#easy cute wedding hairstyle
guide-beauty · 1 year
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Proper hair care can be quite a problem for many women. Drugstores offer a wide range of cosmetics, shampoos and conditioners that promise to improve the appearance and health of your hair. Poorly selected products in combination with external factors such as hard water, daily drying and styling can leave your hair in a dreadful condition.
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fashionsmod · 2 years
Top 10 Hairstyles for Long Hair in 2023
Top 10 Hairstyles for Long Hair in 2023
Hairstyles for long hair are one of the regular long hair looks for those girls and also men who want to wear different looks these days. Are you looking for a fresh new hairstyle to flaunt your long locks? Look no further! In this blog post, we’ll be exploring the top 10 hairstyles for long hair in 2023. From classic ponytails to glamorous waves, you’ll find a style to suit any occasion. So keep…
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sumairakhan786 · 2 years
Top 10 Hairstyles for Long Hair in 2023
Top 10 Hairstyles for Long Hair in 2023
Hairstyles for long hair are one of the regular long hair looks for those girls and also men who want to wear different looks these days. Are you looking for a fresh new hairstyle to flaunt your long locks? Look no further! In this blog post, we’ll be exploring the top 10 hairstyles for long hair in 2023. From classic ponytails to glamorous waves, you’ll find a style to suit any occasion. So keep…
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stxrrynxghts · 11 months
Styling in My Mahabharat
I am a person with wild dreams. And one of my wildest dreams is making my own Magnum Opus on Mahabharat, which focuses specifically on Abhimanyu & Uttara. The story is being written by me, and I am doing my best for all of it. Styling, is something that I am focusing on, as it makes me happy.
I am not the biggest fan of the clothing in Star Plus Mahabharat because:
The clothing was too simple. Only the borders had designs.
The clothing was repeated a bit too much, where was the variety?
The jewelry clearly seemed...phony. Rich n royal=/= heavy gold tbh.
So, I watched some styling videos of many period films, and here I am, with my ideas!
First of all, we need to incorporate materials like silk, cotton and muslin. These three should be the primary, and the difference b/w the three can clearly show a difference in hierarchy. Muslin can be shown to be worn during the night/summers.
We have Banarasi and Kanjivaram sarees, we have Bandhni and Patola prints, we have zari work. I would def include these in the costumes.
For jewelries, simple, but designs from various parts of the country will look good. One or two heavy necklaces are enough, IMO, to show the grandeur of the era. Plus other jewelries like hair ornaments, earrings, bangles, armbands and kamarbandhas are here.
Different designs of armor for the men are a must, probably modelled after what Arjun wore in Star Plus Mahabharat. His armor suited his body type, and looked very good on his figure, over all.
Hairstyles have to include flower ornaments like gajra. They are not worn on "wedding nights" pls, how do these ppl find flowery stuff romantic when someone else is wearing it?!
And now, I shall style my main characters, Abhimanyu and Uttara. If this is successful, I shall do the others too-
This is gonna be pretty short. What are the main things for styling a male?
I imagine Abhimanyu with long hair, not too long, but till his neck. Not completely straight, slightly wavy.
One thing I love about StarBharat is the tilaks they have done, for the Kuru men, with the moon and other designs. I will keep that one for sure.
Since Abhimanyu has lived majority of his life in Dwarka, some traditional prints/jewelry designs of Gujarat/Maharashtra will be a great inclusion.
As for ornaments, nothing particular is necessary, except two bracelets, one neckpiece, and two earrings. My headcanon has Abhimanyu wearing an armband, and a single ring.
And colors...hmm, purple is a good option, as that color is associated with royalty. The color blue is a great choice, since it symbolizes freedom and sensitivity, as well as faith and stability. Red is a must, as it is associated with bravery, and dark red means vigor, willpower, and rage. Abhimanyu is canonically short tempered, his name means "extremely wrathful". And red is associated with sacrifice as well, so it is def his color.
As I am going to show Abhimanyu be 21, his headpiece in the armor from StarBharat goes away, as it gives him a boy-ish look. Without it, however, changes his look completely, and I don't want anything in his outfit making him seem boy-ish.
Uttara's details in my mind are far different from what is shown in StarBharat. I have kept the same cast as they look cute together in my story, yes, and I hate Uttara's styling.
Her clothing is exquisite, just like her mother's. Matsya is canonically rich, and her maternal side is from Kekaya, what do you expect? Uttara's clothes are flowy, to allow easy movements.
The material of the fabric will be silk, with Kanjivaram, Zari and Banarasi type of embroideries on them. I am showing Matsyadesa to have a riverine trade route, so she should have access to all types of fabrics. Some traditional Rajasthani prints have to be there too.
Jewelry is not too much, but well made and designed. Uttara is interested in dressing up, and it is obvious that she shall have a large collection of ornaments.
The colors shall be pink, as it symbolizes innocence and softness, off white and yellow, which symbolize purity and joy respectively, and blues, lemons and greens as well. Her color scheme rarely has dark shades, as it is symbolic.
Her hairstyles range from a braid, to a bun and a bun with a braid coming out of it (kind of like the typical dance hairstyle).
Sindoor is a must, and there are no veils here. Uttara does own various mini-chudamani style ornaments, which she wears from time to time. Blouses are strapless mostly, some times some of them have straps.
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Our Future // The Wedding // Shuri
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Summary: Part 2 of Our Future
Pairing: Shuri x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Fluff // Cute shit // I tried to stray away from the traditional american wedding // I love her so much // Angst if you squint // Mentioned Character Death //
Word Count: 2.8k
Author’s Note: As promised here is Part 2! Yall I had fun with this one, cried a little but I hope yall enjoy it.
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The time had come. Quicker than you expected. Today was the day. You could only wish T’Challa and Ramonda were here to witness your union. But as your people say, death is not the end. They are here with you and Shuri. Your stomach fluttered as you sat in front of the mirror. One of your friends stood behind you, hair in the process of being braided while waiting for Nakia to bring the dress. You were prepared to become Shuri's wife. As she was prepared to have you as such. Your face was decorated with white dots adorning your cheeks and nose. Some that mimicked Shuri's panther mantle. Your fingers are decorated with gold jewelry plus the ring Shuri proposed with. You stared at your reflection with a smile on your glossed lips as old memories flooded your thoughts. Your mind wandered back to when the late Queen Ramonda had joked that you two would end up marrying each other. 
// Flashback //
"That is not correct and you know it. The sequence is so easy even my brother could do it." She sighed as you stood with crossed arms. She was getting real snappy ever since you told her you had to stay in the states for a couple of days.
"You can be upset all you want princess but do not disrespect my intelligence. I am just as smart as you and deserve to be treated as such." You sneered as you sat the documents on the table. Shuri paused her tantrum and shook her head as she went back to her work. "T'Challa needed my assistance on this trip. Shuri I'm coming back. If you're going to miss me just say that." Your smirk grew as she turned to you with a stunned expression. 
"I will not. I have too much to do anyway to notice you're gone." She started walking to another table. You silently followed before throwing your arm over her shoulders. "You don't seem like you won't notice." She shrugged your arm off with a forced frown on her face. "You're so full of yourself." You took the opportunity to leave the lab with a grin before her voice stopped you. "Call everyday to check in." You smiled at her back but went on to your room, meeting the Queen in the hall. She had Okoye by her side and you politely waved. 
"The two of them bicker like a married couple." Okoye grinned as the Queen tried to hide her snickers.
"It's just Shuri being thick headed. Sometimes you can't get a single word through that brain of hers."
"It's her way of caring about you. Which she does quite a lot. I wouldn't mind having you part of the family one day." She smiled and you felt your cheeks burn. 
"Oh you humble me queen mother. Me and Shuri? I don't know how that would work." You let your arms cover your body as the thought crossed your mind. Shuri wouldn't want to be with you that way…..Right?
"If these walls could talk child. They'd have a mouthful to say about you two." She grinned as she tapped your shoulder before heading to the lab. Probably to speak with Shuri about the trip. You and Shuri. Ha. That's a thought.
// End of Flashback // 
You were pulled out of your thoughts as your favorite Jabari girls rushed in the room to see you. You smiled down at the three as they had matching hairstyles and dresses. "Well aren't you three looking beautiful as ever. Your father actually let you out of his sight?" You let out a laugh as M'Juba shrugged her shoulders. 
"What he doesn't know won't hurt him. I promised to be the responsible older sister and watch them." She said as Amdeh crawled into your lap. "When will it start? I'm sure Shuri would love to see you."
"She can't see me until the ceremony. We'll walk in together." You told the girl as Amdeh watched the last of your hair get braided. 
"Move over Amdeh. I want to see it as well!" Asha whined and you felt a smile form on your lips. Thinking back to certain conversations you shared with your love.
"How do you feel about children?" The memory was fresh as you only had it some days ago. "When the time is right. I wouldn't mind."
"When will we have kids of our own?" This was the first time she asked you this. You weren't scared or worried. You would like to have children with her. Your Shuri. 
"Whenever you can find us a place to make it possible."
"Are we going to be the cool aunties who buy everything when their parents say no?" Your shoulders shook as laughter rocked your body. "Considering how many times you've told Toussaint not to tell his mother whenever you gave him something she said no to. You're already there my love."
A soft knock caught your attention and the four of you looked up to see Nakia with a genuine smile. "It's time for your dress." You gently moved Amdeh out of your lap before standing up to approach Nakia. "Would you mind helping me?" She held a bright smile before hanging the dress on the hook. You took a long look at the white dress with gold jewels decorating the torso and neckline. Nakia unzipped the dress as you stepped in to allow her to pull it up your body. She moved to zip up the back and found your gaze in the mirror. Placing the clips in your hair to pull the look together you felt yourself smile. You looked and felt beautiful. 
"You're so pretty Y/N!" M'Juba beamed and you smiled at her as her sisters nodded in agreement. 
"You look beautiful, sister." Nakia smiled trying not to cry. Nakia had always been supportive of you and your relationship. She helped you to process your feelings for the princess when you were figuring out if you liked her or not. She taught you how to grow your own vegetables and would come visit with Toussaint. Her hand rested on your shoulder and you squeezed her hand. Suddenly feeling grateful for everything she's done. "Thank you." You promised yourself you wouldn't cry so when she saw your eyes water she pulled you into a hug. "Come now. No time for tears. It's time." 
You turned to the girls with a wide smile. "Go on you three. You have to take your place next to your father." They all hugged your legs before Nakia ushered them to the aisle. Toussaint walked in with a grin before holding his arm out. "Ready to escort me?" 
"I sure am auntie." He said with a light giggle and you fanned yourself before grabbing hold of him. Nakia returned with a grin as she turned the veil over your face. Everyone present at the ceremony will lay eyes on you after Shuri does. You'll meet her at the entrance and become her wife. Her wife. Shuri Udaku's wife. You let out the breath you didn't know you were holding as she came into view. Her back was to you, but you could still tell how beautiful she looked. She wore her own white dress with gold accents and accessories. You and Toussaint exchanged knowing looks before he left you to go hug his auntie. With his presence she knew you were behind her. He walked hand in hand with his mother into the ceremony as you gently tapped Shuri's shoulder. She slowly turned with her eyes to the floor. Her gaze slowly took in every thread and jewel adorning your figure. As if saving this image in her mind. 
"My love. You look astonishing." She told you in a low voice. The same tone she would use when she was speechless. Her curls in her face with the sides and back cleanly shaven. Her own features are painted just as yours. She was breathtaking. "I could say the same to you. Gorgeous my dearest." She held out her hand for you to take and you intertwined your fingers, watching intensively as she brought your hand to her lips. You could melt right then and there. 
"Let's go." You both turned to face the door as it opened, revealing you to the tribes. The music thumping and cheering crowds couldn't get louder than the sound of your heart beating through your ears. When the two of you reached the altar you couldn't help but feel amazed. The altar was littered with heart shaped herbs, their glowing purple hue made the sight even more beautiful. Your eyes scanned the people surrounding you before your eyes found hers. Everything had gone silent for just a second and it felt like no one else was there. Just you and Shuri at this moment. 
"Usana. I've been waiting for this moment for as long as I can remember. You've always been my other half even when we fought. No matter what, just as I protect my country, I will protect you with my life." She brought her hands up to push the veil off your face. "If you'll allow me to do so, sthandwa." She leaned her forehead to rest against yours and you gave a nod, soaking in the feeling of her warmth. 
"As long as you allow me to fight for you as well. Every protector needs someone to have their backs. And I will dedicate myself to do so. I love you too much." You keep it short as there's a later time after the ceremony for both of you to pour out your hearts to the other
"Umfazi wam."
"Umfazi wam."
She lifted your chin before her lips met yours in a soft kiss and M'Baku was the first to jump up with a shout. You pulled back from the kiss. "Mayafa!" The three girls grunted in response as the other tribes began to dance in celebration. Shuri pecked your lips once more while everyone danced and shouted. 
"If only my mother and brother were here to see this."
"They are. And if your mother was physically here she'd say "I told you so." You smiled as she laughed at the thought with a wide grin.
"You're right." Her lip was between her teeth. Something she did when she thought long and hard. "I have something for you. Come. We'll be right back." She led you to the herb garden when she stood with a thin black box. 
"I know we said no gifts but I thought of this and I couldn't let the opportunity slip from me. Have I ever told you how you remind me of the heart shaped herb?" She questioned and you frowned in confusion. She took your silence to continue. "The herb is used to give us the strength we need to protect this country and its people. When you said yes to marrying me, it gave me a new found strength. One that I'll cherish for the rest of my life. Whether we make it to the end or Bast forbid anything splits us apart, I want you to have this." She opened the box to reveal a heart shaped necklace. The purple shimmer caught your eye and you found your partner's gaze. 
"This is-"
"Yes. I infused one of the herbs and vibranium to create it." You shivered as the cold metal came in contact with your skin as she connected it behind your neck. Your hand held the silver piece before you felt her lips on your shoulder. "Our future starts now Mrs. Udaku." You turned in her arms before crashing your lips into hers. Your finger tangled in her curls as her hands held onto your waist. The hungry kiss became more slow and sensual before you pulled away to catch a breath. You scanned her face before resting your foreheads together.
"Not yet. I um, have something for you as well." It was your turn to lead her as you walked to your shared bedroom. Walking around to the nightstand on your side of the bed you pulled two small picture frames from the draw and handed them to her. "These were written to you from your brother and mother. Apparently they both had the gift of seeing into the future and wanted you to have them on our wedding day." You told her with a smile and Shuri felt as if she was floating. Her family left letters for her? On her wedding day? "I can leave so you can read them if you'd like."
"No. Stay with me. Please." You knew this would be a sensitive situation for her. But she deserves them. The least you can do is honor her family's wishes. She started with her mother's first. You sat next to her on the bed with your hand on her back, offering comfort. 
To my sweet Shuri,
If you are reading this, then my hunch was correct. You and Y/N have finally admitted to yourselves that the two of you are soulmates. Your father and I have thought about this day more times than you think. Y/N has always been and always will be family. Marriage is not easy. There will be ups and downs. There will be arguments. There will be tears. But the two of you together will overcome any obstacle thrown your way. I am so proud of you, my child. You have always shown that you can do just fine on your own. And now with Y/N by your side, I know you will go above and beyond that. Love and cherish each other. Put each other first. Never be afraid to show others who you are. 
Your mother, Ramonda
By the end Shuri had tears rolling down her cheeks but a smile graced her features. Her eyes were closed and you rubbed small circles on her back. "Do you need a break?" She shook her head no before moving onto her brother's letter. 
You finally did it sister? You asked Y/N to be your forever person? You make your older brother proud. Because if you didn't then why are you reading this? I know you have questions. Questions I don't quite have all the answers to. I don't have much time left and I have accepted that. I know you'll try your hardest to save me. Unfortunately it may not go the way you want it, but if the ancestors allow, I'll forever be with you and our mother. And Nakia. And Toussaint. I'm sure by now you've met my son. I don't want you blaming yourself for what awaits us. I want you to live on, knowing that you have a wonderful partner by your side. I couldn't see you married to anyone else unless it's one of your computers or creations. I asked Y/N to show you this whenever the two of you take the next step in your lives. While I won't know what's in store for Wakanda, I strongly believe that you will be a great protector. And an even better Black Panther. Not just for our country but for our people. For Y/N. Do not leave behind your love the way I will. I dread the day but it is inevitable for me from here. Y/N will make a great wife. A great queen. Love her. Cherish her. Hold onto her. I believe you will do nothing short of that. Remember death is not the end for us. I'll always be with you.
Shuri finally broke and leaned her head into your neck as you held her. "I'm here usana. I'm here. It's okay." You whispered words of reassurance as you rubbed her back, letting her sobs rock her body. When she calmed down a little you lifted her chin so she could look at you. You wiped her tears away with your thumbs before kissing her forehead. "They wrote those letters to you because they loved you. Wanted you to wait to read them because they believed that on this day you would be content. Happy. I can't speak for your brother but he wanted you to be happy. Even after his passing." 
"I am happy. More happy than I've ever been. You've been holding onto these the entire time?" She held the picture frames in her lap and you nodded.
"You're not the only one who can keep a good secret." You smiled and she hugged your body tight. "Now our future starts." She smiled down at you staring as if you were the most precious thing in the world. In her world you were just that. "Come on. Let's head back before people start to notice we're gone." You wiped her face with a tissue and you giggled as she let you do your thing. "People being Toussaint and the girls. Nothing slips past those young ones."
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killmongerskeeper · 2 years
Our Future // The Wedding // Shuri
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Summary: Part 2 of Our Future
Pairing: Shuri x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Fluff // Cute shit // I tried to stray away from the traditional american wedding // I love her so much // Angst if you squint // Mentioned Character Death //
Word Count: 2.8k
Author's Note: As promised here is Part 2! Yall I had fun with this one, cried a little but I hope yall enjoy it.
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The time had come. Quicker than you expected. Today was the day. You could only wish T’Challa and Ramonda were here to witness your union. But as your people say, death is not the end. They are here with you and Shuri. Your stomach fluttered as you sat in front of the mirror. One of your friends stood behind you, hair in the process of being braided while waiting for Nakia to bring the dress. You were prepared to become Shuri's wife. As she was prepared to have you as such. Your face was decorated with white dots adorning your cheeks and nose. Some that mimicked Shuri's panther mantle. Your fingers are decorated with gold jewelry plus the ring Shuri proposed with. You stared at your reflection with a smile on your glossed lips as old memories flooded your thoughts. Your mind wandered back to when the late Queen Ramonda had joked that you two would end up marrying each other. 
// Flashback //
"That is not correct and you know it. The sequence is so easy even my brother could do it." She sighed as you stood with crossed arms. She was getting real snappy ever since you told her you had to stay in the states for a couple of days.
"You can be upset all you want princess but do not disrespect my intelligence. I am just as smart as you and deserve to be treated as such." You sneered as you sat the documents on the table. Shuri paused her tantrum and shook her head as she went back to her work. "T'Challa needed my assistance on this trip. Shuri I'm coming back. If you're going to miss me just say that." Your smirk grew as she turned to you with a stunned expression. 
"I will not. I have too much to do anyway to notice you're gone." She started walking to another table. You silently followed before throwing your arm over her shoulders. "You don't seem like you won't notice." She shrugged your arm off with a forced frown on her face. "You're so full of yourself." You took the opportunity to leave the lab with a grin before her voice stopped you. "Call everyday to check in." You smiled at her back but went on to your room, meeting the Queen in the hall. She had Okoye by her side and you politely waved. 
"The two of them bicker like a married couple." Okoye grinned as the Queen tried to hide her snickers.
"It's just Shuri being thick headed. Sometimes you can't get a single word through that brain of hers."
"It's her way of caring about you. Which she does quite a lot. I wouldn't mind having you part of the family one day." She smiled and you felt your cheeks burn. 
"Oh you humble me queen mother. Me and Shuri? I don't know how that would work." You let your arms cover your body as the thought crossed your mind. Shuri wouldn't want to be with you that way…..Right?
"If these walls could talk child. They'd have a mouthful to say about you two." She grinned as she tapped your shoulder before heading to the lab. Probably to speak with Shuri about the trip. You and Shuri. Ha. That's a thought.
// End of Flashback // 
You were pulled out of your thoughts as your favorite Jabari girls rushed in the room to see you. You smiled down at the three as they had matching hairstyles and dresses. "Well aren't you three looking beautiful as ever. Your father actually let you out of his sight?" You let out a laugh as M'Juba shrugged her shoulders. 
"What he doesn't know won't hurt him. I promised to be the responsible older sister and watch them." She said as Amdeh crawled into your lap. "When will it start? I'm sure Shuri would love to see you."
"She can't see me until the ceremony. We'll walk in together." You told the girl as Amdeh watched the last of your hair get braided. 
"Move over Amdeh. I want to see it as well!" Asha whined and you felt a smile form on your lips. Thinking back to certain conversations you shared with your love.
"How do you feel about children?" The memory was fresh as you only had it some days ago. "When the time is right. I wouldn't mind."
"When will we have kids of our own?" This was the first time she asked you this. You weren't scared or worried. You would like to have children with her. Your Shuri. 
"Whenever you can find us a place to make it possible."
"Are we going to be the cool aunties who buy everything when their parents say no?" Your shoulders shook as laughter rocked your body. "Considering how many times you've told Toussaint not to tell his mother whenever you gave him something she said no to. You're already there my love."
A soft knock caught your attention and the four of you looked up to see Nakia with a genuine smile. "It's time for your dress." You gently moved Amdeh out of your lap before standing up to approach Nakia. "Would you mind helping me?" She held a bright smile before hanging the dress on the hook. You took a long look at the white dress with gold jewels decorating the torso and neckline. Nakia unzipped the dress as you stepped in to allow her to pull it up your body. She moved to zip up the back and found your gaze in the mirror. Placing the clips in your hair to pull the look together you felt yourself smile. You looked and felt beautiful. 
"You're so pretty Y/N!" M'Juba beamed and you smiled at her as her sisters nodded in agreement. 
"You look beautiful, sister." Nakia smiled trying not to cry. Nakia had always been supportive of you and your relationship. She helped you to process your feelings for the princess when you were figuring out if you liked her or not. She taught you how to grow your own vegetables and would come visit with Toussaint. Her hand rested on your shoulder and you squeezed her hand. Suddenly feeling grateful for everything she's done. "Thank you." You promised yourself you wouldn't cry so when she saw your eyes water she pulled you into a hug. "Come now. No time for tears. It's time." 
You turned to the girls with a wide smile. "Go on you three. You have to take your place next to your father." They all hugged your legs before Nakia ushered them to the aisle. Toussaint walked in with a grin before holding his arm out. "Ready to escort me?" 
"I sure am auntie." He said with a light giggle and you fanned yourself before grabbing hold of him. Nakia returned with a grin as she turned the veil over your face. Everyone present at the ceremony will lay eyes on you after Shuri does. You'll meet her at the entrance and become her wife. Her wife. Shuri Udaku's wife. You let out the breath you didn't know you were holding as she came into view. Her back was to you, but you could still tell how beautiful she looked. She wore her own white dress with gold accents and accessories. You and Toussaint exchanged knowing looks before he left you to go hug his auntie. With his presence she knew you were behind her. He walked hand in hand with his mother into the ceremony as you gently tapped Shuri's shoulder. She slowly turned with her eyes to the floor. Her gaze slowly took in every thread and jewel adorning your figure. As if saving this image in her mind. 
"My love. You look astonishing." She told you in a low voice. The same tone she would use when she was speechless. Her curls in her face with the sides and back cleanly shaven. Her own features are painted just as yours. She was breathtaking. "I could say the same to you. Gorgeous my dearest." She held out her hand for you to take and you intertwined your fingers, watching intensively as she brought your hand to her lips. You could melt right then and there. 
"Let's go." You both turned to face the door as it opened, revealing you to the tribes. The music thumping and cheering crowds couldn't get louder than the sound of your heart beating through your ears. When the two of you reached the altar you couldn't help but feel amazed. The altar was littered with heart shaped herbs, their glowing purple hue made the sight even more beautiful. Your eyes scanned the people surrounding you before your eyes found hers. Everything had gone silent for just a second and it felt like no one else was there. Just you and Shuri at this moment. 
"Usana. I've been waiting for this moment for as long as I can remember. You've always been my other half even when we fought. No matter what, just as I protect my country, I will protect you with my life." She brought her hands up to push the veil off your face. "If you'll allow me to do so, sthandwa." She leaned her forehead to rest against yours and you gave a nod, soaking in the feeling of her warmth. 
"As long as you allow me to fight for you as well. Every protector needs someone to have their backs. And I will dedicate myself to do so. I love you too much." You keep it short as there's a later time after the ceremony for both of you to pour out your hearts to the other
"Umfazi wam."
"Umfazi wam."
She lifted your chin before her lips met yours in a soft kiss and M'Baku was the first to jump up with a shout. You pulled back from the kiss. "Mayafa!" The three girls grunted in response as the other tribes began to dance in celebration. Shuri pecked your lips once more while everyone danced and shouted. 
"If only my mother and brother were here to see this."
"They are. And if your mother was physically here she'd say "I told you so." You smiled as she laughed at the thought with a wide grin.
"You're right." Her lip was between her teeth. Something she did when she thought long and hard. "I have something for you. Come. We'll be right back." She led you to the herb garden when she stood with a thin black box. 
"I know we said no gifts but I thought of this and I couldn't let the opportunity slip from me. Have I ever told you how you remind me of the heart shaped herb?" She questioned and you frowned in confusion. She took your silence to continue. "The herb is used to give us the strength we need to protect this country and its people. When you said yes to marrying me, it gave me a new found strength. One that I'll cherish for the rest of my life. Whether we make it to the end or Bast forbid anything splits us apart, I want you to have this." She opened the box to reveal a heart shaped necklace. The purple shimmer caught your eye and you found your partner's gaze. 
"This is-"
"Yes. I infused one of the herbs and vibranium to create it." You shivered as the cold metal came in contact with your skin as she connected it behind your neck. Your hand held the silver piece before you felt her lips on your shoulder. "Our future starts now Mrs. Udaku." You turned in her arms before crashing your lips into hers. Your finger tangled in her curls as her hands held onto your waist. The hungry kiss became more slow and sensual before you pulled away to catch a breath. You scanned her face before resting your foreheads together.
"Not yet. I um, have something for you as well." It was your turn to lead her as you walked to your shared bedroom. Walking around to the nightstand on your side of the bed you pulled two small picture frames from the draw and handed them to her. "These were written to you from your brother and mother. Apparently they both had the gift of seeing into the future and wanted you to have them on our wedding day." You told her with a smile and Shuri felt as if she was floating. Her family left letters for her? On her wedding day? "I can leave so you can read them if you'd like."
"No. Stay with me. Please." You knew this would be a sensitive situation for her. But she deserves them. The least you can do is honor her family's wishes. She started with her mother's first. You sat next to her on the bed with your hand on her back, offering comfort. 
To my sweet Shuri,
If you are reading this, then my hunch was correct. You and Y/N have finally admitted to yourselves that the two of you are soulmates. Your father and I have thought about this day more times than you think. Y/N has always been and always will be family. Marriage is not easy. There will be ups and downs. There will be arguments. There will be tears. But the two of you together will overcome any obstacle thrown your way. I am so proud of you, my child. You have always shown that you can do just fine on your own. And now with Y/N by your side, I know you will go above and beyond that. Love and cherish each other. Put each other first. Never be afraid to show others who you are. 
Your mother, Ramonda
By the end Shuri had tears rolling down her cheeks but a smile graced her features. Her eyes were closed and you rubbed small circles on her back. "Do you need a break?" She shook her head no before moving onto her brother's letter. 
You finally did it sister? You asked Y/N to be your forever person? You make your older brother proud. Because if you didn't then why are you reading this? I know you have questions. Questions I don't quite have all the answers to. I don't have much time left and I have accepted that. I know you'll try your hardest to save me. Unfortunately it may not go the way you want it, but if the ancestors allow, I'll forever be with you and our mother. And Nakia. And Toussaint. I'm sure by now you've met my son. I don't want you blaming yourself for what awaits us. I want you to live on, knowing that you have a wonderful partner by your side. I couldn't see you married to anyone else unless it's one of your computers or creations. I asked Y/N to show you this whenever the two of you take the next step in your lives. While I won't know what's in store for Wakanda, I strongly believe that you will be a great protector. And an even better Black Panther. Not just for our country but for our people. For Y/N. Do not leave behind your love the way I will. I dread the day but it is inevitable for me from here. Y/N will make a great wife. A great queen. Love her. Cherish her. Hold onto her. I believe you will do nothing short of that. Remember death is not the end for us. I'll always be with you.
Shuri finally broke and leaned her head into your neck as you held her. "I'm here usana. I'm here. It's okay." You whispered words of reassurance as you rubbed her back, letting her sobs rock her body. The letters being exactly what she needed from her family since they aren't here to celebrate with her. When she calmed down a little you lifted her chin so she could look at you. You wiped her tears away with your thumbs before kissing her forehead. "They wrote those letters to you because they loved you. Wanted you to wait to read them because they believed that on this day you would be content. Happy. I can't speak for your brother but he wanted you to be happy. Even after his passing." 
"I am happy. More happy than I've ever been. You've been holding onto these the entire time?" She held the picture frames in her lap and you nodded.
"You're not the only one who can keep a good secret." You smiled and she hugged your body tight. "Now our future starts." She smiled down at you staring as if you were the most precious thing in the world. In her world you were just that. "Come on. Let's head back before people start to notice we're gone." You wiped her face with a tissue and you giggled as she let you do your thing. "People being Toussaint and the girls. Nothing slips past those young ones."
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purplesimmer455 · 8 months
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Megan and Iseul dressed up as Anne Lister (Iseul) and Ann Walker (Megan) from the show Gentleman Jack.
So, I’ve been watching clips of the show* and Anne and Ann are such a cute couple (plus I have a crush on Anne Lister in the show cause she’s all cool and confident and her style is nice), so when I saw this post of awesome cc hairstyles from Gentleman Jack by @buzzardly28 I had to get the cc and dress Megan and Iseul up as the characters.
So the hairstyles, Megan’s pretty dress, and the pose were easy to find/I already had it in-game, but it was tough as heck finding the closest match to Anne Lister’s outfit in the photo. I finally found a really nice looking matching top and skirt by magnolianfarewell and it worked close enough and I think it looks good.
CC links in case anyone else wants the outfits/hairs:
Both hairstyles: @buzzardly28’s Gentleman Jack- Anne Lister and Ann Walker hairstyles
Iseul’s Anne Lister outfit: scholar vest and skirt by magnolianfarewell
Megan’s Anne Walker outfit: @vintagesimstress’s “1830’s wedding or ball gown”
Article/photo reference**: Inside the story of the real-life Gentleman Jack by Sonia Saraiya
Also here’s a photo from the vanity fair article on the real life Anne Lister that I tried to recreate. I couldn’t find a birds wallpaper so I used the bats one from the vampires pack.
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yonicfemcel · 1 year
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fourseasonsfigs · 2 years
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Xuxu 【雙徐】♥️
This pair of figs looks like Gong Jun and Zhang Zhehan - but it's actually two of their characters!
This Double Xu features Zhehan as (modern) Xu Jin from The Blooms at Ruyi Pavilion, and Gong Jun as Xu Si from Rising with the Wind (to be aired).
I still have The Blooms at Ruyi Pavilion on my to-watch queue, so I haven't caught up with our sparkly-eyed modern Duke Su yet. I don't want to spoil myself (or you!) so I'll simply add a promo pic of him for fig comparison purposes:
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Keen-eyed observation notes he looks broad shouldered and super cuddly in that soft looking cardigan.
Wait a minute, the fig is of him in a suit, not a cardigan! Hold on, hold on, let me get a promo pic of him in a suit...
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Hmm, there we go. That suit matches the fig, although it needs the coat over it. I'll come back once I've properly watched the show!
Xu Si is Gong Jun's genius investor character from Rising with the Wind, which should be hopefully airing soon. Xu Si was spotted during filming wearing a lot of very beautiful suits and coats, such as:
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But let's not talk about that so much in order to jump right to the fig maker's bonus for the first 1,000 buyers.
The fig maker offered this lovely bonus of an A5 folder with artwork of the two of them. This is what you saw featured as a fig background and you can see the full view of here:
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Rooftop proposals are always in style! And YES, let's talk about this.
You may recognize that handsome pose from this handsome photo:
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Yes, here we have Gong Jun wearing a gorgeous long coat over a gorgeous tuxedo and looking like a 100 million billion dollars yuan. This photo shoot of him striding across the Shanghai Peninsula Hotel helipad like he owns Shanghai himself, his long coat billowing and snapping in the wind, is pretty much everything I've ever wanted in a visual ever.
This photo shoot was done on 12-21-2021, during filming of Rising with the Wind.
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Hot damn. If you will recall from me raving about Zhehan's Weibo Night McQueen frock coat, I have an intense weakness for long coats. They are my favorite. He is debonair in this.
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Incredible. Wow, do we ever have exceptional taste, I must congratulate us.
Ok, I could stay here all night staring at these photos, but we have figs to talk about!
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Look at that dapper suit and tux and those shiny shoes! Those Oxfords are polished to a mirror shine. I like it when each other has the other's symbol in their eyes, so we have Gong Jun Xu Si (ugh, it's hard to stay in the JZUniverse for this!) staring at his moon and Xu Jin literally starry-eyed looking at his beautiful star.
You notice the ring in Xu Ji's hand? Yep. Really, these figs are a blend of JZEU and Junzhe.
The white rose Zhehan / Xu Jin is holding is of course a nod to Zhehan's comment that if he ever confessed his love, he would confess it with a white rose, as well as Gong Jun's single white rose his assistant was spotted with during filming:
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Oops, so easy to get distracted by all the symbolism. Onwards!
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Love the detail on the rose here, and little flip in the back of Xu Si's coat (it must get windy on that helipad indeed!). The fig maker did a nice job with the hair - really captured Xu Jin's hairstyle from the show, and we have Xu Si's expensive layered cut.
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Interestingly not much of a height difference on these figs. Xu Jin is pretty tall in the future. We have a bit of a forward lean on both of these handsome men, but otherwise they stand pretty well.
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I like the coat detail of each of their hands in their pockets. Ugh I love the long coat even from the back, that's how deep the love for gorgeous long coats goes.
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Top view - they're very seriously and cutely talking about their upcoming wedding plans.
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Extreme closeup of their outfits, the rose, and the ring! I love Xu Jin's uwu mouth (because of course I do, that mouth shape is so cute!)
Xu Si's Serious Investor Face together with his Serious Investor Mouth looks frowny from this angle (sorry guys, I don't look good in an upshot angle myself!), but from a regular straight on view he just looks Serious. Well, I guess proposing to the love of your life IS the most Serious Business there can be!
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Look at the heel on these shoes! The detail in these! I love it. What a great set of figs.
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I'm not sure why there's chocolate bars on the box cards, but I'm not here to question artistic choices in fig designs. Maybe a better question is why not have chocolate bars on the box cards?
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Now I kind of do want some chocolate. Advertising of the cutest kind! I'll buy it all!
Material: PVC (and apparently different percentages of cocoa)
Fig Count: 201
Scene Count: 17
Rating: Handsome and delicious!
[link back to Master Fig Index for more posts]
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toriluv607 · 2 years
💅🏻🎀💁🏻‍♀️10 Simple Ways To Be More Feminine Everyday!💄💋🎀
Femininity comes naturally to some lucky women, while for others, it has to be practiced with a conscious effort.
Being feminine is both nature and nurture. If you didn't naturally gravitate towards playing with dolls, or you weren't encouraged to be girly, soft, and gentle as a young girl, chances are, you were probably more comfortable operating from your masculine energy growing up.
Many women went through a tomboy phase, and it wasn't until they reached puberty that they started experimenting with being more girly and feminine. This can sometimes stick with us or fade once real life starts to kick in for us as young adults.
The good news is it's easy to tap into your divine feminine power with a few daily rituals. But, like any habit, it takes a bit of discipline, patience, and consistency.
Aim to incorporate a few of the below into your daily routine, and watch your feminine energy start to flow more naturally.
1. Take Good Care of Yourself
The best and quickest way to connect to your femininity is by taking good care of yourself. Make a conscious effort to nurture your beauty, your physical and mental health, and your environment. Take action by doing at least one good thing for yourself every day. It also helps to add it to your to-do list, so you're motivated to do it.
“When you take care of yourself, you subconsciously tell yourself that you deserve to be treated well.”
Do you want to feel more healthy? If so, perhaps one of your goals could be to drink more water and do hip stretches, so you feel hydrated and relaxed. Or what about going for a 20-minute walk every day to clear your mind? Maybe try buying a bunch of your favorite flowers to lift your mood and brighten up your home.
When you take better care of your needs and wants, you're subconsciously telling yourself that you deserve to be treated well.
2. Hair and Makeup
One of the foundations of being a feminine woman is looking your best, starting with simple hair and makeup.
You don't have to wear a full face of makeup every day, but taking the time to apply your makeup correctly and brushing your hair so you look well-groomed is critical. Have some fun with it and try out different hairstyles. You could put your hair up in a bun, or sweep it to one side, or try on a hairpiece. Explore with hair and makeup, and take the time to feel beautiful with different looks.
3. Dress Up around the House
If t here’s one thing that makes a woman feel alive, it's dressing up in a gorgeous outfit.
Instead of throwing on your everyday pair of jeans and top, grab something more interesting from the closet. Most women have loads of clothes they've only worn once or twice. For example, what about all those cute outfits you bought for your honeymoon that you haven’t worn since? Pull them out and wear them again! Or what about that stunning dress you bought for your cousin's wedding last summer?
“Add accessories and heels to your outfit to feel more feminine.”
If you feel like you don't have anything to wear, maybe it's time to update your wardrobe. Clothes are so cheap nowadays you can buy an entire wardrobe for just a few hundred dollars.
Pair your outfits with accessories and some nice heels to transform your look to feel more feminine.
4. Wear Perfume
Spraying on a bit of perfume can instantly make you feel like a feminine woman.
Again, most women have many perfume bottles that they hardly wear because they associate perfume with going out or for special occasions. Get into the habit of spraying perfume when you're getting ready. Not only will you smell good, but it will put you in the mindset that today is a special day and that you deserve to look, smell, and feel special.
5. Wear the Color Red
Wearing the color red can instantly make you look and feel more feminine, and science backs this up. Research at Glasgow University shows that the skin on women's faces becomes redder before she ovulates, which could be the reason why women appear healthier and more attractive when they're blushing.
“Men find the color red magnetic and attractive.”
It's also the reason why men are drawn to women who wear red lipstick or a red dress. They find the color red magnetic and attractive because it sends a biological signal to their brains that you're at your most fertile and more likely to be "in the mood."
6. Wear Silk Pajamas
Don't go to bed in any old pair of sweats and t-shirt. Treat yourself and invest in a beautiful pair of satin pajamas. Silk is more expensive, but synthetic satin feels just as lovely and is a fraction of the price. You could go for a cami nightdress, a short sleeve and boxer shorts set, or the classic blouse and trousers PJ set.
Not only does silk feel luxurious and delicate against your skin, but it will make you feel prettier and elevated as a woman.
7. Get a Manicure
Your nails look so much prettier when they’re done, so embrace your femininity by getting a manicure. Or if the budget is tight, do them yourself.
You could get gels, extensions, a classic French polish, or try a completely brand new color. Having manicured nails can feel like a treat and makes you look more put together.
8. Dance
Dancing is a great way to get out of your head and more in touch with your body. Set aside at least 10 minutes to dance to your favorite songs or playlist. You may want to do this in privacy so you can completely let yourself go.
“Set aside at least 10 minutes to dance to your favorite songs or playlist.”
Start by closing your eyes and taking a deep breath to ground yourself. Then start moving your body slowly to the rhythm of the beat. Move your arms, torso, and hips in sensual motions to feel in the flow. Once you're done, notice how much softer and grounded you feel.
9. Create
The essence of being feminine is all about creation; even our bodies can create another human being! So take some time to work on a creative project. You could try painting, knitting, cooking, decorating, gardening, pottery, or singing. Being creative is fun, freeing, feminine, and gives you a feeling of satisfaction.
10. Connect with Other Women
Sometimes the best way to connect with feminine energy is by being around other women. Call up that girlfriend who is always positive and uplifting, or have lunch with that friend you haven’t seen in ages, or reach out to a woman you look up to for inspiration and guidance.
We women can have a profound influence on one another. We also have a unique capacity to understand each other's feelings and emotions on a much deeper level, which can leave you feeling rejuvenated and powerful.
Closing Thoughts
Being a woman is truly amazing, and embracing your feminine energy can be a beautiful thing. Practice some of these action steps to transform your life and watch your confidence grow.
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aeoki · 2 years
Salon de Thé - Chapter 8
Location: Garden Terrace Characters: Hajime, Subaru, Kaoru & Chiaki
TL Note:
Negative ions are said to have a positive effect on our health and general well-being.
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Kaoru: Thanks for the food~♪
Alrighty, I guess I’ll start working like I promised. I’ll take some orders while I’m on my way to the kitchen, but are you two okay with the tea set?
Hajime: Y-Yes. I’ll switch places with you once I’m finished, so I’ll be leaving things to you just for a short while…!
Kaoru: No no, it’s your long-awaited break. Take your time.
I’ll be taking my time with Anzu-chan, anyway~ ...Oh, looks like Anzu-chan has entered work mode and didn’t hear it.
She’s already gone to the kitchen. She’s so heartless. I guess I’ll start working hard before she scolds me and tells me to work seriously ♪
Hajime-kun, Subaru-kun, what about your drinks? If you don’t have any preferences, I’ll bring a random one over.
Subaru: I’m fine with black tea~ I’ve heard that coffee tastes good with chocolate, but I feel like drinking black tea!
Hajime: I’ll have jasmine tea, please.
Kaoru: Alright, black and jasmine tea. I’ll let Anzu-chan know.
Why not have a fun chat while you wait? Cute girls aren’t the only ones who are allowed to love chatting, you know?
Subaru: You heard him! Shinonon, if you’ve got something you need to tell me, then go ahead. Chatting is fun and all, but listening to your voice when you talk is just as fun.
It has a comfortable tempo, so it’s calming like a lullaby~♪ You’re like that in person too, but even your voice is like a negative ion[*].
Hajime: That’s the first time anyone has told me that. But it makes me happy. I also find it very exciting to talk to you, Akehoshi-senpai. I can learn a lot from you too.
Akehoshi-senpai, please take care of me in the future as well...♪
Subaru: Ahaha, that sounds like something you’d say at a wedding. It feels like my future will be stable if I have Shinonon as my wife!
Hajime: Uuu, I’m a boy, you know~ I’m not a bride~
Due to the concept of being “cute” thrown entirely on us as a marketing tactic, our fans have increased and so have our work offers.
But there are many instances where I’m mistaken for a girl. Perhaps the reason really does lie in my hairstyle…
I can’t cut my hair due to “Ra*bits’” policy, and even if I did, it’ll only be a trim.
I wouldn’t be mistaken for a girl if I wore wild clothing, right?
Subaru: I wonder about that. You’re cute no matter what you wear...♪
Chiaki: Guys, Anzu’s making a face like she’s questioning whether or not she can interrupt. She’s frozen with the tray in her hand.
Subaru: Sorry, sorry. I was too engrossed in our chat!
Mmm, the sweet smell of chocolate ♪
My stomach’s rumbling from demanding sugar, ahahahaha ☆
Hajime: *Inhale, exhale...♪* I can smell the nice fragrance of jasmine tea. I’m in heaven~...♪
Subaru: Shinonon, would you like a sip of black tea? Let me have a sip of your jasmine tea, too ♪
Hajime: Ehehe, of course~
...There’s no harsh taste in this black tea and it’s easy to drink. I wonder if Anzu-san made this. It’s very delicious ♪
Subaru: The jasmine tea has just the right amount of sugar and the taste differs depending on who made it, huh. That’s interesting~
Chiaki: You guys sure get along well together.
Subaru: What? I won’t give you Shinonon even if you’re jealous~ Ohh, Shinonon’s cheeks are so smooth~♪
Hajime: Whaa!? A-Akehoshi-senpai, I was so surprised, I just about to drop my cup~ I’ll have to wash my apron if it gets dirty.
I like doing the laundry, so I’ll wash every spot until the dirt comes off, though…
Black tea stains are hard to come off as time passes, so I’ll probably have to use a special detergent.
Subaru: As expected of Shinonon, you’re so knowledgeable~! I’ll help at times like that, although what I should be doing is making sure I don’t dirty it.
Come on, come on. Let’s eat it before it gets cold. Make a cut in the middle with the fork~ And mix the chocolate and ice cream that has come melting out.
*Munch, munch* It’s so good ☆
Hajime: *Chew, chew* ...You’re right, the sweetness of the chocolate is spreading throughout my mouth.
It’s melting in my mouth -- I’m on cloud nine~...♪
Chiaki: Hm, Shino. You’ve got chocolate near your mouth. Anzu has left a paper napkin, so use that to wipe your mouth.
Hajime: Ahh, it was so delicious, I was too focused on eating. Uuu, you must have thought I’m a gluttonous boy. H-How embarrassing…
Chiaki: No, the way you ate it was splendid. That’s what a boy has to eat like!
You can’t be full with just the chocolate fondant, and similarly, I’m not fully satisfied, either.
If Akehoshi and Shino are with me, then we can split it together. It’ll be my treat, of course.
Do you guys have anything you want to eat?
Subaru: Shinonon, if you want to eat something, then why not tell us? It’s Chii-chan-senpai’s treat, you should order something you don’t usually get to eat~☆
Hajime: What!? Oh no, I can’t~ I’ll pay even if I’m in debt!
Subaru: No can do. I’ll pay if you’ll end up in debt.
Shiny money is appealing, but I don’t want to shut it away and never use it. Money is made to be spent.
If you can’t finish it, you can take it home and give it to your family as a gift.
Shinonon, you whispered, “I want my family to taste this too” when you were eating the chocolate fondant, right?
Hajime: So you heard me. I felt sorry, seeing as I was the only one eating such delicious food…
I’ve made you both be considerate of me as well. I can see I’m being supported by the kindness of many people.
The same goes with this time’s “school part-time job”.
I’m far from receiving only a small amount of happiness, I was really really happy being able to work part-time and have tea with you, Akehoshi-senpai.
I’m so happy, and my chest feels so full -- I feel like I’ll start crying...♪
᠂ ⚘ ˚⊹˚ ⚘ ᠂   ← Previous Chapter
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glamourgirlz1 · 2 months
Padded headbands | glamourgirlz.co.uk
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Elevate Your Style with Glamour Girlz Accessories
At Glamour Girlz, we understand that the smallest details can make the biggest impact on your style. Our extensive range of hair accessories and unique gifts ensures you’ll find just what you need for any occasion. From dazzling crystal headbands to sophisticated barrettes, we offer everything to help you elevate your look and stand out. But we don’t just stop at hair accessories; our collection also includes charming baby booties, beloved Me To You Tatty Teddy bears, and even adorable dog jumpers and costumes for Halloween and Christmas. Our brooches and calendars make for delightful gifts, ensuring there's something special for everyone.
Perfect Gift Ideas for Her
Finding the perfect gift for the special woman in your life has never been easier with Glamour Girlz. Whether it’s for a birthday, a special celebration, or simply to show you care, our curated collection has something to make every woman feel cherished.
Hair Accessories Galore
Our hair accessories are designed to add a touch of elegance and fun to any hairstyle. Here are some of our most popular items:
Summer Wedding Headbands: Ideal for bridal parties or guests, adding a romantic touch to summer events.
Padded Headbands: Comfortable and stylish for all-day wear.
Crystal Headbands: Sparkly and eye-catching, perfect for making a statement.
Velvet Alice Bands: Soft, luxurious, and elegant.
Faux Fur Headbands: Cozy and stylish, perfect for colder months.
Pearl Headbands: Classic and timeless, suitable for formal occasions.
Girls School Headbands: Cute and practical, perfect for school activities.
Bridal Hair Accessories: From veils to hair combs, everything a bride needs.
Mother of the Bride Hair Accessories: Elegant options to ensure the mother of the bride looks her best.
Statement Headbands: Bold and beautiful for making a fashion statement.
Luxury Headbands: High-end designs for those who appreciate the finer things in life.
Black Alice Bands: Simple yet sophisticated for any occasion.
Alice Bands for Women: A wide variety of styles to suit any taste.
More Than Just Headbands
Our collection goes beyond headbands. We offer a variety of hair accessories to suit all your styling needs:
Floral Hair Clips: Add a touch of nature to your hairstyle.
Ponytail Hair Clips: Secure ponytails with style.
Banana Hair Clips: A retro favorite that's back in fashion.
Hair Claws for Thick Hair: Strong and sturdy, designed to hold thick hair in place.
Crystal Jaw Clips: Sparkly and secure, ideal for special occasions.
Jeweled Hair Claws: Add some sparkle to your everyday look.
Quality Crystal Hair Claws: Durable and stylish, perfect for all hair types.
Vintage Hair Accessories: Classic designs that never go out of style.
Luxury Hair Claws: High-end options for a touch of elegance.
Small Hair Clamps: Perfect for creating intricate hairstyles.
Pinch Clips: Great for quick and easy styling.
Bobby Pins: Essential for securing any hairstyle.
Kirby Grips: A must-have for any hair accessory collection.
Velvet Hair Scrunchies: Soft and gentle on hair, perfect for everyday use.
Hair Ties: A variety of styles and colors to suit any look.
Crystal Scrunchies: Add some sparkle to your ponytail.
Diamante Hair Grips: Elegant and eye-catching.
French Barrettes: Classic and stylish, perfect for any occasion.
Hair Clips: A variety of styles to suit any look.
Hair Slides: Perfect for adding a touch of elegance to your hairstyle.
Chignon Pins: Essential for creating classic updos.
At Glamour Girlz, we pride ourselves on offering a diverse range of high-quality accessories that cater to every taste and style. Explore our collection today and discover the perfect pieces to complement your unique look.
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fashionitforward · 6 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: New 3 Pieces Decorative Metal Hair Clips Fashion Gold Tone with Gift Box.
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dishashah · 8 months
Fashion Dream Come True: Explore the Latest 2024 Girls Clothing Sets
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It Can Be Quite Daunting For You To Choose The Right Dress For Yourself As Well As Your Daughter. She May Have Her Own Ideas, Some Of Which May Not Suit The Occasion. To Make Things Easier, You Can Always Opt For Girls Clothing Sets That Suit Every Occasion.
At Fashion Dream, We’ve Spent Countless Hours Understanding Your Needs And Have Come Up With A Girls Clothing Collection Your Daughter Would Love. Let’s See Some Of Its Most Popular Designs-
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Yellow Solid Crop Top With Shorts Clothing Set
Need To Dress Her Up For An Impromptu Visit To The Beach? This Yellow Crop Top And Shorts Set Is Designed Specifically For This Purpose. This Is A Minimalistic Style With A Flared Silhouette Allowing Your Daughter To Enjoy The Breeze And Keep Cool In The Heat.  You Now Have One Less Reason To Worry About.
Floral Printed Off Shoulder Crop Top With Pant Set
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Make Your Daughter A Mini-Version Of Yourself With This Off Shoulder Crop Top And Pant Set. It Comes With A Unique Floral Print That Goes Quite Well With The Pink Pant. Let Your Daughter Get Her Fair Share Of Praises When She Attends Her Best Friends Party Or Any Other Celebration.
Floral Printed One Shoulder Top With Pant Set
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This Girls Clothing Set Is Designed With Simplicity In Mind. It Comes With A Kid-Friendly One Shoulder Floral Design And A Pink Pant That Goes Well With It. Your Daughter Would Love To Wear This To Any Keenly Awaited Party. Though This Doesn’t Require Much Accessorizing, Let Her Choose How She’d Like To Wear Her Hairstyle And Her Jewellery.
Cream Floral Printed Top With Pant Set
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Let Your Daughter Rock The Casual Look With This Dazzling Cream Floral Printed Top And Blue Pant Set. She Can Wear This To Any Wedding Or Celebration While Looking Professional And Adorable. Keep Her Hair Tied In A Ponytail With Some Simple Earrings For Added Effect.
Navy Blue Georgette Top with Pleated Skirt
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Want To Give Your Daughter A Retro Feel? This One’s The Right Match For You. It Comes With A Loose Georgette Top And A Pink Floral Skirt. Ideal For Girls Of All Body Shapes, Your Daughter Can Wear This Clothing Set Wherever She Wishes To.
Girl’s Teal Blue Georgette Top With Accordion Pleated Skirt Clothing Set
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When You Combine Contrasting Colours And A Floral Design, You Can Never Go Wrong When It Comes To Looking Stylish And Elegant. This Teal Blue Top With A Floral Pleated Skirt Set Is Designed To Remind You Of Your Childhood In Your Daughter’s Eyes. Available In Sizes Appropriate For Girls Aged 5-14, This Clothing Set Will Never Go Out Of Style. Let Your Daughter Wear It To Her Next Playdate And Get Loads Of Compliments For It.
Girl’s Black Lycra Top With Accordion Pleated Georgette Skirt Clothing Set
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Contrasting Colours Never Fail To Impress. This Girls Clothing Set, With Its Black Lycra Top And Abstract Printed Skirt, Can Always Paint A Pretty Picture Wherever Your Daughter Goes. Requiring Little To No Accessories, This Dress Is Ideal For Any Celebration, Birthday Party Or Wedding Event. Your Little Girl Will Surely Cherish This One.
Navy Blue Lycra Top With Accordion Pleated Georgette Skirt Clothing Set
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This Is A Clothing Set Designed For The Utmost Versatility. Your Little Girl Would Love To Wear This To Any Social Event, Even A Casual Playdate With Friends. We’ve Designed This Dress With A Retro Outlook, A Dress That Will Remind You Of Your Childhood. When She Wears This Dress, Allow Your Daughter To Choose Which Accessories She’d Like To Pair This With, As Long As It Doesn’t Overwhelm The Overall Look.
Toddler Girl's Flutter Sleeve Top And Ruffle Hem Short Pant
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Your Toddler’s Cuteness Is Incomplete Without A Simple Girl Set That She Can Wear Anywhere. This Easy-To-Wear And Care Clothing Set Comes In A Green And Black Colour Combination That Never Fails To Impress. Add A Colourful Hairband To The Look And Let Your Little Girl Get Loads Of Compliments.
Toddler Girl's Off-Shoulder Pompom Top And Printed Short Set   
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Make Your Toddler A Mini Version Of Yourself With This Admirable Clothing Set For Baby Girl. Adaptable And Versatile, You Can Dress Up Your Little One In This For Any Social Event Or Outing. Keep Her Hair Open Or Tie It In A Ponytail As Per Your Choice. She’ll Surely Love The Compliments She Gets For This.
In the end
For Working Mothers, A Girls Clothing Set Represents A Practical, Easy, And Versatile Addition To Your Daughter’s Wardrobe. These Simple, Inexpensive Sets Have Been Designed Considering The Current Fashion Trends, Kids Dressing Sensibilities And Comfort.At Fashion Dream, we’ve spent countless hours understanding your unique requirements. No wonder many of our styles sell out so quickly.  If the style you like has sold out, don’t fret. You can always stay in touch with us on social media to be informed about the next new collection for girls or drop. We’re waiting to serve you!
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yohgar · 9 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: 2 Pin Hair Bow Clip Hairpin For Girls Red 4.5 Inch polka dots.
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deshiserviceengineer4 · 9 months
Effortless Elegance: Quick and Adorable Hairstyles for Girls! #shorts #h...
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