startwinklemashup · 2 months
47. Star Twinkle Precure ED 3 x FUN☆FUN☆Wonderful DAYS! (Wonderful Precure!)
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housefreak · 2 years
yeah army of darkness was ok just . not my bag really idk
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frostfires-blog · 1 year
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Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6
P.S: Part 2 is now out on my blog!
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heartofstanding · 3 months
There were a lot of things I disliked about Emma Campion's Alice Perrers novel* but I think the thing that annoys me the most is having Alice having this constant refrain of "when had I a choice to be other than I was" when her story was like "oh no I am in love with Edward III, he is explicitly asking for my consent, I am explicitly and happily giving it, we are deeply in love". You had the opportunity to do something very interesting about the concept of her choice given the massive age and power differences between them and you went for... Alice constantly harping on about how she had simply no choice but to fall desperately in love with Edward III?
* the whole subplot about how all those references to Edward II surviving were actually about Isabella of France's super secret bastard son fathered by Roger Mortimer and how evil Isabella was going to depose Edward III and his menagerie of grown children and all of Edward I's and Henry III's descendents to put her this bastard on the throne and that's why Alice is simply forced to spend a lot of time with Edward III is completely nuts.
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kethsi · 1 year
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The Highlight of the May 2023 dxpw
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courtiers · 10 months
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on the one hand the death guard and skull lantern look so cool on the other SHADOW REEF NERF?? YOU NERF MY BELOVED SHADOW REEF???
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homuras · 2 years
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Chainsaw Man ED3 »» 「 刃渡り2億センチ 」 by Maximum the Hormone
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ygozexalarchive · 6 months
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Official Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal art done by Ebina Hidekazu (蛯名秀和) (Twitter)
(Part 2)
Trivia under the cut:
Hidekazu (Sometimes referred to as the unnamed "junior animator" by director Takahiro Kagami, a senior animator whose work Hidekazu apparently took inspiration from or based theirs off of) was a prominent Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal animator (chief animation director), also known for working on the Beyblade anime, and in the Yu-Gi-Oh space for lots of ARC-V illustrations - another Yu-Gi-Oh! spinoff they worked on in addition to Dark Side of Dimensions before leaving near the beginning of Vrains
They are responsible for visualizing scenes in the Yuma/Kaito vs Thomas/Michael duel, Shark approached/corrupted by Shark Drake, Michael vs Yuma, Vector vs Yuma (the reveal duel), Yuma vs No. 96, Yuma vs Eliphas, Shark vs Vector, ED3, ED6 and more
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The 1st drawing at the top was drawn at the request of director Kagami as memorabilia
The 2nd drawing was drawn in celebration of Zexal's final episode on March 23rd, 2014
the 3rd drawing was drawn in reference to the manga in which Kaito is said to have a good singing voice when Yuma claims that they are karaoke partners
The 4th portrays Shark giving the card "Aqua Jet" to Ayu, a character from the ARC-V anime who also used an aqua deck
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Yamato ft. Team Kakashi in Naruto Shippuden ED3: “Kimi Monogatari” by Little by Little (5/9)
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startwinklemashup · 9 months
24. Star Twinkle Precure ED 3 x A DECLARATION OF ××× (BanG Dream!)
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wordswhisperinthedark · 7 months
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IN MY LIFE - AZU (Yorinuki Gintama-san ED3)
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housefreak · 2 years
hell yeah gopro shots
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frostfires-blog · 1 year
Hanakotoba in Hitomebore (一目惚れ) - Chihayafuru (ちはやふる) ED3
Chihaya Ayase 綾瀬 千早 | Cosmos 宇宙
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The Cosmos flower is known as Kosumosu (宇宙) in Japan and typically blooms from June to November. The Cosmos flower's name is derived from the Greek word "Kosmos" meaning harmony and order. This has contributed to the flower coming to symbolise harmony, beauty and peace. The delicate and clean appearance of the Cosmos flower has contributed towards it additionally symbolizing cleanliness, purity, beauty and modesty. The Cosmos flower is also said to represent a maiden's sincerity, heart as well as "the joys that love and life can bring".
Chihaya is best described as a tomboyish, outgoing and ambitious girl who is good-natured, easy-going and straightforward. This fits in with the Cosmos' meanings of harmony, purity and sincerity. She can be described as simple-minded as she is generally relatively absent-minded and oblivious (especially to the feelings of others)—however she remains very optimistic, driven and trusting. This resonates with Cosmos flower representing the heart as well as the "joys that love, and life can bring". Although Chihaya is described as being pretty, fitting in with the flower's meaning of beauty, she is often labeled as a "beauty in vain". This description stems from the fact that her overly energetic attitude and tomboyish behavior doesn't "match" with her looks.
Taichi Mashima 真島 太一 | Red Spider Lily 彼岸花
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Lycoris radiata (Red Spider Lily) is called Higanbana (彼岸花) in Japan. This name stems from the flower's flowering period coinciding with the equinoctial week of autumn. The plant's poisonous nature is also speculated to have contributed towards it's name—as "Higan" also means death—as well as its meaning. The Higanbana is said to symbolize death, final goodbyes, lost or sad memories, abandonment and giving up. While the flower mostly bares ominous connotations—its bright, red colour has contributed towards it being considered as auspicious sign and "celestial flower". It thus also represents passion and independence.
While Taichi is viewed by others as a smart, talented and hard-working individual—he is somewhat easily disheartened. When faced with difficult situations, he often under-estimates himself and considers giving up—especially in regard to karuta and his rivalry with Arata. This fits in with the Higanbana's meanings of loss and giving up. However, his confidence grows as he continues to play karuta and he grows into a strong adversary, having gained everything through his own skill and hard work rather than luck. These qualities resonate with the red spider lily's meanings of passion and independence. After confessing his long-standing, romantic feelings for his childhood friend, Chihaya, he quits their school karuta club. This ties in with the flower's meanings of abandonment and parting.
Arata Wataya 綿�� 新 | Wisteria 藤
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Wisteria is known as Fuji (藤) in Japan and generally flowers from April to May. The flower is said to mainly symbolize longevity, immortality and nobility in Japanese culture. Wisteria can also represent honour, endurance, wisdom, steadfastness and support. Other meanings include kindness, tenderness and sensitivity. The plant's tendency to grip tightly to trees in order to grow up straight has led to it coming to mean an unwillingness to let go or being drunk in love. 
Arata is best described as being kind, caring, quiet and passionate about playing karuta. This resonates with the flower's meanings of kindness and tenderness. He is incredibly intelligent and serious. Although he is somewhat lacking in confidence is not meek. This fits with Wisteria's meanings of wisdom, steadfastness, support. Arata is shown to be relatively perceptive having figured out Taichi's feelings for Chihaya and although he is Taichi's rival he willingly kept the fact that Taichi tried to sabotage him in their elementary school karuta match a secret from her in order to maintain Taichi's standing in her eyes. This fits in with the flower's meanings of honour, sensitivity, support kindness and tenderness. In the karuta world Arata is somewhat considered nobility as his grandfather was a master which ties in with Wisteria's association with nobility. Despite not getting an answer from Chihaya after his confession, he remains patient and when she later clarifies that she isn't currently focused on love but is instead devoted to karuta; he decides to wait until she is ready declaring that he will "try again". This resonates with Wisteria's meanings of steadfastness, sensitivity and an unwillingness to let go. 
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Cherry Blossoms are known as Sakura (桜) in Japan and are considered the nation's de facto national flower. The flower is an important part of Japanese culture and thus bares many meanings Generally cherry blossoms are said to represent the gentleness, spiritual beauty and good education. They bloom for an incredibly short period of time anywhere from March to April. Since cherry blossoms bloom after the cold, harsh winter; they herald the coming of spring and represent hope, renewal and optimism. The fleeting yet incredible splendor beauty of this flower has given inspired it's notable meanings of the "acceptance of destiny and karma" as well as the "transience of life".
P.S.S: I left a funny short story about why it took me so long to do this post in the tags but there is a spoiler for the manga about the endgame ship in it ... Also, this is only based on developments in the anime as well as the limited spoilers I've come across—since I haven't read the manga...
[If you liked this post, check out my other hanakotoba analysis posts here ❀ Also, if there's a particular anime, opening or ending—with some flower symbolism in it—that you want me to do a post on, send me an ask and I'll gladly do it if I've seen the show. ]
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heartofstanding · 1 year
The fact that Edward the Black Prince was called Edward IV during his lifetime but never actually got to be king and then the dude who actually DID become Edward IV was also the one who personally agreed to the Treaty of Picquiny without a single battle ... sad hysterical irony lol
(Props to E4 tho, it was a Good choice. And I think the Black Prince and Joan would have probably definitely supported Edward and the Yorkists in the WotR given the fact that the Lancastrians came to power by disposing his son 🤷‍♀️)
lol 😢
Yeah, being handed gigantic stacks of cash to go away is always definitely preferable to going to battle without your allies.
Honestly, while I don't doubt that the Black Prince and Joan of Kent were on hand to welcome Henry IV to the afterlife with a baseball bat and steel chair, I kinda doubt they'd have much invested in Lancaster vs York. The WOTR began ~70 years after they died (closer to 80 for TBP), and ~50 years after Richard was deposed. Everyone who was intimately involved in Richard II's deposition would be dead.
Plus, it's a lot more complicated than just "Lancaster deposed and murdered their son, therefore they're pro-York"... what do we make of the fact that Richard II appears to have been fond of the 12-year-old Henry V and vice versa? What if Richard viewed Henry as his surrogate son? What do we make of the fact that criticisms of Henry VI echoed criticisms of Richard II? Or of the fact that Edmund of Langley, Duke of York appears to have betrayed Richard II to Henry IV? If Joan and the Prince sided against Henry VI for the sins of the grandfather who was dead long before his birth, why wouldn't they also blame Richard, Duke of York for the sins of his?
Plus, Joan of Kent had direct descendents on both sides, including no less than Richard, Duke of York and thus also the Yorkist kings, Margaret Beaufort and Henry VII, Richard Neville, Earl of Warwick and Henry Holland, Duke of Exeter. How does she feel about her great-great-great grandsons fighting against each other at the Battle of Bosworth? Or her great-great-great-grandson Edward IV ordering the murder of her great-grandson Henry Holland? The Black Prince might have had no known direct descendents in the WOTR, the Yorkists were descended from two brothers, the Lancastrians from one and from his father's great friend, Henry of Grosmont - his closest kinship, however, might well have been his wife's Holland descendents. TBH, the only "Joan of Kent has opinions on the WOTR" thing I can see is her dragging everyone off by the ear to tell them how disappointed she is in them.
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aq2003 · 2 years
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「刃渡り2億センチ」 - Chainsaw Man ED3
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kurapika-r · 2 years
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Makima | Chainsaw Man ED3
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