#e's pinned
maxellminidisc · 8 months
If you buy e-sims for Gaza and or donate to other charities and fundraisers to aid the people of Palestine, Sudan, Congo, or Papua New Guinea, especially fundraisers to families to safety, I will doodle you a beetle, butterfly, or moth of your choice! They'll look something like this only digital:
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And if you donate any amount of $50+ I'll draw you a linework portrait, be it favorite characters, oc's, celebs, etc. My portrait work looks like this:
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Just send e-sim receipts and proof of donation to @/[email protected]
Heres a guide on how to purchase e-sims
Here's a link to donate to the UNRWA
Heres a link to Operation Olive Branch's spreadsheet full of Gazan families in need
Here's a link to GazaFunds
Heres a fundraiser for a Palestinian family in need as well as it being a direct link to Ahmed's blog where you can find links to help him and his family as well
And heres a short list of smaller charities and resources to find more families to donate to in Gaza
Heres a few gfm for families trying to escape Sudan as well (theres a few more you can find searching "Sudan" on my blog):
Family of 8
Randa's family
Sajida's family
Here is a post with some links to help aid organizations in the Congo
Here is a post with some links to help aid organizations in Tigray
Again, if you search key terms like Palestine, Gaza, Congo, or Sudan on my blog, additional fundraisers will show up that also need help
I do want to let it be known that any piece you get from me are for personal use only. It's cool if you want to use them for your personal social media accounts as avatars or headers though, just have the usual courtesy to credit.
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copia · 5 months
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PAPA IV in the ring Rite Here Rite Now
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fairsweetlonging · 13 days
okay but post-canon luo binghe suddenly being atticwifed by an overly jealous shen qingqiu and feeling euphoric bc omg shizun can't stand the thought of binghe being with anyone else and is locking him up to be his only thing in the world!! shizun wants only him and no one else!!! shizun is guarding him like vicious dragon guarding its precious treasure!! he's living it up being shizun's house wife only, doing nothing but serving his husband and proudly wearing the chain like it's a second wedding ring and basking in the jealous attention like there's no tomorrow
but then it turns out shen qingqiu actually got hit with one of pidw's wife plot-pollen that made him act so jealous and crazy, and when it's over (either by papapa or time), shen qingqiu profusely apologizes and says he'd never do such a thing to binghe and it wasn't like him at all and binghe stands there like "oh..."
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aimania411 · 2 months
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wistfulwatcher · 1 year
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#be more married
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thiinka · 2 months
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blu-ish · 7 months
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Doodle on my Seasonal Love fic lmao
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orionis13 · 11 months
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nyoomerr · 2 months
Curly Haired Binghe X Had A Curly Haired Younger Sister Shen Yuan has my whole heart
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he was prepared to handle (bing)meimei's hair, not his own!! these xianxia standards are BS !!
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twig-gy · 25 days
{dearest, you look a lamb to the slaughter.}
(is that -) heart’s breath stutters - (good?) he tilts his head up, exposing his neck, fingerprint halo. he sounds so wanting, so needy for his approval. soul records it to memory.
{yes, butterfly.} he couldn’t kill his smile if he tried. on a whim, he pulls heart in, casually brushing his neck as if he doesn’t relish heart stiffening, caught in its snare, helpless to stop him. {of course it is.}
what else could we be? this is our proper place, and dearest, you take it so well- he tells heart, after giving him the room to breathe.
{you were meant for this.}
you were meant to be mine.
- he doesn’t say.
just another heresy, the idea that he can own. somehow, he thinks it’s a shame- not only does heart’s neck bruise so easy, his lips are soft on his, his limbs entangle so sweet with soul. heart’s like a contagion. he always has been, that’s what he is, what the Emotion is. when he’s like this, though, soul can make allowances. loves to make allowances for heart, even. as long as he continues to whine like something under the knife.
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vurelly · 1 year
oh my god i forgot to do so much today it's 2 pm
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fisheito · 8 months
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watched aegis yaku's r5 and immediately felt the need to balance out the universe [SMUSHES YAKUMO FLAT]
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aimania411 · 16 days
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cervi e consumo
hannibal lecter x reader
a/n: hello! so i began posting this on another blog, but have decided to continue posting it here since i’m on this way more often!! it used to be called love crime (sopravvivero).
i’ve developed my plan for the plot a LOT more, and definitely know what im going to do with it.
if i tagged you, it means that you wanted to be added to a tag list or reblogged it. this is the first chapter but i’ll be publishing the second very soon!
tags: @catchmybreath94 @flow33didontsmoke @h0n3y-l3m0n05 @zoleea-exultant
summary: When you begin sessions with your new psychiatrist, the renowned Dr. Lecter, you never would’ve imagined falling into the rabbit hole you get stuck in. Faced with a horrible trauma, deer and cannibalism haunt your subconscious. Suddenly, Dr. Lecter is a part of all this. In more ways than one.
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chapter 1: the beginning
“Dr. Lecter is ready to see you now,” the polite receptionist says, with a smile sent your way. It’s no more than a flash of positivity before she turns back to her paper work, reflected by her thin framed glasses. As her eyes scanned over the work, turning back to frantically look over her desk, presumably searching for something, she gave off an obvious air of worry. Perhaps she was new.
You were too.
Your first day of therapy. Well, your first day of therapy with this new psychiatrist. It wasn’t something you were exactly frantically nervous about- as the poor polite receptionist was. You’d been to therapy before. You were accustomed to the shallow invasion and prodding of the mind. This time, your hope was that this new Dr. Lecter would be unique. Different.
You’d heard many good things about him. Ranging from his written work and studies, to his success with patients. And after the worsening state of your mind and the life you had built around you, you decided that it was time to try again. So far, you weren’t disappointed. The office was classy. Nice chairs were set in the waiting room, where you had sat for some time. There was tasteful art, quiet classical music in the background. Bach, you had guessed. Other than the receptionist, it had emitted an air of class and calmness.
You flashed a smile back at the receptionist, returning the politeness.
“Thank you very much,” you replied. You weren’t sure if she heard given how diligently she was scanning her desk currently. But it was of no matter, you had been polite, it was the most you could do. You stepped up to a wooden door, unsure if you’d have to knock. Before you could, the door was opened, and Dr. Lecter was revealed to you.
He was handsome. You weren’t one to judge or weigh value off of looks, but you would give him that simple statement. Looks were not the most important thing to you, and you certainly were not meaning it in a romantic way. But he was handsome. The eyes that quickly met yours were brown, maybe with a hint of hazel. His hair was brown as well, it shone in the light from his office. He wore a navy blue plaid suit, giving him an obvious air of seriousness, of class and respect. His lips curled into a smile, and yours followed suit.
“I imagine you are my new patient, it’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance.” he spoke, his voice was rich and soothing.
“Dr. Lecter, I’ve heard many wonderful things about you and your work. It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance as well.” you replied calmly, mirroring his niceties and charm. He had a quiet suave demeanor. As if on instinct, you both reached your hands out for a handshake. More niceties. This doctor was very formal. You appreciated that. As your hands touched you felt his eyes scan you quickly. Almost like an eagle searching a field for prey. Though, there wasn’t malice behind this look.
“Please, do come in.” he said, leading you into his large room. And what a large room it was.
It had a mostly grey color palette, with the exception of the one wall which was a dark red. To your right was a large wall, with two large red and white striped curtains. To your left, a desk, obviously a professional one. Lamps and books and art decorated the top. Further back to your left was another desk and a chair, but nothing was on this one. Behind that, a fireplace. The room was lined with cabinets and bookshelves, and art (specifically paintings) were anything but scarce. Right in front of you however, were two chairs facing each other. And there was a ladder, on the wall behind them, leading up to another level of the room. This one was lined with books of all shapes and sizes and colors. You took note of the other items in the room. Your eyes scanned from the couch against the back wall, to the couch in front of the windows. The room seemed lightly dull at first, but the more you gazed, the more points of color stood out to you.
After having visually scoured the room, you summarized that the collection of books, European furniture, and art was not simply the doing of the building’s hypothetical interior designer. By his outfit and the look of the room, Dr. Lecter was a man of intellectuality, power, curiosity, and ambition. He was impressive.
“Have a seat,” he said, gesturing to the two seats in the middle of the room- each sat directly across from the other. Each had small tables next to them, but one had a book (presumably for taking notes on patients) and a box of tissues. You assumed the seat that the book and tissue box adorned table belonged to: was his. So you took the other seat, smoothing the bottom half of your clothing as you sat down. He took a seat across from you, crossing his legs and folding his hands neatly in his lap.
“I have no doubt you know why you’re here.” he said politely. He was direct, eyes still piercing into you. You were afraid to look away. You wanted to maintain the eye contact but at the same time, the socially nervous part of you longed to break it, longed to gaze around the sophisticated room instead of facing his perceptive gaze.
“Yes, Doctor.” you replied, finally working up the courage to break the mural stare and look down as you smiled at him. He returned a brief smile, and nodded once.
“So then, I hope you won’t mind if I list off the reasons you put for requesting my psychiatric assistance which led to us meeting today?” he inquired, taking his notebook from the small table next to him.
“Not at all, go ahead.” you gave him an encouraging nod and he opened his book. As he looked over a page, a realization came to you. You realized how intimate the placing of his chairs was. You mirrored him and put one leg over the other. You wondered if this was a tactic of his to create a sense of connection, equality. Interesting.
He began to list off the reasons of your current visit, words coated in that smooth accent. He finished and looked up at you.
“Is that all correct?”
“Yes,” you said, pausing a moment. There was some more, but this was only the first session. You hated the way it sounded so labeled when it was all laid out like that, so shallow. Realizing your answer might’ve seemed curt, you rushed to say more. “Yes, that’s all correct.”
He set his book down on the side table and looked at you for a moment. The thought crossed your mind that he might be waiting for you to speak, you were about to say something when he spoke at last.
“How do you feel right now, at this very particular moment?” he asked you, your last name politely slipping from his lips at the end of his question, eyes endlessly boring into you.
“I feel,” you hesitated, trying to come up with the right words. “Comfortable and welcomed. Yet nervous.”
“I’m glad you feel comfortable and welcomed, I try to provide sufficient hospitality for those in my care. Though, tell me, why do you feel nervous?” he asked.
“I’ve just met someone new. Someone who will be peering into my mind, learning the most personal parts of me. It’s an odd thought that a man I met a few minutes ago will come to know my mind so deeply.” you replied, watching Hannibal process your answer. He had a good poker face.
“Are you afraid of what I might uncover in the depths of your mind?” he asked.
“I think everyone’s a little afraid of what can be perceived in the most personal parts of their mentality. We all have only so much we express. To the eye it may seem to show enough, but there’s so much hidden where we store our deepest thoughts.” you replied. You liked the knowledgeable banter.
“Knowing those parts of you is a fundamental aspect to your treatment, as it is to any patient. I am not here to judge, or to exploit. I am here to come to know your being and attempt to help it in a way that is beneficial to your mental well-being.” he replied.
“You make a good point, Doctor.” you replied, flashing him a smile. He returned it, and opened his book.
“Well then, shall we begin?” he asked, his eyes still focused on yours.
“Of course.” you replied.
And so began your session with Hannibal Lecter, your new psychiatrist.
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anthrophobixx · 5 months
Since there's discourse again, I wanna remind everyone that most dsaf shippers r welcome on my acc, this includes davesport, harrysport, jakesport whatever the fuck, just don't ship Henry n Dee with anyone n we're good. Also, if someone is uncomfortable with any of the ships I mentioned they have every right to be, shouldn't be forced to like the ship AND shouldn't have content of the ship shoved in their face. I support joy n whimsy have fun everyone 👍
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e-vangeiion · 1 year
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Did a Ghostflower enamel pin design for myself 🩰🌻
You can also find this on my twitter
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