#eddica wn
izzyspussy · 2 years
Tagged by @abalonetea to find the given words in my WIP(s). Their words for me are hot, wet, soft, and high. Considering these words and me as a writer, this is about to be porn lmfao.
"Holy shit," Lucius remembers. "You already came, and you're still this hot for it, Jesus. God, I wanna fuck you so bad. Make you come on my cock and then just keep fucking you-" Izzy interrupts him with a strangled groan, the thing struggling out of him from between clenched teeth, like he either doesn't want to be as into that as he is or doesn't want Lucius to know it.
from every time we touch (i get this feeling), currently 6k Sign up here to be tagged when I post this or other OFMD fics.
All it takes to hold his tongue is remembering that second's flash of the wet sheen over Izzy's eyes as he pushed Lucius away and fled. Lucius may be a bitch. He may be a cunt, even. He's been guilty of some minor bullying, he'll admit it. But he's not cruel. So he keeps the whole thing to himself.
from every time we touch (i get this feeling) This could easily have been porn also, but I just happen to like this line better than the explicit ones with this word. At least in the WIPs I'm searching today, anyway lmao.
soft [MATURE]
Izzy's elbows and knees both buckle for a second when Lucius finally touches his chest, going wobblier than the table, before he manages to lock them and stand steady again. Lucius stays soft and sensual here too, knows exactly what he's doing. His fingertips brush like summer breeze through Izzy's chest hair, shaking him like palms on the beach.
from every time we touch (i get this feeling)
Eddie leads the Lady in Red up to the office, holding open the door with the frosted window for her too. She has the half-hysterical urge to pull out her chair as well, but there's no table to pull it from. She sits in the wooden chair in front of the desk and crosses her long legs, a high slit in her dress parting around her thigh.
from Curse The Messenger draft 1.4, currently 15k Sign up here to be tagged when I post about this project.
I tag @albatris @kyofsonder @lend-your-lungs-to-me and @vacantgodling. My words for y'all are wait, drink, grave, taste, and head.
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izzyspussy · 2 years
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a collage I made for "Lady In Red", the first chapter of Curse The Messenger. I drew the honeysuckle in the background myself. There's a whole ass flower behind the crystal ball/pin up sticker, but sometimes that's just how it is. *Karina Farek voice* Delete your art.
"witch noir" taglist: @girlfriendsofthegalaxy @haectemporasunt @jezifster @blackhannetandco @fearofahumanplanet @godsleftarmpit @littlehastyhoneydew @rainbowabomination @antihell @isherwoodj @marrowwife @ashen-crest @wildswrites @ceph-the-writing-spook @garthcelyn @muddshadow @cohldhands
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izzyspussy · 2 years
Ship Ask Game: 4 & 11 any ship?
I'll do both a fandom pairing and an OG pairing, since idk what side of the aisle you're coming from so to speak.
Who initiates affection? Why does the other not initiate affection as much?
Eddie/Jessica (CTM): Jessica. Eddie is SHY. And also inexperienced in terms of romance and affection. Fred is affectionate but mildly touch-averse, Angel and Dido have been out of the picture for long enough that Eddie can't really remember how showing affection between them went, and she's never had an actual girlfriend before (only hook ups). Also. Lmao. Jessica is intimidating. It's not so much that Eddie always lets her lead because she's insecure or scared of her or whatever, but like. She'll just never not have "butterflies" type nerves, and blush and stutter and all that. And Jessica can't resist kissing her or petting her when she stumbles over being a gentleman. Ed/Izzy (OFMD): Ed, provided we're only counting "words of affirmation" and "physical touch" styles of affection here. Izzy just is not a very touchy guy generally and he doesn't really need as much physical intimacy to be happy and secure as Ed does (though he has no particular problem with it when Ed initiates, even PDA). He also has a thing (autism) about not really knowing where boundaries are and what's appropriate when so he basically just treats every environment like a work environment (the environment that he's most familiar with the Rules of) in terms of intimacy/vulnerability that involves other people. He's also just plain not good with words, except a good ol' theatrical complain/insult (he also has Jewish). Additionally, he really doesn't think how he feels about someone in any specificity is anybody else's fucking business - so while I don't think he'd be too repressed or embarrassed to say "I love you" he'd be a bit consternated for other people to be all up in his business about it. His feelings are perpetually an A-B conversation. HOWEVER. He will do "acts of service" style affection at literally any moment any time in front of anyone at any provocation. And if he doesn't get enough "quality time" style affection he will literally shrivel up and die like a salted slug.
How do they feel about nicknames/pet names? If they like them, what pet names do they use? If they hate them, why do they feel that way?
Eddie/Jessica: Eddie is pretty neutral on pet names (in the affectionate way, she likes to use them as emasculating insults lmfaoooooo). Jessica likes them, though! She has a very large pet name vocabulary too. Eddie really only reacts strongly when Jessica uses them in particular ways (i.e. not casually, but Purposefully), in which case they make her feel very Baby. Ed/Izzy: Ed likes them a lot! They're novel for him, because in the past he's had all kinds of affectionate (or not) nicknames with his partners (i.e. "Blackie" and of course we've seen that his actual given name is Something Special too), but never anything sweet. It's a bubbly little thrill every time he's "allowed" to use one. Izzy doesn't use them very much, just because they don't ever occur to him lmfao. He does use Ed's given name a lot though, in that Special way. (And Stede does use pet names a lot, so Ed gets that regardless.) Also when Ed uses one for him, that makes Izzy melt into a brainless sack of goo. The only way he can continue to function is if he has some Specific Task that he can cling to and power through. Ed likes to test him, follow him around while he's assigning chores or whatever, calling him "love" and watch Izzy start to actually physically sweat with the effort to stay focused and not go 🥴 (which he would be embarrassed by).
Ship Basics Ask Game Thanks for asking, anon!
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izzyspussy · 2 years
Fred doesn't date, and M.J. knows that, but the two of them like the rhythm of a cat and mouse game. Eddie, personally, finds it incredibly dull - both to watch and to partake in, if given the chance. She prefers passion. That's what she tells Fred anyway. What she really prefers is not having to talk very much.
don't worry babygirl, mommy's gonna gag you real soon
(from Curse The Messenger draft 1.3, currently 15k)
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izzyspussy · 2 years
Hi! Here's a question you can answer if you want: What’s a scene that you are dying to write and why?
Right now I'm very eager to get to Jessica and Eddie's first kiss and first sex scene, which are coming up soon in my draft!! *gritting my teeth* I just have to get there...
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izzyspussy · 2 years
Which scene from your WIP would make good fanart fodder?
Oh, I'm aiming for pretty strong visuals throughout to bring in that good good noir vibe. There are lots of scenes that describe dynamic, genre-typical lighting for example. There's also a height difference between Eddie and Jessica (Eddie is 5'2", Jessica is 6'), as well as light/dark contrast (Eddie is pale compared to Jessica and wears mostly black, Jessica is very dark skinned and wears bright colors). There's one scene in particular with them that I'd honestly love to draw myself (if I ever learn HOW) - their first kiss! It's sunset, they're in the Watchtower office with the blinds drawn but slatted so the orange-red light stripes them. Jessica has perched on the desk and Eddie stands in front of her smoking and drinking. Jessica asks Eddie to light her cigarette for her, and then keeps her close after she does, and they both still have some smoke in their mouths when they finally kiss.
Fan-tastic Ask Game Answering for witch noir unless asker specifies otherwise.
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izzyspussy · 2 years
"Uh," says Eddie eloquently. "I, uh. I think you have the wrong place. Ma'am." The woman - the lady, really; the way she's dressed surely she can't be called anything else - doesn't smile, but Eddie thinks she catches a dimple crease her cheek on one side before it's gone again.
from Curse The Messenger draft 1.3, currently 15k This quote chosen specifically for you ❤️
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izzyspussy · 2 years
3-10 for your favorite (or most current brainrot) oc ship please! :D
ren. is that three THROUGH ten, or just three and ten alsjfks???
I'll answer for Eddie/Jessica, from Curse The Messenger.
What was their first impression of each other?
Eddie's first impression of Jessica was that she was hot as fuck and elegant and intimidating, and she instantly wanted to be chivalrous, protect her, and impress her. Jessica's first impression of Eddie was that she was adorable and serious, and she trusted very quickly that Eddie could and would help her. (She also picked up basically immediately on Eddie's sexuality, whereas Eddie has a period of somewhat anxiously wondering.)
Do they share any hobbies or interests? How do these things bring them together?
They both like sports and music! Eddie is okay-ish at soccer, and Jessica is good at soccer, volleyball, tennis, and stunt driving lmfao. Eddie had violin lessons for a hot minute as a kid and liked it, and Jessica also plays violin as well as piano. As far as "bringing them together" - Jessica teaches Eddie the rules, and Eddie teaches Jessica how to break them.
Ship Basics Asks Thanks for asking, Ren! (I went with 3 and 10 to be safe alsjkfks.)
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izzyspussy · 2 years
12 and 30 for the oc ask game!
I'll answer these for Eddie.
How well did she do in school?
When Dido was around, she insisted that Fred and Eddie go to secular public school (witch society has no standardized or publicly provided education). After she was gone and Angel was gone shortly after, it fell to Fred to decide what they were going to do. And Fred's age, autism, and sensory-based power type all combined to make public school a torture for xem that xe could not see the value of. And at that point Eddie would only have been in first grade or so. So, how well did she do in school? No.
Does she want to get married someday?
She has literally never thought about it before in her life. Her parents were not legally married, and even if they had been they were not exactly role models for a healthy long-term relationship. Additionally, at the beginning of CTM, she's at a place where she thinks of herself as something bad that might happen to someone else, so she's avoiding new connections and feeling guilty about persisting in the one (1) she already has. Marriage isn't really very common in witch society, and generally speaking only happens in a witch/secular relationship at the secular's wish. Of course, Eddie's OTL is a secular, but Jessica is polyamorous so a legal marriage is not really in the cards for her either unless she wants to quote unquote "legitimize" one partner and not the others. I think they would both like a handfasting ceremony though, if you wanna count that.
OC Asks. Thank you for asking, Laurel!
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izzyspussy · 2 years
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having fun outlining tonight lol
"witch noir" taglist: @girlfriendsofthegalaxy @haectemporasunt @jezifster @blackhannetandco @fearofahumanplanet @godsleftarmpit @littlehastyhoneydew @rainbowabomination @antihell @isherwoodj @marrowwife @ashen-crest @wildswrites @ceph-the-writing-spook @garthcelyn @muddshadow @cohldhands
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izzyspussy · 2 years
i'm here to ask you about witch noir! is there a scene you really had fun writing recently? or a character trait you think is really fun!
Not exactly a "scene" per se, but I know I'm going to have a lot of fun writing the relationship conflict between Eddie and Jessica. Eddie is going to be having premonitions that Jessica's ex might still be in the picture, but only if she tells Jessica so. Which is 110% the right thing to do in the situation. Additionally, Jessica had Eddie investigate her instead of telling her about herself, as a funky weird lesbian flirting method, you know how it is, but! Halfway through, Eddie decided she didn't want to know anything she might not like and stopped looking. So Jessica is under the impression that Eddie knows things about her that Eddie doesn't, including that she's polyamorous and that her ex being around wouldn't necessarily be a threat to Eddie having a relationship with her too. Juicy!
@girlfriendsofthegalaxy @haectemporasunt @jezifster @blackhannetandco @fearofahumanplanet @godsleftarmpit @lihastyhoneydew @rainbowabomination @antihell
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izzyspussy · 2 years
Witchnoir asks! Are there any big secrets between Eddie and his beau? Can you tell me more about the familiar, too?
Well. Eddie is a woman kalskjfks. Her love interest is Jessica, and there are secrets! In actuality, Jessica keeps almost her entire identity from Eddie at first but... in a very Lesbians way of flirtation, because Eddie is a detective so having her investigate to find out who Jessica is is a way of keeping her interested.
The catch is that Eddie likes Jessica too much too quickly, and decides almost immediately that she doesn't want to know any of Jessica's secrets in case any of them are bad lmaooo. (This of course leads to misunderstandings in later acts.)
Ferris is the familiar. He's not Eddie's familiar, she doesn't have one. His Companion is actually a mystery until book three! He's an ambiguous character - is he a good guy or a bad guy? Up to the audience, for now.
Ferris is an orange cat. In his human life he was a tectonist, which is a type of witch that has telekinetic powers over earth. He retains limited tectonic powers in his lives as a familiar, less on every reincarnation. It took him three cat lives to find his Companion, so he's about half as powerful as he started but twice as powerful as a normal cat.
Familiars are... kind of like platonic soulmates? They're not common but not quite rare either. When a witch dies but they have a perfect match, they're reincarnated as a cat and they have nine lives to find their living human witch Companion. With every life, they lose a little power and a little memory of their past lives, until on their ninth life they become a regular mortal cat.
Of course cats are a little bit supernatural regardless, so even a mortal cat is not entirely secular (non-magical). And power like that can only be forgotten to a certain extent...
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izzyspussy · 3 years
song ask: eddie and jessica witchnoir please?
Florence and the Machine's cover of Addicted To Love (originally by Robert Palmer)
taglist: @girlfriendsofthegalaxy @rainbowabomination
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