#eddie x hopper!oc
persage · 2 years
Summary: It's a rainy night when Steve Harrington knocks on your door for help. This time, however, it has nothing to do with the upside down and its monsters but that doesn't make things any easier.
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Steve Harrington x Hopper!Reader
Words Count: 2.5k
Warnings: None, just Steve's shitty parents, some angst with comfort and the breakdown our boy deserves. Hopper!Reader. Let's pretend Hopper never "dies" at the end of season 3. (set between s3/4)
He can see it in the distance, warm and familiar. At every step the Hopper house is closer and you with it. In the dark of the night Steve Harrington needs you like never before. The rain beats quickly against his jacket as he runs fast, regretting not having taken the car and having decided to run away on foot, like an unconscious stupid child. If he lived in a normal city, he might  be afraid of catching a cold or a fever at most, but he lives in Hawkins since and November 6th 1983, the day Will Byers disappeared, he has much more to fear. He knows that rationally nothing has happened for months, that you are theoretically safe, that you have overcome the Russians and the Mind Flayer, but every time something terrible has been thrown at you it has been when you felt the safest. He trembles. He should have at least taken the bat, which he keeps under the bed, but he ran away from that hell of the house without thinking and immediately found himself running to you, like an unstoppable impulse.
To say you've had a hell of a night would be an understatement. His tear soaked face is red and puffed, his hair disheveled and even if he's been running he's cold, lips chapped and he just wanna stop moving and sleep. It seems like an eternity goes by before reaching the familiar doorstep. Though the hour, he knocks at the door and it doesn't even occur to him that the Chief Hopper can open it in your place. Also he is ashemed of being seen this way by you,  but by your dad ... It would much more embarrassing.
Luckily what he sees after a few minutes and a few reminders is your sleepy and confused face.
"Steve? What's wrong?" You ask as you open the door. You haven't looked at him well yet, not enough to realize he just cried, you rub your eyes to wipe out sleep, your hair is unkempt, the pajama you are wearing is turned upside down and you seem to have the pillow still glued to your face . Guilt grips Steve's heart.
I shouldn't have come. He thinks. He needs to go away, is nothing important.
Sorry y/n, it is nothing, I'm going home. But what comes out of his lips is something else. "Can I stay here, tonight?" He asks, his voice trembling. Idiot Steve.
Your brows knit together with concern as you let the door open fully. "Of course. My dad is working late so it's just us. What happened?" You look him up and down, resting yout hand on his chest once the door is shut. You finally notice his eyes swollen with tears, despite the rain you can clearly distinguish his tears. Something between his chest and stomach tightens. A lump rises in your throat.
You never saw Steve cry, not when Billy beat him, not when Nancy left him, not when he was tortured by the Russians. Something very serious must have happened and you are afraid to know it, because the person in front of you, even if he does not know it, is the human  you care about most in the world. The same one you were willing to die for so many times. When you stood between him and Billy, when you stood by his side in the tunnels, when you offered to take his place during the you never managed to stop him from hurting himself.
And now, again, something has already happened to him and you are here, helpless. You can only listen to him.
"I.. I shouldn't... I didn't know and... I just. It's raining." He avoids eye contact as his voice shakes as well as his hands. You grab them, squeezing them with both of yours. They are cold and wet. "You're all wet Stevie, you're gonna catch a cold." You say in the sweetest tone. He lets out a soft sigh. "I'm sorry I shouldn't have come".
"No, no don't say that. We're gonna get you into some dry clothes and get that cut cleaned up, alright?" You rub your thumb over his cheek, pulling it away to show the trail of crimson liquid. Steve haven't even noticed he was hurt, he is just so used to it.
Even if you are shorter then him, you awkwardly try to put an arm around his shoulders to warm him. Steve lets out a little laugh and you let an arm slide along his side and bring him closer to you as if you need him to have both hands on him in fear that if you let go, he'll fall completely apart.
You walk him to your room signing him to be quiet for El who is sleeping in the near room. You pick out a red sweatshirt that he lent you once and you never gave him back and some unlikely basketball shorts that must have belonged to your dad when he was young  and they certainly won't fit him well but as they are but it's your best option. Steve doesn't know how to describe the feeling while he hold the clothes in his arms waiting for you to leave him, it is just that they make him feel safe. They have your scent.
"You change and I'll get some stuff to clean the cut, yeah?" You say, gently caressing his face and regretting it a second later. Sometimes your releshionship confuses you: he's not your boyfriend, not even near to be, but you are way more tan friends. And he ran to you. In the moment of need he ran to you, it must mean something. But on the other hand then there's Robin ans this symbiotic relationship that she and Steve share that you don't understand and it scares you, also because she's awesome in so many ways and you really really like her. You don't wanna be jealous, you just  can't help it.
Steve nods and watches you leave hesitantly. He knows he must have scared you, showing up out of nowhere, late at night, and he knows you must have understood something is very wrong. Steve feels weak near you, like he doesn't need to hide his fears anymore, like he can finally break down and that's what worries him the most. He doesn't want to be a burden and he doesn't want you to change your mind about him. When you return Steve is sitting shyly on your bed, twiddling with his fingers.
"Alright, here we go." You state, walking back into the room with hands full of band-aids, gauze, hydrogen peroxide
"What happened Stevie?" You ask sitting beside him, so close you can feel his still cold skin against yours.
He takes a deep breath and remains silent.
"I am ready to challenge my father's wrath and let you stay tonight and you know he will kill me for it but you must confide in me, please. You can trust me." You continue while with dedication you cleanse his cheek of stale blood.
"I hit a mirror. And I broke it." He explains in a low voice, finally finding the courage to look into your eyes.
"Yeah" You hold stare back at him, his eyes full of shame, fear, a broken heart. "And how did you hit a mirror with your pretty face Steve? "
He clears his throat to stop the trembling of his voice. "I had a fight with my father"
When will you grow up?
When will you work for real?
You make me regret having you, stupid boy.
You're useless
You're a shame for the Harrington name.
" He ... He found out that I'm not going to leave Family Video soon and ... He freaked out. You know my, my cousin Trent  has just graduated he'll have to take care of the family business and I... I'm just too stupid for this shit."
"What did he do to you?" You struggle to control the anger in your voice and squeeze the gauze  too tightly. This time it's Steve grabbing yours hands to calm you down.
"He didn't do anything to me. He didn't beat me Y/N if that's what you are thinking, he never did and he never would"
"But you hit a mirror" Your voice holds pieces of breaking heart and anger.
"He pushed me, I slipped. I swear to you"
"It's not that better anyway. He pushed you, he makes you feel stupid, he... Doesn't even try to understand you Steve. This is not fair, you deserve better" Your voice goes up an octave, you just want to scream at Steve's parents, to make them see how wonderful thier son is. You always knew that his family never protected, loved or valued Steve as he deserves but seeing him in this state annihilates you.
" You're the only one who thinks that y/N. Sometimes I've got the feeling that you don't actually see me for who I am" Steve chuckles, but behind that sound there is nothing happy, just a lot of loneliness. "Steve we all believe you deserve the world. Robin, Dustin, the kids. Me. I've seen you fight monsters, Russians, I've seen you save everyone. I know you, I've seen you take care of Dustin and the others and be the most generous and courageous person in the world. You don't want to run a company, and that's okay so it doesn't make you any less important, less strong or valuable. Please, please believe me "
"I can't" He murmors voice breaking. He brings his hands to his face to calm down. He feels like crying.
"I can't y/n" You hang your head slightly with disappointment, while caressing his soft hair.
"He kicked me out of the house." He adds, whispering.
His chin wrinkles, his eyes burn ready for tears to start streaming as your heart falls with his.
His pain is yours.
You no longer care about keeping appearances and distances. You throw yourself on Steve stepping him in the tightest of hugs, tying your arms around his neck and resting your head on his, kissing his hair while Steve Harrington lets himself go against your chest, collapsing into a cry that has been held back for years. He cries for Barb, for Nancy, for himself and the little boy he was. He cries for the blows he took, for the mistakes he made, for Jonathan with whom he was an asshole, for the mistakes he has not forgiven himself. For high school Robin. For the Russians, for Billy and Max, poor little Max. He cries because the weight of the world is on his shoulders and he is not even able to be a worthy son, to be strong and now he throws it all on you. He cries for you, because he knows that now he can do nothing to keep you away from him, to give you better. You love him, otherwise you would have already kicked him out, you would see his flaws. Like his father you would find him useless.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." He whispers against your body, sobbing his heart out.
"No, no, no don't be. Ever.
We'll find a solution I swear my Dad will help us"
"I don't want ... I don't want Chief Hopper to get in the way ... I don't want ..."
"Steve my father adores you and is grateful to you and will be happy to help you. You have saved my life a thousand times. You save me every day to be fair"
You move away wiping his tears with your thumb, looking at him with admiration, as if he were the most precious thing on earth. Steve lets himself be lulled into this unknown sensation. "We will talk about it tomorrow with my father and we will solve everything"
"Yeah." He agrees softly. "I don't know what I'd do without you y/n. Thank you"
"Don't ." Your voice is soft but scratchy. "Don't ever thank me for this Harrington. This is what we do. We're there for each other, no matter what."
He nods once as you hold his head in your hands
"And listen to me, please. You are worth, you are precious and you deserve the world"
"It's you, you are precious" he leans to you, his forehead now touching yours.
Your voice shakes "You are loved" You murmor as you help him lay down on your bed, arms wrapped around him, hugging him tightly. "Now sleep, you need it Stevie boy"
"If your father finds us like this he'll kills us"
"Oh Harrington I'd be ready to die for a night with you"
You answer ironically. Or maybe not.
"I left him a note on the door. He'll know you're here and you need us." You continue.
"Yes Steve"
"You are loved too."
He smiles while closing his eyes,  letting himself go to the peace you give him. He loves you, he really does.
You make him feel better even if he still has a dad outside who hates him and a mother who can't stand up for him and even if his problems are not gonna disappear this night, for a few hours with your breath against his skin and your hands on him the seem to weight less on his shoulders and he he feels a little less useless and unworthy. You're his saving grace and the light of his life and maybe one day he will be able to tell properly.
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Eddie Munson x MKUltra!Reader: Something About Us
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I wanted to write something for MKUltra!Experiment! Reader in an attempt to make a more non binary option for readers.
The storyline was inspired by Interstella 5555, which is a visual companion to Daft Punk’s Discovery album. The scene is from “Something About Us”, which I highly recommend watching for the visual effects and story. I believe Interstella itself is available to watch free on YouTube these days.
I’d like to explore more of this character in the future, so let me know if you’d like to see more of the storyline I have in mind.
Trigger Warnings: Main character death, blood, spoilers for Season 4
This time… he didn’t run away…
And you tried to help…
What a fool…
You approached slowly, exhausted. Limping from the pain of battle and just as chewed up as the love of your life was. It didn’t look good for him: flattened on the ground, bleeding from the mouth and monster-made orifices.
Dustin looked at you, tears in his eyes as Eddie, his friend, the one he saw as a brother, told him weakly that he loved him.
“Thirteen…” Dustin whispered, “He… He isn’t going to make it… Do something.”
I know… you thought bitterly. Neither am I.
At the end of the day, you knew you weren’t your “sister”. You wanted to help, but what good was your power when all it could do was show rather than do.
You gently but firmly pushed Dustin Henderson aside, reaching out to stroke his chubby cheek. A wet streak of sanguine ran down the pale baby fat, marked by your shaking fingers.
You had a mission. One last declaration to make that you were saving for Eddie.
Eddie Munson coughed. Dribbles of wine colored life running down the corners of his mouth as your beloved looked at you through wet, dark eyes.
“Baby…” he whispered, calling the name he’d given you.
To everyone else, you were Thirteen. A connection to their Eleven. In their eyes, a replacement.
But to Eddie… you were more than that.
I know, Eddie… don’t talk…
You took his hands in yours, resting your forehead against his. This was what you’d come here for. Dragged yourself with the last of your strength, sheer force of mind propelling you forward and to his side. Even though the demobats had taken chunks, you kept going. Pressing on with one mission:
You wanted to make the Pictures for him. Just one last time.
And he knew.
“Pi… pic…”
A bloody finger pressed to his lips.
Shhh… don’t talk. Just let me show you…
You leaned in closer, sharing the last of his breath, closing your eyes. Focusing the last spark of energy. Manipulating the pictures that vividly danced across your imagination. It had taken time. Had taken expertise and five long years to hone.
But Eddie had fine tuned it. His words and beautiful way with linguistics had inspired your imagination, and with his weaving of words you learned to make your own Pictures. No longer were you a surveillance camera forced to document everything and see horrors beyond recognition. You were no longer Papa’s camcorder. You could make your own worlds, your own Pictures of beauty and magic to chase away the dark.
And you wanted to show this beauty to Eddie. Your beloved. Your savior. Just as he’d shown it to you, one on one, playing dice games on the worn out coffee table of the Munson trailer.
Your castle…
You pressed his cold hands to your forehead, eyes opening, irises milky white.
Instead of the Upside Down, your Pictures washed over the landscape, with his touch you showed him how your surroundings in your mind were an elven paradise. No longer twisted, dark blue, or deadly poison. Instead you showed him Pictures of Greyhawk, the worlds he’d described to you from the depths of his vivid dream-like imagination. You used your Pictures to show him grassland dales, the City of Splendors, rivulets of starlight that marked the Astral Plane, dragons soaring through the clouds with red leathery wings cutting through the soft fluff of white against a blue sky…
One last visual burst of color, one last moment of respite to show him that you loved him. You would always love him.
Just one last moment of happiness before the end came to take the both of you.
You hoped he saw it… before he hissed out one final breath, and before your eyes closed forever…
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Hold the Line pt 6.
They set up the basement into a battle station. Eddie hasn't left her side. He's been murmering sentiments the entire time she's discussed her thoughts. Her headache is brewing and she can't even see the light anymore.
"Alright I think that's enough for today." Steve crosses the room and wraps an arm around her. "Time for a break."
"Oh yeah? What kind of break?"
Eddie gets a wicked grin on his face. "Arcade."
There's shouts of agreement until Lydia says "Bowling?" The room erupts in cheers.
"Good idea munchkin." He sends a sweet smile her way. "Well you heard our time traveler! To the vehicles!" The kids start whooping while running outside.
"He's really great isn't he?" Lydia watches as Eddie bowls a perfect strike but falls over his feet as he does it. He falls down but lifts his head to look at Steve and Lydia. He gives them a small wave smiling bashfully.
"Yeah he is." Steve says it with a dumb smile on his face. His voice sounds like pure sugar.
"Oh my god! You like him!" Lydia grabs his arms excitedly.
"No!" Steve tries to deny. "I just- think he's neat."
Lydia's face is deadpanned. "Sure pal."
"Oh god!" Steve drags his hands over his face. "You hate me don't you. I'm hitting on your dad. Oh that sounds so gross. I just- I mean- look at him!" He points at Eddie. Eddie currently has nacho cheese around his face and is making weird noises at Dustin.
"He's a loser." Lydia states.
"Yeah~" Steve has a stupid smile on his face.
"God this is amazing. I thought this would end worse."
Lydia looks at him with an inquisitive stare. "Can I talk to you alone?"
"Um well-"
They walk over to the bathrooms, Lydia pulls him into a family stall and they sit on the horribly patterned tile.
"Oh man I have had one of these kind of talks in awhile." Steve stated. Stretching his arms above his head.
"Well Rob and I-"
"My Aunt Robin?"
"Yeah- hey why do you call her Aunt? Is everyone an aunt or an uncle? What do you call me?"
Lydia starts to tear up a little.
"I call you dad."
Steve turns a bit pale. "What?" He asks. He sounds almost hopeful.
Lydia hides behind her knees, tucked in so tight she looks like a ball. "That's what I had to talk to you about...I'm your daughter."
His breath hitches.
"We're not getting anywhere with this let me explain. I'm your biological daughter." Her head snaps up, gaze sharp. "I was born out of love, that's what you'd tell me. You wanted a family so bad you made your own. You, me,...Eddie"
"Oh my god."
"...yeah...and Robin technically. It was insane that she carried me for 9 months and then her and Nancy raised me."
"Well they didn't get together until after..."
"After what?"
"After...you died."
"Oh. So it's me then."
"Yeah. I'd do anything for you you know?"
Steve grabs her arms, pulling her into him. She's snuffling into his shoulder.
"How old w-"
"I was five."
"You...grew up without me. I missed it all. I missed your wedding oh my god."
"Hey...so did I." She shrugs and Steve shoves her a little.
"Quit it."
"Well it's true! Plus I know it's not your fault. It's what had to be done. I...I know you loved me."
Steve can't stop the tears streaming from his face. "It'll be different now. I won't leave you. Ever again."
They stay bundled together for awhile until there's a knock on the door. Eddie peeks his head in.
"You guys ok? The kids are ready to leave."
"Yeah, yeah." Lydia pushes herself up and walks past Eddie. "Let's go."
Eddie peers at Steve on the floor a confused wrinkle between his eyebrows. "You ok Harrington?"
Steve looks like he's glowing. "Yeah." His smile is so bright. When Eddie turns to leave he shouts at him. "So, me and you huh?"
Eddie freezes and pivots around again to face him. He matches his look with a glowing smile of his own. "Yeah...me and you sweetheart."
AN: the streak continues!
Please interact with his post! :)
We're getting to the good stuff but I'm so tired I wrote a little more fluff into a short chapter.
Tag: @tinyplanet95 @bookworm0690 @jaytriesstrangerthings
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harringtonstilinski · 5 months
Always The Babysitter - Chapter Twenty-Six: The Hellfire Club
Author: @harringtonstilinski​ Characters: Steve Harrington x Olivia Henderson(OC) Word Count: 3,303 Warnings: tooth-rotting fluff Smut: no | yes; A/N: Hi, friends! I can't believe we're on the last season!! Buckle up, friends, 'cause it's a lot this season!! If you like this chapter, please do not hesitate to reblog and give some feedback, whether it be in the reblogs, comments, or my inbox. As always, read at your own risk and enjoy 😊
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The phone ringing startled me awake as I sat up straight in the bed. Looking at the clock, I tried to count three hours backward from the time shown, slightly struggling before jumping to my feet and rushing to the phone, answering with a groggy and breathless, “Hello?”
“Can I read this to you?”
I sighed at the sound of El’s voice before answering, “Of course, sweetie.”
She always read me her letters that she wrote to Mike, asking for my advice on whether or not it sounded good enough. “Okay. Here it goes. ‘Dear Mike, today is day 185. Feels more like 10 years. Joyce says time is funny like that. Emotions can make it speed up or slow down. We are all time travelers if you think about it. For example, this week is going very fast. I think because I am so busy. I have to make something called a visual aid. I hope Mrs. Gracey will give me an A. Some exciting news; Joyce got an amazing new job. She gets to work at home. She says she loves the freedom. Will is painting a lot, but he-he won’t show me what he’s working on. M-maybe it is for a girl. I think there is someone he likes. Because he has been acting… weird. Jonathan is acting weird, also. I think he is just nervous about college. He is still waiting for his big letter. I hope he and Nancy get to go together. But I don’t know how he’ll ever get to college because his car is still broken down. His funny friend Argyle has been taking us to school. His hair is longer than mine. And he and Jonthan like to smoke smelly plants together. Jonathan says the plants are super safe because they come from the Earth, but to not tell Joyce. Me? I’m twice as happy now. You were right. It just takes time. I think I have finally adapted. At first, I missed all the spring flowers, but now I find it pretty here, too. I even like school now. I am still best at math, but my grammar is good now also. Thanks in part to Olivia back home. It helps that everyone is so nice here. I have made lots of friends. Even so, I am ready for Spring Break, mostly because I get to see you. I am so excited to see you, it is hard to breathe. Are you excited, too? I think you will love it here like me. I think we will have the best Spring Break ever. I hope my spelling was better this time. Miss you. Love, El.’”
She breathed deep on her end of the phone, silently asking me what I thought. Taking a drag from my cigarette, which I rarely ever do, I nodded my head before saying, “It’s good! But the part about friends? I’m not sure that should be in there.” El’s kept her word on telling me every detail when she calls me. This bitch Angela bullies her to no end, and it pisses me off to the point where I want to get in my car and drive to California to beat the shit out of this girl… but I can’t since she’s a minor and I’m 19 years old. “Maybe just tell him the truth?” I took another drag, holding it for a moment as I said, “The truth–” I blew the smoke from my lungs. “Is a lot better than having to cover up your lies in front of him when he’s there in a couple days.”
“Livvie! Are you smoking again?” Mom hollered.
“Shit,” I whispered, dabbing my cigarette.
“Steve will be here soon!”
Holding the mouthpiece of the phone, I hollered back, “Okay!” Sighing and shaking my head, I removed my hand, saying into the mouthpiece. “Listen, get ready for school, do the finishing touches for your visual aid that I know you’re gonna kick ass on, and have a good day at school, okay? I’m sorry this phone call is short.”
“It’s okay,” El said. “Can I call you tonight?”
“I’ll be at Steve’s, but sure,” I smiled. “You can call.”
“Okay. Argyle is here. I finished my visual aid before I called you.”
“Okay, sweetie. Have a good day at school.” “I will. Bye, Olivia.”
“Bye, El.” I hung up the phone, yawning after I did so. Going into the kitchen, I made myself a cup of coffee, adding my sugar and cream into it before taking a sip and walking back into my room.
No, Steve’s parents didn’t come home last night. Dustin needed help with something for school, so I told him I’d come for the night to help him. My plan was to go back to Steve’s, but I ended up falling asleep on Dustin’s bed, him waking me up to kick me out of his room. As I entered my own room, my phone was ringing, so I walked to it, picking up the receiver, answering with, “Can’t I just enjoy a cup of coffee this morning?”
“Good morning to you, too,” Steve said.
Sighing, I said, “Oh. Morning, baby.”
“Hey, listen. I’m gonna leave here in a few minutes to come get you and then pick up Robin, okay? So, be ready this time.”
I chuckled. Last time he had to come get me from my house I wasn’t ready for work. He and I had had… a night and I was super tired the next day, so I didn’t wake up with my alarm. We were late for work and Robin was late to school that day.
“Okay, I’ll be ready.”
“Promise! I love you.”
“I love you, too.”
I hung up the phone, taking another sip of my coffee while looking at my closet door. I set my mug down, walking towards the door when I heard a knock on my bedroom door. “What?”
“Liv, I need you to stall Mom,” Dustin said.
“And why, pray tell, do I need to do that?” I asked, turning to look at him with my arms crossed.
“I’m talking to Suzie and I need you to not tell her what’s going on behind my door.”
Scrunching my face in disgust, I said, “Dustin, I don’t need to hear you two have radio sex.”
“We’re not! It’s something about school,” he exclaimed.
Sighing, I said, “Fine. Whatever. But you owe me.”
“Thank you!” he said, running back across the hall to his room, sliding his door closed.
I turned back to my closet, finally able to go into it to pick my outfit for the day; a graphic tee, comfortable but tight-fitted jeans and my Converse. I’ve been working with Steve and Robin at Family Video since October and I have to say I quite enjoy it. Not the whoring out my boyfriend part, but everything else about the job, aside from Keith, is awesome!
Once I was dressed, I heard talking on Dustin’s Cerebro, that he somehow installed in the house, so I poked my head in to see what was going on.
“That’s a negative, Dusty-bun,” Suzie said.
“Son of a bitch,” Dustin said, pressing a button on his radio. “Try tigers86.”
“Tigers86, copy that.”
“What the fuck are you doing?” I asked, walking into his room, sliding his door to a crack.
“Liv, not now,” Dustin said. 
I sighed, “Alright. Oh! I can’t pick you up tonight. Steve and I are going to the game and then I’m going back to his house.”
“Fine, whatever,” he said, going back to his radio.
“Jiminy Crickets, Dusty,” Suzie said. “I’m in.”
“Holy shit,” he said.
“Wait, is she… is she hacking into the school system?” I asked.
Dustin and I jumped at the sound of hearing pounding on his door, Mom’s voice ringing on the other side, “Dusty, what’s going on in there? You’re gonna be late.”
Mom went to open the door just as Dustin shouted, “Don’t come in! I’m naked!”
She shut the door before saying, “Oh, Livvie! Steve’s here!”
I said, “Shit!” at the same time Dustin said into his radio’s mouthpiece, “Running out of time here!”
I walked out of his room as I heard Suzie tell him to hold on. Walking past Mom in the hallway, she told me to grab a slice of toast on my way out, which I told her I would, grabbing it and a banana before rushing out of the house, hearing Steve honk his horn. “Alright, Harrington! I’m coming!”
Opening the passenger side door, I tossed the banana at him, my piece of toast hanging between my teeth. As I buckled my seatbelt, he backed up out of our driveway and started towards Robin’s house before he sighed out and said, “Good morning, Henderson.” “Harrington,” I said, muffled through a bite of toast. I shook my head while taking the toast from between my teeth, saying, “Ew. No.”
He chuckled, handing the banana back to me. “You’re lucky I let you eat in my car.”
“At least I brush the crumbs off my legs when I get out of the car.” I finished my toast by the time we got to Robin’s house. Getting out of the car, I brushed the crumbs off my jeans, turning to go back in the passenger seat when Robin called out, “I need the front, Henderson!”
When I turned to face her, she shoved her shako into my hands, the yellow and white plume sticking out of the top. Yes, I know marching band lingo, shut up.
As we started driving, Steve was telling her about our date we had the other day when we had the day off. “And then we went to Enzo’s and had an amazing dinner–”
Leaning between the seats, I interrupted, “I literally thought he was going to propose, it was so freaking romantic.”
“And then we went back home and watched a movie–”
“Cuddling on the couch before I fell asleep to the movie.”
“What, no sex?” Robin asked.
Chuckling, I said, “No. Not that night. The next morning, however…”
“You asked!” I exclaimed.
“Liv, I’m not fully awake yet. It is 7:00 in the morning, we have this stupid pep rally, and I woke up looking like a total corpse.” She pulled her face back after fluffing her hair a little bit.
“Oh, you’re worried about a basketball pep rally?” Steve asked. “You expect me to believe that?”
“Newsflash, Steve, you were in the pep rallies, remember?” I said, poking his cheek.
“Yeah? So?” Robin said. 
“We all know what this is about,” I said, looking at her profile. “He’s not buying any bullshit. This is about Vickie.” I smiled at her as she turned her head to look at me. “Absolutely not.”
“Yes, it is, and you know what else I think?” Steve said.
“I don’t care–”
“I think you gotta stop pretending to be someone else when you’re around her.”
“You just gotta be yourself, love,” I said.
“You’re both quoting me to me, you do realize that right?” Robin said.
“Well, maybe you need to listen to yourself,” Steve said. “Ever think about that, smartypants? I mean, I listened. Look at me. Boom. Back in business.”
Looking at him, I deadpanned, “You’ve been in business, Steve. For over a year!”
“It’s not the same thing,” Robin said. “And Liv’s right.”
“Plus, when you asked out girls, they all said no,” I said. “Big deal. Nothing happened, other than your ego getting bruised–”
“I ask out the wrong girl, and bam, I’m a town pariah,” Robin added. 
“Yeah, I’d buy that, except Vickie is definitely not the wrong girl,” Steve said.
“We just don’t know that, do we?”
“She returned Fast Times paused at 53 minutes, 5 seconds. Do you know who pauses Fast Times at 53 minutes, 5 seconds?”
“Oh, my god,” I breathed. “People who like boobies, Robin!”
“Ew, don’t say boobies!” she said.
“I like boobies, Steve definitely likes boobies, you like boobies! Vickie definitely likes boobies,” I said.
“Wait, you like boobs?” they both asked.
“We’re not talking about me.”
We got to the high school, Robin and I getting out before I handed her her shako hat for the pep rally. We hugged before she ran off with her friends, chatting and walking them as she met up with them.
“Were we like this?” I asked, leaning over a little bit.
“Yup,” Steve said. 
I looked at him, our eyes meeting. I smiled as he leaned in closer, our lips meeting for a second before I heard kids through the opened windows saying, “Get a room, Harrington!”
We pulled apart as I groaned, resting my forehead on his shoulder. “Get me off this campus before I beat the shit out of these sophomores.”
He chuckled, driving off to our day job that helps with the bills… metaphorically speaking.
I was standing with Steve on our side of the counter when the phone rang, and because I was standing by the phone, I turned around and picked it up, answering it with “Family Video, this is Olivia speaking. How can I help you today?”
“Liv, I need you tonight for Hellfire.”
Chuckling, I said, “No way, Dustin. Not tonight.”
“What?! Come on!”
“I don’t even know how to play! Plus, I’ve got a date with Steve tonight.” I turned my head over my shoulder, watching Steve help out a female customer. 
“Just move your date this one time! Come on.”
“What, to hang out with you and Eddie? I’ll pass this time.”
“What about Steve?”
“Negatory, little brother.”
“He’s just jealous because I have another older male friend.” 
I heard the smug little smile on his stupid little face. “Yeah, I don’t think he feels the same. Besides, Steve and I really dig each other. I think that he could… well, I know he’s the one.” I watched as some girls walked into the store. “Oh, I got– well, Steve has customers. I’ll call you back.” I hung up the phone, faintly hearing Dustin say that he’s at school.
Turning my head over my shoulder, I whispered, “You're on, babe.”
Once we were done with our shift, Steve and I went to grab a bite to eat before heading to the basketball game. I said hey to Nancy as we walked in and gave a small wave to Lucas with a thumbs up. He slightly smiled back at me, going back to his warm ups.
After Steve and I found a spot in the bleachers, I turned into him after he put his arm around my shoulders once we sat down. I looked up at him, asking, “Baby, would it bother you if we won this game after we’ve graduated?”
“Interesting point,” he said. “Thanks for bringing that up, babe.”
I chuckled, wrapping my arms around his middle while still looking at him. He looked down at me, giving me a chaste kiss on my lips. “I love you.”
“I love you, too,” he said, a smile ever present on his face.
The principal came up to the microphone that was in the middle of the gym, asking, “Everyone now please rise for our national anthem.” You could hear everyone standing, collectively. “Singing for us tonight, we have a very special guest. All the way from Nashville, our very own Tammy Thompson!”
I clapped while looking confused at Steve as he looked over at Robin, a confused look on his face as well. Tammy started singing, the microphone giving feedback as she did.
“Told you,” Steve whispered. “Muppet.”
“Oh, my god,” I whispered, trying to hold back my laugh at either Steve calling her a muppet or her singing, I couldn’t decide. Maybe a little bit of both.
“Okay, she does sound like a Muppet,” Robin whispered.
“Oh, my god, totally,” I heard Vickie agree. “She sounds like Kermit.”
“I was thinking it was more like Miss Piggy.”
I snorted, turning my head into Steve’s shoulder, his hand coming up to rest on cheek from my shoulder.
When the game started, we got two baskets right off the rip. I honestly didn’t get basketball, I just knew the basics from what Steve had tried to explain to me over the years. But everytime he got to what he thinks is interesting stuff, I would always fall asleep. 
I swear I was getting whiplash just watching the boys run up and down the gym, shooting baskets, colliding with one another, almost getting into fights with other team and the ref.
Seeing movement from the corner of my eye, I looked in Lucas’ direction, seeing him running onto the court. “Oh, my god. He’s putting Lucas in. He’s putting Lucas in!” I exclaimed, jumping in my seat, happy that one of my kids is actually playing.
I knew three of them were on school grounds with Hellfire, so I wasn’t worried about them. I wasn’t worried about Lucas either, moreso happy for him that he’s finally getting to play.
Steve was enthusiastic as ever, standing and shouting at our players to shoot the ball, to pass it, to not travel with the ball. I swear to god, seeing him in this element turned me on like no freaking other.
Steve and I were standing, the ball being passed and dribbled around before he said, “Shoot it!” as one of our players got the ball, making the basket.
A few more points in and Jason, the captain, called a timeout. The team huddled together as the drumline started to play a cadence. I secretly did band throughout middle school and freshman year of high school. I quit once Steve became King, not wanting him to be associated with a “nerd.”
Once the game continued, Jason got the ball, and from what I heard from Dustin, Jason’s a cocky motherfucker who thinks he's the top dog of the high school just because he’s King. No one will ever meet up to Steve as King.
Jason shot the ball, not making the basket at all. Ha ha! That’s what he gets. Lucas grabbed the ball as it bounced off the rim, breaking out of the huddle to run a few feet from the basket, turning around to make the shot as the buzzer went off.
You could hear everyone collectively stand again as the ball flew through the air. I could feel Steve behind me as we watched the ball bounce off the rim to the backboard and into the basket, giving us the Championship win!
Steve and I jumped, excited for Lucas and excited for the win. He wrapped me in his arms, giving me a kiss on the lips as the players and cheerleaders ran over to Lucas, chanting his name.
We had waited outside for the team to come out after hitting the showers, Lucas spotting us right away.
“Oh, my god,” I exclaimed, giving him a big hug. “Congratulations!” 
“Thanks, Liv,” he said. When we pulled apart, he kept his hands on my shoulders. “Thanks for coming.”
“Of course!” I said. “I wouldn’t miss my little brother playing for the world!”
He smiled before looking at Steve, giving his thanks to him as well. Jason and his small crew came out, calling Lucas over to them. He walked with them as Steve and I started our own journey to his car. 
I stopped him as I watched Dustin and the rest of Hellfire walk out of the school. He spotted me, raising his hands in the air. “Liv!” Dustin shouted. “We won!”
Giving him a smile, I raised my thumbs out to him, letting him know I was proud of him.
Steve and I went home that night and celebrated with a movie and popcorn, clothing optional.
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A/N 2:  hi, friends! pls be kind and reblog! it really helps us content creators out <3
Additional Note:
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Forever / Everything Taglist: @stiles-o-dylan24​​ @stixnstripesworld​ @fandom-princess-forevermore​​​ @quanticobae​​​ @mischiefandi​​​ @kellyashcroft @lauren-novak​​​​
Steve Harrington Taglist: @madaboutjoe
If you’re tagged and didn’t want to be, please let me know.
*Please don’t post my writing anywhere else without my consent. The author of this work will always and forever be @harringtonstilinski​.
All characters, story lines, and plot aside from y/n and her storyline & plot, are all of the work of The Duffer Brothers.
*These works contain material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited.
No part of these works may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the author / publisher.
Posted on April 22, 2024
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sweetblinginrose · 6 months
𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭,
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symbols and meanings:
★ series ♥︎ smut ꥟ oneshot ༄ fluff  angst
✿ x reader ☾ x fem!reader 𒊹︎ x OC 𖣯 x masc!reader
═══════ ≫ ♡ ≪ ════════
billy hargrove
★ ♥︎  𒊹︎ sweet chestnut ︎
(“Sweet Chestnut” is an ongoing series about Samantha, Billy’s stepsister, who she really doesn’t get along with. It’s basically an enemies-to-lovers story)
eddie munson
♥︎ ꥟  ☾ the sith order
♥︎ ꥟  ☾ the sith order pt2
(A OS consisting of two parts where you, with your own D&D group, face off against Eddie, whom you secretly love but also hate)
♥︎ ꥟  ✿ hospital
(Eddie is in the hospital because he messed up his hands, one of which is in a cast, so you have to help him with almost everything)
jonathan byers
♥︎ ꥟ ☾ photoshoot
(Jonathan’s first job in California turns out to be a photographer for a porn actress)
steve harrington
♥︎ ꥟  ☾ spoiled daddy’s girl!
(It’s about your life when you were dating Steve and your return to the town as a very lesbian girl, hooking up with Robin)
robin buckley
♥︎ ꥟  ☾ spoiled daddy’s girl!
(It’s about your life when you were dating Steve and your return to the town as a very lesbian girl, hooking up with Robin)
jim hopper
♥︎ ꥟  ☾ back to hawkins
(You return to Hawkins after your divorce, where you encounter your old ‘boyfriend’ Hopper and end up sleeping with him)
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robinbuckleysfringe · 6 months
"there's no place like hawkins" masterlist
-a steve harrington x oc fic-
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"That's the beauty of Hawkins... we're always in mortal danger."
follow catherine henderson as she juggles with falling in love with her ex bestfriend, babysitting her younger brother's group of friends and finding out the truth to her father's death. oh, and she has to fight inter-dimensional monsters, too.
warnings: canon type violence, death, injuries, blood, throwing up, smoking, implied e.d
the implied e.d is mostly mentioned during the events of season 1 (and maybe a little bit during season 2?? I can't fully remember). I am in the process of editing it out, so if this is something that could trigger you, then I would advise greatly to please not read until I've uploaded the fic onto here xxx
any warnings that I've missed, please let me know
new chapters posted every other friday :)
• read the full story on wattpad here :)
• season one:
one | two | three | four
• season two (coming soon!)
• season three (coming soon!)
• season four (coming soon!)
21 notes · View notes
rcsewcrld · 11 months
the daughter of a cop
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steve harrington x hopper!oc childhood best friends to lovers, slow burn.
a multi-chapter, full length fanfic, following seasons 2 - 4, with valerie hopper integrated into them!
COMING SOON!! - this weekend??
47 notes · View notes
*Eddie after meeting El for the first time*
Eddie: So does this mean Suzie is real too?
Lucy: Yah.
Eddie: *realizing Dustin and Mike both had girlfriends before he did*
Eddie: Well fuck me I guess.
168 notes · View notes
complicatedchelsea · 10 months
Fallen Through Time For You
Chapter Fifteen: A New Normal
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(Sydney's POV)
A dull beeping sound was the first thing I was aware of when I was dragged back into my body and away from the comforting darkness. I kept my eyes closed, trying to keep stock of everything around me and try to make sense of the murkiness of my thoughts. 
Jason dragging me into the alley.
The sirens.
The sight of a blurry Eddie above me, panic and rage hitting me like a freight train.
The nurses taking pictures of me while I cried out as they reset my wrist. The pinch of needle and then no more pain, just swimming in a feeling of numbness.
Opening my eyes to see Eddie staring down at me, tears running down his beautiful face. 
Did I hear Wayne?
So Joyce had actually found me, that wasn’t Jason coming back to finish the job. Will must have reached her in time and someone must have called an ambulance. I didn’t remember getting to the hospital, but I remember the feeling of needing to see Eddie and when he appeared above me, it was as if I had taken my first deep breath since Jason had first struck me. He had looked so sad, so anxious and those feelings in my chest had exploded. 
Oh god. He must have felt all that fear. That’s why he was so angry. 
The hospital bed was more comfortable than the ones I had previously found myself in from a different life. There was a blanket pulled up to my chest, my body feeling cold underneath. I stretched my legs out carefully and tried to wiggle my hands carefully to bring the feeling back, but I stopped when I realized something was wrapped around both of mine. I guess the thicker, scratcher material was the cast, but my other hand was being held by someone else. 
That was enough for me to fight against the weight holding down my eyelids, wanting to see him. See how he was doing. I can’t imagine what he must have felt in that moment, what my fear must have done to him. 
I blinked a few times to clear my eyes before the sight next to me became clear. Hopper was sleeping in a chair to my right, head tilted back and his hat covering his face. He was still in his uniform meaning that he must have been there for a while. 
Eddie’s curls entered my vision next, them laying in a frizzy heap around his face. His one hand was holding mine, the other grasping onto the sleeve of my gown as if I might have slipped away from him during the night. His face was smooth and less red than I remember seeing it the night before, all signs of crying gone. 
I shifted a little bit onto my side, pain tweaking down my chest that I chose to ignore to get closer to my boy. I tightened my grip on his hand enough that it grounded me, but not enough that I wanted to wake him from what I’m assuming was his uneventful rest. But fate decided for me as his face twisted and his nose slightly scrunched up. It took him a second to open his eyes and once they made contact with mine, I got the pleasure of watching clarity bleed into his muddy eyes. 
“Sweetheart?” He asked me quietly as he gazed back at me. “Are you awake?”
I nodded, not trusting my voice after all the screaming that I did the night before. I tried to move towards him, but my face scrunched up in pain and that was all it took for him to shuffle more towards me on the bed. The one hand that was grasping my sleeve moved to rest against my cheek, his thumb sweeping back and forth in space. 
His beautiful eyes welled with tears and his grip tightened on my hand as he let out an unsteady breath. Before he could open his mouth, I stopped him with a shake of my head. 
“It’s not your fault,” I whispered to him. “Don’t apologize.”
“But,” His bottom lip wobbled and my heart broke. “If I would have been there-”
“He would have killed you, baby.” I said as I ran my thumb along his knuckles. “I’m not sorry for you being safe.”
“But it’s my job to protect you.” He argued back. “What does that say about me?”
“I protected you.” I said to him. “I’m allowed to protect you and I’m so glad you weren’t in that alley with me because if he would have killed you in front of me; I would have never survived.”
Eddie shook his head. “Don’t say that.”
“I love you.” I answered back, watching his face melt back into a softer expression. “I’m sorry I woke you up.”
Eddie snorted quietly and raised our joined hands to leave a kiss on the back of mine. “Don’t be. I wanted to be the first face you saw when you woke up.”
“How long have I been out?” I asked as his hand moved from my face to fret on me. He tucked the blanket closer to me, smoothing some hair away from my face. I could see some natural light peeking from behind the blinds to reflect on the floor. 
“You slept through the night,” Eddie answered as he started tracing shapes on the back of my hand that he was holding. “Wayne was here for a few hours but he went back to the trailer to handle some things. Hopper was worried that Jason might come to the trailer looking for me so Wayne decided to sit up with the shotgun.”
I shivered. “All this trouble for me?”
“You’re my kid,” Hopper interrupted us and I jumped at the sudden sound of his voice. Looking over Eddie’s curls, I could see that Hopper was awake and sitting up with his hat now resting on his lap. “That bastard is going to be found today.”
“So he’s still out there?” I asked quietly as my eyes flickered towards the closed door. Is there any way that he shows up here?
“He’s not getting anywhere near you,” Eddie promised as he leaned away from me but kept a vice grip on my hand. “He’d be stupid to show up here.”
“He lost his damn mind weeks ago,” Hopper muttered as he stood up and came to stand beside the bed to look down at me. “How are you feeling?”
“Sore,” I muttered as I tried to shift again and stopped at the pang in my chest. “I’m on some pretty high painkillers, aren’t I?”
Eddie nodded. “What do you remember?”
“Pain,” I said as Eddie’s face crumbled. “I was too out of it last night to remember what they did.”
“Your wrist is broken,” Hopper started as he gazed down at me. “You have severely bruised ribs and only two cuts needed stitches-one on your arm and the one on your face.”
“My face?” I asked as I moved my free hand up and felt the bandage that was sitting against my skin. 
Pain. Jason waving a knife around-one that I was convinced he was going to stab me with. Someone holding me down and the knife being brought down against my face-
“Oh,” I said softly as it came back to me. The look on Jason’s face, the pain as the knife slid down my face. “It’s going to leave a scar, isn’t it?”
“That doesn’t matter,” Eddie said as he placed his hand over mine and brought them both down to rest against my chest. “It just matters that you are alive.”
Hopper cleared his throat. “I’m going to let the nurse know that you are awake and once she gives me the clear, I’m going to get Powell and we are going to ask you a few questions to finish the report. Is that okay with you?”
I nodded my grip on Eddie’s hand tightening as I met his eyes. “You’ll stay with me?”
Eddie nodded. “You’re not leaving my sight.”
Hopper watched us both for a moment before he leaned down to kiss my forehead before heading towards the door, not looking back at us. 
“He was terrified, you know.” Eddie said as my eyes slid back to meet his. “I know that I was a wreck last night, but once Wayne left and he settled himself in here, I think he actually cried. Said that when Joyce called him, all he could think about was another kid of his dying.”
I felt a lump form in my throat and I closed my eyes as a wave of emotions swept over me. “I fought like hell.”
“I know you did, sweetheart.” Eddie replied and I felt movement against the bed before his forehead pressed against mine. “Feeling that fear and then seeing Will bust into the diner? I don’t ever want to feel that way again.”
“I’m sorry.” I said quietly.
“No, Sydney.” Eddie said as he leaned back and I opened my eyes to meet his red-rimmed ones. “I don’t want you to be sorry. I’m so proud that you fought like hell to get back to me.” Eddie let out a wet laugh. “I hope you know that I’m not letting you out of my sight anytime soon.”
I laughed back, tugging him back to me against the bed. “I wouldn’t want you to.”
After the nurse had came in and helped clean me up (I didn’t realized I was so filthy and true to his word, Eddie waited outside the bathroom for me as the nurse helped me shower) and deemed me up for more visitors, Hopper and Powell where in the room showing me pictures and asking for statements. 
“My blood should be all over him,” I stated as Eddie fussed over me again, making sure the blanket was tucked around me as I was finally feeling up to sitting up. The painkillers were making things a little hazy, the IV irritating the hell out of me causing Eddie to take my hand so I would stop messing with it. “If he’s still got the same shoes on from last night-which he probably is stupid enough to keep with him, then my blood should be all over that too. Not to mention how much he dragged me around by my hair, my DNA should be all over him.”
“He left the knife at the crime scene,” Powell said from his place by the door, Hopper sitting on a chair on my other side with a recorder in his hand. 
I snorted. “The knife he cut me with? The one that is going to be covered in his fingerprints?”
“We won’t be able to match for prints until we bring him into the station,” Powell said. “But I promise you we are doing everything we can to find him. We haven’t spread word about what happened just yet, but I’m afraid people are asking questions.”
“You think telling them he beat an innocent girl will give them an incentive to turn him in?” I asked incredulously. “The town protected him the first time around with Eddie-he even gloated about it. You really think they will?”
“His friend came by the station this morning,” Powell said as he turned to face Hopper. Hopper clicked the device off, shutting the folder he had resting against the bed. 
“This is the first I’m hearing of this,” Hopper said. “You didn’t think to tell me this earlier? Like when you got here?”
“The kid wants immunity,” Powell continued. “He doesn’t know where Carver is, but he thinks he can draw him out.”
“Like hell am I giving that kid immunity!” Hopper yelled. “He still touched Sydney, held her down while Carver attacked her.”
“Jim,” Powell said with a sigh. “We don’t have to give him full immunity, but his testimony will help put Carver away-for good this time. No weaseling out of it. You just need to talk to the kid.”
Hopper mulled over that for the rest of the visit. Powell took the statements and promised that if we needed anything, Hopper could call him at any time. After he left, the doctor came back in to reiterate to me what he told everyone else last night. He gave copies of care instructions to both Hopper and Eddie, making me promise to take it easy and then come back for a checkup in two weeks to see if the stitches needed to stay in any longer. 
Steve and Robin showed up an hour later while Hopper was filling out my discharge paperwork. They brought with them fresh clothes for Eddie and I, but also breakfast. 
“God, I’m starving.” I said as I eyed the bag in Steve’s hand. “I didn’t get a chance to finish eating last night before I got dragged off.”
Steve eyed me as he placed the bag at the foot of the bed. “Can we not joke about that, please?”
He replaced Eddie on the bed as the latter went to change, giving me a kiss on the forehead before making his way to the bathroom. With a look, Steve made a move to gently turn my head and look at the line of stitches on my cheek. “It’s going to leave a scar, huh?”
“Welcome to the party, babe,” Robin said as she plunked down in the spare chair. “Now we are bonded for life.”
“That’s a very dark way to think about it,” Eddie said as he came out of the bathroom, tugging a shirt down over his chest. I got just a small glimpse of his chest before it disappeared, my face heating up as he caught my eye. Eddie laughed, coming back to me and brushing some of my hair out of my face. “You want to eat or get dressed first?”
My stomach growled louder as an answer, Eddie just laughed and started to divide the food between the four of us. 
“Are you going back to Eddie’s?” Steve asked me between bites. 
“I think Hopper wants me to go back with him, but I honestly want to go back to my own bed and sleep more,” I frowned and turned towards Eddie. “Is Wayne going to be home?”
Eddie nodded. “I don’t think he’s going to be going to work the next few days, sweetheart. You scared him shitless.”
I looked down at my lap, fiddling with the napkins in my lap. “What about Will?”
Steve grabbed my hand. “Don’t. Don’t do that. Will is fine, and I think he just wants to make sure you are in one piece. The kid is happy that you’re alive.”
“Did he tell you that Jason was going to kill him too?”
It got quiet. 
“What?” Steve asked me. “What did you just say?”
“Jason was going to kill you?” Robin said at the same time. 
I peaked over at Eddie to see him staring at me, an unreadable expression on his face. He knew this, heard me tell Powell this, but that look his face told me that anytime he hears that it’s going to be the first time all over again.
“Jason was going to kill me,” I said as I looked up at Steve and glanced at Robin. “He still believes that Eddie killed Chrissy. ‘An eye for an eye’ is what he said. When he dragged me into the alley, I don’t think he knew what he was going to do with Will. I talked him into letting Will go, that’s the only reason that I’m here, alive.”
Steve stared at me for a moment before getting up from the bed and walking towards the door. I watched him in complete silence as he didn’t even turn around, just open the door and slip into the hallway. I glanced at Robin. “What did I say?”
Robin sucked in a deep breath, and I noticed that her eyes had started to water. “I don’t think Steve realized that Jason was actually going to kill you.”
Eddie’s hand landed on my knee causing me to turn and look at him. He sent me a sad smile. “Just give him a few minutes to calm down. Steve didn’t want to get angry in front of you.”
“Because,” Robin said as she moved to Steve’s spot and wrapped an arm around my shoulders. “One, he never wants you to see him angry. He’s terrified that you won’t want to be around him, he’s like that with all of us. Two-he’s going to need to get it out of his system. Steve doesn’t like being angry, reminds him too much of his dad. So let’s give him a minute and I’ll help you change?”
A week. That’s how long it took me to get annoyed at Eddie. 
I’m surprised I lasted as long as I did. 
When we first got back from the hospital, it was nice always having him right there. Waking up from a nightmare about Jason? Eddie was already bringing me to his chest, holding me close until I calmed down, not letting me go as we both fell back asleep. Wanting to see everyone? Eddie drove us to Hoppers, didn’t leave my side-even waiting outside the bathroom with the excuse of making sure I didn’t fall. 
Eddie didn’t go to school that week either. Wayne and I didn’t give him any shit for it, especially Wayne when he saw the panic attack I devolved into because of a male neighbor knocking on the door. But when Sunday night came and Eddie said that he wasn’t going back to school the next day, I started to get a little mad. 
“Why?” I had asked him. Wayne had gone back to work a few nights ago, claiming that bills had to be paid and if anything Eddie could handle the shotgun. Wayne also knew that while Jason might be stupid, he wasn’t stupid enough to show up at the trailer. By now the whole town knew what happened-Jason Carver attacked Hopper’s niece because she was seen with Eddie. It was one thing to spread gossip, but with Hopper threatening serious consequences to anyone hiding him; no was willing to test his word this time. 
Eddie looked up from where he was sitting at the kitchen table, writing in his notebook with an idea for his next campaign. “Why what?”
I frowned and shifted from where I was sitting on the touch, a pile of blankets on top of me at Eddie’s insistence. “You just told me that you weren’t going to school tomorrow. Why not?”
Eddie stared at me for a moment, a hard look on his face. “You’re not serious?”
I raised an eyebrow. “Enlighten me?”
“Sweetheart,” Eddie said as he snorted unkindly, his tone a little harder than I was used to coming from him. He didn’t spare me another glance, choosing to look back down at his notebook. “Don’t be stupid.”
“Stupid?” I echoed back to him, turning to face him fully. “What the hell does that mean?”
I watched as the grip he had on his pen tightened, him shaking his head softly as he let out a harsh breath through his nose. He refused to look at me. 
“Eddie,” I said, a little astonished as I tried to get up from the couch. At the squeak of the springs he was up in an instant, offering me his hands so I wouldn’t strain the muscles in my chest anymore than I needed to. “Don’t use me as an excuse to not go to school.” 
After he made sure I was good, he took a big step back from me. “You think I’m using your attack as an excuse to not go to school?”
“Eddie,” I tried again, wanting to make sure that I wasn’t coming across as accusing. “There are plenty of people that want to see me, offering to spend time with me during the day so you can actually go to school and graduate this year. I don’t want to be out of your sight either, but you can’t just not go back to school.”
“So you don’t want me around?” Eddie asked, frustration bleeding into his tone. He threw his hands up and crossed them against his chest. “You don’t know what it felt like to see you in that hospital bed! You didn’t feel what I felt when Will burst into that diner and told me that Carver dragged you into that alley! You think I’m using this as a stupid excuse to not go back to class?”
“Baby-” I tried to interject as I took a step towards him but froze when he took another big step back from me. I tried to not let that hurt me as I cleared my throat. “You can’t keep me locked in here with you forever. I know that Jason is still out there and I know that I can’t go walking down Main by myself, but dammit Hopper and even Joyce are capable of making sure that nothing happens to me.”
“You don’t know that!” Eddie replied back, his voice getting louder. I felt my heartrate start to kick up, my body beginning to panic at the signs of anger coming from Eddie. “I left you alone with Will and Jason was able to get you. I can’t trust you by yourself!”
I took a step back, the statement like a slap to my face. “You can’t trust me by myself? What are you going to do, stand outside every bathroom for me like Jason is going to pop out from behind a shower curtain? Be serious Eddie, you haven’t left me alone since we got out of the hospital!  I understand that I scared you, but damn I can’t go anywhere by myself!”
Eddie scoffed and narrowed his eyes at me. “I remember you being grateful for that when you had a panic attack because a neighbor knocked on the door. Or when you woke up in the middle of the night with the comforter wrapped around you wrong or-”
“Eddie!” I raised my voice. “I’m not asking you to not see me! I’m not asking you to not be there for me, but you can’t stay glued to my side forever! It’s not plausible and it must be stressing you out trying to play guard dog every day minu-”
The sound of Eddie slamming his hand down on the counter stopped me immediately. My body went stiff as a board, flight or fight instinct took over as I watched him stand back up with anger vibrating his body. 
This is Eddie. 
This isn’t my father. 
Eddie would never hit me. 
Eddie would never yell at m-
“You don’t seem to understand so maybe I need to spell it out for you!” Eddie yelled, his voice echoing the trailer so loud I’m pretty sure the neighbors next door could hear him. “You won’t survive another encounter with Jason by yourself, sweetheart! I told you that I wasn’t letting you out of my damn sight and I meant it!”
“You can’t keep me here,” I said to him, not raising my voice and doing my best to keep the wobble out of my voice. I could feel my eyes stinging as I tried to not let the tears fall. “You don’t think I’m grateful for what you’ve done? I love you Eddie, but we are going to have to move and start trying to get past this. I can’t let Jason hang over our lives forever. You can’t let him win.”
Eddie let out a frustrated laugh and rubbed harshly at his jaw. “And what, you want to go on pretending that you don’t have a broken arm and bruised ribs? Hm? What about the cut on your face? The one that’s going to scar and remind anyone that looks at you that Carver attacked you and won. What then, sweetheart? Are you going to still pretend that it didn’t happen?”
I bit my lip to stop it from wobbling. Never had we fought like this. Sure Eddie and I argued, but it wasn’t nothing we couldn’t talk through and find a solution. 
This Eddie? This one that yelled at me and slammed his hand on the counter, the same one that promised me he would never do those two things? I don’t know who he was. 
I cleared my throat and clenched my fists by my side as he stared me down. 
“You, Eddie Munson are an asshole.” I said to him, letting my heartbreak seep into the tone. 
Eddie shrugged and turned away from me, hands at the sink with his head falling against his chest. “Don’t group me with them.”
“Oh, I didn’t. You did that all on your own,” I snapped back at him. I glanced down and grabbed on the blankets off the couch, wrapping it around me as I started to make my way to the front door. I wasn’t staying here, not after the yelling and the slamming of his hands. We both needed space before he said something he couldn’t take back. 
At the sound of tugging on my converse, Eddie turned around with his arms crossed over his chest. “And where do you think you are going?”
I huffed as I stood back up, tugging the blanket tighter to me in a sense of comfort. “You think you deserve to know that after you slammed your hands around and yelled at me?”
Eddie didn’t move, but I could see the way his hands clenched at his chest. “You can’t go.”
“Watch me,” I said I turned back to unlock the door, not bothering to grab my key from the hook beside the door. “Try to follow me Munson, I dare you.”
“But,” I heard movement behind me. “Jason’s still out there-”
“You’ll get a call from whoever I end up with. But don’t you dare follow me. I need some space and I think you need to think about what just happened, what you just did.”
I didn’t say anything more as I opened the door and let it slam behind me. I took off for Max’s trailer, seeing the lamp she keeps in the living room on from behind the curtains. I only had to knock once before she opened the door, a bowl of cereal in her hands. She took in my state and let me in without another word, guiding me to the phone on her kitchen wall. 
“What happened?” She asked me. 
“Do you have Steve’s number?”
She slid a pad of numbers towards me without argument and leaned into my side when I raised one of my arms to settle along her shoulders. She wrapped her arms around me loosely as I dialed Steve’s number, anxiously biting my lip at the sound of it ringing. 
“Hello?” Steve’s voice questioned over the line. 
“Hey, Steve.” I said and I felt my dam start to crumble and the tears slid down my face. “Do you think there is a chance you could come get me?
“Sydney?” He questioned, his voice going concerned. “What happened? Are you at Eddie’s?”
“Uh,” I sniffed and tried to swallow the ball of emotion in my throat. “Eddie and I got into a fight, is there any way I could spend the night with you?”
I felt Max tighten her grip on me and in return I gripped her closer to my side. 
“Of course, where are you calling from? Are you still with him?”
“No,” I said as I wiped my wet face on my sleeve. “I walked down to be with Max. He-uh said some things and I-”
I cut myself off with a sob. “Just get here as fast as you can?”
“I’ll be there in ten minutes,” Steve said in a tight voice. “Just stay with Max, okay? If Eddie comes to the door, I’ll deal with him.”
“Thanks, Steve.”
“Don’t worry about it, honey. I’m on my way.”
I hung the phone back up and threw my other arm around Max, squeezing her as tight to me as possible. “Thanks.”
She took a step back to wipe at my face. “Come sit on the couch with me while we wait for Steve. I won’t let Eddie in.”
“I don’t think he’ll be coming,” I said as she pushed me towards the couch and covered me with another blanket. 
She nodded and didn’t press for any more details. We watched an episode of Jeopardy! while we waited, Max cuddled to my side as I tried not to think about how angry Eddie looked. How he slammed his hand on the counter and-
“It’s me!” Steve’s voice called out with a knock on the door. “I’m completely alone.”
Max left me to open the door, Steve appearing in front of me in an instance with a concerned look painted across his features. “What happened?”
I cried again, trying to explain what happened but knowing I wasn’t making much sense. 
“We just started arguing and he got so mad at me, Steve.” I said as I took a breath before rubbing my eyes. Steve kneeled in front of me, a hand coming up to squeeze my knee. “We’ve argued in the past but he just got so mad he screamed at me and then he-”
I cut myself off, not wanting to give too much away. It was my fault anyway, wasn’t it? I was the one that didn’t just keep my mouth shut and let him stay home another day. 
But Eddie’s different. Eddie made me promise him that I would always tell him if I was angry. 
“Sydney?” Steve asked me. I focused back on him. “What did Eddie do?”
I shook my head. “He was just angry and scared me. I just don’t like when things are slammed ar-”
“Hey, hey,” Steve said as I looked back at his face. “It’s one thing for Eddie to get upset and another thing to slam something when he knows that it triggers you. You did the right thing by walking away from the argument.”
Steve sent a look towards Max and stood up. “I’m going to bring you back to my place, let you have a hot shower and hopefully get some sleep. Does that sound okay with you?”
“Will you-” I hesitated. “Will you call him when we get there? Just so he knows that I’m okay? I think this whole thing has spiraled because of Jason-”
“That’s no excuse, but yes I will call him.” Steve said as he held out his hands for me to grab so he could help me sit up. “But he’s not coming over.”
I shrugged. “I told him that he couldn’t. I needed space.”
Steve didn’t say anything else as he helped me to the car. Max watched me go with a sad look on her face and I didn’t once look in the direction of my home just knowing that he would be standing by the door. 
Steve didn’t waste any time once we got back to his place, taking me upstairs and leaving me with a pile of clothes that I pretty sure was Eddie’s at one point and a look telling me to take as long as I needed. 
I let the shower beat down against my back as I stared at the tile beneath my feet. 
Eddie would never hurt me. 
But he yelled at me. 
What would I do if I saw him like that? I wouldn’t want to leave his side either. 
But he yelled at me. And slammed his hands down at me. 
Steve was waiting for me at the bottom of the stairs with a plate of cookies and a glass of milk. He didn’t say anything for a while, letting me munch on a cookie as I stared down at the cast on my wrist, reading everyone’s names and messages. I traced over Eddie’s name, the one he bolded right over the place the soulmark would be if the cast wasn’t covering it. I had laughed at the time, but looking at it now made me sad. 
Was this my sadness or his?
“Did you think he was going to hurt you?” Steve asked me quietly, letting the words float around me. 
I shook my head immediately. “No, Eddie would never hurt me.”
“But he yelled at you. He scared you. Isn’t that the same thing?”
“I think he’s worried the moment I leave his sight Jason will find me.” I said as I looked over at him. “I think that for so long Eddie has dreamed about me and not once did those dreams include Jason Carver trying to kill me for loving Eddie.”
“That doesn’t make it okay for what he did.”
I nodded. “I know, Steve. And when he comes to me, he’s going to have to apologize for the way he treated me.”
Steve nodded, “I called him while you were in the shower.”
“What did he say?”
Steve let out a deep breath and laid down against the stairs. “He was worried about where you went, and said the moment you left the trailer he regretted it all.”
Steve met my eyes. “Made me promise that if anything happened, I would call him to come over. Said you had been having nightmares about Jason and that you need someone to sleep in the same room as you.”
“That it?”
Steve turned away from me. “More or less. I told him to get some sleep, that he had been compartmentalizing all this stuff for the past week and he needed to get it out before he drove you away for good.”
I twisted my hands. “Eddie is my everything, I don’t think I could survive without him.”
Steve grabbed my hands. “He knows that.”
“I just,” I let out a sigh. “I couldn’t go anywhere by myself, Steve. I understand what he saw was terrifying, I felt it. But he can’t keep this up for the rest of our lives. He’s going to have to trust me that it won’t happen again.”
“I know,” Steve said. “C’mon, let’s get you to bed so you can sleep this off and feel better in the morning.”  
Eddie found me the next afternoon sitting out by Steve’s pool, watching the trees behind his house swaying the wind. He was quiet as he came through the side gate, only making his presence known when he was right behind me. 
Heavy material landed on my shoulders as he sat down next to me, leaning down to fix his leather jacket against my frame so I wouldn’t be chilly out here in the wind. 
“Do you want to see me?”
I turned to look at him then. He had bags under his eyes like he hadn't slept last night. He was wearing the red sweater I had gotten him for his birthday, making the joke that he and Steve could match. He looked sad, like the night away from was actually years. 
“Did you go to school today?”
He nodded, looking down at his hands and I watched him push his sleeve up on his right arm so he could see his soulmark. “I did. I almost didn’t go-but when Wayne got home this morning he and I had a long talk.”
“That’s good,” I said back, not knowing how to continue. I did want to see him, but I was still so upset about what happened the previous night. “I’m glad he set you straight.”
“Sweetheart,” Eddie started as he looked up from his wrist to my eyes. “Can we talk about last night?”
“Are you going to yell at me again?”
Eddie winced. “You don’t know how shitty that made me feel.”
“I think I might have an inkling.”
Eddie sighed and turned his body towards me. “Can you let me talk without any interruptions for a minute? No yelling, no slamming my hands or anything.”
I nodded. 
“Sydney,” Eddie started he rubbed at his face. “I don’t think I’ve ever been as scared as I have been this past week. That’s no excuse for my behavior last night and I’m going to promise you that last night will never happen again.”
“Why didn’t you talk to me?” I asked him.
“I’m so worried that the moment I leave you alone he’s going to find you and finish the job. That I won’t be fast enough and he’s going to take you from me in this lifetime and I won’t survive it. Not this time.”
“Eddie, that’s a lot to hold onto by yourself. You can’t stretch yourself thin like this.”
He hesitated for a moment before reaching out for me, one hand landing on my cast while the other traced the line of stitches on my face. “I think you are the most beautiful person I’ve ever seen. People can’t fathom the beauty of stars, but I can’t fathom what kind of magic it took to create you, sweetheart. But every time I look at you, I’m reminded of how much I failed you.”
“Eddie that wasn’t y-”
“Sydney,” Eddie said so certainly. “I didn’t mean anything I said last night. I was so angry and wound up and so worried that the moment I left you, he would find you and hurt you again. At least if he found us he could hurt me and not you. But you were right, we are going to have to start trying to find a way to move forward from this.”
“But baby,” Eddie said as he scooted closer to me, thigh pressed up against his. “I have been hovering and I know that it was wrong. I trust you more than anyone else in this life, but the idea of you being taken away from me makes me a weak man.”
I nuzzled against his hand. “So let me share the burden.”
Eddie shook his head. “I have to earn it. The way you looked at me last night, the way I scared you? That forgiveness needs to be earned. I promised you when you showed up here that I would never be like them and then I turned around and did the one thing you are afraid you.”
“I love you, Sydney.” Eddie whispered. “And sometimes it makes me feel crazy with the lengths I would go to make you smile or laugh and to stop you from crying. I am so sorry from the deepest parts of me that I scared you. I’m never going to argue with you again.”
“Baby,” I said with a sad smile and leaned my forehead against his. “We will be better. This communication thing is a two-way straight, we can do better.”
Eddie shook his head gently. “No, you didn’t do anything wrong last night. It was all me. Once you forgive me, we can worry about all that mess later.”
“Sweetheart.” Eddie interrupted me. “I have more things to apologize for, you can’t forgive me yet.”
I leaned back, “Yeah?”
And then this man really pulled a rumpled sheet of paper out of his back pocket, unfolding it one-handed against his thigh, the paper crumbled beyond relief. 
“Eddie,” I let out a surprised laugh. “No you didn’t.”
Eddie glanced up at me, a smile tugging at his lips. “What? I had to be thorough.”
“Baby,” I tugged him forward with the hand still holding mine. “Come back.”
Eddie pressed himself back into my space. 
“I love you.” I told him, letting his face flush at me like the first time I told him. “I’m always going to love you. Just promise me that it’s not going to happen again.”
Eddie shook his head. “I promise, sweetheart. I’m never, ever going to yell at you again. Or slam anything around you. I’m going to be better at communicating.”
I leaned over to kiss at his jaw, letting out a sigh when I molded into his side. “Our first big fight, huh?”
Eddie snorted. “Well you know what happens after big fights.”
I leaned away from him to raise my eyebrows. 
Eddie grinned. “I get to kiss it better. And I think the longer I run my mouth, the more expensive the toll gets.”
“Oh yeah?” I asked him. “How many kisses do you think are going to make up for it?”
Eddie rolled his eyes in amusement. “I think the number starts in the low hundreds, but my uncle didn’t raise a quitter.”
I leaned my head back against his shoulder. “I don’t know what I did without you.”
Eddie sighed. “I hope you never have to find out, sweetheart.”
Happy Thanksgiving (or whichever holiday you celebrate!)!
So here's the long awaited chapter. Sorry for the long wait, I'm going to try and be better about updating but with the holidays my department is more busy than ever.
So the point of this chapter was to show that these characters can be more than they seem. Sure Sydney and Eddie are ass over heels for each other, but we know that Eddie can be an asshole. I didn't want to erase that part of him. People fight, even the ones most suited for each other. Both have trauma that have to work through, they just need to learn to work through it together.
But alas, the trauma is just getting started. Stick around my lovelies, its going to be a wild ride.
Leave a comment if you want to be added to the taglist! Leave some comments to tell me how you liked it!
Taglist: @silky-luxe @disaster-in-waiting @sadbitchfangirl@welliguessiwritethingsnow @comboboo@tuttigunner@avalon-wolf @goth-cowgirl-03
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mynameis-noe-body · 1 year
For those wondering: I closed the previous mynameis-noe-body blog and opened a new one, to make it a main blog and have free access to dm.
First of all, rules. This is a list of my works, and I will rate them accordingly to Ao3 guidelines. This means they may be explicit and so, strictly +18.
I will write for the following fandoms and more (find more in others).
I will not write underage. I am comfortable with a certain amount of angst and/or violence but it's still up to me to decide what I am okay with.
I will not write for The Marauders fandom, since I do not appreciate those characters.
Requests are closed for the moment. And thank you for reading.
▪️Wizarding World
Shot through the heart
Professor Severus Snape × Original Female Character
Rating: Mature
Status: Complete (multiple chapters)
Summary: Licorice Hatch has traveled the world, fulfilling her dream of becoming one of the most famous writers and reporters in the Wizarding World. Now, she is coming back. Merlin only knows the turmoil she has caused in the heart of her dark, splendid professor. And at the very thought — eager to hold her in his arms again — Severus can't help but relive their whole story, from the very beginning, when it all started with a Wilbur Smith's book and... a two-month detention!
The Old Mill at the Hogsmeade's Eastern Forest
Post-Second Wizarding War Severus Snape × you (F)
Rating: Mature
Status: in progress (multiple chapters)
Summary: A year and a half after the end of the war, Severus still hasn't managed to leave Britain. No one knows of his survival, and for months he enjoys a life of silence, solitude and well-deserved peace. Everything would be absolutely perfect, were it not for you, sitting on his empty tombstone everyday to bring condolences and read some poetry. When it's said that curiosity killed the cat...
▪️Adam Driver Fandom
How to (not) kill a stranger
Kylo Ren × you (F)
Rating: Explicit
Status: Complete (multiple chapters)
Summary: He glances at you. "A young lady like you shouldn't travel alone, on a night like this." You want to roll your eyes and send him to hell, but he was kind to help you and you don't want any more trouble. "I couldn't really stay in Aberdeen. I knew my old Corolla wouldn't hold up for long, not in this weather, but I wanted to at least get to the Motel for the night." He nods, raises the temperature of the car and you thank him again. He doesn't acknowledge your words. But he smirks. "Aren't you afraid you just crossed your path with a murderer?" You grin. "What are the odds that we are both murderers?"
▪️Stranger Things
Catch me if you can, Chief!
Chief Jim Hopper × you (F)
Rating: Explicit
Status: Complete (one shot)
Summary: It's the 4th of July in Hawkins, and while everybody's having fun at the amusement park, the only one who's catching your attention is Jim Hopper, Chief of Police — and he's looking at you, equally interested.
This Friday night
Chief Jim Hopper × you (F)
Rating: Mature
Status: Complete (one shot)
Summary: All alone on a Friday night, after a long week of college classes, you just want to eat some ice cream and watch a movie. You didn't expect Jim to pay you visit — but god, if it isn't a nice surprise. OR — you and Jim (your father's best friend) get intimate on your parents' couch.
“Nothing to say, hm?”
Chief Jim Hopper × you (F)
Rating: Mature
Status: Complete (one shot)
Summary: You let Billy flirt with you a little... that might not be a good idea. Jim will find a very passionate way of showing his jealousy.
Sunday morning: pancakes and...
Chief Jim Hopper x you (F)
Rating: Mature
Status: Complete (one shot)
Summary: You make Jim breakfast and decide to wake him up with your hands and mouth.
▪️John Wick Fandom
🖤 Marquis Vincent Bisset De Gramont 🖤
I am your slave
Marquis Vincent Bisset De Gramont × you (F/GN)
Rating: Teen & Up Audience
Status: Complete (one shot)
Summary: You and Vincent play the jealousy game at a public evening gala of the High Table. You end up revelieng almost all of your feelings to each other.
Safe in his arms
Marquis Vincent Bisset De Gramont × you (F/GN)
Rating: Teen & Up Audience
Status: Complete (one shot)
Summary: Vincent, who has fallen in love with you and made you his beautiful wife, has never really told you about his true life of crime and murder. What will you do the first time you catch him red handed?
Little dove
Marquis Vincent Bisset De Gramont × you (F)
Rating: Explicit
Status: Complete (one shot)
Summary: You're the Marquis' favorite tailor — and you always act so innocent and pure it would just too much fun to ruin you (corruption kink).
🖤 John Wick 🖤
John Wick × reader (F/GN)
Rating: All
Status: Complete (one shot - drabble)
Summary: A casual encounter lead you and John to looking for each other, wishing to meet again.
▪️Others (open to write for: Alice in Wonderland, Joker(s), Johnny Depp fandom)
Wonderland Chronicles
Tarrant Higtop (Mad Hatter) × Alice Kingsley
Fandom: Alice in Wonderland
Rating: Explicit
Status: Complete (one shot)
Summary: Alice and Tarrant get inspired by fruit juices and enjoy smutty time, all alone during a tea party.
🔹A list of k*nks without explanation
Severus Snape
Lucius Malfoy
Eddie Munson
Billy Hargrove
Chief Jim Hopper
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sunnylands-world · 2 years
Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful boy
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Pairing:Eddie x fem reader
Summary:Eddie Munson wasn't pretty till he met you
Word count:574
Warning:kinda ddlg theme, readers really innocent, soft sweet Eddie
A/n: honestly I just wrote this cause it popped in my head but it's cute so…
|fluff content|
Eddie the freak Munson, that's what people described him as or he was the leader of hellfire, the saint worshippers but then you arrived. You heard what people said but never did you listen, you thought Eddie Munson was gorgeous.
You spent some days in the cafeteria watching the boy hangout with his friends. He'd looked up and saw you a few times. He saw you in the halls, your pretty bright blue outfits never failed to catch his eye but he never talked to you, certain that girls like you wouldn't be bothered with a freak like him.
He figured it was a joke when you stared. That was until one day, you ran over, pink skirt bouncing with every step. Your cheeks blushed fiercely as you stood at the foot of the table. All the boys turned to look your way as you mumbled
"i- I think you're pretty Eddie" and your sneakers squeaked loudly as you ran back to your table. Eddie's eyes were wide with shock as he blushed before adjusting a bit, the boys made an ooh sound at the flustered dungeon's master. When he saw you again you were kicking your feet happily coloring in a book, he assumed was your textbook. he was sure you'd be in trouble for it. He hadn't seen anything like you before.
Nobody in Hawkins highschool was as…child-like. He approached you exactly how he would a kid doing what you were now.
"Whatcha got there princess?" He said looking over your shoulder you jumped a bit before giggling.
"I got a coloring book! It's pretty boring bu…but it's kinda cool to color the president's." You beam showing him the book, he immediately recognized it as a history page but he nodded smiling. Your eyelashes flutter before grabbing his cheeks.
"Your eyes are pretty like my favorite snack, brownies! only you can't eat eyes. That be weird" you said, face twisted at the thought. Eddie just chuckles. He of course had to invite you for brownies.
Eddie wasn't called pretty before but you taught him he could be. That night as you sat in his lap legs on either side of his, you tried to put a pink scrunchie in his hair that was initially on your wrist. Your tongue poked out in concentration.
Eddie sat patiently letting you style his long brown curls, his hands rested on your waist firmly so you didn't wiggle. One of the things he'd picked up from you was your innocence. You sat in his lap trusting him and let him bring you to the trailer.
You were very trusting and he wouldn't break that nor would he let someone else do it. No matter how sick people were in the world, Eddie would protect you to his best ability. You huffed, snapping Eddie out of his train of thought.
"Eddie, is not staying" you whined.
"it looks pretty though sweetheart" he said, big smile on his face.
"weally" you asked, playing with your skirt.
"the prettiest" he confirmed, with a squeeze to your waist and you wrapped your arms around him.
"twank you" you mumble head buried in the crook of his neck, beaming ear to ear.
"pwetty boy Eddie" you giggle, sitting up tucking the loose strand of hair behind his ear, he blushes.
You were the only girl that made Eddie Munson red and shy. You didn't even know how much he adored it.
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persage · 2 years
My Best Gift - S. HARRINGTON
I wanted to post it on Christmas - yes, it's a silly fluffy Christmas story- but it was a busy time and now here we are a little late but I still hope you enjoy it.
Summary: Steve is resigned to spend Christmas alone. He certainly doesn't imagine that Robin has planned a surprise for him, much less seeing someone he honestly believed he would never see again and that he misses more than he cares to admit.
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Words Count: 3.5 k
Tags: none, just some Fluff I needed on Christmas time. It's silly but I promise it's cute
Steve Harrington is ready to spend a serene and peaceful Christmas, just him, his father's good whiskey and a good action movie. A calm evening, for the first time in a long time without family dramas, parents in quarrels, embarrassing silences or equally embarrassing reproaches. Also without Nancy and her family, but Steve prefers not to think about it. With them he spent the first happy Christmas with a family of his entire life, then he just lost them. Being alone on Christmas day is not sad and it is not pathetic and he has no intention of indulging in excessive thinking, he will enjoy the peace like a grown man.
Like a Harrington.
After wishing Dustin and Rob and everyone else happy holidays, reassuring an unspecified number of people that "No, I won't be alone", giving Robin and the kids his presents, now Steve clutches the remote in his hands and think back to Joyce Byers' unexpected invitation and the way in which for a moment, just one, he has risked calling her mom. He feels pathetic now.
Dinner time approaches, but he has no desire to start cooking, so he shrugs, concentrating on the colorful images that pass before him on TV. He takes a gulp of warm alcohol down his throat, which burns like pure fire and he is about to light a cigarette when the doorbell rings and for a moment he lets himself be taken by the stupid fantasy that it could be his parents, that they have come home  to surprise him and he runs towards the door without even realizing it, like a child who hopes to be able to see Santa. His heart sinks into an abyss, a dark place that he didn't even know he owned, when opening the door he finds nothing but darkness and silence waiting for him. He wants to cry to be honest, like a stupid little boy.
But before he can slam the door as hard as he is able, Robin's face peeks out. He doesn't have the chance to say anything because a pair of arms tighten around his neck and he immediately catches a scent that he knows well and calms him down. "Dingus!" Robin exclaimes happily, pulling away.
"Rob? What are you doing here? I thought... "
"Did you really think we'd let you celebrate Christmas alone?"
He raises his eyebrows in defiance, spreading his arms to make room for a series of all too familiar heads and faces and this time Steve has to use all his strength not to be moved and start crying for real, because his real family is here and for the first time he is not alone."Merry Christmas Steve"  Nancy says, making her way with Jonathan,  a turkey in her hands. She places a kiss on Steve's cheek standing up on her toes and Jonathan squeezes his shoulder and after all that has happened this is enough for him to know that everything is okay, that they are friends, that they can be together without embarrassment or resentment.
"I'll put this in the kitchen" she shouts, smiling at him. Steve lets his gaze slide over Robin, her open jacket, her red sweater and a Christmas hat identical to Max's one, who wears it with a much less happy expression than Buckley. Envelopes of every shape and color protrude from her feet.
"What are you waiting? Will you let us in?" Dustin asks, in a fake annoyed tone, actually smiling to the point that Steve fears his cheeks might come off.
"And your families?" He asks shyly, still fearful that now they might leave again. They enter the house one by one, greeting him, some with a nod, some with a hug. "They'll understand" Max replies, trying not to show satisfaction in seeing Steve so excited.
"You don't get rid of us, man." Lucas continues, bypassing him and entering the house, where Nancy is already beginning to dictate orders. One by one Dustin, Robin, Max and Lucas, even Will, Mike (who would rather be anywhere else) and El file past him. He can't deny it, this is a surprise, more like a Christmas miracle... And for a moment he feels different, lighter, more carefree. Steve Harrington feels happy. He is not used to that feeling during Cristhmas. He looks down at the ground and shakes his head, unable, however, to stop smiling. When he thinks that parade of his people is over and that there are no more intruders to let into the house, he gently pushes the door with a wave of his arm, and turns towards the living room. Before he hears the door close, however, he senses someone coughing lightly, and a voice comes clear and distinct.
"You won't let me in?"
Steve's eyes widen, because he's sure he knows who this voice belongs to and up until now he's been sure he won't be hearing it again any time soon. His breath catches in his chest. In a second he turns back towards the entrance, where the toe of a black shoes block the door from closing.
"Y/n?" He mumbles before meeting your face again. He hurries to open the door all the way back and immediately freezes to the spot. In front of him, wrapped in a black coat,  hair scattered around your face and eyes brighter than the stars exactly as he remembered them, you star at him with a faintly hinted smile on your face.
"Oh my god y/n" his voice shakes  more than he wants to, so he fakes a  a cough, while Robin looks at him knowingly and a sly smile. You star at him for a few more moments, just a fraction of a second, before dropping the envelope and purse on the floor and throwing yourself into his arms. After all it's been a while since you last saw him, before your parents forced you to leave Hawkins and move.
Hardest experience of your life.
You still remember the day of departure, passing in front of your friends' houses, you have flooded your clothes with tears and thought about everything you left behind and the things you never had the courage to say and do. And all these things are now here, in front of you and they are looking at you with the biggest eyes in the world.
Because Steve Harrington has always been your biggest regret and your only desire.
"Steve." You sigh against his skin, so happy to finally be here that you almost shiver. When Robin Buckley has called you to ask you to join her in Hawkins, she really thought you couldn't do it, given the short time in which she had organized the surprise for Steve. "You'll be his Christmas present!" And you had thought of a joke and you had anxiety until you had Robin in front of you and she smiled and embraced you happily, as if your presence could really be a gift. Yet here you are, with the boy you thought you hated so much as a child, only to discover that you felt everything for him except hate, that never really felt anything but love.
"What... What are you doing here? You should... Be on the other side of the world. I haven't seen you in..." He strokes your hair lightly, then he grabs your face in his big hands and squeezes it tightly to check if you are real. "One Year and Three Months Stevie" And after saying that he squeezes it a little tighter, because he probably just realizes right now how much time has actually passed. You are one of the things Steve tries not to think about, filed away in a corner of his heart where your absence can't hurt him. You wrote to each other in the beginning, even quite often, but then it just became too difficult. He moves away a little, just enough to look you in the eye, and none of you try to hide the surprise and the smiles. Somewhere deep down there are  regret and the fear too.
"You are... Changed." he says, tucking a lock of hair behind your ear. You've gotten slightly taller and your cheeks have taken on color and are fuller than the last time he saw you, when the upside-down chores were slowly draining you. You seem healthier, calmer and happier, safer than you will ever be here. With him.
"You too Harrington look...Grown up. A man"
He doesn't answer and you continue. "I guess being a hero makes you grow up fast" You burst into a nervous laugh and look down at the toes of your boots.
"Sorry, it's just that... I'm nervous" He shakes his head.
"Don't be y/n, this is still your home." You observe him, the words get caught on your tongue, stumble and never come out right.
I love you. I miss you. I wished I was here.
And instead all you can say is "I know things have happened...Bad. Difficult. I.." Steve closes his eyes, trying to erase the images of StarCourt, of the Russians, of Billy. Hopper. You have lost so many things but honestly he is happy about it. When he opens them you're watching him worried, his fingers reach your cheek again, gently brushing it
"Yes but I'm glad you weren't there. I prefer to know you're safe"
You smile, softly, placing your hand on his still firm on your skin. You're about to reply that you wish you were here just to keep him safe but Dustin's voice cuts you off.
"Lovebirds, would you do us the favor of coming here?" Stepping back, he coughs lightly as a blush spreads across his cheeks. "Come on, before someone destroys my house." He leans in towards you, reaching out to close the door behind you, and for a tiny instant, you were numb by the scent of him. The moment soon vanishes as he takes you by the hand and leads you to the room where all the voices come from.
"Steve, you haven't even decorated the tree!"
Nancy says shocked. When her eyes lock on your clasped hands, she just smiles at you sweetly.
"It's not like I exactly expected to spend Christmas like this." He tries to justify himself, earning a series of insults and "You're terrible!" from the rest of the company. "As if you mind," Dustin teases. "I'm the one who minds being here actually" Mike mutters slyly.
An hour later Steve is leaning over the dining table, a glass of white wine in his hands and watches as Lucas and Will attempt to scramble over each other to position the three topper. Robin and Jonathan burst into laugh after noticing they brought the same kind of decorations. You and El are trying in every way to whiten the tips of the tree to simulate snow. Right now, while looking at his friends, Steve again perceives this feeling: pure joy. It's has nothing to do with food, gifts or Christmas lights.
It is more a warmth,  something that objects can't bring people. He feels it again, this damned wonderful overwhelming happiness, when, having puffed and abandoned the hard work you've been doing, you look up at him and smile at him from across the hall.
You are here.
You're here, for real and Steve already feels the pain of having to let you go again. But you're here and he can hold you,  kiss your hair, talk to you. It's the best gift ever. He still remembers so distinctly the moment he met you, you were just a little thing, so small you looked like a doll running around the garden of his house and rolling with him among the flowers that his mother cared for more than her own son and Steve hated to death. He remembers your little hand hanging a drawing of the two of you on his bedroom wall. He rembers you throwing your head back and laughing by the sea when Tommy and Carol dragged you for a weekend away from the city routine and then you hiding your tears at Barbara Holland's funeral, trying to be strong and breaking down anyway, shattered in front of an empty coffin, devoured by guilt. There is no memory of his childhood or adolescence that does not involve you, or that he cannot be traced back to you. Even after your departure in every memory you are, a distant thought. Now that you're here everything seems to be back exactly as before. And even if he doesn't even know what heaven is, Steve Harrington feels very close to it. The dinner is not as perfect as Robin planned it, but no less exciting. As she studies her best friend sitting next to you, she still can't believe she haa managed to bring you home. You laugh with Nance and Jonathan. Dustin, Will and the boys are chatting across the table. Robin feels like a little girl waiting for her presents and always leaving a plate of cookies and a glass of milk by the fireplace.
In the imperfection of her life and the difficulties that her family has to face, she has managed to do something great for Steve and this is the most precious gift in the world. If everything they've been through has brought them here, Robin is ready to face it all again. There is nothing  she could want more then her dingus being in peace. You wake up abruptly, still upside down from the jet leg, in the living room, lit only by the tree surrounded by colored lights.
You must have collapsed just a few hours ago, curled up on Steve's couch - specifically next to him, surrounded by his perfume - and now you see your friends curled up in their sleeping bags scattered around the room, each too tired to even notice they're asleep on the floor. Shifting the blanket someone must have wrapped you in after you fell asleep, you decide to use it to cover Max, lying on the other side of the sofa clutching one of the large pillows to her chest, her hand left dangling down to where Lucas promptly reached out to squeeze it . With all the delicacy of which you are capable, you place your feet on the floor and try to get around the various sleeping bags scattered along the room. Luckily, you manage to make it to the kitchen without waking anyone – not that they could have woken up anyway – but noticing a light on.
Before you can even think anything, your eyes met the figure of Steve who has his back at you, wrapped in a burgundy sweatshirt and wearing a pair of shorts. You've missed seeing him so calm, so relaxed. You just missed him to tell the truth, more than you expected.
"What are you doing up?" You ask in a low voice, leaning an arm against the counter and waiting for him to turn around.When he does, he runs a hand through his messy hair and smiles at you.
"I can't sleep" he explains to you, placing a cup on the counter. You catch the movement and narrow your eyes. "By chance is that...?"
"You caught me." He raises his hands in surrender.
"Hot chocolate. Oh, God... You shouldn't have done it without me it's pur thing Steve!" You scold him, silently approaching and trying to suppress a grin. Chocolate has always been their ritual during the endless study afternoons, spent doing everything but study.
"I am sorry... "
"Now, my dear Harrington, I shall be forced to take serious measures."
You threaten. Before he can do anything, you've gotten very close and managed to grab onto his hips. You begin to tickle him when he tries to move, but you're faster and let your hands slide under the sweatshirt, on the abdomen and Steve is shaken by a series of irrepressible laughter. "I give up, I give up!" He almost screams, grabbing your wrists and finally managing to stop you.
"What do you have to say in your defense?" You lift your chin to him, closer than you've ever been all evening, and your smile fades as you notice Steve's eyes roaming over your lips tracing them with his gaze. Just do it. Please . But don't speak, in fact your breath catches in your chest. Everything is exactly like in the good old days.
Immediately he releases your wrists.
"Steve" You mumble confused by whatever is going on, this is enough to bring him back from the trance he seems to have fallen into. Steve turns and leans towards the top right locker where he keeps his cups, with his back to you. "A cup of hot chocolate on the way." He mutters, you try to suppress the sigh you feel growing in the center of her chest. "I missed you, you know?" You confess with a half smile, going to sit on the opposite counter, continuing to observe his back. It's nothing new, you know what there is between you, affection, Devotion but sometimes it's feels like it could be so much more it actually hurts.
"I would have liked to keep in touch, to contact you more often..." He starts.
" I know it. It looked wrong. ridiculous. I get it, really." you interrupt him. He still won't look at you. "I'm glad you're okay." You continue."I'm glad you're okay too. Thank God you are safe. I would die if everything ever happens to you Steve." Only now  he turns around, hitting you with the intensity of his gaze "I missed you too. You don't know how much, princess" As soon as you hear that nickname, that stupid nickname he gave you years and years ago, your heart skips a beat. And you blame the memories, you blame Christmas and the distance, for what you do afterwards. While Steve walks up to you carrying the hot cup, it's easy to take it out of his hand and place it behind you. It's easy to grab hold of his fingers that you know as your own and bring him close, just as it's easy to stare at him from below without letting go. The easiest thing, however, is to close your eyes. Close your eyes and wait, as you have done since you were twelve, when you finally understood that there is no person in the world more similar to you, more suited to you than stupid Steve Harrington. And that's why, in the end, you fell in love with him hard.
The long-awaited kiss reaches you,  the only light that remains is the sensation of this moment, imperfect as it has always been between you two, but nothing less than exceptional. You sense the initial awkwardness, which, of course, has nothing to do with inexperience– Steve seems born to kiss ypu and make it seem like the simplest thing in the whole universe. It's an embarrassment that says "you've been my best friend since before I even remotely looked like a girl, but now you want me and I want you and here we are" and likewise you feel it fade, giving way to an ease you haven't felt with anyone else.
The romantic side of your mind suggests it's because he knows you better than any other guy.
Steve, who has leaned over your legs stretching his neck towards your face as if a natural thing, moves his left hand towards his side, and only now  you suddenly realize you want him closer, you need him. Therefore you surround his waist with your legs and cling to the collar of his sweatshirt, devouring his mouth in a need that has been ignited since he held you in his arms in front of the door. Despite the desire, however, you are  this is Steve you are kissing now and you must know what the hell it means to him before doing something you could regret. In the same moment in which Steve starts to move away slightly, you do it  too and finally open your eyes.
"I wish I hadn't waited a year to be able to do it." He whispers softly, letting the fingers of his right hand get lost behind your neck, in your soft hair. And it's enough for you, for him and for everything you've never said.
For now, that's enough.
"You've always been slow Harrington"you scold him, trying with all your strength not to smile at him, "Give me a good reason to stay Steve" He leans down once more to kiss you.This time, you both smile.
This time you will never leave.
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webdollzz · 2 years
Hi!!! I was wondering if I could request 📘 #2: laying out fresh clothes for them while they’re in the shower(vice versa)!!
i’d love to be the one to do this for Eddie Munson🙏
acts of service.
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You open the trailer door, expecting to see your boyfriend on the couch but he isn't there. "Eddie?" You yell out,you're met with silence. You walk the the bedroom, which is just past the bathrooms causing you to hear the shower running. "Oh I know what I could do." You mumble to yourself, excitedly walking to Eddie's bedroom.
You ruffle through his drawers, picking out a nice iron maiden graphic tee, one of Eddie's favourite bands. A pair of waist fitting joggers, and of course, some nice socks. you fold them neatly on the edge of his bed, scurrying of back to the living room when you hear the faucet turn off.
You sit down and put the TV on, acting very nonchalantly. Eddie walks out with a towel wrapped loosely around his waist and his hair dripping wet. wow.
"Hey, sweetheart. I'll be with you in a moment, okay? jus' gotta change first." He says, Kissing your temple. You hum happily whilst he walks to his bedroom.
it's been about, 2 or 3 minutes and eddie walks back out with the biggest grin on his face you've ever seen. He's wearing the clothes you laid out for him. "Sweetheart? Did you lay out fresh clothes for me?" He asks, sinking down next to you and wrapping his arms around you. "Yes, yes I did. I thought it'd be a nice thing to do, is all." You say, snuggling into his chest. "It was, love. thank you very much. You quite possibly picked the best outfit ever. one of my favourite shirts aaannnd the most comfortable pants ever." He chuckles, planting a sweet kiss on your head. You just hum in response. Even if it was little to you, he'll remember it forever. It was the sweetest thing someone's done for him, afterall.
You wrap your arm around his stomach, all the way to his back. pulling him impossibly closer. You love this man. You just don't know how to say it, so you'll keep doing acts of service until you figure out how.
*✧・゚: *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ ・゚: *✧・゚:* ・゚✧*:・゚✧
thank you so much for requesting my lovely!! I appreciate it. hope I did it justice!
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Part 5:
She never let go of his hand. She has that determined look on her face like she's going for world domination.
(He doesn't know this, but she never thought she'd get the chance to hold his hand again. She's gonna take it.)
"Hey. Woah." Steve pulls her arm to a stop. "What's going on?" He thinks he can see smoke coming out of her nose.
"Nothing." She trudges ahead.
"Lydia. Tell me the truth."
"Why?" She states. "Why you?" Her inquisitive gaze makes a shiver go down his spine. He fights back.
"Yes! Exactly! Why me?! You came to me. You asked. For me. So tell me. Why?" They're in an aggressive staring contest. Both glaring at the other.
She backs away and sighs. Looking defeated.
"Look...uh Steve. When I was growing up all I heard were good things about you. How you protected my family. How you would do anything for them. All your heroic tales. So when I heard I was in 1987 my first thought was to go where I would be safe." She only slightly lying through her teeth. "I wanted to be with you. And here I am."
He stares at her, eyes wide. Tears shining through. "Me?"
She shoves him away a playful smile across her face. "Yes you dingus. Why wouldn't I?"
He thinks of the embarrassing photo of him in his scoops ahoy uniform Robin has on her desk. He remembers a lot of 'ahoy ladies!'...right...who wouldn't want to be with that.
"Well I'm glad you found me. What was all the" he makes a wide swirling motion with his hand "back there."
Her face darkens significantly.
"Eddie." She mutters. "I told him something I shouldn't have and his reaction wasn't ideal. I don't know what I expected but I shouldn't have told him anything. I knew what I was risking and I still let it slip."
He puts a hand on her shoulder. "It's not your fault. It can't be easy to be away from what you know. And the questions probably aren't helping it probably seems like we're attacking you."
She starts walking again. "Well it certainly isn't helping. If I wanted to be yelled at by teenagers I'd just go to work." He gives her a questioning look. "I'm a guidance counselor at a high school."
Pride fills his chest. "That's awesome Lydia. Those kids are lucky to have you." She softens, voice quiet.
"You really think so?"
"I do. Come on. I'll tell you some embarrassing things that happened right down this path."
The rest of the walk was spent telling childhood stories and small tidbits she never heard. About his parents, who she never met, who she didn't even know were alive. About his high school days. About Eddie tripping while milk shot out his nose. She couldn't even hear the nature the laughter was too loud. She's never felt happier.
When they enter the house again El runs up to Lydia and grabs her hand, dragging her into a separate room muttering about something.
Steve takes it upon himself to find Eddie, he isn't sure exactly what Lydia told him but it's not good if he's upset.
He knocks on the door.
"Lydia?" He hears Eddie ask quietly.
"Not quite." Steve pushes his way inside and sits on the bed next to Eddie. "Are you ok?" He asks.
"I asked her if it was me. You know, who dies."
Steve's heart hammers in his chest. He can't live with that. The first round almost took him from Steve permanently. Days poured loitering next to his hospital bed, now days pretending he doesn't notice how close he wants to be to Eddie.
So maybe he's having a crisis...sue him.
"What did she say?" Each word is laced in fear.
"I- I can't tell you."
"Please Eddie let me help," he grabs his hand trying not to notice the sudden blush that's appeared on his cheeks.
"I shouldn't. She didn't even want to tell me that's why she's mad. She thinks she's doomed us all by putting some faith in me."
He looks dejected.
"You need to talk to her. She didn't seem mad on our walk, just frustrated. She's away from everything she knows."
"Steve," his wide brown eyes are piercing into him. This is the most intense eye contact he's had in months (not the point. focus.) "If I tell you you can't tell anyone else. I just don't know how to process this. I think if I don't tell someone I'll explode." He grips his hands so tight they've turned white.
"Whatever it is we'll get through this together." Steve's eyes are set. Determined. Serious.
"I'm her dad."
Oh! Oh.
He feels his heart crumble into a million pieces.
"Oh! That's great man. I'm sure you're making a great girl really lucky in the future." His smile is so fake it leaves a sick taste in his mouth.
Eddie looks upset.
"Are you not happy about this? I know you have a weird relationship with your family but that doesn't mean-"
"Steve I'm gay."
"Oh!" SHIT "UM I MEAN thank you for trusting me."
Eddie sends a smirk his way. "Yeah no worries. I just don't understand how Lydia even exists."
Steve can't wipe the smile off his face. He has a chance!
"Whatever way it happened it happened." He shakes their clasped hands. "You have a kid!"
"I have a kid!" His smile is so bright. It suddenly turns to panic. "Oh god I have a kid." He puts his head in his hands and groans.
"Hey it'll be fine. She's a great person. Raising a good kid is way more impressive than having one. And...you...you're great." His face is tomato red. "I have no doubts you'll be capable."
They're gazing into each other's eyes at this point. Faces so close if he could just turn his head an inch-
Eddie clears his throat.
"Thank- thanks Stevie. That means a lot coming from a single mother of six such as yourself."
"Single!? You're not gonna take responsibility for your half?"
They both erupt into hysterics.
"It will not matter." Is the first thing El says when they sit down.
"What won't?" Lydia asks, her hair fluttering into her eyes.
"Anything you say about the future won't change the past. You just can't tell us things like lottery numbers or wars. Stick to the small things." She pinches her fingers together. "Small." She restates.
"I told Eddie the truth."
El takes a sharp breath. "What did he say?"
"Nothing yet I ran away."
"Does Steve know?"
"What! No! I can't tell both of them!!! They'll freak out and then what if they never get together! Then I won't exist!" She pulls on her hair, frustration seeping in.
"It will be fine," El says. "I thought they were already dating." She shrugs her shoulders. "Maybe do the same thing with them." She pinches her fingers. "Start small."
Lydia finds Steve holding Eddie's hands. They're both sitting on the bed whispering between them. She wants to cry. She wants to take a picture and remember this forever. Eddie's eyes find hers first. He jumps apart from Steve looking embarrassed.
"H-hey," Lydia stutters. "Sorry to interrupt, are you busy?"
"Not for you." Eddie sounds serious. "Never for you."
Steve takes that as his cue to leave, he puts a hand on Eddie's shoulder whispering a quick "you got this." Passing Lydia and ruffling her hair. "Later kid, you'll be fine." She pushes his hand away silently basking in his touch.
"I'm older than you."
"Sure kid."
Lydia sits down as Steve leaves, not wanting to look Eddie in the eyes just yet. She doesn't know if she can take his disappointment.
"Don't-" she cuts off sharply. "If you're gonna sit here and say you never wanted me I don't want to hear it. I can just tell you how I was born so you can avoid it all together."
"Lydia!" She looks at him. He has tears in his eyes. "I have always wanted you. Maybe I didn't know it yet but I did. I just...look my dad-"
"I know about your dad. I know you are not like him I know you had good people to raise you-"
"What does grandpa have to do with this?"
"Grandpa? Oh jesus fuck ok. He's gonna love that."
She rolls her eyes.
"I was being sincere! He would you know...love you."
Her eyes soften at that. "I know." The smile on her face is contagious. "If you wanted me then why do you look so constipated? What's wrong?"
Eddie looks at her like he's guilty. "You probably don't know this...but I'm gay"
She can't stop laughing.
"This is not a laughing matter!" He tries to sound serious. "This is a big deal!" Sweat is forming on his brow, "how did I knock someone up? Not that you're not great of course-"
She cuts his rambling off by pressing her hand to his mouth.
"I know you're gay...I have two dads."
Eddie's mouth drops open.
"Ivf? Adoption? All things that exist Pa." She slaps his arm. "Or the turkey baster." She gives him a wink.
His eyes widen. "Oh god. Who goes along with that?"
She knows she can tell him but she remembers her talk with El. She holds her hand close to his eyes and pinches her fingers. "Small."
"El said I can tell you things in small doses so you don't go insane. So 'small'."
"Right. Well...ok damn." He wraps an arm around her and pulls her close. "Me and you we'll be ok munchkin."
She chokes on a sob. "It's been awhile since you've called me that."
"Ready to go out there again? Time to get serious."
"Yeah." She wipes her eyes. "It's getting serious. I'm ready to help."
When they head back out to the group she's pulled aside by Robin. This is not good. She's never been good at lying to her.
She's trying to focus on anything but the piercing stare of eyes that match her own. Focusing on her dad's talking in the corner.
"Hey!" Robin snaps her fingers in front of Lydia's face trying to get her attention. "I know the truth." Her gaze is serious.
"Oh god!" Lydia mumbles into her hands "how could you possibly know the truth?! I haven't even said anything!" She's freaking out.
"I heard you talking to El. I was listening through the door."
"You know I'm Steve's kid?!" She almost shouts.
Robin looks pale. Uh oh.
"No...no I did not. I knew you were Eddie's kid. Oh my god oh my god-"
"Shit shit shit-"
"Wait! Did you lie? What else are you lying about?"
"No Aunt Robin I just...there's some things I can't talk about..."
Robin's eyes flicker over to the two in the corner. "Holy shit those two idiots figured it out." A smug smirk takes place on her face.
"I thought I'd have to lock them in a closet- ha! Oh man this is great. Have you told him yet?"
"Steve of course! He needs to know, he never thought he's get a happy ending. He deserves to know. To be able to look forward to something."
"Maybe...I- I don't know."
"I don't know how we're gonna get through this," Eddie murmers.
"We'll be fine. You know how your future ends." Steve points to Lydia. "She's standing right there. You know it's funny, I would've thought she was my kid. Lydia is my grandmother's name. Ha...funny."
Eddie whips his head around to Lydia his mouth has dropped open and she has a manic grin on her face. She cackles loudly earning her a few confused stares.
The end! Of this part.
So about that happy ending...I've been thinking...
I mean why is she there so many years in the future? There has to be a reason she's there way before the Vecna attack? 😈
The way I already have the ending written mwahaha.
But remember guys...small🤏
The hardest part of this chapter was writing the steve and Lydia bonding walk.
Please interact with this! I want to know what you guys want to happen or just tell me you liked it :)
Tag list: @tinyplanet95
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harringtonstilinski · 4 months
Always The Babysitter - Chapter Twenty-Nine: Dear Billy
Author: @harringtonstilinski​ Characters: Steve Harrington x Olivia Henderson(OC) Word Count:  Warnings: fluff, angst, olivia being olivia, Smut: no | yes; 18+ MINORS DNI: shower sex; unprotected m+f (pls wrap it), A/N: Hi, friends! If you like this chapter, please do not hesitate to reblog and give some feedback, whether it be in the reblogs, comments, or my inbox. As always, read at your own risk and enjoy 😊
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I was shaking Max, trying to get her out of whatever trance she was in for a few seconds before she came back to us, telling us about a grandfather clock embedded in a wall down the hall.
Steve, Dustin, and myself followed her while Robin and Nancy met us to where she was talking about. Disbelief with tears laced her in voice, she said, “It was here. Right here.”
“A grandfather clock?” Nancy asked, incredulously.
Max nodded her head as I rolled my eyes and turned to Nancy asking, “Do you believe anything anymore? I mean, this is serious shit. Just like Will disappearing, just like the Demodogs and the Gate, and just like the Mind Flayer and the Russians.”
“I’m not saying I don’t–”
“Well, you’re as shit acting like it, Nance.”
“It was so real,” Max said, bringing us back to the situation at hand. “And then, when I got closer, suddenly I just… I woke up.”
“It was like she was in a… trance or something,” Dustin said. “Exactly what Eddie said happened to Chrissy.”
Max turned around to face us, fear in her eyes. “That’s not even the bad part.” She led us back to Ms. Kelley’s office, telling us, “Fred and Chrissy, they both came to Ms. Kelley for help. Uh, they both were having headaches, bad headaches that just wouldn’t go away. And then… then the nightmares…”
I moved from my spot by Steve to stand next to Max, putting my hands on her shoulders for comfort as she continued, “Trouble sleeping. They’d wake up in a cold sweat. And then they started seeing things. Bad things. From their pasts. And these visions, they just… they kept on getting worse and worse until eventually… everything ended.”
Looking at Dustin, I sighed, “Vecna’s Curse.”
 “Chrissy’s headache started a week ago,” Max said. “Fred six days ago.”
“Yours?” I asked.
She turned her head towards me a little, saying, “I’ve been having them for five days. I don’t know how long I have. All I know is that… for Fred and Chrissy… they both died less than 24 hours after their first vision. And I just saw that goddamn clock, so… looks like I’m gonna die tomorrow.”
“No,” I said. “You’re not fucking dying. I’ll make sure of that myself. If he’s coming after kids with trauma, then fuck it, I’ve got tons.”
“Liv, no,” she said, eyes locking on mine. “I can’t let you do that.”
“Watch me.”
A loud clang sounded, scaring all of us to the point our skeletons might’ve jumped out of our skins. Steve looked around at everyone before his eyes landed on mine.
“Stay here,” he said, walking off.
“The fuck?” I said, moving to walk behind him. “No way. I’ve never stayed put.”
He grabbed a lamp, sighing as he did while pulling it from the wall. “Just stay behind me.”
Steve walked into the hallway a few feet before I walked behind him, giving a good bit of distance between us just in case I needed to turn tail and run. A few seconds later, I heard Nancy’s heels clap on the ground and I rolled my eyes, knowing her, Robin, Dustin and Max all followed.
More clattering and footsteps sounded down the hall to our left. Steve raised the lamp like a bat before a figure emerged. Steve went to swing at who or whatever it was, but a light on the figure showed that it was Lucas.
We all screamed for different reasons as Steve raised the lamp a little more before lowering it. 
“It’s me!” Lucas yelled.
“Lucas?” Nancy asked.
“It’s me!”
As I held my chest, Steve and I said in unison, “Jesus, what’s wrong with you, Sinclair?!”
“I’m sorry.”
“I could’ve taken you out with this lamp,” Steve said. I said the same but instead of saying I , I said he.
Steve turned around to face us, eyes our meeting before he held his arm out to me. I gladly walked to him, taking deep breaths.
Panting out his words, Lucas said, nonchalantly, “Sorry, guys. Sorry. I was… I was biking for eight miles.” Holding a finger out to us, he turned to his right a little, saying, “Give me a second. Shit. We’ve got a code red.”
“What?” Steve asked, pulling me tighter into his hold.
Lucas looked at Dustin, walking towards him saying his name. When he reached my brother, he said, “I’ve been with Jason, Patrick and Andy, and they’ve gone, like, totally off the rails. They’re trying to capture Eddie.”
“What?!” I said, turning Steve and I to face Dustin and Lucas.
Turning his body a little bit towards us, Lucas said, “But they think Dustin knows where Eddie is.” Turning back to Dustin, he added, “You’re in terrible danger.”
“That little fucker has to get passed me first,” I said, anger rising in me.
“Liv, calm down,” Dustin said. “Lucas, that definitely sucks, but we’ve got bigger problems than Jason right now.”
We looked at Max, and I could tell Lucas was, too, because her eyes went from his to the floor. 
Steve and I ended up taking Dustin and Lucas home, while Nancy took Robin and Max home. I went back to Steve’s house, where we showered with a little bit… sexy time.
“Fuck, Steve,” I whispered, breaths heavy. “Fuck, you feel good.”
He groaned, hand on the wall beside my head. “You feel fucking incredible. I don’t think I’ll last much longer.”
“Cum for me, Steve.” I threaded my fingers through his wet hair the best I could. “Cum, Stevie.”
“You first,” he said, bringing his fingers down from his hold on my hip to my clit, rubbing in small gentle circles. 
Moaning, I rested the back of my head on the wall, my hands falling from Steve’s hair to his neck, trying to find anything to rest my hands on. “Oh, my god, I’m cumming.” I only announced it once before my back arched off the wall in a deep and loud moan, Steve releasing about a second later.
He kissed me, long and sweet before gently pulling out, our mixed cum sliding out of me and onto the shower floor. I watched it run and fall to the drain, feeling Steve’s hands on my hips once more.
Pulling my attention back to him, I locked my eyes with his, seeing borderline exhaustion lacing his features. “Let’s get cleaned up and dressed for bed, and maybe I’ll read to you.”
He chuckled lightly, nodding his head. “Sounds good, baby.” He took my body wash, lathering it in a wash cloth before gently scrubbing at my body, washing away all of the dirt and grime from the day.
My hair didn’t need to be washed, so I had thrown it into a bun before we stepped in. It got a little wet, but it was all good. I didn’t mind.
When Steve was done with my body and I was rinsed off, I took his body wash and returned the favor, washing away his dirt and grime, the water rinsing it off once I was done.
We got out of the shower, wiping the towels over our bodies, before wrapping them around ourselves before moving to his bedroom to put on our pajamas. Crawling into bed, I kept my promise, grabbing my book and getting into our favorite position; us on our backs, my head resting on his shoulder.
I read until I fell asleep, waking up curled into Steve on my right side while was on his left side, arms around me. I went to move, feeling his arms tighten around me, a small groggy groan coming from him.
“Don’t move,” he groaned. “This is very comfortable.”
I chuckled, moving my head to look up at him, getting a really good look at his chin. “We have to. Gotta get Dusty and head to the Wheeler’s, remember?”
He groaned again, that sound letting me know he didn’t want to, but knew he had to. He rolled on his back, taking me with him, a laugh bubbling out of my throat. 
“Steve,” I giggled. “Let me go. We have to get dressed and head out. Do you really want Nancy calling here and yelling at us?”
“You have a very good point,” he said, sitting up. 
I was cradled in his arms, like a baby, smiling up at him. Touching his bottom lip with my fingers, I sighed. “I love you.”
He smiled back at me, leaning to press a kiss to my lips before we got off the bed, moving around in each other like a choreographed dance; him in the closet first to pick his outfit while I went into the bathroom to brush my hair and teeth before we switched rooms. 
Once I was dressed and had my light makeup on, we went downstairs to get a quick breakfast before heading out of the house and to his car, making our way to the Wheeler’s house.
I was looking at the latest edition of Cosmo, sitting in a chair with my legs over the right arm of the chair in the Wheeler basement while everyone else was reading about the Creel House and Victor Creel and all that Nancy and Robin read about at the library the night before.
Steve groaned, pacing in front of me. “Okay, be honest. Uh…”
“That shirt and those jeans–” I said, the chef's kiss at the end of my sentence. “Di-fucking-vine.”
“Uhm, thanks, and no,” he said. “Do you guys understand any of this?”
“No,” Lucas said.
“Pretty straightforward,” Dustin added.
“Yes, I am sexy, thank you,” I said, more to myself, nose still in the magazine.
“Oh, straightforward, really?” Steve said, stopping in front me for a moment then began his pacing again.
“Well, what’s confusing to you?” Dustin asked. “So far, everyone that Vecna has cursed has died, except for this old Victor Creel dude Nancy found. He’s the only known survivor. If anyone knows how to beat this curse, it’s him.”
“Yeah, that’s assuming that he was cursed, Henderson, which we don’t even know,” Steve said. He sighed, reaching up to rub his forehead. “How can Vecna have existed in the 50's? It doesn’t make sense.”
“As far as we know, Eleven didn’t create the Upside Down.”
“She opened a gate to it,” I said, flipping a page of the magazine.
“Yeah,” Dustin agreed. “The Upside Down has probably been around for thousands of years. Millions.”
“You wouldn’t be surprised if it predated dinosaurs,” I said, sighing.
“Liv, dinosaurs?” Steve asked.  “What are we–”
“Okay,” Lucas said. “Okay, but if a gate didn’t exist in the 50’s, how did Vecna get through?”
“Oh, and how’s he getting through now?” Steve added.
“And why now?”
“Oh, and why then? Just pops out in the 50’s, kills one family, and he’s like – pffff – hey, I’m good. And poof, he just disappears. Just… gone? Only to return 30 years later and start killing some random teens? Nah, I don’t buy it.” He breathed deep, turning to face me, tapping my legs. 
I got up as he said, “Straightforward, my ass,” before turning to Dustin for a moment. “And ya’know what? Honestly, Henderson, a little humility now and then, it wouldn’t hurt you.”
“Sorry,” Dustin said, looking down.
Steve sat down in the chair I was previously occupying, pulling me down to sit back the position I was in, his left arm around the middle of my back, his right arm draped across my thighs. I watched as he looked at Dustin, giving him a look that said you better be.
He looked me in the eyes before I rolled mine, going back to my magazine. “You’re the worst, ya’know that?”
A few seconds later, Dustin asked, “Any idea what she’s writing?”
I turned my head to look at the back of Max’s, watching her arm move slightly. “I wonder if she slept any.”
“I mean,” Lucas said. “Would you, Liv?”
A door opening had me jumping out of my skin as heels sounded on the staircase, Nancy and Robin showing up not long after.
“Okay, so,” Nancy said, glancing at Robin, both girls sighing. “We have a plan.”
I set the magazine down in my lap as Robin all but shoved a brown folder into my hands, Nancy doing the same with Dustin. The two girls sat down across from how I was sitting, Steve and I looking into the folder Robin gave to us before she said, “Thanks to Nancy’s newspaper minions, we are now rock-star psychology students at the University of Notre Dame.”
“I’m now Ruth,” Nancy sighed.
“And I’m Rose.”
“Ruth?” Steve asked, looking at Nancy.
“You don’t look like a Rose to me,” I said, eyes on Robin. 
“Nice GPA,” Dustin said, looking at Nancy.
I rolled my eyes, looking back at Robin’s file once again, reading over every word on the page.
“Thanks,” Nancy said. Addressing the rest of the group, she said, “So, we called Pennhurst Asylum, told them we’d like to speak with Victor Creel for a thesis we’re co-writing on paranoid schizophrenics–”
“To which they said no,” Robin said, eyes on mine for a moment as I passed the folder back to her to look at Nancy’s.
“But we landed a three o’clock with the director,” Nancy said. 
“Now all we have to do is charm him and convince him to let us talk to Victor,” Robin added. 
“And then maybe we can rid Max of this curse.”
“Yeah, uh, about that,” Steve said. “We’ve been doing our Victor Creel homework, and, uh…”
“We’ve got questions,” I said, tossing the magazine I’d previously been reading on the table next to me.
“Lots of questions,” Lucas said. 
“So do we,” Nancy said. “Hopefully, Victor has the answers.”
“Wait, wait, wait, wait a second, uh…” Steve said, looking up from one of the brown folders that I’m assuming was Robin’s. “Where’s mine?”
“Excuse me?” I asked. “What do you mean, where’s mine?”
Nancy got up, not wanting to touch on the subject, but Steve just tapped my legs before getting right up, almost tossing me to the floor as he followed Nancy up the stairs, saying her name over and over again.
Robin helped me up before we both made our way up the stairs to the kitchen before ascending the stairs to Nancy’s room. We got there just as Steve said, “I know, but why does it always have to be me?”
“Oh, my god, you have a Tom Cruise poster,” Robin said, a little too excitedly as she walked to it. “You have a Tom Cruise poster.”
I chuckled at her amused tone, covering my mouth with my hand. Feeling a hand on my elbow, I let Steve guide me to stand beside him, his arm around my shoulders. I love that no matter where we are, who we’re with, he always has his arm wrapped around me in an almost protective way.
Looking back and forth from her closet to Robin back to her closet, Nancy said, “That’s… old. It’s just–”
Robin’s laugh had me laughing, her amusement amusing me as she went through Nancy’s things.
“Can you please not touch anything?” Nancy asked, annoyed.
“I can’t do anything here, Nance,” Steve said. He had moved to pace while I watched Robin in more amusement than I have in months… and I work with her. Steve continued his words, “Maybe I can be helpful with his asylum director dude. I don’t know, I could turn on my, like,–” Weird sounds coming from his mouth that I can’t describe. “My charm.”
“Not the kind of charm we need,” Nancy said, sticking her head from behind her closet door.
“It’s the kind of charm I need,” I said, the tiniest bit seductively. 
“Liv, are you horny?” Robin asked, still looking at Nancy’s things.
I thought about it for a second before saying, “A little bit.”
She chuckled before picking up Nance’s music box, opening as Nancy said, “If we’re gonna win him over, we’re gonna have to convince him that we are, too. That like him… we are true academic scholars.”
“Oh, that’s right up your alley,” I sarcastically said, wrapping my arms around Steve’s middle.
“Holy shit,” Robin whispered. “There’s a little ballerina in here.” She bit her bottom lip and I snorted, still amused by her actions.
“Academic scholar?” Steve asked. “She’s giving you an academic scholar vibe? Yeah.”
“Damn,” I said, looking up at Steve’s profile. “You’re hot when you say academic scholar.”
“Liv, calm down,” Nancy said. “Steve, to answer your question; no, but… she will.” She brought out a very girly pink top and a skirt to go with it.
Robin looked at Nancy, giving her a fearful look. “Oh, please, tell me that you’re joking.”
Nancy put her arms out, giving Robin a smile. I looked at her, grimacing, “No, I don’t think she is.”
Steve and I went back down to the basement where he, Dustin and Lucas sat on the couch while I paced the width of the basement, arms crossed.
“Stop pacing,” Dustin groaned.
“No,” I said.
“Babe,” Steve said.
I stopped my pacing for a moment to look at Steve, a brow raised, saying, “Steven,” before continuing my steps.
A few moments later, I heard Max say, “I know you guys are staring at me.”
“What, sorry?” Steve said, all three of them pretending to do something.
“You said you needed something?” Lucas asked.
Throwing a ball into the air, Steve said, “Just hanging out.” What I wouldn’t give to lick that neck of his.
“How you think your eyes boring into the back of her head is protecting her from Vecna, I don’t know,” I said. I watched Max get up from her seat, walking over to the boys, standing at the table.
“You can look at me now,” she said. 
“Thank you,” Dustin said. “Sorry.” Steve and Lucas also said their sorries as I walked a little closer to them as she started handing them envelopes.
She turned to face me, reluctantly handing me one, too. “Oh, uhm, give these to Mike, El and Will.”
I took the four envelopes from her hand before she turned around, telling the boys, “What are you doing? No, don’t. That’s not for now. Don’t open it now.”
“I’m sorry, what is this?” Dustin asked.
“It’s, uhm…” Max said, looking down for a moment. “It’s a fail-safe. For after. If things don’t work out.”
“Whoa, hey, wait a second,” I said, stepping up to her side, putting my hands on her shoulders. “Things are gonna work out.”
“No!” she said. “Liv, I love you, but I really don’t need you to reassure me right now and tell me it’s all gonna work out. Because people have been telling me that my entire life and it’s almost never true. It’s never true.”
I sighed. “I’m sorry.”
“I mean, of course, this asshole curses me,” she continued. “Should’ve seen that one coming.”
“Then he should come after me,” I said. “I’m not having symptoms but… I mean, if it should be between you and I, I’d rather it be me.”
She looked past me after she took a deep breath, going to the table and picking up the walkie talkie. “If we go to East Hawkins, will this reach Pennhurst?”
“Of course,” Dustin said.
“Wait,” Steve said. “Wait, wait. Why are we talking about East Hawkins?”
All four of us looked at Steve, our eyes locking for a moment before he said, “No. No. No!”
Without taking those no’s for an answer, Max zipped up her jacket before grabbing her backpack, walking out of the basement door, the boys and I putting our own jackets on, following her out.
“Max,” I said. “Max! Hey, kiddo. Seriously?”
“I’m not joking,” Steve said. “I’m not driving you anywhere.”
“Steve, if you think I’m going to spend what is likely the last day of my life in the armpit of what is Mike Wheeler’s basement, then you’re out of your mind,” Max said. “So, either take me where I need to go or you’re gonna have to tie me down which is technically kidnapping of a minor. And if I live to see another day, Steve, I swear to god, I will prosecute.” She reached for the back driver door, pulling the handle to open it before looking at Steve, and saying, “Open the door.” Steve looked from Max to me and back to Max, saying, “Uhh, no.”
“I know a good lawyer.”
“Oh, shit,” I said, a smile on my face that tried to hide with my hand.
They had a staring contest before he scoffed, taking his keys from his pocket and looking at Dustin, saying, “Henderson, that super walkie of yours better reach Pennhurst.”
We got in the car, Max standing outside for a moment before she got in.
I turned on the radio as we drove, finding a station that played decent music before I landed on one that I knew played some of my favorite music. I sang along to Hard Feelings by Al Kerbey, my feet on the dashboard, knees bent.
“You talk a lot, but you don’t say much In the things you do,” I sang, tapping the beat of the song on the sides of my calves, bopping my head as I did. “You're always right, in all our fights Because no one else can shut you down Or turn you around, you should see yourself.”
Steve parked the car and shut it off, and it was just then that I noticed we were at Max’s place. Placing my feet back on the floorboard, I turned to face the teens in the back as Steve said, “Alright, this better be fast, Mayfield.”
“Twenty seconds,” she said, getting out of the car and shutting the door.
I looked at Dustin and then his walkie. “That has batteries in there, correct?”
Sighing, he closed his eyes. “I’m not even answering that question.” It was my turn to sigh, but with more irritation. 
“Yes, it has batteries in it.”
“Okay, I was just checking.”
After about a minute had passed, I started to get worried about Max, so I got out of the car, sitting on the hood with my knees bent, fingers at my bottom lip. Dustin stood next to me, as I heard Steve’s door open, but not close, just like the back passenger door.
Max came around the corner, fear on her face and her eyes red. I slid off the hood just as Steve said, “Hey, that was longer than 20 seconds.”
I followed her to the back of the car, saying as she got in, “Max, honey, are you okay?”
“I’m fine,” she said, opening the door. “Steve, just drive.”
Rushing to my side just as Steve started his car, I couldn’t help but think about what caused her to be so upset. I got in just before Steve backed up and out of the trailer park. Turning to face Max, I asked, “Did something happen?”
“Can we please just go?” she asked.
“Max, we’re moving.” She didn’t say anything else, just looked out the window, so I just turned back around in my seat, letting out a deep breath.
We drove for what felt like hours as Max gave Steve directions to where she wanted to go next. I had leaned over on the window, Steve’s hand on my thigh where it belonged as I closed my eyes for a moment. Max’s voice telling Steve to turn where she needed brought me out of my sleep.
“Here?” Dustin asked, silence being his answer.
I looked to my left as Steve turned, seeing the sign for Roane Hill Cemetery, and that’s when I put the pieces together. Sitting up a little, I turned my head to look at her, silently asking, “Is this–” She immediately answered with a small head nod, my eyes downcasting, not really looking at anything in particular before turning back in my seat, Steve’s hand off my thigh so he can drive properly and safely.
Steve stopped where she asked him to, her and Lucas getting out of the car. Since Steve had his window down, I could hear a little bit of their conversation. 
The other words I was able to hear was Lucas asking Max why she keeps pushing him away, telling her that he doesn’t need or want the letter and that she knows she can talk to him and us three sitting in this car.
She walked away after a few seconds, Lucas coming back to the car after watching her retreat from him. He stood there for a moment before coming back around the car, sitting in the backseat with Dustin.
After a few minutes, I leaned my back against the door, reaching my legs across Steve’s lap, his right hand resting on my calves, his left resting on the door with the window down. Lucas and Dustin had gotten out of the car; Lucas sitting on the hood while Dustin basically stood behind me.
I watched Steve’s finger tap where it rested, looking out towards Max. He checked his watch before tapping my legs. I pulled them back as he got out and said, “Alright, it’s been long enough.”
I got out, almost knocking Dustin over, giving my apologies while helping him stand back up right. 
“Steve, just give her some time,” Lucas said. 
“I have, alright, Sinclair,” Steve replied, turning to face Lucas. “I’m calling it. She wants to get a lawyer, she can.”
I sighed as he turned back around, walking up the small hill towards Max as I sighed, looking between my brother and his best friend. “Of course he says that. He can pay for it. Well… his parents can.”
Around 15 seconds goes by before I’m on alert, hearing Steve telling her to wake up, clapping his hands and repeating the word hey. “Max, wake up! Max! Wake up!”
I took a couple steps forward, shaking my head slightly before Lucas and I both said, “Oh, something’s wrong.”
Steve quickly glanced at us, saying, “Guys!” before myself, Lucas and Dustin all hightailed it up the hill to Billy’s grave, where Max sat, eyes reddish pink, looking up, her eyelids fluttering.
“Shit, shit, shit,” I said, sliding onto my knees as best I could. “She’s in a trance. Max, wake up! Get out of there! Fight, Max! Come on! Wake up!”
The boys were all basically yelling the same thing I was, my hands on her cheeks as she was trapped in this trance.
“Call Nancy and Robin!” Steve exclaimed. “Go get ‘em! Call Nancy and Robin! Go!”
With my breathing starting to pick up, I looked to my left, watching as Dustin ran his way back down the hill to Steve’s car. Turning back to Max, tears filled my eyes, thinking this is the last time I’m going to see her. “Max, wake the fuck up! Get out of there! You gotta wake up! Come on!”
Dustin came running back to us, Max’s walkman and a bunch of cassettes in his hands. “Guys!”
“What is this?” Lucas asked after Dustin put the tapes down.
“Her song!” Dustin said. “What’s her favorite song?”
“Why? Why?”
“Robin said if she listens– it’s too much to explain right now.”
“Wait, if she listens to her favorite song, she’ll be pulled out? She’ll wake up?” I asked, right hand still on Max’s cheek.
“Then what the fuck are you waiting for?! Put the tape in!”
“What’s. Her favorite. Song?” Dustin enunciated.
“Uhh…” I said, trying to think. The song she constantly listened to started running through my head as I closed my eyes, silently muttering the words to myself, “Running up that road, running that hill, running that building.” Looking at the tapes, I said, “Kate Bush! Get that Kate Bush song!”
They found the tape, put it into the player, her headphones being brought into my line of vision. I took them from Dustin, placing them on her ears before turning to Lucas, saying, “Hit fucking play!”
Lucas hit the play button, Kate Bush’s voice faintly coming through the speakers resting on Max’s ears, all of us once again encouraging her to wake up and to get herself out of the trance she’s in. We all went quiet for a moment before her body started lifting up off the ground.
I backed up as much as I could, my hands on the ground behind me, ass and feet flat on the ground, legs bent at the knee as I stared at Max floating in the air. The higher she went, the quicker I got to my feet, yelling her name, the boys doing the same.
Tears quickly filled my eyes as the desperation in my voice grew bigger and bigger with each passing second before she fell to the ground, whimpering with fear as we all squatted down beside her, all of us saying her name again.
I set my hand on her knee as she started to hyperventilate, her and Lucas clinging to each other as I reassured her, “Max, it’s okay, you’re okay, you’re safe.”
“I thought we lost you,” Lucas said, throat tight with tears.
“I’m still… I’m still here,” she replied.
“Holy fucking shit,” I breathed, feeling a hand on my back.
“I’m still here,” she said, her breathing slowing.
I sighed, turning my head to face Steve, curling into his side the best I could with how we were sitting.
A tear fell from my eye as I looked at Dustin, feeling absolute devastation at the thought of losing him, and how stir crazy Mom would be. Then I looked back at Steve, the tears starting to flow as those same thoughts turned to him.
I don’t know what I would do if it was him that was cursed by Vecna. Scratch that. I know exactly what I would do; go into the Upside Down and kill that spell casting motherfucker.
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A/N 2:  hi, friends! pls be kind and reblog! it really helps us content creators out <3
Additional Note:
Forever / Everything Taglist: @stiles-o-dylan24​​ @stixnstripesworld​ @fandom-princess-forevermore​​​ @quanticobae​​​ @mischiefandi​​​ @kellyashcroft @lauren-novak​​​​
Steve Harrington Taglist: @madaboutjoe
If you’re tagged and didn’t want to be, please let me know.
*Please don’t post my writing anywhere else without my consent. The author of this work will always and forever be @harringtonstilinski​.
All characters, story lines, and plot aside from y/n and her storyline & plot, are all of the work of The Duffer Brothers.
*These works contain material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited.
No part of these works may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the author / publisher.
Posted on May 14, 2024
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portaltothevoid · 1 year
For Whom the Bell Tolls - Chapter 35 - Spellbound
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Pairing: Eddie Munson x OFC (Kat Ramsay), sequel to Foolin’
Summary: Kat returns to Hawkins after the battle.
Warnings: This is it. It’s the end of Kat’s story…. For now. 
Word count: 3.3k
Chapter song: Spellbound by Siouxsie and the Banshees
Tag list: @munchabunch​ @madaboutmunson​ @earl-greater​
The medics were working on Eddie before the helicopter was even in the air. They took his vitals and changed his bandages, applying more pressure to stop whatever ones were still bleeding. Frantically, they were writing notes on various clipboards. 
An adrenaline crash hit Kat like a ton of bricks. She could feel herself spacing out as she tried to stay attentive to Eddie. The whole ride took no more than 15 minutes. They landed atop this building in the middle of the woods. It felt eerily similar to Hawkins Lab. 
Eddie was wheeled off in the stretcher. The woman had held Kat back, not letting her follow. She didn’t even fight it. There was really nothing anyone could do to keep her from him anyway, but she knew the doctors needed space to assess him and make him comfortable. Soon enough, she would see him.
Kat was led a few floors down to a fancy boardroom. There she saw her Uncle Hank who shot up to greet her along with a couple of his colleagues. 
“I’m so glad you’re okay,” he said as he hugged her. 
“Yeah, me too, honestly,” she said quietly, returning his hug. “They’ll tell me as soon as Eddie is stable, right?”
“Yes, yes, of course. He will be very well taken care of here,” Hank assured her as he pulled out a chair for her to sit.
“Where is ‘here’ exactly?”
“Knight Ridge Technical, a government research facility, about ten miles east of Bloomington.”
“Right…” she said tapping on the table. “It’s not the kind of research that brainwashes kids and experiments on them against their will, right?” With Kat’s blunt question it felt like the air had been sucked out of the room. 
“No, no. Nothing of that sort. That was Brenner’s thing. Here at Knight Ridge we focus more on understanding physics and electromagnetic fields, things of that nature.”
“Yeah, sure. So are we here to talk terms or…?” she trailed off.
“Terms?” The woman asked.
“Uh, yeah. Eddie and I are prime suspects in murders that One did, and ya know, opened up a massive gate between our world and the Upside Down. So I want our names cleared. Specifically his name cleared.”
“That… that will come in time. I’m seeing to it you both are going to be very well taken care of. Right now we are just trying to understand exactly how that happened.”
Kat let out a big sigh. “So my friend Max was one of his victims. Basically me and El, Eleven, piggybacked from Max’s mind into Vecna… One’s mind. We call him Vecna. Sometimes One. Sometimes Henry? Anyway. He wanted us to watch him kill Max as his fourth and final victim to, in his demented mind, ‘save the world’ more or less, but wherever El was, her boyfriend gave her this peptalk. Which I could hear too. He was telling her to fight. I thought of Eddie. And I fought like hell to get back to him. Because the all-seeing asshole showed me a live feed of the demobats attacking him. El basically finished One off while I went back to my body and then, um, sort of became a human EKG machine. Um, so yeah, we sort of stalled him for the time being, but I mean, every place One killed someone turned into a gate. When Max… died…” Kat took a second to clear her throat. The weight and reality of that statement hadn’t even registered in her mind yet. “That’s what caused the giant earthquake. I saw it from the air. Every gate connected and formed a line to the center of Hawkins. I don’t know what it means, but… He said he would be there when the rest of the world burns and falls and he’d be there to pick up the pieces, to turn the world into something beautiful. Clearly we have very different standards of beauty. If only you guys got a look at him. He doesn’t need to bag just his face, but his whole body…” Kat shuddered at the thought and then looked at everyone in front of her. They all stared back at her blankly, mouths slightly agape. 
Hank cleared his throat and adjusted his tie. “We’ve lost contact with Eleven after the disaster at NINA, but you said she was there?”
“Yeah, she’s on her way back to Hawkins.”
“You’re the reason that boy is alive?” someone else asked.
“Um, yeah. I– I– I panicked. I couldn’t… I can’t lose him,” she whispered as she looked at her hands on the table.
“You never cease to amaze me, ya know that, kiddo?” Hank said with a beaming smile. “So here’s what happens now. We’re going to set you up in an overnight suite here. You used an immense amount of power. To be quite honest, I don’t even know how you’re still standing right now.”
“Well, I’m sitting, but yeah, me neither.”
“You rest up and hopefully by the time you’re ready, you’ll be able to see Eddie. Sound good?”
“Yeah, sure, but Uncle Hank? I mean it. When we get back to Hawkins I want his name cleared,” she spoke sternly.
“Who said anything about going back to Hawkins? Kat, honey, you can’t go back there. The town is like a war zone.”
“Exactly. It is a war zone. And I have to be on the front lines. This fight isn’t over. It’s only just beginning.”
Hank started to stutter when the woman spoke up. “The girl and her family will be staying in their secluded cabin. Surely there’s another one nearby we could set up for them. Temporarily they can stay there until we finalize everything.”
“I like this lady,” Kat nodded with a smile as she got up from her seat. Everyone else followed suit. “Don’t know who you are, but I like you.”
“Agent Stinson,” she said as she stuck out her hand for a handshake. “I’ll show you to your room.”
The next day Kat was waiting outside Eddie’s room, ringing her hands anxiously. She had been called here just moments ago, but when she finally got to the room, he was still asleep. One of the doctors finally came by and updated her on everything.
“He’s very lucky to be alive, you know. We honestly don’t know how he survived. Those wounds were deep and he lost a lot of blood. He has quite the road to recovery, but luckily you got him here in time. Truly, his case is baffling. Were you aware he was clinically dead for about a minute?”
“I… um, yeah. I just, um… I went by the book to save him, I guess,” she muttered. She’d never heard or seen this person before in her life. How could she know if she could trust him? Sometimes she felt guilty for how much of the battle she relayed to her Uncle, but it just kept pouring out of her.
“Is that so?” The doctor chuckled. “We’re all on your side here. You can trust us.”
“That’s what they all say,” Kat said with a weak smile.
“I get it, I get it. From what you’ve been through… It’s wise not to automatically trust everyone you meet. Anyway, his vitals are stable. We gave him fluids when he first got here. He was able to eat this morning. His upper body suffered the most damage, so you guys should be on your way tomorrow.”
“Does everyone know what I can do here? Jesus. Wait, on our way tomorrow? Are you serious?”
“You and Eleven are like our local celebrities here. We’re all in your corner. And absolutely. This is the most miraculous case I’ve ever seen. I mean, the improvement from yesterday to today is astonishing. I’ll send you home with a folder full of his care regimen. You’ll have agents and doctors close by, should any issues arise.”
“Thank you,” she said sincerely.
“Alright, I’ll let you see him. It’s best if he wakes up on his own, but there's a chair in there for you and the TVs still on, so help yourself. If you need anything, just buzz for one of the nurses.”
Kat nodded and had her hand on the door knob, but hesitated before she went in. “Wait, just tell me before I go in there… Did you have to cut his hair?”
“No,” the doctor chuckled. “His hair is still intact.”
“Thank god. I didn’t wanna be the one to tell him. He would’ve been pissed,” Kat laughed as she entered the room.
He was lying there peacefully. Bandages covered much of his body. But the color had returned to his face. His hair was fanned out around him. She was well aware the doctor said not to disturb him, so sat in the chair and sort of… followed his directions.
At this point, she had a handle on her powers so much that she could just enter the void simply by closing her eyes and focusing on it. The TV became background noise. The light didn’t bother her. It was just like falling asleep with the lights on, in a roundabout way.  
As soon as she padded across the shallow water of the void, something felt… off. Usually, she felt completely neutral here until she entered someone’s mind. This time it was different. Cautiously, she walked up to his hospital bed and went to reach for his hand. Before she made contact, his eyes flung open. He grabbed her arm with a tight grip and pulled her down closer to his level. His eyes bore right into hers, streaks of red brightened his dark brown irises. “No,” he said forcefully.
Immediately she opened her eyes, her chest heaving from whatever she just witnessed. She looked over at Eddie who was still peacefully sleeping. This was something that had never happened before. It was as if something else was there. Something else that didn’t want her seeing into Eddie’s mind. 
He began to stir and slowly started to wake up. His eyes fluttered open and when he glanced to the right, he softly smiled. “Hey,” he whispered groggily.
Kat flew out of the chair and to his side. She gripped his hand tightly like if she let go he would disappear forever. “Hey, hi!” she murmured gently. “Are you in pain? Do you need anything?”
“Just you to be here with me.”
She leaned over and kissed his forehead. “I’m here.”
“Wait, they didn’t cut my hair did they?”
“No,” Kat laughed at how well she knew him. “You didn’t need brain surgery. Which is surprising considering how dumb you are!”
“Ah, here we go,” he chuckled. 
“I can’t believe you! After everything I told you! Sometimes running is okay, you know! Jesus. You scared the shit outta me. I almost fucking lost you. For good. For forever! Oh my god, and Dustin! Dustin had to see the whole thing. Poor Dustin.”
“You good? Got that outta your system?”
“I– Yeah. Just… don’t fucking die again, okay?”
“Not planning on it, but hey anything can–” he started to tease, but cut himself off when Kat shot daggers at him with the look on her face. “Yeah, no, definitely not planning on it. Um, how did I, uh, get here?”
“I called my Uncle and he got you airlifted here. It’s like Hawkins Lab 2.0. Supposedly minus the brainwashing and child experiments, but jury’s still out on that.”
“You what? You called the government? So, what the hell happens when we get outta here? Am I…” Eddie spoke so fast his words almost blended together.
Kat shook her head. “No. They’re gonna take care of it. We might have to stay with El in some cabin for a bit until they get us our place, but we’re going back to Hawkins after this. And my Uncle assured me we’d be well taken care of. Both of us. Eddie, this was the safest route. The doctors over at NINA that were working with El are also working with everyone here. We’re safe.”
“Great, so we’ll basically be under witness protection or some shit?”
“Why is this bothering you so much?”
“I just want my life back,” Eddie muttered.
“In time, babe, in time. Maybe. Who knows. Vecna still might destroy the world and we did all of this for nothing,” she shrugged. 
“Can’t we, like, run away to California or something? Stay at one of your parent’s houses or some shit?”
Kat shook her head solemnly. “I need to be in Hawkins. This isn’t over.”
“Yeah,” he snorted. “It’s not. Hey, does Wayne know I’m…alive?”
“I have no idea. I’m not even sure if it’s safe for him to know. We can ask?”
Eddie just nodded and stared at whatever was on the TV. Kat furrowed her brow, debating if she wanted to ask this question now, but why wait when it would just gnaw at her? “Hey, Eddie, can I ask you something?”
“Do you remember anything from… um, anything about–”
“Dying? No,” he answered curtly. “And I don’t wanna talk about it.”
His tone took her off guard. He never spoke to her like that. And that’s how she knew he was lying. Her theory was proving to be correct. Something was definitely off. A knock on the door interrupted, or rather saved, Kat from coming up with a response.
The doctor gave them both a run down of his status and confirmed his release for the next day, after testing out his mobility. He struggled, but was mobile. They were just mere hours away from an actual peaceful rest. Hopefully.
Another helicopter landed atop the Knight Ridge building while Eddie and Kat were waiting for their ride back to Hawkins. Eddie had returned to his normal self. Or at least, he didn’t act weird like he did the day before. The couple leaned against an expensive looking black car with the darkest tinted windows. Eventually, Agent Stinson finally emerged from the building with another man and woman in tow. 
“Chief Hopper?” Eddie asked.
“You two know each other? Oh, what am I saying? It’s Hawkins, of course they know each other,” Kat mumbled to herself. 
“Hi, I’m Joyce Byers,” a woman with auburn hair and the kindest, sweetest smile Kat had ever seen held out her hand.
“Hi, I’m Kat Ramsay, nice to meet you. Byers? You must be Will’s mom?”
“Yes! You know Will?”
“We know of him. Eddie is, well, was the DM for the D&D club at the high school. Dustin and Mike would always talk about him and El. You both seem like wonderful people, I’m so happy she found you guys after getting away from that prison of a lab,” Kat rolled her eyes at the thought of it. 
“You know El?” Hopper asked. He had a shaved head and the start of a beard. He looked like he was practically skin and bones under his baggy clothes. 
“Very well. I was, uh, number Ten at the lab.”
“Come on, we can catch everybody up to speed on the way there,” Stinson said, urging everyone to get in the car.
When they finally got to the secluded cabin, Kat had heard all about the Russians involvement with the Upside Down and how Joyce went all the way there to save Hopper. They also told her about how they destroyed particles from the Mind Flayer and demogorgons at Kamchatka prison to help give them an upper hand. From there, Kat filled them in on everything that had happened the past week.
As they reached their destination, Stinson sighed. “I thought you said this place was livable?”
“Well it was, but I’ve sort of been in a Russian prison. Haven’t been able to keep up the place.”
“We’ll send a crew out. I’ll give you all some time. I’ll be back later to take you all someplace in the meantime.”
Everyone left a chorus of ‘thank you’s to her as they got out of the car. Mike and what Kat assumed to be Will, ran to Joyce, followed by another boy that was with Nancy. She presumed that to be Jonathan, her boyfriend… for now at least. Kat would do her best to keep her comment to herself. She noticed another boy with very long, dark hair holding up a mushroom, like he’d found gold. Nancy ran up to Kat and gave her a hug.
“Oh my god, Nancy, you’re alive!” Kat exclaimed. “Did Robin and Steve make it out too? How’s Dustin? What about Max and Lucas and Erica?” 
“Yeah, our group made it out alive. Lucas beat the shit out of Jason, you would have been so impressed. He also didn’t make it through the earthquake…”
“Good riddance to him. Sorry, too soon?”
Nancy just shook her head and chuckled. “Erica is okay. Lucas has been at the hospital with Max–”
“Max is alive?!”
“Barely, she’s in a coma. The doctors aren’t even sure how she’s still alive.” 
Kat looked over at Eddie and then saw El emerge from the cabin with Hopper. “I think I do,” she whispered before she ran over to El and wrapped her in a huge hug. “Oh my god, El, are you okay? How are you?”
“I am great,” she said as she beamed at Hopper. “I am happy you’re here, Kat.”
Kat was formally introduced to everyone. When Eddie met Will for the first time, they stared at each other. It was only for a few seconds. No one else but Kat noticed. She was the only one watching him like a hawk for anything out of the ordinary. The exchange made her stomach flip. 
As everyone was mingling, a sudden chill went down Kat’s spin. At the same time, she saw Will reach for the back of his neck. Him and Eddie exchanged quick nods, before Will turned around to look up at the sky. Dark, ominous clouds were rolling in. Thunder rumbled and particles began to fall from the sky, exactly like ones that floated around the Upside Down. Will had grown visibly anxious, his breaths becoming short and shallow. Eddie stared up at the sky, biting his lip and tapping his fingers on the side of his leg. Telltale signs whatever was happening made him anxious too. From what Kat understood, besides herself and El, Will also had a connection to the Upside Down and to Vecna. 
Together, they walked through the woods to a nearby field that cascaded down the hillside. The bottom half of it, closest to town, was rotten and decaying. Everything was covered with fuzzy film, like mold almost that puffed and spread with it was touched. Everyone stopped in their tracks, overwhelmed with the view in front of them. 
El kept going to where the vegetation had died. She picked up a dead flower and examined it. Kat walked with her and knew she had seen this somewhere before. She bent down to examine it all more closely.
“This looks like how the pumpkin patch did…” she noted, looking up at El who looked at her with a forlorn expression and solemnly nodded. 
Everyone looked out over Hawkins. Plumes and pillars of smoke reached up to the clouds. The biggest one was in the center of town, where all four gates met. The same red lighting that they all saw in the Upside Down was right in front of them. Anger and determination took over El’s features. Kat stood up and looked back at Eddie. He wouldn’t take his eyes off the tornado-like columns of smoke. As she followed his gaze, fury started to rumble inside of her. 
Vecna wasn’t going to take Eddie away from her. Not again. The battle might be over, but the war had only just begun.
previous chapter | the end
A/N: If you’ve made it this far, you have my undying gratitude. If you’ve liked, commented, or rebloogged, even if you’ve only read one chapter, thank you. I appreciate anyone who’s taken time out of their day to read any parts of my writing. If you’ve been here since the beginning of Foolin’, I just cannot thank you enough. I wanted to give Eddie the ending he deserved and ending up creating a bad ass OC in the process. I’m still amazed I was able to see their story through to completion. Kat and Eddie will always have a place in my heart and I hope they will in yours too. Til next time!
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