#dynasty final interview
bad-boy-999 · 2 years
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tired-reader-writer · 17 days
While listening to a composition by an Irani musician I like a lot and reading the video's pinned comment by said musician, I encountered this very interesting tidbit that goes as follows:
“Khosrow Anushirvan was the Shahanshah (King of Kings) of the Sasanian Empire from 531 to 579. Widely regarded as one of the greatest kings of the Sasanian dynasty, if not the greatest, to the point where his name, Khosrow, would become a synonym for the term "King," a reality still in use in Modern Persian, where terms like "kingly" or "royal" are often derived from Khosrow. His reign was marked by ambitious construction projects, and a flourishing of architectural and urban projects, as well as cultural ones.”
And, indeed, I digged around and found it to be true— by the power of a combination of Google Translate and Wiktionary. The name “Khosrow” (خسرو/xosrow), derived from a word meaning “renowned, famous”, is also a noun for “a (great) king”!
The terms xosravi (خسروی) and xosravâni (خسروانی) are derived from it and mean “regal, kingly” and “royal” respectively.
His epithet Anushirvan (انوشيروان) means “immortal soul” and that made me think, might Tanaka have taken inspiration from Khosrow I for the historical/mythical figure of Kaykhusraw in Pars? I mean, Arslan Senki takes a lot of inspiration from the Iranian epic Shanahmeh, taking names from it, Pars' founding myth/history is very heavily based on the chapter of Feridoun (with Zahhak and everything) where Kaykhusraw is the Feridoun analogue and yet he does not bear his name, and while I do not know much of Shahnameh's Kai Khosrow (I still haven't gotten back to reading it T_T), I wonder if Tanaka chose to make Kaykhusraw bear that name to echo not only the Shahnameh's Kai Khosrow but also the real, Sassanid King Khosrow Anushirvan. A man with an impact so great his name became a word for “king”. Arakawa also did say she based Pars on the Sassanid dynasty, so that lends even more credence to my theory.
Headcanon that Parsian royals refer to themselves via a term derived from Kaykhusraw's name.
22 notes · View notes
loveharlow · 6 months
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SEVEN - 008
PAIRING ‧₊˚ JJ Maybank x Fem!Reader
SYNOPSIS‧₊˚[12.2k] based on 1x09 and 1x10.
WARNING(S)‧₊˚ swearing, extreme violence, mentions of child abuse, mentions/graphic depictions of rape/non-con, mild themes of ptsd, mentions of/allusions to death, general angst
A/N‧₊˚ and here is the season one finale of SEVEN :(, kinda sad but excited for season two. this is a long one so grab your takis 'cause this shit's gon be goooood (UDY reference, am i old?)
also this is not spell-checked :(
˗ˏˋ series masterlist ˎˊ˗
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AFTER FLEEING FROM THE AIRSTRIP,  the four of you found temporary shelter in a junk lot some miles away. You camped there, for what had to be, at least an hour before you watched an unmistakable plane fly overhead.
“And there goes the gold.” JJ said disappointedly, throwing his arms out to the side. “Shit!” He yelled, kicking an already busted up lawn chair.
“Fuck!” Pope hollered, throwing hat so far that it clattered loudly against something out of sight. “God damn it!” He continued raving, picking up an old baseball and swinging at every object within his line of vision. The three of you stood back in shock, never seeing such a display of emotion from the boy.
At least not one this aggressive. He continued breaking and smashing and shattering before deciding to ditch the bat in favor of lifting a large tin trash can, throwing across the concrete. 
“Pope!” Kiara called out, flinching. The boy just paced, hyperventilating before collapsing against a worn down bench. He had a look of distress on his face before bursting out into tears. 
“I was wondering when this was gonna happen.” JJ spoke lowly, walking towards his friend while Kie looked aimlessly around at the even bigger mess he’d made of the junkyard. The blonde held out a weed pen in the curly-haired boy’s direction, shrugging a single shoulder. “A little weed never hurt anyone.”
“JJ.” Kiara reprimanded. “You know he doesn’t smoke.” Pope looked to the two and then to you, eyes asking for advice. You simply shrugged as if to say why not, watching him snatch the pen from JJ’s fingers. 
“Well, maybe not until today.” The blonde taunted as Pope fiddled with the device, eyeing it for a few moments.
“What is that gonna help?” Kie criticized as he contemplated.
“...I lost my scholarship. Walked out in the middle of the interview. It’s gone, it’s not gonna happen.” He told you three sadly. 
“You did that for us?” Kiara asked him, face falling.
“No. Not for us.” He corrected, standing from his seat as you replaced his absence next to JJ, leaning your head on his shoulder. “For nothing.”
“Just let it go, Kie.” You sighed, the girl turning to you. You hadn’t spoken much since you heard the gunshot in the woods, concerned for John B’s well-being and heartbroken about the gold, and everything that’s happened in the last twenty-four hours. “He’s right. It doesn’t matter anymore.”
The air around you all went silent, Pope taking a hit of the pen as Kiara silently judged him. You and JJ sat in silence, a comfort shared between the two of you, taking the feeling where you could get it. That was until you heard slow footsteps behind you, heads shooting up to find John B coming around the corner.
You launched yourself out of your seat, running into the boy and dragging him into a hug he didn’t return, the other three following suit. Releasing him, you all took immediate notice of the crimson color decorating his shirt and hands. 
It looked half-dried, taking on a color resembling rust or dried tomatoes. It completely coated his hands, even the webs between his fingers.
“...Whose blood is that?” 
“JOHN B, WHAT ARE WE DOING AT THE POLICE STATION?” JJ asked as Kiara pulled up next to the Kildare County Sheriff’s Station. It was night time now and the sun had set hours ago. John B had wasted sunlight explaining to the four of you what went down on the tarmac. According to your friend, Rafe had shot and killed Sheriff Peterkin while she was in the middle of arresting Ward Cameron.
“Somebody has to tell them what happened.” The boy in question replied as if it was the most obvious thing in the world, right before Pope broke out into a coughing fit, perfectly rolled joint still clutched between his fingers. He hadn't let up on the weed since taking his first hit at the junkyard.
“Easy there, Chief.” JJ advised from his place next to you in the trunk of the car, John B and Pope in the back seat while Kiara drove. Then the blonde’s attention was on John B. “I’m just gonna be real with you, right now. You might end up in the lion’s den, but you don’t go there on purpose. You should never trust cops, no matter the circumstance.”
“He’s right, John B.” You pitched in. “You gave the compass to Peterkin and somehow it ended up with Ward. Who knows how many dirty cops are littering that station right now.”
“I agree.” Pope added in. “Fuck the police.”
“You’re going to the dark side now?” Kiara judged.
“When’s the last time the police helped us?” Pope argued back, leaning forward.
“Peterkin looked out for me, alright?” John B finally spoke out after moments of silence, looking at all of you with pleading eyes. “Tried to, at least. They need to know.” He declared before giving you all one last parting look and leaving the car to go into the station and tell the precinct that the Sheriff was dead. And that Rafe Cameron had killed her.
“...How did we get here, you guys?” Kiara spoke, looking at no one in particular. She sounded sad and far away, hands clutching the steering wheel.
“Greed?” You offered, shrugging your shoulders. “A part of me regrets not leaving this alone the moment we found out the boat was Scooter’s and that he was dead. But once we found that compass, there was no stopping.”
“Well, I don’t regret any of it.” JJ piped up, leaning over the backseat, over Pope’s shoulder. “What’s this pity party y’all are throwin’? We found the fucking gold.” He laughed out triumphantly. “And yeah we got screwed but we’re gonna get it back.”
The three of you pondered on his words, more like the two of you considering Pope was getting higher than the Empire State Building. Maybe JJ had a point. But you couldn’t think too much longer when John B came barrelling back into the vehicle. 
“Kie! Start the car!” 
“What did you do?” She asked, fear written all across her face as she switched gears, two officers coming up on the vehicle and attempting to open John B’s door. 
“Kie, just drive!” He commanded, the car speeding down the dirt path. 
One of the deputy’s refused to admit defeat, running along the car with her hand still on the handle. “Pull over!” She shouted through the window, banging her free palm against the glass.
“Open it!” Pope ordered from John B’s side. JB looked side to side in confusion before doing as the intoxicated boy said, opening the door and effectively sending the deputy tumbling on her feet and leaving her behind as Kiara kept driving. 
“What the hell was that?” You asked incredulously, looking out the back windshield as the two officers disappeared out of sight. But the boy didn’t answer, just looked straight ahead with his lips slightly parted. You reached over the seat, shaking his shoulder. “Hey, John B, what the hell was that?”
“...They think I killed Peterkin.” 
IT WAS MORNING NOW AND THE FIVE OF YOU HAD BEEN RUNNING FROM THE COPS ALL NIGHT. There was nowhere for John B to go. The Chateau was no doubt flooded with cops, JJ’s house was just as unsafe, Pope’s parents were mad enough at their son as is, Kiara’s parents would shun him at the door, and you weren’t even sure if your home was your home anymore. 
You all were camped out in Kiara’s car on the side of a windy road, camouflaged by the plethora of trees. The Kildare County AM Radio Show playing as you all sat in exhausted silence, seats reclined in uncomfortable positions as you all attempted to get some rest and hide from passing cars. 
“...And good news for the residents of the Outer Banks. Dominion Power says their underwater transmission line, which will restore power to ninety-percent of the city, should be functional within the next twenty-four hours.”
The host exclaimed as you and JJ nearly jumped when police sirens were heard over the station, two police cars zooming down the road and right past the car you were all hiding in. You let out a breath of relief, letting yourself fall back into the seat. 
“..And still no arrest in the shooting death of Sheriff Susan Peterkin. The state police have issued a statement regarding a local person of interest, a juvenile from-” The rest of whatever the radio host was going to say was cut off when Kiara turned the radio off entirely. 
“...So, Yucatan it is?” JJ started the conversation.
“Enough with the Mexico bullshit.” John B cringed, rolling his eyes.
“I’m just being realistic here. Who are the cops going to believe? Lord Cameron or us?” He spat out, irritated.
“Sarah will bail me out, okay? She’ll come through.” 
“She did witness everything…” Kiara supported the brunette’s ideology. You just scoffed, yawning and rubbing the exhaustion from your eyes.
“If you two believe that Sarah will turn her dad or brother over to the cops, you are beyond delusional.” You threw out.
“Thank you.” Pope agreed. 
“We gotta get you off the island.” JJ spoke his mind, sparking up a blunt and shifting to lean on his shoulder.
“The ferry’s his only option.” Pope informed. 
“That's do-able, right? Dude, you gotta dip before the entire island’s on lockdown.” JJ told his best friend as you all ducked once more as three more police cars sped by, only rising slowly once the sound of sirens was gone.
“Look, Sarah’s not a Pogue, JB.” You offered the boy a reality check. “She’s not one of us and you can’t rely on her to save you. You gotta think about you.”
“SO, BAD NEWS.” Pope threw his hands out, looking around nervously while also trying to act normal as he walked back to the car. You all were parked at The Ferry dock with John B reclined fully inside the car to remain out of sight. “The Ferry’s closed and there’s this…” He spoke through the rolled down window from outside of the car, passing a paper inside for the rest of us to see.
“...Shit.” Kiara cursed, passing the paper back for the remaining three of you to see. JJ took it as you leaned over his shoulder, you being the only one in the trunk now since Pope took over driving and JJ moved to sit next to JB. 
“Twenty-five thousand?!” You exclaimed, eyes wide as you read the ‘WANTED’ poster for John B. His picture and all listed on the sheet. JJ was quick to turn around a throw a palm over your mouth, instructing you to ‘shh’ before slowly removing the hand. “Sorry. But twenty-five thousand dollars on your head?” You directed at JB.
“Congrats, Bree. You’re famous.” JJ said sarcastically, annoyance seeping through his voice.
“So, the whole island’s looking for John B.” Pope sighed, drawing his lips into a thin line, getting into the driver's seat.
“Guys, we can get to the HMS Pogue. It’s small, no running lights-” Kiara started before JB cut her off, little emotion left in him.
“It’s at The Chateau, Kie.” He sighed, looking up at the ceiling of the vehicle. “The cops are probably staked out at every corner.” 
“JJ.” Pope perked up, almost giving himself whiplash as he turned around to face the blonde in the backseat. “Does your dad still have that boat? The cigarette boat, The Phantom. The one he used to race.”
“Maybe.” The boy in question replied simply, face void of any emotion. 
“Okay, then. We could get it up to the coast, no problem.” Pope said, turning back around and putting his hands on the wheel.
“It won’t be easy, Pope.” JJ advised. “I don’t even know where the keys are.”
“Well, find them.” The curly-haired boy spat out, jittering in the driver’s seat. “Why is nobody moving forward?” He motioned for the line of cars in front of him.
“Should he be driving?...” You threw the question out, noting his behavior and the amount of weed he’d consumed in the last couple of hours. “Pope, buddy, I don’t think you should be driving.”
“Kie.” John B craned his neck to look at the girl in the passenger seat. “Your car is on the poster.” Nobody could say anything before Pope started rapidly honking the horn.
“Hellooo? Can we move it?” He urged. “Come on!”
“Pope!” Kie tried to grab the male’s attention. “Don’t honk the horn! Jesus…”
“Mom, look! It’s that guy! Right there!” Some blonde little shit standing in the grass pointed at the car you were all hiding in, his squeaky voice traveling through the rolled down window. “We get twenty-five thousand if we find him!”
The kids excitement started to draw other civilians attention, the car soon surrounded by curious eyes. One man had the nerve to bang against one of the back windows, smiling as he pointed at John B’s flattened figure inside of the car. You banged back on the glass, startling the middle aged man before yelling at him to ‘back the fuck up’.
“We gotta go. Pope, turn the car on.” Kiara demanded. “Pope, turn the fucking car on!”
“I’m trying!” He protested, fighting with the ignition key. When he finally succeeded, the car flew forward, hitting the back bumper of the car in front of you all. You all shouted at the boy to back up but he just continued driving forward, pushing the car in front of him before swerving to the side and into the grass.
He managed to drive away from the scene and onto the main road, not getting far before he was swerving back into the grass, sending a mailbox flying into the air in pieces. The four of you gripped onto the seats and safety handles for dear life as Pope cheered in the driver’s seat.
“I am livin’ my best life right now!” He hollered with the biggest smile of his face, right before he hit another mailbox, the impact sending you all forward, your forehead coming into hard contact with the back of JJ’s head.
“Ow! Dammit! Pope, pull over!” You screeched from the back seat. He did as you said, bringing the SUV to a complete stop, making the car jerk. Kiara turned in the passenger seat to look at John B.
“You, get out.”
“What?” He looked bewildered at the suggestion.
“We’ll draw the cops while you run. Get out!” She commanded, John B turning to JJ as the blonde spoke quickly.
“I’ll get the boat and we’ll meet in the dump tomorrow, okay? Three o’clock.” 
“Yeah.” John B confirmed, nodding as he barrel-rolled out of the car, running through the field and into the woods.
“Three tomorrow at the dump!” 
“YOU SURE THIS IS A GOOD IDEA?” JJ piped up, getting out of the car with Pope as you and Kiara followed suit, the SUV that was parked on the side of Tannyhill, just out of sight. Kie had taken the wheel back after it was clear Pope was far too impaired to drive. It was nighttime once again, the chaos causing the hours to tick by.
“She’s the only one who can clear John B.” The brown-haired girl told him simply, getting ready to climb the fence with you next to her, flashlight in her hand with yours clutched between your teeth. “I have a plan.” She muttered, you all landing in the grass and marching through the yard.
“I can do a plan. Plan, plan. Can totally do a plan.” Pope spoke nonsense, the smile never leaving his face as Kiara turned around to face him, irritated and annoyed.
“Can you handle a plan, right now?’ She criticized.
“Of course.” Pope brushed off, dismissing the girl's concerns. “I’m Mister Plan-o-matic.” He assured before breaking out into a rap, a terribly bad, off-beat, and loud rap. You couldn’t contain your laughter, almost snorting at the random action before Kie shot you a look, wiping the smile off of your face as you tried to hold in the laughter.
“I’m sorry. It’s not funny.” You lied, turning to Pope. “Pope.” You whisper-shouted in his direction. “Let’s…save the freestyle for later.” You suggested, a small smile on your face as he quieted down.
“This is a quiet plan.” She talked to him like a baby while you and JJ stood off to the side, watching as she put her pointer finger against his lips. “Okay?” She asked, receiving an absentminded nod from the male in response to which she retracted her finger slowly.
“...I love you, Kie.” Pope said when the girl moved her hand, both you and JJ’s jaw dropping simultaneously.
“What?” Was all the girl offered in response, sighing. Ouch.
“I’m in love with you.” The intoxicated boy clarified, JJ scratching his head and turning away while you stared at the flowers and trees like they were the most interesting things in the world.
“You’re… wasted.” She dismissed his confession, disgust written all over her face as she turned around with the intention to keep walking before Pope pulled her back gently by the wrist.
“I know I’m wasted and that’s why I’m saying this now.” He tried again. “I really feel like this. I love you. I’ve been meaning to tell you-”
“Are we seriously doing this right now?” She cut him off angrily.  Pope look stunned, hurt.
“...I’m trying to tell you how I feel-”
“And that’s very sweet, but it’s not gonna happen.” She stated softly but firmly. In his incapacitated state, he took the rejection lightly, a small smile edging it’s way on his face as he scoffed.
“Okay, well, why not?” He asked. “Is it the no pogue-on-pogue macking rule? Because it doesn’t make sense and no one follows it–”
“Look, I want something different.” She blurted, throwing her shoulders up. “I wanna go to Anarctica, I want to ride camels-”
“And I want to do those things with you-”
“No, Pope, it’s not gonna work!” She told the boy, louder than intended as she looked around before looking at him. “It’s not gonna happen...” She said, finality in her voice as Pope’s face fully fell this time, the rejection settling in. Even from your place, several feet away, you could see the tears welling in the boy’s eyes.
“...We should probably get on with the plan now.” You broke up the interaction, figuring someone should step in and lead the group back on the right track. They both agreed, being the first two to walk off, leaving you and JJ stranded in silence.
“I had no idea he felt that way about her.” You said shocked, blinking rapidly. “I mean, I had a hunch but, man.”
“Girls never know when guys like them.” The blonde said from beside you, your face twisting. “Poor Pope.”
“That is so not true.” You disputed as you both started walking after the other two. “Guys are the most oblivious creatures ever.” You told him,
“You're literally a walking demonstration.” JJ threw out humorously, an immediate look of regret on his face.
“What does that mean?” You asked, looking at the boy curiously.
“Nothing. Forget it.” He waved you off, you both bickering quietly as you walked further into the yard.
Catching up to Kiara and Pope, the girl in question explained that JJ and Pope would create a distraction down in the yard so you and her could sneak up to Sarah’s window. 
So, you were walking around the house you hadn’t visited in months while JJ and Pope were left behind, hopefully concocting a good enough plan to distract whoever else might be in the house.
“Hey,” Kiara whispered, pausing in front of you. “Do you think I was too harsh back there? With Pope?” 
“Honestly?” You started, moving your mouth around before you spoke. “Kind of. It’s okay if you don’t feel that way about him and I get your frustration with everything going but rejection hurts. No matter which way you say it. And he’s high, so it probably hurt a little more.” was your honest truth for the girl.
She simply nodded, looking down before the two of you quietly climbed the balcony stairs up to Sarah’s window. You both crouched out of sight in front of the window, the curtains drawn open allowing you to see the blonde girl’s reflection in her mirror.
Her room looked just the same as it did all those months ago. You didn't expect much to change, it was just an odd observation, you guessed.
Kiara knocked on the glass lightly, just enough to gain Sarah’s attention, the girl approaching the window with a smile before trying to open it and failing. The window wouldn’t budge, even when Kiara tried to help from the opposite side.
The curly-haired girl simply sighed before deciding to pull the wanted poster from her pocket, holding it up for Sarah to read. “Were you in on it?” Kiara asked, their voices still able to travel through the glass, slightly muffled.
“Did you think I was?” Sarah asked, tucking her hair behind her ears. Kie contemplated, shrugging as if to say ‘I don’t know’ before ultimately settling on her answer.
“No.” Then Sarah’s pitiful eyes were turning to you, eyes you tried desperately to avoid. She called your name, drawing your attention.
“...I’m sorry.” Was the first thing she said, her eyes filling with tears. “I believe you. About Rafe. I didn’t think he could do something like that and I was just protecting my brother. But he…he’s worse than I thought. I wasn’t a good friend to you then. But I’ll be a better one now.” She smiled smally.
You didn’t realize there were tears in your own eyes until one traveled down each cheek. You quickly wiped the evidence away before attempting to shrug nonchalantly. “...Thanks, I guess.” You mumbled, looking up at the girl through your lashes, smiles breaking out on both of your faces as Kie looked between you both with a motherly pout.
The moment was ruined when Ward’s voice boomed from inside the house, calling out for Sarah. The girl inside jumped, whispering for the both of you to go. The two of you did as she said, fleeing the back yard as fast as you could, trying not to trip down the balcony steps. 
You both bolted through the backyard, making note of the smoke coming from the grill on the patio before hopping over the fence and heading straight for Kie’s car where Pope and JJ were already camped out and waiting. Jumping in, Kiara started the vehicle and sped off, hiding between the streets of Figure Eight. 
“Did you idiots set the grill on fire?” Kiara asked as she drove down the dark streets, you and her up front while JJ and Pope rode in the back.
“No,” Pope drug out. “It was a pillow that I set on fire on top of the grill. I think I singed my hairline…”
The girl couldn’t help but sigh, turning onto a fairly empty street. You just stared ahead out of the windshield, remaining silent. “What’s wrong?” Kiara questioned you, looking between the side of your face and the road.
“Nothing, it’s just…I didn’t expect her to apologize.” You muttered, looking at your fingers while you played with your nails. You never thought you'd feel anything but hate for Sarah after what happened. But after all, you were a teenage girl — maybe all you ever wanted was a real apology.
“I thought you guys made up on the boat…” Pope slurred sadly, disappointed that his plan hadn’t actually worked.
“Okay, now that we’re like part-time fugitives and our futures are on the line, I feel like we should throw everything out into the open here, full transparency. Kie already told us why she hated her guts.” JJ suggested from the backseat, behind Kie. You looked back at him as he spoke. “What happened between you two?”
You looked to Kiara for confirmation, confused on when she gave the guys the scoop on her ‘Sarah situation’. She just shrugged. “I told them a couple days after they left us on the boat. Figured it was over with so, why not.”
You let out a hum, taking a deep breath before turning back to JJ. “When I first moved to Figure Eight, I was going through a lot. It was right after my dad’s death, I was moving away from the only home I ever knew, and I didn’t fit in with the Kook kids. Kiara was my only friend on Figure Eight and she took me under her wing, even though I didn’t fully expect her to because she was in her own Kook bubble and hadn’t talked to us for weeks at that point.” You explained, leaning on the center console.
“Falling in with that crowd was the worst thing that could’ve happened to me. Late night house parties, drunk driving, just… stupid rich kid shit. But Sarah, Kie, and I were like a trio of our own. Sarah had us over at Tannyhill almost every weekend, that's why we weren’t hanging out with you guys as much…One night, when we’re staying at Sarah’s, I was having trouble sleeping because of my nightmares, I had been for weeks at that point. Months. So, while Kie and Sarah were asleep, I went downstairs to get some water, clear my mind. But I wasn’t the only one awake. I ran into Rafe in the kitchen…”
The car was quiet, the only sound being the tires against the road and the wind whipping by considering the windows were halfway rolled down. “He was surprisingly…caring. Asked why I was awake, if I was okay, and offered to talk. He let me vent and cry to him for hours, something I thought I’d never do in a million years. And I think I just got caught in the comfort of it all and I kissed him. I pulled away right after and apologized but he said it was fine…and then he kissed me again. I knew it wrong and I’m sure he did, too. Not only was he the brother of one of my best friends but I was fifteen and he had just graduated. But that didn’t stop him from leading me up to his room and locking the door.”
“...You slept with Rafe?” JJ asked, hurt. 
“For months.” You replied honestly and shamefully. “I never meant for it to go that far. I had no feelings for him and I made that clear. He was a coke head, a general asshole, and just not the kind of guy I would ever want a serious relationship with. We’d just sneak around and hook up. No strings attached, was what I told him. But I guess he still felt like he had some kind of… claim over me.” You explained. “The three of us were at some house party one night and Rafe showed up with Topper and Kelce. I was flirting with some guy and Rafe just got angry, stomped over to me and yanked me by the arm all the way out of the front door and into his truck.”
Your voice started to shake, no longer able to maintain eye contact with JJ. “He just started yelling, calling me all types of names and when I tried to get out of the car he grabbed me by the neck and basically flung me into the backseat. He rap-mmph...” You cringed at your own words, not able to say what you wanted. The idea of the word leaving your lips made your stomach turn. “...He took advantage of me that night, right in front of the house,even drove me home after like nothing happened, like I wasn’t shaking and crying in the passenger seat, watching the blood leak from between my thighs. That was the last time I had seen him, up until the golf course. I told Sarah the next day, that following morning. I felt like I should, I mean it was her brother but she was my friend on top of that. But she didn't believe me. She called me a liar, told me he would never go that far and that she knew I’d been sneaking around with him and that I was trying to turn the situation into something it wasn't. Next thing I know, Rafe is making me out to be the island slut and Sarah is right behind him, laughing at the rumors.”
“Why didn't you tell us?” Pope broke the silence, sounding like he was on the verge of tears himself.
“If his own sister didn't believe me, I didn't think any of you would either. I didn't want to keep reliving it by telling you guys. I just wanted to forget any of it ever happened.”
“I’m gonna kill him.” JJ shook his head angrily, looking out the window as he bit his lip, his right hand curled into a fist. “This is what I mean. Kooks get away with whatever the fuck they want-”
“JJ, it happened months ago-”
“So what?” He shot back, turning to you with tears in his waterline. “I don't care how long ago it was. You didn't deserve that. He raped you, he hurt you and he gets to walk around like nothing happened. How are you okay with that?”
“I’m not okay with it.” You told him firmly, voice watery and upset. “I will never be okay with it, JJ. But that’s just the way it is. I can't do anything to change it now. Believe me, I wish I could do more but I can’t. None of us can.” The car fell silent, JJ shaking his head and looking out of the window angrily. You pondered on what you said, wondering if you should've said anything at all until a pressing thought entered your mind. “Kie! Stop the car,” You commanded, the SUV screeching to a halt as she looked at you. “I need to make pit stop. And no, it can’t wait.”
“HERE. I HOPE IT’S COOL ENOUGH TO DRINK.” You handed the blonde mug of hot chocolate, the two of you sitting at a table in The Wreck, blankets draped over your shoulders with the sound of Kie and Pope’s snoring filling the silence. You’d drove around Figure Eight, police at every corner until the four of you decided to call it quits and camp out somewhere safe. 
Well, not before you snuck back into your house and retrieved Marley, the dog taking up space in the backseat between the two boys, never giving JJ a break as she practically curled up in his lap the whole ride to The Wreck.
Surprisingly, The Wreck was the safest place at the moment. The sky was dark, the stars still visible through the plethora of windows that littered the small restaurant.
“I think you need it more than me.” He said, sliding the drink he’d requested over to you. You shook your head, pushing the mug back in his direction.
“Don’t do that.” You said exhaustedly. “Don’t start treating me differently because you know what happened. That’s the worst thing you could do.”
“I’m just looking out for you.”
“You can look out for me by drinking that hot chocolate that I burned myself making.” You smiled tiredly, the blonde returning the gesture and taking the ceramic object between both hands, sipping slowly.
“Can I ask you somethin’ though?” He asked your permission, looking up at him through your lashes with tired eyes. You nodded, prompting him to continue. “I’m still lost on how you know Barry. I was gonna ask in the car but the conversation took a left…”
You sighed, hand coming up to palm the back of neck as you tugged the blanket closer to you, licking your lips. “Sometimes, when I’d ride around with Rafe, he would take me with him to buy coke. I don’t know why, he just would. I went into the trailer with him once, too hot to sit in the car. I guess Barry took one look at me and the bags under my eyes and wanted to reel himself in a new client. He offered me some pills. Something he’d made himself, a mix of Ambien and Xanax, said it’d help me sleep and so, I took it. Who knows if it was even safe…” You explained shamefully, shifting in your seat and looking back to make sure Kiara and Pope were still fast asleep.
“...I never had enough of my own money to keep buying it, so Rafe would buy it for me. That’s why Barry called me that stupid nickname, it’s what he would write down in his books. It got to a point where I felt like I needed the pills to even just take a nap when I wanted to or when I just wanted to feel good. It made me have less nightmares, feel less anxious throughout the day. But when I cut off Rafe, the drugs went with him. I walked around high for half of the summer and no one ever noticed.”
“...I can’t imagine that.”
“Neither can I, looking back on it. It’s not something I’m proud of but I’m better now.”
“You didn’t have to go through all of that alone. You could have come to us.” You just scoffed, leaning on the table as he traced the rim of his coffee mug.
“I didn’t even think you guys wanted to talk to me. Me and Kiara basically blew you guys for months for some Kooks who kicked us to the dirt.”
“And we took you back in when you came back. You’re a pogue. We’ll always be here, at least I will.” He chuckled, sipping more of his beverage.
“And I love you for that. Honestly.” The blonde’s blue eyes went wide at the beginning of your statement, as if he was about to spit out his drink until it calmed as you went on. You pondered on his initial reaction before deciding to let it go.
“...And I’m sorry. For not noticing. Someone should have. One of us should have, we’re your friends.”
“Don’t be sorry. It was my mistake, not yours.” You refuted his condolences, waving your hand dismissively. “Besides, our problems have gotten a lot bigger.”
“Who are you tellin’?” He chuckled under his breath, the two of your sharing a fit of sleepy laughter.
“...and J?” You perked up, laughing dying in your throat. He hummed in response. “If you could keep this between us… The Barry thing-”
“Don’t worry about it.” He interrupted you reassuringly, mimicking a zipper on his lips. “My lips are sealed. I promise you.” You simply nodded with a small smile on your lips as you curled up in the dining chair, cocooning yourself in the blanket. You felt a tingling sensation in your stomach before you drifted off that you couldn’t quite place.
“AND THE MANHUNT FOR EIGHTEEN YEAR OLD JOHN BOOKER ROUTLEDGE CONTINUES after he allegedly shot and killed Sheriff Susan Peterkin on a private airstrip after a heated altercation. There have been multiple reported sightings of the boy in the Figure Eight area…” The news played from the small radio box as you all scattered around The Wreck, the sun casting an orange hue over the restaurant.
It was early the next morning and still no word from John B. You hoped he was okay and would still be able to follow through with the plan.  You’d woken up on a bench inside of the restaurant, laid down and tucked in with pillow under your head. You couldn’t quite remember if you’d done that yourself.
“Is that gonna be enough food for them?” Kiara asked, grabbing edible items from the cabinets inside The Wreck as you and JJ bagged them.
“I mean, for a couple weeks that’s all they need, so…” JJ replied, eyeing the items inside of the paper bag.
“...I think I actually hurt his feelings.” She spoke despondently, referring to Pope. You and JJ grabbed the two wooden crates full of snacks and ready-to-eat meals and followed the girl through the back of the restaurant.
“Maybe he was too high to remember what happened.” You threw out, watching your step as to not fall with the large bin obstructing your view.
“I hate to admit it but I miss the old Pope. At least I knew what to expect from him-” She was cut off when Mrs. Carrera stormed towards her daughter, you and JJ stacking the crates into the trunk of the SUV.
“Where have you been?” The older woman demanded to know, throwing her arms out for them to land on her hips.
“I’m..fine. I slept here.” Kiara replied, perplexed as to what her mother’s issue could’ve been.
“Well, we were up half the night scared to death, lookin’ for you.” She told her child before looking past her and at you. “And your mother has been looking for you for days. When’s the last time you been home?” You simply didn’t reply, not wanting to disrespect Mrs. Carrera with the anger that surged at the mention of your mother. “Were you even gonna tell us where you were?”
“I’m telling you right now.” Kiara said simply, tucking her waves behind her ear.
“What the hell are you three up to?” She looked between the trio of you as you and JJ stood on either side of Kiara after loading the groceries into the trunk.
“Sorry, Miss Anna, but we have to go.” You told the older woman sadly. "Also, could you feed my dog? She's inside..." You requested sheepishly.
“Sorry…” Kie muttered, walking forward as you and JJ got into the car.
“No, absolutely not.” Mrs. Carrera blocked Kie’s path. “Have you heard what’s going on? Have you seen the storm that coming? This is not safe, Kiara!” She told her daughter as if she was crazy. 
“Mom, I’m sorry, I have to go…” Kie’s voice wavered as she lowered herself into the driver’s seat next to you with JJ in the back.
“These cops are armed, Kiara. They will shoot you, I am not letting you do this!”
“Mom, John B needs me!” She shouted, pointing at herself and shutting the door. “I understand, I’ll be careful!” She continued through the glass. Her mom never stopped, begging for her daughter to get out of the car and go with the safer option. Kie just apologized over and over, switching gears and driving away.
THE SUV PULLED TO A STOP IN FRONT OF THE MAYBANK RESIDENCE. You turned around to face JJ from your place in the passenger seat.
“Home sweet home.” He proclaimed sadly, his eyes teary and face red. You couldn’t help but pout, watching as he pushed the car door open and got out. Seconds later, you followed suit — unbuckling your seatbelt and getting out. “What’re you doin’?” The blonde questioned you as you dusted yourself off.
You just shrugged and looked at him, jutting your bottom lip out. “I’m going with you.” He was quick to shake his head, his hands on both your shoulders as he pushed you back towards the car.
“No, no, no. No, you’re not.” He refused your assistance. “Get back in the car.”
You simply brushed his hands off of your shoulders, walking past him. “No. C’mon-” Suddenly, you were being pulled back by your wrist, facing the boy once more.
“I’m not lettin’ you go in there. It will only take a second, just get back in the car, please.” He was pleading with you but his eyes wouldn’t work this time.
“It only took him a second to do what he did to you.” You refuted, pulling your wrist out of his grasp gently. “So, I’m going with you. And we don’t have time to argue because we need to meet John B.” Was all you said before turning around and continuing to walk towards the front door of the house. 
You told him he’d never be alone with his father again and you meant it. The blonde reluctantly followed behind you, his heavy boots not making his appearance known for once as you both tip-toed into the house, the door creaking as you did.
The floor stuck to the soles of your shoes as you both crept into the house. It was a mess — flies buzzing around the dishes piled in the sink, shoes far too large to be JJ’s scattered across the floor, the smell of cigarettes and alcohol lingering in the air.
JJ immediately spotted his father, sprawled out on the couch and snoring loudly, a half-drunken bottle of whiskey behind him. His son walked over to him slowly, eyeing his father with caution.
“...Dad, I need the keys to the Phantom.” He spoke to his father’s sleeping figure as you stood feet away, watching the interaction happen. The older man didn’t wake up, his snoring fit just getting louder. “Dad?’ He tried again to no avail, eyebrows twisting as noticed the male’s unusually deep slumber. 
He looked around, blue eyes landing on an empty pill bottle on the coffee table.
“What is it?” You asked from your place a few feet away.
“...Ambien.” He said despondently, a undertone of anger seeping through. Neither of you said anything else about it, JJ putting the pill bottle back down and turning back to his father, spotting the keys dangling from the chain around his neck.
Grabbing a pencil and an exact-o knife, he knelt next to the middle-aged man, gulping harshly as he did so. You could see the fear bubbling within him, whether it was the tears in his eyes or the way his hands shook. Luke’s eyed edged open just as JJ was lowering the tools, the boy freezing in place.
“...I didn’t expect to see you.” Luke rasped, you immediately put one foot forward in case something were to happen. But he seemed calm. Tamed… “School out already?” He questioned, the first thing the man reached for in post-sleep daze being the open beer on the coffee table.
JJ’s face twisted in on itself, his fearful teary eyes filling with confusion. “What?”
“Did you ditch?” His father coughed, JJ’s blue eyes quickly fleeting in your direction for some kind of reassurance. Security. “You can tell me if you did.” The older man smiled drunkenly, laughing. JJ’s expression softened in the slightest and you let out a breath you didn’t even know you were holding as he replied.
“Yeah… yeah, I did. Hit the break, y’know.” He shrugged, feigning carelessness. Luke just laughed, struggling to stand from the couch in his disorientation.
“I hated school, too. My boy!” He cheered, slapping a wobbly hand on JJ’s shoulder in congratulations and in order to stabilize himself most likely. Your hand clutched the doorframe, biting the inside of your lip now knowing how quickly the older man’s switch could flip. “Look, I know I’m hard on you sometimes…But sometimes, I-I see your mother in you and it gets me a little tweaked, y’know?”
All JJ could do was stare down at his feet, biting his bottom lip in an attempt to will the tears brewing in his eyes to subside. “You’re a good boy.” Luke proclaimed, smiling at his son. You didn’t know if he was drunk or possibly having a moment of clarity. “And I love you, son.” He told JJ, pulling the blonde into a tight hug, patting him on the back.
JJ’s eyes met your own over his father’s shoulder — blue eyes surrounded by trails of red, tears making his pupils shine. What bothered you the most was the fact that he didn’t blink. For the entirety of the hug, which was long enough, JJ didn’t blink, not once. You could only wonder what was going through his head.
“...Love you, too, Dad.” He said, strained. But his expression remained all the same. But his voice made it seem as if the words he spoke brought him physical pain. Luke’s arms fell as the delirious man practically collapsed onto the sofa, losing consciousness once again. JJ’s face was flushed, tears trails shining as he yanked the dog tag with the keys from around his father’s neck and took swift steps in your direction, attempting to brush past you and leave the house until you gripped his upper arm.
“This?” He cut you off harshly, whipping his head in your direction as he sniffled his feelings away. “This is why I wanted you to stay in the car.” He said, expression softening as he gently pulled himself out your grip and left the house.
“THERE SHE BE…” JJ gawked as he pushed open the garage door, revealing a large, pristine boat in the middle of the room. He was in a significantly brighter mood since you’d left his house, you refusing to let him wallow in his mild-anger towards you and riding in the backseat with him. You were surprised when he let you take hold of his balled fists, whispering your apology into his ear as he simply nodded and hummed. You didn’t miss the way Kiara kept glancing at you both through the rearview mirror.
“The Phantom.” He bragged, dragging his hands against the exterior as you and Kie stood by, letting him ramble and gloat. He needed something good right now. “A 1983 Formula 402 SR1 — the first boat to make the run to Bermuda in under sixteen hours.” 
“...It’s kind of a junker.” Kiara said unimpressed, staring blankly at the blonde.
“Really? She’s right there, Kie.” JJ reprimanded. “She can hear you. You would not be smokin’ weed right now if she never existed.”
“Let’s just hope she runs.” You butted in, leaning against the boat, not too far from JJ. 
“She’ll run alright.” JJ spoke in confidence, winding up a wire under the boat. Tires screeched against the concrete outside and Kiara threw her hands up in the air.
“That’s Pope. Finally!” She cheered, skipping towards the garage exit when Rafe’s frame rounded the corner, your back straightening and eyes going wide as you both locked eyes. 
“Hey there,” The boy breathed out, taking steps closer as Kiara retreated slowly, her hands balled into nervous fists. “What’s goin’ on? How you guys doin’?” Then a wolf-whistle was heard from behind you, the three of  you whipping your gazes around to find Barry entering the garage, his signature smirk adorning his features.
“Well, well…” He drawled, getting closer to JJ until he was close to pull a gun on him. A small gasp leaving your lips as JJ threw his hands up and Rafe made his way right next to Barry. “See, don’t think I forgot about me and you on the side of the road. I’m here because I want… my mothafuckin’ money!” He yelled before kneeing JJ in the abdomen, making the blonde curl in on himself.
“Barry!” You protested, immediately grabbing JJ and attempting to push the drug dealer away with your free hand. It was to no avail, however, when two strong arms wound around your waist and picked you up from behind. And unless Kiara had suddenly hit the gym, you knew exactly who it was and that knowledge sent you into a frenzy. “Get your fucking hands off me, Rafe!”
You kicked wildly as the boy drug you farther and farther away, watching helplessly as Barry beat on JJ and Kiara laid on the garage floor, holding her now visibly bruised knee.
“It’s not you we want, sunshine.” Rafe assured, setting you to your feet in a corner and gripping your shoulders. “Where’s John B?”
“I’m not telling you shit!” You spat nastily, pushing the man away from you with all the strength you could collect. 
“I really wish you didn’t do that…” He spoke menacingly.
“I don’t care.” You spoke, voice wavering as you struggled to get your eyes to leave his. But you felt as if you needed to watch his every move — the ways his fingers twitched, the way his eyes squinted, the vein that was popping on his forehead. “I know what you did.” You provoked. “You killed Peterkin.”
You don’t know exactly what you were hoping to achieve by saying it but you instantly regretting when you saw the way his face morphed — the flare of his nostrils as he inhaled deeply, the clench of his jaw. So hard it made his head shake in the slightest of motions before his hand went around your throat, squeezing tightly.
“Don’t you ever let me hear you say those fucking words again.” Your hands grabbed his forearm as you gasped for air, the sounds of Barry kicking JJ and Kiara yelling out becoming muffled audio in your ears. “You got that?” He questioned, your own eyes drifting to the figure appearing behind him holding a weapon up. “You got that?!” The Cameron boy shook you before yelling out in pain as Pope hit him in the back of his knees with what seemed to be a metal pipe.
Rafe’s grip on your throat fell as he did, bent over in pain as Pope struck him again, the metal clanking against his bones. You fought for air to enter your lungs as you watched the boys fight, wondering where Pope learned such coordination as he dodged blow after blow from Rafe before delivering a plethora of his own.
Your attention was stolen when you saw JJ punishing Barry, wondering when he’d gotten the upper hand as a soft hand on your back made you flinch, turning to see Kie. “Are you okay?” She asked, eyes swimming with worry as you nodded. At some point, JJ had managed to incapacitate Barry, leaving the drug dealer on the ground as Rafe and Pope continued to fight.
Truthfully, the fight between them had ended once Pope delivered a nasty blow to Rafe’s temple, rendering the boy disoriented and open for Pope to continue his assault.
“Pope, that’s enough!” Kie yelled, standing back as Pope ignored her. He hit Rafe in his stomach, then his chest, then his face, sending his body spinning away from the boy. 
“Pope!” Kiara tried again.
Rafe was drooling blood, eyes spinning wildly as Pope grabbed a leather rope, wounding the object around the Cameron boy’s neck and pulling tight. Kiara pleaded with Pope to stop, said that he was going too far. But you stood there, not saying anything — eyes focused on the way Rafe choked on his own blood, the way his hands clawed as the machine underneath him, the way his own eyes drifted to yours and seemed to plead for help.
The same yours did all the those months ago.
And in that moment, you started to wonder if you had ever truly gotten over what happened. Or if you ever would. Because, in that moment, you wanted Pope to kill Rafe. And you wanted to watch him do it.
JJ managed to get a hold on Pope, the dark-skinned boy meeting Kie’s eyes and deciding to drop the rope, leaving a heaving Rafe beaten and bloodied on the garage floor. You started to come out of your own haze, eyeing Pope as he looked down at Rafe in terror of what he’d done. What he could’ve done. 
“We… we gotta go.” Kiara stuttered, eyes fleeting between the three of you stood starstruck as Rafe rolled around. She wasted little time in walking back to her SUV, her legs carrying her there as she wobbled from side to side. You and JJ stood back as you watched Pope’s anger rebuild, your friend leaning over the bloody boy and talking lowly. 
“Stay off The Cut.” He warned. “We don’t want you on this side of the island. Any of you.” He threw his words back at him, the same words Rafe had spat at you that day on the Golf Course. 
“DUDE, WHERE IS HE?” Kiara said, a tone of annoyance in her words. We’d arrived at the meeting spot right on time, but John B was no where to be seen. Pope had calmed down significantly since the incident at the garage but you hadn’t spoken since then. The moment playing over and over again in your head. If the others noticed, they didn’t say anything.
“He’ll be here. Just give him a second.” Pope assured the girl, spots of Rafe’s blood staining his shirt. Police sirens wailed as a squad car pulled up behind you three, lights flashing as they came to a stop. You all tried to remain calm as you anticipated what the police could want now while also praying that John B didn’t pull up just as they’d arrived.
All of your worries went with the wind when John B hopped out of the driver’s side, cutting off the lights and sirens and pulling a backpack up on his shoulders with a semi-solemn look on his face.
“You’ve gotta be kidding me.” JJ smiled from his place behind the wheel of The Phantom. 
“Shoupe let me take it for a spin.” John B smiled smally, flipping his curls out of his face as he edged closer to the four of you. Kiara was the first to give him a hug, embracing the boy with a giggle as JJ spoke. 
“It wasn’t easy, bro, but I got The Phantom for you.” He said triumphantly, holding up the keys between his fingers and tossing them to John B who caught them between his palms. “You ready to go?” The blonde asked, standing on top of the boat as you all watched John B’s face fall.
“...Where’s Sarah?” 
Kiara looked around, lips pursed in confusion before she spoke. “She’s not with you?” 
“No, no, we got separated in the swamp, she said she was gonna meet me here.” JB panicked, eyes fleeting to the trees surrounding the four of you as if she would appear from between them. “I’m not leaving without her.”
“John B, “ JJ started, kneeling to level his eyes with his best friend’s. “I know you feel bad for leaving but there’s no time, dude.” John B simply clenched his jaw and looked away. “You’ve got plenty of gas, plenty of food. Once you get around that point, it’s a straight shot across the sound to Dismal Swamp, alright? Once you get there, lay low. Hang out for a couple weeks and then go overland, cross the border at Brownsville, you got that? Brownsville.” JJ detailed, hand now firm on JB’s shoulder. 
“...Yeah. Yeah, I got it.” He spoke, staring out into the distance. Snapping back, he got onto the boat as JJ hopped off. It was only then you realized that you’d been standing in the same spot when the three of them — Kiara, Pope, and JJ, had their hands on the rails ready to push the boat into the water.
“Guys?” John B gathered all of your attention. Hands gripping his backpack straps for dear life as his eyes watered. “I’m sorry for basically…throwing us off a cliff with this whole treasure hunt thing.” His voice cracked, the sound snapping you out of your stupor as you felt your face fall. In all of your years of knowing John B, being his friend, being his sister, basically — you’d never heard him so remorseful. So defeated. Not until his dad died and only again at this very moment.
Something willed you to move, carrying your feet closer to your four friends until you were close enough to grab onto the boat rails and haul yourself up next to John B, stabilizing yourself and throwing yourself onto him in a hug that took him a moment to return. You could feel the tears building in your eyes as you buried your face into his shoulder. “I’m sorry about your dad.” Was the first thing you could think to say, the Routledge boy chuckling sadly in your ear.
“Yeah. I’m sorry about yours.” He returned, patting you on the back. You pulled back from the hug, hands still on his upper arms.
“I’ll finish this.” You nodded sadly, biting your bottom lip as small tears ran down your cheeks. “For the both of us.” John B didn’t say anything, just nodded sadly as well, a pitiful smile on his face. “Stay safe, Bree.” You said in farewell, squeezing his arm and turning away to get off the boat, joining the other three behind the rails.
“Forget all this sad shit, bro.” JJ sniffed, throwing his arms over all three of your shoulders and looking up at John b. “Everything that happened? We did it together, man. Pogue style.” John B laughed breathlessly, eyeing the four of your gratefully, almost like he was trying to commit your faces to memory.
“Pogue style.” He sighed back. 
“Now, get out of here! Please…” Kiara rushed. 
“Yeah, we’ll see you down in Mexico.” Pope pointed, a sad look swimming in his eyes despite his tone.
“Love you.” JJ left the words with his best friend, John B returning the gesture before pausing his walk to the cockpit of the boat. 
“...Tell Sarah I said goodbye, okay?” He choked out, the four of you nodding in agreement. He gave you all a grateful nod before settling into the boat, the rest of you putting in effort you push the boat into the water as the sound of the engine starting up echoed throughout the trees.
You could see the way John B purposefully avoided all of your eyes as he sped off, the boat getting smaller which each passing second as you said goodbye to your friend. 
Once he was out of sight, Pope was the first to turn around, coming face to face with Kiara as you and JJ walked out, their conversation still able to heard.
“You okay?” Kie inquired.
“...I’m sorry for…acting like a dumbass. I was just upset.” He stammered, you and JJ leaning on the car and being nosey. “And I was being petty and-”
“It’s okay.” Kie breathed out, shaking her head. 
“I just wanna be friends again.” Pope admitted, tone exhausted and shoulders dropping as thunder rumbled, the sky darkening within seconds. Kie stood there, looking at Pope’s outstretched hand. But she never shook it. Instead, edging forward and embracing the boy into a hug. Pulling back from the exchange, you didn’t expect her to go in again, this time for a kiss.
You and JJ exchanged looks, you were sure you looked confused but you couldn’t quite read JJ’s expression. Nothing was detectable from his dilated pupils or the way his eyes kept flickering between yours and your lips. And for a brief moment, you found yourself wanting to kiss him. But the thought made your stomach turn so wildly that you had no choice but to look away.
You were just vulnerable right now, you thought to yourself. 
Police sirens appeared out of nowhere, somewhere between three and four squad cars surround the four of you from all angles. Your hands went up as Shoupe and a dozen other officers and FBI agents exited the vehicles, half of them with guns drawn.
“We’re too late, goddamnit!” Shoupe reprimanded himself. ���Bratcher, tell your men to stand down.” He directed at the brown skinned man with an FBI jacket on, the man in question motioning for the remaining agents to lower their weapons. “Let me talk to these kids.” Shoupe shook his head defeatedly, approaching you all with hands on his hips. “Alright, where the hell is he?” None of you responded. “Where the hell is he?!”
Still no response. You guessed his next tactic was to try and interrogate you all one by one. “JJ? I see you’re livin’ up to your name.” The blonde simply huffed and shook his head, a small smirk on his lips as he stared straight ahead. “Pope, how ‘bout you?” He tried again. “This isn’t a fuckin’ game! You can do the right thing, right now. Where’d he go?” He yelled in the boys face. Typical, unmedicated Pope would’ve caved under this kind of pressure. But you think the marijuana had left imprint on him somehow as he stood, perfectly composed. 
The four of you stood, wordlessly and stoic. If Shoupe wanted to find John B, he’d have to do it his damn self.
THE SUN HAD GONE DOWN A WHILE AGO. Shoupe had detained the four of you, taking you all to the tent his team and the FBI had set up to overlook to water surrounding the Outer Banks — the lighthouse providing the best outlook, they were just waiting for Dominion Power to restore the power to the city. But you were praying John B had gotten away already, or that he would before that inevitably happened.
The environment gave you a headache — the flood lights, the police lights, the constant ringing of phones, the news vans outside trying desperately to get a word out of you and your friends. But you all remained silent — no word on John B, Sarah, or their whereabouts. 
You were all in direct earshot of the conference table. Hearing dozens of law enforcement agents talk about John B like some internationally wanted serial killer was disheartening. It made you angry.
“Do you think he made it by now?” You whispered in JJ’s direction, the blonde sat on your right with Kie and Pope to your left. Your leg was bouncing nervously against the ground, your fingers fiddling with each other in your lap. JJ’s blue eyes fleeted between your leg and hands before planting a warm hand on your thigh.
“I hope so. But something tells me he went to find her first.” He spoke honestly.
“Her?” You asked, your mind blanking from the stress.
“Sarah.” He replied simply, you nodding and drawing your lips into a thin line. The two of you sat like that for the next few passing moments — in oddly comfortable yet tense silence, JJ’s thumbs absentmindedly drawing circles into your thigh.
The FBI agent that Shoupe had called in had his entire crew on standby, his eyes laser focused on the waters in front of him. It was too dark to see anything beyond a few miles radius, but it still made your heart jump just thinking of the possibility that John B could be out there.
“We need eyes on the other side of The Point.” He snapped at the agent next to him, the man passing on the order. It didn’t seem like a routine command. It was urgent, like he saw something.
You felt a frantic hand shaking your thigh, directing your sights back to JJ whose eyes were focus on everything you all. “Shit. Look,” He jutted his head in the direction of an open end of the tent, bringing your attention to the lights turning back on throughout the island. Section by section until the island was lit up like a Christmas Tree. 
And it seemed like any prayers you’d made all those hours ago never made it up to the man in charge as the one light you hoped would never work again lit up the sea in front of you — The Lighthouse giving every person around you a clear view of the boat you’d all said farewell too just hours prior. 
“That’s them!” Some random deputy yelled out. “There they are!” He pointed, John B and Sarah’s figures, outlined like two deer in headlights as The Phantom waded aimlessly in the water, people crowding around the edge of the grass to see them like some kind of tourist attraction. 
The bald man at the head of this operation now, taking over Shoupe, called in his radio immediately. “Bogey spotted off the lighthouse, running lights out. I think it’s them…”
You didn’t think your heart could drop so far, the feeling cause you to almost dry heave as you gripped JJ’s hand, that was still on your thigh, for dear life. Siren wailed across the waves as two coast guard boats revved up, heading in the direction of The Phantom. Right on time for John B and Sarah to start the engine and speed away, out of the lighthouse’s direct spotlight. But they were still visible. 
Journalists, news anchors, and conspiracy theorists all rushed as if they could run after the boat, watching the chase take place. The crowd formed within your line of vision, making you no longer able to see what was going on. You silently thanked God for it, you weren’t sure if this was going to go as planned anymore.
And you knew this only ended in one of two ways — with John B in jail for life or with the four of you seated right now at another funeral.
You’d forgotten all about the oncoming storm, and all sorts of terrible thoughts filled your mind. Kiara got up from her seat as Pope called her name, the girl attempting to push people out of the way.
“I can’t see. What’s going on? Excuse me. Move out of the way!” She tried, the crowd just regenerating every time. Pope put a hand on her shoulder, turning the girl to face him with tears in her eyes. “We don’t know what’s happening, Pope! Don’t you care about what’s happening?!”
He just nodded, pulling the hysteric girl into him, letting her cry silently on his shoulder. You and JJ just sat in silence, hand in hand. You felt the tears running but didn’t care to wipe them. No version of this scenario played out in your favor. And though you’d never give up John B, what else was there left to do?
The thunder clapped harder and brighter, the ground beneath you trembling in the smallest of motions. The radio on the center of the conference table carrying a digital voice throughout the tent.
“Suspect is attempting to escape south. Our attempts to contact the vessel were unsuccessful. We’re gettin’ hammered here.” The man on the other end of the radio warned, probably hoping his supervisor would tell him to end it, to turn around and let them go. You could only imagine the disappointment when the lead FBI agent spoke back.
“...Hold your position, Captain. I think I’ve got one more card we can play.” 
A sigh came through the radio. “Roger that.”
You couldn’t help sigh yourself, the sound coming out strained and shaky as you closed your eyes and squeezed JJ’s hand tighter. You shook your head side to side, hoping the tears would go away. 
“Hey,” An all too familiar voice came from beside you, opening your eyes to find JJ staring back with tears just waiting to fall. “It’ll be okay-”
“Don’t.” You cut him off immediately, shaking your head and biting your lip. “We both know that’s a lie so please don’t lie to me right now. It’ll just make it a lot harder when…”
“When what?”
“They’re driving them right into the storm, JJ.” You reminded, angrily. But the anger wasn’t directed at him. “We all know what’s bound to happen.” But JJ’s eyes were now stuck where yours had been just seconds prior, following his gaze to find Ward Cameron at the head of the transmitter now, microphone in hand as the FBI agent stood next to him.
You watched as his thumb hit the button on the side. “...John B?” He called, hand shaking as he did so. God, this man was an actor. Putting on the performance of a lifetime. “I know you’re there, son. I know you can hear me.” The audacity, you thought. The audacity of Ward to refer to John B as son, knowing what he’s done. It made you sick. “If you love my daughter like I think you love my daughter, then you will turn that boat around and come back. You are going into a storm that you cannot survive.” He reprimanded.
The words made you wince, more tears falling from your eyes. A mix of premature grief and overwhelming infuriation. This man, this killer, had a team of law enforcement agents behind him while he framed a teenager for murder right before their eyes. 
“John B, I am begging you. Think of her and turn around.” Silence. The entire tent was filled with tense, consuming silence. One part of you wanted John B to remain silent. But the other wanted him to speak, just in case this was the last time you’d ever hear his voice.
“...Ward Cameron, do you hear me?” The static crackled, all four of your ears perking up.
“Yes.” Ward straightened in his seat, feigning relief. “Yes, son, I’m right here.”
“...You killed my father, you killed Owen Carter, and you framed me for a murder I didn’t commit!” John B’s voice bellowed clearly. “You took everything from me!” He cried, the sadness in his voice seeping through the radio. “But I’m still here. And I swear to God, Ward, I will come back one day and take what’s mine.” JB threatened, Ward going rigid in his place. His eyes were wide and anticipating, hand shaking as he seemed to be deep in thought and rage.
“...So, you listen to me, all right?” John B continued. “I’m comin’ for you. I’m coming. For you.” The entire space was filled with that gut-wrenching silence again. Ward had nothing left to say. To these strangers, he probably portrayed as a sullen father who’d just lost his daughter.
But to you, he was manipulative killer who got his kids involved in his world of crime. And sure, maybe he regretted it. But none of you were looking for regret. Besides, if Sarah can’t forgive her own father. If she can’t find some reasoning or justification for his actions, why should any of you?
One deputy broke the silence. “We’ve lost their radio signal, sir…”. Shoupe was quick to comfort his long-time friend, removing the radio from his hand and speaking into the intercom.
“Those are kids out there. Don’t stop lookin’.” He commanded his team. Now he cared about them being kids? Not when he was right there, driving them into the storm? He planted a steady hand on Ward’s shoulder, leaning down to his ear. “You stay right here. We’re gonna needa talk to you…”
ALMOST AN HOUR WENT BY before the team started to pack up. The table in front of you all was now gone and everyone had cleared out. Apparently, the four of you had to wait until your parents showed to take you home and claim custody, which was a whole ‘nother nightmare in itself. Kie’s eyes were still puffy from crying but now she just remained with a permanent frown on her face and Pope had been running a hand through his hair for the past half hour, trying not to lose it. 
You couldn’t really place how you and JJ felt. For once, you didn’t know. It felt you’d both just lost a brother. 
“We got Search ‘n Rescue on standby.”
“Any response?”
“They’re not calling it off yet…”
Officers chattered mindlessly, paying no mind to the catatonic teens staring out at nothing in front of them. Shoupe came into the tent wearing a weatherproof yellow jacket, two men trailing behind him in identical attire. The four of you stood swiftly, waiting for the Deputy- Sheriff, to speak.
“Did you find them?” Pope urged, almost pressing the man. Shoupe gritted his teeth, shaking his head side to side in response. 
“So, they got away?” Kiara spoke optimistically, her tone rising more than it had in the last couple hours. Shoupe swallowed, avoiding all of your eyes. And somehow, you just knew.
“We, uh…we lost them.” He said firmly, holding back his own emotions. How does a man go from wanting nothing more to find a “fugitive”, dead or alive, to seeming remorseful that said teen was now gone. “I’m sorry.”
“You’re sorry?” You spoke for the first time in what felt like forever, voice small, strained, but still furious. “That’s all you have to say yourself? Is that you’re sorry?” You took a step closer, voice trembling dangerously as a hand latched around your wrist — JJ.
He directed his gaze to Shoupe. “What do you mean you lost them?”
Shoupe sighed, raking a hand down his face. “They took an open boat into a tropical depression.” He retorted professionally.”
“...So, they’re dead?” You asked tearfully, fists balled painfully at your sides. Shoupe eyed you pitifully.
“We…don’t know.”
You couldn’t help but snatch your wrist out of JJ’s hold, taking steps forward until you were just inches away from the Sheriff’s face. “Whatever happened to them,” You started, anger consuming your words. “It’s all. On. You.” You said, enunciating each word with a finger to his chest, no matter how watery your voice sounded. “Do you understand that?!” You voice rose as you shoved the officer.
The two men on his side grabbed you and pulled away just as Pope’s voice rang out. “He didn’t kill anyone and you know it!” One of the men turning his attention to Pope, holding him back. Then JJ was lashing out, Kie’s face morphing as she started crying again.
Two figures ran into the tent, Kie’s parents. She let out a sob as she ran and embraced her mother, the remaining three of you calming down. The officer let Pope go as his mother approached him, pulling him down as his dad trailed in right after her.
Pope broke down in his mother’s embraced as he grabbed at her back as if he was falling. Heyward set a fatherly hand on JJ’s shoulder, the blonde heaving as he looked down at his feet. “I’m sorry.” Pope cried as Heyward joined the hug. 
You heart didn’t drop when you saw your own mother standing at the entrance to the tent, raincoat on with the hood over her head as your eyes connected. You didn’t cry or smile or run to her. You just stared at her with every ounce of disappointment, anger, and hate you’d ever felt in your entire life. 
And when Heyward broke the group hug to let JJ into the family hug between Pope and his parents, your eyes drifted to Kiara and her parents, who were looking at you. You wondered if they knew, but then you assumed that that was a crazy idea. Her parents were more your father’s friends than they ever were hers. 
When your eyes went to find your mother, she was gone. And you accepted the invitation of comfort from the Carrera’s, letting tears flow freely and sobs leave your chest. 
Maybe JJ was right. 
Kooks versus Pogues? 
They always, always win.
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feedback is appreciated! thanks for reading.
SVN Taglist; (let me know if you'd like to be added!) @esquivelbianca @fallingwallsh @calmoistorm @i-love-ptv @liability28 @rivaiken @sophiahristov @rafxcameronss @ldrvinyl @purplerose291 @boo22sstuff @heartsforandrewgarfield @coolgirl458 @sabrina-carpenter-stan-account @jujubeaz @ellobruv (striked means i'm unable to tag you!)
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empiredesimparte · 9 months
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Interview : Louis Simparte, free above all else.
Journalist: You quit Maison Simparte as a teenager to join the Socialist Party. You claim to have found your freedom in this way.
Louis: At university, I took part in drunken student parties and joined student union groups. The final straw: I hung a portrait of Che Guevara in my room. It drove my parents crazy! It wasn't much, I'm sure you'll agree, but members of the imperial family are narrow-minded.
Journalist: Despite your family's exile at the time, did your parents hope to see you one day ascend the imperial throne in Francesim?
Louis: Oh yes. When I was a child, on my way to school, Simpartist soldiers and supporters would greet me as if I were a prophet. I lived completely out of touch with reality: baptized by the Pope, surrounded by old aristocrats who fantasized about empire and the old ways. My father fed off these fantasies and was convinced that one day we'd be back at the helm of Francesim. I had to be prepared to embody his dream.
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Journalist: Your grandfather's dream was realized through his grandson, Charles, who became Emperor Napoléon IV.
Louis: My father forced me to marry an aristocrat, and I had Charles and Henri. To please the head of the family. But I was soon divorced, I couldn't live chained to my father any longer. So my father disinherited me and took it out on my son, Charles. He separated us from each other and made him think that I was the enemy of the family.
Journalist: And now? Would you like to reconcile with the imperial family?
Louis: I've come to terms with myself and my family history over the years. Charles and Henri never invited me to ceremonies in Francesim, and Napoléon V didn't either. None of them considered me in the Imperial Constitution, even though I am the true dynastic head. Today, I think I'm a blot on their imperial history.
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Journalist: Did the tragic death of Emperor Napoléon IV change your position? Perhaps in the future, your destiny will be to return to Francesim, to the Emperor.
Louis: You know… I don't think so. No. I have a parallel life to all that, and I took my responsibilities when I left the Simparte family. For the past ten years, I've been working for the United Nations, helping countries and associations all over the world. For my part, I'm no longer angry with my children Charles and Henri. I don't know Napoléon V, my grandson, nor his sister Hortense. But my republican ideas are undeniably interfering with their lives.
Journalist: Yet you've decided to move back to Francesim next year.
Louis: With all due respect to the imperial family (sic), I think it's important for me to illustrate all the facets of Simpartism. I'm still a Simparte. And Napoléon isn't just a dynasty, a tyrant or an emperor. He's also the revolutionary, the general, the first president of the French republic.
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Journalist: Your book is selling like hotcakes in French bookshops. You are conducting numerous interviews. From the shadows, you entered the light at the dawn of Napoleon V's reign. With your arrival in Francesim, few people think it's harmless. Some call it a "family settling of scores".
Louis: I don't want to challenge the Emperor, or Henri, or anyone else. I simply assume who I am without any complexes, I don't feel any scruples and I don't want to run away from debates either. I simply want to set the record straight, for the young Emperor's sake too.
Journalist: Do you think Emperor Napoléon V will read your book?
Louis: Probably not, but I sincerely hope so.
⚜ Traduction française
Interview : Louis Simparte, libre avant tout.
Journaliste : Vous avez claqué la porte à la Maison Simparte depuis votre adolescence pour rejoindre le parti socialiste. Vous dîtes avoir ainsi trouvé votre liberté.
Louis : A l'université, j'ai participé à des fêtes estudiantines arrosées et j'ai rejoint des groupes syndicaux étudiants. Le coup final : j'ai accroché un portrait du Che Guevara dans ma chambre. Cela rendait mes parents fous ! Ce n'était pas grand chose vous en conviendrez, mais les membres de la famille impériale sont étroits d'esprit.
Journaliste : Malgré l'exil de votre famille à l'époque, vos parents espéraient-ils vous voir un jour monter sur le trône impérial en Francesim ?
Louis : Oh oui. Lorsque j'étais enfant, sur le chemin de l'école, des militaires et des soutiens Simpartistes me saluaient comme si j'étais un prophète. Je vivais complètement déconnecté de la réalité : baptisé par le pape, entouré de vieux aristocrates qui fantasmaient l'empire et les vieilles mœurs. Mon père se nourrissait sans cesse de ces fantasmes et était persuadé que nous reviendrons un jour à la tête de la Francesim. Je devais être préparé à incarner son rêve.
Journaliste : Le rêve de votre grand-père s'est réalisé à travers son petit-fils, Charles devenu l'Empereur Napoléon IV. Pourquoi lui plutôt que vous ?
Louis : Mon père m'a marié de force à une aristocrate, et j'ai eu Charles et Henri. Pour faire plaisir au chef de famille. Mais j'ai divorcé rapidement, je ne pouvais plus vivre enchaîné à mon père. Alors mon père m'a déshérité et s'en est pris à mon fils, Charles. Il nous a séparés l'un de l'autre et lui a mis en tête que j'étais l'ennemi de la famille.
Journaliste : Et maintenant ? Souhaitez-vous vous réconcilier avec la famille impériale ?
Louis : Je me suis réconcilié avec moi-même et avec mon histoire familiale, au fur et à mesure des années. Charles et Henri ne m'ont jamais convié aux cérémonies en Francesim, et Napoléon V non plus. Aucun d'eux ne me considère dans la Constitution impériale, alors que je suis le véritable chef dynastique. Aujourd'hui, je crois que je suis pour eux une tache de leur histoire impériale.
Journaliste : La disparition tragique de l'Empereur Napoléon IV n'a rien changé à votre position ? Peut-être que à l'avenir, votre destin sera de revenir en Francesim auprès de l'Empereur.
Louis : Vous savez... Je ne crois pas. Non. J'ai une vie parallèle à tout ça, j'ai pris mes responsabilités en quittant la famille Simparte. Je travaille depuis une dizaine d'années pour les Nations Unies, pour aider les pays et les associations du monde entier. De mon côté, je ne suis plus fâché contre mes enfants Charles et Henri. Je ne connais pas Napoléon V, mon petit fils, ni Hortense sa soeur. Mais mes idées républicaines nuisent à leur vie indéniablement.
Journaliste : Pourtant, vous avez décidé de revenir vivre en Francesim l'an prochain.
Louis : N'en déplaise à la famille impériale. Je pense que c'est important pour moi d'illustrer toutes les facettes du Simpartisme. Je reste un Simparte. Et Napoléon, ce n'est pas qu'une dynastie, que le tyran ou l'empereur. C'est aussi le révolutionnaire, le général, le premier président de la république française.
Journaliste : Votre livre s'arrache dans toutes les librairies françaises. Vous menez de nombreuses interviews. De l'ombre, vous entrez dans la lumière à l'aube du règne de Napoléon V. Avec votre arrivée en Francesim, peu de gens pensent que c'est anodin. Certains parlent d'un "règlement de comptes familial".
Louis : Je ne veux pas défier l'Empereur, ou Henri, ou qui que ce soit. J'assume simplement qui je suis sans complexe, je ne ressens pas de scrupules et je n'ai pas non plus envie de fuir les débats. Je veux simplement rétablir la vérité, aussi pour le jeune Empereur.
Journaliste : Pensez-vous que l'Empereur Napoléon V lira votre livre ?
Louis : Probablement pas, mais je l'espère sincèrement.
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korshrimpski · 24 days
Coyotes Prospectules Primer
Now you may be wondering what is this? This is me trying my best to explain the dynamic between 5 coyotes players/prospects (i lost my mind while making this enjoy)
For this, they are still going to be called “coyotes” because utah hcers or clubbers doesn’t sound correct.
First of all, what is this? This is a primer explaining to you the dynamics going on for the younger coyote* players/prospects.
*when I started writing this conor geekie was still a coyote
Let's start with the basics: who is involved and who are these people?
Dylan Guenther: he was drafted 9th overall in the 2021 draft he’s a LW/RW. You probably know him for scoring the 2023 WJC team Canada golden goal.
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Logan Cooley: drafted 3rd overall in 2022 and is a centre. Growing up he was in the Little Penguins program but was an Ovi/caps fan. You probably know him for his insane Australia pregame goal.
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Josh Doan: 37th overall draft pick in 2021 and is a RW/C. He is the son of Arizona Coyotes legend Shane Doan. Destined to continue the Doan dynasty then Utah happened. Josh Doan is one of the only forms of nepotism I like and it was ripped away from me… hey Siri play, Rolling in the Deep by Adele because we could’ve had it all.
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Conor Geekie: drafted 11th overall in 2022 and is a centre. He was recently traded to Tampa and I’m just… I’m sad. **
**I finished writing and editing it well after he got traded but I can’t be bothered to change this 😁👍
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Maveric Lamoureux: drafted 29th overall in 2022 and is a defenceman. He’s a big man (6’7ft/201cm) with a big heart (WJC 2024 you wound me).
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2022 Draft
This is where Logan Cooley, Maveric Lamoureux and Conor Geekie met each other. As previously mentioned, cools went 3rd, geeks went 11th and mav went 29th, all first-rounders. This draft was significant for the coyotes as these three finally set the foundation for the coyotes rebuild. Like of course Dylan was the main piece of the rebuild for a long time but with these three it finally stabilised the young future aspect of the coyotes rebuild.
Development camp was right after the draft so the three of them hopped on a plane to Arizona, Maveric had the aisle seat and was sitting next to Logan, across from Geekie.
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INSTAGRAM: chirps/comments
the post | the comments
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the post | the comments
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2022 Coyotes Development Camp
This section will be brief because, for the life of me, I couldn’t find anything.
All 5 of them were invited for the week. 
Logan roomed with Josh. 
Conor got injured on the first day of camp and had to sit out the rest of it
Conor, Maveric and Logan did an interview together that was fun. I skimmed through it not really taking notes on the important things so instead you get to hear my favourite moments instead
Geekie used to play with the Arizona Coyotes on EA NHL being, "they're the team with the nice jerseys."
Logan's flight to Montréal (the draft) was cancelled twice so his family rented (an ugly) van and drove 8-10 hours. Logan slept most of the way.
Sidenote the the difference between all three accents is so fun because you'll be listening and it's a french accent then boom american
Conor looked like he was dying this whole interview, he looked like he was overheating and about to cry
2023 Coyotes Development Camp
Roommates: All 5 of the boys were invited to camp. Cooley and Geekie roomed together, I don't know who roomed with Dylan, but Josh roomed with Ilya Fedotov and Maveric roomed with Justin Kipkie. 
D-Backs: Logan was invited to throw the first pitch. Josh, Conor, Maveric and Dylan were invited to the pitch, while everyone else sat up in the box.
Before the game Conor was asked about Logan throwing the first pitch and if he would make it Conor had zero faith in Cools saying, “no, there’s no chance.” Obviously he said it jokingly.
The boys were also chirping him but I don't know what they said, sorry.
But don’t worry Logan did a good job and the boys were proud of him.
Also this clip, that i don’t know how to describe other than Logan making the boys giggle.
INSIDE ACCESS EP 203: Foundation for the Future: this is a video the Arizona Coyotes YouTube channel put out and is a look into what happens at development camp. A brief breakdown: (obviously focusing on those 5)
Day 1: Introductions; meet the staff, meet your peers, get to know the program and what’s going to happen
Day 2: testing + training
Day 3: community; this is where we get to see their personalities. This day player spend time with the community learning what it truly means to be an Arizona Coyotes
Josh Doan is amazing with kids (especially this moment), encouraging them and making sure they have fun. He also hypes up other guy in dev camp. Overall Josh Doan is a positive guy.
Maveric Lamoureux is also good with kids, not as loud as Josh but he was having a good time
Conor Geekie almost hits a kid on accident, but he was having fun building lego
Dylan Guenther is just not being shown, but he’s his (lowkey) awkward but reserved little self.
Logan Cooley also isn’t shown much either but he looked like he was having fun
This day the boys also learned how to cook (or as the nutritionist described it, putting the correct food into your body) 
Dylan and Logan were on the same team and Dylan looked s t r e s s e d.
Josh was being his usual extraverted self
Maveric was having fun getting up to the tiniest bit of mischief
Conor was also having fun, but wasn’t shown a lot in this section
This is also when they went to the d-backers game.
Day 4: Black + White Scrimmage;
Team white: Lamoureux, Cooley
Team black: Geekie, Doan
For the life of me i could not find what team Guenther was on
After the game in the handshake line, i just… just watch, I’m at a loss for words
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INSTAGRAM: Chirps & comments
Side note: on the 7th (or 6th depending where you're from) of July 2024 Conor Geekie deleted all his Arizona posts except the draft, but luckily this photo and comment were saved.  
the photo | the comment (Utah i swear...)
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the post | the comments:
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the post | the comment (I actually have zero idea if this comment is real or not because I can't find it under the original post but idc it's fun) (the second comment (the one on the right) is real)
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2023 World Juniors
Dylan and Logan were both invited to world juniors by their respective countries. Dylan won gold (🇨🇦) and Logan got bronze (🇺🇸).
After the tournament was over Logan said this about Dylan
"He's a great player, and I'm really looking forward to be able to play on the same team as him." "Obviously Canada is a rival and I wasn't pumped to see them win, but if anyone had to score it, I'm glad it was him."
"...but if anyone had to score, I'm glad it was him."
making this a quote is necessary actually.
2023-24 NHL SEASON:
Hey! it's logan cooley's rookie season
Here's a list of every single time Logan Cooley and Dylan Guenther connected on a goal; throughout the season they were put on a line together, especially towards the end of the season.
Boston Bruins vs Arizona Coyotes: January 9, 2024: Guenther goal, Cooley Primary assist
Arizona Coyotes @ Florida Panthers: January 24, 2024: Cooley goal, Guenther primary assist
Arizona Coyotes @ Carolina Hurricanes: January 27, 2024: Cooley goal, Guenther primary assist
Arizona Coyotes @ Washington Capitals: March 3, 2024: Cooley goal, Guenther secondary assist
Arizona Coyotes @ Detroit Red Wings: Cooley goal, Guenther primary assist
Vegas Golden Knights vs Arizona Coyotes: April 5, 2024: Cooley goal, Guenther secondary assist
Seattle Kraken vs. Arizona Coyotes: March 22, 2024: Guenther OT goal, Cooley only assist (the kids won it in OT 🥹)
This game gets its own section: Arizona Coyotes @ Vancouver Canucks: April 10, 2024
First of all it was Dylan's birthday. Second of all this was the day the first report from sportsnet dropped saying the NHL has created 2 schedules one for Utah and one for Arizona. Other notes:
Dylan had a 4 point night (1G-3A)
On Dylan's goal Cooley was the first and only assist
The game heads into OT AND LOGAN COOLEY SCORES WITH A GUENTHER PRIMARY ASSIST WOOOO00! one one of the worst days to be a coyotes fan or just a coyotes player in general. THEY WON THE GAME TOGETHER!!! I did cry while watching this game thank you for asking.
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March 26th 2024 one of the most important day in coyotes history: Josh Doan's debut!!!
Josh got his first goal (no one credited on the assist)
Then he got his second goal (be becomes the first and only arizona coyote to score 2 or more goals in their debut)
and then Dylan got a shot handed goal (no one credited on the assist)
Josh Doan first star of the night
2023-24 AHL SEASON:
Josh and Dylan both started the season as Tucson Roadrunners
Dylan Guenther was recalled to the coyotes Jan. 6th
Dylan was announced as the roadrunners all stars selection but he was in the NHL so the roadrunners sent Josh instead
Conor Geekie was also put on the roster but he never ended up playing a game for the Roadrunners in the regular season, instead he was playing in the WHL (Western Hockey League)
All the times Josh and Dylan connected on a goal:
Tucson Roadrunners vs Ontario Reign: November 10, 2023: Guenther goal, Doan primary assist
Tucson Roadrunners vs Bakersfield Condors, October 27, 2023: Doan goal, Guenther primary assist
Tucson Roadrunners vs Calgary Wranglers, November 21, 2023: Doan goal, Guenther secondary assist
Tucson Roadrunners vs Henderson Silver Knights, November 25, 2023: Doan goal, Guenther primary assist
Tucson Roadrunners vs San Jose Barracuda, December 1, 2023: Doan goal, Guenther primary assist
Tucson Roadrunners vs Bakersfield Condors, December 22, 2023: Doan OT goal, Guenther primary assist
Calder Cup Playoffs:
Michael Kesselring, along with Josh and Dylan were sent down to the AHL to play in the Calder Cup Playoffs, while the rest of the coyotes were in Utah doing the welcome to Utah thing.
Conor Geekie was loaned the the Roadrunners after the Swift Broncos were eliminated from the Memorial Cup Playoffs, and made his AHL debut the first playoff game against the wranglers
The Tucson Roadrunners ended up playing 2 games before getting eliminated by the Calgary Wranglers :/
The Tucson Roadrunners might have been shit in the playoffs but PHNX Sports podcast comes through a provides; Dylan Guenther, Josh Doan Ready For Tucson Roadrunners Playoff Run: Notes from Dylan's interview👇
(context: Dylan was asked but staying up in the NHL and taking advantage of his opportunity):
CRAIG MORGAN: ...when did you really start to feel like it (playing in the NHL) started to click, up there? DYLAN: ... take advantage of the opportunity. I got a pretty good opportunity heading in right away, like and uh that's just what I tried to do is to take advantage. So I felt like as I went on, I developed chemistry with, you know, with Cools. But also you know, a lot of the players, all the guys on the team and I was having a lot of fun doing it. I think that's a big important piece is having fun when you're playing to and I think that helped me.
Yes, that whole quote was necessary but I love that Dylan points out he developed great chemistry with cools then quickly added everyone else on. Other moments from the podcast:
Dylan enjoys cooking but he doesn't want it out there that he *might* be a good cook (this man hates being perceived). Then craig... oh craig, he said Dylan being a good cook will make Dylan a great bachelor. And I died of laughter
He loves to describe the team as driven and hungary
Notes from Josh's interview 👇
He was wearing a cowboy hat but sadly couldn't wear it for the interview because of the headset
Josh wanted to end the hockey season back down in the AHL which surprises people because people who are in the NHL don't want to be sent down. But Josh's reason is because he loves the game and the team and the boys mean so much to him. (Him loving Arizona and not wanting to leave goes unsaid)
Shane calls Josh a nerd
Then the host started chirping Josh about his cooking/him and his special steak. Josh calls his steak cooking ability, "one of his many trait at home."
Then he started chirping but also complementing Aku Räty, saying he's a good cleaner and smoothie maker
He says his job is to make the room stay light and positive
He also said that he went into the NHL saying to himself to be a nuisance on the forecheck 💀
Ten they started talking about arizona hockey and i got sad :( then the interview ends
2024 World Juniors
Maveric and Conor were invited to worlds by team canada and got 4th.
They did a the TNS promotional video “team Canada calls out their teammates for fun” where Mav bullied geeks for his knob because ofc have you seen it. Great banter.
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2024 off-season
First off all how fucking dare they trade geeks LIKE?!??! HELLO??! UTAH??!? NO?? (as you can see it's been 2 months since the trade and i'm not over it)
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The draft: Utah HC held a draft party where dylan and josh were signing autographs (it feels like sacrilege seeing them (epically josh) wearing utah gear) (sorry kid i just don't want you face on the internet)
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INSTAGRAM: Chirps/comments
the post | the comment (UTAH GIVE HIM BACK 👹)
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the post | the comment (context? no.)
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the post | the comment
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We save the best for last: Whatever this was
Context (ig??): at the start of the 2023-24 season after a few games Cools made a post thanking his friends family and anyone who helped him get to the going of where he is. It's really sweet then conor geekie commented his...
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WHAT DOES THIS EVEN MEAN?? hello? context?? please,,
Anyways goodbye 👋
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nextstopwonderland · 26 days
hiii i wanna hear your predictions and/or fantasy booking for what happens next with the world title 🙏 how long do you think bryan’s reign will be? who do you think he will feud with and who do you think he’ll drop it to?
Oooooh okay so basically I’ll start with that I think he’s gonna say tomorrow which is that a) he will continue full time until he drops the title (which he already did say in an interview when asked what happens if he won at Wembley, but he also said like, within reason lol) b) but that if he still holds the title by wrestledream that that may be his last fulltime show regardless.
See the second part is where I am iffy. Ever since he announced the winding down nearly a year ago I assumed he would stop full time by wrestledream because it would be in Washington again.
Part of me wonders if he still does that or if he goes longer. So let’s do it the wrestledream way. I think the promo tomorrow could immediately give us his first opponent in that Christian interrupts.
I think we begin with Bryan vs Christian at All Out and that pac Claudio and wheeler feud with the patriarchy before that (hopefully with Bryan on comm). I also think Nigel is gonna be none too thrilled with Christian and this feud.
I think he beats Christian at All Out (another final countdown usage too, TK said they got “a deal” for upcoming usages) because Christian cheated to beat him during their TNT title match and Bryan needs that win back
so then a few weeks later he’s got Darby at grand slam
(Id like to see a few matches in between all of these events too, like title eliminators or what not - let Bryan face people he hasn’t - give me Bryan vs OC and Kyle etc)
This is the one I’m not sure about bc I’ve seen people say triple threat at wrestledream between Bryan/Darby/swerve.
There’s also a title Tuesday right before wrestledream.
I haven’t fully decided what happens at grand slam. Maybe Bryan drops and it becomes Darby/swerve at wrestledream and Bryan/Nigel. I feel like we SHOULD run Bryan/Nigel before he finishes his full time run be we also don’t have to. Like it could also happen at final battle in December. Or even wrestle dynasty (altho I need Bryan/Zack run back too this year or I may perish)
So yeah my thoughts are still not complete but I do think he could drop it either before or at wrestledream. I maintain as I’ve said since the wind began blowing this way that swerve should get the belt back at wrestledream. It’s his hometown the entire thing seems highly intentional and the whole reason why Bryan would’ve let Tony twist his arm to do this.
(My ultimate ultimate booking fantasy is that tomorrow he flat out says that he wants Nigel as his opponent at wrestledream irregardless of anything but I also think we prob can’t do that bc we need to let Nigel be a little furious at first about the Christian stuff rather than give him what he wants on a platter)
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rock-and-roll-hell · 1 year
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September 14, 1979
Dynasty Tour
Riverfront Coliseum - Cincinnati, Ohio
The day before this show Lydia’s divorce from Peter Criss was finalized
“KIϟϟ wasn’t playing any gems either. The 40 minutes this writer sat through before catching a final-edition deadline showed that KIϟϟ’ vacation from touring did nothing to improve the group musically. Peter Criss still approaches the drums with a beginner’s gingerliness. The concept of a backbeat continues to elude him and he uses the cymbals as often as donkeys fly. What Criss lacked in finesse he more than topped with his ill-timed tempos. He rushed so terribly it became obvious he couldn’t keep the beat if it were locked in Ft. Knox. Gene Simmons’ tentative bass guitar work was right at home with Criss’ drumming. The same went for the outrageously out-of-tune guitar musings of Paul Stanley and Ace Frehley. In concerts past, KIϟϟ attempted to temper its wretched rock with on-stage wanderings which bordered on theater. Theater of the absurd, but theater nonetheless. Friday evening, the theater was gone. KIϟϟ was merely a rock and roll band in grotesque mime makeup. Thus, the band’s performance could only be judged on the basis of its music and… its dancing. Oh, yes. There was dancing. As Simmons garbled his way through "Calling Dr. Love,” Stanley bounded across the stage. In his high-heels and mincing, one-and-a-two-and-a-three steps, he cavorted like a reject from a Lawrence Welk polka contest“ (Cincinnati Enquirer, 9/15/79).
The harshness of the review is hardly surprising in the context of the critic’s preshow interview and piece that ended, "That’s great, Gene. You’re just what the world needs, and old school teacher who preaches nihilism and sticks out his tongue” (Cincinnati Enquirer, 9/9/79) as a response to Gene’s comments that being awed by a show experience was more important than searching for meaning in art.
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beardedmrbean · 23 days
Francophone Africa has experienced a series of coups since 2020. In Malitwice, followed by Guinea, Burkina-Faso, Niger, and finally Gabon. The coups raised concerns about the stability and democracy in the region.
In an interview with DW, Ingo Badoreck, from the Konrad Adenauer Foundation — affiliated with the German opposition party, the Christian Democratic Union of Germany (CDU), explained that while in Mali, Burkina Faso, and Niger duly elected presidents were ousted from office by power-hungry military leaders taking advantage of a general sense of insecurity, the military government in Gabon appears to have ousted an autocratic despot.
50 years of the Bongo dynasty
For over half a century, the Bongo family used authoritarian methods to cling to power in the resource-rich Gabon. Omar Bongo was president from 1967 until he died in 2009. His 41 years in office was one of the longest of any head of state in Africa. He was succeeded in office by his son Ali Bongo. The Bongo clan's long reign and autocratic rule led to widespread dissatisfaction.
After Ali Bongo's controversial reelection in 2016, he brutally crushed anti-government protests, in which at least 27 people died.
On August 26, 2023, Gabon held another election. Official results certified a clear victory for Bongo, who was hoping to extend the family's rule to 55 years. Hardly anyone in the country considered the results credible. Four days later, on August 30, 2023, the military declared the election results null and void. They deposed Ali Bongo and appointed his cousin Brice Oligui Nguema interim president.
A promise of free and transparent elections in 2025 
One year after the military seized power, there is a relatively clear roadmap for organizing the return to democratic forms of government. In the months following the coup, the transitional government organized an "inclusive national dialogue" open to all levels of civil society. One of the most important results was the introduction of a presidential system with a maximum of two seven-year terms in office. Plans are also in place to strengthen decentralization and citizen participation.
The transitional period until democratic elections are held has been set at 24 months, albeit with the possibility of an extension. While the military government in Gabon has promised to hold the elections in August 2025, there are still challenges ahead.
"There is still no concrete timetable for the presidential elections," Ingo Barodeck of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation said. "We now have to wait for very concrete plans from the Ministry of the Interior, which is now responsible, to hold these elections in a year." Barodeck said there are concerns that the uncertainty and the potential for logistical and political challenges could delay the return to democratic governance in Gabon.
Despite those fears, transitional ruler Oligui Nguema has repeatedly affirmed on the international stage that he would stick to this timetable. With his assurances, he ensured that Gabon's suspended Central African Economic Community ECCAS membership was reinstated in March. French President Emmanuel Macron later hosted him at a reception with military honors at the Elysee Palace.
Will Oligui Nguema cling to power?
Speculation is mounting in Gabon that General Oligui Nguema is using the transitional period to prepare his presidential candidacy. In an interview, political analyst Astanyas Bouka told DW that "his ambitions are great, and he tried from the outset to involve representatives of civil society in his transitional government to take the wind out of the opposition's sails."
"We are committed to the side of the transitional government in this transitional phase because we initiated this process from the beginning," Georges Mpaga, a well-known human rights activist in Gabon and a member of the transitional government's economic, social, and environmental council, told DW. 
"Through our lobbying and protests, we contributed to dismantling the Bongo system even before the coup," Mpaga added. However, it remains to be seen what role civil society will play in the post-transition period.
A new era for disgruntled Gabonese
After the coup, there were scenes of jubilation on Gabon's streets. The youth demanded better living conditions and a fairer distribution of the country's wealth. According to World Bank data, per capita income in the oil-rich country was one of the highest in sub-Saharan Africa in 2021 at just over $4,500 (€4,056). However, a third of Gabon's 2.3 million people live below the poverty line.
The influential Catholic Church has thrown its weight behind the new transition rulers. Despite Gabon's secular constitution, the Church often influences political matters, as seen in the recent protests for transparent elections. Brice Oligui Nguema, the interim president, a devout Catholic, like three-quarters of Gabon's population, is seen as the 'dawn of a new era' by the Christian majority. This support adds a layer of legitimacy to the transition, reassuring the population about the country's direction.
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on-softs · 7 months
I just read clothing of delight
I reallyyy did love it except I did not exactly get the ending
Was it a dream or it happened and why did max retire??
I'm not complaining I really did like it just engs not my first Lang so I was a bit a confused
And I really liked the story so I just need closure 🥺
Hello anon! No worries at all, happy to answer. So, it was not a dream, though it does definitely feel like that to Danny at times (or a nightmare lol!!).
My idea with this fic was less tied up in the technical ‘why did this happen or stop happening to max’— definitely hand waving the sci fi elements. I was mainly interested in taking a crack premise and exploring the horror of it taken seriously, basically, and then also how that might change their relationship permanently. Got really chatty about it under the cut:
With the ending, I wanted to show how cracks are starting to appear, in light of what’s happened: how Red Bull treats Danny with suspicion, the non existent relationship between Danny and Jos, the breakdown of Jos and Max’s relationship when it’s stripped down to its core (ie, kid Max choosing to stay with Danny and not Jos), the general vibe that maybe the dynasty of Red Bull is ending by this point in ~2030. And of course, Danny’s utter anxiety and sense of being aged out of the world of F1 that’s going throughout the whole thing.
So with the final article, I wanted to imply the this whole event was the catalyst for Max finally leaving this whole mess, and choosing Danny over everything. In my head, Max doesn’t remember what happened when he was in kid-mode. But he looks around him and sees the crater the event has left on the people around him, most of all on Danny, who honestly probably doesn’t have it in him to ask Max to stop racing but really really would like it if he did. So they can spend the rest of their lives playing tennis and handball and cooking in the kitchen together :) fuck Jos who will never forgive Danny for making his son love him more than he loves his father, fuck Christian, fuck the rest :)
And Max, who has talked in interviews n stuff about how he’s not some record-seeking championship collector (somebody help me on this citation I’m too tired haha), who has also had a full career by this stage, says: okay :)
TLDR yes it’s all real lol and it’s because they love each other. Glad you enjoyed the fic anon hope that answered your question!
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faithinchances · 5 months
Hello hello! I’m just here to knock on your door because I saw your tags on the ‘Jamie’s post-s3 career path’ poll and I really enjoyed them! (And didn’t want to clog up the notes of someone else’s poll about it)
If you ever wanted to share more in detail about any of these options, I’d love to know more! I am also delighted by the concept of Jamie moving to Leverkusen and ending up under Xabi Alonso, but Barca and Liverpool also have my interest.
No rush or expectations on answering this whatsoever. Just if you ever do feel like sharing, I would love to hear more.
Hm. So Leverkeusen is the option I know the least about and Xabi Alonso is 100% of the reason I put that as an option; he started at Leverkeusen in 2022, which is also when s3 ends, which means they would arrive at the same time. Xabi himself is a midfield legend for Liverpool with a famously amazing first touch, and Jamie also has an amazing first touch.
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I am very much hoping (delusionally) that Xabi will end up at Liverpool next year, I think that would be poetic and fun and he seems like a really good coach, but on the subject of Liverpool and coaches: Jurgen Klopp.
He's probably a bigger inspiration for Ted than Pep is.
Pep is a brilliant tactician, deeply passionate, absolutely nuts, always losing it on the sidelines, whereas Klopp at least once forced his team to celebrate losing a final, ie, forced them to celebrate getting to a final even if the result wasn't what they wanted. I just watched the TAA interview with Gary Neville, and he also apparently doesn't focus on winning or losing, just wants Liverpool to be the hardest team to beat because they work so hard. All very Ted.
Except that crucially, Klopp is ALSO a brilliant tactician (he's no Pep, but he's no slouch either), meaning that he's like Ted except competent, passionate, and outwardly caring (sorry Ted), thereby making him perfect for Jamie.
Liverpool also run a very high press that I think Jamie would enjoy, and being in Liverpool would get him closer to home (he could totally drive home for dinner, it's only about an hour) while still keeping some space, which I think he would appreciate. I can see Georgie being a little overbearing when Jamie's in a less needy mood. And, of course, Liverpool also typically make European competition and are regular title contenders.
Assuming he went there in 2022, he would also get a whole year under Jordan Henderson, who we can go ahead and consider being like Roy, except that he's less talented, a better captain, and actually from Sunderland (I've seen it hypothesized that Roy is a reskinned Hendo). And I want to know what would happen if he and Darwin were on the pitch together (Darwin was Liverpool's big signing that summer, realistically Jamie would replace him, but I don't care) (Darwin is notoriously chaotic, a striker with dubious talent in finishing, but also an extremely hard-worker and he takes more chances than most, so his low conversion rate is expected). Also I think Jamie would have a bit of a crush on VVD and that would be funny and cute.
The Barca route is also very fun, and not even because Messi (he had already left at this point). It's basically only possible if Jamie's Richmond contract was up at the end of s3, Barca could never afford our boy otherwise. I've heard it said that true fans of the sport of football will pick Barcelona to watch over any other team (provided theirs isn't playing), and Jamie is nothing if not a fan of football.
They were also at their height when Jamie was a young teenager, a time period when I think he would have had the most time to watch while having already developed an immense interest in it. He would have watched Messi, of course, but also Xavi, Iniesta, and Busquets, who made up a midfield dynasty that I know no comparison for. They are all technically gifted, and two of those last three were still at Barca for the 22/23 season. Xavi coached the team, and Busi was captain.
And then also at this time, Barca were bringing up a new crop of very exciting youngsters, most notably Gavi and Pedri. Jamie is a few years older than them, but I think it would be fun for him to be a role model for a couple of ludicrously talented barely-adults. He would not know what to do with himself.
I also think Jamie is maybe better suited for football abroad? Like he's very salt of the earth, "I work hard, yeah," but he also has this incredible swagger. How to use my limited knowledge to explain this. Spanish football culture seems to be less humble? More flamboyant? Like English football is full of a bunch of guys who are Just Some Dude. Harry Kane, Gary Neville, and in TL, also Roy. Jordan Henderson is PEAK some dude energy. Spanish football invented the term "Galactico" for its superstars.
I just think Jamie would love doing a little dance with his teammates after scoring.
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Behind The Iron Claw : The Von Erich Story Part 3 : The New Generation
Hello Everyone! Here is the third and final part of ‘ Behind The Iron Claw: The Von Erich Story ’. If you haven’t read Parts one and two , please go check them out ! I also want to say thank you for taking the time to read this series and my other articles I have here on my blog! In this article , I’ll be discussing the third generation of Von Erichs in professional wrestling.
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Lacey Dawn Adkisson ( Lacey Von Erich ) was born July 17, 1986. Lacey is Kerry Von Erich’s daughter and Fritz Von Erich’s granddaughter. Lacey stepped foot in the squared circle in 2007 with WWE as a developmental talent for Florida Championship Wrestling ( FCW ) . She was also the first member of the third generation of the Von Erich family to do so. Lacey would make her debut as a valet for Billy Kidman on September 15,2007. She would also be a valet for Ryan O’Reilly ( Konner ) alongside two time WWE Divas Champion, Maryse. In October, she would make her in ring debut against another third generation wrestler , Natalya Neidhart, the daughter of Jim ‘ The Anvil Neidhart ’, granddaughter of Stu Hart, and niece of Bret ‘ The Hitman ’ Hart and Owen Hart. She would also manage Alicia Fox and team with Natalya and Maryse in a match against Fox and Brie and Nikki Bella ( The Bella Twins ). She would be released from her contract after asking to go to OVW. She would spend time on the independent scene and become the Windy City Pro Wrestling Ladies’ Champion in 2009. She won the championship in a Fatal 4 Way match which was her debut for the promotion. Thus, she vacated the championship after being signed to TNA. She would also have a run in Wrestlicious , a women’s wrestling promotion started by Jimmy Hart. Von Erich would make her TNA debut on October 1,2009 as Heel and becoming a member of The Beautiful People ( Madison Rayne and Velvet Sky). She is a one time TNA Knockouts Tag Team Champion along with Velvet Sky and Madison Rayne .
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Kevin Marshall Adkisson and David Michael Ross Adkisson ( Marshall and Ross Von Erich ) are the sons of Kevin Von Erich and grandsons of Fritz Von Erich. Marshall was born on November 10,1992 and Ross was born on June 1, 1988. Lacey Von Erich is their cousin. Marshall and Ross made their profession wrestling debut in 2012 at World League Wrestling, losing in a tag team match against Jason Jones and Brian Breaker. They would also debut for a Japanese promotion called Pro Wrestling NOAH the same year . The brothers would make their wrestling TV debut in 2014 at TNA’s Slammiversary Pay Per View. Kevin would be managing his sons. They would make appearances in TNA from 2014 and 2015 . They would also compete in Action Zone Wrestling , a promotion in Hawaii where they lived. They would win the tag team championships. In the Summer of 2017, they would wrestle alongside Kevin at Rage Megashow in Israel. Therefore , in 2019, Marshall and Ross would find their way to Major League Wrestling ( MLW ). They would become MLW Tag Team Champions after defeating MJF and Richard Holliday ( The Dynasty ) . In 2022, they would face The Briscoes ( Mark and Jay ) at the show for Ric Flair’s Last Match. In 2023, the Von Erichs would appear in AEW and ROH. In 2024, they would team with Dustin Rhodes , the son of the ‘ American Dream ’ Dusty Rhodes , to win the Ring Of Honor World 6-Man Tag Team Championships at AEW Battle Of The Belts XI (11). ( I did do an article on that match and my reaction to it ! ). Marshall and Ross are also the hosts of The Von Erich podcast. They would interview guests such as ‘ The Perfect 10 ’ Baby Doll, and their mother , Pam.
Lacey’s sister , Hollie alongside Marshall and Ross’ sister , Kristen , also have a podcast. It’s called Growing Up Von Erich. They feature guests such as Natalya Neidhart and family members such as Cathy , Hollie and Lacey’s mother.
My Final Thoughts:
I have so much respect for the Von Erich family. I wrote this series to hopefully help all of you , my amazing readers, to understand who they are and how they impacted wrestling through tragedy and triumph. I enjoy both podcasts and enjoy watching Marshall and Ross when they appear on AEW TV. Lacey was also my favorite member of The Beautiful People . This has to be my favorite series I’ve done here on my blog. Trust me, it took hours of research to put the series together.
Love You All,
- Kay
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buffyfan145 · 10 months
It's official now and Taika Waititi confirmed he's not involved at all with "Thor 5" and has given his ok if Marvel chooses someone else to direct/write it. I'm actually ok with this as even though I liked Taika's "Thor" movies I still loved the first one and feel it needs to get back to a serious tone, especially if this is where Thor and Loki finally reunite. Plus, it seems like the characters from the "Loki" show will be going to the movies too so maybe they should try to get those from the show to work together behind the scenes too with this movie. It'd also be a great way to end Thor's story too if Chris Hemsworth is almost done as well. I think "Thor 5" would come out between "Kang Dynasty" (or if it gets a new title) and "Secret Wars" too so they have time to develop it. But again really excited for what's next after all the interviews and news we've gotten over the past couple days.
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sir-yeehaw-paws · 2 years
In No Particular Order, Our Favourite Moments from the Metal Gear Mastermind
-PlayU: The UK’s Only Playstation Magazine, Excerpt from an Interview with Hideo Kojima, 2013
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(Full Transcript Under Cut)
1. Psycho Mantis: From reading your memory card to telling you what games you like by requiring the controller be plugged into port 2 to beat him, Mantis played with game conventions in a way unseen at that point.
2. Snake Never Gives Up: Crawling through radiation filled corridors to save the world as Snake slowly dies while his friends are shown struggling in battle is one of the most powerful and emotional moments of MGS2.
3. Raiden Gets Pissed On: Get through an entire part of MGS2 without getting seen and Raiden comes across a soldier on a roof, taking a leak. Stand in said trajectory, call people on your codec, and enjoy the laughs.
4. The Boss: The Boss is one of the most intriguing, and tragic characters ever created by Kojima, and the final battle against her at the end of MGS3 is still by far one of our favourite gaming moments.
5. Kojima in Peace Walker: Recruiting our pal Hideo in Peace Walker is a lovely little bit of video game fourth wall-destroying fun. Big Boss exclaiming, “Mr. Kojima!” makes it perfect.
6. The End: Another phenomenal boss fight, which can take hours or even days, Big Boss and the 100-year-old sniper face off in a battle of wits, disguises and patience, riddled with tension. Utterly unique and properly brilliant.
7. Enter Gray Fox: Coming across a darkened corridor full of blood and body parts is one of the most memorable moments of Metal Gear Solid 1, and the boss fight that follows is tense and thrilling.
8. Rex vs Ray: The trip back to Shadow Moses is surely the most fan-service filled part of MGS4, and is topped with Snake, piloting Metal Gear Rex, fighting Ocelot in Metal Gear Ray. Bizarrely sublime.
9. “Back of the CD Case”: If you’ve played Metal Gear Solid 1, you know this one. Meryl’s codec frequency, never told to you in-game, is actually on the back of the game box the whole time. Frustrating, but wonderful trickery.
10. Young Ocelot/Time Paradox: Young Ocelot’s appearance in MGS3 is hilarious and interesting, explaining how he came to be known as Revolver. But don’t kill him, unless you want to cause a TIME PARADOX.
11. The Battle of Aumaan Crevice: Zone of the Enders 2 improves upon the first game by making everything bigger and louder. Hundreds of mechs on either side clash in a scene like something out of Dynasty Warriors. Glorious.
12. That Bloody Ladder: If you’ve played MGS3, you know what we mean. “What a thrill...with darkness and sorrow throughout the night..” It’s a big ladder, alright? A ruddy big ladder. The biggest ladder there is.
13. Johnny Sasakai (Apart from MGS4): The uncredited hero of the MGS saga, Johnny has bit-parts in 1 and 2 (he’s the guy who gets knocked out by Meryl), before becoming an awful story-killer in 4, getting the girl after shitting in a barrel.
14. Snake vs. Liquid: “I’m you..I’m your shadow..” An awesome fist-fight between two shirtless dudes who happen to be clones, on top of a destroyed mech surrounded by flames? Epic stuff. Fox? Die.
15. Throwing a Metal Gear Ray: Kojima was hesitant to put this in Metal Gear Rising, but we are glad he did. What better way to cap off a fight against a huge robot than heaving it over your shoulder and slamming it face-first into the dirt?
16. Raiden vs. Vamp: Raiden is a lame little crybaby in Metal Gear Solid 2, but redeems himself in a big way in his next appearance . His stand out moment is his epic battle against Vamp.
17. The Sorrow: Another wonderful “boss fight” from Metal Gear Solid 3, a game rammed absolutely full of them. Facing the souls of the people you’ve killed is a genuinely harrowing experience.
18. MGS4 Car Chase: There have been a few fair car chases throughout Metal Gear history, but the one throughout narrow European streets in MGS4 as you race to save Big Boss’s remains stands out.
19. Snake vs. Ocelot: “You and I..have a score to settle.” An awesome fist-fight between two dudes on top of a destroyed boat-mech thingy in the middle of a massive war? Epic stuff. Fox? Die.
20: The Tanker: The opening tanker section of MGS2 is one of the best levels ever featured in the series, with some great set pieces and a ton of stuff to do. Shame about the rest of the game eh?
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heartsoulrocknroll · 4 months
AEW Collision 4/20/24
Nigel on Copeland winning the TNT Championship. "If at first you don't succeed, try again and again and again and again until you are finally able to steal what is rightfully someone else's." Lmao.
Adam Copeland, Mark Briscoe, and Eddie Kingston vs. Top Flight and Action Andretti -- Some nice exploder suplexes by Mark. Flippy stuff from Top Flight and Andretti. Dumb spot with all six guys colliding with lariats at the same time. Copeland with an impaler DDT. Mark with a Jay Driller on Darius. Backfist by Eddie, spear by Copeland, Froggy Bow by Mark on Dante, then Eddie covers Dante for the pinfall.
I honestly didn't like this at all. Technically, it was fine. But everyone was in the ring at the same time for a lot of the match, and that bothers me a lot more when the action is lackluster or not my taste like this. Rating: 2.5
House of Black show up on the screen after the match. Matthews says HOB will eradicate all their dreams at Dynasty. Black says HOB will dig so deep that they will feel like they are close to hell. And for people like himself and Copeland, hell is where the heart is.
Powerhouse Hobbs vs. CJ Esparza -- Hobbs squshes Esparza with slams on the apron and a torture rack. The ref stops the match. Rating: SQUASH
Callis on the mic. He says he was directly responsible for Omega winning the IWGP Heavyweight Championship. He says he was also responsible for the biggest match in the history of Japanese wrestling, Jericho/Omega at the Tokyo Dome in 2018, which set New Japan on a course to new heights and success, which they still enjoy to this day. He says when New Japan thanked him for this, he said he would need a favor in return one day. And he has cashed in all his favors to make Moxley vs. Hobbs next week a match the IWGP World Heavyweight Championship. That is so stupid. Hate that.
Jericho promo backstage. He apologizes for his conduct on Wednesday and for pushing Taz. He mentions his match with Hook for the FTW Championship at Dynasty. He says the Learning Tree is going to teach Hook one of the hardest lessons he will have to learn. A lesson in humility and losing something that means a lot to you.
The Gunns vs. The Acclaimed -- The Gunns try to leave, but Schiavone tells them that TK said they won't get their match at Dynasty tomorrow if they walk out tonight. Awkward. The Acclaimed jump them and land Scissor Me Timbers early on. Bowens with some nice rolling elbows, a fireman's carry neckbreaker on the knee, then a running knee on Colten for two. Colten lands a Fameasser on Bowens for two. The Gunns land a neckbreaker on Bowens for two. Caster tags in with a DVD on Colten. The Gunns land 3:10 to Yuma on Bowens, but Caster breaks up the pin with an elbow off the top. Colten rolls Bowens up and Jay hands him the bat and holds on for leverage for the pinfall.
This was a perfectly fine match. A lot better than I expected it to be, but still not really exciting in any way. Good, screwy finish. Rating: 3
Danielson interview backstage. He is asked about the Bunkhouse Brawl tonight and the match with Ospreay tomorrow. He says that sounds like a lot, but he feels alive. It seems like something is going on with the Don Callis Family. He wonders if Callis doesn't have quite as much faith in Ospreay as he says he does. He feels alive, because Takeshita dropped him on his head Wednesday, and tonight he gets to get revenge in a bunkhouse match. And tomorrow he gets to test himself against Ospreay, who calls himself one of the best in the world, and he gets to find out for himself. Ospreay comes in and tells Danielson that he has had nothing to do with any of the things the rest of the Callis Family has been doing. He says he wants Danielson at 100% for their match. Danielson says right. Ospreay says come on, Danielson has to believe him.
Excellent promo by Danielson as usual. Love to hear that man talk.
Toni Storm promo from Wednesday after Thunder Rosa's attack is shown. She wants to leave this in full color, so everyone can see exactly what Rosa has done to her. Rosa wants to be a hero? Wants to be a martyr? Wants to rally up the troops? There is nothing more disgusting than a wrestler who says they are not selfish. This is a business, this is not a charity. If Rosa wanted to uplift women, she should have stayed a social worker. Rosa doesn't want this title because she used to hold it. She wants it because of everything Storm made this title be, when Rosa could not. Rosa basks in the glow of the sun that shines right out of her ass. Rosa wants to drag her soul to hell? Rosa better check the address, sweetheart, because hell is in her bedroom and she makes love to her demons every night, and at Dynasty, Rosa can just watch.
Holy SHIT, what a promo. I am legit losing my mind over this. Hilarious, but serious at the same time. Legendary, career-defining promo.
Bryan Danielson and Claudio Castagnoli vs. Konosuke Takeshita and Kyle Fletcher (Bunkhouse Brawl) -- Fletcher and Takeshita jump Danielson and Claudio during their entrance. Claudio runs down the arena stairs with a lariat to Fletcher! Danielson slams Fletcher's head into the announce table! Takeshita takes a hammer to Claudio! Danielson wraps a cord around Fletcher's neck! Claudio swings Takeshita into a dropkick by Danielsion! Claudio locks in a Sharpshooter on Takeshita. Fletcher hurls a chair at Danielson's head, then lands something on Claudio inside. Fletcher with a thrust kick and a powerbomb on Claudio for two! Danielson is busted open, and Takeshita takes his fingers to the open wound. Fletcher nails Claudio with a hammer repeatedly. Fletcher hurls a chair at Claudio. Danielson and Takeshita trade elbows inside, Takeshita gets the best of it, sending Danielson outside. Takeshita goes for a brainbuster on the ramp again, but Danielson reverses into a DDT on the ramp! Claudio takes the hammer to Fletcher, then hurls him into the barricade, then slams his head into the steps repeatedly! Now Fletcher is bleeding. Claudio drapes Takeshita over the rope and holds him while Danielson lands a knee off the top to the back of his head/neck. Round kicks from Danielson to Takeshita, then a big round kick to the head! Danielson sets up for the Busaiku knee, but Fletcher grabs his foot from outside, and Takeshita lands a Helluva kick! Takeshita lands a German suplex on Claudio. Stereo brainbusters by Fletcher and Takeshita, then double covers for two. Takeshita goes for a rolling elbow with a steel chain around his arm, but Danielson blocks.
Double rear naked chokes, then stereo hammer and anvil elbows by Claudio and Danielson, then they transition into stereo LeBell locks! Hobbs comes in with spinebusters! Moxley comes out bald as hell to even the odds and take out Hobbs. Fletcher hands Danielson to Takeshita on the top, and Takeshita goes for a powerbomb onto a chair, but Danielson reverses into a rana off the top on Takeshita, sending him back-first onto a chair!!!! Geez! Claudio lands uppercuts and a lariat on Fletcher with a chain wrapped around his arm!! Claudio lands a senton off the apron on Takeshita outside! Danielson lands the Busaiku knee and locks in the LeBell lock with the chain around Fletcher's face for the submission!
That slapped!!!!!! Nonstop, violent action!! Perfect mix of outside-the-ring brawling, weapon spots, and inside-the-ring wrestling. I loved it all. Rating: 4
Danielson grabs a mic after the match. He says a lot of people are asking him why the hell he is doing a bunkhouse match the night before he wrestles Ospreay. It's because when some people think of heaven, they think of streets of gold, but that's not him. His spirit is a part of this. When he dies, his heaven will be standing in this ring, bleeding in front of all these people, having a whole crew of people trying to break his neck before he wrestles one of the best in the world, and telling them there's no way they can do it!! "Tomorrow, Will Ospreay, I am going to beat your ass." HELL YEAH!!!! There is nothing like a fired up Danielson promo. Cannot wait for this match!
Willow and Statlander promo backstage with Stokely. Statlander says you know what they are? Fired up. Fired up is long for FU. Stokely says where he comes from, FU means something different, so he will say FU to Brody and Julia. Willow asks if a confident champion takes a chain and hits their opponent days before a championship match? She doesn't think so. Willow says she is going to lift Julia up and powerbomb her through that mat. Because tomorrow, she's taking the TBS Championship, you bitch! Lol, this was good.
Skye Blue vs. Leyla Hirsch -- Hirsch reverses a Code Blue attempt into a running knee strike. Blue lands a hanging neckbreaker off the apron. Big elbows by Hirsch, then Blue with one of her own. Blue cartwheels into an elbow in the corner. Hirsch lands two nice suplexes, then a German suplex off the top! Hirsch goes to the top and falls. Blue lands a fireman's carry neckbreaker, then locks in a dragon sleeper for the submission. Short match, but solid action. Rating: 2.75
Kazuchika Okada and The Young Bucks vs. Pac and FTR -- Okada's arm hits the announce table early on. Okada and Dax trade uppercuts and elbows! Pac locks in the Brutalizer on Okada, but the Bucks break it up with stomps. Pac slams Okada's head into the apron and stomps on his throat on the floor!!! Nice!!! Okada and Matt pull Cash crotch-first into the ring post. Okada lands a slingshot senton over the ropes on Cash inside. Pac runs the ropes and lands a beautiful flying elbow, then a series of hard kicks, then a brainbuster on Nick for two! Pac lands a quick German suplex on Okada, then dives over the ropes onto the Bucks outside. Dax and Pac land an assisted spike piledriver on Okada for two! The Bucks stop a Black Arrow attempt by Pac, and Okada nails Pac with a big boot. Okada holds the ref, while the Bucks shove Pac into the ring steps and pummel him outside on the floor. They roll Pac inside, and Okada lands a nice flapjack. Pac with a vicious tilt-a-whirl backbreaker on Nick! Beautiful!!! Dax comes in with big jabs, a lariat, and nasty chops to Nick! Dax slingshots Nick off the ropes into Pac's hands, and Pac lands a German suplex, then Cash flies in with a jacknife on Nick for two! Nice sequence!!!! Dax ducks a superkick by Matt, Matt kicks Nick instead, Dax lands a DDT on Matt, then Okada comes in with a DDT on Dax!
Okada tells Dax to hit him!! Dax responds with vicious elbows to the jaw and chops to the chest! Okada dropkicks Dax! Dax ducks a Rainmaker attempt and locks in a Sharpshooter, but the Bucks break it up with superkicks!! Triple team running back elbow and double enziguris in the corner by Okada and the Bucks! Okada lands a neckbreaker on the knee, Nick lands a running knee strike, and Matt lands an elbow off the top on Dax and covers, but Cash breaks up the pin! Dax lands a superplex, Cash lands a frog splash off the top, and Pac lands a 450 off the top on Matt! Cash covers, but the others break up the pin! Superkicks by the Bucks, then they land Shatter Matchine on Pac for two! The Bucks land a BTE Trigger on Pac, but Cash breaks up the pin! FTR land Shatter Machine on Matt, but Okada and Nick pull Dax out of the ring. Superkick by Nick, and DDT on the floor by Okada!! Cash with a topé to the outside! Pac lands the Black Arrow on Matt inside for the pinfall!!
This was a really great match. Constant action from start to finish. I loved the exchanges between Okada and Pac, and cannot wait for their match at Dynasty. But I also loved the exchanges between Okada and Dax! What a nice, unexpected treat. Rating: 4
Okada and the Bucks try to attack Pac and FTR after the match. Daniel Garcia comes out to help Pac and FTR. Pac jumps on Okada's back with a hanging Brutalizer!! Okada drops to the mat, and Pac holds on until the Bucks pull Okada out of the ring! Pac and Okada stare at each other, Pac in the ring and Okada on the ramp!!! I AM SO EXCITED FOR THIS MATCH!!! AAAAHHH!!
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tolerateit · 1 year
thank you so much for the tag @blushingallthewayhome & @taylorswiftaylor this is fun!!!!!
RULES: Put your playlist on shuffle. For each of the 10 interview questions, select a lyric from the random song that comes up. (Skip if there aren’t any lyrics and make sure to drop the name of the song in your interview answer!)
1. First off, how would you describe yourself in one sentence?
Stay unfiltered and loud, you'll be proud of that skin full of scars - All I Know So Far by P!nk
2. What kind of [insert my super secret zodiac sign] are you?
And I swear to God I'd kill you if I loved you less hard - I should hate you by Gracie Abrams
3. You’re visiting your favorite spot, what are you thinking about?
Autumn leaves falling down like pieces into place - All Too Well by Taylor Swift
4. If your life was a movie, what do you think the first review would say about it?
One step, not much, but it said enough - You Are In Love by Taylor Swift
5. Say you get a book deal, what are you titling your memoir?
All of this is temporary - Bells in Santa Fe by Halsey
6. What would you say about your best friends?
I don't wanna dance if I'm not dancing with you - Holy Ground by Taylor Swift
7. Think back to when you had everything all figured out in high school, what was your life motto as a teenager?
I just wanted you to know, that this is me trying - this is me trying by Taylor Swift
8. Describe your aesthetic now:
I'll never go, I just want to be invited - Love From The Other Side by Fall Out Boy
9. What’s a lyric that they’ll quote in your eulogy?
She had a marvelous time ruining everything - the last great american dynasty by Taylor Swift
10. And for our final question, say we believe in soulmates, what do you think their first impression of meeting you will be?
I need you to trust me, go easy, don't rush me - Never Gonna Leave This Bed by Maroon 5
tagging if you'd like to do this!: @notesonartistry @suburbanlegnd @aslowmotionlovepotion @maryssongwhen @actual-sleeping-beauty @margaetyrell @ketterdam-snack-bar @nicholas-nelsons @dorotheado @woulddoanythingfor1989tv @1989tv xo
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princesssszzzz · 2 years
Why are your predictions so funny lmao. Why would Daemon kill Rhaenys or Jace tho😅 Rhaenys will be killed by either Aegon or Aemond and people will hate them sm
😂😂 I was so serious about my theories your the third person who said that. I have a long answer to the Daemon theory because it includes Daemon’s end, the Targ dynasty, and some other characters. Condal wants villian Daemon so I’m leaning towards him killing Jace unless the writers change Daemon last minute then everything I’m saying makes no sense. Killing Rheanys is less likely but if she wants to make big moves with Baela and Rhaena (taking them somewhere to be safe and away from drama) and he doesn’t I can see a fight between them. I don’t think him and Corlys agree about the names vs blood thing when they interact in S2 and Daemon’s real feelings start coming out more bc so far he’s been standing back and observing mostly. In my opinion he’s waiting for an opportunity. Condal implied in some interviews Daemon’s outrage is about Viserys. So it’s emotional need to fight them and losing access to the throne to Alicent’s line that doesn’t use the Targaryen sigil and they’re a detached branch from House Targaryen with Andal blood. If we’re getting book!Daemon who’s more Rouge Prince, his goal for the throne comes first but now the crown’s being controlled by Otto/Alicent and taken from House Targaryen. Plus like the Hightower faction, Jace only has one parent with Valyrian blood. My S3/4 predictions is that Daemon tries to marry Baela or Rhaena to Aegon iii and the irony of his death would be him dying before he gets to see his son as king.
It’s completely in character for him to want his own children ruling, not Strong/Hightowers. One of the big parts with Daemon’s Targ supremacy is the difference between Rhaena and Nettles. Rhaena to Daemon should be peak Targ, she wears black/red (Laena and Daemon’s daughters are like 80-90 something % pure blooded with their parents and Rhaenys’ Baratheon blood) and Laena rode the biggest dragon so I do understand why they wrote him neglecting her for not having a dragon despite complaints. He’s in Pentos reading and obsessing over Valyrian history and their ancestors. Legacy is important to him and he refused to even consummate a marriage with an Andal woman. So unlike Rhaena, Nettles who I personally believe has no Targaryen blood, claiming a wild dragon would be a big deal for Daemon. I think Nettles’ heritage is some non-Valyrian from Essos. One role Nettles would play is changing his views about Targaryens, purity, dragon riders and he finally changes his outlook but dies right after when he sends Nettles away and fights Aemond. This probably won’t be added to the show but it would make sense for him to want to kill Aemond and the Hightower bloodline, but not Vhagar. Dragons dying off weakens the house and I don’t think Daemon wants to do that, but he has to fight them and kill dragons in the process. His obsession with blood and dynasty would effect his decision making during the war so since his kids have the most Targ blood I’m sure he’ll be in his Otto era and want to marry a teen to a baby so he has control over the future of the house. He could be given some Tywin traits where he wants to win by any means necessary and in the process his kids are traumatized by all the loss and stress they endured. Of course if he killed Jace, Baela wouldn’t know but one of his kids could have some suspicions 👀 If they really want to show his seriousness over wanting to win for Team Targaryen instead of Team Black him being willing to kill Jace who he’s already butting heads with is so perfect. Jace is protective over Baela and Rhaena like if Daemon is #teamdoingtoomuch and putting his daughters in danger it’s just another thing they would fight over. Daemon doesn’t have to kill Jace, but if he does it out of tunnel vision during the war and desperation, it says a lot about his character. He could honestly send Jace to the wall to get him out of the way but Jace has to die.
Some Targs in Westeros generally have had understandable god complexes because of the power dragons give them. Daemon is the perfect Targaryen to focus on that complex when they’re losing dragons and dealing with Jace. He could kill Jace and grow to regret it before he dies, and I think that would make sense for Daemon and be an actual arc. After everything that happens Daemon gets what he wanted; Rhaena is finally a dragonrider with Morning, Baela chills with the smallfolk and goldcloaks, Viserys is doing whatever he’s up to lmfao that kid is my Rickon. Aegon iii is paralleled heavy with him only having kids and being happy when he’s with Daenaera, a Velaryon and the Targaryen bloodline continues with pure Valyrian blood. For Daemon, his punishment is that he never gets to see any of this come to fruition. Long story short it makes sense for Daemon to kill Jace or have him killed because Daemon’s storyline should be “I won but at what cost” and feeling guilty about Jace, alienating Rhaena, and the dangerous situation his children have to live in now.
•Side comment for the Rhaenys/Aegon fight I hope in their attempt to make Aegon redeemable they don’t demonize Rhaenys and make it seem like she deserves to be killed by Aegon or make it seem like she attacks them and they have to defend themselves. Aemond fought little kids and told Rhaena to ride a pig lmfao the general public already doesn’t like him they really don’t need to do anything extra on that part plus Vhagar is kind of a cheat code I kinda want Meleys v Sunfyre
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