#ectopic pregnancy awareness
kelly-lynne · 1 year
My Ectopic Pregnancy Story
Tw: pregnancy loss, trauma Today, August 1, is Ectopic Pregnancy Awareness Day. I haven’t told my story, but I know many of you who read my posts in October 2021, were astute enough to figure out something wasn’t right, or had your own miscarriages, or knew those who had and were able to guess at what I meant. I know many of you have secretly experienced pregnancy losses and haven’t known how to…
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burricane · 2 months
Why did you reblog a pro life post? Is that the stance you have? I'd like to know so I can block you if it is
I reblog fed a pro life post??? Omg I’m sick to my stomach I am NOT pro life. Please tell me what post so I can delete it, my Mom was a social worked and literally HELPED people get access to abortions so I was always raised to be staunchly pro choice
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gabessquishytum · 7 months
Morpheus Endless has never had much expectations from his life: he is a third child, so he has always known he'd never ascend his father's throne. Besides, he's an omega, which makes him merely a commodity. He has never been fond of his life at home, his parents ignoring him and his siblings too lost in their own misery and shenanigans, but he was cautious of his prospects, for he has always realized how much he'd be dependent on his future spouse. For once, gods seem to smile at him because Morpheus gets suddenly betrothed to King Robert Gadling, ruler of the neighboring lands. Robert has a reputation as a fair king, although Morpheus finds it very alarming and disappointing that he keeps slaves and that slavery is a norm in his kingdom in general. Still, everyone knows that Robert treated his wife Eleanor with respect despite the fact that she was an omega, and this gives Morpheus hope. What Morpheus doesn't know is that his future alpha has no desire to get married again. He simply has to. His beloved queen died as a result of ectopic pregnancy, and he still needs an heir. And better an heir and a spare. Robert agrees to the union with the Endless dynasty: in fact, that's an incredibly fortunate deal for his kingdom because his neighbors are way more powerful and rich. But for him, it's nothing but a business agreement. That's why Robert is taken aback when he finally meets his fiancé at the wedding: Prince Morpheus is ethereally beautiful. Robert falls in love at first sight and hates himself for it because it feels like he's betraying the memory of Eleanor. He's perfectly polite to his new husband, albeit cold and neglectful, and Morpheus can't figure out what he has done to displease his alpha: he is well aware of many faults of his character, but he really tried to be on his best behavior, and besides, they barely interacted at all. Robert gets drunk at the wedding. Morpheus waits for him till dawn, but he doesn't come to consummate the marriage. He continues to ignore Morpheus' existence till his omega goes into heat, and that's when Robert can no longer deny the pull and longing. And he does need an heir. Morpheus' heat is everything they both ever wanted, days and nights spent in tender lovemaking, and Morpheus dares to hope that from now on, it is going to be different...but once his heat has run its course, he wakes up alone and heartbroken. Shortly after, they find out that Morpheus is pregnant. Robert is excited and torn apart between his feelings for his mate and his love for the memory of Eleanor. He doesn't know what to do, so he does nothing. He only realizes what a fool he has been when Morpheus goes into labor, and it turns out that the baby is not well positioned. Morpheus spends two days in labor, and there are serious fears that neither he nor the baby would make it. Morpheus is barely alive by the end of the ordeal, but he miraculously gives birth to a healthy baby boy - Robyn. He himself is seriously ill, though, and in fever. Robert never leaves his side and prays to every god that his mate will survive so they can have a second chance. He is ready to do anything to make Morpheus happy, from abolishing slavery that his mate resents so much to pandering to his every whim.
OOO this is such a great outline for a story!! You can definitely see both perspectives here. Hob didn't want to remarry, he's traumatised, he feels so many things and everything is moving so quickly. Meanwhile Morpheus is in a completely new place with new people, knowing that he has a duty to fulfil, trying his best... only to find that nothing he does is enough for his new husband.
Morpheus even understands that his pregnancy must be a huge trigger for Hob, so he does his best not to mention it at all. He even hides the bump under draping clothes so his husband won't be reminded of his condition. Hob wavers between spending time with Morpheus and ignoring him for days. He forgets that Morpheus is going through this for the first time, essentially alone.
The traumatic labour does at least snap Hob out of his selfishness. He refuses to leave Morpheus even during the worst, when they think the omega might die. After Robyn is born, Hob takes care of him personally, feeding him and holding him as much as possible, and spending the rest of his time at Morpheus’s bedside. He doesn't deserve his omega, he's well aware of that - but Morpheus deserves to live! And Hob wants a chance to love him, at the very least. He wants Morpheus so much he can hardly breathe. He'd thought it was silly that his omega cared so much about slavery - it's just what Hob’s kingdom has always done. But now Hob would give anything to talk to be Morpheus about it. To be guided by his mate's principles. They could build a better realm together.
When Morpheus wakes up, he's surprised to see his mate beside him, with their newborn baby snuggled up in the crook of his arm. Morpheus hardly recognises Hob. He looks tired and soft and his eyes are full of tenderness. Morpheus wearily asks for water and Hob personally helps him to drink, slow and careful.
Morpheus is sort of expecting a grovelling apology that he'll have to listen to and then he'll have to be the bigger person, to give Hob the balm of forgiveness... but that doesn't happen. Hob just. Does stuff. Instead of making promises. He nurses Morpheus through his recovery, and supports him as he starts to care for Robyn more each day. He brings matters of state and ideas to Morpheus’s attention and asks for his opinions. He sleeps beside Morpheus each night (not in the same bed, but in the same room) until he's finally invited to join his omega. He doesn't even mention sex until Morpheus brings it up. And it's only much later that Morpheus finds out that slavery was outlawed while he was sick.
It doesn't mean that Hob didn't make mistakes. But it does mean that he won't be repeating them. And that Morpheus can finally learn to trust him. He's happy to invite Hob to share his first heat after giving birth. There's no alpha he'd rather have.
And Eleanor's spirit is finally smiling down on them, instead of repeatedly smacking Hob around the head for his behaviour <33
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atheostic · 1 month
I swear to god, intelligent design proponents have the observational skills of a rock
"The universe is perfectly designed for us!"
...Most of the universe is made up of a void that has neither heat nor air, but you know what it does have? Radiation that would kill you instantly if you were to go out into said void without protection.
Not Tardigrades, though. They'd be fine. Those tiny freaks are goddamn indestructible.
...Our source of light and heat gives us skin cancer.
And that light source literally cooks our skin cells if we stay exposed to it for too long (aka sunburns).
"The world is perfectly designed for us!"
My dude, humans are only capable of surviving on 10% of the world's surface.
And that's including places where we technically can survive if we don't spend too much time outside and if you want to go outside you have to cover up every bit of skin otherwise it'll freeze.
71% of the world is water but only 1.2% of it is both accessible and drinkable.
While technically 3% of the world's water is freshwater, most of it is locked away in glaciers.
Our bodies are perfectly designed!
There is a gap between the ovary and the fallopian tube, which means the fertilized egg might implant outside the womb.
This means that the embryo is guaranteed to not survive and the person carrying it will die if it the embryo is not removed.
There is a 0% survival rate for an ectopic pregnancy without medical intervention.
Between one third and half of human fertilized eggs do not implant.
They just get washed away with the menstrual blood and the person isn't even aware they were pregnant.
We breathe and eat from the same place (the pharynx), which means it's possible to choke to death.
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prolifeproliberty · 1 year
It's a wonder that we haven't starting implementing artificial wombs already (yes, they've been invented). They'll save countless babies' and mothers' lives.
They are testing these in the very early phases, so they’re not available yet for general use.
The trouble is the ones they’re testing are intended for embryos created through IVF, and as far as I’m aware would not work for transferring a baby from the mother’s womb.
I would be pro-artificial wombs if they were solely being used to save babies from ectopic pregnancies and other early-pregnancy complications, but that’s not the current or, as far as I can tell, intended use.
The current approach with artificial wombs of intentionally creating parentless children is absolutely horrifying.
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lexa-griffins · 1 year
Can u give us a bit of Clarke and Niylah backstory?. How they met/wedding details/finding out they about to have a baby together?
Clarke and Niylah met at work. Clarke's just started as an actual paid graphic designer (after 2 years of unpaid intership) and Niylah is her bosses secretary. Joking iver the water cooler, lunches together and hangs out after work quickly become a thing.
They were friends for a while, always very touchy type of friends. Clarke was pretty oblivious to shit, focusing on her career it really didn't hit her how hard Niylah was flirting with her until one day they go out for drinks and Niylah basically has to grab her face and tell her she likes her, like christ woman she could /not/ be more obvious!!
They fall into a relationship pretty naturally after that. They enjoy that time a lot, sex and traveling, and enjoying being with each other. If there's anyone that makes Clarke fully accept herself is Niylah, that woman loved Clarke fully. And so did Clarke. Niylah was her best friend.
Clarke proposes at a family function. She asked Niylah's dad even if Niylah found it to be old fashioned, Clarke knows how Niylah was the light or her dad's eye and wanted to be sure he and her mom were involved. Niylah cries so much when she proposes Clarke has to carry her to the couch to take a breath, although kissing Clarke between cries is harder.
They are married at 29. An intimate wedding because Niylah is all about family and friends, and Clarke will do just about anything she asks for, even if her family isn't that close and Niylah's makes up the majority of guests. They honeymoon in Paris and end up not seeing half of the city because they can't part with each other for more than a while, spending a good chunk of it naked in bed, drinking wine and eating and fucking.
They start trying for a baby pretty much from day one. Niylah knows she has health issues, but she wasn't aware of just how much they would affect her fertility. For around five years, they try constantly. After an ectopic pregnancy and a miscarriage so early, they weren't even aware they were pregnant, they find out Niylah's pregnant with Madi. Its love from day one when they see that little dot on the screen. Clarke cries when they hear the heartbeat for the first time and Niylah will make sure her bump is constantly on display. Theyre so excited about the baby. And then the doctor tells them that the pregnancy can be a massive risk for Niylah, that there's a chance she could die giving birth and that if they want, they can terminate.
Clarke wants to give it a thought, she considers it because as much as she loves this baby, Niylah is here and they aren't and she can't risk Niylah's life but Niylah refuses to terminate. There are a lot of angry tears and sad tears until Clarke relents, although she spends the rest of the pregnancy terrified that any day now she'll have a baby on her arms and her wife will be gone.
By some miracle, Niylah makes it. They do a c-section to raise Niylah's chances and it works. They are oh so happy. Seeing her wife and their perfect little baby makes Clarke so so happy. But Niylah is getting worse, there's no denying it. She gets tired faster, her appetite is low, and she saves any energy for Madi.
Niylah passes away peacefully, at least. She's in hospice, and there is no denying it she's going to die. It's after a good day. She colored with Madi and managed to walk around for a bit. Clarke brought her to the back porch so they could cuddle and watch the stars, even when Niylah was all bundled up despite being mid-August.
She goes to sleep in Clarke's arms. And she doesn't wake up. And Clarke knows it before she even opens her eyes.
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hoo boy it’s Tuesday and what a week it’s been already. Pip was up all night demanding to be let out to hork down grass and then hork it back up again, so nobody in this house slept much 😩 I also started getting so anxious last night I was short of breath and then had those awful choking dreams where I wake up gasping for air, which I haven’t had for years. at one point I just woke up and sobbed for a while and then went right back to sleep. I feel a little better this morning but in general I think there may be something Not Right about my current levels of panic/dread/despair. like yes I have some reason to worry based on past experience but the intensity of the feelings is outside my normal range of emotional ups and downs. I have always been suuuper sensitive to anything that messes with my brain chemistry and I wonder if this is a “surge of new intense hormones” + “suddenly not being on the meds that have been regulating my brain chemistry for the past 12 years” kinda thing.
like if I step back from the anxiety and try to look at it objectively when I am calmer, I know:
my HCG numbers and rate of rise are at the very top end of the normal range, which is strongly associated in the literature with ongoing pregnancy and live birth
my numbers and rate of rise last time were NOT in the normal range and were in fact one of the fairly textbook patterns for an ectopic pregnancy
I am not experiencing any of the classic symptoms of miscarriage—no pain, no cramping, no bleeding
I have never been all that physically sensitive to HCG—the trigger shot has consistently just given me mild GI symptoms whereas other women experience full-on early pregnancy symptoms. last time my levels eventually reached 18,000 before the surgery (which is close to where I am right now) and I still was having zero symptoms. it seems possible my mild symptoms are not a Harbinger of Doom but are just my body not being that reactive to HCG. my mom says that in four healthy pregnancies she never had morning sickness or any really marked symptoms of pregnancy so maybe there’s a genetic basis to it
I can tell I’m ignoring the symptoms I am experiencing (or dismissing them as unimportant/meaningless) in favor of fixating on the ones I am not experiencing and according those the greatest significance. this feels like classic anxiety brain
having one ectopic increases your risk of having another one but as far as I can tell the odds are higher if they open the tube and then stitch it back up as opposed to removing it entirely. I know my right tube seemed to have a weird little kink in it that showed up in the HSG exam and that was indeed where the ectopic took place. my remaining tube is totally clear/open so there is no particular reason to think I will have a recurrent ectopic.
most women do not have access to this level of data about their pregnancies at six weeks! I need to remember it’s not normal to have so much information so early to obsess over. if I weren’t undergoing fertility treatments and had just gotten pregnant naturally I wouldn’t be going in for a first scan until 8-10 weeks and probably wouldn’t even know my HCG numbers. the intense levels of anxiety I am feeling are probably Brain Stuff gone awry but also I think are a product of having too much info too soon, which partly gives me the illusion of control but much more strongly makes me aware of how little control any of us have over this process. this entire journey has been about just the extreme agonies of waiting through long stretches of time where you literally cannot do anything to influence what is happening inside your body. that is a hard thing to do! and a hard thing to accept! I am doing the best I can in the circumstances I am in!
but also I can probably help myself out a bit by asking about SSRIs and/or cognitive behavioral therapy sigh
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brookstonalmanac · 2 months
Holidays 8.1
African Emancipation Day (Trinidad and Tobago)
Air Force Day
Armed Forces Day (China, Lebanon)
Azerbaijani Language and Alphabet Day
Basil Day (French Republic)
Battle of Athens Day
Bitcoin Independence Day
Caribbean Day
Chopsticks Day
Clergy Sexual Abuse Awareness and Prevention Day
Cross-Quarter Day
Cycle to Work Day (UK)
Day of Azerbaijani Language and Alphabet
Day of Pachamama (Peru)
Day of the Rear Services of the Armed Forces (Russia)
Day of the Telephone Operator (Mexico)
Earth Overshoot Day 2024 (a.k.a. Ecological Debt Day)  [ website ]
Ectopic Pregnancy Awareness Day
801 Day
Emancipation Day (UK; British Commonwealth)
Freedom Day (Belize)
Freedom to Marry Day (Minnesota)
Friendship Day
Gold Star Children’s Day
Girlfriends’ Day
Good Sportsmanship Day
Grain Marketing Freedom Day (Canada)
Guca Brass Bands Day (Serbia)
Harriet Quimby Day
HitchBOT Remembrance Day
Homowo (a.k.a. Hooting at Hunger; Ghana)
Indigenous Peoples Day (Taiwan)
International Adaptive Activity Day
International Can-It-Forward Day
International Childfree Day
International Mahjong Day
International Marine Protected Areas Day
International Sri Lankan Leopard Day
International Woo-Ah Day
Jerry Day
Laa Luanys (Isle of Man)
Laughter Day (Southern California)
Led Zeppelin Day
Liberation of Haile Selassie Day (Rastafari)
Memorial Day for the Victims of World War I (Russia)
Minden Day (UK)
Minority Donor Awareness Day
National Alpaca Day (Peru)
National American Family Day
National Andrew Day
National CBD Day
National Girlfriends Day
National Huddle Ledbetter Day
National Mahjong Day
National Minority Donor Awareness Day
National Mountain Climbing Day
National Non-Parent Day
National Poll Worker Recruitment Day
National Promise to Care Day
National Spritz Day
National Waifu Day
National Warsaw Uprising Remembrance Day (Poland)
National Wedding Day (UK)
National York Day
Odaiba Day
Oxygen Discovery Day
Parents’ Day (Democratic Republic of the Congo; Zaire)
Planner Day
Play Ball Day
Pod Body Day (Portland, Maine)
Respect For Parents Day
Rounds Resounding Day
San Francisco Cable Car Day
Scout Foundation Day
Scout Scarf Day
Social Resistance Day (North Cyprus)
Spider-Man Day
Sports Day
SSN 801 Day
Startup Day Across America
Swiss National Day
Technical Support Worker Day (Russia)
Treida de Santo Domingo de Guzmán (Nicaragua)
Thoroughbred Birthday (Southern Hemisphere)
Victory Day (Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam)
White Rabbit Day
Wipe the Slate Clean Day
Woman Astronomers Day
Women’s Day (Thailand)
World Breastfeeding Day
World Day of Joy
World Fintech Day
World Lung Cancer Day
World Middle Finger Day
World Naked Sailing Day
World Scout Scarf Day
World Wide Web Day
Yaoi Day
Yorkshire Day (England)
Food & Drink Celebrations
Belgian Frites Day (a.k.a. International Day of Belgian Fries)
Homemade Pie Day
International Albariño Day
International Can-It Forward Day
Mars Bar Day
National Nutritional Yeast Day
National Raspberry Cream Pie Day
Old Vine Day
Independence & Related Days
Benin (originally Dahomey; from France, 1960)
Colorado Statehood Day (#38; 1876)
Guadalcanal Province Day (Solomon Islands)
Jennytopia (Declared; 2019) [unrecognized]
Switzerland (a.k.a. Confederation Day; from Holy Roman Empire, 1291)
Toku (Declared; 2014) [unrecognized]
Vodopol (Declared; 2021) [unrecognized]
1st Thursday in August
August Thursday (Anguilla) [1st Thursday]
Emancipation Day (Bermuda; 1st Day of Cup Match) [Thursday before 1st Monday in August]
Kid Lit Art Postcard Day [1st Thursday]
National Dash Cam Day (UK) [1st Thursday]
National IPA Day (f.k.a. International IPA Day) [1st Thursday]
Weekly Holidays beginning August 1 (1st Week of August)
Brat Days (Sheboygan, Wisconsin) [1st Thursday thru Sunday]
Carnaval del Pueblo (London, UK) [1st Week]
International Assistance Dog Week (thru 8.7) [1st Week]
International Clown Week (thru 8.7)
International Mathematicians Week (thru 8.9)
National Albariño Week (thru 8.5)
National Cleanse Your Skin Week (thru 8.7)
National Fraud Awareness Week (thru 8.7) [1st Week]
National Minority Donor Awareness Week (thru 8.7)
National Scrabble Week (thru 8.7) [1st Week]
National Video Game Week (thru 8.7) [1st Week]
Satchmo Days [begin Thursday nearest 8.4 thru Sunday]
Simplify Your Life Week (thru 8.7)
World Breastfeeding Week (thru 8.7) [1st Week]
Festivals Beginning August 1, 2024
American Cured Meat Championships (Omaha, Nebraska) [thru 8.3]
August is Maine Lobster Month (Statewide, Maine) [thru 8.31]
Bear Lake Raspberry Days Festival (Garden City, Utah) [thru 8.3]
Castlefest (Lisse, Netherlands) [thru 8.4]
Clam Festival (Highlands, New Jersey) [thru 8.3]
Denver Burger Battle (Denver, Colorado)
Eden Corn Festival (Eden, New York) [thru 8.4]
Empire Farm Days (Pompey, New York) [thru 8.3]
Estherville Sweet Corn Days (Estherville, Iowa) [thru 8.4]
Gen Con (Indianapolis, Indiana) [thru 8.4]
Green Gathering (Chepstow, United Kingdom) [thru 8.4]
Houston Restaurant Weeks (Houston, Texas) [thru 9.2]
Katahdin Sheep Show (Mexico, Missouri) [thru 8.3]
Klamath County Fair (Klamath Falls, Oregon) [thru 8.4]
Lollapalooza (Chicago, Illinois) [thru 8.4]
Mammoth Festival of Beers & Bluesapalooza (Mammoth Lakes, California) [thru 8.4]
Mile of Music (Appleton, Wisconsin) [thru 8.4]
Minnesota Fringe Festival (Minneapolis, Minnesota) [thru 8.11]
Mobile Motion Film Festival (Zurich, Swizterland) [thru 8.31]
Official Star Trek Convention (Las Vegas, Nevada) [thru 8.4]
Outer Banks Watermelon Festival (Nag's Head, North Carolina)
Owensville Watermelon Festival (Owensville, Indiana) [thru 8.3]
Phelps Sauerkraut Weekend (Phelps, New York) [thru 8.4
Pol’and’Rock Festival (Woodstock Festival Poland; Czaplinek, Poland) [thru 8.3]
Saint Dominic Days (Managua) [thru 8.10]
Saskatoon Fringe Festival (Saskatoon, Canada) [thru 8.10]
Spicemas (Grenada Carnival; St. George’s, Grenada) [thru 8.13]
Sumner County Fair (Caldwell, Kansas) [thru 8.4]
Toronto Caribbean Carnival (Toronto, Canada) [thru 8.5]
Twin Cities Vegan Chef Challenge (Minneapolis, Minnesota) [thru 8.31]
Washington Wine Month (Washington State) [thru 8.31]
Wisconsin State Fair (West Allis, Wisconsin) [thru 8.11]
World Lumberjack Championships [thru 8.3]
XIT Rodeo & Reunion (Dalhart, Texas) [thru 8.3]
Zanzibar International Film Festival (Zanzibar City, Tanzania) [thru 8.4]
Feast Days
Abgar V of Edessa (Syrian Church)
Alan Moore (Australian War Artist; Artology)
Aled (a.k.a. Eiluned or Almedha; Christian; Martyr & Virgin)
Alphonsus Maria de' Liguori (Christian; Saint)
Æthelwold of Winchester (Christian; Saint)
Bernard Võ Văn Duệ (Christian; One of Vietnamese Martyrs)
Betty Lou’s Dad (Muppetism)
Cartoon Day (Pastafarian)
Chantal Montellier (Artology)
David Gemmell (Writerism)
Day of the Dryads (Macedonia)
Dormition Fast (Orthodox Church) [thru 8.14]
Drug Side-Effects Day (Church of the SubGenius)
Ethelwold of Winchester (Christian; Saint)
Eusebius of Vercelli (Christian; Saint)
Exuperius of Bayeux (Christian; Saint)
Faith, Hope, and Charity (Christian; Virgin Martyrs)
Feast of Faith, Hope, Charity, and their Mother, Wisdom (Christian; Martyrs)
Feast of Kamál (Perfection; Baha'i)
Feast of Ninlil (Sumerian Goddess of the Grain)
Felix of Girona (Christian; Saint)
Festival of Lugh (Celtic here god)
Festival of Xiuhtechuhtli (Aztec God of the Calendar)
Gerhard Hirschfelder (Christian; Blessed)
Herman Melville (Writerism)
The Holy Maccabees (Christian; Saint)
Imps Charity Scramble (Shamanism)
Isobel Lilian Gloag (Artology)
Jackie Ormes (Artology)
James Henry Govier (Artology)
Jan van Scorel (Artology)
Kalends of August (Ancient Rome)
Lammas (a.k.a. ... 
Feast of Bread (Neopagan)
Feast of First Fruits (England, Scotland)
Feast of the Wheat Harvest
Festival of Albina (Irish White Barley Goddess; aka Alphito)
Festival of the First Fruits
Gule of August (England, Scotland)
Imbolc (So. Hemisphere; Neopagan)
Lady Day Eve (Neopagan)
Lammas, Day 2 (Celtic, Pagan) [5 of 8 Festivals of the Natural Year]
Lammas Eve (a.k.a. Lughnassad Eve)
Lammas Sabbat
Luanistyn (Manx Gaelic)
Lithasblot (Norse Harvest Festival)
Loaf Mass
Loki and Sigyn’s Day (Norse)
Lugh (Celtic Book of Days)
Lughnasadh (Grain Harvest) [Ends on Samhain]
Lúnasa (Modern Irish)
Lùnastal (Scottish Gaelic)
Sexon Hlafmaesse
Lobster Boy Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Mati-Syra-Zemlya Day (Slavic Goddess of the Earth)
Pachamama Rayni (Festival Celebrating Mother Earth) [Ecuador; Peru]
Pellegrini (a.k.a. Peregrinus), Hermit (Christian; Saint)
Peter Apostle in Chains (Christian; Saint)
Procession of the Cross and the beginning of Dormition Fast (Eastern Orthodox)
Quarter Day (Scotland)
Richard Wilson (Artology)
Rose Macaulay (Writerism)
Sebastiano Ricci (Artology)
The Spanish Romancers (Positivist; Saints)
Vhrsti (Artology)
Warsan Shire (Writerism)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Dismal Day (Unlucky or Evil Day; Medieval Europe; 15 of 24)
Egyptian Day (Unlucky Day; Middle Ages Europe) [15 of 24]
Fatal Day (Pagan) [15 of 24]
Tomobiki (友引 Japan) [Good luck all day, except at noon.]
Unlucky Day (Grafton’s Manual of 1565) [35 of 60]
Unlucky Monday (when Eve gave birth to Cain; Philippines) [1st Monday] (3 of 4)
Alfred, by Thomas Arne (Opera; 1740)
Alice the Peacemaker (Disney Cartoon; 1924)
American Graffiti (Film; 1973)
Bargain Daze (Heckle & Jeckle Cartoon; 1953)
Being and Time, by Martin Heidegger (Book; 1927)
Big Chief No Treaty (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1962)
The Big Money, by John Dos Passos (Novel; 1936)
Burning Love, by Elvis Presley (Song; 1972)
Cape Kidnaveral (Noveltoons Cartoon; 1961)
Charley’s Aunt (Film; 1941)
Cook and Stagger (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1956)
Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs, by Judi and Ron Barrett (Children’s Book; 1978)
Concert for Bangladesh, hosted by George Harrison (Charity Concert; 1971)
Cosi Fan Tutti Frutti, by Squeeze (Album; 1985)
Cowardly Watchdog (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1966)
Crazy with the Heat (Disney Cartoon; 1947)
Crusader Rabbit (Jay Ward Cartoon TV Series; 1950)
The Dog Show (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1950)
Driven to Extraction (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1963)
Dune, by Frank Herbert (Novel; 1965)
The Dusters, featuring the Mighty Heroes (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1971)
The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test, by Tom Wolfe (Novel; 1968)
Eric, by Terry Pratchet (Novel; 1990) [Discworld #9]
Everybody’s Rockin’, by Neil Young (Album; 1983)
The Fabulous Firework Family (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1959)
The Final Countdown (Film; 1980)
Flebus (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1957)
Flight of the Navigator (Film; 1986)
The Four Musicians of Bremen (b Iwerks Cartoon; 1922)
A Game of Thrones, by George R.R. Martin (Novel; 2000) [A Song of Fire and Ice #1]
Gangsta’s Paradise, by Coolio (Song; 1995)
Generals and Majors, by XTC (Song; 1980)
The Genie with the Light Touch (Woody Woodpecker Cartoon; 1972)
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, by Stieg Larsson (Novel; 2008) [Millennium Trilogy #1]
Give Me Liberty (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1967)
Golden Egg Goose (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1951)
Guardians of the Galaxy (Film; 2014)
Heaven Can Wait (Film; 1943)
The Highwayman, by Alfred Noyes (Poem; 1906)
The Hound of the Baskervilles, by Arthur Conan Doyle (Novel; 1901)
House Busters (Heckle & Jeckle Cartoon; 1952)
Howard the Duck (Film; 1986)
How to Catch a Cold (Disney Cartoon; 1951)
Jeremy, by Pearl Jam (Music Video; 1992)
Judo Kudos (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1968)
King Tut’s Tomb (Heckle & Jeckle Cartoon; 1950)
The Littlest Bully (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1960)
The Lyin’ Lion (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1949)
Make Way for Ducklings, by Robert McCloskey (Children’s Book; 1941)
Meat, Drink and Be Merry (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1961)
Modern Man in Search of a Soul, by C.G. Jung (Philosophical Book; 1933)
Money (That’s What I Want), by Barrett Strong (Song; 1959)
The Monkey Wrench Gang, by Edward Abbey (Novel; 1975)
Mrs. Jones’ Rest Farm (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1949)
MTV (Cable Network; 1981)
MySpace (Social Media App; 2003)
96 Tears, by ? and the Mysterians (Song; 1966)
North Dallas Forty (Film; 1979)
Nothing in Common (Film; 1986)
Oil Through the Day (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1964)
Open House (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1953)
Paul Bunyan (Disney Cartoon; 1958)
Porky the Rain-Maker (WB LT Cartoon; 1936)
Pride of the Yard (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1954)
Rain Dogs, by Tom Waits (Album; 1985)
Rear Window (Film; 1954)
Rebecca, by Daphne du Maurier (novel; 1938)
The Road Not Taken (Poem; 1925)
Robots in Toyland (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1965)
Rule Britannia, by Thomas Arne (Song; 1740)
Señorella and the Glass Huarache (WB LT Cartoon; 1964)
Shadows on the Rock, by Willa Cather (Novel; 1931)
Shootin’ Stars (Modern Madcaps Cartoon; 1960)
Shotgun Shambles (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1962)
Sick, Sick Sidney (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1958)
The Snows of Kilimanjaro, by Ernest Hemingway (Short Story; 1936)
Steel Wheels, by The Rolling Stones (Album; 1989)
Superiority, by Arthur C. Clarke (Short Story; 1951)
A Swiss Miss (Mighty Mouse Cartoon; 1950)
The 39 Steps (Film; 1935)
Tot Watchers (Tom & Jerry Cartoon; 1958)
Trouble in Baghdad (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1963)
Truant Officer Donald (Disney Cartoon; 1941)
The Trumpet of the Swan, by E.B. White (Children’s Book; 1970)
Turning the Fables (Noveltoons Cartoon; 1960)
The Twist, by Chubby Checker (Song; 1960)
Video Killed the Radio Star, by The Buggles (Music Video; 1981)
A Wedding Knight (Modern Madcaps Cartoon; 1966)
The Wiggles, by The Wiggles (Album; 1991)
Wild and Woolly Hare (WB LT Cartoon; 1959)
Witchy Woman, by The Eagles (Song; 1972)
Today’s Name Days
Alfons, Kenneth, Peter (Austria)
Alfonz, Jonatan (Croatia)
Oskar (Czech Republic)
Maira, Maire, Mairi, Maris (Estonia)
Maire (Finland)
Alphonse (France)
Alfons, Kenneth, Peter, Uwe (Germany)
Efkleos, Elesa, Markelos, Solomoni (Greece)
Boglárka (Hungary)
Alfonso, Giacomo (Italy)
Albīna, Albīns, Dags, Jarmuts, Spekonis (Latvia)
Almeda, Bartautas, Bartautė (Lithuania)
Peder, Petra (Norway)
Brodzisław, Justyn, Konrad, Konrada, Nadia, Piotr (Poland)
Božidara (Slovakia)
Alfonso, Caridad, Esperanza, Fe, Pedro (Spain)
Per (Sweden)
Charissa, Charity, Chasity, Cheri, Cherie, Cherry, Cheryl, Esperanza, Faith, Faye, Hope, Nadia, Nadine (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 214 of 2024; 152 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 4 of Week 31 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Tinne (Holly) [Day 27 of 28]
Chinese: Month 6 (Xin-Wei), Day 27 (Ding-You)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025) [Wu-Chen]
Hebrew: 26 Tammuz 5784
Islamic: 25 Muharram 1446
J Cal: 4 Purple; Foursday [4 of 30]
Julian: 19 July 2024
Moon: 8%: Waning Crescent
Positivist: 17 Dante (8th Month) [The Spanish Romancers]
Runic Half Month: Thorn (Defense) [Day 9 of 15]
Season: Summer (Day 43 of 94)
Week: 1st Week of August
Zodiac: Leo (Day 11 of 31)
Calendar Changes
August (Gregorian Calendar) [Month 8 of 12]
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fallenoutoflove · 7 months
What’s wild is what kept me alive as a teen was the possibility to have children. I loved kids, I loved my little brother so much. Those were my two big reasons to not committing suicide, as I wanted one more than life itself. Now, I have a huge cyst on my fallopian tube and potentially ovary. I was made aware if I do get surgery it increases my chance for an ectopic pregnancy and I also would have the chance of losing the tube and the ovary. (Thank god women have 2)
And my brother and I aren’t as close now that he’s a little man living life. Funny how life works, staying around till you’re ready to have kids and now I have a huge cyst impacting that.
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I love /s how you say you're femisit but you're pro life. That's a oxymoron. There can be complications in a pregnancy that may require abortions such as sepsis. Not to mention that while you preach "Womanhood is more than biology" you're just reducing women to brood mares and saying oh well if something horrible happens to you such as rape, loss of income, etc it's a "gift from god" and accept it. You seem like the type to tell the family members of suicide victims "Everything has a purpose." And "God has a plan." But whatever, you're just pro forced birth
I don't think being feminist and being pro-life are automatically at odds. Mysogyny has a hand in many abortions, including sex-selctive abortion in favor of boys and women who are pressured into abortion due to sex trafficking, abusive situations, and society failing to support them.
I understand the perspective of bodily autonomy as it relates to abortion and would never personally insult the women who believe in it, despite my disagreement with their perspective. I also feel strongly about bodily autonomy, but from my perspective, bodily autonomy begins when a human being comes into existence. Children deserve protection from dismemberment at any stage of life, not just when they exit the womb.
The majority of abortions do not take place because of rape, and many who are pro-life consider this an exception. Just something to be aware of before you make an assumption. Also, the majority of those who are pro-life do not consider the removal of an unviable pregnancy during a medical procedure to be an abortion. Currently, ectopic pregnancies are not considered abortion by law, even in states that have banned abortion without exception. Termination of an unviable pregnancy to protect the life of the mother is currently legal in every state, and I would never advocate against that.
I feel an extreme amount of sympathy for victims of rape and incest. I have experienced sexual abuse and have thought a lot about pregnancy and the difficulty of that situation. I don't think the answer is easy, but I still don't believe that two wrongs make a right and that an unwanted child must die simply because they are unwanted. Victims deserve every bit of support, and I would never shame victims who've had abortions. I just feel incredibly sad for them.
I know you and many others see being pro-life as being "pro forced birth," but to me it's about not crossing the line into ending someone's life. I would rather prevent this by creating a world where women are less likely to feel that abortions are necessary than by regulating it with the law, but yes, I believe in the personhood of the unborn and therefore believe they deserve the same rights we all do. I'm sorry that we can't come to an understanding, but I hope I've at least corrected what might be false assumptions.
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septembersghost · 2 years
i know actors need jobs but ana wasn't struggling. she took this role because she's well aware of how iconic marilyn is and she didn't care about the fact that this fictionalized take of her life is pure and simple torture porn. she should be ashamed. not only of that but actually saying that marilyns ghost approved of this shit
i was just reading a thread earlier where someone brought this exact topic up. i was trying to give ana some leeway, until the full scope of what this movie contains was revealed, plus her own comments, and, even more damningly, the director's. because she worked on the film with this man. he shaped and guided the whole process - and he has NO respect for marilyn as a human being whatsoever, and has made it abundantly clear that he wanted to make a sensationalized, gratuitously graphic film to do nothing but abuse marilyn to death. he said he doesn't see anything positive in the story. he's not only narrowed her down to her suffering and death, and decided that's all there was to her, he heaped fictional horrors onto her. what exactly was he providing on that set other than to encourage this exploitation?
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and ana, with full cognizance, read this script, and thought, sure. did she really think it was somehow honoring her? it's what's said in this post after some of ana's comments:
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she apparently didn't know much of anything about marilyn when she took the role, but then threw herself into researching her, which honestly makes it worse for me, because i don't know how you can read anything marilyn ever said or wrote, read about anything she dealt with, and still go through with portraying her like this. idc if she though it'd be acclaimed awards bait, exploring one single interview with marilyn should have been enough to tell her how disrespectful this is. then, to go to marilyn's grave (the resting place she didn't even want) and ask "permission" to desecrate her, to invoke marilyn's ghost and say she in any way would've approved and been with them on set, to have the audacity to say she's upset the nude/assault scenes will be taken out of context when she knew what they were doing and didn't give that respect to the subject? girl, what?
furthermore, and this is the part of the movie i've been avoiding discussing, but, there's zero evidence that marilyn ever had an abortion, though there's ample evidence of her miscarriages and her ectopic pregnancy (which itself could've killed her), how much she longed to be a mother, and how not being able to have a baby broke her heart. they took this, twisted it in the most vile way possible, fabricated a forced abortion, putting the camera in the pov of her cervix, depersonalizing her body and in essence assaulting her via the camera lens, having a fetus not only speak to her from her womb, but continue to haunt her in the film. in the year when roe v wade was overturned and women are fighting for their reproductive rights, and they release this. she really had no second thoughts about this? didn't grasp its implications at all? didn't see how invasive it is? how socially tone deaf in a broader sense?
from the nyt:
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as you said, it's basically torture p*rn, a dramatized snuff film exploiting a real woman who was exploited more than enough when she lived, and it also has some of the creepiest misogynistic undertones imaginable, pretending to be symbolism. ana knew precisely what it was and signed on anyway, then tried to excuse it with mystical approval that does not, and would never, exist. much as my anger and disgust goes to the director, producers, and jco, i find it difficult to have any sympathy for her at this point either. what's shocking to me is that no one involved in this entire production ever seemed to consider its two prongs - the social commentary, and the humanity of its protagonist. so what value does it even have?
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womenwwe · 2 years
Carmella opens up about suffering a miscarriage and an ectopic pregnancy:
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Carmella took to her social media yesturday (on the final day of Pregnancy and Infact Loss Awareness Month) to open up about how she'd recently suffered her own loss.
With today being the final day of Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month, WWE star Carmella (real name Leah Van Dale) opened up about recently suffering two pregnancy losses.
She posted the following:
I’ve gone back and forth with myself about posting this because I’m not looking for any sort of sympathy, but since today is the last day of Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness month, I wanted to share my story. Today, I was treated for an ectopic pregnancy. I never thought something like this would happen to me, especially after suffering from an early miscarriage in September. Nothing can prepare you for this news after getting a positive pregnancy test. I was cautiously optimistic this time around after the early loss I had already experienced, but was hoping for the best. I spent 12 hours in the ER on Saturday when I started experiencing some sharp pains on my left side. After several tests and ultrasounds, I was given the devastating news that this was, in fact, an abnormal pregnancy. The reason I’m sharing all of this is because in the moment it feels so isolating. Why doesn’t anyone ever talk about this? My husband and I watched @ilizas new comedy special last week and she spoke openly about her miscarriage. I immediately burst into tears. She went on to explain that we should be speaking more openly about this topic so we, as women, don’t blame ourselves and think there’s something wrong with us. I want to do the same. I’m part of this statistic and it’s happening to me. Again, I’m not looking for sympathy, I know I’ll eventually recover from all of this mentally, physically and emotionally. For anyone dealing with ANY type of pregnancy loss, I want you to know your feelings and emotions are valid, there is NOTHING wrong with you and you are not alone. ❤️
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mariacallous · 2 years
As we near the midterm elections many are asking how will the Supreme Court’s decision on abortion influence how people vote? With a host of other issues like inflation, student loans, the war in Ukraine, immigration, the president’s age, and the pandemic competing for the attention of voters, just how important is the issue of abortion?
The reason is that in politics, intensity matters. Unlike every other issue pollsters ask about, abortion and the broader questions it raises about reproductive health are central to the existence of 51.1% of the population in a way that no other issue in politics is or has ever been.
From the time a young woman menstruates to the time she is done with the last symptom of menopause and beyond, women are in constant conversation with other women about the everyday reality of their reproductive organs.
For many women these discussions eventually revolve around pregnancy, and for a subset of the female population, there is an additional struggle and trauma associated with getting pregnant in the first place. The intensity of pregnancy is usually the first time in this saga that men become aware of the realities of reproduction as they learn about the dangers and problems their partners could face. For most of human history, pregnancy has been dangerous and often fatal. Women with uteri can experience ectopic pregnancies, preeclampsia, and placental complications. After these health risks comes the trauma of delivery and the possibility of fetal distress, perinatal asphyxia, placenta previa, and host of other complications that can still be fatal even with modern medicine. Most men have never heard of these complications until their wife or partner is pregnant. And after the pregnancy, men rarely talk about these issues again and they recede into the background.
This is no criticism of men, they don’t live the reproductive cycle so of course they don’t pay much attention to it. But it does make them less acutely aware of the enormous dangers women face when the government starts telling doctors what they can and cannot do to pregnant women. There are some things the government is simply NOT good at and dictating individual medical outcomes is near the top of the list.
So, we now face an election where that is exactly what is on the ballot. Everyone born with a uterus has an interest and a stake in the abortion issue that those without a uterus do not have—meaning, the abortion issue will be intense for a lot of people. In addition to the intensity of this issue is the sheer number of females in the population and the electorate. First, there are more women than men in America—167,500,000 women compared to 164,380,000 men.
But more importantly, women vote more often than men—in the 2020 presidential election, women constituted 52% of the electorate compared to 48% for men.
Small shifts in this vote yield big numbers. Take, for instance, the swing state of Pennsylvania. It, like many states in 2020, had record high turnout of 6,924,558. According to exit polls, 52% of those voters were women or 3,600,827. A shift of only 3% of the women’s votes would be equal to 108,025 votes or 27,470 more than Biden’s close victory over Trump.
No wonder Republican candidates are trying to soften their abortion stances. As men get a crash course in reproductive biology, more and more will have the experience that South Carolina State Rep. Neal Collins had when he regretted voting for an anti-abortion law that put a young women’s life at risk and the near loss of uterus when her water broke just after 15 weeks of pregnancy.
Collins went on to vote for a less radical bill—one that listed 12 to 14 situations where the life of the mother would be protected. But what if there are more situations that threaten the life of the mother than the South Carolina legislature knows about? Women know that ultimately these decisions must be made between themselves and their doctors (and the men in their lives know that too). Nothing else will work, which is why the abortion issue is unlike anything else we have seen in politics.
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A Surprisingly Real Part
It's a tad embarrassing that I tend to only reach self awareness through having it pointed out to me by a trusted person close to me (like A or J or my friend M), or through fiction, either the stuff I wrote or stuff someone else wrote that I can actually relate to. And I've only recently realized how my fictional heroines that are probably the most like me are so very clearly autistic. Like...I almost always write an introverted heroine, but (for those of you who have read my work, the names are hopefully familiar) Mary Sue Rice, Samantha Jenkins/Goodman, Stephanie Bamford, and Jessica Fielding/Evers are...on the spectrum. They just...are.
Being both gifted but somehow also constantly feeling like a disappointment. Having a hard time connecting with people in person. Being sensitive emotionally and physically. Being a blunt, direct, literal, and honest communicator. Having the tendency to over explain things. Needing to know the reasons why people do things or believe things or why those rules exist in order to feel good about following them. Seeking certain activities and sensations for comfort/avoiding others because of discomfort, despite it being 'weird' or uncommon or unpopular. I mean...those things are ME. But because of the stereotyping and stigmas attached to autism, if you would have asked me even 3 years ago if I considered myself autistic, I'd have said no. No one ever mentioned that possibility to me in my lifetime. I think 'boys have it more,' and 'really self-centered' and 'really poor communicator' and 'robotic/unemotional all the time' sort of negated the possibility to anyone who might say it regarding me. I'm almost exclusively other focused, and autism is supposed to be a condition that means self-focused. And in writing at least, I'm not a bad communicator. But I've heard that 'heartless and cold' shit a lot in my life, and that's just false. I think a lot of autistic people actually have really high empathy, they just don't show emotion the way neurotypical people do. Plus, I mean...I had a LOT of emotional suppression as a kid. You're laughing too loud; talking too loud/too much; don't cry; don't sing; don't make that noise/face...I mean...of course I've learned to look and act like a robot. That's a lot of repetition of the same lesson.
People DID bring it up about my brother. In the early 1990s when he was a toddler and elementary school aged kid. My mom took him to a doctor after a couple of early educators used the word autism in front of her. The doctor she took him to (the same one who said there was nothing wrong with my legs and reproductive system when she took me there and he said growing pains and normal cramps and gave me painkillers that made me sleepy when other doctors in adulthood gave me corrective equipment for standing and walking and emergency surgery for an ectopic pregnancy) told her there was no way he was autistic, because he'd give us hugs and look at us when we called his name. He was 'too normal.' All autistic people, to this doctor, were Rain Man or more obvious about it. So my mom just moseyed on, assured her kid was normal. (My brother is quite blatantly autistic; strangers meeting him for the first time pick up on it right away). He has a master's degree in special education now and diagnosed himself; my mom probably should have listened to the educators when he was a kid, but on the other hand, he's doing great without specialized intervention. And so am I. But the denial of something that pretty significantly affected our lives as kids obviously had an impact.
When I read things written by and for autistic people, I always relate. I see myself. I see my brother. I see my dad. I told my mom that my dad is almost certainly on the spectrum too. And she said she feels like a fool, not only having to have her kids figure it out for themselves as adults, but not recognizing it in my DAD, the man she's been with for over 50 years and married to for 48. And for the first time she said she felt sorry about how she's treated all of us, especially my dad, for so long. I told her busting up routine and structure is kind of traumatic for people like us, and she admitted she did that to us, especially Dad, on purpose, pretty often. That's still pain I'm dealing with a lot. It comes out in the fiction. It's probably why I've written four fictional autistic women.
I dunno. Guess I just felt like writing this today.
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bryonyashaw · 2 years
Trigger warning - National Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month occurs every October.
During the entire month, people take time to honor and remember those who have lost a child during pregnancy or lost a child in infancy. Dealing with death in the family is never easy.
I have spoke about this in the past 4 years but I had an early miscarriage before Winnie and at the time I didn't have much support or understanding - it can be a very isolating experience. I spent the night in hospital as they thought it was ectopic. You blame yourself, you question yourself. Whether the pregnancy was wanted or planned it's such a sensitive subject and each experience, each person is different. You can't compare one person to another and you never should. How I view that particular situation now is that it was meant to happen or Winnie (my youngest) wouldn't of happened and sure, being a single parent is hard but the moment I gave birth to her and held her in my arms I just felt (cliché to say) but like my family was complete and perhaps this is how it was meant to be, however, I always acknowledge it happened. I've had 4 pregnancies.
"Angel Baby," "Sunshine Baby," and "Rainbow Baby" are terms that refer to babies born just before or after another baby is lost due to a variety of reasons. They help immediate family members move through the grieving process and find meaning in the loss.
There are many things that raise awareness like the #waveoflight and the #NeverBeStill campaign seeks to break the silence surrounding stillbirth and other pregnancy/infant losses by not only educating the public about ways to support bereaved families but also empowering expectant mothers to have a healthy pregnancy – because every pregnancy deserves a happy ending.
Pregnancy and Infant loss Remembrance Day serves to promote greater Awareness, Remembrance and Support of the estimated 1 in 4 individuals and families whose lives are irrevocably altered by the death of their children, during pregnancy, at birth and in infancy. The aim of the day is to:
• Raise awareness of the need for support
• Encourages people to talk
• It honors the babies who have passed.
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laprosopicsurgon · 7 hours
Hysteroscopy Doctor in Punawale
Hysteroscopy Doctor in Punawale: Dr. Balaji Nalwad Reddy
When it comes to women’s health, choosing the right doctor is crucial for receiving the best care. If you are in Punawale and in need of a hysteroscopy doctor, Dr. Balaji Nalwad Reddy is a top choice. With his extensive experience and dedication to patient care, he ensures that women receive the highest quality of treatment for their gynecological needs.
What is Hysteroscopy?
Hysteroscopy is a procedure that allows doctors to examine the inside of the uterus. A hysteroscope, which is a thin, lighted tube, is inserted through the vagina and cervix into the uterus. This technique helps in diagnosing and treating various conditions, including:
Endometriosis: A painful disorder in which tissue similar to the lining of the uterus grows outside the uterus, often causing pain and fertility challenges.
Fibroids: Non-cancerous growths in the uterus that can lead to heavy bleeding and discomfort.
Ovarian Cysts: Fluid-filled sacs that develop on the ovaries, which can sometimes cause pain or other complications.
Ectopic Pregnancy: A serious condition where a fertilized egg implants outside the uterus, requiring immediate medical attention.
Why Dr. Balaji Nalwad Reddy?
Here are ten compelling reasons why Dr. Balaji Nalwad Reddy is the ideal hysteroscopy doctor in Punawale:
Expertise in Hysteroscopy: Dr. Reddy is highly trained in hysteroscopic procedures, ensuring patients receive effective and safe treatments.
Comprehensive Care: He offers a wide range of services related to women's health, making him a versatile choice for all gynecological needs.
Minimally Invasive Techniques: Dr. Reddy employs minimally invasive methods that result in less pain and quicker recovery for his patients.
Tailored Treatment Plans: He understands that each patient is different and customizes treatment plans to fit individual health conditions and goals.
Advanced Technology: His clinic is equipped with the latest medical technology, allowing for accurate diagnoses and effective treatments.
Comfortable Atmosphere: Dr. Reddy creates a warm and welcoming environment for his patients, ensuring they feel comfortable and relaxed during their visits.
Thorough Follow-Up: He emphasizes the importance of follow-up care, helping patients feel supported throughout their recovery journey.
Education and Awareness: Dr. Reddy is dedicated to educating his patients about their conditions, empowering them to make informed decisions about their health.
Compassionate Approach: Known for his empathy and understanding, Dr. Reddy listens to his patients' concerns and addresses them with care.
Convenient Location: His clinic in Punawale is easily accessible, making it convenient for patients seeking specialized gynecological care.
For women dealing with conditions like endometriosis, fibroids, or other gynecological concerns, Dr. Balaji Nalwad Reddy is a trusted hysteroscopy doctor in Punawale. His expertise and compassionate approach ensure that you receive the best care possible. Don’t hesitate—schedule your appointment today and take the first step toward better health!
For More Info-https://gynaeclaproscopicsurgeon.com/blog/2024/09/25/hysteroscopy-doctor-in-punawale/
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