#feminine inspiration
kirstydreaming · 2 days
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man2maiden · 1 day
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Lacie - Feminine Inspiration
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kirstysdreams · 2 days
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adviceformefromme · 3 months
There is a difference between a man that goes along with your flow and a man that chooses you. 
A man that goes along with your flow will be following your lead, he might be in a relationship with you because you gave him an ulitmatum, he might respond to your messages because you initiate them, he might travel to see you because he knows secs is on the table… But the problem here is he’s not actively choosing you which is a reflection of you not actually choosing you, and you’ll feel it. You’ll feel something is off, something you can’t put your finger on and it will be the gut feeling that you’re over invested in your relationship to the point where the energy is imbalanced. He is now in the feminine role, and you are now in the masculine role of pursing. You are carrying the relationship, and with that - he goes along with your flow. Not his flow...
Because a man that chooses you allows you to lean back into your feminine energy. He is intentional about you, his actions say clearly 'I want you, I am choosing you'. He adds to your life and not subtracts, he supports you in your dreams, encourages you, works around your schedule - because you have a life that does not revolve around him. He goes out of his way to make effort with you, he allows you to feel safe and secure in the relationship, he admires and respects you for who you truly are. There is no trying to impress a man that chooses you, because he is in awe of your essence. The you without trying, the you, who is enough simply existing.
So if you find yourself in a situation where he's following your lead, he's taken on the feminine role of receiving..It's time to flip the script. And this is where you be about your business. Becoming a woman who's about her business is about walking in your purpose and if you don't know what that is, that becomes your focus. You're de-centering him because you know the harms of putting a man on a pedestal. You're leaning into your feminine flow, into the feeling energy, you're signing up for the dance class, doing the morning runs, you're working through your New Years resolution list that got sidelined when you became overly focused on him. You're remembering that you wanted to travel to South America and you're saving up to book the flights. You're deepening your connection with God, you're journaling more and creating a more wholesome loving relationship with self. You are about your business. Not him, not others. About you, and with this you become the magnetic pole. You attract. You're in your goddess energy. You feel more at peace, and if he falls away from the you who is choosing you, he was never meant for you. So do your self a favour, be about your business, and let him choose you.
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awgirl · 7 months
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Nothing says I’m a girly girl like a cute floral mini dress.
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blissfullyecho · 2 years
13 essential daily habits i implement to level up and improve myself
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number 1: meditation— at least 5 minutes per day
number 2: prayer— morning, afternoon, and night
number 3: going outside— inhaling stale inside air < outside air
number 4: not sitting for more than an hour at a time
number 5: being consistent on this blog (this helps with motivation and is my online journal)
number 6: being active for at least 45 minutes daily— whether it’s a strenuous workout or a hot girl walk
number 7: swapping 30 minutes of a tv show or listening to music with a podcast, self-development video, or reading a book
number 8: positive self-talk / mirror work whenever i walk past a mirror
number 9: falling asleep to affirmations from youtube
number 10: spending less time on my phone— allowing myself 1-2 hours a day on social media and the internet (i used to spend ALL day on my phone)
number 11: drinking at least 60oz of water
number 12: parenting myself (for example: if i’m getting carried away with being on my phone and i have to run errands, i make myself to get off my phone and to walk out the door)
number 13: dedicating an hour in the morning after waking up and an hour in the evening before going to bed for self-care and organization. NO PHONE, TV, FRIENDS, etc.
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kirstydreamingmore · 2 months
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What's not to love about being a girl??💕
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kirstydreaming · 17 hours
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man2maiden · 2 days
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Feminine Inspiration
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kirstysdreams · 17 hours
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kirstydreaming · 1 day
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kirstydreaming · 12 hours
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kirstydreaming · 1 day
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kirstydreaming · 2 days
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IG; 📷
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