#not yr
hillerska-official · 4 months
Oh btw I'm reading another star trek novel and chapter 1 just opens like this
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omar-rudeberg · 6 months
CAPTIVE PRINCE + DARK RISE tidbits (lil spoilery!) from chats with c.s. pacat at the aus book fair today:
we mostly knew this from the early ch1 release but nell the pony lives on in dark heir (we see nell again!)
the dark rise special edition has will on the cover - it's just an artistic impression of him with lighter hair
pacat gave the advice that she creates experiences for herself that are close to what her characters experience to be able to viscerally understand and describe them - an example is how she bought a shoulder of meat to pierce with an implement to imitate what stabbing someone in the shoulder might be like (screams in dark rise ahhh). another example is taking an ice bath to be able to accurately describe what falling through an ice sheet into a frozen lake would be like. really puts into perspective how her writing seems so real!
pacat teased the captive prince news again, and gave us "it's not a TV series, or another book, or a short story" and that it's "been delayed 3-4 years" and then he giggled and was like "it's so obvious what it is, it's so obvious" so ??????? come on people what are we looking at here ????? movie? graphic novel?
i asked what was going on with laurent at the start of kings rising, because the fact that laurent got captured by guion/govart even with all his soldiers around has always seemed like an ill thought-out plot point to me... pacat just grinned and said "but he meant to get captured, though, right?" and flicked open kings rising to find this line — ‘The hard part was getting Guion to let me into his fort.’ Laurent said it steadily ...
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willedeservesbetter · 4 months
The dog in "Anatomy of a Fall" winning the Palm Dog at the 2023 Cannes Film Festival, is by far my favorite movie trivia of all time.
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sflow-er · 8 months
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(Satirical tweet by comedian Jukka Lindström on the Finnish government's anti-racism statement and the True Finns Party's stance on it, translation in ALT)
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hergrandplan · 17 days
If I was an English teacher, I would use yesterday’s episode of game changer to explain dramatic irony to my students
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waltybrainrot · 3 days
hi this is me trying to sell a niche (queer) norwegian show with no official translations to y'all :D
here are some screenshots from season 1
first meeting
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bro in his straight era whils his future bf is being threatened online
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two bros chilling in a boat 5 feet apart cause they're not gay
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he looks so fucking awkward i CAN'T- anyway the way they look at eachother >>
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sir you can't be giving heart eyes like that to a man with a whole gf in your lap
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babe wake up the girls and the gays are dancing
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erik (blonde) is so awkward it's honestly adorable
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even if they stayed platonic i would be obsessed they're both just precious tbh (the way mathias chases after erik when he decided to be angsty lol)
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i genuinely love their friendship
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now at this point you probably think i'm delulu but i promise i'm actually not ! just,, bear with me while i make the season 2 post
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ayo-galitzine · 1 year
does anyone else ever think about the season 2 finale of reservation dogs when they were all at the beach and Daniel appeared in their circle and start uncontrollably sobbing
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oneofthosebells · 19 days
When I see defence of the concept of monarchy on the basis that 'they do good too! They're a neutral symbol for the nation!' I always want to say that although I do fully respect your opinion, please consider that if Charles had pulled an Erik and died before he'd had kids, the British monarch right now would be Andrew. Yep, that one. Partying with Epstein, can't sweat because of the Falklands, paid off Virginia Giuffre Andrew.
Because that's how it works. If you have a hereditary head of state as a 'neutral party uniting the nation', then you are stuck with whoever you get - and yeah, they might be a sweet sensitive kid like Wilhelm (though frankly it's unlikely with that upbringing), or they might be Randy Andy. And you don't get to choose.
I used to be pretty neutral about the monarchy, even leaning towards vaguely positive. And then Queen Elizabeth died. I work for a public sector organisation close to government (going to have to be very vague here sorry), and when she died we had to go into official mourning for more than two weeks. We weren't allowed to do our jobs. All external meetings had to be cancelled. We weren't even allowed to send external emails unless we prefaced them with 'so sorry to disturb you at this sad time of mourning'. We were warned to be 'respectful of our language' in a way we'd never been before. A very important event was cancelled and not able to be rescheduled for six months. Because mourning someone none of us had ever met was more important than actually helping the members of the public we were supposed to serve.
Now imagine we were having to do all that for Andrew...
Either symbols mean something or they don't. If symbols mean something, then someone like Andrew - or Charles or William or any of them frankly - sitting on a gold throne wearing a crown encrusted with stolen jewels has a very specific meaning. And that meaning is know your place, peasants! And if symbols don't mean anything, then what is the point of any of it?
Personally I'm not actually calling for the abolition of the monarchy in the UK. There's no public appetite for it and dear god do the next government have way bigger problems to fix. But happily bowing and scraping to someone just because of the family they were born into you will never see me do.
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simonsapelsin · 8 months
I would like to wish my first ever boyfriend, Keanu Reeves, a very happy birthday.
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willesworld · 9 months
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Not Young Royals related, but I am selling disability and neurodivergent related things on my Etsy shop! There are shirts, alert cards, and sensory lanyards, among other things. All items are hand designed by me, and all wearable items are hand printed with ink and linoleum block prints that I made.
Check it out if you're interested. :)
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hillerska-official · 28 days
Magneto is so OP they had to make him in love with Charles to nerf him
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immameltingfairyhelp · 10 months
just thinking about how similar Simon & Wilhelm are to Achilles & Patroclus
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justfriendsbestthings · 3 months
So many of the shops on our high street have the Palestinian flag in their window displays 🥲
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sflow-er · 3 months
En lue iltapäivälehtiä, mutta nyt ostaa täräytin Plus-tilauksen kuukaudeksi saadakseni lukea taustoittavia juttuja pressaehdokkaista. Jos jotakuta kiinnostaa taustavaikuttajien ajatukset Stubbista henkilönä ja johtajana, alla poimintoja ja lopussa kuvakaappaukset koko jutusta.
[Briefly in English: Bought access to one of the tabloids for a month to read longer stories about the presidential candidates. This one is about the candidate I don't support. It chronicles his career and people's opinions of him as a person and leader. Some quotes and the full story below in Finnish.]
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Otsikko on tosi sensaatiohakuinen, itse juttu on neutraalimpi. Aika hyvin se silti tukee käsitystä Stubbista omahyväisenä ja ylimielisenä päsmärinä, joka perehtyy kunnolla vain niihin asioihin, jotka sitä oikeasti kiinnostaa. Tässä poimintoja:
”Turhamainen itsekeskeisyys, itsensä korostaminen”, kokenut ulkoministeriön virkamies arvioi Stubbin aiempia heikkouksia.
– Hänelle on tärkeää se, miltä hän näyttää, miltä hän vaikuttaa, eräs politiikan vaikuttaja arvioi. – Oma henkilökohtainen brändi, sen mahdollisimman voimakas esillä olo on tärkeätä, toinen sanoo.
Stubbin nuoruusvuosilta esiin nousee toistuvasti maine entisenä koulukiusaajana. Sen loi Helsingin Sanomien Nyt-liitteen artikkeli vuonna 2008. – Se oli kaikista pahimpia hurjimuksia koulussa. Se oli pahimpia koulukiusaajia. Sellainen niin kuin mitä jengi pelkäsi, koulutoveri muisteli HS:n toimittajalle. Stubb on sittemmin puolittain ottanut vastuun kiusaamisesta. Hän on pyytänyt anteeksi käytöstään, mutta kiistänyt kiusanneensa systemaattisesti. – Jokainen kiusauskerta on liikaa, Stubb sanoi Iltalehden haastattelussa. Myöhempinä aikoina Stubbia ei ole syytetty kiusaajaksi. Useat Iltalehden haastattelemat henkilöt pitävät Stubbia reiluna ja ystävällisenä, tarkoituksellista ilkeyttä he eivät hänessä tunnista.
[EDIT: Lisäsin tähän mukaan ton puolittaisen vastuunoton, @torillatavataan kommentti aiheesta ja mun vastaus löytyy reblogeista!]
Toiset näkevät, että voitto puheenjohtajavaalissa ja pääministerin pesti tekivät Stubbista ylimielisemmän. Päätöksiä ei tehty enää aina yhdessä porukalla. – Silloin tapahtui jotakin, entinen edustajatoveri Kimmo Sasi sanoo. Stubbilla oli laajat kuulemisprosessit, mutta ne eivät Sasin mukaan välttämättä vaikuttaneet päätöksiin. Presidentinvaaleissa Stubbia vastaan kilpailleen Hjallis Harkimon (liik) mukaan Stubbin puheenjohtaja-aikoina oli tapana lähettää tekstiviesti kansanedustajille, miten eduskunnassa kuului äänestää. [...] sittemmin päivänpoliittinen lika on ehtinyt karista hänestä. Sasi arvioi myös Stubbin ylimielisyyden karisseen.
– Hän ei välttämättä ministerinäkään ollut valtavan syvällinen. Asiat olivat ilmaistavissa aika yksinkertaisina pointteina. Minulle jäi kuva, että se ei ollut pelkkää tyyliä, vaan hän ehkä lähestyy asioita aika yksinkertaisesta näkökulmasta, kokenut ulkoministeriön virkamies arvioi.
Osa uskoo, että Stubb pysyisi presidenttinä pilttuussaan. Osa uskoo, että näkyvyyttä janoava aktiivinen presidentti ajautuisi törmäyskurssille hallituksen kanssa. – Riippumatta siitä, mistä poliittisesta liikkeestä pääministeri ja ulkoministeri tulisivat, luulen että [Pekka] Haaviston kanssa olisi helpompaa, eräs vaikuttaja arvioi. Leppoisa presidentti Stubb ei olisi, hänet pitkään tuntenut virkamies arvioi. Stubb on vahvatahtoinen, vaativa ja kärsimätön, vaikka julkisuudessa hänet tunnetaan leveästä valkoisesta hymystä ja rennosta imagosta. Myös suhde lehdistöön voisi kuherruskuukauden jälkeen käydä vaikeaksi, eräs vaikuttaja uskoo. – Mitä vahvemmin maailmaa tarkastelee omasta henkilöstään käsin, sitä vaikeammaksi mediasuhde yleensä muodostuu.
Stubbilla on vahva oma tahto ja paljon energiaa. Hän perehtyy asioihin, jos on kiinnostunut niistä. Jos kiinnostus lopahtaa, perehtyminen on vaikeaa. Stubbin paineensietokykyä pidetään hyvänä.
Ja vielä koko juttu:
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othervee · 6 months
I had a lovely Sunday lunch with two mutual friends, A and B, with the added delight of facilitating a budding sapphic teen relationship!
A and B both have 15-year-old daughters. Recently, daughters discovered each other on social media, without realising they had met before, when they were both wee little things.
Daughters mutually agreed that they find one another hot and online flirtation commenced. They then discovered that their mums knew one another, and promptly demanded that the mums meet up for lunch and allow daughters to tag along and go shopping together. So the mums plus me had lunch and the daughters went on a date :)
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waltybrainrot · 3 days
part 2 of me trying to sell a niche (queer) norwegian show with no official translations to y'all :D
here are some screenshots from season 2 warning: this ventures into spoiler territory
mathias (w/sara) saving his mans too late
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he likes to grab erik + this looks like a love triangle LMAO
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i screamed.
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mathias meeting his mom to erik's horror LMAO + bonus mathias holding the door for him
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find someone who looks at you the way mathias looks at erik
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just two bros fishin' and arguin'
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but they made out up so it's fine
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mathias in his bunad + erik in a suit ahhh
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tumblr is being mean and saying i added too many photos so i gotta make a part 3 i'm so sorry ;-;
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