#eaa lovestruck
incorrectlovestruck · 2 months
Lavinia: First, we should each make a list of our enemies… So I’ve already made a list of enemies, which I’ve narrowed down from 26 to 5. EAA FMC: Just in Whitethorn? Lavinia: Just in this room.
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lavinialeguin · 4 months
Lavinia breaking her curse is one of the best scenes in her route.
I think this scene gets overlooked too much because it is one of the most important scenes for her character development. The entire point of the curse on her lips is because she's so upset about the knight leaving and about her and the knight's love story only be a curse Titania used to get information from her that she curses herself so that anyone who kisses her will obey her. This is also one of the first ripple effects of it being revealed that the knight never loved her and that it was all a trick by Titania.
The incident with the knight runs so deeply for Lavinia, for good reason. It was her happy ending after taking over the ice kingdom, struggling for so long to claw her way to a position where she could live comfortably and then this knight comes along, they fall in love, and it's a typical happily ever after. Except this one isn't. It's probably one of the cruelest tricks a villain pulls on one of our love interest characters.
Lavinia is freshly broken-hearted (literally, the knight runs off with her heart) in pain and shock from everything that just revealed itself to her and suddenly she curses herself out of anger and hurt. She's left alone and she's so distraught by that. So she makes a way so she never has to be alone again, by keeping people with her against their will. However, we also learn Lavinia immediately regretted this, probably not wanting to be similar to Titania, and made the choice to never kiss anyone since the knight because she didn't want to use this ability.
The curse stems from this idea of Lavinia wanting to control the relationship, control that the person she loves will stay. It's not a healthy mindset and is directly connected to the PTSD she suffers from the knight incident. But before her curse is lifted, she tells FMC that her life was made better by her and that even if they separated, FMC would always hold a special place in her heart.
SHE LETS FMC GO. She relinquishes power and control in that instance so that if FMC walked away from her, she would choose to honor the time they spent together rather than try to control FMC being with her. It's the biggest instance of us seeing Lavinia give up control over a situation, something we ALWAYS see her fighting for, and it's one of the biggest instances of the influence FMC has over her. In the biggest Fairy Tale fashion, Lavinia breaks her curse because she learns to let the people she loves have the freedom to leave or be with her on their own accord and not on her whims.
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megatraven-art · 1 year
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a late gift for @arinlangdon :> they're replanting new trees!
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thebi-stan · 1 year
And if you thought I was done boom here's a few sketches I did instead of focusing on my future
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ultimatetrashgoblin · 13 days
On a whim I decided to grow through all my lovestruck posts for the first time in years and it dawned on me
I fucking hated it
Like for a solid year before the shutdown most of my posts and reblogs were about how much it had gone to shit and fuck them for never caring about the writers or the fans or anything worse caring about
I’d sit here mourning about the loss of the great community we used to have and suddenly I remember all the death threats I had to scrub from my inbox for saying Runa was toxic or Vinca shouldn’t get a route or pointing out how little anyone gave a shit about the POC lis
Nostalgia is a dangerous thing
Oh and fuck Voltage
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from "normal" to "absolute disaster"
Nora: a real morning lark, she’s in bed by 9 and up before the sun. very productive in the mornings
Ezra: a night owl, enjoys everything about the night but doesn’t have too much trouble getting up in the mornings
Omar: loves being in bed, loves being cozied up in his blankets and his jammies. however, is a light sleeper and very much able to pull all-nighters if he must
Lucas: takes forever to get to sleep but is a heavy sleeper once he’s there, so he always gets enough
Abel: he’s up before the sun, up late at night, sleeps 5-6 hours and doesn’t seem to suffer for it. how does this man function.
MMC: goes to bed and wakes up at reasonable times, though he struggles with chronic insomnia
FMC: is often up late studying (or tossing and turning) and then hits the snooze button a couple of times, but never has so much trouble waking up that she’s late
Darla: has so much on her plate that it’s hard for her to wind down. her motto is “sleep is for the weak” (not really). is one of those people who’s up at 5am to go through her morning routine of stretching, yoga, meditation, and a run, all before breakfast.
Jo: has spent way too much of her life asleep, so is reluctant to do so now that she’s free of it. has to be dragged away from what she’s doing to bed
Lavinia: often up late brooding, or, when at home, watching over her kingdom
Arin: oh god oh no why. regularly goes to bed around midnight, gets up early for classes, pulls all-nighters once a week, needs caffeine just to function. how are they still alive.
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Lovestruck | Daily Rewards Puzzles | 61-70
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megatraven · 11 months
me tryna come up w nicknames arin would use for mc:
-my bookmark -nightlight???? -page-turner -bookworm -??????????????????????
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Congratulations to Rochester x Jane fans
Rochester/Jane won with Ezra x female EAA!mc in my one true ultimate shipping tournament and advanced to round two!    
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Ezra/mc fans, don’t weep, because your ship remains awesome!
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misclogarts · 4 months
the screech i let out in vanessa's route that "koiji senki" was, in fact, love and legends 😭
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musicallover0428 · 5 months
This is my tier list for Lovestruck, found the template on the Lovestruck Amino. And to be clear this is how I feel about their official routes, not their character. For example, I love Alex's character and dynamic with MC, although I only liked their story.
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And for those who are not on the list here are my rankings.
Favorite: Arin (Ever After Academy)
Love: Nahara (sin with me), Piama (Reigning Passions), Abel (Ever After Academy)
Like: Galen (Reigning Passions), Emilio (Immortal Heart Society)
Neutral: Alanna (Immortal Heart Society), Maxime (My Siren Crush)
Dislike: Cassius (Immortal Heart Society), Arianna (My Siren Crush)
Didn't Read: Lavinia (Ever After Academy), Evina (Tales of the Wild), Lexi (My Siren Crush)
If you're curious about my thoughts about a certain character or route, feel free to ask. I'd love to tell you more!!!!!
[sidenote: Daria and Jo (EAA) are one of my favorite couples and I'd sell a tiny piece to read a bit more of their story]
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incorrectlovestruck · 3 months
EAA MMC: What are your three best qualities? Lucas: I'm gay, I have soft hair, and sometimes I cry because I love my friends.
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lavinialeguin · 4 months
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I just noticed this from Lavinia's Preview Short. The hint that Lavinia was also the Little Match Girl was given in her preview and it feels like it was missed until Lavinia's Season 3 where it's brought up again.
I really like the idea of one character being multiple stories, so really sad we wont get to hear more about how the two stories connect.
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dazzle-art · 1 year
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Click for Quality!
It's MerMay!
Lovestruck was such a big part of my life, I hope its memory stays with me forever
I didn't really read MSC, I was more of an L&L and EAA kind of guy (also props to eaa for having the first mmc and also mlm route), but I remember lots of the fans being excited for Lexi, and I always found her design to be really pretty!
It's been over a year since the app went down, and it's nice knowing that there are entire route playthroughs on youtube and people like me sharing screenshots and recordings with one another
I remember opening the app before school to use my tickets so they could recharge before I got home, sometimes I'd even read during lunchtime
I really needed Lovestruck in my life, it was the only good romance novel out there, and I'll stand by that. No other app could take its place.
Anyway, enough about me being sappy lol, cya later alligators!
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latinfeline · 2 years
(more) Lovestruck Stories on Mycast.io now!
Hello Lovestruckers, it seems I have not contributed much to the fandom in a while, but don’t worry, today I did something.
I have added 12 Lovestruck stories to Mycast.io + roles (I added all the MCs, LIs, and some side characters I thought were important enough such as Enzo and Zeke, if you think I missed someone I’m pretty sure other people can add roles) The ones I added are Havenfall, Gangsters, QoT, SWM, VN, Castaway, EAA, L&L, MSC, SE, WLL, and Starship
Speakeasy, Reigning Passions, and Astoria were already there so only a few stories are not there yet, but tbh I don’t feel like adding them.
If you have a Mycast account you are now free to begin casting your favorite series! (unless your favorite series is IHS, ToTW, ECLP, or TL&P, sorry) (or unless you’re about to do something like cast Benedict Cumberbatch as Nova, I advise you not to do that)
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ultimatetrashgoblin · 2 years
@ask-everafteracademy is officially up! :D
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