#e3 rating
invertek · 6 months
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ngl idk how much longer i can wait for rhythm heaven 5 for before going insane-
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sunflowerchester · 3 months
It's week 2 of A Sam Girl Retrospective and this week your host, Audree, is joined by guest host, Vic (@peanutbutterandbananasandwichs)! They discuss the next two epsiodes of season 1 and all the wonderful elements that make the early seasons so special. Be sure to find visuals for this episode on our Instagram, including graphics showing the break down of how we rate these episodes. 
Acknowledgement: Episode 2 of Supernatural does deal with a creature from indigenous lore and we want to be sensitive to that. I've included a link discussing how to be respectful if writing your own story, should you decide to include one. We also want to acknowledge that the show may not have been as sensitive in how it included this creature, so I've added a chapter break in case anyone would like to skip past our discussion straight to "Dead In the Water."
E2 discussion begins at 9:10 E3 discussion begins at 43:16
Thank you to Tumblr user eruthiawenluin for talking through concerns about this with us! We definitely want the podcast to be accessible to everyone. 
Writing With Color on Tumblr
Episode Resources:
The rosery beads post Vic mentions
The terrifying moment the ghost boy looks above the water line
Sam Winchester Caps 
Find us on all platforms!
Follow us on IG for visuals and updates. Follow us on Tiktok for clips and memes.
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re-dracula · 1 year
Some Re: Dracula Facts to celebrate the first episode:
It's Stephen's birthday! Isn't that just fateful.
Karim Kronfli was our first and only choice for Dracula.
Episode 1 was not the first episode Tal sound designed (that's E3).
We gave our Jonathan Harker auditions a blorbo rating (among other evaluation criteria). We're happy to report Ben Galpin did indeed achieve the highest blorbo rating.
We'll share more fun facts as we get deeper into the show!
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hardly-an-escape · 1 year
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this post by @valeriianz burrowed its way into my brain and would not let me rest until I finished this. hope you enjoy, friend!
First Time
Square: E3 - Flirting Rating: E Word Count: 6096 Ship(s): Dream of the Endless | Morpheus/Hob Gadling Warnings: No archive warnings apply Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - human, bi-curious Dream of the Endless | Morpheus, bisexual Hob Gadling, alcohol consumption, first time blowjobs, oral sex, Johanna Constantine is a good friend and a bad influence, Hob is a bit of service top, Morpheus is a bit of a pillow princess, but not exclusively, strangers to lovers, my best friend dragged me out to this dingy pub and all I got was a boyfriend Summary: After yet another bad breakup, Johanna tries to convince her good friend Morpheus that what he really needs is to finally hook up with a few guys. At the pub that night, Morpheus meets Hob Gadling, a handsome grad student who is only too happy to help him achieve that goal… Read on AO3 | fill for @dreamlingbingo
Morpheus shivered at the sound of his name in Hob’s mouth. He was suddenly, sharply, aware of how close they were standing to one another: close enough that he could smell Hob’s cologne and beneath it, faintly, his sweat; close enough that he could see the stubble on his neck and the few strands of grey in his hair, even in the glow of the pub’s neon sign. “I thought,” Morpheus said, and his voice was gravelly. He cleared his throat. “I thought. You weren’t interested.” “Mm. I wasn’t interested in giving Johanna the satisfaction of knowing I’d fallen for her schemes,” Hob said, still toying with Morpheus’s lapel. “But I would say I’m very interested in you.”
Johanna blew into Morpheus’s office one Friday afternoon like a breath of fresh air – for a given definition of “fresh.” When Johanna was around that generally meant stale cigarettes, oversteeped tea, and occasionally and somewhat concerningly, petrol.
“Knew I’d find you in here,” she said. “Swot.”
Morpheus sighed. “What do you want, Johanna?” he asked in the same monotone he seemed to be using for everything these days.
“Oh, I want a lot of things. A million pounds, for starters. A really posh flat in Chelsea. A manicure.” She circled the desk and perched obnoxiously on the edge, crowding Morpheus’s elbow and forcing him to slide the manuscript he’d been looking at to the side. “But right now I’d settle for my best friend dragging his sorry arse out of his dingy office and coming out for a pint.”
“I can’t possibly be your best friend,” Morpheus objected, pointedly not looking up from his work.
Johanna made a noise of pure frustration. “Is it the editor in you that drives you to nitpick every fucking thing I say?” she demanded. “Can you not, I don’t know, turn that bit of your brain off for a few hours and just come out and get a little drunk? For me?”
Morpheus sighed again, finally looking up to meet her gaze. The concern in her eyes belied the annoyed tone of her voice, and he felt something twist guiltily in his belly. She really was worried about him.
“Come on, McDreamy,” she coaxed, voice gentling. “It’s been what? Three weeks now? It’s not going to get better if you just sit in a dark office and brood.”
Morpheus pursed his lips. “Fine,” he said eventually. “I will come out with you, if –” Johanna crowed and pushed herself off the desk “– if you swear never to call me that again.”
“No promises, mate!”
She dragged him into exactly the kind of bar he always pictured when he thought of nights out with Johanna Constantine: ancient show flyers pasted to the walls, slightly sticky floors, and a bartender who greeted her by name.
“Do you know every publican in the city of London?” Morpheus inquired sarcastically as Johanna returned to their table with an intimidating number of shots balanced on a small tray.
“Professional investment, innit?” she said, shoving half of the shot glasses toward him. “You never know when some wayward spouse is going to do something dodgy in a dive like this. A friendly barkeep is the private investigator’s best friend. Now, drink up.”
They’d worked their way through the shots and Morpheus was nursing a gin and tonic by the time Johanna finally brought up his recent heartbreak – which she did in her typically blunt manner.
“I reckon what you need now is to bang a few blokes,” she said, jabbing a decisive finger at his chest. Morpheus choked on an ice cube.
“I beg your pardon?!” he sputtered.
“Oh, don’t come over all prudish now. You’ve been dropping precious little hints about if the right guy came along ever since uni. And I saw you and Cory getting hot and heavy at that New Year’s party five years ago, and I know you chickened out.”
“I didn’t – it simply wasn’t –”
“So I say, time to put your money where your mouth is. Or put your mouth where your… mouth is.” It took a second for her to get the straw of her whiskey sour between her lips before she could take a reflective sip. “What I mean to say is, you need to get some dick, McDreamy.”
“Don’t call me that,” Morpheus muttered, sinking low in his chair. “I can’t believe I go out in public with you, Constantine.”
Morpheus was on his second watery gin and tonic and Johanna was already working on a third whiskey when the bell over the pub door jingled cheerfully. Johanna looked up automatically and immediately grinned, shooting one hand in the air and waving enthusiastically.
Oh no. Morpheus was familiar with that particular grin. It generally didn’t bode well for a calm conclusion to the night.
“Oi, Hob!” Johanna called. “Come over here and pull up a chair!”
Curious, Morpheus turned to see who she was talking to. The man was about average height, with dark brown hair long enough to be tucked behind his ear. He had a strong chin and a slightly Roman nose. He smiled and waved back to Johanna, pointing to the bar and then gesturing between himself and their table.
“Excellent,” Johanna said. “Now it’s a night out. Hob is always good for a laugh, you’ll like him.” She turned back to Morpheus. Out of the corner of his eye he saw her register that he was still looking at the man – Hob, she’d called him; odd name – and yet he couldn’t quite pull his eyes away from Hob’s quick smile, the line of his back as he leaned against the bar, waiting for his drink. “Oooh. Maybe you’ll like him like him. Not a bad choice, Dreamface. I happen to know he swings both ways.”
“Johanna,” he hissed, whipping back around as Hob took his pint and headed toward them. “I am begging you to stop saying… whatever it is you’re saying. Please.”
And then Hob was next to them, snagging a chair from a neighboring table.
“Well, if it isn’t the hellblazer herself,” he said, giving Johanna a one-armed hug as he sat down. “What are you doing in my neck of the woods?”
“Drowning our sorrows in the time-honored tradition,” she responded. “Mister ray-of-sunshine here recently got broken up with, again, so we are commiserating on the subject of fickle love and drinking hard liquor. Dream, Hob. Hob, Dream. Ite in pace. Deo gratias. Amen.” She solemnly sketched the sign of the cross over the tabletop and tossed back the rest of her drink in one go.
Morpheus extended his hand across the table. “I prefer Morpheus, if you don’t mind.”
“Of course.” Hob took his hand with a smile. His palm was warm and his grip was firm. “Pleasure to meet you, Morpheus.”
They chatted about nothing much for a while. Hob was doing an advanced degree in history, having returned to academia at the ripe old age of 33, and was currently avoiding revising for an exam. Johanna shared some juicy details about a missing person case she’d been working, where the person in question turned out to be not missing so much as on the lam. But after another round of drinks, she managed to turn the conversation back to one of her favorite topics: Morpheus’s love life. Specifically, the disasters thereof.
“I’m just saying there’s been a trend. And the trend is that you keep getting dumped by women,” she said, tapping a finger insistently on the table.
“I am very aware of who has dumped me so far, thank you, Johanna,” Morpheus said, burying his face in his hands. He just knew he was bright red.
“So fuck the trend! Buck the trend, whatever. You know they say the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over, blah blah blah. So do something else! Or someone else,” she added significantly. “You need to branch out, gender-wise.”
“I do find that it increases the potential dating pool by a statistically significant amount,” put in Hob.
Johanna’s eyes gleamed suddenly, and Morpheus groaned inwardly.
“What about you, then? Hob’ll try it on with anyone, he’s easy,” Johanna said.
“Oh, thanks ever so,” Hob said genially.
“Own it, baby! Hob about it, how? I mean, how about it, Hob? Are you down to do the dirty with our Dreamy here? He needs it,” she whispered, leaning in with a tipsy and conspiratory air.
Hob chuckled and leaned back in his chair as he took a long sip of his pint. Morpheus couldn’t help but think he was stalling. Of course a man like Hob, with his effortless good looks and easy charm, would not be tempted by Morpheus, who was – as he was constantly reminded – too much. Too intense, too work-focused, too gloomy, too skinny, too… him.
Thus, when he realized Hob was in fact giving him a speculative once-over glance across the rim of his glass, the look of panic he felt blooming on his face.
And Hob must have noticed it, because he immediately shifted: his posture became loose and unthreatening and he leaned toward Johanna, punching her gently on the shoulder.
“Nah mate, I’m done with dating for a while,” he said. “The only reason people do it anyway is ‘cause everyone does it. I’m working on myself for a bit.”
“Oh, g’wan, pull the other one, Hobert,” hooted Johanna. “You’re a serial monogamist and you know it. You love sex, and you love love. You’re a fucking sap, admit it.”
“Well, maybe I’m just ready to save it up for the right person,” Hob said.
Was there a quick flick of brown eyes toward blue as he spoke, or was Morpheus simply imagining things?
Read the rest on AO3 >>>
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green = complete, orange = WIP
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mhablog · 3 months
Can best jeanist control sheep? I mean he controls fibers but what makes it qualify as a fiber rather then just like sheep wool or like synthetic fibers how does that work if he tried do you think he could control like all plastic stuff or does it have to be string shaped? I really like the theory that if your body chemistry is unique enough and he is familiar enough with it that he could identify someone by their hair (like bakugo, sweating nitroglycerin has to make you body have some weird chemistry if only to prevent them from being poisoned by their own sweat) like in this fic (it’s part of a series so you’ll want to read the other works in the series first for context but it’s a really good series and I love it)
<a href="https://archiveofourown.org/works/25049806"><strong>Closed System</strong></a> (65212 words) by <a href="https://archiveofourown.org/users/Cacid"><strong>Cacid</strong></a><br />Chapters: 15/15<br />Fandom: <a href="https://archiveofourown.org/tags/%E5%83%95%E3%81%AE%E3%83%92%E3%83%BC%E3%83%AD%E3%83%BC%E3%82%A2%E3%82%AB%E3%83%87%E3%83%9F%E3%82%A2%20%7C%20Boku%20no%20Hero%20Academia%20%7C%20My%20Hero%20Academia">僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia</a><br />Rating: Teen And Up Audiences<br />Warnings: Major Character Death<br />Relationships: Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead & Midoriya Izuku, Class 1-A & Midoriya Izuku, Asui Tsuyu & Class 1-A, Eri & Midoriya Izuku, Eri & Toogata Mirio, Sasaki Mirai | Sir Nighteye & Toogata Mirio, Asui Tsuyu & Tatsuma Ryuuko | Ryuukyuu, Bakugou Katsuki & Hakamata Tsunagu | Best Jeanist, Bakugou Katsuki & Kirishima Eijirou, Class 1-A & Kirishima Eijirou, Hakamata Tsunagu | Best Jeanist & Sakamata Kuugo | Gang Orca, Midoriya Izuku & Tokoyami Fumikage, Dark Shadow & Midoriya Izuku<br />Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Bakugou Katsuki, Asui Tsuyu, Kirishima Eijirou, Eri (My Hero Academia), Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Hakamata Tsunagu | Best Jeanist, Tatsuma Ryuuko | Ryuukyuu, Toogata Mirio, Sasaki Mirai | Sir Nighteye, Iida Tenya, Todoroki Shouto, Class 1-A (My Hero Academia), Sakamata Kuugo | Gang Orca, Tobita Danjuurou | Gentle Criminal, Aiba Manami | La Brava, Tokoyami Fumikage, Dark Shadow (My Hero Academia), Nedzu (My Hero Academia)<br />Additional Tags: Ghost Midoriya Izuku, Asui Tsuyu Has One for All Quirk, U.A. Cultural Festival Arc (My Hero Academia), Parental Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, mentors will protect their students, many people get to vent, suicide and sad/upsetting dicussions related to it, I can't decide if I need to warn for major character death or not, dark pasts, Mental Health Issues, Kidnapping, Bakugou and Hakamata deserve a break, they don't get one, Gang Orca Ex Machina<br />Series: Part 3 of <a href="https://archiveofourown.org/series/1626730">Reckoning</a><br />Summary: <p>“How much trouble did you just get yourself in?” </p><p>She was being nice, unbelievably nice. But right now he hated her for it. It was so much easier when the only option was “learn to live this way.” Now he had two options, both of which he hated, and whichever he chose he’d despise himself and always wonder wistfully what would have been if he’d taken the other path. </p><p>In the aftermath of the Hassaikai raid, the resident ghost of 1-A and his fellows deal with lost classmates, lost quirks and lost identities. Meanwhile, the UA Cultural Festival waits for no one and new foes rise from the underground.</p>
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cerastes · 1 year
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drimo rate my wage slave squad
This is like the Triforce of wageslaves, you have the one doing it because she legitimately loves the work details, her workmates, and has a good boss (Texas), the one that's his own boss, basically, and who sees this less as work and more as just how he lives his life while still being sharp about making a profit with the craft (Jaye) and then you have the white blistering sun of frustration and red raw rage who wants nothing more than to channel this pure emotion into a highly concentrated beam that could incinerate the world (Platinum).
By combining the three primordial forms wagies, this team combines their sheer might to summon Mlynar E3, who has little aspects of all three, who then proceeds to obliterate the Seaborn with a Maximum Power OL Beam.
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oftlunarialmoon · 3 months
Gravity Falls Full Episodes Gravity Falls First Episode! | Tourist Trapped | S1 E1
Gravity Falls Full Episode | S1 E2 | The Legend of the Gobblewonker
Gravity Falls Full Episode | S1 E3 | Headhunters
Gravity Falls Full Episode | S1 E4 | The Hand That Rocks the Mabel
Gravity Falls Full Episode | S1 E5 | The Inconveniencing
Gravity Falls Full Episode | S1 E6 | Dipper vs. Manliness
Gravity Falls Full Episode | S1 E7 | Double Dipper
Gravity Falls Full Episode | Irrational Treasure | S1 E8
Gravity Falls Full Episode | S1 E9 | The Time Traveler's Pig
Gravity Falls Full Episode | S1 E10 | Fight Fighters
Gravity Falls Full Episode | S1 E11 | Little Dipper
Gravity Falls Full Episode | S1 E12 | Summerween
Gravity Falls Full Episode | S1 E13 | Boss Mabel
Gravity Falls Full Episode | S1 E14 | Bottomless Pit!
Gravity Falls Full Episode | S1 E15 | The Deep End
Gravity Falls Full Episode | S1 E16 | Carpet Diem
Gravity Falls Full Episode | S1 E17 | Boyz Crazy
Gravity Falls Full Episode | S1 E18 | Land Before Swine
Gravity Falls Full Episode | S1 E19 | Dreamscaperers
DuckTales Season 1 Full Episodes
Phineas and Ferb Full Episodes
Welcome to Jurassic Elmore! 🦖 | The Fight | Gumball's Mega 3-Hour Compilation | Cartoon Network
50 MINUTES Of SpongeBob's Krabby Patty INVENTIONS! | Nickelodeon Cartoon Universe
Sunday Super Marathon! - Adventure Time | Cartoon Network
Season 6 Marathon! Finn and Jake - The Way of Family | Adventure Time | Cartoon Network
We Bare Bears All Season 2 Episodes | Cartoon Network | Cartoons for Kids
Bluey Seasons 1, 2, and 3 FULL EPISODES 💙 | Unicorse, Mini Bluey, Pass the Parcel, and More! | Bluey
Bluey Seasons 1 and 2 FULL EPISODES 💙 Baby Race, Movies, Ice Cream and more! | Bluey
Bluey FULL Episodes Seasons 1 - 3 💙 | Featuring Dad Baby, Faceytalk and more! | 2 HOURS | Bluey
The Shell | Gumball 
Girls Night Out BEST Episodes! | Teen Titans Go! | ‪@dckids‬
FULL EPISODE: Haunted | Teen Titans | Cartoon Network
Spookiz: The Movie | Cartoons for Kids | Official Full Movie
Unicorn Academy FULL MOVIE Part 1! | Cartoons for Kids
Kim Possible Valentine's Day Episode 💘 | S4 E4 | Full Episode | The Cupid Effect | ‪@disneychannel‬
Totally Spies! S1EP09 - Model Mayhem Madness! | Full Episode 👗
Totally Spies! S1EP10 - Gladiators Gone Crazy: Spy Showdown! | Full Episode ⚔️
Totally Spies! S1EP11 - Silicon Valley Spy Tech Takeover! | Full Episode 📱
Stuck in the Middle First Episode | S1 E1 | Full Episode | ‪@disneychannel‬
Stuck in the Sweet Seat | S1 E2 | Full Episode | Stuck in the Middle | ‪@disneychannel‬
That's So Raven First Episode | S1 E1 | Full Episode | ‪@disneychannel‬
Baxter's Back 🏠 | S1 E1 | Full Episode | Raven's Home | Disney Channel
The Suite Life on Deck ⚓️ First Full Episode | S1 E1 | The Suite Life Sets Sail | ‪@disneychannel‬
That's So Suite Life of Hannah Montana | Full Epiosde | Crossover | ‪@disneychannel‬
Hannah Montana Vs. Mikayla Full Episode | Hannah Montana | ‪@disneychannel‬
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Wizard School, Part 1 | S1 E13 | Full Episode | Wizards of Waverly Place | ‪@disneychannel‬
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NEW SERIES PREMIERE of Disney's Villains of Valley View 💥| Full Episode | S1 E1 | ‪@disneychannel‬
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jprgirl · 2 months
The Best Almighty Johnsons Episode?
What's your favourite Almighty Johnsons episode? Or, which do you think is the 'best' by whatever standards you'd use?
That's what we'll find out with this double-elimination bracket!
Vote in each poll as we determine what TAJ episode reigns supreme in this current fandom circle, over a decade after the show ended :)
Round 1: 1 - S2.E1 vs S1.E2 2 - S1.E5 vs. S1.E1 3 - S1.E7 vs. S2.E11 4 - S1.E4 vs S1.E3
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How it will all work:
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I'll use the above chart to matchup all 36 episodes against each other in a double-elimination bracket. This bracket was seeded using the ratings of each episode from IMDb.
Each poll will include screenshots and descriptions of each episode, so you can be reminded of what episode is what. The episode descriptions will be sourced from Wikipedia.
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9-1-1-polls · 5 months
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crazylittlejester · 2 months
back again with miscellaneous fun facts. 2day/nite (idk when ill finish editing) episode: GameCube ✨️
ok so funny little thing, part of the GameCube's failure can be partly blamed on 9/11. 'Bea what r u on about' ok so there's this game called Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem, and this game was intended to be a launch title for the GameCube. Eternal Darkness was actually originally planned for the N64, which is actually pretty important because this game was more known about. A demo of the N64 version was shown at i believe the 1999 E3.
'ok great this was a game that switched consoles during development, why is this important to the GameCube?' youll never guess, my favorite little effect i lovingly call the Resident Evil effect. this was the era were so many games were trying to be darker and edgier to compete *cough* which is why Wind Waker was so controversial *cough* (theres more to Wind Waker but ill get to that in a bit).
back to Eternal Darkness, this game was for one: a third party title, being produced by a Canadian development studio called Silicon Knights. as i mentioned before, this was during the time were third party developer and publishers weren't working with Nintendo nearly as much and choosing to work on titles for Sony's PlayStation. and two: this would be Nintendo's first Nintendo published M rated game. yes other M rated games have been on Nintendo consoles, but none of those have been published by Nintendo.
now enough backstory on Eternal Darkness, how did 9/11 have any effect on this? so there was a character named Joseph De Molay who was a Templar knight. Templar knights were known for taking part in the Crusades (spreading Christianity to the Middle East). Joseph was removed from the game to avoid any controversies or appearing offensive and was replaced. officially it was said Joseph was removed as he was "just a demo character" but he was playable at E3 2001 and was known about all the way back during the N64 development, which is a lot of work for a character who was supposedly a demo character. especially so close from release, and at the same 2001 E3, two other characters were in that demo who were actually in the game proper. (keep in mind the GameCube released November 2001 in the US and September 2001 in Japan)
there was also all Arab writing in texture images removed. this is a lot of last minute reworking for game that was almost completely, which ended up with Eternal Darkness missing the GameCube's launch and came out roughly half a year later.
because of Eternal Darkness not being a launch titles, especially as such an anticipated title, the GameCube was left with pretty much just Luigi's Mansion. unfortunately, Luigi is yk Luigi. People liked Mario and weren't super interested in a Luigi focused title.
i teased it easier, so Wind Waker, definitely a bit more of a known case. at a 2000 Space World exposition, when Nintendo announced the GameCube, there was a clip of Link fighting Ganondorf to show off the GameCube's capabilities (here). and people were excited at the idea of a realistic looking Zelda game only to get Wind Waker a few years later. Wind Waker's toon style, despite being what Eiji Aonuma was so passionate about, was not well liked by the public until years later. this actually directly caused Twilight Princess to turn out the way it did.
originally Twilight Princess was going to be Wind Waker 2, using the same toon style but was changed to try to recapture the Ocarina of Time's success and appeal to the trend of darker more realistic style games (thx Resident Evil effect).
Twilight Princess is commonly criticized now a days for being "just a OoT rip-off" or "dark and edgy" (i can go on a whole rant about that comment but i shall spare yall today) despite the fact that in 2006 that is what was wanted.
the GameCube was unfortunately doomed from the start, and attempts to boost sales/interest in the system ended up in vain.
sorry that was a lot. um. yeahh.
drink water yall :)
adding the failure of the game cube to the list of things caused by 9/11 right up there next to the downfall of Ellen and the Oppenheimer movie
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stayinzencity · 6 months
heroine’s manual S1 E3
GENRE: Romcom, Drama | love triangles, childhood friends, high school au | INSPIRED BY: Heroine Shikkaku (shoujo manga) | LENGTH: ~1.4K | RATING: Teen | WARNINGS: mentions of food, eating | PAIRINGS: Minho x MC (Reader), Minho x OC (Heather) | TAGLIST: @linoscence @elizabeth11moreno  (ask to be added) | A/N: this chapter finally came out of the drafts after years thanks to @jisungsdaydreamer (and me accidentally posting part 5 first oops)
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THREE. Even if he rejects me, I won't give up so easily and allow someone else to steal my spot.
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Inviting Heather to hang out is a mistake. Having your friends around doesn't make you feel any less of a third wheel. It’s Heather who’s supposed to be the odd one out amongst your group, yet somehow it feels like the rest of you are the ones intruding. You can't bear to witness the shy glances and gentle smiles Minho and Heather exchange.
You're trying to come up with an excuse to break them apart without being the bad guy, when a crash comes to your rescue.
"Ah. My bad," Jisung apologizes, looking down at the glass he'd accidently knocked over. He'd been sitting next to Heather, and while the glass was fortunately intact, water had spilled onto Heather's lap. 
"Looks like you’re the victim of Jisung's idiocy today." Hyunjin hands her napkins, attempting to ease her through the awkwardness with his charming smile. He shoots Jisung a withering glare, getting a sheepish look and shrug in reply.  
"I guess I should get going," Heather says. She rises from her seat in a hurry, but a hand over hers gives her a reason to wait. 
Minho's expression is closer to amusement than jealousy, watching as his friend calls his girlfriend - by her actual name, not the nickname you've given her.
Maybe Hyunjin's crush hasn't disappeared yet. If he and Heather get together, then Minho would be yours again. Everything would fall perfectly in place.
"We don't live that far from each other. I'll take you home." Hyunjin pauses, turning to Minho who's sneaking cake onto Jisung's plate. "If that's fine with your boyfriend?"
"Whatever she wants," Minho says with a shrug. He doesn't seem to be worried about Hyunjin stealing away his girlfriend, which boosts your confidence in your own chances with him. 
"Yeah," you enthusiastically agree, nodding your head. "Hyunjin's a nice guy. Have a wonderful evening!"
Hyunjin narrows his eyes, scowling at you, instead of being grateful that you're helping him out. One day, he'll figure it out, and thank you.
You lean close to her so that only she - and Hyunjin, perhaps - can hear. "You might even fall for him instead of Minho."
Hyunjin scoffs at your words with an exaggerated eyeroll and drags Heather out the door before you can say anything else.
Seungmin leaves soon after them, muttering something about an assignment that you don't really bother paying attention to.
And then it's just Minho, Jisung and you.
"We should head home too," Minho says. He gets up from the table and grabs his jacket from the back of the chair. "It's movie night."
"Ah, right." Jisung sends you a wink, starting the next phase of your plan to set your story on track. "I've got some stuff I need to work on, so I'll have to trust you two to keep our tradition alive even if it’s not the same without me."
And then it was just Minho and you.
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It's usually easy to forget Minho's girlfriends exist when they're not around. Often they fade into the background even when they are around.
Yet you find yourself alone with Minho, head in his lap, too distracted to actually watch the show that's playing on the TV. Too much on your mind to even enjoy this moment.
Minho's texting someone, wearing a smile as soft as the one he usually gives you before he wraps you in a hug. 
The someone in question must be Heather. After all, who else could it be? The only real rival you've ever had when it came to Minho's affection and attention is Heather, right?
If there's no struggle, then it won't feel as special when you finally end up together. Heather isn't the heroine. That title belongs to you. You're the one that's always been with Minho. No one else knows him like you do- well, maybe Jisung does. That's a different story though.
If you're the heroine, then why do you feel like you're in second place? Are you falling into a background role in your own story? Could it be you're simply a side character in this tale?
Minho's fingers run through your hair, breaking you out of your thoughts. 
You're the one here with him, not Heather. You're the heroine, not her. There's still hope. 
“I like you,” you blurt. It's far from the confession you had planned, especially since you weren't even the one who was supposed to be saying the words first. Sometimes you need to improvise to get the perfect scenes, so it's ok. “I like you so much.”
Minho’s hand stops stroking your hair. He doesn’t take it away, so you don’t attempt to sit up. You want to be close to him, for as long as you can. 
Any moment now, he'll admit his feelings for you and you'll be the one beside him instead of Heather. 
You know that, but if somehow these are the last moments you’ll have with him, you want to remember them being pleasant. Besides, you don’t exactly want to look at his face right now. The aftermath of a confession is more mortifying than you imagined, especially when you haven't gotten an answer in return. 
“I know,” he says. 
And that’s it. He doesn't say anything else. And you don't have the courage to ask what your words meant to him. 
The couple on screen breaks up and eventually makes up, but you don't even remember their names anymore. Tears fall from your eyes and you wipe them away. 
"I can't watch this anymore," you manage to whisper. It's not the drama that has you crying. You know it, and you know Minho probably does too. "I'll head home."
Minho doesn't try to stop you as you leave. As tempting as it is to turn back, you're too afraid that Minho's eyes won't be watching you.
Seungmin once explained some physics cat theory. Put a cat in a box with poison, and it could be both alive or dead as long you don't open it. If you don't check, the cat might still be alive. Something like that.
In your imagination, Minho is woefully watching as you walk away.
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After the confession, it's a little hard. Minho isn't actively avoiding you, except he kind of is. He has the perfect excuses, plus the universe seems to be on his side. It's natural for the hero of the story to have exceptional luck. 
As the heroine, you don't seem to have the same advantage. If anything, there's just been obstacles to your perfect ending. The biggest one turning out to be Minho himself.
You thought you didn't have to do anything and everything would fall into place by itself. Then when you took a chance and confessed, you were turned down. But even if he doesn't feel the same way now, you can't give up yet. It hurt when you realized you weren't on the same page as him, but there's still time for him to catch up, right? 
You run into him after class, and he has to catch you before you stumble to the floor. It's a scene straight out of the kind of anime you love to watch. A sign for you to take another chance, except Minho speaks before you can. 
You haven't even said a word, and you’ve already been shot down. An arrow through your heart, but it seems cupid isn't on your side.
Are you that obvious? Could Minho read minds? Does he really not like you?
"What? I didn't even ask-"
"I won't go out with you."
Ah. Well. Minho hasn't told you that he doesn't like you, though you aren't sure if you could handle hearing those words straight from him. 
"That wasn't what I was going to say," you lie. Your voice is strained, and you can't meet his eyes, so maybe it's not believable. But you can't admit the truth, can you? "I wanted to ask if you had any movie recommendations." 
Minho raises an eyebrow. He's not fooled. Still he goes along with it and makes some suggestions. Not that you’re really paying attention to his words as much as how his voice sounds. 
Minho. It's always been Minho. 
And you were the constant in his life, at least until Heather showed up.
It's hard to admit that she might have stolen the role that was meant for you, but you can't move ahead without accepting that. 
Turns out Minho isn't just on a different page. The title of the book doesn't match either.
You are lost, clueless of what lies ahead. There's one thing you're certain of though.
Even if you’re disqualified as a heroine, your only hero is Minho. 
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♡ season one guide
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© 2024, stayinzencity
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Ratings Update 3 - Hallmark Movies/Series 2024
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Romance With a Twist (NYNM) - 1.85 
Falling in Love in Niagara (SIL) - 1.80  
Love on the Right Course (NYNM) - 1.78 
A Scottish Love Scheme (NYNM) - 1.72 
Branching Out (SIL) - 1.67 
Blind Date Book Club (SIL) - 1.65 
An Easter Bloom (DaySpring) (SIL) - 1.62
Paging Mr. Darcy (L) - 1.57 
Betty’s Bad Luck in Love (NYNM) - 1.51  Shifting Gears (SIL) - 1.51  Falling Like Snowflakes (CIJ) - 1.51
A Very Vermont Christmas (CIJ) - 1.50
Love & Jane (L) - 1.49 
A Whitewater Romance (CTS) - 1.48
A Costa Rican Wedding (SN) - 1.47
For Love & Honey (PTL) - 1.46 Savoring Paris (PTL) - 1.46
A Greek Recipe for Romance (PTL) - 1.30
Everything Puppies (CTS) - 1.31
An American in Austen (L) - 1.28 
Legend of the Lost Locket (SIL) - 1.27 
Junebug (SN) - 1.22
Two Scoops of Italy (PTL) - 1.13
My Dreams of You (SN) - 1.07
Sense and Sensibility (Mahogany) (L) - 0.94  A Taste of Love (L) - NA  The Magic of Lemon Drops (SN) - TBD Head Over Heels (SN) - TBD
NYNM - New Year New Movies, L - Loveuary with Jane Austen, SIL - Spring Into Love, CTS - Countdown to Summer, PTL - Passport to Love, CIJ - Christmas in July, SN - Summer Nights FIL - Fall Into Love, CTC - Countdown to Christmas, MOC - Miracles of Christmas, NA - Not Avaliable, TBD - To Be Determined
The Way Home - Season 2  E1: The Space Between - 1.25  E2: Hanging by a Moment - 1.16  E3: When You Were Young - 1.19  E4: Wake Me Up When September Ends - 1.03  E5: Long Time Gone - 1.14  E6: How to See a Life - 1.24 E7: Somewhere Only We Know - 1.08  E8: Lose Yourself - 1.11   E9: Here Without You - 1.09  E10: Bring Me to Life - 1.36 
When Calls the Heart - Season 11  E1: When Stars Align - 1.77  E2: Tomorrow Never Knows - 1.72  E3: Steps Forward - 1.85  E4: Along Came a Spider - 1.77  E5: Stronger Together - 1.91   E6: Believe - 1.98 E7: Facing the Music - 1.78  E8: Brother’s Keeper - 1.77  E9: Truth Be Told - 1.94   E10: What Goes Around - 2.16   E11: Run to You - 2.14   E12: Anything for Love - 2.18
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True Justice: Family Ties - 0.76 
One Bad Apple: A Hannah Swensen Mystery - 0.74 
Curious Caterer: Foiled Plans - 0.71 
Gilded Newport Mysteries: Murder at the Breakers - 0.65  Tipline Mysteries: Dial 1 for Murder - 0.65
Family Practice Mysteries: Coming Home - 0.58
CrimeTime: Freefall - 0.53 
Crimes of Fashion: Killer Clutch - 0.43 Signed, Sealed, Delivered: A Tale of Three Letters - NA Jazz Ramsey: A K-9 Mystery -NA
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nekoannie-chan · 8 months
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Title: Mind.
Ship: Steve Rogers X Agent of HYDRA!Mutant!Reader.
Word count: 264 words.
Square: E3 “Mind control.”
Rating: Teen.
Summary: Steve can’t control his mind.
Major Tags: Mind control.
Additional tags: This is my entry to @cabottombingo Captain Bottom Bingo round 2. CABB2024.
Links: Wattpad, Ao3, Spanish version.
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My native language is Spanish so I wanna improve my writing skills in English if you notice any mistakes, please let me know and I will correct them.
I don’t give any kind of permission for my fics to be posted on other platforms or languages (I translate myself my work) or the use of my graphics (my dividers are included in this), I did them exclusively for my fics, please respect my work and don't steal it. There are some people here who make dividers that anyone can use, mine is not this type, please look for the other people. The only exception is the ones I gifted 'cuz now belong to someone else. If you find any of my works on a different platform and are not one of my accounts, please let me know. Reblogs and comments are always welcome.
DISCLAIMER: I don't own Marvel's characters (unfortunately), except for the original characters and the story.
Add yourself to my taglist here.
My other media where I publish:  Ao3, Wattpad, ffnet, TikTok, Instagram, Twitter. 
If you like it, please vote, comment, and give me feedback to improve my skills and reblog.
Tags: @sinceimetyou @unnuevosoltransformalarealidad @navybrat817 @angrythingstarlight @shield-agent78 @charmed-asylum @pandaxnienke @real-fbi @Smokeandnailz @white-wolf1940 @tenaciousperfectionunknown @xoxonotme @bluemusickid @leyannrae @Harrysthiccthighss @Marvelatthisone @caplanbuckybarnes @sapphire-rogers @lizzieolseniskinda @notyourtypicalrose @hallecarey1 @nana1000night @talia-rumlow @writingshae @alexxavicry @azulatodoryuga @daemonslittlebitch @chaoticcollectivenightmare @endlesstwanted @chemtrails-club  @marigoldreamer @whiskeytangofoxtrot555 @Here4thefanfics @theestorm @patzammit @kmc1989 @somegirlfromasgard
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Steve had faced some mutants who were part of HYDRA before, but what was about to happen? He had never considered it as if it were an option. In the midst of the fight, a new threat emerged: you appeared; no one would suspect you, but the reality was that you could control minds and cause any being to do what you wanted.
You had been recruited by Hydra at an early age because of your unique abilities. You were cold and calculating, totally committed to the HYDRA cause, not to mention what you had been promised, and so it was; you were going to get it.
After several minutes, you could finally see Steve. You didn't need to get close to or touch him; you just had him within your field of vision. You wiggled your fingers slightly.
You saw how Steve tensed up; you smiled; it had worked; and the best thing was that no one would suspect you. Now that you had infiltrated Steve's mind and were going to sow discord within the Avengers.
It took less than a week to hear the rumors. Now that the Avengers seemed to be against Steve, or maybe it was the other way around, the time had come for him to finally go with you.
That night you showed up at a park near the Avengers base; you didn't even have to wait long for Steve to show up; there was no need to exchange words; you simply raised your hand and he took it; they started walking; you always got what you wanted.
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rita · 1 year
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Want a Break from the Ads? by @rita (parisol on substack, rita on tumblr); Data Center upgrade to occur Saturday, May 18 and Sunday, May 19; "Coquilles", Hannibal; Richard Siken on his poem Real Estate; From Detroit Public Library Annual Report 1984-85; @porchbirds on central emotions of poets; @rita on writing about gore; How to see the Green Comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF) in the sky; Large, Deep Antarctic Ozone Hole in 2020; Melanoma skin cancer rates in 2020; Woman reading a newpaper; Hypotheticals by @rita; “Let Every Pansy Bloom” banner at the San Francisco Gay Freedom Day pride parade. June 25, 1978; Poem in Noisy Mouthfuls by Chen Chen; When I Grow Up I Want to Be a List of Further Possibilities by Chen Chen; Cell diagrams; About Ocean Vuong on Poetry Foundation
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polizwrites · 5 months
An Attractive Concept
This is a fill for today’s @flashfictionfridayofficial  [#FFF250 Rushing Train] as well as my  @steverogersbingo  E3- Steampunk square.   
Fandom: MCU/Marvel Pairing:  Steve Rogers & Tony Stark  (Stony if you squint)  Rating: General Tags:  No Powers AU, Steampunk AU, Trains,  tech nerdery Summary:  Steven listens to his partner explain his latest idea to improve the world.   Word Count: 380
“What do you mean you’ve found another way to power a locomotive?” While he was quite fond of his handsome, clever companion, Steven couldn’t disguise his skepticism regarding Anthony’s latest claim. 
“Don’t sound so dubious, my dear Captain,” Anthony grinned, his whiskey brown  eyes dancing.  “After all, I am a certified genius.” 
This was true; one of the many things Steven admired about his dear friend was his vast, free-ranging intellect. But sometimes Anthony’s flights of fancy roamed too far.  “Steam engines are  a tried and true technology,” he protested.  “Making them faster or more efficient would surely be a better use of your time and energy.” 
“You sound like my father,” Anthony scoffed.  “As for ‘faster and more efficient’ - this technology is both, by a goodly margin. For example, instead of having to transport its own fuel,  my design will be  powered by the rails it runs upon.  You are familiar with the concept of magnetic attraction and repulsion, are you not?”
“Yes, somewhat.”  Science and engineering weren’t Steven’s strong points;  his training was in military tactics and strategy.  It was part of what made the two of them such a good team: Anthony’s ideas supported by Steven’s military connections.   
“Then consider this,” Anthony posited, ”if one were to place a strong enough magnet under a train car and an equally strong magnet of reverse polarity between the rails, the train car would, for lack of a better word, levitate due to the power of magnetic repulsion.” 
“In theory, I suppose,” Steven replied, trying to envision the scenario.   “But then how would the train car move?” 
Anthony’s eyes lit up.  “Electro-magnets!  When one wraps  wire around a core of iron and supplies it with electricity - it becomes a magnet.  If we lay down a series of electromagnets, alternating their polarity, and turning them on and off in sequence - it would in essence pull - or push, depending on your point of view - the car down the tracks.  The rails would only be needed to keep the car in position. Without friction - we could move freight at speeds nearing fifty, perhaps sixty miles an hour!” 
“And you know how to create magnets strong enough to make an entire train car levitate?”       
“That, my friend,” Anthony sighed, suddenly deflated,  “is the trick.” 
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