#martyr of familial injustice
lorephobic · 8 months
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what if i actually did it this time
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siraj2024 · 1 month
Daily update(38)
Please, don't get used to the scene
Fellow journalist Hamza Murtaja rose, joining his brother, the martyr Yasser Murtaja.😭
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This is how they eliminate the press in Gaza. They targeted our headquarters and our tools, and today they are targeting individuals, but that will not stop us from covering the crimes of this occupier, and we will continue to report this barbarity even if it costs death.
Today, I am trying to collect support to build my house, which was destroyed by the occupation, as well as to buy my family’s daily needs in light of the extremely high prices, and my inability to provide basic requirements. We are fighting to survive, and we do not know whether we will survive or return to this unjust world.
My next goal is 50k and I am working to achieve it by next Thursday. We ask for your support and attention to alleviate this injustice and great pain that is falling upon us.
✅ Campaign documentation number (219)
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transmutationisms · 1 month
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obviously i blocked this person on sight (go fuck yourself etc) but what pisses me off about this is that i think a lot of people on here actually do agree with that first sentence and it's part of why this website (demonstrably used by more than a handful of wealthy imperial-core citizens!) is hard for palestinians to fundraise on. the people of gaza are undergoing a horrific genocide, and every single martyr killed is an unconscionable injustice. but gazans are also here, alive, speaking directly to you to beg for their lives! you don't get to just write them off as lost causes and sit there, safe in your own home, refusing to lift a finger and ignoring people who are in desperate need because it makes you feel bad or guilty or whatever your problem is. get over yourself, stop collaborating with the genocidal occupying force, and do what you can to help these people because they are actively, currently suffering and not a single one of them deserves to die.
if you need somewhere to start, mohammed's sister still needs proper treatment for her bullet wound, and all 27 family members, including the children, endured a terrifying amount of bombing right beside their tent less than 24 hours ago. they're verified by 90-ghost and i've explained numerous times before why i trust them so donate what you can and share on any platforms you have. no excuses, this is bare minimum.
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lorhaghanima · 2 months
so, it finally happened. writers of the hotd finally destroyed everything good about it, any potential it once had, all for some kind of... agenda?
they were destroying greens slowly during the whole season two. aemond, being hateful and vengeful, but not towards ones, who deserve it (the blacks), no - to aegon, his brother, his king. aemond not having any interaction with alys rivers, instead of it the whole season and a potentially large part of their relationship was given to daemon - prophecies, visions, support in war, romantic implications. helaena, whose scene of great loss was cut, happened because of incompetence of writers royal guards (absolutely impossible for a setting), somehow her mother's affair (which is also impossible, since there's know way criston could be the only and personal protectpr of helaena and kids), and she was robbed of her burden (choice between sons) and her grieve (she is already unhappy most of the time, not cheerful, not beloved, and her loss doesn't haunt the narrative the way it should - the way it traumatized the whole family daeron who). aegon crippled not in battle and with glory, but by betrayal of his own brother (supposed to be his supporter), also deprived of his rightful grieve and anger, and even his dragon - the most beautiful, the most loyal, sunfyre, so important for the original story and our understanding, how strong and unbreakable this bond can be - erased to one scene. alicent - oh, my sweet alicent, i will remember the one, who could've been - the one we lose completely. alicent, who always loves and protected the monstrosity and beauty and destiny of motherhood and queenhood, what have they done to you? alicent, who stands in front of dragon, to protect aegon (at least try to protect him), alicent, who cuts her husband's beloved daughter and heir to the throne because all of the injustice done to aemond, alicent, who loves, loves, loves, her sweet daughter helaena (even in first part of season two she says - but what have they done to my daughter?). alicent, the actual queen, alicent, beloved by the smallfolk, alicent, respected by the council, alicent, loyal to her family to the core. where did you go, my beloved?
And to the worst part - all of this was done for one purpose - to remind us once again about this targaryen supremacy. that they are chosen ones, that they are supposed to save everyone, that they are gods, not men, and they will not be punished by the story, instead - they will be victimised, they will be martyred, they will be rewarded for cruelty. The blacks have only two options in season two - they are either absurdly boring (cause they can't have any flaws, and supposed to be heroic - that's why it safer to make them blank and dull), or they are chosen, special, destined - to rule westeros, to ride dragons, to get whatever they want. this, of course, are qualities of the right kind of targaryens - the blacks, the connected with daenerys ones, not the whole family, obviously. This is the reason, why rhaenyra has nothing to do with the death of a child, somehow goes to the king's Landing and tries negotiations with alicent, breaks up with not-so-perfect daemon, tames bronze fury just because she can, and acting incredibly passive most of the season. This is the reason, why we don't have nettles - girl of color, of unknown birth, younger and more beautiful, who tames the dragon using only her wits, survives the story, surpasses the tragedy. of course we don't have you, dear nettles - you are a mirror, where targaryen, mostly daemon and rhaenyra, were supposed to see their flaws.
I remind you, that hotd is supposed to be an interpretation of a very specific story. One where dragons dance and house targaryen falls. One where smallfolk kills the dragons, where dragons are monsters, destroying cities, and targaryens are false gods and precarious rulers. The cursed war - kin against kin. The narrative, where everyone is dead long before the beginning, everyone is doomed. It's not supposed to praise house targaryen, on the contrary - it says 'look, what they've done, look, what they do', 'look, how treacherous, flawed, hypocritical, unnatural, brutal, unreliable they ALL are, even to each other', and what is most important - 'look, they can be killed, look, they can fall, look the dragons and their riders bleed, and we can destroy them'.
and all of this potential, all of this greekish kind of tragedy, lost... and i have no idea, what for.
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fuck-hamas-go-israel · 6 months
No matter what, don’t lose your humanity.
I see this rhetoric very often, that if you call for the release of the hostages and condemn Hamas terrorism and the atrocities they’ve committed, then you automatically “must support the death of Palestinian civilians”.
Conversely, those who claim to care about the Palestinian civilians don’t seem to call for the release of hostages, never acknowledge the rape, torture, and murder of civilians on Oct 7. In fact, they seem to celebrate death of who they perceive as “Zionist”.
I saw this play out before my eyes on TikTok. A singer named Cat Janice was dying from cancer, and she asked her audience to use her song in their videos as she had willed the proceeds to her young son who is not more than 7 or 8 years old. People labelled her a Zionist because she apparently was following an Israeli account on Instagram.
It was a very tragic story and her family was going through a hard time dealing with the aggressive cancer that was slowly weakening her body.
But as we’ve seen:
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They don’t care about people who are suffering from terminal illnesses and will harass them anyway.
In her videos of her giving updates on her situation and pleading with people for empathy for her young son, they flooded her comment section with spam:
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Unfortunately, Cat Janice passed away, BDE. But that didn’t stop the harassment. In fact, some celebrated her death and even lauded it as a good thing as there is “one less Zionist” now.
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Yes, there are people like this out there. This shouldn’t come as a surprise as they’ve been violent, they’ve been sending death threats, they’ve been chanting for violent “resistance” and “intifada” and the death of Jews and Israelis, as well as their allies. They celebrate violence in the most disgusting and dehumanising way possible.
Just look at the comments in this video of a Jewish creator saying that in Berlin, a Jewish student was attacked:
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Meanwhile, we chant “Am Yisrael Chai”. We call for life, we focus on saving all lives, no matter who.
As the leaders of Hamas said in an interview, “The Israelis are known to love life. We, on the other hand, sacrifice ourselves. We consider our dead to be martyrs.”
Every innocent death is a tragedy, Israeli and Palestinian. Death IS a tragedy. The killing of Hamas terrorists, albeit deserved, is a tragedy because of the terroristic path they chose in life and what horrific crimes they had committed in order to warrant death as a means of justice.
As much as I wish that one day, those people who have spewed those vile, antisemitic, inhuman things will feel guilty for what they have said, I doubt they will. The perceived safety and anonymity of social media coupled with their complete absence of humanity, compassion, and empathy evaporates any drop of guilty conscience they may have. All we can wish is that fair and just consequences for their actions will be meted out to them one day.
But my fellow Jews, my fellow zionists, my fellow allies, please never, NEVER stoop to that level. It goes against everything we are about.
Once we lose our humanity, we’ll become dulled to the suffering of others. That’s not what we want, and it directly goes against the spirit of Judaism and Israel.
Continue to mourn the death of innocents, continue to get angry and weep for tragedy and injustice, continue to celebrate new life and lives saved. Continue to feel like a human being. Don’t be like them.
Don’t. Lose. Your. Humanity.
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bessiejoan · 2 years
Astrology: Patterned behavior in Rising signs
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Aries Rising - Continuously martyrs themselves at the first sign of injustice.
Taurus Rising - Can stay in unhappy places, jobs and relationships because they fear losing everything they have worked for.
Gemini Rising - Can frequently jump too quickly to conclusions. This is done because the analytical mind works so fast, jumping from one thing to another, including jumping to conclusions based on insufficient facts or believing to know what others are thinking.
Cancer Rising - Can have a tendency to always try to please others in spite of their own wellbeing. May do this in the form of 're-parenting' their friends, partners or family.
Leo Rising - Pride overrides emotions each time they feel hurt. A tendency to quickly move on at face value but internally they are suppressing their hurt.
Virgo Rising - Will get into relationships and friendships with vulnerable or victimized people. Believing each time that their love and practical support can heal the other.
Libra Rising - A tendency to repress anger and 'uglier' emotions. Can suffer from outburst of these emotions which they later feel a lot of shame about, because they never want to accept this side of themselves.
Scorpio Rising - Can continuously and subconsciously trigger other people's trauma. Feels a need to expose the truth and fractures of a situation. Can then feel shocked when they see that others may not want to hear the truth or that they are reluctant to change.
Sagittarius Rising - Their total honesty can come across as harsh and untactful to others. Confuses what is effectively brutal honesty with what they believe you be constructive criticism.
Capricorn Rising - Gives too much financially in close relationships. Interprets the merging of finances as merging selves closer together.
Aquarius Rising - Despite valueing their own ability to upset the staus quo and shock others, they don't like to be revolted against themselves. They may secretly want to lead the change or disruption, but don't want to deal with others questioning their authority.
Pisces Rising - Emotional responses can be based off of early childhood experiences that left an emotional trigger inside the person. As a result they can believe that what is being emotionally felt is completly factual and in line with what is happening in reality. The intuitive side is strong and easily absorbs the energy around them. However, this can cloud the truth or mislead them.
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girlactionfigure · 3 months
When I was in Germany, I traveled outside of Berlin to meet some Palestinian friends who were part of the diaspora community in the country. I hung out with several individuals from Gaza or who have family in the Strip and are part of a network of individuals and organizations that are pro-Palestine. I had extremely intense conversations with these folks, some of whom listened and agreed, some of whom strongly disagreed, some of whom were confused by what I was saying, some who agreed but didn’t see a path forward, and some who literally threatened to beat me up if I didn’t stop talking. Here's what I got out of those conversations:
1. Hamas’s resistance narrative is widely accepted and embraced by large segments of the Palestinian diaspora community, particularly those who are less integrated into the nations in which they live, especially if their environment is mainly made up of other Palestinians, aka echo chambers.
2. Intense emotions and feelings dominate the discourse and how people view the war, Israel, Hamas, the conflict, and any discussions of responsibility and a path forward. Trauma, sadness, anger, and feelings of sheer injustice control the way people see what’s happening, October 7, claims and counterclaims, and competing narratives.
3. Opposition to Hamas, and my views and sentiments were instantly associated with treachery, weakness, cowardice, and embracing “Zionist lies and propaganda.” Undeterred, I argued that not only is opposition to Hamas necessary, courageous, critical, and inseparable from opposition to Israeli occupation and injustices, but that we are in this mess partly due to our complicit silence and acquiescence to Hamas’s Islamist propaganda and destructive narratives that harmed the Palestinians more than any Zionist could ever dream of doing.
4. Misinformation about so many incidents and occurrences is rampant. This is particularly the case when it comes to boycotting things like Starbucks, Coke products, McDonald’s, and hundreds of other goods. The list of “forbidden” things is so huge and contains the most ridiculous of items, such as KitKat, hot sauce, and innocuous consumer products, all because they are perceived as directly supporting Israel, the war, or the IDF. When challenged about the accuracy of their information, almost no one wanted to hear about the futility of these boycotts and their nonexistent impact on the war and broader Israel and Palestine discourse.
5. Some were incredibly furious at me for challenging the “martyrdom” narrative, and one person threatened me with physical violence if I didn’t stop maligning martyrdom. Of course, I didn’t back down and proceeded to rationally challenge this idea of Gazans killed in the war after October 7 being martyrs with a ticket straight to heaven and that this is Islamist propaganda and brainwashing that’s getting us nowhere. I said that my family was killed for nothing and that most Gazans who lost their lives would have chosen life over being killed so that Hamas could maintain its corrupt and despicable rule over the coastal enclave.
6. A pro-resistance man surprisingly agreed with me when I told him that Hamas prevented civilians from evacuating Gaza’s north early in the war and didn’t want people to leave, a ruthless decision that caused unnecessary loss of life. This is something that many Western fools refuse to acknowledge: Hamas wanted Gazans to stay put so that they could be used as human shields by the group and frustrate the Israeli military’s operations by causing maximum civilian casualties.
7. Several agreed with me that Hamas is only interested in maintaining power, but in the absence of alternatives, they didn’t see anything wrong with this. When I kept saying that Hamas’s continued rule in Gaza means endless wars and more death & destruction, none seemed to have any meaningful responses beyond some mumbles and incoherent rants.
8. The military occupation of the West Bank and settlement expansion kept coming up over and over. Whenever I pushed on Hamas, taking responsibility, having to accept Israel’s existence & continued existence, embracing and rebranding peace, rejecting violence, what’s happening in the West Bank kept coming up. Folks didn’t see Gaza in isolation, but as part of a broader issue/conflict/problem that can’t be compartmentalized. “If Gaza were peaceful, stable, and developed,” argued one man, “the West Bank will still be occupied,” which, in his mind, necessitates Hamas’s “resistance.”
9. This is my own assessment and inference, but I truly strongly felt that support for Hamas was primarily driven by the lack of alternatives and the binary nature of everything related to the conflict: Fatah VS. Hamas; Israel VS. Palestine; Armed resistance VS. diplomacy and nonviolence; us VS. them; kill VS. be killed; Palestinian narrative VS. Jewish narrative. In other words, there was almost little to no ability to hold multiple truths, approach the issue with nuance and rational balance, and an entrenched belief that one truth must inherently be mutually exclusive and must by default cancel out the other. When engaged, however, some were willing to think differently.
10. There was clearly a high degree of conformity when people were together versus when I engaged individuals one-on-one. In other words, group settings made for largely unproductive and hostile discussions, while individual conversations were much more likely to be productive and change people’s minds and thinking. This is consistent with the universal trend that individuals are smart, groups are dumb; people are afraid to say what they really believe and think in front of others but are much more likely to speak their minds when anonymous, alone, or away from the “community’s ears and eyes” as one gentleman put it.
In summary, my conversations were difficult and quite depressing in some regards. However, these same unpleasant and discouraging conversations actually gave me hope that with respectful, patient, persistent, rational, calm, evidence-based, and analytical/non-emotional engagements and outreach, meaningful seeds can be planted to change hearts and minds and begin the 1000-mile journey towards political transformation and the arduous effort to rebrand peace and coexistence as a necessary evolution to preserve the Palestinian people on their lands and forge a different path forward.
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shallah-insfelimna · 3 months
people ask me if i am to leave gaza. they forget that my mother and little brother were martyrs. i am the only one of my family left alive, and with injuries too. the blast gave me a concussion so bad that i now am dealing with brain fog and other deficits. i can not even go to the hospital because of the situation here. i am terrified, yes. but i will not back down against this injustice. i stand for those who no longer can- until the end. pray for gaza. pray for love.
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saintmachina · 2 months
This is more....confession than ask but I've been having a rough go of it. I was raised catholic and what little I saw of it in catholic school at a super young age was so full of art, mysticism, defiance AND peace, /kindness/, and encouragement to talk to God as /Father/, as family.....I felt so at home in it. I was pulled out of it bc my parents couldn't afford tuition by the time I was 9, so I went to public school. I saw the Church from the outside and I've had random bursts of OCD style attendance to mass vs not going. I feel more at peace with life with not going but I know I should. I know I disagree with the doctrines but I walk into a cathedral and I'm home. I'm moved to tears by stone stations of the cross and stained glass martyrs but I'm a queer adult who fucked with witchcraft and no longer aspire to be a nun or a saint. I feel like I don't belong but also feel bad telling my fellow queers I ID as Catholic knowing the atrocities committed by it and the trauma most of them have. Do you know anyone else with this experience?
I resonate so much with this ask on so many levels, anon, thank you for your earnestness and your honesty. I know a LOT of people with this experience, myself included, so you came to the right place. I'm no priest, but confessions are always welcome here <3
It sounds like you were formed (in the classical sense of spiritual formation, shaped like clay on a wheel or contoured like a rock worn by waves) by the sacredness you experienced in Catholic school. That was your entry point to God, your foundational understanding of the divine, and on one hand, what a blessing to be equipped at a young age with prayers and tools and stories and rituals to help you draw near to the source of all life! But of course, in another sense, how painful to come to the realization that this tradition you love has perpetuated brutal doctrines and painful teachings for centuries, that it has harmed those you cherish (and undoubtedly you as well).
However, I want to ask you some questions. Why do you need to be a nun, or any kind of saint? Why can't you just be a creature in a body that is soul-stirred by the stained glass and the stations of the cross and the tales of the heroic dead? Why should God take any less notice of you because you question, because your love and desire takes the queer shape that God has rooted within you, because you recoil at injustice and cruelty and corruption? Because you sought communion with something supernatural through a method not formally endorsed by the Church, yet practiced historically by many of its priests, scholars, and adherents? Because you grasp for goodness and sometimes prevail and sometimes fail, just like every human that's come before you?
If God is real, than God and all God's symbols and signs, all the rituals and tales and talismans, must be for God's people. And I'll tell you something I believe with all of myself: we are all God's people.
If your heart is most at peace not attending church, that's okay for a season, or maybe forever! But perhaps there are other ways your heart can rest in God, in nature or conversation with friends or personal devotion or private mysticism or communal prayer? You are heir to an inheritance of a long line of queer Catholics, as difficult as that badge is sometimes to bear, but your (our) queer siblings have reshaped history, theology, art, liturgy, music, and more with our talent and perspectives. We are members of the family, beloved children of an attentive and patient Father. No one gets to tell you to leave: this is your house, should you choose to reside here one day out of the year or many.
Sorry, I feel like I'm rambling, but this ask really touched me. Basically, there are not rules, anon. We're all going to die and we're all going to experience so much pain and joy in our glimmering, fragile lives, and God wants to be present in that pain and joy with us, in whatever form God takes, in whatever language we can understand.
I know it can be painful to tell someone you love who has been hurt by the church that religion still holds meaning for you, I wrestle with that every day, but I think the wrestling is worth it, if you proceed with honesty and compassion. No one can tell you what path to take, but I hope I can encourage you in that you aren't walking alone.
Be blessed in your seeking anon, and fortified by the saints, and guided by the light of the archangels and the gentle touch of Mary, and brooded over by the protective wings of God.
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family-aya · 2 months
A Cry from the Heart of Gaza: Documenting the Tragedies of the Heat Written by:
[Martyr Ismail Al-Ghoula]
Every time I hear the sound of an explosion, I know that an entire neighborhood has ended, and that innocent souls have ascended to heaven. Gaza, a city that was once thriving with life, has turned into a scene of destruction and death. In a painful scene, you see the houses turned into rubble, and the streets that were once bustling with life have become empty except for the remains of memories and the blood of the martyrs. Children who are not more than ten years old carry on their shoulders responsibilities greater than their years, searching among the rubble for their families and their destroyed dreams. I saw with my own eyes the torn bodies of martyrs, men and women, the elderly and children, who had committed no sin except that they were born in this place. Their faces told a story of pain, agony, and separation. Some of them were holding their children,It is as if they were trying to protect them until the last minute. However, in the midst of this devastation, you find eyes that still hold hope and a strong will to survive and persevere. You see young people rushing to help, saving what can be saved, and working hard to provide a helping hand to those who remain. Gaza, despite everything it is suffering, is still resisting. The people here know that life will not return to what it was, but they are determined to stay and persevere, to be witnesses to injustice, and to show the entire world that Gaza will not surrender. We, as journalists, must document these moments, not only to tell stories of destruction, but to convey to the world the truth of what is happening, and to make Gaza's voice reaches every corner of the world.
Save my children and my family, support, share, help, spread the link to my campaign, please👇👇
@straycatj @thunderstruck9 @haflacky @catasters @90-ghost @northgazaupdates @northwezt @northernsiberiawinds @palestine-button-reminder @palestinegenocide @galacticpoop @trickstarbrave @ash-angelic @palestinegenocide @riding-with-the-wild-hunt @punkitt-is-here @thesblu @magnus-rhymes-with-swagness @marnota @gay-yosuke @foolish-edworm @floof-ghostie @nativehueofresolution @apollos-olives @apollodalizard @popo-salad @olovelymoon @fallenangellostfeathers @fallahifag @andypasta @freewatermelon0 @fingernailathome @freepalestine-xo-blog @freeplaidknightkid @freepalestine-xo-blog @amosnaomi @awesomepeoplehangingouttogether @amazingphil @zain-leen1993 @zain-gaza @zombzgutzz @everythingfox @catcrumb @catherinebronte @90-ghost @amosnaomi @amanita-rubescens @quadruple-agent @catasters @nabulsi @fairfieldfarmer @sar-soor @el-shab-hussein @palestinegenocide @northgazaupdates @ibtisams-deactivated20240709 @commissions4aid-international @communistchameleon @fallahifag @ripe @rainbowgazes-archive @cottoncandiescupcakes @soulmvtes @ms-mxyzptlk @thenewgothictwice @thishartominefeelz@90-ghost @el-shab-hussein @ibtisams @acepumpkinpatrick @just-browsing1222 @gaza @palestine @13ag21k @the-bastard-king @boyvandal-blog @apsswan @youdontknowwhotfiamm @mangocheesecakes @fallahifag @sealuai @palipunk @malcriaada @riding-with-the-wild-hunt @acepumpkinpatrick @nabulsi @fairuzfan@watermotif @heritageposts @pcktknife @dykesbat @aces-and-angels
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thegalievthought · 1 day
Another Black Man Lynched
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At six, ten pm, on September, twenty-fourth, twenty, twenty-four. Another black man was lynched. For nearly thirty years, Imam Khaliifah Williams was imprisoned on death row. During those decades in prison, Imam Khaliifah faced hardships beyond what we can comprehend the constant discrimination and injustice he faced in his fight for freedom. Imam Khaliifah was an innocent man. Yet he was executed. Many would wrongly say that the evidence stacked against Imam Khaliifah would have been mountainous. However, in reality, the foundations of his death were based on two ‘witness’ testimonies from his cellmate and his girlfriend, which they both say Imam Khaliifah confessed to them. His girlfriend even said she saw him with stolen items and saw him disposing of the clothes he wore during the alleged murder, none of which were found. It’s more likely they both wanted the ten thousand dollar reward for information. Because there is no evidence that linked Imam Khaliifah to the crime physically. Twice before Imam Khaliifah had been scheduled to be murdered by the state and both were halted to do DNA testing, one in 2015 and the other in 2017. The one in 2017 was DNA testing on the murder weapon, which could not be tied to Imam Khaliifah at all; his finger prints nor any other DNA evidence were ever found on the knife. 
So instead of there being a mountain of evidence for Imam Khaliifah's guilt. There is a mountain showing that he is innocent, that he was chosen not because he was guilty but because he was black. Even up to his most recent trials, his attorney and many others have questioned jury selection and how the evidence we talked about was handled. Including DNA on the knife from mishandling by the prosecution! Imam Khaliifah's lawyers, the prosecution and the victim's family came together and agreed to a no-contest plea to change his sentence from death to life without parole also! Which the AG of Missouri Andrew Bailey refused, which lead to the recent Missouri Supreme Court case which allowed for Imam Khaliifah to be murdered despite the wants of the victim's family, despite the gross lack of evidence that Imam Khaliifah committed the crime, by the allowance of Andrew Bailey the state of Missouri made an example of Imam Khaliifah they lynched him and made him another in a long line of martyrs before him. The Republican party wanted to set an example again to the black folk to stay in their place. To not shake the nest. Imam Khaliifah Williams was murdered to make an example when his execution was entirely preventable. It went through because racist white men in Missouri wanted to see another black man die. Imam Khaliifah Williams joins the likes of Emmett Till, Medgar Evers, George Floyd, reverend Martin Luther King and thousands more. If any amongst you were ever of the illusion that times had changed that black folk won't get lynched anymore, let the death of Imam Khaliifah show you. The Republican Klansmen are more than happy to not only support it when they see a black person lynched. They will do it themselves. Imam Williams didn't have to die. The death of Imam Khaliifah Williams was a lynching.
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siraj2024 · 23 days
Daily update(43)
This hysterical state of the mother is present on a daily basis in Gaza hospitals.
We are left to a group of Nazis and murderers to unleash their diseases and hatred on us through murder, abuse and extermination, and the world is either supporting them or watching us. As for those who are with you, they are few and cannot stand in the face of this great injustice.
We are paying the price for the failure of this unjust world. We do not expect anything from anyone. Today there are 40 thousand martyrs, and the occupation is still thirsty for our blood and wants to abandon us all, but we will not surrender and we will remain here in our land. It is either victory or victory, and there is no third option.
In this regard, I invite you to help me reach the seventh goal of 70k until next Thursday, which will strengthen my steadfastness in my land, build it and not occupy it.
Since the gfm organizer is based in canada, the gfm will not accept donations from paypal. Please DM @malcriada who is a trusted friend of siraj if you wish to donate using paypal, or are otherwise having any issue donating to the gfm with general cards.
Vetted and appears #219 on @/el-shab-hussein and @/nabulsi’s list of vetted fundraisers, so please dont hesitate to share and donate.
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shabanaldahdoh · 14 days
I am Shaaban, a Palestinian citizen from Gaza, asking for help from people of conscience in light of the war and the non-stop bombing. I live with my wife and children with my parents who are over sixty years old, my brothers and sisters, and my grandmother. I am thirty years old. I will tell you a story full of pain and patience. We live in light of the brutal war. We were exposed to the harshest moments of our lives when we lost 12 family members in one day and at one moment. However, the rest of the family members were not spared from serious and minor injuries, the most precious thing they had.
I was living with my large family in a multi-story house in Gaza City, in a densely populated neighborhood. One night, while everyone was sitting together trying to overcome the fear of the sounds of the bombing that had become common, a sudden airstrike came. That moment changed our lives forever. My brother, sister, aunt, daughter, and nieces were martyred, in addition to my aunts and cousins. In a few moments, I found myself surrounded by rubble and destruction, amidst screams of pain and loss.
That night was like a nightmare that will never be erased from my memory. The house was no longer the same, and life was no longer the same. I was deeply shocked, and I began to question the meaning of life amidst this enormous amount of loss. Whenever I looked at the place that was once full of sounds and life, today it became silent, except for the sounds of the wind carrying with it the memories of those who passed away.
But despite the pain and tears, I did not give up. I knew that loss is part of the lives of many in Gaza, and that I had to be strong to continue on my way. I decided to stay on the land we lived on, and to be a witness to the injustice that I and my family were subjected to. However, the house was completely destroyed, and the work that my brothers and I were working on was not spared. However, the occupation was not satisfied with killing my family members and destroying our homes, our factory, our company and our businesses, but it insisted on displacing us from our homes under the bombing, destruction and martyrs lying on the ground from the effects of the violent bombing.
After we were displaced from our homes, we set up tents out of wood and covered their roofs with plastic tarpaulins. Our meaning in displacement lies in the difficulty of providing food, drinking water and water for use from one place to another in transporting the family, children and personal belongings in the midst of the bombing and fear. However, it was not the only displacement. At the moment when you are sitting in the tent you set up at a time when there is nothing to make a tent for, you receive news that the area you are sitting in has now become an evacuation area and we must move to another place and live the same previous experience of setting up the tent again. Moving. However, we lived the displacement phase for ten months for more than 8 moves from one place to another, and every time we live the difficulty of displacement.
Today we live in hope for the end of the brutal war and our return to our region from which we were displaced despite the massive destruction and devastation. Although there is no home or work, a person is still attached to the region in which he grew up and the sacrifices of my family and our martyrs are a seed for peace and justice to come. Despite the pain I carry in my heart, my strength and belief in survival and living with dignity are what makes me continue to face the harsh reality, carrying in my heart the memories of my loved ones who have passed away but are always present in spirit in my mind.
We hope that you will help us rebuild our home and businesses and we thank everyone who contributed to helping us financially and morally. Your little help means a lot to us.
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mshexley · 1 year
The Power and their lovely flawed characters (spoilers for ep 1-8)
Really love that The Power doesn't shy away from making the characters we follow flawed. I love the premise of people gaining power but it also reminds that hurt people will hurt other people, especially if many of them have had their views skewed by the act of survival.
Margot's heart is in the right place with protecting people with EoD but her views are broad and she has issues focusing on those close to her and her husband rightfully calls her out on in. When it comes to the safeguard of her family, she doesn't really consider how they're really feeling deeply and she's easily pacified with her kids just telling her "I'm fine". She approaches everything in terms of how it can affect her political career.
Roxy is in grief and being ignored by the remaining people she can call family because they've been used to ignoring her existence and now they have to be reminded that she's here and the result is that she's kind of shutting herself out from everyone. She's not bound by solidarity in the same way a lot of the other main cast are which is totally fine, no one should be expected to immediately become a revolutionary. But she's a mix of wanting recognition from her father, wanting justice for her mother, and being a product of an environment that encourages you to mainly look out for yourself. Especially when she's realizing just how much she's been shut out of not just her father's life with his "legal" children but also with her mom's life with her having a secret boyfriend.
Eve/Allie is heavily influenced by the voice she's hearing and while it's comforting for someone to be instructed on the many ways to use EoD, it's also off-putting to see a growing cult-like entity rising because it's mainly ran by teenagers and young adults. And we do see that it bothers Eve about all of the stuff she's able to do like with Sister Veronica.
Tatiana is also the best example of my point alongside Margot because they're older women who had to be given EoD. Because with a lot of young women and girls, we see the stars in their eyes and while obviously they have been exposed to the hardships of being socialized and raised as girls, they're general attitude is that of rebellion but what of women that like Tatiana who had to walk on eggshells their whole life because seeing another day was not always a guarantee even if your the wife of a very obvious dictator.
We see this with the woman at the pool that tried to attack Roxy. Not just in this show but other stories have showcased this too, that often a lot of older women will service the powers that uplift men because that's how they've been conditioned to survive.
So watching Tatiana is like watching a tight rope walker because where does she stand? Does she stand solely for her own freedom and vengeance or does she stand with all of the girls much like her sister is doing with the trafficked victims.
The people with EoD are justified in their anger, their want for vengeance and how they go about it but they're not written to be perfect, y'know but they're imperfections are not reasons as to why they shouldn't have the power and that is the biggest thing I love about this show simply because I'm over things asking marginalized groups to be perfect martyrs if we wanna do revolutions and fighting injustices. That we have to do it the "right way" or the polite way.
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hurremsultanns · 1 year
Why does this series act as if genuinely awful men should be let off the hook or it's some great injustice? Like morally grey women 'deserve' to be abused and watch their families die because it's an epic 'punishment for their sins' but men who do worse things should just get off scott free otherwise they're martyrs? It's ridiculous.
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bessiejoan · 2 years
Astrology: Worried Mercury Signs
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Aries - Worries are overwhelming, quick and frantic. Feels an urge to solve the problem as quickly as possible. If the problem can not be resolved they may try to destroy it instead. Can verbally lash out suddenly at those around them. Can martyr themselves in an attempt to overcome the worry. May seek out dopamine rushes in times of worry.
Taurus - Overeats or undereats when worried. Worries about lack of financial security and stability. Mental worry leads to needing a lot of physical rest and suffering low self esteem. Worry can lead them to staying in the same spot and feeling a reluctance to embrace change.
Gemini - The mind does not stop when worried, as if there is constant chatter in the mind. Attempts to forsee every possible problem and solution. Worries over choices, siblings, communications and friendships. Worries about the 'why?' of a problem. Worries manifest as anxiety. Will try to learn their way out of a worry.
Cancer - The worrying process is more emotional. Can feel like the emotions are trapped inside the body, causing physical discomfort that they can not escape. Worries most about family, maternal figures, home and safety.
Leo - Worries about their self expression and how they come across to others. When highly worried they will focus on their work projects as an extension of their own worth. Worries can cause them to attach too strongly to the ego and the need to save face.
Virgo - Worries about every detail, failing others and their own health. Worries can manifest as physical symptoms of illness. Worries when daily routines are disrupted. Worries about the 'how?' of a problem.
Libra - Worries about business and personal relationships. Worries about suffering injustices and heartbreak. Worries about relationships disrupting their own life balance. Seeks others to bounce thoughts off when worried. Worries can cause a lot mental anguish as it disrupts their mental wellbeing. Can over correct on an issue in an attempt to restore balance.
Scorpio - Worries about other people's truama, reluctance to evolve and their own pain. Thoughts can become obsessive and subconsciously controlling. Worries about others true intent and suspects others of hiding their true motive. Can struggle to let go of a worry until they have fully dissected and digested it.
Sagittarius - Worries about being controlled, restricted and unable to explore the world through experiences. Worries about others values conflicting with their own. Small worries can expand into much larger imagined catastrophes.
Capricorn - Worries about their future and finding success. Worries about their reputation and not fulfilling their true potential. Is careful with money and are mindful of who they befriend in an attempt to avoid future problems that may cause worry.
Aquarius - Worries about social groups, hierarchies and the future of society. Worries can cause them to feel disconnected from others or feeling like the odd one out. Excessive worries cause them to disconnect and act oblivious to the problems, rather than attempt to fix them.
Pisces - Worries overwhelm the mind when they are unable to distinguish thoughts and emotions from facts. Worries about humanity, the sadness of others and their lack of artistic creation. Worries can manifest as daydreams, nightmares and subconscious feelings that they struggle to identify the root cause of. Worries can cause them to use substances to escape their own mind. Worrying can disrupt their memory.
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