#eddie munso is hot
writing-fanics · 2 years
are you serious
eddie munson x fem!reader
.summary: while in the boathouse y/n starts feeling nauseous.
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Eddie and (Y/n) sat their on the cold wooden floor. Of the boathouse, hiding from the town, hiding from the town that basically exiled them. The couple too scared to come forth in fear of being thrown in prison.
(Y/n) stood by opening of the boat shed, one hand pressed against the wooden frame. As she puked her guts out into the lake. “I’m so sorry, doll.” Eddie soothed, rubbing her back.
Shaking her head she leaned up, “N-No, it isn’t your-” She puked into the lake, “Fault.” She sighed, not felling anything come up anymore. Sliding onto the ground besides Eddie, leaning her head against his shoulder.
“We’ll get through this together, and if we don’t we’ll move to Canada.” He says, and she shakes her head smiling softly. “It’s probably just nerves, or stress, but I am really really hungry like I could eat a whole add buffet.” She said, and he smiled.
“I mean you did just like puke out your guts so,” He said, then started talking into the walkie for Dustin. As he talked to Dustin for good, (Y/n) felt the sudden urge to pee despite having went five minutes ago.
The past couple of weeks have been just so strange for her, first she’d wake up feeling nauseous, then having to use to bathroom a lot. Also she felt that her period was lat- oh shit.
‘shit shit shit shit shit shit!’
‘not know this can’t be happening?!’
(Y/n) began panicking mentally, at the conclusion she might be pregnant. Of all times when they’re in hiding. Eddie turned towards her seeing her panicked expression, “Hey, I promise everything’s going to be alright.” He said, placing a hand on her cheek.
Her heart was telling her to tell him. But her brain was telling her not to. She was a month a month late for her period. Tears brimmed her eyes, “oh doll, what’s going on?” He asked, concerned.
“Eddie, promise you won’t get made promise me you won’t ever leave me?” She asked, and he shook his head.
“Never, I’ll never leave you.” He says, planting a kiss on her lips. Looking down and started fidgeting with her jacket, “I-I think I might be pregnant.” She said, and his heart sank.
Of all times right now. Why? He wasn’t made of course not. They’ve already talked about having a family one day. But now. Why when the whole towns out to get them.
Sobs escaped her lips as she cried into her hands, “I’m scared.” She cried, and Eddie wrapped his arms around her, rocking her back and forth.
“I swear, I’m going to protect you. You two are my top priority. You’ve always have been.” He says, kissing the top of her forehead.
“So, y/n I need you to do theses things for me. If I saw run, run. If I say leave me. Leave me. Okay?” He asked, and he looked down at her, tears streaming down her cheeks.
“But, I can’t lose you.” She cried, and he cupped her cheeks.
“And, I can’t live with a conscious knowing you’ll get hurt.” He says, and she looks down.
“No, buts. I can’t live in a world knowing you got hurt because of me.” He says, and (Y/n) whimpered.
Eddie placed his hand on her stomach, “I love you,” He says, and she smiles.
“I love you too,” She smiles, planting a kiss on his nose.
“Are you serious?! Your pregnant!” Dustin shouted, who was standing in the doorway of the boat shed. In disbelief grocery bags in hand.
(not ready for tomorrow)
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