priyakhurana · 4 months
Economics: Equip students with economic literacy. Our Economics program covers micro and macroeconomics, financial literacy, and global economic trends. Real-life case studies deepen understanding of economic principles.
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piratangmangmang · 4 months
Econ 101 Macroeconomics (topics)
Introduction to Macroeconomics Data of Macroeconomics: Measuring Economic Activity Economic Growth and Business Cycle Saving, Investment, and the Financial System Central Banking and Monetary Policy Transmission Channels, Inflation Targeting, and Financial Policy Process of Economic Growth
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enrolify · 1 year
BA in Economics – (Bachelor of Arts in Economics)
A Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Economics is an undergraduate degree program that focuses on the study of the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. The curriculum gives pupils a thorough understanding of economic theory and how it may be used in the actual world. Students are required to complete research projects and internships at businesses as part of the course’s…
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dopingconsomme · 9 months
,サイモン・レン=ルイス「財政再建に励んでも債務対GDP比が下がらない理由,そして,政治家たちが見当違いなタイミングで財政を引き締めがちな理由」(2023年4月18日) 「財政再建に取り組むべし」(公共支出削減や増税をすべし)という主張の理由として,しばしばこういうことが言われる.「債務対GDPの比を下げるのに必要だからだ」 ――だが,なるほど財政再建のためのさまざまな方策を打てば公共部門の債務は減少する見込みが大きいものの,同時に,GDP も減少させることになる見込みも...,https://b.hatena.ne.jp/dopingconsomme/20230903#bookmark-4741622203254422383 https://econ101.jp/why-fiscal-consolidations-spending-cuts/
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hella1975 · 7 months
i think it would be funny to tell an econ101 bro that economics is a liberal art and watch him explode
most of the lads on my course are inexplicably from london so i DO think i would get stabbed but also it would be worth it
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kennak · 4 months
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ノア・スミス「ソロー・モデルが中国について教えてくれること」(2023年12月23日) – 経済学101
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whimsy · 2 years
グローバルの金融構造で判明している事実が一つあるとすれば、大規模な国債デフォルトへの対処が不可能となっている事実だ。またこれが起これば、世界中の何億もの人が、巨大で急激な不確実性に直面することになるだろう。懸命な人なら、グローバルな不確実性を許容しないはずだ。しかしながら、体系だったリスクを発生させる金融システムは存在しており、そのリスクを封じ込め、効率的に管理するためのセーフティネットは未だに構築されていない。そして、システム全体を大きな圧力にさらすような、協調性の欠けた政策行動が実施されてしまっている。今現在、政策立案者らは、自身が行っている引き締めが歴史的にかつてない規模となっているのを認識できているかどうか定かでない。公正を期すなら、ラエル・ブレイナードのような一部の政策立案者は、FRBによる政策のグローバルな影響力を問題視している。しかし、今必要とされているのは、中央銀行の単なる声明以上のものである。私たちはカントのいう「selbstverschuldete Unmündigkeit(人間が自ら招いた未成年状態)」、つまり未熟からの自業自得の状態にある。そして、その状態から抜け出すときが来ている。
アダム・トゥーズ「アメリカドルのグローバルな循環環境下での世界的な景気後退リスク」(2022年10月4日) https://econ101.jp/recession-risk-in-a/
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imhomeinspections · 4 months
Do you ever wonder why economists discuss the unemployment rate when talking about mortgage interest rates? Liz Bushman breaks it down. #econ101 #economics #mortgagerates #themoreyouknow
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iampjr · 2 years
Great article by @CryptoQuile. It's all about the math and econ101. Venus Protocol Proposes XVS Emission Reduction of 50% @BSCNews https://t.co/7liHJX86RQ
Great article by @CryptoQuile. It’s all about the math and econ101. Venus Protocol Proposes XVS Emission Reduction of 50% @BSCNews https://t.co/7liHJX86RQ
Great article by @CryptoQuile. It’s all about the math and econ101. Venus Protocol Proposes XVS Emission Reduction of 50% @BSCNews https://t.co/7liHJX86RQ — Patrick Rooney (@patrickrooney) Nov 8, 2022 https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js from Twitter https://twitter.com/patrickrooney
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battytheband · 2 years
As a reaction to a Facebook memory about going to Occupy Wall Street:
My first political memory is from when I was 7 years old. I remember hearing my dad say Al Gore got more votes, but George W Bush was going to be president anyway. Well that doesn’t seem very democratic? I barely knew what government was and already I was seeing it wasn’t a fair or honest game.
As I grew, both of my parents made it very clear to me that the system was rigged against black and brown people, the death penalty was a sin against human life, Islam was not to blame for our unjust wars, and that gayness wasn’t a choice and all consenting adults deserved to marry whomever they chose.
Predictably, I developed a disdain for the Republican Party.
But I only viewed politics through the lense of individual rights: people should be allowed to have drugs without going to jail, black people and white people should be given equal opportunities, gay people and straight people were no different from each other and deserved to life the same lifestyles; I never considered the economics of it. I thought talk about taxes or the economy were distractions from the simple fact that the republicans were taking away peoples individual liberties.
I didn’t have any money, what did I know or care about the economy.
It wasn’t until my freshman year of college, when I took econ101, that I started to stray away from liberalism and into what I now understand to be anarchy.
My professor taught us how our capitalist economy works, and it became apparent to me that the whole system was a sham and peoples individual liberties were directly connected to the controlling of resources. Money is power.
In my mind, it was no longer about gay/straight or black/white; it was have and have not (I hadn’t figured out intersectionality quite yet).
That very semester, a massive collection of my peers gathered in Zuccoti Park in the southern end of Manhattan, just off of Wall St, near the New York Stock Exchange.
I expressed to my dad how much I admired those activists in New York. They were fighting the fight of my generation. As a high school student I was enamored with the Civil Rights leaders and anti-War-In-Vietnam hippies of yesteryear—and now we were following suit! I had to go, I couldn’t sit in my small town in rural Maryland while people just like me were bringing the fight to capitalisms front door!
My dad agreed. I needed to be there. This was history.
My dad took me to NYC, we camped out at Zuccoti Park, we met students and activists and chatted their ears off, but mostly turned our ears towards them. They were deep in this, and we wanted to learn from them.
I don’t know if my dad took away the same anti-capitalist message I did, at least not at that time…maybe he did.
But I DEFINITELY did. And, perhaps even more importantly, I saw the police brutalize peaceful protestors.
No one was damaging property, no one was fighting, we threw out some curse words at the cops, but mostly the Occupiers said things along the lines of “we’re fighting to protect YOUR pension plans” at the NYPD. The activists were telling the cops that we should be on the same side here.
But I saw with my own eyes cops do what cops do best—Grab women dressed in all black and throw em on the ground, hit dudes with their clubs, and form riot lines with shields and armor.
We weren’t doing anything!! We marched some, but mostly it was just a buncha people sharing ideas, minimal action was taken.
But the cops beat the ever loving shit out of some people. People just like me. I saw it with my own eyes. I finally understood “fuck the police. All cops are bastards”
It’s a shame the Occupy movement couldn’t centralize a coherent demand. It fizzled out and I was sad, but also I was changed.
I learned two important lessons in my short time there; one thru conversation, the other thru observation.
Money talks, and fuck them pigs.
I don’t think about OWS much these days. I’m glad this memory popped up.
I hope this all made sense, I’m a bit brain fried at the moment.
“Keep on loving, keep on fighting” ✊
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megaalexmark · 2 years
Econ101: Rapid expansion of the money supply leads to rapid inflation. No one in the US Government or Federal Reserve could NOT know this. It’s basic economics.
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antifatabi · 5 years
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beefent-blog · 4 years
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@officialblackknowledge Beef Entertainment Corporation #Arts #Entertainment #Law #Politics #Media #Culture #Blackownedbusiness #Beefent #Journalism #Publicist #Wallstreetreform #Blockchain #Blackwallstreet #Blackeconomics #Econ101 #Bullmarket📈 #Businesswoman #Womeninbusiness #Integrity #Prosperity #Franchise #Capitalism #Finance #Alumni #Cashflow #Sports #Wealthmanagement #Wellness https://www.instagram.com/p/B5FpHv_DCek/?igshid=725la2duc8a9
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studyhblog-blog · 5 years
First post
Something here
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dopingconsomme · 1 year
ノア・スミス「弱い円は日本にとって好機,なんだけど」(2022年11月24日) https://econ101.jp/noah-smith_the-weak-yen-is-an-opportunity/ ノア・スミス「弱い円は日本にとって好機,なんだけど」(2022年11月24日) [Noah Smith, “The weak yen is an opportunity,” Noahpinion, November 24, 2022] じゃあ,なんで日本はその好機を利用してないのさ? ぼくが日本にはじめて暮らしたのは,2000年代中盤のことだった.当時,円の値打ちはすごく覚えやすかった――だいたい,1ドル=100円だったからだ.どんなものでも,日本で値札を見かけ... via November 28, 2022 at 09:32AM
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nefaeriest · 4 years
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this is what capitalism looks like- #econ101 #NoJusticeNOPEACE (at Los Angeles, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CA6HpjyhLOc/?igshid=xjiyoqs1vo5i
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