whittlewoodshop · 6 years
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Ed Catmull is retiring from Disney and Pixar! Thanks for your leadership and belief in us all these years! #edcatmull #disney #disneyanimation #pixar #wooden #caricature https://www.instagram.com/p/BpWBE_PB0sw/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1hz6kn1o8d83v
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itsredwritinghood · 3 years
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I love me some #pixar so I had to listen to #creativityinc by #edcatmull It was so interesting to #read about how Pixar got it’s start and on through the challenges, stumbles, and successes along the way to end up where they are today. It was also a trip down memory lane as he went from movie to movie explaining the evolution of production. I have seen them all in the movie theaters til the pandemic hit. As I learn to illustrate and write my own stories, their trials and tribulations had me thinking about my own process and how I can work better, so all around this book was exciting and insightful. If you love #pixarmovies and #disneyanimation like I do, this book is a must. #bookstagram #bookgeek #bookworm #booknerd #bookish #readersofinstagram #bibliophile #reading #bookaddict #read #bookaholic #bibliotherapy #audiobooks #audiobookstagram https://www.instagram.com/p/Ca6I3AOgCQ_/?utm_medium=tumblr
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5mincolumns · 4 years
5min books review #1
Marty Cagan: Inspired: How to Create Tech Products Customers Love 
Value for money
Year, Price, Pages, Cover design
2018 by Wiley; EUR 20,41; 326 pages; Hardcover 
Very nice cover image by John Lawson. I would definitely expect a paper of better quality (quite disappointing). The is a bizarre and significant difference between nice hardcover design with gold type and grey, light and thin (cheap) paper 
5 sentences about the book
It is the second edition of the book originally released 10 years ago. Inspired is a structured compendium of product knowledge that includes well-defined roles and processes. It is the handbook that should become handy in your daily routine. Chapter 6 "The root causes of failed product effort" is a stunning, depressing and condensed list of pitfalls which define the toxic work environment. The second part of the book shortly describes and enumerates many discovery techniques and inspires for further searching in other resources. I am excited for the next book called Empowered which should be released by the end of  2020. 
What did I learn? 
I learned I am not alone (Chapter 6)
As a Product Manager, I should take a programming class and business accounting/finance class
Condense overview of roles ("The right people"), artefacts ("The right product"), discovery ("The right processes") and relationships ("The right culture") 
Product management at a glance: A handy compendium of knowledge that should lay on my desk for daily use
What was missing?
Favorite quotes:
"It doesn't matter how good your engineering team is if they are not given something worthwhile to build" 2
"The honest truth is that the product manager needs to be among the strongest talent in the company. If the product manager doesn't have the technology sophistication, doesn't have the business savvy, doesn't have the credibility with the key executives, doesn't have the deep customer knowledge, doesn't have the passion for the product, or doesn't have the respect of their product team, then it's a sure recipe for failure." 42
Ed Catmull: Creativity, Inc.: Overcoming the Unseen Forces That Stand in the Way of True Inspiration 
Value for money
Year, Price, Pages, Cover design
2014 by Bantam Press; EUR 22,19; 326 pages; Hardcover 
Exceptional cover design and cover image (Buzz from Toy Story as an orchestra conductor). Top-quality paper with Sabon Type, the exquisite reading experience 
5 sentences about the book
I was reading this book in kindle edition several years ago and I’ve decided to buy the hardcover version to my library. What I like foremost is Cadmull's storytelling, how warm he depicts Pixar's beginnings though circumstances. I was not focusing on advises how to build creative work culture, I rather focused on an amazing story of developing a culture of candor. 
What did I learn?
How great storytelling looks like. I will for sure return to this book again. 
Well described creativity process at Pixar (Braintrust, Notes day, etc.) and Disney
A great product is not a matter a spark idea of one genius but hard, repetitive, collaborative work of the team
What was missing?
Favourite quotes: 
"Having a finite list of problems is much better than having an illogical feeling that everything is wrong" 151
"If you give a good idea to a mediocre team, they will screw it up. If you give a mediocre idea to a brilliant team they will either fix it or throw it away and come up with something better". 74
""You can't manage what you can't measure" is a maxim that is taught and believed by many in both the business and education sectors. But in fact, the phrase is ridiculous - something said by people who are unaware of how much is hidden. A large portion of what we manage can't be measured, and not realizing this has unintended consequences. The problem comes when people think that data paints a full picture, leading them to ignore what they can't see. Here's my approach: Measure what you can, evaluate what you measure, and appreciate that you cannot measure the vast majority of what you do. And at least every once a while, make time to take a step back and think about what you are doing. 219
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christianrruiz · 4 years
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@danielcoyle #theculturecode #cuandolasarañastejenjuntaspuedenataraunleón #DanielCoyle #Pixar #UniversidadPixar #aprendenjuntos #clases #postmortem #retiros #EdCatmull #miembrosdelequipo #conclusionesdelproceso #entornoseguro #entornohorizontal #extremafranqueza #comentarlosproblemas #generarideas #mejorsolución #kaizen #mejoracontinua #potencialintelectual #grupo #equipocreativo #creatividadelevada #SkunkWorks #XeroxPARC #GoogleX #ProjectPlatypus #ClayStreet #autonomíaplena "[...]. En la Universidad de Pixar, se imparten una serie de clases que funcionan como una especie de mezcladora y, en ellas los empleados de los distintos departamentos de la empresa aprenden juntos. En estas clases se enseña de todo, desde esgrima hasta pintura, pasando por taichí. Y durante los post mortem, retiros que tienen lugar fuera de las instalaciones y queCatmull organiza una vez que concluye el desarrollo de la película, los miembros del equipo debaten y comparten las principales conclusiones del proceso. En cada reunión, los miembros del equipo se congregan en un entorno seguro, horizontal y de extrema franqueza, gracias al cual pueden comentar los problemas y generar ideas, para avanzar de forma escalonada hacia una mejor solución. No es de extrañar que Catmull sea un apasionado partidario del concepto japonés del kai-zen, la mejora continua. Así, estos encuentros hacen aflorar el potencial intelectual del grupo y, al mismo tiempo, permiten que el equipo creativo siga llevando las riendas del proyecto.* *Este patrón se observa en multitud de grupos de creatividad elevada, como el famoso programa Skunk Works de Lockheed (que llevó en un tiempo récord al diseño del U-2, del Blackbird, del Nighthawk y de otras aeronaves legendarias), el Xerox PARC (donde se inventó la interfaz de usuario que Steve Jobs «tomó prestada» para Apple), el Google X, el Clay Street de Procter & Gamble o el Project Platypus de Mattel, todos los cuales son, en esencia, lo mismo: departamentos separados físicamente del grupo principal, libre de jerarquía y dotados de autonomía plena." Cuando las Arañas Tejen Juntas Pueden Atar a un León Daniel Coyle The Culture Code PG206:PR1[...]LN14&PR2&PP&PG207:PP https://www.instagram.com/p/CCPd5WcH4KD/?igshid=13di53g8szhhr
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lorranderz-blog · 7 years
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Finalizado com varias anotações, livro amazing, quase inexplicável !!! Parabéns a todos envolvidos neste projeto @pixarkeencoin #criatividadesa #stevejobs #edcatmull #lorranderpalhares
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vinzul · 7 years
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Design I made for work's wall. Ed Catmull, por supuesto. #quote #pixar #edcatmull #creativity #ideas #people #workplace #mural #disney #inspiration #typography #type #typographylove
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fabiopalvelli · 5 years
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Embrace failure ❤️ . . #fridayvibes #bringontheweekend #edcatmull #pixar https://www.instagram.com/p/B7axy5oJWom/?igshid=cxx37g7aft8g
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anothermrdvorak · 5 years
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beautyexplore1989 · 8 years
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At first you think it will be funny to browse through a book by Ed Catmull but it gets sad really fast.
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cheerchain · 7 years
40 Year Old 3D Computer Graphics (Pixar, 1972)
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pashhash · 6 years
A Computer Animated Hand
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christianrruiz · 4 years
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@DanielCoyle «El braintrust es, con mucha diferencia, lo más importante que hacemos —afirma el presidente de Pixar, Ed Catmull—. Se basa en la total sinceridad de las críticas.» #TheCultureCode #CuandolasArañasTejenJuntasPuedenAtaraunLeón #DanielCoyle #Pixar #braintrust #método #estudiarymejorar #fasededesarrollo #reunión #rutinaria #destacan #clasifican #analizan #puntosdébiles #EdCatmull #sinceridad #críticas #ritmo #tono #vuelo232 #malasnoticias #preguntageneral #aciaga #ceñofruncido #nofunciona “En Pixar, tienen lugar en lo que allí se conoce como reuniones braintrust. El braintrust es el método al que recurre Pixar para estudiar y mejorar las películas durante la fase de desarrollo. Para cada uno de los títulos se celebran de forma periódica en torno a braintrust. A la reunión, acuden tanto al director de la película como otros directores y productores veteranos del estudio, que ven la última versión de la obra y expresan su opinión con sinceridad. Visto desde fuera, el braintrust puede parecer una reunión rutinaria, pero de cerca es más como un doloroso procedimiento médico; en concreto, una disección, en la que destacan, se clasifican y se analizan los puntos débiles de la película con asombroso detalle. Los braintrust no son divertidos. Son situaciones en las que se dice a los directores que los personajes carecen de alma, que la línea argumental es confusa y que los chistes son malos. Pero también sirven para hacer mejores películas. «El braintrust es, con mucha diferencia, lo más importante que hacemos —afirma el presidente de Pixar, Ed Catmull—. Se basa en la total sinceridad de las críticas.» En cuanto al ritmo y el tono, las reuniones braintrust recuerdan a la situación vivida en la cabina del vuelo 232. Consisten en flujos constantes de «malas noticias» acompañadas de alguna que otra pregunta general y aciaga («¿Alguien sabe cómo aterrizar este cacharro?»). Los asistentes se pasan todo el rato con el ceño fruncido mientras lidian con el hecho de que la película, por el momento, no funciona. «Al principio, todas nuestras películas son lamentables —dice Catmull—. El braintrust sirve para determinar por qué son lamentables y también permite que dejen https://www.instagram.com/p/CBARUPDnzbq/?igshid=zzpa1cqhow8p
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cartoonistiranus · 6 years
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#creativity is about solving problems #edcatmull #pixar #disney I would further say that it is also #observation #expression #emotion #compassion #understanding like #walle great visit to the #museumofscienceandindustry #chicago #kavehadel #kavehadelcartoon #cartoonist #graphicnovelist #dentist #coach (at Museum of Science and Industry, Chicago)
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davequinn247 · 7 years
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#fridayreads “Failure isn’t a necessary evil. In fact, it isn’t evil at all. It is a necessary consequence of doing something new.” #edcatmull #creativity #instabook (at San Antonio International Airport)
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gersonsanchez180 · 7 years
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En Búsqueda de #NuevoLibro #InternacionalLibrosYRegalos #LaVidaEsChula #Leer #OlorALibros #MiDivercion #MiPasion #CreatividadSA #EdCatmull #VamosPorMas #GersonSanchez180 #UnDiaALaVez 😎 😉 👊 👑 🎬 ☝ 📷
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aniltasezen · 7 years
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Herkese #MutluPazarlar bu aralar okuduğum #Yaratıcılık A.Ş adlı kitaptan sevdiğim bir bölümü paylaşmak istedim " Bariyerlerin en büyüklerinden biri korkudur ve #korku başarısızlığı getirse de başarısızlığın korkuyu beraberinde getirmesi şart değildir. O halde #Hedef korku ile başarısızlığı birbirinden ayırmaktır. #Hata yapmanın çalışanların kalbine korku Salmadı bir ortam yaratmaktır Sayfa 158 " #EdCatmull #CRIATIVIDADE S.A #Pixar #disney #animation #senaryo #film #yönetim #Starwars #bookstagram #kitap #okuma #elgizmuseum #art #sanat (at Elgiz Museum)
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