#stardroid sungod
theletterwsartflap · 2 years
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Guess he’s visiting a frozen planet.
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olligociarts · 2 years
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It’s Sungod Hours (tm) again
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godslush · 8 months
Hello again! hope your well! So I think I get the premise of this but correct me if I’m wrong so In your comic sunstar doesn’t technically exist therefore if he were to develop a soul like the other stardroids it would be a whole other issue of “being that never existed develops an existence?”(or something similar? I’m not sure sorry ;-;) and figuring that whole situation out (I’m guessing the stardroids have to do that [like babysitting? Kind off??? I dunno]
And in “escape the temple” Sunstar being freed and becoming complacent with his status as a god has the stardroids(terra in particular) having to keep him out of trouble especially with the traps made for the sungod lines. It honestly makes me think of like those child leashes except Sungod size ( that made me laugh a little with sunstar just wondering off and whoever’s holding the leash getting dragged along{however unlikely that he would let himself be made to wear that I just thought it was funny}). I’ll be completely honest with you I live reading oc info pages and seeing art and stories/ storylines for them just gets me excited! I tell you I read through your entire oc list before I got to the comics cause I just love reading them helps get the brain cells moving for ideas lol. Especially cause of how interesting and well written they were! Just really gets me engaged and interested in the stories :) honestly thank you for answering my asks ;o; especially cause your not as active on here as on twitter and this is my only way of really asking ;-;. I hope you’re doing well and I hope you have a good rest of your day/night! Thank you!
Hey there! Since these are getting long and a little specific, I’ll put it behind a cut, though I may opt to shift these to private answers if they start getting too spoily or personal.
The Stardroid comic is a “years later” followup on Gigamix, so I’m somewhat beholden to what Ariga-sensei has revealed, whether it be on TwiX or in lore-dumps like the Maniax books. Thankfully, he’s also VERY much a proponent of fans coming up with their own stories and headcanons (as mentioned when asked about hairstyles; since fans will frequently take his opinions and designs over the canon ones even when he’s not working in an officially-moderated capacity, and he doesn’t want to cause a rift with Capcom’s control over their own franchise and his own chances to work with them in the future).
That said, there isn’t MUCH 'canon' information on the Gigamix Stardroids, even in Maniax, with the bulk of it being focused on Terra and Mercury... but out of my own preferences, I’d still like to keep what’s available intact, and build off that, even if I end up building a LOT. In Sunstar’s case, he’s not even a robot, just a conglomerate of destructive energy and negative emotion. So trying to work with that and give HIM closure was rough. First, he needs a body and a soul...
Once he gets those, it's a bit rough on the Stardroids, too, but at the end of the day gets resolved by them (and a critical third party) realizing that what they understood of him was incomplete, and trying to figure out how to fix that...
Escape the Old Temple, in contrast, is technically built off the games (since it’s designed to be a game, itself), but presents a branch where Sunstar didn’t actually die at the end of World 5/V, merely faking his death and then masking the presence of himself and the other Stardroids (also miraculously surviving) so that they could rebuild at the edge of the solar system without further human intervention. The only reason Rock was able to defeat him in the first place was because he had just awoken from a who-knows-how-long slumber, and was essentially still booting up. Once at full power, he’s beyond pretty much anything human technology could throw at him in their current state.
He simply steps in when a ‘relic’ of the Stardroid’s ancient past (in the form of Antares’ trap-filled temple/tomb) shows up. On one hand, if Antares is still active, it could pose a threat to Earth. On the other, if someone like Wily decides to meddle, he could gain access to technology that could negatively impact what chances Earth has at a continued ‘peaceful’ existence. Rock proved that peace was possible, and Sunstar wants to do his part; whether or not the other Stardroids agree is another issue entirely, but their own stability is also threatened by the temple’s presence, so they might as well be the first line of defense (plus, they’d know what to do with the technology they loot, unlike some wacky mad human scientist).
Sun isn’t so much running off on his own, but when the others fail to return from scouting the temple, he and Terra dispatch themselves to get them back and end the threat personally. Sun’s approach to it is just... a little more haphazard and forceful (and frustrating for Terra). It’s less of a child-leash issue... but I will be honest, the mental image of that is hilarious and pretty much on-point. It’s definitely how Terra feels at times!
And thank you so much for the kind words on the OCs-! But it... doesn’t really change my feeling on the verge of giving up (likely temporary, but no less debilitating)...
Mental Health Dump ahead, feel free to skip, but it’s the gist of things as they stand:
My biggest success with the [REDACTED] fandom pretty much set me up for unfair expectations on engagement, and ever since the thing that made me fall out of that fandom (which involved getting into official development, only to have my soul crushed and disregarded and left to rot under an NDA until it was too late to salvage my emotional state, causing me to lose many friends and all of my self-worth), I’ve suffered from intense RSD. That - plus a constant stream of working myself to burn-out for little to no engagement - has made me more or less a wreck, who can’t maintain reasonable creative function without sufficient external positive reinforcement to keep up my energy. However, because of my past expectations and relative success when it comes to OC engagement, the threshold for what’s considered ‘sufficient’ reinforcement is a lot higher than most people, and not reaching it causes me to sink lower and lower each time I ‘fail’.
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Couple that with my bad track record for being stuck in jobs I hate IRL, and you’ve got a recipe for frequent meltdowns.
I know I should be getting help/therapy for this, but attempts to do so have ranged from getting simply brushed aside put on meds that make matters worse, to literally being told by a mental health screener that there’s nothing wrong with me and that my ‘problems’ are all because I’m a woman and my hormones are making me miserable (I’m not joking).
I was able to get decent headway into the Mega Man fandom as an escape born of trying to return to my roots, but I also had, at the time, just gotten a job I actually loved, and seemed stable and fulfilling and it gave me life and energy and enough free time to actually dedicate to larger projects (like the comic).
...And then the boss of that job started loading most of his management work on me (while keeping my title as 'sales associate' so the experience wouldn't reflect for future job hunting/unemployment), before betraying me and throwing the company away to pursue gambling and crypto (presumably, due to his suspicious lack of communication when asked for details), which landed me back in Corporate Retail Hell, which is where I currently reside, living alone amidst rapidly increasing rent, utilities, and general cost of living.
I am once again reliant on engagement... engagement I’m just not getting because the Tumblr environment has changed since the [REDACTED] days to dissuade comments/replies/asks, and the TwiX environment has changed to be so painfully algorithm-dependent that I can barely get scraps.
To be honest, I’m not ‘more active’ on TwiX anymore... and if anything, I’m on my way out there, too, due to the way Stinky ruined everything and made the environment hostile and unstable. But I can’t shift my weight fully to Tumblr, either, because I don’t trust it to not eventually fall into the [REDACTED] trap of people only approaching me hoping I’ll be their friend so that they can get free art out of me (and a few people have already thrown up the red flags of that behavior, making me even more on-guard).
I also get the feeling that this is a community that prioritizes giving the time of day to people actively mingling with all the other creators; I can’t get away with what I did at the height of my drive, where I’d create characters and people would stop by and enjoy them with me. What little energy I have either goes to creating, or to maintenance, and unless I’ve got a reasonable stream of incoming energy to spend, I can’t feasibly mingle the way people seem to expect. It’s too big a space to spread myself so thin.
When I started my comic, I lived in a hole under a rock. The world I knew was small, and a small amount of engagement was enough. Then I stepped out from that safety and into the fandom and saw how large and expansive it really is, and how insignificant I am, and how effortlessly other people doing similar things to me can get all the validation in the world from 5-minute white-background line doodles of their own OCs, while I struggle to get full pieces recognized... and I’ve more or less become overwhelmed by a combination of fandom agoraphobia and personal futility.
If I can make something that looks okay in one go with minimal frustration, I might post it... but seeing how little that gets me unless it involves "popular fav" canon characters means that if I hit any snags in a larger project with original components, ANY frustration at all, I’m more likely to simply stop, out of fear that the energy spent to leap the hurdles won’t be recouped by the final product.
That's why the one Ask still sitting in the Remes box hasn't been answered; I wanted to precede answering it with a larger story (albeit an unrelated one, but I wanted to get that story into people's heads going forward), but hitting snags in that story and realizing I'd most likely post it and get 6 notes total made me just... not feel like it'd be worth it.
I thank you for your kind words, I truly do... but right now I am just one failure too far over the line to be anything more than an eyesore and a liability until I recoup...
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remesrobotics · 1 year
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SGN.0?? - アンタレス “The crimes of our Creators are best left buried…”
Good Point - Stoic Bad Point - Trust Like - Developing traps Dislike - Criticism
Torso proportions as if it would stand at 6’4” (193.04 cm) with legs and no heels (though it definitely wore heels when it still had legs). Due to its nature as mounted to machinery, its effective ‘height’ can be adjusted at will.
A “sungod”-type Stardroid from the same line as Sunstar, often referred to as the Scorpion of Judgment. Older, and as a result built on somewhat more antiquated technology. A combination of age, abuse at the hands of its Creators, and a grisly attempted assassination have left Antares with an unstable and leaking power core, on the verge of collapse. To mitigate this, Antares remains plugged into a mobile space fortress resembling a large, trap-filled temple, using itself as a battery to siphon off the excess, leaking energy, while simultaneously traveling the universe looking for energy sources and raw materials with which to prolong its life.
While hooked into the temple, Antares has potential full awareness of what is going on within it, through cameras and microphones situated throughout. It can summon and command mechanical insect constructs through its halls, trigger a large multitude of hidden traps, and operate prehensile, claw-tipped tendrils that can be both used to repair structures in the base, and fend off attackers. While not under control, these tendrils can act on their own as fortress-defense units.
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Once upon a time, Antares had legs and insectoid limbs attached to its back. After the assassination attempt, when it was converted into a ‘battery’ for its temple, its legs and back-limbs were removed and replaced with prehensile tubes of cables and wires; power cables that send energy out from Antares rather than taking it in. The ‘plugs’ on these cables have variable use, not only interfacing with equipment to transfer energy and data, but also emitting energy weaponry in the form of beams and blades, for self-defense.
Antares also has a large, more powerful ‘cable’ extending from its head, which possesses a far more powerful weaponized socket and no data interface ability. While it can launch powerful fireballs and beams, it prefers to shape the energy output into a curved blade - the Prominence Sting. It augments melee combat with a collection of robot-affecting ‘venoms’ that it concocts in its spare time.
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It is possible for Antares to unplug from the fortress to engage in physical combat, at which point it gains access to seven weaponized tendril limbs simultaneously, while from the waist down it emits a powerful, serpentine flame. While in this state it has limited antigravity features, though it will usually augment its mobility with its tendrils. Using this form - however powerful as it is by utilizing all of its energy - is dangerous and unstable, and only used as a last possible line of defense.
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Typically, Antares’ preferred means of engaging with opponents outside of the fortress is to merge itself with its own personal tank; a giant, walking scorpion mech by the tongue-in-cheek moniker of “Serqet Breaker”. This large monstrosity is situated at the top of the fortress temple, disguised as a pyramidal altar of sorts, until Antares docks to the top of it, at which point it unfolds into its combat state. It has six clawed feet, a powerful tail ending in a drill, and two massive, floating pincer claws up front. These pincers generate massive amounts of electricity, and can also generate ballistic spinning blades, which is can launch with great force using the claws as railguns.
As the star Antares lacks any exoplanets, the robot Antares does not have any self-aware, planet-based servant Stardroids. Instead, it is served by an army of mass-produced worker and soldier units manufactured within the very walls of the space fortress, more akin to a eusocial insect queen. As a result of this - as well as poor creator upbringing - Antares has a cynically classist view of planet-based Stardroids, not only regarding them as underlings and servants who are beneath the ‘sungod’ lines, but seeing itself as being above having to employ them.
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This was further enhanced by a ‘rivalry’ narrative concocted by the creators, where different ‘sungods’ were frequently pitted against one another in carefully choreographed intergalactic wars meant to coerce their worshiping populations into relying on them more and more. Antares was passed off as a ‘monotheistic’ type, while other sungods like Sunstar - with their planet servants - acted more as polytheistic pantheons. This led to Antares having one of the haughtier personalities among them.
After the terrible war that eliminated the Creators - leaving the Stardroids and other survivors to fend for themselves - Antares quickly departed to exist by itself, barely crossing paths with other sungods. Though at one time it had hoped to create descendants, it has no such desire now, believing the universe too cold and cruel a place.
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However, upon discovering that its peers had taken to creating future generations not bound to the cruelty of their Creators, Antares found itself to be a rather doting individual to these young-star generations, hoping that they could be raised into better lives. To those ends, while Antares maintains a somewhat heated rivalry with its direct peers out of many millennia of ingrained habit, it will never willingly harm a young star.
(Proxima (albeit a slighty outdated design) : @dahlia-the-nurd)
- Dubiously Canon Offshoot -
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Antares’ HEC/SEE/Giga variant still has legs and spidery limbs, and therefore maintains a feminine self-identity due to not having been converted into a battery. Her core has long since collapsed completely into a miniature black hole of sorts, and she is only kept ‘alive’ by the supposedly infinite power of the HEC, its supernatural nature mitigating her collapsed core’s gravity. However, she is much weaker than many HEC Stardroids because much of the HEC’s power is being siphoned off into the black hole; even if it’s infinite, its output volume is effectively halved. She makes up for it with a truly heinous personality.
Giga-Antares is exceedingly cruel and even a bit inappropriate, acting somewhere between flirty and outright sadistic. She still possesses her temple despite not being hooked to it, and keeps an extensive collection of ‘statues’ of previous victims, who are all 100% still alive, simply paralyzed by one of her two HEC-empowered venoms (her bite). The venom in her stinger, by contrast, affects the circuits of her victims, causing intense anguish.
She desperately seeks other Sungod-tier stars, hoping to devour their cores to sate her own collapsed core’s emptiness. She has already discovered and devoured her variant of Khepri’s.
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someweirdoreblogger · 4 years
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Me and @sittingunderthetrees were chatting funny & ridiculous nicknames.
Then I had such a good laugh that I made this abomination. Not sorry.
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astrangeartist · 4 years
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Taste The Sun.
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ladyzorasmain · 5 years
I honestly want to make a shirt with this!
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dahlia-the-nurd · 3 years
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one shitpost and other is a massive wip for @godslush game idea she had involving her sungod oc, antares, and stardroids.
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lilaxthegreat · 3 years
Fandom Meme: Megaman! (General or a specific series, your pick!)
I’m going Classic since that’s the original one I loved when I was younger. The first character I first fell in love with: Crash Man. Dumb idiot kid with bombs and a fierce temper? Yeah, that how it started. Thanks very much to Dracozombie for enabling that.
The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: Sunstar/Sungod. I didn’t care much about him and the Stardroids and then like I suddenly did. Even more now that I’ve played Monolith and now have an appreciation for Danmaku Sungod.
The character everyone else loves that I don’t: Proto Man. Like this is mainly pre Archie for me. I NEVER liked Proto Man due to his personality and people just adored him. Archie Comics has since then alleviated this; ESPECIALLY backing him with Tempo, speaking of which...
The character I love that everyone else hates: Quake Woman/Tempo. There’s still a lot of dislike for the “Archie Original Character” and I saw it a lot early on. I’m sure now people have warmed up to her a lot but yeah.
The character I used to love but don’t any longer: Shadow Man. He was super cool, and I fell out of obsessing over him. That’s alleviated a bit, again, thanks to Archie Comics giving him some sort of a better/coherent backstory.
The character I would totally smooch: Tundra Man. Is ANYBODY surprised about this?
The character I’d want to be like: Dr. Light, honestly. I wanna be a cool genius scientist. The character I’d slap: Dr. Wily cause... Wily. A pairing that I love: With the exception of OC/Canon ships, I do sort of ship Tempo/Blues (them being quite on the young side makes me ship them more platonically though), I also hardcore ship Gyro/Tornado, and I may have a soft spot for Tundra/Metal. A pairing that I despise: Rock/Roll. Actually make that ANYBODY with Rock. He’s a kid. Let him be a kid. Or actually double that up, Roll with anybody else as well. Basically any kid if it’s not a familial or platonic relationship. Do not ship the kids.
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I don’t always post full doujin stories. But when I do, I prefer dos...ssssorta dumb, but cute, space-y things.
In this complete short chapter from R Cantabile 2, Plug and Galaxy walk into Jewel gazing adoringly into the rich colors of his bling bling rings, from the ‘deep ruby red’ to the ‘brilliant scarlet garnet.’ He goes on to flashback, with spelunking Drill Man finding some gems that Jewel goes on to inspect, and he proceeds to tell the duo that ‘jewelry shines because of love.’
But the next morning there is a blood-curdling scream, so Magma and Plug run to check to see what’s going on. Oopsie, Galaxy ate the jewels! Black Hole Bomb is totally how Galaxy consumes nutrients, and he has a hunger for ornate jewelry. Plug is confused, asking why he ate them, but Jewel is beyond upset and storms out to go hide in his room. Galaxy hunts him down to apologize, and after Jewel opens the door, Galaxy decides to turn into UFO mode and EAT JEWEL TOO!
Or I guess he just transports the two of them outside, where Galaxy tries his best to explain to Jewel his own love for flashiness, and probably the reason why he ate the jewels, which is the sparkling stars in the evening sky. Now you know the touching story behind the weakness cycle. He eats jewels to create those shimmering lights in an awe-inspiring galaxy.
Jewel starts to see things from another perspective, and enjoys the view. Although, I don’t know if Google Translate is totally correct here, but apparently while looking up at the stars on the last page, Jewel comments “Shiny and...horny.” So there you go, anything that sparkles makes Jewel Man horny. It’s in a book and therefore Google must be believed to be accurate.
This has been another edition of Rock Miyabi’s poorly-translated story time.
Scanned from: R Cantabile 2, by Various Artists [Circle - Iso no Kaori Death Match (磯の香りデスマッチ)], Circa August, 2009.
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theletterwsartflap · 2 years
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A few of the... haircanons I have, along with some notes of why I picked the styles I did.
Transcript under the cut since my writing can get a little hard to read at times.
Elec - Elec 'styles' his hair with static electricity. You cannot tame it nor convince him to stop.
Quick - Probably stood in a wind tunnel.
Flash - Flash's head is covered in a sort of circuit pattern so he can illuminate. He's self conscious about this.
Gemini - I don't really know how this style works. Gemini moment.
Neptune - Neptune has closer to tentacles than hair.
Sunstar - Likes it gaudy. Sunstar adds another bead for every poor soul he makes a part of space dust.
Snake - Corn rows look like little snakes/snake scales. That's it. That's the entire reason.
Centaur - IS A HORSE. Has long horse hair. (And big horse teeth)
Plant - A 'bush' is a plant. Plant has bushy hair.
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olligociarts · 4 years
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I’m in hell and I’m going to take you all with me come the last leg of this year.
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Robot Masters and Mavericks: Sunstar
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Sunstar, known in Japan as Sungod (サンゴッド), is a blue, sun-themed robot seemingly designed for planetary conquest. He's the leader of a group of robots called the Stardroids, whose original purpose seemed to be to conquer the universe for an unknown entity that died long ago. After this realization, both Wily and Sunstar made amends and vowed to become interplanetary ambassadors for Earth. Shadow Man seems rather fond of the Stardroids, yet isn't sure why. Personality: A bit of a snob, Sunstar sees himself as superior to many others, including other robots. However, despite this entitlement, he'll always stick up for his subordinates, and has proven himself a great leader. Being powered by nearby stars, he'll often be seen sunbathing or advocating the use of solar power. Strengths: Destruction Rain- Like a metal Super Saiyan, he can summon light into his hands and fire it in a concentrated beam shower that disintegrates enemies! Medium Armor Weaknesses: Spark Chaser- For as mighty as he is, he has a fatal flaw in the form of a powerful jolt. If a massive electric shock hits him, his system's fried like a catfish on Friday night!
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astrangeartist · 4 years
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a big sketch for a bigger piece.
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olligociarts · 4 years
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I should never have crossed these two over but I did.
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theletterwsartflap · 5 years
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