#ed raid today
rightnewshindi · 6 months
कांग्रेस विधायक अंबा प्रसाद के आवास पर ईडी की रेड, थंब इंप्रेसन से खुलने वाला इलेक्ट्रॉनिक बैग बरामद
कांग्रेस विधायक अंबा प्रसाद के आवास पर ईडी की रेड, थंब इंप्रेसन से खुलने वाला इलेक्ट्रॉनिक बैग बरामद
ED Raid: बड़कागांव से कांग्रेस पार्टी की विधायक अंबा प्रसाद के बड़कागांव स्थित आवास से प्रवर्तन निदेशालय ने एक इलेक्ट्रानिक बैग बरामद किया है, जो अंगूठे के थंब इंप्रेसन से ही खुलता है. यह बैग अभी ईडी के कब्जे में है. बैग खुलने के बाद ही इसके अंदर का राजफाश होगा. मिली जानकारी के अनुसार, ईडी सभी कागजात की जांच कर रही है. बताया जा रहा है कि इस मामले में ईडी जल्द ही विधायक अंबा प्रसाद, पूर्व मंत्री…
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sleepystede · 6 months
Let's talk about the genius of music in OFMD once again, today in s2e1:
Strawberry Letter 23 begins as Ed appears as "the Devil" on board the wedding vessel. We know the scene well. His crew slays the wedding party in a seemingly heartless fashion, followed by a short montage of previous violent raids.
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But let's back up to what comes before this scene:
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We see Stede on the beach throwing a letter in a bottle out to sea, all while we hear Stede narrating this letter aloud. It's very clearly a love letter, and Stede says he's sent quite a few letters before this one.
This scene immediately moves into the shot of Blackbeard's new flag with the broken heart, which clearly communicates a message of heartbreak.
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Followed by Ed's new tattoo, also very clearly communicating a message (a letter in its own right).
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We see the exchange return to Stede, where he kisses the damn bottle as he throws it out to the ocean.
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Then we move to the wedding boat, where a priest is reading aloud part of the wedding ceremony. That's when Blackbeard's crew jumps on with an OBJECTION.
As Ed says, "Demon? I'm the fuckin' devil" - Strawberry Letter 23 begins playing.
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It's interesting, because in the full song, the lyrics that should indicate the name of the song are Strawberry Letter 22 - NOT 23. So I went on ye ole Wikipedia to see what's up with that:
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It's about a couple exchanging love letters.
Ed's wedding massacre is his letter number 23, in response to Stede's letter.
The lyrics are so spot on. David Jenkins, how do you do it?!
“Hello my love, I heard a kiss from you.
Ed is thinking back to the first kiss he and Stede shared on the beach - and this is coupled with the kiss Stede gave the message in the bottle before he threw it. This lyric plays as Ed picks up the Stede cake topper.
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Red magic satin playing near, too.
Ed is thinking back to the fine things fabric he carries for so long, the fabric Stede so tenderly folded and placed in Ed's pocket. This lyric plays as a different red magic satin - blood - sprays violently as people are killed.
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All through the morning rain I gaze, the sun doesn’t shine. / Rainbows and waterfalls run through my mind.”
This is breakup Ed at his peak. Sadness, depression, tears flowing. But also the moments where Ed allows himself to enjoy softness and fine things. We see Ed licking icing from his knife in a moment of peace amid the chaos around him.
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Ed's letter number 23 is such a stark contrast to Stede's letter number 22. It's heartbreaking and oh so brilliant.
I remain indebted to David Jenkins. The gift of this show is tremendous!!!
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mrsjellymunson · 2 months
🌸🌼 One Fine Day 🌼🌸
Adapted from this ask from @celestialbat for the @steddiemicrofic June 1-year anniversary prompt, ‘one’. WC: 1,111. Rating: G. CW: tooth-rotting fluff, romance, flirting, mentions of food (no actual eating) and Eddie’s difficult childhood (not detailed).
Before today, Eddie never would’ve believed that one day could mean so much.
He and Steve haven’t been together long, and haven't really even gone on a proper ‘date’. But Eddie’s decided: today's the day.
He’s not usually one for cuteness and grand romantic gestures - he’d usually take someone to The Hideout, or spend time in his van out by Lover’s Lake. Not because he doesn’t want to, more because he doesn’t know how to, and prefers to keep things simple rather than run the risk of embarrassing himself.
But with Steve, everything’s different.
Before Steve, he reckons he wouldn’t’ve known how to be romantic if his life had depended on it. But now, he’s finding he loves to do things to make Steve laugh, to make him blush, even just to make him smile, and he doesn’t even care if he makes himself look like an idiot while he does it.
So today, he’s packed up as much of a romantic picnic as he can manage. He’s borrowed a basket and cooler from Robin, along with some tips on what to pack, after he admitted he was just going to get Twinkies, chips and Mountain Dew from Melvald’s. She’s even let him raid her fridge for a few things.
He’s shaken out the blankets from the back of his van, and has borrowed a few pillows from the trailer, so they’ll both have something comfortable to sit on. He’s brought camping plates and cutlery, usually reserved for Wayne’s fishing trips, so Steve doesn’t have to pick things out of packets like Eddie usually would, and purchased some of Steve’s favourite name-brand soda (rather than the store equivalent). He’s discovered he and Wayne don’t own napkins, so he’s Origami-ed some kitchen paper into bird-like shapes so they stand up on their own - fancy.
Steve assumes Eddie’s just taking the pair of them to the local park, perhaps picking something up from Benny’s on the way, but Eddie surprises him, swinging the van along one of the exit roads to a ‘secret spot’ outside of town.
It’s down a quiet lane, a pretty meadow filled with tall grass and wildflowers. And it’s beautiful.
Eddie doesn’t mention that he used to come here with his mom. It’s not far from the house they used to live in, and she’d bring him here when things got really bad with Al. Sometimes they’d even camp out under the stars. It was one place where Eddie felt safe.
Maybe he’ll tell Steve about it one day.
He grabs Steve’s hand and unnecessarily helps him down from the cab with a gallant, “This way, sweetheart”, and insists on carrying everything himself, even though Steve offers to help. (And, as Steve suspected he would, he almost trips twice.)
Eddie chooses a patch that’s more grass than flowers, explaining to Steve that, “I don’t want to hurt them”, and lays everything out on the well-loved blanket.
Steve can’t believe he’s gone to all this effort. There’s cold meats and cheeses, small tomatoes, carrot batons, berries, nuts, apple slices and a few grapes. And because Eddie can’t forego the snack food, there’s also pretzels, breadsticks and, yes, chips.
Steve thinks it’s wonderful; thinks Eddie’s wonderful. And the two of them spend an idyllic afternoon snacking and chatting and laughing and playing with each other’s fingers and tracing their fingertips up and down each other’s arms.
Steve asks about Eddie’s tattoos, and Eddie enjoys telling Steve the stories behind them. He makes up outrageous tales about the creatures and how they fought for their places on his human canvas, occasionally lifting his shirt and enjoying the way Steve’s eyes glitter as they roam his torso.
Once most of the food is gone, Steve helps Eddie to pack away the leftovers and encourages him to lie down, insisting he deserves a rest after all he’s done today.
Eddie smiles softly at him, and says he will, but,
“Only if I can choose the best pillow in the state.”
Confused, Steve glances around at the worn cushions brought from the trailer, and Eddie smirks as he drops down onto his elbows and wriggles backwards to place his messy mop into Steve’s lap. He moves his head back and forth a couple of times, settling, humming to himself, mumbling,
“Mmmm, definitely the best pillow in the state. Wait, the country! No, I’m so stupid, of course I mean the whole entire world!”
Steve chuckles down at him and the corners of his honeyed eyes crinkle as Eddie peeps up with those coffee coloured pools Steve adores so much.
Steve enjoys the weight and warmth of Eddie resting against him, and runs his fingers through Eddie’s bangs. They talk about everything and nothing, and Eddie begins to doze in the afternoon sun. He stirs a little as Steve periodically leans to one side, but thinks nothing of it.
He rouses as he feels Steve playing with his hair again, and thinks he might just be in paradise. Surely, there’s no earthly reason why the two of them couldn’t stay like this forever?
But then something unfamiliar tickles his cheek, and he opens one eye to see Steve leaning over him, examining a small yellow flower with a long stem before cocking his head sideways and appraising Eddie, squinting a little.
Placing it carefully into Eddie’s hair between an orange and red bloom, and just above a tiny purple one, Eddie sees the tip of Steve’s tongue emerge from between his teeth as he adjusts it before leaning back and admiring his handiwork.
Eddie brings a hand gently up to his hairline, careful not to dislodge anything, and discovers he has quite an array of blooms adorning his waves.
Steve reaches into his bag and pulls out his Polaroid camera, wanting to capture Eddie’s beautiful visage. Taking a couple of snaps, he places them face down on the blanket to develop as Eddie gleefully makes grabby hands, wanting to take one of his own. He hadn’t realised Steve had brought it, and he’s not missing this opportunity.
Steve won’t know it, but the sun that’s dipping low behind him is giving him a glorious golden halo that Eddie thinks makes him look like an ethereal, heavenly being. If he can capture even a tenth of that in a photo, he thinks he’ll keep it close to his heart forever.
Eddie’s convinced this is definitely the best picnic, and possibly the best afternoon, of his life. He wonders whether Steve feels the same.
Before today, Eddie never would’ve believed how much romance he actually had in him, or that one day could mean so much.
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Thanks so much for reading!!
My masterlist
Tagging my general list (open): @joejoequinnquinn @jamdoughnutmagician @guiltyasquinn @madaboutmunson @airen256 @sunshinepeachx @the-unforgivenn @skrzydlak @comeonatmebruh @jamiecb66 @80s-addict @abellmunsonmovie @definitionwanderlust @sheneedsrocknroll92 @munson-blurbs @wonderlanddreamer @daisy-munson @maedesculpaeusoubi @kurdtbean
Reblogging divider by @strangergraphics 💚💚
And how could I possibly pass up yet another opportunity to reshare this beautiful and rather gloriously appropriate piece of art by @themultiverseofmars 😉😘 YES I AM OBSESSED, WHAT OF IT HUH? HUH??
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empty-movement · 5 months
It's May, 1997. Revolutionary Girl Utena is Upon Us.
You are an Utena addict. You watch every episode the day it airs. You've raided your local Japanese anime store. And guess what? THE NEW ISSUES SURE ARE EASY TO FIND WITH OUR GIRLIES ON THE COVERS:
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(It's a little lame that Animedia didn't put them on the cover, but they did give us this spread, thanks to @hotwaterandmilk! https://hotwaterandmilk.tumblr.com/post/71621932377
Let's see what we've got!!!
Newtype's beautiful six page spread includes an interview with Saito and Ikuhara that has been translated by Tuxedo Unmasked! I also scan, as always, the cover, ToC, episode summaries, ratings, and any adverts or fanart I find. Did you know the OP/ED singles drop this month??? Lucky for you you can grab them here. ;)
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But the wealth? That's in Animage's May 1997 Issue, which not only have we scanned....we've translated!!! Spring '97's Revolutionary Announcement!! That's right it's MASSIVE. But you already clicked read more. Here's your chance. :)
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You're all caught up on the newest information, and you are ready for the next episode!!! (I know I keep saying May, but shut up) LET'S WATCH EPISODE 5, AIRING TODAY, APRIL 30, 1997
The Sunlit Garden ~ Finale
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pandalorian36 · 1 year
Izzy x (Genderneutral)Reader
Ed reveals the reason Izzy is always so grumpy and short tempered is because he got separated from you.
Warnings: Mentions of blood, knives/swords. Word count: 4655
Izzy stomps away from yet another shouting match muttering under his breath as he goes the rest of the crew staring after him in a state of shock. He had never yelled that much for something so little. Lucius had kissed Pete on the cheek and next thing Izzy was yelling and cursing about everything. “Well, that was intense.” Lucius nods agreeing with his partner just as Stede and Ed emerge onto deck “What the blazes was that all about?” Ed glances over at his first mate and Roach speaks up “Izzy snapped.”
Ed nods slightly “We heard that. Why?” Lucius glances at Pete “I kissed Pete on the cheek.” Stede looks shocked “Something so small? Really? We thought someone had broken the ship.” Ed looks confused a moment before looking up speaking quickly “What’s the date?”
“The date. Today. What is it?”
Lucius looks at the diary tucked under his arm “June 2nd possibly 3rd.” Ed, Ivan and Fang all exchange a look of understanding “June 3rd. I’ll go check on him.” Ed leaves the rest of the crew gathering around Ivan and Fang who clearly have the rest of the story. Stede pipes up “What happened June 3rd?" Ivan sighs shrugging “It was just over two years ago. We raided a merchant vessel, turned out to have a lot more weapons on board than we intended and was actually full of trained soldiers. We managed to set the ship a light and get back to the Queen Anne when the flames hit a gunpowder storage. Lucky our ship wasn’t damaged, but it caused a big confusion.”
He stops and Fang takes over the story “those that were on the main deck didn’t get injured, but it did confuse us enough that the merchant crew managed to take charge. Two of our crew where captured which did allow the rest to escape but Ed forbid us from going back. We now know one was killed but the second we don’t know. Their name was Y/N, they were Izzy’s. Partner? Lover? Companion? Actually, I’m not sure what they were but they were incredibly close, always had each other’s backs. God, forbid you threatened one of them the other was always close by. They were the only one who could best Izzy at swordplay,” he grins “Part from Stede.”
Ivan sighs “Before we lost Y/N, Izzy was actually pretty tolerable. He’s always had a temper and a tendency to threaten people, but Y/N could always calm them. Couldn’t help but like Y/N, don’t get me wrong they were a ruthless pirate, loyal to Ed and Izzy. Forgot to mention Y/N was Ed’s younger sibling, least we think so. Fiercely protective of each other.”
The whole crew remains silent taking the information in. Ed leans on the railing next to Izzy crossing his arms out over the water “I miss ‘em too Iz.”
“Fuck off Edward.”
“I just thought… Actually, don’t know what I thought.”
Izzy sighs shoulders sagging “Why couldn’t we go back?” Ed frowns staring out over the sea “I had to think of the crew. If we had gone back, you know none of us would of come away.” Ed clasps Izzy’s shoulder “Y/N probably would have some stupid motivational crap to say to ya but fraid all I got is they’re gone mate, not anything we can do about it. Just have to move on.” Ed walks away Stede falling into step beside him “You never mentioned you had a brother/sister?”
Ed shrugs slightly walking back into their cabin “Not something I like to talk about. They’re dead not anything can do about it.”
“Still, you must miss them. Where you close?” Ed sighs falling onto the sofa “Suppose we we’re close yea. Them and Izzy where the only two I ever trusted.” Stede sits on the edge of the sofa by Ed’s feet frowning “I’m sorry.” Ed shrugs “‘is alright. Sometimes feel guilty for it though. You know? I was captain, I ordered the raid and the burning of the ship.”
“It’s not your fault Ed,” Stede tries to sound reassuring patting his leg “I’m sure there was nothing you could have done.” Ed flips himself around, so his head is in Stedes lap letting him play with his hair “It’s not your fault.”
Izzy is still standing over the railing the ring usually safe around his neck scarf clasped between thumb and finger.
“Izzy.” Y/N hisses from the shadows pulling the first mate away from the crowds “What the fuck are you doing?” Y/N rolls their eyes “Playing crochet. What do you fucking think I’m doing. Captain Vance just turned up.”
“Shit.” Y/N snorts in response “My thoughts exactly. Come on.” The two make their way towards the docks using the back alleys both freezing when a deep gravelly voice echoes down the confined space making it seem louder “Well, well, well what do we have here? Israel Hands and Y/N Teach.” The two-freeze swearing colourfully before turning Izzy raising his sword and Y/N gripping a pistol tightly “What do you want Vance?”
Vance a large bulky man with scars decorating most of his skin the remainder coated in ink. “That’s Captain Vance to you dog.” Y/N scowls their grip on the pistol tightening as the flick the hammer ready to fire “What do you want Captain Vance?”
“I want to kill you two worthless lumps. You torched my ship.” Izzy smiles slightly “Only a little.” Vance seethes “A little. A little? You destroyed it.” Vance takes out two pistols readying them to fire “I would like to draw this out, make it painful and slow. Then watch as Black Beard finds your mutilated bodies. But unfortunately, I do not have that luxury. Still, you will at least be dead.” Y/N shoots first three shots echoing around the alley. Vance falls to the ground blood blossoming from his shoulder while his shots hit the wall sending bits of rock flying.
“Time to go.” Y/N grabs Izzy’s arm the two of them running full pelt from the alley as Vance swearing and spluttering lumbers back to his feet to give chase. Flying out into the busy street where a market is being held the two dodge between stalls skidding down another alley as Vance’s crew appear with their captain in the lead a bloodied cloth to his shoulder “FIND THEM.”
“We’ve got to get back to the ship!” Y/N turns to Izzy pausing when they both realise how close they have gotten in the small space. Izzy’s cheek heat while Y/N smirks “Am I making you uncomfortable Iz?” he shakes his head slightly making the latter chuckle pressing a soft kiss to his cheek before shooting him a wink “I’ll cause a distraction. You get Ed.”
Before Izzy can protest Y/N has leapt onto the closest stool selling jewellery grabbed a fistful of brightly coloured gems and started yelling at the top of their lungs “Captain Vance, I believe these colours would draw the attention away from that ass of a face you have. Although anyone would have to be blind before they even considered you attractive. Least you can fight… oh wait no you can’t. You’re just crap at everything aren’t you.”
Jumping from stall to stall and causing utter chaos in the midst Y/N runs deeper into town while Izzy runs back to the ship to get backup. The two of them may be the best swords on the Queen Anne but they’re also smart enough to know Captain Vance and his crew are not to be messed with. As Izzy reaches the ship as a large explosion shakes the docks a cloud of dust rising from deep inside the town. “What the fuck was that.” Ed appears on the gangplank while Izzy sighs shaking his head slightly “Who do you think?” they both say the same thing in unison “Y/N.”
As if they have been summoned Y/N comes skidding over the rooftop’s tiles falling to the floor before they topple to the ground in a heap when they jump on a barrel that is not secure “What the fuck did you do?” Izzy helps them to their feet “Caused a distraction. Captain Vance will no longer be a problem.” Ed snorts supporting Y/N’s other side as they walk onto the ship “Our worst enemy gone for good. Excellent work. Iz help ‘em get cleaned up gotta make sure we’re ready to go.”
Izzy helps Y/N limp to their cabin “Do I even want to know?” Y/N shrugs “Probably not. Got you something.” Out their pocket they take a simple diamond ring smiling proudly “It’s not real, and pretty sure it’s not even gold but for you.” Izzy takes it slipping it on the handkerchief around his neck “Where did you get it?”
Y/N starts removing their outer layers poking at a wound on their side while talking “Stole it. Its only temporary before I get you something better. Can’t have my man wearing second rate jewellery. But thought you needed something to show you were taken. Not that pirates care for such things. You don’t have to wear it; just thought I don’t know.” Izzy rolls his eyes clamping a hand over Y/Ns mouth to stop their rambling “I’ll wear it. Though we’ve already got tattoos can’t get much more permanent than that.” Y/N shrugs starting to clean their cut before Izzy takes over kneeling between their legs on the floor “Do you think we’ll be okay? With our profession and everything.”
The two stare into each other’s eyes a moment before Y/N closes the gap cupping Izzy’s face gently “We’re gonna be just fine.”
Izzy returns the ring to its rightful place. Y/N did in fact gift him much more most of it stolen but some of it actually bought, including the sword hanging at his side. He glances at the pale band of skin on his ring finger still visible despite two years, the ring that use to sit their long gone. Where he had no idea, but it felt like a stab to the chest every time he saw it was gone. Returning his gaze out over the sea he ignores the whispering crew behind him wishing he could go back and change the past and return Y/N Teach to his side.
Your P/O/V:
Shit. I duck into the nearest alley tugging my hood further forward as a group of navy officer’s marches past in perfect form. Breathing a sigh of relief when they pass, I push back my hood leaning against the wall. Finally free of that cramped cell and tattered clothing. Two years, eight months and three weeks spent in an British prison, it’s a relief to be free. Though wanted posters have started appearing around the docks with a reasonable reward.
Keeping to the shadows I head closer to the docks inspecting the ships currently docked. Taverns are the best place for gossip, and I have heard varying tales of my brother, which ones I believe I am not sure. Most people give me wary looks the heavy hood, leather and two swords crossed across my back and pistol holstered on my thigh don’t exactly scream friendly.
Finding a dingy tavern any member of the navy would avoid like the plague I step inside tossing a few coins on the counter “Rum.” The bartender an elderly man with multiple missing teeth and stringy hair pushes a glass across the counter “And information I imagine?” I smile into my drink “What do you know of Blackbeard?”
“Blackbeard? Queen Anne is under new captainage they was here last week. Not sure where Blackbeard ended up. Word is he’s gone soft sailing with some gentlemen pirate, though few believe those rumours.” I nod finishing my drink he refills it without my asking before moving along the bar to serve someone else. I sip this one leaning back against the bar, gentlemen pirate never heard of him before.
Finishing my second drink I stalk out the bar all I need is a ship. A small vessel catches my eye definitely pirate from the crew loading up supplies I watch from the shadows as they stumble about on deck. Not the most experienced of crew but they will have to all I need is the captain. Someone clears their throat behind me, and I turn “Shit.” The officer grins “Y/N Teach you are under arrest.” I sigh putting my hands in the air “Fine you caught me.” turning away for a second, I form a fist before spinning back catching the officer across the jaw sending him sprawling to the ground.
Taking of I run towards the tree line more shouts echoing behind, so much for a low profile. Several shots ring out as I start zig-zagging closer to the trees jumping over a stack of barrels and a wall before finally reaching the trees. “You are ordered to stop.” I grin speeding up as I enter the trees following a worn path deeper in land before taking a sharp turn back to the coast. Swinging myself up into the low branches I jump from tree to tree watching the navy officers below following my footprints “Where did they go?”
“They can’t be far.”
“Do we kill them?”
I jump to the next tree slowly making my way back to town. Jumping back to the ground I turn quickly when two men yelp. Drawing my sword, I turn lowering it when it is not soldiers. “You never saw me.” they both nod and I take off again reaching a small beach already inhabited. A group of pirates lounging around on the sand. “Captain?” I take a step back ready to run again when two men turn to answer the question: one an elaborately dressed blond who looks more gentleman than pirate the other. “Edward!?”
I would recognise that beard anywhere. I push back my hood taking several steps forward, his eyes widen in recognition “You’re not dead.” I snort “Not last I checked.” He runs over poking my chest then my cheek “You’re really not dead.” I roll my eyes punching him in the stomach making him grunt “Point taken.” I grin “That’s for leaving me behind.” He laughs the two of us colliding in a hug “Can’t believe you’re not dead.” I laugh “Sorry to disappoint.”
He shakes his head “What? No. Not what I meant. Shit. Izzy. Where’s Izzy? Stede where’s Izzy?” Stede the fancy blonde looks confused “Back on the ship. Why?” Ed grins grabbing my arm “Come on.” I dig my heels into the sand “Navy kinda after my head. Town is not a good idea.” Ed frowns only pausing a moment before resuming dragging me across the beach “Nope. Come on.” I manage to tug up my hood as we practically sprint to the ship I spotted earlier and up onto the deck.
“Izzy! Get your butt out here. Iz. Iz. Izzy.” Fang, Ivan, and Izzy all come running onto deck swords drawn “Edward what the hell is going… on?” I push back my hood Izzy’s sword falling to the ground “Look who’s not dead.”
“Y/N?” I smile slightly the rest of the crew disappearing my sole focus on Izzy. “I missed you Iz.” He steps forward still looking a little shell shocked “We thought you were dead.” I shrug slightly “Had a couple close calls but still here.” I smile my stomach tying in knots as I step closer “I can leave if…” I don’t get the chance to finish his body colliding with mine “Don’t. Don’t even.” I chuckle wrapping my arms around him “You really think I would leave Iz? Spent the last two years trying to get back to you.”
His grip tightens but I gently ease his face away from my neck cupping his face in one hand smiling softly “Missed you Iz.” He returns my smile the corners of his eyes crinkling slightly “You’re really here.” I nod leaning my forehead against his “I’m here.” I grin tracing the ring around his neck “Can’t believe you still have this. Which reminds me, this belongs to you.” I tug on the cord around my neck two identical silver bands with waves pressed into the metal. I take one of putting it back where it belongs on Izzy’s ring finger “I thought I lost it.” I shake my head “You left it on the side in our cabin when you helped with my stitches. I was going to return it after the raid and well you know the rest.”
My brother clears his throat the two of us pulling apart “Wait hang on. Izzy is capable of smiling?” I bite my lip leaning down to kiss Izzy’s cheek neither of us had ever been big on PDA, but I want to remind myself he’s real. Izzy scowls at the pirate who spoke making him laugh Ed steps forward before anything else can be said “Everybody. This is my little brother/sister Y/N.” Stede smiles brightly “Stede Bonnet its lovely to meet you.” I shake his hand tentatively shocked when Ed throws an arm around his shoulders smiling lovingly at the strange man “Reunion can wait we really need to get out here.”
We all turn our attention back to the docks where a large number of navy officers have gathered combing the docks from top to bottom. Stede nods “Right. Come along everyone, get the rest of those stores below pronto.” The ship is a flurry of activity as the gang plank is raised and the sails unfurled. I remain tense till we are well out into the open sea, Izzy joins me at the prow, and I move so I can wrap my arms around his waist head resting on his shoulder “So how long has Ed been like this?”
Izzy chuckles leaning forward against the railing my arms atop his “Fair while.” I close my eyes breathing in the sea air enjoying the light breeze that ruffles Izzy’s hair “I’m sorry.” I open my eyes confused. “I thought you were behind us. I should have checked, should have been there for you.” I move my arms so they are wrapped around his chest and waist “Iz there is nothing you could have done. I don’t blame you for what happened.”
“You should.” His voice sounds so small it breaks my heart “I don’t, and neither should you. none of us knew what would happen, pirating ain’t a career known for its safety. The only thing I couldn’t stand was the fact I never got to say goodbye or tell you how much I love you or how much you mean to me.” he turns so we are face to face tears staining his cheeks which I brush away gently “Because I do love you Israel hands. Time has not changed that.”
“I love you too.” His lips are hesitant at first as they brush against mine before I draw him closer with a hand cupping his cheek. “Swear we won’t leave each other’s side ever again.” I grin “Till death do us part right?” he nods lips twitching into a small smile “Till death do us part.” I kiss him again deeper this time running my fingers through his hair while his dig into the front of my shirt pulling the two of us closer together. “This better not be a dream.” I chuckle tracing the star then the swallow tattooed on his neck “I promise its real.”
We remain together ignoring the rest of the crew who stare and whisper while we return to our previous position watching the water lapping the front of the boat while catching up on two years of tales more so from him than me catching me up on the strange crew, he has found himself with. Finally, we exhaust most topics and Izzy sighs heavily “They will want to talk to you.” I smile “I won you over, reckon I can deal with this lot.” His smile grows slightly before returning to his neutral expression “Let’s get this over with then.” We turn making our way to the centre deck the crew trying and failing to hide their curiosity. Ed saunters over grinning “You both look insanely happy. Hey, you got your ring back.” Izzy nods slightly tracing the silver band while Ed throws an arm around my shoulders “Everyone this is Y/N. Y/N this is my new crew, well our crew.” He grins at Stede “Lucius, Pete, John, Jim, Frenchie, Olowande, Roach, Swede, and Frenchie. You already know Ivan and Fang.” I nod slightly in greeting.
Olo waves while Swede looks confused “I thought they were dead.” I smile slightly “Nope.” Ivan grins “Good to have ya back.” Ed chuckles while Stede clumsily walks over stuttering over his words “Well then, how about you tell us a bit about yourself. We talk things through as a crew on this vessel. And I know I would like to know a bit more about you.” I frown “What’s there to know? I’m good with a sword, spent the last two years in a British jail cell, anyone hurts Izzy or my brother, and they get a knife in the gut.” Stede nods looking slightly alarmed “Right well I was thinking more along the lines of your favourite colour? Or perhaps hobbies?”
Izzy makes a sort of choked cough noise while I bite back a laugh “Your new to this aren't you?.” Stede beams “Yes, realatively. Now Roach is our resident cook and doctor, Izzy is first mate, Buttons is normally at the helm and Lucius is my scribe. I’m sure you will find your place soon enough; do you have any particular skills you feel may benefit the group?” Ed laughs “You kidding? They’re strong, fast, agile. Excellent with a sword and daggers, spent half their time up in the bloody rigging. Though two years out of action may have effected that.”
I grin reaching for one of my swords “Want to test that theory, Edward?” he draws his own sword spinning it artistically “Alright N/N.” Izzy sighs grumbling “You won’t beat them Ed.” I block every blow I may have been locked up for two years but that didn’t stop me from training in any way I could keeping up arm strength and agility. My muscles strain slightly but I grin putting more weight into my blows before knocking my brother to the ground sword pointed to his chest “Fuck. Really thought I could win that.” Grinning I haul him back to his feet “Don’t feel too bad about its Eddy.”
He groans rolling his eyes “Not that fucking name again.” I laugh clapping him on the back “Only if you piss me off, I promise.” The rest of the crew are grinning broadly while Ed claps me on the shoulder “So two years in prison ay?” I shrug eyes darkening “Don’t want to talk about it.”
“When did you get out?” I sigh running my thumb over my blade before sheathing it “Three days ago. I got to the coast this morning. Then you know the rest.” His face softens slightly “I’m sorry N/N.” I shrug brushing him off “It’s in the past, nothing you could have done. Just drop it.” he nods returning to his usual self “Well you catch up on some rest. Iz?” he nods motioning with his head, I follow into a small cabin immaculately tidy. A bunk along one wall just big enough for two, a writing desk, two storage chests and a small window “I kept all your stuff. Never could bring myself to getting rid of it.”
I turn pulling him into a tight hug the both of us dropping our shields “Thought of you every day.” He chuckles kissing me gently “I didn’t handle you leaving well.” I smile tugging of my jacket and laying it over the chair also removing my swords and boots “Let me guess you returned to your grouchy side.” He rolls his eyes “I’m always grouchy.” Laughing I sit on the bed pulling him down on top “Yea, but you have a grouchy side and then your super grouchy side. I know you Iz and I would have acted the same way.”
He sighs the two of us laying comfortably on the bed. He starts tracing the tattoos on my arms stopping at the largest on my bicep. An anchor with rope wrapped around it and a compass behind. “I remember when you got that.” I grin “Ed was acting all high and mighty that he got a tattoo so I had to get one that was bigger.” Izzy chuckles continuing up to my shoulder before moving to my other arm focusing on the inside of my wrist an anchor with roses wrapped around it “I regretted not getting mine more visible.”
I grin tracing the back of his shoulder blade where his own tattoo is etched. “We could get another one?” he laughs “Hmm maybe.” I shift slightly my shirt riding up “What’s that?” I freeze tugging my shirt back down “It’s nothing.” Sitting up he pushes my shirt back eyes turning cold as he examines the lines wrapping around my sides scars left from all the times the navy tried to get information out of me “Turn over.”
“Iz, I don’t think.” “Turn over.” slowly I turn almost glad I can’t see his expression as his fingers ghost over the skin. “I’m going to fucking kill them.” I turn back grabbing his hands “I’m okay Iz. I was worth more alive than dead, but they gave up trying to get information after eight months. ” I try and smile failing when Izzy looks so broken “Is your entire back…” I shrug “I have no idea. Probably. Could only see a small portion in the mirror.” Sighing I turn and pull of my shirt Izzy he traces up along the back “Fucking hell Y/N.”
“How’s my tattoo?” his hands freeze a chocked laugh coming from him “Sorry, just trying to make light of this.” His arms wrap tightly around my waist “I should have been there to protect you.” I relax into his warmth turning around so we are face to face. “Okay here’s what’s going to happen. We are going to move on from this, you are going to stop beating yourself up. I don’t blame you for anything. Look at me Iz,” he meets my eyes and I smile “Now pull yourself together. Neither of us are good with this sappy crap we can leave that to Ed and whatever him and the weird blonde have going on.”
A grin slowly spreads across his face “I don’t know what I did to deserve you Y/N Teach.” I grin rolling my eyes playfully “I love you Izzy Hands.” His mouth collides with mine the two of us falling back into the bed “We ever bump into the navy I’m slaughtering them all.” I grin kissing him again “If it makes you feel better, I already killed the two who did it.” He snorts kissing my cheek “Helps a little.” He flops onto my chest while I run my fingers through his hair.
3rd person P/O/V:
Ed walks out onto deck frowning “Anyone seen Iz?” the rest of the crew look around confused. Where is the angry man of a first mate? “Pete, Ivan? No one has seen him?”
“Nope.” “No.”
“Frenchie go check his cabin.” Frenchie nods and disappears below deck knocking gently on the door before peeking inside. Y/N and Izzy are sprawled on the bed in a tangle of limbs both sleeping soundly. Hastily Frenchie shuts the door and makes his way back to the deck “Both asleep captain.” Ed laughs “Sleeping? Really?” Stede smiles warmly “Well they have both been through rather a lot. Let’s leave them rest for a bit.”
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gentlebeardsbarngrill · 5 months
04/17/24 Daily OFMD Recap
== Nathan Foad ==
More pictures of Nathan in Love's Labours Lost!
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== Kay Buchanan ==
Our friendly neighborhood OFMD Master Leather Worker has more pictures for us! This time, maybe Black Pete's bag? Anyone know off hand?
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SRC: Kay Buchanan's IG
== Taika ==
So these pictures are adorable, but be warned of a potential jump scare if you watch the rest of the video-- thank you @ofmd-ann for the awesome stills, I did NOT want to put the full video on here xD See her post here.
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(via Ritas tiktok)
== Lesley Fucking Jones ==
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== Vico Ortiz ==
Sneaky shot of Vico from behind <3 Img Src: @enbybruje's IG
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== Dominic Burgess ==
Technically this would be Cats & Crew but I'll allow it because Dominic is such a friggn adorable cat dad and he deserves so much love for that.
Src: Dominic's Twitter
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== Watch Parties ==
= Flight of the Conchords =
Bit of an adjustment at least on the RhysDarbyFaction discord server for FotC watch party, we'll be watching 3 episodes a piece Thursday and Friday so as not to run into the next week. Continues tomorrow with episodes 5, 6, 7, of season 2 at 4pm PT / 7 pm ET / 11pm BST
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= Palm Royal Season 1 =
A new watch party hosted by @lcwebsxoxo on twitter is up and running! Thursday Episodes 3 and 4 will be playing at 1 pm PT / 4 pm ET / 9 pm BST
== Fan Spotlight ==
= Cast Cards =
Tonight's cast card features the other fisherman (Pedro Lope) that Stede robbed on his first "raid". We're gonna have a whole set of cards soon I can feel it @melvisik, thank you for these!
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= TealOranges & Garlic Soup Week 2024!! =
Prompts are up for this years TealOranges & Garlic Soup Prompt Week! The week will run June 23-29, 2024 with themes and prompts for each day! This prompt week celebrates all things Jim/Oluwande and Archie/Jim/Oluwande/Zheng!
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Plain Text for Prompts
Additional Information & FAQ
This Years AO3
== Love Notes ==
Hey there lovelies-- I've had 3 hrs sleep today so the words on the screen are starting to run together. I'm still getting love notes from yesterdays request, and thank you so much, I promise i'm catching up to the messages, you all are the best crew someone could ask for. Thank you for spreading some joy in this crazy ass world.
Tonight I would like to send a reminder that we have not lost OFMD, as so many of said, we still have 2 wonderful seasons, and those boyfriends are currently boinking their way into oblivion in their inn, making their poor customers insane. But beyond that... had a discussion today with multiple dear friends / crewmates that made me feel a lot better about the whole thing too. I know it's months in the gravy basket now, but this is not the end for OFMD. Chaos Dad told us it was over, but in all honesty it still doesn't feel over. WBD is driving itself into the ground, Dad's been off at the WBD lot, it feels like things are moving in a better direction again. It may not be today, or tomorrow, or even the next few months, or a year or so, but I think we still have a chance to see the ending of our story.
And we've all said it before, but it bears repeating, even if it never happens, we get to make it happen. Stede and Ed live on in all our crazy ranges of work out there, that so many of you have been just CRANKING out lately, I've been astonished at how much new work I've seen from folks in the the fandom I know, and new folks I haven't met! It's so inspiring to see OFMD affect people so much that they felt they could put little pieces of themselves out into the world through art of all mediums.
I hope I'm making sense at this point.. if not, sorry about that! But know-- there's always hope. There's always S1 and S2, and the infinite universes we get to dream up from those two.
Rest Well lovelies. Img Src: @Chucklesandbleu on IG
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== Daily Darby / Tonight's Taika ==
Tonight's theme - Bowties!
Gifs Courtesy of @fandomsmeantheworldtome and @sam-reid!
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goayda · 6 days
What if… (in a S1 AU where there was no duel and they are all learning to work together) Stede and the crew are discussing a new fuckery for a raid and Roach suggests tricking some other ship’s crew into eating poisoned apples, like in that story Stede read to them the other night, and then steal everything from them. The crew likes it, but Stede is not sure killing with poison is very gentlemanly or kind so he convinces them to change the plan a bit.
Instead of a deadly poison, Roach promises to use something else (They’ll be totally out of it, he assures Stede, we could steal the clothes they’re wearing and they won’t complain) and instead of apples, since they don’t really have much fruit to spare, they will use cookies that they will offer to them while disguised as merchants.
So Roach starts cooking, the crew keeps their eyes on the horizon to see if they can find a target and Stede goes to tell Ed about their plan.
A bit later, though, Izzy, who has been sleeping through the morning because he had the night shift, wakes up and goes to the galley to get himself some coffee and sees some recently made cookies there and they are so tempting! He usually complains loudly about how much food they waste on pastries and cakes, but there is nobody there (Roach must have just gone out) so he takes a few of them because, hell, he is hungry, and he leaves with the cookies and the coffee before anybody can see him.
He gulps everything down quickly because he wants to check the plan for the day with the captains and they also have to talk about restocking soon, but when he goes to the captain’s cabin, Edward is in the middle of one of his stories and Stede doesn’t stop asking questions about it so Izzy just stands there and waits for them to finish.
When they do and they finally remember they were supposed to be talking about something else, Stede turns to Izzy to tell him about the fuckery they are getting ready, but he realizes that the man looks a bit… unwell. When Stede gets closer to ask him if he is alright, Izzy sways and he is about to fall face-first on the floor, but Stede manages to catch him at the last moment and that’s how he finds himself holding the full weight of the man against his chest.
“Soft,” Izzy mumbles while he rubs his face against Stede’s silk shirt. “So soft…”
Edwards laughs so hard at this, but Stede isn’t finding it funny because the first mate, who is clinging to him like a limpet now, is clearly not well. Once Edward stops laughing, though, he reassures Stede that it’s nothing too serious.
“Did you get something to eat from the kitchen today, mate?” Edward asks the first mate, amused. “It looks like Roach has already made those cookies you talked about, Stede.”
And Stede watches in amazement how Izzy blushes and then tries hide his face against his chest.
“How long does the effect of those cookies last, Ed?” Stede asks, still sounding concerned.
“I think we’re about to find out, mate,” Edward replies with a shit-eating grin.
(Then he goes to lock the door of the cabin because, yes, this is so funny, but if the rest of the crew sees Izzy like this and they tease him about it when the man is sobered up again, Izzy will jump overboard and Edward can’t have that.
When he reaches the door, though, Edward hears a loud whine and when he turns around he sees that Izzy is reaching an arm out to him.
“Eddie, don’t go,” Izzy says, pouting.
And Edward chokes on his own spit.)
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Can you do a modern Blackbeard x reader
Or steddyhands x Reader pls
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A Birthday Surprise
Steddyhands X Reader (GN)
Summary: Stede, Ed and Izzy surprise the reader for their birthday.
You had been with the two captains and Izzy for a few months now. Sharing their bed, relishing the warmth of their embraces, and basking in their company each day had transformed the ship into the safest haven you’d ever known. Stede was always non-judgmental and supportive, encouraging you to open up about your feelings, something you had previously kept bottled inside. Edward, on the other hand, was tender, constantly seeking opportunities to intertwine his fingers with yours or place a gentle kiss on your forehead. This tenderness extended to all his partners, with a special affection reserved for Stede. Meanwhile, Izzy expressed his love through protective gestures, insisting on training you in swordsmanship and always being by your side during raids. Expressing your love for them was difficult, but you did your best to show how much you appreciated feeling safe and cared for by each of them. 
You stood alone at the bow of the ship, leaning against the rail, lost in contemplation of the endless expanse of the ocean. A chill wind swept down your spine, causing you to shudder. The past few weeks aboard had been unusually cold. Absently, you ran your fingers along the ridges of the wooden railing, a solitary number echoing repeatedly in your mind. 30. Today marked your 30th birthday, a fact you kept to yourself, with no intention of sharing it with anyone. Birthdays had always been a source of disappointment for you, especially when you were younger. You’d raised your expectations too high, only to be let down by family members who seemed to forget about you. Recognizing your role in setting yourself up for disappointment, you decided long ago to keep your birthday a secret. After all, you couldn’t be disappointed if you had no expectations. 
You made your way back to the room you had quietly slipped out of earlier that morning, curious if anyone had stirred awake yet. Upon returning to the captain’s quarters, you discovered Stede seated at the breakfast table, a spread of your favorite foods laid out before him. You halted in your tracks, eyes widening in surprise before turning to face Stede. 
“What’s all this?” you asked in a hushed tone. 
Stede rose swiftly, gesturing towards the array of food spread across the table. “I hope you don’t mind. I asked Roach to prepare breakfast for you. It’s your birthday, after all.” 
“How did you…” you began, but before you could finish your sentence, a memory surfaced. When you first joined Stede’s crew, you recalled him asking each crew member about their birthday, with Lucius diligently recording it in his journal. Back then, you had assumed it was merely for record-keeping purposes, but now, realizing Stede’s genuine nature, you understood he had truly wanted to know. 
A rush of emotion surged through you as you took in the thoughtful gesture Stede had orchestrated. Sensing the change in your expression, Stede swiftly crossed over and clasped your hand. 
“I hope this is okay. I know you didn’t tell any of us, but we wanted to celebrate you,” he expressed earnestly. 
“It’s perfect,” you whispered back, a genuine smile spreading across your face. 
Stede lifted your hand, tenderly placing a kiss upon your palm. “That’s a relief,” he remarked with a long sign before adding, “The rest of the crew insisted on having a party tonight to celebrate you.” 
Though the crew was known for seizing any excuse to celebrate, your smile remained, touched by the unexpected effort made on your behalf. You spent the remainder of breakfast in the company of Stede, engrossed in his tales of his childhood, and he inquired about yours with genuine interest. His sweet smile never wavered, his attention fully focused on you, absorbing every word you shared. As the meal neared its end, Stede paused, his expression suggesting he was contemplating something. 
“What is it, Stede?” you inquired, curious about his sudden change in demeanor. 
“Why didn’t you tell us it was your birthday?” he asked, his fingers finding yours and wrapping around them comfortingly. 
“I just didn’t think it was that important.” as you said those words out loud, you felt a pang of guilt for keeping it to yourself. 
At this response, Stede rose from his seat, leaning in close to you. “Everything about you is important,” he declared softly before sealing his words with a tender kiss. The gentle touch of his lips against yours caused your heart to flutter. Stede had always possessed a remarkable talent for making people feel cherished and wanted. 
After breakfast, you made your way back onto the deck, greeted by cheerful birthday wishes from the crew members you passed along the way. As you squatted down to examine some of the knots on the deck, ensuring they were securely fastened, you suddenly felt a strong pair of hands lift you to your feet. You turned around to face the person who had lifted you, and there stood Edward, hands confidently on his hips, a mischievous glint in his eyes. 
“What do you think you’re doing?” Edward rasped, shooting you a disapproving look. 
“Checking knots,” you replied matter-of-factly. 
“As your captain, I’m going to have to order you to stop,” he demanded, though a playful smirk danced on his lips. “No fucking work on your birthday.” 
His words left you wide-eyed in surprise, but before you could respond, he planted a warm kiss on your forehead. Then, with a gentle touch, he turned you around and guided you with his hands on your shoulders towards the bow of the ship. As you reached the beakhead, Edward’s arms enveloped your waist, drawing you closer to him. His lips embarked on a tender journey, leaving a trail of soft kisses along your neck. Overwhelmed by the sensation, you closed your eyes, allowing yourself to simply savor the feeling of his lips against your skin. Edward’s love language had always been touch, so it was fitting that he would whisk you away to simply have his hands on you, expressing his affection through physical closeness. 
He nestled his head next to yours, resting his chin on your shoulder. “You’re perfect,” he murmured softly, holding you in that intimate embrace for quite some time. With playful kisses and gentle caresses, he teased you all the while keeping you securely wrapped in his arms. A part of you acknowledged that simply spending part of your day wrapped in his arms made it infinitely better than any birthday celebration you had ever experienced. Throughout the rest of the day, Edward found any excuse to draw you into his embrace, holding you close at every opportunity. 
As the evening approached, you spotted Izzy nervously pacing the quarterdeck, but his restless movement ceased the moment he caught sight of you ascending the stairs to where he stood waiting. 
“Hey, Iz,” you greeted him, approaching with a soft smile. Tenderly, you used your fingers to brush his hair back from his face. “What’s wrong?” you whispered, concern evident in your voice. 
He reached into his pocket and withdrew a small wrapped package, extending it to you with a bashful glance downward. 
“You got me a gift,” you teased, enjoying the ease with which Izzy blushed at your playful remark. 
“Fuck off,” he grumbled in response, his tone affectionate despite the mild protest. 
You delicately unwrapped the brown paper to reveal a small dagger nestled within. Running your fingers along the top of the blade, you couldn’t help but admire its beauty. 
“To protect yourself. Now that I finally trust you enough not to stab yourself,” Izzy remarked with a wry grin, his words laced with playful sarcasm. 
You secured the dagger at your side, then reached your arms around Izzy’s neck, drawing him close as you pressed a kiss to his lips. Allowing him to pull you even closer, you reveled in the warmth of his embrace. 
You spent the remainder of the night dancing with your partners and friends, immersing yourself in the music and fully embracing the joy of the celebration. Over the flickering glow of the birthday candles on the cake Roach had lovingly prepared, you gazed at the men you loved, your friends surrounding you, and in that moment, you realized that your birthday had been perfect. It had surpassed all your expectations. With a soft smile directed at Ed, Stede, and Izzy, you took a moment to appreciate the love and warmth they brought into your life before blowing out the candles. The rest of the night was spent nestled in the arms of each of your partners, and as the evening drew to a close, you found yourself curled up between Ed and Izzy, Ed’s other hand intertwined with Stede’s. You came to realize that any birthday spent with them would always be perfect, simply because they were all there. 
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lgbtqasacrew · 8 months
can i request ed x reader where they stargaze? maybe ed talks about constellations or shooting stars?
Summary: Your boyfriend Ed tells you about the stars, set pre-season 1 on Hornigold’s ship before Ed became captain.
Relationship: Ed x reader
Word count: 700+
Warnings: Brief mentions of death
A/N: Sorry this took me so long to post, it’s quite a short one but I hope it’s enjoyable, I’m still trying to get back into the groove of writing.
You grab Ed by the waist from behind, he somehow knew it was you so doesn’t even flinch at the contact, just continues to stare out at the night sky. You’re a little shorter than he is so you have to stand on your top toes to rest your chin on his shoulder.
“Couldn’t sleep, sweetheart?” you ask him
He shakes his head “Stupid brain wouldn’t shut up, kept replaying everything from today” You’d had a particularly bad raid, lost a lot of the crew, it had hit you both hard. You give the man a comforting squeeze and press a kiss onto his shoulder.
You stand in silence for a while, the only sound is the waves lapping against the ship, you always found Ed’s company so comforting and you hoped he felt the same about yours.
“Tell me about the stars” you ask knowing neither of you would want to talk about the day or your feelings, neither of you were so good at that. You were there for each other in a lot of ways, but that was rarely with words.
But you felt that talking about something else could be a good distraction for you both.
“What do you want to know?” he asks
“Tell me everything”
He laughs at that, a beautiful melody to your ears “That would take years babe”
“Well I have no intention on going anywhere” If it was up to you, you’d stay by Ed’s side for the rest of your days.
You both lay on the deck, so close that your sides are touching, you reach for his hand and he immediately laces your fingers together. You love these intimate moments between you, when there’s no one else but the two of you and the stars.
He points to one of the brightest stars in the sky, you rest your head on his shoulder as your eyes follow to where he’s pointing. “That one is the North star or Polaris, it’s the most important star for navigation” he tells you “It’s part of the constellation called Ursa Major, so once you find that it's quite easy to find the North Star” It sounded quite complicated to you, but you were in no way as good as navigation as Ed or your friend Izzy.
He tells you next about Orion’s belt, most of it just goes over your head, but you just enjoy listening to his voice, oh you could listen to this man talk for hours on end. You adored him, how passionate he is, how animated he becomes when he talks.
“What?” Ed asks when he notices you staring
“Nothing, I just love how passionate you are about this stuff” offering him one of those smiles that he loves so much. He adores you, knew the moment he saw you that you’d be something special to him. “Did Iz teach you about the stars or did you already know some of it?”
He’s quiet for a second, you’re worried you’ve overstepped before he speaks. “My mother” ahh, he has briefly mentioned her in the past when you’ve spoken about your childhoods, knew how much he had loved her. “She knew a lot about the stars, all the constellations and their stories”
“She sounds like she was a great woman”
“She was, she would’ve loved you”
“You really think so?”
“I know so” squeezing your hand. It meant a lot, you knew how special his mother had been to him. You squeeze his hand back in comfort and understanding.
“We used to wish on shooting stars, she never told me what she wished for but I think I knew” He didn’t elaborate but you knew what he meant, how tough his childhood had been, how difficult life had been for him and his mother.
“What about you? What did you used to wish for?”
“I wished to escape, just to get away from everything and forge my own path” you hummed in agreement, all too familiar with that desire.
As if by magic, a shooting star crosses the night sky. “Shall we make a wish now?” You ask.
Ed nods and closes his eyes, you follow suit, you won’t know it but both of you made similar wishes that night. Ed wished to become Captain of his own ship, you and Izzy by his side. Your wish, to be a great pirate, to fight alongside the love of your life and your best friend. Sometimes wishes do come true.
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ellaenchanting · 11 months
Hypnovember 2023 Day 2: Brain Drain
I have committed Our Flag Means Death fanfiction! I am so sorry. Stede/Ed, Ed/Izzy, somehow happy poly and happy metamours making a lovely vee. Takes place in some AU season 2 where the last arc of the season never happened. Izzy is living his best happy masochist life.
Author knows fuck all about ships.
Izzy had gotten much more comfortable spending time with his shipmates since the Calypso's birthday incident.
There was nothing like a round of torture to bring a crew together, he thought.
Tonight the whole group had gathered in the galley under the ship, laughing and chatting long past when they usually went into their quarters for the evening. The sea had been calm that day and the mood was social. Everyone seemed quite relaxed.
Only two members were missing.
Oluwande looked up from his cuddle pile with Jim and Archie. He seemed to have read Izzy's mind. "Hey," he called out to the gathered group, "Has anyone seen the captains this evening?"
"No!" a few people responded.
"Thank God," snarked Black Pete. "Blackbeard...well Ed has been freaking me out. Yelled at me earlier about trimming the sails and you KNOW I keep them the trimmest, babe," he said to his partner Lucius.
"Yeah, he snarled at me when I told him 'hello' earlier," said Archie. "Like this!" She contorted her face into a frankly over-the-top grimace. "Made me nearly jump out of my skin. I may have heard him yell at some seagulls too? Or dolphins?"
Roach looked worried. "Neither captain has come down for dinner, yet," he said.
"Perhaps they are...occupied in the captain's quarters," speculated Izzy.
"Oh? Feeling left out, are you?" joked Frenchie, the little shit. Izzy tactfully ignored him.
Roach replied, still concerned. "Captain Stede will usually come down and request provisions in advance if they're having a long night alone," said Roach. "Thinks he's being sneaky, says they need extra energy 'for planning raids.'"
"My room is below theirs. Trust me, they've not been buggering today," piped up Wee John. "Unless they've learned to be much more quiet about it."
"Maybe they've gotten into a spat and someone's gotten pushed off the ship," spat Lucius. "That'll happen with him, you know."
"OK, that's enough," said Izzy, trying to regain control over the situation as everyone began to talk at once. "You're like gossipy fishwives, all of you. I'll go check on the captains. Make sure Bonnet's not running the ship into a cliff or something."
Izzy climbed up the stairs and started to look around the ship. Ed and Stede weren't in the captain's quarters (being quiet for once). There was no sign of them on the deck. He even craned his neck up to the bird's nest and checked. No captains there.
He finally spotted them at the back of the ship- on a little bit of the stern mostly hidden from view. They were both sitting facing out at the ocean. From a distance, Izzy could see Stede's arm was bent around Ed's shoulder, his hand occasionally reaching up to rock Ed's drooped head into slow, almost imperceptible little circles. Aside from the rocking, Ed's body was remarkably still. It was a huge change from the tense, coiled menace that Ed's frame had carried earlier in the day. Now, he looked almost like a puppet with his strings cut, only responding to Stede's guidance. His arms rested gently besides his legs, lax and pliant.
Izzy could hear Bonnett speaking in a low, soothing voice near Ed's ear but he was too far to make out any words.
Ed had mentioned mesmerism to Izzy before. It was one of the many upperclass daliances that Bonnet had introduced him to- one of those many trifling hobbies that Izzy would never begin to understand the appeal of. Izzy even knew that Bonnet had used his skills on Ed previously. His captain confided that Bonnett's fancy mesmerism routine had helped him find quiet during his not-infrequent emotional storms, that it evened out his seemingly uncontrollable highs and lows. In Izzy's mind, he had pictured the whole thing looking quite comical- Bonnett with wiggly fingers staring daggers into Ed's eyes (maybe with rays), Edward swooning and fainting away in response like a lady whose corset was too tight.
This was quieter than what he had pictured. Gentle. Intimate, even. As he looked over at the scene, he had the sudden feeling that perhaps he shouldn't intrude.
He began to walk away when Stede turned his head and look directly at him. Izzy froze for a moment, unsure what to do. Stede quietly waved him over to where the couple was sitting.
As Izzy approached, he began to get a closer look at Ed's face. His eyes were closed and his face relaxed. His chest slowly rose and fell with each breath. As he come closer, he noticed Ed's eyes were making little flickers underneath his eyelids like he was dreaming.
Izzy wondered what dreams were happening below those lids.
Ed's brows furrowed a bit as Izzy came closer, picking up the noise.
Stede stroked a reassuring hand through his hair. He spoke in his ear, this time loud enough so Izzy could hear: "Shhhhhhh sweetness. It's OK. Relax. You're not in charge right now, remember? Just rest."
Ed's expression immediately cleared. He let held breath with a sigh.
"Izzy's here," Stede continued. "He and I are going to have a chat for a bit. But you don't have to pay attention to that right now, ok? Just drift. Why don't you see how deep you can count yourself down for me while we talk? I'll be right here. I'll touch your leg when it's time for you to listen to me again, ok?"
Ed gave a slight, dreamy nod. His lips barely moved as he began to count silently.
Seemingly satisfied, Stede gestured for Izzy to sit and moved over closer to him.
Izzy sat down, still staring at Ed's lax face. Somehow that by itself was just fascinating. Ed seemed so vulnerable and bare right now. Izzy wasn't sure if he should feel honored or spooked.
"He had a bad day," Stede said gently, nodding over to their entranced boyfriend. "You know how he gets. He needed out of his head for a bit."
Izzy DID understand how Ed got- probably more than his dandyish captain ever would. Hopefully more that Stede ever would, he corrected himself. Ed had certainly told his other boyfriend at least a bit about the hurricane that had been his and Izzy's relationship in the past. When times were bad, they had only known how to take their energy out on each other. They bit and snarled and scratched at one another just to drown out all the noise inside. Izzy had always assumed Ed had NEEDED all of that- needed to hurt and make Izzy suffer the same way that Izzy needed to hurt and suffer for him. That's how they worked. That's who they were together.
Since arriving on the Revenge, though, Izzy had seen more and more of the hidden soft side of Blackbeard. The side that enjoyed fancy clothes and fine foods. The side that kissed Stede's cheek sweetly when he didn't think anyone else was looking. The side that, even now, sat loose and drifting and unguarded while his two boyfriends stayed by him and had a chat.
"Can he hear us?" Izzy asked Stede, curiously.
Stede smiled. "He can hear us, he's just..focused elsewhere right now. Mesmerism's not a magic spell, it's more like- a nice version of where Ed's brain goes when he's navigating. Or how he is when he's trying to sniff out a storm."
Izzy was familiar with his captain's tendency to tune everything out while trying to read the sea. He pictured the absolute, unshakeable concentration of his focused gaze. "Only with nice, clear skies?"
Stede nodded. "Only with nice clear skies." He looked fondly at Ed's dreaming face. "No rain. Nothing to worry about right now." He had dropped into a lighter, dreamy tone- and for a moment, Izzy wasn't sure if he was still speaking to Ed or Izzy or even somehow mesmerizing himself.
Izzy had seen many things in his travels. He once heard a street charlatan talk about mesmerism- saying mesmerism somehow balanced out a person's magnetic forces (y'know- whatever magnetic forces were). He wasn't one for all of Stede's little tricks but- he did understand about needing balance.
Izzy had initially misunderstood Ed's relationship to Stede. He worried that the gentleman pirate would make Ed weak. That he would seduce him away. That he would try to turn the great Blackbeard into one of Stede's fancy little gentleman friends. Izzy had been terrified there would be nothing left of the Ed that he loved after Stede was through.
But Ed was still Izzy's Ed, even now. He could still fight and outwit and outmaneuver anyone else on the sea. He would still protect his crew with all the fierceness of his notorious reputation. He and Izzy could still lose themselves in each other- in their old married couple bickering, in their fighting and fucking, in their indulgences of Ed's sadism and Izzy's corresponding masochism. It just- felt more controlled now. Izzy no longer wondered if Ed actually hated him or if he was just looking for someone convenient to break. He no longer worried that Blackbeard would maim him so badly that he couldn't look after the crew. Even when Ed hurt him now- and he WOULD still hurt him, Stede didn't magic that part away- Izzy was always rewarded with a kiss and some praise afterwards. "That's so good, Izzy. You did so well for me," he would say. Edward seemed so much stronger in these moments now- able to control his own fierceness and use it as a weapon- but also to hold Izzy as he fell apart for him.
Izzy looked over at Ed's quiet countenance- so different than before. It was otherworldy seeing him this serene and distant. He had a sudden desire to protect this version of Ed- Stede's gentle Ed. To keep him safe. A mad, possessive impulse made it to Izzy's mouth before he could stop it.
"Can I touch him?" he asked. "Like this?"
Stede looked surprised. "By touch, do you mean....?"
"His face, Bonnet" Izzy replied, snarkily. "Or his hand or something. His hair. Not going to wank him off on the deck, now am I?"
Stede bit back a laugh. He leaned over to gently touch Ed's leg.
Ed reacted with an almost imperceptible startle before gently settling- serene like the moon going back behind a cloud.
"Shhh- that's OK, love, you can stay relaxed. Good," Stede soothed. "Izzy was wondering if he could touch you while you're in trance. Would that be OK?"
Ed took a moment to respond, as though the words were reaching him from a great distance. Then he nodded his assent.
Stede smiled back at Izzy, reassuringly. Izzy took a breath- then reached over to slowly stroke Ed's hair.
His fearsome Blackbeard smiled in return to the gesture- giving a happy little murmur. He slightly leaned his head in. Just like an affectionate kitten, Izzy thought.
"Good," soothed Bonnet at Ed. "I bet that feels nice."
Izzy grinned too, feeling oddly proud to be trusted with this quiet moment. He and Ed had never been conventional. Maybe it was OK that Ed and Stede weren't either. Maybe it was ok that their relationships were so different- that they saw such different aspects of the same person.
Maybe it was all ok.
Maybe it all balanced.
They sat quietly for a long moment on the deck, letting the peace of the atmosphere soothe them.
Gradually Stede stirred. "Izzy- I forgot to ask: Did the men send you? Were they looking for us?"
"There's no emergency, they were just curious where you were," replied Izzy.
Stede nodded. "We should probably get back, then. Or at least get off deck. Love," he said, moving his voice back into that hypnotic tone. He touched Ed's leg to refocus him. "Are you ready to come up out of trance for me?"
Ed took a deep breath and nodded.
"Good, I'll count to 5 then. It's just to guide you- I know you know how to come up at your own pace. Bring back any of this peace and calm that you want with you, ok?"
Stede started counting- his voice slowly gaining energy as he reminded Ed to connect back with his body and helped him reorient to the ship. It all didn't seem particularly magical to Izzy- but then again he rarely tried to understand Bonnet's ways anyway. Ed finally blinked his eyes open when Stede reached 5.
He blinked a few more times, adjusting. Then, his gaze lost it's bleariness as he looked adoringly up at Stede.
"Hi, there," said Stede, smiling gently. "Back with us, love?"
"Mmmmph mostly," said Ed, scritching his beard and stretching to rouse himself. He looked over at Izzy as though reminding himself he was there and smiled. "Heya, Izz!" Ed leaned up to kiss him.
Izzy grinned into their kiss. "Heya, Captain. Didn't want to interrupt your little daydream session. Crew was just looking for you."
"Ah, we missed dinner!" exclaimed Stede. "I should have asked Roach for..."
"Provisions for planning raids, I heard," smirked Izzy. "Yes, we're all very snowed by your clever euphemisms."
"Fuck provisions, I could eat a horse," said Ed. He practically bounced up and put an arm around both of his boyfriends. "C'mon, let's get some grub!"
Helpless to his whims as always, both of his partners joyfully followed him to dinner.
Fanfic is new to me so would love some thoughts! Also this is unbeta'd so will love you forever if you would point out spelling/grammar mistakes or if there's unclear writing. I'm considering posting this to AO3 but- don't want to embarrass myself in front of the REAL fanfic writers, you know? Feedback welcomed!
Tagging @mentat101posts and @thekinkycocktailclub .If you want to be tagged in these, just lmk!
Tagging @darthkyra @linnybeenaughty @pearlqueensposts @thiskenisftm @deeperforme because they wanted OFMD hypnokink and I blame/thank you for the inspiration to actually get this down!
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napneeders · 7 months
Rush (excerpt)
1376 words of hair-pulling and blowjob from a first times blackbonnet fic I started writing before season 2 and may or may not finish at some point in my life
"Ahh, darling, not quite so hard –"
"Sorry!" Ed exclaims and lets go like Stede's hair suddenly burns him.
"No, you can – just, a little gentler –"
They've acquired a lovely little loveseat, just today, lush emerald green brocade and just the right size for two co-captains, drinking a celebratory brandy together after a successful raid; quite roomy, even, for two as snug as they are. Ed is straddling him again, up until a moment ago pressing him into the backrest with hungry kisses.
Now he's drawn back, giving Stede a chance to admire the treasure map of tattoos on his chest. He could keep on looking for hours, but Ed is biting his lip in contrivance and that just won't do.
"Really, it's fine," Stede reassures him, running his hands up Ed's sides. "Come here."
He pulls Ed back to his mouth, nibbling at that perfect bottom lip. Ed relaxes into the kiss with a sigh, melts into Stede's chest. A memory from a few days ago suddenly suggests itself to Stede.
"You like that, don't you?" he asks, sneaking his fingers up Ed's neck into his hair.
"Yeah," Ed breathes like a confession.
Stede closes his fist around a good chunk of hair and tugs. "Like this?"
"Closer to the scalp – fuck, yeah, that's it." Stede tightens his grip and Ed closes his eyes in bliss, leaning his head into Stede's hand and exposing the devastating column of his neck. "Harder."
"Really?" Stede thought he was holding on quite firmly already. He tugs experimentally.
"Fuck yeah," Ed moans again. "Is that alright?"
"Of course," Stede promises and latches his lips onto Ed's neck, slowly kissing his way up. "I just don't want to hurt you."
"It's a good hurt."
Maybe he owes Ed some of that after all the bad hurt he had inflicted on him. Maybe he can replace some of it with this.
Stede moves his hand a little higher and pulls again as his lips reach Ed's earlobe, gentle tugs and licks that make Ed squirm against the hold.
"You're gorgeous," he whispers into Ed's ear and feels him shiver all the way where they're pressed together. "I love learning what you like." He uses his handle on Ed's hair to expose his neck further, amazed at how eagerly Ed moulds to his touch.
"Fuck, Stede," Ed groans, "I think I'd like anything you could do to me."
The thought is thrilling – and, in practice, daunting. "Anything more specific in mind?" Stede asks, almost apologetically. "I know I'm not the most –"
"Shut up," Ed says reflexively, then pauses, looking both coy and mischievous. "You could –"
His eyes are dark and clouded in lust. Stede waits. Tugs again for encouragement.
"Shit. I keep thinking – you could drag me down by the hair, fuck my mouth, hold me there."
Stede blushes at that, at Ed's breathless earnest voice, at the words, at the image. "And you'd… like that?"
"That's what I'm telling you, Stede."
"Oh," Stede says. "Oh. Now?"
"Do you want to?" Ed's fingers trace patterns into Stede's shoulder. He looks nervous.
"I'm, uh." Is it wrong that the idea is so enticing to him? "Yes."
Ed tilts his head in a way that says well then? and Stede's mind scrambles to figure out how to go about this. Is he supposed to really, bodily pull Ed down? By the hair? He adjusts his grip at the back of Ed's head, with a tinge of hysteria reminded of gathering the reins, or pulling a dinghy out into the waves. He gives an experimental pull, and Ed follows with a smile. Emboldened, Stede tugs backwards, presses at Ed's shoulder with his other hand to drive the direction home, and thankfully Ed does the rest, sliding off his lap and onto the floor.
"You can grab the bun," Ed suggests and runs his hands up the insides of Stede's thighs, which fall open quite of their own accord. Stede complies, then frowns and unties the leather cord holding up the top portion of Ed's hair, gathering it into his hand instead.
Ed rests his cheek on Stede's thigh. "You ever get sucked off before?"
Stede shakes his head, lips pressed tight. The reality of what's about to happen hits him again, slightly bewildering.
"You look like you're about to bolt," Ed says, voice teasing but eyes full of a warmth that reaches even deeper in Stede than the heat of the moment. Ed rubs his thigh soothingly. "You don't have to do anything. But don't hold back on my account."
He peels off Stede's trousers, and Stede would feel utterly ridiculous sitting there with his pants around his ankles and only his thin shirt separating his arse from the loveseat, if Ed wasn't pulling him forward by the knees and diving between his thighs, and oh, it's Stede's hand that follows Ed's head now – he gives a little squeeze, remembering himself. Ed disappears under the hem of his shirt to kiss the inside of his thigh, the fabric bunching up against Stede's wrist. The sight is titillating enough, but Stede pulls back the shirt-hem with his free hand.
"Darling," he says reproachfully, "I want to see you."
Ed smiles into his thigh, nudges it affectionately with his stubbled jaw, and sucks one of Stede's balls into his mouth. Stede's hips jerk so hard he almost falls off the loveseat, hand tightening in Ed's hair rather abruptly.
"Sorry!" he stammers. "I lost – control…"
"I'd be offended if you didn't," Ed says seriously and massages his balls in his hand. Stede hopes he never gets used to it.
"Oh," he says in a small voice.
It's difficult; even as Ed licks up his desperate cock and wraps his hand around the base and closes his mouth around the head it's difficult to let himself go, even as the unimaginable wet heat covers him and Ed's teasing tongue begs him to lose all sense it's difficult not to hold back. But he tries, because Ed asked him and because Ed keeps asking him with every bob of his head, with every glance of those big brown eyes, vulnerable and bold and shy, shining between his legs. Stede keeps his hand fisted around Ed's hair like a lifeline, like he has been tasked with replacing the leather cord and the world will fall apart if he fails. He doesn't quite force Ed, doesn't quite push him on his cock like Ed asked, but he holds on tight, and Ed makes little moans around him like – like he is being given something, which is silly when he's giving Stede everything.
He wants to tell Ed all of it, what a gift he is, how Stede doesn't deserve him, not because he deserves so little (the jury is still out on that) but because Ed is more than anyone could ever deserve. But mostly what comes out of his mouth is "fuck, Ed", and "darling", and "so good", and he can only hope it communicates a fraction of how he feels.
He finds himself at his crest in what must only be minutes. He used to think that kind of arousal, that kind of urgency only existed in racy novels and the racier corners of his imagination, until Ed made it real, pulled it out of him like it was nothing, and it has only been weeks – and it has only been minutes, surely, now, but he's already panting, almost in a panic, "Ed, I'm going to –" and Ed just mm-hmms and Stede would like this to go on forever but he's already tipped over, coming in Ed's mouth and losing contact with all of his body except what's connected to Ed.
A warm body drapes itself over his side, a leather-covered leg flung over his lap. Stede wraps his arms around Ed, pets his hair and his face and his thigh and hugs him tight.
"Oh," he says when his thoughts clear, "can I…"
It takes a look shared between them for Ed to catch his meaning. "Ah," Ed says, "already came, mate."
He tries not to feel disappointed or snubbed. Ed came while sucking him, that's not a slight on him, probably the opposite, and yet he feels like he has been denied something.
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ambrossart · 2 months
I’m so sorry to clog up your notifications, but for some reason, Tumblr is refusing to let me comment 🙄 Think of this as a continuation of my comment from a few minutes ago 🤦‍♀️
About the boxes: right?! I’ve donated/given away/thrown away way too many things for there to still be this much stuff.
By the way, you should be so proud of yourself for going through all this moving with agoraphobia. I’ve only moved once and it’s caused a major strain. Going from Rhode Island to Tennessee is not an easy feat. If it helps to write out what’s going on, please keep us updated! Again, I’m sending soooo much rest your way!
I'm writing this from Tennessee!
Oh my god, that was the most stressful move of my life. My husband accidentally went through a moving broker and we 100% got scammed. They severely underquoted us (a common tactic), so when the movers showed up, the cost was more than double what was quoted. We were backed into a corner. Our options were to pay the extra cost or throw away all of our furniture. Thankfully, my parents loaned us some money, so we got our furniture loaded onto the truck (minus our dining room table, which we had already sacrificed), but now we have no idea when we're getting our furniture delivered—or if we're getting our furniture delivered. I hate moving so much. I wanna cry, but I'm too exhausted.
But my new apartment is gorgeous. Apart from the leaky sink (which should be fixed today) and the lack of furniture, it's incredible. Everything is brand new. There's so much space. The community is up in the hills, so it's got this quiet, woodsy vibe. Once we're settled, I know I'm gonna be really happy here.
And yeah, my mental health has definitely taken a hit with all this moving. My agoraphobia is triggered by major changes in environment. Actually, even minor changes will trigger it. During the drive here, for example, I was having mini panic attacks at every rest stop because I was scared I was gonna get lost on my way to the restroom (I know that sounds silly, but 🤷‍♀️). I have to Google every new place I visit so that I can see pictures of the inside and outside. If I could download a map, I would.
But you wouldn't know I'm struggling if you saw me. I go through great effort to hide it.
My lowest point was in college. My freshman year was fine because I had a roommate and would go out with her, but my sophomore year I was by myself, and I didn't leave my dorm for months, except to go to class (and I barely ever went to class either, but luckily I had very understanding professors who made accommodations for me). I also developed a slight ED during this time. I was too scared to go get food, so I wouldn't eat, except for like a candy bar out of the vending machine or something. I was like a little gremlin. I would come out at night, raid the vending machine, and then scurry back into my room before anyone could see me. That’s really embarrassing to admit, but it’s true. And I was losing weight! I was losing so much weight, and I was happy because I had always struggled with my weight, so… win-win, right? I didn’t have to face the terrifying world and I was finally skinny. What could possibly go wrong?
Well, one night I fainted in the shower, fell hard, slammed my head on the bathroom floor, lost conciousness, came to, saw my RA hovering over me, and finally realized I had a major problem.
Yeah, I was a hot mess in my late teens/early twenties.
I’m still a hot mess, but I’m doing a lot better. 😂
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amuseoffyre · 7 months
One day I will run out of stuff to write about this show. Not today, but one day. But specifically, was watching the Jackie and Ed scenes in 2x07 and went oooooo again.
When we start episode 5 with Ed on probation, he's awkwardly trying to make amends on the ship, but clearly has zero experience of doing it and tells Stede he never apologised for anything. It takes Fang teaching Ed how to sit with himself and think about the stuff he's done. Ed realises the impact of his actions and genuinely apologises for the first time for his past behaviour.
This also leads to him realising he needs to take some time, which is when he tells Stede he wants to take things slow. It's something new for him and he's trying hard to make a change in his patterns of behaviour, the so-called whim-prone tendencies. There's also one of his many metaphors: you can't catch a fish unless it wants to be caught. He's not quite ready to be where they are yet and expresses it instead of just diving in head first.
Thanks to the speed-run of the season, we cut to the next day at the beginning of episode 6: Ed is sitting with himself and thinking about the big things that he feels remorse about.
His dad, the storm incident, cutting off Izzy's toes, killing people during the raid spree, shooting Izzy, the storm incident again and driving his employees to kill him.
He also apologises directly for the second time in his career. Not the greatest apology in the world, it must be said, but a definite leap ahead from the awkward ukelele apology Stede wrote for him the day before. And, let's be honest, also probably the only kind of apology Izzy would tolerate from anyone, prickly little cactus man that he is :D
It's such a tiny moment, but the set up of "there's a storm coming, I just can't see it" is aaaaa.
In the basket, Hornighost said "you move on or you blow your brains out". Ed's been living on the run from his memories his whole life. He's never consciously sat with them before, not until Stede and all the bleak stuff bubbled up from under the surface when he was pushed to kill someone he cared about. And after that's when he tried the blow-your-brains-out approach by proxy. (He always outsources the big job, after all)
This is first time trying something that isn't either of those two things. As Buttons said, it's about change and now, with the experience of the basket behind him, he is trying to do things differently. To give himself proverbial soup as well - taking care of himself. Getting some nutrients into him, even though it feels like poison.
He's trying to process all this guilt and decades of trauma by himself and, just as before, he falls back into water metaphors. The storm isn't about the sea. The storm isn't about the weather. The storm is about him and his emotions. Sunshine one minutes, cataracts the next. The panic and anxiety is there bubbling away like an emotional storm front moving in.
He's already got this going on when the Ned stuff happens and then he has the equivalent of Stede's conversation with Chauncey: Jackie pointing out that Stede is now successful and "the fucking man" and basically is emulating and apparently enjoying the life and lifestyle Ed has come to hate and it happened because of Ed. If Ed hadn't goaded Ned by beating his record, Ned would never have come after them and if he hadn't come after them, Stede would never have killed him. ("You're a monster, a plague, you defile beautiful things")
The emotional storm has hit and he's not handling, to the point that he's withdrawing more and more from everything and everyone, sitting quietly out of sight. And like Stede did in 1x09, he decides leaving is the best option.
Our lads are both messy disasters, but they're both trying to do so much work on themselves, trying to figure themselves out. I wanna see an S3 where they get to do some more.
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epersonae · 4 months
for the fic title game! "hurry and happen to me"
I have been pondering this for I guess almost a week, and today it finally clicked:
there's something very pre-canon about that title, and what I'm imagining is a series of tiny vignettes of lots of different characters, and their various dissatisfactions/stagnations, so not just Ed and Stede (obvs), but Mary, Jim, Olu, Lucius, Pete, Frenchie, Fang, etc, etc (potential to be funny: the Swede, Buttons, Izzy)
catching a group of people all on the verge of being changed by the experience they're about to have together
and maybe the first one is Ed, very much bored and in his head on a raid, and then the last one is Stede standing outside of a boat-builder's shop? (I remain obsessed with the idea of a fic about Stede hiring that guy, like what is that even like)
[send me a made up fic title and I'll tell you what I'd write]
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Tumblr media
Apparently at some point, we managed to hit over 2k followers since I last checked this blog! That's crazy to me???
Thank you all for sticking with us through bouts of inactivity, unfunny posts, and all those Elsword updates (the good and the bad!) Here's some fun stats about the blog:
We have a total of 1, 202 original posts since this blog started, and more yet to come in the queue!
All those posts? Yeah there's a total of 87,968 notes between them all. That's like a viral post number.
Our most popular post has 672 notes so far!
The first post was made on April 18, 2015! This blog is the age of a 9 year old child.
In 2020 and 2021, we made 0 posts. Self explanatory. We've posted every year otherwise though!
Since this blog started Tumblr both got rid of the iconic blue, got rid of porn, and also updated us with a dogshit UI, but we all make mistakes. <3
The only mods really left are Mod WT and Mod RF. Round of applause for the mods who have moved onto bigger and better things, for all the funny posts they've made throughout the years, we salute them! We wouldn't be where we are today without them.
And here's some Elsword updates that have happened to the game since the blog was created, in no particular order!:
3rd jobs became a thing
We got an anime!
The item level system was replaced with the Combat Power system, and now character stat equipment is a lot more streamlined.
The magic wardrobe was released so you don't have to sacrifice stats for fashion anymore!
So many new characters and regions have been introduced!
The mystery of Solace and the El Lady has been solved, and the rest of the El Masters have been revealed too!
Multiple dungeon revamps that: gutted earning ED, removed old dungeons, changed dialogue/story as a result, and removing multiple fields and rest points between villages.
4th jobs!
Raids and raid weapons were introduced!
Theres a new blue and white UI!
Mount racing and Pet PvP???
The item mall had a bunch of items removed at some point.
Guilds were revamped!
You can both fish AND farm now!
The in-game economy is in shambles.
They also got rid of forums (but have a discord now?)
Some of these things are really cool! Others? Not so much, but oh well! It's crazy to see how much Elsword has changed over the years this blog has existed. If you still laugh at our funny posts but stopped playing years ago, thank you! And if you just found us the other week, thank you too! We hope to have put a smile on all your faces. :)
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lindsayribar · 9 months
Much has been made of the "I had a dream about you last night" scene in 2x02. Specifically the thing where Ed very likely intended for Izzy to shoot Ed, then himself -- and when Izzy wouldn't shoot Ed, Ed left the gun with him. When Izzy's gunshot rang out, correctly indicating that he'd tried to shoot himself, Ed was unsurprised. It wasn't the whole plan, but it was part of it.
Much has also been made of the unique cruelty of this: of Ed giving Izzy a loaded weapon, knowing how he would probably use it. I don't disagree. In fact, I think the only thing in this show that can possibly parallel the up-close-and-personal under-the-skin cruelty of that moment is in 1x10, when Izzy says "I should have let the English kill you" and tells Ed that what he's become is "a fate worse than death." These guys know how to get at each other in ways that no one else can even dream of. It's why most of my favorite Ed/Izzy or Ed&Izzy fic contains the "two men who make each other worse" tag. Ed's cruelty to Izzy is physical. Izzy's cruelty to Ed is emotional. They're both masterfully manipulative, and both kinds of manipulation work. It's such fucking good writing.
I'm rewatching 2x02 today, though, and something new occurred to me about that gun scene. In those first two episodes of season 2, we see Ed setting up three possible ways to kill himself:
Break Ned Low's raid record, thereby getting Ned's attention; Ned will probably try to kill him, and Ed will probably let him
Give Izzy a thousand reasons to hate him, then hand him a gun; Izzy can do Ed's dirty work for him
Sail the ship directly into a storm, remove the wheel, and hope for the worst
He's presumably accomplished the raid-record goal by this time, since we don't see any more raids between that scene and Ned coming after him. I'd also bet real money that, by the time Ed walked down those stairs with gun in hand, he already knew where that failsafe storm was, and how much time it would take to sail there. In Ed's mind, however this ends, he's going to die, and it's almost inevitable the crew will die with him. Izzy included.
By giving Izzy a gun (and, by extension, some agency), Ed is giving Izzy the opportunity to end things on his own terms. Izzy won't have to wait for the storm to kill him, or for Ned to torture him to death if that's what happens first. He can decide his own fate; Ed knows that Izzy, unlike himself, probably isn't "too scared" to try to do it himself.
And, look, I'm not calling this kindness or anything. It's still cruel. Every single thing Ed and Izzy did to each other from 1x09 through 2x02 was cruel. But it does, from a certain point of view, feel a little bit like mercy.
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