#earth sign + air sign
witchthewriter · 2 years
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Capricorn Sun | Libra Moon | Libra Rising
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carmelcoco · 7 months
mercury notes. 💅🏻
Disclaimer. these observations do not have to resonate with everyone and everything, all expressed in this post is based on personal experience and research.
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mercury signs and their characteristics 🍭
🫧 aries mercury
You're blunt and direct because you deeply care about your loved ones and want what's best for them, even if it initially hurts. You're a reliable friend who values mental stimulation over constant chatter. You're quick-witted and passionate, often diving into new interests headfirst, even if you haven't mastered them yet. Challenges excite you, and you prefer things that make you think hard. You can get obsessed until you figure something out, and once you do, you stick with it. However, you might get competitive or jealous when others are better at something you're passionate about. Plus, all that thinking can give you headaches. But ultimately, your bluntness stems from a place of caring, and your loyalty and agility of mind make you a valuable friend.
🫧 taurus mercury
Your laidback nature stems from your focus on what truly matters to you. You're guarded because you've learned to prioritize your goals and rely only on yourself, leading to a preference for a small, trustworthy circle. While emotional, your rationality guides you to offer practical advice sought by many. When you love, you do so intensely, either fully invested or not at all, which can leave you drained in communication and occasionally introverted, causing concern among others. You're honest and direct, with an appreciation for the beauty of words, possibly drawn to poetry. In youth, you might have easily developed crushes and possess a melodious voice, possibly skilled in singing. With Taurus Mercury, your communication style is stable and methodical, marked by a reserved demeanor and a tendency to carefully analyze your thoughts and opinions. While you may appear stubborn, others view you as thoughtful and reliable due to your grounded approach to communication.
🫧 gemini mercury
With your mind always buzzing, you might need to work on organizing to avoid getting overwhelmed easily. You're a sponge for information, possibly even having some psychic intuition. Your ability to grasp concepts quickly lets you talk your way through things effortlessly, even if you haven't fully digested them. People trust whatever you say, even if it's random, thanks to your charm. Your hunger for knowledge keeps you everywhere, possibly juggling multiple social media accounts or interests, making you intriguing yet hard to pin down. From a young age, you displayed advanced intellect, impressing others with your wisdom beyond years. However, your thirst for new knowledge can lead to forgetting old ones, making exams a struggle unless you study hard. Despite this, you're generous and respectful, always open to communication, which earns you many acquaintances but perhaps few deep emotional bonds, leaving you somewhat detached. You're expressive, likely talking with your hands and body to drive your point home. With a Gemini Mercury, you're curious and talkative, overflowing with ideas and a penchant for witty, sarcastic communication. You enjoy delving into topics deeply and playfully, often expressing yourself through clever wordplay and puns.
🫧 cancer mercury
Cancer Mercuries are often misunderstood due to the crybaby stereotype, but they're much more than that. They have a knack for sensing emotions, especially in their loved ones, and their words carry a depth that reflects their own experiences and wounds. They have a remarkable memory for emotional moments, often recalling cringey or painful events vividly while forgetting trivial details easily. These folks lean towards introversion and need plenty of alone time to recharge, thriving best among their loved ones. Clear communication is crucial with them as they can sense insincerity. Despite their emotional nature, they keep their feelings guarded and may use self-deprecating humor to deflect. Once they trust you, though, they're fiercely loyal and offer comfort and support with their words. With a Cancer Mercury, communication is deeply compassionate and intuitive, rooted in empathy and a desire to nurture and support others. They express themselves poetically and creatively, understanding others' pain and offering unwavering support.
🫧 leo mercury
Individuals with Leo Mercury express their love and affection through communication, showing warmth and making others feel like instant best friends. They can get obsessive about their interests and crushes, giving them intense focus. In learning environments, they need joy and fun to stay engaged. They value actions over words, so if you claim to love them, you better show it. Their charming communication style attracts attention, but they must be mindful of what they say as people tend to magnify their words. They're prone to checking up on loved ones frequently, regardless of how much time has passed, as attention is their love language. However, a downside is their reluctance to consider others' viewpoints, often believing they're always right. With Leo Mercury, communication is energetic, confident, and direct, with a charismatic and engaging flair. They enjoy being the center of attention and aren't afraid to assert themselves, making them natural leaders in communication.
🫧 virgo mercury
Virgo Mercuries are like the champions of communication, always making sure their words are well put together and hard to argue against, reminiscent of those kids who constantly won spelling bees. They're high achievers from a young age, constantly seeking logic and truth in everything, which can lead them to get lost in details and feel overwhelmed. Even in chaos, they handle things maturely with logic, earning them the reputation of wise advisors. However, their attention to detail can lead to overthinking, as they scrutinize even the smallest actions and texts, making it hard to deceive them. Suspicious by nature, they'll do thorough research, even stalking if needed, to uncover the truth. They should trust themselves more and boost their self-confidence to overcome intrusive thoughts. With a Virgo Mercury, communication is analytical and critical, driven by a desire for perfection and precision. They analyze everything before speaking, taking a methodical and logical approach that can sometimes lead to overthinking. Patience and self-discipline are key for them to manage their overactive minds effectively.
🫧 libra mercury
Libra Mercuries thrive on peace and harmony in their daily lives, feeling unsettled when things are out of order. While they're adept at seeing both sides of a story, they can get lost in trying to maintain balance. However, they've learned it's okay to embrace chaos occasionally, especially since they easily get bored. Despite their indecisive nature, they possess objective intelligence, making them skilled at solving problems from different perspectives, which suits careers in law or similar fields. Yet, their desire for justice can lead to complicated situations due to their reluctance to choose sides. This indecision may strain friendships, although they can also be seen as loyal and reliable if positively manifested. They have a thirst for knowledge and are drawn to what stimulates their minds, enjoying romance books or shows and even finding amusement in chaotic situations, despite not being naturally chaotic themselves. A positively manifested Libra Mercury is a great friend to have, always supportive and having your back. In communication, they're charming and balanced, adept at friendly and diplomatic interactions. They enjoy engaging with others, keeping conversations light and positive, and prefer to avoid confrontation or conflict, prioritizing harmony and balance in their relationships.
🫧 scorpio mercury
Scorpio Mercuries are enigmatic and hard to decipher. They're private and move in silence, carefully displaying only what they want others to see to avoid suspicion. With high emotional intelligence and intense intuition, they can easily fall into destructive thought patterns, including intrusive or sexual thoughts, and fear being exposed. Despite their suspicion of others' intentions, they strive to maintain a high vibrational image. In love, they're fiercely loyal and keep secrets close, but they can be ruthless if wronged. They delve deeply into thoughts, even overanalyzing simple problems and pondering existential questions. Their intuition often reveals truths they'd rather not know, making hiding things from them futile. Obsessed with what stimulates them, they can become stubborn and refuse to let go of harmful things. They find meaning in everything, holding onto items or information they believe will be useful. While loyal, they keep themselves guarded, trusting only themselves. Others may find them intimidating or blunt, and they enjoy playing with power due to their ability to easily gain trust. A Scorpio Mercury communicates sensitively and perceptively, reading into hidden meanings and subtext. They tend to keep their thoughts and feelings to themselves, balancing expression with restraint. They possess strong intuition and mental energy but may struggle with overthinking.
🫧 sagittarius mercury
Individuals with Sagittarius Mercury are warm and nonjudgmental, making others feel at home and giving them the best time of their lives. They're open-minded and objective, often surprising people with their vast knowledge and random facts, although they may feel insecure about their intelligence. They tend to see the best in everyone and can easily be taken advantage of due to their desire to do the right thing. They're great listeners and offer wise, unbiased advice, drawing people to them for venting sessions. Growing up, they were likely interested in solving larger problems, but they can get stressed easily and lost in knowledge and details. They're open to new experiences and friends but are put off by judgmental or arrogant people. They have a playful sense of humor and enjoy sharing random facts with friends, but they don't like being told what to do and can be unreliable if they're not truly interested in something. Their attention span is short, making it difficult to focus, and meditation may be challenging due to their constantly active minds. With Sagittarius Mercury, communication is playful and positive, marked by quick wit, humor, and a talent for uplifting conversations. They bring a bright and lively energy to any interaction, making people laugh and bringing joy to any situation.
🫧 capricorn mercury
Capricorn Mercuries are reserved and only share what's necessary, commanding respect with their directness, which can sometimes be mistaken for rudeness. They avoid drama and focus on their own pursuits, maintaining a private and reserved demeanor. Their knowledge comes from life experiences and karma, often shaped by past struggles and moments of loneliness. While typically kind, they have clear boundaries and won't hesitate to assert themselves when pushed too far. They're calculated and loyal, often taking on a protective role, especially with siblings. With a mature outlook on life, they exude old soul vibes and may seem like natural teachers. They excel at planning and methodical tasks, dedicating themselves fully to their responsibilities. Despite being social, they prioritize duty and future success over socializing, often retreating to recharge. They value trustworthiness and responsibility in others but have little tolerance for foolishness. Communication for Capricorn Mercuries is pragmatic and logical, characterized by a clear and ordered approach. They prefer speaking with precision and clarity, often overthinking decisions and striving for perfection.
🫧 aquarius mercury
Aquarius Mercuries possess vivid imaginations and creative minds, often thinking far ahead but struggling with simple concepts. They may excel in unconventional roles while finding day-to-day tasks boring and easily becoming distracted. Despite being social, they struggle to open up and may feel neglected or misunderstood for their ideas. Their innovative nature draws admiration, but they may attract copycats without calling them out due to their kind demeanor. They have a random but fun sense of humor, often sending memes or random comfort items. Their accepting nature and detachment make them intriguing to others, who are drawn to their unique perspective and lack of judgment. They may be interested in the occult or unconventional topics. Getting to know them is a hit or miss, as they either click with someone completely or don't connect at all. Communication for Aquarius Mercuries is unique and inventive, characterized by creative and original thinking, often outside the box. They may get lost in their thoughts and should strive for more grounded and effective communication.
🫧 pisces mercury
Pisces Mercuries possess vast knowledge and ideas but may struggle with insecurity and seek validation. They have an old, wise soul, often knowing things intuitively and feeling deeply. They are sacrificial and generous, prone to being taken advantage of due to their kindness. In love, they may overlook red flags and defend their passions fervently. Drawn to beauty and gentleness, they have a creative sense of humor and may struggle with mundane tasks. Their relationships with siblings can be complex, ranging from intuitive understanding to manipulation. When expressing their darker side, they can be manipulative or prone to self-deception. Words of affirmation are important to them, as they have a vivid imagination but are often misunderstood. Pisces Mercuries approach communication intuitively and emotionally, valuing creativity and empathy but sometimes struggling with logic and detail.
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this post was created by @carmelcoco on tumblr <3 if reposting my work please give credits.
pics by @vmstv
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ezukll · 8 months
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Having a fire stellium is a powerful and dynamic energy. You may have a very strong internal fire, and this can make you extremely ambitious, passionate, and driven. You may have a strong desire to do things your way, to make things happen, and to create a spark or ignite something within others. It can also give you a strong sense of purpose and direction. It can give you the energy, drive, and will power to push through anything.
Having an Aries stellium can indicate that you are a very independent and self-contained person. You may have a strong sense of your identity and have a strong sense of your personal power. You may be naturally self-motivated, a go-getter, and extremely determined. You are likely to have a strong self-belief that you can achieve anything.
Having a Leo Stellium indicates that you have a very strong and powerful sense of self. You likely have a strong sense of pride, self-belief, and authority. You may be a natural leader who has a strong need to take charge and to make things happen. You may have an innate desire to be the center of attention and to take the spotlight. You may have a strong need to be respected and admired.
Having a Sagittarius Stellium suggests that you are a very independent, adventurous, and driven person. You are likely to have a strong sense of self-belief and self-confidence. You want to explore and try new things, and you have a relentless passion and an openness to new experiences. You have a strong sense of ambition and a need to pursue personal growth and your own interests. You likely have a strong desire for freedom and independence and may feel restricted if you feel confined or held back.
Having an Earth Stellium brings a very strong grounding energy to your personality. Your Earthy side thrives on stability, routine, and physical comforts. You appreciate and thrive on stability and predictability. You likely find a sense of comfort and balance in being in a routine or a consistent environment. You may have a strong need for security and comfort, and you may find joy and satisfaction in small, everyday things. You may also be very grounded, steady, and stable in yourself and in the choices you make.
With a Taurus Stellium, you likely have a strong emotional core and a deep need for security and stability. You may find the grounding nature of Taurus comforting, and you likely have a strong foundation in your life that brings a sense of stability and a feeling of emotional safety. You may also have a strong need for physical and material comforts and may value material possessions and resources. You may have some difficulty with change and may prefer to stick to what you know and what feels familiar.
With a Virgo Stellium, you likely have a very strong sense of self-awareness and self-analysis. You may have a tendency to overthink and overanalyze everything, including yourself. You may have a deep desire to be precise and accurate, and you may feel a strong need to be in control of all aspects of your life. You may have to strive for self-balance and balance in all areas of life. You may find yourself feeling stressed and anxious when things are not neatly organized or when there is uncertainty.
Having a Capricorn Stellium gives you a very strong sense of responsibility and a deep-seated drive to achieve success and status. You may have a very strong work ethic and a need to strive for higher achievements. You are likely to have a strong sense of maturity and stability in yourself. You may have a strong need for authority, control, and a strong sense of discipline. You may have a strong desire to be recognized and respected for your accomplishments. You may also have a strong need to protect and care for others, especially those you are close to.
Air Stellium brings a very cerebral vibe, with strong focus on communication, knowledge, and ideas. You likely have a very curious and analytical mind. You may have a strong desire for knowledge and new experiences, but you may also have a strong need for logic and rationality. You may feel like an observer or a thinker rather than a feeler. You may have a strong inner dialogue and a tendency to dissect and analyze everything internally. You may feel a strong attraction toward mental stimulation.
A Gemini Stellium indicates a very dynamic and flexible energy, with a strong desire for freedom and a tendency to adapt and shift gears quickly. You likely enjoy a good debate and a lively conversation. You may feel a strong need to be connected to others and to the outside world but also be very independent and self-reliant. You may enjoy being social but also enjoy having plenty of alone time to think and process.
With a Libra Stellium, you likely have a very strong need for balance and harmony. You may feel comfortable in groups and may enjoy a mix of perspectives and opposing viewpoints. You may have a tendency to avoid conflict and to seek peaceful resolutions. You may be very focused on your interpersonal relationships and want to ensure that things are fair and equal. You likely have a tendency to be compassionate, empathic, and to see the best in people.
A strong Aquarius Stellium may indicate a very individualistic and quirky approach to life. You have a strong need for independence and a tendency to be creative and inventive in your approach to life. You likely have a strong desire to push boundaries and to challenge norms and conventions. You may have a strong belief in your own unique ideas and perspectives. You may see yourself as an outsider or a non-conformist. You may also have a strong desire to be part of a community and to connect with others who share a similar outlook on life.
A Water Stellium indicates a very deep and emotional side to your personality, with a strong tendency to feel things deeply and strongly. You likely have a very sensitive and compassionate nature, with a strong empathy for others. You may also have a strong connection to the spiritual and the soulful. You may feel a deep connection to nature, animals, or the beauty of life in general. You may also have a strong tendency to be affected by the emotions and energy of those around you.
With a Cancer Stellium, you are likely to bring a very deep sense of compassion, empathy, and warmth to the table. You likely have a very strong sense of nurture and desire to care for others. You may find yourself being very intuitive and emotionally perceptive of others' needs and emotions. You may have a strong tendency to take on other people's feelings and to take on a nurturing or mothering role. You may also have a strong connection to your family and an emotionally bonded and protective nature, with a strong focus on home and family.
With a Scorpio Stellium, you bring a deep and powerful energy to the table. You likely have a strong sense of intuition and insight into the hidden depths and mysteries of life. You may also have a deep connection to the spiritual and the occult. You may also be a very deep and transformative person who can see into the darker aspects of life and who can explore and transform the deepest and most challenging parts of the human experience. You may have a very unique and powerful perspective on life.
With a Pisces Stellium, you bring a deep emotional and spiritual energy to the table. You likely have a strong connection to the spiritual world and a deep sense of sensitivity to the suffering of others. You may have a tendency to feel overwhelmed by the weight of the world and to get lost in your feelings. You may have a deep artistic or creative side, and you may enjoy expressing yourself in expressive and artistic ways. You may have a strong sense of compassion and a great capacity for empathy and understanding.
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intuitively-her · 2 months
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You've been through many trials and tribulations that have only made you stronger! I'm getting specifically that you don't look like the things you've been through. From the outside, you actually look perfect, or your lifestyle does. People would never know the sacrifices it took for you to get here though. Most people wouldn't have even made it through some of the obstacles that you've faced. I also get the vibe that you're very reserved with your energy. Kinda like you don't speak unless spoken to. Not in a bad way though. You could be an ambivert. ENTJ? INFJ? You don't have to do the most to get attention, it comes natural to you. You know how to stand alone. Never been a "follow the leader" type. Your balance and stability are surprising as well. It could be because of your age. Or maybe you used to live a reckless lifestyle but managed to pull yourself out of it. I feel like you have a tendency to go ghost for awhile, but then randomly pop out on some new sh*t. People can never keep up with you. You're an enigma. It kinda frustrates people tbh.😂 On the flip side, you are very loving to those closest to you. You always trust yourself and follow your heart to wherever it leads you. You are your top priority and will always make sure your cup is full before giving to someone else. If your love is not being reciprocated, then you will simply leave. Your love is intense.❤️‍🔥 You could be a gift-giver or you enjoy doing acts of kindness. You always know what to do/say at the right moment. Lastly, your star qualities are VERY attractive to others.🤩 You're so humble about it too. You could be an influencer or have an active presence on social media. You have a lot of copycats and people that try to emulate your energy. It never really sticks though.
Confirmations: Confident, Intellectual, 777, Sarcastic, Smart-ass, Mixed signals, Intimidating, 1010, Charming, Promiscuous, Friendly, Competitive, Creative
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You always find a way to turn your pain into power! It doesn't matter how many hardships you face, you never let it keep you down. You're always onto the next best thing. Always looking towards the future. Someone here likes to take solo-trips often or you enjoy hiking/being in nature. You often come up creative ideas or new ways to make money. Always willing to learn something new. That trait of yours is highly admired by your bosses/higher-ups. You work very well with others. When people work with you, it quite literally increases their luck and money flow. So be mindful of who you share that energy with. You are such a kind and loving individual, even at your lowest. Give yourself more credit boo!❤️ You're very committed to your self-improvement and personal goals no matter what you go through. That's something to be proud of.
Confirmations: Famous, Sexy voice, 111, Friendly, Funny, Someone here has a cat that is very clingy, 444, Pretty skin, Hermoine from Harry Potter, Elusive, Life of the party, Genuine, Beautiful, Seeing 8's everywhere, Someone here owns an exotic animal or you want one
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You know how to transmute any negative energy/situation that is sent your way. You are an alchemist. This is my witchy pile.🔮 You like to play fair and see both sides in situations. Very unbiased. However, you'll also put a b*tch in their place if needed. Cause I'm getting that people like to come into your energy to test/bully you for some reason. But you shut that sh*t down real quick.✅ You may be very introverted, or you have this innocent/naive vibe to you. A lot of people blindly trust you. They know you would never try to cross them. You're a big risk taker. You might do something unconventional for work. People love how you march to the beat of your drum always. You might spend a lot of time alone or you keep a close-knit group of friends. You're not afraid to stand alone whatsoever. Nobody can steal your happiness. That is what's most powerful about you.⭐
Confirmations: Genuine, 911, 818, Mysterious, Intoxicating, 717, Witch, Self-absorbed, Pretty eyes, 737, 777, Uptight, Predator, Intellectual, Elusive
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You're more than what meets the eye. From the outside, you seem very shy or monotonous even. But you're a true gem baby.💎Your charisma and charm is one of a kind. You stand out without even realizing it. Your wit and sarcasm is very attractive. You have a very unbothered vibe to you. In your own lane, and outta the mix. It makes me think of "Daria". You might go ghost pretty often. You're very big on self-care and your alone time. On the go a lot. ✈️People feel like they can't get ahold of you anymore. You're very focused on self these days. Me vs. me kinda energy. You're a natural creator. Very artistic and out of the box. You might've been this way since childhood. You're often the topic of discussion to those around you. People really enjoy having you around, whether you know this or not. You're a sweetheart once you truly open up. People feel lucky that they took the time to get to know you. You're a true friend.🩷
Confirmations: Clingy, 111, Wife, Light skin tone, 222, One night stand, Player, 999, Mixed signals, Addict, Psychic, Lazy, Outgoing, Eccentric
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I missed you guyss xx!!🩷🩷🩷
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astrolovecosmos · 3 months
Fire + Fire Couples: Keeping up with each other's energy, passion and romantic flair, motivating one another, quick tempers, two independent people, spontaneous, two extroverts, positive vibes, shared adventures.
Fire + Air Couples: Excitement!! The best conversations, giving each other their space, balancing passion and thoughtfulness, creative synergy, embracing the unexpected, defusing each other, social together, thriving together.
Fire + Earth Couples: Energy or movement mixed with grounding and stability, learning from each other, passionate yet pragmatic, complimenting each other, putting aside differences, sharing values and goals, desire and sensuality.
Fire + Water Couples: Emotional intensity, calming or energizing, sensitive to each other, plenty of emotional and physical expression, encouraging, admiring each other's power.
Earth + Earth Couples: A solid and dependable relationship, can be pragmatic together, support each other's career or work ethic, comfortable, all about their actions vs. words, little drama, romance that grows, long-term stability and harmony.
Earth + Air Couples: Exploring ideas, intellect, and maybe logic together, good at solving problems together, balanced between stability and flexibility, curious about one another, appreciate each other’s strengths.
Earth + Water Couples: Sensitive to one another, making up for each other’s weaknesses, instinctive attraction, holding and carrying each other, romantic feels, careful with each other, unforgettable times.
Air + Air Couples: Never met someone like them before, enchanted, mind melds, holding hands, maybe a little crazy together, could be that quirky couple, understands each other like no one else, hyping each other up, electrifying, free together.
Air + Water Couples: Adapting together, opening each other's eyes, beautiful words and acts, enjoying creativity or silly things together, accepting one another, grooving, surfing, diving, and then flying.
Water + Water Couples: INTIMACY, maybe attached at the hip, lots of romance, they go to the lowest lows and highest peaks together, intuitive and receptive, merging and floating, cycle after cycle with each other - it can be secure and comfortable.
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roxyyastro · 3 months
The placement of Venus in the composite chart can reveal much about how the partners met/will meet and how they connect romantically and socially.
• Composite Venus in the Houses
1st House:
Meeting Context: The relationship likely began with a strong immediate attraction. You may have met in a setting where appearances and first impressions were important, such as a social event, a public place, or through activities involving beauty or aesthetics.
2nd House:
Meeting Context: You might have met in a setting related to finances, possessions, or personal values. This could include a workplace, a financial institution, or even while shopping. The relationship likely has a strong foundation in shared values and a desire for security.
3rd House:
Meeting Context: The connection likely began through communication. You might have met in an educational setting, through writing, social media, or mutual acquaintances. Intellectual compatibility and shared ideas are significant in your relationship.
4th House:
Meeting Context: The relationship may have started in a homey, familial, or private setting. You could have met through family, at a family gathering, or within a close-knit community. The relationship has a strong emphasis on emotional security and home life.
5th House:
Meeting Context: You likely met in a fun, playful, or creative environment. This could include parties, creative workshops, or recreational activities. The relationship is characterized by romance, creativity, and joy.
6th House:
Meeting Context: The connection may have started in a practical or work-related setting. You could have met at work, through a health-related activity, or while performing daily routines. The relationship emphasizes service, health, and mutual support.
7th House:
Meeting Context: You might have met in a setting focused on relationships and partnerships. This could include a social gathering, a matchmaking event, or through a mutual desire for partnership. The relationship has a strong focus on balance, harmony, and cooperation.
8th House:
Meeting Context: The relationship may have started in an intense, transformative setting. You might have met through shared experiences of change, at a place dealing with joint finances, or through a significant life event. The relationship is deep, transformative, and possibly mysterious.
9th House:
Meeting Context: You likely met in a setting related to travel, education, or philosophy. This could include a university, during travel, or at a cultural event. The relationship is characterized by a shared love for adventure, learning, and exploration.
10th House:
Meeting Context: The connection may have started in a professional or public setting. You might have met at work, through a career event, or in a place where status and reputation are important. The relationship has a strong focus on ambition, goals, and public image.
11th House:
Meeting Context: You likely met through social networks, groups, or community activities. This could include clubs, organizations, or through friends. The relationship emphasizes friendship, shared ideals, and social connections.
12th House:
Meeting Context: The relationship may have started in a secluded, spiritual, or hidden setting. You might have met through a spiritual retreat, a place of solitude, or while dealing with hidden aspects of your lives. The relationship is characterized by a deep, spiritual connection and possibly hidden or secretive elements.
•Composite Venus in the Signs
Meeting Context: The relationship likely began with a bold and energetic encounter. You may have met in a dynamic, action-oriented environment, such as a sports event, an adventure, or during an assertive pursuit of interests.
Meeting Context: You might have met in a setting related to nature, beauty, or comfort. This could include a garden, a restaurant, or a place where you could enjoy sensual pleasures. The relationship is grounded, stable, and sensuous.
Meeting Context: The connection likely started through conversation and intellectual exchange. You may have met at an event focused on communication, such as a seminar, a party, or through mutual friends. The relationship is lively, curious, and mentally stimulating.
Meeting Context: You might have met in a nurturing, home-like environment. This could include a family gathering, a cozy café, or a community event. The relationship is emotionally sensitive, nurturing, and home-focused.
Meeting Context: The relationship likely began in a vibrant, creative, or dramatic setting. You may have met at a party, a theater, or a place where you could express yourselves freely. The relationship is passionate, expressive, and filled with joy.
Meeting Context: You might have met in a practical, service-oriented environment. This could include work, a health-related event, or a situation where you were helping others. The relationship is detail-oriented, supportive, and focused on improvement.
Meeting Context: The connection likely started in a social, harmonious setting. You may have met at a social event, through mutual friends, or in a setting focused on beauty and balance. The relationship is balanced, harmonious, and partnership-focused.
Meeting Context: You might have met in an intense, transformative environment. This could include a place dealing with change, deep emotions, or shared resources. The relationship is deep, passionate, and transformative.
Meeting Context: The relationship likely began in an adventurous, expansive setting. You may have met during travel, at a cultural event, or in an educational environment. The relationship is adventurous, optimistic, and filled with exploration.
Meeting Context: You might have met in a professional or goal-oriented setting. This could include work, a career event, or a place where ambition is key. The relationship is structured, ambitious, and focused on long-term goals.
Meeting Context: The connection likely started in a unique, unconventional setting. You may have met through a social group, an online platform, or a community event. The relationship is innovative, free-spirited, and based on shared ideals.
Meeting Context: You might have met in a spiritual, artistic, or dreamy environment. This could include a place focused on creativity, spirituality, or healing. The relationship is compassionate, dreamy, and deeply emotional.
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mellowellez · 10 months
astrology observation🐀
🦦sag 11h people can be the one who’s constantly making friends wherever they go and tend to be the “loud” one of the group
✨leo with cancer placements can be very difficult to understand or even get too know sometimes
🎀taurus placements especially 6h could be the type to only have a makeup/skincare routine and call it the day
⭐️pisces moons are the REAL empaths out of the other two water signs they constantly visions or use their imagination as if they were in someone else’s shoes
🌫️any virgo/pisces placement even asteroid or nn/sn are always people who help or want to be needed by someone or something , they will give you unwanted information and tips out of love and support
🍋leo 11h people are the definition of loyalty especially towards friends they do anything and every for/with them and will love you with ALL their heart
🌊cancer suns are really shy , quiet while cancer moons are talkative and love knowing people on a personal level
🫧virgos excessively lie idk if it’s the anxiety or they can’t handle accountability or what
🧌Capricorn 4H could mean you had to be mentally and emotionally independent or keep yourself busy, company from a very young age
☕️moon-saturn can mean having a very strained relationship with your mom or she didn’t really allow you to do anything as a child and now you are hesitant of getting out there and having fun
🦪many 9h placements are into foreign languages and traveling more than sagittarius natives
💫cancer risings with their leo 2nd house spend their money on frivolous things like clothes/makeup/art supplies and anything that they can express themselves with and cute their boredom
❄️speaking of cancer placements I think some cancer people with 3rd house cancer could love yearbooks , academic trophies or anything that reminds them of their accomplishments in school
🌹you can spot scorpio/aries placements a mile away the prominent brows , sharp features and the hard facial expressions
🪴libra 10H people attract a lot of people infatuated or insanely attracted to them finding them sexy/sex appeal??
🐚pisces + gemini in big 3 makes someone very creative and fun but also emotionally in-tune with their emotions plus extremely talkative
🪰gemini venus can have like multiple standards/expectations for the people they wanna date
🐸aquarius suns are very adventurous and not afraid to take risks with gemini and libra think things through and can’t decide if they want to do it or not
🪩3rd house/9th house venus and moons listens too a variety of music genres they can go from hip-pop to country music
🌆Sagittarius risings or prominent jupiter influence in first house people have big cheeks ifykyk and very noticeable, contagious smiles
🎢air 3rd house people can go through or have many cars throughout their lives like they have a new car everytime you see them
🎠people with heavy mercury influence are very funny they are quick with it
🧌gemini mercury people are very good at mocking or mimicking how people sound or sing especially if has aspects or a Venusian degree (2°,14°,7°,19°)
👽Uranus 1H people can have very big/muscular calves even ankles
🧸something about aries moons and gemini suns just give off chaotic energy
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famemonsterrr · 11 months
♡ Your Venus sign + your love language
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“Take my hand, take my whole life too, cause I can’t help falling in love with you"
Aries Venus/1s house: your love language is being a dog and run after your toy (hahahaha). Love to play and flirt with the one you like also A LOT of physical touch.
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Taurus Venus/2nd house: your love language is being the "rock" (not the actor lol). Because you love to spend money and provide stability to your lover from romantic diners to a safe home.
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Gemini Venus/3rd house: your love language is brain stimulation, you will always find ways to communicate with your lover and have beautiful conversations with them.
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Cancer Venus/4th house: your love language is being a “teddy bear”. Being there for your favourite person and love them with all your heart.
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Leo Venus/5th house: your love language is admiration. When you are in love you just admire every little inch of ur lover and you never forget to tell them how special they are for you.
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Virgo Venus/6th house: your love language is being a “nurse”. You will always provide with help of any kind cause you want to see your love being healthy and be better.
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Libra Venus/7th house: your love language is be a "flirt ball". You will flirt so much and compliment your lover so much. Probably also love to spend and do a lot of things together.
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Scorpio Venus/8th house: your love language is physical touch (you know what I mean) and obsession. You want your lover to be a part of you and be connected for ever.
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Sagittarius Venus/9th house: your love language is being "I just want get high my lover" (not the way you think of it). You will love to explore the world and ideas with your partner. Be free and maybe say "how about get the bus and find new places together"
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Capricorn Venus/10th house: your love language is "I’m the boss”. Yeah you have love inside of you and u will show it with spend money on ur lover and probably want both of you being successful.
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Aquarius Venus/11th house: your love language is "I want a friend". You will treat your lover as your bestie so a lot of communication and crazy ideas. Team work and freedom for sure.
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Pisces Venus/12th house: your love language is "devotion" (alternative: delusion). You will die for your love, you will do anything for them and love them with last bit of your body.
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Thank you for reading ♡
My masterlist
Okay guys I was watching the conjuring movies and who ever have seen these masterpieces knows damn well how beautiful is the romance elements in them😭and I got inspired by them to write this blog so I hope you really liked this as much as I did even tho it has been done multiple times.
Stay healthy and peaceful luvs ♡
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livinahey · 11 months
📝 astr°O°
Warning : mentioning 🔞 stuff herE
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-not my pic :)
🔗 earth sun/moon LOVES to eat. They turned off by ppl who doesnt seem care to eat
🔗 water moon that have venus & bm lilith in same sign gets soooo many hate & ppl mocking them. ie ive wonyoung (moon in pisces, venus & bm lilith in cancer), ice spice (moon in scorpio, venus & bm lilith in sag), kylie jenner (moon in scorpio, venus & bm lilith in virgo) ; to their fans, pls don't attack me 👣 another example is one minister in the country where i currently live; she has moon in cancer with venus & bm lilith in libra and yeah many do not like her
🔗 asteroid juno (3) in fixed sign are powerful
🔗 prominent pluto (aspecting big 3/multiple aspects to pluto) are not for the weak
🔗 mutable venus are underrated fame indicator!!!! They also make the cool parents 😎
🔗 libra in big 6 women have the best s3xual appeal
🔗 speaking ab the best seggs appeal, in men, its the scorpio in big 6
🔗 i think our saturn sign are what others see ab us that seems not make sense/not good ab the traits of the sign that can even be our downfall. ie gemini saturn can have others do not like ab what they say/the way they talk. You can be seen as not a good person to talk to
🔗 water sun are calculating
🔗 jupiter in angles (1h/4h/7h/10h) give massive/worldwide fame
🔗 aqua stellium have good work ethic
🔗 actor/actress often found have ascendant at air degree. air degrees are 3°/15°/27° (gemini), 7°/19° (libra), 11°/23° (aqu)
🔗 are you really a sagittarius sun if you dont like to go out?
🔗 leo moon often get their privacy invaded. ugh. so easy for them to attract attention and so do gossips... i'm so sorry for you
🔗 yk those with weird/funny pic as their social media pfp? yeah probably theyre a moon in mutable house (3h/6h/9h/12h)
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thatsexcpisces · 10 months
Gifts to get the moon signs for Christmas 🎄🤍
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Aries moon: clothing and items for the gym and working out, bold accessories that make them stand out, hats, earrings, tickets or a class for their favorite activity or take them on any fun adventure, new car (if you wanna go big), fancy mirrors, watch, strong fragrance, trendy gadgets
Taurus moon: jewelry, luxuriously-presented items, something cozy and for the home, a spa day voucher, soft blanket, cute slippers, beauty products, skin and self care items
Gemini moon: cute journals to write down their thoughts, entertaining card/games (ex. cards against humanity), stationary, technology, thought-provoking gifts, their favorite book collections.
Cancer moon: cooking set, something sentimental and hand-made (ex. a scrapbook of all your memories together), a comfy robe to lounge in, recipe book, candles and stuff for the home
Leo moon: gifts related to their interests whether musical or hobbies in general. ex., if they love lana del rey get them a vinyl collection of her music or a poster of her. designer clothing, something extravagant and unique, tickets to their favorite musical or show.
Virgo moon: organized home planners, plants, cookbook, antiques, cleaning gadgets, home fragrances, books on getting organized and lifestyle advice, gift cards for home goods stores or their fav stores in general, maybe even get them a small pet to keep company!
Libra moon: designer handbags, books on fashion, good-quality perfumes, beauty items, fancy soaps, silk scarves or pajama sets, luxury brand shoes, fancy decorations for their living space
Scorpio moons: spiritual gifts, something personal from you, leather/ dark colored clothing, pampering gifts, marble items, brand sunglasses, ruled by Pluto; get them an elegant version of whatever they generally like; if they like gold jewelry, get them a carefully-selected box of fancy gold rings or something like that.
Sagittarius moons: gifts brought from a foreign country, something unique, plane tickets to a country they’ve always wanted to go to, travel picture book to record their journeys, good- quality camera, laptop, money, practical gifts
Capricorn moons: expensive things (I mean it’s a Capricorn moon here 💀), money in an envelope, gift cards to high-end stores, good chocolates, wine, and other specialty gourmet items, functional coffee machine, items to relieve stress (back-massager tool, etc), self-help books
Aquarius moons: technology, new phone, computer, Apple headphones, vintage record player, art materials, something no one else has, something related to their humanitarian or quirky interests, trivia games
Pisces moon: dream journal, thoughtful gifts, paintings, adult coloring books or stuff for arts and crafts, cute headphones, their favorite album and CD’s, something that encourages creativity, collection of bath salts and fragrances, meditation/yoga tools, locket necklace, fluffy blankets and pillows
Thank you for reading hope y’all have a good holiday! 🫶🎁🌟
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witchthewriter · 2 years
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Taurus Sun | Capricorn Moon |  Gemini Rising
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astuteology · 9 months
♡Some beautiful and wholesome observations♡
Ps: the following observations are written from a positive perspective. Each and every sign has negative and dark qualities as well but i wanted to share the good and positive side.
《 🌊💧🧊❄️ ♡ 🔥💥🌋🧨 》
◇ WATER SIGNS [cancer, scorpio & pisces] and FIRE SIGNS [aries, leo & sagittarius]‐‐‐‐
‐‐‐‐ can become the best lovers for each other. They both need adventure. They have an inbuilt passion for life. I highly recommend you all to watch ELEMENTAL movie by Disney pixar. It perfectly portrays the love between them. Its really the universal law with them: opposites attract.
But both the elements are scared to share their intensity. Both know that only the other one can make them feel alive. Fire keeps the water flowing and water keeps the fire alive. Water can calm the fiery rage in the fire. Fire can keep the water stable within their mind. Together its like a volcanic eruption. Unfortunately, either one or both are immature and runs away from commitment, responsibility and accountability. I really wish both the elements heal from their deep rooted trauma/issues/wounds. Fire signs, let water drown you in their love where you will feel safe and alive. Water signs, let fire make the steam, you will feel relaxed and warm.
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《💨🌫️🌪️🎐 ♡ 🌍🌱⛰️🗺 》
◇AIR SIGNS [gemini, libra & aquarius] and EARTH SIGNS [taurus, virgo & Capricorn]‐‐‐‐
‐‐‐‐ make very stable and beautiful couple together. They make each other grow. They fulfill their destiny together. With this, i high recommend you to watch WALL‐E, eva as the air sign and wall‐e as the earth sign. Its the case of polar opposite. Both are unique and hard working in their own ways. Air can show earth a new and different way to live life. Earth can show air the importance of stability and that how important it is to have a plan in life. Air gives out of the box solutions whereas earth is the natural problem solver. Air shows earth the new perspective of life and earth feels mesmerized by it. Earth takes pretty good care of the air and air gives earth the support and motivation they never get from anyone. Its very balancing. Very soothing. Very strategic and long lasting.
Unfortunately, either one or both of them have their guards wayyyy high up and refuses to let the other in. Due to their little to no trust in people, they put on a false facade for the world to see. Its almost impossible for them to trust anyone. They see other people as non ambitious. They don't like low life people. As a result, earth starts throwing hard tests on air just to see if they're trustworthy. Air, as a result, gets exhausted and flies away, which in turn makes the earth feel toxic and negative emotions. They feel so hurt that their mind starts seeing everyone as unworthy of their time and heart. Air on the other hand likes a slow burn. They like teasing, they want earth to earn them. They want earth to learn them because air feels deeply misunderstood. But earth is already exhausted by expecting people to act right, they shut down infront of air. They find love and friendship in each other that no one else could never give them. Unfortunately, both of them turn toxic for each other. Instead of healing, they blame each other. I really wish they both practice listening and communicating. Air signs, please don't feel terrified of earth, take their hand, you'll be safe forever. Earth signs, they won't let you down, I know you want to relax and enjoy life, let the air take you in their arms, you'll feel okay. You will feel free.
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◇ aries and scorpio makes a very redamancy couple. Both gives each other the love that no one ever gave them. They protect each other's feelings and each other also.
◇ Capricorn and cancer together are like dad and mom. You know those old couples we see, they're so affectionate and supportive of each other? Yes that, both the signs are like that for each other.
◇ aries and Capricorn make a very powerful couple together. They protect each other from the outer world. They learn from each other alot. They both grow together. Aries gradually learn to tame down their anger and frustration and they become balanced with their emotions due to Capricorn. Capricorn on the other hand gradually learns to feel emotions that they kept buried inside, they let their inner child finally come out due to aries.
◇ taurus and sagittarius makes a very bubbly and wholesome couples. They enjoy alot with each other. Opposite attracts.
◇ cancer and pisces together makes a very emotional couple. Both learn from each other's emotions. They know each other to the core.
◇virgo and libra / aquarius and libra makes for a very happy and supportive couple. They prefer being a team and don't let anyone get between them.
◇ libra relaxes Capricorn's mind.
◇ aquarius and Capricorn= mindfully connected couple.
◇ sagittarius and aries = chaotic together.
◇ pisces and Capricorn = protecting each other at any cost.
◇ taurus and scorpio = long lasting.
◇ gemini and pisces= they understand each other. Since gemini is one of the most misunderstood sign, pisces empathise with gemini making them feel safe and understood.
◇ leo and Capricorn/ scorpio and Capricorn = can actually work together really really well. Capricorn is strategic and leo/scorpio just goes for it. Together they can attain so many things together.
That's all for now <3
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harmoonix · 1 year
Astrology Sweet Notes
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Moon in Earth Signs have this unique love for nature like no one else, they love to be in nature and enjoying the environment. They are nature lovers and love to spend their time in nature
Air Risings love to socialize and communicate, is their thing, they love communication and you can feel this thing of talking about everything with them, they can listen to you all day and also give you advices and helping you when you need
Fire Suns have literally so much energy, they can do a lot of things and at the end of the day still having much energy for doing other things
Water Moons are physic gifted, they can sense the emotions inside and being in touch with everything around them, a lot of Water Moons can often have paranormal experiences and most of them can believe in superstitions such as ghosts and myths paired with Air Moons who can also believe in the same things like aliens and witches
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Neptune/Moon in the 1st house give this vibe of angelic person because the way they look might be very kind and charming. A lot of attention on them because of their eyes, their eyes are magnificent literally the vibe of "You can see the moon in their eyes"
Neptune/Sun and Moon in the 12th house can be also physic gifted because of their extremely high intuition, they can feel people's intentions of them way before someone is telling them. They can aslo be helped and guided by their ancestors or their spirit guides and often recieving/seeing signs (angel numbers, names, colors, feathers, etc)
Neptune in the 7th house can develop this fake illusion" over their partners and can also end up romanticize their partner a lot and living into a fake illusion most of the times.
Neptune - Juno aspects can mean that you and your partner have both a great spirituality sense together and also your relationship can be influenced by spirituality. Sometimes these aspects have dreams of their partners of future partners.
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Saturn in the 7th house or 7th house ruled by Saturn is a great indicator of having/or going to have a very serious relationship and a very serious spouse about you, idk why people think this placement is bad when is one of the best to have related to love relationships. (I have this aspect myself in the Sidereal chart and I could never be more prouder) . Saturn will learn you about relationships and about seriousness in them. But also the sad part is you gonna met this serious partner kinda later in life😭 like you kinda need to wait for that moment to come 😭😭😭😭
Having Sun in the 7th house or 7th house ruled by the Sun means that you tend to focus a lot on your relationships, you really give your best and without a doubt these people have this thing of wanting their partners to be obsessed with them (especially Leo in 7th house gives that energy). You also have a chance to have this partner who is obsessed with you at some point in your life 🤭 but be careful with that tho
Having Moon in the 7th house or 7th house ruled by the Moon gives this energy of someone who loves really deep and seeks soul connection in the same time, this is also a bit risky because you love too hard and enough to sacrifice yourself for love which sometimes cannot be worth it. You tend to focus also a lot on your partner's needs and to forget about yours... Please give yourself some love and respect because you deserve it
Having Jupiter in the 7th house or 7th house ruled by the Jupiter can mean having good luck and usually luck in finding good relationships but can also mean that Jupiter helps you and wants the best related to love so it can give you some times to wait until you actually find that perfect partner you wish to have. And also your partner is that type of person who is very jovial and always happy + this can also mean that your partner can be foreign or to met your partner in a foreign place or land
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Taurus and Scorpio placements (especially Moon and Venus) are getting soo jealous and possessive when they are in a relationship, is like they want to protect their partner and themselves in the same time but also trying to love them and showing them love. Virgo placements are the only ones i know after Taurus and Scorpio being posesive about their relationships
Capricorn and Aries placements can also tend to be posesive and getting jealous in relationships but since they are searching for something serious they will mostly try to work out and to fix things if there is a problem involving possessiveness
Lilith aspecting Venus gives fatale energy, you can attract people very fast but also very kind of posesive partners
Lilith aspecting Moon is literally one of the most powerful and intense aspects in the astrology without being biased is something very intense to have, women can tend to be jealous of you and you can find men being very mean and rude to you for no reason because you radiate this powerful energy that makes their insecurities to rise up. Also this can indicate problem's with the natives mother and a difficult childhood in some cases
Lilith aspecting Neptune can literally drain people into them without them knowing, have you ever had experiences with people coming to you and talking to you for no reason?? Exactly bestie... They feel your energy
Lilith - Sun aspects can literally get hate for being themselves because of their magnetism, people really see how powerful they are and they don't want that to happen. These natives could have been accused of things they never did and things that never happened. Very rebellious yet attractive.
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Moon - Jupiter aspects expands the feelings of the native and make it to always feel emotionally supported when they are feeling bad, these natives can be highly spirituals and have very a strong soul
Moon - Mercury/Venus aspects makes the native to have an addiction for music and art, they adore the music and art/poetry/theater etc related things these aspects are the definition of the word "artist" and "lyrical genius" i imagine these aspects as the Angel who sings at harp
Moon in the 9th house/Sagittarius can have a deep love for other cultures/history they appreciate the cultures and the beliefs so much and tend to be very respected because of that. Moon in the 9th house is always in the search for knowledge
Moon - Mars/Uranus aspects gives much energy to the aspect beside the angry issues, they can be really great dancers and can love to dance and learn dancing. Moon - Mars might put very much passion in their dance tho, while Moon - Uranus will dance based on their mood
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Saturn - Venus aspects can struggle with their emotions when they are in a relationship, it can be a bit rough for them but with them they learn more and more about the "True love" and the relationships
The most painful someone can do is to hurt someone with Saturn-Venus aspects/Saturn - Moon aspects/Venus in the 10th house/Saturn in the 7th house/Saturn in the 5th house/Venus in Capricorn cuz baby karma will come for you
Saturn - Lilith aspects can have a very strict family household where their sexuality could have been restricted (This applies to the LGBT+ natives with these aspects). You need to learn to stay your in power and to not lost your soul in the sadness the others want to provoke in your heart ❤️‍🩹
Saturn in Cancer/4th house could have struggles with their mom and their household, these natives are having such strong heart and inner child, no one can break their heart because the karma will beat your a$$ if you try to hurt those. You are a very powerful person and never forget that
Saturn - Moon aspects: native had very impactful a childhood/something could've happened in their childhood to make them hurt/sad. Remember you are invincible and no one knows what you're going through more than yourself, you are very wise and very strong 💞 bless your heart
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👑 Hello queens and kings, hope you have a good Friday. Today is a new day so a new post is coming 💞 i tried to posts some aspects i didn't talked that much about and to talk about more topics. 💞👑 Much love and blessings for you 💘
Remember if you ever feel like you're alone in your story of life, better times will come for you and you will see the sun coming after the dark storm. You will bloom like a spring flower and with confidence and courage you will go through all the challenges this life has. You are strong, brave and beautiful. 💘
Harmoonix 💋
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11hedonistic · 1 year
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every single time i come across a man that gives me creep vibes, i check their chart and they unsurprisingly always have a scorpio stellium
sag 2nd house people are lucky w their finances !
whenever i come across people who have had extremely rough lives, they always have their saturn in scorpio or capricorn (mainly cap)
scorpio rising people are way more intimidating than scorpio sun people.
mercury and the third house represents the way you communicate. if you have a cancer mercury/cancer in the 3rd house or your mercury at a cancer degree, you’re probably constantly told you have a very nurturing/sweet voice. or the way you talk is very nurturing. (i have a taurus mercury at a cancer degree and people tell me the way i talk is very sensual (taurus mercury) and sweet (cancer degree) see how it’s put together ?
wanna recharge your energy based off of the dominant element of your chart ? i got you bestie !
fire doms can recharge by exercising/simply moving their body or going outside and getting more sun ☀️
earth doms can recharge by grounding themselves/ walking barefoot outside. & if you realllyy want that extra boost, try hugging trees ;) 🌳
air doms can recharge by doing breath work (breathe in for 4 seconds, hold for 7 and blow out for 8) , meditating or writing down things on their mind. ☁️
water doms can recharge by sitting in bodies of water or channeling their water then drinking it. (saying positive affirmations to your water and then drinking it) 🌊
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leo moons never fail to bring themselves up in a damn conversation 😭 and i don’t even find it offensive i find it hilarious lmao (for example jk from bts has a leo moon and someone made a compilation of one of his members complimenting another member and jk will say something like “we ALL did a good job” or “i did a good job too” and it takes me out lmao
anyone who says cancers are the cry babies of the zodiac signs has obviously never met a pisces. pisces are constantly crying over things they have zero control over lol i still love them tho
im in lovee with the way that libra mercuries talk. i just find it so captivating
taurus moon people have that “down to earth” vibe
leo north node is a pretty common fame indicator
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saylessastrology · 6 months
Astrology Notes!💫💅🏾
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💫These Observations are from MY OPINION & Knowledge💫 Follow my Patreon for more💜💅🏾
Jupiter in 2nd,4th,10th - these people usually end up successful through finacial/career endevours as well as homes and physical property. usually comes into effect after your saturn returm
Aries Mars/Mars in 1st house - people with these placements express thier anger openly and loudly. Both my parents had Mars in Aries and it was a war zone when they were arguing.
Cancer Moons- This placement can create a very moody individual. While they are SUPER sweet and caring, they also have quick tempers when triggered
Aquarius Personal Planet Placements - I know aqua's get dragged for being emotionless BUT that is only on the outside! Internally, Aqua's feel EVERYTHING. They just have a very detached way of expressing thier emotions.
Grand Trines - Most people don't activily use thier GT to their benefit. Having 1 or more GT's can make the areas of your life that are connected in the GT TOO EASY. Almsot so easy that we forget to put in the extra work to get the best out of the aspect!
Chart Rulers - The rular of your chart can show how you are naturally suppose to navigate through life.
Ex: Ruler -Sun
You are meant to use your creative and expressive personality to navigate through life. When you do, you will stand out tramendously in the world and forward moving energy will be consistant.
South Node House Placement - The traits associated with the house your sn is in can show your secret traits from your past life that your can use sparingly in your current journey tword your North Node
EX: south node in 10th house/NN in 4th
You are blessed with so many benefical go getter career traits! You were the big boss in your past and shoud Incorporate these traits with your north node in the 4th house placement.
Feel like you don't have what it takes to run your own household?
Use your Multitasking, Athoritative and Business skills to care for your househouse
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1. Sun-Sun Conjunction: Shared Identity
Observation: When one person's Sun is conjunct (in the same place as) the other person's Sun, they often share similar core identities and life goals.
Explanation: This aspect can create a strong sense of understanding and identification with each other. It’s like looking into a mirror; these individuals often feel a deep connection and mutual respect.
2. Moon-Moon Harmony: Emotional Understanding
Observation: Harmonious aspects (like trines or sextiles) between two people's Moons suggest a deep emotional understanding and comfort.
Explanation: Their emotional rhythms and needs align well, making it easier for them to empathize with and nurture each other. It's akin to speaking the same emotional language.
3. Venus-Mars Aspect: Attraction Dynamics
Observation: When someone’s Venus (planet of love) forms an aspect with another person's Mars (planet of desire), it indicates a strong physical and romantic attraction.
Explanation: This aspect can spark instant chemistry, creating a dynamic and exciting interaction. The Venus person is drawn to the Mars person’s assertiveness, while the Mars person appreciates the Venus person’s aesthetic and charm.
4. Mercury Conjunct Mercury: Intellectual Bond
Observation: A conjunction between two people's Mercuries suggests a meeting of the minds.
Explanation: This aspect fosters open communication, mutual understanding, and shared interests. It’s like being on the same wavelength intellectually, making conversations flow easily and enjoyably.
5. Moon Opposite Saturn: Emotional Responsibility
Observation: When one person's Moon opposes another's Saturn, it can indicate a relationship where emotional support meets responsibility and structure.
Explanation: The Moon person provides warmth and emotional understanding, while the Saturn person offers stability and teaches valuable life lessons. However, if not balanced, it could lead to feelings of coldness or emotional distance.
6. Sun Square Pluto: Transformative Challenges
Observation: A square between one person's Sun and another's Pluto often brings intense, transformative challenges to the relationship.
Explanation: This aspect can create power struggles or deep psychological confrontations. However, if navigated wisely, it can lead to profound personal growth and transformation for both individuals.
7. Jupiter Trine Venus: Shared Joy and Growth
Observation: A trine between one person’s Jupiter and another’s Venus indicates a joyful, growth-oriented relationship.
Explanation: There's an abundance of warmth, generosity, and shared values. This aspect enhances mutual appreciation and can bring luck and prosperity to the relationship.
8. Saturn Sextile Pluto: Building Together
Observation: When one person's Saturn forms a sextile with another's Pluto, it suggests the ability to build something enduring together.
Explanation: This aspect offers a blend of discipline (Saturn) and transformation (Pluto), enabling the couple to work through obstacles and effect substantial changes together. It’s about resilience and mutual empowerment.
9. Uranus Opposite Venus: Unpredictable Attractions
Observation: An opposition between one person's Uranus and another's Venus can create an unpredictable, electric attraction.
Explanation: This aspect can bring excitement and spontaneity but also instability to the relationship. The Uranus person shakes up the Venus person’s concept of love and beauty, while the Venus person may seek more stability and commitment.
10. Neptune Trine Mars: Inspired Actions
Observation: A trine between one person’s Neptune and another’s Mars indicates a relationship where dreams inspire action.
Explanation: The Mars person’s drive and ambition are creatively inspired by the Neptune person's ideals and imagination. Together, they can turn visions into reality, combining passion with compassion.
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botanicalsword · 4 months
Grand Trine ✧ their strength & weakness
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A grand trine is an astrological structure that occurs when three planets or points form a triangle in the same element, forming an equilateral triangle at a harmonious 120-degree angle to each other. 
they have advantageous natural conditions that can make life easier, but it doesn't mean one can completely relax and rely on those advantages
be cautious about their weaknesses and limitations, and maintain a humble and proactive mindset
things might seem smooth sailing from the start, we cannot ignore the natural cycle of change. We must always be prepared to face adversity
recognize our own strengths and weaknesses, maintain humility and a sense of crisis
>> Venus sign • check how you pursue love & beauty>> Mars ▸ and their cup of tea ☼
✧ Fire Grand Trine (Aries, Leo and Sagittarius)
It brings a harmonious and fortunate influence - with passion, creativity, and enthusiasm. Fire grand trine is present in a birth chart, it indicates a person who is dynamic, confident, and can easily harness their inner passion to achieve their goals. They may have a natural talent for leadership, entrepreneurship, or any endeavor that requires a bold and adventurous spirit. The balanced energies of the fire grand trine can also foster a sense of optimism, spontaneity, and a zest for life. Individuals with this configuration may find it easy to maintain a positive outlook and inspire those around them. Fire grand trine is not a guarantee of success or an entirely problem-free life. It must be considered in the context of the entire birth chart and the individual's personal circumstances.
✧ Earth Grand Trine (Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn)
People with an Earth grand trine tend to have a very grounded, practical, and realistic personality. They prefer order, routine, and stability, and place a high value on feeling secure and comfortable. Earth signs are very sensory-oriented, and find joy and solace in the physical, material world around them. They are often hesitant to leave their comfort zones, preferring to act only when they feel completely ready. While the Earth grand trine indicates strong creative potential and the ability to manifest their ideals, actually taking action can be a challenge for them. Some may even feel they don't need to work hard, relying on government assistance or a wealthy partner to provide for them, as they don't overly prioritize financial matters. This nonchalance towards money management can also lead to financial troubles, as they sometimes are overly optimistic and assume good times will continue. Earth grand trine shows a lack of initiative and adventurous spirit, with a tendency to cling to comfort and ease. Overcoming these limitations will help them to realize their capabilities.
✧ Air Grand Trine (Gemini, Libra and Aquarius)
Air signs excel at mental abilities and social interaction - they are naturally inclined towards networking and communication. Those with an Air grand trine are skilled at making connections, conceptualizing ideas, and expanding their knowledge. They have active, agile minds and enjoy theoretical discussions, maintaining an objective, detached perspective. While Air signs seem to relish socializing, they often lack deep emotional experiences, preferring to skim across the surface. They are considered among the most detached of the signs. Air signs tend to think before acting, but their short attention spans can lead them to become all talk and no action. Some may become so enthusiastic about their learning that they neglect practical application, forever remaining in a state of learning without fully implementing their knowledge. Translating complex ideas into concrete reality is still a challenge, as they struggle to break free from the constraints of thought alone.
✧ Water Grand Trine (Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces)
Water grand trine is deeply connected to the realms of emotion and spirituality. Water grand trine are particularly sensitive and skilled at attuning to their own and others' inner lives. Their feelings run deep, often tapping into the subconscious and transcendent. They typically trust their intuition and inner senses, relying more on gut feelings than logic in their decision-making. They are highly focused on the spiritual and psychological dimensions of life. It shows how they express their emotions - they experience life's events with profound emotional intensity. This depth of feeling can sometimes make them overly sensitive and prone to emotional ups and downs. Yet the same quality allows them to be highly empathetic and caring when others need support. Conversely, they may at times even have emotional crises, seeking healing and transformation. They can swing between being perpetually immersed in their feelings, or completely unable to find someone who fulfills their emotional needs. They have exceptional artistic gifts, though some may keep this creativity within themselves rather than fully sharing it. They often enjoy solitude, as it provides the self-nourishment and contentment they crave.
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Moon signs ♡ Being in love vs Falling out of love
Mercury - interpreted as they are
Mars Sign's Approaches to Relationships
❥ Synastry / Composite Chart Observations
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