#eating in moderation
dragonpropaganda · 2 months
I know a lot of people take five pebbles being relatively young as him being like, a kid but like, Come On, I know he's been around for possibly milennia but I don't think it's possible to make a character who's more Spiritually 22 years old.
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dailyloopdeloop · 3 months
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DAY 92: they ouros on my boros till they ouros on my boros till they
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littlecutiexox · 28 days
I’m so happy with how much I’ve improved my relationship with food
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accio-victuuri · 4 months
times like this, when candies are being thrown at us left and right makes me think that maybe we are overdoing it…
but then how about this palace shirt that he apparently loves to wear. especially when traveling. he wore the white/beige one right now when leaving the venue and going back to beijing.
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look at the characters used. the first character, please look at the left side of when you write bo. and the 2nd character, compare it to the right side of zhan.
it’s a combination from their names. 🤯🤯🤯
now, yes. i am aware. yibo has every palace merchandise ( even a mug ) in his closet/home so this is not some unique piece of clothing. plus it’s a collab with evisu which he endorses. but what’s written is making us all sus. it’s so small you won’t even notice and i would imagine something that xz will appreciate cause he likes hiding things in plain sight and playing with characters to change their meanings.
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misc. silly low-quality scribbles that didnt make the cut <3
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7roaches · 1 year
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dumb filler cause i cant draw today
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The only good thing about being the combination of mentally ill and autistic for me is that fasts are very easy. I hope everyone had an easy fast though; tell me how y'all's was 🤟🙏
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greenapplespider · 2 months
Blood in Moderation is long, arduous, a bit overly esoteric, has too many characters, and I write it like a spastic maniac jumping from one non-congruent scene to the next based off vibe. But, because it’s me, the story is dark and whumpy.
There’s a massive portion of two characters back stories (Jeffery and Romulus), that I’m iffy on whether to leave vaguely mentioned or to just delve into it hog wild.
Here’s the whump scenario, between these two. Also, I write my notes like little stories.
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After being turned into blood-suckers by, Adrien. Our newly minted mutants are imprisoned and experimented on for years until a moment of chance occurs and Romulus is able to escape his cell. Hastily, he looked for his friends but is only able to find Jeffery, before they are beset upon by the guards.
Despite having his magic bound, Jeffery powered through- with the assistance of some blood magic- and is able to narrowly teleport the both of them away, but with great harm done to himself.
Jeffery and Romulus eventually make their way to one of their old bases, a seldom used old-world bunker, a weeks walk from Torch City and in the middle of an old-growth forest.
The two intend to regroup and rescue their friends but being a blood-sucker is a difficult thing. You don’t think right, everything seems to be teetering on a knife’s edge of insanity, all your instincts are new and intense. Denying even one intrusive thought is an monumental task; paired with the unending urge to eat and fuck and nest and rip and tear and-
Higher thought can be an even more difficult thing for a fledgling, especially when half starved on animal blood and under-stimulated.
Months turned into year and years into decades, time a meaningless swirl only disrupted by occasionally tearing each other apart.
In the midst of it all, Jeffery slowly started coming back to himself, sooner then Romulus. Being beat half to death, during another fight, was a final straw for him, regardless of how regretful Romulus seemed. Jeffery decided it was probably best for the two of them to part ways.
Romulus, still rather insane, took issue with this. Jeffery was, quite literally, the only thing he had left and he would rather kill himself then be alone, at this point. There was a part of him that knew it was fucked, that Jeffery was right and that they couldn’t keep living like this. But the animal part drowned out any reason to be had.
They fought, Jeffery still recovering from their last bout, was easily over powered. Romulus locked him deep inside the bunker, within one of the magic retardant rooms, forcing the old magic restraints on him, and chaining him to the wall.
Weeks passed before he’d come down from it enough to realize the line he’d crossed. But it was too late, he couldn’t undo what he’d done; the guilt was gnawing and not something he wanted to think about. So Romulus didn’t.
It was years before the part of him- he wouldn’t call it human as he was anything but at this point; but it was the part of him that was more then just the debased animal he’d become- had matured enough to be sobered by his actions.
Romulus finally forced himself to unlock the door he’d pointedly avoided for who knows how long. He didn’t realize how much he hated himself until then. How much of a pathetic coward he’d become.
Looking at the still, emaciated, figure lying on its back, covered in old and crusted blood. Claw marks littered the walls and door, it seems at some point Jeffery had gnawed off his own hands and feet, to slip the cuffs; enough time having past that the limbs had even regrown.
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He looked like a monster. Pale, hairless, elongated arms, widened mouth, with clawed hands and no genitalia to speak of. The creature, once deathly still, was on him snapping its jaws before it chirped and began smelling him, burying its face in the crook of his neck. Romulus could feel a slight nibble break the skin, the creature taking only a taste before chirping again and moving off him. Gangly limps moving clumsily, quickness and grace gone once it was clear there was no food to be had. The creature laid back down and began staring at the ceiling again.
Romulus sat up in the doorway. That was his friend. He’d done this to his friend.
So he started to feed him, feed him as much and as often as he could. Forgoing food himself most days just to make sure Jeffery had his fill. Animal blood wasn’t enough, Romulus knew what was needed but he didn’t want to risk leaving his friend unattended. So he hunted as much as he could and grew skinnier and skinner.
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Jeffery began filling back out, his hair started growing in, covering his head and lower torso in a red peach fuzz. He almost found it cute. It didn’t help how happy Jeffery was whenever he brought him food, chirping excitedly when he’d arrived. Sometimes nipping at him, as though to convince him eat. Sometimes Romulus did and it broke his heart at how delighted it made the other.
The healthier Jeffery became the more physical he wanted to be, always trying to touch him. Burry his face in his neck, nipping at him, and even other things; guiltily, Romulus let him.
Eventually, Jeffery seemed, physically, more or less recovered but his mind was still elsewhere. Completely animalistic, but sometimes he’d wake from a nightmare and for a moment the look in his eyes made Romulus nauseous.
Romulus decided, then, if Jeffery was ever able to regain himself he would let the other man kill him. Do whatever he wanted with him- it would be his right.
Physical attributes of feral blood suckers:
Emaciated figure
Hair falls out
Enlarged mouth and sharpened teeth
Elongated arms with clawed hands
Both sets of genitalia shrivel up and recess into the body
Does not appear able to urinate or defecate 
Stronger then average human but weaker then a well fed blood sucker
Extremely slow healing but undeterred by injuries
Mages turned feral are able to perform the most base spells at their disposal
Reacts only to outside stimulation
Enters torpor without stimulation
Incapable of speech or high order thinking (completely animalistic)
Driven purely by the need for food
With proper food and close proximity to nest mates for a prolonged period, there is a chance of regaining one’s faculties and human form
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soracities · 1 year
TBH people are so deranged about hozier. i love his music and he seems like he would be great to converse with for a few hours but can we just. Remember hes just a person and stop saying insane things lol and also mitski and boygenius fans--and i say this as someone who had mitski and julien baker as their top artists on spotify more than once, yall need more than grass go to therapy i mean it get ahold of yourselves 😭
he absolutely is just a person and people talking about him as though he is a fictional blorbo is just.....bizarre. i love his music deeply but he is also literally just a guy called andrew
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astragatwo · 1 year
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I miss her!!! So much!!! :(
(Static UTC)
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chicago-geniza · 29 days
Well, it's that time again, folks. Shitting Blood Sunday :)
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If I ever wrote a social media AU for Captive Prince, I feel like Laurent would be a video essayist à la Lindsay Ellis or something and Damen would be an Instagram fitness influencer.
Not in a normal way. He's filming himself pouring cold water into a bowl of uncooked instant oatmeal while talking about his marathon prep and how later he's gonna "hammer some spreadsheets." He wakes up at four in the morning to go running. He's kind of a history buff, but in a way that explicitly glorifies Akielos' past instead of interrogating it, and all of his videos are shorter than ten seconds. The only difference between his content and a certain other influencer's is that the frequent innuendo is intentional.
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my mom read one or two articles with supposed "statistics" that say sleeping in a bra or even just frequently wearing a bra causes breast cancer and like I cannot believe that she's fearmongering to me about "would you rather wear a bra to bed because 'it's so uncomfortable without it' and have to fight breast cancer, or would you rather get your priorities fixed?"
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moonsidesong · 1 month
seeing other migraine havers posting the let's take ibuprofen together meme makes me feel a bit lonely sometimes bc ibuprofen has never once helped my headaches ever in my life....... Let's take excedrin together
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keeps-ache · 16 days
good news !!
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i did some practice :33 the upper right section is from last night lol
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rasairui · 1 month
Interview went well yesterday, have another one today. Really hoping I can move forward with one of these, they're both doggy daycare jobs and I really miss working with animals. I'm honestly more excited about the one I had yesterday even though it's a bit of a commute, their facility sounds FANTASTIC and I'd get doggy first aid training in the first month <3
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