alistairssock · 10 months
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A while a go I attempted making my Dragon Age OCs in BG3 to the best of my ability, and they all look so offbrand it's so funny
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je-suis-problematique · 3 months
Some Dyffros ramblings
We are going in completely blind with this one, we only have the faintest of faint ideas for what we want to do with him but he is essentially meant to be paired with Abdirak and he is from Pharo's canon meaning his story is happening parallel to and separate from Pharo's at first but then both stories converge at later stages. The hows and whys are still a mystery to us so I ask you to bear with me while we figure this shit out.
Dyffros is a priest (ceremonial) from Nescan and he is the closest one of Tarantino's (very) few associates. The way we imagined it Tarantino sent Dyffros after Pharo into Faerûn after yeeting Pharo there just to keep tabs on his little victim for funsies, y'know? Dyffros' job was to follow Pharo around from a safe distance and report any interesting things back to Tarantino through a device that allowed for communication between worlds, given to Dyffros by the serial killer.
Dyffros' relationship with Tarantino is very strained, we imagine Dyffros doesn't actually LIKE serving Tarantino and he's been more or less forced into compliance by hostile means like maybe blackmail or some sort of threat. Tarantino KNOWS that Dyffros would much rather NOT work for him but Tarantino has the upper hand and he enjoys reminding Dyffros of it every chance he gets. Sending Dyffros to Faerûn IS a risk though because Tarantino can't monitor Dyffros' actions as closely as usually did so Dyffros COULD potentially betray him and such, but Tarantino took all of that into account and came up with a backup plan in case Dyffros strays too far. Maybe he has Dyffros' family held hostage, maybe he's willing to expose Dyffros' criminal profile to the public to ruin his reputation and have him excommunicated from the church, maybe he sent Dyffros to Faerûn with some sort of explosive collar on him or with poison in his system that only Tarantino has the antidote for, you get the picture. Tarantino ALWAYS wins and Dyffros is completely powerless against him, that's the message the killer wants to send. And Dyffros performs his mission dutifully without allowing any room for distractions UNTIL he meets Abdirak.
When and where exactly Dyffros met Abdirak is a bit of a question mark for us because we know Pharo meets Abdirak at the goblin camp and all but since Dyffros is never too far behind we're wondering if Dyffros met Abdirak before or after Pharo. Personally I think that while Pharo was busy running around the general area of the camp Dyffros managed to infiltrate it first in order to see what Pharo was going to be up against, maybe Tarantino even ordered him to do it. So he goes in all sneaky and then.... Abdirak. Priest of Loviatar that strikes Dyffros as a bit.... out of place in the goblin camp. So he approaches Abdirak and they start talking. Dyffros is entirely decked out in Nescan combat priest gear mind you (I know I said he's ceremonial but we like to think that he used to be in one of the combat units and then retired) so he looks all futuristic and shit so Abdirak is naturally curious and honestly they just kinda click, both being men of faith and stuff. We still didn't figure out how Nescan religions work so, again, bear with my vagueness a little. So anyway the two priests are all over each other, maybe Dyffros shows Abdirak how a taser works if he has one or one of his more lethal weapons or something, tells Abdirak that he'll "be around" and to not tell anyone of his presence in the camp. That he'll "find him later" maybe. Perhaps he even warns Abdirak of the fact that the whole camp might turn hostile soon, I don't know. Either way Dyffros has to leave for now but he is very Distracted™ at this point.
I don't know what happens next honestly. I just read that you can find Abdirak after killing the goblin leaders being a bit lost as to how to escape so I can envision Dyffros helping him out there, maybe taking him back to his camp. Whether Dyffros tells Abdirak of his mission or he chooses to keep it a secret – I don't know. I think Dyffros himself might not be too sure about what exactly he should do about Abdirak because he shouldn't have picked him up in the first place but he did so now he's confused. He reports to Tarantino as usual, maybe tries to play it off as "just talking to an employer" when Abdirak asks, but Abdirak's presence begins eating at him from the inside because not only does he simply like Abdirak, he starts seeing a potential ally in him who might be able to help him weasel out of Tarantino's grasp. Truth be told Dyffros even starts thinking about Pharo as a potential ally but he doesn't admit it to himself yet.
Maybe Abdirak proposes they part ways because he has to get back to his temple or something or maybe he starts pressing Dyffros for answers when their little adventure starts becoming more and more dangerous and Abdirak Didn't Sign Up For That. Either way though Dyffros eventually spills the truth before Abdirak and straight up just begs him for help, telling him about Tarantino and their ties to Pharo and such. Maybe Abdirak is the one who encourages Dyffros to stop skulking around in the shadows and actually contact Pharo and his group directly to ask for help against Tarantino. Maybe THAT'S when their stories converge. Somewhere around the shadow-cursed lands perhaps?
Pharo and gang deciding to help Dyffros if Dyffros helps them too, first in dealing with the Elder Brain, then in getting close enough to Tarantino to take him down. Dyffros agrees and of course Abdirak gets roped into it as well. There's still plenty of adventures to be had before Pharo even has the time to go after Tarantino so I'm thinking Dyffros and Abdirak do have the time to bond properly and get to know each other better and hey, Lazarus exists and is a priest too so I can see Dyffros feeling less alone in all of this.
This is all I could come up with at the moment, more to come!
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childprxnce · 5 years
tag dump
fair folk // the fae as my heart remembers // the asmiir i am for you // the elves you looked at death & saw what you had to do // arelia all the stars are fallen embers // turis moving mountains // avella cousin and advisor // dyffros all i can be is myself // self propriety can be cast aside // desires a library at my disposal // quotes from the heart of winter // the frosts born from the waters // the druids shining shimmering deadly // mer-rens may we stay lost on our way home // sansa
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bearwithspectacles · 7 years
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Dyffros carries many cursed objects this is just one of them “The Drink That Never Ends”
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alistairssock · 3 months
Seeing @sebvael doing kissy picrew with their DA characters and their love interests reminded me I did the kissy picrew a lil while back with mine
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From top left to bottom right
Leliana and Neria - Zevran and Gwendolynn - Morrigan and Dyffros - Alistair and Phyllis - Fenris and Ymbert - Estra and Josephine - Morgan with Isabela and Anders
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alistairssock · 2 years
Saw someone doing this but lost them in when dash updated, but here's some of my dears, wardens, Hawke and Inquisitior
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alistairssock · 1 year
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je-suis-problematique · 3 months
I think the fact Abdirak thinks Chris is a God and that Dyffros is his avatar is hilarious. Chris IS a powerful alter but not so powerful that he could be considered GODLIKE, you know? There are alters far more powerful than Chris roaming around our Otherworld and yet Abdirak looked at Chris and went "that is a whole ass Divine Entity™ and he is sending Dyffros after me because he wants my soul". He isn't sure whether to feel blessed or cursed.
– Sengo
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alistairssock · 1 year
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Local emo, local goth and local arsonist
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alistairssock · 2 years
Saw someone else doing this and got inspired
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je-suis-problematique · 3 months
Sengo Auvyrret (previously Vasanna Auvyrret) and uh Dyffros Moonshadow for Karn'iss and Abdirak respectively because we are brainstorming and horny.
– Gortash
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alistairssock · 4 years
Don't think I ever posted these but still think they're hilarious
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alistairssock · 5 years
The way Morrigan laughs so happily when you approach her reblog if you agree
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alistairssock · 5 years
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Made some kids
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alistairssock · 5 years
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Some of my good gals and their trans pals
Made with this
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alistairssock · 5 years
@motheaten-scarf was as usual a sweetheart and sent me some number for a ask meme, so here they are
Ymbert: 7 - Does your OC have any markings, such as a birthmark or a scar?
I imagine him having a tiny scar on his nose (as a play on the classic, default blood smear), as well the fact he broke his nose as kid, and a few times in more recent time. Of course he has more scars, being a reckless rouge and all, but nothing too distigushed or of importance. I also like imagining him having a few freckles scattered around here and there.
Estra: 21 - Who is your OC's closest relative?
She has her family alive and well somewhere, but the closest relative she meets in my canon are Oriel and Leonie. Oriel being her lost baby sister who got separated from her family when they all ran from the Qun, miraculously ending up with Estra's second cousin Leonie. Estra and Leonie were close as kids, despite the Qun's strict rules, so Oriel ending up with Leonie wasn't the worst outcome, a side for the fact they were too young to raise two kids on their own. Estra meets Oriel again mostly by accident in Haven when her mercenary band pass through to trade supply and as she do; she stuck around which meant a lot to Estra who'd nearly searched the world for her.
Zaranthys: 42 - What makes your OC happy?
BAKING. Zara loves to bake and it always reminds him of home in a sad, sentimental way, but it's also a passion he's held onto and greatly enjoys. Forest naps also makes him happy, so having to camp on missions is something he looks forward to, no matter the weather. Bonus if someone wants to share tent and tell stories all night. Zara might also come off as a but aloof, but he has a lot of care for his friends.
Gwen: 45 - What are some things that annoy your OC?
Simply the thought of Behlen. She trusted and loved her borther, but his betrayal made it all crash down. But the whole deal any her more than makes her sad, there's simply no sympathy left for that guy. It takes a lot to get her annoyed, though, but if she doesn't get or is stuck in her research it might grind her gears a lot and it's no use talking to her until her either figures it out or gives up/puts it aside.
Leonie: 50 - What secrets does your OC have?
Leonie probably has more secrets than they'd like to admit. But they're not deep, dark ones, just embarrassing moments and things they'd rather not tell their kids. How they have the most hopeless crush on Anders and how they'd never let themself be with him, even tho he's had feelings for them too. And, well, the whole deal about staying with their late partner for days after the murder. But other than those deep buried emotions, they try to be very open and communicate with their kids, and as Warden Commander they're a just leader as well. Secrets are only to be kept if it can save their life or their ass for ultimate embassament and emotional confrontation with themself.
Dyffros: 66 - What is your OC's favorite food?
Anything traditionally Dalish and that reminds him of his clan and home. He and Tamlen used to make this stew as kids that consisted of a handful of disorted nuts, edible leaves and dried roots, mushrooms and pheasant. Sometimes when he feel really homesick he tries to make the closest thing to it, share it with his friends around the fire, and everything feels a little better or a while.
Phyllis: 75 - What's your OC's favorite scent?
All things flowery. Strangely, horses? (She's afraid of them). She's been one time to Amaranthine and smelled the ocean, which she wish she'd get to see and smell again. Fresh and clean bed sheets. And whatever Alistair might smell like, honeslty.
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