#e: 3rd anniversary
xielianhua · 2 months
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Dong Sicheng for Glass Magazine 3rd Anniversary Gala
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official-wonho · 1 year
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PHOTO 함께한 3년이 우리의 인연으로 1 Source: Wonho Official Fan cafe
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apply-neo · 1 year
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Today is the 2nd of May, so I'm congratulating you!
Why did I write 02/05 instead of 05/02? Well, I did it out of habit. I just love in Russia, and 02/05 is the 2nd of May in Russia..
Alive and A L I V E AU by @tatatale
Art by me
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romanarose · 6 months
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Banner by @winniethewife
Oscar Issac/Pedro Pascal Fan Art and Fiction Pride Event 2024
Hello friends!
Let's try this again and I'll try to be more clear to not invoke discourse. That being said, it is *my* event and if you'd like to run one a certain way, go nuts. However, this is how I'm doing it.
I had a lot of fun doing Dead Dove December and the Triple Frontier Anniversary Event so I decided I wanted to do an event for pride this year! I know it seems far away right now, especially given how many of us in north America are still cold af, but I wanna give everyone time!
Each week of pride will have a theme to write or draw for (you don't have to do all of them! Think of it like kinktober.) at the end, I will put out a masterlist (or multiple depending how many)so we can all share each other's work.
Oscar Isaac and Pedro Pascal are both allies to LGBT people, Pedro having played multiple queer rolls and having likened his sexuality to that of Prince Oberyn. Despite none of the characters being canon queer, Triple Frontier specifically lends itself to queer stories. Recently, theres been a rise in stories of Oscar characters in relationships or Pedro characters in relationships which I love.
What I'd really like to do is encourage people to think past x fem!reader or canon presentation of characters. I want to encourage gay, lesbian, bisexual relationships, trans readers, trans interpretations of characters etc. More content guidelines will be in the what section.
Primarily tumblr.com, our very own shithole hellsight. However, especially given tumblr's censorship vs. twitter, I am encouraging posting on twitter or wherever you'd like. If you post something elsewhere, send me a link or send me a post you made about it on tumblr and I'll promote the link.
Additionally if you only write on ao3, I'd love for you to participate too! Once again, just send the link!
in order to do the week by week themes and hold all of June, there will be 6 weeks from May 26th-July 6th
Each week will have themes. I won't be policing the weeks and these so if you do the 1st week on july 3rd, that's fine. The themes are keeping in mind both artists and writers. I only got one artist for DDD, a great piece and I've love to see more! Ideas are just for spit balling, do your own take!
May 26th-June 1st: Coming out. Ideas: Coming out to family, lover, friend. Finding gender affirming clothes/hair, first pride
June 2nd-8th: Transitioning Ideas: Surgary, surgery scars, starting T or E, binding (safely!!!)
June 9th-15th: Sex/kissing First time together, first time with certain biology or the same sex, sweet kisses, smut showing scars,
June 16th-22nd: Food, fashion, fun
All things queer culture and culture of different religions, racial or country backgrounds, queer fashion, gender affirming clothes, Keshet (קשת), listening to Lady Gaga or Bruce Springsteen, watching a queer movie
June 23rd-29th: Struggles Rejection, reconciling faith and identity, missing family that rejected one, comfort, candlelight vigil, day of remembrance.
June 30th- July 6th:Strength Asserting ones or a partner/friend/family's pronouns, standing up against hate, being loudly and proudly yourself, pride events
Writers and artists in any form are welcome. I also want to encourage working with each other, writers and artists together!
For characters: Any Oscar Isaac or Pedro Pascal character has to at least be in the relationship. Other characters in universes can be done, such as FishBen.
Reader can be anyone, just properly tag! If you want to come out to Marc Spector as bisexual, do it!!! If you want Joel to take care of you after top surgery, do it!
However! Please do your research if writing or drawing an identity not yours. There are trans, nonbinary, gay, lebian etc bloggers all over tumblr who write about their experience, please divert to first person testimonies rather than assumptions.
A few rules
MUST contain more than male character x fem!reader. Male character x fem!reader x male character does not count unless the two male characters are romantically or sexually involved or one or the reader is trans. Any Q's, dm me!
This is not a dark event. I'm not going to be policing the content matter but I really want to primarily focus on the pride. However, as a bisexual, gender non-conforming person I know a lot of pain can still be involved. What we are not doing is suicide, death, self-harm, or non consensual activity. If you have questions or would like to make a case for something, just dm me!
This is not inherently NSFW, but there is absolutely NSFW allowed. Always tag everything properly.
The usual no's like bestiality, incest, underage nsfw etc
As far as minor characters, SFW MINOR CHARACTERS IS ALLOWED. You can write or draw lgbt themes because being LGBT is not inherently sexual. For example, teenage Santi coming out as trans to Frankie or your own version of Ellie and Joel's talk about Ellie and Dina kiss. That being said, I'd prefer to reserve this to teens. Again, any questions or ideas that don' quite fit into parameters, just ask!
As always, I am allowed to use my discretion. If I do not want to include something, I won't. However, I know that there are rifts in the fandom. I won't be excluding you out of personal bias. As long as I don't have you blocked and you haven't plagerized or done something really bad to people, you'll be included. I'm not letting petty beefs get in the way. Harmful actions will, however. I need to protect my peace and keep
NO REAL PERSON FANFICTION. Do not write about Oscar Isaac or Pedro pascal being gay or trans and do not make any assumptions about their sexuality or gender identity. Oscar is happily married to a woman and Pedro has expressed his sexuality is like that of Oberyn Martell but has not elaborated much further, nor should he have to. Just leave ‘em be. You can speculate elsewhere but that’s not what this event is for.
Simply tag me, @romanarose and use the #OscarPedroPrideEvent2024 please please please use BOTH so it's easier for me to find!!!
When the event is over, much like DDD I will compiled them into a masterlist and posted. This is a chance for every blog, big and small, to get a moment in the sun and to share each others works! Remember, reblogging, comments, and interacting is what makes this a community! I want to create an environment that is welcoming and we all help each other.
Please feel free to reach out to me for any questions or clarification!
However, if you go issues with me writing men kissing, chracters being trans, queer readers etc, I'm not really open to debate.
~A nonbinary bisexual <3
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Space Ereshkigal: The Anatomy of a Quasar
Space Ereshkigal Beast-Class (Has 1.5x Class-Advantage against Extra Classes except Avenger; Has Class-Disadvantage against Avengers) Max HP: 14,530 Max ATK: 11,427 Attribute: Beast NP Charge ATK: 0.33%
QAABB Card Set Quick: 5 hits; Arts: 4 hits; Buster: 4 hits; Extra: 5 hits
Goddess Sugar A: Increase party's Attack by 10-20% for 3 turns. Increase party's NP damage by 10-20% for 3 turns. Increase party's NP gauge by 10-20%. Increase party's Instant-Kill resistance by 50-100% for 3 turns. 500% chance to inflict Poison with 500 damage to party for 3 turns. Cooldown: 8-6
Beast Driver B: Gain 10-20 critical stars. Increase own Star Absorption by 300-500% for 1 turn. Grants self on-Attack buff for 1 turn of: Increase own Critical damage by 50-100% for 1 turn before dealing damage when normal attacking. Charges own NP gauge by 30-50%. Cooldown: 9-7
Missing Starling EX: Grants self Invincibility for 2 attacks, 3 turns. Grants self a 2000-3000 HP Guts for 1 time, 3 turns. Recovers own HP by 2000-3000. Removes own Debuffs. Increases own Buff Removal Resistance by 50-100% for 1 time, 3 turns. Reduces own Skill Cooldown by 2. Cooldown: 9-7
Anti-Magecraft EX: Grants self Debuff Immunity 3 times. Spatial Storage A: Grants self on-Attack buff of: Charges own NP gauge by 5% when attacking. Goddess Essence E-: Increases own damage by 140. Increases own Debuff Resistance by 14%. Authority of the Beast E-: Increases own Critical Damage against Servants by 20%. Independent Manifestation E-: Increases own Critical Damage by 1.5%. Increases own Instant-Kill Resistance by 1.5%. Increases own Mental Debuff Resistance by 1.5%. II: Infinity Indicator: *looks forlornly into the camera, sighing* We'll get to this one.
Anti-Rider Attack Damage Append
Edin Shugra Collapsar AoE Arts, 5 hits Increase Master Affection Points by 0-20, based on Overcharge. If Master Affection Level is 4, grants self 100% increased Instant-Kill success chance for 1 turn. If Master Affection Level is 7, grants self Ignore Invincibility for 1 turn and Ignore Defense for 1 turn. If Master Affection Level is 10, grants 50 Critical stars. Deals damage to all enemies (450%-750%, based on NP Level). Deals 1 + 0.1*N extra damage to enemies, where N is Master Affection Level. Removes their Offensive Buffs. 60% chance to Instant Kill them.
You know what sucks about all of this. She's actually really fun to use. NGL. We got a whole essay to go. Also I did manual NP generation calcs for this one, so I better get some credit for that.
So the new Anniversary Servant huh. It's really something to say that Anniversary Servants more and more have been designed to really push the mold on what you could put in a Servant's kit, but Space Ereshkigal feels even more than that.
NP and Star Generation:
This might come as a surprise, but Space Ereshkigal's base NP generation is actually quite low. Her AQAE chain for example will only generate about 22% of her NP gauge, and that is usually the kiss of death for a Servant like this. Even as the 3rd card in an Arts chain, her Arts card will only generate 9%. That's quite low! But her passive gives her an additional 5% NP charge on hit for just...existing I guess? So that bumps up her single card generation to about passable, while benefiting her card chains in a bigger way. Considering you generally want to prioritize Space Ereshkigal's Brave Chains whenever possible, this is nice, I suppose.
Her star generation is a bit shakier, thanks to having single Quick card. A QBBE chain will generate about 15-16 crit stars on average, and a ABQE Mighty Chain will generate about 20-21 crit stars on average. She has good hit counts on her Quick and Extra, but only having one Quick card in her kit naturally really limits how many crit stars she can generate on her own.
Goddess Sugar is just a good skill. Like all of Space Ereshkigal's skills are good, great even, but it really does need to be said that this is a very compact skill with a lot of good effects. It gives Space Ereshkigal an additional 44% damage on her NP, and the party-wide NP charge is appreciated. An important thing to note is that the Poison demerit applies to the entire party, so it will eat into one of the Debuff immunities that Space Ereshkigal comes with.
Beast Driver is another strong skill, but this time focused on single Brave Chain crit damage numbers instead of much else, with a 50% NP charge for good measure. Her face cards will have a 100%, 200%, and 300% increased Critical damage for that turn respectively, allowing Space Ereshkigal to pump out some crazy good crits. The 50% NP charge is arguably the most important part of this skill though, as it always tends to be.
Missing Starling is the type of skill that exists to bind a kit together. It's Invincibility, its healing, its Guts, its debuff cleanse, and perhaps most importantly, it's cooldown reduction. See, you might have noticed that Space Ereshkigal's kit isn't super synergistic, and there's a reason for that we'll get into later, but while all of her skills are good, they aren't amazing together. She's, nominally, meant to perform Brave Chains constantly, which makes sense considering that is something that Space Ishtar is also trying to do. But having her skills essentially be on a 4/5/5 rotation instead of a 6/7/7 rotation massively improves how consistent and good she is.
There's really only 3 passive skills that matter here. Her three instances of Debuff Immunity are quite niche, giving Space Ereshkigal a nice buffer against debuffs and makes her super resilient to debuffs in general, and the NP charge on hit mostly exists to make up for her really poor face-card numbers. The third passive...
The Master Affection Gauge, and You!
This is by far and away the most complicated part of her kit. You could even argue that it functionally acts as an additional 4th skill on her kit. The Master Affection Gauge is a Gauge that starts at Level 1 and caps out at Level 10, and each level requires 10 points to reach. There's a ton of conditions for how to fill it up, so I'm going to split it up into parts to make it easier to understand.
In additional, an important caveat. Space Ereshkigal will only have the Master Affection Gauge if you have a copy of her. Supports will not work! This is the part of the kit that actually makes me angry, because it means that a Support Space Ereshkigal is just fundamentally missing a part of her kit. She will have an Affection Gauge level of 0 and won't be able to gain affection points.
The Basic Modifiers
Space Ereshkigal will get 5 points for being Bond Level 5, 5 points for being in the starting 3 members, and 10 points for being on a Waterside battlefield. This is not at the start of the fight by the way. You can in fact get a free Affection Level out of having a Servant who sets the Waterside Battlefield buff onto themselves and get the +10 points. The battlefield doesn't even need to stay Waterside for this to be applied.
Reusable In-Battle Modifiers
Space Ereshkigal will get 3 points for selecting any of her face cards and proceeding into combat, and in addition, she will get an additional 6 points if she has a Brave Chain. This means, without using her NP card, she has 15 points just in selecting her face cards, with an additional 6 possible if you can pull 3 in a single turn, for 21 additional points.
Simply selecting her NP will not give her any additional points, but it will mean that you can potentially squeeze out an additional Brave using her NP card as leverage, giving you a possible 27 points in total. This is where the bulk of her affection points comes from typically, and this also means that there is a fair amount of RNG regarding how quickly you can ramp up her affection gauge. Pulling too many face cards in a hand can reduce your potential output by either having wasted cards or reducing the number of brave chains available to you.
Using one of Space Ereshkigal's skills will give 3 affection points, and using one of Space Ereshkigal's skills before using anyone else's will give an additional 2 points. This means there is an additional 15 points to be gleamed out of three turns by staggering her skill use, and this actually explains a lot about her kit. They're three skills that are designed to work well when not used together.
The Somewhat Harder to Fulfill Modifiers
Using Ereshkigal's NP in an overcharged state will also increase her affected gauge by +5 points for each Overcharge level over 100%. This is, importantly, applied before any other effect on her NP. At 500% OC she will generate 25 Affection Points, but this is generally quite hard to accomplish as it often means giving up her Brave Chains in order to chain together NPs. This does give Ereshkigal an interesting use case for "The One Who Desires Salvation" as a CE choice, since it will essentially add 3 or 4 Affection Levels by itself.
Space Ereshkigal will also get 5 points for being affected by a Mystic Code skill. This will apply to any targeted MC skill and any AoE MC skill, but not to stuff like Order Change and skills that affect an enemy. The skill doesn't even technically need to succeed to count, such as the case for the Atlas Academy Uniform's debuff cleanse. I put this here because this does mean that some Mystic Codes can only generate +5 or +10 Affection points than the full +15.
She will also get +10 Affection points if you use a Command Spell on her. Now that Command Spells regenerate three a day instead of one this is more viable to quickly turbo-charge Ereshkigal to a higher Affection Level, but this is generally more applicable to Challenge Quests than farming.
Noble Phantasm
The main point to that entire fucking essay up there is her NP. This NP does a lot, but most of its effects are dependent on her Affection Gauge levels, so to go over what is consistent. This is an AoE Arts NP that removes offensive buffs on hit and has a 60% chance to instakill enemies after damage. These are fine and would make the NP middling at best but there's a ton we need to go over.
First, the NP does 10% more damage with each Master Affection Gauge Level she has. Since Space Ereshkigal can start a fight with an Affection Gauge Level of 2 or 3 depending on the Battlefield, this means that she will do at base 20-30% more damage than you would expect. At a Level of 10, she will do double damage with her NP, which is quite strong. This can be considered similar to something like Charlemagne's NP, but a lot easier to perform on average.
If her Master Affection Level is 4, she will double the success rate of her instakill. This...could come up, theoretically? It will probably be relevant in a 90++ quest in all honestly. This gives her a guaranteed instant kill against enemies with 100% death rate, and a 96% chance to instakill enemies with an 80% death rate. If her Master Affection Level is 7, she will ignore Invincibility, Evasion, and Defense buffs for a turn, which is a potent combo, and at Level 10, she will just generate 50 crit stars.
It is actually not particularly difficult to get Space Ereshkigal to Level 10 within a matter of about four or five turns, and it's entirely possible with just good cards and knowledge of how to apply her kit to get her to Level 7 in three turns. She ramps up surprisingly quickly, and the rewards that you get for ramping her up are pretty great. Free damage, crit stars, defensive piercing, and even swingy insta-kills.
But as a result, she ends up a fun, dynamic Servant to use. Maximizing the most out of Space Ereshkigal means putting in practice and reacting to what you need out of that exact moment. Managing her face cards, her skills, your Mystic Code skills, your NP chains, and even your Command Seals is interesting! You do lose a bit of that once she fully ramps up, but the process of getting there is great. Fundamentally, she's actually a pretty cool mechanically designed Servant.
Append Skills
Space Ereshkigal is slightly frustrating in that there is a good argument for, exactly, every single one of her append skills. This being said, she doesn't need any of them to function, and as a 5-star, I would not recommend rolling for the additional copies you need in order to do so, but because you will naturally get the coins to unlock one append by reaching Bond Level 6, and enough to unlock another append at Bond Level 14, if you are willing to get that far, it is worth talking about them.
The Extra card performance buff is the least useful of the bunch, but because Space Ereshkigal uses Brave chains often enough, it can be worth unlocking for the extra benefits it gives. Mana Loading is a fine enough skill on Space Ereshkigal, but it is arguably not even needed since she has a number of NP charges already on her kit. Anti-Rider Attack Damage gives her a bit more reach when farming since it allows her to deal more damage to a different class than normal. Her base class effectiveness is only okay, so this can be used.
The Critical damage append and the Skill cooldown reduction appends feel basically made for Space Ereshkigal. While Space Ereshkigal does have good crit damage for a turn with her S2, it is lacking during the cooldown period and because she can constantly crit thanks to her NP, she enjoys the passive crit damage a lot. Against Servants, she will do 50% more crit damage without any assistance, which is quite powerful. The skill cooldown append is crazy on her, reducing her first skill cycle to 3/4/4, numbers that probably shouldn't be real. This, notably, gives her the ability to re-use all of her skills on Wave 3 with the cooldown reduction ability of the Atlas Academy Uniform.
Is this necessary? No, it is not really her best team composition overall. But is funny? Hell yeah.
Craft Essences
One of the biggest strengths to Space Ereshkigal in general is that she is a supremely flexible Servant. She can function with a wide variety of Craft Essences: NP damage, Crit damage, Arts performance, Overcharge, NP generation, Buster and Arts performance, etc etc. What CE you equip onto Ereshkigal, fundamentally, depends on what exactly you are trying to get her to do.
It is at this time worth bringing up her Bond CE, Epitaph of the Star Sword. This gives her an additional 30% NP damage, 30% Critical damage against Servants, and increases her Master Affection Level by 1. Usually Bond CEs are not worth using because of having lackluster effects in addition to very flacid stats, but this one is actually worth considering. All three of the effects are great, and she can potentially start off with Master Affection Level 4, which is crazy.
Team Composition
We haven't really discussed her existence as a looper yet, and that's been partially deliberate. Her damage numbers are pretty good in a neutral vacuum, but due to her class, she doesn't hit many relevant enemies for SE damage. When she does, her damage numbers are impressive even despite having the 1.5x SE modifier. With two Castorias, a Level 100 Black Grail, and a Master Affection Level of 7 (the highest possible without situational buffs on Wave 3) she will hit for 155,703 damage neutrally, which is generally impressive. The Atlas Mystic Code set up will allow Space Ereshkigal to hit a Master Affection Level of 8 as well as allowing her to double up on her S1 buffs, letting her hit for 204,017 damage neutrally.
Where a lot of good ideas unfortunately tend to fall short is her refund. She only generates about 47% of her NP gauge back with double Castoria, which while generally fine enough to allow her to do farming, can require specific supports such as Xu Fu or Oberon to help patch up where her NP refund can fall short. She can also work in multi-DPS farming comps, where her NP having the ability to reliably insta-kill enemies can be important. But it is worth noting in all of this that she does compete with Summer Ibuki in the farming role, and Summer Ibuki is often better, so.
In terms of her use in general content and in Challenge/Exhibition quests, again, Space Ereshkigal is so flexible that she works with pretty much anyone you pair her with. She likes better crit damage, she likes Overcharge, she likes Cooldown reduction, she will even take increased buster performance thanks to her two Buster cards. She's actually quite strong as a Challenge Quest servant, packing on the table a lot of individual qualities that are welcome. These also tend to have a higher concentration of enemies in the classes that she hits for SE as well, being another big benefit.
Space Ereshkigal is good. Great. Maybe broken even. One of the issues with the previous Anniversary Servant, Aesc the Savior, is that she has a kind of awkward kit. There's individually powerful pieces but it requires often quite a bit of work to push all of them together. This was also true of the previous collab 5-star, Aoko, whose kit would sometimes feel clunky to deal with.
Space Ereshkigal feels a lot smoother by comparison. While Space Ereshkigal does not necessarily end up demonstrably better than Aesc or Aoko by any means, her kit feels a lot more tuned in comparison, as they continue to experiment with more and more mechanically unique and interesting 5-stars. She's a good farmer, even a great one, and a great challenge quest servant.
In essence, while she is a Servant who requires time to actually learn to maximize, it's hard to use her wrong, to use Space Ereshkigal in a way where it will make her feel worse. I do think in some way that reduces the charm of using her in comparison, but she ends up being fun and good to use besides that so I'm okay with it.
Hate to give Servantverse crap a W but. Yeah.
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emelinstriker · 1 year
Nezha ♡ A Special Stranger Pt.3
Art drawn by me- I also got more Special Stranger Nezha art under ‘#special stranger nezha’ o3o
I did not mean for it to be 3k+ words long but here we are- Just you and your husband's 3rd wedding anniversary. Oh, and Wukong is having his usual random cameo appearance for the fun of it. Can't have a Special Stranger Nezha one-shot without Wukong.
♡ Part 1 | ♡ Part 2 | ♡ Part 3
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ⓘ Reader is IMPLIED AFAB
♡ ~ Fluff ~ ♡
"I'm home!" You called out as you shut the door behind you. You weren't actually sure if your husband was home yet, but you always made sure he wasn't alerted when you came home. Sure, not many would dare intrude the home of the Third Lotus Prince and his spouse. Even less now that you two moved into a small house in the Celestial Realm... You told him you preferred a house similar to your old home, and Nezha was all to eager to move from the Celestial Palace into your now shared house in the clouds. The possibility of an unwanted guest was still there though. Even if you did help some celestial workers to pass the time and not be home alone. While you didn't get along with all of them, there were a few that were very kind and understanding despite your mortality status.
Either way, you did not get a response. Usually you would feel just a little disappointed that he was still in the middle of upholding his duty... However, today it felt more like a blessing. Because today was special as it was your third wedding anniversary, and you still wanted to decorate your home a little to surprise Nezha.
You had three official surprises ready for your husband of three years, and you were very confident in that he'll love each and every one of those presents... Though, the way you planned on actually presenting them varied from being comedic to anti-climatic. On purpose for stronger emotional responses, of course.
Thus, your plan began as you set the table. But as you were placing your plates, you heard a knock coming from the front door, followed by a very familiar monkey's voice.
"Hellooo? Anybody home?" You rolled your eyes and decided to check the door.
And while you were waiting for Nezha's arrival, your husband was patrolling around the Celestial Palace. Any form of movement was appreciated over being cooped up inside one building all day. Especially today! He actually did ask the Jade Emperor if he could perhaps take this one special day off, but he told him no. He said something about 'an annoying menace to the Celestial Realm' approaching. Negotiation was a bust as well since his offers kept on getting shot down.
So he was understandably grumpy while on duty. The Celestial Armies were mostly avoiding their superior after merely just glancing at his annoyed expression that practically screamed 'I'm so done with life right about now and won't hesitate to throw someone off the top of the Palace'. Not even his phone was able to help speed up time.
Little did he know that the Jade Emperor put him on duty on purpose. Because he knew you had things planned and that you needed just a bit more extra time... Though, one thing Nezha knew about was certain celestials' gossip. He was aware of just how many deities looked down on you like a pathetic parasite, unworthy of the Third Lotus Prince's love and affection.
Speaking of which, while on patrol he overheard another conversation about your 'controversial marriage'...
"Can you believe they've been married for three years now? I still don't understand why our beloved Prince would ever marry a mortal human... Especially a commoner! They're not even of nobility", he could hear one maiden say to another.
"Right? The nerve! They are most definitely only in on it to have a god as a husband to feel more powerful than others", the other one added.
Honestly, this didn't help his mood. And his expression turned more into anger. Usually he would much rather just avoid confronting them and let gossip be gossip. It's all just lies anyway. But with his already pre-established grumpiness, his body acted faster than his mind. His wheels ignited as he zoomed over towards the maidens, halting right in front of them, fire-tipped spear in hand.
Once he was in front of them, already making them feel absolutely panicked at how hostile he suddenly appeared, he spoke up with his commanding voice. "Silence. I do not appreciate you talking about my partner like that. I am not expecting you to see what I see, but I am expecting you to respect them and their presence. I choose who I love. Is that clear?"
Damn, he wasn't even trying and he still looked absolutely intimidating. The maidens quickly nodded with a 'Yes, Lotus Prince!' before hastily walking away. Nezha scoffed before returning to his patrol route. Those two did not help his mood at all.
And his mood didn't exactly get any better until he was summoned by the Jade Emperor again. Sure, he had to show way more respect towards him than the maidens, which automatically makes him seem less agitated, but his mood also got a lot better once he was told to take the rest of the day off. He questioned why he would give him the rest of the day off if there supposedly was 'an annoying menace to the Celestial Realm'. The Jade Emperor only responded in a vague way, basically saying 'So like, the menace has appeared but did a major pitstop and isn't actually being a menace today to be honest, lmao. Can you believe that?'
Of course, Nezha immediately took this opportunity. Though, he couldn't help but furrow his eyesbrows at the Emperor in confusion. Why didn't he give him the day off from the beginning? Pretty sure the Celestial Realm could handle threats for this one day without him in the frontlines. His home was within the Realm anyway, so getting him to join an important battle wouldn't have been a problem.
Besides, pretty sure at least the higher-ups, including the Jade Emperor, all knew about how important this day was to h-
Suspicion hit him as he flew over to your shared home. Opening the door, he noticed how dark it was inside. But one look at the golden clock ticking on the wall was all he needed to determine that you should be home. Quickly checking his phone's lock screen, he didn't see any new messages from you about you being out a little longer.
"Blossom, I'm home", he called out. But he didn't hear a reply so he closed the door, weapon still drawn by his side... But then someone else turned on the light.
Suddenly, you popped up from behind the nicely decorated table with a box wrapped in colorful papers in your arms. A bright smile was on your face as you placed the present on the table. Nezha lowered his weapon at the sight as his guarded expression was replaced with a gentle smile. "Oh- Wow, I did not expect you to plan anything behind my back."
You crossed your arms before leaning with them against the table while he approached you, making his spear disappear. "Oh please, it's our third wedding anniversary! And I labeled you my Special Stranger like twelve years ago. And you didn't think I'd show how much I cherish being with you?" The Lotus Prince moved around the table and pulled you in for a quick kiss before placing his forehead against yours, all the while still keeping you pressed against his armored chest.
"Well, not necessarily. I just thought you and I wanted to come up with what we wanted to do today together", he said softly while lovingly staring into your eyes.
You rolled your own eyes in amusement. "We can still figure out what to do, sweetie. I merely planned this part to give you my presents." After you pulled away, you slid the wrapped box over to his side. "Open it up!" He carefully picked up the present and examined it for a bit before ripping up the paper wrapping, revealing a shoe box. You insisted that he should open it already, so he did. Nezha gasped. In the box was a cap, a similar one to the one you gave him all those years ago. The main difference however was the text and the slight change in color to more of a pink tone, fitting for his armor. The text now read '(Y/N)'s Lovely Husband'.
"Aw... Thanks. But I don't think it can ever beat the Special Stranger one", he commented as he adjusted the cap on his head.
"What even happened to that cap? I haven't seen you wear it in a long while", you asked as you sat down at the table, grabbing a particular fruit from the bowl you placed in the middle.
Nezha shrugged as he sat down himself, "Nothing. I just don't want it getting more dirt onto it, or let it get damaged. So I usually just keep it hidden away in my work room. If it came down to it, I would protect that cap like you and the Jade Emperor." He then leaned back into his chair, his gaze lingering on the delicious food you spread out on the table... But then he heard you munch on something. Curiously looking up to see what it was, he nearly fell off his chair.
There you were, casually eating bits of a peach that looked way too much like a peach of immortality to be a regular fruit from the Mortal Realm. Panicked, Nezha immediately stood up. "WAIT, DON'T EAT THAT-"
Amused, you raised an eyebrow at him as you took another bite. "Why not?"
"That- That's not a normal peach! W-We can- We can find a way to turn you mortal again! I promise! Just-!" You swallowed the piece before cutting him off with an innocent smile. "Nezha, I'm fully aware that it just turned me immortal. This is my second present for you!"
His eyes were wide open as he blinked in shock, "Wha- Huh??" You couldn't help but snort at his absolutely confused and flabbergasted reaction.
"I know our relationship had a timer on it with how I would eventually die of old age. So, I've thought long about it and decided that I don't want to ever leave you," you grinned at him. "And the peach Monkey King brought over as anniversary present earlier today just seemed like a convenient and yummy way. At least I don't have to take a gamble with gaining another way of immortality anymore!" Then you took another, but this time smaller bite.
Your husband forced himself to close his mouth before moving around the table again to pick you up in his arms and placing a passionate kiss on your lips. Once you two pulled away, you booped his nose. "Now you won't be able to get rid of me so easily, sweetie."
Nezha let out a wholehearted chuckle as he lightly kissed your own nose. "I wouldn't ever dream of it."
When your loving moment was over, you insisted that your husband try the food on the table before you showed him his third gift. You told him that he would be extremely ecstatic about that one, just to hype him up more. In general, your dinner date was calming and definitely raised his mood by a lot. Almost as if him being put on duty for this day never happened.
While talking about whatever happened to the two of you today, Nezha suddenly had a thought pop up. "Wait- Wukong gave you that peach, correct?" He asked while you nodded in response. He pinched the bridge of his nose, closing his eyes as he furrowed his brows. Taking a deep breath, he continued after letting out a long sigh. "...Nevermind. The guards should be able to deal with him if he's trying anything reckless while I'm off-duty. I guess that's what the Jade Emperor meant by 'annoying menace'." He then moved his hand away to look at you. "I do not wish to ruin our anniversary by attempting to remove him from the Celestial Realm."
You took a sip of your drink before shaking your head. "That wouldn't ruin our anniversary. In fact, if Monkey King is legitimately causing havoc, I wouldn't mind you doing your job. Besides..." After propping up your arm against the table and placing your cheek on the palm of your hand, you grinned rather smugly in his direction. "I would get to watch you use your abilities in the name of authority. And I would get to reward you for your services after~"
Oh fuck. You were highly aware of how much control you had over him and his desires.
Nezha's face turned red at the implication. If you were saying that to him some years prior to your marriage, he would be a babbling mess and would barely be able to form his sentences to respond. But now, after having spent years with you and even having intimate times together, he was a lot more confident in laying out his responses with a smirk. "Oh? You're tempting me, blossom~"
You both simply gave each other a rather inviting look before something you remembered caught your attention. "Oh right! Can't forget to show you the highlight of the presents!"
"And becoming immortal is not the highlight?" Your husband raised an eyebrow at you as you opened a cabinet. "Actually, nevermind. You having three presents already makes me feel bad because I only have one...", he sighed quietly to himself.
You rummaged for a bit in the dark depths of the cabinet until you pulled out a basket with some colorful fabric. "I got you some new clothes!" You excitedly placed the basket in front of him on the table and then placed yourself next to his seat.
Nezha looked at the basket, then looked at you, then back at the basket and said, "...These look small." He then picked up whatever was on top of the neatly folded pile. "I, uh, don't suppose they shift to the wearer's size? I, uh-" He stopped himself as he examined the pink sweater with lotus patterns. After reading what was written in the front, his mouth hung agape. Then he turned around the piece of clothing in disbelief, showing you the text. You, of course, laughed at his reaction before nodding to confirm his thoughts.
'Daddy's Special Baby' was written on the tiny sweater.
Suddenly, you felt yourself being picked up and spun around like crazy in your husband's arms. He was laughing in pure joy. But the fact that he still had his wheels on didn't help your dizziness. "I'M GOING TO BE A FATHER!" Nezha stopped twirling around and gave you a rather quick, yet strong kiss on the lips. "This is the best gift ever! I love you so, so much, blossom..." And as he trailed off, you noticed tears gathering in his eyes, which surprised you.
"Aw, sweetie..." You brushed your thumb against his cheek, trying to wipe away the two tears that started rolling down.
"I'm sorry, I just... I-I never thought I would ever start a family of my own..." Nezha then pulled away before summoning some sort of necklace in his hands. "Now I feel horrible because I only have one gift for you. But I hope it suffices." He then handed it to you before wiping away any remaining tears himself. You immediately took notice of how it looked more like a charm.
"It's not much by any means, but it does its job well. This is an ancient relic that makes the wearer seem invisible to demons. You can view it as a lucky charm too, it did save lives after all."
You tilted you head in confusion, "Wait then how are you able to see me- Aren't you technically a demon too?"
"Well, yes, but I'm also unaffected as I'm a deity of the Celestial Realm myself", he responded while doing a so-so motion with his hand. "Pretty sure others referred to as demons, like Sun Wukong and the Six-Eared Macaque, are unaffected by it as well. Though, the Demon Bull King and his son on the other hand..." He let out a chuckle at whatever he was imagining. "Let's just say you can not only be a lot more safe, but also have some fun messing with certain demons."
You gasped before holding the charm tightly in your hands with a smile. "That's so cool, I love it! Thanks, sweetie!"
Suddenly, a loud crash came from upstairs.
Alerted by the sound, Nezha told you to put on the necklace and wait by the table in case it was a demon attacking. He swiftly summoned his fire-tipped spear and flew his way upstairs with his wheels lit up. You couldn't exactly make out any noises from all the way by the table at first. But then you heard muffled yells from your husband and muffled laughter from another male voice.
Quietly making your way over to the bottom of the staircase, you tried to make out the conversation. You weren't able to hear the context, but you did hear part of the argument.
"You can't be serious! We were having a moment!"
"Let's be honest, Nezha, you two being sappy isn't the most entertaining for me right now-"
"And you decided it would be a good idea to destroy my vase??"
"Duh, so I can ask how the gift exchange went. I may have only given your partner a gift, but the outcome of them using it should count as double-gift!"
"While I must thank you for that, I also have the urge to punch you so hard right now that you get knocked all the way back to Flower Fruit Mountain."
"Pfff- How about this: If you can catch me, I'll give you a freebie and you get to punch me however hard you want! You could see it as a friend's anniversary gift to you! Later, Nezha!"
Then you heard a loud boom as you felt the floor shake beneath you. You weren't exactly concerned after having heard he intruder's voice however. A few seconds later, your husband came back downstairs. You gave him a rather amused expression. "Huh. I thought he already left a while ago... I think we jinxed this."
"Oh, we absolutely did", he agreed. But then his annoyed expression turned to a smug one. "So, since we jinxed this... Does the offer of the reward for stopping Wukong still stand?" You rolled your eyes at him before nodding. You could see the sudden determination light up in his eyes as he made his way over to the front door. "Well, I'll be back soon. Oh, and make sure you don't hurt yourself upstairs, by the way. There's shards lying around. I love you, blossom!" He blew you a kiss with a wink before swiftly speeding out of the door and taking into the skies.
> Masterlist <
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digi-lov · 1 year
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Bastemon P-093 by prozore from the 3rd Anniversary Update Pack [J] / Limited Card Set Ver.2 [E]
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putschki1969 · 7 months
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2024/02/19 Blog post by Wakana ふむふむの日2024を振り返ろう♪〜映画と衣装と肩の骨〜
❗This is Fan Club EXCLUSIVE content❗ ❗PERSONAL USE ONLY❗ ❗Do NOT SHARE on other sites❗ ❗Join her FAN CLUB! Check out my detailed TUTORIAL ❗
Looking Back At February 6 2024 ♪〜Movie, Dresses And Shoulder Bones〜
The other day, I went to see the movie "Golden Kamuy" with a friend 😊I received a special git at the cinema! A panel drawn by the original creator\\\\٩( 'ω' )و //// I was so happy because I didn't expect to get something like this! 😍 The girl I went with is a big fan of the original work, actually, she is such a hardcore fan that she and her husband have even gone on a proper pilgrimage to Abashiri which is a place from the manga. I also enjoyed the manga so I decided to go and watch the film with her! The visuals were so powerful and the music was so wonderful that (despite the fairly fantasy-like setting) I felt a strange sense of reality that made me cry many times... It was the first time I watched a movie at the cinema since ``The Boy and the Heron'', I had a lot of fun! 😆 (By the way, the girl who went with me was the same friend who went with me when I watched “The Boy and the Heron” for the second time♪) Being at the movie theater for the first time in a long while got me really excited, initially, I only wanted to get some oolong tea at the snack bar but then, I ended up with all of this😂 How did this happen? When I looked at the menu, I got really excited 🤣I got a large popcorn and a hot dog *laughs*
Hello, this is Wakana (0 ̄▽ ̄0)/
I couldn't finish the giant popcorn and had to take it home *laughs* I quietly stuffed my mouth with the hot dog before the film had even begun🤤 Even though I had told myself that it would be better to wait until the film was over to avoid getting tired...🥺 Such a fickle nature🥺(Thankfully the movie was so interesting that I didn't feel sleepy at any point)
Now, I would like to talk a little about my “Wakana 5th Anniversary “Prologue” ~Premium Online Live~” which was held on February 6th! Here I am together with Saku-chan who joined me on the piano 😊We also made sure to take a picture where we look a bit cool📸 With this premium online live I celebrated a milestone, the 5th anniversary of my solo debut. I wanted to start my celebrations together with everyone from my fan club! For some reason, those five years actually feel like a longer time... or rather, it feels like a lot more years have passed already. I included the entire “journey” from my solo debut up until now in the setlist!
M-01 Yureru Haru M-02 Tsubasa MC M-03 Ai no Hana M-04 Aki no Sakura (Acoustic ver.) MC M-05 Orange MC M-06 Haru wo Matsu (Kalafina) M-07 Shirushi MC M-08 Kinmokusei M-09 Flag MC M-10 magic moment MC M-11 Sono Saki e
There are songs from my 1st album "Wakana", my 2nd album "magic moment", my EP "Aki no Sakura" and my 3rd album "Sono Saki e"! I ended up cramming in as much as possible since I wanted to create a setlist that would allow me to look back on the past 5 years.😊 During my MCs I tried to express my feelings from each period, hopefully I was able to share some fresh thoughts with you.
I once again realized that the "chat" may be the best part of an online live performances! At live performances with an actual on-site audience it's not really possible to have a real conversation, but online, everyone can talk about all sorts of things. Of course, even if there are no words exchanged between us, I know that people are watching and supporting me but I always feel very relieved when people say a lot of things in the chat (*´- `) It's honestly so reassuring to know that everyone is watching and listening (^-^)
Despite all of that, my surprise lyric mishaps keep happening, whether it's been 5 years or 15 years, I will never get rid of those...😂Why? ? 😂 I could really feel everyone's surprise and kindness from the chat messages, it was a special sense of gratitude that I probably couldn't experience at a live performances with an on-site audience. Thank you again to everyone who watched and supported me! ! My 5th Anniversary celebrations have only just begun. At my upcoming band live on May 12th, I would like to have the time to reflect even more on the past five years ! Details will be posted soon! Please be patient a little while longer~・:*+.\(( °ω° ))/.:+
Lastly, I would like to post some pictures of my dress from February 6th 😆This is the same dress I wore on the cover of my 1st album "Wakana"♪ I also wore it during the encore for my ``VOICE'' tour, at that time, it was altered a bit so it would work better for a live performance 😍 I had my hair down, which is quite unusual for me ♡ The makeup artist also added some sparkling hairpins 😍
I always wonder why my shoulder bones are so prominent...🤣 I think it's a skeletal issue because I am pretty sure not everyone's shoulder looks like that, right? 😂 I don't have any particular pain or problems in this area but I always feel like there's just a lot of bone sticking out. I envy people with smoother shoulders🥺
Anyway, I'm glad I was able to fit into a dress from 5 years ago ・:*+.\(( °ω° ))/.:+ For some reason, that got me super excited! 😂😂 Easy peasy🤗 Yay!
So, that’s it for today! Until next time~ ☆( *'▽'*)/
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『Wakana 5th Anniversary Live』 Details Revealed
To commemorate the 5th Anniversary of Wakana’s solo debut, a special band live will be held for the first time in 3 years! Once again, Wakana will be joined by Satoshi Takebe to deliver a unique live performance together with other musicians. Please look forward to it!
Title: “Wakana 5th Anniversary Live (tentative)” Date: May 12, 2024 ◆1st Stage◆ Open 14:45 / Start 15:30 ◆2nd Stage◆ Open 18:15 / Start 19:00 Venue: I’M A SHOW (capacity: 398 seats) Starring: Wakana, Satoshi Takebe (Music Director/Piano), etc. 【Ticket price】 All seats reserved 8,500円 ※An additional 600円 drink fee will be charged at the venue
Advanced Ticket Lottery for BL Members
[Ticket Sales Service] SKIYAKI TICKET ※To apply, you will need to register your SC ID at "Botanical Land" and your SKIYAKI ID on the SKIYAKI TICKET site/app. Pre-registration is possible, so it is recommended to do this before the application period starts. Please note: The registration procedure includes a verfication via text message which apparently does not work for some overseas phone numbers. ※On the day of the event, present the screen displaying the QR code issued to the SKIYAKI TICKET app (no prints or screenshots permitted); Please note: To display the electronic ticket, a separate app is required
Quantity limit: Up to 2 tickets per person Payment method: Credit card/convenience store payment Ticketing method: Download the dedicated app to issue a QR code ticket Application period: February 21 to February 27 Announcement of Results: March 1~ Payment deadline: March 8
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spidrstar · 1 year
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★ pairings: aged up e!42 miles!morales × latina! reader
★ slowburn? characters are 18+ in this story they're in their mid twenties.
★ warnings: as i write this story some parts will be slightly suggestive, if that bothers u dni..
★ a/n: now THIS, this one i put a lot of effort into ☠️ 3k words long.. btw i already had most of chap 2 written out so i will not be putting this series on hold but i won’t be having a schedule bc i know i wont follow it. Again sorry for the hold up y’all my motivation went poof ily and lmk what y’all think abt this chap. sorry not sorry for the cliffhanger 😊
★ p.s i'll be adding a link to a playlist i made that you could listen to when reading abt miles Imk what y'all think.
★ summary: You end up going to your ‘apology date’ and things go south. You wanted to spend your time eating snacks when angry but ran out, so you left and went straight to the market then you met someone unexpected.
★ previous, part 3
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“…almost fell in love with you
After the club last night.”
- lovely : sonder
With groggy eyes, you found yourself zoning out, you had woken up 20 minutes ago because you were hungry. You had the worst headache ever, and all the memories from last night flooding into your head wasn’t helping either.
‘I don’t know what I was thinking, giving him my phone. Whatever, I just won’t text him.’
You stretched and yawned once again shutting off the music you fell asleep to, getting up standing in front of your mirror you noticed you had the same clothes on from last night. The sight of yourself made you sigh in exhaustion, you looked like a disaster and didn’t have energy to get all pretty today.
You lifted your dress off of yourself and sat back down on your bed in the set you had bought specially for your date that failed last night. The thought, only making you wince with closed eyes, you remembered yourself falling into bed as soon as you got home crying yourself to sleep with music playing to help. You sighed and went on your phone, you realized you never answered Kole and you wanted to keep it that way ‘til later.
You weren’t in the mood to deal with him especially after what he pulled last night. Honestly, you didn’t really care if you both went the whole day without talking to each other. You’d be lying if you said you weren’t losing feelings for him, sure you’d been together for 6 months and duh you loved him he’s your boyfriend.. you just.. weren’t sure you loved him as much as you did before. Kole rarely did anything special, he stopped giving you sweet things ‘just because’ he didn’t compliment you as if he was still trying to get with you.
None of that.
He acted as if his goal was to just get with you, not keep you happy, not love you, not make you feel special, just get with you. You started noticing it on your 3rd month anniversary. All he did was buy you flowers, no date no nothing. Only reason you hadn’t left him is because you just felt as if you couldn’t. He had been there for you during all your darkest moments, you felt like you needed him in your life. You felt glued to him and if you were to unstick even just a little bit, he made sure he stuck you back to him.
Scrolling through your other notifications you find nothing interesting and upon turning it off, that’s when an incoming call pops up on your screen. You mentally sighed preparing yourself for the incoming argument awaiting to happen.
It was Kole.
It was 2:34 pm and he wanted to call you now? Scoffing before picking up the call, you already felt yourself getting angry.
“Qué quieres ahora, Kole.” 5 seconds of silence seemed to be enough for him before he finally spoke up.
“Listen, baby, I know I fucked up by not showing up yesterday but I had things going on and—“
You didn’t even let him finish before you snapped, this made you laugh. “I don’t even wanna hear it, Kole. All I'm getting from this is that anything is more important to you than our relationship.” You closed your eyes and laid your face into the palm your hand waiting to hear what excuse he had for you this time.
“Nonono, baby listen I promise it’s nothing like that I was just chillin’ with the guys while I was waiting for you to get off work and I fell asleep watching a game and—“
“Don’t- No puedo mas, don’t even finish. Kole, I'm fed up.” here we go, you had to stand up for what you were about to say already feeling yourself tense up at the anger you were feeling.
“You know, I made sure I asked for a day off tomorrow thinking we were gonna have the best night of our lives like you had promised. Do you know how much effort I put into getting ready yesterday? You never think about anything but yourself. I made sure to buy new clothes just for you, and here you are telling me you were too busy watching games with your friends while I spent more than 2 hours preparing for our date? Are you fucking serious right now?”
You couldn’t believe what he was saying and the silence on the other line was more than enough confirmation for you to continue speaking, you let out a short laugh, tears already forming from the anger you felt. “This just goes to show how little I mean to you. I cried, Kole. I cried over and over again last night because of you.”
Kole knew he had hurt you, never in your whole 6 months of dating him had you gotten so frustrated to the point where your voice started shaking. He knew he messed up, and bad. The silence on the other line only hurt you more, your response only being a couple of sniffles.
You heard him sigh preparing to speak, “Listen baby, I know I messed up. I truly wish I could show you how sorry I am. I never meant to make you feel this way and you know I would never do this to you on purpose, I—I’ve just honestly been so stressed and wanted to let loose with the guys. We drank a bit and I got sleepy, and I know—I know that is not a good enough excuse to not show up. And I could've at least left you a text. I know that. I just—..I swear this time I'll make it up to you, Y/n.”
You frowned and sighed. As much as you really wanted to forgive him and just ‘go back to normal’ you’ve been letting this slide too many times. You knew all the times he had given you a speech almost exactly the same as this one, he was bullshitting you. You remember it clear as day, when you found multiple dating apps downloaded on his phone he gave you the most shitiest apology. He never really meant it; he just wanted to make sure you were stuck and didn’t leave him.
“I don’t know, Kole. I really don’t know what to think of this anymore—“
“Y/n, please. I know I messed up, just give me a chance to make it up to you.”
You sat there really considering it, and you came to a conclusion that if he really messed it up this time then that would be the end of this relationship. “Alright Kole, fine. Pero te lo juro if you mess this up we’re done.”
“Thank you, thank you. I love you so much baby and I promise I won't mess up. Meet me at our favorite coffee shop at 4.” and with that he hung up.
You had lost almost all your faith in your relationship, so you figured today you weren’t going to put in much effort since you just wanted to enjoy your day off in bed. You stood up from your bed again and grabbed your towel heading to your shower.
It was 3:17 pm and you had only just started putting on clean undergarments, you knew by the time you left you would be there late but at this point that was the least of your worries. You sat in front of your vanity doing your skincare routine when you noticed a dark spot on your neck, wondering what it was you looked closely.
A hickey.
You gasped grabbing your makeup sponge and some foundation trying to conceal it so your boyfriend doesn’t think of anything. But to no avail, you failed. It was still pretty visible. This is the moment when you really started panicking, you got up from your desk rummaging through your drawers searching for a turtle neck and when you found one you sighed in relief. You thought for a second letting your heart beat slow down.
‘Miles, ese estupido.’
You put the turtle neck on along with some sweatpants, slipped on your uggs and fixed up your hair only slightly since you had slept with a bonnet on. It had just hit 3:34 pm and you still weren’t ready, a few pumps of your bath and body works perfume and you got straight to your makeup. Sure you weren’t going to put in much effort, but you still wanted to wear just a bit of mascara.
You got up from your desk, grabbed your keys and let Kole know that you were on your way.
As you made your way out the building it hit 3:56 pm, still no text back from Kole. You weren’t surprised to say the least. To pass some time you decided to walk, and since the coffee shop wasn’t far. You also didn’t want to lose your parking. You slipped on your earbuds listening to some music on your way there.
Self Love; Metro Boomin & Coi Leray.
“came to the city for the love
got her hurtin’ now”
By the time you got to the coffee shop it was 4:08 pm, Kole hadn’t texted you back nor was he inside. You stepped in the shop and got in line wanting to order a snack so you wouldn’t starve while waiting. You chose your favorite, a glazed donut with some hot chocolate. You decided to pick a warm snack since it had gotten a bit windy outside.
You got your order and sat at your usual spot in the corner, taking a bite out of your donut. You decided to go on instagram to cure your boredom. You opened the app and clicked on the explore page button, you watched a few reels and quickly got bored again, swiping to the right again trying to find something interesting you stumbled across a post with more than 4k likes. You hummed in amusement scrolling through the pictures.
Pressing onto their page you realized who it was, Miles. Intrigued you stalked his page, all his posts having more than 2k likes. You observed them closely, and you’d be lying if you said he wasn’t insanely attractive. You paused annoyingly remembering that you were still in a relationship and that you were mad at him for leaving a hickey on you. You glanced at the time again and it was 4:23 pm. You sighed, and got a notification from your weather app stating that there was going to be a crazy rain storm happening in about an hour.
‘Seriously? The one day I decided not to wear a sweater.’
As if on cue kole barged into the coffee shop in a hurry to see you.
You looked up at him with a dull look on your face, “Hi baby, I'm sorry there was traffic and I forgot my keys inside—“ Interrupting him you loudly sipped on your hot chocolate, signaling him to shut up with his excuses already. He sighed in defeat and sat down, “Well it doesn’t matter, you’re here now aren’t you?”
You flashed him a fake smile and you placed your cup down on the table and cleared your throat not sure what to talk about, “Sooo.. you gonna order anything or?”
“Oh, right. Do you want anything, love?” Slightly cringing at the nickname he gave you, “Yea another glazed donut would be nice.” And with that he headed towards the cash register ready to order, you took this as a chance to hop back onto your phone and look through Miles’ instagram posts.
You thought for a second, and pressed onto the ‘follow’ button. Disregarding the fact that you were still with Kole you exited out of the app.
‘Oh well, he follows many girls anyway and it’s not like we’re going to see each other again, especially after what he did.’
Kole came back with your glazed donut, he sat down and tried his best to make interesting conversation and most of the time you gave dry responses because he was just so.. how do you put it?——Boring. Usually it wasn’t this hard to catch your attention and have you entertained, but you genuinely wanted to leave.
“So yea, the game yesterday was awesome and oh! Max almost threw up because he ate 3 full boxes of pizza, can you believe that?! It’s crazy.”
You stared off across the cafe, so clearly uninterested and done with Kole. “Out of all the things to talk about, you chose to talk about what you were doing while I was waiting for you at the restaurant.” You rolled your eyes at him.
“Oh cmon, don’t do that. The whole point of today was for me to make it up to you and you’re making it difficult.” He pouted, and this only had you feeling even angrier.
“Yeah well, it’s hard not to when you’ve done this four times already.”
He sighed and as he was about to speak that’s when both of your phones vibrated against the wooden table, you turned your attention to his screen first.
Incoming call from Madison.
“I-I gotta go babe. I promised my friend I would help her move into her new place. ” He then placed a kiss on your cheek quickly and rushed out. You sat there in disbelief as to what had just happened.
‘So not only did he show up late to his little apology date, he also ditched me for some other girl.’
You scoffed and stood up from your seat angrily deciding you were finally going to break up with him. You stared at the screen of your phone acknowledging what your notification was, Miles had followed you back. You ignored it, not thinking anything of it.
You angrily walked down the street and headed to the supermarket before going home to distract yourself, you needed to get some stuff for the house anyway.
Only two blocks away from the supermarket you started feeling a few small rain drops on your cheeks.
‘Great, now I'm gonna be soaking wet. Could this day genuinely get any worse?’
You quickly rushed into the supermarket a bit damp and grabbed a shopping basket to your left.
You head towards the snack aisle remembering you had finished your last tub of ice cream last Friday. You scanned through the aisle looking for more options and as you were slowly walking sideways squinting your eyes you bumped into someone.
“Oh- I’m so sorry i wasn’t watching where i was goin-“
Before you finished you managed to turn around and see who the person was, as if the smell of his husky cologne wasn’t an obvious giveaway.
It was Miles.
“We meet again, hermosa.” He grinned at you in amusement, eyeing you down and of course, he still looked as beautiful as when you first saw him, nothing new. You rolled your eyes mentally and just stared at him wanting to take the ‘sorry’ right back.
“Never mind, excuse me.” You tried to walk right past him trying not to acknowledge his existence. “Wow really? It’s like that now?” He asked with hurt in his voice sarcastically, you shut your eyes and sucked in a deep breath. Dealing with Miles was the last thing you needed right now, especially after your little fiasco with Kole.
“Miles. Quítate del miedo o te quito yo.”
You spoke seriously without making eye contact, this only made him feel like teasing you more. The way you spoke to him in Spanish angrily made him smirk. “Cmon amor, what’s with the attitude? You weren’t like this last night.”
His snarky remark only irked you more, which finally caused you to look up at him. “Yeah well, this is what happens when you think it’s funny to leave hickies on me knowing I have a boyfriend.” You snapped at him and he chuckled lightly lifting your chin up to look at you directly. “You enjoyed it, what's the problem mami? You followed me on instagram too, so I know you were thinking about me, why the sudden change?” He smirked.
His voice so close to you sent shivers down your spine, you felt your body react to his touch and his voice so you quickly swatted his hand away, you clutched your shopping basket and moved past him. “Whatever, and that was a mistake, I'm unfollowing you later.”
He smirked as you walked away, you could feel his gaze on your back and you felt vulnerable, like he was a predator and you, his prey. You reached the cash register with him still following behind, you decided to speak up to try and get him to back off. “Will you quit following me everywhere?” You turned to face him, annoyance written all over your face.
“I’m tryna pay ma, not doin’ it on purpose.” He grinned at your reaction and you just wanted to oh so badly smack that beautiful grin off of his face. “Yeah? Well you could’ve chosen any other cash register, whys the one i went to your choice.” The cashier finished ringing you up and your total came to $23.47, you rummaged through your wallet and paid $20 you soon realized you didn’t have enough and mentally cursed at yourself for being so reckless.
You remember thinking before you left the house that it was best to not take much money since you were only going to the coffee shop, that decision only came back to bite on your ass. You cleared your throat nervously not knowing how to explain.
“I’m sorry.. I uh- I’m missing $4.” You laughed nervously trying to rummage through your wallet once more seeing if you could find at least three or two dollars. Miles noticed this while being behind you. You soon see out of your peripheral vision that he slid $5 to the cashier, you turned to look at him with a look that said. ‘You’re annoying, but thanks i guess.’
You placed all of your items in a bag and walked to the exit hoping Miles would stay behind, but of course since your day already sucked why not make it suck even more? He was right behind you. Pretty soon, that was the least of your concerns once you noticed that it was pouring outside. You groaned in distress palming your face and made terms with the fact that you had to walk in the rain.
You were about to step out until Miles caught on and stopped you. “Woah woah, what are you doing?” He asked, cocking an eyebrow. You looked at him as if he was wearing a red clown nose and a wig in confusement.
“Uh.. trying to walk home? What does it look like.” He matched your energy and came right back at you with a smart tone. “To me, it looks like you’re just tryna catch a cold.” You mocked him and soon noticed he was taking off his jacket while speaking. You had a confused look on your face when he placed it over you.
“What are you doing?”
“What? You think I’m bouta let you walk out ina rain like that?” He responded with a raised brow.
“Like what?”
You ignored him and looked straight ahead, jogging out the market doors bag of snacks in hand. You groaned slightly looking up at the sky in annoyance because if even possible, the rain seemed to pour down harder. You noticed Miles was still behind you and turned to stare at him, eyeing him weirdly you then noticed how good he looked even when dripping wet in the rain. His black tee soaking wet, braids fucked up he stared at you through wet eyelashes.
“Miles, why are you still following me? I'm literally going home. Ya vete y déjame en paz, dios mío.”
“Look, I'm sorry, okay? I get it you’re mad but just let me at least walk you home. You don’t even gotta go on that date with me either, I’ll leave you completely alone afterwards. Promise. ”
You both stood in the rain staring at each other for a second before you felt sympathy for him, you felt bad for the way you came at him. Yeah, he left marks even when he knew you had a boyfriend but it’s not like you didn’t think he was cheating either. You enjoyed it anyway.. So why not cut him some slack? You turned around and continued walking but before you did, you slightly turned your head to the side to speak to him.
“Fine, but I'm not completely declining your ‘date’ offer. If you respect my relationship then maybe I’ll let you take me out. Not on a date, more like us hanging out as friends.”
You felt bad turning him down completely when you had already agreed to meeting with him, so you gave him a chance bonus points for the sad look in his eyes causing you to give into him. Besides, being just friends won’t do any harm to your relationship.. right?
He smiled following right behind you as you both turned a few more blocks, finally reaching your house. You went up the stairs and stood under the roof of the apartment to avoid the water. You stared down at him shivering in his jacket.
“Soo.. where you going now?” You asked curiously trying to fight back the way your teeth hit each other from the way you shivered.
“Probably gonna walk home, don’t live too far.” He shrugged.
You looked at him in disbelief, walking out this late in the rain with how windy it was would probably be enough to give him the flu. You sighed and stared up at the ceiling for a second before staring at him.
“Miles, come on.”
“You’re coming in with me.”
He stared at you wide eyed not expecting you to invite him in, after all that begging for him to stay away from you; inviting him inside your home was the least thing he thought would happen but of course he didn’t have a problem with it. All he did was smirk at you and raise his brows as if to say, ‘you bein’ for real right now?’
“You paid for my snacks, lent me your jacket in the rain and walked me home. It’s the least I could do, besides you’ll get really sick if you stay out any longer soaking wet.”
You walked in making your way to the elevator which only left him smiling, standing behind you at the way you were concerned for his health.
You paused then spoke up again, “So? ¿Vas a venir o que?”
He then walked up the stairs to follow behind you into the apartment muttering a low ‘well if you’re offering, might as well.’
Soon, you were left to contemplate if this was a mistake or not.
Because little did you know, this was gonna be a very long night.
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★ translations: Que quieres ahora - what do you want now || no puedo más - I can’t anymore || pero te lo juro - but i swear || ese estupido - that idiot || hermosa - beautiful || quítate del medio o te quito yo - get out of the way or I’ll make you get out of the way myself || Amor - love || ya vete y déjame en paz, dios mío - go away and leave me alone, my god || vas a venir o que - are you coming or what
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stoukadraws · 1 year
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Happy 3rd Anniversary Chromatale, and Goodnight.
So its about time I say this: I won't be making any content about this AU anymore, so that unfortunately puts it into the discontinued undertale comics category xd
I just really lost the spark I had 2 years ago when making it, so the "little hiatus" that I thought was only going to be a few months turned into more than a year.
I'm sorry to those who were waiting and wanted to see more, but there is another reason why I'm doing this-
It's not gonna be an AU anymore, it's going to be an original story.
I really thought about it for a while and I decided that making it into an original story would give me more creative freedom and I wouldn't have to always stick to one storyline, I wanted to expand the world more as well as the characters, but since its all based on a game with a pretty much solid story, it was hard for me to insert some things that would be out of place or wouldn't make sense.
So, I hope you understand, this AU was truly a learning experience for both my art and my writing since I made it when I was really young and not very experienced, but I'm glad I was able to improve along the way.
Thank you for supporting this AU since the beginning and stuck around!
I plan to make more works surrounding this new story later on, so I look forward to it! And I hope some of you are excited for what's to come. (*^▽^*)
More in-depth explanation + some questions (near the end) :
This is gonna be a bit long so if you really wanna read this whole thing be prepared xd
This whole thing doesn't mean I'm quitting Undertale altogether, I'm still continuing the Strays Au, and I want that AU to be my main Undertale AU now since I've always intended on making it Undertale related and I'm already satisfied with it right now, so I don't intend on making it original or anything.
When I started Chromatale I was still a kid-ish, and I was at the toilet with my phone and idk how it started but I decided to doodle a Sans on my phone and thought "I can make an Undertale AU!".
And so I did. Chromatale back then was reallyyy different, it was a post-genocide story with Sans and Frisk trying to bring everyone back -yeah real original younger me
There was a comic I did on my phone but now its lost in time unfortunately, it went though like 2 rewrites until I decided to make it a full AU with my own story. And so some brainstorming later and the comic you all know today was made!
Again, I was still new to the whole comic making thing and my writing was pretty sloppy, I'm still surprised it got a lot of attention- I was full of passion and really worked my butt off to make each pages, even with school going on (it was online so it wasn't much of a hassle tho) I was determined to finish it and already had a lot of the comic planned.
That is until I felt a bit worn out, my motivation was getting lower until I could barely produce a page, so that's when I decided to put the comic on hiatus, I initially planned for it to only be a few months but then time went on and I still didn't feel motivated to continue it.
During that time I was just doing my own thing, making some OC art and different stories, making another Undertale AU, going back to school and a shit ton of projects to do- I felt like a little weight was lifted from my back, the comic had turned into labor for me and constantly doing updates wasn't very healthy, since during some updates I had to force myself to finish it.
The story was also changing in the middle of it, I had to rewrite chapter 3 since the first version was literally full of "fanservice" that I only noticed when I re-read the chapter a few months later.
I just wasn't satisfied with it, the story that my younger self had in mind didn't fit what I wanted now since I had grown more mature as time went on, the whole AU really taught me what to do and what not to do.
Initially I actually wanted to reboot Chromatale again and focus more on the concepts and solidifying the plot before engaging in a comic, but after some thinking I thought it would be better to transition it into an original story. I really wanted to expand the story more and again gain more creative freedom than being limited to a pretty much complete-ish story.
I wanted to do what I wanted instead of forcing it to fit with the fandom's liking and preference.
Although its going to be an original story some things will sorta be the same but I won't go into too much detail about it.
I won't promise a comic though, mini comics sure but not anything official. Maybe in the far distant future, but I doubt, I still got a lot of other stories I wanna make into comics >>
Now some things I would like to clarify:
"Now that you're discontinuing Chromatale can it be mine?"
-Unfortunately as much as you want to claim it, no. Chromatale still belongs to me. Even if its going to be original now there's still a lot about it during its UTAU days. I still own it, but I don't want to be heavily associated with it. I'd rather have others focus on the new version than the AU version, and I don't want all my other works to be overshadowed by it. I hope you understand.
"Can I still make fanart?"
-Feel free to still make fanart, I won't restrict anyone from still making any. But I'd still like to see fanart of the new version 👀
"Can I still dub the comic?"
-Sure, make sure to still credit me but please specify to viewers that the comic is now discontinued and its become an original story, I don't wanna give the viewers false hope. If your dubbing for fun then go ahead!
Any dub of the comic that has been published has my permission to still be up in public, I won't force anyone to take it down. But please don't use it for any profiting or income.
Now that's been settled, I'm planning on posting some concepts from the AU that I still have since I don't think I'll use some anymore and now that its ok to show now that I discontinued the comic xd
Again, thank you for following me along this journey! See you in the next post ✨
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xielianhua · 2 months
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Wu Jinyan for Glass Magazine 3rd Anniversary Gala
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official-wonho · 1 year
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PHOTO 원호(WONHO) 2023 3rd Anniversary Message Source: Wonho Official Fan cafe
Wenees, it's already my third anniversary? I hope that lovely Wenees, who listened to my songs by my side until my 3rd anniversary, are happy, this is not just empty words. I'll be a rest in the midst of your hard life. May you be happy with me. Thank you in advance for 10 years. I'll leave everything for you for the remaining 7 years?♥
Translation: official-wonho. Please take out with full credit.
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storiesofsvu · 1 year
Tara Lewis NSFW Alphabet
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Tara Lewis x reader Warnings: obviously nsfw, smut, kinks explored, nothing too wild. NGL, parts of this turned out much softer than i expected?
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
She’s incredibly tender, soft kisses peppering across your skin, hands massaging every inch of your body, just absolutely envelopes you in her body and definitely gets you a snack and water. There’s lots of little laughs, some jokes or teasing and if it’s not too late likely some cuddles while you watch some mindless television.
B = Body part (your favourite body part of theirs and theirs of yours)
You absolutely adore her hands (for obvious reasons) and it’s easy to get distracted thinking about all the ways she can touch you and make you come undone. She’s partial to the curve of your neck, your collarbone, places she can leave messy kisses or love bites.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically).
She’ll occasionally breed you, but it’s more when you’re absolutely begging for it, or she’s a bit jealous/you need to be reminded who you belong to. It’s not an every time kinda thing. That being said, she absolutely loves watching you come, whether she’s doing it or not.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Relating to what I just said, she adores watching you come. She’s partial to video calls when she’s out of town/your apart. She’ll guide you through what to do, what she would do to you, or have you show her what you want her to do to you, touching yourself until you’re begging to come wishing it was her touching you instead. I’d like to think this also extends to inviting a third home one night. She’s more than comfortable and confident to sit back with a drink and watch you get off by the hands of someone else.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Relatively experienced on all sides of things. She’s got history with men and women so she’s experimented quite a bit with roles and kinks in the bedroom. She definitely knows what she’s doing and is quick to be able to tell which things make you absolutely see stars.
F = Favourite position (this goes without saying)
She likes to have you in cowgirl when she really wants to see you, the more intimate nights, or when she’s had a long week and wants to fuck you but is a little tired kinda thing. She adores watching you bounce on her cock, she can easily play with your tits, trace patterns across your body with her hands and mouth. On nights when things are a little more spicy and you’re begging for it hard and fast she’s gonna flip you onto all fours and fuck you from behind in doggy. G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
It obviously depends on the night and the mood overall, but she’s one of the one’s who’s goofier in general and this can and does translate into the bedroom. When I say she’s a tease, it’s both in the sexual teasing way and also in the joking, funny way that we see her interacting with others in canon. With Tara there’s lots of little laughs and sometimes even bigger laughs in bed together, especially once you’re comfortable with each other and know just how much of a safe space it is.
 I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect) 
This, again, depends on the level of relationship. If you’re fwb, one night stand or it’s your first night together and you’re just a casual hook up, it’s more of a quick fuck, let’s get each other off and call it a day kinda thing. I like to believe that if you’ve started out dating and are doing the classic “no sex til the 3rd date” (or whichever) that she’d have something sweet and nice planned out for you. It doesn’t have to be crazy, but some nice music, fresh sheets on the bed, some nice smelling sheet spray and a couple of candles.
If you’ve been together a while and you’re celebrating a big anniversary or a special birthday/promotion at work/whatever then I can definitely see her going more all out, flowers, rose petals on the bed, and she’s going to absolutely worship every inch of you until you’re utterly exhausted.
J = Jack off (masturbation head canon)
A few times a week, usually for stress relief. Has a collection of toys, sometimes will use one of them, sometimes it’s just a quick and easy with her hands.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Girl’s got a size kink. She’ll always make sure that you’re properly warmed up, but there is nothing she likes more than picking the biggest strap of the collection and watching the way she stretches you open with it. This of course is accompanied with so much praise of how proud of you she is and how good you’re doing for her.
L = Location (favourite places to do the do)
Considering the job she prefers to stick to within your apartment, or a nice hotel room. She does like to splurge a bit on a fancier hotel, a full suite where she can fuck you on every surface (and if it’s high enough to fuck you either up against the glass windows or on the balcony).
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
A number of different things. Sometimes it’s the intimate domestic moments of being home together, moving with grace around each other in the kitchen that turns into little laughs and dancing together that brings out the soft spicy side in each other.
Other times it’s seeing you dressed up, or with a little bit more skin showing than normal that drives her absolutely wild and she can’t keep her hands off you (and sometimes those nights lead to sneaking away to a private bathroom so she can get her hands where she really wants them).
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
While she is kinky and does like to get a little rough with you, anything that’s *too* hard, like she’s never going to slap you across the face, her punishments are more on the tame side (edging, spanking). She’s not super into degrading you either, she’d much rather call you “her good little slut”
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Tara’s got a soft spot for you sucking her strap. It’s just the sight of you on your knees for her that makes her crazy, knowing that you can take it and are more than ready to get throat fucked by her, especially with the bigger straps. And you can absolutely bet if you do that for her, she’s going to eat you out until you’re begging for her to stop (though let’s be real, you’re more likely begging for her cock).
She’s good at what she does and will absolutely suffocate between your thighs if you would let her.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
I think it’s a medium balance of the both. On days where she’s frustrated she’s likely going to be fucking you hard and fast. Even on the days that start out more soft and sensual they tend to finish faster or rougher as you chase your peak, begging for more and who is she to say no to you?
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Quickies are good when you’re on the road. You need the stress relief/distraction from work, but don’t always have the time/toys that you normally would, so you’ve got to get each other off quick before a phone rings, and these are almost always in the shower either before bed or in the mornings.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
She definitely loves to experiment and to a point will try a lot, at least once, especially if you’re interested in it.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
Girl’s got hella good stamina. Unless you’re strapped for time, there’s always going to be multiple rounds and she is going to get you off as many times as possible. She often likes to warm you up, then stretch you out with her cock and once you’ve come around it, she’ll pull out and go down on you until you’re coming again on her mouth and she repeats the pattern again and again.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Obvi she does. She has a large collection with a large variety, some that she uses on herself, some that you’ll use on her, but most that she’ll use on you
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
She is a big tease, in both senses that I’ve mentioned already. If you’re out at a party/bar, she’s definitely whispering dirty things in your ear, either how sexy you are, what she wants to do to you/is going to do to you, or bringing up the previous night, how she can still taste your pussy on her lips from eating you out before going to the party. Her hand will be on you in some sense the whole night until she can get you somewhere private.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Nothing crazy, but she is vocal. Both in praise when you’re being so good for her, “you can take it baby, I know you can” “look so good for me, love seeing that pretty pussy all stretched out” “you want more, hmm? Such a needy girl tonight.”  “that’s it. Right there. Don’t stop baby.” “make me feel so good”
W = Wild card (a random head canon for the character)
Enjoys sharing. She prefers to keep it within people she trusts and that you’re both very comfortable with, but she loves watching you get to come as many times as possible and that’s even better when she has to tap out there’s someone else there to take over kinda thing.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
She’s absolutely stunning.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
A couple times a week, depending on how insane work is.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
I think most of the time she falls asleep relatively quickly, she’s relaxed, has you in her arms and any stressors from the day are gone and it doesn’t take much for her to drift off. If it was a longer/rougher session though she’s always going to make sure that you’re okay and have everything you need before she lets herself get comfortable enough to sleep though.
@mysticfalls01 @maybe-a-humanbean @dextur @m00nkn1ghts @daddy-heather-dunbar @augustvandyne ne @supercriminalbean @prentiss-theorem @svushots @happenstnces @sapphicprentiss @geekyandgay98 @pagetboobstarcomments @onmykneesformarvel @inlovewithemilyprentiss @akingcalledkris @desperate-gay @amypoehlfey @overtrred28 @kalixxh @s1ut4nat @inlovewithmiddleagewomen @ollysmulti @iluvsreid @kmc1989 @irishavengersassemble @louderfortheback
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misfitsfanzine · 2 months
Calling all Misfits fans! The fanzine application is now open! (Open from July 10th-23rd)
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Welcome to the Misfits Fanzine sign-up. The theme is… For the love of Misfits! It will be a free-to-read e-zine that celebrates the 15th anniversary of the show and the fans' love for it.
We are looking for visual artists (fanart), fanfiction writers, writers (Think pieces, character analysis, plot deep dives, and mini-essays), and things in between (Cosplay, Character RPs, Playlists makers, etc)
This is a volunteer-based project - No profit will be made or given out. 
This will be a digital e-zine that is completely free to read.
You must be 16+ to participate in this project. Most collaborators will be over 18, so keep that in mind. Everyone is expected to act maturely.
Contributors can likely take on more than one piece, depending on the number of applicants. 
Only take on what you can. If you can no longer participate or need to drop a piece, let administration know as soon as possible so we can sort everything out.
No plagiarizing or uses of AI!
We want to keep the zine as PG-13 as possible, but due to the nature of the show, a lot of leeway will be possible, just no explicit sexual content and extreme gore/violence.
The primary way of communication will be through a Discord server. You will be expected to be kind and reasonable. This is technically a fan environment, and we want everyone to feel appreciated, included, and have fun, but this will be treated like a professional environment, so please keep that in mind.  
All finished work must be new and not currently posted anywhere online! Work can be posted to the collaborator's social media shortly after the zine is published.
All pieces must be submitted by November 3rd at the latest. 
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Timeline Dates
• July 10th - 23rd (Sign-ups) • July 25th - 26th  (Acceptance emails sent out) • July 27th -August 4th (Workshopping *can be given more time) • August 5th - October 26th (Work on pieces) • October 27th- November 2nd (Deadline Week) • November 3rd - November 11th (Zine Construction) • November 12th (Publish Date)
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Currently run by @fulfillingbineeds, if you want to be more than just a collaborator and work behind the scenes, let me know!
Any other questions? Ask away here!
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sambuckylibrary · 1 year
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In honor of the 2023 TFATWS Anniversary Event, below is a list of AU SamBucky fic recs for your enjoyment!
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you're my river running high (run deep, run wild) by notcaycepollard
M | 9.9k | nwa | shapeshifter AU
The third day after SHIELD falls, Sam finds a crow with a broken wing on his doorstep.
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What My Hands And Body Done by Fool_for_love
NR | 10.3k | ccntw | soulmates AU
Bucky had resigned himself to a life without a soulmate. After Steve, he didn’t really want another one. Even though Steve had moved on with Peggy, Bucky didn’t see himself doing the same.
After all, if the damage done by Hydra had been enough to scare off Steve, make their soulmarks fade, how the hell was someone else supposed to accept him? Who would even want to?
The universe seemed to think Sam might want to. Bucky disagreed. He and Sam tolerated each other. Sam was funny, sure, loyal, definitely, attractive, no doubt. But none of that screamed soulmate... right?
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Ye Cannae Change The Laws Of Attraction by velvetjinx
E | 3.9k | nwa | star trek AU
There's a lot of friction--in more ways than one--between First Officer Bucky Barnes and Chief Science Officer Sam Wilson of the USS Avenger. But in space, things can change in a heartbeat.
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we're awesome, totally genius by napricot
T | 3.9k | nwa | meet-cute, no powers AU
At this point, Sam’s scanning the coffeeshop for an exit strategy from this terrible date; maybe he can trip a customer into spilling coffee on one of them, or pretend like he’s seen a friend, something, anything. His eye lands on the white guy sitting at the table behind Mike, directly in Sam’s line of sight, but not visible to Mike himself. And okay, hello, stranger. He’s gorgeous, and he’s looking up from the stack of papers on his table, right at Sam. Hot Stranger’s thick-lashed blue eyes are wide, and a pen is dangling from his fingers as if the nonsense happening at Sam’s table has shocked him into interrupting his work.
What the fuck, mouths Hot Stranger.
Sam's on a first date that starts weird and only gets weirder. Thankfully, there's a hot bystander who's ready to be a hero and save Sam from the horrors of app-based dating.
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A Chance by Siancore
E | 20.8k | ccntw | social media AU
Bucky Barnes is a Fuckboy. He exhibits Fuckboy Behavior. Everyone knows it. Especially his best friend, Steve Rogers. Then, one day, he sees one of Steve's social media post with a gorgeous guy named Sam Wilson. Steve's friend is hot and Bucky's interested, but the dude is still Steve's friend. Can Bucky quit his Fuckboy ways to have chance with Sam? Dad Friend Steve doesn’t think it’s such a good idea that they hook up because he doesn’t think Bucky can or wants to change, and more importantly, Steve doesn’t want to see Sam get hurt. Can Bucky change his ways and prove Steve wrong or is the whole thing a disaster waiting to happen?
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Not Like I'm Counting the Days by yammz
E | 13.9k | nwa | civilian!bucky/cap!sam AU
Sam takes a deep breath, then nods, and Bucky feels like he just stumbled upon the combination for a lock that he hadn’t known was there. Sam nods as though he’s making the decision right then and there that this is happening, that they’re actually going to hook up instead of just talking about it. Maybe he is actually making that decision right then. He looks Bucky in the eyes. “Tomorrow, I’m being named Captain America.”
(The one where Bucky starts casually dating Captain America)
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Sports AU by funsized-loser
M | 1.1k | baseball AU
Bottom of the 8th inning, runners on 2nd and 3rd with 2 outs; the Avengers have a 1-0 lead over the Hydras
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The Valk’bhòid by eden22
E | 20.2k | nwa | medieval AU
Uneasy is the head that wears a crown.
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The First Gentleman by glittercake
M | 55.7k | gdv | first gentleman!sam/bodyguard!bucky AU
Sam knew what he was signing up for when he married a senator running for Office. He knew what Riley’s job demanded. He knew the hours, the stress, the milling, and the perpetual buzz. Living his life constantly surrounded by everything, by an entire nation.
But he had always dreamed of a quiet life. A place in the country with the man he loves, acres of greenery and trees, and flowers around them. A long winding road they could drive down on a warm Sunday afternoon. A big old farmhouse with a wraparound porch and a French kitchen. Some horses and a stable, and a little creek covered with a blanket of mist in the mornings.
He gets what he wants in the most horrible of ways.
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Any Port in a Storm by swiftrax (wildtrak) for GodsDoggy
E | 9.4k | nwa | abo AU
Sam is the first to admit that he and Bucky have got issues. It would be fine if they could just ignore each others' existence and didn't keep getting paired up on missions... but the universe (and Steve Rogers) isn't going to let them off the hook that easy. Being an Avenger means sucking it up and pretending they can both be professionals to get the job done.
When a mission goes awry in the middle of the ocean, Bucky and Sam are forced to take shelter in a remote lighthouse as a storm rolls in.
Can they survive each other long enough to be rescued, or will their interpersonal friction come to a head...
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there's a war inside of me by CapnWinghead
T | 5.5k | nwa | multiverse AU
When a portal drops another version of Bucky Barnes into their universe, Sam's adamant about helping her. Bucky's a lot less welcoming.
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The Way Out Is Through by samwontshare (Attaining)
E | 12k | gdv | zombie apocalypse AU
Sam and Bucky's love story in Wakanda is interrupted when Sam contracts a virus that makes him crave human flesh. Bucky will do anything to keep him safe. And fed.
Instead of The Blip, Thanos' minions brought the zombie apocalypse.
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more TFATWS anniversary themed fic rec lists to come!
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authorforrosie · 2 years
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Flufftober ~ Day 7.
Title: She calls you her wife and her bandmates tease her about it.
Pairing: Momo x you. [GxG.]
Warning: None.
Words: 780.
Momo sat together at the dinner table with her bandmates waiting for you to serve them dinner. She has a happy expression on her face when she saw her bandmates having a long deep conversation together. You both invited her bandmates for dinner since today is your 3rd year anniversary of knowing each other.
Her dark chocolate brown eyes watched you bringing fresh cooked food to the dinner table with literally heart eyes. She couldn't help herself from smiling. Her bandmates giggled since Momo looked like a puppy being in love. Dahyun and Jeongyeon mocked the way she looked at you. Momo knew that she loved you since she first met you in a unexpected time of her life.
„Y/N truly cooks the best food. She's a chief."
Smirked Jihyo with admiration in her voice. She really admired that you can cook like a professional chief.
Jihyo looked hungry and with love in her eyes at the plate. Which has cooked vegetables on it. The fresh cooked food still had steam coming from it.
Sana pat Momo's head when she saw Momo wanting to reach out to wrap her arm around your waist. Which she sadly couldn't since you still had to serve the food from Tzuyu, Dahyun and Mina. Who glanced at you with thankfulness.
Momo pouted with sad puppy eyes which made her bandmates laugh.
„I didn't know our Momoring would be so clingy with her girlfriend." Smirked Nayeon with much amusement in her voice. Momo couldn't only shake her head in disapproval. She playfully glared at the bunny.
Momo took the spoon which she will definitely use for the food on her plate to point to her bandmates. A serious puppy expression on her face. She still looked cute when she is serious in your opinions.
„She is my wife. I am allowed to be physically affectionate with my beautiful wife Y/N Hirai."
State Momo with seriousness in her voice. She pointed with a spoon. Your cheeks flushed red in a blush at her statement.
Her bandmates laughed all together and cooed because you both are so cute. You are definitely perfect for Momo. Mostly because you make the best food in the entire universe in their opinions.
„OHHH MOMO HAS A WIFE...!!" Yelled Sana with amusement in her voice. Momo and you had red flushed cheeks.
„Why wasn’t we invited to the wedding.“ Pouted Jihyo playfully while mumbling with amusement in her voice.
Momo took a few minutes to answer since she spaced out. She thought about a married life with you. A adorable little family in some years. The thoughts caused her heart to fluttering with a happy feeling.
„We aren’t married yet. I definitely plan to marry my cute baby girl…“ Smirked Momo with seriousness in her voice.
Her bandmates cheered and giggled with a happy expression on your face. Your cheeks flushed even more red in a blush. You hide your face shyly behind the apron that you unwrapped from your waist. Momo pulled away the apron to see your adorable face.
Your cheeks red and you pouted. Momo giggled gently kissing your cheeks. A few minutes later she attacked your whole face with kisses. You giggled happily and had a shy expression on your face.
„Now let’s eat before Y/N‘s masterpiece food get’s cold.“ Suggested the leader Jihyo with much care in her voice. Almost everyone started eating your delicious fresh cooked food. Appreciating it with a grateful smile.
Momo leaned so close that you could feel her breath on your lips. Her chocolate brown eyes didn’t stop the eye contact with your y/e/c eyes. The eye contact was very intense for you both.
„Don’t worry baby girl you will know when we marry soon. That’s a promise I will definitely keep. My beautiful baby girl and kitten.“
Whispered Momo with a slight seductive lower voice in your ear.
The sentences caused your cheeks to flush red in a blush again. Momo giggled cutely before she pecked your lips not once. Not twice. Three times. Until you kissed her lips passionately.
„Not in front of my food.“ Whined Tzuyu with playfulness in her voice. That sentence caused everyone to laugh. Including you.
Momo could only stare at you with love in her yes when you laughed. Literally stars in your eyes and your smile reached your eyes when you smile after laughing with her bandmates. Momo couldn’t wait until you are officially her wife. Because Y/N Hirai definitely sounds perfect. She couldn’t wait to spend the rest of her life by your side. You are her wifey for sure already. No matter if married or not.
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