#dymphna my baby
lorephobic · 8 months
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what if i actually did it this time
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wildflowercatholic · 2 months
Hi, friends!
I decided to write a short intro post since i don’t want my blog to be empty. 😊
My name is Kass, and I’m starting RCIA/OCIA in early September. I’ve been drawn to Catholicism since I was 15, and after some major life changes this year, I finally decided to start the process of coming home.
I have a brother and four sisters, one of whom will be my sponsor for confirmation, and I also have two cats who I love very much.
I love writing, caring for animals, and spending time with my siblings and my baby niece. My favorite saints are Saint Jude, Saint Augustine, Saint Ann, and Saint Dymphna.
My DMs are open if anyone wants to chat or has any prayer requests. Thanks for reading! 💙
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byhisscourging · 3 months
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hello, peace be with you, and welcome to my blog!
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About this page:
This blog is mainly intended to be used to compile resources & information i’d like to curate and incorporate into my day-to-day spiritual life, as i’m trying to bridge an odd gap in both my mental health and my relationship with God. you’re more than welcome to stick around if you find my reposts & such helpful :)
my username is a reference to Isaiah 53:5, “by His scourging, we are healed.” the blog title is the English translation of my paternal family’s motto: “Elatum a Deo Non Deprimat”
the word “witch” is in quotations marks within my bio simply because although “witchcraft” is probably the closest word to describe what it is i’m practicing, the title of “witch” feels like something i have outgrown and is no longer accurate to my spiritual practices and such. no judgement intended toward anyone who does refer to themselves that way!
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Here’s some very basic information about me:
my name is Francis, though you may call me Frankie if you’d like!
i am 22 years old — an October baby!
i am a baptized and confirmed Roman Catholic
i have attended Catholic school for all levels of education i have received thus far
i am a student of theology with a concentration in interfaith studies at a Jesuit university (and am also aiming for a minor in peace & justice studies)
a non-negligible part of my personal theology/relationship with God has been influenced by Buddhist thought, particularly in regards to theology of the body
i have an 18 month old kitten named Assisi (nicknamed Sisi!) who followed me home on the feast day of Saint Francis <3
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My interests related to this blog include:
folk Christianity (especially) Catholicism, including: Irish/Celtic folk Catholicism; Appalachian (especially southwest PA/north WV) folk Christianity (Catholic and/or Protestant); Slavic folk Christianity; German folk Catholicism; and Britannic folk Christianity
folk witchcraft/magic related to the aforementioned practices
how to be more Christlike
the Five Wounds of Jesus and the Sacred Heart
Marian Devotion (my relationship with our Virgin Mother has never been the strongest, which I’d like to change)
saints and practices involving working with saints, especially but not limited to: St. Joan of Arc, St. Dymphna, St. Francis of Assisi, St. Anthony, St. Expiditus, St. Joseph and St. Paul of the Cross
angels, guardian angels, and archangels, as well as practices involving working with all three
bibliomancy (specifically with the Bible) or other Christian-oriented/inspired divination
trans theology
cats and Christianity
witchcraft regarding familiars, chiefly cats
spoonie witchcraft
urban witchcraft
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goose-girl · 6 months
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St. Agnes and I go way back. We met when I was seven, sitting criss-cross applesauce on the floor of my baby pink bedroom thumbing through a collection of books on saints. St. Agnes lived in one of those books, and I visited her often while trying to decide which saint would be my confirmation saint. My church did a double-whammy First Communion and Confirmation service, so at the tender age of seven, I had to decide which saint whose life I wanted to embody, instead of doing so when I was in early adolescence, when Confirmation is meant to take place.
At seven, my admiration for any saint wasn’t due to their severe penance, or humility, or piety, the qualities I should hope to pick up on my journey into Catholic womanhood. Instead, I admired the saints who looked the prettiest in their dramatized illustrations. St. Cecilia, with her princess name and fairy-like patronage of music. St. Dymphna, with her exotic name and her actual status as a princess. St. Lucy, who looked like the popular sporty girls in my grade. And St. Rose of Lima, tortured by a dazzling beauty she never asked for.
Read the rest of the essay here!
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cicadaboybat · 1 year
im trying to get dressed for a connecticut church young adult group barbecue later today and im trying to look like the "catholic" punk/goth i am without getting kicked out, first step is my million catholic earrings, st dymphna medal will work well in this pursuit, and skull pants memonto mori baby
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icarus-suraki · 2 years
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Haunted Doll Watch!! That’s Delaine in the striped chair (haunted doll 1) and the harlequin doll is Luna (haunted doll 2)
Books! Mostly witchcraft, Wicca, and New Age junk that I snagged for free out of a donation bin during my library days. Yes it includes Big Blue Buckland and To Ride a Silver Broomstick. You can’t see the nearly-complete Kyron collection behind the Pagan Family book but it’s there. Also yes that’s a fanbook for the MXTX series. 
The Chris Chan art is on the top shelf next to the tiny treasure chest (which contains old, old Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab scents).
World Band radio from my dad. Journals and notebooks down there.
Literature shelf 1: Joyce and Pynchon and Pratchett but also a first edition of New Frontiers of the Mind which was about to get weeded at a library. Naturally I grabbed it. Also Sister Karol’s Little Book of Spells and Rituals which is so odd and I love it. Rando army officer’s guide that once belonged to a Rosicrucian. No joke.
Tasty-smelling unused candle (unused) with silver butterfly, Nendroid boxes, MXTX books lying down (because they tend to bend when standing up). Imported stickers.
Bottom shelf is a lot of foreign language: Japanese novels, including Memoirs of a Geisha, Misery by Stephen King, and one titled God Is a Gun. Again: donations that I grabbed. Couple of manga because back in the day you could score Japanese manga at conventions. I miss those days. It was fun. One book in Japanese about “Getting Along in English” and another on “adulting.” Also the Glitch game artbook. I miss Glitch so much. The lantern is disassembled because the batteries leaked and I need to clean it up, sigh.
Literature shelves 2+: drawing books, Japanese craft book for cat houses, Cormac McCarthy my beloved, The Practice of the Presence of God. BCP (baptism gift to me as a baby) and the Bible in Chinese (another donation). Teacup for gin (it’s the cucumber one, yes). Random bottles and jars because I love them. A Course in Miracles both volumes and teacher’s workbook (more donations). V.C. Andrews because I sometimes have no taste. Haunted photograph, Arthur, is in the ripped-up looking case to be protected from sunlight. Animal Crossing: New Horizons-edition Switch dock (I didn’t want the paint/decal to get scratched). Little tiny chenille chicks used for pranks. People in a bag for Sashimiko cosplays. Japanese fashion magazines and Gothic & Lolita Bibles. The Red Book sitting on a children’s book in Chinese, partial view of sewing patterns. Unseen: more books stacked on the floor.
Literature shelves 3+: with Saint Dymphna, patroness of those with mental illnesses. Listen, I’ll try anything. There’s Big Blue Buckland’s, couple more Llewellyn magic(k) books, the Normal Tarot book, and the third copy of City of Bohane (I love that book but not enough for 3 copies; long story). Tarot cards and Lenormande cards. Russian language book. Imported stickers. Random electronics bits (cords, &c) and office supplies live in the two bins.
On top you’ve got Senor Misterioso (he glows in the dark) and his real saint figurine self, Doctor Jose Gregorio Hernandez. They are counterparts. Lantern. Fake succulent. Rando room spray. SACRED TUMBLR BRAND SHOELACES!!!! Aforementioned haunted doll, Luna. Egg cup with blessed salt.
On the other side, egg cup w/ salt (alt. view), plastic palm trees from my old desk in the library, “fake” fountain pens and more imported stickers. Fake flowers mostly from cosplay, bowl held by claws (Target Halloween 5 or 6 years ago), cup with a jubilee of pens. Xie Lian bookmark 💗 Tiny gashapon and blind box doodads. Wooden jar. 
There you go. That’s my shelves. I can entertain questions if you’d like. Closeups available. 
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elfpuddle · 1 year
My mother is right now (7:23PM EST on April 18, 2023), calling the cops to do a wellness check on my baby brother (46) because he needs psychiatric help and is suddenly off the deep end. Prayers, thoughts, whatever you’ve got, I’d appreciate them. Thank you!
St. George and St. Dymphna, pray for him!
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hillerska-official · 2 years
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I posted 1,311 times in 2022
That's 861 more posts than 2021!
644 posts created (49%)
667 posts reblogged (51%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,304 of my posts in 2022
Only 1% of my posts had no tags
#young royals - 742 posts
#not yr - 494 posts
#yr2 - 383 posts
#wilhelm young royals - 342 posts
#wille young royals - 339 posts
#yr2 spoilers - 257 posts
#simon young royals - 237 posts
#wilmon - 210 posts
#not young royals - 159 posts
#personal - 139 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#the queer aspects of the show are a part of it of course but theres exploration of class and wealth and mental health that exist outside it
My Top Posts in 2022:
RED ALERT, ST. AGNES HAS 2 CATS!!! dream thieves pg 236, their names are Joan and Dymphna and I have decided they are both, much to Adam's dismay and Ronans delight, OBSESSED with Adam
Edit: my ebook has different page numbers than u might, so its chapter 39 if the page isnt right 💕
320 notes - Posted March 17, 2022
Princess bride trending is a sign that I should share my AU concept. Its wilmon princess bride :)
360 notes - Posted August 19, 2022
These fucking raven boys, cannot tell a lie. Noah "I've been dead for seven years" Czerny, Richard "will talk to anyone willing to listen and also to those who arent" Gansey, and Ronan "found my new baby raven in my head" Lynch. And Adam's just sitting there like "why are all my friends so fucking stupid?"
378 notes - Posted March 12, 2022
Something something seeing Wille through the mirror something something Erik having a frog prince that's not in glass something something November fucking first
389 notes - Posted September 30, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Have we pulled this one back out yet?
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1,079 notes - Posted May 14, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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iomadachd · 2 years
Dean has several diagnoses as far as mental illness CPTSD Paranoid Personality Disorder Selective Mutism Generalized Anxiety Disorder
Dean reacts badly to both hallucinogens and painkillers that can induce hallucinations, such as morphine. They mess with his PPD and he’ll generally have at least a mild freak out until they wear off.
Dean owns a pair of reading glasses when his eyes get strained. He knows he probably needs a pair full time, but hasn’t jumped in on that just yet.
Dean is a decent guitarist. He first learned to play during summers as a teen and has kept it up in his spare time as a hobby and way to relax.
At the time Dean was diagnosed with PPD, he was also diagnosed with PTSD. His mother’s death had left a scar on his mind, and a part of the four year old remained even as an adult. Not even John realized that Dean had seen everything. How Dean had woken up when Mary screamed, and ran to the nursery even before John. The blood on his baby brother’s face and the shadow that had wiped it away.The way his mother’s blood dripped into the crib. The horror on John’s face when he looked up. His mother on the ceiling with her stomach slashed open and fear in her eyes. The heat as flames exploded on the ceiling. Sam was too small to remember any of that. Dean didn’t talk for a full year after that, no matter how much John asked, begged, bribed or threatened. He couldn’t talk. He could protect Sammy though, and that’s what he did. Even when John abandoned them with Pastor Jim. Every night he’d crawl into Sammy’s crib and quiet his cries, hold him close and keep him safe from the shadows that killed. Without a way to communicate, Jim taught Dean sign language, to give a voice to the trauma that stole Dean’s words. He started talking again in November when Sammy was a year and a half. When John finally came back for them, Dean was talking to others, but his words were too stiff, too old and restrained for a little boy. Damaged.
Dean has three phobias:
Pyrophobia - Fear of Fire (Associated with buildings)
Aviophobia - Fear of Flying
Ophidiophobia - Fear of Snakes
During the ten months Dean spent in a mental hospital between the ages of 14 and 15, a nurse that took a liking to him gave him a St. Dymphna medal about half way through his stay, and he’s had it ever since. Saint Dymphna is the patron saint of mental disorders. Her Feast Day is May 15th Her attributes are the crown, the sword, the lily, the lamp, and a princess with a fettered demon at her feet. The medal is always somewhere on his person.
Dean became an active mutant at the age of 14. This included an eye mutation that turned his sclera black, as well as the ability to shoot concussive blasts from his hands. Although the Mutant Classification system isn’t concrete and subject to ever changing factors, there are enough accepted terms to accurately classify Dean. Greek Classification: Beta (He would be Alpha except that he cannot hide his ocular mutation) Level (Number) Classification: 4 While very strong, his powers have a limit, thus preventing him from ever being an Omega Level Mutant. Sources: http://www.newsarama.com/15488-alpha-omega-explaining-the-x-men-s-mutant-classifications.html http://www.comicvine.com/profile/squares/blog/the-marvel-universes-mutant-classification-levels/77504/
Dean has several tattoos Anti-possession tattoo over his heart Four leaf clover on his left hip (Irish heritage) A thistle on his right hip (Scottish heritage) Plus Ego Quam Timor Meus on his left side over his ribs. Translates to ‘I am more than my fear’ MW on his right ankle A half sleeve of Fenrir on his right arm
One of the items on Dean’s bucket list is a road trip, but a very specific one. A trip that involves visiting all the cities in the U.S. with dirty names, such as: Climax, FL Bald Knob, Arkansas Rough and Ready, California Oral, South Dakota Assinippi, Massachusetts French Lick, Indiana Big Beaver, Pennsylvania Threeway, Virginia Fourway, Virginia Spread Eagle, Wisconsin Intercourse, Pennsylvania Cumming, Georgia Beaver Lick, Kentucky Blue Ball, Ohio Horneytown, North Carolina
Dean owns a fully restored 1956 Harley Panhead
One of Dean’s top five worst hunts involved a lighthouse that every lightkeeper who’d worked it in the last 100 years had been killed in up in Maine. Turns out it had been the result of spirits of drowned passengers who had died when their ship hit the rocks because the light had been dark that night. They’d been tied to the lighthouse by artifacts kept on display in the small lightkeeper’s residence turned museum that had been recovered from the wreck.
Dean’s favorite Joker is Jack Nicholson, hands down. He’s a huge fan of the Batman comics and movies in general, but Jack’s take on the Clown Prince of Crime remains his favorite to this day. You ever dance with the devil in the pale moonlight? He’s considered that as a tattoo several times over the years, but never quite got a design he liked enough for it to bite the bullet.
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mysticismmess · 4 years
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My wall of inspiration is two icons richer tonight 😍 still waiting on Phoebe and Chloe!
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chiwhorei · 4 years
i want soft sakusa content to comfort me but the piece i’m writing currently is narsty so i’m really not doing much to help myself at this point.
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hi Monica my darling, happiest of Sundays to you!!! 💖💖💖 so my question is-- did you have any saints when you were growing up that you were like lowkey obsessed with?? favorite saints to me are like a person's chosen family so I LOVE hearing about them!!
Eden!!! First let me give you all the hearts wrapped up in this one heart: 💜
Second: I love this question! The short answer is very many :) see my family had collected tons of saint books, and there was one MASSIVE book called Secular Saints and I read that so many times over...
Anyway, particular favorite saints from my childhood include:
1. St. Rita, because yes I read a book about her, and I was fascinated by the miraculous thorn wound in her head and all the stories and miracles associated with it (also she was the Saint of the Impossible and I figured, hey that sounds like a good saint to pray to for anything hard)
2. St. John the Apostle, because i was struck by the idea of him as the Beloved Disciple, and how he laid his head on Jesus at the Last Supper, and how tho he ran away at first he did come back and then stood supporting Mary at the foot of the Cross, and received her as Mother for all our sakes. Also he was the only one who did not die early because of martyrdom, which struck a sad chord in my heart. I was mildly disappointed when my youngest brother was named for John the Baptist and not John the Apostle, but I got over that :)
3. I have always always always loved the angels, but particularly my guardian angel and St. Michael (and as I got older St. Raphael). St. Michael as the first being to plant his banner on God's side and to loudly proclaim his allegiance was inspirational and thrilling to me! I still try to pray the St. Michael prayer frequently, especially since two of my brothers are police officers and need protection and guidance from their patron.
4. St. Monica naturally :) the one who wept and prayed unceasingly until her beloved son found his way home, to God...I mean unite her with Saint Rita and you have two saints who will storm heaven for you and with you. One time a friend brought me her holy card from Italy and it made my life!
5. St. Kateri. She was blessed when I first knew her, but I was drawn to her and I tried to take her name for confirmation, but the priest said I needed to choose a canonized saint. Fast forward some 10 years and, without knowing or thinking about this, my brother and sister-in-law named their first daughter Kateri, and I am her godmother :)
6. St. Cecilia--remember how I said I loved angels? Well Cecilia could see her angel, and I just thought that was so special and I may have wanted that for myself <3 also Cecilia was amazing, a patroness of music, singing through an execution attempt and then living tHREE days after being partially decapitated. Also she converted her husband and his brother (I did tend to love saints who brought their loved ones to God, I see that now) (a secret: Cecilia is my actual confirmation saint :)
There are other saints but I shall stop now! Please come and talk to me about saints whenever you want!
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stranger-nightmare · 3 years
𝐋𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐍𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐑𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐳𝐯𝐨𝐮𝐬
Pairing: Dympna Devers x (female) Reader
Summary: just another a late night hookup with Dympna in the back of his car
Warnings: bit of fluff, mostly smut, fingering, penetrative sex (m+f), creampie, cockwarming, minors DNI
A/N: look at me go with another idea coming to me whilst I fall asleep and quickly scrambling a note on my phone at like 2:30am💀 anyway I of course can’t post this without tagging @siempre-bucky and @mothdruid, enjoy my fellow Dympna whores😈😌
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This is for people 18+ only. Minors do not read on. If you click ‘keep reading’ you are hereby agreeing that you are 18 or older.
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Another day, another late night rendezvous with Dymphna in the back of his car.
Your stomach had fluttered the way it always does when you get that all too familiar text from him.
Pick you up at 11.
So now here you were, parked in some abandoned car park on the outskirts of town, sat in the back seat with Dympna's lips on yours, his one hand underneath your skirt. His other hand was draped around your shoulders as he held you against his side where you were sat next to him. You were leaning back against the seat whilst he towered over you. You feel him smirk against your lips as he reaches the apex of your thighs, his fingers skimming your folds.
“No panties?” He whispers huskily against your lips.
You let out a soft giggle before recapturing his lips with yours, delving your tongue into his mouth. You barely hear the small moan that leaves your throat when his fingers push into your folds, lightly brushing your clit.
“Fuck, you’re so wet already” he groans into your mouth as his fingers run through your slit, gathering your slick.
“I’ve been thinking about you all night since you texted me” you bite his bottom lip, relishing in the sound he makes.
He then pulls back slightly to look at you, a small smirk curving the edge of his mouth.
“Oh yeah? Thinkin’ ‘bout what exactly darlin’?”
His eyes darken with a kind of smug lust when you gasp as he pushes a finger inside you. You bite your own lip now as you try and stop the almost embarrassing string of moans that threaten to leave you as he starts to pump his finger in and out of you slowly.
“You been thinking about this, hmm? ‘Bout all the things I’m gonna do t'ya in the back of my car?” He hums darkly.
All you can do is nod and bite your lip even harder as he slips another finger inside you.
“Hmm, y' like that don’t ya?” He smirks again as he watches you writhe under his touch.
You nod and let out a pathetic whimpered “yes” as he works his fingers even deeper inside you.
His pace is slow and languid as it usually is. He cherished these stolen moments with you and never wanted to rush things. He liked to take his time when he could. He pumps you slow but deep, his fingers curling to hit that sweet spot inside you with every thrust of his hand. You rock your hips in time with his hand, working towards a slow burn climax, a fire building in the pit of your stomach.
After a while he adds his thumb to the mix, rubbing it against your clit. You gasp and shudder at the new sensation, the fire in your stomach reaching an apex.
“Ah, D, I’m close” you whine, looking at him with pleading eyes, silently begging him to let you cum.
“I know love” he smiles down at you, a softness in his expression. “Go on, cum f'me baby,” he whispers fervently as he rubs his nose against yours.
His words finally tip you over the edge, your orgasm ripping through you, radiating through every inch of your body. You keep your eyes on him as you fall apart on his fingers, knowing how much he loves to watch the pleasure stretch across your face.
“Atta girl” he praises as you start to come down from your high.
He smiles softly at you once more before he reattaches his lips to yours. He pulls his fingers out of you, swallowing the small squeak that sounds from you. Both of his hands find their way to your hips and he pulls you over to straddle him, spreading his legs out on the backseat. He groans into your mouth as you almost immediately begin to grind against his already hard cock where it strained against his acid-wash jeans. You whine lightly when his hands leave you but you’re quickly reassured when you hear the sound of Dympna’s belt buckle being undone. You then quickly hear the sound of his zipper going down and his soft moan as he pulls his aching and leaking cock free.
His kiss becomes sloppy and unfocused as he angles his cock to run the head through your wetness. You shudder as he runs it over your sensitive clit, your hips instinctively bucking forward, your body begging to have him inside you.
It doesn’t take long for him to relent and finally push his tip inside your waiting entrance. As soon he’s part way inside you his hands move right back to your hips, guiding you down onto his cock.
“Fuck” he groans as you finally sink down onto his cock, taking him to the hilt. “I’ll tell ya, I been thinkin’ 'bout this all day, thinkin’ about you all day.”
“Yeah?” You cock your head to the side and smirk at him.
“Mmm, yeah” he hums leaning back up into your mouth.
He pushes his lips roughly against yours one last time before he leans back on the seat, letting his head fall back so he could watch you as you start to slowly fuck yourself on his cock.
Dympna sighs as he throws his head back, his fingers digging roughly into your hips as he starts to guide you on his cock. You moan as you feel the head of his cock reach that sweet spot inside you. You lean forwards to take advantage of his thrown back head, assaulting his neck with kisses and bites, savouring the taste of him whilst you could. He groans quietly and squeezes his eyes shut for a second as he takes in the sensations of your hot mouth on his skin, your warm cunt around his cock, squeezing him so good as you always did.
You work in sync together, creating a lazy and languid pace. You both just relished how good you felt together, you were in no rush to reach your climaxes. You simply wanted to enjoy the physical closeness of getting lost in each other, getting lost in the pleasure. You both watch each other’s face as they twist in pleasure, your mouths hanging open, your eyebrows knitted together. The only sounds in the quiet night are your breathy moans, Dympna’s quiet groans, and the wet sound of his cock disappearing inside you repeatedly.
Your moans start to get louder and Dympna’s grip on your hip tightens as you both start to climb closer to your climaxes. You slide your hands up his chest, moving them behind his neck, pulling on the hair at the nape of his neck. You arch forwards over him as he slumps even further into the seat, pushing his hips up into you.
“Fuck, ya always feel s’good baby” he pants, rolling his hips beneath you.
He curses under his breath, his eyes squeezing shut again, his fingers digging into you with a bruising force.
“Shit” he breathes as his hips jerk under you, his cock pulsating inside you as he cums.
You moan into his skin and kiss at his neck again as you ride him through his climax, your continued up and down motion on his cock pushing his cum out of you, letting it leak into his lap. One of his hands comes between you to find your clit, circling it as you continue to fuck yourself on him.
You chant his name into the crook of his neck as you finally feel the burn in your stomach reach a precipice, your climax only moments away. And Dympna could tell.
He pinches your hips to get your attention, pushing you back slightly.
“Let me look at ya, baby. Let me watch ya cum” he pleads with you.
You obey him quickly, sitting up and locking your eyes with his. His mouth hangs open to mimic yours as moans fall freely from you, your body one the verge of tipping over into pure pleasure.
“Atta girl, that’s it. Cum again for me darlin’” he whispers as he quickens his circles on your clit; his words and increased speed being the final push you needed to fall over the edge.
You whine his name, your voice cracking, as you cum around him, your pussy clenching over his slowly softening cock. A lazy smirk lands on his face as he rubs you through your climax, happily watching the pleasure ripple across your face.
“Good girl” he murmurs as you slowly stop your grinding movements, coming down from your high.
Both of his hands reach up to cup your face, bringing you down to kiss him again. You both moan quietly into the kiss, your lips moving together like a dance only the two of you knew.
You don’t know how long you stay like that. Minutes, hours, even days could’ve gone by but you didn’t care. You just revelled in his lips on yours, his softened cock still sat inside you, his warm chest pressed against yours.
After a while you finally decide to move and get cleaned up. Dympna helps clean you and him with the wet wipes he keeps in the car for this exact reason. Once you’re cleaned up and dressed again he leans back against one of the back doors, his legs stretching out across the back seat. He lets you climb into his lap, wrapping his arms around your torso and pulling your back tightly against his chest. He places a quick kiss to your cheek before he tucks his head into the crook of your neck, his chin resting on your shoulder. The two of you sit in comfortable silence for a while, just watching as the light of the morning sun slowly starts to bleed into the horizon.
“I missed ya” Dympna murmurs into the warmth of your skin.
You can’t help the butterflies that spread in your stomach and the smile that plasters your face.
“You saw me like two days ago, ya know?” You laugh softly.
“Still missed ya,” you feel him shrug behind you.
You twist around to face him, placing a soft kiss to his nose.
“I missed you too.”
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A/N: okay this ended up being a lot softer than I intended, but I actually really love it, soft!Dympna is taking a large portion of my heart rn🥺🥴 hope you guys liked this!!🥰🖤💫
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selinakidreams · 4 years
Ship your moots!!!
👁y’all done it now, I was WAITING for this one OO I’m gonna spoil my moots SO bad ! I love you guys 👁
this is gonna be long I’m so sorry
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@keishinslove - carter,,,, I love you and I love you w me mister keishin ukai- NOT just because that’s your ✨mans✨ but because I fuckin see it with my eyes. mister man is out here smoking a cig while he waits for you to get off of work. everyone is out here looking at him like “who dat b he’s sexy” and then you walk out and he drops the smoke on the floor, steps on it, and smiles as you make eye contact. You smile too, finally allowing exhaustion take over as you slump in the welcoming hug he pulls you into. He’s like, “I know baby, let’s go home and I can make us some ramen and tea.” The rest of the night is full of terribly sung songs, heavy MAKEOUT sessions (maybe more) and feathered touches along your skin. He’ll take good care of you (in every means) and that’s all I want for you <3
@alto-march-of-death al I ship you with tsukki- now let me tell you why. I see you with someone who’s very reserved with who they show their emotions to,, now because you deal with youngsters,,,,,,,,, that’s a lot of energy put towards you all at once. Tall blond dino dude will be there for you but in ways that make you feel special and the lack of energy he shows is almost calming to you. like like I just see on a day where zoom has been a bit too much and parents were DUMb- you slink over to your couch- after class is over- to find tsukki there, watching animal planet, and bam you plop down and curl up in his side- no words needed. His eyes don’t leave the screen but a long fingered hand lands on your thigh, his thumb doing that thing that makes butterflies flutter in your rib cage. It’s peaceful. Nice.
@kmorgzz ENERGY. POSITIVITY. COMPASSION. All things you and hinata share <3 OOOOOO KAR YOURE ALWAYS THE SWEETEST AND LET ME TELL YOU !!!! YOU DESERVE THAT SAME SWEETNESS. sorry I’m yelling but hear me out !!! You guys are always doing SOMETHING. he’s restless and you take on the energy he gives off. You guys tend to do stuff that you wanna do because whatever you want, he wants !! Normally, it’s outside (cause he’s the sun and he makes you feel like you’re on cloud nine !!) ; could be walks that lead into picnics or something super sweet!! Always wants to make sure you’re smiling !!!!!! ALWAYS. oh also he’s such a big himbo that he just—— yk what I’m gonna shut my trap just,, oh MAN he just loves you SO much and will never run out of ways to show you
@introloves Jax... FR fr I ship you and bokuto SO hard. like this man is and deserves sunshine— that is exactly what you are. TWO SUNSHINE BEINGS. I just SEE it. wholly. he’s just so open to everything and anything !!! Sometimes a bit.. daft... but you definitely talk him through things and he heavily appreciates that & everything you do for him. you know what,, y’all would soak in lavender baths together. Your back against his front, your eyes closed and body relaxed in the warm water; the sent of lavender following the steam that rises from the bath. He likes to play with your soft hair and whisper about how much he loves you and how you are one of the best people in his life. How did he ever get so lucky?
@novvabeam jackieeee,,, miss ma’am.. I ship you with daichi. lemme explain. This man is like a horse- not many can ride him but for those who do, it’s a lifelong partnership. Dude is so !! Into you it’s CRAZY. He is obsessed with how soft and kind you are one minute, and the next his head is spinning by how powerful and strong you can be. Mad respect™️. First date (idea suggested by you) was at this really cute local ice cream shop where you two bonded over how absolutely different your flavors were. I see it.
@pinkoushi ellen + Suga; clear as day. soft cuddles and every day fikas. very chaotic neutral energy but constant attention and praise is given. (Me trying not to make something based off my memories in Sweden but is gonna do it anyways) like I could see him being so excited to move to Sweden for the education system lowkey- but before he started the school year, you just wanted to take him around the country and visit all the “popular places” before settling down. Lots and lots of train rides. you would be sitting across from each other- you’re semi asleep, head pressed against the window and he’s just watching as the fleeting golden light hits you, making you all glowy. he feels so warm, so content.
@chaotickatts katts ;) I hear sakusa is calling your name. loud and clear. man puts up with NO bullshit and neither do you. Your communication skills are off the charts; calm cool, collected- that’s you two. But I also think that you add a lot more fun in his life- like he loves every second with you- he shows that he appreciates it in your guys’ shared love language, more often than not. And he adds this grounding element to your relationship that makes you feel capable of anything- and you make sure to tell him every day. I hc that people call you the parents of the group. Your guys’ bathroom is very clean, well organized, and used quite often. he loves seeing you in his jersey when you’re brushing your teeth, on your way to heading to bed, makes him feel all fuzzy,, a feeling that was quite foreign to him until you came along.
@spikesbimbo valentine... is that even a question- Aran. duh. Pretty lady, both of you are CRAZY for each other except he shows you in little ways (in public) that make your heart spin. You know those pictures of Vanessa hudgens and Austin butler?? the one where she’s twirling around and he’s just smiling? that’s the vibe I get in the relationship; you’re fun, loud, and outwardly fun while he’s just happy to be in your presence!! you make him laugh... a lot. It’s really refreshing to most of his friends. You and you’re cute goofy ass are just so important to him. I see it now- you guys are shopping at an outdoor mall, drinks in your hand and he’s carrying most of your guys’ purchases in one hand while the other is being swung by you. You’ve got big doe eyes as you look at every store, until you turn around, and flash him the biggest smile. “Want some? I’m almost out!” You’d say as you thrust him the drink. He’ll smile, a flash of pearly whites greeted you as he nodded and said a small “yeah,” before wrapping his lips around the straw.
@hajimeshon-ee menace, baby. it’s obviously gonna be iwa for you. big beefy to help you fight people who are being assholes. those same beefy arms that pull you in from behind- your back against his front. LOTS OF FUCKING FOREHEAD KISSES. ESPECIALLY WHEN YOURE POUTING TO HIM. sorry I don’t make the rules. He honestly thinks you’re the cutest thing, your fire matches his and sometimes actually stumps him to where he has no retorts. He likes to help you with your work sometimes, like when he sees it’s a bit too overwhelming for you, he’ll wordlessly sit down and take some of the papers that have been scattered across the table. Later you take the time to show him how grateful you are, wether it’s through a night where he gets to choose what both of you will watch or.. other things... he’ll appreciate every single second.
@kuroosusagichan meeeellll <3 business man kuroo is summoning you on his lap, he can’t focus unless you’re with him!! Oh GOD the dynamic Between you two makes me lightheaded!! Okay so idk is this is obvious but like dude has a size kink- not just sexually though. It’s like a cute AND sexy thing for him. Dude just loves how tiny and soft you are. But don’t get it twisted, he’s not completely fooled by your innocent act- you’re a clever little minx sometimes, but most of the time youre just the sweetest person. You’re like the angel that holds him back from being an asshole. He likes himself better when you’re around. Oh but he’ll also call you chibi-chan. Period. OH YEA! loves it when you show up to his place of work- no matter how swamped he is, he’ll always make time for his little sweetheart. You like to visit when you saw he was visibly stressed in the mornings, you bring him little things taht make him smile like his favorite iced tea or your a sweet lil cookie. He’ll make you stay with him for the rest of the day, doing your own separate things but also being in each other’s company relaxes the both of you.
@scorpiomoonslutt hey bitch, you needy lil whore <3 it’s gotta be Ushijima for me. Your size kink is just.................... thrown in his face and my god he’s living. You make him realize things he didn’t even think were possible- but anything is possible with you, apparently. The way his eyes go WIDE when he hears you SNAP at people. He had no idea that someone so small.. could shut someone up that fast... especially when it’s someone almost twice her size. He actually doesn’t even know how to react when the other person leaves, there’s wayyyy too many things going on in his head. He’s proud, impressed, turned on, curious, but most of all- speechless. He kinda... wants to see you do that again.
@dymphnasprose dymphna !! kyoutani!!! It just makes sense!! big angri boy needs parts on the head from a saint, such as yourself. He knows you’re not looking to fix him- which is why he allowed himself to open up to you. You love him just the way he is and it almost drove him a lil nuts. I could see the breaking point now- just before you two would get together. He would be yelling at you, screaming things like “how could you possibly like me ?” At first he wouldn’t let you get close to him but after several steps that never budged when he neared you, he gradually let you touch his heated skin. He was breathing heavy, trying to put together how someone so wonderful could be interested in someone who was so angry. I just feel that you would cup his face and whisper, “I like you because you’re you- it doesn’t matter who I am in comparison to you. I like you, taro.” There would be no need for gushy details, that alone opened a small part of his heart to love- throughout the years, the opening continued to grow and grow. He would be someone who just!! Loves you!!! And hates the rest of the world <3 idk I just love it jdbsjnd
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crushzone · 4 years
nin i swear to god if you draw aizawa i will quite literally transcend to a different reality.
HAHAHA Dymphna, baby. 🥺🥺🥺
Dudeeee I think I will, his clean look is hella daddy and it is making my mind race. But just out of curiosity, which version of him would you be the most interested to see me draw? 👀 
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maddie-grove · 4 years
Little Book Review: Mischief and Mercy
Author: Jean McClung.
Publication Date: 1993.
Genre: Folklore/religion.
Premise: In twelve short stories, Jean McClung relates tales of Catholic saints from Mary Magdalene to Jean Vianney. Plus, a bonus story for Jesus!
Thoughts: To this day, I’m not sure if this book was a gift from my moderately devout Methodist mother, who wanted to be supportive of my brief but intense sixth-grade-girl fascination with Joan of Arc, or my more seriously devout Catholic paternal grandmother, who generally left the subject of religion alone with me but was jazzed about said Joan of Arc phase.* Either way, I don’t think the woman who gave me this book knew about all the sex, violence, and frank discussion of upsetting topics within its pages. Luckily, sixth-grade Emily was a hardy creature, ready to read about incest and torture and serial killers without batting an eye.
This is a unique book, obviously very personal to its author, who is (was?) primarily a Texas physician, not an author, and religious but not in the most traditional sense. It’s rare to find a book that’s such a labor of love and, while it’s not always artful, it’s nearly always interesting. McClung introduces each story with a personal anecdote, some of which have stuck with me for years. (Notably, she has a funny-sad riff about the resemblance of the Holy Family to her clients when she was a social worker: “What do you mean, you’re not homeless? Lady, you just had a baby in a barn.”) I skipped some of the stories that seemed less exciting as a kid, but this time I read them all, and some of the new-to-me ones were terrific.
The stories fall into the following tiers:
Great Tier: “Amadour and Veronica: His Own Account of the True Image” (a beautiful story about an evolving marriage), “Valentine: Valentine’s House” (an equally beautiful story about St. Valentine converting to Christianity out of politeness and performing forbidden marriages), and “Saint Nicholas of Myra: Voyages into the Snow Country” (an unexpectedly terrific story about Santa Claus dissociating during the First Council of Nicaea--possibly my favorite).
Very Good Tier: “Paul the Simple: the Haunted Inn” (a spooky and creative story about a desert hermit who escapes a cosmic horror of an inn), “Dymphna and Gerebernus: The Legend of Saint Dymphna” (a straightforward but moving story of an Irish princess who ran away from her predatory father and the origins of the unusual mental-health practices in the Belgian village of Geel), and “Gilles de Rais and Joan of Arc: Little Key, Set Me Free” (a shocker about a kid who escapes the serial killer Gilles de Rais with the help of the departed Joan of Arc). These stories were all really effective, but not as deep or moving as the “great” ones.
Pretty Good Tier: “Mary Magdalene: And Did Those Feet in Ancient Times” (a young man in first-century Gaul recalls how Mary Magdalene and her siblings visited him as a child), “Robert Southwell: An Undiscovered Letter from Robert Southwell, S.J.” (some formless but sharply written musings from a sixteenth-century Catholic martyr), and “Judas: the Mystery of the Missing Matzoh” (Jesus goes all Ashton Kutcher at the Last Supper). These were all fun, but lacked a little complexity or structure.
Okay Tier: “Wenceslas: Good King Wenceslas Went Out” (Wenceslas has some bad sibling rivalry experiences), “Francis and Clare: the First Christmas Pageant” (Francis of Assisi is a Manic Pixie Dream Saint), and “Jean Vianney: Parish Priest and Sometime Deserter from Napoleon’s Grand Army” (a psychic priest gets stressed out). These stories suffer the most from McClung’s occasional artlessness; they all have potential, but have organizational problems.
Bad Tier: “Junípero Serra: In Payment for the Chickens.” I think this story is about colonialism? It’s very muddled and faintly unpleasant, and I’m not sure at all what message it’s trying to convey.
Overall, it’s not the most consistent collection, but it’s always fascinating, with some real gems.
Hot Goodreads Take: Not from Goodreads, but one Amazon reviewer was absolutely appalled that children might read the stories, due to their “dark and twisted” nature. I suppose not all sixth-graders are as hardboiled as I was, but my strongest reaction to these stories was “yeah, that’s pretty messed up. I wonder if we have any Doritos?” 
*The Joan of Arc phase was a little about religion; I was pretty devout back then, albeit in a way that didn’t “count” in the eyes of my evangelical Christian classmates, and I felt some loyalty to my dad’s religion in the face of a bunch of “Catholics aren’t real Christians” nonsense. But mostly it was about a teen girl wearing armor, riding a horse, and telling everyone what to do.
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