#eb 222
nocontextmythical · 1 year
that's part of what we're bringing to it, honestly.
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Secret Messages
Flufftober day 10 Love Language Garvez WC:222
It was a code, a language they’d developed unbeknownst to either of them. Little cues set throughout the day that informed their interactions. A way of communicating, just the two of them. Though neither would acknowledge it, it was a language of love. Penelope too stubborn and too far in to realize it for what it was, Luke too resigned to his place as begrudged friend. 
She had unique relationships with everyone, interacted with everyone in a slightly different way, but with him it was exponential, and he’d learned quickly to read it, to interpret it, and to respond. He spoke fluently and with ease. He could clock her mood from another room just by the way she held her pen, and knew just the right way to sidetrack her, make her forget, giving her a bit of irritated amusement to better her day. 
The cadence of her step, the restlessness in his sigh. She wasn’t a profiler but she striped him bare and laid him open, exposing everything but giving no indication to onlookers. They ebbed and flowed like the tides, a call and response in simple gestures freely exchanged. In the pace of her gate he could hear what she wouldn’t ask for, and in the press of his hand or flick of his gaze he’d tell her he’d give her everything.  Special thanks to @dungeons-are-too-cold , @jacquiebethelina44 , and @darcyfangirlsfrequently for the not so obvious interpretation of the prompt since I'd already written about their love languages here and didn't want to do it again  😅  🥰 Hope you all enjoy what I did with this.
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toptierdivination · 2 years
Tune into this mindful message if it lands in your hands. 🙌🏽
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jacularmetteld · 4 years
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loulougoingsolo · 4 years
Shower, like Link is watching?
I don't handle changes to my routines very well, and distractions tend to throw me off. Because of this, not having a regular dose of daily mythicality has put me into this state of brain freeze. At 1 pm (which is the time in my world when GMM and everything else mythical is uploaded) I have this feeling I should be by my phone or tv, ready to watch (or listen) to something. For the duration of the entire holiday hiatus, I've been hovering around YT trying to replace what I need with other stuff, and honestly, it hasn't felt right. Luckily, the first Ear Biscuit of 2020 was posted today, and I'm slowly regaining my routines. And with the new year, I'm seriously intending to return my routine of posting my thoughts about the GMM episodes and Ear Biscuit episodes here on Tumblr. So, here's to new beginnings!
I was a bit sad to hear LTAT wasn't going to be a part of my Saturdays in the new year, but the new Rhett and Link vlog was, at the same time, an exciting new thing to wait for. I loved LTAT, not the least for Stevie's ability to make it a little 🌈 every now and then.
In today's EB, Rhett and Link, after saying they don't need to explain their decisions, pretty extensively explained why LTAT is gone, and they do it well. In a nutshell, it turned too time consuming and labourious to produce, and was too BTS to attract a viewer who is not a devoted fan, and they are aimkng to keep the content on Youtube accessible for all types of viewers, and instead, direct the in-depth, BTS content to the Mythical Society. I understand their decision: content that requires you to be a devoted fan will not get as many views on YT since it won't attract the random viewers, and I can imagine the Youtube algorithm doesn't really help with this. It was a business decision, and since, in the end, Mythical is a business, it is the right decision.
But, what about the new beginning of the Rhett&Link channel, with the new vlog content? What R&L tell us on the podcast is really promising. Firstly, they sound genuinely excited about this new idea, and why wouldn't they - it means they get to film themselves and eachother without the huge production, scripts and crew, and they get an excuse to hang out together outside the set.
The premise is that they'll set out a task to perform, and then film what follows - according to their own words, a bit like Jenna Marbles (please don't shave your eyebrows!). Apparently, the plan for the first vlog is for Rhett to come to Link's house and take a shower in Link's bathroom, while Link watches from the outside (like he pictures his neighbour doing). Now...it sounds a lot like Link just wants to see Rhett take a shower, he sure seems a lot more excited about this than Rhett, but either way, I really look forward to seeing, what is going to happen.
After listening to this Ear biscuit, I'm really eager to get the Mythical year 2020 started. GMM will continue on the familiar track, and focus more on being the daily, entertaining entry-level mythical experience it has become, with the more produced high-quality episodes, and on Saturdays, we'll get to enjoy a more diy, candid Rhett and Link video. Sounds like a good balance to me!
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ladycynthiana · 4 years
"I've been back there for some private stuff," Link, about Rhett's backyard
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recsineffect · 4 years
Rhett’s rec in episode 222 is this comedy special.
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seoulkisses · 6 years
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inyourroomzephyrmix · 3 years
i have been tagged by @braindeadalive​ :D i’ll tag @juicy-couture-noir​ @severedlips​ and @federfleisch​ as well as anyone who wants to do this (but also you don’t have to do this if you don’t want to i’m not holding you at gunpoint)
nickname(s): eb and its the only name i have
zodiac: virgo. maybe :)
height: 52 meters!!!!!! just kidding but i dont give my real height out like candy
last movie: dune 1984. also i took a personality test that said i was most like the baron out of all the characters and it made me want to off myself
last thing i googled: randall tier hannibal
fave musician: last.fm says placebo, the cure, malice mizer, nine inch nails, tool
song stuck in my head: keine lust by rammstein
other blogs: @3099​
blogs following: 222
amount of sleep: thats a hard fucking question because of my work schedule, id say i usually try and fail to go to sleep at midnight every night and wake up at 7am if i’m opening, otherwise i sleep in later but i think i get around 6-8 hours on average
lucky number: 13. edgy right i literally have it tattooed
what i’m wearing: dethklok t shirt, nightmare before christmas pajama pants, my valued pair of rammstein boxers + the necklace and ring i wear 24/7
dream job: roadie/lighting or sound tech if everything with college goes to plan
dream trip: realistically, go on a roadtrip to my hometown in vegas, otherwise i want to go back to england or go visit castles in multiple european countries like a serial killer
fave foods: i have really low standards but spam musubi, pansit, my dad’s chicken casserole
play an instrument: bass and guitar, im shit at both. also ukulele but not in a white girl way, more like “dude who is literally native hawaiian”
languages: english and the smallest bits of french
fave songs: disgustipated by tool and pictures of you by the cure are childhood faves, of the last 180 days its this
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random fact about me: i’m good at squatting and duckwalking also my family was friends with big hoss from the pawn stars’ family
describe yourself by aesthetic things: the skies in takato yamamoto pieces, flies and moths and butterflies co-existing, late 90s 3d chatrooms, clouds and snowcapped forests filmed with an old camcorder, graveyards at night
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amphipodgirl · 4 years
Last Seven Lines
Thank you to @xivz and @gampyre for tagging me! The game is: post the last seven lines you wrote, and tag seven people to do the same. Here’s mine:
And then here we are. A widow, and orphan, and a convert. Two men bound by love. (Does Simon love me? We haven’t said it in so many words. But we’ve held hands, and we’ve kissed, and he’s begged me to come with him.) Twos motherless men and a childless woman. But I think Eb is right. This is a family.
I might be cheating a tad by calling the entire parenthetical one line, but that lets me give you the whole paragraph, and I feel like it works better that way.
I tag @aristocratic-otter @pipsqueakparker @carryonsimoncarryonbaz @anika-222 @kirito-potter @sharing-a-room-with-an-open-fire and @foolofabookwyrm.
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lilacmoon83 · 4 years
Finding You Always
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Also on Fanfiction.net and A03
Chapter 222: Reverberations
Once the fireworks ended, people began to disperse and leave for their homes for the evening. The clean up crew was already deployed and the band was packing up. Leo and Elsa were preparing to depart for a short honeymoon aboard Pegasus. They had accepted Glinda's offer to stay at one of Emerald City's luxurious resorts for a couple days and were going there soon. But not before they sat down as a family to hear about James and Aphrodite's experience in the Underworld.
"Wow...so you were actually Anchises?" Leo asked.
"I was...and before you ask, no, Eros is not related to you by blood. Zeus explained that I'm only related to David in this life as James," James replied. Leo let out a small breath of relief at that.
"And the curse on you both...it's finally broken?" Snow asked. They nodded.
"Once George placed my mother's enchanted charm in my hand, it restored my memories. Or at least my real memories of this life and how we were in love," James replied.
"The man I was...after I lost her wasn't the real me, it turns out. After George stripped me of my memories of Aphrodite, he found a way to warp my mind and mold me into what he wanted me to be," James explained.
"My memories of James were erased too, by Blue and Hera," Aphrodite added.
"It wasn't much longer after that, maybe a year at most that I was killed. But this time, Zeus decided that he was tired of seeing her be hurt and bargained with Hades to deny my revival," he explained.
"But then Athena convinced him to allow James to be revived after he met the two of you in the Underworld. She said that, as my champions, you two could indirectly bring our curse to an end," Aphrodite said. Snow and David exchanged a glance.
"I...I don't think we did that," Snow said.
"Yes you did...Blue was exposed for what she is because of you. It led to all of this," Aphrodite replied. They smiled.
"We're just glad that you've broken the curse and you'll never lose each other again," Snow gushed, as she rested her head against David's arm.
"Yeah...but how did the Horned King know about the curse? Did you ever find out?" David asked. They nodded.
"We did...it was because James is the one that banished him," Aphrodite said.
"It's how we met in this life, but you and Hermes helped me banish him," he reminded her.
"But you saved me from him, just like you saved me as Anchises and Adonis," she gushed.
"Wait...who else did he save you from?" Emma asked curiously.
"Well...as Anchises, he found me near his home after a bad encounter with Clayton's ancestor. He, with the help of Blue and Hera, tried to trick me into thinking he and his consort were true love to get the chalice," Aphrodite revealed. Snow gasped.
"So that's how he knew about the chalice…" she realized. Aphrodite nodded.
"The knowledge of exactly what the chalice is and what it could do was passed through his family. Later on, Adonis rescued me from Clayton's grandfather, who tried to force me to...be with him," she said, with a shudder.
"Yeah...then Clayton tried to do the same. He wanted her to bear his heir and planned to take her to Atlantis so he could have control of the chalice," James added.
"Oh my God…" Snow said in outrage.
"That explains his obsession with you and the Chalice...and us," David replied.
"You have no idea...he told us himself. His plan was to replace you after Snow was forced to crush your heart. His last ditch effort to have a Divine heir was Snow," James explained.
"Of course it didn't happen, nor did he factor in that you wouldn't be able to have children after Bobby," Aphrodite added.
"Bastard...please tell me he's burning in hell," David said.
"Apparently worse than that. Nyx decided that Tartarus was even too good for him. She sent him somewhere called Gehenna, which apparently only the absolute worst scourges are sent," James said.
"Trust me...Tartarus is a picnic compared to Gehenna," Aphrodite confirmed.
"Good...that's the best news I've heard in awhile," Eva agreed.
"Yeah...now if we could just get rid of Creepyl so Nyx could send him there too," Leo said.
"And we will…" David assured, as he squeezed Snow's hip and she smiled at him.
"We will...and the power rests in your family," Aphrodite said.
"How?" Snow asked.
"Now that I have all my memories...I remember how to utilize the chalice and your star gems to their full extent," Aphrodite replied.
"Then let's do it," David said and she winced.
"The problem is...he'll see it coming a mile away," Aphrodite said.
"Then we have to find a way to take him by surprise," Emma said.
"And we will," Aphrodite promised.
"I guess Clayton is about to get his wish though," Natalie mentioned.
"Hey...no, this baby will be a Charming and his son isn't getting anywhere near him or her," David assured her.
"He's right…" James confirmed, as he looked at his father.
"Did you know about her? Did you walk out on her too?" he asked, a bit sternly.
"He didn't know," Natalie confirmed.
"I didn't...and I wouldn't have walked out if I did. I regretted that with David, as much as I regretted having to give you up," Xander answered. James seemed to accept that answer with less resistance than David did and for the moment, any other questions were quelled for the evening, for the hour grew late.
With that, they saw Leo and Elsa off and everyone else dispersed for the evening after a lovely celebration, despite the brief, rude and unwelcome interruption.
Jekyll stormed into his lab, with his partners in crime trailing behind him.
"I was so close…" he growled, as he angrily tossed one of the lab tables against the wall, shattering the contents and sending debris everywhere.
"Yes...that backfired quickly," Grimm agreed.
"It's those brats, as usual," Drizella said.
"Particularly the young one, it seems. He did have a significant hand in defeating Seth, after all," Grimm replied.
"What is your point!?" Jekyll snapped.
"My point is...those magical children will always block our path to victory," Grimm said.
"They will block my path to gaining the authorship and they will block hers to the Prince, just as they will block yours to Snow White," he continued.
"This device you created to keep him from touching her was ingenious, but the boy will always circumvent it," Grimm said.
"I still fail to see what your obvious statements contribute toward our success," Jekyll growled.
"I thought it was obvious...we have to isolate Snow and Charming from anyone else that can help them. Then you must be able to overcome the power of their chalice," Grimm reiterated.
"Neither of those is an easy task...but perhaps not impossible," Jekyll mused.
"What...what is this on my arm?" Drizella asked, as she noticed there was a large patch of grayed skin.
"I told you there may be side effects from the injection...it's probably wearing off," Jekyll replied.
"But I need magic if I'm to be the new Evil Queen! Can't you improve the serum?!" she demanded to know.
"I will make some adjustments, but none of this does us any good if we cannot thwart our enemies more completely," Jekyll said.
"Then we have work to do," Grimm replied.
He was trying not to, but he knew he was brooding again. He stood out on the balcony in the cool night air, only in his sleep pants. Snow was getting changed out of her dress and ready for bed, while he attempted to quell his feelings of anger and failure over Jekyll's latest strike and near victory again. He loved their children and was constantly in awe of their power. But he didn't want them fighting these battles for him. He wanted to take on and defeat Jekyll himself, once and for all. But with his demonic powers combined with his scientific ability to invent seemingly anything, he knew the odds were stacked against him. The image of that monster's hands on his beautiful Snow was seared into his brain and he seethed with barely restrained rage. He felt it start to ebb away though, as he felt her presence behind him. It was their mystical connection and irrevocable love that kept him grounded. She could banish his anger in an instant and the heat of her body behind him beckoned. He turned to her, finding her in a slinky white negligee and emerald eyes that pierced through him. Her eyes spoke to him and he cupped her face in his hands. Whatever fear remained in her slowly ebbed away in that moment at his touch. Their lips met in a smoldering kiss and her arms went around his neck. When their lips finally parted, they were breathless and gasping in ragged impassioned breaths. Her knees nearly gave out, as he kissed her throat and she pressed herself flush against him.
"I need you…" she pleaded.
"I need your hands on me," she begged. Jekyll had starved her of his touch for only moments, but it felt like a lifetime. Perhaps because he had meant to make it a lifetime. They needed each other like air and he had found a way to keep them from the simple act of touching one another, not to mention holding or kissing and it nearly broke them. Just the thought of not feeling his hands on her or his lips pressing against hers was enough to drive her mad and him as well. Never one to deny her anything, he swept her into his arms like she weighed nothing and carried her the short distance to their bed with purpose. David kissed her deeply and pinned her beneath his hard body.
"Charming…" she whimpered, as her body writhed beneath him and ached to be touched. She clawed at his waistband and managed to push his pants down his legs.
Their lips crashed together again and she moaned, as he gripped her thighs and parted them. She raised her arms and arched toward him, as he pushed her negligee over her head. She mewled, as his hands slid up her sides and to her breasts, cupping her firmly and his lips trailed down her neck.
"Charming…" she cried out again, as he raised up and sat back on his haunches. He pulled her up, straddling her in his lap, as he slid her onto his thick, pulsing cock. She hooked her arms around his neck and he began to pump in and out of her at a rapid pace. He rode her hard, taking her to a place of pure ecstasy, as they made love. As he took her, she hummed in pleasure and she slid her hands into his hair, gently running her fingers through it. They stared into each other's eyes and their shared heart pounded in sync. No words were spoken, but their eyes and heart spoke volumes. For them, this went far beyond physical and always had. They had always been so in tune with each other; a love that had always been on another level than most. Being one in heart and mind already made their connection awe-inspiring. So when they became one in body too, it was nothing short of purely magical and almost ethereal.
He shifted their positions and gently lay her on her back, as his pace became slow and languid, as he now glided deeply into her with each thrust. She lay writhing beneath his undulating body, legs splayed around him. With every thrust, he hit her sweet spot and slowly pushed her to the edge. As she neared her climax, her mewls grew in volume and she raked her nails along his naked back, as her entire body trembled beneath him. He had her right at the edge and her cries became whimpers, as her body begged to come. She was beside herself, her mind clouded in the ecstasy that was him taking her. His slow lovemaking was expertly extending her pleasure in a way only he could do for her. If there was one thing Charming was an absolute expert in, it was all things Snow. They could make love and fuck each other for eternity and it would never be enough for either of them. And she was determined to have him for eternity, despite another looming threat from Jekyll and many other adversaries. He watched her come apart and marveled at the sight. Snow...beautiful Snow, emerald eyes dark with love and lust for him, only for him. Red lips parted, as short pants of air were inhaled and exhaled. Her body writhing and glistening with perspiration, her back arching and her aching for his touch. Her round, full breasts bobbing between them and the moan she made when he put his hands or lips on them was one he wanted to hear forever. The feeling of thrusting inside her was pure heaven and he'd never tire of making love to her. When he was inside her like this, he could hardly form coherent thought and he liked it that way. He liked that it was him that made her dripping wet and cry out wantonly. Gliding into her slickness with slow pumps and feeling her tightness clenching around his cock, quivering and begging for release, was a feeling he wanted to feel for forever.
"Baby…" she whimpered, as she writhed and bucked in the wake of a powerful climax; one that only he could give her. He was close to his own and increased his pace, as the whole bed rocked with them.
"Snow…" he cried out, as he finally came inside her and they trembled together in the wake of their purely magical coupling. He collapsed beside her finally and they cuddled together, as their ragged breathing slowly returned to normal.
"We'll beat him, Snow...because he is never taking you from me. I'll find a way," he promised, as he kissed her forehead.
"I know...I have never doubted you, nor will I. You're the hero in my story, my love...my hero," she gushed, as he kissed her tenderly and they finally drifted off to sleep, thoroughly entwined together...
Three Days Later
"And Good Morning United Realms!" Le Fou announced, as the morning news show began once again.
"Welcome fellow United Realmers on our first day back from hiatus," Goldilocks said.
"As usual, there's no shortage of news. Just days ago, Prince Leo married Queen Elsa of Arendelle in the celebration of the year," Le Fou reported.
"But since this is Storybrooke we're talking about, it didn't quite go off without a hitch. After the happy couple exchanged nuptials, their reception was interrupted by a dastardly trio," Goldilocks said dramatically.
"Yes...Drizella Tremaine declared herself as the new Evil Queen, a mysterious man named Grimm seemed to issue a challenge to our favorite author, and once again the raging psychopath, Dr. Jekyll made another play for the fair and beautiful Snow White," Le Fou said.
"Yes...and this time, the United Realms' embattled pair had to be saved by their youngest son,"
"They are insufferable...seriously how do they still have jobs?" Paul asked, as he finally turned off the television, while Eva poured coffee into their travel mugs.
"Well...they're mildly entertaining I suppose, though I wish they would find things other than my parents to gossip about," Eva replied.
"Yeah, they definitely need to stop calling them news," he countered and she chuckled.
"Yeah...news, they definitely fail at that. But you know that gossip sells far better than news," Eva said, as she handed him his mug and kissed his cheek. He smiled and pecked her on the lips. Today, they were not headed to the hospital right away, but rather to her parents castle for a meeting. In the infamous war room.
It had been a very long time since her parents had called an actual formal council meeting at the table in the war room and never yet in her lifetime. But with the worldwide undertaking they were about to embark on with the Major, they had decided to convene it to discuss the operations they were about to embark on.
"Are you ready?" he asked. She nodded and they joined hands, before leaving their loft for the day.
Snow giggled, as they cuddled in bed together that morning.
"We really have to get up," she cooed, as he kissed her neck and his hands roamed in the wake of a bout of morning lovemaking.
"Remind me why we scheduled this thing so early?" he asked.
"We didn't baby...we scheduled it for eleven and it's almost ten," she reminded him.
"Really?" he asked. They had been awake for hours, but very busy since.
"Yes," she replied.
"Well, you know what they say...time flies when you're having fun," he said and she giggled, as he kissed her again.
"These last three days have been amazing," Snow said, as he spooned her against him.
"Mmm...yeah, but definitely not long enough," he replied, as he kissed her again.
Since Leo's wedding, they fortunately heard nothing from the wedding crashers and their most nefarious adversary. Instead, they had been allowed three blissful days to spend with each other and their family.
They had family picnics with their kids and grandkids, complete with horseback riding and campfires. They had taken romantic walks on the beach, family dinners at Granny's, and then the last day, they had spent alone together. And they hadn't left their bedroom much on that day.
"We should have pushed this back another day," he murmured against her skin.
"You know we can't...not if we want to take the first two cabal members down," she reminded him.
"Well…Italy is supposed to be romantic so I guess there's that," he agreed, as he slipped out of bed.
"Care to join me in the shower?" he asked, with a sly look.
"Oh, that is an offer I'd never refuse," she replied, as she took his hand and they hurried off to the bathroom.
Mephisto arrived in Milan and made his way into the luxury hotel where that evening's event was set to take place.
"So...you're here," a man said, as he met him in the lobby with a woman.
"Mr. Landers, I presume?" Mephisto asked.
"Yes Stefan Landers...and this is Ms. Erin Mercer," he replied.
"Perhaps we can go somewhere a little less public," Mephisto suggested. Stefan nodded and led them to the freight elevator, which descended below the hotel.
When they arrived, several levels below ground, the elevator door opened and he observed young women in cages, as well as empty cages ready to snatch unsuspecting young women from the modeling pool.
"So...this is your operation," Mephisto observed.
"Yes...and from what we've been told, you believe that they are coming for us," Erin said. Mephisto smirked.
"Oh, I'm certain of it," Mephisto replied.
"They will come tonight...and we will be ready for them," he added.
"And these two...they will give us the power you said?" they asked. He smirked.
"With these two...we'll have a first class golden ticket to the United Realms and all its power and treasure," he promised...
It had been a long time since they had held a meeting in the war room and the last time they did, many of the people in this room hadn't been born yet and the one person they used to combat was now one of their best friends and confidantes. How times had changed and evolved, only to come full circle to this moment.
The last time he had led a war room meeting, he had been dressed in his formal royal clothing or battle wear. But today, he wore a simple button down shirt and jeans, common clothing of this realm. But the casual clothing did not mean this was just a casual meeting. They were about to embark on a series of missions outside the comfort of the United Realms borders and taking on some very dangerous people that wouldn't bat an eye at slitting one of their throats. But they would be potentially saving many by taking down this network of corrupted people that purportedly were the people that really ran the world. So, as they always did, Snow and David would begin this new undertaking, despite the looming threat of Jekyll, who they still had to neutralize once and for all.
"Thank you to everyone for coming," David said, as he began the meeting.
"As you know, Snow and I are about to embark on a series of missions with the Major, outside our borders, to dismantle an evil underground network that poses a threat to us and potentially the entire world," David began, as he looked at her. She nodded.
"We've decided that the best way to approach each mission is to assemble a small team to go with us and rotate the team members for each mission," Snow said.
"For this mission, we're going to Italy and attending a high end fashion show. Supposedly, our first two targets are there and they reportedly run a very large global trafficking ring there," David added.
"David is right...and once we take down these two, it will put the others on alert. I will be honest, these missions will be dangerous, each one more so," the Major said.
"And we're supposed to be okay with you putting our parents in the line of fire to fight your battles?" Emma interjected.
"Yeah...I have to agree with Emma. Give me one good reason that we shouldn't wall off the United Realms and let your world deal with its own problems," Regina said.
"Ninety-eight percent of the population doesn't even know these people exist or that their lives are controlled by them," Patricia said.
"The same ninety-eight percent that doesn't believe in magic," Leo chimed in.
"True...but that doesn't mean they don't deserve saving," Patricia countered.
"She's right," Snow agreed.
"Mom...we love you and we love that you and Dad always want to help everyone, but this is so risky," Emma said.
"We know honey, but you know we can't turn our backs on this. Clayton is gone, but this network that he helped create is still doing his evil bidding," Snow replied.
"She's right...we need to take them out, because we know that there is no guarantee that even a barrier will keep these people out of the United Realms forever," David added. Emma sighed, but didn't argue that, because she knew he was right.
"Okay...well since you two are a walking target for mayhem, I volunteer for this first mission," Regina offered.
"We're not…" David started to say.
"Yes you are," all five of his children echoed before he could finish. He rolled his eyes and Snow smiled with a wince.
"We kind of are," she said.
"Fine," he relented.
"Elsa and I are going too," Leo announced.
"You two are still on your honeymoon," David protested. He shrugged.
"And Italy sounds like a great place for an extended honeymoon," he said, as they shared a smile.
"Besides...I think we may enjoy the danger and adventure just as much as the two of you," Elsa replied, as she and Snow smiled at each other.
"Okay, with the Major, that's a team of six," David said.
"You and Mom are going to hate it, but I probably should go on every mission with you," Bobby chimed in.
"You're right...I hate that," Snow said.
"Mom...my magic was the only one that defeated Jekyll's stupid crazy bastard sciencey invention," he reminded her.
"Language," she scolded and he sighed.
"The point is...you're probably going to run into Mephisto out there. You need me if you do," he said. David sighed.
"He's not wrong," he muttered and Snow huffed in annoyance.
"Don't worry Mom...he's got a lot of other magic surrounding him. You know Aunt Regina would blast the crap out of anyone that comes near him," Leo said.
"He's not wrong either," Rumple agreed.
"Fine...then I guess we have our team of seven. That's a good number," Snow said. David nodded in agreement.
"Then we should pack and leave soon," David said.
"How are we getting there? Using a bean isn't a great idea. We'll just freak out a bunch of people and Milan isn't exactly a harbor city," Leo mentioned.
"He's right, though I loathe the idea of a commercial airline and all the staring," Regina said.
"Can we even get on a commercial airline?" Bobby asked.
"There is too much red tape for that, not to mention that none of you have passports and the United States government doesn't even consider any of you citizens," Patricia said.
"That sounds like it could be trouble...especially since you've been fired," David replied.
"It may be...but you do have protections on the borders watching for a breach, right?" she asked.
"My men regularly patrol the outside borders," Fandral chimed in.
"Now that I'm back, I'll be reinforcing our magical protections," Aphrodite said.
"Aye...and if any unrecognized ships enter the Harbor, they'll call me immediately," Killan added.
"Then we shouldn't have anything to worry about for now. If they thought they could invade without it being a bloodbath, they would have done it already. But they have seen what magic can do," Patricia replied.
"So no Jolly Roger or plane. It has to be a portal, but how do we do that without freaking people out?" Leo asked.
"There is plenty of countryside just outside the city. You'd be fairly safe portalling there. I can give you coordinates if you can will the chalice to open in a specific location," Natalie replied. Snow nodded.
"We usually have no trouble willing the Chalice to do what we need," she said.
"Then it's settled. The team leaving Milan needs to meet back here in an hour," David replied. They nodded and dispersed, as Aphrodite approached them.
"Is it true that Blue is locked up?" she asked. Snow nodded.
"Fandral was able to capture her," she replied.
"Yes...she was foolish enough to come after Rose to try and keep her from reading your real story," Fandral said. Rose nodded and presented a book to her.
"You mean...it was in your library all along?" Aphrodite asked. Rose nodded.
"Yes...but it was cloaked and only appeared after you left. Aesop informed us that he was commissioned by Zeus to record the real thing and then it was hidden in our library by Hermes," Rose replied.
"When you left to learn the truth, it appeared," Fandral added.
"I'm sure Athena is responsible for that," James deduced, as the blonde leafed through the book.
"It's all here…" she said gratefully, as he put his arm around her waist.
"And Blue is where she belongs. She'll remain there until her Royal Tribunal that will decide her ultimate fate," David replied. James looked at his twin brother with scrutiny.
"You're really going to try her?" he asked. David nodded.
"But Royal Tribunal usually has one outcome. The death penalty," James reminded him.
"We know...and it's not something we will likely ever be comfortable with, but Blue's crimes are too devastating. She is too dangerous and a threat to the safety of everyone, as well as the sovereignty of every Kingdom," Snow said.
"She's right...she's more than earned this fate and if found guilty, then she'll be executed," David replied.
"We will never regret showing mercy, even to our enemies, but we've learned that not all of them deserve it. She's one that doesn't, especially since she has been trying to destroy true love for so long," Snow added.
"Between James and myself, as well as Zorro, I'd say we'll be able to keep an eye on things around here," Fandral said. David nodded.
"Yeah...we'll be on psychopath watch with Dr. Creepyl, but I think we should find out more about this Grimm guy," James said.
"Oh Fandral and I can talk to Aesop. He started to tell us a bit, but seemed reluctant to talk about his past," Rose replied.
"Perhaps in light of these recent events, he'll be more willing to tell us what he knows," Fandral said.
"Then I guess everyone has their assignments. Once this mission is over and we locate the next, we'll rotate a new team in," David replied, as they dispersed. Snow slid her arms around his waist and he kissed her tenderly.
"You were amazing, as usual," she gushed.
"If I am...it's only because of you, my darling. I...I just wish we had a clear, concise plan to take out Jekyll," he said.
"And we will...I'm fine," she assured him.
"I know...it just haunts me at how close he came this time. I couldn't touch you...it was torture. He knew it would be," David said.
"He's sick and evil...he gets off on tormenting me and pursuing you. He's the one evil we can't seem to shake," he added.
"But we will...there is nothing our love cannot overcome. He caught us off guard at the wedding, but there is no doubt in my mind that we would have found a way to defeat his device, even if Bobby hadn't intervened," Snow said, as she caressed his cheek.
"Have faith...our love has never let us down," she added. He smiled and kissed her again.
"You're right...it never has and it never will," he said, with renewed confidence.
"Now...let's pack. We may be going on a mission, but this is Italy and the prospect of going to such a romantic city with my husband is exciting," she replied. He joined hands with her and they returned to their room to pack.
The black sport utility vehicle drove along the winding roads of Maine and General Mendoza sat in the back, looking over the Nolan files he had seized from Major Donovan's office. He was in complete control of her operation now and had everything, except an item for entrance into the United Realms. But that wasn't going to stop him from exploring the rumored location of this mystical place.
He thumbed through David Nolan's file with great interest. He found it very intriguing how he had been found on a rural Maine road, bleeding from his side, with an infant in his arms. He had then spent ten years in a coma, only to awaken upon his daughter finding her way to him. She had only done so after having run away from a group home and he wondered how she had even obtained his location or even knew about him in the first place.
Even more interesting was Xander Nolan and his shadowy presence in this world for nearly as long as his son's. As an operative to the Collector, Xander had moved around the world in the shadows, doing the Collector's bidding, and evading law enforcement with ease. He had little on him, but that wasn't surprising. Clayton was a part of the Underground cabal that his own family was a part of, even if he ended up screwing them all over in the end.
In 1993, David Nolan awakened and disappeared into thin air with his daughter and only re-emerged more than thirty-years later in Seattle, not having aged a day. With him, his wife and five children came with him. Then after the supernatural events in Seattle, they disappeared again until two years ago when they popped up in Boston again. Major Donovan had a detailed explanation of everything, but he was still having trouble wrapping his head around such fantastical stuff, even after they saw it during the battle only weeks ago. He knew about his ancestor's travels and quests, but he had never put much stock in the more fringe nature of the story. Now he was realizing that it was all true. Traveling to far off realms, lost worlds, mystical warriors like the Dragon King and his betrayal of him...it was all true and thus he had a duty to continue his family's mission.
"Stop the car," he said, as his driver obeyed and he got out. These were the coordinates, but all he could see was woods. But that would not remain for long. He was determined to find a way in and for that, he made a deal with the Devil. He only hoped he came through soon. With that, he got back into the car and instructed his driver to take them to the nearest town. He was a patient man and he would find a way in.
On the other side of the invisible barrier, Zorro watched the man, as he looked around with scrutiny. He didn't know who this man was, but he clearly was clued in on their location, that was obvious.
"Keep patrolling. I'll be doubling our men," Zorro said, as he mounted his horse.
"I must inform Fandral of this development," he said, as he headed for Andresia.
Agent Green winced, as she finished getting dressed. Her stay in the hospital was thankfully at an end and she looked at the young doctor, who was writing on her chart
"You've healed nicely, but I have to insist you take it easy for a few days," Eva said, as she watched the agent look at her phone.
"Well, if I stick with Major Donovan, I won't have a job anyway," she replied.
"Then you know about her being fired," Eva said.
"Yeah...agent Harding texted me and gave me the rundown," Tessa replied.
"What do you plan to do?" Eva asked.
"Relax…I'm not going to work against your parents or anything. Agent Harding is going to need help on the inside of this thing," Tessa said.
"I thought you hated us and this whole thing," Eva replied.
"I do...but you did save me and I do not like the idea that I've been working for such corrupted people," she said.
"I'm glad to hear that," Eva replied.
"Did...did you happen to recover Agent Brooks' body?" Tessa asked.
"Yes...he's at the morgue and we were waiting to ask you if he had family," Eva replied.
"No…I'm afraid not. It was just him and he has no wife or kids. His parents are also dead," Tessa said, with a sigh.
"As his partner, I guess it's up to me," she added.
"We'll help you do whatever you need," Eva replied.
"If you can tell them to cremate him...then I can scatter his ashes in the ocean. He...he would have liked that," she replied. Eva nodded.
"I'll tell Doc and he'll take care of everything," she said.
"Doc?" Tessa asked.
"He's our medical examiner and Bashful is our forensic analyst," Eva replied. Tessa shook her head.
"This place is wild," she commented. Eva smiled.
"It can be," she agreed.
"Anyway...thank you for saving me," Tessa said. Eva smiled again.
"Paul and I can take you to Granny's to get a room for the night and then we'll help you find your way back to Boston after Agent Brooks' remains are taken care of," Eva said. Tessa nodded and followed her out.
The sparkling orange portal opened in the Italian countryside and the seven of them stepped through. Thankfully, there was no one around and Regina poofed a sport utility vehicle into existence for them to use.
"It will be a tight squeeze, but it will get us there," Regina said. Snow looked at her husband and he smirked.
"Or we could follow you in something else," he said, as the chalice glowed between them and materialized a motorcycle.
"Fine, ride the death trap," Regina commented.
"Relax...it's enchanted. We'll be fine," David said, as they willed the chalice into their rings to conceal it. They put helmets on, while David got on the bike and Snow got on behind him, wrapping her arms around his waist. The others got into the car and they headed for the city.
James put the car in park and looked over at his wife. After spending the morning with their babies, they had dropped them off with Granny for an hour to come to the prison.
"Are you sure you want to do this?" he asked.
"Yes...and I can't wait for her tribunal. I want to see her behind bars," Aphrodite replied. He sighed.
"Okay...then we'll go," he said, as they got out and joined hands. They were allowed entrance and they took the elevator to the top level. Sneers and calls from some of the worst, high level criminals were ignored, as they made their way to the end and peered into the cell.
"Well, well...you're back from your little adventure," Blue said. She looked horrible. Her hair was matted and her makeup, what was left of it, was smudged. Apparently, she wasn't using the time allotted to her to clean up or even try to maintain her appearance.
"Yes...we are and your failure is complete, because we have broken the curse you placed on us," James hissed. She began to slow clap dramatically.
"Oh congratulations...now you get to live happily ever after with your bimbo and your brats," she growled. James advanced on her cell and wrapped his hand around her neck.
"And you...you'll face justice in your royal tribunal. The Goddess Nyx will then be waiting for you and has promised you a very unpleasant afterlife," he growled back. Aphrodite put her hand on his arm and he calmed down, releasing her and stepping back.
"And still...my only regret is that I didn't succeed in destroying her," Blue said, looking to Aphrodite with pure hatred in her eyes.
"I never did anything to you...except be born. Was the power of the Chalice so important to you that it warrants this hatred of me?" Aphrodite asked. Blue rolled her eyes.
"It was never really about you. Power is everything and when Rhea created the Chalice she gifted to your mother, I knew that it was the key to ruling all the realms. I also knew how foolish it would be to place it in mortal hands. That's why Hera and I knew we had to rid ourselves of your idiotic mother," Blue replied. Aphrodite glared at her.
"Once Hera married Zeus...it was supposed to be her Chalice. We would have still had to place it in mortal hands, but that's why we chose Clayton's bloodline. We knew their ambitious quest for power and control would serve us well," she continued.
"Imagine...all the realms under his control and thus ours. It would have been an ordered world," she said.
"You mean an enslaved world, void of hope and love," Aphrodite corrected. Blue snorted.
"Love...it causes only pain. Look at his brother and Snow White. They may have a blissful true love, but look at all the problems that come with it," she said.
"Love is worth any of the strife or problems," Aphrodite refuted. James smirked.
"Yeah...because love always wins. That's why you're there and we're here. And that's why anyone that tries to defeat love is either already dead or will meet that same fate as the Clayton family you seem to champion," James said smugly.
"Yeah...you definitely backed the wrong family," Aphrodite agreed, as they joined hands.
"Enjoy hell, you blue flea," she said, as they walked away, satisfied that the woman that had cursed them and caused so much pain was imprisoned. They had all their memories and their family was whole again, because love would always win out in the end.
Once they arrived at the hotel where the event was taking place, they arrived in their suite and proceeded to get ready for the evening. David wore a tux again and was stunned when his wife emerged dressed in a gorgeous white evening gown. It shimmered in the light and the bodice hugged her curves perfectly. The straps were very thin and the collar dipped in a low v. The dress was long, but had two daring slits up the sides and she sauntered toward him.
"Wow…" he said, as she slipped her arms around his neck.
"Wow yourself, handsome," she purred, as she kissed him passionately.
"Are you ready?" he asked. She nodded.
"I know we have no idea what we might be walking into, but I do know that we're going to face it together and eliminate two really bad people," she replied. He nodded.
"Together," he agreed, as they shared another kiss. He offered his arm to her and she hooked her hand on his elbow, as they stepped out of their room and prepared to embark on the mission ahead...
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cewsen · 5 years
Cewşen باسمائك يا الله ١ يا رحمن ٢ يا رحيم ٣ يا عليم ٤ يا حليم ٥ يا عظيم ٦ يا حكيم ٧ يا قديم ٨ يا مقيم ٩ يا كريم ١٠ سبحانك يا لا اله الا انت الامان الامان خلصنا من النار ١ Biesmaike Ya Ellah 1 Ya Rehman 2 Ya Rehîm 3 Ya Æelîm 4 Ya Helîm 5 Ya Æezîm 6 Ya Hekîm 7 Ya Qedîm 8 Ya Muqîm 9 Ya Kerîm 10 Subhaneke ya la ilahe illa entel emanel emane xellisna minennar 1 باسمائك يا حنان ١١ يا منان ١٢ يا ديان ١٣ يا غفران ١٤ يا برهان ١٥ يا سلطان ١٦ يا سبحان ١٧ يا مستعان ١٨ يا ذا المن والبيان ١٩ يا ذا الامان ٢٠ سبحانك يا لا اله الا انت الامان الامان خلصنا من النار ٢ Biesmaike Ya Hennan 11 Ya Mennan 12 Ya Deyyan 13 Ya Ğufran 14 Ya Burhan 15 Ya Sultan 16 Ya Subhan 17 Ya Musteæan 18 Ya Zel menni welbeyan 19 Ya Zel eman 20 Subhaneke ya la ilahe illa entel emanel emane xellisna minennar 2 باسمائك يا مانع ٢١ يا دافع ٢٢ يا نافع ٢٣ يا سامع ٢٤ يا رافع ٢٥ يا صانع ٢٦ يا شافع ٢٧ يا جامع ٢٨ يا واسع ٢٩ يا موسع ٣٠ سبحانك يا لا اله الا انت الامان الامان خلصنا من النار ٣ Biesmaike Ya Maniæ 21 Ya Dafiæ 22 Ya Nafiæ 23 Ya Samiæ 24 Ya Rafiæ 25 Ya Saniæ 26 Ya Şafiæ 27 Ya Camiæ 28 Ya Wasiæ 29 Ya Mûsiæ 30 Subhaneke ya la ilahe illa entel emanel emane xellisna minennar 3 باسمائك يا جليل ٣١ يا جميل ٣٢ يا وكيل ٣٣ يا كفيل ٣٤ يا دليل ٣٥ يا مقيل ٣٦ يا خبير ٣٧ يا لطيف ٣٨ يا عزيز ٣٩ يا مليك ٤٠ سبحانك يا لا اله الا انت الامان الامان خلصنا من النار ٤ Biesmaike Ya Celîl 31 Ya Cemîl 32 Ya Wekîl 33 Ya Delîl² 34 Ya Kefîl 35 Ya Muqîl 36 Ya Xebîr² 37 Ya Letîf 38 Ya Æezîz 39 Ya Melîk 40 Subhaneke ya la ilahe illa entel emanel emane xellisna minennar 4 باسمائك يا مؤمن ٤١ يا مهيمن ٤٢ يا مكون ٤٣ يا ملقن ٤٤ يا مبين ٤٥ يا مهون ٤٦ يا مزين ٤٧ يا معظم ٤٨ يا معون ٤٩ يا ملون ٥٠ سبحانك يا لا اله الا انت الامان الامان خلصنا من النار ٥ Biesmaike Ya Mumin 41 Ya Muheymin 42 Ya Mukewwin 43 Ya Muleqqin 44 Ya Mubeyyin 45 Ya Muhewwin 46 Ya Muzeyyin 47 Ya Muæezzim 48 Ya Muæewwin 49 Ya Mulewwin 50 Subhaneke ya la ilahe illa entel emanel emane xellisna minennar 5 باسمائك يا على ٥١ يا وفى ٥٢ يا ولى ٥٣ يا غنى ٥٤ يا ملى ٥٥ يا زكى ٥٦ يا رضى ٥٧ يا بدى ٥٨ يا حفى ٥٩ يا قوى ٦٠ سبحانك يا لا اله الا انت الامان الامان خلصنا من النار ٦ Biesmaike Ya Æelî 51 Ya Wefî 52 Ya Welî 53 Ya Ğenî 54 Ya Melî 55 Ya Zekî 56 Ya Redî 57 Ya Bedî 58 Ya Hefî 59 Ya Qewî 60 Subhaneke ya la ilahe illa entel emanel emane xellisna minennar 6 باسمائك يا مصور ٦١ يا مقدر ٦٢ يا مطهر ٦٣ يا منور ٦٤ يا مقدم ٦٥ يا مؤخر ٦٦ يا ميسر ٦٧ يا منذر ٦٨ يا مبشر ٦٩ يا مدبر ٧٠ سبحانك يا لا اله الا انت الامان الامان خلصنا من النار ٧ Biesmaike Ya Musewwir 61 Ya Muqeddir 62 Ya Mutehhir 63 Ya Munewwir 64 Ya Muqeddim 65 Ya Muexxir 66 Ya Muyessir 67 Ya Munzir 68 Ya Mubeşşir 69 Ya Mudebbir 70 Subhaneke ya la ilahe illa entel emanel emane xellisna minennar 7 باسمائك يا قائم ٧١ يا دائم ٧٢ يا راحم ٧٣ يا حاكم ٧٤ يا عالم ٧٥ يا عاصم ٧٦ يا قاسم ٧٧ يا سالم ٧٨ يا قابض ٧٩ يا باسط ٨٠ سبحانك يا لا اله الا انت الامان الامان خلصنا من النار ٨ Biesmaike Ya Qaim 71 Ya Daim 72 Ya Rahim 73 Ya Hakim 74 Ya Æalim 75 Ya Æasim 76 Ya Qasim 77 Ya Salim 78 Ya Qabid 79 Ya Basit 80 Subhaneke ya la ilahe illa entel emanel emane xellisna minennar 8 باسمائك يا واحد ٨١ يا واجد ٨٢ يا شاهد ٨٣ يا ماجد ٨٤ يا راشد ٨٥ يا باعث ٨٦ يا وارث ٨٧ يا ضار ٨٨ يا نافع ٨٩ يا هادى ٩٠ سبحانك يا لا اله الا انت الامان الامان خلصنا من النار ٩ Biesmaike Ya Wahid 81 Ya Wacid 82 Ya Şahid 83 Ya Macid 84 Ya Raşid 85 Ya Baæis 86 Ya Waris 87 Ya Dar 88 Ya Nafiæ 89 Ya Hadî² 90 Subhaneke ya la ilahe illa entel emanel emane xellisna minennar 9 باسمائك يا كافى ٩١ يا شافى ٩٢ يا وافى ٩٣ يا معافى ٩٤ يا عالى ٩٥ يا داعى ٩٦ يا راضى ٩٧ يا قاضى ٩٨ يا باقى ٩٩ يا هادى ١٠٠ سبحانك يا لا اله الا انت الامان الامان خلصنا من النار ١٠ Biesmaike Ya Kafî 91 Ya Şafî 92 Ya Wafî 93 Ya Muæfî 94 Ya Æalî 95 Ya Daæî 96 Ya Radî 97 Ya Qadî 98 Ya Baqî 99 Ya Hadî² 100 Subhaneke ya la ilahe illa entel emanel emane xellisna minennar 10 باسمائك يا غافر ١٠١ يا ساتر ١٠٢ يا قاهر ١٠٣ يا قادر ١٠٤ يا ناظر ١٠٥ يا فاطر ١٠٦ يا شاكر ١٠٧ يا ذاكر ١٠٨ يا ناصر ١٠٩ يا جابر ١١٠ سبحانك يا لا اله الا انت الامان الامان خلصنا من النار ١١ Biesmaike Ya Ğafir 101 Ya Satir 102 Ya Qahir 103 Ya Qadir² 104 Ya Nazir 105 Ya Fatir² 106 Ya Şakir 107 Ya Zakir 108 Ya Nasir³ 109 Ya Cabir 110 Subhaneke ya la ilahe illa entel emanel emane xellisna minennar 11 باسمائك يا قريب ١١١ يا رقيب ١١٢ يا حبيب ١١٣ يا مجيب ١١٤ يا حسيب ١١٥ يا طبيب ١١٦ يا بصير ١١٧ يا خبير ١١٨ يا منير ١١٩ يا مبين ١٢٠ سبحانك يا لا اله الا انت الامان الامان خلصنا من النار ١٢ Biesmaike Ya Qerîb 111 Ya Reqîb 112 Ya Hebîb 113 Ya Mucîb 114 Ya Hesîb 115 Ya Tebîb 116 Ya Besîr 117 Ya Xebîr² 118 Ya Munîr 119 Ya Mubîn² 120 Subhaneke ya la ilahe illa entel emanel emane xellisna minennar 12 باسمائك يا منول ١٢١ يا مفصل ١٢٢ يا مبدل ١٢٣ يا مسهل ١٢٤ يا مذلل ١٢٥ يا منزل ١٢٦ يا محول ١٢٧ يا مجمل ١٢٨ يا مكمل ١٢٩ يا مفضل ١٣٠ سبحانك يا لا اله الا انت الامان الامان خلصنا من النار ١٣ Biesmaike Ya Munewwil 121 Ya Mufessil 122 Ya Mubeddil 123 Ya Musehhil 124 Ya Muzellil 125 Ya Munezzil 126 Ya Muhewwil 127 Ya Mucemmil 128 Ya Mukemmil 129 Ya Mufeddil 130 Subhaneke ya la ilahe illa entel emanel emane xellisna minennar 13 باسمائك يا عفو ١٣١ يا غفور ١٣٢ يا ودود ١٣٣ يا شكور ١٣٤ يا صبور ١٣٥ يا رءوف ١٣٦ يا عطوف ١٣٧ يا قدوس ١٣٨ يا حى ١٣٩ يا قيوم ١٤٠ سبحانك يا لا اله الا انت الامان الامان خلصنا من النار ١٤ Biesmaike Ya Æefûw 131 Ya Ğefûr 132 Ya Wedûd 133 Ya Şekûr 134 Ya Sebûr 135 Ya Reûf 136 Ya Æetûf 137 Ya Quddûs 138 Ya Heyy 139 Ya Qeyyûm 140 Subhaneke ya la ilahe illa entel emanel emane xellisna minennar 14 باسمائك يا اول ١٤١ يا ءاخر ١٤٢ يا ظاهر ١٤٣ يا باطن ١٤٤ يا خالق ١٤٥ يا رازق ١٤٦ يا صادق ١٤٧ يا سابق ١٤٨ يا سائق ١٤٩ يا فالق ١٥٠ سبحانك يا لا اله الا انت الامان الامان خلصنا من النار ١٥ Biesmaike Ya Ewwel 141 Ya Axir 142 Ya Zahir 143 Ya Batin 144 Ya Xaliq 145 Ya Raziq² 146 Ya Sadiq 147 Ya Sabiq 148 Ya Saiq 249 Ya Faliq 150 Subhaneke ya la ilahe illa entel emanel emane xellisna minennar 15 باسمائك يا غفار ١٥١ يا ستار ١٥٢ يا قهار ١٥٣ يا جبار ١٥٤ يا صبار ١٥٥ يا رزاق ١٥٦ يا فتاح ١٥٧ يا علام ١٥٨ يا وهاب ١٥٩ يا تواب ١٦٠ سبحانك يا لا اله الا انت الامان الامان خلصنا من النار ١٦ Biesmaike Ya Ğeffar 151 Ya Settar 152 Ya Qehhar 153 Ya Cebbar 154 Ya Sebbar 155 Ya Rezzaq 156 Ya Fettah 157 Ya Æellam 158 Ya Wehhab 159 Ya Tewwab 160 Subhaneke ya la ilahe illa entel emanel emane xellisna minennar 16 باسمائك يا شفيع ١٦١ يا سميع ١٦٢ يا رفيع ١٦٣ يا منيع ١٦٤ يا بديع ١٦٥ يا سريع ١٦٦ يا بشير ١٦٧ يا نذير ١٦٨ يا قدير ١٦٩ يا مقتدر ١٧٠ سبحانك يا لا اله الا انت الامان الامان خلصنا من النار ١٧ Biesmaike Ya Şefîæ 161 Ya Semîæ 162 Ya Refîæ 163 Ya Menîæ 164 Ya Bedîæ 165 Ya Serîæ 166 Ya Beşîr 167 Ya Nezîr 168 Ya Qedîr 169 Ya Muqtedir 170 Subhaneke ya la ilahe illa entel emanel emane xellisna minennar 17 باسمائك يا مبدئ ١٧١ يا معيد ١٧٢ يا حفيظ ١٧٣ يا محيط ١٧٤ يا حميد ١٧٥ يا مجيد ١٧٦ يا مقيت ١٧٧ يا مغيث ١٧٨ يا معز ١٧٩ يا مذل ١٨٠ سبحانك يا لا اله الا انت الامان الامان خلصنا من النار ١٨ Biesmaike Ya Mubdi 171 Ya Muæîd 172 Ya Hefîz 173 Ya Muhît 174 Ya Hemîd² 175 Ya Mecîd² 176 Ya Muqît 177 Ya Muğîs² 178 Ya Muæizz 179 Ya Muzill 180 Subhaneke ya la ilahe illa entel emanel emane xellisna minennar 18 باسمائك يا معين ١٨١ يا مبين ١٨٢ يا امين ١٨٣ يا مكين ١٨٤ يا متين ١٨٥ يا شديد ١٨٦ يا شهيد ١٨٧ يا رشيد ١٨٨ يا حميد ١٨٩ يا مجيد ١٩٠ سبحانك يا لا اله الا انت الامان الامان خلصنا من النار ١٩ Biesmaike Ya Muæîn 181 Ya Mubîn² 182 Ya Emîn 183 Ya Mekîn 184 Ya Metîn 185 Ya Şedîd 186 Ya Şehîd 187 Ya Reşîd 188 Ya Hemîd² 189 Ya Mecîd² 190 Subhaneke ya la ilahe illa entel emanel emane xellisna minennar 19 باسمائك يا عادل ١٩١ يا قابل ١٩٢ يا فاضل ١٩٣ يا فاعل ١٩٤ يا كافل ١٩٥ يا جاعل ١٩٦ يا كامل ١٩٧ يا فاطر ١٩٨ يا طالب ١٩٩ يا مطلوب ٢٠٠ سبحانك يا لا اله الا انت الامان الامان خلصنا من النار ٢٠ Biesmaike Ya Æadil 191 Ya Qabil 192 Ya Fadil 193 Ya Faæil 194 Ya Kafil 195 Ya Caæil 196 Ya Kamil 197 Ya Fatir² 198 Ya Talib 199 Ya Metlûb 200 Subhaneke ya la ilahe illa entel emanel emane xellisna minennar 20 باسمائك يا فرد ٢٠١ يا وتر ٢٠٢ يا احد ٢٠٣ يا صمد ٢٠٤ يا امجد ٢٠٥ يا اعز ٢٠٦ يا اجل ٢٠٧ يا احق ٢٠٨ يا ابر ٢٠٩ يا ابد ٢١٠ سبحانك يا لا اله الا انت الامان الامان خلصنا من النار ٢١ Biesmaike Ya Ferd 201 Ya Witr 202 Ya Ehed 203 Ya Semed 204 Ya Emced 205 Ya Eæezz 206 Ya Ecell 207 Ya Eheqq 208 Ya Eberr 209 Ya Ebed 210 Subhaneke ya la ilahe illa entel emanel emane xellisna minennar 21 باسمائك يا مكرم ٢١١ يا معظم ٢١٢ يا منعم ٢١٣ يا معطى ٢١٤ يا مغنى ٢١٥ يا محيى ٢١٦ يا مبدئ ٢١٧ يا مرضى ٢١٨ يا منجى ٢١٩ يا محسن ٢٢٠ سبحانك يا لا اله الا انت الامان الامان خلصنا من النار ٢٢ Biesmaike Ya Mukrim 211 Ya Muæezzim 212 Ya Muneææim 213 Ya Muætî 214 Ya Muğnî 215 Ya Muhyî 216 Ya Mubdi 217 Ya Murdî 218 Ya Muncî 219 Ya Muhsin 220 Subhaneke ya la ilahe illa entel emanel emane xellisna minennar 22 باسمائك يا كاشف ٢٢١ يا فارج ٢٢٢ يا فاتح ٢٢٣ يا ناصر ٢٢٤ يا ضامن ٢٢٥ يا ءامر ٢٢٦ يا ناهى ٢٢٧ يا رجا ٢٢٨ يا مرتجا ٢٢٩ يا عظيم الرجا ٢٣٠ سبحانك يا لا اله الا انت الامان الامان خلصنا من النار ٢٣ Biesmaike Ya Kaşif 221 Ya Faric 222 Ya Fatih 223 Ya Nasir³ 224 Ya Damin 225 Ya Amir 226 Ya Nahî 227 Ya Reca 228 Ya Murteca 229 Ya Æezîmer Reca 230 Subhaneke ya la ilahe illa entel emanel emane xellisna minennar 23 باسمائك يا مسبب ٢٣١ يا مقرب ٢٣٢ يا معقب ٢٣٣ يا مقلب ٢٣٤ يا مقدر ٢٣٥ يا مرتب ٢٣٦ يا مرغب ٢٣٧ يا مذكر ٢٣٨ يا مكون ٢٣٩ يا متكبر ٢٤٠ سبحانك يا لا اله الا انت الامان الامان خلصنا من النار ٢٤ Biesmaike Ya Musebbib 231 Ya Muqerrib 232 Ya Muæeqqib 233 Ya Muqellib 234 Ya Muqeddir 235 Ya Murettib 236 Ya Mureğğib 237 Ya Muzekkir 238 Ya Mukewwin 239 Ya Mutekebbir 240 Subhaneke ya la ilahe illa entel emanel emane xellisna minennar 24 باسمائك يا ربنا ٢٤١ يا الهنا ٢٤٢ يا سيدنا ٢٤٣ يا مولينا ٢٤٤ يا ناصرنا ٢٤٥ يا حافظنا ٢٥٦ يا قادرنا ٢٤٧ يا رازقنا ٢٤٨ يا دليلنا ٢٤٩ يا مغيثنا ٢٥٠ سبحانك يا لا اله الا انت الامان الامان خلصنا من النار ٢٥ بِاَسْمَٓائِكَ يَا رَبَّنَا ٢٤١ يَا اِلٰهَنَا ٢٤٢ يَا سَيّدَنَا ٢٤٣ يَا مَوْلٰينَا ٢٤٤ يَا نَاصِرَنَا ٢٤٥ يَا حَافِظَنَا ٢٤٦ يَا قَادِرَنَا ٢٤٧ يَا رَازِقَنَا ٢٤٨ يَا دَلٖيلَنَا ٢٤٩ يَا مُغٖيثَنَا ٢٥٠ سُبْحَانَكَ يَا لآَ اِلٰهَ اِلآَّ اَنْتَ الْاَمَانَ الْاَمَانَ خَلّصْنَا مِنَ النَّارِ ٢٥ Biesmaike Ya Rebbena 241 Ya İlahena 242 Ya Seyyidena 243 Ya Mewlana 244 Ya Nasirena³ 245 Ya Hafizena 246 Ya Qadirena² 247 Ya Raziqena² 248 Ya Delîlena² 249 Ya Muğîsena² 250 Subhaneke ya la ilahe illa entel emanel emane xellisna minennar 25 . cewşen 250 (238= 7x34) Son Güncelleme 4 Ekim 2019 09:54
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Fallout 4 load order +250 Mod
 0  0     Fallout4.esm
 1  1     DLCRobot.esm
 2  2     DLCworkshop01.esm  3  3     DLCCoast.esm  4  4     DLCworkshop02.esm  5  5     DLCworkshop03.esm  6  6     DLCNukaWorld.esm  7  7     ACS Master.esm  8  8     Homemaker.esm  9  9     unlockedsettlementobjects.esm 10  a     Snap'n Build.esm 11  b     SettlementKeywords.esm 254 FE   0 FAR.esl 12  c     TrueStormsFO4.esm 13  d     ArmorKeywords.esm 14  e     SimSettlements.esm 15  f     FCOM.esm 254 FE   1 CityAmbience.esl 254 FE   2 BerettaM9FS.esl 16 10     WorkshopFramework.esm 17 11     3dscopes.esp 18 12     3dscopes-framework.esp 19 13     ACS Master.esp 20 14     ACS Paintings.esp 21 15     Clean and Simple - Settlement Startup.esp 22 16     PlayerComments.esp 23 17     noRB.esp 24 18     ReGrowth Overhaul 10.esp 25 19     Weaponsmith Extended 2.esp 26 1a     InteriorsEnhanced-All-In-One.esp 254 FE   3 CROSS_CourserStrigidae.esp 27 1b     EAMR.esp 28 1c     WorkshopRearranged.esp 29 1d     unlockedsettlementobjectsdlc03.esp 30 1e     BostonFPSFixAIO.esp 31 1f     MsAbominations.esp 32 20     Fr4nssonsLightTweaks.esp 33 21     Reverb and Ambiance Overhaul.esp 34 22     dD-Enhanced Blood Basic.esp 35 23     Armorsmith Extended.esp 36 24     NIS - Hunted.esp 37 25     FQ_NoMoreLODFlicker.esp 38 26     unlockedsettlementobjectsdlc06.esp 39 27     unlockedsettlementobjectsdlc02.esp 40 28     unlockedsettlementobjectsdlc05.esp 41 29     Backpacks of the Commonwealth.esp 42 2a     unlockedsettlementobjectsdlc01.esp 43 2b     AmazingFollowerTweaks.esp 44 2c     CheatTerminal.esp 45 2d     Gas Masks of the Wasteland.esp 46 2e     Gas Mask NPC.esp 47 2f     MilitarizedMinutemen.esp 48 30     GhillieModRedux.esp 49 31     Mercenary.esp 50 32     SimSettlements_XPAC_Conqueror.esp 51 33     Ak5C.esp 52 34     AK5CSkinPackAll.esp 53 35     Conquest.esp 54 36     SettlementCorpseCleaner.esp 55 37     AnS Wearable Backpacks and Pouches.esp 56 38     AnS Wearable Backpacks and Pouches - Ballistic Weave.esp 57 39     Assaultron Junk Parts.esp 58 3a     AutomatronUnlocked.esp 59 3b     AzarPonytailHairstyles.esp 60 3c     BallisticWeaver.esp 61 3d     BetterOpenSeason.esp 62 3e     BetterSettlersNoLollygagging.esp 63 3f     BrighterSettlementLights.esp 64 40     CBBE.esp 65 41     ChrisAnimeEyes.esp 66 42     Colored Workshop Lights.esp 67 43     CompactCrafting.esp 68 44     Crafting Workbench.esp 69 45     Crimsomrider's Illusive Man's Eyes.esp 70 46     CustomOptics.esp 71 47     DD_All_the_COncrete.esp 72 48     DOOM1911.esp 73 49     Radiant Clouds and Fogs.esp 74 4a     TrueStormsFO4-FarHarbor.esp 75 4b     DarkerNights.esp 76 4c     DarkerNights-Radiant.esp 77 4d     EPO.esp 78 4e     EasyHacking.esp 79 4f     EnclaveTrooper TestModels.esp 80 50     EoW_MakeupColors.esp 81 51     EyesoftheUniverse.esp 82 52     FO4LaserBolts - InstituteYellow.esp 83 53     FO4LaserBolts - NormalOrange.esp 84 54     FO4LaserBolts.esp 85 55     FV20_RSS.esp 86 56     GhostArmor.esp 87 57     HN66-SiriusArmor.esp 88 58     HairVariations_Conversions.esp 89 59     HairVariations_Elegant.esp 90 5a     HairVariations_FairyTails.esp 91 5b     HairVariations_Sophisticate.esp 92 5c     HairVariations_YoungAtHeart.esp 93 5d     HaxRPG7.esp 94 5e     ImmersiveVendors.esp 95 5f     LegendaryModification.esp 96 60     Live Dismemberment - Brutal.esp 97 61     Live Dismemberment - Insane-o.esp 98 62     Live Dismemberment - Liebermode.esp 99 63     Live Dismemberment - Mental.esp 100 64     Live Dismemberment - Mind-Blowing.esp 101 65     Live Dismemberment - POSTAL.esp 102 66     Live Dismemberment - Regular.esp 103 67     Locksmith.esp 104 68     LongRangeBulletHoles.esp           PipBoyShadows.esp 105 69     Pip-Boy Flashlight.esp 106 6a     PIP-Pad.esp 107 6b     LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp 108 6c     Lots More Facial Hair.esp 109 6d     Lots More Female Hairstyles.esp 110 6e     Lots More Male Hairstyles.esp 111 6f     LovingCait.esp 112 70     MGSV_SniperWolf.esp 113 71     MGSV_TheBoss.esp 114 72     McMillanCS5.esp 115 73     MiscHairstyle.esp 116 74     Mk14 Redux.esp 117 75     More Durable Power Armor - 75%.esp 118 76     P220.esp 119 77     PressXtoRespond.esp 120 78     Rage_XOF_armor_pack.esp 121 79     RainofBrassPetals.esp 122 7a     Realistic Survival Damage.esp 123 7b     SanctuaryParts.esp 124 7c     ScrapDeadThings.esp 125 7d     ScrappableLegendaries.esp 126 7e     SettlementCorpseCleanerFarHarbor.esp 127 7f     SettlementCorpseCleanerNukaWorld.esp 128 80     SettlementMenuManager.esp 129 81     Spawn Terminal.esp 130 82     SurvivalOptions.esp 131 83     Thematic and Practical.esp 132 84     Thematic and Practical - DLC.esp 133 85     TurretStands.esp 134 86     ValiusHDTextures2K.esp 135 87     VerticalConduits.esp 136 88     VltCageElevator.esp 137 89     Wasteland Sniper by Hothtrooper44.esp 138 8a     WeaponDisplays.esp 139 8b     WestTekTacticalOptics.esp 140 8c     WindowBoards.esp 141 8d     advsettleturretset.esp 142 8e     cartman1975_concrete-glass.esp 143 8f     cartman1975_warehouse.esp 144 90     dinoshelf.esp 145 91     unlockedsettlementobjects_menuoverride.esp 146 92     unlockedsettlementobjectscubes.esp 147 93     unlockedsettlementobjectsmashups.esp 148 94     young explorer.esp 149 95     Factor.esp 150 96     SA80.esp 151 97     SettleObjExpandPack.esp 152 98     EnclaveX02.esp 153 99     Dlx_assaultron.esp 154 9a     Quad_Fusillade.esp 155 9b     Rage_parasite_suit.esp 156 9c     PIP-Pad_LMCC.esp 157 9d     PIP-Pad_Pip-BoyFlashlight.esp 158 9e     AlternateSettlements.esp 159 9f     The Eyes Of Beauty.esp 160 a0     GCM.esp 161 a1     MineDetector.esp 162 a2     Faded Glory - Soundtrack Expansion.esp 163 a3     PD_LowerWeapon.esp 164 a4     GrenadeExpansionPack.esp 165 a5     Skibs-Miniguns.esp 166 a6     SettlementLimitSlashedFarHarbor.esp 167 a7     MilitarisedMinutemen_PatchesAddon.esp 168 a8     Killable Children.esp 169 a9     KSHairdos_oel.esp 170 aa     AEWS.esp 171 ab     AutomatronUnlockedNukaParts.esp 172 ac     RealisticAccuracy.esp 173 ad     CompanionAccuracy.esp 174 ae     DualSurvivors.esp 175 af     G36Complex.esp 176 b0     F4NVServiceRifleRedux.esp 177 b1     SettlementCorpseCleanerAutomatron.esp 178 b2     G36 add-ons.esp 179 b3     AK74M.esp 180 b4     RU556.esp 181 b5     FV20_DreadHG.esp 182 b6     HuntingShotgun.esp 183 b7     SMH.esp 184 b8     SSEX.esp 185 b9     Sandbag Fortifications - Version 2C.esp 186 ba     D.E.C.A.Y.esp 187 bb     xce.esp 188 bc     AK400.esp 189 bd     NIArms_HK416.esp 190 be     Squawkbox Radio.esp 191 bf     ColtDeltaElite_Standalone.esp 192 c0     Project Reality Footsteps FO4.esp 193 c1     Hollywood Bullet Tracers.esp 194 c2     KSHairdos.esp 195 c3     Valerian_Armor.esp 196 c4     Krebs.esp 197 c5     HoloTime.esp 198 c6     DualSurvivors_additionaldialogue.esp 199 c7     Small blur Crafting screen background.esp 200 c8     Rage_octocamo_suit.esp 201 c9     Ambient Wasteland.esp 202 ca     Dogmeat  A True Companion Normal.esp 203 cb     Generator Fusebox - More realistic version.esp 204 cc     Rusty Face Fix.esp 205 cd     VisibleWeapons.esp 206 ce     K9TacticalHarness.esp 207 cf     FF_Armors(female included).esp 208 d0     Ghouls Revamped.esp 209 d1     BallisticDrop_NukaWorld.esp 210 d2     military armors all in one.esp 211 d3     CustomCamera.esp 212 d4     LooksMenu.esp 213 d5     ESPExplorerFO4.esp 214 d6     GhillieModRedux - LMCC.esp 215 d7     GhillieModRedux - XCE.esp 216 d8     WorkshopPlus.esp 217 d9     CREAtiveClutter.esp 218 da     Danny_PMC_1.0.esp 219 db     AnimChemRedux.esp 220 dc     HuntingRifleSounds.esp 221 dd     Synth Overhaul.esp 222 de     Synth Overhaul - White Patch.esp 223 df     Gas Mask ArmorKeywords.esp 224 e0     XM2010_SniperRifle_by_tooun.esp 225 e1     1CAS_serviceRifle.esp 226 e2     SREP.esp 227 e3     SCAR-L.esp 228 e4     M60.esp 229 e5     MG42.esp 230 e6     P90.esp 231 e7     P90NPC.esp 232 e8     KrissVector.esp 233 e9     P90 Compact.esp 234 ea     tooun_Animationpack.esp 235 eb     PlayerVoiceFrequencySlider.esp 236 ec     Assaultron Combatron.esp 237 ed     Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp 238 ee     BetterSettlers.esp 239 ef     BetterSettlersCleanFacePack.esp 240 f0     EnhancedLightsandFX.esp
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jacularmetteld · 4 years
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healthcare-market · 2 years
TMR Analyzes Impact of Outbreak of COVID-19 on Heat Therapy Market
Heat Therapy Market: Introduction
According to the report, the global heat therapy market was valued at US$ 1.1 Bn in 2020. It is projected to expand at a CAGR of ~4% from 2021 to 2031. North America held a major share of the global heat therapy market in 2020, due to high prevalence of musculoskeletal disorders and rise in geriatric population in the region. According to the Population Reference Bureau, geriatric population in the U.S. is projected to nearly double from 52 million in 2018 to 95 million by 2060. The heat therapy market in Asia Pacific is expected to expand at a high CAGR of 5.2% from 2021 to 2031 due to an increase in healthcare expenditure in the region.
Request a Sample of Heat Therapy Market: https://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/sample/sample.php?flag=S&rep_id=75381
Rise in Prevalence of Arthritis & Other Orthopedic Conditions to Drive Global Market
Increase in prevalence of arthritis & other orthopedic conditions is projected to drive the global heat therapy market during the forecast period. According to the WHO, about 1.71 billion people have musculoskeletal conditions globally, and low back pain affects most of the people with musculoskeletal disorders. Additionally, other musculoskeletal disorders such as osteoarthritis, amputations, fractures, neck pain, rheumatoid arthritis, and other injuries affects around 343 million people, 175 million people, 436 million people, 222 million people, 14 million people, and 305 million people, respectively. The WHO estimates rise in prevalence of musculoskeletal disorders due to an increase in the geriatric population.
OTC Products Dominate Global Market
In terms of type, the global heat therapy market has been classified into OTC products and prescription-based devices. The OTC products segment dominated the global heat therapy market in 2020, and the trend is projected to continue during the forecast period. The expansion of the segment can be attributed to increase in rate of adoption of over-the-counter (OTC) heat therapy devices in developing countries and changing healthcare environment from prescription to non-prescription.
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Musculoskeletal Disorders to be Major Application Area
In terms of application, the global heat therapy market has been categorized into musculoskeletal disorder, sports medicine, post operative therapy, mastitis, chronic pain management, injury, and others. The musculoskeletal disorder segment held a major share of the global heat therapy market in 2020. Rise in prevalence of musculoskeletal disorders is expected to drive the segment during the forecast period. According to the WHO, about 1.71 billion people across the world have musculoskeletal conditions in 2020.
Enquiry before Buying Heat Therapy Market Report - https://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/sample/sample.php?flag=EB&rep_id=75381
Hospitals Held Major Share of Heat Therapy Market
Based on end user, the global heat therapy market has been divided into hospitals, online pharmacies, retail pharmacies, ambulatory surgical centers, home care, and clinics. The hospitals segment dominated the market in 2020, owing to a large patient base and budget availability to purchase expensive heat therapy systems.
North America to Lead Global Market; Asia Pacific to Offer Significant Opportunities
The global heat therapy market has been segmented into North America, Europe, Latin America, Asia Pacific, and Middle East & Africa. North America is projected to account for a leading share of the global heat therapy market during the forecast period. Rise in incidence of chronic pain and increase in patient base of arthritis in North America are major factors driving the market in the region. According to the CDC, approximately 7.4% of the adults had chronic pain that frequently limited life or work activities in 2019 in the U.S. The market in Europe is expected to expand at a high CAGR in the near future, owing to the presence of local as well as global players and an increase in the demand for heat therapy devices in the region.
The heat therapy market in Asia Pacific is likely to expand at a rapid pace in the near future. Japan, India, and China are anticipated to be lucrative markets for heat therapy during the forecast period. Presence of large geriatric patient population with severe chronic pain and increase in healthcare expenditure in these countries are likely to propel the market in Asia Pacific in the near future.
Buy now Heat Therapy Market Report - https://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/checkout.php?rep_id=75381&ltype=S
Growth Strategies of Key Players
Key players operating in the global heat therapy market are DJO LLC, Thermo Tek Inc., Cardinal Health, CarexHealth Brands, Inc., The Mentholatum Company, Medline Industries, Inc., Halyard Worldwide, Inc., Kobayashi Pharmacuticalco., Ltd, and TrekProof. These companies engage in research & development to develop novel products in order to expand product offerings and customer base. In December 2020, Sunbeam Products, Inc. launched GoHeat Cordless Heating Pad to treat sore muscles and help relieve pain whether at home or on the go.
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ladycynthiana · 4 years
So they're actually going to do THAT for the first vlog. I love these dorks.
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