#dwn 014
theletterwsartflap · 2 years
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A few of the... haircanons I have, along with some notes of why I picked the styles I did.
Transcript under the cut since my writing can get a little hard to read at times.
Elec - Elec 'styles' his hair with static electricity. You cannot tame it nor convince him to stop.
Quick - Probably stood in a wind tunnel.
Flash - Flash's head is covered in a sort of circuit pattern so he can illuminate. He's self conscious about this.
Gemini - I don't really know how this style works. Gemini moment.
Neptune - Neptune has closer to tentacles than hair.
Sunstar - Likes it gaudy. Sunstar adds another bead for every poor soul he makes a part of space dust.
Snake - Corn rows look like little snakes/snake scales. That's it. That's the entire reason.
Centaur - IS A HORSE. Has long horse hair. (And big horse teeth)
Plant - A 'bush' is a plant. Plant has bushy hair.
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haunted-machines · 2 years
[TURN IT DOWN] | Snake Man
Serial No. DWN:014
WRA Registry: DWN:022
Activation Date: 03/19
Literal Age: 11 yrs
Mental Equivalent: Adult
Pronouns: He/Him
Height: 137 cm (5ft 4in)
Weight: 120 kg (265 lbs)
Function: Surveillance Unit / Security System Manager
Snake Man is the eyes and ears of Wily City. Quite literally, as the city’s security system is really just an extension of himself.
This is primarily achieved through his Search Snake army, which are not intelligent robots themselves, but drones that directly connect to Snake’s senses. Most of them operate under his personal instruction, but a large number of them are positioned at various points around the islands to function as security cameras. Those particular Search Snakes are technically open for anyone to access and observe, but they are all directly connected to his processor, occupying a fraction of his attention at nearly all times.
To a human, the thought of dozens of little security cameras constantly playing in the back of their head might sound infuriating, but for a robot with a data bandwidth as massive as Snake Man, it becomes necessary. Snake not only thrives on information, but needs it to keep from going mad with boredom. His processor was built to map and keep track of spaces of up to several thousand square kilometers via his Search Snakes’ ultrasound, electromagnetic, and thermodynamic sensors, making his baseline for stimulation much higher than the average robot master. His requirement of a constant stream of fresh data to mull over results in an inherently curious nature. He commonly goes on short binges of learning everything there is to know about a seemingly random topic, before he runs out of new information and moves onto something else. This also makes him one of the most social Wilybots, as strangers and newbuilts are a wealth of information.
Despite his streak as one of the more troublemaking Thirds, Snake is surprisingly well adjusted for someone in his family, likely due to how often he socializes outside of it. He is good natured and particularly friendly for a Wilybot outside of the fifth line. His Search Snakes make him a prime candidate for looking after newbuilts and new recruits, so he has some level of acquaintance with basically every robot on the island. He has even managed to secure friendships amongst the Cossack family, most of whom have astoundingly low opinions of his own.
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last updated 01.02.23
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metamelonisle · 3 years
having a timestop doesn’t necessarily make you broken or op.
dio/DBFAU, yeah they’re dangerous, but that’s because they’re crafty as hell.
if i met flash man in real life, even though he literally has a rapid-fire arm cannon that he can fire in stopped time, i could probably body him without any weapons. and he’s a war machine meant to kill a war machine
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megaman-rockman · 2 years
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Today we're gonna be running through Doctor Wily's first set of combat robots! That's not the only notable thing though, we're going to list the real world creators of these robot masters. Every Mega Man game after 1 and before 9 had a contest to create boss characters! Like always we'll be using their Mega Man & Bass bios with added information.
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DWN.009: METAL MAN (メタルマン)
Based on Cut Man, he is the first model built by Wily. However, he had a flaw: he was weak against the Mega Buster... And also due to the power of his own weapon he was weak to it himself.
"Heheheh, chopped in half..."
Good Point: Quick at work Bad Point: Very shrewd Like: Frisbees Dislike: Dogs
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DWN.010: AIR MAN (エアーマン)
A robot that creates wind with his giant propeller. He can create winds as strong as a typhoon. Though with Wood Man's Leaf Shield he becomes no problem at all to the... Green Bomber?
"What do you want? I'll blow ya away!"
Good Point: Has character Bad Point: Patronizing Like: Menko Dislike: Defoliation season
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DWN.011: BUBBLE MAN (バブルマン)
The world's first humanoid robot designed specifically for underwater use. However, due to a design error, he can only move by swimming. Doctor Wily didn't think him through very well... But that plays into your advantage as you can take him out with the Metal Blades!
"I'll turn you to sea waste!"
Good Point: Big-hearted Bad Point: Wasteful of money Like: Hot springs Dislike: Oil
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DWN.012: QUICK MAN (クイックマン)
The fastest robot. Based on Elec Man. He uses his speed to confuse his enemies and then fires Quick Boomerangs. His speed can only be stopped with Flash Man's Time Stopper. But he does take damage from the Mega Buster.
"Can you keep up with my speed?!"
Good Point: Early to bed early to rise Bad Point: Restless Like: Car racing Dislike: Turtles
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DWN.013: CRASH MAN (クラッシュマン)
His special weapon is a drill-shaped time bomb, the Crash Bomb. His armor is thick enough to withstand the blast of his explosions. His weakness is the Air Shooter which sends him flying up into the sky.
"They call me the destroyer."
Good Point: Open-hearted Bad Point: Clumsy hands Like: Demolishing buildings Dislike: Recycling
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DWN.014: FLASH MAN (フラッシュマン)
The Time Stopper allows him to stop the flow time for a short while. Sometimes, he abuses it in the bath... I didn't even know he could take baths. He's weak to the Crash Bomb, but make sure to watch out as he can move in his world of stopped time.
"I'll mess you up while you're stopped!"
Good Point: Friendly to subordinates Bad Point: Whiny Like: Cameras Dislike: Wig commercials
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DWN.015: HEAT MAN (ヒートマン)
A robot based on Fire Man. He is equipped with a compressed blaster that can reach 12,000 degrees. The Bubble Lead will tear through him and put out his flames though!
"Just a moment, I'll light it up."
Good Point: Works at his own pace Bad Point: Unenthusiastic Like: Barbecue Dislike: Ice cream
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DWN.016: WOOD MAN (ウッドマン)
A Japanese cypress robot whose internal mechanisms are also made of wood. Although he is coated, he is still vulnerable to fire... How the hell did Wily figure out how to make a robot entirely out of wood?!
"This is the power of nature!"
Good Point: Kind Bad Point: Fickle Like: Hiking Dislike: Destruction of nature
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Here we are at the end! I hope you all enjoyed this part of the Robot Roundup, Mega Man Legacy Collection has been a big help for getting high quality images of Robot Master artwork. Some of the clearest stuff I've seen yet! Part 3 will be about Mega Man 3's Robots!
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mi5kl · 6 years
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DWN-014: Flash Man
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lestikitty · 3 years
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DWN. 014
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cypressnewsreview · 3 years
Mega Man 2 Boss Order
Mega Man 2 Boss Order
Here is the best order to defeat the Mega Man 2 Robot Masters and their weaknesses 1. Metal Man (DWN-009) Weapon: Metal Blade Primary Weakness: Metal Blade Other Weakness: Mega Buster, Quick Boomerang 2. Flash Man (DWN-014) Weapon: Time Stopper Primary Weakness: Metal Blade Other Weakness: Atomic Fire, Crash Bomber, Bubble Lead 3. Quick Man (DWN-012) Weapon: Quick Boomerang Primary Weakness:…
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