#dyn: alice x mary
Mary: What's your type?
Alice: Dark hair and eyes, about 5'9, crazy jawline-
Mary: I mean your blood type.
Alice: Oh. Uh, red.
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Alice: If you think about it, surgery is just stabbing someone to life.
Mary: No it's not. Please never be a surgeon.
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Alice: Dads will see their kids and be like, "Is anyone gonna emotionally damage that?" and not wait for an answer.
Mary: Dads see their kids?
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Mary: [to Alice] You go girl!
Mary: Sorry, that came out wrong.
Mary: [pointing at Alice] You. Go, girl.
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Kate: Mary, keep an eye on Alice today. She's gonna say something to the wrong person and get herself punched.
Mary: Sure, i'd love to see Alice get punched!
Kate: Try again.
Mary: I will stop Alice from getting punched.
Kate: Correct.
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Mary: And you're here because?
Alice: Because I'm sexy and I don't need a license to be here. That's why.
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Alice: Come on, how many times do I have to apologize?
Mary: Once!
Alice: No.
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Alice: Punch me in the face.
Mary: Punch you?
Alice: Yes, punch me, in the face. Didn't you hear me?
Mary: I always hear "punch me in the face" when you're speaking, but it's usually subtext.
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Mary: How can you eat while there's a dead person lying here?!
Alice: What? Is it rude? Am I supposed to share?
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Mary: Feels like you’re being a little harsh.
Alice: Thanks. Good note. I was going for extremely harsh - I’ll turn it up.
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Mary: [to Alice] My door is always open if you ever want to talk about how you can get the hell away from my family
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Alice: When I first met you, I thought you were weird and annoying.
Mary: ..And?
Alice: You are.
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Mary: Yesterday I overheard Kate saying 'Are you sure this is a good idea?' and Alice replying 'Trust me'. I have never moved so quickly from one room to another in my life.
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Kate, taking about Alice: She is like an angel who fell from heaven...
Mary: Yeah, so was Lucifer.
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Kate: This is a disaster! The printer messed up the invitations, it’s supposed to say ‘Alice’s Birthday’.
Mary: What does it say instead?
Kate: ‘Alice’s Bi’.
Mary: That can still work.
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Mary: Alice is a psychopathic killer. I know it’s hard but you need to take her down.
Kate: But you don’t have all the facts.
Mary: Which are?
Kate: I love her.
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