playing sloppy missing easy tackles and making bad passes this just made your thoughts spiral so when yous were instructed to take a break it was alexia who decided to ask what was wrong as she could tell not just by your preformance but by the way your eyes were dulled and your eyebrows ever so slightly knitted together she knew something was bothering you.
"Hey pequeña what wrong your not playing like you normally do whats on your mind" she said looking at you the minute she asked this tears welled in your eyes it was pathetic you thought to yourself "i.. erm i dont know i guess i just paid too much attention to what everyone was saying and its not very nice" you said dropping your head in defeat "oh come here, do not believe what they say okay whatever it is its wrong i promise you" she said wrapping you in a hug as you pulled back you grabbed your phone out of your bag and showed alexia the comments and the dms of people "trust me y/n they're wrong you are good enough to play for this team and ignore those creeps because unfortunately we cant do much to make it stop but we can move on as if they never existed" she said standing back up to train again. And yet again alexia knew what to tell you how to remove that cloud that sat in your thoughts weighing you down you now just felt lighter.
Alexia had become a solution to your problems one you could rely on. One who cared for you it was unusual but nice the last time you had felt this loved by a person was your foster family back in London who looked after you while you were at arsenal. She had drove yous home and had began to cook dinner for both of you when she casually slipped into conversation "you know jona is thinking about starting you next game due to lucy and jana being injured" "what, you're joking right" you responded "no no of course not but you need to put in the work tomorrow to make sure he will" she replied as she put the pasta on the boil. You had ate your dinner together and watched tv before going to sleep and the thought of starting lingered in your head it was like you had gone to sleep with a smile on your face at the thought of starting.
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hauntedselves · 1 year
therapy yesterday (tw: health anxiety, specifically heart-related; contamination OCD)
so i probably have health anxiety. i've been having some physical symptoms which led me to get an electrocardiogram (ECG) and then a 24hr ECG - and of course i didn't have any symptoms during, only before and after 🙄- but i talked to my psych about how i get all obsessive over it (e.g. i get palpitations, i check what that could mean, i worry i'm having a heart attack, the anxiety causes the palpitations to get worse, the cycle continues). and turns out she wrote her masters thesis on heart-related health anxiety so literally the best person i could be talking to about this!
in typical health anxiety fashion i spent all of today researching health anxiety. i found a subreddit (r/HealthAnxiety) and reading their posts has been really helpful. i also found a workbook on health anxiety so i'll read that.
the thing to remember is that i'm still here. like... i've had many episodes of these heart symptoms and i'm not dead.
of course though, all the symptoms of a heart attack are the same as symptoms of anxiety & panic attacks. which makes it hard! but then the trick is to wait, as hard as that is. if you're really having a heart attack, your body knows. panic attacks are awful but they won't kill you.
if i had been assessed as a kid, i reckon i would've been diagnosed with OCD (and painfully obvious autism lol). i read Roald Dahl's autobiography when i was a kid and he wrote about having appendicitis which scared the shit out of me. obviously treatment and prognosis of appendicitis is way better in 2023 than it was in the early 1900s lol. but if i felt any amount of abdominal pain i'd be mentally running through the symptoms of appendicitis and freak myself out over it. (a small reason why i got a hysterectomy was so that i'd be 100% certain that i could never get a ruptured ovarian cyst, or endometriosis, or cervical cancer, etc.).
i was also obsessed with (and terrified of) natural disasters. i'd memorised all the cloud shapes and patterns and what they meant and i was always analysing the clouds to make sure a tornado wasn't about to happen (worth noting i live in a part of the world where tornadoes literally do not happen). or i'd see a mountain that was vaguely pointy and i'd be like, oh shit what if that's a volcano. or i'd be at the beach and be obsessively checking the sky and sea to make sure i'd be prepared if a tsunami were to happen (again, there's no volcanic activity here or tsunamis). bushfires do happen and can be pretty severe (our house came close to burning down a few times) and i still fixate on them during bushfire season but definitely not to the point i did as a kid.
i also went through a phase were i'd never be sure if i washed my hands after going to the loo, so i'd go back to the bathroom multiple times to wash them again. classic OCD there.
my psych and i theorise that these anxiety/OCD-like symptoms are the result of autism and trauma (as everything seems to be in my life lol). it makes sense - a little (undiagnosed) autistic kid in a chaotic, unstable environment hyperfixates on control and uncertainty (OCD)... and develops a fear of pain and death. an injury can be controlled, there's a process and uniformity to it (e.g. you cut your finger, so you wash it and get a bandaid, and over time it heals). an abusive environment is unpredictable and can't be controlled, so you focus on what you can control (and dissociate from the rest). once again, i have to wonder how much easier and better my life would be if it weren't for all the trauma lol...
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findingmypeace · 8 months
*I was discharged from iop on Thursday. On documents it says I discharged ‘against treatment advice’ but it was actually a mutually agreed upon decision. Both my treatment team and myself agreed this treatment program had ran its course and I wasn’t getting much out of it anymore. Additionally work and treatment were interfering with each other to the point I was failing at both. And that was the trigger for me deciding to leave iop.
*Wednesday I had so much work to do including 2 reports due at 5pm. I did everything in power to turn the reports in on time and not miss any of iop, I managed to turn the reports in because my supervisor told me that she could not allow me to turn them in later in the evening. But that led to me coming into treatment 30mins late.🙁 I had signed an attendance contract so I knew I was in trouble.
*There was a conversation between myself, my therapist, and the program director. It seemed almost as if they had given me so much leniency and flexibility that there really wasn’t much else to say or do about it. It was a short discussion. They told me I needed to make a decision about what I was going to prioritize and what do I want out of treatment if I chose to stay. I thought really hard about and came to the conclusion I was only continuing to attend treatment because I feel attached to the staff and I wanted/needed their support. I chose to be discharged. Thursday, the next day, was my last day. I came to sign discharge paperwork and say goodbye to everyone. I cried a lot. The program director gave me a hug and I really, really needed that. She knows I have become attached to her and she said some really comforting things that helped.
It was hard to walk out those does one last time. It was like the very end of a long, treacherous journey. It’s been hard to think about. It’s over. A process that took almost a year is over. It was life changing. I’m feeling a lot of grief and sadness about leaving CFD and the staff I have become attached to. How do I just leave? How is it over just like that? It was such a huge exhausting battle to be admitted to treatment but then it’s over in less than 24hrs. It happened so suddenly and so quickly. It hurts to think about the way things were before I went to treatment. I never want to be back in that state of mind or that physical state ever again. But I am still having a hard leaving the staff behind. Attachment is so, so painful.
*I am still planning on doing Equip. It’s fully virtual and they will work around your schedule which is really helpful for me. I will be starting with them on either Feb. 5th or Feb. 12th. (They only do admits on Monday’s) So these next few weeks I will be in a holding pattern. I’m just waiting to start at Equip. I’m grateful and relieved that I have the option of doing Equip after leaving CFD. I’m not doing all that great at the moment but I am miles away from the way things were on admission day. It’s humbling, terrifying, and incredibly sad. I don’t want things to be that way again.
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reidsaurora · 1 year
Make. Me. Write!!!
i was tagged by: @writer-in-theory
Rules and Regulations:
Make a 24hr poll listing the titles of every WIP you want to work on (It’s fine if you only have one, still make a poll for the vote count)
Tag anyone you think might also enjoy this game (No pressure of course)
Whichever WIP title gets the most votes write 1 sentence for every vote. If it gets more votes than your comfortable with, feel free to swap to words.
If somehow that completes the fic or reaches the end of the chapter, move to the WIP with the second highest votes and continue where you left off on your sentence/word count. Repeat until you reach your goal.
(Optional) Share what you wrote in a new Tumblr post with a link to your original poll or attached it to a reblog
idk why but i feel the need to give a lil backstory or explanation of some sort for each one so you know what you're getting into 🫡
backstories and np tags under the cut 🫶🏻🧡
Cowboy!Steve Harrington wip
this one's self explanatory, you can go read the first three fics in this series over on my nsfw blog, @hornyhornyhimbos 🖤✨️
JBU (Reidaway)
so, i teased this series a little bit when SYGB ended but i never really fully committed to writing it because i have a set beginning but i have no clue what to do for the ending 😬
i'm not gonna spoil it because y'all know me, i'm a writer and i have to tease everything but let's just say it involves forced proximity, sorta work rivals to maybe lovers, and black cat!elle greenaway x golden retriever!spencer reid <3
Eat Your Young (Spencer Reid)
i can't explain this much other than that i was extremely h word when i came up with the plot for this and i was playing "Eat Your Young" by Hozier on repeat when it happened
I'm Too Pretty For This (Warren Rojas)
this was a request i got like two months ago when i first announced i was gonna be writing for DJATS characters and i got like two paragraphs in and i hated it so i never finished it 😂
basically something happens between the band members of the group that are opening for DJATS on the Aurora tour and it somehow makes their lead singer realize she might have a thing for Warren 😏
AFTR (Steve Harrington)
this will be my first serious Steve series. i know that the Loriverse exists and the Cowboyverse exists but this one is actually a serious series that i wanted to write for the summer and i just never did
a brief summary without giving too much away is that Stancy happens but doesn't last and somehow Reader/FMC (haven't decided which yet) ends up spending the summer as Steve's rebound of sorts?
LMLAF rewrite (Hotchniss)
so, a few of you may remember this series i posted back in February of 2022. i was extremely depressed and lonely so i did what any normal human would... i wrote a story about Hotchniss being friends with benefits.
however, that story was posted on this account, where I do not post smut. well, other than that one chapter of SYGB but we don't need to go there rn akshksjsjsj
anyway, basically this would be the spicier rewritten version of that where i don't leave readers in the dark about what went on between Hotchniss after Haley died ;)
All Your Being, pt 2 (Spencer Reid)
another fic i wrote where i tried desperately to keep things closed door until now when i decided i don't care about that anymore 😂
in case you guys don't remember this fic, i'll link it here but basically Spencer and midsized!reader have been together for six months but have yet to do the nasty because she's afraid of what he'll think about her body. this part two would basically just be him saying f!ck it and showing her that every body is a beautiful body 🫶🏻
Tolerate It (Spencer Reid)
just go listen to "tolerate it" by Taylor Swift. it would be easier for you to do that than for me to tell you about the dark sh!t that ensued in this fic... i was at my lowest low when i wrote this and you'll see that if i ever post it 🥲
well now that that's over with, how bout some no pressure tags!! 🥳🎉
@reidsbookclub @dungeons-are-too-cold @nomajdetective @bejeweledmunson @rupsmorge @reidselle @lukeclvez @lcvingprentjss @serenity-lattes @writingquillsandpainpills
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duskwoodgirl4life · 2 years
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Trigger warning ⚠️⚠️ contains violence
Jake: It's okay MC I've got you now everything is going to be okay I promise I'm getting you out of here.
3 days ago
Jake's POV
MC has been taken by one of my pursuers, they took her to get to me, they want me to come out of the shadows to save her. They are forcing my hand. I have to do something to save her. I see her tied to a chair with ropes wrapped around her wrists and ankles. They have beaten her. I see the cuts on her face and arms. It breaks my heart to see her like this. I have to come up with a plan that my pursuers can not discover. I need to do this off grid so they can't follow my trail.
I look up at the clock and it's 3am. MC has been gone for 24hrs now, I have not gotten any further in my search but I won't give up. I came across a lead that is very promising as I dig further I come across some information that will help me save MC. I use this information to my advantage. I let my pursuers know what I have found. They try to make a deal but I decline there is no way I will make any deal with them.
Day 2 MC has been taken. I am nearing my search. I have managed to locate MC to 3 possible abandoned warehouses I hack into the security system for each warehouse. I find the one MC is being held in. I can see that traps have been set up all around the building. I have to work out a plan and quickly i can't risk MC getting hurt anymore this should never have happened. I pull out my laptop and hack into the security system. Their system is so poorly protected it's child's play.
It's going to take me some time to deactivate all the traps and cameras, I keep the one camera put so I can keep an eye on MC and how she's doing. It breaks my heart to see her like this. It should be me sitting in that chair, not her. I always told her that life with me is dangerous but she still wanted to be with me no matter what. My mind starts to wander as I think about the first meeting we had. I took her to the Chinese restaurant across from where I was staying. I knew the moment I saw her just how much I am in love with her. Everything about her is perfect. We had such fun on our date. We talked for hours that night. That was when she told me she didn't want to leave my side.
I tried to talk her out of it but she had already made up her mind, she knew what she wanted who was i to stand in her way. I wanted to be with her and she wanted to be with me. I had always preferred loneliness but that day I sent her a message. My life flipped right around it was like it did a 180. She's the only one I allow to get close to me. Lost in my thoughts I was snapped out of them by a loud band coming from one of the back entrances. I see 2 large men come out and get into a car. I quickly check the camera and MC is still on her chair.
This is no time for looking back on past memories, I have to get MC out of there and I have to do it now. I work harder than ever to get the cameras and traps deactivated. It takes me into the next day to get them all down. Once I get them all down I work out my plan to get inside the building. I pull out my gun from my bag. I always swore to MC I would never use it only if I had no other choice. I know she will understand given what is happening I don't think she will question the use of the gun.
I break the lock off one of the doors with my bolt cutters, I make my way into the building carefully trying my best not to make any noise as I go. I pull out my phone to check the map of the building I am heading in the right direction. I just need to follow the corridor a bit further. I stop in my tracks as I hear voices coming towards me. I manage to hide in another room waiting for the voices to go. Once I know it is clear I come out from my hiding place and continue towards the door MC is in. As I get to the door I can see MC she has another cut to her head, blood running down her head. She's now in a bad way. I have to get her out of there now and get her to safety. It's now or never I have to do it now.
I take out my gun and manage to open the door without it making a noise, to the left of me is another room where 3 men are sitting playing poker. I could take them out now and be done with it, maybe that is my only option right now. I grip the gun and burst into the room taking all 3 of the men out in only a few shots. I leave them on the floor not giving them a second thought. I run over to MC and untie her from the chair. She falls forwards but I manage to catch her before she hits the floor. The blood is still pouring from the cut on her head. I take out one of my shirts from my bag and rip it up and place it on MCs cut. I manage to tie it around her head and thankfully it stays in place.
I get MC out of the building and into the car once I know she is far away from the building I take out my phone and tap a couple of things and the building goes up in flames. A simple little bomb I placed around the building I stood and watched the flames for a few seconds then run back to MC. I jump in the car and take MC to hospital. I make sure I take the cameras down before I enter. Normally I would never dream of entering a hospital but MC needs urgent medical attention. After MC received the treatment she was allowed to go home. I kept to the story that she was mugged on her way home. They seemed to believe it with the cut to her head. She is still a bit out of it so I placed her carefully in the car and drove to a different location, one I thought I would never have to go to.
On the drive to duskwood MC starts to come round, i take her hand and tell her how sorry I am for what happened. I was expecting her to be so angry but she wasn't. She just looked at me and told me how much she loves me. I see the look on her eyes full of so much love I couldn't help but smile. I tell her where we are going and a smile spreads across her face. I will never let anyone hurt her ever again. She turns to me one more time before closing her eyes and says 'I love you Jake' 'I love you to MC'
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log13archives · 7 months
January 5th, 2018
This chapter is the one that introduces everything starting at the very beginning of this incident. The first thing that catches the eye is the introduction or the "blurb" of the story.
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Quotev, at the time, was somewhat going down in use as people started to move on to other big websites like AO3, Instagram, and so on. As you can also see, Valerian did not list this under any sort of specific tag or type of fan-fiction. I would categorize this myself as a a Sci-Fi Creepypasta. Looking at this now, I am concerned that maybe Valerian could have been dealing with something mentally that he felt he needed to express in this format. Maybe he was dealing with some form of schizophrenia where his mind led him to believe he was being watched.
Either way, I'm going to still look at this with an open-mind because I still consider Valerian to be someone I grew close with at the time.
Continuing on with the "meat" of it all, I will be discussing the chapters with some notes and what I think. If you wish to read the chapter yourself prior to these notes to better understand, the story is posted on the pinned "About" post.
The introduction to the chapter is still the same as the blurb
It starts to feel or read like your usual creepypasta from 2013. A bit cringe-worthy. Why would anyone think they're safe with a pocket knife and a lighter, I haven't a clue, but I guess you make due with what you have.
I think it's set somewhere else in another country, because the woman says she's from the states (USA). Maybe Valerian was located in Russia or another country close by at the time. What place would be that warm at the time though? 24 C is about 75 F, so that's warm, even for that late at night. Unless it's the morning if we're going 24hr time.
There's trees and woods where he was. Where is this place? It's definitely someplace in the North, but not too far where it's warm in the evenings. Wisconsin and most Northern USA states like this along the border of Canada were like this in 2018 (I'm accounting for the year because we ALL know this planet is getting worse in climate).
He's 25 at the time. calculate it to about now, (2024-2018)+25=31 years. He is or would've been about 31 present day. I was only 17 at the time he wrote this, but I don't think I started interacting until much later? The details are fuzzy, but the comment section will help me set a time-frame. I will state now that he never once asked for anything beyond just usual conversation before any weird assumptions are made. If you're going to have those assumptions and message me about them, please do not and just leave.
Valerian lived with his family (mother, father, and a sister) during this time. Past tense because spoiler alert: bad times ahead.
Who is after him?
The last bit translates to: If not Goodbye to you too. Help me, if you hear or if you can.
The comments on this chapter do not give much insight. They're the usual ones that believe the story to be false or think it's another creepypasta. Valerian doesn't try to be aggressive in his replies to these comments, and only replies to two people. He almost seems like he still hopes to entertain and provide information despite his dire situation.
I'm thinking I might do an analysis on his profile page as well since there were some things on there that could hold more information. I just know I have a lot of chapters to go through and little time to do so (unless I wish to get muscle cramps on my fingers from typing on my phone). This is just the first chapter, so we'll see what happens.
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rntdry7896 · 1 year
Honestly i have a very limited social life, idk but this on "Best friend" is always acting like my superior and i hatebit, i really have enough of it lately. I was brought up as a supporting character to my older sibling and now it feels just like im being treated like that again by the bff.
I hate it truly but while it was easier to break free from my oldest sibling its way harder to break it off with this bff because we have a business together. My anger is just that theyre really lazy... we do stuff relating to socmed and like need to post every so often but she always goes and prioritize herself l. "I dont feel well" postpone her work (she handle the posting) and the also goes" oh and also i dont like your edit its ugly", but ofc she wont do it herself, i always confirmed before posting like ok do you want to look it over and edit them and she goes "oh no haha im to lazy just post ittt" and then goes omg how can you choose that and that its so bad , hand the files over now (and its like midnight here) ok i say that due to the processing i need to got to my pc to send the files and im already going to bed, but she just sigh an goes "uugh oh well i just dont like it ok ill edit it on my own later". "But give me your editable files i dont want to look through the raws".
Mind you i already send her over all the raw material for a month ago but due to her health and vacation and such she kept postponing it. I actually need the posts up soon now as it relates to our income, but ofc she wont see it as urgent because she got money from her SO. So i kept trying to remind her like once a week to do the stuff and she kept having excuses. I really dont like fighting so i always let it go... but this has especially triggered me lately because it happens way more often and she just want to kept her share of money without working on our business... she reduces her workload to the bare minimum and just let me handle everything else... she also wasted my money alot for initiating projects she wont finish like i spent quite a sum on raw materials and its been like 2 month she just wont work on her part, we decided before already i do the base and she continues, and we sell them, i used my own money for the base and she just wont continuee it saying like she got other things to do and is busy, (honestly i know housekeeping is tough but she while sayaing busy and ignored this deadline goes and record her dancing and tiktok and have the audacity to say omg i just did some intense danceee) and when i say ok... good for you you nailed that how about the deadline and its radio silence for 3 hour
Im so stressed because we build this brand together and i am not as popular as her online (she got the influencer life and personality, people love her) and i really cannot ... i dont know what can i do if we break it off. Most friend dont even know i work on the brand they just assume shes the sole owner... and of course she doesnt go and say i worked on the stuff just subtly saying "oh ask X for that ok" while if she really does want to give me credit she can say "i dont work on that itss all X go ask them!" But no... she enver gives proper credit.. its always hidden behind wall of text or dissappearing stories 24hr limit....
Sorry for the jumbled mess i just need to type stuff out... im really stressed and i cant get to sleep because of how shes wrecking my life like i dont even know if its intentional... i hate it so much
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pigunnylove · 3 years
Sleep Talking X Minho ft Y/N (NSFW) 🆕
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UGH..I SWEAR TO GOD I AM NOT BEING WRECKED BY MINHO...its just a 24hr thing sfksdjfhskd...maybe not? Idn ..but what I cant stop thinking about him being so clingy with Han... and the tension between them is so hot. (btw admin did a MBTI test after 4 yrs to find out she went from Chan MBTI to LITERALLY THE SAME AS MINHO...bye)
Sleep Talking X Minho ft Y/N- NSFW
Plot: What it would be like to sleep talk/wet dream about your boy friend Minho and you. Minho witnessing your random behavior that triggers him to become a little excited from your dream. Ends up wanting to make you feel good and him self.
Genre: SMUT - NSFW 18+ (MINORS DNI!!)
Characters: Minho (Lee Know) & Y\N
Warnings: Groping, kissing, slight Somnophilia reference, oral sex reference
Series: On Going 🆕
He stirred in his sleep as he was having trouble fall asleep tonight. He silently turned over his pillow and tried to find a comfortable spot. But what made it worse was he hearing you talking in your sleep again. This didn’t happen too often but tonight it seemed like it was going to be an ongoing event. Eyes still shut, but now your back was facing his body he listened to your soft rambles.
Still asleep in a different dimension, you thought you felt Minho wrap his arms around your waist for a few seconds. Pulling you against his hard chest and place kisses onto the crooks of your neck. You were so certain that it was all so vivid and real. Especially the moment you felt your panties become dampen when he ran his fingers onto your bare thighs.
“M-minho…” You nonchalantly whined. Little did you know, in reality Minho watched you gently push back your nightie exposing your bare skin. His lips felt heavy as he watched you do something out of the ordinary, especially you calling his name so sinfully. Minho moves closer to you but still cautious knowing you weren’t awake but didn’t believe it. He needed to check for himself. Minho places a hand onto your shoulder but it only made it worse as you shrug him away.
You suddenly turned onto your back; legs spread apart as if you were ready to commit to his touch. He swallowed in awe of hypnotized you were with your own dreams and him that he could feel the temperature rise in his body. “Y/n” He called out to you, hoping that he would get your attention. When you didn’t respond right away but instead put your hands on your chest and grope your breasts, it occurred to him that you were having a wet dream about the two of you.
This was getting too much for Minho, he was suddenly intrigued by how you smirked devilishly and continued to moan right in front of him. Minho couldn’t hold it anymore. He looked over to the alarm clock next to you, 3:48 am. “Fuck...” He groaned as he realized that if he was going to fool around tonight, he was going to be a walking zombie at work tomorrow and so were you. A risk he was actually willing to risk since he him self was holding back a little too recently. His pajama bottoms began to slightly stifle his growing erection. Minho inches his face right next to yours as he pecks your lips, waiting for you to react.
The dream was going all to well as you swear you could feel Minho between your legs, kissing your inner thighs. But it suddenly broke when you felt your hair being caressed and hands on what felt like Minho’s crotch. Your eyes blinked a few times trying to adjust to the room’s darkness and put into perspective what was happening. “Baby are you awake now?” Minho purred in your ears as you felt him softly grind his hardening girth against your hand. “hmmm...” You answered with a smile.
thank you for reaching the end of this post! it means a lot to me as a small account! want to take the time to say i love you all... my post recently has been in 100's + area and the love i received is amazing! ♥ And dont forget to stay tuned for part 2 of the smut!!♥
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faarkas · 2 years
4, 12, 27, 35 + verde/takemura!!!
leah i love u sooo much im so sorry that u’ve opened pandoras fucking box i CANNOT shut up about their wedding if u can even call it that bc it’s actually the most ridiculous shit ever. anyway. madness and rambling under the cut :)
4 - First impression of each other? Was it love at first sight?
it was absolutely not love at first sight ASUEKFKSN He was pretty disgusted with her because he thought that she killed his boss and sort of complicated toxic father figure-esque situation, she had been shot in the head and thought he was going to finish her off, the girlies were not happy with each other. She did think he was very handsome tho. Go queen give us everything. she is nothing if not thirsty always .
Though I do wonder if he actually thought that or knew off the bat that yorino/bu did it 🤔 HA GUESS WHO NEEDS TO REPLAY MY FAVOURITE PART OF THE GAME BC I HAVE SUCH A SHITTY MEMORY and i just haven’t played it in a long time
Anyway she still stole from them and he was grieving so I just don’t think he was too happy with her period but obviously things change as they get to know each other :)
12 - Is there a wedding? What was the proposal like? Any kind of honeymoon?
OK SO HEHE. There was barely a proposal honestly it was more of them sitting on the couch relaxing and enjoying each other’s company when he was like (bashfully) “I’m fighting an impulse” and verde’s like 👁👁⁉️ AND THEN HES LIKE “I think we should get married.” (all of this rough dialogue not actually the real dialogue. u get the gist.) and verdes like 👁👁‼️ yeah let’s go get fucking married go go go
and then that same night they leave, verde gets a dress bc she wants a nice dress tyvm, and they end up going to some 24hr neon everything elvis (or maybe illegal kerry) impersonator style chapels and elope. :) And after they end up in some greasy diner for their first meal as a married couple bc it’s the wee hours of the morning at that point and it’s the only place open eating greasy ass diner food. it’s then that the adrenaline starts to wear off a little and he starts to feel a little regretful that he didn’t give her the full experience that he should have but she’s just sitting across from him in their booth eating fries, uncaring that the hem of her awfully expensive dress is getting filthy, looking at him like he’s the only man in the world that I think it quells that pretty quick. I don’t think verde would really want a huge traditional wedding anyway she’s too private for all that. She does get into a lil bit of trouble with Val and the gang for it later tho. (val later when she gets roped into a huge italian wedding like can u bottle whatever made ur man just want to elope and give it to me please for the love of god)
Honestly I don’t think they really have a honeymoon. Maybe a little later on but i think it’s mostly business as usual. them being married doesn’t really change things a lot but I think they do feel even closer than they did before. commitment rly does look good on them tbh. Tho I can see them renewing their vows at some point
27 - Do they have kids? Grow old together? Split up?
slap my ass and call me a romantic that never wants to deal with it myself AHAJFKFJ BUT I JUST DONT DO TRAGEDY MOST OF THE TIME. Tho I do struggle to just see them growing old in more of the sense that they’re both mercenary types and even if they get out of it to move into more. civilian/normal work they just have so many enemies that could pop up in whenever but FROM WHAT I’VE SORTED SO FAR YES they stay together for as long as they’re alive. Hopefully they grow old together.
And they do have kids :) I think the funniest thing for them is the way they catch baby fever after hanging out with val and lorenzo’s newborns twins. But it isn’t super easy for verde after all the shit her poor body has been through and continues to go through that after some failed attempts and trauma they end up adopting two and then they end up having one or maybe two ~miracle~ biological kids on accident so. they end up with a well rounded family. :) Parenthood also looks good on them. They have the range.
35 - Do they bring out the best in each other, or the worst? Do they have a fatal flaw?
They’re good for each other. They make each other feel safe, she gets to eat proper meals, he has a space with her where he can just be without the constant vigilance and games that living within arasa/ka’s like…structure brings,,, I also just can’t imagine them with anybody else AHSKFJS Their eccentricities just meld together nicely but I think if they have a flaw it’s how much they actually love each other, or their loyalty to each other. I think it could be pretty easily exploited.
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celiastjms · 3 years
Y’all will have to bare with me because I don’t know where else to put my Scenes from a Marriage meta. It’s been nearly 24hrs since I watched the episode and I’m still not done processing the shier genius and brilliance of it. Spoilers ahead, so beware!
Like, don’t get me wrong, both Mira and Jonathan, in the first episode more Jonathan, in the second episode definitely more Mira, sound horrible, absolutely unlikable, but both Oscar and Jessica give their characters so much humanity that even while you try to hate them, you can’t. Mira struggles so much with herself and her self-image in her marriage and she on top of that, struggles with her husband. In the first episode it is already obvious how uncomfortable she with herself and her role her marriage and with Jonathan. It shows in how stiff and guarded she is, in how little she reveals of herself to him. In that very brief moment when she was alone with her friend her demeanor was a completely different one. Even if she was guarded in that scenario too, she is way more open, way more relaxed. She keeps Jonathan at arms-length, the walls she has build around herself do crack a little when she tells him she is pregnant and they talk about the possibility of keeping the child or not keeping it. Mira fully opens herself up to him in her doctors office, when she quietly breathes that she is feeling terrible and he completely misses it. He misinterpreted her more than just wrong and as a result she walls immediately and so fucking strongly. She sends him out of the room, waits for the moment he is gone to break down rather than seek his arms for comfort. I’m pretty sure that that’s the moment he lost her. The last nail in the coffin, if you will. In the second episode, which beautifully started and ended with Jonathan alone — like the first one started and ended with Mira alone (the fucking symbolism!!! Also I hope this means we’ll get an episode where they start and end together), it becomes apparent that he did notice that she had closed herself off, that she was struggling, but also that he didn’t. He noticed she was unhappy, become when she came back, he noticed that she was so much happier. If he noticed that she was unhappy, that she struggled, why didn’t he do anything to change it? Why was it her best friend who noticed that she was suffering and took her out for dinner and not her husband? Nothing justifies cheating, but it does take two, in every scenario. Jonathan let her go, until she chose to leave and only when it became too late he tried to stop her, to do something. If we talk body language, in the beginning of the episode, when he hugs her to greet her, she is so fucking stiff, it’s painful to watch. It absolutely underlines how uncomfortable she is, but if you compare it to how she cuddles up to him after their fight and how she touches his cheek after she wakes up, it is easy to assume that she WANTS to be uncomfortable. Because she knew what she was about to tell him. It’s a choice she makes, to distance herself, to be uncomfortable around him because she has to be, how else would she justify her actions? She won’t leave, if she would give in. She still loves him, and the claim that she is no longer attracted to him, is one I don’t buy, because she needs to lash out and push him away. In the last moments of the episode she is practically fleeing their home and her marriage. Instead of dealing with it, with what her, with what their actions cause. She rather runs. She doesn’t want to talk about it or work it out. She tells him they would continue to talk tomorrow, the next morning she tells him they talked the previous night. When he asked her a question, like how long for she would be gone, she comes up with some excuse rather than a proper answer, even though she knows how long she’ll be gone for and only once he digs and she gets annoyed, she throws the truth his way. Mira doesn’t want to talk about it, she is done, she wants to run.
I cannot wait for the next episode.
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nctseren · 4 years
🕒SEREN : 2-3pm | NCT 24hr RELAY CAM
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"It's exactly 2:00 pm — well now it's 2:01 pm."
Seren is standing in front of the camera, which is on her small desk. She's wearing a blue sweater and pants, there is a white towel around her shoulders, and her hair is wet.
"I just took a bath. The water was so good that I almost forgot about you." she begins to dry her hair. "Johnny-oppa had to come to knock on my door to remind me."
She stops drying her hair for a moment to grab the camera, then walks over to her bed and sits down. With one hand, she holds the camera and, with her other hand, continues to dry her hair.
"These days, there isn't much to do because, you know, we can't go outside." she pouts. "So after practice or when I finish my schedule, I come back here, rest a bit, and then go to the 10th floor to watch movies or hang out."
"I don't really wear makeup when I'm at home," she says when she's done drying her hair. "Well, that's a lie. I do wear it sometimes, but I don't feel like doing it today."
Seren sets the towel aside and eases herself onto the bed, crossing her legs.
"You can see I have dark circles," she points under her eyes. 
"Ah, you guys, I've been listening to a lot of music lately — well, always." she laughs a little. "But lately, I feel more connected. I recently listened to Zayn's album again —yes, Icarus Falls, don't tell me you haven't heard it! — and I forgot how great it was. In fact," she starts laughing all of a sudden. "yesterday Taeyong-oppa entered the room and was scared because everything was dark and the music was loud. I was sitting like this and meditating... Yes, he was scared."
She is silent for a moment. "I don't know what to do anymore— it's embarrassing to admit that. I already ate, Doyoung-oppa is in his room, but I don't want to disturb him. Johnny-oppa is getting ready because he has things to do, and Taeyong-oppa left early." she sighed with mock sadness. "I only have Haechan left ..."
Another scene appears in the video, Seren leaving her room and bumping into Haechan coming out of hers.
"Did you just wake up?" she looks surprised. "Yah, you have to sleep early. Czennies, Haechan played until 4 am, again."
"They know that's my bedtime," Haechan scoffed. "And I woke up half an hour ago, but I'll go back to sleep in a while."
"No! You have to keep me company."
"But I have better things to do!" He whined.
Seren shot him a look. "Go away then, and don't talk to me ever again."
The next few seconds of the video are Haechan hugging her and asking her for "forgiveness" as they made their way to the kitchen.
They both sit at the table— there are various plates of food and fruit. Haechan brings his face closer to the camera with a big smile.
"Well, now this is Haechan 1.0 Relay Cam. They'll watch me eat while Sohee admires my face."
"Very funny."
She moves the camera away from him and places it on the table, focusing on both of them.
But he ignores her. "Auntie left me some prepared food. I love her."
"I love her even more."
"You just want to fight."
Seren rolls her eyes and grabs a plate of grapes. Haechan takes a plate of food.
"What are you going to do when it's your turn?" she asks him, stuffing the fifth grape into her mouth.
"I don't know." He shrugs. "I told Johnny-hyung to do it with me. And now you have to be there as well."
"I doubt it."
"Ah, noona!" he begs.
She laughs and moves closer to the camera. "Czennies, pay attention. This is what he does when he wants something from me. He never calls me that, only when he wants something."
"You never want to appear with me," Haechan complains. "The same thing happened last time. You preferred to go out with Jaehyun-hyung."
"You didn't invite me last time." She responds defensively, but there is a smile peeking out. "Like, we ran into each other in the elevator, and you just complained. Besides, we're together right now."
"If I were Jaemin ..." he mutters, taking a big bite out of his food.
But Seren hears him because, after that, she lets out the loudest laugh, and when she moves her hand, she accidentally hits him.
"Haechanie tends to get jealous because he swears that Jaemin is my favorite now."
Haechan frowns but still seems to want to laugh. "I just finish this meal, and trust me, the rest of the week I don't speak to you again."
He was obviously joking because not even a minute later, they were both chatting and laughing like nothing.
"After this, we should play fifa," he says.
Seren immediately denies it. "I don't play with bad losers."
"Once! That was once!" he defends himself. "And I don't know since when did you get good."
"Jungwoo taught me." She responds happily. "He said, and I quote: so you can finally kick his ass— butt! I meant butt."
He lets out a big snort. "I'm better than him."
"I highly doubt that."
After what seemed like an eternity (to her) of waiting for Haechan to finish eating and hearing him say that "he was definitely better than Jungwoo" they finally went to sit in the living room.
She adjusts the camera so that it focuses on both of them, and he takes the remote control to turn on the television.
"Hey, don't you dare turn on the game!" she sits up and frowns at him.
Haechan pouts at her. "Please, just for a bit. Think about this: the Relay Cam is almost over, and czennies want to see us play."
"They don't want that."
"Yes, they do," he raises an eyebrow. "You think they don't want to see two competitive Geminis play a video game that makes them fight?"
Seren blinks for a moment and then looks straight into the camera. "Shame on you If you want that, guys. I actually don't like fighting with you," she looks at Haechan for a few seconds and then smiles. "but I do like kicking your butt."
She didn't have to say more, Haechan immediately turned on the video game. For the next few minutes, they play (and she calls him a cheater several times) until her phone rings, and when she picks it up, she sees the time.
"It's 2:58!"
Seren shows her phone to the camera. Her lock screen is a photo of a bunch of beautiful butterflies.
"Before you finish this, they should know that I'm beating you," Haechan smirks.
"I can defend that— it's early, and I'm not me right now..."
She covers his mouth. "You're also a cheater. Anyways, czennies, I hope you liked my —OK, our— Relay Cam. Please give tons of love to our members Relay Cams, too."
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🕒HAECHAN : 2-3am
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she is mentioned
he said that she had agreed to appear on his relay cam, but when he went to her room she was already asleep
"i will get my revenge"
after a while she is mentioned again
he's telling his stories
and then he says he was very nervous when he met her
because she was known for her dancing and at the time he was new — so he was intimidated and didn't know what to say
🕒TAEYONG : 10-11am
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again, she doesn't really appear in the video
but her voice is heard
when taeyong is lying on his bed, she asks him —in a really soft voice— if he wants to have breakfast
then her voice is heard again when he is feeding his fish
she is giggling while saying "cute, cute, cute"
and taeyong calls her cute too
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dirtyoatmeall · 4 years
Dig (Tsukishima x Reader)
A/N: I will def be writing more for these, as an archaeology major, I hold paleontology major tsukki in a special place in my heart. Also everything about the dig I describe is most likely incorrect lmao. 
Pairing: Paleontology major! Tsukki x Archaeology major! Reader (she/they pronouns used)
Word count: 1.6k
Warnings: None :)
You met Tsukishima Kei the first day of your first year of college. It was your intro Anthropology course, and you had bumped into him on accident entering the auditorium. You had kept your head down, mumbling an apology before hurriedly finding a seat in the middle of the room. He sat a few seats over in the same row and you tried your best not to glance at him, he was obviously attractive, but all it took was a raised eyebrow when he caught you staring for you to look away blushing, pretending to look through your bag for something. You busied yourself with numbering the pages in your notebook until the professor started class.
It was a relatively small class, so the professor had everyone stand up and introduce themselves with their pronouns, major/minor, and one thing they want to accomplish. When it was your turn you tried your best not to sound confident as you spoke, though it didn’t last long, as the professor immediately asked you to repeat yourself louder. You were bright red by the time you finished introducing yourself. “H-hi, my name is (Y/N), I’m double majoring in bio-archaeology and Classics, my pronouns are she/they and I want to find Alexander the Great.” The professor nodded and the next person stood up to introduce themselves as you sat down, fiddling with your pen.
Tsukishima didn’t really think much of you until he watched you do the icebreaker for class. He thought it was an ambitious goal, and respectable dual majors. Though the thing that really drew his attention to you was the face you made when the person next to you introduced themselves as an archaeology major and that they wanted to find a complete T-Rex skeleton. Your face had twisted rather cutely into a grimace at your classmates words, turning to your notebook and scribbling in the corners. After the professor kindly explained the differences between archaeology and paleontology, it was his turn. He stood up, introduced himself “Tsukishima, he/him pronouns, paleozoology major, museum studies minor. And I’d like to find a job right out of school.” He sat down as the professor nodded and made a joke about finding a job. Soon enough the entire class had introduced themselves and the professor started going over the syllabus.
The first time Tsukishima saw you outside of class it was a Friday night. 3 a.m. to be exact. Thankfully your university had a 24hr library, and most of the students took advantage of it, though it was usually dead at this time of night, or morning. He spied you almost right away, nestled in a corner with multiple stacks of books and cans of energy drinks. You were nodding your head along to a dong and when he walked past he could very clearly hear ABBA blasting in your headphones. He smirked to himself and sat down a table down from you, getting ready to study for the upcoming test on Wednesday. He would get up periodically to get a book or a snack from the vending machine near the door. He noticed that every time he got up, your eyes would flicker to him, and you would pause your work, messing with your phone until he sat down again. He would return the favor, watching your things while you were gone.
About an hour into his study session he looked up to your spot when he heard you groan quietly. You aggressively paused your music and cutely pouted down at your notebook. You skimmed a few pages in the book next to you, comparing it to your notebook and whatever was on the screen of your laptop before rolling your eyes and softly face planting onto the book in front of you. Your eyes briefly fluttered to where he was, and you smiled slightly when the two of you made eye contact. He pretended to get back to the book he was supposed to be reading, but he watched you sigh as your eyes flickered from your notebook to him before you quietly got up and shuffled towards his table. He fully looked at you when you slid into the seat across from him, and he raised an eyebrow when you smiled awkwardly.
“Uh, Hi. I’m (Y/N), we have anth 250 together right?” You asked even though you very well knew he was in that class, but you still waited for confirmation before you continued. “That’s what I thought. Could you maybe help me with this? I’m having a hard time grasping it.” He glanced at what you were pointing at and nodded, he had also had some trouble with it, and had just recently figured it out. He explained it to you, smiling when he saw your eyebrows raise as you let out a soft ’ooohhh’ once you had grasped it. You had moved to get up when he cleared his throat, “Uh, you can sit here if you want, that way if you have any other questions you don’t have to come all the way over here.” Tsukishima didn’t look at you when he said it, but saw you smile and nod out of the corner of his eye. You brought your stuff over to his table and the two of you studied together for a few more hours, occasionally talking about class that led into talking about random things the two of you both liked.
At 5:30 you sighed, closing your laptop and putting away your things. “I should probably head back to my dorm, I have been here for about 12 hours” You chuckled and Tsukishima nodded and began to pack up as well. “I’ll walk you to your dorm.” You paused, looking at him puzzled. “Oh you don’t have to do that, I live all the way in East Village.” He simply waved your concern away “Me too, I have a class at 10 anyway, I should probably stop for the night. You snorted and waited for the blonde to be done before the two of you headed to your dorm building.
The two of you continued to talk about random things on the way back, from music tastes to favorite myths to what tree you would be. You both paused to watch the sunrise at the hill next to your dorm building, watching the colors slowly melt together as the stars disappeared from view. You turned to smile at Tsukishima to find he was already looking at you, an uncharacteristic soft look on his face. You flushed slightly and the two of you continued to your dorm building. You saluted to him before getting off the elevator onto your floor. You glanced at your phone as you got ready for bed, glad you didn’t have any classes until noon.
From that day on you and Tsukishima sat together during your anthropology class and studied together every Friday. You partnered together for the few projects assigned and even hung out outside of class, growing closer as the semester flew by. You were planning on meeting him for lunch after you finished finals, which you just did. You sent him a text and headed to the café the two of you frequent. You ordered a drink and sat at the corner table, scrolling through your phone until Tsukishima arrived. The two of you discussed your finals, and the classes you were taking next semester (you had 2 of them together thankfully) before Tsukishima sighed. “Do you want to get dinner on Saturday?” You smiled nodding, “Yeah! Are there some last minute things you want to go over for a final?” He rolled his eyes and looked at you flatly, which was a normal look for the blonde. “No, like a date.” You stopped, mid-drink as you absorbed his words. When you did you flushed and swallowed, looking away shyly. “Yeah, I’d really like that.” Tsukishima smiled and nodded.
10 years later~
You sighed, wiping your forehead as you straightened up, moving to your phone to change the music blaring from the speakers. It was hot, the hat doing nothing to shield you from the sun as you crouched down again, picking up your trowel. You were about to continue your section of the dig when you heard a noise of surprise from the next section over. “(Y/N)! I think I found something, it looks like bone!”
Your eyes grew wide and you jumped out of the pit into the one a few feet away, joining the college student in looking at what they found. They brushed some more dirt away, revealing a large bone, too large to be human. You groaned, climbing out to grab your phone, disconnecting it from the speaker and dialing a number before stepping away, pout on your face. The college student looked at the other dig lead, confused on why you seemed upset. The dig lead chuckled, waving away their concern. “Don’t worry, you didn’t do anything wrong. (Y/N) just has to call in a paleontologist, and the one on this dig just happens to be an ass.” The college student nodded and climbed out of the pit, not wanting to disturb anything.
Thankfully it wasn’t too long before another car pulled in. You immediately walked over, hands on your hips as you talked to the person getting out. The rest of the crew could see them smirk and flick your forehead, before leaning down to kiss you. The college student made a noise of surprise as the two of you walked over, bumping shoulders and you discussed details of the dig. “Wait, I thought you said she didn’t like them.” The dig lead just shook his head, “I said he was an ass, that doesn’t mean she doesn’t like him, in fact, they’re married.”
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sleepy-exe · 4 years
Shapeshifter AU - 2
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Iwaizumi x f!reader
<< Part 1 | Part 3 >>
Summary: A fellow wolf shifter friend joins Y/n on another late night run through the forest. Y/n needs to learn to watch her surroundings. Sakusa is a good friend but also lowkey tired of Y/n’s shit.
Word count: 1.9k
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Warnings for this part: y/n and sakusa are wolf shifters, mentions of stress, sakusa struggles to drive a manual, there’s nothing crazy here
Genre: sfw (for now, 18+ regardless), shapeshifter au (not a/b/o), potential enemies to lovers
a/n: Sakusa is not the same friend y/n talked to in part 1. I swear not every part takes place in the woods. The next part is elsewhere.
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Part 2: A Wolf In Human Clothing
It has been nearly 4 weeks since Y/n may or may not have been spotted by a human in her wolf form near the forest outside of Higashiosaka. It was the only place she could think of to safely run at as a wolf anywhere near Osaka Prefecture, and this was the only run in she had since being in Osaka, so she wasn't about to give up her favorite spot. She had continued her normal schedule of going every five days or so, and this time she brought a friend. Y/n had met Sakusa through a friend a few years back and was ecstatic to find another shifter close to home. He rarely went with her to the forest, but sometimes she could convince him to join her if she didn’t want to go alone.
This time she parked at the small lot she had stumbled by before. It seemed to be an overflow lot for nearby buildings but didn’t get much attention at night. She had been able to use it a couple times for short visits without issues. The two of them snuck off into the forest before shapeshifting into wolves.
Sakusa took the lead. He may tower her normally, but his wolf isn’t much bigger than her. The forest was dark tonight and she was reminded just how hard it is to spot them in the dark with their black coats. He was only trotting along, far from the full sprint she favored when alone, but she can’t be picky when she dragged him out here. She’d get a chance to run at some point. The agreement for the night was simple: Keep it under an hour, say near each other, and Sakusa gets to lead this time.
Twigs and leaves crunched under heavy paws, fur swayed with the wind. The air was cooler tonight as fall was just starting to roll in. Not many leaves have fallen yet so there’s still plenty of cover. Clouded sky blocked most of the moonlight from reaching the forest floor, but that wasn’t much trouble for the wolves. Deeply inhaling the scents of her surroundings, she cleared any city fumes from her lungs as she followed Sakusa a good kilometer as he took a different route than what she often frequented.
Soon he slowed as he approached a stream and sat in the grass just for her to circle him, kicking leaves at his feet. She was here to have fun, not sit around when he had already cut her preferred time here in half. He only eyed the other shifter for a second before completely ignoring her to which she pouted, dropping to her side with an exaggerated huff.
As she laid there she noticed more sounds. More insects and bats than she would have expected. Rolling onto her back, she looked into the sky to watch any bats her eyes could catch. Sakusa was surveying the area from his chosen spot, but was now looking up as well after catching sight of the belly up wolf. The both of them stayed like that for a while, enjoying nature around them.
At least until Y/n had enough and promptly rolled to her feet with a low growl, grass and dirt falling as she shook out her coat. She gave Sakusa’s side a playful nip before taking off in a dead sprint. At first, he just watched her. Then decided he better make sure she doesn't get lost, or rather him as he doesn’t come out here half as much as she does. With an annoyed exhale, he chased after. With her head start, she covered quite a bit of ground before he even stood up. It was dark, but she was making enough noise for him to follow the new route she was taking.
Eventually she looped back to the tree line where the two wolves had started. Looking back, she saw she won the impromptu race and shifted from her wolf form once more before turning towards the parking lot to leave the tree line, only to freeze in her tracks.
New vehicles had relocated to the lot. Not surprising given it's not too late. One of Sakusa’s rules was to be back to the car by midnight and she was sure she didn’t push it too much. What caught her attention was a dark green truck, she now recognized as a Toyota, parked between where she was and her black Honda. The man in the truck locked eyes with her before she whistled over her shoulder to signal to Sakusa out of fear. This couldn’t be the same truck and person. She couldn’t have been caught twice now. Especially not by the same person, no.
She took a few long breaths before slowly exiting the tree line and walked around the parking lot, avoiding the green truck but also not walking straight to her car out of caution. She took to the sidewalk and walked towards a 24hr convenience store directly next to the lot, choosing to be in a more public place and not alone with the stranger nearby. But before she reached the store, the familiar Toyota pulled out of the lot and headed down the road.
Once out of sight, she quickly walked back across the lot to whistle into the woods again as Sakusa had stayed away like she hoped. Not more than five seconds went by when she spotted Sakusa leaving the trees, no longer the black wolf he was when she left him behind. She quickly got into the passenger seat of her Honda, non-verbally asking him to drive. He didn’t prefer to but would anyway if she asked nicely enough. Soon he was climbing into the driver’s seat.
Brows furrowed, he frowns, “You left me in the forest and expect me to drive? Also, what was the warning for when you were out here?” He was obviously annoyed by the whole situation. Being talked into coming here, then left behind, then the warning signal. He had the right to be.
“First of all, I just wanted to run,” she whined, resting her head against the window, “I was just trying to get ya to race me - which I won by the way - then I spotted someone in the parking lot, after I won.”
He was mad now. Speaking sternly, “That’s not how that works. Don’t take off when I’m with you. What if I lost you?”
She frowned and played with her hands in her lap, “I was just playing around.. But yeah, I shouldn’t have left you behind..”
He let out a breath and started the car, “I know. It’s partially my fault too. I watched you run before deciding to chase after you.” He started to leave the parking only to stall the engine and sigh loudly in response, “I don’t know why you ask me to drive your car when I do this every time. Take my car next time if you’re going to make me drive back.”
She suppressed a giggle with her fist, “You’re getting better. Ya dropped the clutch too fast. I know I’m not the best at explaining this stuff, but you’ll hear it start to rev. So just listen for that an’ slowly let off the clutch and onto the gas more.”
He put the car back in neutral and tried again, this time making it out of the parking lot. She set the on-board GPS to his apartment, and babysat his left hand as it rested on the gear stick. She’d usually tap it if he needed to shift and hadn’t yet. Generally, he did okay once he got moving though.
Once he was up to speed and not overly concentrated on shifting he spoke again, “You said you saw someone back there.. Did they see you?”
She was silent for a moment, only staring at the red accents on dash, tracing them with a finger. “Maybe.”
He actually raised his voice for once, but it was out of worry, not anger, “Maybe?! What makes you think they did?”
The panic in his voice made y/n lose the grip she had on hiding the panic in her own voice. She spoke rushed, voice cracking, “I was near the end of the woods a-and I looked back to see if you were behind me a-and then shape shifted an’ when I turned to the lot a guy was looking at me.”
He stared quietly out the windshield, slowing to a stop at a traffic light. She watched as he went through the motions to stop and take off again; this time without much trouble. She mumbled a praise as he got back up to speed.
“So someone was looking at you, okay. So they might have seen someone standing in the woods at night. Creepy, but not the end of the world,” he glanced at her quickly then back to the road, “Thanks for warning me to stay back. Someone standing in the woods at night is super weird, but seeing a wolf out here - that might be more alarming.”
She stared at him deep in thought. Sure, maybe that was all it was. But that guy could have watched her shape shift, and she’s almost certain this is the same guy that may have seen her wolf form before, but she didn't mention that to anyone before and nothing came of it. No news of wolves being spotted outside Higashiosaka, or anywhere for that matter, so there wasn’t anything to worry about.
This bothered her more though. She looked out the driver’s side window as a car passed by. Sakusa was barely driving the speed limit, so it didn’t surprise her. It didn’t surprise him when she reached over and swept a stray curl out of his face. He wasn’t a fan of human contact and she wasn't one to overstep that, but on rare occasions she’d do little things like this. He knew these types of actions, the hair and how she keeps playing with her hands, are acted on by nerves. Showing she's more bothered than she’s letting on; so he won't bother her about it.
They soon arrived at Sakusa’s apartment building. It’s one of the taller complexes not far from where she lives, but deeper into downtown. Pulling into the parking garage underneath, he quickly found a spot in the visitors section. Once parked, he immediately shut off the engine and relaxed in his seat. “I don’t know why you don’t get an automatic.”
She giggled at him, “It’s not that bad.”
He growled and she winked in response, resulting in him rolling his eyes. “Be careful driving home, Y/n.”
She hesitated, playing with a piece of her hair - another idle nervous habit. He went to remove the keys from the ignition just to be reminded it's a touch start, and moved on to grab his own keys out of the center console where he dropped them when entering the car earlier. He eyed her as she continued to sit quietly. “You don't want to go home, do you?”
Seeing her rueful smile he opened his door, “Come on. I know you don’t want to be alone.” He climbed out of the driver’s seat and closed the door behind him. Sometimes when her nerves got the best of her, or after watching a horror movie and she was too scared to stay home, she’d whine until he let her stay with him. He waited for her to get out too before leading them into the lobby, “I’m not sharing my bed though.”
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Part 3 >>
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yourkimjaejin · 4 years
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“Anyeonghaseyo yeoreobun.” Aurora starts the video messing up her hair. The nineteen year old was filming in her dorm room. Behind her was her bed and closet. Along the walls of her room were dangling lights, illuminating the room. Aurora was barefaced, wearing black t-shirt with grey drawstring shorts. 
“It’s my turn for the relay cam.” Aurora showed her phone screen, a picture of sheet music on it. “It’s 3pm and I just finished the school day. I was scared when we were picking times because if I had picked anytime before now, I would have filmed myself in school.” Aurora laughs. She moves across the room and sits down at a desk. Aurora sets down the camera. 
“Well since we’re here, I’ll begin my video by doing the most glamorous thing a kpop idol can do………..,” She flashes her notebooks, “HOMEWORK!!!” She sits the notebooks down and picks up a pen. 
“I only got a tiny bit of homework because I’m one of those students who finishes assignments between classes. This should only take a second but future editor of this footage, let’s speed this up.”
The video goes into a time lapse but a couple seconds later the video slows back down when Aurora gets a knock on her door. 
“Come in!” Aurora calls out and Juno walks through the door. 
“Hey! Do you want anything from Starbucks? Jaehyun oppa’s buying.” Juno asks. 
“Let me get the romantic strawberry tea. Tell oppa I’ll pay him back.” Aurora replies but Hannah laughs, “Good luck with that.” Juno walks out, shutting the door behind her and the video speeds back up. Occasionally, Aurora will glance at the camera or pick up her phone. When the time lapse is over, Music is playing in the background. (Garden ~ Meet Me @ The Altar)
“Finally DONE!” Aurora stretches. “Jaehyun oppa’s on his way with drinks but until then…..I did tweet out for fans to leave some questions so I’ll go check them out.” Aurora picks up her phone and begins scrolling. 
“Here’s one. Aurora, do you plan to go to college after graduating high school?” Aurora sighs, “I promised my parents I would at least finish high school. Seeing as this is my final year of school, because in Korea high school is only three years, I have to think about it soon.” Aurora scratches at her arm, “I think I’m gonna take a break after high school and focus on AG and other promotions wink wink.”
“Another question is from @Borealis, this person is one of my biggest twitter fan pages in the US, I’ve seen their posts and I want to thank them for support but their question is Are there any video games that I am into? The answer is yes. I’m huge into Stardew Valley, Mortal Kombat and the Injustice games. I play Stardew the most but if I just casually want to play something, I’ll pick up either Injustice or Mortal Kombat. I even have injustice on my phone. Maybe one day I’ll film a video showing you guys by set up and stuff.” Aurora continued to answer questions until she got another knock on her door. 
“Come In!” Aurora shouts. 
“What’s up, small fry!” Johnny walks in carrying her drink. “Here’s your tea, We got it extra sweet just in case.” 
Aurora grabs the cup and takes a sip, “Ahhh! Perfect. Thank you so much oppa! Let me grab some cash to pay Jaehyun back.” 
“Don’t bother! I paid for it.” Johnny sits on her bed, “Is this your relay cam!? Hello everyone!!!” Johnny waves to the camera. Aurora holds out the cash for Johnny. Johnny takes the money but sneaks it under her covers. 
“Yeah I only have ten minutes left. What are you doing here oppa?” Aurora asks, taking another sip of her drink. 
“We’re dropping Hannah off and picking Moxy up to spend the night. She told me it would be easier to film her and Doyoung’s video for the relay if she stayed over cause they both have to be up early.” Aurora nods along. 
“Johnny oppa!!” A voice calls out. 
“IN HERE!” Johnny calls back. Moxy walks in with a bag over her shoulder. 
“I’m ready.” Moxy has her glasses on. She’s wearing black camo sweatpants and black hoodie. 
“Say hi to czennies, Noona” Aurora points that camera to her and Moxy waves with a small smile. “Did you finish your homework?” Moxy asks. 
“Yeah.” Johnny stands up and pats Aurora’s shoulder. “We’re gonna get outta here. See you later small fry. Bye czennies!!” Both Johnny and Moxy wave to the camera as they walk out. Aurora turns the camera back to her. 
“Alright well, It's 3:59. It looks like my time is up. I’ll see you soon, Annyeong!!” Aurora waves to the camera. The video ends catching Jaehyun shouting goodbyes to AG’s youngest.
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